Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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UliyPlfl Till CC HfiTfl rlUWV
lllLDLU lAlLj Dulli oAJlLj
Eionx Oity forfeiti ths Tin by Disputing
Teciiion in Beven.u. '
Price, Local Yeoagater, Pitches aad
Keeps Hits Well Scattered Km
(.asaes ta Oaaks aa4
PUEBLO. Colo., Sept. 14Pueblo took
both games of a double-header from Sioux
City this afternoon. Bloux City forfeited
the first came at the end of the' aevanth
Inning. With one man Out and Campbell
on second, Noblitt flew out to -center Held.
Ire VanSlckel claimed that Campbell
Ml second for third before ibe ball waa
taught and Campbell waa doubled at sec
ond, tn the dispute which followed after
ho'.dlng his watch the required time, Vaa
Bicke.1 gave the game to the. home team.
Jarkson went In to pttdh the second game
for the vtsitora, while Price, a local young
sisr, was on the firing line for Pueblo.
Price kept his hits well scattered and the
V locals won easily by a score of to 1.
Score, first same: '
AH. R. II. PO. A.
uampneu, ir. ...........
1 1
pheehan, 8b...
Noblitt, cf....
0 1
weed. 2b..
Frees-. ir.
Corbrtt, rf.. ...........
neater, ss S
Pettlt. c...
Jackson, p.
Totals ..
37 I
AB. ft.
H. PO. A.
Cook, If
MoUlIvray, cf...
Hader. Hu......t.
Melcholr, rf
Elwert. 3b
Hill, lb
'lonneman, lb...
Vigil, aa
Btlmmell, p
Bloux City .....
r o
.o o
o o
o o
13 3
0 s
1 0-3
Stolen baaes: Freese, Heater. Melcholr,
Hill. McOllvray. . Sacrifice hits: Weed.
Bader. Three-base hit: Cook. First base
on balls: Off Jackson, 6; off Stimmell, 1.
Struck out: By Jackson, 4; by Btlmmell, S.
111. ... I . . . L 1 I . " . 1 1 1
Double play: Cook (o Bader. Left on
baaes: Bloux City, s; Pueblo, 6. Time:
1:10. Umpire: -VenBichel. Attendance:
Score, second game: '
AB. R.
Cook, If ...,.......... 4 0
MeOllvray, cf...
Bader, 2b
Melcholr, rf....
Elwert, lb......
Tonneman, .lb..
Vigil, aa
Renntcker, C...
Price, p...
... a
AB. R.
14 17 11
H. PO.
Campbell, If....
Bheehen, 3b
Noblitt, cf
Weed, 2b...;....
Preeae, lb.......
Corbel t, rfi.,.,.
Heater, ss
Pettlt, c
Jackson, p
i a
Totals 87
t 10 34 12
.".Batted tor jsexson in nimn.
Tdeblo 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Bloux City .....OS t 0 0 0 0 0
Sacrifice hit: Sheehan. Two-base hits:
Bader (2). Noblitt. Three-base hits: Cor
bet t, Melcholr (2). First base on balls:
Off Jackson. 8: off Price, 8. Struck out:
By Jackson. 8: by Price. 8. Double plays:
Heater to Weed to Frees (2). Left on
bases:. Pueblo, 6; Sioux City, 10. Time
1:20. Umpire: Van Blckel. Attendance
uaane roitaoaea.
DENVER. Sept It. Denver-Dear Moines
Uii postponed; rain, . .
... : Steading of , tee Tea ma.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1. (Special Telegram.)
rrealdent Q'NellPvf the Western league to
night Issued the following; standing: of the
clubs, today s games Deing inciuaeu:
. . . UTah t
I)na Moines W 42
Omaha M 63
Lincoln 5 67
Sioux Oty , 2 73
Ienver ........ 69 73
Pueblo 63 79
Games today: Lincoln at Omaha, Dos
Moines at Denver, bloux city at Pueblo.
Cornea Jast la Time to lart Old Pop
' Eyler,
Omaha lost a game at Vinton street park
eunaay aiternoon oy reason oi tne lnoy
portune appearanoe of the rain, which
topped the game with Lincoln before the
first inning bad been - finished. Enough
was Dlayed. however. ' to ahow that Mc-
Naeley waa .In, fine fettle and that Pa's
.in, ni
Colls wsra going to give ' Pop Eyler
trimming, un
Una ha blanked tha MJckevitea
but one man reachlna; the initial sacK and
he, by the grace of a ball that Harry
Weloh droDoed because the rain sot In hla
. eye. For Omaha ' Howard led off with
a alssler to - Bteen. , wulch . that young
ster aot over, to first. Autrey followed
with a clesn double and Perrlng hit one ao
hard by Gagnler'that Gag could only knock
down the ball.-btrt could not recover. What
Weloh wourtl -have done will never be
known as the rain tell so hard and fast
Slats Davis called the playing oil for the
Today will be ladles' day.
J :
Kaasas City Celebrates Cloae of
easos) kr Wlaslai Twice
KANSAS CITY Sept. M.-Kanas City
relehrated the cloae of the base ball sea
son by taking two games from Milwaukee.
Bcore, ft ret garnet j
I H O 1 I. ' B H O A
Casuar, It.. 4) 14 Rabimoa, aa. r I I
McBrKa. aa.. I
J 14
1 4"t
lllrwia, IT.... 4 1 I t
batemaa. Ik. I 4 la I
4 Clark. t..., 4 14 1
JHImaa.' p.... 4 t 1 I
MC kaar, mill
4 Mcra' k. nil I I
t Block, a...... 4 114
t DovaoaHr, of I 4 1
Laahr. a I
Hill, cf 4
Burka, Jb ... 4
Franli, lb... 4
Bohaaaea, It 4
Sulllvaa. lb.. 4
Crutchar, .. I
i i
I ii
i si
Total -M TTse !T I Trials 14 rM M
Two out when winning run was made.
Kansas City 0 00000003 18
Milwaukee 0 00030000 08
Two-baae bltsi Franta. MeCheanev. Threa-
baae hit: McCheaney. Bases on balls: Oft
Irutcher, I; off lilmea, l. Struck out: liy
Crutcher, 8. Left on bases: Milwaukee, if:
" tl
Kinau City, . Double plays: Frants to
c Bride to Sullivan (31; McCormlck to
teman. Hit with nltcheo ball: Clark.
Wild pitch: Crutcher. tilolen bases: Burke
(X). Time: 1:40. Umpires: liavea and
Score, second game:
I II O.i l. B al.O.A
ruaay. ll-aa 4 I I s 1 sac, el kill
Kc brida. aa-ll I
Lahr. 4
Hill, ct s-lb. 4
Bark, tb-s-rf I
Iwana. lb... 4
1 I Urwia, If-aa I I
I ei'lark. lb-.. 4 I
I 4 Batamaa. lb. 4 1
I 1 Rb' an rt-s-lk I
4 Hlmaa. rt-e.. 1 1
I at rhuir, aa-l( 4 I
4 A M l,m L tb 4 I
4 1 Blix-k. c 4
' Frauis. Ik.... I
aaaaaaa, ri a
Suiliraa, lb-f 4
unilobar, lb. t
Kr.Sl. .....!
i n
4 LoUrtr. a-rt 4 S 4 4
Totals tl II II 14 4 '
Kansas City i.l t f 4 I U
Milwaukee ...11 t 2 0 0 0
Two-baae hits Clatk, McBrtde. Hill. Sul
11 van. MoCheaney. Cassady. Innings pitched
By Dousherty. 4; by Robinson. 2: by Clark.
1: by Kra.rU. t: by Buike, 1; by Hill, 1; by
Bum van. l. Hases on balls: Off lusrneriy
4: off Robinson. 1: oft Kraift, 1; oft 11111,1.
Btrurk out: isy pougherty, :: py Robinson,
j: Ly Krini, s. Mils: rr i.Kugneriy. u
uff ltobtnson. 3: off Clark. 1: off Krafft. I
off Hill, 1. Left o baaes: Milwaukee. 3;
Kansas City, J. Dbuble plays: Clark to
Cor Obstinate Conatipailun.
pattun. Hllllouaneea,
Bour Stomach. Sick Headach
Sick Headache, Nervoue-
iieaa. Nausea, Insomnia, Jaundice, Torpid
liver. Try one. 36o per bottle, postpalal.
tTlMaar Mt 4) Podga ftgj
McVormlrk to Batmn: Mrtheaney to Me
tnrmh - k ti Hatemsn (2i. Wild ratchet
Kraftt, Robinson. Stolen bases: McBrlde.
Hill. Frants. Hurke. rtohnnnnn. Sacrifice
hit: Pulllvan. Time: 1:4. 1'mplres: Owen
and Hayes.
Tnleelo Wine Both Camii.
TOLEDO, Sept. Toledo took the last
wo aamea of the season from Indlsnsp-
olla ihia afternoon without trouble. Tne
second wss called at the end of the fifth.
Score, first game:
B HO AS a H.O.A.C.
Clarke. If. I t I M IVinlMTy. rl t 1 I I I
Otwell. cf ... 4 13 4 4Ahnos. b. 4
tientntit, ta.. 4 I t I S Him. IV... I
Km-eer. lb . 4 111 fKihn. SS....4
Kmm. IB. .. 4 114 ITtiielmaa. It.
W. Clark. Ik I tit I Hirr. ef.... 8
Nene. rf....l o I Man-en. Ib.. I
Abbott, c ... 4 til 4 Holm, ....(
tamous, ... 4 11 4Kllum, ....!
Total. It 14 14 1 Totals Mi I II II I
Toledo 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 8
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 00
Two-base bits: Camnltx. J. Clarke.
Krupgpr. Wild pitch: Camnlts. Kellum.
First base on balls; Off Camnltx, 1; off
Kellum, 1. Struck nut: Ry Camnlti. S;
by Kellum. (. Stolen bases: W. Clarke.
Abbott. Sacrifice hfls: W. Clarke. Nance.
Hit with ball: W. Clarke. Time: LIS.
Urrplre: Egan.
Score, second gams:
I K O.l t. B H.O A 1.
nark.. If. I I I 1 I Dunlary. rf. I I I I I
Olwail, cf.... I
1111 Alhvrton, lb. I
1111 Hlmaa. Ik I
I 1 I I Kshoe, sa S
III IThlalman. It. I
till Hlrkrr, cf. t. I
I I I I Marran. Jb... I
till HnlnMS. a.... I
14 11 Plahar. s I
I 1
1 1
DnofiL, aa. .
Knew, lb.. I
Knaba. Ik.... 1
W. Clark.. Ik I
Kanca, rf ... I
Land. e..i.
.. I
Cbacb. ...
.. 1
Totals It llll 1 I Touts IS I It I I
Toledo 14 0 -12
Indianapolis 0 0 1101
Two-baae hits: Chech. Demont. Land,
Flahef (2). First base on balls: Off Chech,
off Usher. 1. Double play: Marcan- to
Kahoe to lumen. Stolen bases- Olwell
(2), Demont. Knabe, W. Clarke (?), Nance.
Sacrifice hit: Odwell. Time: 0:50. Um
pire: Kgan.
Two Shatoots for Millers.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sent. 18.-SI. Paul failed
to get a runner beyond second base in the
first came and In the second only one
visitor reached first base, and on the next
hatted ban this man went out on a uoudis
play. Sugdan disputed a decision In the
second game &nd when he was ordered off
the Held refused to ' leave. The umpire
aaked two policemen to escort the player
off the grounds, but they refused. Sugdcn
then left the grounds voluntarily, boure,
first game:
I I 1 I I
tavla, cf.
.4111 OOelar. ss.
Sullivan, rf.. 4 1 0
4.titdn, lb..
IMeyara, rf. ...
Millar, cf.....
VanZandt .
Wheelar. lb.
ICor, II......
4 Padden, ib. ..
1 I
Oremlngr, Ik 1 I 4
Hart, II 4 0 1
freeman, lb. I 1 II
Orler, aa Ill
Pox. lb Ill
Oraham, c... 4 4 4
Uehrlni, p... 4 I I
Pmltt, ..
N mil 1 Adams, p.
Batted for Miller In ninth.
Batted for Padden In ninth.
. I 14 I 1
Minneapolis 0 0 0 6 0
0 0 0 -
Bt. aul 0Q0UUOUU a
First base on balls: OS Gehrlng. 3: off
Pruttt, 4, off Adams, 1, Two-base hit:
Davis. Hit by pitcher: Meyers, struck.
out: By Oehrlng, '4; by Prultt, 3; by
Adams, 3. Wild pitch: Prultt. Sacrifice
hits: Oyler, Bugden. Hits: Off Prultt in
four Innings, 4: oft Adams In four Innings,
3. Left on bases: Minneapolis, I; Bt, Paul,
Time: 1:60. Umpire: Werden.
Score, second game:
Davis, cf I 1 1 4 Oalar. ss I I 1 I
Sulllvaa. rt.. I
ISusden, lb... 1
I 0 I
Oraralosar, Ib 1
I Mclvor, et.... 1
I Merara. rf.... I
VanZandt, lb. I
Wbaalar, lb.. I
I Coy. if 1
I Padden, Ib... 1
Irwin. 1
Hart. If I
Praaman. lb. I
Ojrler, as 3
Pox. tb I
Oraham, a.... 1
1 I I
Cadwal'dar, B I
Totals II 4 II I I
Totals 11 1U1I
Game called in fifth, darkness.
Minneapolis . 1 0 0 0 01
Bt. Paul 0 0 0 0 0-0
First base on balls: Off Ferris. L Double
plays: Oyler to Fox to Freeman, Padden
to Geler to VanZandt. Hit by pitched
ball: Graham. Struck out: By Cadwal
lader. 4: bv Ferris. 4. Passed ball: Irwin.
Sacrifice hits: Fox (2), Sullivan. Left on
bases: Minneapolis. 4. Tims: 1:14. Um
pire: Wards a.
Champions Take a Pair.
r-OT.TTMRI'H. O.. Sent. 18. One of the
larareat crowds of the season watched the
Columbus pennant-winning team end Its
season this afternoon with two victories
over Louisville. Score, first game:
. n u n. A. a. B.H.O.A.B
PlrJrerlna. cf. I I I I Karsin. rf.... 4 1111
Couirer, If.... I I I
vaiovaii. a v
Hlnobmaa. rf I 4 I
Bran. aa.... 114
Klhm, lb 4 11
Wrlalay, tb.. 4 11
Blua, c 4 11
1 I Sulllvaa. lb. 4 1111
I IBraahcar. Ib. 4 1 4 I.l
I WondrvS. Ib. 4 1 14 1
I IMnrpbr. et... 4 I I I I
I 4Qulnlaa, ss... 4 1111
1 lSioner. 4 I 4 0 1
Frlel. ID a o a
Bargar, p 4 I I
I I Puumaen. p. 4 1 4 4 4
Totals It 14 17 I I Totals 44 I 14 II I
Columbus : 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 6
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Stolen base: Blue. Two-base hits:- Quin
tan. Three-base hits: Hlnchman, Braanear.
Htruck out: By
tterger, z; rjy ruumann, s.
Bases on bails: urr ruttmann, s. wild
pitch: Puttmann. Paased ball: Blue.
Time: 1:36. Umpire: Kane. Score, second
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
Plf kerlng. cf. I I I I IKenrla. rf... I 1 I 1 I
Coulter. If.... I
Hlnchman. rf. I
Ryaa, aa I
Klhm. lb I
Wrliley, lb.. I
Blue, a I
I latovaii, if.... i 1 l v a
1 I I Sulllvaa, lb. I I I 1 I
III Braabaar. ib. I 1 I 1 I
I I IWoodniS. Ik I 1 I 1 1
I I 4 Murphy, cf... I 1114
I 40ulnlaa. ss... I 4 I I 4
I I lltoaar, a I I 1 1 4
I I Ikenas, P I I I I I
Prlal. Ib I 1
Robsrtallla, p I I
Totals M I 11 (I I Totala 111 10 I
Called by agreement seventh.
Columbus 1 0 0 0 1 0 -2
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Sacrifice lilt: Blue. 'Two-base hit: Ryan!
Double play: Qulnlan, Brashear to Sulli
van. Struck out: By Kobertallle, 1 Bases
on balls: Off Kenna, 1. Time: 0:66. Um
pire: Kane.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Columbus ltf B5 67 .tit
Milwaukee 163 B 67 Ml
Minneapolis 161 80 ...71 .630
Toledo 162 80 , 73 .623
Kansas City 163 73 79 .4N0
Louisville 164 71 . M ,41
Bt. Paul 150 7 ti .447
Indianapolis 163 66 W .864
Games today: St. Paul at Minneapolis.
ilelo at Indianapolis, Louisville at Co
lumbus, Milwaukee at Kansas City,
Gold Tops Beat Sterlings.'
The Jetter Gold Tops defeated the Ster
lings In a threc-innlng game by the score of
S to a Rain was the cause of It being
called In the third. Banty Collier's pitching
was the feature, ss he struck out seven
men and allowed but one hit. Bcore:
Gold Tops 0 0 64 8 0
Sterlings .. 0 00 1 I
Two-base hits: Kennedy, Van Cleve.
Struck out: By Collier, 7; by Cederal, 1.
Batteries: Gold Tops, Collier and C rand
all; Sterlings, Cederal, Webb and Roche
ford. Interest la . Memphis.
Considerable local Interest wss evinced In
the finish of the Southern ioague base ball
season, because of the cloae fight between
Atlanta aad Memphis for second plars. '1 he
eesson cloaed Saturday and up to the last
games played Memphis and Atlanta were
tied, Memphis getting second and Atlanta
third plaos. Three ax-Omaha players were
with Memphis, Llebhardt, who has bnoome
the premier pitcher of the league, and la
sold to Cleveland; Bobby Carter and Buck
ThleL .
Eagles Defeat Titters.
.The Eagles yesterday defeated the Tigers
by a score of 7 to 4. The Kan las were to
play the Ben Hurs, but the Utter failed ta
show up. Kline of the Eagles atruck out
twelve Tlgeia. Bcore:
Uaeles 0 I 2 1 0 1 S 1-7
'Users 1 1 4) 1 0 1-4
Batteries: Kline and Stewart; Kelley and
Baraaa. Double play: Mickey to Connors.
Iowa State Leesroe tt salts.
MARBHALLTOWN. la., Sept. II. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The following wsrs the re
sults In the Iowa State league:
Marahalltown, 6; Keokuk, u. Second game,
Marslialltown. I: Keokuk, 1.
oakalooaa. 1; Waterloo, 0.
Port Dodge, 3; Ottumwa, 1
Burlington, 13; Clinton, . Second game,
Cllntoa, 3; Burlington. 1
Games la Three-1 I.eaane.
At Rock Island Rock Island. ; Cedar
Rapids, a.
At. Dubuque Dubuque, 7; Daveniort, 4.
At Blooiuingtonj Peoria, 10; Bloomlngton,
At. Decatur Springfield, 4: Decatur, I.
Second game: Decatur, 7; Spring neld, 1
Save time and money vtsing Tha.v
wsut ads,
. " ' ' " S i
fast Fischers' Ftttl it Which WhiU Cox
Bars tht AdTtntacs.
aeriare Aids la Cettlasj First Raa
aad the Visitors' Oalp Error
Ceafrlkatee to the
CHICAGO, Sept. IS.-Chlcago shut out
Detroit, 1 to 0, here today In a fast pitch
ers' battle. Chicago scored one In the
third on a pair of singles and a sacrifice.
Another run came In the elghtll on a force
out, single and double and the visitors'
only mlaplny. At no stage of the game
did the visitors get a man past second
base. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.K.
Hana, rf.... 4 ill 4Cohk. If 4 4 I I I
Jonea. ef I I I I Cnufhlls, Sb. I I 4 I I
laball, lb.... I 111 4 Crawford, rf. I I I II
Pavla. aa I III 4 Pavn. cf.... I I I 4 I
Donohue. lb. I I II I I Srhmldt. C...I llll
Dnuaharty, If I I I I 4 Llndaav, lb.. I I II I I
lb I 1 I I Schaetrr. lb. I I II
Roth, e I 1 1 1 4 0'Lary, ss... I 1 I I I
Altrock. p...l III Slaver. p I 1144
Totals U 4 13 14 S Total M I 14 M I
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -!
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Left on bases: Chicago. .1; Detroit, 6. Two
base hit: Hahn. Sacrifice hits : Roth.
Schmidt. Siever. Stolen base: Isbell.
Double play: Schaefer tn I.lnr'.wiv Mtrurk
out: By Altrock, 1; by Sievcr. 6. Bases on
nun: uu eiever, x. nit with pitched ball:
Isbell. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Sheridan.
Cleveland Shots Oat St. Loala.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 16.-Cleveland defeated
the Bt. luis tenm today, 2 to 0. Howell,
who opposed Bernhard, lost his own gsme
through wild pitching In the first and sixth
Innings, when the visitors scored their only
runs. Bcore:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
Blrmnshm. If I 1 4 4 4 Nilet. rt 4 1 1 1 4
81 ova II, lb... I 14 1 4Jona, lb 4 llll
Turner. aa..,4 III 1 Stona. If 4 I I
Lalol. lb.... I til 4 Hemphill, cf. I 4 4 I I
Cnnsalton. rf 4 I I 4 4 O'Brien, lb . I llll
Flick,- cf I 111 iRork'Seld, Ib I I I 1 I
Roeamao, lb. 4 1 II 1 Hartiell, aa .l I 1 I 4
Clarke. 4.... I 4 4 Spencer, a.... I llll
Bernhard, p.. I t 1 I 4 Howell, p.... I llll
Totals n II 1 ToUla II 1 17 I 1
Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 08
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Birmingham. Sacrifice hit:
Spencer. Double play: Turner to Lajoie to
Kossman. Btoien bases: Lajoie, Rossman,
lick. Hit With pitched ball: By Howell. 1.
Bases on balls: oft Howell, 8. Struck out:
By Howell, 6; by Bernhard, . Left on
bases: St. Louis. 3; Cleveland, 7. Time:
1:48. Umpire: Connolly.
Staadlaa- of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 132 81 51 .614
New York 182 80 63 .606
Philadelphia 131 74 67 .60
Cleveland 130 73 67 Mt
St. Louis 133 66 68 .60
Detroit 131 60 71 .46
Washington 133 61 S3 .33
Boston 186 43 83 .813
Games today: Washington at Cleveland,
Phil delpMi at Chicago, New Yoik at 8 .
Louis, Boston at Detroit.
Chicago Closes Homo Soaaosu hp
sWlnnaa- from Pfttaborgr.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1R-The locals closed
their home season today with an easy vic
tory over Pittsburg. Hllldebrand pitched
a clever game, but received poor support,
wild throws by Leach and Meier giving Chi
cago four of the five runs. Scors:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.K.
Hoffman, cf.. 4 111 OHallman, et,. 14 14
Shackard, if.. 4 111 triarie. If.... 4 1 4 4" I
Scholia, rf... I 111 (Meier, aa 4 llll
Chance, lb... 4 I 14 1 IWanar. rf... 4 1114
Blelnfelot, Ib. I I f I INealoa, lb... I 1 T 1 I
Tinker, aa.... I III 4 Leech. Ib...4'4 III
Bvars. lb.... I 111 IRltrhej, Ik.. I 1411
Moran. I 1' I 4 OPelti, e 4 4 14 1
Ffelstar, p... llll IHIIIebraad, p. I I 0 I I
Totals 10 1 IT 11 I Totals 13 I 14 11 "l
Chicago 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 -6
ntisourg 0 o o 0 1 o o 0 0 1
Left on bases: Chicago, t; Pittsburg, 7.
Two-base hits: Hlllebrand, Sculte, Warner.
Sacrifice hit: Hallman. Stolen bases:
CLntt.ii.A nnw . . 1 . tin
Dtiui.v. 1 unri , 1 j t: 1 s - luuuii V lm-J nil'
debrand to Noyes to Kealon. Balk: Pfels-
ter. Struck out: By Pfelster, 8; by Hilde-
orana, 1. rasseo nan: moran. Bases on
kTl.. -IW Df.U... - M ,
win. Uii ikciain, e. vi i nmeui taiiu. B.
Wild pitch: Hlllebrand. Time: 1:40. Um
pire: conway.
.Cincinnati Wlas from St. Xools.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 1.-The Cincinnati
team won the first and tied the second In
the double-header with SL Louis here to
day. In the last game It waa agreed that
the game ahould terminate at 6 o'clock. At
that time Cincinnati was at bat and one
man out, with the score a tie, and Emslle
called the game. Klein umpired the first
game and left for the east early, while
Emslie umpired the second. Score, first
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.K.
Mussina, Ib. 1 I I I 4 Burch. cf 4 t 1 4 4
Jude. rf 4 1 I 4 I Bennett, lb.. 4 I I I I
Snoot, ef 4 4 111 Berry, rf I 1 1 I 1
Lobert, as.... I 111 0 Mar ray. If.,.. 4 I I I
Schist, e 114 1 orady. lb.... 4 1 I I I
Ileal. It 1 1 I I Hoalak'tr. Ik I 1 1 1
Coreoraa. lb. I I 1 I I Marahall. a... 4 I I I 4
Deal. Ik I I I I Crawford, ss. 4 4 i'l 4
Being, p I 4 11 IfFfiosdas, p... I I
1 4 1
Totals M 6 IT 14 I Totals II IMU
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 1, 1 0 I
Bt. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Three-base hit: Bennett. Double clave
Hugglns to Deal; Kwlng to Huggtna to
Dnal; Deal to Huggina; Marshall to Hoel.
skoetter. Hit witn pitched ball: By
Rhoades. 1 Ieft on bases: Cincinnati, 10;
01. ixuis, 7. eacrince nus: iiuggins, cie-
Sle, Corcoran. Stolen bases: Hugglns (it)
chlel. Time: 3:06. Umpire: Kleni.
Score, second game:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.B.
Husflna, Ik.. I 1 4 I 4 Burrh. ef I 1 4 4 I
Jude. rf 1 I 1 I 1 Bennett, lb.. I 1 I 1 I
moot. cf.... llll IBsrry. rf I 1 I I I
Lobert. tb.... I 111 I Murray, If.... I llll
Mr Lean, 14 1 1 Grady, lb I 14 11
Steele, It I I I I Hoelek'tr, Ik I I 1 1 I
Corcoran, as.. I 111 1 Noouen, a.... 1 I $ 4
Deal, lb I 1 4 I 4 Craw lord. aa. I I 1 I t
Baalcks. p.... 1 4 4 1 I Tbompeon, p. I I I I I
Totala 1 I II I I Totals II aU "I
Only ona man out when game wss called.
St. Louis 1 0 0 0 13
Cincinnati 0 10 0 11
Two-baae hit: Murray. Left on baaes:
,.....,( A CI, t nla a Ul. u.lU t . 1 .
i iin.iiuiii, i, d i. (aiui., w. wii.ii iii.iiiai
ball: By Thompson, 1. Stolen bases: Cor
coran til. Deal ii), uarry, Murray, Bacri
tloe hits: Jude. Eeslcks. Noomn. Struck
out: By Thompson, 6; by Esalcks, 8. Bases
on Dans: urr inompeon, i; on xussicks, 8.
Time: 1:U6. Umpire; ijnslle.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
New York ....
Philadelphia ..
Cincinnati ....
Bt. Louis
Game today;
Philadelphia at New Tork.
Announcement State T. M. C. A. Basket
Ball Clrrnlt Will Bo Formed.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Sent. !. (Boe
clal.) With the end of the base ball aenson
near at hand, the Interest of the local
athletics Is again centered in bnaket ball,
and much activity is being manifested In
the gsme. i ne Young Men a chrtsllsn aa
Boclation has decided to put a tesm In the
field end have appointed a munager who
is prepared to scrvauio game for tht
coming season. Practice began Tuesday
evening In the new Young Meu s Christian
association gymnasium with a large siuad
on the floor.
Friday night T. F. Sturgese of the Omaha
Young Men s Christian association ad
dressed a crowd of basket ball enthusiasts
st the Young Men's Christian association on
the nne points of the game. The athletic
board ttaturdey appointed Gmrgs Borkes.
Jr., manager of the Young Men s Christian
association Ave for the ensuing year.
Prescects are bright for one of tbe strong
est teams in ths state. For four years the
local high school and the Nebraska Central
college have had very successful basket
ball teams. This season the Young Men's
Christian association will have all the
former players of those two Institutions,
and many others from which to pick s
team. Many of the eld stars are preparing
to tnter the game. Including Agnew, Martin,
Underwood, Conklln and Hansen of the
nigh school, and Crltea, Rlnaker and Orleve
of the college.
Announcement was mads today that a
state Young Men's Christisn association
circuit wUl be formed, Uas faii ftials
Secretary Bailey is promoting this Idea; In
fact, he Is the father of It.
toronas Win from filets Athletlea.
A terrific downpour of rain stormed base
hall at Diets park yeeterdsr. only seven
Innlnsra of the I'orons-Athietlc gsme being
played, resulting In s victory for the Corona
club by thn score of 3 to 1. As fsr ss it
went the game was fast and well played,
both Rice and Bogatt" pitched excellent
nan. nniy two nits iieing mane rn nice
Snd five off the Corona man. Next Sun
day the Neumavers of Council Bluffs and
tne Jetter Gold Tops of Smith Omsha will
hold the boards st Diets park. Score:
A R. R. It. PO. A. E.
Oarvey. 3b 3 0 0 10 0
Ferster. 2b 8 0 0 1 1 0
Relnschrlber, if 3 0 0 1 0 0
Mokry, c 3 117 8 0
Hachten. lb 3 0 0 7 0 0
Boa-atta, p 3 0 0 0 8 0
Bando, sa 110 0 12
Kretm. rf 2 0 1110
Smith, cf 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 34 7 t 30 W 8
' AR. . M. PO. A. K.
Oixldard. cf 3 0 0 0 0 0
Inman. Zb 3 0 0 1 1 0 1
flatner. rf 3 0 1 0 0 0
Anderson, If 3 0 1 0 0 1
Jioran. ss 2 10 110
WahL lb j 3 0 2 t 0 0
Kiilaht. 3b 1 o 1 t 1 o
Strong, c 3 0 0 8 1 0
Rice, p 3 0 0 0 1 0
Tracy, 3b 10 0 111
Total 26 1 ( a S
Wahl out for cutting third base.
Coronas 0 0 0 0 2 0 03
Diets Athletics 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Double rtlnv k'r,hi anil ITnlrrv T..
base hit: Wahl. Htruck out: Hv Rnnili
b; by Rice, 8. Time: l:u5. Attendance: 662.
impirs: trail.
Lwnaest Fights on Record.
When the Gans-Nelson battle iuine tn mi
end after forty-two rounds the exclama
tion on an siues wss:
What a mighty long battle It wss."
But It had vet many rounds to an hffnrn
reaching the record. Ring statistics con
tain tne records ot several longer battles,
the most notable amona them beinsr the
famous conUst In Cheshire, England, in
1IU6. whehi Jack Jones beat Patsy Tunney
In 276 rounds.
The longest bare knuckle fight recorded
In England occurred In 1849, between Mike
Madden and Bill Haves, lastlna six hours
and three minutes. .
America s longest bare knuckle fight, four
hours and twenty minutes, was fought be
tween J. Fltspairick and James O'Neill at
Berwick, Me., I860.'
The longest bare knuckle fight on record
took place In Australia, near Melbourne,
In 1856. when James Kelly and Jonathan
Smith fought alx hours and fifteen minutes.
A. no wen and J. Burke drew at New Or
leans in 1P93. after nsrhtlng seven hours
and nineteen minutes, going 110 rounds.
jerrries longest light was twvnty-nve
rounds, when he won from Sharkey, in
1k:i. He knocked out Corbett In twenty-
tnree rounus in lwu.
Fltcslmmons' lonaest fight wss twenty
rounds, against George Gardner, In lw.
Corbett's longest fight was that against
Jeffries, twenty-three rounds.
John L Sullivan drew with Chsrley Mit
chell In thirty-nine rounds at Chantilly,
France In 18S8. and won from Jake Kilrain
In 1889. after seventy-five rounds. Washing
ton I'ust.
tone and Wsgsir Lend.
Oeorarn Alonxo Stone once more sticks his
head up above the surface to announce, by
his actions, that he .Is not quite a dead
one lust vet In the line of batting. He
closed last week with a percentage for the
season of .363 and he still leads the Ameri
can league. Stone had quite a slump a
couple of weeks ago, but last week at De
troit, Cleveland and Chicago he walloped
the ball so vigorously that he boosted his
record back up to where It was. Bt. Louis
sporting writers think he will certainly
close the season at the head of the list.
The great Lajoie is second with an average
of .345 and Hal Chase, New York's first
baseman. Is third with .333. 'in list ot
batters In the American has gone away
down. Only ten men ere batting up to or
above mis covetea marie, in me nauonw
league but seven have attained this degree
of distinction. Wagner Is leading In the
National with .338, Donlln .333, Lurnley
.326, Stelnfeldt .326 and Chanoe .311, fol
low on.
Condition of Trade and Haotatlons on
Staple and Fancy Prodneo. '
EGGS Per dos., 18c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. roosters,
6c; turkeys, 124213c; ducks, .Ifelro; spring
chickens. lOH&llHc. . -i ,
BUTTER Packing stock. IRISHo; choice
fancy dairy, 17&18c; creamery, 224o.
HATPrlces quoted by Omaha Feed com
pany: Choice upland, 360; medium, 38.00,
coarse, 3X.0OdJ8.6O. Rye straw.- e6.6067.00.
BRAN -Per ton. 316,00. - ;
SWEET POTATOES Per bW., 83.00.
TOMATOES Home grown, per baskst oi
20 lbs., 264? 36a '
WAX BEANS per. market basket ot
about 15 lbs., 85c.
bu., 75c
LEAF LETTUCB-Hothouss. per dos.
hesds, 20c
C ELER Y Per dog., 2640c.
CUCUMBERS-Homs grown, per dos,
26o. .
ONIONS Horse grown, IVio Pr l-8
Spanish, 11.75 per crate. "
GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches. He
RADISHES Per dos. bunches. 16fl20c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. II. S6, .So. 2. 81.71,
LIMA BEANS Per lb., tc
GREEN PEFPJERS Pit market basket.
PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches,
CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., lfco.
EGG PLANT Per doc. 76c
POTATOES Per bu., 8c.
ORANGES Valenclas. according to slat,
$4.26J4 00.
LEMONS Llmonlera, extra fancy. 841
slse, 38.00 ; 300 slse, 60; 860 ise. 33.60; other
brand, 81.00 less. .
BANANAS-Per medlum-sised bunch,
Il.764i2.t6: lumboa. 82 6008.04, .
DATES Per lb.. 645a
PEACHES Colorado, Toff 90c; Missouri,
per 6-basket crate, fl.0Ufrl.26; California Sal
ways, per box, 86c
PLUMS California, 1.J1.7S; Oregon
Italian prunes, 11.26.
PEARS Bartlett, per box. 2!.25.
ORAPK8-Moms grown, pr s-ib, basket,
17c; Tokay. 81.7.
APPLES-Per obi., 31004J2.60.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., 36.00.
WATERMELONS Per lb., 1H4C or
about 2i.'abuc each.
CANTELOUPE8 Colorado and Arlsons,
per crate tstanJsrd). 81.76Q2.Q0i ponies, U0i
Rocky ford standards. UW. .
No. 1 ribe, 12c; No. 3 ribs, 10c; No. I
ribs, 610 ; No. 1 loln. lihic: No. 8 loin, UVc;
No. 8 loin, 6c; No. 1 chuca. 6c; No. t
RITGAR Granulated cane. In sacks. 35.11:
grsnulsted beet, in sacks, 6.31.
CHKESfcJ Swiss, new, Ibc; Wisconsin
brick, Wito; Wisconsin . limoerger, Uu;
twins, 14V-; young Americans. liv,c.
COFFEE Roasted. No. at, -tVbt per lb.;
No. . 2tSc ver lb.: No. 23, IX'O per lb.; No.
SO, 1M3 per b.i No. Xt, 12o per lb.
NL'i 8 Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small,
per lb., 11c. Tltnonas, soft shells, per lb..
chuck, 4c; No. chuck, -ic; r.o. i rouna.
tc; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 8 round, 6Vc; No.
1 plate. 3c: No. 3 plate, 2Vc: No. 3 plate, 2c
loo; nsra snrn, iici ifiiu. imam-
nuts, 34.00 per sack of 100.
EYRUPlu bbla 27o per gal.; In cams,
( 10-lb. catia, 11.70; esses. 11 6-lU. can. (!;
cases. 54 2"4-lb. canl. 81.85.
HONEY Per 24 frames, 6260.
CANNED GOoDst -Corn, standard wsst
em. sajuoc; Maine, $1 lo. Tomatoes, -lo.
cans, 1100; 2-lb.. iVcu1.00. Pineap
ples, Ei Mb. 206iu.W, sliced. Il.lkiai
iiO; gallon spples, fancy, $;.66; California
apricots, 1 HXiTls; pears, 81.,aa2.&0; peaches,
fancy, 1.7512.4U; li C. pescnes. tt.uuvi-to.
Alaska salmon, red, 31 25; fancy Chinook, F
: 10; fancy sockeye. k. i ., Miiines, W
oil, 82-76; mustard, 83.00. Sweet po
tatoes, II. 1 -il ii tuiuerkiaut. 3100; pump
kins. SOcai.OO; wax beana, J-Ib. tlsatuc,
lima hsans. Mb, 76cl l; spinach. 1126;
rbeup peas. 2-1C, Sue; extia, .ujuc; fancy. 5.
CURED FISH Family whlteflah. per
quarter bbl.. 100 lbc M00: Norway mark
ral. No. L 8 00; No. 2, M 00; No, J, tM.OQ;
lilsti. No 3. Ill 00: herring. In bbls.. 203 I ha.
each, Norway. 4k. 812.00; Norway. 3k, 313.04;
Holland, mixed, 111.00; Holland herring. Is
keys, milkers. 80c: kegs, mixed. Tiisv.
FISH Buff :!o, !args arcssd. So; trout,
medium or large, dressed, lie: pike, dressed:
lie: halibut, fine stock. 11c: catfish, dressed,
16c: bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12o;
white perch, dressed, so; crsppies, large,
12c; sunflsh, psn slse, 4c; white bass, extra
choice, lie; pickerel. So; salmon. Chinook,
11c; white Ash (frozen), 12c; marker-)
(Spanish) ,16c; native, per Ash, lKiflJtc;
codfish, fresh frosen, 12c; flounders, freeh,
frosen, 11c; blueflsh, fresh frosen, 16c;
haddock, fresh frosen. 10c; red snapper,
dressed, 12c; smelts, No. 1. per lb., 12c;
lobsters, (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, 37c;
sel, per lb., lbc; frog legs, per dos., ;
roe shad. 81 each: shad roe. pair, 46c
HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen salted,
No. L 13i4c; No. 3. lZVtC; bull hides, &14c;
green hides. No. L UVo; No. 8, I0si horse,
jl Buxjisw; c1"' T allow.
' WOOaPer lb. Ue
Wbett Eu Firm UndtrUns, Whiob Lssts
Throneh 8esioa.
Clearances Larger and Korthwest
Cash Premlams Improving Cora
Trade Light Market Dragging
Oats 4,olrt, Wltboot Change.
OMAHA. Sept 16, 190.
, Wheat had a Arm undertone throughout
the session. The trade was not Isrge, but
there was stesdy buying In a moderate
way of both December and May, which was
bought by the crowd for a time, but wai
felt toward the close. Clearances were
large today. Minneapolis reported cash
premiums Improving snd the local demand
wss said to have been better. Northwest
ern receipts aproxkmsted last yar snd
Winnipeg had 361 csrs, which graded ex
cellently. Country sreeptances were gen
erally reported larger.
Corn had a heavy tone throughout ths
session. Trade wss not large. The cssh
market wss lower and the shipping demand
poor. Urgent requirements ot shippers,
who sold short, seem to have Been flUed.
There Is nothing In the weather conditions
prejudicial to ths crop.
Oats were quiet without sny msterlfll
change In the price level. There was an
Inclination to realise on the part of holders.
Bulls at times endeavored to bid the mar-
fet up, did not anear to care to take on
urther lines st this level. The country
east Is selling more liberally.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.089.000
bushels and shipmenta 492.0W bushels,
against receipts last year or sR.OOO bushels
snd shipments of 487. 000 bushels. Corn re
ceipts were 640,000 bushels snd shipments
66.0n0 bushels, sgalnst receipts last year of
660,000 buohels and shipments of Kie.Ono bush
els. Clesrances were 620,000 bushels wheat,
49,000 barrels flour, 4,000 bushels corn and
62.000 bushels oats.
Liverpool closed td higher to Hd lower
on wheat and unchanged on corn.
Broomhall estlmstes world's wheat ship
ments for Monday at 10.400.000 bushels.
It Is figured that T. E. Wells of Chlcogo,
the bull oats leader, was originally long
on 4.O0O.00O bu. of September oats. The
line has been reduced and estimated now
at 2.6OO.00O bu. The oafs were bought from
35c down, and over 1.000.M0 bn. have been
taken In and paid for so far this month.
Yesterday Wells was s seller of Septem
ber snd a buyer of December at the same
figures, snd changed a good deal, ons lot
being 160,000 bu.
"Don't worry shout how much wheat we
hsve up here,'" said H. P. Watson of Min
neapolis. "Those who try to bull wheat
will soon find out how much there Is. Re
ports are being sent out from here of light
yields end.Ver estimates of the crop. They
come from people who are bullish on the
market snd for Its effect. I have mot
chanced my views at all on the slse of the
Local range of options:
Articles.) Open, i High.l Low. 1 Close.) Tes'y
Wheat I
Sept... Deo....
May ...
t 64V.I Mm (41
OSS! mm M4
70 70". 70S 704
424 i
87 87Vi 87S S7S
88H 48H
: h
Omaha Cash Sales.
CORN-No. 8. t csrs at 42e.
OATS No. 3 white, 1 car at 30c, cars
at 30c; No. 4 white, 1 car at 2c,
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 8 hard. 65,.eie: No. 3
hard. 63V(S64Vc; No. 4 hard, 61ii63Vc; No.
8 spring, 64V4jc: Na 4 spring, x!l3c.
CORN No. 8, 4142ie; No. 3 yellow, 424
4SHc; No. 8 white, 43Wc
OAT8-N0. 8 mixed, 2tr2t.e; No. 8 white,
S0tt).W,c; No. 4 white, 2H4f29c.
RYB-No. 8, 62Hc; No. 8, 61c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 38 885 133
Kansas City 202 U 11
Mlnnespolls , 292
Omaha 26 8 40
Duluth 411
St. Louis 63 30 81
. a -
Featnres of the Trading" and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. 18 Wet weather In
the northwest and the forecast oT large
export shipments were the pause foi a
Arm wheat market here today. At the
close December whest was HOlio higher.
Corn was down SbtPKc Oats were un
changed to a shade lower. Provisions
were unchanged to 6c lower.
The wheat market opened firm, despite
a decline of He In the Liverpool market,
because of wet weather In the northwest
which Is expected to interfere with the
movement of the crop and additional
reports of disappointing results from
threshing operations. During the day
f rices declined slightly, because of refil
ling sales, but later, became Arm on the
statement of an English statistician that
the world's shipments will amount to
about 10,000,000 bushels, with this coun
try supplying about one-half of the total
exports. Clesrances of wheat and flour
were large and this held the market
steady to soma extent. Tbe fluctuations
of the day were within a narrow rsngs
and the close wss firm. December whest
opened unchanged to k shsde higher, at
73 H 073 He, sold between 73Ht73l4 snd
73Hc and closed at 73H073Hc. Clear
ances of whest and flour were equal to
,742.000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,08.-
000 bu., against 181,000 ru. a year ago
Minneapolis, Duluth and Chlcsgo reported
receipts of 741 csrs, against 626 cars last
week and 832 a year ago.
The corn market was steady all day,
largely In sympsthy with other grains.
The shipping demand wss excellent, pri
mary shipments being 660,000 bu. above
the primary receipts. Bears sold In ths
late part of the market on a forecast
of large receipts for Monday. December
corn opened unchanged to a shado lower,
st 42H4JI42HC. sold 43H042HC and
closed steady, at 42 HO 42 He. Local re
ceipts were 38 cars, with. 220 cars of
contract grade.
The oats market, which has been active
all week, wss dull todsy, ths range of
prices being very narrow. The closs
differed slightly from ths final quotations
of yesterday. The cssh market wss' Arm.
December oats opened unchanged to a
shads lower, st 3lHtr32Sc. sold between
82Hc end 32HfM34aC and closed steady
at 32 He. Local receipts were 133 cars.
The provision market ruled a shado
easier than yesterday, but ths changes
were not Important. The msrkot for
live hogs was steady. Meat shipments
for ths week were about 26 per cent less
thsn those for the corresponding week
last year. January pork closed to lower,
st 318.00. Lard wss unchsnged, at 87,7.
Ribs were down 2Hc, at 17.00.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
78 cars; com, 747 cars; oats, 80 cars;
hogs, 37.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open. High.l Low. Close.) Yos r.
, Oct...
71 71
73H 7H'H
7711 ' 77l
. H
I 47J
47 47H 47H
42V42HfJ'H 424
82H 82SI
32H 14
84H 34V
IS4.fiA4 24 Wj"
14 05
13 00
8 0
8 87H
8 60
T 7S
8 M
8 66
7 00
16 SS
13 00
14 M 14 r
13 7H1 13 00
13 05
8 87
8 3
8 65
T 02H
3 2h;
8 r
8 87H'
3 62H
8 60 I 3 ?H
8 86
8 66
8 95
I 85
7 00
I to
No. f.
Following were' the day's receipts and
shipments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 2.ftu0 34.rO
Wheat, bu 70. "a 7? oo
Corn, bu. 4T7 00
Oats, bu. 123600 1S7.5O0
Rye. bu t.orO
Barley, bu 49.600 JS.OOO
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creanu-riea. 1ft72(r;
dairies. 17t?20Hc. Fsgs, strong: si mark,
rases Included. 13017Hc; firsts. 13Hc; prime
firsts. 31c; extras, 23 He Cheese, Arm;
Mllwaekee Oral Market.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Sept 16. Whest
No. 1 northern. 7674c; No. 3 northern, 729
74Vc; December, TJNc bid.
R VE Higher; No. L 6,e6Sc.
liARLJCY-fileady; Ko. L see; aajnola. tt
$100,000 y
Seattle, Washington,
School District 4's
Pa ted January 1. "10.
eat payable January 1 snd July
Denomination. $1,000.
Aaseased valuation for taxation. .......
Total debt of School District
Leg sinking fund....
Net debt ....
reputation, 175,000. '
These bonds are issued by School District No. 1 of King
County, which is co-extenslve with the City of Seattle, and all
property in the city is subject to taxation to pay the principal
and interest of these bonds.
Seattle is commercially the second city on the Pacific coast,
has a fine harbor and is a growing, modern city.
This is a lower price than has prevailed on Seattle bonds
for years.
N. W. Harris & Company,
204 Dearborn Street
New York.
Cattls Trads for ths Wsek Shows Con
sidirablt Etrsngth.
Ka Sheep ga, Bat Killers for the
Week Are Tea te Flfteea Lower,
with Feeders that .
Maeh Higher.
SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. IB. 10.
Receipts wersi Cattls. Hogs. Shesp.
Offlclsl Monday 8,068 8.5S 17.807
Official Tuesday 8.413 4.4W 11.441
Official Wednesday 4.138 7,633 12.616
Official Thursday 8.U4 S.431 17.0b
Orflelal Friday l,goo M40 6,l
Official Saturday 12s 1,600 X
This week .W.721 81,899 73070
Laat week f7,567 88,tf6 70,048
Two weeks SJO 58.172 89.881 48. 14
Three weeks ago ' 19.428 45.074 40.K8
Four weeks ago 1S.417 54.27 87, 84
Same week last year....l7,SKi 84,668 49.831
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to data, compared with last
year: iot. iO0.
ta tile C72.939 437,120 36.013
Hogs 1.942,164 1.741.062 181,10.'
Sheep 1,204.023 1.124.927 81. 014
Cattle. Hogs.
Omsha 81.764.00 86 864.35
Chicago 1.25(04.60 8 .40442
Kansas City 1 75tKi 40 .10fr.40
Bt. Ixinls i0Orn.M 6.7Mi.6S
Bloui City 8.60184.00 8 70.10
Ths following will show the price paid
for the different kinds of cattle on tbe
South Omsha msrkcti
Oood to choice corn-fed steers 36.4fc34.2S
Pair to good corn-fed steers 6.005.46
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.6CKd6.0
Oood to choice ranee steers 4 ffj.l
Fair to good range steors 4.00(34 60
Common to fslr range st-ers j.ooatoo
good grass cows and heifers Isvai-SO
Fair to good cows and heifers.... i.UVsTl.W
Common to fair cows and hslfsrs.. l.sWi.M
Oood to choice stocksrs 4k feeders. 4 0044 60
fslr to aood stockers snd feeders.. 3 .Kvat.OO
( omman to fslr stockers..'. IRflS.)
Bulls, stags, etc 3 .6ofr3.78
Veal calves 4.00434.78
The following tabte shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last
several days, with comparisons:
Data. I U0S. is.1804.1808rri808.is01. 11808.
Sept. I...
Sept. ...
Sept. f...
Bept. 8..
I 741.'
6 88
I 17
8 00
I 48!
6 87
6 3S
6 841644 T 40) 4 Ml I 04
I 861 t 46 4 33) 04
6 22 6 43 6 80 J 04
6 80 6 11 744 11
6 89 6 64 U61 3 84
644J644 7 48 4 46 6 14
I 43 7 44 4 19 4 M
6 64 6 64 7 66 6 38 6 0
6 61 7 66 3 46 6 08
6 68 664 6 62 604
6 67 6 62 T4S 609
663l8 784 67
6 84
Bept. S..
Sept. 10.
Bept. 11.,
Sept. 11.
Bept. 18.
Bept. 14..
Bept. 16..
Sept. 14.
4 13
I 81
6 14
The official number of ears
brought in today by each road
(.sine. .nogs.
C. M. aV St. P. Ry.. .. S
Wabash I
Mo. Pac. Ry 1
Union Pacific System. 1 17
C. A N. W. Ry. (East) ..
C. N.W. Ry. (West) ., X
C, St. P., M. O. Ry
C-. B. aV . (Weet)....
i lJ -i
C, B. ib Q. (East) 4
C .Rt.aV P.Ry. (East) .. 4
c .K 1 p.rty. (West) l
Illinois 'Central 1
Chi. Qt. Western .. 4 ..
Total receipts I 86 "i 7.
The disposition of tbe day's receipts was
follows, each buyer purchasing the num.
per 01 neaa inaioatea;
... 3
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour aV Co
Bodden Psckjnc Co.....
Klnsan at Co....,
Bt. L. Dressed Beef Co.
Other buyers
Totsl 71 6.446 466
CATTLE There wss the usual Saturdsy's
lack of receipts, the msrket being practi
cally bare, with nothing on sa,e tu make a
test ot values. Ths receipts for ths week
show a considerable decrease as comparted
with lsst week and with ths corresponding
week of a year ago. Ths market ss a whole
hss been In satlsfsctory condition, vslues
on most kinds having a strong tendency.
Right good fst cattle, both corn-feds and
rangers, bsvs been none toi plentiful st
any time during the week, and in the face
of a very good buying demand It Is not at
all surprising that they ahould gradually
strengthen. The market hss been quo' a lily
strong and reasonably active, and at ths
closs of tbs week Is ssfely 10c higher than
nne week ago. The common to medium
kinds have shown no Improvement, but
have sold about steady throughout ths
Cows and heifers have been In verv
moderate receipt all the week and, as the
demand baa been somewhat urgent tbs
tendency of Vslues hss been steadily up
ward. Almost every dsy prices showtd
more or less sdvsnce, and at the closs of
ths week ars t40c higher than the low
time lsst week. This means that the
heavy break In ths cow msrket lsst week
hss been fully made up snd that prices
are now as high ss they have been for
some little tlms back.
Blockers snd feeders have sold along In
about the ssme notches every dar this
week, and st ths close ths yards sre
pretty well cleaned up. Good, fleshy feed
ers especially bsvs bean very much sought
sfter snd they havs commanded strong
prices sll the week and have been very
ready sellers every dsy. Light stock cattle,
possessing qusllty, hsvs slso sold with
some freedom, but common light and
medium kinds, of both stockers snd feed
ers, hsve been herd to move all the week.
Buyers have not been looking for that
kind, snd when buying such hsve ertej
almost under protest. Recent rslns, which
will freshen up psstures somewhst, ought
to strengthen ths demand for s"ck cattle.
HOOS Packers evidently wsnted hogs
this morning snd the only wsy that they
could see of getting them was to pay for
them. This wss especially ths esis with
light hogs, which were ssarce snd In very
strong demand, with the result thst they
sold 6e and In some esses 10c higher thsn
yesterday. Ths good light bogs sold verv
largely at 36.20 and on up to 34.40. which
waa the top. as against 34.30 yesterday.
Ths light mixed snd butcher weight loads
sold largely st 34 W36.ll.
Heavy hogs wsrs not so much sought
Due January 1, 1926.
1 In New York.
. 970.22S.3.VI
, 8) 8,008,543
after, but they sold generally, 6c higher
than yesterday and the trade was fairly
active at the sdvanre, so that all the early
arrivals were sold snd weighed up In vsry
good season In the morning.
It happened that several trains were very
late In arriving at the yards, so that the
market waa prolonged through tha greater
part of the forenoon. The fact that Chi. '
cago waa reported aa Musing 6 10c lowsi
did not help the sale of the late hogry It.
spite of the fact that the damand waa
good for a Saturday. Aa will be noted ,
from the ssles at the head of column
the receipts of hogs this week have not
been very lsrge, although about tha earns
as lsst week and a little larger than a
year ago. The week atarted out with 4
light advance, all of which and more, tec
waa lost the second day. On Wednesday
values began firming up and the market
from that day on until ths close of thl
week hss been steadily growing srongnr,
so that today, the general market wt
16020c higher than the cloae of laat week.
In other words, the hogs today sold at
the highest point touched since August 8.
SHEEP While there were four cars of
sheep reported In today, there was noth
ing actually on sale. Two cars of the
number reported in were Montana weth
ers, which were sold for' delivery today
snd the remainder of the. receipts con
sisted of breeding stock, on Its way west.
Receipts of sheep this week were 'the
largest for sny week so far this year,
over 72,000 head having arrived during
the Hi daya. As Is to be expected at
this season of the yesr, a very large pro
portion of the arrivals consisted of feeder
sheep and lambs, with nevertheless, a
considerable sprinkling of killers.
As feeders have been the most numer
ous that branch of the trade has naturally
attracted the moat attention. Fortu-"
nately, the attendance of large buyers
has been such as to create a demand fully
equal to the receipts, sp that not only
have steady prices been maintained, but
there hss been a gradual strengthening
In ths market until at the close of the .
week feeder sheep and'lsmbs are.ssfely
1016c higher than one week ago.
Throughout the week the trade was active
and the receipts large, ss they ware al
most Invariably met with resdy sale at
current prices. In othrr words, as viewed
fmm a !' Itrfnnlnl lha meelrA
was all that could havs been desired.
With a liberal supply of killers at all
market points It was only nstural that
packers In view of prevailing high prices
Should become rather week-kneed buyers. '
Accordingly some little weakness wss de
tected during the week and values grad
ually eased off so that at the close of the
week sheep sre probably IO&I60 lower. Fat
lambs suffered more thsn the shesp and ' '
the best kind sre 10fl6c lower with
medium kinds 16&26c lower than lsst week.
Even with this much decline It must be
borne In mind that ths market Is still ex
tremely high as will readily be noticed by
consulting the sales published during tbe
Quotations on kill en: Oood to choirs
Iambs, 37.004)7.60; fair to good lambs, Is.Tfift
7.00; good to choice yearlings, 6&.7fy$6.16;
fair to good yearlings, es.6V06.76; good to
choice wethers, 8&.16b6 40; good ao choice
ewes, 84.76(36.10; fair to good ewss, 84.60
4.75. . i.
Quotations on feeders: Lamba, tl.76'3
6.70; yearlings, 36.2666.76; wethers. t446
6.26: ewes, il.60&4.76i breeding ewes, 60.OO
65.26. x
Reuresentatlvs sales: "
446 Montana wethera
.. 108,
Cattle, Hags, Sheen aad Laaabs Are
CHICAOO. Sept. U.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
400 head; msrkst steady; cows and hollars,
1.25U6.; stockers and feeders, 2.2&Bt40;
calves, 86608.00. -
HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head; market
steady; mixed snd butchers, ttK4pi.6i;
rood heavy. 34.&4.66; rough heavy, 66.f
90; light, 36 (96.b2H; Pigs, 16.6004.36; bulk -ef
ssles, SS.SMiitf.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 8,000
head; market steady; sheep, 13.2606.00;
lambs, 34.76j.10. , j .
Kaasas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 400 head. Including )50 southerns:
msrket, stesdy; choice export and dressed
beef steers, So s& 40; fair to good, 4 00t
6.60; western fed steers, $3.606.26; stockers
and feeders, 32.604.60; southern steers,
I2.60tf4.00; southern cows, 82 OH2.40; native
cows, 11.761 SO; natlvs heifers, S2.9043e.00;
bulls, 33.0iiS.16; calves. U-W12S; receipts
for the week, 44.900 htsd.
HOtiS Receipts, 8.6u0 head; msrket,.
steady; top, 14 40; bulk of sales. V te&i.2V;
heavy, 30.164 86; packers, - 14.204(4 3d; pigs
snd light. 64.20fce.40; receipts for tbe week,
80,700 head.
head; market, steady; Ismbs, 65 sOijfs.S');
fed sheep snd yearlings, S4.04r6 40; western
yearliruts, 36.2o434.s6; western sheep. S4-6031 :
l.w; siocaers sna reeaers, iz.ovgo.Wi M-,
celpts for the week, 29.100 head.
St. Loots l.lvo Stoek Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 16. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 500 head. Including 200 Texans; msr
ket, steady; native shipping snd export '
steers, 34.70474. 60; dressed beef and butcher
stsers, 33.754i6.vO; steers under 1000 lbs.,
33 50134 60; stockers and feeders. 82.0O1M 36; '
cows and heifers. St4026.60; csnners, 3l.Va
3 00; bulls. 12 8034.00; calves. 13 2Ufl4.W;
Tsxss and Indian steers, S3 006.10; cows
and heifers, 33 .OUft .60.
HOGS Racslpts, 1000 head; markst 60
lower; pigs and lights; 34.10Q460; packers,
86 7634.60; butchers and best heavy. 84.4C&
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rscelpts, 600 head;
market, strong; nstlve muttons, 83.00(36.7:
lamba. 34 007.&0; culls and bucks, 3.0Oa
3.60; stockers, S 0OQ6 .
Mew Tork live Stork Market. .
ceipts, none; feeling unchanged; dressed
exports, 1,440 cattls snd 6,880 quarters of
CALVES Receipts, 134 head; market i.
feeling, nominally steady; city dressed veals
steady at WtiWgo per lb.; country dressed, V
quiet at 413c.
HOOS-Recelpts. 1.240 head; market feel.
Ing nominally steady.
hesd; sheep, stesdy; lambs, slow snd 24e
lower for choice; sheep sold St 83.60tf6.60; -lambs.
34.60ej.2S. r
St. Joseph I. Its Stoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 16. CATTLE
Receipts. Us hesd. msrket. steady: natives.
a-1"!-", cvw 1 in ii--iir,e, i-vgfe. ivj r
Blockers snd feeders. 33 251! 4 60.
HOIS Receipts. 3,0 hesd: market,
steady to 5c lower; light, S4 80Q440; bulk
of sales. 360034.16.
SHEEP AND L.AMUB Receipts. 276 hesd;
market, stesdy.
Slooa City l ive Stoek Market.
SIOUX City, la., Sept. 16.-(8peclal Te!.
gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. Ino head;
msrket steady; beeves. 64 6004.00; cows,
bulls and mixed. Kfctf4 0t; stockers and
feeders. S3 413 tJ6 ; ealves) sad t'eajrllnasv