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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1906. SPECIAL tlOTlCES Advertisement Ivr Ibrit eolamas will ! taken anlil 12 an. for the evening- edition anil aalll p. na. iar tha marnlMK and Siaitr Itloa. Ratea 1 1-2 a ward fret Insertlea, lis a word thereafter. oalaa; takea for less than 21 lo for the flrat laser ton. Thn advert isemeata saast 8s ri consecutively. Advertisers, br requesting- a brred cheek, ran have nrt aa greased t a ranhrrfd letter la ear of Tha Ree. Answer ao addraaaed Vrlll ba delivered mm preaeatatloa at rheek. MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM B0YLE3 BUSIXES3 COLLEGE 18 NOW OPEN. OAT AND NIQHT. Students lire admitted ar.y day. New Catalog Free. Tel. Douglng 1984. Address H.' B. Boy let!, President, Boyle Building. Omaha. Neb. R 8i GAS & ELECTRIC'raTinVES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 313 ao. 1EU St. Tel. Douglas 681. R-M923 OMAHA Saf and Iron Work mak a spe cialty of flra acapea, shutters, doora and safe. G. Andraen, prop., 102 8. 10th St. BIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole, 1302 Dougla. R 790 WHERE TRUNKS ARB MADB. Trunk, ault caaaa and shopping base.. Old trunk In exchange. Repairing. FRELINO 8TEINLE. Ct N. 16th St. 'Phone Doualu. 4991 B M704 2S TRY Kelly' Towel Supply, TeL Doug. 3530. K 791 IOWA 'Sanitary Cleaning Co., 101S Farnam. ANTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Res. 'phon Doug. 70bl. R 783 EDSASSER ft BRICK, Machinist, 217 South 12th St. Tel. 5817. R-794 Tl'PBWRITERs' rented, all makea, $2.60. Fox Typewriter Co., 1821 Farnain. ' R-M347 Sl HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs eu trance, 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R-961 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you fiavaa farm, home, business or prop, erty that you want to sell or exchange GIaVbVoAKD AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. ' , Y-M910 Ol RECEIVER'S SALE. By virtue of tb authority veated In ma by an order of the United Slates district court for the district of Nebraska, I will, on tha. 17th day of September, 19utL at 10 a. m., sell at publio auction to the highest bidder the stock of rniiiinerv. cloaks, suits and other - goods atd fixtures, lease and book accounts of the Omaha Suit company, bankrupt,- at the place of business of the Omaha Suit company in Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, at 1511 Douglas sirejx. Said property will be of fered first in departments and then as a wholo.and will be sold according to the blda realising the largest amount therefor. Tha terms of said sale will be for cash and subject to' the approval of Bald court. SIDNEY W. SMITH. Receiver. ( . - V M295 17 aOK BALE A first-class Job office with ' A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; Job type ill new; doing good business; excilien; reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, aa this snap will not last long. Prices low. Addreaa Box 616, Hastings, ' Nab. , .. , ., Y 828 1 I HAVE M0 acres of land three mllea from Farnam;. good soil; to trade for a stock of dry goods, boots and shoes. Price 212.50 per acre. J. VV. Rogers, Farnam. .. - . . - : a .- Y M761 Ux - : ' INVESTORS. Frame building In South Omaha paying 10 per cent net, 21,800. , Six-room house and lot paying 13 per cent net; price 81.000. -l all 132 Farnam St ., Room 2. Y MliS WiNT ED II, OX) capital for established buHlness; goixl paying proposition. Ad dress P SO, Bee. X M100 17 X ANY PART of 210.000. stock In Omaha manufacturing company, for sale, at par; excellent chance; with or without serv ices. Address P 61. Bee. Y M!8 17x PHYSICIAN wants location in the country. Address, P 66, Omaha Bee. Y M157 lx FOR SALE Drug stock In southern Ne braska; will invoice about 26.000; will take some land. Address P 46, care Bee. - Y M948 17x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EODA FOUNTAIN, any six. 118 Farnam. u Q.-7 5HEHWIN-WILLIAM8 CO., bent mixed paint. Sherman ft- McCVnnell Drug Co.. Omaha.. ' Q 796 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-band. 1S18 Farnam; , J i .-. t Q-797 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tableei we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collender, 4tl7 a 10th St. '. ' ' ,-' . TVtp.Besley tetter cabinets in good condi tion mad ot : walnut and have two drawers each. "Call at Be business office and get bargain. ' Q-441 X FOR SALE Steam house heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be (old cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Hldg. . V Q-M438 KND LB your mall order for druga: freight ptd - on 1 10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 800 100 STOVES; must be sold In the next 60 Uuya. Chicago Fur. Co., 1410 Douge. .... Q 747 IXJR SALE Good 'hard coal burner, cheap. J5u. BlMiey. lied 70C2. Q 867 17x I-X'H ALE Furniture for 7 rooms. llOv t'acino St. ., Q-&UI40 17x roil SALE Good new folding bed. com plete, l-!: also couch. If you want a nn article at a bargain call at 211? Harney. . g 177 17x TARTY leaving city must sell piano pfayer; will go at sacritlce; good aa new. mil Davenport. , Q Mlt3 lSx FtR SALE Steel range. Iron bed complete, flna French walnut wardrobe, ccucli and ball rack. 616 & 36th St. Telephone Ash 2iUi2. , , Q-M181 17, - SITUATIONS WANTED OT- gentleman, three years' experience a raiUoad operator; six1 months stenogra pher and tracing clerk. Address P 62, Bee. A-Mlut 1X CAPABLE and experienced young woman of good, ' appevrance desires position as cashier 'in first class cafe, restaurant or storo by tictober 1. Top notch recommen rtstlons. Address P 86, Bee. A M1S6 IT - s. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED r&alesmen to place our Patent Adjustable Umbrellas, with 10 clear deals; great seller; an article whi-n makea sales easy. Address Crown Cigr Co M 1 1 w a u kee. W 1 s. LrrV s 3 L L. tr"'." LOST AND FOUND LOST-rLlver and white pointer, big brow spot over shoulder; name 8. P. Brown on collar. Notify It Farnam, or 'phou Doug. SS'M and receive reward. Lost WTO LOST Bkye terrier dog, gray, bitch, blind In right eye. Uberal reward, return to mii I Bldg. TeL DvuxU IM. Ai-W 17 WANTEDMALE HELP Th are the new commandments ten. Which wives row mike for married men. W. Remember that I am thy wife. Whom thou must cherish all thy life. M Thou shalt not rtay out late at night, When lodges, clubs and friends Invite. Ad. Tho'i shalt not smoke In doors or out. Nor chew tobacco round about. 4th. Ttrnu shalt with praise receive my plea. INO -n PI r miur i y ill rr urriiir, 6th. My mother thou ahalt strive to please. And buy CEL-PEP-KO, her digestion ease. th. Romember 'tis thy duty clear. To dreea me well throughout the year. 7th. Thou shalt In manner mild and meek Give me thy wagna every week. 8th. Thou shalt not be a prohibition man. bui anna on me trivu pian. 9th. Thou shalt not flirt, but must allow Thy wife such freedom anyhow. inth. Thou shalt aek for CEL-PEP-KO. When thy Jag begins to show. BM1S3 17x PLACT0S for 25 drug clerks; here and all over the west; transportation furnished. Call or phone F. V7 Knlest, 624 N. Y. L Bldg.. Omaha. B-148 17 WANTED Good strong boy to work. 1223 Nicholas. B MW3 17 WANTED Competent drug clerk; must b quick, active, Industrious, etc.; references required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln. Neb. BM197 18 Boys Wanted 60 young men and boys wanted to work Tuesday, September 18. Ap ply at 1714 Farnam St. B M949 18 WANTED For the U. 8. marina corps, men between agea a and 36; an oppor tunity to see the world. For fuller In formation see poster In postofnee of any county seat in the state of Nebraska, giving addresa of recruiting office located therein. B MS45 830X WANTED Five boys, good wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co., 202 S. 13th St. B-M8ul W A NTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, 18 to SO, to prepare for firemen and tuakemen on new roads and for fall rush. Ex perience unnecessary. Firemen 2100, pro moted to engineers 22J0; brakemen 276, promoted to conductors (160 Positions now open. National Railway Training Association, 620 X Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B MISS Ol DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 634 N. Y. L. B 803 TEAMS can make from 84 to 86 per day. Steady work. C. B. Havens U Co. yards, 14th and Webster. B 2S WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. Cudaby Packing Co. B 433 WANTED-Experlenced bill clerk; must ba well recommended: prefer married man; state age and aalary. Address O 24, care Bea B-91 TWO men to sell goods on payments from i i r . . . . IfllO sample waguuo. v.. . auhui. v.., Howard. B-MWl Ot . SALARY and commission will be paid to a flint-class old-line life insurance man capable of writing business himself and teaching other to do o. Address lock box laJ. Lincoln. Neb. B-M307 04 MEN and boya, plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades pay $6 to 28 day. We teach you thoroughly In three months. Position guaranteed. Free catalogue. Coyne's Trade School, St. Louis, Mo. . B-M387 X VAlTvn U1M B-rrTnv T.AWI Omaha School of Law; evening sessions only, runner lniormanion, huuich reury. 701 N. Y. Llf Bldg. Tel. Doug.. 867. B-860O8 WA NTED Men to learn barber trade. ecnoiarsnip memoes rnmpipw vum. ui tools, diploma and positions. Board and room provided. Few weeks complete by this wothod. Bpeclal , Inducement now. Mole Barber College. U16 Farnam Bt. . . B-M822 20X WANTED Experienced hat aalesman. Ap ply J. L. Brandels It Sons. B M8S4 17 STENOGRAPHER wanted. A competent man In large real estate office. State ex perience; salary expected and give re ference.. Address P-40, Bee. B-M847 WANTED One lumber' scaler and three boy. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. B 869 WANTED Men to read meter Call Mon day. Omaha Gaa Co., 18th and Farnam. . . B863 17 WANTED 78 ex-saloonmen to ask for Ct-1-Pep-Ko Lebenvetter; - then you call at Windsor hotel for agency. See! B-M134 1TX THERE Is more life retaining activity, strength and nourishment in one bottle of Cel-Pep-Ko than there la In a whole barrel of beerr The concentrated essence of Koiiiknl. Pepsin and Celery contains no alcohol, does not burn your stomach, nor set your brain afire: but ha a pleasant, soothing thirst quenching activity effect for the human race. Facts you must try It and convince yourself. Cel-Pep-Ko. B M133 17x COOK and assistant cook wanted at the Iowa School for the Deaf, beginning Sep tember 28. Apply to Henry W. Rotherts, Bupt. B-180 18 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Womau cook, S3 per month; must furnish recommendations. Address L 1, Bea C M6 WANTED Immediately, first-class cook; best of wages; none els need apply. TeL Harney 630. C 9S3 WANTED Girl for general housework. U20 Park Ave- C-M2&1 WANTED Gil 1 for catalogue work. Ap ply Manager Clothing .Dept., Hsyden Bros. C Mll 19x WANTED Nurse work during confine ments by an experienced lady. Mra. Anna H. Larson, 202 No. 26th St. C-M796 17x WANTED A straight matter compositor; either lady or gentleman. Anchor Pub lishing Co., Patterson bldg. C-M768 WANTED Fifty girls to work In oamly factory. Good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. The Voegelev Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St. C M79S WANTED Girl for general housework, to-.' No. 40th. 'Phone Harney 2o46. C-562 17 COMPETENT girl for general housework no washing", wages 34 per week, inquire 604 8. Wth Bt. C M861 17 WANTED Good second girl, who 1 willing to take care Da by. vat case m. . C-MlOt 1 FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls IS or 16 years old for clipping threada. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C-M106 WANTED Womsn to help in housework on farm at Waterloo. Neb.; best wages; will pay fare to party engaged. Arply to W. O. Phillip. C-M8K1 lSx EXPERIENCED girl for general . house work: two In family; references required 8S22 Harney St. C-M1W 18x WANTED A good girl for general house work ; no washing. Apply Mrs. John L. Kennedy. 2124 Cass. C M164 WANTED Woman who lives In north end of town to take washing home. Cell at 3028 Maple St.. Monday. C-M166 18x WANTED First class Chiropodist, lady or ftntUnan. Mills-Ostrom Hair Baxar. 412 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs. C 179 19 WANTED AGENTS NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work; writ today; get territory; other new gooos Ladies' Supply Co., Prain Ave., O. Chicago. . J-M212 8i6x ORIENTAL WAI8T8 AND SUITS. Agents wsntad everywhere. Ladles and gentlemen are making 8-6 to 850 per week selling embroidery goods direct to the la dles. Good a Hers in cities or country. No experience or capital required. Call at office or write te V. 8. Embroidery Work. 10 sad lilt Suw lilh 8U, m -jqjj i " Many people are looking on today for what you dont want. Tell what you have through A Bee Want Ad LOO ENT FURNiSHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnrtm. E Si Doug. 611 O. M..E. Haul Trunki K 0 CAPITOL HOTEL. ISth and Capitol Ave., 1 1 h frAn t Biv,mBi wllk ab wrltkmit Kna E-608 FURNISHED room In naw, modern house. uougias Bt. e-44o TWO newly furnished front connecting rooms in private family. Lovely homelike room for one or two gentlemen. 2564 Harney. Phone Doug. 6840. E Mt3 17x ROOM for gentleman: private family: mod ern, iiji uavenport. K z l,x NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ence. Tel. lKUglas 4232. 210 N, TA. E Mia 17x NEWLY furnished room, walking dis tance. ZSUZ Dodge Bt. E M1U6 17X MODERN steam heated room, 2238 Farnam, Flat L E 178 17 ELEGANT large south room with alcove. second noor; suitable lor two, 2702 Kar nam. E M161 17x NICE room, cheap to one or two young men wanting nice room in private family. 646 8. 2th Ave. E M1W 17x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 809 VIENNA hotel; private dining room, cafe. W 10 MODERN room, home cooking; reasonable price, aut Howard bt. lei. uougias 8668. F-M3M) NICELY furnished rooms, modern; pleas- em urrounoings; good ooara; reasonaDie rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F 3S7 S24X 609 , S- 25th Ave. Private family. JT Ail 119 J X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, northweet cor ner 14th and Dodge Sts. Inquire G. Btnffler, Room 8. G MM8 lSx FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices, xei. Douglas it-'b. Boimouer lueller Piano Co., 1311-1213 Farnam. D 811 HOUSES in -" P"rt of tn" UUUOIjO c, Peters at Co.. Bee Bldg. . , UbLi HOUSES ln al1 jpvti of the city. Tha v. jr. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. u BM HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. iJ 814 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move. store H. 11. goods; storehouse, naj-i n. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1569. D 816 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age uo. Tel. Doug. liw. umce, iim vv co ster SL D-816 SEE us when shipping household goods to large ctllea west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. TeL Doug. 1196. D 817 AMER. TRANS. CO. Household and other good stored. Tel. uougia mjo iiw rr narn. D-819 FOR RENT 9-room houae. all modern; furnace, S26. C. M. uaenmann, o niroo Blk. . D-38 PIANOS and household goods moved; boxe for. sale. Cole & Uunneil. lww rarnim. Tel. Doug. 870. D M774 O 12 4108 CUMING, 7 rooms all modem. 825. Otto Slemeeen & Co., 38 w. 1. im. D M824 17 FOR RENT New flat. 821 80. 29th Ave.; the most beautirui nai or tne Kino in the city; complete and perfect in every detail. Wm. K. Potter, 301 Brown Rlk. D MS39 STORAGES flirnlture. Telephone Douglas 976. 1215 Harney St. D MS27 014 MODERN 9-room house, ' hot water heat; rsrn, j:v inquire or pnone ur. j. j. Moore. 2-150 N. 19th. D M922 17 8IX-ROCM cottage, 20th and Douglas St., 820 rer month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. D M9S3 17 FOR RENT Desk In desirable Utrht office. 225 Neville blk. Tel. uougias wmi. D-M112 18 4-ROOM flat, modern except heat, to family or aouiTS. c-iercw 01. u ni m i FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk rom ln Be office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NICK light tor room. 206 N. 17 Bt. 1 M611 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a 1st clara bake oven. 1718 Nicholas St.; steam heat during winter. Bemls, Pax ton block. I-M711 $451818 Harney St.; large stora room. 1202908 Farnam St.; new store room. 1714 Farnam tn. in. r. uuin.r, k I-M924 18 BTORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. Tel. Red-4558. 1173 1 9 WANTED TO RENT WANTED About Nov. 1, furnished house, Weet Farnam street district. Apply ili So. 141 h St. K-M66t DAl'GHTER of an old OmRha resident wishes room and board In private family. West Farnam district: referencea re quired. Address P 44.' Bee. K-M84S 17 YOUNG lady would like room and board In private family. West Farnam dlstrlat; reference exchanged. Address P 41. Bee. K-MS48 17 DANCING MORAND'B, !5th and Harney, now oper. Lesaons for adults, Tuas. and Fri., 1p.m.: assemblies. Wed.; private lessons bal! , room or atage. For term 'phone Doug la 1041. The High School Clas meet every Friday at i. m. Term, season Oct. to May, 810. - You will find this school the beat. 41 SOS CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCING, 2424 Farnam, reopen for adult Monday, Sep tember 24. 8 p. m. High school. Saturday, September 29. 8 p. m. Children. Saturday. September 29, 2 p. m. Complimentary cards of admission to the opening mill be furnished to past puplU . and their friends upon application. Call or write for booklet. Telephone Douglas 187L M974 PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured with ample claims. 8pecial fifteen dollar saving proposition for thirty daya Writo today, entlotuig description of Invention. Wot. Bagger, Patent Lawyer, Waati.. D. C. U-o4 Sept. Ox F. J. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers; paunt book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nab. at4 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS-Patent procured. Invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. t4-U2 B. Mftb bt. PATENTS procures and sold. 1 fee, Nst'l Invenineot o Douglas Hlk . lth ft Podia, UKt O I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE These Properties are" Bar gain. . And Should Be Seen at Once. 6-ronm house, large lot, good location; very cheap at 8600. 7 rooms, a very cosy, nice home, newly painted Inside and out; modern except fur nace; nice south front lot, $2,500. 8 room, new, modern house, laundry In basement, corner lot, ln Park Place; no better location ln city, $4,000. S room, six blocks from postoffloe; a snap at $3,660. rooms, one of the finest home in Kountze Place, $4,250. 9 room, and two 4-room houses, close to Farnam and easy walking distance; splen did condition; combined rent $60 per month; splendid Investment at $6,250. 10 rooms, beautiful, large lot east front. Close to boulevard; walking distance, $2,750. National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RB M121 17 FOR SALE 12-room modern residence. 2619 Chicago St., owner on premises. ' RE MS23 17X FOR BALE At a bargain, 9-room house, first class condition, full lot, 4510 Seward St., block and half from car line; or whet have you to trade. See owner at 410 N. 23d St. RE M13 18x WHY pay high rentT Let us sell you farm. We have improved farm ln Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and sixes, for sale on the easiest kind of terms and payments. Squire & Annls, Council Bluff. Ia. RE 643 0 , Live In One Rent the Other. Two modern residences at 1128 and 1130 South 31st street with on good barn. Ground 76x150. East front on paved treet. Eastern owner will sell for $8,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Llf Building. RE SI 90S A GOOD business lot for sale. Best loca tion In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont, Neb. RE M362 S22 A GOOD business lot for sale. Beit loca t'on In town. Addreaa J. J. F., Fremont, Neb. RR M3rtS 822 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6Vi per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-848 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-849 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-860 BUILDING loans on residence property; t per cent, W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. ' W-Ml LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. . . W 862 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. W-663 Sl.OOO.OOCi. TO LOAN on business and rest dence property. In Omaha; lowest rates; . no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. ' W 864 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. .- :i - . W-856 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N,Y. L. . , W 666 LOANS on Improved city properly. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. ' W-867 $5,000 ln $600 and $600 amounts. M. J. Ken nard & Co., 809-10 Brown Block. , ..v.- - W-261 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand in the way of en joying yourself weien it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. SPECIAL RATE8 "ON SALARY, LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Cal? and be convinced. BET J ABLE CREDIT CO. 307-08 Paxton Block. X-M946 22 The Union Loan Co. have increased their capital and during the month of bepteuiber will make a special rate on collateral loans, personal prop erty, mortgages and individual notes, without security. .Terms to suit your convenience. 'Phone Douglas 29i4 or cull at 310 Bee Bldg. X M804 Ol DR. PRIBBEiNOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; lea than half rates; perfect privacy ; Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 .b-arbaca Bik. 209 South 16th St. X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advance private money on chattels or salary; easy to get, no red tape; you get money same day aaked for at small cost. Open evening till 7. X 842 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay. ments. Offices in 6s rrinclpal cities. Toi man. room 714, New York Life Bldg. 1 X-43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 844 FURNITURE, Uv tock. salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X 846 HONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. tilth. X CHATTELS, salary nd Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co., 16o4 Farnam St. X 840 CHATTEL end salary loana Phoenix " Credit Co., 633 Paxtoii block. X-47 Monev to Burn But we don't burn it: we loan it. Any reasonable, amount will be ajiven you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without dlslurglng them, in shortest time after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your loan, and If you settle before agreement expires w give you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN . CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg, SoS 8. 16th SL Established Tel. Douglas Ztta. X-MJ4 THE UNION LOAN CO. has Increased their capital and during the niuntn of Septem ber will make a xpeclal rsie on collateral loans, personal property, mortgages and individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your convenience. 'Phone Douglas 2'4 or call at 810 Bee Bldg. X-MW4 TO LEND Salary loana by private party; very low rates: gel my terms before borrowing elsewhere. 4oAdentlal. Ad. ores Box 7M. JL-MJut M this page PERSONAL INT POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8S24 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb U-M100 1 I. - USE Blanchard's Eczemai Lotion for skin diseases, at druggists. Assistance given free by Prof. J. Ulanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis. U M671 O li'X TRY KELLY'S LaundrrT 'Pfione Dougla 8620. U 626 DR. ROY, Chiropody, E. X ft 8, 1606 Farnam. U 827 PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. J.j PLFATINCl BuV.RuclWng. 8 L-.L,rVI111VJI iinibiolderlng. Dyeing und Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6c per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., Ofi Douglaa Block. TeL Douglas 1938. U 829 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264, HI 8. Uth St. U 830 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phon Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U 511 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College. 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U 831 PRIVATE riome during confinement; ba bles adopted. The Good Samaritan San- , Itarium, 728 First Av., Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-323 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer. 812 Bee Bldg. U-633 FENNELL Millinerr Co.. formerly of Uth and Douglas, now' located at 322 N. 16th St. U-340 04 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. U 834 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers 'llion Drug Co., Omaha. U-S36 MAfiNF,TTft OSTEOLOGY Mrs. Rit JkLa.UlXJljJ.lLy tenhou88 410 N. lfith. room t, second floor. U M427 S24 WE RENT sewing machines at 81 per week; we sell second-hand machines S3 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U-836 DR8. VOGEL prrvate hospital for women and for ladle before and during confine ment. 2319 B. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U M970 817 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 655. 1521 Leavenworth. U M92S Oct-1 FOR anything ln the sewing machine lino go to P. E. Flodman, 1614 Capitol Ave. U M304 04 ARCHITECT O. L. Broline, 618 Bee Bldg. U-M359 O 6 PRIVATE HOME during confinement; spe cial attention given to the boarding of Infants. Madame Pickett, 2216 Charles St. Telephone Douglas 6311. U2G4 Oct 2x CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1669. U M800 O 13 MAONFTTfi treatment and oath. Mm ' U M836 Q14x FARMS FOR SALE 11 BIG BARGAINS IN WESTERN LAND Join our excursion next Tues day, September 18, to North Platte and see for yourself. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Telephone Douglas 1781, OR F. A. STROUP, North Platte. Neb. H-M991 17 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is ciorlng out Its lands ln western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low pile and easy term offered, the opportunity wlU soon be gone. Special excursion rate to the lands. Foi further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 818 South lath St., Omaha. Neb. H-M184 22 11 FINE, CHEAP , FARMS On the table lands south of North Platte, Neb., will all be old during the next two week at from $12.50 to $20.00 per acre . All Improved farm a This year' crop will .more than pay for the land. Special excursion Tuesday, September 18, 1908. Join lu on this trip. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.. OR F. A. STROUP, North Platte, Neb. H-M992 17 FARM ADJOINING IRVING TON $90 PER ACRE. . 166 acre with good improvements, 7tt mile of Omaha; exceptional opportunltlea to get a good farm at a low price. For further information inquire of GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam Bt. H-M9S4 IS THREE Bargain In Farm Highland Grove, $5,2i0. Valley Grove, $4,8uO. Parker Farm. 84.HOO. All In the beautiful and fertile Clear Creek valley. SO.OuO acre improved farm from $16 to $60 per acre. J, T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. M 153 23 HOMESEEKERS SPECIAL EXCURSION Tuesday, September 18, 1906, to Lincoln county. The bent farm in th west for the money. See us about them. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Telephone Douglas 1781, OR F. A. STROUP, North Platte, Neb. H-M9M IT LAW AND COLLECTIONS J Macfarlsad. Sue N. T. U Bldg. Tel. Doux. uu. .. i-tes OS : F0R EXCHANGE 'F YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will son get It- 2932 FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general stock of merchan dise from $3,o0i to $20,000 for land, im proved and unimproved. Thirteen hardware stocks from $3,500 to t,MQ for Improved and unimproved land. Five restaurants. Seven livery and feed barn, all price, to exchange for land. Stock of Implement , buggies, wagons, etc., invoice $9,000 with buildlrg $10.0)10. Incumbrance $6,000, for good Iowa or north Missouri farm. Right blacksmith shops. Invoice $460 to 63.000, for South Dakota land. ' Five drug storks. Invoicing from 24,200 to $6,010. for land equal value. Thirty-four residence properties, located In good towns, good schools, etc., to ex change for Ksnssa, Texas, South Dakota, Nebraska or Iowa land. Five hundred well located. Improved farm. locaieu in lowa, Minnesota, Mebraaka, South Dakota. Kansas and Missouri. Write for prices and descriptions. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Sioux City, la., or Omaha, Neb. Z M4S5 PRINTING LYN03TAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, . ,nn,m 8. B. corner Uth Bt, and ft JORVti, capltol Ave. -468 COMPLETE line of 107 Calendar. Bneti printing CO., Jiu g. nth Bt. M923 Ol CALLING card 25o per hundred. Cast) man irinung to,, zuvi o. 13U Bt. 327 04 WE HAVE a new press no Job too largo w iwu small, venirai rrmung .o. M-766 Oil FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences: lowest prices; urn cautiogue. umin wire and iron Works, 933-36-87 No. 24th St. Tel. Dougla POt M 801 013 ANCHOR andiron Fencing; Wlr Fencing eu per loot, zud n. ian bt. Tel. Ked 814. M802 013 CHAMPION fences best. 611 8. 16tb. Doug. io KM MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Grey' Nerve 1. .. Tt1 pwsiuaia. enerman si McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, 838 DR. PRIES, specialist, women diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Withneli block, Uth and Harney, room 2, Omaha. 837 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture. Day and evening classes. French. Ger man, Spanish; fencing. Davldge Bldg N M3t6 OJ SECOND-HAND clothe. Tel. Red-3928. N MK42 OlS PLUMBING BUY plnmblng auppllea direct. Wholesale prices. 6ave on every article. Onlv first, class goods handled. Prompt attention ts every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 236 Harrison St., Chicago, III. -M203 x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 413 N. Y. L Tel. Doug. 1664. tiJ DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1500 Frnam. Tel. Dougla 6S70. M355 82 CLAIRVOYANTS madame buddha, leading palmist of omaha. Eventful and truthful prediction given. Call 113 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. 8 M19S MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN School of Languages French, German, Spanish; fencing. Da vldge Bldg., ,18th and Farnam. V274 OS WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $500 or $1,000 horn money on ample, well rented residence property In South Omaha, St T per cent. Address N 67. Bet. V 347 FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -736 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1263 -804 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service. 'Phone Red 7401. Room 13 and 14, Union Blk.. 15th and Farnam. M 842 014 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS GOOD horses for lie at 1223 Nicholas St. P-M9M 17 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 8821. -M428 824 GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT MEADE, S. D.. Sept. 14. 1908. Sealed proposals ln triplicate for construc tion, plumbing, heating, electrlo lighting and electrlo lighting fixtures for one (1) com j any barrack will be received here until 2 p. m., October 13. 1908. Information ' fur nished upon application. Plans and sped flcatlons may be seen at quartermaster of fices, Omaha and Denver, at this office. United State reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for barrack. Fort Meade, 8. D.," and addressed Major R. B. Turner, constructing quartermsster. B-14-1B-17-1S Ort-tl-1? RAILWAY TIME CARD JUSIOX STATICS TBHTH AND MAStCY tales) Pa rifle. Leave. Arrfva Overland Limited a t:4 in s 8:18 pr The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm a 8:10 prs Colo, ft Calif Ex a 4:18 pm a S:SS am GUfprnla ft Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited... .all :80 am al0:46 pm Fst Mail at .Kpm a 2:30 pr Colorado Bpeclal a T:4f am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a " am a 4:M pm Beatrice Looel ..b 8:1 pm b 2. -OS pm Caiuwao, ttwclt 2laa raslfte. KAsvr. Leave. Arrive. Chicago limited a 8 :2b am a7:lam Iowa Local .............a 7:te am a 4:80 pnt Chicago Mail a 8:1 am 10:10 pm Iowa Local bllrl' pm b S:6 pnt Chicago (Eastern Exp.). a 4 06 pm a 1:46 po Chicago tlowa Limitedt.a f:6 pm all. pm WEST Reeky Mountain Llm...a T.JO am 8:16 an Colo, ft Cal. Express. ..a 2:01 ptn a 1:6 pm Okl. Texas Exp .a 4:4fi pm al2:A6 pm Colorado Fast Mall a 10:16 pm a 746 aa s dally, b dailv except Sunday. Chiease Creat Waetara. Bu Paul ft Minneapolis. 8:30 pm ' T:lt a of tit. Paul ft Minneapolis. :t am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited (:40 am liq Chicago Express . 7:46 am' 11:60 pm r-hlcKi- Expresa 2:20 pm 8:30 pm Wssaik. Kt. Louis Express . 6:30 pm 1 1:41 tn at Louis Local tfrom Council Blurts) a 1:16 am sl0: pm Council Blurts) o two pm bll: am Ctanbcrry Local (from Cklaaaa ft Hartsnvaataraw Cedar Rapids Pass.. ..a : am a ( OS am Twin City Kxpresa ....a 1.60 am alO.OO pm Chicago Dayugn a (:uu am all;U pm Chicago Local exl:jn am a 3:46 Era Sioux City Local h 8:60 pin a $.36 am Carroll Local a 4U pm a t.&O am Eioux City Iooal to 8:46 pm Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7 d am Fast Mali 8:2 pu. a 8 M in Fast Mail V pm Twin City Limited ...a 8:26 pm a 7:ul am Oveilanu Limned a 8.38 pat S.1S am Clilcag'i IJmilei alLOU pm all: 18 an Non'olk-Bonesioel a 7.40 ain a!0:J6 am Lincoln-Lou Pin b 1:40 am bl0:36 am Dedwood-Lincoln .....a MM pin a 6.U6 pm Caper-tthoslionl a S:W pm a S:3 pm Hastings Superior b 3 00 pna b t.uf pm Frenioiit-Albion b 6:02 pm bl2.4l pm Misewari rati. SL Louis Express a 8:0 mm a (J pot lv.O 4.W. U s ire aU.isiua a Sv m RAILWAY TIME CARD-"0 thieaa. Mllsaakw ft t. Paal, 4 Chi. ft Colo. Special. ... a 7'86 am a r M ant California ft Or. Ex... a 8:46 pm a 9 10 pn Overland Limited a S 36 pm a S:20 am Marlon ft Cedar R. Lo.t 8 46 am bU:oo pm llllaol CeatraA, ' Chicago Express a 8:00 am tin an Chicago Limited a w pm a 1M am URLINGTOK S ISTIOs) lOth ft MA SOU. BarUastoa. Denver ft California.. ..a 4.10 pm Black Hill ........a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all:10stn Nebraska Kxprsss a S:i am Nebraska Local a S.-W am LuK.oln Local Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:06 pm Ft. Crook ft PlatUm h..b I w pnt Bellevun ft Platism h..a 7u am Denver Limited Believu ft Psc. Juno.. .a $ 30 am Bellevue ft Pao. Juno.. .a 1:10 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Lxprees a t Ai pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa LooaL a (as am fit. Louis Express a 4:46 pm kanaas Clty-Bt. Joe....ai0:i pm Kansas City-St. Jos.. ..a S.ii am Ksrff" cnty-St. Jos a 4:46 pm A IS a 6:80 Pm am Pm Pm am pm a .o S:0 7:40 a':0i" aJ2:20 bi0:2 a S:W 7:10 a 1:80 a 1 a 7:S6 a 1.66 7:28 al0:6 all:o a 6:46 a 6.19 am m m pu " pm am Pm am am pm ... WEBSTER PKPOT-lwtu ft WBBSTBR, Chleaa. St. PaaJL HIaaeapalla Oassvba. Twin City' Pssnger...b 6! Vm b "10 nn Sioux City Pasacngr...a 2:00 pm aU.-JO am Fmeraon Local ...... ...b 6:20 pm b 8 10 mm Emerson Lecal 0 (:tt am 6 60 pn7 Mlssoart PaelflS. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water t 8:60 pa bll S pa a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Dan except Saturday. Sundae only, a Dalla except Monday. SERMOK9 BOILED : DOWN. Hard licks make good luck. Godliness I manliness mad perfect. Grumbling doe not help your growth In grace. We find In the world what He In our heart. Many a cross disposition is mistaken for a divine cross. The way to And life's gloom Is to seek only your own glory. Some of the best sermons ver given hav come In soup plate. ' You cannot chsae away th! ' world's gloom with a cast Iron emlle. : The bitter tongue' sends rriost Of Its poison back Into It own heart. Many a soul has chosen real sin because chastised for Imaginary ones. If men treated their stomachs batter thelt oul would worry them less. No one knows asy mors about heaves, than he finds out by making others happy. It will be hard to cssh your repentance In heaven unless It Is endorsed by reformation. When a man looks on hi religion as a ticket, he Is apt to find himself on th wrong train. When you meet a truth that Is afraid of any other truth you may know you hav found a falsehood. The saddest failure la when a man stop at a small success when he was called to a great on. Chicago Tribune. Reversible Sentences. Scandalous society and llf make gossips frantic. This reads backwards: Frantic gossips make life and society scandalous. Apply the same rule to tha others given below: m Die slowly fading day; winds mournful sigh; .! . Bright stars are waking; Flies owlet, hooting, holding revel high, Night silence holding. ' , n Solomon had vast treasures silver and gold things precious. Happy and rich and wis was he. Faithful served ha God. She sits lametnlng aadly, often too muoh alone. 'i -'tii imi Dear Harry Devotedly yours remain X. Have you forgotten $20 check T Reply Im mediately, please, and hand - to yours Grace Dsrllng. Man 1 nobis and generous often, but sometimes vain and cowardly. . Carefully boiled egg are good and palat able. Love 1 heaven and heaven Is love, youth say. y All beware! say age. Trying 1 poverty and fleeting Is love. . SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NOS. 4046 AND 4047 A GIRLISH OOWTf IN CHALLIS. Chains I on of the very attractive and practical fabric which ia often overlooked by. th girl and her mother, and yet It form some very smsrt frooks 'for various sessons of the year. A dree of this ma terial In on of the aoft blue or browns which are so becoming will prove mot ac ceptable to any girl. Such a dree I pic tured here, and It shows ono of the nw four-piece circular skirts which are being used o much. -Thl ha the his seam matched with a straight ons. which pre. vent any sagging. Th graceful flare about the lower edge and mooth lit over th hip render it one of the most popular of the new skirt. The walt shown my be ln high or round neck and have sleeve of elbow or full length. The tuck In front suggest a triple box pleat. Th dress Is one which might be developed In any sea sonable material, of which the medium six require 6 yard. 44 lnche wide. Two Pattern: 4046 Sisea, 12 to 17 yoara. 4047 Sixes. IS to 17 yesrs. The price f the pattern I SO cent, but either will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents. : f for ths accommodation of The Omaha Bee reader these patterns. which usually retail at from 86 to (0 cents, will be fur nished at a oomlral price (10 cents), which overs all expenses, in order to get a pat tern enclose 10 cents, ' giving number and ham of pattern wanted and bust measure. As ths patterns are mailed direct from th publisher in New York. It wlU require bout a week's Urn to All thj order. . Ad dress: Pattern . Department, Tha Ocaaa 804 Omaha, N