Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Elcbta fnriuct of Unioa Pioifia (hop
afssts KoK sea's Bttiiftotioa.
P Makes Atrrai Speed
fifty Mile aa Hear from
ttliaku to Osaaka
, Seterday,
"t am r-erfecily satisfied with this latest
production end now consider my woric
eomptcte. For five month w hnve worked
en the engine 'f No. t ana have now an
engine which Is perfectly satisfactory."
heee were tht modest words of W. R.
McKeen, Jr., superintendent of motive
power and mifrhlnery of the Vnlon Pacific,
at motor ar No. I pulled Into Omaha after
a moat successful trip rrom Cohimhus, on
which an average of running time of nearly
fifty miles an hmir was made. This engine
waa flrsf made lo mn seventy, or seventy
Ave mltea an hour, buf chanpre wss de
cided upon by Mr. McKeen to give tha ear
mora power, a It la tha Intention to run
It with trailer for bsggage and mall.
No. I Is surely a beauty and every part
of It waa ma d in tha Omaha ahopa of tha
Vnlon Pacific. Tha tpeed f tha car la en
tirely controlled ' by the', en nine whether
running at one or sixty milea an hour, up
hill or down. It waa designed by Mr. Mc
ifeen, who has been, working on these
motor cart for over a year and who la now
satisfied he has built a car which will
antwer all the' requirement! for suburhan
or branch line eervlce. On tha trip In from
Columbua Saturday no special effort was
made at faat running, tn effort being to
keep It exactly In the achedule of No. 1,
the fastest eantbound passenger train on
tha Union Pacific, and thla waa done.
Iae Pom Ate Speak
Tha Union Pacific ha spent large sums
of money m the construction of these cars,
and has tha other seven In operation, ex
cept one which was sold to an eastern road
ind la used by that road In regular ser
vice. Many experiments have been mad
along various lines and Mr. McKeen has
been working out tha steel car problem at
tha same time, ha baa been building these
motor cars, and they are built entirely of
ateel. Just enough wood la used to hold
the steel sheets In position, except tha floor.
and the remainder Is of steel.
Motor car No. I also made a trial trip
from Columbus to Omaha Saturday which
was very successful. This car Is different
from No. t In that It has a 100-horse power
engine, whereas No. has a 200-horse power
engine. : A new' trailer, also was taken to
Colombus for a tryout and this Is a gem t
mechanical Ingenuity. It Is built entirely
of steel with ball bearings and two men
could push It around. It Is Intended for
mall and baggage. Tha engine of No. I
Is operated by a double Ignition systm
both battery and a magnetic spark being
available and either or both may be used.
' .' 8 Olmtler to So. T. ,
Tha car body and trucks of motor car
No. ( era similar in design to those of
motor car No.' T. the Windows ibelng round
and equipped with rubber gasket seats,
making them absolutely Impervious to
water, wind and dust, which sdds materi
ally to tha comfort of pasaengera, the dis
comfort exoerlenced In leanlns- nominal an
'rdlnary window, on account of the cold
draft lit winter weather, being entirely
eliminated with thla new window. But the
most ' advantageous feature . of the round
window Is In the Increased strength of the
ear frame, permissible by means of this
round aperture, the side of the car being
In reality a plate girder, the depth being
from the car -roof to the ear sill. The side
door entrMcV'a'ads 'Materially to "the com
fort of the passengers without In any way
weakening the strength of the car frame.
The side. door permits of an Inside step.
eral bracing aVid well proportioned parts
to avoid a possible chance of breakdown
or failure; the Idea being to build the en
gine "fool-proof." The engine develops as
high as So-horse power and handles the
car with great ease.
Throttle Carola Car Speed.
A remarkable advantage In this engine
Is that the car speed Is almoet entirely
controlled by the throttle, the same a a
locomotive: even on grades the speed of
the car ran be varied from three to sev
enty miles an hour by means of throttle
and spark lever only, or it can be atarted
on what Is known as high speed- The en
gine ts directly connected to the axle, el-
j though It Ik preferable to use the gears In
puiiing me csr in motion, out siier onre
In motion the gears' are thrown out and
the speed of the csr entirely controlled by
the speed of the engfne. This makes the
operation of the car very simple and the
economy In the consumption of gasoline
and reduced duty on the transmission Is
such that the practicability ef these cars
for everyday heavy service Is certainly
The ventilation Is obtained from the use
of sir Intake and the Cottier exhaust ven
The car weighs ol.OM pounds, but this
weight can easily be reduced to K.00Q
pounds In subsequent cars.
Many advantageous Innovations have been
made In No. 8 which are noticeable even
to the laymen. The circular windows give
a perfect panoramic view of the wbolo
country on both sides of the train. The
ata are of the latest design and most
comfortable. No vibration Is felt In the
car from tha engine and. the ventilation
system Is perfect. The car Is heated from
the exhaust without a cent's additional
expense. The smell of gasoline Is never
present In the car because of the precau
tionary arrangements made by Mr. Mo-
With the car on the trial trip were Train
master Cary and Superintendent White'
ford of the Omaha shops and a party of
newspaper men. Mr. McKeen took no hand
In the running of the car on the trial trip,
but left It entirely to his lieutenants, and
they did their work well.
No. will be put In service between
Beatrice and Lincoln and Mr. McKeen will
await orders from Mr. Mohler and Mr.
Harriman before be starts the construction
of more cars.
Killiic of Beef Eu Stopped ii the Old,
Omaha Faciinc Howie.
Swedlsh-Serweglaa Hesabtlaa Clefc
Passes nesolatloaa Demanding?
Polleo Hoard Eleeted by
the Poeote.
Killing operations have ceased on the
beef beds of the old Omaha Packing com
pany's riant. There were no cattle
slaughtered at all Saturday and none will
he killed until Tuesday. The reason le that
the company Is now moving to Its new
quarters In the remodelled Hammond prop
erty. They will bo ready for killing cattle
there by September IS. It was expected
OMAHA. Sept. 15. -To the Editor of The
Bee: I hsvo resd with a great deal of
pleasure the letters appearing In Ths Bee
In regard to the Improving of Cut-OfT lake.
I think the Idea of Improving the shore of
the lake, public- bath houses, etc., an ex
cellent one.
I ant the mother of two boys, and like
all other boys, they like to fish and swim.
When my boys go off for s swim In the
lake or river, my heart la In my mouth un
til I see them eomlng back, for fear that
something will hsppen them. Every day or
so one reads la the paper of a boy being
drowned In the lake or river and especially
the river. A public bath house on the
lake with proper safeguards for the little
ones who go there to bathe will be a bless
ing to the mother of dots who are bent on
swimming and will take a great load off
Re Mea.
Mlnne-Luaa tribe No. (7 at Florence was
organised last lhursday evening with Inv
posing ceremonies, with Red Men from
umana, i,inooin and other places In attend
ance. The organiser waa James McMonloa,
The camp was Instituted by the great
sachem, John Benton of Lincoln, and the
f reai sagamore. Mugfi A. Myers of Omaha,
t has a charter membership of forty and
promises to bo one of the beet rVlbes In the
state. A degree team from Tribe No. i,
under Captain C. Holiday, conferred tha
l adoption degrees. Refreshments were
served by women of Florence. '
Aaeteat Order oCl'olted Works.
A class of fifty waa Initiated into Omaha
lodge No. 18, Ancient Order of United
Workmen, at the last meeting, the result
of the work of two deputiea appointed for
the lodge by the grand master workman.
The next meeting la September 26 and a.
still larger class is expected A stag enter
tainment will be given Tuesdsy evening,
September 18, and all members of the or
der are Invited to bring their friends.
Royal Achates,
Phoenix lodge. Royal Achates, met last
Wednesday evening at Barlght's hall and
listened to an account of the Texas trip cf
the team of Omaha lodge No. 1. The sec
retary gave an Itemised statement of the
lodge funds. Wednesday evening regular
Initiation wilt bo held and the full work
exemplified. Hence a full attendance la de.
sired. Officers and cadets will be assigned
to positions at that time.
' Trie of Boa Har.
The drill team of Mecca court No. 1J,
Tribe of Ben Hur, will go to Lincoln Tues
day. September 18. to exemplify the work
for a new court to be instituted there. The
team Is said to be ons of the best In the
state. A special rate of one and a third
of the regular faro haa.boen made for the
All members are invited to go and
that the slaughter of sheep might also her mind. Public swimming holes ars
begin then, but this will have to be con- I blessing to any community and Omaha Is
tlnued at the old place for a week or so I away behind our sister cities In this re-
longer. The hogs will be killed In the old spect. By all means Improve the lake and
place for some time yet. The moving of ,ve to us a public bath house. Cut-Off
the cattle killing gng will give much ,ak, u tm, only YmAy of w,ter near Omaha
more room at the old quarters and will anil n can be mmAa a bleaalng to every cltl-
also relieve the strain on tne mscninery ,en n tne clty by very jltt) Mpen.
and so Increase the rapmity or tne pro- i theM rew remarks I am only voicing
cesses there. The new plsnt naturally rep- ,n, wntment of thousands of other mothers
resents all that Is modern In machinery ,h th. c(ty w, women should take an
and method. The cooling floors especial y aeMvB nand ,n b.autlfylng and Improving
have what le popularly called the curtain our orJy lak(s , for on am a,wty. read,
system, mat is. in or.n .run. .... and wmmg to help push a good thing along. ara .... v. . v . " I A MOTHER OF BO TS.
ammonia gas instead oi oeing oomiunra
throuah the cooling rooms by pipes. Is al.
lowed to trickle down over the curtains of I Ofcjootloa to "Slate."
canvas. This ailowa of much more rapid OMAHA, Sept. IS. To the Editor of The
absorption of heat It Is claimed. The brine Bee: When the Dodge primary law waa
Is collected at the foot of the curtains passed at the laat session of the legislature
and pumped back for use again, when It It waa the boast of Its author and sup
is again cooled as before. The electrical I porters that it would permit Douglas
apparatus represents tne most peneci irpea county to select candidates lor office un
of machinery. Between the two main buna- i Influenced by corporations, and It would
Ings a change room and lavatory baa been prevent' ballot box stuffing, Slate making,
prepared for the men. Tnougn not y to.
complete It will be fully up to the most I a few days ago a slate was formed and
rigid requirements. I we find upon the "slate" the following, who
. gtarit Yards Flies Waive. I were members of the last legislature
The Union Stock Tarda company Satur- Charles J. Anderson, S. C. Barnes. Henry
dsy sent to the city engineer a waiver of T. Clark. Jr., N. P. Dodge, Jr.. Michael Lee
rights for tbe course of the sewers. The and F. & Tucker for representatives. They
sewer crosses tbs property of the company ought to be willing to allow the voters to
near the Missouri river on the N street do their own thinking and vote according
gulch sewer and the sewer must be built I to their jowx conscience. Strange that at
under the tracks near the round house. I tne first opportunity we find the men who
The consideration was nominal, being slm- I passed the Dodge bill for Its grandeur and
ply SI to make the contract legal. There I purity In politics forming a slate, and men
remains but few If any property owners I will be stationed at every voting precinct
from whom the right-of-way must be se-1 next Tuesday handing out slate tickets.
cured. (There la a disposition sll over the county
Barclars Leave Ho Trail. I to down the "slate" What interest have
A burglary waa committed at an early f the corporation slate makers In framing
hour Friday morning at the home of Larry up this trust slate? Are 'they afraid to
Curran. O0C P street. The house was en- trust the people? I am willing to take my
tered some time after midnight, for the cbancea with the other thirty-five at the
family did not return until after that hour, polls and let the people select their own
Mr. Curran, his grown son and daughter I representatives to offices. A slate always
each lpat some cash. The total of the I means that some very undesirable men are
money taken waa about tl. which was selected. WILLIAM F. WAPPICH.
mostly In smalt change. Besides the money
The Story of
ihe WMte
Pillsbury's name U a guar
antee of the best the world
over. Pillsbury's Best Break
fast Food is . trie white heart
of the wheat berry the best
part of the whole wheat.
It's the food of the people
whose motto is "boy the best"
A 1 5ent package of Pills
bury's Best Breakfast Cereal
makes 1 2 pounds of dainty ap
petizing food or more than 12
packages of the ordinary ten
cent dry foods. It is the most
economical food in all the
world, but more, it's the best
Delicious erefy 4ay in the year.
Never sticky or lutzxpy Easily and quickly prepared.
which avoids the trouble due to tho in. I those who expect to take the trio are re-
eumulatlon of Ice and anow in the winter. 9?'t? P'r E. w.- French at phone
usually experienced on outside car steps.
Very few changes have been made In
the mechanical transmission on the front
trucks from that . used on the previous
cars, except to substitute steel gears In
place of bronse. The engine proper wss
built In the Omaha shops. It Is of special
design; 10x13 cylinders with Jump spark
Ignition and especially designed with lib-
Red UVt before 4 o'clock Monday evening.
6everal members were Initiated into Mecca
court at the meeting Friday evening.
The Catholic. Order of Foresters of
Crelghton court and St. Peter's court will
give a Joint social at Patterson hall. Sev
enteenth and Farnam streets, September 27.
Ivy camp No. , Royal Neighbors of
America, will meet with Mrs. Anna Price,
263 Ames avenue, Wednesday evening.
a bunch of keys fitting ths Burlington tool
house and switches wss taken from tha
son. They also took his tobacco, which
was the occasion of quite as much wrath
as ths other valuables. No owe heard the
burglars, who opened the back window,
taking off the screen. A table was even
pushed out of the way so that they might
get to the window and escape. If neces
sary. The young women of the house said
they had determined to keep the matter
secret, but thought It might be best to let
the police know of It. Little could be
learned 'which would lead to the apprehen
sion of the burglars. No one saw them.
they took no article by which they might
be Identified and the rain washed out their
tracks. '
Declare for Boaao Rale..
, The Swedish-Norwegian Republican club
had a largely attended meeting at Nels
Omaha, Florence aad Rock Bottom."
OMAHA, Sept. 15. To the Editor of
The Bee: When I first put foot on Ne
braska soil on the 18th dsy of October,
1164, Omaha had no actual existence as
a town outside ef a small map. Council
Bluffs was then called Kanesvllle and
Florence was "Winter ' Quarters," so
named by Brlgham Young, who selected It
as the spot for his people who, migrating
from Nauvoo, 111., on their way to 8alt
Lake In 1(47, spent the winter there as
the point of departure across the plains.
After Nebraska came Into exlstenoe It
was endowed with a name, and what Is
now a suburb of this city became a power
ful rival of Omaha for supremacy, first
for the capltoU and theft -as a terminus
for what Is now "the Ro Island rail
roaa. ...
"Rock Bottom'!- are two words which
Lundgren'e hall last Thursday evening. a.Va clayed important carts in the his-
Among other things the club took a de- J t0ry of two towns, and in the interests of
elded stand on municipal questions, ft de- I Omaha In particular. One bart waa when
elded that the laws shall be so modified Florence became a larger town than
that the members of the Board of Fire and Omaha tif the later fifties with railroads
Two Oratef ul Letters from Women Who Avoided
Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering
, from Like Conditions Will Be Interested.
When physician tells ft woman, uf
ferinff from female trouble, that an
operation is necessary it, of course,
frighten her. v
The very thought of the operating'
table and the knife strike terror to
her heart. As one woman expressed
it, when told by her physician that she
must undergo an operation, she telt
that her death knell nad sounded.
Our hospital are full of women
who are there for just such operations!
It la quite true that theae roubles
nay reach ft etag-e where en operation
la the only resource, but such case are
much rarer than la generally supposed,
because ft rreaV inanr women have
been eared by Lydia E. Fin Wham's
vegetable Compound after the doctors
baa said an operation must be per
formed. In fact, no to the point where
the knife must be used to secure instant
relief, this medicine ia certain to help.
The strongest and most grateful
Statements possible to make eowe from
women who, by taking Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, have
escaped serious operations.
Marrrite Evan. Treasurer of St
Andrew's Society, Indianapolis, Ind.,
writes ox her cure as follows! ,
Dear Hrs. Plukhaaa
u I eannot find words to express nry thanks
for the good Lydia K flakham's VecaCable
uunpouud did na i be ooooug sava i eouid
not got wvll nukes I had aa operation for
the trouble from which I suffered. I knew I
eoukt not stout tUs strata of aa operaBioa and
Police Commissioners shall be elected lo
cally by the people and adopted the follow
ing resolution:
'Whereas, four ' years' experience and
trial of the present police commission law
governing our city has convinced us that
said law Is unjust and contrary to the
nrlnclplea of our government in that it per
mils tne raaicai views oi a sweci rew 10
ovArride snd to overthrow the views and
wlshea and will of the mslortty.
We are unalterably opposed to tne policy
of haVlne our officers named bv a Dover
outside or our city ana in nowise
and railroad bridges In Issue. Durant
was then toying With' the early begin
nlngs of which Is now the Rock Island
and conjuring with the name of
"Shoot-Hlm on the-Spot" John A. Dlx, to
build from Davenport to the Missouri
river. Oensral DJs waa president of the
Mississippi and Missouri project, and I
rode In one of Colonel Hooker's Western
Stsge company's stage In October, 1164,
alongside of several miles of Iron rails
Breakfast Mmm
food- ppr
Your rafp 1
mm00 Grocer yutLr.l' 1
S SBaeaaasaaaaajg.
Holy lath sr 8eidi Autograph Panediotion
to Father Jadgs of Sacred Heart
After Viewing Photograph of School
Be Writes Across It His Testimony
. of Congratulation and
fwniina; uui.iu ui ur t7. n"M ,k,, v. l,A ' T .
rtMt with our eltv and who ia not in I - - -'- -""n""H" '
any manner responsible to the olttsenel ine union -acwa waa as yet someming
thereof. ... ... I even more shadowy ttian an eveneacent
Ws believe that the eonaent of the gov- I m ., . ...
erned Is yet a baste principle of our gov- w . nnnw. question
ernment. and we therefore demand that I which soon became very much alive. It
the ensuing legislature amend the present I directly concerned the terminus of Du
Er.KVr-U oiSTn 1."ll.m: railroad, whose line Peter A. Dey
Die and that tne mayor oi tne city gov- i - rtjii. dames
erned shall bs a member of that body. M. Parker arrived In Florence about the
Therefore, b It . I tlmt of tha first visit ofTlnnnl Tmv mil
Uha v Thlt thjh HM ,h.NNMrAriiil I '
n.r.i.kiin .ik .f ou,k rhn.ka i k. DMi to ODitM, pernscps shortly before.
ensuing campaign will second Its support I At a lunchson at tha 4omaha club two or
only to tnoee canaiaatea ror tne legisia- three rears ago General Dodra ooenlv
rlMl anil nnh. I w
.. v.- v, I said that Durant bad Pledged the west
elected, will work for the amended law. I era line and tertptnal through Pigeon
Creek Valley to. Florence, instead of
lli.iv mmm ,nfjm By v ll . 1 1 COUtU vt m VIUkllK) and 11 la II Ui
The Knights of the Maccabees will give now to be denied that with the pledge of
smoker at tho Independent Order of Odd Duant ahova mentioned florenua held a.
sllowa hall Tuesday evening, September U. nl , , 7 .V f 1 .
Vegetable Compound had saved otherwomaa
from serious operations I decided to try it,
and in less than four months I was entirely
cured; aad words lau to express my thankfulness."
Miss Marrret Merkley. of 179 14
Street. Milwaukee, Wis., writes: .
Pear Mrs. Plnkbam:
"Loss of strength, extreme nervousness,
severe shooting pains through the palvid
organs, cramps, bearing-down pains, and aa
irritable disposition compelled me to seek
medical advice. The doctor, alter mating
an examination, said that I had a serious
female trouble and ulceration, and advised aa
operation as my onlv hope. To this I strongly
obtocted and I decided saalsatresorttotry
Ltydla H. IlnUuua's Vegetable lunpoono. 4
"lo my surprise tne ukwreuoa neaiso, au
the bad symDtorns disappeared, audi amoooe
more strong, vigorous ana wen; sea i can
not express my thanks for what It has done,
for me." . y ,
Serious feminine troubles are steadi
ly on the increase among women and
before submitting to aa operation
every woman should try Lydia' K.
Hnkham's Vegetable Compound, and
write) Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass.
for advice.
For thirty years Lydia K. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound has been curing
the wont forms of female complaints,
all functional troubles. Inflammation,
ulceration, falling and displaoemeat,
weakaeas, irregularities, indigestion
aad nervou prostration. Any woman
who eould read the many t eful
letter on file In Mrs. Pinkham'a office
would be convinced of the efficiency of
her adr'.oa and Lydia E. Pink ham's
4 ff I A L. I...U
tife. Heating how Lydia fc. Pinknam s I Vegetable Compound.
Ati Era.- PlaUaa't AivfcfA Waai Bst todcrrttitU Wtau'f
Mania City Oooatn.
The Duffys are to play another game at through the Moatjulto valley to Council
Fremont this afternoon. Bluffs and Omaha. It was then that
Jetter-s Gold Top Beer ' delivered to all James C MlWohell of Florence and the
m ZL. ""'"" present suburb of
turned from their vacation in Colored Omaha sho.rted the Slogan of "Rock Bot
Miss Mabel Tobias gave a box Dartv to t0TO" " the terminus of the railroad
six of her frienda during the past week. I that was .'expected to arrive at Florence
The Woman's auxiliary ef St. Martin's every fear minutes. The actual fact was
will meet witn Mrs. Jvu. iaurs Wednesday thtt r.k boUom had been found at
Mis. Florence Campbell gave a party 4ast FU,r,n wbleh showed that the river
night for about a dosen of her friends. A I eouia be bridged there st far less cost
pleasant time was enjoyed by alL than. It could be at Omaha, and It Is not
Mra Emily Cheshire, who hss been 00 . ,ul1 004 ln tn ,mtl1 m of
lined for two weeks at the South Omaha railroad poker at that day.
hospital through illness, Is so much im- What would have become of Omaha if
proved that she Is to return home. 'th, jjurant-Parksr compact had been ear-
'.I'ih' ErJraE2 r.d out. although It had wen the capital
South Omaha and the same has been sens location of the territory? It would have
to ths attorney general of the state. been wiped out. It would have moved
Dell Lyon has received a government a. bodily to Florence as Florence moved
fi'n,m,"t 'n..nwn.t,.'Mi!!w1th! I"??? bodily to Omaha at a later day. Dey and
He will be transferred to Sioux Cttyw Dodge reported strongly ln favor of the
The following births were reported -1 Mosquito line south of Council Bluffs,
terday: Josepii Gottschalk. Tweu'r-s4xth Instead of for that of Pigeon Valley north
Twenty-third, a girL panic of KIT ended the Plx-Durant
A prlae party and lea cream social will ceme; the Union Pacific arrived, Durant
bo given by Companion court Mo. U, In-1 still on deck at It's head. The North
uepenuBii vmi -at ma w western was tha flrat road ta tha rlvo
,. r Honor hall. 241x N Lifcrw KM vwsiern waa me nrsi rose 10 me river,
evening. September a. ' and the rest Is history. But thst
From our heart we Impart to our be
loved son, Father Patrick Judge, our apos
tolic benediction aa a testimony of our
congratulation and benevolence, and alm
to the faithful people committed to nia
care. PIUS P. P. X,
d day or August, 190C
It falls to ths lot of few priests to have
their personal work specially praised by
the pope and to receive from tha holy
father his personal blessing and congratu
lation such as the above, which has come
to Father Patrick Judge of Sacred Heart
parish, in Omsha, This note was written
by the pope himself, and naturally le
treasured by Father Judge with the great
est degree of pride, though the father hesi
tated when asked that he give his permis
sion to the publication of the note and the
circumstances of Its receipt. His friends.
who know so well of nls untiring and faith
ful work, share his pride ln this great die
Unction which the hesd of ths Catholic
church has conferred upon him, and they,
with less cause for modesty than he, have
been, anxious that the father give his con
sent to the publicity of this honor.
Recently a personal friend of Father
Judge went abroad and on his Journey hs
visited Rome, being permitted to see the
pops. He hsd with him two photographs
of the Sacred Heart - school ln Omaha,
which Father Judge had been so vitally
Instrumental In building. The holy father
viewed the pictures with the utmost con
cern. One of the pictures shows a long
line of children stsndlng ln front of the
school, accompanied by Father Judge and
another priest. This was the source of
great pride to the pope, and he did not
hesitate to so express himself. He spoke
to Father Judge's friend In terms that
made Father Judge very proud and grate
ful when the friend Imparted the message
to him, but the pope did not merely ex
press himself In words. He took one of
the pictures, the one showing the children,
and across Its top, with his own pen,
wrote In Latin the Inscription above. Thla
picture, ' after It waa ascertained Fsther
Judge had It, the father allowed a reporter
for The Bee to see, and when asked for a
statement Father Judge merely said:
Father's Modeat Statement.
"The holy father vu kind enough to
say that he waa very much pleased with
my work, and In order to console and en
courage me he ssld he would send me his
autograph blessing. 80 he took this photo
of my junior school from the hands of the
ecclesiastic who presented It and ths other
one and sat down to his desk and wrote
the blessing as you see It and requested
that It be sent to me. Of course I am very
proud of It."
Father Judge has Just come out of a long
sick spell and Is not yet normally strong,
but this blessing from, the pope just at this
time has been the source of great comfort
to him. He will have the photo framed, as
the Inscription It bears is the highest
earthly tribute that could be pstd to the
life work of any priest. Those hosts of good
people who have sympathised with Father
Judge in the splendid work hs has been
carrying on and have aided, shsre with him
the supreme token that has come to him.
The Bdaeatloa of Mr. Plpp" at tbe
Dlgby Bell and company In "The Education
01 Mr. ripp, a comeay in mree ci, vy
Augustua Thomas; founded on drs wings
by Charles Dana Oibson. The cast:
Count Charmarot V. 8. St. Clalrs
Mrs. Plpp 4 Belle uatrney
Ida Phyllis Young
Julia Elsie Scott
(Mrs. Plpp s Deugnters.)
Maid Marie De Becker
Due De La Touraine. ...William J. Serelle
J. Wesley Plpp n.. Dlgby Bell
John Willing Sam B. Hardy
Watson, the Pipp's butler Krsnk Powell
Herbert Fltsgerald Reginald Mason
Mrs. Firkin May Loutoe Algen
John Firkin Beth Cabeil Halsey
Klrby, butler at Carony castle
Em lie Collins
Lady Viola Fltsmaurlce, of Carony castle
Dora Qoldthwalte
Bsron Haussllng Albert Roccardl
Walter -r. Harry Lang
Mr. Gray, representative, of Tiffany's..
Flank Powell
Madame of the Paris hotel... Helen Vaesar
Precepteur of polloe Emile Collins
"The Education of Mr. Plpp," a visual
del'ght as developed by Chsrles Dana Gib
son, has been clothed with flesh and blood
and made Into a veritable fountain of fun
by Augustus Thomaa. The author didn't
bother himself a great deal about a plot
for the story; Just enough to string to
gether the characters suggested, by ths
artist, and around the framework thus
furnished has U raped a garb of the richest
humor. Mr. Pipp is a man of affairs, who
knows business and Is lost ln society. Mrs.
Ths alumni of the 8outj Omaha Hieh
school Wednesday, Beptemeer 11, will meet
at the high school buildlnc. Members of
the class ox woo nave. Uot vet been In
Itlated may take this opportunity to enter
tbe mysteries oi tne ssoclatlon
Maks an offer on tbe, -north west corner of
lKin ana asissouu avenue a nearly new
house, eaat front, and neat eottaxa. aaiith
front; two new lots.,. Room for two more
bouses, win sen 'i easy terms. Price,
"Rock Bottom" cry was not founded on
a myth. Omaha had rock bottom, but It
cost dearly to go down to it wlththe
plsrs of our great bridge. James C.
Mitchell was right. The slogans of
"Rock Bottom" built Florence Into a
promising place, and It waa always a
beautiful sits for a great city
But rock bottom at Florence flnallv
N, P. Dodge a Co.. 1714 Farnam Bu I played aa Important part to the advantage
of Omaha. This was when the water
Movements of r.rmm Vesoela Sept. 15.
company was driven from the Burt street
A Kmwr vara B.ilul. o l- ..I
Southampton; F&rneela, for Glasgow: Oros- station because It was threatened by a
ser Kurfurst, or Bremen 1 Campania, fur
L4vernooi: nrtAniaiti .iiim rnr Nin..
Kroonlaad, to Antwerp: Pretoria, for Haml
ourg; aiinu'poua, lor inuon; La Bre
tagiut, for Havre. Arrived: New York,
from Southampton: Etrurta. from Liver
pool; Cedio, from Liverpool; La Lorraine,
from Hsre.
At IA Swrpool Arrived: Tunisian, from
Meatrykl; Celtic, from New York. Sailed;
Lucaiiia, for New York; Canadian, for
Bust an; Necar, for New York.
At Plymouth Arrived; Philadelphia,
fryti New York.
At Queenstown Arrived: Vmbrla, front
tew York. Sailed: Arabic for Liverpool.
At Antwerp Bailed; Finland, for New
At HavreBalled: La Oaaoogne. for Nsw Urge degree for the award en
At Hamburg-Arrived; Batevla, from 0m syatem.
change Id the channel of the Missouri,
and by the danger or pollution from
sewage to seek rock bottom at Flor
ence, the only place within great distance
at which this kind ef protection to the
supply eould be found. Of the tO.OOO.Oss
gallons of water that Is pumped Into
Omaha's capacious stomach every day In
tbe round year only I.OO0.SOS or 4.09,000
comes from the Burt street station. This
necessary change at a great outlay of
money meant six mile of mains and rock
bottom defensee against the encroach
ments from the river, which account In
the value of
Kow York.
Pipp knows neither, but determines to
conquer society, ln fact, she thinks she
has, and out of this condition Sows ths
tun. ' '
Mr. Bell apparently feels the responsi
bility he hss assumed In giving life to John
Wesley Plpp, and never for a moment re
laxes his effort to be funny. This has al
ways been a characteristic of his work, a
self-consciousness that chokes any spon
taneity. If he would only let up now and
then his work would be much more effective
and enjoyable. As the good-humored, father
of a family of which the mother poses as
the head, he has a splendid chance for all
his powers as a conledlan. '
The really enjoyable contribution to tha
comedy of the piece Is that furnished by
M1s Belle Gaffney, ss Mrs. Plpp. She
thoroughly realises the part of the un
cultivated woman who looks to her money
to carry her through, and who pretends to
a culture and position she Is In no way
fitted to assume. Yet withal shs evince
the native goodness of an American mother,
ambitious for her daughters, and only
temporarily d sailed by the glitter of a
title. She bullyrags her husband, dominates
her daughters, mangles the king's English,
and lugs In foreign expression with a
charming disregard to their application or
pronunciation. Miss Gaffney' work 1
The entire cast Is capable, and the wilt
snd strength of the comedy ia well brought
to the front. ., , ,, ,
The audience at the Boyd last night made
up In enthusiasm what It lacked In num- '
bers, and gave star and associates ths ,
fullest evidence, of appreciation.. The en
gagement was limited to a single perform
ance, ' . ..'.-
t - "
1 srvr
Friday all the literary societies of the
high school held their first meeting after
a iHr'i rest. For Boms dsvs before there
had beeu Intense rivalry in the struggle
between the various societies for the more
desirable freshmen. The ettendancs st
nearly all the societies showed that such
rivalry has been wen rewaraeu.
The Princllla Alden society elected these
officers: President, Bess Townsend; vloa
president, rxina jjausra; ureiarr, aauu
Anyone; treasurer, neien wrigui, avrseaui
rma I.aiiIb Mnrthmift.
The Frances Wlllsrd society' elected the
following: president, iteien usirom; vice
president. Grace Stenberg; secretary and
treasurer.. Bessie Allen; sergeant-at-arms,
Kdna Wilks. The society also had time
to form two aides, the green side, led by
Bertha NelT, and ths white side, by Qrsce
Stenberg, to huatle for new members. The
winning aide hss the somewhat novel re
ward of being treated by the loeere.
Ths Elaine society: Preeldsnt, Lllllt
Krell; vice president. Ada Klopp; secre
tary, Franeea Scott; treasurer. Jessie
Barnes; reporter, Ruth Llndley; ssrgssnt-st-arms.
Alberta Field snd Helen Blesn.
One festure which promises to be of
frest Interest to the whole high school la
he boys' Inter-aodety debates. The com
petition will undoubtedly he keen and the
champion society msy well congratulate
Itself upon the good work of Ita repreoen
tatlvea Altogether the outlook for literary
societies Is more promising than It has
been for years. With ths rise of the
scholaatlo stsndlng of the Omaha High
school to a place unequeled In the United
States, hss corns s rnrrevpondlng tire In
the standards and work of the literary so
eletlea Tbe Margaret Fuller society, reoognlsed
ss ths strongest society of girls In the
high school: President, Orsre Rohrbough;
vice president. Beaa Gould: eecretary,
Franeea Thompson; trsseurer, Merle
Maekia; sergeaat-et-erms, Henrietta Gill-
A DISCRIMINATING womtn recently said, "The cur
taint and portieres are of more importance than thev'
rugs or carpets used in a room, because the former stand up
clearly before you impress themselves upon you whereas.
the floor-coverings do not."
And she was right,. Just '
take a look around yourself
and see if your hangings do
not make or mar the atrhos-
phere of good taste and refine
ment in any room.
How imperative then is care
ful judgment in choosing. The
Art loom Tapestries are a guar- :,
antee of correct design
and artistic effect.
Just make it a point .
to see the Artloom "
I Tapestrica the very
next time you go shop
ping curtains, . table
and couch covert.
Theirartisticbeauty -
and wearing qual
ities arc out of all
proportion to
.their modest
'Always look for the
Artloom label
It is on every Piece
1 jtw ..
Home Mcbool tor Glrle. -
cademic and Colli go. Pre
traloi v Courses. aoeDtionul
kH ua nl . ... In Milulrt Alt Ha.
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Certificate in college preparatory course admits to Vaaaar. Wsllesley, Mt. Holyoke, ' '
Smith, Inlverslty of Nebraska, University of Wisconsin and University ef Chicago. '
Instructors college graduates of large leashing experience. Thoroughness Insisted
upon aa essential to charaoter building. Careful aili.itlon to social training. Well :
equipped gymnasium, with professional director. Tenuis, hockey and .other fieUl ,
sports. Students mothered sympathetically by experienced Women who appreciate ths
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M18B MAC'RAIC Jfrlnclpal.
YOUR BOY'S FUTURE1, delLevue college-
Sssaasa Urssly as the tnlaug S-. -aeslTss kstweea
Is Ms ( is a4 as, Mewesr ess he
SMier uslslag lur Us jsrssl sussihtmias st aai.
ks U si ths M.AUKh.l MlLl'l'AM
At'AI.M'. DeTMosnMot si Bias suS Wd,
ssil-fsstrsist sad Isltuuv st Us an noma sstci.
Susy. tailsl esllcss sraswalsrr aassaai Ui.
Urn ailuiarr tactics. liuuactiea a tmisiun
tharwss, thMsk sat s...r Alalctlas, ew elf
ssa saasllsBI aaslurr ossitlaos. Wrus 1st Csis.
Issas A. keener Mimury Asseau. asanas. VsO
One Delia a Yeas.
COlXfiu at Clasl al. ecis nil A, .
phlcal courses.
ACADEMY-An accredited High School.
Prajjarea for hellevue or any "tber sv.
lege or university.
NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary and ed i
anced cuuraes. Certificates granted.
CON8EH VATORy Thsory of musie, pW
a no, voice, violin, elocution and art.
CONNECTIONS wltn Omaha; Eleotrte
line and Burlington Railway. . '
Pall aertester opens September It
Address President Wadsworto, BeUevee