Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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0 , Offloe, 19 lwri Be TeL 4S.
." .' 4 ;
tevia, drug.
j Clark's, smdaa.
Strmkert sells sai-pets.
Fin engraving at Leffert'e.
. Ed Rogere' Tony Faus beer.
Get Uiom new phetae at Schmidt's.
, rUrmhing and beating. Blxby Ban.
IjTW CuOo, funeral director, phone 7.
Wandring VmSertaXtEf company. Tel tit.
School atrppllee, AlouttT'i, 131 Bway.
Bay roar nhonngrapbs and records from
Williamson, 17 Keutn Main aueet. ,
George Hea-land baa the Kansas Shall
brio. All bard brink. Oat bis prions.
See Stephen Bros, for Srs brick and lira
clay, sewer pipe, ntting mad garden haste.
Wa take ran trad a tar paper hanging
palm Id and Interior decorating. Berwick,
211 South Main. i
The fall terra af rnited Btaeo court -win
b oeovwned Tueeoay moraine 7 Judge
Smith McPherson.
Frances, the Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mra. F. X Wlthrow, rih Ninth avenue,
died yesterday, aged 1 month.
Tha vested choir of St. John's Dngllsh
Lutheran ohurch will mrmt for retaearaal
Friday svrailug at the church.
Nlcht aahaol oena Monday evenlnc, Scp
' tember II. College efliue open evenings
.Mils weak. Western -lawa College.
St. Agnes' guild "a St. Paul' a Bpiaoopal
church will (neat Tuesday evening at tha
home of Mire. H. A. ' Quins an Oakland
. avenue.
I pay $L3 per ten for caat Iron; nixed,
$10; stove, $&; raa. I'va per lb.; rubber,
He; ooppex. 14c par lb. 'A, K at el man.
Main, both 'phanaa
W wholesale Um cream. 8bippd ta any
part of tha state. Special prices t tha
retail trad a I Muod, 211 Weat Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la, , Tel. IM.
Tha Mlmlonary society of St. John'a Eng
lish Lutheran church will meet Wednesday
afternoon at the residence of Mra. A V,
Bnydrr, 2C South Seventh street.
Wu have the lineal Una of aajapla monu-,
meats ta select from In tha wast. Sheeley
A Lauie Marble and Granite works, 117
East Broadway, Council Bluff. la.
Mra Mary. B. Uiallay, librarian of tha
city library, and J, X Stewart, member
of the heard af tnurteea, will attend the
seventeenth annual meeting af the Iowa
Library aaeeciatlen,. which will be held at
Ottumwa, Octeber 10, 11 and It.
Tha dark LTug company will aarra the
fallowing; drinks this week: American
Sundae, 16c; Madja, 10c; South arn Beauty,
lie; Eldorado Sundae, ISc; Tropical Sundae,
16c; Uaptry Thong ht, 16c; Oannadeta Else,
9c; Horiick a Malted . Egg iun ch, lie;
Mania Leaf, 10c '
The remains of Mlaa Elisabeth Turner, a
former reeident af thia city, arrived ywa
terday trvm Bowarteei, 8. U. MHai Turner,
a woman t adnoed agn, waa thrown
fraaa a wagtnf n a runaway acoldent and
her tnyorlea mraIw-4 fatally. . Tha body U
at CutWa ilndertaklhg rooma pending ar
rangnmenta, for ,'-ta funeral.
Tha raaTular saanlhly aeaaloa af tha Board
of bduoatiaa la eiabed (or tomorrow even
In. It lm expected that a formal profcaat
againat the acUon of Ue board In removing
all Bell -telephones from tho schools and
auperintendent'a oflloa and raaidnnoo and
rcplailna them with tha 'phonaa of tho In
dependant company, wul be praaented.
Harry EL ' WUtruoeT of Omaha and Mlaa
Alma M. Petenwii were married yeatnrday
aftarsoaa at th: homo of the brtde'a par
onta, Mr. and Mr J, M. Peterson. South
BLxlil atreet, Kev. Q. W. Snyder, paator
of f. John'a BngUab Lsitbaran ohurch,
ffkaatlno After a abort trip to the r"t
em part of tha atato Mr. and Mra, WUt
fooc win meAa their boma at alt South
tuath atroaC -
Aathntiy Shatwler, who waa formerly In
tho restaurant bnaineoa on South Main
treat, died yaatarday at the Council Bluffa
Oeoeral hospital, ' aged a yearn, tte waa
a member of tha Hiilahtao fythlaa and
Woodman or tbo World. Tha ramalna will
be sent to hja former home a,tUoa'a Creek,
Kantuoky. Among his surviving relatives
sum throe brothers, J. W. and C-1
lty and one living In Silver City, la.
KNiuTtoan newsboys wore tho guests of
Banagrj JPantbar ai the Now thealar last
BlgUt to Witness tba perform an oe of 'A
tit910ItViU'-f Tho boys oootpled . tho
koaaa and vldnily thorouKhly enjoyed tho
gToat. Afwa tho performance tho buy
were taken to tha Vhoenix restaurant by
Uuscu Banthor, where they were given
a banquet, which thay appeared to relish
as much as tho -show. The boys ovldenoed
their gmUtude fcy prooentlna- Mr. Bantbor
with a box of cigar and a Laadsoino bo"
uat of Coweta.
'.' If you need, a sewing- machine or want
t rent a machine or want your maoblno
tpalred. oail oa 'WUllainaon. at IT South
y.f stroot. ho baa machinal to rent from
. T. Plomblng Co. Tel ISO. Night !.
; Tor Imported -wines, nanora sn4 Bnd--elaar
boor go to I. Rosen fold, wboloaalo
Bauor dealer. U9 South Main stroot
oood' QUAtxrr : arb matters of
BUYER: they aro- of much Importance to
na; or ha,Tn; all three of tho right stand
wa have galns4 and continued to hold
tha trade 'of largo and discriminating
ebtss of cuatomero. Can't wo hare yoursT
Orders aro filled promptly and carefully
and prices aro aa low as tha prevailing
market rates will permit. John Olson. T-tl
Wast- Broadway.
NEW BUIUDINQ of tho Monarch malleable
Iron or staet ranges. Tho only perfect
ranaa pa tho market, that lasts and gives
satisfaction. ' Itallerarnsworth Furniture
otxnpany. 8U-1-1 West Broadway. Council
Bluffs,- Is, -'. '
r&ARt ST.
WANTBI-O'rl for general house work,
a week. No washing. Mrs. C. U Felt,
1133 E. Pierce.
The grantfraV opportunity over known for
xaving money on high class pianos baa
brought raitay buyers to A. Hope Co., M
C;h Malo-tr, Council Bluffe,
Itafer savea you money. That is what
you arc working (or. C. Hafor, Council
Bluffs, la.
Klahl' irhonl enened Mondav avanlns.
. Beptonber 17. College office open evenings
this week. Western Iowa College- N
Kit Raalth Comaalta Baleldo.
Ed Smith, a former member of tha Coun
cil B ruffs potloe force, committed suicide at
Los Angelea, Cal., last Friday by swallow.
Ing laudanum, according to a dispatch re
ceived herb. Smith was' a member of the
. police during the administrations of Mayors
Jennings, and Caraon. . tie was separated
from bis wife, who waa formerly Mlrmle
Anderson, a resident of Nebraska. Failure
to Induce) hla wife to return ta him.. It la
believed, prompted him to take hla life.
H. A. Smith, father of tha dead man. ha a
resided In Los Angelea for some time, but
' his mother, sister and brother live In this
dty at the corner of Washington avenue
and Scott street. Tho ''father was horns
last spring on, Account ot Mrs. Smith's Ill
ness, but returned to California about the
beginning of - May.
Used by
. CmcUae 'ik be va
1 L-a U Mtiuai
Clauds & PtrUr, Candidate for QoTeraor
Wm K ace Iddfsn ia Eraiiie
Oowdldatea far Ceagresi aad Dlrtrlet
JaaUto Will Bo Jtalutri Mr.
Deaisi - Dwettaaa to
Malia Bats,
Arrangernents for the dnmoaratlo rally ta
this dty on Tuesday, at Which Clauds R.
Porter of OnQterrlUe, the party can ill data
for gorvrnar, will be the prtnctpal sneaker,
wore oatnslejtad at a meeting of the oom
mtttres In oharga yesterday morning.
The meeting In the opera house will com
mence at I p. m. and Hon. 8. . B. Wada
worth of this olty will preside. In addition
to Mr. Porter, L. T. Oennng, the democratic
war horse from Mills county, will make one
of his characteristic' apeeches. .According
to present plans, these will be the only
It la not known yet what time Mr. Porter
will arrive In the dty, but present arrange
ments are to tender him an Informal re
ception at the Orand hotel between the
hours of I and 6 p. m. While In Council
Bluffs Mr. Porter will bo the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Emmet Tlnley at their homo In
WlDow avemie.
Otrv ait's arrnhearrs, baa bean engaged for
the meeting. It will play entslds the Orand
hotel during tha reception and again In tho
evening from 1 to 7 JO o'clock. From 7 M
to I o'clock ft win ptay outside) tho opera
houaa and will render several selections
during tha meeting Inside.
Mayor Jhn Dahhnan of OraaJia and a
number of other prominent democrats from
the city across the rtxar are expected to
be tn attendance at the. reception to Mr,
Porter and at tho meeting- later In tho even
ing. C W. Miller of Waverty, Is-, chair
man of tho demoeratlo state central oom
mltttw, baa sent word that he will be here
TWead y and assist tn waking things hum.
BewwvtSan Cwnmlllts.
Mayor Macrae is chairman of the reoep
Han omnmrtsso and will bo asalwtod by the
Dr. M. C ahrtetainen. Ed Rtnokwrt, O.
Yoonkerman, L. A. Caaner, Sylvester Dy.
C &. W altera, Joe Martin. Charles liebcld,
Lan OreU, Lnnlua Welln, W. H. Thomas. Q.
H. itt(rmnnd, IT. X McBrlde. A. C Oraham.
P. Ommotide. B. O. CnSerwood. John
O'Neill. John ChnrchHl, . P. Weaver, I. T.
Mulguean, Juhua Eeanater. B. T. McAtea,
1 ,en KartrlaJl, W. JBirUer, Alala Beoker,
William Moora, W. C. Boytr, William
Qronewasr, Chrta C. lanm, L. L. 'ans,
R. B. Tnnnbtul. Tsltrk O'Brfcm. Dr. C. H.
Bawsr, Tlieodoro N. Pet or sen. P. Jensen,
John K TBUer, taiorjea rwcm, B. j. H.
Boraem, lanw McMallan, Thoznaa Malcmev,
C. N- PWMn, Frank Beeaee, A. O. Oil
bert. J. J. Klein, John L larta, M. H. Tlnley,
3. VL Caaady, r PoteT Peterson. R. H.
IfrmttrMrteo, Om-gm F. Rnghea. Gooraje S.
Davla. V. H. Scbura. 8. B. KeTler, E. B.
Bowman, O. P. Wirdchaxn, Andrew Banaen,
C weaiey, y jl. rax.
Tvro OeaTealoaa Tweselay.
. Tnnaday mcmsng tho oanventlons of tho
FUtoenth judicial and Ninth congTessionsJ
districts win be held at tho county court
house). The osmgreasdtraal convention Is
slated for o'clock and the judicial for
VL o'clock. Now that Mr. Gaming of Ger
wood has BUDoanaad that ho la not a can
didate and will not be for tho nomination
for coiisuioniaa. tho party appears to be
at a loss for a candidate. To date 'no names
have been mentioned far the judicial nsm
tnatiama. AH persons know lug themselves to be
Indebted to Duncan A Dejan or tha Dunean
Shoe rfir"r are reqoastad to call and
settle at once.
will be bard to get In October- Order
now and get good service, Brldensteln d
Smith, 1 401 South Sixth street. "Phone ltx
warrantad. Central Orsoary aad Meat Max
kat. Both phone" M
mot rostaorant, II Broadway.
B wans an Muslo company, 40T Weat
Broadway tha place where you will find
a splendid assortment of pianos to select
fronv Conovora, Cables, Schubert and
Klngsbury'a All clean, new good a Prices
and terms to suit every person. We think
tt a good houss to deal with.
If pea think of pamiuig your house lot
as give you aa estimate now. We guar
antee the paint to bo made of pure ma
terials, mixed and put up by skilled me
chanic, so wham wo paint It stays painted.
We also have soma odd lots of artlsUo wall
paper that we aro closing out at low prices
to make way for new stock. If you want
good paper at little cost come see ua now.
Jensen dk Nlcolaesen. EH Broadway.
For Sal.
(.toe a ores good farm land la eastern Colo
rado, BS per acre and up: no irrigation ro
tutrod. Can raise all kinds of small grain
and corn. A few good homeetaads join
our lands. Send for printed mat tar. F. C
Leugee. 1M Main stroot. Council Blaffs, la,
National Convention to Bo Hold la
rooacll BlnsTa October
The twelfth quadrennial convention of the
Danish Brotherhood la to be held In Coun
ell Bluffs during the week beginning Octo
ber I fcnd the local committee, constating
of N. P- Anderson, J. C. Jensen, Ois Raa.
mureen. Dr. M. C. Chrlatensen and Peter
Petersen, are hard at work making the
necessary arrangements for the entertain
ment of the visiting delegates. They are
working In conjunction with Fred Peter
aen. who la the delegate to the convention
from Council Bluffs lodge No. 10,
The convention la a national one and del
egatee from all the northern states from
New Yoak to Ban Franrfoco in which the
order Is eatabliahed will be here. The
largect number of lodges, fcowevet. are In
Iowa. Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and
Illinois. In Nebraska the. order ta Inoor
porated and paya alck benefits and life In
surance. The Danish hall being considered Inade
quate to accommodate the number of dele
gates expected here the local - commlttoe
has secured the uas of tha Dodge Light
Guards' armory for the business sessions
of the convention. The program of enter
tainment has not yet boon completed, but
If has been decided that one feature of it
will be a grand banquet at which It ta ex
pected at least too will be seated.
Fred Petersen, the delegate to the con
vention from the local lodge, la a candi
date for the office of aupreme treasurer and
Is receiving endorsement from many of the
other lodges. The offioe Is now held by J.
Chr. Eaklldaen of Chicago. Tho Council
Bluffs lodge, although one of the oldeat In
the order, haa never had a eupreano officer,
act aa U la to cnttrtain lbs ceuve&Uea
ft4 Ya n BavW
If Wi A ASv
i iiy
K U J;cfl I JF jf Dr-r-ip-v...... n J
VUm: H.s.PAT.or '
n OaA ! L J?-4JmT
1 1 J0tuffip I
CWaha, rid- J
thia year it Is thought likely 1 that Mr.
Petersen will be honored by election to thia
office. - ... - M
Your old worn out carpets and rugs are
valuable. Don't throw them away. We
manufacture handsome reversible ruga
from old carpets. Thousands of them In
use In . the beat . homes. Phone 61. our
man will call and tall you-all about -It.
Send for booklet. The Council Bluffs Car
pet Cleaning and Rug Manufacturing com
pany, M North Main street.
A. artmiw afc C.
Now Location of Wholesale Bakery,
IK Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs, la,
Haas-mads Broad a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
Owner Heeds Moaey.
Mnat sen t-room dwelling-; rents for tt per
month. Tel. CL Chaa. T- Officer, Oi Broad
Shooting Contests Are Only Event
Flalahed at Drivlaar Park.
When . planning for the "grand tourna
ment of s porta" at the Union Driving park
yesterday, the promoters omitted making
satisfactory arrangements with the clerk of
tho weather and the rain Interfered sadly
with the program. With the exception of
shooting contests In the morning, all of
the event a including the motoroycle, bicycle
and other races, and the ball game, had to
be abandoned. The rain came down tij
torrents and the track waa aoon trans
formed Into a lake. Those who lingered
after the shoot In the morning with the
hope that the weather might clear up got
thoroughly drenched making their way
from the park to the cars.
The team shoot. In which there were
seven entries, was won by the Pony Creek
team with a score of 88 out of 12B blue
rocks. One of the local teama was second
with a score of 78. Following the team
shoot, there were a number of Individual
contests 1 la possible that the portion
of the program abandoned on account of
the rain may be pulled off next Sunday aft
ernoon. '
Buying a piano need not be a matter of
five minutes. Be sure and look at our
stock before purchasing. Ton will be sur
prised at the high quality and the reason
able prioea. Bourlclua' Piano Houae, 335
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
DlaTereaeo- of Oploloa May Carry
Matter Over to Another Session.
The lighting contract with the Cltlsens'
Gas and Electric company la again sched
uled to come up for action at the adjourned
meeting of the city council tonight, but
whether It will be finally disposed of or not
remains to be seen.
Council men Younkerman and Maloney of
the fire and light committee which drafted
the contract are now more than ever, since
their attendance at the meeting of the Iowa
League of Municipalities st Des Moines,
satisfied that the contract Is sn advan
tageous one for the city. At the meeting
In Des Moines considerable discussion was
had on lighting contraota and tho etate
menta of officials from other cities, it Is
said, demonstrated that the proposed con
tract was an exceptionally good one tor
the city.
Some of tho councilman, however, appear
to think that Council Bluffs ahould not
pay a higher rate for the' city lighting
than Omaha doe a, and thia point proved the
stumbling block at the last meeting of the
city council to final action on the proposed
WALL PAPER See W. B. Howetaon and
get his figures if you are going to paper
or pslnt your noma Pictures, oil paintings,
paatela, etchings, by well known a it lata
Framing a specialty. A large stock of
mouldings to aelect from. W, 8. HeweUon,
Broadway, Council Bluffs,
iwwwr" oynwi i i"i'l''ii'w7irMJ "i 1 1" "i I "sisi'i'is "i i mi
, V
You will enjoy seeing others enjoy it and hearing them
praise it. All who know good beer when they taste it know that they never tasted -any
other so good as J2$j? And the beauty about Sffijjr is, it is just as good as it tastes
and looks. Absolutely pure, made from the choicest Bohemian hops, malt from the best
barley grown, and selected India rice, and made right. Then fully aged. It is the embodi
ment of perfection of the Master Brewer's Highest Art. That's why everybody likes it best
of all. Why wc say " The Beer You Like."
If you have not tried fofl Beer, don't wait longer without doing so. If your dealer
can not supply you, send your order direct to us and wc will sec that you are supplied
promptly. 7 7;
Fred Krug Brewing Company, Omalia, Neb.
- r . II
Legislator Will Be Asked to Appropriate
Voiiey for Office Buildinc
First Wins; to Contain Rooaas for
Agrrlcaltaral aad Horrlcaltwral
Departments aad Board
of CoarrroL
(From a Staff Correvpondent-)
DES MOINES. Sept. . (Bpeclal.) The
next session of the legislature will be
asked to make an appropriation of $44,000
or $60,000 for the erection of one wing of
what will ultimately be a very modern and
beautiful offioe building for the purpose of
accommodating some of the commissions
and officials now crowded Into the atate
house. The matter has been discussed by
the executive council and it ta practically
agreed that the next legislature shnuld
make the appropriation, - as some relief
must be secured aoon from the crowded
conditions In the capitol building. It is
believed that the wisest plan for tho state
to follow is to make a small appropriation
for the purpose of erecting one wing of
a building after deciding on plana for a
complete building. In one wing would be
placed the Agricultural and Horticultural
departments and the Board of Control.
This would relieve the crowded condition
of the capitol building for some time to
come and as more room was needed the
state could make additional appropriations
for the further completion of the office
building. The State Board of Educational
Examinera desire a room In which to place
the corps of readers who 'are to assemble
four' or five times a year to mark and
grade the examination papers and for the
secretary of the board, who la at the office
the year round. With the Board of Control
out of the capitol building the rooma
under the auperfntendent of public Instruc
tion could be used for that purpose. The
rooms In the basement now occupied by the
Board of Control on the weat side of the
corridor Could be assigned to the new In
surance department, which Is- likely to be
created st the coming session and which
will absolutely have to have offices. The
Railroad commission - at present has two
small rooms that are entirely Inadequate.
With the Department of Agriculture out
of the building, the commission would bo
assigned theae rooma, which are large
and spacious, In addition to the ones now
occupied. The secretary of the executive
council would probably be placed In the
horticultural rooma and thus give the at
torney general more space. It Is believed
that the farmer members of the legislature
would all bo favorable to thla proposed new
building. The hortlculturallsts would favor
It for the reason that they are not secure
tn the room they have. An attempt was
made at the last aesslon of the legislature
to get a bill through giving tho department
the room It now occupies, but the bill
failed and the department now .occupies
the room only by suffranoo and knows
not when it will be put out of house and
borne. Furthermore, It is proposed to pro
vide In the new building a hall sufficiently
large for the meetings ot the State Agri
cultural society and Horticultural society.
These societies now have to meet In the
office rooma of the departments, .which
are quite Inadequate for the purpose. The
historical building which la now being com
pleted was built aa a wing st the time,
and it la claimed an office building could
bo erected In the same way without the
stale feeling it financially.
Deaeoaess Tralaloa Cenoel.
At the Deo Moines conference of the
Methodist church It was announced today
that Mrs. Blanche OaUchell had given
Atianij .time or Place
11,000 and loaned without interest $2,000 fori
the purchase . of the residence just south
,f the Deaconess home, on West Ninth
street ill this city, for a Deaconess Train
ing school. The home has been purchased
and Mrs. Mabel HIlblRh appointed superin
tendent and the school will shortly be
A new evangelistic Idea has been adopted
by tho Des Moines conference. Bach church
In the conference will be required to pay
an amount equal to 1 per cent of the pas
tor's salary for the purposes of evangel
istic work. An evangelistic board has
been created to consist of one minister
from each of the districts to be appointed
by the presiding elder. With the funds
thus raised evangelists will be engaged and
sent to the weak churches, where they are
moat needed. It Is claimed now, the matter
being left entirely to the church, that
the strong churches are able to afford
evangelists and the weak ones most need
ing such are unable to afford an evan
gelist. The best evangellsta In the de
nomination will be aecured and sent to
these weuk churches and the salary paid
from the collections during the revival
and any deficiency made up by the funds
In the hands of the board. If the collec
tions amount to more than the salary the
balance will go to the board.
The Ministers' Wives' association elected
Mrs. Martin of Indlanola prealdent and
Mrs. C. L. Nye of Dee Molnea vice preal
dent. C. L. Baxter of Dee Moinea waa re
elected financial agent of the Methodist
hospital In this city.
Congressman and Governor.
Because of the biennial election law tho
people of Iowa will thia year for the first
time In the history of the state vote for
congressmen and governor at the same
time. Heretofore the governor and some
other state officers have been elected in
the odd numbered yeara. The congressmen
are always elected in the even numbered
years. Becauae of the change from the an
nual to the biennial electiona both are
elected thla year for the first time together.
This fact it la believed by politicians is go
ing to contribute somewhat toward har
mony within the republican party when the
people are fully aware of the situation.
Heretofore the congressmen conducted their
campaign tn the even numbered years with
out regard to the governor and state offi
cers, and the governor conducted hie cam
paign In the odd numbered year without re
gard to the congressmen. This cannot be
done now and aa both are on the same
ticket there Is a tendency to harmony. It
Is considered very dangerous to start any
movement for scratching the ticket, for
there Is no telling where It will end, since
both elements are represented on the same
Aatonaoblles oa lacreaae.
That Iowa la growing richer or that
automobiles aro becoming more necessary
is shown from the books in the office of
the secretary of state. The law requiring
automobiles to register with the secretary
of state was enacted by the thirtieth gen
eral assembly In 1904 and went Into effect
In July of that year. From that time up
to September 1, 1906, there were 1.660 auto
mobiles registered with the secretary of
state, a part of which had, no doubt, been
In tho state for some time. On September 1
of this year there were 1666 registered, and
the 1,006 that have been registered during
the laat ' twelve months have, no doubt,
been all new automobiles that have come
to tho state. This Is one automobile to
about 1,000 persons In the state, which
shows that the atate ie not yet overburd
ened with the machinea If they become aa
numerous as other vehicle and maintain
their present obstreperous characteristics It
csn fairly be guessed that tbe highways
will have to bo widened in order to accom
modate them. It Is probable that the sec
retary of state's offioe will ask that tho
automobile rsgiatxaUoo law be am coed la
The BEER uou UKp
TV TO matter
X or where you are at lunch,
at dinner, at home or at the
restaurant, you and your friends will always
enjoy jVj1 Beer. It is always the same
always pure, pale, delicious and wholesome. It
never disappoint you
some respects so as to facilitate the work
I of registering them. '
, . r aw Duiiflisx iur trair roue,- .
The board of trustees of the Iowa State
Normal school at Cedar Falls has decided
that the school library and the museum
shall be In one building. This question has
been before the board for some time and
discussed In Its various phases. There was
a strong sentiment among the trustees for
two buildings, one for the library and the
other for the museum. Because of the sav
ing In cost it was finally decided to have
but one building, and the plana for thla will
be prepared at once and held for aubmla
slon to the legislature the coming winter.
At the laat aesslon of the legislature the
provision was made that no new buildings
can be started without first submitting the
plans to the legislature for approval.
Iowa Librarians to Meet. '
The seventeenth annual meeting ot the
Iowa Library association at Ottumwa, Oc
tober 10 to 12, Is expected to bring together
some of the ablest library workers in the
country. . The opening aeaston will be the
afternoon of Wednesday, the 10th. Mlsa
Gertrude St Ilea of Chicago, who haa a
bindery In the fine arts building, will dis
cuss library binding, and Mlsa Edna Ly
man of Oak Park, 111., who taught library
work among children at the aummer school
at Iowa City, will talk on "The Purpose ot
the Study Hour." Prof. L. H. Clark of the
Chicago university wilt talk on "Literature
and the Community." In addition promi
nent librarians, such aa Miss Bessie Sar
geant of Dubuque, Miss Alice Tyler of the
Iowa Library commission, Mlsa Amldon of
the Coo college library and a number of
others will be present to read papers and
discuss various topics.
Affidavits la Bribery Case.
Affldavtta by the witness in ths street car
bribery case were made public today. J.
X Hamilton a'nd Mack Olson have made
affidavits that they saw A. H. Hadley hand
money to Alderman Hamery, and Dr. Clar
ence Webb makea affidavits that he saw
General Manager George Hlppee pay money
to Alderman Hamery. The affidavits fur
ther recite the entire facts in the cases of
where the money waa paid and for what
purpose, all the facta having been previ
ously published. The- bribe is alleged to
have been given In consideration of Ham
ery agreeing to vote for a atreet oar fran
chise. Theae affidavits. It Is understood,
will be presented to the grand Jury the
coming week.
Now Is the time to call and see our line
of air tights and oil heaters for tall
weather. We have them at all price a. Pad
dock tfc Handschey,
Iowa News Motes.
SIDNEY Frank Prloe was given a sen
tence of one year In the state'a prison at
Fort Madieon for breaking and entering a
houae at McPaul. He pleaded guilty to the
charge, but said he , dtd nothing except
eat two pies. Charles Crawford, a young r
companion, was given six months In the
county jail.
ATLANTIC Atlantic and vicinity scema
to have mors than Its share of accidents.
During the laat few days there haa been
a number of minor accidents In and around
here. Lawrence Mountain ran a aplke Into
hla hand and It la feared that blood poison
ing will result; Argyle Berry of Lewta had
his collar bone broken while wrestling;
Henry Yarger waa kicked by a cow - he
waa driving home and hla arm so badly
injured that it required a doaen atltchos
to mend the wound and Raymond Miller
of Noble township had his log seriously
cut by a piece of barb wire that broke
while ho waa stretching It and cut a deep
gash several Inchea long.
Fall of Slate Carles Mlaer.
FORT DODGE, la.. Sept U (Special
Telegram.) Chris. Fredeiickson, a . coal
miner, was crushed under a fall of slate
In Craig Broa' mine, near here, thla after
noon. He was completely burled and only
tho rushing of a force of ten men to re
move the dirt that covered him saved hla
Ufa His recovery Is dpubtfuL
J Boa .Waat ada are buaUoaa boosters.
a3asBBBbBsassasasB ymmiitam'.fmaMiw !m
with whom you , are
in your entertaining.
Candidate .for
State Legislature
.... .. , i,-
Bust the Slats .
Vote Your , Choice, '' .
Be Your Own Boss
Vote for Kaley '..)
To Tho Democrats pf '
- i
Despite reports industriously circulated
to the contrary by some of ray opponents,
I am a candidate for the democratic nom
ination for member of the Water board,
and respectfully solicit your votes at the
primary election to be held on Tuetdiy
next. As to my qualifications and com
petency to fill aald office, I would aay:
That I have been a' contractor for many
yeara, and as such have" Installed and
equipped many water, works pjants and,
therefore, have a practical knowledge of
the cost of installation and maintenance
of such worka. 1 feel, that by reason
of my experience, I am peculiarly fitted
to deal with all questions that may corns
before said board. The proper1-management
of the affaire entruated to aald
board calls for the exercise of tho practi
cal knowledge of the contractor ' and
builder, as well as tbe ..skill and. iudg
ment of the business man and financier.
I am the only candidate who has such
practical knowledge.
Believing, as I do, la the public owner
ship of public utilities, I fay of the acxioi
sltlon by the city of the water woras
plant as speedily as possible, and if
elected to aald board will, use all means
within my power to accomplish that end,
and further, If the present and pending
appraiaement fails, or If for any reason
the plant cannot be acquired on satis
factory terms, I pledge myself to favor.
If the Water board has power so to da,
the submlsaion to tha people of a -bond
proposition authorising the city 'to build
and maintain lie own water works sys
tem. If elected. I Pledge myself to faithfully
and honestly dlauharge the duties of my
office, and secure to the people the lowest
ater rates cons is tout with tho beat In
terests ot the public The office to which
I aspire Is an Important one. and tho
democrata owe It to tlmmevlvea and to
the laxpayera of the olty to aee that a
competeut and capable democrat la se
lected for (he position. Under the pro
visions of tbe law governing this olfloa, a
nomination la equivalent to elootlon, and,
therefore, every democrat aliould make
It hla duly to go to the primary and
jeatet In tho nomination of a proper and
At candidate, 1 submit my randldauy ansi
aak your favorable consideration.