TIIK') OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: SEPTEMBER 16, 190C. 'X jpKBSzwfssaBxa i WSiat Is Generally ': Accepted Is Correct BROWN AXD BIAF. in all Ita-dlstlnctlve shades, has by'onirersal acceptance been proclaimed the king of colors for autumn, 1906. The most reliable designer hinted some lime ago that this would be the case, ao we took the hint and turned our thoughts and endeavors toward bringing together a contrasting assortment of correctly and stylishly modeled suits In all the tartous shade of brown and blue. EVERY TRl'K WOMAN alms to be syllshljr dressed, and no woman cam be considered stylishly dressed unless she is correctly dressed, and In getting yonr fall wrap at thla reliable exflusive house you are assured of the latter. Therefore further argument would be super fluous. Our stock of suits and coats, being at once correct, stylish and la every way first-class. . " TWO GRACEFUL MODELS AT $30 arc composed of best quality broadcloth,' in the new brown or blue shades, also in black. One model is made In the gracefoJ tailo Jacket styles and the other model is made in the new blouse effect. The skirts are in, the new plaited designs. . These suits form ideal all-occasion garments, being service able, jt essentially dressy. ASOTHKB COATED MODEL AT 23, made of best cheviot or broad cloth, in all shades, la cut upon mannish lines and carries a unique individuality with it wnUih makes it distinct from all others. I The Stylish New Codts One very, stunning model coat $30.00 is made of finest broadcloth, lined throughout with best gray or black satin, beautifully embroidered all the way down the front and back. This garment can be used for all occasions very dressy for evening wear, not too elab orate for street wear. New Stylish Coats $25.00, $19.50, and $12.50 a. ;' JAt the above prices we are showing a line of coats that Justified us In saying no store in Omaha can equal, either in variety of styles, materials or vslues. We can say no more but for yon to look the town over thoroughly then come here and see OUR REMARKABLE VAL UES AT $23 OO, $19.50 AXD $12X0. a pening Display of ?flP ' The.rAost magnificent display of beantifnl fur garments and skins ever shown in Omaha, y - MOHDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 1508 Douglas Otreet (With KERN, Thu Milliner) ' Exquisite fall and winter models of Scarf s, Muff s, Jackets and Coats. , Thousands of dollars' worth of Sable, Seal, Otter, Mink and other skins will be shown. You are cordially invited to call. ! ' . No Cards will be issued. N 1508 Douglas St; 1 in -By ball's Xoe Cmm SJodM sre rich, appetising and refresh ing . Mads from, rich cream. pur and sweet syrup, the ctmh-est and bnt fruits. When you patronise our fountain you are getting the very boat (hat monay can bay. We 'couldn't maka ojr sodas better if thy coat us ten times mora In the making. Visit our commodious room. DYBALL 151S DOT7QLA.S. MR, AND MRS. MORAHD ' CUSSES, FOR CHILDREN j will reopen in their new hall, ! Creigbton Institute, 210 South ItftU Street, on ' Saiarda,02to!j3r 6ti), irculars'ssat a application, or tslsp boaa Ui(la 1041. I Beauty, Strength A form sublime to those who take WILUBD WHITE CD'S. . VAUC AIRE GALEGA TABLETS Bast Developer ' flesh Food & Tonic Thsjr make food, healthy fleh, develop th bust, restore wasted breaala. Maka lite Cheeks plump and rosy. Alia -out the hoi lows of a scrawny neck. Vaucalre GaleKa Tablet nourish tha fat producing cells, which la nsoessary to five tha roundness of contour which la ao desired and covetei by avary lady of refinement. If you ar careworn, nervous or run down, take a box of Vaucalra G siege Tablets and note their wondeiful effect. Contains no Injurious drugs. 11 Par boa, at boxes for . Bend for booklet, also free sample of our Melo roa Beauty Crem. the perfect maaeasa and akin food. Be sura our name Is on tha bus you buy. WlLXiARD WHITE CO., Chicago, III. Sold ui raoommended by Myers-Dillon . Lecture and Entertainment Course at AUDITORIUM Under Auspice and for the Ueneflt of Child $avlug Institute. The course will couslst of the fol lowing attractions: Cincinnati Ladles' Cremona Orchestra, Senator Ben. H. Tillman. Eugene Ijtmont, Magician; Jacob A. Hits, Chicago Glee Club. Father L. Vaughn, Chas. Dennlson Kellogg, Dr. K. W. Ounsoulus. the Ooncert . Farc-rUes, Hon. George K. Wendllng. Watch for announcement and dates. i n ns P-H i m n 2 iv i 1 1 1 1 n SOCIETY WELCOMES FAIL Jtar'j intuma Dsjs Brim Premiss of Affairs cf Gostequeace. iJtBUTANTE SHARES HONOR WITH QUEEN Interest la Ceastas-Oet Part lea Over shadow speealattea Regarding? Ak-Sar-Bea laeea aad Har Cereaatlea. . Back. Back from her reign In ths mountains ; Comes tue "society belle;" Baca, whn his ring on ner linger. Comes tha "society swell." Back to her dear old typewriter! s Mack to the counier 01 gKu! Then, with hla Utile heart neavy culd goes back to the woo da. McLndbura; Wilson, In tha Criterion. The Serial Calendar. TUKBDaY-M ra. O. W. Linlnger entertains at luncheon at ths Country club. WtUNESOAY-Mra. B. W. Morsman,. a bridge and luncheon at the Country club. xMrs. Charles Bwwt, a whist and luncheon at the Country club. THCMbDAY Mrs. W. D. Bancker, a brldgs party at the Country club. Coming out reception for Miss Janet Chambers. Mra, 8. J. Bwanson and Mrs. Kdmlston, a ' luncheon and matinee party. 8ATUKUAY Miss Stewart of Council Blurts, a luncheon at tha Country club. At last ths tide, of summer tourists has turned teward borne again and from ths mountains, the seashore, the country or some place else, society Is coming back to town with aunbrowned hands and faces and a fund of experiences that would make excellent stories If they might all be told. Although tha modiste and the milliner will claim first attention of the summer girl and her mother, for a week or two, society has slready begun to feel the effects of their presence In town and one hears ru mors of prospective things of the sort that maka the . florist smile, and the.. society reDorter take notice. for the present, however, - the dinner parties, tnd dances at the clubs continue to be the popular thing, as a glance at ths week's calendar will evince. This week will see most of the young people off to school again, although a few will stay ever until next week. -Preliminary to their departure a number of luncheons and dinners have been given st the clubs during the past fortnight, and a few minor things In compliment to them wlU be gives the early part of this week. Who will be this year's debuts who Is to be the queen of Air XII., sre two of the questions th Is asking just now (of course nqj shout the king, he Is slwsys rk It would be Indlscret to manifest tooxurtlch Interest In him, even if he Justified it). Btt It Is. different with the queen; everybody Is Interested In her and, by ths way, ths buaybodles are saying that it Is very pos sible that one name- is likely to occur in the answer to both the above oxnestlona. As a matter of fact, nobody really knows snythlng but the "committee" end they have a reputation for the moat sphinx-like silence. However, this does not prevent Speculation. : As for . the debutantes, they are much mors Interesting and Important than the queen, for they are very much of a reality In society, and their, reign well, that de pends. There will be' a bevy of them this fall, ft' IS said, to make up tor last season, which had not a single one. The first of the girls to be Introduced , will be Mlae Janet Chambers, daughter of Mr. James K. Chambers, whose coming out has been set for next Thursday. There will be a large reception at Mr. Chambers' horns, on North Twenty-fourth . street, from i Until T o'clock.. Miss Mary Alice Rogers, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Thomas Rogers; Miss Marion Connell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. ' Connell; Miss Helen Davis,' daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Fred H. Davis; Miss Kllxabeth Congdon, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Iaaao Congdon; Miss Frances Weasels, sister of Mrs. 8. 8. Caldwell, and Miss Marlon Hughs, daughter of Mrs. William Hughs; are the young women who will probably be Introduced this fall and early winter, al though it is possible that the formal presentation of some of them may be de ferred another year. It Is safe to predict, however, that ths coming out party will have a oonaplcuous ' part in this season's activities. ' . 1 The opening of the Boyd Thursday even Ing proved an occasion second to nothing of the week In fashionable Interest. That society had hopelessly contracted the the ater habit became evident early last win ter and has had continuous proof ever since. While Thursday evening's perform ance was not made the occasion, for any particular demonstration practically "everybody" was there that Is, everybody who Is In town. A widely circulated report to the effect that the Field club contemplated continu ing Its dances during the winter caused so ciety to rejoice against Its better Jui la ment the early part of the week. But t '.a rejoicing was brief, for the report was quickly and definitely contradicted by those In authority. The dance hall at the elub Is practically open and, built for a summer resort, there Is no provision for Its heating, which makes Its use during the winter out of the question. v ' Committees representing several of last year' dancing clube have been busy of late arranging schedules of dates and places for their series of parties for the coming win ter. While the dancing season does not Open much before October that la, for ths clubs most of them will be. ready to an nounce their plans in a week or ao. Ths Thurston Rifles have arranged a series of dancing parties that will begin In November and continue during the winter. The defi nite dates will be announced later. The regular Saturday evening dance at the Country club was well attended and those who gave dinners were: Mr. and Mrs. B. T. White, whose guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buchols, Mr. and Mrs. F. U McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Breckeniidge. Mrs. Owendolyn White entertained Miss Nona Kloke. Mr. Robert Dinning and Mr. Wilson Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marrlam had Miss Elisabeth Consdon, Mlas Natallne Merrlam. Mr. Barton Millard and Mr. George Redlck. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and Mr. and Mra. Frank Jackson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Fort. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Low. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrlge and Mr. Harry Mccor mick. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Spragne bad Mrs. Kirk of Chicago and Mr. Ralph Hoagland. Others whe had tables ware: Mrs. Stew, art. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull, Mr. and Mra. K. T. alwobe and Mr. and Mra, Ben Cotton. Miss Moorbead gave one of the laxsaat dinners of the week at the (Country club Saturday evening in honor of Mlse Ixittie Smart of 81 Louis. Beautiful bunches of golden glowa served as , table decorations and the place cards bore the monogram of the hosteaa. Covers were laid for the Mlasas Ethel Tukey, Georgia Kennard, Faith Potter, Jeanne Wakefield, Anna Cead, Mary Lee McShane, Edna Keellne. Marie Coffman, Edith Lockr, Florence . ... J i Lewis and Roth Moerhead. Messrs. Law' rence Brlnker. Frank Haskell. Inu Clark. WIH Cead, ChaTles Beaton, Hon Pa swell. Ed George, Harry Tukey, Elmer Cope, Barley Mrarhaad, Captals and Mrs. Ham ilton and Mr. snd Mrs. Howard Edwards. ' The largest dinner given at the Field club Saturday night was the farewetl affair given by Dr. and Mrs. F. 8. Owen and Mr. and Mrs. D. - J. O'Brien for their sons, Mr. Hibert Owen and Mr. Edward O'Brien, who leave this week fnr school. Covers were laid for Messrs. Phillip Fred erick, Frank Frederick, Phillip Lrhmer. William Christie, Harry Pollard, Lawrence Gibson, Myron Buck and Frank Hoel. Others who engaged places were: Mr. snd. Mrs. H. Cartan. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larson, .Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Partridge, whose guests were Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Lowrie. and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Epenefcr who entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hunt ley, Mrs. W. P. Mlkeeell and Mlas Hatel Smith. Cense aad Ue GeSaJe. Mr. J. M. Harding returns this week to Tsle college. ' -' Miss Lottie Smart- of Bt. Louis will be Miss Moorhead's guest for two weeks. Mrs. Brlnker and Miss . Brlnker will re turn to their home -in St. Louis .this week. Miss Catherine Powell leaves Monday for Mra. Burnham's school at .Northamp ton, Mass. - Dr. and Mrs.' Ewlng Brown sre home from a two weeks'; trip to. Utah and Colo rado resorts. ... Mrs. H. Rosensf 90k hss as her truest Mrs. E. Kramer and daughter, Miss Florence, of Madison, S. D, Miss Margaret. Philllppl left Tuesday for Mount Pleasant, la., where she enters Wesleyan university. Mrs. Joseph. Cudahy has been spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. Mor ton, at Nebrsaka City. Miss Florence Powers and Miss Marian Hsller leave this week for BL Marys school at Knoxvllle, 111. k . Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark arrived Fri day, from Wequetonslng and will remain in Omaha until October L Mrs.' Annie LaBlanche has returned home from. Nebraska City, where she hss been Visiting her parents. Miss Irene Cols left Ssturday for Green- castle, Ind., 'where she enters her senior year at De Pauw university. Mr. Lake Duel has gone to Lawrence ville, N. J., where he will enter a pre paratory, school for Princeton. Mr. and Mrs, Ward M. Burgess are back from aa extended western trip. Including a vistt of several weeks In Alaska. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Clark and daughter, Mlas Ruth, have returned from their sum mer outing, spent In Waterford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Barker, who have been visiting at Estes Park, Colo., for a month, are expected back this week. Miss Margaret -Wood returns home to day : from - a visit of several weeks In different points In Colorado and Denver. -; Mr. Elmer J. Jones, accompanied by his friend, Mr. Eugene Munn, has gone to his home to Utlca, Neb., to spend a few days. Mrs. Joseph Garneau of New York, who has been visiting herl sister. Mrs. J. It. Rlngwalt, . (or two weeks, returns home today. Mrs. Cleveland and daughter, Mrs. W. F. Allen, have been the guests of Mrs. Edgar Bishop of Kansas City for two weeks. Miss Ruth Harding and Miss Adele Mc Hugh left for .Vasaar.last . week, where they will both enter upon their fresh man year. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hall and family, who have been, touring Europe this sum mer,, will arrive In Omaha the last of this week. . Miss Olive' ' Carpenter left Saturday evening for Oberlln college, where she will enter the conservatory of muslo the coming ' year." '.' ; ; . , ... - , . , , Miss Bel ma Anderson, one of the last year's graduates of the Omaha High school, will leave Monday for Lincoln, to attend the State -university. Mr. Lyman McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McConnell, will go to Madison next week, where he will enter the University of Wisconsin. Mr. W. Fsrnsm Smith returned the first of the week from Rockland, Me., where he had been called by the death of his aunt, Mrs. Benjamin F. Smith. Mlas Enola Dexter and Miss Etbol Hlgby returned Thursday from a two months' trip to the Pacific coast Miss Dexter will be the guest of Miss Hlgby the com ing week. ' Judge Lake and Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake and child, who have been the .guests of Mrs. Joy Morton at Arbor Lodge, Ne braska City, for the past week, will return home the latter part of this week. Mrs. M. L Standlsh left Friday evening for Chicago, where she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. & B. Wherritt, for a short time, going then to Atlanta, Qa., where ehe will visit another daughter. Mrs. R. F. Thompson. Pleaawrea Past. Miss Mary Tsylor entertained at her home Sa'.urday afternoon for Mlas Cather ine Pow)l. who leaves the coming week for Mrs, umhara's school at Northampton, "UMS, ". alias Bessie Fry entertained at luncheon at the Country club Saturday. The tables were tastefully decorated with pink and white asters and the place cards were in pink water color asters. Covera were laid for thirty-five. , The Llnlnger Travel club held its first meetltfg of the school year Friday after noon and elected the following officers: President, Miss Pauline Rosenberg; vice president. Miss Anna Bethgc; secretary, Miss Katharine Dunnlgan; treasurer, Miss Mable Huntley; sergeant-at-arms. Miss Bessie Davis; editor, Mlas Hulda Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Guyard entertained Tues day evening for Mr. Paul Lester, who Is the guest of Mr. George Gibson. A very enjoyable musical program was given dur ing the evening and those who took part were Mr. Frank Barnes, Mlas Is bell Trail! and Mr. George Gibson. Tha Q. X. Z. Glee club also contributed several numbers! to ths musical part of the evening. In a postal card contest Mlsa Joy Harding wen the first prise. There were twenty-five guests present. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Lester leave this week for Columbia Law school, where they will enter upon their senior year. A delightful musical waa given -by Mr. and Mrs. Lester , Wavra at their home Thursday evening. Mr. Max Baumalster played several violin solos and Prof. Rich ter, Mr. John McCreary and Mr. L. C. Haselton gave numbers of vocal selections. Misers May L. Barnlck and Dells May Stlne furnished piano number The guests Included: Misses Barnlck, Delia Stlne, Mulvlhlll. Profs. Rlcater and Baumelster, Messrs. Jones, Oesman, Haselton, Oodbey, Mr. and Mrs. Qulnlln, Mr. snd Mrs. Snalvely, Mr. and Mra. Jonea, Mr. and Mrs. Welch. Mrs. Wavra of Cedar Rapids, la., and Mrs. Oodbey of St. Joseph. Mo. Seelal t hit-Chat. A son was horn Sunday evening to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall. Mr. snd Mrs. Warren Rngers sre at home at iW Famam street. Mrs. John A. MrShane la slowly eonvales. cing from sn tttack of appendicitis. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrr Max A. Reichenberg Wednesday mornln?, Miss Natallne Merrlam wl not return to- Vaasar this wlnttr on account of her health. ... It. D. Neely and son. R. D. Neely. have returned from the wilderness of northern Minnesota. Dr. and Mra. C. C. Allison and" family have returned to the city after spending the "! ' aatw's r resre iwr ww 'i iwwrws Brandeis are Sole Aenta for the "Fash ionseal Suite LADIES' NEW FALL SUITS More dressy new suits can be hmnd at Brandeis' than in any previous season. These suita are up to the Brandeis standard of excellence, perfectly tailored and correctly fashioned. ... The "Fashionsear Suits, $25 These suits are of a higher character than ordinary tailored wear they are made according to the very latest dictates of fashion and there is a careful note to the tailoring and A i I ? 4Ve vA1t-ci 41a Vni3 mnA .ti inn nn t a " Materials are all new and for "FashionsealV suits agent in Omaha price is. A SMARTLY TAILORED SUIT MONDAY AT fUUWV The) new Etons, Prince Chaps and Pony Coat Suits the bright new plaids and checks also the favorite plain colors special - 14 Q C Monday, at ASSEMBLAGE OF MAN TAILORED SUtTS AT $33 These are suits' of a sort rarely shown for less than 150.00 In style and elaborate design they suggest imported perts on style and extremely little detail, at .............. LOJiO NOVELTY CliOTH COATS : Made with velvet collar and caffs pretty soutache braid trimming all new QQQ Ideas, at U.JO New Lon( Novelty Costs aad Black A Special for Monday is a Ladies' Silk Lined Voile Skirt at $9.98 We hare never given such a floe value in fashlonablo skirts a this. The height of correct fall style. Newest French plaited effeott. The New Fall Slyles m Blaxk TaJfeta Waists We make a specialty of black taffeta. waists, and this season our display Is more ample than we have ever made C)Q C A Oft C C Ofi It. The styles are new and very fetching three specials aU a.0-4r.lJ-pJssU ;ttiyajAtjfljee"aiP a, summer at their country place near Cal houn. ' , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Van Court have moved back to Omaha from Chicago and are domiciled at 1K4 Wirt street. Misses Mattle and Msrtha Lenser, who have spent the past two years In traveling abroad, have Just returned to Omaha tor business. ' Miss Carrie Mercer and Miss Mary . Mer cer will leave soon for Boston ta spend ths winter and to study expression under Le lend Powers. . . , . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Batch and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles wlH spend the whiter In the city, closing; their summer place near the Country club. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pearson had as their sjnest last week Miss Cecil Long-worth 6f Ohio, who left Thursday to attend the unveiling of the McKlnley monument at Columbus. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountie have re turned from their summer place at Ben nington, , and are again occupying their home at Thirty-eighth and Dewey avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart will not re turn until In October. Mrs. J. J. Monell snd Mrs. Bradford will start for New York Thursday, , from whence they will sail on the "Barbaroasa," September 26 for a tour of. Europe. They will take a chatteau trip through France first and go to Italy to remain the greater part of the winter. Mrs. T. U Rlngwalt. Mrs. Guy Howard, Mlaa Helen Howard and Mr. Otis Howard sailed from Liverpool Wednesday for home. Mrs. Rlngwalt Will visit her daughter, MUs Dorothy, at Smith college and friends in Baltimore before returning home, Mr. Otis Howard will return to Cornell College and Mrs. Howard and daughter will remain In the east for the winter. Constnar Events. Mrs. O. W. Unlnger will give a large luncheon at the Country club Tueeday. Mrs. E. W. Morsman entertains at bridge and luncheon at the Country club Wednes day. Mrs. Charles Sweet has Issued Invitations for a whist and luncheon party at tha Country club Wednesday. Thursday afternoon from. 4 to 7. Mr. 3. K. Chambers gives a coming-out reoeptlon for his daughter. Miss Janet Chambers.- Mrs. W. D. Bancker entertains at. the Country club Thursday at a. bridge party. . Miss Stewart of Council Bluffs will give a luncheon Saturday at the Country club. Mrs. 8. J. Bwanson and Mrs. William 8. EdmlBton have Issued Invitations for a luncheon,' to be followed by a matinee party Thursday. v , , Weddlncs. Mr. , and Mrs. D. V. Olney have Issued cards for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Grace Olney,. to Mr. Monroe Chestes Steele of Omaha. Tha wedding will take place Tuesday, . September 28, at the home of the, bride's parents, 1313 South Thirty second street. ....... . . A very pietty wedding took place Wednes day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Alcox, when their daughter, Miss Glen Alcox, was united In marriage to Mr. George Carlson. Rev. Zaugg performed the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white organdie over silk and a bridal veil adorned with a beautiful wreath of orange blossoms. A wedding supper followed the ceremony. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carlson will be at home after September tn at Fourteenth and Phelps streets. v - Ready fee Baslaesa. - The C. N. Diets Lumber company srs announcing that they are now ready Jr business again, at their new yard on Fifth and Leavenworth streets. This Is pretty rapid work for a company of this sise after such a Are as. awspt over Us yards. But It Is characteristic of ths men In charge, who catch the spirit and metWods snd enterprise of Diets himself. The ad vertisements are somewhat facetiously headed, "It was a bard blow." - It was In deed, a herd blew, snd a great deal harder than many films could have stood for. With a loss of Xl7t.0GO and only tSO.000 In surance, ths profits of ene of the best years In business were . swept in. a few hours, and at least a month's business lost. It must have been vastly encourag ing, however, to the Diets people to see the sympathy exhibited toward them by business men In Omaha manifest In In creased orders. . We carry all kind of art needle work. Welnlander at Smith,' 117 South Sixteenth street, ' .. . Pletarea ! thm ksvr. Tha ffltltawl fit m t ma mmww pl.lvl will be riven at Fslrmount nark. Council J Kliirra. Weonewljy evening September 1. basrlnnlng at 7:30. Benches have been pro vided for tha accommodation of spectators. The exlilblt will be free anil constats nf a erles of movlns pictures of naval scenes, 'ralntag nf recruits on training ships, tor nedo snd laraet iwacllcfu. amuaemsnt aboard ship. e'o- The exMblt has lust been alven to Bioux t'lty, Fremont. Tork and Omaha, snd Is for ths purpose f Interesting ths publle la the navy. jraiQ)flli3PS. I selected expressly Brandeis' is sole lT.Ua tailored suits made by ex modish In every $35 Walking Skirts We have always shown the best skirts at $4.93 to, be found in Omaha and this ' season our display is more com plete and even more i no stylish than ever tJJ Broadcloth Coats are Very Stylish. WSUAJ 111 CLUB AXD CHARITY Among the Important meetings of tho fall is that of the Women's Horns Mis sionary society of the Methodist-Episcopal bhurch, which will be held at Lincoln October 10 to 17. This will be the twenty fifth annual convention of the society, of which but two . have been held in the west, Denver and Kansas City having en tertained these. . The meetings will be held at Bt. Paul's Methodist church and extensive preparation Is being made for ths entertainment cf the 100 or more delegates expected. Ths ' society was founded a quarter of a century ago, Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayea. being Its first presi dent and during her life, one of Its most sealous promoters. Many of the most prominent "and able women In Methodism have been and are upon its board of man agers.' Mrs. Clinton B. Flsk of New Turk City has (beenlta president for several years.- She is a t woman of most gracious personality and la generally beloved. The organisation is well established in- every State 'in the' union and also 'In Alaska, Hawaii... Porto Rico - and the Philip pines.' Workers- from all of these fields, who have beoome thoroughly acquainted with their social, political and religious life, will be present at ths Lincoln meet ing and Will speak of conditions of these countries. The society owns property to the extent .of about -11,160,000. The Mother Jewel's Home at York, Neb., is a national orphanage belonging to the so ciety. Various lines of work are carried on by the. society. Including work at the Immigrant stations, city missions. Work for various nationalities, deaconess work, work with the Spanish in the southwest and with the orientals along the Pacific ooast, and educational work in the south for black and whits alike. The program is out this' week for the thlrty-secgnd annual convention of the Nebraska Women's Christian Temperance union, which will be held In the First Congregational church of Aurora, Septem ber 21 to It.. The convention will be preceded by a meeting of the general offi cers Monday evening and an executive meeting the following morning, with pre liminary exercises Tuesday. The conven tion proper will open Wednesday morn ing and the program until Friday evening- has many Interesting and helpful features. Delegates, to the .convention will be .entertained by the women of Aurora, dinner and supper to be served In the basement of .the church by the aid societies of the various churches. The general offlcera are to be entertained at the .home of Mrs. A. O. Peterson, which will be officers headquarters also. All women expecting to attend tha meeting are requested to send their namea to Mra. Alice Dixon, Aurora, as soon as v possible, that provision may be made for their en tertainment. ' The year book of the Zetetle club of Cedar Rapids, Neb., Is out this week and It Is one of the most attractive of the' year's Issue. Its cover of dark green paper la let. tered in sliver with the name of the club. Its home town, the yesr aad the year of organisation, 1903, and the year of its feder ation In the state organisation, also 1902. The pages are lettered In green. The club, of which Mrs. A. U Lindstrom is president, will take tha Bay View reading course this year, studying Russia snd Japan. It has twelve members and Us meetings are held every two weeka at the homes of membeis. " - The first meeting of the season of lfK 1907 of tha Dundee Woman's cluh will be held Wednesday of this week at the home of Mrs. E. V. Ilea ford In Dnndae. This will be the first of the local women's clubs to resume work. . , The fifteenth annual convention of the Wyoming county. New York, clubs was hell recently, in the village ball at Wyoming. This hall was presented to the village by Mrs. Lydia A. Coonley Ward. Mrs. Ward's mother, Susan' Look Avery, is the patron aalnt of ths clubs in that county. Mrs. Avery gave one of the addresses in merooiy of Miss Anthony. While Oar Mr. Ryaa was in Paris he purchased a stock of smoker snd liquor sets, conslMliM of auto mobiles, upright planoa with music box at tachment, war ships, and combination liquor and smoker cabinet. These are par ticularly suitable "or Christmas piesents. Make your selection now snd we will be glad to reserve It for you. . MAWH1.NNEY A RTAN CO.' JsweUrh and importers. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. Wci !)! Masd Callers. The women of the Orchard Hill Improve, ment club entertained the men of the club at dinner Frldav evenln at the resldenca of Dr. K V. Mason, toil ward street. ee rw ' w ' " J A Ch&rminjJ assemblage of the new pleJol waists for fall The occasion was a testimonial to the men for their services in cutting the weed on Orchard hill. Fourteen men wera served with the women to a six-course din ner and entertained with short talks and a stringed orchestra. Those who made .talks were Dr. P, T. Barber. A. A. Buchanan, O. . W. Ryan, A. T. Aycra, A. A. McGraw,. Dr. M. Jones. H. O. Battle, Dr. R. D.' Mason, Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. A. A. Buchanan, and Miss McCartney. Mrs. 4. F. Wagner acted as toaatmlstresa. Bacolle Feastlngt, Ths royal jubilee at Bucharest has been characterised-by a festival such as prob ably could hava been witnessed nowhere else in Europe. This was a banquet given to 1,800 mayors of the country who did not attend in the monotonous black dinner dress of the west, but each roan wore ths distinctive peasant garb of his own die-; trict, and as there, were mors than a hun dred such distinctions, representing , the tribal dresses of mountain, valley, plain and forest, the assemblage wss a atrlklng -spectacle full cf picturesque color. There were no chairs for . the guests, so they stood till they were tired, and then sst on the ground. The feast waa of the simplest ' cold .roast mutton,' "red eggs, radishes,; pork pies, cheese, cakes, oranges,, brandy -, and a small bottle of white wins a man. For each there was set a' portion tinder a'; cover, which latter he took away wlth him as a ouvtnir, stuffing also into bis pockets- in many esses ths empty wine -bottle and the napkin. There were served . ' up 260 sheep and 6,800 eggs. London Globe. - ' The Misses Lenser,. who have spent tho past eight months In Paris, have Juat re- , turned snd will' open their dressmaking parlors, bit Ramige building, September 20. : Miss Bella Robinson has reopened her piano 'studio In the Arlington block.'' Free lessons In srt needle work. ' Wain lander sc Smith, 817 South Sixteenth street. DlaeTeavrared Third Trial. CASPER. Wyo., Sept. IS. Special V Henry A. Johnson, who has been on trial during the pant few days on the charge of unlawfully branding a bnrae, was dls- ' rhara-ed. This case had been tried at two different times previous to this, one Jury having been out snventy-two hours. John son Is now found guilty of the rharga against him, but the Jury declared the value of the horse did not exceed 14.(0, therefore no- crime had 'been committed. ' Mr, Thomas J. Kelly Teacbcr of --Artistic Singing--1 Season Now Opsn Resldenci Studio 2559 Dodgi St. (PIiodj Haroej 2027), CHAMBERS' SCHOOL OF DANCING 2424 Farnam, reopens for adults Mod day, September 24th. 8 P. M.., High School, Saturday, Sept. 29th, 8 P. M. Children, Saturday, Sept. 2th, S P. M. Complimentary cards o(. admission to the opening will be furnished to past pupils and their friends upon ap plication. Call or write for booklet Telephone Douglas 1871. 'oAoiiej etVJ? flip PA 20241 mam St. Oox&Ka Assemblies Every Wednesday Morand'g Dancing School Ileyn'a Orchestra. -w r Admission 25c IIP.JS I