Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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tate Haa Us Control Orer Ibsm in Con
duotinc Btrlnri Department
Flllmere and !ewtafc Coaatles Tie
for Flrat rises a Collect It
Exhibits, OfT( Flrat la
nr caooi.
(Frrnn a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 15. (Special.) Attorney
General Norrta Brown haa given Secretary
Bora of tha State Banking board an
"-opinion In which ha says national bank
may conduct savings depsrtmenta without
supervision of the State Banking board.
Aa Mr. Brown haa found no authority
conferred by tha national law upon na
tional bank! to conduct savings bank,
hia opinion that they may do ao without
regard lo tha atata law la not accepted
without question by many attorney. The
attorney general'a opinion in aa followa
In compliance with your request for an
opinion - from this office aa to whether or
not your department has Jurisdiction over
the savtnga departments of national banks,
operating savings departments in this
tate, yuu are respectfully udvlsed that in
our jiiOKment your department has not
surh Jurisdiction.
in "Instructions and Suprgestlnna of the
comptroller of the Currency, Relative to
the Orc&nisatlon. etc.. of .National Banks '
Issued in 19u6, he nays: "There doea not
appear to be anything In the national bank
act which authnrlK or nrnhihlta the ODera-
tlon of a saving department by a national
If, under the national bank act. national
' hanks In this state undertake to oucrale
savings departments, such departments of
their business are, in our Judgment, under
the exclusive control ana supervision ui
the federal authorities.
pre in laws for flcboole.
Superintendent K. C. Bishop of the edu
cational department at the atat fair haa
announced that In' the county collective
exhlbita, Nemaha and Fillmore counllea
were ao nearly equal that the judges could
not decide aa to which won Aral place.
Since the five countiea ranking beet were
awarded five premiums, Fillmore and Ne-
, mahe were decided aa a tie for first place.
Fillmore county was first In the number
of premiums awarded, being awarded
. forty-alx: Nemaha county waa first In tho
; value of premiums awarded, being awarded
$72 cash. The other prime winning coun
ties on collective exhibits were: Dodge
Lancaster, Johnson,. Hall, Pawnee. Frank
lin, Chaae and Gage. In the city collec
tive exhlbita Geneva was given first pluce
and Auburn second. Columbus waa given
first place in manual training.
School Children Cat Off.
Because of the Missouri river's meander
Ings, fifteen children In Nebraska have been
denied the opportunity to secure an edu
cation. All of them- live on less than a
square mile of ground, and eleven of the
number belong to one family. - There Is no
little white achoolhouse for them, and they
do not know what a teacher la. Superln- I
tendent W. A. Yoder of Douglaa county.
Whose attention was called to this be
nighted locality some time ago, has writ
ten to 8tate Superintendent McErlen asking
him what steps should be taken to provide
arhpol privileges for the children. The
situation haa proven ao knotty to the state
' superintendent and the attorney general
alike, that they cannot outline or advise
' a course of action until they get further
Information regarding the atatua of thlnga
In the achoolless area.'
On the Initial submission, the attorney
general'a office could not ascertain a
sufficient bast of fact to arrive At an In-;
, telltgent legal view of the case. A request
has therefore been sent to the . Douglas
county superintendent, asking, foe all the
JlMa'Tie haa relative to the situation. The
nuestlrns particularly asked of him are:
Wns a school ever maintained In the dis
trict? and, when did It cease to be main
tained? When the answera are received,
the attorney general will take another
whirl at the matter.
Republican Cooatf Committee.
At the meeting of the republican county
central committee this afternoon, the legis
lative candidates present, J. C. F. Mc
Kesson, E. W. Brown and Ned Brown,
made It very plain that they stand upon,
the republican platform, and will earn
out ita mandates conscientiously If elected.
The question under debate was whether
the campaign should be a speaking one or
whether the candldatea ahould remain at
home and let the people do the work.
The committee waa called to order by
retiring Chairman Walton O. Roberta. He
announced that tha candldatea had selected
J. 8. Baer aa chairman. Howard Schlegal
aa aecretary and Bemen C. Fox aa treas
urer. The aelectlona were confirmed.
Mast Bary Aatmals.
When horses, cows, hogs or other do
mestic animals are condemned by the atate
veterinarian because of disease, they must
be killed and disposition made of their
bodies by the owner a. There la no pro
vision In the statutes which requires the
veterinarian himself to slaughter the beasts
or destroy their carcasses. Furthermore,
the atate will not compensate the ownera
for tha loss of their propeity, and If the
sheriffs or other, local officials are called
upon to help get rid .of the bodies they
must looavto the countiea for their pay.
These rules are laid down by Deputy At
torney General W. T.. Thompson In answer
Do You Open lour Mouth
Like a young bird am) gulp down what
ever food or medicine may be offered yon?
Or, do you want to know something of the
composition and character of that which
you take Into your stomach whether aa
food or modlclnef
Most InVelllgoot and sensible people)
now-a-days Insist on knowing what they
employ whether foorj or aa medicine.
Dr. Pierce believe they have a perfect
light to insist upon tuch knowledge. So he
publlshee.'-teaadrast and on each bottle
er, whatjrrrnyadicine are made of
and vetoes itWujrr aa i ta Thlshe feels
LO do because the nirtHt
the Ingredlenjof which his medicines
reni(ie are studied and understood the
H)tre mn tlieir superior curative virtue!
ForThe 'curcof woman's peculiar weak
Msses, Irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent headaches, back
ache, dragglng-down pain or distress In
lower tAxlomlnal or pelvic region, accom
panied, of l limes, with a debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakness. Dr. tierce's Favorite
Prescription ts a most efficient remedy.
It Is equally effective In curing painful
periods. In giving strength to nursing
mothers and In preparing the system of
the expectant mother for baby's coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. The "f avorite Pre
scription f a moat potent, strengthening
tot ilc to the general system and to the
organs distinctly feminine In particular.
It Is alM a soothing and Invigorating
nervine and curt nervous exhaustion,
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria.
pama, chorea or St. Vitus s dance, ana
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant upon functional and organic dla
easns of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several Ingredients of which
"Favorite Prescription Is made for the
cure of the discaaes for which It Is claimed
to be a cure. You may read what thev
say for yowrtelf by sending a -postal card
rquett fitr a res booklet of extracts
from the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Invalids' HoteJ and Surgical In
stitute, Buffalo, N. Y. ana it wllf couie t4
you by return post. .
to Inquiries of State Veterinarian C. A.
MeKIm, originally addressed to Governor
Mickey and referred by him to the legal
Parole Ola Soldier.
Mark T. Hunter, the only convict at
the penitentiary who was a civil war vet
eran, la there no longer. Oovernor Mickey
ordered Ma release thia morning, after
visiting the penitentiary last evening and
talking with Hunter. The real name of
the latter la W. F- Dunn. He Is 67 years of
age. Ha was sentenced to one year for ob
taining $300 by false pretense from a bank
at Decatur, and haa served at or seven
months of his time. His wife, who Uvea
at Winnebago, called on Oovernor Mickey
a few daya ago to ask for a parole. The
governor granted It because Hunter, or
Dunn, Is both physically and mentally
weak. The records show that he waa for
three fears confined in asylums for Insane
at Jacksonville, III., and Clarlqda, la.
Five Are Dead aa Little Girl la !
Rxseeted to fteeovee.
TECUM8EH, Neb.. Sept. IB. (Special Tel
esTam.) Walter Hoblnson. ,the 11-year-old
son of Alexander Robinson, has died alnce
the storm here yesterday, making the
deaths number five. A Robinson girl, aged
7, cannot live.
The tornado which destroyed the Lone
Tree school house and killed the children
originated below the line In Pawnee county
and proceeded northwest to a point near
Vesta, In this oounty. making a clean
sweep of everything for a scope of from
100 to 200 yarda . for a distance of ten
mile. The school house In question was
reduced to kindling wood, the largest
plecea of the building which waa left being
the floor. The deaks were torn to pieces
and the equipment of the school waa blown
all over the near by field. The walla of
the building collapsed on the children,
there being twenty In attendance. The
teacher. Miss Ferguson of Lincoln, aided
by some of the larger pupils, rescued the
younger children from the debris aa soon aa
possible. It Is believed the stove fell on
George Kohler, the boy who waa killed In
stantly. Roy Carmine, the young man who waa
killed near Elk Creek by lightning, will be
burled at the Long Branch cemetery to
morrow morning, and O. A. Gell, another
of the victims, will be burled at Elk Creek
In the afternoon. It Is possible August
Seaman will be burled tomorrow afternoon,
but probably not until Monday. He was a
member 'of the Woodmen order and the
lodge will have charge of the obsequies.
Henry Walter, the fourth man to seek
shelter from the rsln under the threshing
machine which waa struck by lightning,
killing the three men. la recovering from
his experience. Mr. Walters was knocked
Insensible by the shock, and when he re
gained consciousness he found one of his
comrades dead and the others In the throes
of death. They were pitching around on
the ground and soon expired. Mr. Wal
ters attempted to go to their sides, but he
found himself temporarily paralysed by the
shock and Could do nothing. Aside from
one or two black marks on the men killed
and a few holes In the hat of one there Is
nothing to indicate that they were killed
by the lightning. A strange fact la that
the lightning struck the machine and prob
ably followed the Iron work to where the
men were fitting and scarcely a mark of
any kind la left on the thresher. It was
not Injured In the least.
STELLA, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
During a severe rainstorm late yosterday
evening. In which the rain fell in torrents
accompanied by considerable wind, light
ning struck the house of J. R. Bateman.
Tearing a hole In the roof and through a
kitchen cabinet, the bolt crossed a room
In which the family were sitting. Orvllle.
one of the . older- . children, waa badly
hocked and .It waa aome time before he
recovered from the effects. Three miles
north of town Alf Bourke had a horse
killed by lightning and another horse In the
same stall waa stunned, but recovered
later. '
FAIRMONT. Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
Eighty-five one hudreths of an Inch of
rain fell ' here yesterday. This puts the
land In fine shape for the wheafrop, a
large acreage of which will be put out.
Some farmers have finished drilling and a
good many more will be ready to sew next
week 'if the weather la favorable. A brlak
wind prevailed during the rain which pros
trated some corn, doing no damage to the
crop, however. -
. FAIRBURT. Neb.. Sept. lS.-(Pneflnl.l -Over
two Inches of rain fell here this
afternoon In less' than half an hour, caus
ing much damage to atreets and residence
property In the lower parte of the city.
This rain puta the aotl In good condition
for plowing and aeedtng.
" EDGAR, Neb.. Sept. IS. (Special.) An
electrical atorm of mora than ordinary
aeverlty passed over thla section yesterday
afternoon. The morning wna cloudy 'and
threatening. About noon rain began fall
ing heavily and continued at Intervals till
after 130. Aa the rain ceaaed the wlnl
roae and blew furiously for half an hour. A
number of peaoh treea were broken down
and peaches were blown off the trees. The
severe wind put a large number of tele
phones out of service by loosening connec
tions and mixing up the wires. The long
distance line south was alao broken.
FULLERTON, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
A fine rain fell here yesterday, which will
prove of great benefit to farmers. It will
assist the plowing and putting In of wheat,
and Improve fall paaturea.
DAVID CITT, Neb.. Sept 15.-(Bpecial.)-
Raln fell all- day Friday. It waa much
needed aa It was ao dry that the farmers
were unrble to plow or plant their wheat
Repahlleaa Coaveatloaa Eaaerse Bis
Caodlaaer for,.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Sept. IS. -(Special
Tt-legram.) Delegatea to the fifty-sixth
representative district met In convention
here this afternoon, with J. A. Taylor of
Berwyn In the chair and A. Antwerp of
Broken Bow, secretary. An Informal ballot
waa taken to bring out the candidates and
resulted in six names being pus forward for
the honors. On the second ballot William
Warren of Calloway received 11 votes and
F. C. Wilson of Anselmo, I. This being the
number necessary to nominate. Warren and
Wilson were declared the nominees of the
convention. The following resolution was
adopted: "Be It resolved by the convention.
That our representatives, if elected, be In
structed to use all honorable means to elect
Hon. Norrls Brown to the United States
senate." I. P. Mills of Arnold will serve
as committeeman for the next two years.
A meeting of he county central committee
waa held Immediately after the convention,
with Jules Haumont In the chair. The po
litical altuatloa waa discussed and organi
sation was effected for the coming cam
paign. OOALALLA, Neb.. Sept .-(Special Tel-
egrara.) The republican senatorial and rep
resentative conventlona met here today In
the opera house. Charles A. Sibley of Lin
coln county was -nominated for senator. Mr,
Sibley Is a ranchman and farmer. EL H.
Springer of Scott's Bluff county was nomi
nated for representative. Mr. Springer Is
an old settler In Scott's Bluff county and
Is slso s farmer and ranchman. Every
county was represented and the conventions
were harmonious. 'Strong resolutions were
paased endorsing President Roosevelt and
the republican national administration:
pledging the support of the nominees to
the platform passed by the last state con
vention; pledging support of the nominees
for the election of Norrls Brows for United
Stales senator; endorsing the. repusUoaa
ticket now before the people, and commend
Ing the present state administration.
Oae Ticket for Ike Two Parties, will
Roaoreemeot for Tkomosow.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special
Telegram.) The Dawson county democratic
convention met In the court house today
and organised with P. M. Whitehead of
Gothenburg aa chairman and J. C. Holmea
of Lexington, aecretary. A double llfe-slae
crayon portrait of W. J. Bryan adorned the
speaker's stand. The platform endorses
every word of the state platform; Instructs
the nnnlneea for the legislature. If elected.
to vote for W. H. Thompson for Vnlted
States senator, and for a stste law making
the giving or accepting of a railroad pass
a felony and for lower freight and passen
ger rates; also endorses the democratic
principles enunciated by W. J. Brye-n? The
following ticket was nominated: Repre
sentative, H. T. Worthing of Overton, pop
ulist, Mr. Flndlay having declined; county
attorney, B. H. Moulds, democrat of Lex
ington; commissioner, O. A. Berg, populist
of Blaine. This makes fuslon'complete In
Dawson county. At the close of the nomi
nations Hon. W. H. Thompson was Intro
duced and made an eloquent plea for the
election of the fusion forces. He charged
the republican party with having been al
ways controlled by trusts and corpora
tions, saying that their present platform
makes true democratic doctrine, but that
they should be Judged by their past rec
ord and that their present promises were
not to be relied upon. He paid a high
compliment to President Roosevelt, but said
that the Platte, the Bpoonere, the Aid
riches, the Forakera and men of their Ilk
were too powerful for the people to se
cure relief from republican sources. His
speech was applauded, but the audience
waa not aa large as was expected.
PAPILLION, Neb., Sept. 15 -(Speclal.)-
The democratic senatorial convention of
Sarpy and Saunders countiea waa held here
today at the court houae. The popllsts
nominated T. Cone of Saunders county and
asked the convention to endorse him, but
the democrats nominated W. R. Patrick of
CLARKS. Neb.. Sept. iS. (Special Tele
gram.) The democrats and popullsta of the
Eighteenth senatorial district, comprising
Nance, Merrick and Polk countiea, held
aeparate conventions here today and unani
mously nominated Judge A. Edglngton of
Fullerton candidate for senator.
Proapeet of Coatlnaooa Holiday for
gome Voanirstera la Nebraska.
WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. lS.-(Speclal.)
A shortage of school teachers la reported
by Superintendent Stahl.ewho la unable to
find a sufficient number to supply the
schools of Conway country.
Superintendent Btahl has Just made a trip
to Dodge county and he finds the same
state of affairs exists there, no unemployed
teachers being available.
WOOD RIVER, Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special.)
Several schools In Hall county are with
out teachers. Miss Brown, the county
superintendent haa been endeavoring to
place teachers In them, but ahe haa ao far
failed In getting any one to take them.
Salarlea of (30 and 135 are offered.
Faat Trala Jampa Track.
WATERLOO, Neb., Sept. 15. (Speclal.)-
The Colorado special, .westbound, conductor
King In charge and Adam Johnson pulling
the train. Jumped the 'track at the curve
on the high grade one mile eaat of Water
loo at 8:45 thia morning. The forward truck
of the tender was all that left the rails.
The engineer succeeding In stopping hla
train before any serious damage was done,
but old ties and track were badly out up
by the truck. Had the train been running
at full apeed It would probably have gone
In the ditch. It waa about 11:30 before the
truck could be replaced and the -train pro
ceed. Several tralna were delayed In con
sequence, W. R, . McKeen, superintendent of motor
power, and a party of newspaper men were
here with motor car No. 8, on the return
trip from Columbus, and were delayed by
the "Wreck.
Richard Blaeo Throws) by Horse.
BLAIR, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Richard Blaco, a prominent farmer
Lsf thla county, living about three miles
north of Kennard, waa thrown from hla
horse, while returning from Kennard some
time Thursday night, and la atill uncon
scious tonight, being paralysed on one aide.
Mr. - Blaco'a horse returned without him
and hla aon found him about half a mile
from home In an unconscious condition.
Mr. Blaco haa always been prominent In
Washington county politics and served as
commissioner for several years when this
county was under the commissioner system.
There IS no hope 'for his recovery.
Enarlne Mashes Boy's Haad
STUART. Neb., Sept. 15,-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Frank Johnson, 14 years old, son of
M. Johnson, traveling man for the Stand
ard Oil company, waa fooling with a gaso
line engine In the feed store of W. B.
James snd got his hand maahed to a pulp.
The fingers and part of the hand had to be
amputated. Ne one waa near when the
accident happened.
Attempt to Rob Baak Falls.
HAT SPRINGS. Neb., Sept 15. (Spe
cial Telegram.) An attempt was made
laat night to rob the Farmers' and Mer
chant' bank. The aafe of the bank waa
ruined by dynamite, but the funde were
not reached. Officers are on the track of
the burglars.
News of Nebraska.
VAViv tiTT lavt Wllkenson, Imple
ment dealer. Is In a critical condition at
me lviu cujr noapiiai. .
WAHOO A big rain fell here all day
Fiidav from S a. m. tn i w m
DAVID CITT The democratic county
ninjTOiion nm oeen caueu lor October S at
the courthouse.
DAVID CITY-Ray M. Harris announces
that he will not be a candidate for re-nom-I
nation for county attorney.
RULO George W. Beck, formerly of
Ohio precinct, died at hla home In Falls
City of heart failure Thursday morning.
BEATRICE Philip Nauman. for twenty
six years a merchant tailor of Beatrice
died suddenly Baturdav murnlntr mA .
WOOD RIVER One hundred and slaty
r1""" re;mvu ineir naturalisation papers
and became cltlsens of Hall county thla
DAVID CITT-John Boaton left thla week
v. ,. una. 19 inena me annual re
union of the Seventy-fifth lilliioia regi
ment. DAVID CITT-A. C. Shallenberger. can
didate for governor on the democratic
ticket, will speak In the court house on
R Vf oh. .
. . 1 1 1 a none
driven by Frsd Robars ef this city, won
wio lupesa, ttas., rnday. The
purse waa SfxjU.
mT.l'vinr'H xr t.,u .
of Central .City, and Miss Mlltle E. Ever-
'Grateful to
the Palate"
Says a Fane Orocer
Aemwsary Sample Kocto
One vear aeo we moved into our present location,
After spendingmuch time in carefully going over
Turkish rugs, we now feel that our line is the choicest
We bought at a time
rWVre also making the following reductions on India Carpets, ordered
more than eighteen months ago' and not delivered according to contract. These
are now on sale for less than the actual' cost of importation.
178 India Rug, 9-1x12-3, medallion center,
red ground, tan and green bor- 4(i Cf
der during this sale IKJliOXJ
$225 India Rug, 4x12-6. allover figure, green
and Ivory, with green ground I HQ CO
during this sale ivJ7vjVJ
$300 India Rug, 10-1x12-9, old rose ground,
blue and Ivory during this iri fr
$200 India Rug, 9-2x12-1, medallion center,
red ground, with green and old Tf OO
rose border during thla sale. . . ,lolvAJ
. - i
land of Memphis. Tenn.. were married by
County Judge Patterson.
WOOD RIVER The call has been "!
for the pop""" county convention to Dt
held at Grand Island. September 22. A
county ticket will be nominated.
OAKLAND Thirty-seven residents of
Oakland have taken out their final PPP'
at Tekamah thla week and are now full
fledged cltlsens of Uncle Sam's domain.
DFiTBiPR-Btatu Secretary Bailey of
the Young Men's Christian association Is
here and la making pians -o nave me new
association building at this point dedicated
about October 16. ,
OAKLAND Dr. Charles Bamson haa
closed out hia drug Block -here and will
leave with hla family In a short Ume for
Ban IDego, Cal., to reside and reaume hla
practice of medicine.
COLUMBUS Holla Laughlln and Mlsa
Lottie Collins were married by Rev. Arthur
J. Weelcott, reetor of Grace Episcopal
church. They will settle down to house
keeping In Columbus.
SCHUYLER Colfax county agricultural
and live stock show was held here Friday
and Saturday. Many fine ahowlnga wore
exhibited, notwithstanding the rain which
fell Friday morning.
BEATRICE Membraneoua croup haa
been prevalent In a malignant form In West
Beatrice for the last few weens. A num
ber of cases have been reported, but only
one death has occurred, y
PAPILLION John Cayenaugh of
Fort Crook was brought before the county
judge this morning, charged with selling
liquors behind closed acreena. He waa
held to the district court.
WOOD RIVER Mrs. M. Walsh of Shelton
died suddenly at her home Friday from
heart failure. The deceased waa born In
Hall county. Rev. Father Lynch of Wood
River will conduct the funeral.
DAVID CITy Marriage licenses have
been Issued during the last week to Ell R.
Deltweller and Mable Snider, M. T. Paael
and Mrs. Roaa Zeman, Jeaae Campbell and
Zennll Gregory, Karl CI ha and Mary Ford.
OAKLAND Arthur Tlmberg haa aold hia
Interest In the Implement Arm of Peterson
at Tlmberg to John L. Larson of this city,
and hereafter the business will 1 be contin
ued under the firm name of Peterson
WAHOO The weather man hss It In for
the firemen and the Fremont-Wahoo ball
team. Their doings had to be postponed
lor the second time this week on aocount
of rain. The date will be decided on later.
WOOD RIVER Several thousand feet of
cement sldewaika have been laid In Wood
River this year. The village haa placed
several cement crossings In for an experi
ment, and they are giving good satisfac
tion. WOOD RIVER William Maier, resid
ing In the west part of the county, lost
600 burhels of oats by the stacks catch
fire from the threshing engine. The sepa
rator waa pulled away from the Ore aud
BEATRICE Frank -Bperry and Charles
Miller, charged with robbing the home of
John Meyer, a farmer, were held tn bonda
of 11,000 each in the county court until
Thursday, the date set for their prelim
inary healing.
WEST POINT The weather on Thursday
and Friday waa disagreeable, a cold rain
falling almost continuously, Crops of all
klnda are safely past the danger mark, ao
no apprehension Is felt by the farmers.
Saturday waa warmer.
BEATRICE The heavieat rain of the
aeaaon fell here yesterday afternoon, flood
ing the streets and causing small streams
to overflow their banks. About three
inches of water have fallen the laat twe
daya, and the ground la thoroughly soaked.
YORK York county leads and captured
sixty-seven premiums at the state fair thia
year ana five bead of young cattle from
the York herd of Christian aV Long won
seven premiums and secured a fair amount
of money.
COLl'MBl'SOn account of the poor
health of on ef the Arm of tbe Columbus
creamery, L. C. Draper has sold .out his tu.
terest to Manager F. N. Stevenson. The
creamery will go on as If there had been
no charge.
FULLERTON Judge' Reeder and Dis
trict court clerk A. B. Currier were en
tertained by thirty-three men seeking te
become cltlsens, slghlea procuring Anal
the largest furniture stores in the west. Here our business has increased
month by month far beyond our expectations.
To celebrate this first anniversary in our new store we secured from five
of this country's foremost manufacturers, their sample lines of rockers and
chairs. They are now on sale on our main floor; nearly the entire floor filled
with them. An almost endless variety. One of each pattern in each finish
Golden, weathered, old English oak. mshoKany finish and genuine mahogany.
Fancy rockers and chairs for the library, parlor, living room, den, ball and
bed room.. Large and medium rcVkers. High and medium back rockers
some with leather seat, leather seat and back and all wood. 8ome pretty
plecea for the den In weathered oak; Morris chairs, also Rush seat rockers.
Day by day our floor is filled and refilled new ones taking the place of those
that are sold. For tomorrow's selling we have added over 150 new patterns
that we were unable to show before, owing to lack of floor space. ,
. The imensity of this sale is hard to comprehend. It's really five great
sales in one. You should take advantage of this unusual opportunty and sup
ply yourself liberally with rockers and chairs. Here are all woods and finishes.
when the market was overstocked and can save you 15 to 25 per
$275 India Rug, 10-8x13-3, medallion center,
red ground, gold and blue bor- i'Ji
der during this sale 1 l3w
$160 India Rug, 9x12, green ground, red
and green border during this qt QQ
$160 India Rug, 9-2x12, medallion center,
blue ground, red and green bor- Cf
der during this sale s 0J
$176 India Rug, 9-1x12-5, medallion center,
blue ground, old r.ose and tan 4( CSCS
border during this sale lJOtJJ
'Oriental Rugs should be washed by the native process at least once a year, which pro
cess cleans the rug, softens .the wool, beautifies the colors and adds a silky sheen to It. In
the orient every rug goes through this process twice a year, and It Is for this reason only
that you see rugs brought to this pountry after 25 to 100 yeara' service, more beautiful and
valuable than when first woven. v
Mr. Arisen K. Nakas'hian Is still with us? exhibiting and weaving In our window. Let
him use this process on your ruga and see the wonderful results. Also expert repairing
done at moderate charges.
We are sole agents for the famous Duffner ft Klmberley Reading Lamp, and are show
ing a beautiful line of them in our window now. They come in brass and solid bronze. Old
English, dark green, yellow antique gold and Pompelian finishes. Mosaic shades, two,
three and four lights. The most artistic designs, the finest materials and the best possible
workmanship combine to pake these practical and beautiful reading lamps. ,
We give you the best effect, with perfect workmanship, whether you buy a 25-cent
shade "or a $5.00 one. ' Let us make an estimate tor your borne.
' . . - v t - . '
, '- - - : i
Orchard & Wilhelm (Carpet Qo.
414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street.
papers while fifteen were given their first
papers. I ne w.w ). ..
Polanders. '
Miss Llssle Kreneger of Nellgh township,
were united In matrimony at the German
Lutheran church. Rev. William Harms,
pastor, officiating. The couple are the chil
dren of early settlers of Cuming county
and will reside on their farm northeast of
West Point.
WEST POINT The mortuary chapel In
Bt. Michael's Catholic cemetery in Weal
Point has been removed and a more com
modious structure of frame erected. The
former chapel was built of hewed atone,
but proved too amall for the needa of tiie
BEATRICE General L. W. Colby of this
city haa brought suit for $1,000 In the Paw
nee county district court as a balance
alleged to be due him for legal services
and expenses aa attorney In setting aside
the probate of and In contesting the will
of Nets Isaac, deceased.
OAKLAND J. C. Swanson, who has been
a realdent here for the pt twenty-five
yeara, haa aold hla home in this city to
A. L. Cull, and will leave Monday with his
family for Los Angeles, Cal.. to reside, in
the hope of benefiting his health, which
has been poorly of late.
COLUMBUS A couple of pioneer cltlsens,
Captain and Mrs. A. Halght, are again
greeting old frlenda. They went to Han
Diego,. Cal., a few yeara ago. The Captain
has just passed through a siege of Illness.
He likes the climate of California, but
longed for real old Nebraka autumn.
DAVID CITY The case of young Eduards
of Ulysses against the Burlington railway,
for damages sustained by plaintiff white
on the platform of a car at Seward, July
4. 1904. has been settled, the company pay
ing plaintiff T and all costs except wit
ness fees of plaintiff. Suit was brought for
1.99 and cost of prosecution.
YORK Editor Dayton of the York Re
publican returned from Hot Bprrngs. S. D.,
where he took treatment for rheumatism.
Mr. Dayton remarked that for many years
he had repaired the machinery of the Re
publican offlce. but thia was the first time
he had tried to make any repairs on him
self. He returns much benefited.
BEATRICE The committee named by
Fire Chief A. D. White to solicit funds
among the firemen for the purpose of erect
ing a monument upon the firemen's lot In
Kvergreen cemetery, to cost sjuo, comprises
the foreman of each company. The com
mittee Is now at work and expecta to have
the neceaaary funds In a few days.
WOOD RIVER Two handcars loaded
with Japaneae laborers collided on the
Union Pacific thia morning, and resulted
In Injuring aeveral of the men. One of
them had hla arm broken In two placea,
while a number received minor injuries.
Both cara were traveling the aame way
and the Japa were hurrying to get In out
of the rain.
BEATRICE A heavy windstorm passed
through this se-jMon yesterday doing con
siderable damage to outbuildings and farm
property. On the Holllngworth farm south
east of the city trees were uprooted and
two corn cribs destroyed. The large smoke
stack of the Beatrice Corn mills waa blown
down, and the plant will be shut down
until a new stack is sent here from Omaha.
B A LEM Fred Wlttmer, a wealthy
farmer, who Uvea near here, haa Just
closed a $75,000 land deal, by which he be
comes proprietor of S.100 acres of land near
Cotsfleld, Neb.; 6u0 head of hogs, 20 head
of horses and all necessary machinery for
running the (.luO-acre ranch. At the time
the deal waa closed over 1.000 tons of hay
was stacked upon this ranch. This became
bis, also.
COLUMBUS Friends of W. M. Berg,
former postmaster of Cornlea, this county,
were glad to greet him here this week.
Mr. Berg was found short In his accounts
as postmaster and received a six months'
sentence. The time has been served, fur
Mr. Berg had a good slice cut off on ac
count of good behavior. He has gone to
Oregon to meet his family and start In on
life's Journey again. ,
WOOD RIVER Beet raisers In this end
of Hall county are preparing to dig their
crop next week. The beets this year are
fine and the crop will bring some of the
raisers aa high aa $109 per acre. Home
trown watermelona, more delicious than
iave ever been grown here, are on the
market. Seed growera are preparing to
take rare ofthe crop as soon ss the ttrt
frost kills the vines. The seed Industry
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Tersian and
and largest ever brought to this part of the country.
,'i ' ' zziMM
has grown to Quite an extent In thla com
munfty quite a number of the farmers
engaging In it. Hopper . Son, seed men
of this place, say that the cucumber crop
has been ruined this year and no attempt
will be made to harveat the seed In soma
fields. Squash, sweet corn and onions
did remarkably well this year.
KEARNEY Something of what this
county can show In the way of - corn Is
being exhibited at the Patterson & Vfcingard
implement house. The two principal varie
tlee are "Watson's Pride'r and "Reed'e
Early Dent," nearly all of which la out of
the way of frost. This firm has made a
specialty of growing corn for seed and has
now 400 acres, which will yield from forty
to sixty burhels to the acre..
LEIGH The T. E. Rochford hardware
and furniture atock was sold this morning
to William Wenk of Creston. This Is the
second time it haa changed handa In tho
past two weeks. The first time Mr. Roch
ford traded It to Reed Bros, of Madison
for a farm In Boone county, and today thoy
sold It to Mr. Wenk. The present owner la
an experienced hardware and furniture man
and will operate the same. The stock In
voiced $8,600.
WEST POINT-Mre. Minnie Nathan
passed away at the home of her son, Will
iam Moderow, northwest of this city, at
the age of bS yeara. The cause of death
waa cancer of the stomach. The deceased
was born In Germany and haa been a resi
dent of Cuming county nearly forty yesra.
She leavea four -children. The remalna
were Interred at the Rock Creek German
Lutheran church. Rev. A. W. Meeake,
pastor, preaching the luneral aermon.
Ele tater aad Stables.
CINCINNATI, Sept. U.-FIre today de
atroyed the Helle grain elevator and spread
to the stable of Turfman Conrad at the
Latonta race track, but the horses were
rescued, as were those In bther stables,
which, however, were destroyed. ' The loss
to the elevator Is $750,000.
Fair Today la Nebraska, Except
Shewere la lesthwest Pertlea
Fair Tumorraw,
WASHINGTON. Sept. It. Forecast of
the weather for Sunday and Monday;
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Sunday
snd Monday.
For South Dakota and t Montana -Fair
Sunday and Monday.
- For Colorado Showers 8unday, cooler
In eaat portion; Monday fair and war me i.
For Wyoming .Fair Sunday and Mon
day, preceded by ahowers In east portion,
warmer Mojiday.
For Nebraska Fair . Sunday except
showers In southwest portion; Monday
For Kanaaa Fair Sunday and Monday,
preceded by ahowers and cooler, Sunday
In west portion.
Local Reeerd.
OMAHA, Sept. 16. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of ths last three
years: 1KM. 1S. 14.
Maximum temperature.... 17 1 7 t
Minimum temperature.... Ss (2 4 44
Mean, temperature 78 T2 60 44
Precipitation U Id .00 .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha eince March 1
and comparison with the laat two yearai
Normal temperature Jt
Kxcess for the day 1
Total deficiency alnce March 1 H
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
Excess for the day -.4$ Inch
Precipitation since March J 10 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 $ S7 Inches
Deficiency for cor. perlor In 1906.. 14? Inches
Deocieacir for- cor. period Ju4... LIS) Inches
making this one of
cent on every rug sold.
Carrisri Will Be Allowed to Make Keduo"
tiom On Three rayi Notios. . '
Fall Thirty Days' Notice aa BpeclfUel
by Law Req aired for Rales-. !
Modlflcatloa of Expor
WA8HINOTON. Bept. 16. The Inter
state Commerce commission today ren
dered its decision on the petition of the
Southern Railroad Co. and other carriers
operating east of the Mississippi river
and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers
for permission to equalise export rates on
cotton, 'cotton seed and Ita products, and
lumber and thereby make changes In their
export rates without the thirty days'
notice required by the new rate law.
The commission holds that carriers may
legally lasue through bills of lading from
the Interior point of shipment to a for
eign destination, which apeetfy the Inland
rate to the port pf export and the ocean
rate from the port of export, even though
no joint through (ate Is published. .
Ne Coaeessloas oa Advsiaees. .
The commission orders that "no pub
lished rates on cotton shall be advanced
except upon thirty days notice; that from
and after thla date and until March 1,
107, carrlera may reduce their published
export ratea on cotton to the various ports
of export upon three daya' notice and that
until November 1. ISO, carriers may con
tinue to equalise cotton export rates
through the various ports by apply
ing the lowest combination through all
the ports, thereby making said rates with
out publication and filing as required by
law, provided that they post In two con
splcuoua placea In the station where cot
ton la received for ahlpment, notices of
the ratea ao made and mall copies of the
same to the commission, said notices to
specify the rate and time during which
the rate will continue In effect.''
He Chaasjes ea Laaaber.
As to cottonaeed and pits products and
lumber the petition la denied.
Scores of applications for permission to
ehaiige freight rates have been received
by the commission during the past few
daya and In every Instance the changes
which the carriers desire to make are re
ductions. The applications have been en
tirely voluntary. Commissioner Franklin
Lane said:
"It would seem from the number' and
Importance of these productions that many
carriers recognise that their rates are too
high at the time of the enactment of tha
Hepburn law. It also seems that they are
preparing for .the operation of the new
law under which freight rates cannot be
changed with the facility that formvrly
was the rule."
Serleae Flgat la Ohta. -
STEUBEN VI LLE. O., Sept. 11 -Six ansa
and one woman were stabbed and hacked
In a row between - Polish and ' Austria-'
miners in' a boarding houae at Long Run.
laat night, where they had been drinking
Three of the men will die. The wonts and
the three other men are seriously wosndsd.
Four of the rioter were arrea.e4Y