Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 2

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is? . V
Great Linen Sale Monday of nl,lk sonen utchings, and .'fasteninra.
High-Class .Odd Table caothsirtKt
-and Napkins at One Half' ,ore n1 nobby-per pair ils.
l?rice. I MW,n.fl-'-
La en immense linen bustnese like ours It !
becomes necessary periodically to close '
out broken lines, where In many cases the I
cloths and napkins do not match. These !
sales present an opportunity to the house
wife to supply her needs at a saving of
one-half the regular price.
It cloths, U2 yards Ions; regular 16.00.
now ii.eo each,
t .cloths, txt yarUs; reg-ular W.75,' now
each. ' i
cloths, txZH yards long; regular $7.00,
now 13.50 each. - -
IS cloths. ZHi? yards long; regular ft .60,
now KS each, . 'X.i . ' .' g
4 cloths, 2Hi'yards long; regular . $10.00,
now $B.0 each. v ... '..';-.-vr :' t
cloths, iti yards long'; regular $12 M,
now $'00 each. .'-' .'.- . '
1'cloth, 2H4 "yards long; regular $U 10,
now W.7. ' ,' ' '
4 cloths, 2Vfcxft yards longi, regular
now $7.60 each.- " ', ' ' V
1 cloth, Jx2H Tarda, lone; regular' fa.00,
now m.oo. ' , r ' v t
cloths, $HxZH yards long; regular $1-00.
now- $5.00 eaoh.; -' ' ,'. '. ; .
cloths. 2Hi"yards long; regular,. $lioO,
I now $.0O each.: ',' ; ' . , : i Y ,
I cloths, 2Vt$ti' yards long; regular $110.
' now $8.76 each. ' '. I .
4 cloths, ZVixl yards long; regular $15.00,
now $7.60 eaoh. '
I cloths, VH yards Ions; regular 117.60,
I now $8.76 eaoh.
' 1 dosen H napkins; regular' $4.00, now
$2.00 a dosen.
4 doeen napkins; regular $4.00. now $3.00
a dosen.
$ dosen napkins; regular $4.76. bow $3.6$
a doaen.
4 dozen napkins; regular $1.00. now $100
a dosen. ' , ' ,
Ladies' Gloves
The new and beautiful styles are here,
bow lenth glace kid gloves Trefouesc
Best quality, made with three new clasps,
per pair $3.60. ' ' '" .
pi bow length gloves, either ' sueAe' or
glace, In all the leading shades and white,
Ii-r- pair $100.
Street gloves, either Founes or Dent
raided Solidad yeaferday, taking horses.
Ho ayx his Information doe not confirm
pfess dispatches as to the destruction of
sugar-plantations. ... 'j-f-'a- .; .'
Vrora tspatches received today from Mr.
Weeper, cliarge of the American legation
at Havana, It appear that the- extent of
damage to American property near 'Clen--fuegos
had been exaggerated. The report
- that t&a Huatey estate had been destroyed
Is contradicted, and thus far, he says, he
has not been able to, confirm .the report
.that the .Constancta estate- buildings have
been burned. - .It Is also said the buildings
on the Hormlguerra estate were not burned
by the Insurgents. ' 1
i -A dispatch from Amertnan Consul Holla
gay at Santiago de Cuba, aays that, so
, far as he can learn, there has been no
taetuar warfare In Santiago province, but
that It Is reported 400 men are In arms.
Marlaes t'adev 6rd'rs.
BOSTON, Sept. 16. Orders for a detach
ment of marlnea to proceed to Norfolk
were received today at the Charlestown
navy yard.' Upon arrival at Norfolk It
was arranged ,to embark upon a United
,8ta(e cruiser bound for Cuba In eonnec-
' Mon with the Cuban Insurrection. It was
planned to .send the men away on an after-
nooi train. -
tachment of alxty-stx marines left for the
..portsntputl) navy yard under hurry orders
today on their- way to Norfolk, Va., where
they will embark on one of the crulaers
which, is under orders to sail for Cuba
w.,... ,...
next Monday night
DUN LA P. Ia.. Sept. 16. (Special.) The
marriage Of Clinton Modrehead and Minnie
B. Bonar occurred Wednesday morning at
11:80 o'clock at the home' of the bride s
father,' James Bonar. Rev. Van Horn of
the Ftea Methodist church officiated. . A
-wedding dinner was Served Immediately
following .the ceremony.
- Basalaa fharsjed 'with Rlajamy,
"HURON, S. if., Sepi. 16-(Speclal.)-A.
Aktoersky, who came here some months
eluoe ' and engageit In' the tailoring busi
ness. -Is " under arrest on the charge of
bigamy. A woman arrived here from Alex
andrla, Russia, a day or two since, claim
ing Aktoersky as her ' husband, and - to
prove her claim aha present a a marriage
eertlflret, photographs of Aktoersky, two
children and heraelf. Aktoersky gave bonds
for his . appearance and an examination
may reveal some Interesting facta, as he
Is living here with a woman whom he
claims to cava married about a year ago
in the south part Of this state. Wife No.
I Is a pleasant appearing woman of about
46 yeai s of age. but la unahl to ' speak
the English language.
Does Coffee
cause your
: Trouble? B
No Flowers ,
'"We Substitute in Value Giving Instead '
Grand openings usually necessitate the expenditure of considerable . sums of money for
flowers, music etC "We intend to follow the same plan as last spring and dispense with these,
and give the buying public the extreme limit in value instead. Jyv,?-y'l-v
Millinery will no doubt be the center of interest on our second floof during the occasion of
of this opening, and right well we've prepared to make it the most attractive, elegant, thoroughly
and exclusive show of the new season's creations ever placed on Omaha..
' The PariB hats are, of course, the center of admirationV.but.New.-Tbrk and our own work
.room also contribute largely to
. be here during the opening season. Welcome.
'So warm
o light"
When ; you" Rlecp every
v muscle of your body should
be relaxed. Heavy covers
are a strain that makes it
V impossible to get the full
. benefit of your rest. . , '
Laminated V
. are very light and
luxuriously warm.
See the Maish" at our store.
New and attractive patterns J
8(ie 72x61, $3.00 each.
" Blse 61x90, $4.00 each..
Open Saturday Evenings.
. Howard Street,
Nebruian Again Fleada For OoTornmoot
. v. . Cwnarahip of Bailroada.
Bays Most , of Railroads 'Are
Owaed' by States and . Serve .
'. sua Baffer Aaalast Ceatral- '
Isatlosi of Pver.
ROANOKE. Va, Sept. 15. Colonel Wil
liam' Jennings Bryan spent, today In south
- west Virginia, . delivering an address this
i afternoon to the largest crowd ever gath
ered. In this part of the state In the fair
grounds at. Radford) and speaking, to an
enormous - throng here1 'tonight. His Rad
ford speech was.tolltlcal, but here He d!s
.cussed ethics.
. At Radford Mr. Bryan aald domocracy Is
a doctrine that appeala to the heart and
i. .v.. a ,.,,..'
. . . mtLm rw.,, . -,. , h
for the coming campaign, he said, because
' J... ,,,, ort
credit for It, oppose f7 tn. It i
hot dolnglts duty on the trut question,
.. " - .
IVj,' Rrv.n
. .., " J,, ' ,
I am willing to
go down on my knees ;
and ask my Heavenly Father, 'Give us this
A n 1 1 .. 1 . , v... . 1 1 1 1 :
to make millions of tny ' countrymen get
down on their knees and say to some trust
magnate: 'dive us this day our dally bread,'
and have him reply, .'I will, if you vote the
ticket I want you to vote.'
. "In the ' Impending campaign we. ahall
challenge the republican party to state Its
position, and wa wJJI state ours boldly that
you cannot regulate a private monopoly,
that you need not waste time trying to re.
strata it, s but that -you must kill It out
right." tate Owerht of Railroads.
Hs referred to the railroad rats law and
said he was going a step further, and con
tinued: . ...,- : - -
Two years ago I had reached the conclu
sion that the government ownership of
rallroada was the only solution of the ques
tion. My position has been misstated, and
In - . im m r,la. hil.riUiMrii&4 I hlv. hMn
accused of favoring a thing that would lead
to centralisation. Let me remind you Unit
Pa" ,iot1.'n'y.doeI n?1 1"ad centrtt1''
In many years that looks toward the
strengthening of the state and making a
bulwark against centralisation. People
have been dlxcusslng pnhllo ownership with
the idea that the federal government would
own the rallroada and It seemed to me
that that was fraught with danger! be
cause I believe In the democratic doctrine
jOt local self government.
(Example of Gersaaay.
I believe in our constututlonal doctrine
, that local things fur the states and national
j affairs for the federal government, and
I therefore InMead of advocating a federal
ownership that would centralise all this
power at Washington, I advocated a dual
jilan. whereby only the trunk lines would
be under the control of the federal govern-,
ment and all the local lines under control
of the state government, and if anybody
deniea that It Is practicable. I cannot but
tell them that In the empire of Germany,
almost all the rallroada are owned by the
, Br iran siiiies, sua i rial today tDe empire
nu m iu rauroaoa in. oraer to
strengthen the general government, but the
statea refuse to aurrendur them because
they are the influential In the strength, of
the statea. . So my friends. Instead of being
for centralisation, this le the plan (hit
gives to the state the power to strengthen
Itself and to attend to. its own affaire,
. . Hall reads Im -Pedttlea. '
There has been one other objection. Pd
oaly one to which I wlnh to refer and that
U. that If we had the ownership of rail-
in flie Millinery Section
the display. The women" of Oikt
Vivella., Flannels: t
England'! most famous flannel and' guar
anteed, non-shrlnkable. coloVs fast In' wash
ing. Our new line, which has Just ar
rived, comprises sll the latest styles In
stripes, plaids and fancies, also p' la In rot
ors. Price the world over 76c per yard, 63
Inches wide. '
Hosiery, With Split Soles
That rrieans hosiery with soles of undyed
yarn black uppers with unbleached solos.
They wear better and do not bum the
feet like an all black stocking.
Women's black cotton hose, with tnsco
split soles, double soles, 'heels and toes'
'Ao per pair.
Women's medium or heavy weight black
cotton hose, maeo split soles, high spliced
heels and toes 66c per pair, or three pairs
for $1.00.
Women's black cotton hone, medium
weight, double soles, heels and toes 60c
per pair.
We sell the "Pony stocking"' tot chil
dren. Beat for wear.
Main floor.
Monday Specials Second
All the odda and snds of, high grade
gowns, made of sheer nainsook, low neck,
short sleeves, prettily trimmed with Kce
or embroidery. Gowns that sold at $3.76 to
Special Sale of Women's
Drawers. !.
Women's drawers, of fine nainsook, pret
tily trimmed with embroidery. Regularly
priced at 76c and 85c
We have .what we call "The Deposit
Account Department." You profit by the
high values and low prices of the Thomp
son, Belden ft Co. cash system, and
all the conveniences of a credtt system
run a bank; there is no cashing of checks.
Your money earns 4 par cent aa long ss
it Is In our Deposit Account Department.
Corner Sixteenth.
roads by the government It would Increase
the political power of the party In control.
Well I have an opinion on that : because
.tthen I. was a candidate for president I had
a ehnhce to mensure the .relative Influence
of the administration over Its civil wr
vants, and the influence of the railroads
over their employes. I never had any
difficulty with mall carriera and civil sr.
vice employes, but the railroads marshaled
their forces and . compelled their men
against the risk of losing employment to
march In their parade and wear the button
of their champion. W"
Mr. Bryan with, his wife and daughter
Oraee left Roanoke In an automobile for
Holllns Institute, a college for -young wo
men, which Miss Bryan enters Monday.
Colonel Bryan will leave Sunday for North
Carollrfa. '
namlflcatloas f the Cosalraey
Defraad tfce Goyeraaaeat
f Ind. - -
Land Fraud Defendant Jones'' fears were
well grounded. Informer PiUer I has
"started 'the ball a-rolllhg." It would be
unfair and Improper to say that be "ha
landed Us (them) all." One or two have
been "landed" In "jail. Some have been
found guilty and are under sentence to
Plson- Others' are on trial, with results
2ll Af. "I" "J?!." A?
, 7. .a- 1 r . T .
with their turn to come. Puter has pulled
the whole amaxlng edifice of fraud, per
jury, corruption and conspiracy down on
ens. sorne 'of ' whom would have escaped
with a whole skin and unblotted escutcheon
but tor his Implacable desire for revenge
and others of whom may yet, of course.
extricate themselves. But at what tremen
dous cost!-
' Puter has tdid' his terrible story. In It
there is much already known ' to many
persons and known to be true,-and there
Is also much that has been suspected or
believed, or has been 'within trie knowledge
of a few,' but never before laid bare In all
Ita detestable nakedness to - the curious
gase of the' uninformed public. It' Is withal
a connected and coherent narrative of the
secret operations of the powerful and
wicked political gang thst for years dom
inated Oregon politics. Using its gTeat in
fluence to steal with subtle falsehood and
painstaking guile . the patrimony of The
people. Where the money came from to
support this dangerous political -cabal we
now know, it came largely from specula
tors in lands and from corrupt bargains
with land thieves. . It . came through the
cupidity of tha horde of petty swindlers
who flourished around the edges of the
select circle and who were willing to bar
ter their honor for. a few dollars or for a
chancs at a little political job. It came
through the dUhoneat and eager willingness
of Urge corporations -to contribute blood
money, to the Oregon clique If their large
land stealing and other schemes could be
prorroted. It came from the ring's skillful
appeaj to the avarice and money hunger of
many otherwise honest and reputable citi
zens, who got political honors and a cer
tain share ot public esteem and consider
ation by, their association with tha dom
inant political machine- and ' who - were,
sooner or .later, some of. them, led Into
partnership in its "buniness" enterprises.
The entire career of this whole outfit Is
talntsd with just such deceptions, strata
gems, deceits and swindles as Puter laid
bar In his astounding and' well-nigh In
credible confession. Yet It Is wholly cred
ible, as all know who know anything of tha
course of Oregon politics for many years..
How was It donst Through tha agency
ot a- United B tales senator v who had a
BIB, BfcPT. II, 1M.
aro most' cordially invited to
X Enjoy; Our; Rest Room.
., 'VVbep. tired.- oit from shopping come to
out1 resl. room 'and recline in the large
eaay chairs; ffw. telephone, raagaalne and
writing materials, all for your convenience.
Manicuring room, in connection. Miss
Logan, expert manicurist. Is In cliarge.
Make your engagement with her by 'phone
if you wish.
St. Mary's Blankets.
We carfy a moat complete line Of St
Mary's blankets, . Comparison of prices
Will show that ws art always .below the
o-caJled -special prices of other stores.
We make' no advanced pricea on present
stock. Thesis i re the grade made by
the St. . Mary's , Woolen Mills carried by
us and sold at the old pricea as long aa they
.The began grey.
The- extra grey and white..
The unshrinkable white. r '
'The royal fleece white and grey.
The Ohio Ileees grey and white.
,The Saxony white.
The colonial grey.
The Heuva plaid.
' Nev Tall Trimmings.
, W ara thawing .the latest fail novel
ties In dress trimmings. In handsome new
shades and combinations. Braids, Persian
trimmings, appliques and silk knife plait
ing, alt to be used extensively.
. Braids. from 6c- a yard and up.
Persian trimmings from 22o a yard and
Fancy appliques from too to $6.00 a yard.
Main floor.
- Veiljngs.
A posltly nsceselty for windy days. It
also-adds a, finishing touch to the cos
tume. - Veilings' In a' gweit: variety of styles. In
black! ' white, grey, brown mode, tan,
greta. lavender, pink, Alice blue, navy and
redi Prices range from 26e to $1.60 a yard.
pretty auto veils from $1.00 to $4 00 each.
Black lace veils at $4 00 and $6.00 each.
Colffon veiling, all colors, 76o a yard.
:Mllne, all colors. $So a yard.
We are continually adding short lengths
t9J 6Mr remnant basket. Vry often you
(rati find Juat the wanted veil at a great
saving in price. '
ttjaln floor.
- i
"pull" at Washington, . where; forest re
serves were created and where land pat
ents were Issued and who had a, potent
voice in Oregon affairs rhert personal and
political favors rwere ttf .! bestowed;
through a servile representative In congress
who was equally ready to betray and de
ceive his friends ot craWl on his belly be
fore his enemies In order . to further the
common cause; through a serviceable com
mlssloner of the general lajid. office, .who
could expedite th claims of claimants
friendly to his friends and jrejeet the claims
of claimants unfriendly to W friends;
through a double-dealing United ,8taus
marshal,' who was a political boas and
who roped In victims with a littles money
and a great desire to make more, and with
an obvious political ambition, by suggeat
lng to them that ''there Is big money to
be made In the land business;" through a
pliant United States attorney, who woyld
spread his net for small-fry land, swindlers
when their operations endangered ' the
mshemes of the ring and let them go when
they had been duly plucked or Intimidated;
through another state senator, who would
bribe Juriee or do anything, else he was
told to dd. and 'through varloug other satel
lites, parasites, toadies, devotees, syco
phants and law partners who made them
selves useful in whatever way they could
and got for their service, whatever thelf
owners and masters were pleased to give. .
What a story! What a record! What a
heritage for the children and the children's
children of the chief aeto'ra In Oregon's
Infamy! What a reproach Ate ; the goo
name of the few whe knew what was going
on and to the Intelligence and Insight ot
the many who didn't know! What a lesson
for- all dishonest enough' to reap the re
wards of such a conspiracy, but too cow
ardly to face ' Its consequences! Portland
Oregonlan. . . , ;
(Bets OnT ait the Wroaat Deaet sad
, ' HacV'Wa; 0a ie Meet" ,
' '''"-' " '-Hlasw '
Gilbert' Thompson, aged IV of Ods
bolt, la.', is being given' temporary lodging
at the Omaha police station to await a
search for Ms parents, whom he tuns here
to Join. Somewhere on. Pierce street, Gil
bert ' does not know just where, live his
mother and father, Mrl and Mrs. Andrew
Thompson, but he has Implicit confidence
that the big blue-coated policemen will And
them for him All right.
Thompson, who Is a carpenter, moved to
Omaha, a ' short time aa and the aon re-
nuUlw.a behind at Qdebolt for a while. He
was to come here yesterday, and the par
rots were to meet him at the depot , but
through some blunder the lad was put off
at Council Bluffs. ' Toung Thompson
crossed the javer en the street car when he
learned rf the mist ske, and bad his mint;
madf.up to find hi parents.
'Omaha, however, he found to be -larger
than Odebolt. Nevertheless he found Pierce
street, which was all of his parents' ad
dress he could remember, -and Jiappened to
tell his story at a barber shop. The pro
prietor sent Ms" little boy along to help tn
the search, but the boys failed la their at
tempt, and th polio were at last appealed
to. -Toung Gilbert will remain In the ma
tron's department at' the city jail Until his
people are located.
. iMmm ef Life al Ottawa.
OTTAWA. Oat., Sept. U -One life le be
lieved te -hare been lost and sx persons
srere severlylnjured in the Are which de
stroyed the Gilmons hotel early today.
Mr. Archibald Blue, wife of Canada's ces
asrs. Arcmoeiq eiue. wire or ianaaa's ces- i aroquts In oralbt pueblo was received to
sus commissioner, was bad!.- burned. J day be commissioner of Indian aftalra
Evil Ganiu6 of Emparor Moholea Die
Enduealf af Aneiha Peotoria,
He Was a Nataral Despot, Tyraat
by laeltaatlea, Bdaratlea aad
Caavlctloa lx Attesayts
te Kill Hisa.
8T. PETERSBURG. Sept. 15-Oeneral
Bmltrl Fodorovlch Trepoff, commandant of
the Imperial palace, died at o'clock this
evening to hia villa at Peterhof, ot angina
pectoris. . .
General Trepoff, whose name was In
delibly linked with reaction and oppres
sion la Russia, wss a remarkable man'.
He was a natural despot, ji tyrant by In
clination, education and conviction. He was
one of those men who have constantly ap
peared In Ruenlan history just at the time'
when conditions were most promising for
putting an end to despotism to turn the
Russian rulers from liberalism to reaction.
It was he who became the guiding spirit
of the reaction After Nicholas II. had
Issued his manifesto In the fell of 1906.
promising the people a share In the govern-'
ment. Holding the position of master of
the palace. In league with the court in
triguers, who were determined to restore
the old regime, he constantly had the em
peror' ear.
Lake his father before him, Trepoff was
a police master with alt that the name In
volved In Russia-and the story of father
and son la full of dramatic Incidents. .The
alder was a foundling. Who. his, parent
were was never known. He was found one
morning upon the back doorstep of a
German family, by whom'he was playfully
named ''Ttepn-Hof (German for doorstep).'
The father distinguished himself as a mem
ber of the secret police. During the telght
of the Nlhllsts' conspiracies In the late
seventies. It was to him that Alexander II.
Confided The tusk of running down ter
rorists plotting against his life. The "flght
between liberalism end reaction then, as
later, under Trepoff's son was In full awing
and then, as later, tha energies 'of the
police were directed against th student
Dictator of Rweala.
Dmitri followed his father's footsteps.
He attracted the attention of Grand Duke
Bergius, then governor general of Moscow,
and by him was named police master of
Moscow. Trepoff . soon became ' Bergius'
right arm In fighting the revolutionary stu
dent agitation, of .which the ancient capi
tal was the hotbed. When Sergius was
assassinated Trepoff was named g-overnor
generel of Moscow. Later he was sum-,
moned to St. Petersburg and given the com-,
mand of the Imperial guard and made gov
ernor general of the city. He. took up his
residence In the winter palace and became.
In fact. If not In name, dictator of Russia.
Anarchy' prevailed when he arrived. An.
uprising on a large ex-ale was momentarily
expected. Thousands had fled the city,,
but with Trepoff In command the aspect of,
affairs changed. Troops filled the streets
and dead walls were placarded with notices
that the slightest disorders would be sup
pressed without mercy. And under . his
Iron hand the city became quiet.
During four trying weeks plot after plot
to kill him was discovered and frustrated.
Two of his own nieces attempted to exe
cute the sentence. But In his' flungepn-llke
room In the center of the palace no bomb
could reach him , save ' by shattering, a
do ten -walls. With, the telephone . oon
atantly at his side he Issued orderjjmd re
ceived reports. v , ; . ' ' ' ' ';; ;'
HI personal courage was ' beyond', all
question. He had almost a contempt for
death. ' vl am no fool," be "aald ' "'to 4110
Associated ' Press1 ' correspondent i i' few
days after he assumed the dictatorship.." "I
am no fool to be potted In the atreet." I
have work to do and I propose to do It.
t have given my word to my imperial mas
ter to maintain the tranquility of the city,
and I will answer for the preservation of
order with my life."
The . strain told upon him, and , during
those memorable 'six weeks the lines of hia
fsce deepened and his hair and. beard be
came streaked with gray. He continued at
his post throughout the summer, and al
though there was much political excite
ment, no riot occurred.
' Trepoflr. Fla-btK New Regime.
Trepoff made a. pretense of acquiescing In
the manifesto o( October, of that year and
In Wltte's elevation to. ' the .premiership.
But In reality he was . only awaiting a
favorable opportunity to' give battle to. the
new regime.- And when th orgle of liberty
which followed the manifesto was In full
blast, threatening ,ta sweep away the
foundations of the government, even Wltto
was glad .to turn to the. great police master
to reatore order. He Accomplished his task
and was hailed by th reactionaries as 'the
savior of the situation, . The emperor wss
made to believe Trepoff alone was capable
nf safeguarding the Uvea of himself and
the Imperial family. And ao. with -the
populace howling at hlajteels, he -retired tn
Tsarskoe-Selo to, become master -of . the
palace. There, In a more congenlnl atmos.
phere, he took the direction of the cam
paign for the restoration of the old order.
Personally Trepoff Was a -handsome 'man,
tail, square shouldered,, with close cropped
hair and beard, -his .whole face and figure
Instinct wltlv life and alertness. : In all alx
actual . attempts '-on the 11 fe of General
Trepoff have been made 'within three years
and only last July General Kouloff -of the
headquarters staff wse -assassinated at
Peterhoff by a terrorist who believed he
was firing upon Trepoff: - v' '
Fifty Years Old.
General Trepoff would have, ieei 61 years
old December 16. Tor, sever! month he
had been suffering from a heart affection
and asmatlc troubles and seme time ago
was forced to . abandon large amount of
his routine work.' ' "
The revolutionists can clajm responsibility
for hia end. as hi Illness was superinduced
by the strain dye to constant fear of death,
which, with lack of exercise and recrea.
tlon during th last two years, wore, down
his originally splendid constututlon.- He
hsd become so nervous .of late that recently
when a military' attache 6f a continental
power waa unexpectedly ushered Into hia
room General Trepoffe'spran to hia feet In
an attitude of defence: -
Though the gravity of hie malady was
recognised froth" the first, hi death came
as a great surprise. He was able to be
up and around until the very last. He at
tended the parade of the Pavlovsky regi
ment Wednesday, and 'Thursday was at the
landing 'stage when Emperor Nicholas arid
the Imperial family embarked for a cruise
to Bjorko. With the emperor safely at sea
and out of reach of .the terrorists one of
General Trepoff greatest responsibilities
Was lifted and 'the relief, felt was plainly
noticeable. .' , '. . j. -.
. General Trepoffs death will not have an
Immediate influence -en the policy of the
government, which la firmly In Premier
Stolypin'a hands, but In case revolution
again breaks -out. Emperor Nicholas will
miss hi strong will.
Tree ale with Meejels.
WASHINGTON. - Sept. 16. A telegram
ffom Superintendent Lemmon of the Moqul
Indian reeervatle-a . la . Aiisoaa eenflrmina
the previous report of a' feud between the;
-rnenaiy . ana -nostue - factions of the
Moquts In Oralbt Pueblo was received to-
tha door of every man and woman. Yon will hav the chance to
hear H all this week at our store, where we have on aale thla week
aotneof the choicest bargain ever advertised in the furniture and stove
history of Oinnha. When you come here we show ypu Just what we ad
i vert lee, and "end you home exactly what you aelect. Whatever your
wants are In furniture tilts week
1 Your Money's Worth
in Plain
Remember, '
Handsome Gift
With Each Sale
'of ftO and over.
Sold on
at Strictly
Thla beautiful Corner Chair, roa-
hogany finish, eolid frames, up
holstered in velour a alx dollar
value, on aale this
. 3.95
This quarter
?Zim.S sawed oak
ii,-.--.- "MSS"ffri"l
- -.U
l fKif;T Writing
Desk, with
out mirror,;
top, hard
wood finish
very aub
Btantlal and'
a beautiful
design; On
aale thla
5 m
5 JI
We Make Any Terras lo Suit You
m sail .Wf isfHL " -WssT.-aW Til ijWIswUMtJs. jb
mmtmm' ...
He sys the frlendlls hold their position
In the Pueblo and that the hostile s,. whom
they, Jrove. away, are. In camp, four-miles
out. Of the former, there are ninety men
and of th. latter, JijS. The men of each
faction have their famlllfs with them. Mr.
Lemmon is cpnfltlnnt of the ..maintenance
of the present, status. He adda that the
employes of . the ag-oncy are not In danger.
New Orleans Plans Xonpartlsaa Re
ception ' for Densecratle Lesser,
with Repablleaas Fronlaeai-
'.NEW ORLEANS, .Sept.' 15. A feature of
the reception planned for William J. Bryan
September 24 Is the participation of the
Louisiana. Republican club In the arrange,
ments announced today.
An attempt will be made to render this
reception entirely nonpartisan.
Georee W. pike.
Word was received In Omaha Saturday
of the death of Oeorg-e W. Pike at Doug
las, Wyo. Mr. Pike was formerly a resi
dent of Omaha and has a brother who now
resides here. He spent all of last fall and
winter In Omaha, mostly in a hospital,
being- operated on several times for an old
complaint. 'When he went back to Wyo
ming this spring he was In very good
shape, apparently, but - the' trouble had
only been abated, It appears, for the time
being. Mr. Pike waa a genial and popular
man among his acquaintances, of whom be
had hundreds In Omaha..- He was U years
of age and unmarried.
Mies Baa Seobell.
Friends of Miss Eva BcobeU have Just
learned of her death, which occurred la
Chicago Tueaday, September 10, at the
South Side 'hospital,' Where she had gone
for treatment. She had been 111 for seven
months and for a time was In the Clark
son hospital. About four months ago she
went to th Chicago institution. She was
an unusually bright woman, being a grad
uate of pri of the leading medical schools
of Chicago and an assistant of Dr. Hipp
of that city. Her friends here were deeply
grieved to bear ofher death.
Joseph, Forsaaa.
Josepl) Format), aged tt, died at St. Jo
seph's hospital Friday night after having
been' 111 .for several months from dropsy.
His horns was ' at 1471 . South Sixteenth
street and hs, is survived by his wife.- Mr.
Forma n ha a . resident, of this city
for several years. The, funeral will take
place Monday morning at I o'clock from
St. , Wenceelaus church, 1432 South Four
teenth street, and Interment will be at ML
Mary 'a. cemete.ry. South Omaha.. . .
Fred M Balre.
DUNLAP. Ia. Sept. Spedal.r-The
death of Frank MeDougal- Balrd occurred.
Friday morning at the home of Mrs. Dr.
Lhan, the sister .of the deceased. -The
funeral will be tomorrow afternoon from
the Lehan home.. Mlaa Winona Douglas
will conduct the funeral service. The de
ceased was born May SO, 18S6, in Dunlap
and removed recently to Ardmore, I. T,
with his father, Samuel Balrd. but on ac
count of the climate was forced to return.
Dr. Phlll . Wales. '
PARIS, Sept. U.-Dr. Philip S. Wales,
formerly medical director In the American
navy, died here this morning of esncer In
the St James hotel. The body will be em
balmed for burial at Annapolis. -
Beatrlee ssl Bterllaar Break Eres, .
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) The ' Sterling and Beatrlre ball
teama broke even in a double-hradrr p!ayed
here today. In the morning tajite the lo
cal played all round iLs vleUuia and woa
Knocks Once
or Your Money Back
Here la a picture
of our bargain
bed, heavy .......
chilled Iron poata,
bras ralla and ' .'
top. A beautiful
design in all col
ors. An $8 bed on.
1 pf
A beautiful:
rocker with
. each pur- ,
chase of $10
of more.
a Thla offer
r MVi good until
IS Vl Sept. 2.
Here'a a' Big IVirgaln Thla Oak
Stove, guaranteed to keep ateaay
fire for 3 hours, nicely ' Qfl
nickeled, only. . .. '
Cash or Credtt. '
This maaalte
solid oak""
Sldebpard,; " J
swell top .'.
drawers, saj
French plate
bevel mln- '
Tors, velvet 5
lined silver
chest, large
size, a hand- "
some de- '
sign. The
biggest bar-
gain in
- ,
i -rt'j; ' N"'t,i i
4 LK3I -L-Aav-Hl
by the score of 10 to . The Sterllngltes
turned the tables on peatrlce In the after
noon and won 7 to 1.
Gam mere to Visit Fes.
TANGIER, Sept. lB.-The American mis
sion left here today for Fea. Minister
Oummere. the head of tha emhaaav
accompanied by Commander J. Fremont
navai attacne at Paris, sod Captain Will
iam B. Oulgnard, ths military attache.- The
embassy was accompanied for a short dis
tance out of Tangier by Mohammed - el
Torres, .Moroccan minister of foreign af
fairs, and several of the foreign represent
atives here. Mr. Oummere: Is the first
American minister to visit the court Of
Fes,, It is a significant fact that Ralsuli,
the bandit chief, sent presents to the first
camping place, whre the embassy will
spend the night.
. , Th leaf need far wrapping
mast be extra fine quality U
most be carefully selected. Tha
wrappers on tha
are the choicest of Havana ieaf ', .
, ,Tbat's why ,bo ef Optimos .
have that rkk uniform appear-:
anca. ' - '' 1
) ...
A. SANTAELLA A. CO., Makers),
Tampa, Pta.
Feregov k Moore
Oo Dlstrtbnters.
Omaha sad
OoaacU Slaffs.
oil. nronrs viu fubvisx it fob
TO 1 FEB CXMT K. W. Hoar. BttUt
Up To ISO X. F. Xeroseae, Ormde
Or Fael OU. "
bits fob oATaxootra. ' .
LOCAL A0EHTS, Omtkt kick, 6 StppJy Ca,
10a mod Dcoyla Sit. Qiuihi, Mca,
k'T' 'i J L Lli- f