Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 18
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FSOTEMBER 1ft, 190(5- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE - - - W.-1I. GATES 17 New York Life BMg. 'Phona Douglas 1214. I1.J0O F)Br-room cottaire. oa the ontlieaet corner 18th and Grace; lot la SSxltO; house rents. at $11.60; one of the corner will- be worth - good money some day. 1. BOO Nine-room, 2 -story frame house, at ItSI South Slat St; large? barn and lot 60x220. A bargain for someone. ' $1.600 Fire-room bouse, at 2028 North 18th Bt. (boulerard), east front lot, 21x140, renting now at $18. $1.600 Six-room house, at 2424 North 27th Are.; water, sewer, closet, with room for a bathtub; corner lot 40x110. $1,850 8 rea-room house, four down and three upstairs, at 2247 North 18 th 8t; water and sewer, nice cellar; lot 80x140. $1,760 Two houses on corner lot, water, sewer and gas, on North 28th St Houses have lately had new roofs and are la good order, now renting at $28. How Is this for an- Investment? V . $2,200 FUe-room . new cottage, modern except furnace, at 1816 North 22d; east front lot. 88x140; owner has left the city and wants an offer. $1,650 Five-room, story and a hlt honse, most new, at 2626 Blondo; lot la 60x127. ,-., $2.760 Eight-room modern house In Kountse Place, in good order; lot 60x124. with plenty of shrubbery. A rery cheap place. 15,000 Eight-room modern brick bouse, with slate roof, on Wirt St., near 24th; one of the beet built houses In Kountze Place; hardwood finish, fireplace, laundry, with station ary tubs, large cellar, south front lot, on pared street, 60x124. Can' give possession, any time: ' .' ' SOME : CHEAP , LOTS CLOSE IN 60x120 South 'front,, on Corby, near 86th; water and sewer on street; only. $$76. . v , $fxl 80 South front, on Blfiney, near 24th.'$600. 86x140 South front, on Lake, near list, for $800. 88x140 East front, on 19th (Boul evard), near Orace, $760. ; 60x184 East front, on 2 3d, near 8prague, a nice lot, $526. . , RB THREE 1-room cottages, 8106-8-10 Maple, . with summer kltohens, with city water, ' In' rood repair, newly, painted and rs ' paired; for all three, 81,800. or would sell , the west on for 1700. V P. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. OWNERS! List your houses and vacant lots with us for ready Bales. We have three buyers , for cottages at from (1,000 to $1,500 on in ; stallment. . Do' you have, one T ITb Stewaxt-Leaven-vrorth Co., . 1 ' Sll N. Y. Life. RE 111 1 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. '. SIXTH FLOOR N.'T. LIFE t FLOOR ., BUDG. - DWELLING HOUSES Close In. on' 35th St. just north of IVmim, a two-story 8-room house, with lot 62x10, paved street, permanent walk, fin shad. Be us for price. 80 8. 86th Are., nlo, two-, .' story house, .1 rooms and re ception ' hah, gas and electric ' light combination fixtures throughout, ' cement eellar, - outside eellarway, furnace, coal bias, laundry sink, per manent walks, cement steps. , . Price. $3,600. ' ' . Mil Pierce BL, two-story", l-room house, hard oil finish, ' strictly modem, with mantel and grata, lot 10x168, with , beautiful shade, 88.500. 3906 Lake St.. 6 rooms, oil.' finish, gas, bath, barn, only v - n.oo. 8215 Franklin St., ' 6 rooms, 60-foot lot, Rood barn, 1,800. Mil Decatur St., I rooms, , electric; light, nioe shad, lots j ,, of fruit, H.8CO. , . VACANT PROPERTY Three fin building lots ta the West Farnara district, on tSUi Ave., north of Farnam, Reasonable price, easy' terms, - In th Walnut Hill district, fin corner, east front; will di- ' vide into three lots; street Im provements all in. Pricss are right ' .'. '; . ACREAGE 99 acre1 on West Dodjr Bt, good house, barn, chicken houses, fruit alfalfa, fine pas ture, with running water; an ideal place. Owner will take some' Omaha property as part payment PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. SIXTH FLOOR N. T. LIFE BLDG, 84-44 oa 16th fit. south of Cuming St. on 3160.00 par foot front; 19 ft. deep; aay lerma. F. D. WEAD, 1534 Douglas Street RE An .Opportunity Modern pressed brick residence Warm la winter, cool In summer tight large rooms, finely finished; ex cellent locality. .A bargain. 3310 Wirt tit Kounue. Place.. RE-MI it CALIFORNIA. Live lonrer and h Drier, better ODOortunl tie. Will exchange home or ranches tor your Omaha property. Edwin Aideraon, IM B. ufiaw)r, los Anseiea. KE $40.00 For Land Near Oman W have UK) aor oa Sarpy county line. F. XX Weed, UM Douglas St FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' ACREAGE t V-5ightty acre, jast south Country club. 0-Cortier acre In Hyde rark. . " j ,309 Corner acre, Brighton." tUoo Between 4 and ( acres, toth and Grand Ave., adjoining one not so food bold at 11,800. 12,000 Fine tract about acres, Florence, near car. F. D. WEAD. 1634 Douglas 8t RB W. H.THOMAS ; For Sale 6,800 Three houses, modern except furnace; paved streets, alt special taxes paid: renting at $69.60 per month, at souths west corner of 34th and Cen ter St. 4,600 New 8-room, strictly modern house; oak finish first floor; gas and electric lights; lot 65x160. 800 Five-room cottage, 2924 Bur; dette St Seven-room house for rent, $22.60. 1 W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Natl Bank Bldg. RB-989H 000 BUTS a splendidly built l-room bous. up-to-date, two beautiful Iota, on a ridge, just south ot Farnara. F. D. WEAD, 1621 Douglas. - ' . - RE Your Opportunity OWNER LIVES THERE 3424 Maple St., l-room house, t'all modern, good. a, new. south . front permanent -walks. , . jolty and offers for $2,760. -R..H. LANDERYOU . Board of Trad.' TeL Douglas S5L .- '- : ' : RE 124 11 'BRAND 'NiEW VERY , HANDSOME 8-ROOM COLON 1AL" HOUSE ', ' , LARGE CENTRAL. HALL. , FINE STAIRWAY ' LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH -' EKAM CEILING OPEN FIREPLACE FOR LOGS ' TILE BATH ROOM QUARTERED OAK FINISH FIRST ' FLOOR SELECT BIRCH FINISH SECOND FLOOR POLISHED OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT LARUE LOT PAVED STREET Good neighborhood , Street care two blocks Two blocks weet ot Jolyna 4lul Davenport Street is theplace-OPEN TODAY PRICE LOW, TERMS EASY. ED. O. HAMILTON,' . , . 131 Be Bldg; RE 11 It 83,000 BUTS 8-room house, furnace, bath. barn, observatory, full lot qn ridge, short distance from Joalyn residence: . easy 4rmsf 8300 cash, . , .' , : ; F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. . v . - RE-i ,THE PEN FOLD . HOME ' . Southeast ' corner Howard and 83th Av.', lot 67x12 fc, 10-room house, entirely mod . era, ' In fine condition; large . attlo; cement basement; laun dry; furnace; good barn; per manent walks; flue trees. Price , .VMfi. '.. V . : . . , ' NATTINGER & OLSEN, Main floor, & B. oor, lth and Dodge. " i RE 163 16 flJXO BUYS 7-room . house and barn and full lot near 40th and Decatur. F. D. WEAD, 1124 Douglas. ) : ' re The-Byron Reed Co. 'Phen ' Dog. . S97. 14th St H8 Bo. Hanscom Park Special A new 7-room, all . mod- , -.y, mru,' umr uqbh, irvnung oa . the park; has - bath, olosat '. sewer, etc., . and hot , water r ' heat;-paving takes care' of by th park board; price 84,360. Near Fie!d Club ! A. Jew. l-room. thoroughly ' modern squar house, Just be ing finished by owner for a home, but owing to other business arrangements he .wants, to. .nil; house finished in oak downstairs; has four bedrooms, etc.; fin aat front lot ' nicely tarraoed; this is ' right In the beat of new resi dent district; price 16,800. Very Choice A fin 13-room, all modern, home, near Hanscom park; fin east front lot with beau tiful trees jmd shrubbery; barn; U,6u0. ' Close In Snap! 66x183 ft on Burt sad 17th. OWN Bat leaving city will soil tvaw modern home, 1 ruoiua. g&a and electrla lights, hot water beet, nne cellar and datern, full lot, good high location, at a aacrlrlo If soia is ten aays. AUdr f 7. Bee. RE 167 llx 86 LOTS FOR $3,000. I on body, in Florence. Beautiful and sightly. Suitable for two or more suburban homes. The Fiorenoa-Calhoun paved road will paaa la front and alocg one aide of thes lota. Owner will not divide, bat would sU to two or more persons. J. IL DUMONT & SON, fc- N. T. LU Bldg. 'Phwa Douglas ego. FOR 6 ALB-At a' bargain, 8-room huuaa. flrat clttna oondliloo. full lot 4U0 Swaxd Ht., block and halt from car line; or what .. hiv yea to trade. awaer at 41 N, i Bt nm-um i& FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A SNAP 10W for the nearly new two-story be"e; I rooms flrat Boor, 8 unfinished uptlre hewlr rKlnted nd P.eren. w know of nothing bttr In the north part for ui money, wig n. 2&111 ave. E C BEST, 821 N.: Y L R10-145 II FIELD CLUB LOTS W hav listed a large number of th choloest vacant lots between &d and 86th St., on and near Wool worth Av at from 1 1.010 to S3.0OO each. Please call on as be fore buying. , J. II. DUMONT & SON, MM N. T. Life Bldg. 'Fhon Douglas KO. J. W. R0BBINS . HOUSES" L2E0I large room and 1 large lots, north west; easy term. l,8SO--room house, modem except fur nace. Hat and Mendereon. LK0 e-room house, paved street on 8th near Mason, .VERY CHEAP. 1,750 l-room house, on 23rd near Mason; a cheap houte clou in. 1400 7-room houa and full aat front lot on S7th near Hansoora Park. Fruit tree and shrubbery. SNAP. t.S30 (Uroom mcxlern houae nnd lot, rorneT 44th and Farnara. VEKT CHEAP. 4,000 l-room east front modern hnuae and barn wfch I run lots at a. w. corner of Haascorn Park. 4.30O 7-room modern house, almost new, on Marcy St weet of 80th. 7,260 room modern houae on 84th near Fo.rna.rn. VF.RT nirarE. 111,000 Nearly new, fin modern renldence, witn large lot, on the beat atreet in the West Farnam district The price might be shaded some. . INVESTMENTS 813,000 Wxl32 on Farnam east of 34th; par tially improved. 5.0004 at ore and 4 cottages, 13th and William. Rental 660. VACANT LOTS 1,000 6xU2, s. w. corner 15th and Jones; easy terms. 3,4flO Fine lot on 88th Av. near Dodge. 1,800 Full lot on boulevard, Woolworth Ave., near 83rd: no atreet taxes. 1,850 East front on 87th, near Farnam. 1,060 South front on Chicago, west of 80th. 00-60 ft. on 3!th Bt., near Jackson. 40040 ft on Charles, near SOth. ' ACREAGE Fin 80-acr fruit farm on th Weat Cen ter St. paved road; good build Infra; 10 acre of apple, 8 acre of grape, 800 cherry tree and other fruit, all bearing. Price 8200 per aore on easy terms. BBS ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS. FIRS INSURANCE AND RENT ALB. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. RB-141 18 FARMS FOR BALE. Oood farm lands In Colorado: abundant rainfall, big crops, fine climate, pur water, good soil, low prloea, easy terms. Want anything elseT Tea? Well, we can sell you a rouna-tnp ticket ror than one, FARE. Call Monday or Tuesday forenoon. The con tin etn I Realty Co.. 82-88 TT. s. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE-166 IS $15,500. For one of 'the nicest snd beat built homes on the Farnam Bt hill. New last year. Best of reasons for selling. One- half cash, balance at S per cent Property could not be replaced for this price. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 806-8 N. T. Life Bldg. "Phone Douglas 19a .' RE CHEAP 87.000 Modern brick flat ' I blocks from poetomce, on rsortn 11m bus rouea tor lew per year. 87,000 Brick flat, with store below, clone In; always rented; in gooa oonaition; rented tor 81,030 per year, invest gate. 86.600 Lars frame flat, on South leth St.. on best car line; rented tor two per year. 81,660 Two B-room oottages. In good condi tion, near asm ana omo is.; reaiea for 8220 per year. Robinson & Wolf, 423 Paxton Block. RE-133 II , NEW COTTAGES ONE J-ROOM AND ONE 6-ROOM Just oomDleted: ready to move into: located on Dodge Bt., oetween aa ana etui; nav fin large cement Mock cellars; strictly all modern but furnace; south front, Daved street: on Faroam car line. Thes Dronarti will aurWv lncreaae in value very rapidly; owner wants to sell before Oatober 1. Be us at one about tnem. Hastiigs & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. Klr-fS ID THE RIO BARGAIN WE AD ; VERTISED LAST TUES DAY WAS QUICKLY PICKED UP BY A SKREWD i BUYER HERE IS ANOTHER FOR YOU. Owner leaving city and must sell this week an eight-room house, one block from 34th Bt oar line, near X4th and Mndr. son; has reception halt parlor, extra large dining room. oo bedroom and kitchen on first floor and three large airy wnjomi wuq gooa cioeeie oa eecooa nuor; cement cellar and laundry, city water. sewer, fine cistern: houae la pined for sas and has blind 1, screens, storm windows and doors. lt Is WxiiA feet, nlo lawn, oement walks, shad trees, cherry tree and small fruit: nlo ohluken house, well built House was built by present owner for a home and Is right from top to bot tom. Com In and w will ataaw this to you. It wont last long at th price. Only Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam 8t, ground floor Bee Bldg. 1U&-SU U $650 . LOT 52x140 California HL. Mar 88th. . W. L. BIXHT, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. 'Phone Douglas lSlo. RB-11711 It SPECIAL BARGAIN I rooms, modern except heat; nice, neat aome ta a guoa netgnoorbeoa; ruu tot, wita ansa ana rruit; souia ironc, ceiueut waiasj for only 82.11. Tar ma, '.u casta, balano moouu. C B. GIOVER 4 BON, K. X. LU. . RB-TO 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE lERE'S THE PLACE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR $4,500 00 Central Boulevard. 8-room modern houae, goad burn, all new; 11, . caah, balanoe easy; near car. 83,7G0.OO Beautiful residence. Just east ot Herman Kountse a , realdence; paved atreet, I ' i rom modern houae. Park Wilde Ave.; good barn; terms. 82,050 00 On N, 84th, near Parker, a , good 8-room house, modern except furnace, lot 46x1X0, place all fenoed; 81,000 down, balance easy. 81600.00 In Bemts Park, a l-room house, modern exoept fur nace, lot 46x130. A good place. 82,150.00-On Patrick Ave., near 36th, good 8-room house, (I rooms flnlnhed), lawn, shade, barn, chicken yard; permanent ' walks; house modern except . furnace; . Vi cash, balanoe easy. H800.00 8TJ0 Blondo, l-room houae, with full basement; lot fronts on two street; houa ha city water and gas: will . rent for 3l0; now being . papered and painted; room - for another house; aaf terms. ' ' 11,500.00 6-room cottage, with bath, city water, cistern and gaa good barn; houae has new roof, is newly painted and newly papered; 800 cash, balance easy. $1,250.00 On N. ISth Av.. near Ohio frood 8-room houa on small ot; cellar, shade trees, cis tern, lot fenced, elty watert $200 down, balance easy. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., 1201 Farnam St OPEN MONDAX EVENINGS TILL 8:80. RK WHI pay high rent? Let us sell you a farm, w e nav improvea iarras in iowi and elsewhere, of all kinds and lses, for Sale on th eaaleat kind of terms and payment. Bqulrea at Annla, Council Bluffs. Ia. RB 448 Ol Live In Oa Rent th Other. Two modern realdences st 1128 and 1130 South list street with on good barn. urouna ibiiou. &mm xront on win street. Esatern owner will sell for 88,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. Mow Tork Uie uuuaing. I RE MM! FOR SALE 2304 Bpencer, KounU Place, elegant realdence. mrictiy moaern ana in good repair. Phone Red 4638. R&-4S4 18 TWO modern l-room houses, M ft. front) very close to business center: ortng 10 per cent net Price 87,200. Address, p 34, car Bee. REM767 16x A GOOD business lot for sal. Bt loca tion In town. Address 4. J. "., Fremont, Neb. R&-M368 B2S A OOOD bualnea lot for sal. Best loo. fan In town, Aaaress j. j. rremont, Neb. RIO MJiiJ 823 8 CHEAP LOTS. CLOSK IN. South front on Ohio, between SOth and 31st; 10x120; water, eewer and ga on atreet: close to car; ottered for a few day at 8300 each. W. H. GATES. OT N. T. Lit. 'Phon DogrjjJ5J-li BLOCK No. 224, Florence; on Main St.. lust north Omaha city llmvts. i 1 eel. lacing east on car line, by 284 feet deep; a beau tiful home alte; streets On all aides. Price 81.600 cash. Good buy with big prospects. Address, Gerard Brandenburg, owner, Loe Angeles, Ual. ivs- KLONDIKK In Bronx Drone rtr: choice eor ner, 82,750. vacant. Ble, kxiuv reel, win lnrrwi double In value within three years. 0Hara Bros., Bedford Park, New lOrK City. . lBir Ml w BAT8HORE, Long Island, Lota, 36x100, for sale, iu a.nci upw&rui mwnwuy ijriu,u If desired. Values will double in two years. Titles guaranteed by . Lawyers' Title and Insurance Co. For maps and Snc list aaarenr inty minn m iwmij 3 Weat 29th Bt, New York City. . RB-038 16X FIVB-ROOM COTTAGER near Bemls Park, 31,300; easy payments. Ivit. and aoraaare. lust south of Dundee fin location and Dest investment in Twenty acres (ready to subdivide). Just east lmwood para. Sole Agent for All This. & ARION LEWIS, Acreage Speolallst, 834 New Tork Life. . RB 971 Ux BARGAINS. Three-story brick store, 22x100 feet within two blocks of poatomce, iu.vuu. Brick stores and houses, 81.440 rental, 813,000. Six brick fiats. 31.440 rental. I12.WU. Northwest corner 13th and Dorcas, two brick and one Irama dwelling, tza rental. 84.000. . nvw pvaiuiucv, rrwm uvuw, riiw Near at. Mary s Ave. ana nia, 1 reoras, steam heat bouse, a,am. m N. 30th St.. I rooms. 81.(100. tj20 Indiana Ave.. 8 rooms. 31.800; Boutheast corner ISth and Howard. Sub mit offer. Good West Farnam district lots. H.500. asxrioe, weat front on 36th St., between Burt and Webster; paving paid; H.0OU, 10 acres, east of Benson, 32,600. I acres, near Fort Omaha, 31,400. 19th. near Clark, 40x140 feet, $1,000. lath, near oaeteuar, Mxi4u, si.u. JOHN N. FRBNZER. Opposite Old P. O, ttXr- IS WR hur. sell and exchana city property, list your propeny wnu ua. , -"11 w to., IN. I. 1. xT-r; 1X3 11 FOR SALE FARMS FINE' FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. is closing out its lands lo wasters Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. From $3 00 to 88.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone, Special excursion rates to th lands. Fol further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AOENCT, 818 South lath St, Omaha, Nob. H-Mtilll SOUTH DAKOTA BARGAINS 4 ohoto sections, epiuk county, in a noay, m acre. Terms, IS.oO acre cash, balance long Uuie; sell any U seoarately. Choice sectiuu, Codaington Co., 830 acre; terms, t& oasn, balance long um. n. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la, Commlssien, W. acre. i aie is COMB WHERE CROPS NEVER FAIL Free Information about Irrigated land In th Oiidley Colonies, Butt Co., Califor nia. No crop failure on irruratea lana. Five ta six eroni alfalfa every season. Dairying and stock raising highly profits, ble. Peaches, araoea. flxs and Engllah walnuts give big profits. Abundant water fur irrigation ai low rai. a ivrutv prosperous section, with good schools, churches and aood roads. Two railroad. Oood market. One hundred famlUes hay settled at Oiidley th laat year. Many mar coming. Writ for free printed matter. CHAS. F. O'BRrtCN, Oen'l Mgr., UO Post St, Saa Franclsoo, Cal. H FOR BALE On . of the beat sheep or oat tie ranch In Montana; about thr thousand . acres, r. 11. Watson, Aurora, 111. - U-Ml Ma THOUSANDS rushing to Texas. Her lands are gold-uakera; graat crops; great opportunity to get borne cheap; area I ehunoe for speculation. Coin. Write for pamphlet. Send nam of neighbor. J. N. Groeabeeck Jk Co.. San AaUraio, Ta. W, C. Moor Co.. Houston, Tex. 4 iaa FARM and oigr loans, Carson 4t Co.. 4U N, FARMS FOR SALE 11 BIG BARGAINS IN WESTERN LAND Jo! a ear excursion next Tues day, September 18, to North Platte and ee for yourself. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. Lir Bldg., Telephone Douglas 1781, OR F. A-STROUP, North Piatt, Neb. M-Mm IT FOR SALE) Stock farm, fin stock and grain farm of 840 acres In Pierce county, Ne braska: eompk-te system of buildings, horse, barn, cattle barn, hog house, cribs, hay feeder, system of water works, fine grove; everything to make . a complete stock and grain farm. This fine farm Is of fered at a bargain end oa easy terms; $50 per acre. 1. N. HAMMOND, 131 Board Trade. -a NEW JERSEY'S FARMS. Headquarters for New Jerseys beet grade iarma; wen tocaiea, productive sod; mar kets, roads and surroundings of the best Bend for list, A. W. Dreaser, Burllnston, A FARM AT YOUR OWN PRICE Twenty aores or more for tl oft down and C OO per week until paid. Good lands; NO IRRIGATION; Campbell System of Farm ing. Produces 30 bus. wheat 60 bus. oats, 40 bus. corn. 86.00 to 310.00 per acre. Price going up. Can you afford to rent or own nign-pricea lana wnen COLORADO land Is offered at the rateT Will Uke out party of buyers In October. Cheap ratea; tare returned to ourchasera. Wrlta tor particulars. HENRY H. GENAU, U. S. SALES BUREAU, 104 Neville Bldg., Omaha. 1 H 128 II Cheap "Western Lands 1,000,000 acre Colorado. Kansas and Ne- braeiea landa, fi to 83.60 per aore. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal description and prices, also maps, clotures, etc, free. THB STERLING INVESTMENT CO., m Front St, Starling. Colo. HOMES EEKERS' SPECIAL EXCURSION Tuesday, September 18. 1908, to ' Llnooln county. Th best farms in the west for the money. See us about them. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg., Telephone Douglas 1781, OR F. A. S TROUP. North Platte, Neb. H-M990 11 FARM ADJOINING IRVINO- TON $90 PER ACRE. 1M acres with good improvements, 7tt miles "i uinana: exceptional opportunities to Bet a trnitA fferm Bt Inv nriu For further ' information inquire of us.wuiii as its., ltwi jrarnam 8t H-M984 1 NEBRASKA, Kansas and Texas lands. arsou m 1.0, . x. 1 11115-18 IRRIGATED lands in Wyo. Excursion ocpi. is. ug witn us. , xou win double .your money. Carson Co., N. T. L. . , H U8-1I KANSAS wheat lands, $5 to 810; easy pay uenis; spienaia improvea farms, IM to $iu; now's the time to secure a home, Carson 4t Co., N. Y. L. H 120 ID THREH Bargains In FarmsHighland e.w. v aiiey urove, S4,suu. farker Farm, $4,600. All in the beautiful and fertile Clear Creek valley. 80,000 acres Improved farms from 816 to 360 per acre, J. T. Campbell, Lltohneld, Neb. M-1E8 21 n Ranches and Farms ."WESTERN NEBRASKA ANY PLACE ANY SIZE ANY PRICE Oood farm and ranch land to trad for umana property. get otjr usrr The Stewart-Leavenworth Co., out n. z. uxe. K-41411 FARMS FOR BALHL Good farm lands In Colorado: abundant rainfall, big crop, fine climate, pure water, good soli, low t rices, easy terms. Want anything elseT YesT Well, we can sell you a ruuna-u-ip ucin tor lcuo itUN JNVI iTArua. jail Monday or Tuesday forenoon. Th Continental Realty Co., 33-M U. B, Nat'L Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 11 FINE, CHEAP FARMS On th table laad south el North Platte, Neb will all be sold during the next two weaks at from $13.(4 to 830 00 per acre . All Improved farms. This year's crop will more than pay for the land. Special excursion Tuesday. : September 18, 1801 Join us oa . this trip. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg.,' .' OR J F. A. STROUP, North' Piatt. Neb, II-MJ93 IT FORTT acres, near Council Bluffs; five miles from posuimce: fin smooth upland on main road runalt g east. Can t be cupncaiea ror in price, xso per acre. ti. O. MoOee, U Pearl St., Council Bluffs. R-178 II MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1104 Farnam, I and H per cn loans on rest astat, no oeiay. MONET TO LOAN Pays nvaeUseat Co. w ets WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam Smith Co., ISM Farnam St W-64 BUILDING loans en residence property; I par cent. vv. a. aiciai. namg tan. W 11 LOWEST RATKS-Bamla. Paxton Block, PRIVATB MONBT-F. D. Waad, U Doug. TO LOAN oa businee and reel' eac property la Omaha; lowest rales; a oaiay. jDOBia jreiukaa, sk 1. n. t, ma " WAMTKD City loans. X. C Peteri Cj. w at City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N,T. U LOANS Improved eity property. W. H. r"mrq eA Float NaUeuai Haak BhU. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE $8,000 In Itoo and 8i0 smounta M. J. Xeo- nard 4k Co., vw-ie urowa tiiocs. W 383 LOW ratea rrirt money. 3-too and up. CHAS. 3B. WILLIAMSON CO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FORCED SALE OF PIANOS The magnificent Stock of the Per- v field Piano Co. Is now being closed out by forced sal. Thl Is on ot th finest stock of piano In th middle weet and must be sold re gardless of price. Every piano gusr anteed for ten years by factories, who. guarantee I unquestioned. Mr. Perfleld will personally conduct this sale, which is ample assurance that every piano will be a repre sented. CaMi or payments. Open evenings. 16U Farnam st Q 173 16x 127.(0 will buy a Reming ton typewriter. $30.00 will buy a Smith Pre mier typewriter. $45.00 will buy an Oliver typewriter. $25.00 will buy a Densmore typewriter. $50.00 will buy an Under wood typewriter. $15.00 will buy a Bllckens- derfer typewriter. , $75.00 will buy a brand new latest model Under- . wood. $7$. 00 will buy a brand new lata model Reming ton. We rent typewriters of all kinds, $2.00 to $5.00 a month. Oet a copy ot our latest price list. No. 9. Central Typewriter Exchange .1603 Leavenworth St 'Phone Red-8689. 1 Q Wl II Used Pianos at Give Away Prices IN THOROUGH GOOD REPAIR. SPLENDID VARIETY THIS WEEK. Stelnway St Sons Square $ 78.01 Knabe Square 68.00 Chlckerlng Square. 63.00 s 1 1.. 1 1 ir.lw, dm. rv 1 mi urn, w .a ... .................... ., wv.w Martin Bros. Untight 136.01 Standard Fine Upright 1W.00 Ciiegant Mueller upngni..,. i7Z.uo jester upright orand 1M.0Q FOR CASH OR ON EAST TERMS OF $10 Down and $S Monthly Railroad far refunded to out-of-town buy er ana a run term or i.uo music lessons free in Omaha, Council Bluff or South Omaha. NOW l th time to get the moat of your money. ' Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.1 WB SHIP PIANOS EVERYWHERE. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, , Q BODA FOUNTAIN, any sis. HOI Farnam. Q ? SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., bast mixed paint. Sherman V MoConoell Drug Co, Omaha. Q 7M HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1811 Farnara. f IP, FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; w lead th world la cheap bar fixture; easy payment. Brun. Wica-Balfc-CoUndcr, fl S. 10th St. Q 733 LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets in good condi tion, mad of walnut and have tw drawers each. Call at Be business office and get a bargain. Q Ml a FOR SALE Steam house heating bolieri was uaed to beat l-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee " SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 111 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. Q-00 PURE older, cherry or wins vinegar le llvered. 'Phone Benson 154. Q iai ltx 100 STOVES; must b sold In the next 0 aays. cnicago jrur. co., 1410 uouge. Q 747 1 FOR BALE Norfolk furnace, good condi tion; must be removed at once; S0. 241 Capitol Av. Phon Douglas a. Q-M796 Ux FOR SALE 100 tons ice. Norfolk Ic Co., Norfolk. Neb. Q-M7W 16 EIGHT-ROOM house In good condition to o movea. Aaaress r-fl, tie. 4 M806 ltx , FOR SALE Large and small base burners and steel range; also household goods; Dreajung up nouseaeeping. can even- ings. 61S 8. 36th St. Q 111 Ux ONE l-H, power, 116 volt, direct current motor, in good condition. Se engineer Th Bennett Co. Q K7 II ICE CHEST tor aala, cheap, on account of removal! enameled, white; will hold 1M pounds Ic. See it. 164 8. 36th Ave. Q-4I1I II FOR SALE Oood hard coal burner, cheap, 1&U6 Binney. Red 7003. Q-467 17x nVENTT-FOUH Stroooplo Vlws of San Francisco, showing fir, ruins and affeots of earthquake Yrom exclualv ' copyrighted photographs mailed postpaid on receipt of 31.00. Will send stereoscope also, if desired, for 31.00 additional. Jas per a Jasper, 1606 Ingraham Ave., Lo Angelea, Cal. Qr-Vti llx FOR SALE One surrey type on Rambler automobile, almost as good a new) giaa front, odometer, dust guard and many extras. Inquire of E. C. Chamber! In, Denlson, Iowa, Q-631 II FOR SALE Household furniture :call Mon day. 113 8. 16th St. v-40 Ux FOR BALE Parlor Grand piano. In good condition. Address P 47, Be. Q.-77 16x Columbus phaeton, rubber tlr. 340. Round Oak heater; also gas stov; your own prto. Used doors and windows for chicken house; your own price. 20o4 WIRT ST. 0-441 llx FOR SALE Furnltur for 7 rooms, not Paclflo Bt. Q Md 17x THOROUGHBRED Buff Cochin Bantams; little beauties, Ko each, Mrs. Coffin. 14 8. 40th St., Omaha. Q 133 ltx FOR SALE Good sew folding bed, com plete, 6JI; also couch. If you want a fine enioi at a bargain call at 3113 Harney. Q 177 lTx THREAD CUTTING THIMBLB-Leteat Invention for faat wlng; quick sailer for agent. Ten cent. Catalogue free. Th S. Mandelberg Co., P. O. Box s Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. Q 163 II FINANCIAL A. H. B VINTON, Pre. W. G. TLMPLETON. Re a. and Traas.' CI Be Bldg. 'Phon Douglas 104. UNION LOAN & 1NVT CO Loaa Buonsy on all kinds of security, buy Botes, account and real estate. Dealer In WARRANTS, BONDS, MORTGAGES, TAX CLAIMS. Negotiate loans upon real estate and flna--T any kind ef a deal baaed oousarvaUv estimates. Km II MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS VACATION MONEY KVERXBODT NERDS IT. AnA this Is th lilac to come and set It. Ion I let money stand In th way of en joying yourself when it cart be ai easily obtained t thle ornVe on HOlSK.HOLl G'H'DA. PIANOS. llORdta, WAOONS. ETC, SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We hev a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CllEDIT CO. ; 197-301 Paxton Block. ' X M946 23 The Union Loan Co: hav increased their capital and during th month of Septepiber will make a special , rat on collateral loans, personal pr'X,'' rty, mortgage and individual utm, without security. Term to suit your convenience. 'I'hon Douglas 3H04 or pall at 310 B Bldg. X M804O1 DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horaea, to., In any amount; less than half rates! perfect privacy: immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payment suspended when sick or out of work. 814 fc.rbactt Bik. tm South 14th St. x 441 Bowen. 703 N. Y. life Bldg, Advances prlvat money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. x 4)43 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH and others without security; easy pay ments. Office in si principal cities. Tol man. room 714, New York Lit pidg. X-S4I EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom modating; all business confldeottal. laul LXiugias. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans, pull Green Loan Co., room s. Barker bleak. X-146 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnltur, Jew elry, horses, cows. tc C. F. Reed, 810 8. . mh. X-4t CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X W CHATTEL and salary loana. Credit Co., ins Psxton block. Phoenlg X-t7 Money to Burn But w don't burn it! w loan It. Any reasonable amount will be rtven you OM HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS... A LIVlil STOCK AND OTHER CHAXTKLS , Without disturgtng tnem, in snortest urn far after leaving application. Repays your loan, and if you settle before agreement expire w give you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WB ALSO LOAN ON SALARIE8. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. III Board of Trad Bldg, 106 S. 16th St. - Established 1333. Tel. Douglas 21J5. X-MaS4 THB UNION LOAN CO. has increased their capital and during the month of Septmn bur will mak a special rate on collateral loans, personal property, mortgages and Individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your convenience. 'Phon Douglas 3904 or call at 810 Bee Bldg. X M804 M TO LEND Salary loans by prlvat party; very low rates; get my term before borrowing elsewhere; confidential. Ad dres Box 1M. X MUnB SO ' FOR EXCHANGE I WILL TRADE my Whit Steamer touting car for Omaha city property or Nebraska i! or lowa farm laoos. Aoarssst-- TF YOU do not find whst you want In thl tokimii, put an ad In and you wl soon FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general stocks of merchan dise from 13,600 to 120.000 for land, im proved and unimproved. Thirteen hardware stocks from 33,500 to) 33,000 for Improved and unimproved land. Flv restaurants. Seven livery and feed barns, all prtoes, te xchang for land. Stock of Implements, . buggies, wagons, etc., invoice 39,000, with buUdtr.g 110,000, incumbrance 16,000. tor good Iowa or north Missouri farm. Eight blacksmith shops, lnvolc $410 to 33,000. for South Dakota land. Flv drug stocks. Invoicing from 34,800 to 14,000, for land equal value. Thirty-four residence properties, located la good towns, good schools, eto., to ex change for Kansas, Texas,' South Dakota, Nebraska or Iowa land. Five hundred well located, improved farms, iocated in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, louth Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. Write for Prices and description. GLOBE LAND AND INViCSTMENT CO, Bloux, City, la., or Omaha, Neb. . Z-M43S GOOD 7-room residence In Omaha, worth 13,600 and 80 acres raw land in Wisconsin, worth 12,000 for good Improved 80 acre ' in eastern Nebraska. C. V. Peterson, 630 N. ltth, 'phon Douglas 1033. Z 188 16 160 ACRES of fin level Brown county, 8. D., land for sale. Will consider trade for automobile (light touring oar) up to 1,2. Land 7 miles from Aberdeen; good sill B0 acres under cultivation, balanc fln grasa. Terms, half cash, balance 6 pes cent. M., Lock Box 846, Hooper, Neb. 2-630 1X ROOMING HOUSE I hare soma extra good bargains in room ing houses for sale. Also have a small i stock of general merchandise to exchange cur a govu rovuiut nuu... W a FRANK, 'Phone Doug. 3600. 131 Neville Block.1 -414 II Farms For Exchange I ' hav several Improved farms to fx. ehans-e for western land: oan U or trade anything, anywhere. List with ma V. . ."W. S. FRANK, 321 Neville Blook. Z-IU 16 DANCING MORANDS, Uth and Harney now open. Lassons for adults, Tuas. and FrL, I p. m.1 assomblles. Wed.; private lessons, ball room or stag. For terms 'pboae Doug las 104L Th High School Class meets every Friday at l p. m. Terms, season oot. to way, tut. You will find this school the 41306 CHAMBERS SCHOOL OF DANCING S4M Farnam, recpeu for adults Monday, Sup teraber k I p. m. High school, Saturday, September 23, I p. m ChUdreo. Saturday. Seotamber 29. 8 a. a... ffunnllmuit.p nanll t utmlMlfln t A thjti opeuliig will b furnished to past pupil . and their friends upon application. Ceil i or writ for booklet. Telephone Douglas 7 1371. MI4 PATENTS PATENTS quickly secuid with tvrapU 1 - aani.l Nriaan, ilrl lis T si IsMA Vi I st TIM I I II ST. 0 OVtM US VVSSSS1 W ' - - SJ provoeltloa (or thirty days. Writ today, enclosing deacrlpuoo of lovaaUoa. Wat. ' M-'Seli. F. I. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers j patent book free. Bee Bio- Omaha, Nab. rvsrra 1 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS-Patent procured. Inventions developed, drawlnsa. patterns, oaatliigs, machiu work. 4-4 b. loth L , PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee, Nat'l Investment Co.. Douglas Bik.. Uth ft todge. ii:dP,L9.1n LOST AND FOUND LOST Liver and whit pointer, big browa spot over shoulder; came s). P, hrvwn oa collar. Noii's 1006 Karuam. or 'phone Doug. fc au3 receive '""ortMW LOST Sky terrier dog, gray, bitch, blind 1I HHUl JJ. a -w . w i.n wtwi u w 1 4u4 Bee Bldg,! TsL Douglas 3M4. M u tl le" LOST Thursday night, gold graduatliuf cross, Bamuvea uwni ou mvyu. n. ward for return to tuU No. Uut, or tal. phoue Deugtee cm. euaaaa I i I ! it 0 f t 4 V x. . av-u4 is