1 - HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 16, 1D06. r ) FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49 1 TOO-4-room cottage, t lots, near lath and Ame Are.) barn, corner lb and chicken houe; lull home and a bargain; orer an acre of corn and potatoes ready to harveat goes with ilia placa If aold at onoa. $l.lc--rm cottage, sewer and water, lot WxlZi ft. near the new street car shops; this ia newly painted and In rood shape throughout; worth $l.$0O; .r iiih iur ie per month. Y,( front on tlnx, near Mason, I v.lly wairr, lot ZtxlflO II.J .riTeLnow "n Paved, and thla win re worth mora money. .aOft-JMI Arbor Bt. ona of tha prettiest little l-room cottages In tha aouth part of tha cltyj porch, bath, sewer, ." Permanent walk, lot .I5! clo 'o Hanacom Park car: . !?'! cheap and will sell - fi " v. nani a, UUIIIV in I II IB part of town buy It ( l-room cottar, t bloeke from VValnut HUl car Una, natural wood nnlsn, pore, bath, large pantry, full Cemented oellar, alectrlo lights,, large , porches, front and back, and a bit lot 60x160 fi.; thla cottage la laaa than one year old and could not be built for what we are asking for both house and lot; owner living In It and muat sell at once: bere'a your chance. , U,60Il modern (-room house at 17th and Woolworth, 60-ft. Jot, flnlahed in natural wood, pore. bath. I block to car, vary desirable In every way: properties like thla vary scarce. . $i00 East front on tlat. Juat north of Leavenworth, 7 room, all mod., lot 4V.xl40 ft.; you can't beat thla for tha money. ' C. 250 Modern i-room dwelling, nearly new and flrst-claea condition, near corner Sherman Ave. and Plnkney, paved street and car line, pore, bath, beat . Of material throughout; you can't du- ; plicate thla for lesa than $3,500; ae It , I3.7SO Ao. front, mod., l-room houae In betnis Park, flnlahed In -natural wood. Inlaid floor In reception ball, fine fiantle, pore, bath. Carton furnace, ull cellar, targe front Dorch. lot 40x 12 ft. : thia la a splenuld home and a good Investment; owner leaving town and must sell. $5,600 New $-room houae In Bemla Park, fronting on boulevard, quarter-sawed oak finish, splendid design, one of the handsomest, moderate-priced homes ia the Park; let us show you this. $3,000-41$ Worthlngton St.. oak finish, mag nlfloent 1WX137H ft. lot. paved street beautiful shade, one of the moat de sirable locations In the city, within a half block of Farnam oar; this piace is uirt cneap; tne extra lot Is worth $1,760, and you could not build the house alone for $MU0; terms If you want them. SNAPS $S,40o I house near 80th and Plnk ney, renting for $24 per month; east front; big bargain.. $3,275 -room house, bam, full lot, H block from car; owner must . sell; worth $1800; sacrifice price, $1,$7S. , .x $3, SO 6-room cottage, clone In, neat home, low price; good locality; walking distance. I Sea Bemla for Insurance. Sea Bemla for Loans. Sea Bemls for Abstracts. ' BEMIS, Paxton Block. RB . ? - HOMES $11,000 for Sanborn home, $56 N. th ' Bt. two lots, east front large trees, near Mr Joslyn'a beautiful homa; bouse has 10 rooms thoroughly mod ern and built only a few years. $10,500 for H-room modern brick, 100 ft east front; very slealra-bla lo cation on car line. $10,000 for the large 1-story and attlo 11-room modern house, 2224, Howard St.'; lot 60x177 ft; place cost owner over $18,000. r $2,$00 for good S-story house, large lot California St, near Slat $2,000 for the 6-room house, lot 60x 150 ft, B. E. cor. 28th and Paclflo Sts.; $503 cash, balanoa about $20 par month. . ' NEAR HIGH SCHOOL AND CREIGHTON COLLEGE - t $300 for 10-room modern house on Cass St., neat. 20th; lot WxlU ft; rental, $000 per year. $8,600, lot WxtU ft. B. W. corner $5th and CUicago. $8,000, lot on Calif orniat. opposite Crelghton college. $2,750, $8 ft. lot on I2d St., I blocks north of high school. $2,000 for good house and lot, S14 No. 80th Sti rent $1 per month. ' ACREAGE. ' $3 acres on West Dodga St., Join ing Mr. Payne's new resldenoa on west; tin grove, fair buildings, high, sightly location for suburban homes. Close to land recently purchased by - sir. Robbtns. Mr. 'VVrlgtit, Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Shelly for homes. ' i $16 per acre for 40 acres on West -' ' Dodge St., pavement $1S0 per acre for C4 acres on Center i Bt, with C-room houae, barn, and i large sheds,- etc.; tOO-bbL cistern and water piped to house, barn and ' yards; fine young orchard, soma al falfa, land cross-fenced with wovan wire fence; very desirable for So. ' , Omaha cattla feeder. $269 to $300 for small acre tracts In Florence; terms, 4 cash. $150 per acre for $0 acres with small house, Joining Benson. INVESTMENTS $77,600, t per cent net, near Ben nett's store.' $30,000, T per cent net, Howard near Uth St. opposite Hoagland Blk. $3,000 for- lot and good building on ' So. 10th St. Rental. $12U per year, or about 11 per oent net . GEORGE & CO., 1901 JTarnam. rev- Bargain one 6-room and one 4-rooin houe. lot ) by lti ft. alwaya rented; rente fur .( monthly. Only $l.W0.Wi. Must be aold. I lota, tth and FrankUn. south and east rrout, lJu b y 1?7H ft. pave4 street $1,000.00. For u:ck i. J. II. PARKQTTE, PAyi TON BLOCK. RK-U3 U FOfc. BA.LK CHI Account oaaer Wt AP. ii city. , ii o. kith Et. fclS Onirics HI.: both tlern. ' juulre Ivii Mm Ui tit. R-t;t 15X FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE VACANT $ 760-715x1 II ft., west front, on lth, 17$ ft south of William, room for three cot tages; cheap. t $t0 ixlS ft, north front on Martha, 64 ft west of 17th. on grade; make US . an After. $ 750-fllS2 ft. on Vinton, between 15th and Itth, paving paid, permanent walks, sewer, water and gaa. $ $00 arnm ft, south front, on Charles, 120 ft west of Xth; very desirable. - $ 600-60x124 ft, north front on Kd, 60 ft north of Laird. $ 860-60x13 ft, S. E. cor.f 2th and Rug- Sles;very cneap. $ $26-Mxl2S ft, east front on Kh, N ft north, of Taylor, paving and sidewalk paid, aawer In street, easy terms. $ (US 40x120 ft, lots on Hth. Immediately south of Vinton, in Shales' sub V division; best lots fdr the money In south part of town; all lots staked and numbered; look at them; sea the new houses going up; select a lot . before they are gone. . Monthly Specials t 150 $10 down and $5 per month. 44xlM ft east front, on 16th, one block south of Vinton; choice of three lots. $ $76 $16 down and $10 per month, N. W. corner 34th and Boyd Sts., 60x130 ft., high and slphtly, sewer and water, two blocks from car. . XL60O Bualnees corner. 41x80 ftl S. E. cor ner lth and Vinton; this Is going t be a business center; good to buy at this prloe for speculation or Improve ment , FOR. FLATS $2.500 CtxtO ft., front In west on Nth. M ft north of Capitol Ave., paving all paid, as good central location as . there la in tne city. INVESTMENT $400 Double frontage on Sherman Ave. . and 17th St., just north'bf Charles, 110x210 ft. two houses now renting . for $42 per month, plenty of room for three more, street improvements all made and paid for; if Improved this will make one of tne nest in coma properties In the city. RE W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. t-room cottage In north part of city, one-half block from Sherman Ave. car; city water, gas and In ax ' eellent condition; newly papered and painted; full east front lot, shade and fruit trees.'. t-room house In xeellent- condi tion, two-etoryi Ana large rooms, flmi shade,' lot;Sxl20.' Price, $2,000. Will sell house' with one lot, 47x130, If desired. Location $7th and Cam den Ave, ona block from car. , 'It-room brick house on No. 81st St, one block from car; excellent con- - dltion throughout' new plumbing. ' city water, bath, etc Rents for $21 per month. Cannot be built for less) than $3,000. Price for Immediate sale $1,760. i i Good l-room cottage, close In, on .' 17th, near Nicholas. Lot 25x140. This Is well rented. . A bis bargain at ' tt.JDfc ' : South Omaha t-room house, all modern, except furnace; good south front lot near $3d and J Sts.; t rooms, first floor, 4 rooms second. Best of plumbing, hot and cold water, gaa, etc Hera Is your opportunity to get a good x homa cloaa to tha business section f South Omaha. Cheap at $$,000. ' Vacant Near Field Clab - Ws have Just nad listed for Imme diate sale soma vary .fine lot near Field club, 84x87 northeast corner $7th and Ma- -son Sts., nicely terraced and street has water and sewer. Bargain at $000. 47x13 east front on 86th Bt., south of Marcy St $930. 47x128 south front on Mason St, west of 86th Bt $000. FOWLER AVENUE LOTS Just a few of these beautiful south : front lots left Street has water, gas, aewer and. cement walk. Be tha Boulevard frontage near Roma Miller's homa and opposite new city park for $1,000, or $1,800 for two lots. We also have tOxlSt Just west' of Boulevard for $600; easy terms if de sired. W, FARNAM SMITH &sCO. TeL Doug. 1084. US) Farnam St. RB A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS Two full lota, two blocks from oar and three blocks from new Catholic Cathedral, with house that cost over $8,vu to build. MxlSS feet, corner, on Cumin St.. with small nouses, rine piace to build houses or, stores to rcuL. imiy si.auu. 17 feet front on Via ton St., $20 per foot Full alia aouth front lot near 84th and Amra Ave., oum otocs. xrom car Una. trice , . Full lot on 41st Av., near Davenport, $660. lOt acrea close to city limits, on paved - J . - W ' iws iui, ns mi . 4t acres, wall Improved, cloaa In, at $300 per lit aoras. 1H milea from end of Benson ear line; adjoining property la aeiuug for tiMk It-room suburban homa wiU $t acrea. Will 11 house 'With I seres, mostly in fruit or any amount of land wanted. Will sell in parcels to suit purchasers at $200 to $Jjt Se our specials In the World-Herald Newa. . . J. II. DUMONT & SON. t, . $06-4 N. T. Life Bldg, 'Pbona DougtasHb and FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. On 27th, two blocks from Lake St. car lino, four cottages hat rent for $55 a month. Price, 3209 Lincoln Blvd., 7-room ful Bemis park. Owner has left desirable property at $3,000. Let On Spaulding near 26th, sewer, city water, nice shade trees. Price, $2,000. LANDS 2,000 acres at $4 an acre, in ,oam on heavy clay subsoil; is stones. The owner is anxious to sell. The same kind of land un der irrigation sells as high as $100 an acre. , 480 acres in Banner county, seat; level land, soil is of black is very rich, works fine, having cultivation, balance pasture and and other outbuildings and windmill; jeat 5-room dwelling. Price, only $10 per acre. It would Payne Investment" Co. First Floo; N. Y. L Bldg.. - "TeL Doug. 1781. RB HOMES $8,4001 rooms, all 'modern, full south front let, near 24th and Templeton. $2,8008 rooms, all modern but fur nace, want offer; near 24th and Maple. $2,60010 room, all modern but fur nace, good enape; near 20th and Castellar. $2,108 rooms, south front S22S Sew ard; only $2S0 down, balance sum as rent. ' $1,700 f rooms, lot 66x182, south front. near list and Burt; easy terms. $1,6004 rooms, partly modern, good as new; near juth and Vinton. $1,3004 rooms, good house, small . lot, COxttt, on Seward St $1,7764 rooms, partly modern, ona block to Harney car. ..' . $1,250 4-room cottage, built last year, near. 87th and Ames Ave. , These are only a few. If you want to buy them see Bemls. If you want to sell quick sea Bsmla. Sea Bemls for Abstracts. See Bemls for Loans. Sea Bemls for Insurance. BEMIS, 'Phone Douglas 685. Paxton Blk. RB BURNISHED 7-room flat - 714 So. Uth, a D D QsXO If tlsfte, 4. aw-Mw VA TWO NEW 8-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSES, Just Completed -L At Southwest Corner , . N Owner Has Instructed Us to Sell by October 1st. Has dining room, parlor, kitchen and large reception ball on first floor, four bed rooms and bath on second floor, full .bricked cellar, cemented; furnacp, electric light, gas, hot and " ' cold water connection on first floor and basement, double floors, oak stain, combination stairway; workmanship the very best; east front terrace lot, 44x129 feet; shade, new cement walks on street and all around the house; choice location, close to stores, school and churches; pared street and car; high ground, good neighborhood. Prices, f 3,600 and f 3,650. Will make terms. These are, the Best , Houses and Lots for the money that we know of in the City, either for Home or an Investment 1 ' Can meet you -at the houses any time Sunday if you will call Douglas 5122 or Harney 2484. Our office is open Monday erenings till 9 P. M. Hastings '& Heyden, 1704 Farnam Street. GOOD BUYS Good location for flats, $30, $40 and $60 per foot front $1,300 For t lots, east front, I ft ter race, near Field club. $890 For corner, south snd east front ft, terrace, $ blocks from ' Field club. $900 For full lot In Kountse Place, paved street permanent walk. . $1.200 For south front lot 60x124, near Suth and Jackson. . i $1.250 For 50x114. corner, on srada, near Kth and Mason; walking- dls-; tanoe. ... - - $1, 260 For 40x140, east front on 22d St, aouth of Leavenworth. $f)00 For SOxl2 east front.' on No. 20th St boulevard; a barsaln. $400 For 47x120, eaat front, near Kth snd Patrick Ave. ' $660 For SSxllZVi. trackare In alley, paved street nothing better. , $880 For 60x12$; eaat front, $ ft -terraca near 40th and Fowler Are. $260 For 60x112, near MUler park. ( - $300 For 47Vim. on ear Una, 27th and Fort, must be sold. If you want to build next year buy your lot tbla fall and save IV per . oent . Selecting a lot la easy from Bemis Sea Bemla for Loans. Sea Bemls for Abstracts, . . ,8e Bemla for Insurance, BEMIS, 'Phone Douglas 686. Paxton Blk. RB I WANT TO gEIX a vary attractive await noma, house of six rooms, niodora 4x eept furnace, moat eioeUsnt naihbor houd, half block from ear, most dealrable part ttt city, avutk front permanent walk la front A. B. Caxpeular, euit Nicholas St RJfr XBRR MALLCROSS CO.-g ABSTRACTS OF TITLIlS are the aafeet Yoa are pro tected by a.$i0,u bund asaluat loss by . errors. Ton don't buy a law suit wkea you bur a "Kerr" abalraot. 1616 JTarnam, Tat Ooug. till. &he- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $6,500. strictly modern house, in beauti city and will sacrifice this very us show it to you. 7-room lVfc-story house, gas, bath, western Nebraska; soil is black very rich and easily worked; no 9 miles from Hamsburg, county vegetable mold on a clay subsoil, no rocks or stones; 200 acres in hay land; good fences, sheds make an ideal home. INVESTMENTS $1,000-For brick block of three 10 room flats, near 30th and Douglasv $7,600 Tor brick store and rooms above, No. 24th St $7,600 For 7-room house, lot $0x230. three blocks from new Hoagland Blk. $8,600 For Improvements that pay 11 per cent gross. $3,600 For 2-story frame store and 6-room dwelling, barn and two lota, on car 11ns. $2,700 For three frame houses, lot $4x180, renting for $33 per month. Coma In and get our list Sea Bemls for Loans. Bee Bemls f orVlnsuranca. ' Sea Bemls for Abstracts. BEMIS, Phone Douglas 686. Paxton Blk. RB A Corner Lot $375. Will sell the southwest corner of 26th St, and SDracue. 60 feet, eaat front for $376. and will pay you a bonus if you can show ma a Better bargain. VA ACRES FOR $700. This Is good garden land, nesr 42d and Ames, ana the heat Dargam n tne cry. : D. C, PATTERSON, K23 Farnam St. RQ-11S 1 41st and Hamilton Sts. Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE AN 10-room modern' house on Hsrney, near $Sth St. Oak flniih, poltahed oak floors, lavatory Arst floor. Water closet in bae nent . Laundry with soft water. Every thing complete. Built last year; rented to May lat for $40. Will bring you $70 when lease expiree. Purchaser sure of a steady uiuuias mm me unearned increment (Orover Cleveland) sure to accrue, to own ers of property In that location. J. H. DUMONT 4 BON, -$K. Y. Life Bldg. , 'Phone Douglas 60. T v , RK-41$ When Ton Buy Real Estate Insist upon Knowing whether the owner of the property has a good title, free and clear of all en cumbrances. Ask for a Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Abstract, and their opinion upon it, and then have them examine the papers before closing the purchase. Call at 1714 Farnam St, N. P. DODGE, JR., PRESIDENT. . ' RE aw BU1LU1NO LOTS FOR $76 Located In moat beautiful auhurb of Racine, Wle. a city of .0u0 population, having hundreds of manufacturing plant furnlxhlng steady employment. Direct steam and electric railway connections wlih Chicago and Milwaukee. Terms, $6 .down, balance U per month; no taxea or intereat until paid 4i0 lots already sold to horn builders ana Investors. Value increasing rapidly. Bean tlfully illustrated catalogue free. ChaaT R. Davla. Milwaukee. Wis. RE-$7 Wg Cheap Lands on Easy Terms la Southwestern Nebraska; $4 to $16 ner ere. C. F. peteraoii, kM N. 16th. Tele- phoae Douglas lutt. RsW$7 IS FOR aULB-At a bargain, a-room house, first claas condition, full lot 4610 8e-ti4 St.. blotk and half frvm car lie, "rfee owner at 1U N. Ud St. Itli-iUo U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. DODGE CO. WE CAN'T AFFORD To advertise bargains we believe not In. Hence, we have selected a few from our list that we consider unusual bargains,- and if you are looking for a house, a building lot or some acre age, we advise you not to buy without seeing us about one of these. LOTS $1.000.00-Full lot south front on Lafayette Ave., 3U0 feet east of $Sth St; . cheapest lot In Bemla Park dis trict You can't buy for lesa than $1,20.00 in that locality save this ona lot. Can make term a. . , ' t JOO.OO Two east front lots at southwest corner itfth and Corby; permanent walks, on grade and on Dodge St ear line. I 450.40 Double front lot facing on Lake Bt and Ersklne; room for four houses; just west of 26th St. This Is the greatest snap In north and and Is equal to two full lots. Easy terms. I 36O.0O Northwest corner 29th and Grant, east and south front, on grade. Easy terms. . - i $ $75.00 East front lot on 29th, near Grant I 360.00-Weet front lot on' 29th, near Ersklne; ona block from car. Easy terms. ' . HOUSES $1,180.00 Near $7th and Ames Ave., 4-room cottage, in good repair, well, large barn, chicken house, lot 76x12, a dosen large shade trees and some fruit; can bo sold on easy terms. Can you find anything as good In today's paper? $8,600.00 We have been offering a 10-room, all modern bouse In Hansdom Place, near park, for $6,600.00 for past month. ' Owner says take $6,600 If you can get It this week. Hard wood finish, beautiful, roomy man sion. In fine condition and not an old house. Don't fail to sea this It you are looking for a fine house. $2,100.00 Five large rooms, water - and sewer In yard, gas in house; large lot 62x140; on 19th St., opposite Lake school; consider tha else of the lot and the locality. This Is ' the cheapest thing on tha boule vsrd. Don't bother the tenant but coma to ua If you want a snap. v i $3,600.00 A beautiful homa In Bemls Park, south front; lot 60x156; paved 1 stret This Is the cheapest property In Bemls Park $2,000 cash and bal- . anca terms. . . . i ACRES $4.100.00-Near 30th and Davenport Sts.. 3- room all modern house and barn. In fine condition, nearly new, cement walks all around, nice trees and '. lawn. Sea us about this, as It is - close in and a dandy. ...... , I Ws have (-room cottage and S or I acres north of Benson at $1,400 and $2,000; on easy terms. ' Also 10, 20 or 40 acres of sightly ground at $226 per acre. " V .' ' SOUTH OMAHA ACRES Acre lots In South Omaha, near 40th and Madison at $300 to $400, on easy payments. Five, 10, 20 and 40 acres near South' Omaha, on county line, and only two blocks from new car Una. Prices range from $300 to $250 per acre, and they are great snaps. N. P DODGE CO. 1714 Farnam St . RE 4-ROOM all modern house, sultabks for one or two families,, ins Jummett RB MORTGACE SALE OF RfAL ESTATE An . eastern investor who has four pieces oi real estate in Omaha has In structed me to sell them before the end of the year, no matter at what sacrifice. Here they are make me an offer and no reasonable one will be turned down: Lot 6. block 197. Original Plat of the City ot Omaha 64x132 at 16th and Leavenworth Sts; large brick barn and frame residence: rented for $80 a month. Close In property that Is sure to Increase in value. You can make your own terms as to payment, with 5 per cent Interest Modern house and lot 67x188 at 2613 Farnam St. Here is, an op portunity for some person to make a good investment. Two modern houses and lot, 76x160, on paved street, north of Han scorn park. There la also a good barn here. Four modern houses, on North 20th St., near Grace Bt. Will rent for IZ a montn eaca. , Thos. Brennan Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RB SOUTH SIDE ' GOOD COTTAGE 11,6(0 buys good cottage . of five rooms, with good let, on Castellar St., 1U blocks west of 16th street car line; part on terms. - Call for partleu lara. 1 GARVIN BROS. 1(04 FARNAM. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. PETERS & CO. MODEST HOMES FOR MODEST FEOPLE. $1,100 We offer a 4-ronm houae with city water, well built .and In good con dition of repair; 1 Mock from $0th St car line. In north part of the city. A modest payment down arid monthly paymenta will take this property. , $1,1$$ We -offer another 4-room house on Franklin, only H block or so from $3d St car line, situated on a full lot SOillt feet with an excellent barn In the rear,, coating ' ' When new $400; well, clatern. Shade and fruit treea. To effect a quirk - sale tha owner reduces tha price from $1.(00 to 1,1J5. $1,700 We offer a new l-room cottage. substantially built, with gaa, elec tric light bath room with porce lain tub, nlckftl plated plumbing; house has ho furnace, but Is piped for one; full lot, $0160 feet; cov HANSCOM PARK AND WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $$,(00 A fully modern two-story nine- room houae on . litn t)t., two blocks west of proposed 24th St. car line; cement basement open . plumbing, porcelain bath, perme . tient walk and paved 81; specials all paid; east front 1,00 We have to offer -on South (Tth . . Bt nine-room house, with open - nickel-plated plumbing, good fur nace, cement walks; $600 down and monthly paymenta will take ' thla. $$,100 On $0th Ave., not over half a diock irom Hanscom Park; we have . an-eight-room house, recently re modeled and Improved and now In BOULEVARD 1 As you approach the Field club on Wool- worth Ave., turn and look to the north. Tou" will recognise Boulevard Terrace by tne beauty of. its location and the im provements that are now belna- made. No other point In the city affords so fine a DUNDEE. We are maklnar a sneolaltv of this beau tiful suburban district - We have a num ber of choice building lots that we ehall be pleaaed to submit for your considera FIVE AND TEN-ACRE TRACTS AND FARMS CLOSE IN. j ' FTVF, AfTrTES. Only four blocks from the end of the Ames Ave.- car line, at $6th St, wa offer a seven-room house and five acres of ground, small barn, 76 cherry, apple and plum trees, strawberry and raapberrles, and 100 grape vines. This Is a One tract for gardening and raising chickens. Prloe $$,600. - - ... . On Qrand Ave., only two blocks west of the Central Park school and ten blocks TEN; Ona half-mile south of Ruaer's Park, we have ten acres facing east . and gently sloping to the west About one-half of this la covered with fruit trees and shrub bery. There is one acre In alfalfa and tne balance is suitable for gardening; a fairly good eight-room house sur rounded by shade trees. This place has been used for chicken raising and there are buildings on the place suitable for this business Has good barn and welt Price $$.600. . ' About four miles out and one-naif mile FARMS. On the Center St. macadamised road. four and one-half miles from the post office, we offer a tract of 44 acres. Im proved as follows: Good six-room house, barn and large hog houses equipped with water i from a lars-e central-tank, stock gcales, and all oonveniences for breeding purposes. : xne xarm is aiviuea into nve and i ten-acre- tracts with bog-tight wire - R. C. PETERS & CO., 220 South 17th St. (Be Bldg.) THE MODERN ADDITION Opening Sale LAST CHANGE! V. - ' CONTINED MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TII, 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. On account of the storm and threatening weather of Saturday we will continuo the sale oh the lots in this beautiful addition all day Monday. - , OUR SPECIAL OFFER We will make a discount" of $25 on every lot' sold on Monday. A tag on each lot,' giving size and price. An abstract . furnished with every lot. Cash . deposit.- required on every lot Sold. '...':' IT. WILL . BE ; MONE Y IN YQUR POCKET To attend the opening sale and secure a lot at the special price for that day ONLY. '',' Salesmen in attendance to show you over the addition. See modern dwellings under construction, all to be occupied by owners. Take Sherman Ave! car to Sprague St. - . t Flats, prices, particulars of this offer at & 1809 Farnam St., Ground 175 CHOICE LOTS ' -BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE PROPERTY West Farham Distritt " UTX126 FKRT. . . ' Four lots-rl$7 Xeet frontage on 42d St, 12$ feet on Harney; water gas and electricity; One place for residence or apartment; lust above grade; title perfect; all taxea paid; two and one-half blocks from oar UneT CHKAP AT $.. Call on or write ma about this., THOS. fa. AYERS, T ATAU- 1" NtKnBd'Kk.rt. KHHi lj SILAS ROBB1NS. l-room cottage. Burdette. near Military AT,rooi wel1' "ar. barn, much fruit t-room .new - oottage. full basement, city water, near HUilSt car line: easy oay ments $l,aua ' 4-room eotuce, modern except furnace. .t K near I inn h.ri am 4-rMm oottage, on beautiful Templeton Bt : city water, gas. cellar, cemsnted Wiilks-1 i:.to0. l-room $-story house, modern except fur naoe, lid and ,Clark-$2.3ou, , , Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block ' S RE-tM 1 . HERE IS ANOTHER A beautiful borne. Two lots on Farnam Hill, In first-claas neighborhood, with flow, era, snrubs and. shads. Large house, mod. era la every respect Particulars on appli SHIMER cation. J. IL DUMONT & SON, MM N. T. Ufs Bldg. . 'Phone Douglas (SO. " ' ' " . .'-' FOR SALEREAL ESTATE ered with shade and fruit tre Price quoted Is " lesa than what house coat to build within the last year. This can be hnnsht with a payment down and month ly payments to follow. $1,800 On Miami St.. we have a well built 4-room houae renting for $1$ , P'r month; city water, sond.s!ed lot, In good neighborhood;" $S00 down, balance monthly paymente.- 1,II0 W hav on Sherman Ave., north of locuet St., a newly built one story 6-room cottsire with ce mented cellar, excellent furnace bath room with porcelain tub and open nickel plumbing; rooms are all good el Red, and the front porclt Is of large else, well and sub stantially built. Owner will take $600 down, balance In monthly payments. Thla will attract any . one seeking a house of this slse. a fine condition, with the latest modern conveniences, including hot water heat Let us show thia -to you. $8,500-"-A new, wholly modern eight-room house, In the West Farnam district only half a block from the Far nam car Una. This Is a choice . location and a well built housg most conveniently arranged. $7,000 On South S4th St. near the Far ' nam car line, we have a new eight room house, handsomely decorate and thoroughly modern. The lo ca'lon of this property Is abso lutely the finest In the West Far nam district TERRACE. view and possesses so many advantages for the man who really wanta a homl with pleasing surroundings and at a reasonable prloe. We are offering lotl In thla addition at $860, $900, $960 an4 up to $1,300 tor the choicest corners.. . tion,' ranging In price from $660 to $1.00$ each. We know of no better . neighbor hood for men of quiet tastes and modeal means. ' from Amea Ave. car line, we offer a little mora than five acrea, with a good seven ' room house, fine shade and some small fruit The location of the houae is fins and commands a beautiful view. Price $3,000. About a mile directly north of KruS) Park, we have four acrea, the most stghtl plat of ground in that vicinity; $250 pe acre la tha price, and It Is cheap at that. ACRES. aouth of tha Center St road, we have the best Improved ten-acre tract that Is ' of fered for sale In Douglas county. A wel built . five-room house, surrounded by si commodious porch; cemented cellar, twe wells, one with wind mill; largo bam and a number of outhouses. Including chlckrt houses and brooding pens. Four acres of this Is in grapes, which yield four t five thousand basketa of grapes por year cherry, apple, plum and peach trees lit abundance. With thla place goes a tears of 26 acres adjoining, part In cultivation and balance In pasture. Price $5,000. fences; has ten acres in alfalfa and sn orchard of about eight acres. Pr(ce $1&S per acre. One - mile from tha Fort Crook trolley line. In Sarpy county, we offer $22 acres with good seven-room house; all neces eary out buildings, orchard, wind mill and water system; all-kinds of fruit; all.- ) fenced hog-tight Price $110 per acre. V ,R& TILE SIGHTLY ADDITION Boulevard Park PRICES Splendid 40-foot inside lots, $550 to $700.. Corners and a few 60-foot lot slightly higher. The price Includes all public improvements not yet com plete. Easy payments. .'. CH ASE CO. Floor; ' Tel. Douglas 3867. EASY PAYMENT PLAN IN WALKING DINTANCE And 1 block from car line, on Bt. - Mary's Ave. hill, A fine new house, splendidly built, $f7W. .Another for $5,760, built and occupied by tha owner. J. IL DUMONT & SON, $06-4 N. T. Life bldg. 'Phone Douglas 4V RE . ' These: "Properties are Bar gain. And Should Be Seen at Once. -room house, large' lot sood location very cheap at $d00. . 7 rooms, a very cosy, nice home, newly ' painted Inside and out; modern except fur nace; nioa south front lot $2,100. I rooms, new, modern house, laundry lq basement, corner lot, in Park Place; na ' better location In city, $4,000. I rooms, six blocks from postofQoe; a snap at $$,u. t rooms, ona of tha finest homes la Kountse Plaoe. $4,260. i I roo me, sad two 4-room houses, close t Farnam and easy walking distance; tplea did condition; combind rents fcO pal month; splendid Investment at $fl,JW. : , 14 rooma, beautiful, large lot east front, close to boulevard; walking distance, $XTMt National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK.- ' KD-Mia IT FOK S.AL1& IX-room modern reeldenca, 1UI Chisago St, ew&ar on premises. - - .. RE-i4a 17 ,