Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 13
EDITORIAL SECTIOII. Pages 1 to 10. A Paper for the Hem THE OMAHA DEE Best & West VOL. XXXVI-NO. 13. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1906. SINGLE COPY rrvrE CENIH ""HIH IZZZu ) wim 3 U The Omaha Sunday Bee. I 01 IKj Ik LNJ EoLfly FaJl Millinery Early Fa.ll Millinery .... ------- - r.r.-.--J1Jt(-B guvij-jnfi A GRAND INITIAL DISPLAY OF FALL STYLES An informal opening of Omaha's leading Fall Millinery Parlors. Fashion has decreed that fall shapes and sizes will be radically different from the authentic styles in vogue a year ago. The tricky, turn-up affairs have served their day served it well, tool The straight, indented, downward brims now find favor. These are slightly larger than those of any previous season, but not large enough to be extravagant. They are tricky and chic. Colors are exceed ingly comprehensive. We ve told you something of colors already (See Friday evening's ad.) Monday we again make a special showing of the Lady Aberdeen Turban It is a charming co mpromise betwe en a Peter Pan and an English Derbyround, soft and close fitting comes in all colors, .body, trimming and pom. pons in cerise, American beauty red, all shades green and the captivating new color called taupe. It's a peeress of a hat. ...... .... The original Peter Pan, trimmed with Scottish bands and quills, most ver satile of colorings. Colorings are so multitudinous as to give one a pretty safe guess that her hat is the only one of a kind each pretty Note Informal Millinery Opening Monday See the entrancing line of popular-priced hats Equal to f e anybody else's $7.50 offering A specialty at.. : ...... r.......? Aigrettes, Pompons, Plumes, Feathers, Flowers, Buds, Foliage, Velvets, Malines, Silks and Ribbon Trimmings. Assortments bewildering-values superlative High Art in Chines Finest English China, Coalport's, Doulton Cos, Royal Worcester, v Ridgeways, Etc., Etc. " ... I, "' Many handseme Service Plates, Bouillon Cups,' TeaCfups, and pretty After-Dinner Cups, for birthday gifts, etc. Beautiful French Encrusted Gold Plates, Platters, Cever Dishes, Steak Sets, Chop Sets, Salad Sets,, or sold in separate pieces ALL AT EASY PRICES. Libbey Cut Glass We are Omaha agents for this beautiful, well-known line cut glass. Artistic shapes, newtst cuttings. Bowls, Vasts, Sugars and Creams, Irays of all hinds, Decanters, etc PRETTY SALAD SETS WITH FORK AND SPOON . TO MATCH, beautiful new goods, very swell, dj C a set, $7.50, $6.50 and D Handsome neut line of Electric Portables Cut Glass Shades, pretty little Desk Lamp, also large Parlor and Library Lamps, very fine, at $60, $20, $15, (L1f $12, down to PIV SECOND FLOOR. Pyroraphy Bargains 40o Whisk Broom Holders. 30c 65c Frames for two pictures 48c 90c Photo Boxes, new designs 69c $1.85 Dresser Boxes $1.39 $1.25 Hand Mirrors. . .98c Outfits at $5, $3.25, $2.25 and. . . . ..... .$1.69 2nd Floor. SPORTING GOODS Largest line of Fpot Balls, Uni forms, Striking Bags everything in Sporting Goods. Get our prices, they're the lowest going! Gold OvaJ Frames Willi Facsimile Water Color Heads 300 Fac Simile Water Color Heads in Oval Frames, sizes 8x10, 6x12, 10x12, values up to $1.25, sale price Monday, 69c Come early Supply won't last all day. Frames for Bee Pictures at...... .V.. i ... 35. A FEW OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL ART STUDIES ARE STILL ON SALE 2nd Floor k MA 0 Buy Yoir Library Table Now 5 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY A New JZLJi Flour... On Monday we place on sale a new brand of Flour- pAPITDll Am Benoett's Capitol Flour MIIXKD FROM THK CHOICEST rS TtKKKY WINTER WHEAT, ?r IS UNEXCELLED FOR SPLEN DID WHITE. LICiHT BKEAD, FINE CAKES. ETC. , As an introJucurjr we make tlie lol lowing special offer: 88-lb. Sack Bennett's Capitol OA Flour "'wu - And 100 Greea Trading; Stamps '8 H. Back Bennett's Capital 4( Flour... lTV ' And 100 Green Trading Stamps. M lb Back Bennett's Capitol HiS Flour And Fifty Orn Trading St&mpi H18 OFFER 19 FOR ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17th. Frery ack i-arrlea with It the lien Drtt CompB7 guarantee FliESU ROASTED HALTED PEA NUT3,lUdoi-HMoo- lfl day's prlc" vund ..lUC Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! Oak Stoves, not Blast Stoves. Base'Burn ers and Ranges THE PENINSUIAR! Greatest Fuel Saver and Heat Producer on the American Market 19c can Sapolln Store Pip Enamel. And Ten Green Trading Stamps Black Jack and Black Eagle lfl Stove Polish. .' lUt And Ten Green Trading SUmpa Stove Pipe, good quality, 10c Large Ash or Garbage Cans f) if $3.76. $3.2$. 12.76 and. . . . A.TJ And Fifty Green Trading SUmpa Wash Boilers, up Q M from; 0fC And Forty Green Trading Sumps Galvanized Wash Tubs at 7 Sc. P . 64c and JOC And Forty Green Trading Stamps Clothes Wringers, every one 1 CI C guaranteed, up from .l,JJ And Fifty Green Trading SUmpa Kodak Folding Lunch Box just the thing for school children, JQc WW Library sawed ished, value, to ... Library sawed . ished, . value, to ... Library sawed ished, to . . . Table, solid quarter golden oak, pol with drawer, $16.00 reduced JQ Table, solid quarter golden oak, pol with drawer, $26.50 reduced Table, solid quarter golden ' oak, . pol- with drawer, $14.50 value, reduced BEAUTIFUL SHOES $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 T)U are invited to inspect our display of the new Autumn Shoe Fashions. Particularly do we direct attention to the new "Dorothy Dodd" Shoea. Not only will they appeal to your artistic sense, but the very stamp on the sole is our double assurance that the quality is honest through and through. And think what this means when, because of the high cost of leather, so many shoes have beeil deliberately cheapened to deceive you into the belief that you are getting former values at old prices! Aaiat tkla 4acptia the very preatif e of the "Dsrotfcy Dodd" trademark U jour protection. Its makers cannot afford! to. lower tke standard ky wklck it kaa achieved the moat phenomenal ahoo sbccom ever known. If yea would have prettier and more .tyli.k feet, let lis fit you with a pair f theae now Dorothy Dodd" Shoo. They come in all stylos and leather, and for all services. $10 Library Table, solid quarter sawed golden oak, polished, with drawer, $12.00 value, reduced to. ... , Library Table, solid quarter sawed golden oak, . polished, with drawer, $16.50 value, reduced to .... , Library Table, solid quarter sawed golden oak, polished, with drawer, $15.00 value, reduced to. . . ., 9.50 13.50 ...$12 September Carpet Sale Cleanin?-Up Sale of Remnants of All Grades of Carpets and Odd Rugs That Have Accumulated During Our Sale. Remnants of Granite and Union Ingrain Carpets, from 5 1 to 25 yards in a piece, that sells for 35c and 45c yard . . . . I U C Remnants of All Wool Two-Ply and Three-Ply Ingrain Carpet, from 3 to 15 yards in a piece, that sells for 80c and Afilr $1.10 a yard, while they last, a yard. 7tJG Remnants of Brussels Carpets, 1 yards long, bound on 7 Q n ends so they make good rugs, worth $1.50, this sale, each, f JC Remnants of Wilton and Extra Axminster Carpets, V2 yards long, bound on both ends so they make splendid rugs, f A worth $2.25, in this safe, each. lelU Greatest Rug Offer Ever Known John Bromley & Sons' Strictly Wool Face Reversible Smyrna Rugs, 2-6x5 feet long, f Z Q leeSeS regular $3.50 rug, for. Moquette Rugs, 2-3x5 feet, at , 2.25 Ventnor Wilton Rugs, T yf Q 2-3x4-6, at 7....JMO 2.50 Seamless 9.00 12.75 e e Sanford Beau Vais Rugs, 2-3x5, at. .... Sanford Beau Vais Rug, 4-6x6-6, at 7 Brussels Rugs, room size, 9x12, at SEPTEMBER LACE CURTAIN SALE. Nottingham Lace Curtains that sell up to $1.00 a pair, in one lot each. Moquette Rugs, 3x6 feet, at Ventnor Wilton Rugs, 3x5-3, at Sanford Beau Vais yf Cjl Rug, 3x6 feet, at r eJU Sanford Beau Vais Seamiest Rug, 6x9 feet, at 3.98 5.75 4.50 Seamiest 17.98 Axminster Rugs, I CI room size, 9x12. . . . lae f J 19c Nottingham Lace Curtains, three yards long and 50 inches wide, All finished with patent lockstitch edge, big variety of Q patterns, sell up to $1.50 a pair, in one lot Monday, each. C Nottingham Lace Curtains, yards long, 56 inches wide, many good imitations of high priced curtains, plain centers with bor ders and allover effects, curtains that sell up to $3.75 yl CI a pair, in one lot Monday a pair .leTo Irish Point Lace Curtains, well made on extra strong nets, full size, good patterns, sell for $4.50, Monday's price, . tzT pair '. ...eWJU Irish Point and Brussels Net Curtains, made of fine French nets, all new patterns, some have plain centers with borders, others allover effects, big variety to select from, Bold for $5 Z C and $6 a pair, Monday in one lot, a pair m 3 Another Big Line of Irish Point Curtains Just Received "Worth $8.00 and $9.00 a pair, on sale, pair, $6.75, f CI C $5.75 and F.a3 r-