Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
The Omaha Bee HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 to 12. tjnday THE OMAHA DEC Best & West VOL. XXXVI-NO. 13. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER in, 190f-FOUK SECTIONS-TIIIRTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IRISH POTATO BLIGHT r&ilure of Ciopi Diiaitroni la lhicely Populated Districts of Island. iVO CaUSZS p.wuuje TUBER DISEASE v'tjorei Sot Alone to Blame Jot Damage to tbe Vegetable. HOPE TOR HOME RULt IS GROWING BRIGHT Great Forward Step Expected from Next teuicn of Farl.ament. VI.LIAM O'BRltN n j a UGES CAUTION opes that I'hulx.rU GoTtrnaifat 'will Not He Condemned tatti it Has Btci Carefully Considered. OIBLIX, Bept. IS. (Spe-ial Cablegram to Yhe Be?. Americana having frieuus and relative! In Ireland are naturally deeply Interested In the accounts of. the potato bilghl. I'robubly the best reports are those made by the correspondents of the Farmers' Gasette. And It is significant to ncte that the latest accounts published by that paper are decidedly disheartening In-tne poor, overtaxed land In the con gested districts especially the failure has been dlstistrous. There is a new theory of the disease, which Indicates that even spraying, tnough a valuable preventive, jannot be looked upon hs a wholly eltec Uve remedy to the disease. Hitherto it was believed that "spores" were solely lebpunsime; but Mr. Massee of Kew, a very high authority on the subject, lias discovered that epidemics of the disease are due to a "hibernating mycelium" In the tuber, which. In certain damp, hot, muggy weather, Infects not merely the plant itself, but the whole crop. From this discovery, It is pluln that spraying, which deals only with' the spores, or the danger of spore on the stalks, cannot affect the de velopment of the seed of the disease In the tuber. The selection of clean, healthy teed la a precaution as essential as the spraying. But, even then, there la no as surance that the disease may not, In one form or another, remain latent In the soil, specially in those exhausted patches which year after year have been given over to potato crop. Proper slsed farms, properly cultivated, are essential before the plague of blight can be thoroughly exterminated Croat stalk and tuber. Hope for Homo Rale. The greatest Interest Is being taken hero In aa article which recently appeared In the Paris Temps, in which reference Is made at length to the speech made at a 1 banquet In Dublin recently by Sir A. Mac Ponnell, In which the permanent under secretary for Ireland expressed the firm belief that the next session of Parliament would see the fruition of many of thoso hopes which the best Irishmen had for rear entertained. The Temps says: - Sir Antony MacDonneU'a sympathies are la unimpeachable as is the authority of his information. The great and good news which ha-fust been- announced . can be considered as official, and muit be placed in record, aa It marks sn epoch in the hls- tory of Ireland. A great step forward In the direction of 'autonomy is being pre- Bared. The utterance was certainly a ibylllne one, but those who. have closely followed the Irish question and have studied the last speech from the throne will have no difficulty in gauging the scope vr me promisee reiorm. nnn Mr. Biyce rill propose to the Commons will be ad- ' Dilnlstratlve home rule, and particularly . the control of Irish finances. Even this a great step. Whenever, according to :his scneme,. local government and the man agement of the finances of the Island are . placed In the hands of Irishmen, one will oe able to say that the crying demand for a national Parliament will have lost much of - its dramatic necessity. Perhaps the party led by Mr. John Redmond will un compromisingly oppose Mr. Bryce's gener ous proposal because of its very generosity and the beneficial effect which it Is sure to have In a country which British administra tion has been the cause of most of the evils by which It is afflicted. By opposing this croooaal the Irish party would de prive themselves of every foundation for their fighting attitude at Westminster. If the Irish nationalist deputies act In this manner they will deserve the stigma of being only politicians caring more for their own parliamentary positions than for the 'jitereat of their country. i O'Brien Hopeful. In. a recent address at Ma'law. Mr. Wil liam O'Brien, M. P., expressed, the hope that next year Ireland would have a sub stantial measure of self-government. He trusted that all good Irishmen would be extremely cautious about condemning the promised bill until they knew all about It . To tell the Irish people that the bill would give them all at once, and, as a minimum, nothing less than all that the Boers hod got In the way of complete responsible government was nonsense pernicious non sense. Even the English papers, commenting upon the matter editorially, admit that "the relations between the two Islands (Qrcat Britain and Ireland) have entered upon a new era." Probably one thing which la binding Ireland more and more cloaely. to Great Britain la the fact that means of travel and Intercommunication are constantly In creasing. For Instance, the Great Western Railway company has Just Inaugurated a new route to Ireland via Fishguard. Con siderable Interest attaches to this enter prise, by means of which the time occu pied hitherto bn the Journey between Eng land and the sister Isle by the Great Western route will be lessened by nearly three and a half hours, . Curiously enough the scheme now about to be brought to completion reeltxee a project charlahed actually half a century ago. When, at that period, Brunei was preparing his plane for the Bouth Wales section of the Great Western railway, of which he hod become the engineer In 1833, he decided that the moot expedient point for the line's western terminus would be found at Fishguard bay, which forme the aouthern extremity of Cardigan bay. CALCUTTA NATIVES EXCITED Report1 Kidnaping Hatlve Chil dren Cavneoe Innocent People t Me Assault. CALCUTTA, Sept. lt-iSpeoial Cablegram to The Bee.) Great excitement relgne In Northern Calcutta, owing to the reported kidnaping of native youths. A European baa been badly beaten, and a Punjaubl foot Vail turn aerioualy as saulted, their gharries being overturned and burnt. At tbe slightest cry of TCId naperl" the crow4 act blindly, beating even local native. The carriage of a preepenroa babu knocked down a child, whereupon the babu etopped to see whether It waa hurt. Tbe alarm of "Kldper!" waa relaed. and he waa beaten and seriously Injured. The coachmen tried to escape, but was torn from hie box and merotleaely be labored. His Ufa la la danger. CHINESE EXCITED BY PAPERS Pictures of Alleged Abg.M of Asiatic la South Africa May Troublesome. FEKINO. 1 Sept. 15. (Special Cablee- '"V"" to The Be.) Copies of Chines lllur ' newspapers containing rartoons ' VvJ" coolies on the Hand being i refined forms of torture are clrrulnted. These cartoons calculable damage In etl agaln-t foreigners thro .im'ty Chinese empire. - Thev are taken for'w-tf i part from the discredited book, "Hlk. driving on the Rand." of which the nntf-Brltlsh Ixmdon newspapers made much capital, and which was afterwards shown to have been Illus trated with pictures for which coolies were paid to pose as If they were being beaten by EngllKh mine managers. The cartoons are supplemented by state ments taken from London Journals giving whnt purport to be accurate accounts of the torture of Chinamen. In one case these statements are described as being vouched for by "Prof." Clifford (sic). Chinese ed itors apparently having a hallucination that this as a hall mark of truth. The cartoons show Chinamen hung by the hands to beams. Others depict thein huddled tip in corners and being beaten with the "cat." In the present Inflamed state of feeling In China, when the safety of Europeans and Americans hangs on a very slender thread, these pictures are having a dan gerous effect on the uneducated readers who see them. These have never had any means of learning the actual conditions under which the coolies work in South Africa. HELPED TO LAYFIRST CABLE Captain Henry Augustns Mortarty of British Navy Dies In London. LONDON, Bept. 16. (Special Cablegram td Tho Bee.) An Interesting though sad echo of "how Cyrtis laid the cable" occurs In connection with the death of Captain Henry Augustus Morlarity, C. B. Many incidents are given In connection with the checkered story of the earlj- attempts made to establish telegraphic communica tion between England and the United Btates. The deceased represented the Admiralty In the 1S67-58 ventures, and also on board the Great Eastern In 185-6ti, as navigator. When the cable parted In mldocean he (lntantly took the moat careful bearings of the ship's position, bearings which In 18fi6 proved of the utmost utility. Bo confident was he of their accuracy that when, on September 2, the vessel reached a certain point, he declared that the ship was "over the spot." Almost simultaneously, It is stated, one of the Greet Eastern officers shouted, "We've hooked It. You said we ought to, Captain Morlarity, and we have." For bis services In connection with the operations of the late Cyrus W. Field the captain was decorated with the C. B. ' CLEMENCEAU AFTER SINECURES French Minster Has Amusing Ex periences While Looking for Men Needlessly Employed. PARIS, BepL 15.-(Speolal Cablegram to The Bee.) Many stories are being told of the sarcastic remarks made by M. Cletn enceau, the minister . of the Interior, on his discovery of the many slnecurlsts whom he Intends to dlsmlaa from' the government service when his Carlsbad holiday Is over. On going to the home office one day he saw a clerk faat asleep at his desk at t o'clock In. the afternoon. The chief clerk of the department, who ' had seen the minister coming, was going to awake the man when M. Cletnenceau stopped him, saying, "Don't wake ' him, he has been here nearly hald an hour already, and If we disturb him he will go." In one of the public offices a large cistern had been turned Into a swimming bath for the recreation of the attaches during the many hours of leisure a fact which wss discovered by the minister by accident. One young man nearly drowned himself, and his frightened colleague were rushing for a doctor when they met M. Cletnenceau In one of the passages. ONE EXILE -TO BE RELEASED Sultan of Comoro Islands Will Be Permitted to Return to Former Home. PARIS, Sept. 1E. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The four royal exiles who are under the control of the' French colonial office are to be reduced to three, for the sultan of the Comoro Islands is to to sent from Reunion back to his own realm and will be allowed to take part In the gov ernment, of the republic. Tbe other three are likely to remain where they ore. Queen Ranavalo of Madagascar Is very comfortable at Algiers, and the king of Dahomey is quite contented at Blldah. Indeed, he would think twice bo before wishing to go bock to Dahomey, for his life would hardly be safe In the hands of his subject. Han Kg til, king of An nam. has consoled himself during his exile in Southern AJ- glerla by marrying a very charming French woman, who has made him so happy that he has quite oaaeed to dream of the past delights of po MICROBE OF WH00PINQ COUGH Belgian Isvsst lMseovers Germ Once Thought to - e Fessa by Others. ANTWERP. Sept. 16. (Special Cablegram, to The Bee.) Dr. Gongou. of the Belgim Royal Medical academy, after careful re search, reports tbe discovery of the whoop ing cough microbe. It Is said to resemble Pf differ' a lnfluenaa microbe, which at one time waa conaidered by Doctors Jocbmann and Krauss to be the real microbe of whooping cough. The academy awalta the results of vac cination experiments with the new microbe. The medical world here la greatly Inter Sited la the discovery. FIGHTING THE OPIUM HABIT British Missionaries at Hong WssU fheeh Trane In tho Drag. Kong HONG KONG, Sept. 1. (Special Cable gram to The Bee.) The British mission aries have petitioned the governor to ap point a commission to ascertain the best methods of checking, and If pslble abolish ing, the use of opium, at the same time asking bis excellency to direct that In struction he given in the public schools respecting the evil and debasing results of the opium habit. The governor haa promised to give the pernio careful con-lderoiiua, Be CHINA STILL WAITING Celeitial Kingdom Shows Little Diipotitioi a Cnlva Tb riatAfn t7 it PI a A PfnMm. aw wvi I V aVk VUObVUlV UVUD awwawn - JAYS ORDERS REGARDING MANCHURIA Goods Are New 6mne?led Aorou Border from Rniiia and Japan. PRESSURE BROUGHT 10. BEAR AT .PEKING Japai Deiiree to Have Matter. Placed on Sonnd Baaia. TREATY WITH AMERiCA NOT ENFORCED Orleutnl Diplomacy Responsible for Iaablllty of Japan to Permit Equality of Opportunity la Mancfan Provinces. TOKIO, Bept. 15 (Spedai Cablegram to The Bee.) Though Japan declared the port of Dalny open to foreign nations on September 1, this step does not go far toward a solution of the vexed problem of the opening of, Manchuria. The sltuaUon affords a fine field for the peculiar gifts of Chinese diplomacy. Skill and patience will be required to unravel It. Mr. Hay ashl, the Japanese minister In Pelting. Is In charge of the negotiations for Japan, but It will probably be a considerable time yet before all nations enjoy "equality of opportunity" throughout these Chinese provinces. China takes up Its customary attitude. The establishment of customs stations, at Dalny and Antung and at the points in north Manchuria, where the Russian railway crosses the frontier Is, it maintains, ita business alone; It cannot be expected, it argues, to set them up upon terms unfavorable to Itself, and, after all, there Is no hurry. Accordingly it has not made any serious sttempt even to begin the discussion of the subject with Russia. It wants first to come to nn agreement with Japan, while Japan very naturally contends that whatever arrangements are to come to on ttys matter with Russia and with Itself ought to be simultaneous. Dalnr'a Opening Helps. The opening of Dalny may perhaps as sist In eomtna to a conclusion. There does not seem to be much doubt that a good deal of Japanese merchandise which has come Into the leased territory through Dalny has found Its way across the bor der Into Manchuria. If foreign goods are landed In any considerable quantities, it would not be surprising should some of them, which have been consigned to the leased territory and have thus enjoyed the privileges of the new free port, after wards leak over Into the Chinese posses sions. China can prevent the danger of such leakage by giving Japan at Dalny the position In' this respect which, to Ita own great advantage. It has given Ger many at Klao Chnu. Japan would then collect the customs and pay the balance over to It, after deducting tt-ner cent for the cost of collection. But China ob jects that under such an arrangement the customs staff wgj4ld . be Japanese, and It wants tnem to De tninse a scneme wmcn all the powers wonld disapprove. . " In North Manehnrta. . The situation In North Manchuria ia sub stantially the same as in the Llau Tung peninsula. The Russians are in military occupation there and Russian goods are able to come in by the railway duty free The lose of revenue which this state of things Involves does not seem to trouble the equanimity - of the Chinese, though that is a point, on which the Mandarinate ia usually sensitive. But - the Japanese conceive that they have an interest In seeing this matter settled and Mr. Hayaslil, when he announced to the Wal-wu-pu that his government were ready to arrange for the establishment of customs at Dalny. told them, at the same time, that they must observe the clause In their agree ment of September 8, ISM, with Russia. which binds them to set up the customs stations on the railway. Japan cannot af ford to have Chinese customs paid on the goods passing through its territory Into Manchuria, while Russia remains at lib erty to supply the same markets duty free. - , As to Antnng. China seems also to be holding bock about the establishment of a customs sta tion at the port of Antung, which Is now nominally open under the treaty of October 8. 1903, between it and the United States. Japan la atiU In military possession of Antung, and the large use which the Jap anese military authorities have made of their powers, by the compulsory acquisition of the river frontagee and other desirable sites. They are, however, ready to pro. vide a suitable place for a cuatoma at. tlon, but the Chinese seem to Imagine that. by delays which are dolly eoetlng them revenues, they ran Induce Japan to sur render a good deal of the land which haa taken over. The entire problem of trade with Manchuria over the Corean frontier is at present complicated, as so many of these Manchurtan questions are, by the past dealings of Russia with China. One thing la certain: If Dalny remains a free port It will greatly damage New Chwang, which has hitherto been the base for all British and American trade in Man churia. Report from Peking Indicate that tho dowager empress Intends to summon a conference ofhlgh officials. Including sev eral vooeroys. to discuss the adoption of a constitution. The commissioners who re cently returned from their tour abroad recommend a gradual change to consti tutional government, taking ten or fifteen years to educate the people to adopt them selves to the new regime. - REPORT ON PLAGUE IN INDIA Over Three Hnndred Thopsnad People Died In raited Provinces Lnat Tear. LAHORE, Sept. 15. (Special Cablegram to The Bee -The report on the plsgue In the United provinces In lhaj. which haa just been issued oy Major Chator White, hows that entire districts have been swept and that over mo, 800 people died from It effecta The Muttra district, which was the worst, had 4S.M4 deaths, a agalnat 4.186 In 1901 "The scourge parolyaed the people," la the collector's graphic descrip tion. 1 It Is believed that the rat flea la chiefly responsible for the spread of the plague. and war has been waged against rata. Here is the rat' death record: Barellly, S16.10S rats kllied; Allahabad, 77,146 rata killed: Badaun. M.141 rat killed; Agra. 57.T11 rat killed. Most of the municipalities gv rat traps away to the Inhabitant and Major Chator Whit urge that the rat war ahould be carried on Indefinitely. GLASGOW EXPERIMENT FAILS Postofflce Department Takes Over Telephone System In Time to Save Disaster. Ot800W. Sept. 15. (Bpeclal Cablegram to The Bee.) American cities which have been studying the municipal ownership propositions, which It has been claimed hove reached their highest stsge of per fection In Glasgow, will be Interested If not surprised at the latest reports upon the telephone situation. The consensus of opin ion here appears to show that the general postofflce department "took over" the tele phone system Just In time to prevent a disastrous failure. The accounts which re late to the telegraph department, show a nominal balance on the year's workings of t;to. This paltry sum Is called a sur plus, but, as a matter of fact. It is no sur plus at all. It Is only the balance of reve nue after deducting the working expendl- tire, and Is all that can be applied out of income to depreciation on a capital in vestment of I1.800.0CO. The rentals for the year ending May 81 amounted to t27E,(V)n, and the amount of progress In jiubllc favor may be measured by the fact that tnu compares with arentnl of 70,000 In tue previous year, ari Insignificant Increase, after Incessant canvassing, of only $5,000. But It has cost JlO.ono to gbln this Increase, as the working expenditure has been I1H0,- 000, compared with J170.0O0 In the corre sponding period. After bringing forward the proportion of rentals In 1904-5 applicable to 19H6-S, and deducting the rentals received n 1906- applicable to l!i-7, ttnd after ndd ng sundry receipts amounting to J13.500, the sum of revenue appears as 23ft.noo, as compared with $275,000. The working ex penditure has been $lS3,0no, which, being deducted, leaves the net revenue about the same as last year. The Interest to loans fund and the sinking fund have, however, to be paid out of this, and the sum re quired this year is $100,nno, as compared with $95,000 at last balance. Thus, while 1904-5 accounts showed a balance called a surplus of $7,600, which was carried to gen eral depreciation fund, the present ac counts show a nomlnaf surplus of only $240. which Is also generously transferred to depreciation account. In any event, it Is Interesting to note that, the municipal telephone system Is about to end. The stores, tools and move. ble property are to be taken over by the postofflce at a valuation, but whether the valuation will come up to the book entries remains to be seen. The telephone com mittee says that the loss to be sustained by the sale of the postofflce Is estimated at $76,000, but that "this loss, although a matter of regret, la Insignificant In com parison with the benefit reaped by the telephone users in Glasgow, and Indirectly by the community at large, from the cheaper and better service they have en Joyed as the result of the establishment of the corporation telephone service." HIGH FINANCE CRITICISED London Times Hns Editorial on He. cent Deal In Pnrlflo Rail way Rtoeke. LONDON, Sept. l$.-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The London Times continues Ita attacks upon "Frenaled Finance" in connection with American railroads. Says the "Thunderer" In a recent editorial; The recfsot action of ehe1 rrouD of Amerl can maarnetea who ron-ml th t'nin p. clflo and Southern Paolrt systems haa once more raise a a question ' which has often troubled business men, and, till more, peo ple not engaged In business but owning In- In the opinion of many observers, the American railway, dividends mentioned were aeciared in order to carry out scheme for "making a market to sell on a market In which not onlv Union nil Southern Pacific aharea would be In strong iirimuiu. dui in wnien many otner aecuri ties would be saleable. In virtue of that mysterious, but real, market force known aa "sympathy." The theory' of these critics was that for some time past the "mag nates" had had on their hand more stock than they were prepared to hold, owing partly to the remarkable activity of trade and Industry In the United States, whu-h makes It worth men s while to Invest their profits In their own businesses, and partly to the fear felt by the large speculative section of the American public that prices were "about as high aa they were likely to go." In other words, the magnates had not, on this view of the case, succeeded In creating the conditions In which M would be possible for them to "get out" of a fair portion of what they had been hold ing. Like other theories which sttrlbute abnormally wicked designs to "capitalist," this explanation of what has occurred leaves something to be desired. In the United States, the fear of "not making money," which Carlyle. In hie haste, said waa the "hell of the English, " Is. no doubt, a more potent stimulus to unscrupulous business tactics thsn it ia here, and these dividend declarations were In excess of what waa thought probabls, but we have often heard criticisms of a quite opposite character on American railway finance, namely, that those who control the lines are In the habit of not distributing to the shareholders what has been fairly earned. WATT TO RECEIVE CLEMENCY Former Member of Parliament to Be Released After Yenr In Prlaon. LONDON. Sept. .-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) Mr. Gladstone, the home sec retary, has decided to release after one year's imprisonment Mr. Hugh Watt, ex member of Parliament, who on December $1 lost was sentenced, after a famous trial, to five year's imprisonment for Inciting certain persons to murder his first wife, Mrs. Julia Watt, from whom he waa di vorced. Messrs. Michael Abrahams, Sons at Co., have received the decision of the Home office. Together with Mr. Horatio Bottom ley, M. P., they had been working for a reduction of the aentenoe ever since the trial. They appealed on the grounds of the admittedly unreliable character of the evidence Of the witness for the prosecu tion. Questions were raised In Parliament, especially as to the witness Light foot, who waa sent to Canada, and twice their appeal was refused, Mr. Gladstone stating that he saw no reason for Interference. Their last application has Just been answered favorably. Mr. Hugh Watt is at Parkhurst In fair ... ....... phylcal health, but hi. eye. are giving him trouble. On nta release, which is ex- Ipected about rn end or November, he will! go abroad to consult an American oculist I I Mr. Bottomley has received a letter from ' Lady Violet WaK thanking him for his successful effort on behalf of her hue- band. MOZART'S VIOLIN IS FOUND Instrument uppee to Be In Bug. land le DUoovered In Aastrlaa Town. VIENNA. Bept. 15. (Bpeclal Cablegram to j The Bee. The violin which Mosart used ' to play at Til concerts haa been found In Balsburg. Correspondence and other document prove the Instrument to be genuine. Hith erto It haa been supposed that the Instru ment was in England. The vloUa la a Itei&er of great value. MUELLER LAW VALID Chicago iConrt Upholdi Law Authorising: Purchase of . Traction Line, COMPLETE VICTORY FOR THE CITY Law and Ordinances' Bated Upon it De clared Good by Judge windet. ATTEMPT TO PREVENT BOND ISSUE Bill Filed by Interested Parties' Diimiesed for Want of Equity. CASETOBE APPEALED TO SUPREMEC0URT That Body Will Begin the Con sideration of It Next Month Attorneys for City Jnbllnnt. CHICAGO. Sept. 15.-Judge Thomas O. Wlndes, In the circuit court today, decided In favor of the city of Chicago In the In junction suit based nn the Mueller law, which provides for the Issuance of $76,000,000 worth of railway certificates by the city. The law was declared constitutional by the court, who also held that subsequent ordi nances regarding the purchase and opera tion of the street railways, passed by the city, are In compliance with the law. The decision Is a complete victory for the city, the court holding sgalnst every point advanced by the complainants In their bill, which was dismissed for want of equity. Purpose of Len-lslntnre. . The court pointed out that It was the evident purpose of the legislature and of the Chicago city council in the laws and ordinances passed by these bodies to give the city the right to municipal ownership of the street railways. Regarding the al leged unconstitutionality of the Mueller law, the court declared that while there may be In some points a doubt as to the Intent of the legislature, he believed the doubt should favor what appeared to be the Intent of the legislature In enacting the measure. The attorneys for the city were Jubilant because of the decision, claiming that the court had upheld their contentions In every respect. The case will now be' appealed to the state supreme court, which will take It under advisement next month. Uw Attacked by Taxpayers. The attack upon the constitutionality of the Mueller law waa made by certain tax payers, who desired to restrain the city authorities from executing any mortgage. trust deed or street railway certificates; the money from which was to be used for nurchase of the street railways of the city, The court was asked to declare void1 cer tain ordinances, which declared that the city should Issue ' the certificates In an amount not exceeding $76,400,000 and pro. ceed to purchase and operate the atreet railways. It waa also asked ' of the court that It pass upon' the constitutionality of the law Itself. The city . filed, a 1 demurrer to the bill of the complainants and the decision of-Juda Wlndes . today not only upheld the constitutionality of the law, but de. clared. that ordinances passed by the el'y are right and proper, and then dismissed for want of equity the bill of the com plainants. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Senator Clark Make Trip to New Hampshire to Consult with Sec retary Hitchcock. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Bept. 15. (Special Tele gram.) Senator Clark of Wyoming haa gone to New Hampshire for an interview with Secretary Hitchcock In relation to af. fair In Indian Territory and the five civil ised tribe. A special committee of the senate has been appointed with the broad eat of powers to Investigate the affairs of the Indians with especial reference to oil and coal leaaes. Acting Secretary Ryan haa pledged the department to give the sen ate select committee every possible facil ity to make ah exhaustive investigation of to emphasise, this position of the depart- ment Senator Clark desires to ascertain Secretary Hitchcock's views at first hand so that the committee may b guided In Its Investigations by the position of the secretary of the Interior on the matters at Issue. 8. B. Hohmann of Lincoln, one of the party of "Home Folks" present to welcome William Jennings Bryan at New York re cently, spent the day In Washington and leavea for home tomorrow morning. Mr. Hohmann since the celebration In New York attendant upon the arrival of Mr. Bryan haa mode a tour of a number of eastern cities. Rural Carriers Appointed Iowa: Latta, route L Alvln J. Wlschmeler. carrier; Ar thur C. Wlschmeler, substitute; Plalnfleld, route t, Ernest C- Hall, carrier; Warren F. Hall, substitute South Dakota: Platte, rout i. Albert E. Brown, carrier; Harry A. Simons, substitute. W. A. Lyons of South Omaha, 8. D. Brim ball. Redfleld. 8. D., and Irving B. Parter, Orange City, Ia., have been appointed vet erinary Inspectors in the bureau of animal Industry of the Agricultural department STATE POLITICS DISCUSSED New York Leader Confer with President a f Situation at Homo. OTBTER BAY, Sept. 15.-New York stt politics was discussed at a political lunch eon at Sagamore Hill today. President Roosevelt was the host and Representative James F. Sherman, chair- ; man or tne repuoucan congressional coin- ml,ee; former Lieutenant Governor Wood- ruff and Albert Shaw were guests. It was said Mr. Woodruff was present that he might receive the aid of Prealdent i Roosevelt In his fight agalnat the forces ' of State Chairman Odell In Brooklyn. Mr. Woodruff said the republicans would noml- I nate for governor a man who would re ceive the endoraement of the state na tional administration. He said he under stood Governor Hlgglna did not care to enter the race. Mr. 'Sherman aaid he did not know exactly why be was called to Sagamore Hill at thla time. I Roek Island Dividend. NEW YORK. Sept. M.-It was announced In thla city today that the Chicago. Hock Island A Patifte ha declared a dividend of $ per cent. This compare with a last previous dividend of 1 per cent paid three months ago. rrost In New York. BALIjBTON. N. T.. Sept. U.-Th mer cury dropped forty derees during last nlaht and waa followed by In a flrmt h i (rest Of the aeaaoa ' bare. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Bonder, Except Shorrers In Southwest Por tion. Monday Fair, NRWS ftKCTION Tnelre rages. 1 Rllakt Rnlna Irish Potato Crop. Cklnn Is Still Waiting Resell. Chicago Wins n Legal Bottle. Cubans Desire Intervention. Rryan Apeak In Virginia. General Trepolf Dlea Snddenly. .1 News from All Parts of Nebraska. Commission Derides Cotton Case. 4 Big Plane for Ak-Sar-Ben Times. gtlekney'a Views nn New Rate Un Edna Irvine n Populnr tilrl. h Synod Takea Over Tablthn Home. U Paat Week In Omaha Society. Woman in tlnb nnd Charity. T Shew Make Reply to Brynn. ft Sporting F.venta of the Day. A C'nrnhoaker gqnnd Now In Practice t Cornhnsker )o.uhl Now In Practice Alaskan Steamer la on the Rocka. lO Prise List of Omaha Horse Show. It Council man's and Iowa News. 12 Prof. Keln Has Ills Troubles. Death la Charges Is to Boys. EDITORIAL SECTION Ten Pngee. Editorial. 8 Timely Real Estate Topic. Rebuilding of San Francisco. Conveniences In Modern Kitchens. Cement Now Being Generally I eed. 4 Want Ads. 5 Want Ads. 6 Wnnt Ads. T Wont Ad. Jetter Sell Big Tract of Lnnd. 8 Financial nnd Commercial. 9 Flnnnrlnl nnd Commercial. HALF-TONE SECTION Ten Page. 1 Bryan on the Rasslnn Damn. 2 Weldenanir Trip Through Greece. 8 Gossip of Piny nnd Player. Mnslc.and Musical Matters. 4 fiermnn Veteran nt Reanlon. Krngs' Uoldrn Wedding Anni versary. 5 James J. HIlLand Hi Railroad. Revolution In Local Dry Uooda. e Woman i . Her Way nnd Her World. T Social In rest of Italian People. New "Black Pope" le Elected, ft In the Field of Electricity.,' When Love Act Qneerly. A Weekly Grist of Sporting Gossip, lO Stories Told of Little Folke. COLOR SECTION Four Page. 1 Brer Rabbit Work a Gold Mine. a Scientist Say We Are All Craay. 8 Making Over of nn Old Honae. . New Lengthe for Women'a Skirt 4 Mary and little Lamb Vp to Date. Bub, He Always Get the Blame. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I Hour. Deg. Hour. Del. ft a. m SH 1 p. m aa r) a. m M 1 p. m A 7 n. m AH 3 p. m K 8 a. m . ...... T 1 4 p. m ..... . 8T a. m ..... . T8 ,8 p. m ..... . 8T 10 n. m T4 8 p. m ..... ftA 11 I, n Tft T p. m 88 131 m.... 80 COLORADO SLATE UNBROKEN Republican Convention tn Centennlnl State . Complete It Ticket and Adjourn. DENVER, Colo.,. Sept.. 15. The repa- lloan state convention completed Its work today and adjourned Bine die. The ticket named waa chosen by the leaders and an unavailing' effort was made to break the slate in several place. A notable Instanoe waa the choice of Chief Justice William H. Gabbert for renomlnatlon for a place on the supreme court bench. His opponents charged that he was not a republican, but an avowed democrat, and his supporter replied with the argument that he was "bigger than the . republican party," being an American who believed in upholding the law and maintaining order. The full ticket follows: Governor Phillip B. Stewart, El Paso county. Lieutenant Governor E. R. Harper, Gun nison county. Secretary of State Timothy O'Connor, Boulder county. State Auditor George 43. Statler, Weld county. ' Attorney General William H. Dickson, Denver county. Superintendent of Public Instruction M"'" "' State University Regent Charles R. Dudley, Denver county, and James C. Bell, Las Animas county. Justices of the Supreme Court William H. Gabbert, San Miguel county, and Charles F. Caswell, Mesa county. Congressman-at-Large George W. Cook, Denver county. THREE DROWN ON LAUNCH Boat with Disabled Engine Drlfte All Night nnd Tug Re fuoa Aid. NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Three person, two women and a man, were drowned in the lower bay early today when the naptha launch Sausage, which hod drifted helplessly all night with disabled engines, collided with the second scow of a tow In charge of a tug which had been ap pealed to for aid, but refused to atop. There were eight persons in the7 launch at the time, but four of 'them, three men and one woman, were rescued by a passing craft soon after the accident. When these rescue were mad, no one else was in sight and it was thought four persons had -lost their lives, but at noou today one of the women thought' to have gone down. Miss Fannie Day, was brought boms In a pitiable condition. Being an expert swimmer, she had floated In the bay for hours. She became unconscious and knew nothing further until revived on tbe deck of a tug boat which had picked her up. The woman recovered soon after the Sausage capslsed wss Mabel Cook. Tbe , ,h. Mrmn. wnuM not l!. 1! ZZTVJZJZ? be divulged by those who were rescued. Mlas Day and Mia Cook are both em. ployed In a department store. WINT FAVORS THE CANTEEN i General Stationed at Omaha Say that Old System Worked for Morality. WASHINGTON, Sept. lt.-Brlgadler Gen eral Theodore J. Wlnt, commanding the Department of the Missouri, ha reported to the War department that. In hi opinion, the canteen should be restored at army poets. H says: The demorslixlng Influence of the resort surrounding pocjs cannot be too atrongly empheslsed, giving rise as It does to a large proportion of the most serious of fenses and 'practically all those with penitentiary confinements, a condition chargeable In a great measure. In the opin ion of the Judge advocate, to the prohibi tion placed upon the post exchange. CLAD HAND EXTENDED Cuban CfSoiala Are Ready to Welcorxii American (oldiera, INTERVENTION VilL BE WELCOMED Havana Oititeni See ia it Only Ouaraity of Permanent Peace. SPECULATION AS TO PROBABLE METHODS Belief that Some Porm of Permanent Control it Neoeitary. ' VETERANS VOICE ONLY OBJECTION HEARD Permanent Settlement of Trouble Greatest Desire on Pnrt of Pen pie of Islnnd, Regard less af Methods. BVLLETIN. HAVANA. Sept 15.-The American cruiser Des Moines arrived i.ere this morn ing. All on board are well. TACOMA, Sept. 16 General Frederick Funston haa been ordered to Washington without delay. The order Is supposed to be In connection with th eltuatluu in Cuba, v HAVANA. Sept. 15. President Roosevelt'! declaration that It la Imperative that hos tilities cease and arrangements be made to secure the permanent pacification of Cuba, is re-echoed enthusiastically on all sides. Everybody Is gratified at thla clear declara tion, and the faot that Secretary Taft and. Acting Secretary of State Bacon are to be sent to render aid to the Islanders. A few of Xhe leaders of the moderates are of the opinion that Secretary Taft will settle the matter within one week on some baala of division of offices, etc., but to get th rebels to agree to anything which shall In clude the retention of President Palma'a administration 1 a serious conundrum. All speculation up to the present time leads toward the discussion of some form of permanent American control or guaran tee of peace and order as the only true solution of the difficulty. A correspondent of th Associated Press, wha has Just returned from the front In Plnar del Rio province, where he visited both the Insurgent and government troops, reports that almost all that region sympa thises with the rebels, but not to th ex tent of handing the reins of government to them. The almost universal consensua of opinion throughout the province Is for American intervention, and It Is believed that the country will never see settled conditions in any other way. The same sentiment prevail among the rank and file of the government troops. Letter Create Interest. The letter of President Roosevelt to Senor de Quesada, the Cuban mln- -Ister, la ' the great topto of the day among Cubans and . foreigner - alike. Far from considering his reference to American Intervention something to be dreaded. It Is almost universally regarded w , u v ii jm i ucniiKwic via uiiiiiia.iil'lt jiu.- alble of the trouble. There are some per sona who do not agree with thi view, but they are very rare. All the business In terest are anxious for Intervention and even the politician admit that this would be the best outcome. The Associated Press correspondent haa Information that some of the government officials who were close to President Palma privately welcome tbe idea and that the president himself de sire protection, though not permanent In tervention. The general opinion among Cuban busi ness men today Is that intervention ia th most desirable thing which can be sug gested and their only fear la that it may be only temporary. There Is a somewhat marked feeling of disappointment among th veterans that intervention Is possible or Imminent. Th veterans, for sentimental reasons, would regret to see Cuba aoritlc It sovereignty In even a small, degree. This feeling, however, is offset by the universal desire for a permanent settle ment of th trouble and for a govern ment which can be relied on to preserve peace under' all circumstance. Government Win Victory. Government force hsve won a victory over the rebels at a point close to Havana. General Rodrlgues, with 400 rural guards men, attacked the rebels under General Del Castillo and Colonels Asbert and Acoaia, 1,000 strong, at AJawa, twelve miles south of Havana. After a atubborn fight the rebels were dispersed. Eight of their . number were kllied and twenty-three were wounded. Of ' the guardsmen one was killed and thirteen were wounded. General Rodrlgues returned to Havana this moralnug. There Is considerable spec ulation as to why the enemy was not pur sued. Heavy fighting Is reported near ElCsno, ten miles southwest of Havana. No detail have yet been received. i A force of rebels yesterday., destroyed two stone bridges over a highway near Cabanas. The commander of the Crespedes. a coast guard vessel, has been arrested for negli gence in allowing ammunition for th revo lutionists to be landed near Rioa. Santiago I Excited. Eduardo Chibas, a prominent resident of Santiago, said to the Associated Press today: . "The entire province . of Santiago will hurst Into revolt unless th United Statee Intervenes Immediately. There must be a protectorate or there will be no perma nent peace i Cuba." The revolutionists attacked the town of San Domingo, in Santa Clara province, at 5 o'clock this morning, but were repulsed by the garrison of militiamen and national guards. One rural guard, two militiamen and three of the revolutionists were killed. Five rural guard and one militiaman were wounded. One of the Insurgent who wo killed was Colonel Motejo. The govern ment troop captured two prisoners and sixty horse. Force at rienfuego. viButvnmu is a..r.i.M eA4 .l.,..V. 1 .., M.WIJ . 1. 1 and Acting Secretary Bacon were expected to arrive from Oyster Bay today. Secre tary Bonaparte will not be here until Mon day and the affairs of the Navy department era In charge of Admiral Converse, who la acting secretary. No definite arrangement have been mode regarding the naval vessel which will take Secretary Taft and Mr. Bacon to Havana from Key West. A cabje dispatch was received from Cim fuegos todsy announcing the arrival or tho Marietta at thst place yesterday l.avr another dispatch from Commander Fulham of the Marietta stated that a force hnd been landed from th ship at Clenguegos to protect augsr plantations. , which wro threatened. A telegram alao wo received today from Mr. Atkins of tbe Constanola estate, near Clenfuegoa, announcing that laatuwana