TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1906. rf NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Opening, Valuea An Lower on Increased Celline to Real.. MONEY SITUATION IS DISAPPOINTING . Deposits r ak-Traaearr Agalnat ' Bhlpaaent Gal' fro Baroaa Da Kat Hit Esoeoted Effect aa Call Loaa. NEW TORK. Bept lX Prices of took gave ground in today's market and th In oratM In volume over yesterday wu re garded with disfavor In favor of the pro pondaranc of selling In the order execu ted. Speculative operators were of two - minds In trying to explain the movement of prtcee. The one supposition was that the easier rate for call money was taken ad vantage of' to realise profits by previous purchasers. The other was that the ean'.ng of the money rate was less pronounced than had been hoped for and gave lvss promise of permanence owing to the con tinued causes of drain upon the New Tork money supply. Recent buyers of stock on an advancing seal are generally recognised to be of a olaaa that possessed sources enabling them to Ignore' the ordinary exigencies of the money market and to prooeed to act on their eonfldano In the future value of stocks. Ths campaign of millionaire oper ators on this basis must recognise the smell chano of a general demand for stocks turlng ths actual period of stringent money ss a medium of realizing profits. Notwith standing the pertinacity with which stock Have been held by the powerful speculators In control of the market It baa been the common expectation, therefore, that any easing of the moor rat would find large . holding of stocks for sal on any new de mand. It 1 evident also that, measured by the actual enfraa-ementa of gold already soured for shipments to New York, the rrevlous estlmstes by the active epecula ors in stocks wrre extravagant. 1 he ac ' tual gold movement, therefore, even with Its alleviating effect on the money situation represents a disappointment to this clement In the market. Tne actual payments by the pub-treasury In "placing of government de posits against gold engagement amount, For the two day the order has benn In effect, to el8.2eO.ouO. This does not Include Some of the gold secured last week In Lon on and which 'was shipped for New Tork j on Saturday, thu falling without the privi lege offered by the treasury department for holding government deposits on engage ments made after Monday. Burn shipments therefore will not become available for New . York bank reserves until the arrival of the gold neat week. . The same is true of Aua , trallan gold on the way. On arrival of a ' shipment of 6ver $1,000,000 today, when added to the gains from th sub-treasury, . makes a gain sufficient to make up th de ficit below the legal reserves of the banks, but does not provide an Imposing surphis for expansion of eredtt for meeting addi tional requirement from the interior, A rise in New Tork exchange at Chicago to . day rf a premium. Of ( cent Indicated some relaxation In the Interior demand. Over K.Ono.OOO was secured from the Bank of England for Hew Torlt In spite of yester ". iajr rise In the price of gold, and went Into New York deposits by withdrawal from the sub-trraaury. It was estimated that the control of this gold wss facilitated by the recent placing of Pennsylvania railroad's . note In' Pari. : Discount rate continued to advance In London. Reports were cur rent in New York of ome evere discrim inations against American collateral in the . London money market. Rates for time loans were firmly held and continued to command a premium over the legal rate for periods up fo six months. Th extraordinary prom ise of th crops contained In vesterdnvs government report was not much regarded owing to the large Influence already played In the market bv the crop prospect. Prices reii ny ucceive movements mrougnoui th ' day and '-closed weak and near the lowest. .';: Bond were Irrea-ular. Total sales, par value. $l,oa,AOo United States bonds were unchanged on call.. Th following was the range of prices on tut Xtw .York Stock-exchange: . gales. High. Lnr. Closs. Agates Hiiium ,. .;.. .... Amalseaietea Copper ...... 14. 100 .Au. Car Foundry,.., 1.B0O do td, m-sit Amu, Cottoa Oil , 304 ft 4s ptd , Amee. Express Amir. Hide Leather sfa ; Amer. les Bees , Amer. Unseed Oti -eo-sfi .....v.. ... - .,. :'Amen loMttoMve MOO 'h ft do sfd '........V... ....... ..'..v Amer. Smelting Retain 4, too lt 111 do nfd too ill HW Amer. Bufar Refining I, to Utj 1HH 1" Amer. Tobacea pti otte..'.. 101 lot 101 Anaconda Mining Co....... .00 to 116 " Atehlsea - , Hlot 110 m 10 do BIB ..'. 101 100 100 . Atlaalle Ceest Use.. 400 141 143 141 Baltimore Okie .... 8. KM 10 11" '11 . do pld ins IS Breokirs.aapi Transit.... n.too . ii Canadlaa Paclfta 1,100 171 Central si New Jerser CheupaUa Okie ' Chlcato Oreat Weelere "0 tt Chlcaso Nonhwastera... 1.10 11 0 ' C , M. St. Pant t, 100 17t . Chleeso Tana, Traoe. de ptd .... .... C, 0.. O. St. Leuls Colorado Fuel snd Iroo.... IT, 000 II ,' Colorado aoataera 100 lH ao in pra iu ss t do M pfd , 'Consolidated Oas . M0 101. 140 4jrs rroaaeia do ptd ' Dataware A Hud.ee. .. . Del., Lack. Western Denver A Itlo Orande.. do sfd . Dl-tlllere geoartllo 4,on ti Brte ...U.. .......... 40,100 4 1st ptd - i.mo rt do Id p'a. ei-dlr .. Sue Tl 'Oeaeral Electrlo .. 400 1MU, . Hocking. Valley Illlsola Central 1.10 171 ' Jnt.r. Paper 1.000 II , - do pfd ..... v., too t Inter. Pump , ,400 47 de pfd Iowa Central ds ptd ................ K. C. Soathern do f Leulaviila Nashvllls Mexloaa Ceniral .t-.. v M., Bt, asu -Sis M. de efil 1. ..L. - - to 111 40 M 110 11 IS 40 ni ,...;ioo tw II It 1H4 lit lii IIS "1i MH MO TIT, htOt lit 'too nu 174 131 43 H K4 101 nH 17S-4 MS 4 140 ! 7 14 114 .... 04 41V. tl 47"4 77 Tl IN lit" 14V, 4&Vk 4S 47 Vt T7 Tl 164 ltT . 171 II 44 U , J...... as 4t Texas y MlatMiurt. v do pfd ,.. , , Nation.! Lead N.llon.l H. H. nf St. ptd ', New "fork Central.,,..,, N. T.. Out, A Watt era. il Norfolk A WeMart) . w. . . ' do pfd - Nona Amerlra ... .' Paelse HaU .....; , Peaaarlvanla Peoeu'i Oas Pltu. C., C.! 4 It. Praaud Steel , p-,f. " I'll .....V'-'V, 40 304 10 SO M tl 10 II it n ;4 eo - 7a (is I7s 4.000 IK'S 14S l.ooo . lo i thvi tos 10, 74 S 74S T4S loo ai iw4 ist 100 171 17) ll t.tot M S ess 4 U I6S 14 to to ts s J.troO Tl T7S 77 0 44 S ' 49S 4 4.7UO U4 1424a l'a SOO 1041 eS w 4.704 MS i 4 tOS o IS - t (I to l tl IkS 4.40 141-4, U tM e.lls SO k .., US M mti n- r.iinu. reieee w. ...... s, 4S 63S 17 ...... ,, .r ...... .... I.O ...... 147. sue 141 S 140 140-4 gold reserve, shows: Available rash bal ance, fflO.0Ss.244; gold coin and bullion, $111.1T,I; gold certificates, tal.llt.410. New Tork bonds today New Yerk Neaey Market. NEW TORK. Sept. H MONET On call, easier, tu per cent; ruling rata, T per cent; closing bid, H) per cent; offered at 7 per cent. Time loans, very dull and firm; sixty days, 7 per cent; ninety days, per cent; six month, pr cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE PAPER-?? per cent. STERLING EX CH A NOB-Weak at It. SMS 4.K340 for demand and at 4.7tSiKfT4.79n for ixty-day bills; posted rates, 4.81u4.Mi and M MS; rommercial bills, 4.794. B1LVEH bar, ftVtc; Mexican dollars, M. BONl8 Government, steady; railroad, steady. Quotations on were as follows: C. 1. ref. la, ng... do eeupon C. I. la. reg de eeneoa TJ. . eld 4a, reg..., do eoupoa 0. a. new 4a. rag... do eenpoa Am. Ton. 4s d la Atchlaoa gea. 4a... do ad, 4a Atlaatlo C. U 4s.'... B. O. 4a do ISa Brk. R. T. ev. 4a... Central of Oa. la... do let Inc...... do Id tne do Id Ina Cnes. e Ohio 4Sa... Chicago A A. ISa... C. B. Q. a. 4s. c. a. i. a p. as... do sol. to ccc. at u g. 4o Colo. Ind. Is, ser. A Colo. Mid. 4e Colo. 4a So. 4a Cuba la D. R. o. 4a Dirt. Bees, la Brie prior Ilea 4a... do gas. 4a Hock. Vai. 4Sa Japan 4a ,. USared. IN; im IMS ls IC2S 101S 111 i.n TT ! 1171 lots aa H mis i " 110 ii , at u 104 . T74 MS , 77 , M lni , 744 ,. 74 US ln . It . f loos 14 100S Japan la. d aeries.... H' do 4sa etfa US da Id series da 4a, etfa Ms UAH. sal. 44 inns Manhat. e. gold 4a...iw4k Mri. oantral 4a 7is do let Ine II Mian. Bt. U 4a.. .. II . M . K. A T. 4a 101 do Ids M N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. N N. T. C. gen. ISi.- H N. J. C. gen. as.. ..IMS I No PaclBc 4a 106 I do la Tt Norfolk 4 V. a 4a. .ion Ore. S. 1 rfg. 4a... S4"t Penn. ev. ISa 101 Reading goo. 4a.... MS St. L. i L M. e. la.lUS t. u a r. fg. 4a. ii 81. L B. w. eon. 4a 71 Seaboard A. Lw 4a... MS Bo. Paris 4a 1S da let 4a, etfa 15 S Botrthero ar M Ill Tex. A) P. lata 11S T., st. u. m w. aa. at Unloa Paalte 4a.. ..101 V. B. Steal Id la.... MS Wabaah lata 11444 aa dab, B ao Wester sfd. 4a.... MS Wheeling L. B. 4a. Ms Wis. Central 4s M4 Bostoa Stock aad Boads. BOSTON, Sept. 11. Call loans. 39 per cent; tlm loans, Vtgl per cent. Closing quotation on hocks sml nonns were Atchlaoa adj. 4a.... M Atlantle de 4a , MBlniham Hex. Central 4a Tt ('l. a Heels ,.104i Centennial lOOSiCopper Rang ...141 ...1M ...1T3S ... i's .IMS . MS II .JM Atehlsoa do pfd Beaton A A Boion ate.. Boetoo Elevated Pltrkburg pfd . Hex. Central . . . N. Y., N. H. A HV.1M Per Merauotio .... II I'nloa Paoiao ... Am. Arga. Cham do ptd Am. Pne. Tab.. Am. Buar do pfd 1M Am. Tel. A Tel. ...IMS Am. Woolen ........ MS ao pia ..; Edlaoa Klea. 111.. Maaa. Vlectfla .. do pfd , Mass. Owe United Prult .... United Shoe Maoh de pld Oreene Con V. A Steal , da pfd lot Adventure I 144, Amalgamated 11041 AJSked. "Bid. Daly Wc Franklin Oraabf If.le Rorale Man. Mlnlag .... Michigan Mohawk Mont, ('eel A 0. Old Dominion ... MS Oereola .IMS .in . v ,. it 1 Parret Qalncy i Shannon Tamaraok Trinity United Copper U. B. Mining U. 8, Oil t'tah Victoria 10H Winona TIS; Wolverine , os North Bntte .., ISS, Butte CoaJltloo 4S Nevada Mitchell cl. A Arllona.. Teeumaeh It ..115 .. Il4 .. Tt .. II ..-t ... II .. us .. I .. II .. II .. I .. 41 ..HIS .. lis .. 17 .. ts .. rr .. is .. .. 11 .. .. it .. .. TS ..lit .. MS .. M ., 174 .. 4H ..111 11 Arts. Cemnvarolai,.,. 17 S 1.I0O 14 ' I2S ioo . ; 7 oe iu yra .... . ...t. ev e BM1 .....m '. Z'W SI Republic Steel '-.v..........' II too J7S de pfd t.loo lul ; lloek I.laad Co 4.2v ttu; ; de pfd A."... ...,' TWO M Rsbber Oecdt rfd Bt. L. a Ban Fran. Id pfd - Bt. Leeir ee Sweeter.... - da sfd .... . Boulbera tseiac - do rd leuthera Railway do pfd ' Teaaeeaea Coal ad ,lrea. Teiaa A Paeidi i.tno Tol., St. L .A Westarn... ins da pld - ins Vales Pactfte Ill le do prd toe . V. A Kipreei .............. Ice iu V. B. Kealtr V. 8 kabb' ' 1.10 4t ' d pfd -..l:.i . D. 8. Steel 111. 44 44 s pie e.aoo .iin I. tut 41 l"0 , I.TmO at.frae 1,100 . o r i lot 7 -48 44 41 tS ts ,41S 11 s IS MS 101 S3 loo 45 42 IS MS il.'5 v. pin . Virginia-Carolina I'Bemlaal. ........... y.. MS lot 10 ist do efd 1 Wakuh de pfd Wella-Fargo ' Expreea .. . Waettagkouee Hleclrla ' Weateea I'elwS Wheeling Lake Mrta W:oee.m Central ...... 1 de pld N'Mrtheia PaelSa ,,.,. Ceutrel Loathar ........ ae p'd Bloei-lhedRald .Oreat Kerthera pfd .... Iniertvereugh Metrepalltaa do pfd '..!..: MflerrA Tsui aaiea lor the av.' 1.M7.M0 saaras. M t4 I ii tlt Ltoi 1 1.0 It! !. Tt .. 11..V- 1.7s l.X0 l 404 TS .... Ill II IT MS M .... Irl MS U MH Ii Ui 41 lto 11 tS M 114 Mil .... T4 44 41 .... lod 45 4S 104 s 1 S 4lS 40s .... 104 ' 1 1 tS 1M 14 .... It .... II M J5 tits I14S MS "S 101 If-0 7 7 Ui tiss Jt . Tl T Jlevr Yerk Mtatagr Heck. NBW TORK. Sept. U. Closing quotations tin mining stock st-re: . Aeaew Cee. M Allea r Breeea M Bmeaeiek Cee. .,... IT (etai k Tua'iel .... 14 Ten. Cel. aaA Ta... N tiara Silver I'l tree Stlvwr ...... ....W) LeadrtiU Co. ....... I Utile Chief ... Ontarie Opkir piweelx "m-mI faae 'i.na oeeaaa eall Hopes . Standard ...... .. t ..T ..im .. t .. it ..lee .. M .. M ..IN t 'rreaerf Itatesaeat. WaollINQTON, Sept. 11. Today's statemeat ef th treaeury balanoe in th ,ei ai fuud. aoluatv of the lt0,004,t Forela-a riaaaetal. LONDON, Sept. 11. Money was in rood aupply today but a shad dearer. Dis counts were firmer, torn broker doing business only mibjeet to a change In th bank pate on Thursday. .Trading on the Stock exchange was dull, while the with drawal of gold, were responsible for the downward movement In consols and kindred securities, which made further program today. Foreigner were In actlv sympathy with Pari. American were not materially benefited by the large gold ex port from this side and showed only fractional gains over parity in the fore noon, with small transactions. " Baak Clearings. OMAHA, Sept. 11. Bank clearing for to day were 1,6o1,M.b and for th corre sponding data last year tl.ol2.M3.10. OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKBT. - Ceadttloa af Trade aad ttaetatloa oa Staple aad Fancy Pradaee. EGGS Per d 01. ,lo, t , UVB POULTRY Hens, Ho; rooalers, it; turkey, 1J4J13c; duck. 10c; spring cblckerui. 12euc per "lb. r BUTTBR-Packlng tock, lfi16Hc; chulc fancy dairy, 17&18c; creamery, Z!24o. HAT Price quoted by Omaha Feed torn. pany:, Cholie upland, i9 60: medium. e.W; coarae, W.O0OJ8.6O. Rye straw. 17.0. BRAN Per ton. J16.60. VEGETABLES. : SWEET POTATOES Per bbL, W.S0. TOMATOES Home grown, per basnet ef iO lbs.. 26(5360. - WAX B KAN ft Per market basket of about IS lb., 6c, . TURNIPS, BEETS AND CARROT8-Pf bu., 7ic. . . . , LEAF 1JCTTUCB Hotnous. per Cos. heada, Mc. C E L ER T Per dog., 26te. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dos.. 2b0. ONIONS Home grown. 2o per lb.) Span lah, $1.75 per crate. GREEN ONIONS-Per doi. bunches 15c RADISHES Per dos. bunches, u$4)c. KA VT BEANS Per bu.. tl.&B. .So. A tl.71 LIMA BEANS Per lb., tc. , GREEN PEPPERS-Pr market basks L 60c. PARSLET Hothouse, par dos. bunch. 10c. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., V&o. EGG PLANT Pr dos., Wc. POTATOES-Per bu 5o. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia, according to sis. t4.26ni.O0. LEMONS Umonlerw extra fancy, 14 site, ts.00; 300 aise. M0; 360 else, 110.60; other brands, tl.00 lea. BANANAS Per medlum-alaeil bunch, C 76C1.2S; tumbn, 12 bMit.Vk dates pr lb., t5o. - FRUITS. PEACHES Colorado TcfflUS; Mis souri, per t-baake ats.1. ftMul.Uj Call fornta Elbertas, per box, 11.26. PLUMS California, el.frual.76; : Oregon Italian prune, $1.26. PKARH Bartlett, per box, $2 60. GRAPES Uotne grown, par Mb.' basket 18a. APPLES Pr bbl.. 12.0O32ja MELONS. WATERMELONS Pe lb.. lQlHe. or about U'oioo each. I" CANTELOUPES . Colorado and Arlsona, per crate (standard), $1.75ttL0O; ponies, $1.W; Kvckyford standards, ti.0. CUT BEEF PRICES. ' No. 1 ribs, l!c; No. $ rib, 10c; No. 3 rlbe, 6Sc; No. 1 loin, UHc; No. 2 loin, 12Hc; No. i loin, lie; No. -1 chuck, 6c; No. i chuck. 4c; No. 3 chucks 2c; No, 1 round, 8c; No. 3 round, 7c; No. S round, 6Vc; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 1 plate, 2c No. 3 plate, 3a MISCELLANEOUS. . SUGAR Granulated can, in sacks, $1,31; granulated beet, la tacks, J5.iL CHEEBK ar.lre. riew. iec: Wlaconsla brick.- 13414o; Wisconsin llmberger, Uo; twins, HHt)14o; young Americans. 140. COFFEE Roaated, No 86, ttfeo par lb.; No. 2CHC per lit.; No. ti, isVho var lb.; No. 30, UHo pen 'b.i No. id. LV pec lb. NUTS Walnuts. No- I. soft shells, nsw rrop. per lb., lao; bard shells, per lb., j 2c Pecan, large, per lb., lc. small, par lb., 12c. Chill walnuts, per lb., liavr. Almonds, soil shells, per lb.. Uc; had shdll. per lb., 1410. Coooanuta. $4 00 per sack of 109. SYRUP Iu bbla 27o per gaL; la cases, t 10-lb. cans, 11.70: esses. II HI. cana, $l-$0; eases. ?4 tU-lb. cans. $1.33. HONET Per 24 frames, et&o. CANNED tlODtre-'orn, standard west, rn. 6jUc' Maine, tl 1. Tomato, g-ih, can. $1.0S41.0; Mb. H-4j.00. pineap ple, ki-i-.i -'-lb.. $2.0662.30; allccd. tl.ru 1.20; gallon apple; fun-y. Hon; Callfumlt apricots, tl TW-'.OO; peara, 1 TCt2.6t; peach, fancy, tl.Ta't; 2.40; It. C. pcacnea. $J.tau.u. Alaska salniun. red, tl Jo; fancy Chinook, t 10; fancy aockeye. P., U K; rdine, U oil. $160; muitard. !.llr' Daeet pj. Utoea, tl l.'4'l 26: sauerkraut, $100; pump kins. jc4i100; was bean, t-lb.. 7tew; lima beana, Mb.. 7Qtl.So; spinach, 11. ai, rheas peas, 1-lb.. toe; (:, ...im; fancy. ti.fari ts Cl'HtD FISH Family whlteflah. per ou.rcr bbl.. Ion lbs., it 00: Norway mark, erel. No. 1. $ 0; No. 2- m 00; Nc. J. t?0.0' Iriali. v I, tit 00: ber-tne. In bbls . K) Ih. each Norway, 4k, tllOO: Norway, tk, til 00: H.lUnd. mixed. $11.00; Ilollmirt'nerrlng. la kesa. milker. JOc: Vega, mixed. Tile. FISH Buffalo, larg dresaed. to; trout, medium or large, dressed, lie; pike, dressed 11c; halibut, fine stock. 11c; catfish, dreaseili 15c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, Lie; whit perch, dreased, tc; rrappl, larce, 12c; sunflsh. rn size, (c; whit bass, extra choice, lie; plckrl, c; salmon. Chinook, llo; whit fish (froaen), 12c; mackervl (Spnnlsh) ,ldc; native, per flab. 16AV; codfish, fresh frosen. 12c; flounder, freab, frosn. Uc: blueflsh. fresh frosen. ISo; haddock, fresh froxen. 10c; red snapper, dressed, -.lie: smelt. No. 1. per lb., Uc; lobster, (boiled), per lb.. 40c: green. T7r eel, per lb., Ike; frog legs, per do., k; roe shsd, tl each: had roe. pair, 46c. HIDES AND TAI.LOW Green salted. No. 1. ItSc; No. 2, IfSc; bull bides. tMc; green hides. No. 1. lli; No. t. 10c: horse. Ilk'fllW; hp ielt. tOcSetat. Tallow. No 1. 4c; No. t. Sc. WOOL-Psr Ik.. U-atee, 0M1H1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Liberal Baa of Cattle, Prion Gtnerallj Sttad to Etronc. STILL LOWER FIGURES FOR HOGS Large Receipt ef keep aad Lata b a, with Feeder Alre aad treager aad Killers Slew to Easier. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. U. lo. Receipts were: Cttl. Hog. Sheen. Official Monday g.OPJ 3.100 177 Official Tuesday I,6u0 3,400 17.OT0 Two days this wk....l3.M Hsme day last week...l.6HS Same two week ago. ..14,181 Same three week ago..ll,27 Sam four week ago.... 3.2M Sam day last year. ...14,463 Th following tabl show th receipts or cattl. hog and sheep at South Omaha for th year to data, compared with laat l'r IM. 1. lno. Cattle ast.10 17,03 ,827 " l,16,7St 1.740.M BneP 1,167.780 1,077.344 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. ,Jib following will show th prlc pm L' llfferent kind of ealU on tb 11 f n Omh- i. . Good to ohoic corn-fed steers.. f!rl to OCKl corn-fed steer... t-orrimon to fair corn-fed steer- p.i cn"o rang steers riir to good range (tevr t.tOO 34.SH7 13.001 42,o i,i: n.n 12,?T 37.1M 21.236 23.837 t,41i 34.617 17.M eo,4ia i. - '. 1 ii., eievro. V""1" to rlr rang t-er "wd gras cow and heifer , air to good cow and heifer... t-ommon to flr cow and holfer. wood to ohoic atocker tt feeder air to good atocker and feeder. n?,7?mon. t0 Uir atockra gulls, stag, to , Vesl calves in loiiowtng tabl shows th average Price of hog at South Omaha tor the last aeveral day, with comparison: Pat. lBQd, laXx3.UC4.lOt.rl01.l01.UOs. ,$SA0.tS . t.0ia6.ov . 4.0'U.00 . 4.60S.16 . 4.0044.60 . t & ti3 . J.tOtJS.40 t.KiWa.H" 1.60HT2.60 4 004 60 $.2V-4.00 3 7Bi5-3.26 3 603 7 A007t Aug. 31... Sept. 1... Sopt. 3... f'Pt. 3... gept. 4... Bept. ... Sept. ... Sept. 7. Sept. I... Sept ... gept. 10., Sept. 11.. Sunday. I774 tS I t 67 7t 6 M 30 113 I 721 6 Ui "1 I 6 I 431 I 38 ( Ml 3361 I 18 3 13 3 27 333 a 26 2d I 22 6 33 6 22 $ 21 ( 30 $ ii 6 46 a I 43 $ W $ 61 t 54 s an 3 C3 7 22 7 7 U 7 401 7 46 e 7 V, 7 31 7 48 7 46 Utot vt 3 07 t 16 1 26! 331 t 34 46 SO 103 3 07 t OS i 06 103 6 U e I 16 i 22 Omaha Chicago , Kansas City St. Louis Sioux City RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. .HJRfl.OO $5.7O6.10 . 1.70g 75 6.40f.J) . tTefi M .05.?4 - I AUrittt KA ft 7,, 4A . 160$.00 3.66S.tO k.'hv51J,c,1.nuinDalp of cars of stock brought In today by Ch road was: 1 1 22 10 16 24 Si 12 13 C M. 4 Bt P. Ry... iuo. x'acino tty Union Pacific System. C. A N. W.'Ry. fwesti 63 - bi. mt., m. m u. xty. 9 Of, B. A Q. (east) .. 2 CT, B. A Q. (west)..13f C R. I. & P. (east) 6 ..'A IWttl)., .. 1 ,, I Illinois Central ... ... .. J. ,. Chicago Ot. Western. .. 3 . " .. Total recelpU ....263 87 74 42 The disposition of tbe day's reoelpts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head indicated; cattle. Hogs. Bh'p. oat l.OIW 7o0 Lo7 1,776 1,62 ..tin 7W Omaha Packing Co. Bwlft and Company Pllitakv PaolrlM r. Armour A Company 77a " ""i miu wunirr Armour A Co., from K. C. 106 Vansant A Co 284 Carey .. .. u9 Lobman A Co. ,. l ' MeCreary $4 W. I. Stephen 230 Hill Bon m Lewis 69 Hamilton 279 L. F. Huts 1J7 Klngan A Co..; 3. Hoffman .... Wolf ..; i Mike ITerl ' a J. B. Root A Co..,;....!" 239 Bulla tt Kiln . drt Lehmer Bros. ' Button '. Nelon Morris 50 McConnoyhan , 35 Ingram 1 ' Sullivan , 100 Other Buyer 6'JO 1,778 2,640 3,319 401 215. fV, MM ' .... .... .... .. . . ... . ... .... .... 9.640 Ti. ilT"'"" , -877 1S.246 r .T.T.LTTher8 wa" nother liberal run of cattle this morning, the most of them Tha ei r.nl I T l. nm OI lilt year. Kiuvre waa not ovarly large and the market, a a whol, did not how very much change. Beef steers of good quality sold at price, not quQtably different from yesterday, at least, they var. at..nu wm. . i ' . ' . "j - " j - into 1110 niaraet was not o very active. It was fairly so and th mot desirable of the offering changed hand In reasonable season. Cows and heifers were not In very larre aurjnlv and ih. -, v. . 1 r ' P w vuj in .iiuwa q y tn market yesterday was continued today. o much so that salesmen, as a rule were ?U,!cf v. V muecn !. 100 nlr or tully 10iC 16o higher for the two day. A a matter of tani th... 1. nA T : " - 'iv uvuyi uui WOtt a good many cow actually sold tin hl.h-. than th low tlm laat week. The trade , . J ai 111a improved fl-ur and th offering wsrs pretty much Good fleshy feeders, the kind that ha'v hM n eihlllnar f.aalu . T . in arTJf i a .wi " wer again that peculator succeeded In cleaning out wU.., a,.v.,.,IIB v.,avi. iuty pure uas ad yesterday made them ault h fresh cattle again today. There were also yvMuwy uuyrs, wmcn helped TrtinaTal wr. a t ari a 1 1 u faA .... . . verythlnc In th way of food flshy tars nr. Iri franlv at mnnA . " -r pvvt alVIIH PriOOsp. JVhir It cam to the common nd m4ium " uiuvtuttv vivry. nu ben noted time and aain In theee ool- er and a ther were quite a good many v. ...m. v '.-.vi. ,,. u). vara the trad was alow, with prices weak. ae. P. Me. n. a 1. ...... .....1404 4 SO 4 us t ,n M 1161 : 2 " COW& lit n t II IT 1041 j I 4 . .lMaO HKiritRS. t II 1 JOM BULLA. t II iar " i 14il I 4 1 U3t I 40 1 CALVES. . i4o 1 ao 1 m ev ae 1 rows a 2 50 Colorado, cow 963 140 10 heifers.. 35 - (1 cows..... M I (t if coas... Ylt4d 3 20 1 v O. A. MrLaty, Colorado. 34 cows tol 3 4 7 calves ., 273 4 30 Mollrlng Rose Cattl Co., Nebraska. 3 leeuers.. .a I 60 1 feeders., a. 4 d,uO 1 feeder... 1iat 4 10 4 rows 1U 2 Ji 20 cows liwo 3 6 . 14 cow Ui lit 1 cow. .....low) t "6 1 row uu lot A. T. brawn, Colorado. It steers ... .i t 4l 11 cow M 2 60 heifers.. 66 3 40 t feeder., tati Jit J. Burke, Colorado. 49 COW 1019 2 60 10 COW..... KoJ 2 bO H. Davis; 2 40' X 40 lYopst, Colorado. 3 So 3 cow 920 3 2 00 Denver Platte V slier Cattle Co.. Colo. 64 stesrs.... 903 3 30 Bam McLay, Colorado. II cows 904 3 60 I cows. .... 962 '2 60 1 cow 340 2 60 Harmony Live (stock Co., Colorado. 91 steers.... !N IIS 3 steers. ...10J0 I 00 260 2 36 H. Amnion. Colorado. 17 feeders.. BCO 3 66 30 cows 971 2 30 12 cows Mx) 1 76 13 cows SIS 2 40 3 feeders.. 7'Jt 3 10 3 46 3 66 1 10 cows -', 3 cows 1076 F. K. 6S cows 1009 it COWS..... iff &i calves. Dan Haeberv. Wvomlna. 13 steer..., 9.1 3 06 4 steers.... 740 ...107J 3 96 t steers.... 941 26S 4 40 3 36 11 steers. 4 stee.-s.... 827 3 46 Joe Henry. Wyoming. 10 cows 1040 3 10 3 cows 10W 2 60 1 steer 1IT70 3 36 2 cows 1020 3 90 W. Mstthews, Wyoming. 3 90 30 steers.... 949 3 60 4 40 14 steers.. ..12 4 00 3 00 100 cow 9o0 3 Oil 3 00 - 70 steer.. .1171 8 90 3 90 Johnson. Wyoming. 4 10 63 steers.. ..11:4 8 73 . 8 cows ltUO Valley Pheep Co.. Wyoming. . 9R9 1 76 4 bulls 1402 2 t 3 00 3 95 2 00 160 2 26 3 26 6 cows 1000 6 heifers.. 720 1 steer 1130 F. M. and T, 94 steer.. ..1116 26 steers... .131 4 cows 10e3 37 cows Ml 14 steers. ...1134 J. A. 4 steers.. ..1160 15 cows. i. ..lout P stts 20 cow... 63 feeders. ; 996 3 60 ' 3 feeder.. 996 80 per Cattl Co., Wyoming. 161 cow.... 90 8 40 4 calve. .. IX 1 calf 220 4 00 H. W.4 Rlckal, Wyoming. 18 steer.. ..1163 8 00 4 feeders.. 976 64 feeders.. 9K 3 90 4 feeders.. 990 B. F. meaning, South Dakota 31 cows IO03 3 66 4 steers.... 176 3 00 J. A. Bar Cattle Co., South Dakota. 173 Steers.. .1127 3 86 - J. H. White, South Dakota. 4 steers. ...1K6 8 no 61 steers. ...1120 1 steer 1230 3 30 O. A. Pemberton, Bouth Dakota. 98 steers.. ..12M 4 00 $1 steers. ...1218 160 3 feeders . 1074 3 6Q M. Arnott. 19 feeders.. 1062 11 cows 1143 Daniels 63 steers . ..1141 13 feeders.. 869 10 feeders.. 894 147 heifers. 609 133 heifers. 609 61 heifers.. CM I cows 10?9 8 cows 866 t steer.... 960 P. 40 feeders. .1061 6 steers....! 2.U J. M. Hotigardy, Montana. 47 steer.... 933 I 80 3 80 South Dakota. 4 00. 8 feeders. .1144 2 76 3 cows 888 A Coethorp, Idaho. 3 66 3 00 8 40 8 00 2 00 2 90 1 76 8 2S . Wight, 4 06 4 Oft Hotigardy, 1 7 steer.. ..1164 17! feeder.. 804 176 heifer.. 918 $ heifers.. 609 t heifers.. 66 6 cows 762 23 cows 902 2 stags.... 1490 Montana. i feeder.. 1061 8 60 2 00 3 ! 3 66 3 ao 3 00 2 60 2 00 2 60 2 65 t 2B 18 steer.. ..14 4 76 ; 17 teer. ...1173 4 ( 4 steer.. ..1230 8 76 4 cow 108! 2 65 HOGS A few light hogs of very (food quality sold early thl morning at prices not materially different from those which prevailed yesterday. The number which sold that way, however, was small and were purchased only to fin urgent orders. The general market opened lower witti good mixed and light hogs about lo lower and from that on down to as much as 10c lower on some of the rough heavy pack ers. The fact that other markets were coming lower did not help matters any at the close, so that the late market waa. If anything, lower than the early. The trade was not very activ. neavy peA-er.. pecially, being alow, and It wa well along In th forenoon befor very much bulne waa transacted. Representative sales No. 1... 14... 40... 14... IT... It... f... I... I... 1... 1 1 4 4 1 ..101 ..nil ..1M4 ..law ..lilt ... 121 ,...114 ...1140 ... TM ...1418 ...US ...144 ...U74 f at I 11 t to t M I to 1 M t to 1 at I 40 4 si 3... BTOCKBR8 AND FEEDERS. t M I feedor..1151 t tl 1... WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. . aa 1 as 8 cow 1 cow 7 heifers. 13 feeder. 2 heller. 3 calv.. 16 oows... 21 calve., 62 ier.. 7 steers.. It steal s.. 11 cows... 7 steera. . 1 bull 1640 2 cows.... 8 heifers. 3 cows..., 4 steers... 12 feeders. 'I feeders. 11 cows.... 18 cows.... .1011 730 73S . to 740 , 273 . tat 17 ,U7 .1178 ,1133 447 4 00 3 70 I 40 46 3 46 2 40 4 00 8 70 6 26 4 10 3 40 4 06 3 46 3 26 00 .1016 3 60 4 oows d ..BVai 2 heifers 4 cows... 11 heifers 4 cow.,, 3 cows... ' I cows... 4 calves. 3 steer. 921 ..llM) J4 712 946 9K3 B4t) lao ll7 Its 2 60 3 60 200 2 40 2 00 2 70 3 00 4 60 3 26 27 tser.;il3l lW , 1 atawkra 1,,-, a, u- ,1044 , 7S6 .1050 .1064 .1377 71 steera. 9 COWS 10 cows 4 feeders., 4 cow ateer.... feeder., 2 feeder.. 4 cows 4 cow 1071 8M . 97 1 Li 2 So 2 60 K4 J M 840 m 9J6 $ 73 2 so 3 36 3 1 360 3 10 tbt . 361 ..1102 2 40 2 40 4 Ot 2 16 t ;t 3 10 1 (k (4 cow... 32 2 70 32 cows. WTOMINO. 121 steers. ..1102 3 si 14 .i.e.. j. r. uaugnarty, Nebraska. 26 cow 969 2 46 22 cows mo 60 steer... .Ut 3 70 8 steer. ...in I. PultlDlaO. N.hraaa. a . n.a ,c a . . ti etvre..H ,i. e w i aieer. 4 steers.... 7(t5 8 38 14 cow.. 5 naara U'.l f Mi Kroeger A Dau. Nsbraek. 33 feeder.. llll 4 3 32 feeders. .lilt 4 21 21 f toder . 1133 4 10 m T. Bowman, Nebraska. 10 feeder.. 1111 4 23 F. Jess. Nebraska. 22 feeders. .1113 4 14 3 feeder. .KM 4 00 H. Ha v thorn. Nebraska. 8 calves... 143 I to 1 cow 1140 tat 18 oows luto It 13 heifer.. 870 3 a ..10. .. 90 t 70 100 3 66 t 70 I tt 8 70 He. 40... 44... 41... 10... 14. .. II... II... 1... It.;. II... 4... ... II... 10... IT... II... 1... II... 41... 44... tl... 1st AT. Btt lot IM ... tnl M .....101 SO 14T ... 171 ... t4 90 IKI Bt 11 ... 17! 999 ....tl ... ...HI ... ....Of 40 Ml IM ....NT IM 140 ...rt ...17 ...rri ...MS ...M0 I 7 . t Tt , I T I Tl i n f Tl I Ti -I to I to I to I M t a so a -t tt I M IN t tt T I at t M I M No. 47... 44..., n,.., ! ... ' to.... .110.. . IT..., 47,....-. . W. .'4.... tS- Ae. ..rrr ..144 ..IM ..141 .11 ..T ..WI ..111 a. FT. to t r im l to I St to I MH ... I ... IN 40 I M 40 I tl 40 6 tl M IH 10 I M ItO I M IM I TH ... I 0 40 I M ... 4 OS 4 4 at H IN 4 I 04 K 111 ... 4 10 10 I 10 ... 4 II Ar. Pr. 92 4 109 4 St 111 4 90 93 I 60 88 I 76 ,61 8 26 64 8 66 64) I 80 63 7 26 63 7 26 63 726 96 4 60 103 4 90 9 iji 73 6 60 .,.ieo .,.144 ...ill ...340 ...It .IM .121 114 fll X)t a. - ... 140 t 14 V'M0IJ.,'....1M 4T...;i...too TO M ... t 1714 Tl. Ill SHEEP There waa a very liberal run of sheep and lambs iter thl morning, the barn being comfortably filled. As usual of late feeders wer th principal buyer and they were atroncly In evidence right from the start. Some of th heavleat feeder in th country were present and the market became actlv and strong feeding lamb especially showing strength. - Feeders lambs In some cases actually sold higher than yesterday. Th moat of in aesiraDi feeder changed hands In very good season and the market waa strong from start to finish and very satisfactory to Ih celling interests. On th other hand fat sheep and lamba wer not in sucn actlv demand, packer appearing to feel that ' price during the last few day hav been moat too high and that It we time for a reaction. With this in mind they were not such strong bidders aa they hav been during the last tew aaya ana tne' market accordingly languished for. want ' of buying support. Th trad n fat stuff might be described in a general way -a alow to a little easier. Unfortunately quit a number of the sheep were caught in a heavy shower of rain, which came Up very suddenly, while they were being yarded. This did not help their selling properties In- tlvo least. ReDi-eeentativ sale: - ' No. 363 Wyoming ewes, feeders. 46 Wyomlna- awea. feeders 34t Idsho ewe 466 Wyo. yearling and wethera. Ill Wyoming lamba, feeder 104 Wyoming lamb, feeder 834 Idaho lamb, feeder 260 Wyoming lamb 360 Idaho lamba ..i 420 Idaho lamb 87 Idaho lamb 319 fad ewe..... 96 ewa 460 Wyoming wethera, feeder... la yeaning wetner. .............. i CHICAGO . LI VIS STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, bat Slew Hegs Tea Ceat Lowtr-lkeap Steady. CHICAGO. Sept., 11. CATTLE Re ceipt. 13,000 head, market tady but alow; common to prime steera, 83.76 O4.k0; cows, 2. 70424. 76; heifer, 33.6006. 35; bull. 82 2664.60; calve. tl.OOOt.QO: Blockers and feeders, t 6094.86. HOOS Reoelpts, 21.000 head; market 8.30; medium to good heavy, t4 00tJ6.15; butcherwelghts, t6.2St.40; good to choice heavy, mixed, t. 0049 26; packing, 3.60 C jo; pigs, tB.fiO'6.kO. FHEEP AND I.A Mills Receipts, 2J.C00 head; market steady; sheep, 34.2606.65; yearling, to 40 6. 40; lambs, tt.60itfs.oo. tCaasa City Live Steele Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 11. CATTLE Receipts, It, 400 head, Including 1000 southerns: msrttsi sieeay to strong; rnoice export and dressed beef steers, t6.7tfi6.60; rair to gooa, ft.uwo.eu; wesiern lea steers, t3.teot.lt; stackers and feeder, 83 604?4.65; southern steers, t3.60t3.76; southern cows, 12 006 3.61; native cows, 81.8504.00; native heifers, 31.70O5.it; bulls. 32. 2603. 00; calves, 83.OOOt.00. HOQ3 Receipts, 8. sou neaa; ma met bh 7 Ho lower; top, 3136; bulk of sales. 84 05 6.30; heavy. 35.8508 10;packera. J6.00 20: pigs and lights, 6.66it.t6. BHttF ANl LASHt neceipts. 4. on head; sheep market steady; lamb. 16q higher; top 1'tah spring Ismbs, 88.00, highest In history of local market: lamb, f.504Ji8.00; native sheep and yearlings, I4.7t0t.60: western yearling, 35 OOOt.kO; waatern aheep. 84.606 f. 40; atocker snd feeder. 81.6061.10, t, Loel Live Stack Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo, 8pt. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 9,000 head. Including 8,(00 Tex an; market for natives slow, Texans steady; native snipping ana export steer, 84.StQt.tO; dressed beef and butchor steer. 119064 00; steers under 1.000 rounds, 38. fO 6 4.00; atocker and feeder, 3.6004.26: cow and heifer, 82 4008 60; cannsr. 81 7602 35; bull. 32.406 4 90; calvsa, 32.006 8.75; Texas snd Indian steer, 83 3366.10; cow and heifers, 32.00 6 3 25. HUUB Keceipta. i.vuv neaa; maraet to lower; pig and light, tt. 0064 40; pack. era. 6 7tT.t; ouicner anc Dt heavy, 4tl6t4l. Sliif.h.P AINU uas xieeeipi. s.tvs head: market steady; native mutton, t J 00 A i.Tt: lambs. 84.9001.60; culls and buck. 3.8061 00; stockers, 83.0003.75. leas Ctty Live taatek Market. SIOL'X CTTT. Ia.. Sept. 11 (Snecial Tel. gram. ) CATTLE Receipt l.OuO head market ateaay, iveowra, streog; bvaa.J m i mimmi how OWtal'1 alS JUL Clearances of five million busliels a week indicate that foreigners want our wheat and believe prices are low enough. The Stock Market Continues to Occupy the Center ot the Stage. Low priced railroad Industrial Issues oiler excellent opporlnnltits lor conservative Investment Wheat TRICES FOR THE CEREAL HAVB AGAIN BEEN POUNDED TO A NEW LOW LEVEL FOR DECEM BER DELIVERY. BUSINESS HAS BEEN LARGE, HOWEVER, AND THERE ARE SIGNS OF A MUCH LARGER OUTSIDE INTEREST TAKING HOLD OF THE LONO SIDE. THE LATE BREAK HAS BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT MORE BT FEAR OF A LARGE SPRING WHEAT MOVEMENT IN THE NEAR FU TURE THAN FROM ANT ACTUAL MOVEMENT OF THIS KIND AS A MATTER OF FACT THE RECEIPTS OF NEW WHEAT TO DATE AT MINNEAPOLIS AND DULUTH ARE LESS THAN ONE QUARTER OF THOSE OF A TEAR AGO, THE BIG PREMIUMS BEING PAID FOR CASH WHEAT BT MILLERS AND ELEVATOR CONCERNS LEAD lS TO BE LIEVE THAT THE8H INTERESTS WHO ARE USUALLY VERT WELL INFORMED AS TO YIELDS AND QUALITIES OF THE GRAIN IN THE DIFFERENT LOCALITIES ARB THOROUGHLY CONVINCED THAT THE PRESENT LOW LEVELS ARE UNWARRANTED BY THE CROP PROSPECTS AND THE OENERAL PROSPERITY AND HIGH PRICES RULING FOR Al l. ATUTD TV-i-M-k OTT'lPirO VitVlt I- UWW O 3 v r 47 7 e THE LIVERPOOL CORN TRADE NEWS HAS THE FOLLOWINO TO SAY ABOUT THE FOREION VIEW OF THE LATE BREAK ON THIS SIDE BROOMH ALL SAYS: "THE DECLINE IN AMERICA HAS AT LENGTH CEASED AND THEIR MARKET SEEMED DISPOSED TO RALLY AFTER THE SOMEWHAT 8TARTLING FALL OF THE LAST FEW WEEKS. WHETHER THE DECLINE WILL PROVE TO HAVB BEEN JUSTIFIABLE OR NOT. REMAINS TO BE SEEN. IT IS, OF COURSE." POSSIBLE THAT THE AMERICAN OPERATOR, FOR THE TIME BEING WHOLLY UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF IMPROVED CROP PROSPECTS ON HIS OWN CONTINENT AND IGNORANCE, OR OBLIVIOUS, OF THS BAD STATE OF THE CROPS IN RUSSIA. MAT HAVE IN GOOD FAITH MARKED DOWN THE PRICE OF WHEAT BY M PER CENT. BUT WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF THE CLEVER MACHINATIONS OF AMERICAN SPECULATORS ONE HAS A DIFFICULTY IN RESISTING A LURKING SUSPICION THAT. THE MOVEMENT MAT PROVE TO HAVB BEEN EN GINEERED FROM THE CHICAGO OR MINNEAPOLIS PIT. ANYWAY, THERE IS NOW SOME EVIDENCE THAT THS PRICE HAS REACHED A POINT WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE TO THE ACTUAL GROWER OF THE ARTICLE, FOR WB FIND THE MOVEMENT IS CHECKED AT THE SOURCE. LAST WEEK'S TOTAL RECEIPTS OF WINTER WHEAT BE ING OVER 1,000,000 BUSHELS LESS THAN THOSE OF THE PRECEDING WEEK AND BUT LITTLE ' OVER THOSE OF THE CORRESPONDING WEEK OF LAST YEAR OR OF THE BAD CROP OF 1804.1 . . . THIS SAME AUTHORITY BAYS THAT THE ESTIMATED TOTAL IMPORTS OF EUROPEAN XUNTRIES Of WHEAT AND FLOUR. AS WHEAT FOR 1004 WILL BE oB.000.flOO QUARTERS OR 828,008,000 BUSHEI.S, AGAINST ACTUAL, IMPORTS LAST TEAR OF 84,840.000 QUARTERS OR 317,000,000 BUSHELS. THUS WB SEE THAT THE IMPORTING TOLN TRIES OF EUROPE WILL NEED FULLY 11,000.000 BUSHELS MORE THAN LAST TEAR. WITH .RUSSIA. BT FAR JHB LARGEST PROVIDER. PRACTICALLY OUT OF IT THIS TEAR, THE PURPBN WILL NATURALLY FALL ON THB UNITED STATES AND CANADA. OUR EXPORTS SO FAR THIS FISCAL TEAR HAVB REACHED 24.350.000 BUSHELS. AGAINST ONLY 8,7W,O00 BUSH ELS LAST YEAR AND AT THE PRESENT RATB BIDS FAIR TO MAKE EVEN A BETTER SHOWING IN THB NEXT TWO MONTHS. THERE ARE BO MANY IMPORTANT INTERESTS CONNECTED WITH THE TRADE WHO AT THIS TIME HAVB A VITAL INTEREST IN KEEPING PRICES DOWN AND THEY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DATE TO DISCOURAGE BULL SPECULATION. THE MILLER, THE ELEVATOR MAN AND THE FOREION IMPORTER ALL HAVE A COMMON IN TEREST IN KEEPING THE BULL SPECULATOR FROM INTERFERING WITH THEIR PLANS. AND THEY WILL ALL- BB FOUND STRETCHING A POINT TO CONVINCE THB v.ORLD THAT WHAT THEY WANT TO BUT IS REALLY SO PLEN TIFUL THAT THE CHANCES FOR A RISE ARE BOTH EXTREMELY SLIM AND EXCEEDINGLY REMOTE. TO THAT POLICY MAT BE LARGELY ASCRIBED THE HEAVINESS OF THE THRESHING RETURNS AS CURRENTLY. RE PORTED FROM THE SPRING WHEAT TERRITORY. NOTWITHSTANDING THB RELATIVELY POOR CNP,Tt,0J: - THE CROP AS REPORTED BT THE WASHINGTON AGRICULTURAL AUTHORITIES ON AUGUST 10. IT IS AUBO RE SPONSIBLE FOR THE QUIETNESS OF MILLERS IN THE WINTER WHEAT DISTRICTS WHILE THET ARB SECURINO SUPPLIES FROM THB FARMERS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE NEIGHBORHOODS TO THE STOPPAGE SJJk MBNT TOWARD POINTS OF COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION. THE SAME DESIRE TO BB R SPrcULATOHS AWU SCARE AWAY BUYERS MAY BE TRACED TO BUYERS OF THIS CLASS. IN THB DAILY REPORTS EMINATINO TOM EXPORTERS OF NO BIDS FROM ABROAD WITHIN FROM 1 TO t CENTS OF THB MARKBT IN THE FACB OF -EXPORT CLEARANCES OF OVER 8,000,000 BUSHELS LAST v.EEK AND VERY NEARLY AS MUCH THIS WEB- UNDER THB Q7RCUMSTANCES. AB HERB OUTLINED. WHEAT AS AN INVESTMENT PURCHASE APPEARS PROMISING FOR ULTIMATELY SATISFACTORY RETURNS. THB STOCK MARKET CONTINUES TO BE THE CENTER OF THE BULLISH ACTIVITY JHBRJ i a OF (JOURSE MORE OR LESS IRREOULARITT CAUSED BY THB DESIRE OF ''",! SCALPING TRADERS TO SECURE PROFITS, BUT THB GENERAL TREND HAS BEEN TO WARD HIGHER LEVELS. AS REGARDS THB PHILADELPHIA INCIDENT. THE TENDENCY WILL BB TO J? ?T fJIS . 2 REAL ESTATE SPECULATION, WHICH HAS BEEN GOING ON, IT MIGHT BB SAID. AT TOO WILD A FACB IN MANY CTTIFS THAT THE MARKET DID NOT REACT MORE THAN IT DID. CONSIDERING THB WEEK'S STENTS. IS A. MATTER OF CONGRATULATION AMONG THB BULL ELEMENT. AND SHOWED THAT THE SITUATION IS WELL CONTROLLED BY ADING WEALTHY INTERESTS. A VAST AMOUNT OF REALIZING HAS BEEN INDULGBDIN AND UNTIL THE MONETARY SITUATION EASES UP OPERATIONS MUST NECESSARILY BB LIMITED, BUT WITH TOE DISTRIBUTION OF LAROB DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST PAYMENTS THIS MONTH, IT SHOULD KELP OUT MAT-. TORS "Jd THERE ilB A POSSIBILITY OF SECRETARY SHAW MAKING ADDITIONAL B"" RANKS SENTIMENT IS BULLISH. ESPECIALLY ON THE BETTER CLASS OF STOCKS. AND UNDER THE LEADER SHIP OF UNION AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC, ST. PAUL. ATCHISON AND UNITED STATES "EEL THEY ARjB EX. PECTED TO MOUNT TO HIGHER LEVELS, WITH POSSIBILITIES FOR AN ENHANCEMENT OFVALUES IN THB COPPER STOCKS. THE ELIMINATION OF REBATES UNDER THB NBW RATE LAW MAT CREATE BEARISII( PI TA L ON THB INDUSTRIALS, BUT WITH THB LARGE AMOUNT OF NEW BUSINESS THAT HAS MADB ITS APBAA lCE flS THE STEEL TRADE FOR 1307 DELIVERY IT IS A REFLECTION FOR ALL MINOR T1IAT STEEL IS THE COUNTRY'S BAROMETER FOR BUSINESS. FOLLOWINO ITS GREAT CROPS. JllOA-D rinviMOa ARB SIMPLY IMMENSE. THB CANADIAN PACIFIC WAS A REVELATION AND IN ALL DIRECTIONS, f HKRi ??a iJCH AN IMMENsl VOLUME OF TRAFFIC THAT ITS REITERATION HAS BECOME NEARLY STEREO TYPED. THE BEAR ELEMENT IS AOGRESSIVB AND MORE THAN EVER INCLINED TO CONTEST ADVANCES. AN WILL NATURAL CREATE A LAROB SHORT INTEREST IN MANT STOCKS. IT MEANS A OOOD TRADING MAR KET, AND, AS THERE IS NOTHING IN THE 8ITUATION THAT CAN BB REGARDED AS PESSIMISTIC ASIDE FROM THE STRAIN IN MONEY, IT WOULD APPEAR AS IF GOOD SECURITIES COULD BE TAKEN ON WHENEVER HAM MERED DOWN SHARPLY WHILE THERE ARE INDICATIONS THAT MANY OF THB LOW AND MEDIUM PRICEO RAILS AND INDUSTRIALS WILL COMMAND MORE ATTENTION. ; F.-D. DAY a CO. (INCORPORATED) DEALER IN STOCKS GRAIN - PROVISIONS We charge a commision of 1-8 on wheat, corn and oats; 4 on stocks. Prompt a a , . , 4 a. .ei.al A.ual ana careim aiienuon given io ouomo uwvuunis MAIN 0EF1CE, Room 4, New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska. 110-111 Board of Trade Bldg.. 16th and Farnam Stee, Omaha, Neb. Stocks 84.00St.OO; cow, bulla and mixed, 33.50474.00: atocker and feeder, 83.00t4-60; oalve and yarllnf. 3J.KH(I.60 HOGS Receipt. 8.600 head; market 10c I aalllna. at tAANSI&att! bulk flf alaL WWCI, ' ', a. ' ' 3&.66fto.80. Nw York Llv Btoek Market. K'B-W YORK. Sent. 11. BEEVES Re ceipts, head; no trading-; feeling tady; dressed beef fairly active at 7o to 8Ho per pound for native side. Latest canis nunteri live rattle at 11AC to 12V4C per pound, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, ro'c per pound. Export today, 860 cattl and 2,u0 ' quarter of beef, tomorrow 310 Cattle, 36 aheep and 4.200 quarter ot beer CALVES Receipts. 28 head; veal mar ket steady: no trading in western calv or craseers: common to prim veal sold at ae.0iitia.1t: fed calve. 84.00: city dreased veal steady at 8'liy per pound; country dressed unchanged at 6o to 12c. HO3 Keeeipue, u,Z4e neua; marsri steady: Stat and Pennsylvania hogs, td.tt. 61.00. . . SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt. 104S head; aheep steady; choice lambs stesdy; other 15c to iKo lower; sheep sold at 84.06 tl.2; cull at tit"; lamb. 84 80fi.37H; one car. 18.78; cull. 16.00. St. Jeseaa Lira Stack Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Sept. 11. CATTLE Receipts. 3,4 33 head; market strong to 10c higher; natives, 4.404t.!t; cows and heifers, 81.t0tJ4.80; stockers and feeders, 3t.T8e3.eO. HOG8 Receipts, 8,8ft head; market teady to lOo lower: light, 38.1004.38; medium and heavy, IS Ttfr t II. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt , 3 331 head; market steady to easy; lamb, f 7.70. Steak 1st tight. Receipts of liv tock at th six principal avaaatairn markets vsaterdav: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha leuo 8.400 17.000 eluding December at f.t0.80e; March, f.80 ifT.OOc; May, 7 0047.l5o; July, 7.10T.3to: August, T.iomi.ttc Spot. Arm; No. 7 In voice, 8V4c. . laoatlaa Cleslaar Bteeks. LONDON, Sept. 11. Closing Quotations on the Stock exchange were: Coaaola. ouaay....t4 l-lt N. T. Central 144 4o aceouat t UNerfolt A W.,.. M Sioux City Kansas City Bt Joseph ... St. Loul .... Chicago Total . 1.000 .18.600 . 8.423 . 8,000 .12.000 4.(00 i.m 36 4 33.000 ...4.J . 80.282 41.481 Coffee Market. NBW TORK. Sept 11. COFFEE-Th market for cpffee future opened ateady at an advauc of ttil point and added to th gain during th sorelon on rumor that Gerntaa bankers bad agreed to loan t.OOO.OuO sterling to Hraall fur tn valorisation plan; that tli purchase had already been made In Braall for government account. Bom local trader were Inclined to doubt the correctness of thl report, but the market cloved steady at practically th best price, a net ad vane ot 1630 point. Sale for taa day ware reaerted 01 71, XO laag. in- Anaeonaa 4Sfc Atchlaea Ill 4o 14 l4 Baltimore A 0 111 Caaaaiaa Paal ,...li j CI,. A Ohio 44 Chicago O, W it C. M. A Bt. r 14 Passer I' D. A R. 0 44 4a ,(4 , tt Kris 4t de 1st 4 v to 4s 14 si It U A N 144 si., at. a T Itta allaVtR Bar, steady; 31H4 per ounce, mujvsvi; lVtetrz per cent. The rate ot ulacount In th open market for short bills Is ISfr314 per oent; for thre month', bill. 344)4 per sent. era Out. A Wester.. rensarlveale .... Hand Mlnaa Readies aeutaera f ... de ,( Be. Paoiao Halo Paiit .... 4s ,14 U. A Steel ae sfd Weeeaa da aid asaalak 4 ... t ... Tl ... ... t4 ... 4J ...li ... 4A ...111 ... at ... 44 ...no ... ii ... 4t ... B4. a shad higher In th English market, w I ti standard foundry quotad at 84 and Cler land warrant at t4a M. Locally aa rhang waa reported, with No. 1 foundry northern quotad at l30.0Otpsi.00: No. 3 foundry nerth rn at tl tai.M: No. 1 foundry south era at t20.Ki4fll.oO, and No. I foundry aouthara at I2o.ity5io., ST. LOL'IS. Sept ll.-METAIA-lad. firm at 38.80; spelter, higher at 84.00. Evaiterrated A pal a aad Dried Fralta. NEW TORK, ,Sept 11 EVAPO RATED APPLES Market nominal; old crop apple) command from lOo to llo, aocordlng la grade: new crop luppilor In eases are quoled at 4HfJTe. CAMFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS Pruae r unchanged on spot, wtlh quotations ransing from TSeo to thi, aoeordlndT ta grade. - REAL BTATB TBtAHtFERS. Cettea Market. NEW TORK. Sept 11. COTTON Spot cloeed quiet; middling upland, t.to; mid dling gulf, 10 06c; sales. 471 bsiee. LIVERPOOL. Sept. ll.-COTTOJ-pot In fair demand; price 8 point higher; American middling, fair, 4 044; good mid dling, l.ld; middling, tUd; low middling, I44d; good ordinary, t.lOd; ordinary, 8.444. Th ale of th day were 10,01X1 bales, ef which 8oO wer for speculation and export and Included t.000 American. Receipts, t,C" bale. Including 4.800 Amertoaa. ST. LOUIS, BopT. 11. COTTONQuiat; middling. So. BhlpmeMs, 88 bale; stook. 12,374 bale. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 11. -COTTON Spot closed Arm; sale. 4,0.0 bale; low ordi nary, 4c. nominal; ordinary, fWe, nominal; good ordinary, T 13-lto; low middling, tHe; middling, e: good middling, e; mlddl'ng fair, tc, nominal; fair, 1H. nominal. R. elpta. 3.113 bales; stock. 36,t88 bales. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 11. METALS Th London tin market was 10s ta Its higher with spot closing at 116 and future at 183 8. Locally do ehang wss reported In th general range, which waa mora or lea nominal at 4U uonj-ao 60. Copper also waa higher In London, with both spot and fu tures quoted at Ast 17 4d. Locally nt further change was reported, with lake quoted at 118 gTValt l1: electrolytic at r.7fcl.0O: casting at 31t.s03tl8.7t. Lead was unchanged at 18 2a td In laondon. Locally the market continued firm, with pot quoted at ft 7144 00; th Inside price be ing for thirty day ahlpment Spelter was unchanged at 37 10a la London and at 3.(A-a4.1 locally. I run fji UBchanf4 to Oeorg Ernst ta Hnrr Schmidt, a H w see L8-W41 ...A TJ08 Bryan B. Hopper aad. wife ta Wllllatii H. Johnson, block 14, Waterloo, Neft. 1 Deaa S. Kfner aad wife to Sam net blanchl and wlf. lot 4, re plat, block L Bemls laxk .....w. ;....7... tot John B. Aah and wlf a to Mary O.. Trumbla, 1st 1 block 8, Seuth Omaha . 1,808 Thorn C. McDonald and wlf t Hi , mon Ooldberg. w. 80 ft. lot 18 and part lot llT bbrsk 1. South Omaha. . i4U Robert O. Fink to Hllona Qrbr. a. )k ; lot I. block 88. Floa-erca....v.,. " ' I John Swanaon to John L, Maurer, lots U U block i Wis 4rntle ;i,86t Imperial Invtmpt Co, to Tea eyvk H. Fonda, .lot 17, 18, bloek L si, 3 ; i ether lot, Flrt wbdlYutuB. OrlfteH . ' Smith's ,. i,fol Claud Cambila to Elisabeth ai Ora. .. ham. part , lot .31 I. . EtJ Rogers' - Okahorn , .. l.Ks) Walter B. Keeler aad wK to Tarrl f Z. Crnhw, lot, 14, 14, block 18.) ; Central Park ' 3Q0 Mrs. A. E. Protity to Claud Camblln; part lot tt, g. K. Roger' Ok a home i 108 George T. Mill t al.. t A. B. Tuch- ', enhagen. lots 8, 10, U, It, IT, 18. ( block 7. and other tot. Doer Park... , I Bella Wyland and huebend ta Mary- ' ette C. Orry traet -. -l-lt ... LIU The Paxton R al Fatal Co. ta Joseph T KuncL lots 8 to 4. bioeit 1. W. XI. t Thompson adaitloa Baptist General A asocial loa to A. A. Wllllama, t ai. lot U. block B. Wil cox Second , Hasting tt Heydea to John Sanquiet l"t 11. Am Second addition to Hillsdale Nona Baldwin, to E. M. Martin. Una . 24. replat Mock 10, Bemls Park.. &008 John Swanson to John L. Maurar. lot 13. block 14, Oroaardj HUI..... tHt '80S 80 108 Total m... na..(M.e.