Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Wbeat Lower, Ens to Tab Wiathsr aid
Ifiorttiloc Uotomoni
Receipt larrMtlif la Hertbwest, bat
Still Skort of Last Year Cara
irtk Early, oat Rallies
Tartar CI.
OMAHA, pt. 8. 1908.
Wheat rallied bul lull from th early
break which followed on tin weaihor
tnrough in print wuat belt and incress
ing movement on bom aide o( the lint,
'in aelllng at lb start looked like nquiu
Jln by ainail coininlas-oti nous holder,
CKMt rtsiing ordeis lor tli December and
.flay cnecaea the decline. Kecelpt th
last week at Minneapolis and liuluth tre
bled th previous period, but fell two can
hort of th corresponding wek last year.
Ctbl offering wr no belter. In fact,
Liverpool price will drift lower.
Corn wa wesk th flrat halt of the ses
lon, but rallied ' aomewhat toward the
cloe. The decline In th September re
fleeted 1 cent break In the cash market
and th faat disappearing premium Coun
try acceptance mo aome gain and re
ceipt wottld .undoubtedly be larger If It
were not for difficult In securing cara.
iTImary wheat receipts were "18,000 bush
el and shipment 4i7.0'iO bushels, against
receipts last year of 918,000 bushels and
hlpmenta of.4K8,ono bushels. Corn receipts
were 648,000 bushels and ahlpment TOVmO
luhele, again receipt Isst yar of 66.000
bushMa and shipments of J,(W liisnl.
Clearancea were awt.oiO buaiiela wheat, 24.10
barrel flour, 160,000 buahela corn and 2,lu0
bushels oat.
Liverpool rlnwd HAM low" On wheat
and Ha lower on rbrn. .
Brrxntihall estimates world wheat ahlp
inenta for Monday at S.ilO.nfiO buahela.
A cash grain man of- Minneapolis aaya:
"Ro long as the weah,er keep good In
the northwest there will be a larg move
ment of Wheat. Where" la being threahed
from th ahock In North Dakota and Can
ada, and will have to move to market,
farmer need money and will aell their
wheat, especially In the nwly aettled dla
trtct. Farmer In other aectlon who owe
money on raorlsuri wilt aleo aell. In
th Canadian northweat It la necessary to
more wheat out aleo, owing to th difficulty
f transportation 1n th winter. But tha
trad need tot exp- an Immense move
ment of wheat, In the Dakota a and Minne
sota, aa there la a large quantity of oata
and barley . to market. At the moment
there doe not appear -to be anything to
inouc buying for a good advance.'
Local rang of option! :
Article.! Open, i Hlgh4 Low. Close. Tea y
Wheat l I I I
Sept... 2A 2UA 82HA 2A 62A
Dec... 66 A 4A 84HA 4A (B
May... 69A 60A ttA G9A VA
Pert.. 4?4A 4IHA 4ltA 41,A 42HA
Iec... 87A 8?SA 17A 17HA 87A
May... J7VA I74A . 171 K A
data l
Dept... ..' ....... tt B 4.
A atkad. B bid.
Omaha Cash Sale.
OATS No. I white. 1 car, 17ie; No. I
color, l car, 17 Vic; No. 4 while, '1 car,
17 He.
Omaha Cash Prleea.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. 3199H: No.
liard, lHO9c; No. 4 hard, 60992c; No.
1 spring, 3o; No. 4 spring. 10H4H2Hu-
CORN No. 1. 42942 He; No. yellow
42H043Hc; No. 8 white, 44c.
OATS No. 1 Mixed, 24,927Hc: No.
I whit, 27t929e; No. 4 white. t7927Hc.
RYB No. 2, 61 H; No. 3. 60a
Carlot Receipt.
-t -Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 67 . 426 197
Minneapolis 264
Omaha a.. 43 76 43
Duluth i ......204
8t. Louis 48 fl
Pr4a ra Beard f Trad
CHICAGO, Sept. 3. Th price of wheat
oa th local exchange continued on th
downward ooura again today, making rw
lew1 records for the aeaaon. At th doe,
December wheat wa off He. Corn was
down He. Oata wer a abad lower and
provision wer 6fll6c lower.
Sentiment In the wheat pit waa almost
exclusively dominated by the weather map
of the northwest, which I still favorable
for th harvesting and threshing of th
new crop of winter wheat. Cash houses
and pit trader, her wer offered wheat
liberally, but th demand waa not equal to
th supply and consequently th price of all
deliveries mad 'further decline. Th
Klnclpal buying wa by aborts. Liberal re
lets of new wheat at Minneapolis and
Duluth wer, to many traders, a fererun
ber of still greater reoelpts during th next
week and augmented the bearish sentiment
n the looal exohana. Th market waa
heavy all day and closed almost at the low
est point of the session. December opened
H9Ho to H3HC- lower at 7Jc to '2H, srld
off to 71Ho a ad ',r,-.o at tiHAVHo. Clear
ance of wheat itsi fl.iur wer equal to 270,
00 bu. Prlmarf rs'pts wer 717,000 bu.,
against 911, b-. foi- th corresponding
day ens vear uo. VUnneaDcSia. Duluth and
Chicago reported recelpta o 5?S ears, against
146 last week and 600 a year ago.
Because of tha continuance of Ideal
weather for the corn crop th market
h eitraul waa weak all dav. Liberal
. primary and local receipt added to th
degression. Th market cloaed week. De
cember opened HVo lower at 41H to 42o.
tn ilkc an4 closed at 414LC Local
rciielDta were 326 car, with 244 cara of
.nnlrunl Tl4. '
Trading In the oat pit waa quiet and
the market waa eaaler because of the weak
ness of wheat and corn. Liberal primary
receipt and email clearances aided the de
pression. Deoember opened Ho lower at
OHe,r aold between , 30HO,. and 90o and
closed at IWH'8'SOHe. N Local receipt wer
ia7 ,mrm Tha declin In th price of corn
m .Ji.MM. nMitlrJiklnt In hrn.
visions and resulted la moderate decline'
Id all product. i The market dleplaysd more
animation, than on any prevloue day rf
th week. At th cloa January pork wa
off 16o at 113.60. urd was on oc at i.(i7.
cik. .n l9u.rir.e lower, at 37.06.
irattmated receiDts for Monday: Wheat
70 cars: corn. Z.l cw oat, 2a6 cara; hogs,
20,000 hsd. " , ' . ,,
V Th leading future ranged as follow:
Artlclaa.l Opeo.l Hlgh.f tow. Cloaa l Taa'y,
eWhaat I
Bept... pHtPS,
Dec... 719'. H
Msy... 7V
' 70H
41 H
Bent... 47
Deo... 41-TTI
1 Dec.
I Pork
Sept. Jan.
' Lard
( Bept.
i Jan.
80 - 8fHl
19 TO
U 26
8 M
1 70
11 1ft
I 00
18 79
U 10
16 76
13 2
I 4iH
8 40
8 tVM
I ?H
6 46
7 83H
I so
? v
8 06
7 W
3 36
I 86
8 86
6 05
r T Oct
-1 r
8 4JS4
I 16
.7 12H!
7 13Hl
I so
No. 1
Cash quotation wer aa follow:
FLOUR Steady: wlntes patent. 83.309
jc. .t.kl.Kta , MArvftx ?&: anrtna-
93.7O8i3.60; atralghta, M Wft-VH bakera. 82-80
VVHEA'r-No. I spring;' 7J974Ho; No. 8,
tM'ic; No, I red. ttSffwHo- .
CORN Ne. 3, 7Hivc; No. 1 yellow. 41
OATS-No. 1, lHc; No. whlU, 3l'C3JH0
Ko. 8 whit. SSH'SWC, ...
DVT TO., 1 b.U.
BARLET Fair, t oholc malting, 419
stEDft. No. 1 flax. 3104H; No. 1 north
weatern. HO;' prime timothy, 819&S4.10;
lm.r contract rradea. 812 36.
PROVISIONS fehorl rib, aide Oooael,
SS &. Mee Dork. Per bbl.. tit. TO, Lard,
pt 100 lb., M06, Short clear sides
fijoxed) 88 37H9 O : ,
Th recelpta and shipments of flour and
mhi were: Receipts, Shipments.
Flour, bbla. 1 ikO
Wheat, bu. 91 .0 1S3
Crym. bu. 41 m0
Oat, bu. ,.8i4 0i0 - 3fl0
RjTL Vttg f 8.0UO 1.100
Barley, bu M.4M l.kJO
Oa th Predee raehang today th but
ttr aaarkat waa eteady; ereameiie. 1W
ilHe: aWrtea. lGa. Vitas, ateady; at
nark, ecee sneiuaea. uvvapno: nreta. ISHe;
prim flrta luo; extra. 3iHa. . Cheea.
teadri UH4aHo.
sJladlh,U Ptm Market.
TJaebaaejed; extra western creamery, Ju
8Vc, avty prlata 3fo.
lOfKM gUeady; .good demand; ' aearby
h and western fresh. 31 at mark.
atSKkjcsV-rirmi fair demand; New York
full cream choice, llctfll; fair to good,
! ef th Day aa Verlaa
Cata !! lee.
NEW YORK, flept. 8 FLOVft He
eetpts, 11.911 bbla.; exports. 19.451 bhl.;
market quiet and barely ateady: Minne.
ota patents, 14.109 4 44; Minnesota bak
ts, il.40O3.S0; winter patent. S 7 5 y
-10: winter atralghta. 81C8.0; wlnW
extras, 92 91012k; winter low grades,
92 78 91. 20. Rye flour, firm; fair to good,
92 2643 1.79; choice to fancy, 88.80t4.00.
CORNMKAL Barely ateady; fine whit
nd yellow, 91:01.26, cos use, tMOft
I. 1 1: kiln dried. 9.7902.95.
RTE Nominal: No. 2 weatern, 84
e. I. f., New York.
BAR LEY Steady ; feeding, IS 9 40c c. I.
f . Buffalo; malting. 45 9 52c c 1. f.. Buf
falo. WHEAT Receipt a, 188,900bu.; exports,
119,0:0 hu.; apot market easy; No. 2 red,
75 c, elevator; No. X red, 7 7ViC. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, dO'tc, f. o.
h. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, J 9 He f-
afloat. New low recorda were established
In wheat this morning, aa Nie result of
larger northwest receipts, fair weather, ,
better cables and liquidation. Final prlres
wer He net lower. May. 92H92 i:te'
closed 92Hc; September. 7 8 4y J 7 H c,
closed 77c; December. 79 t 90 1-18C;
closed 79 c. .
C ORN Receipts, . J.160 bu.: export;,
t.10 bu.; spot market. Hardy; No. 2.
57Vc elevator and 9Hc f. o. b. afloat;
No. t yellow, 6Hc; No. 2 white, c.
Option market waa fairly active and
weaker on perfect weather, easy cablre
and good recelpta. closing U 9 He net
lower; May. 4991c. closed 49; Sep
tember closed at 55Hc; December, 60SW
51c, closed B0c. .
OATS Receipts, 79.600 bu.; exports,
2,725 bu.; spot market quiet; mixed tata,
2 to 12 pounds. 25V4c; natural white.
90 to 92 pounds. 25ei7Hc: cflppM
white. 31 to 40 pounds, 1IH941HC
HAY gulet; shipping, 75c; good to
choice, 9oc9.00. , ,
HOPS Steady; common to cholc 110,
16c; 1904. 19914c. ,A
HIDK9 Hteady; Galveston, 20 to 25
pounds, 20c; California. 21 to 26 pounds,
21c; Texas dry, 24 to 10 pounds. 19c
LEATHER Steady; acid, 27.C.B-
PRQVISlONf" Firm; family, 12'0'
II. 00; mess, 99.50 9.00; beef hama, 9il-00
22.50; packet. 99 009-60. Cut meats,
ateady; pickled bellies V-f
pickled shoulders, nominal: pickled hams.
1100O12.60. Lard, steady; western
prime. 39 7699 90; refined, quiet; conti
nent. $9.20; Potith America, 910.00; com
pound, 7.1 2 H 9 7.97 H. Pork, steady fm
lly. 919 60919.00; short clear, 917.009
19.76; mess, 91 3.76 9 . x ... w
TALLOW Firm ; city (32 per pkg.). t9
IWc; country (pkgs. free, 6H95,c.
HICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra,
i49,4c; Japan, nominal.-
BUTTER Firm. Street price: Extra
creamery, 24H9Hc. Official" price: Cream
ery? common t) extra, 18924c; atat dairy,
common to fancy, 1723c; renovated, com
mon to extra. 16921 V : weatern factory,
common to flrta. 159W4c; weatern Imlt
tlon creamery extras, 21c; weatern flrsU,
1SCUEESE-8teady; atat full oream, larg.
fair to fancy, 124912c: email, talr to
fancy. Il.i3l24ic.
EGGS Firm; weatern firsts, 21922c (offl
ctal price western firsts, ZlHo). .
POULTKX Alive, numiimiij
Iressed, steady; western cnics
jaflrkeya. liauc; fowls. 10914c.
t. Loal General Market.
ST. 1X5U18, 8ept. 8. -WHEAT Lower;
track. No. 2 red, casn, ta'flnc; io. j nm.
Willie; December. 6-tc; May, .TWl',,SSii
COHN-Lower; track. No. Jcaah, H3
4V; December,-sw,, .
white 4Sc
OATS Weak : track No. 1 cash, 31c; De-
cemrrilc; May. He; No. 2 white, 829
LOUR 8teady; red winter patents 9326
98.40; extra farxy and atralgbt, 32.8593.25;
cWr, 92.2092.76. ..,t
BKKU J imoiny, qui. m eo.v. iv,
CORNMEAL Steady at 92.60.
AN Brisk; aackea, east
7tlC. . . . ItnuAiiM. ... I
HAT Hteaay; umomy, iu.wn.i i,.,-rl?L7-'ioi?-
IRON wnun iim
BAOGINO-9 1-19C. ...
PRO VISION 8 Pork, lower; Jobbing,
919.20. Lard, lower; prime steam, w.w.
Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra hrt".
Kt.utc; ciear tids, .ei7, ta iTr.
Bacon, teaoy; ooxea cim hui., wimi
clear ribs, 110.12H; short clears. io..
POULTRY IJUli; cnicaens, ito; pima,
llHe: turkey. 14Hc; ducks, sc;
TTEK irm; creamery, ivtTvi
dairy. 18922c,
euwu ;
igher; 17c
Recelpta Shipment.
Flour, bbla. --..
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ........
Oata, bu
. 88,000
. Mlaaeapolle Grata Market.
MINKKAPOLIfl. Minn.. Sept. 8. FLOUR
First patents, S4.U094.10; secona patents.
33,86os.S6; rt oiears, en.axu'-w, oin
clear. 32.409 2 60. . -
BRAN in bulk, u.w-ia..
(.narinii Ttnard ttt Trad auot&tlona for
Minneanolla and Chicago delivery). 1 n
rang of prices, a reported by F. D. Day
4c Co., 110-111 uoara oi iraae, waa.
Artlole. Open. Higb-I Low. aos. T'y
1 fH
l OS' s
Flax- .
Mlnnsannlla Cash Close Wheat I No
hard. 74c; new. 72o; No. -1 northern, 71c;
tow Tic: to arrive. 70Ae: No. 3 northern.
.... - , , - . I ACkn. KU.
1 1 yc ; new. ovvsv. iw 1Tr, ,
new, vd7o; No. 1 durum, V(961Hc; to
arrive, 0HclN' ' durum, MHtr&eAic; to ar
rive, 57Ho. Corn: no. yeiiow, ?c; o.
S. USIi; i,v. wimr, o,v. ,-.17. ,
IVtfl'MiC. Barley: 82947c. Rye: &192c,
Kaaaaa City Grala and Provision.
tember, 6'c; jjecemoer, vo; caan, no. i
hard, (4946a; No. 8. .1H4mc; No. red.
lkV4c; MO. . w.vtmoc.
CORN Sentember. 41He: December. 374c
rash, No. 3 mixed, 439 UV;; No. 3. 42o;
' a .hi. run A,.,.
OATS no. 3 wnite. zvvyodic; xno. i mixea,
kvk Tncnsnarea: bttkwc.
HAY Strong : choice timothy. 911.15911.00:
choice prairie, $9,009 50.
EGGS He lower; extra fancy. 9Hci flrata,
caeea Included, lHe; secona. iisyc.
BUTTER creamery zsc; packing, isc,
Recelpta. Shipments.
Wheat bu.
Corn, dm. ,
Oata, bu. .
.. 171.000 U.OiiO
.. 30.000 5.0I4
.,-7,009 - 11,000
. Mllwaake Grata Market.
WTT.W aT'KEFI Sent. 8. WHEAT No.
northern. 74H975Hc: No. 3 northern, 719
BHe: December, 7ZSig7iTe aaxea.
flTW Steady: No. 1, WHlS7c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2. i6966o; aampla,
CORN Lower; No. I cash, 47H948Ho; De
cember, 41H0.
Llvereeel Grala aad Provlslaaa,
T.tVirxtPOOL. SeDt. 8. WHEAT Spot
Market quiet; No. t red western winter,
6 lOd. Futures: Market quiet; September,
& id - December, e SHd.
CORN Spot: Market firm; American
mixed, new. 4 10d: American mixed; old.
4 lid. Future: Market quiet: Decem
ber, 6H4: January, nw 4 lOd.
' Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Bept. 8. CORN Lower: No.
yellow and No. 1. 47He; No. 4. 46He; no
graae. via vvio.
OATS Steady; No. I white, 30H tic; No
I white. 309Hc: No. 4 white, 2SH929C.
It i r oteaay ; rto. z, bso.
WHISKY On the basis of 3L39.
Dalatk Urala Market.
DULUTH. Bept. l-WHEAT-On track
No. l nortnern, iihc; no. 3 northern, 70o
December, lOe.
Iiflr aad Melasse
NEW YORK. Bept 8 y-BUGAR-Raw,
steady; fair refining. 8HV3Hc; centrifugal,
nnea, iea
i tw; o. i. l ine; wo. in, t ioc; No. 11. 4.06c
No 1L 4 00o: No. 11 libc: No. 14 lW-
fectloners' A, 4 75ot mould A. 6.26?: cut loaf
Boc; cnuneo, ; powoerea, .aoc; granu
ISOrv mh (lb.
MOLASSEB-Steady; New Orlearia open
kettle, good to choice, tilSe.
teaoy; open aeiiie oentrirugai, S93T-lsg-centrifugal
vellow, 894Ha; eeconda ZWtUVo!
MOLABSEa Finn; aymp. J&3jpo7
Cettea Market
quia, , niiiiuuiia upianaa, s.auc: mltl'
dllng gulf. 1006c; sale. So bale
quiet; prtoe 8 point higher: American
mianiing lair, m; gooa miaailng. 8.70d
mlddlln. t.4Mi; low middling, 6.l!k; good
ordinary, 6 0td; ordinary. 4 a)d. The aakea
ef the day wre I.OuO bale, of which 600
war for specuiaUon aad axport, ana lu-
744 74H7494H 74
, son-SH sH 69-V '
70HH ' TVS 69H
; 109 no loon 110
, 1 0H 1 09H 1 08 1 08
. 1 08 1 08H 108 1 08H
. 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 07H
eluded 9.6nA American. Receipt. 1,000 bales.
Including 40 American.
8T. Lor IS, Mo., Bpt. 9-COTTON
Oulet: middling. 9ei recelpta, (to balee;
shipments, 17 bales; stock. 12,471 bale.
NfcW ORLEAN'A. Sept. 9 . I ION
Spot market closed steady; Bales,
bales; low ordinary, 60, nomlnalj ordl
narv, nominal; g"d ordinary, U-le:
low middling. 3'y: middling. 9c; good
middling. Sc: middling fair, e. nominal;
fair. Hc, nominal; receipts, 1,199 bales;
stock, 19,740 bales.
readltloa af Trade end 4etatlas aa
Staple and Faeey Prodece.
BXlOS-Per dox . 19e.
1JVE POULTRY Hens. 9Hc; roosters,
6c; turkuys, 19130; ducka 1e; spring
chicken. l-'OKic er lb. . ,
BUTTER Packing stock. KS91W4C: choloa
fancy dairy, l.Clfcc; creamery, Vl-4c.
HAY--Prirea quoted by OrtKiia keed com.
par.y: Cholre upland. 39 60; medium. MOO;
cosrne, 3S.0t'99.6O. Rye straw, 87.00.
BRAN Per ton. 415 60
6WEET rOTATot-rt-Per bbl., $3.60.
i' M ATOF.8 Home grown, per bkt of
20 lbs.. 26-aafc . . , ,
WAX BEANS Per market baakal of
about 16 lbs., S6c. .
bu., 76c. . .
LKAT LETTUCE Hothouse, Pr o
hrsds, 20c.
CELEHT-Pr do., 26940c, '
CI'CLME1:iI-H:hi atown. pr do,
ONlOVfl- Hoi Hrcwn. 2o pr lb.: Span
ish. 31.75 per crate. . k
GREEN ONIONS Per do, bunches, lie.
RADISHES Per doi. bunches, 16920c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. l.w Or. 91.7t.
LIMA BEANS-Per lb., 6H0. ,
GREEN PKPPER8 Per market basket.
PARSLEY Hothouse, per doi. bunchea,
CABBAGE Home grown, per ID., 10.
EGG PLANT Per dox., 75c.
POTATOES-Per bu., ttoc. .
ORANGES Valenciaa. according to al,
34.v1b.). . ,M
LEMONS Llmoniera. exxre u-t
Ie. M.: mo size. 910; 100 sue. 310.W; Otner
lrands, 91.00 less. . k.k
BANANAS 'er meiium-sieu
81 7bfi2 25: liimboa. 11 3O4J3.0.
JJAiE8-par 10.. HJc.
FRUI1S. ' ...
PEACHE8 Colorado, 75c9$1.16: Mis-
ou'l, per 9-baaket crate. ).uoitfi- -an-
ornla Klbtrtas. per box, 81-.
PLUMS Calltornia, si.dvwi.ib, vrwa
Italian prunes, 31. 'i.
PEARS Bart let t, per dox, ijou.
GRAPES Uom grown, psr s-lb basket.
APPLES Per bw., 2.uuioo.
Watermelons Per lb., 1 191H0, or
about ifi'QSOc each. . , . ,
I'iKTk 1 jii'pkii Colorado and Arlxona.
per crate (standard). 31.7592-OD; poniea, 1.60;
No. 1 rib, lie: sio. 3 tn. . i rios
8Hc; No. 1 loin. I6H0; No. loin, uhoi
f0. loin, so; o. a cnuiiH,
chuck, 4c; No. 6 chuck, los No. 1 teund. 8c:
No. 1 round, 7c; No. t round, 60; No. 1
plat. So; No. 1 piste. 3Hc: No. 8 plate, 3c,
SUGAR Granulated cane, in sacks, 96.31;
granulated oeet, in sacaa, t
CHEE8K Kv.lra. new. ioi Wlsconsla
brick 13914c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c;
twins, HH'uHc; young American, 14HC
COFFEE itoaaiea, inu. o,
No . 20HC per lb.: P.O. 28. ia per id.. o.
il 16HO per .; No. 31. lo per lb.
JUX8 WMlllK-e WO. . efUIl iUBlW, nrf
12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 15c. small, per
lb., lie. Cnill waiuuie, i '"".."v"":
i . .lift sneiis. per id., isc: nara
shells, per lb.. 139"c Coooanut. H00 per
ck of 100.
fllHur-lD DDI, iu ire. a.., u. vmv
9 10-lb. cans. 91.70; esses. 11 5-lb. can. UJW;
cases. 24 2-lb. cam. U.K.
HONEY rer n iiajiioB, e-w
fKKw.ii iiOODBl-Corn, standard wst-
cans. 31.06W1.W; -lo., hwti.v. rineap
pie! rnd. S-lb..
.m; gauon ainio,
I,, u. . M,.aa1 tt tMt Bwaat nn,
tatOCS, l.ea; aauri auv, et-w. uuiii-
klns, 80c931.00; wax beans, -lb., 759oc;
lima beans. 2-lb.. 75c99136; aplnach,;
rhean peas, .3-ID., sue; exira. jn-, lancy,
ll.364M.76. , .
(JUltk.U ion r iinif win i.ui, er
Quarter bbl.. 100 lbs.. MOO: Norway mack
erel, NO. L 928.00; No. 8, 328.00; No. 8. 330.00;
lriSn. riO. Slow. Iirniur, ... uun.. uv lua.
each, Norway. 4k, 812 00; Norway, 8k. 313.00;
Holland, mixed, in.oo; nouana oernng, la
kegs, milkers. 80ct kegs, mixed. 70,
FISH Buffalo, large dressed. 8c: trout.
medium or large, dressed, l'.c; pike, dressed.
llo; halibut, fin stock, 11c; catfish, d reared.
16c; bullneaoa, aresaea ana exinnea, uo;
white iwrrh. dresssd. 6c: craDDles. larae.
12c; auiiflsh, pan slse, 6c; whit bass, extra
choice, lie; picxerei, sc; aaimon, ninooK,
11c; whit fish (froxen), 12c; mackerel
tSpanlsh) ,16o; native, per fish, 18926c;
codfish, fresh rrosen, inc; nounaers, iresn.
frozen, lie, Diuensn, ireen irosen, ioe;
haddock, fresh frozen, 10c; red snapper.
dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1. per lb., 12c;
lobsters, tooueoi, per id., vjc; green, sic;
eel.' per lb., 18c; frog legs, per do., ;
roe shad, 81 each; anad roe, pair, tac.
HIDKS and tlww-ureen saitea,
Mn 1 11Ui! No I. bull hides. Btfflta:
green hiaes, no. i, 1140; ro. j, lyikc; norse.
ii.bUQO.w; sneep pens, evcwi.j, 1110
No. 1. 4c; No. 1, to.
yVOOLr-rer lb., ingzaa,
Metal Market.
metal markets aa usual on Saturday re
flected the absence of London cables and
were generally quiet and unchanged. Tin
was quoted at 84O.1O04O6O. Lake copper
ia nrm at n.,wow; eiectroyttic,
U8.2iVEi'U.7S: casting. 1i8.37H(S1S.dO. Lead
wss uncnangea at n.; spelter at M.ou
96 10. Iron wa firm at recent price.
ST. 1X)U1S. Bept. 8. M ET ALB Lead,
nrm;; spelter, t.
New lorn mosey narKet
call, nominal; time loans, dull and easier
sixty and ninety aays orterea at per
cent: six months, at per cent.
84 83409-4.83A0 for demand and at 34.803094.9040
for aixty-oay Dins; posteu rstes, M.sivasy
4.MH: commercial Dins. H TPhvH-au.
SILVER Bar. 6bHc: Mexican dollars,
bunub - uovernment
and railroad,
Quotation on New York bond today
were as follows:
v. a. raf. is, re.
So toupee
V. . I. reg.....
so eoupoa
V. . i t. r.
So eeupoa
V. . - , reg.
4 roupoa
Al. Tobacco 4s. .
4o to
Atehlsos goa 4..
4a 41. i
..lMttlJaaas t. 14 rt....l
..104 1 4o 4S. ctt .tl
..t"4 do 14 an to4
..imvt 4e 4. dh) 0H
,..ini u N. wni. 4 low
..WA Minhat. . gold 4s.. 101
..111 Mn. Ceatral 4t.... 74
..lit 4e 1st ln II
.. 7tH Mian. Rt. U 4.... (I
..lltial.. K. ft T. 4a 11
,.101Hj 4 Ms U
. . mvn. x- K. or at. . 4 t
Allan! Ic C. U 4.
VN. T. C. (a. .. MH
aaltlmor ft Ohio 4.12N. 1 C. g. 4.
si No. Pscl
... Hit
Brk. R. T. cv. 4.
Coatrsl ef Oa. ta.
4a let lac
do 14 inc
4 44 loo
Ch. ft O 4H..
C. ft A. H
C, B. ft Q. a. 4a.
c. a. 1. ft p. 4.
4o ool. i
coc. a t. u s 4
Colo. In4. to. ser.
Colo. Ml. 4s
Colo. A a. 4...
Cub 4
D ft ft. O 4...
Diet. aoe. la
Crl stior Ilea 4.
4 go. 4
Hoe. Viljr 4fe.
... MH do to
...II0HN. ft W. eoa. 4o
... M Ore. . L rlf. 4
... PDn. y. tv...
... IT H4lng go. 44.
...iwi at. u ft 1. m. .
... N
...101 VI
... t
to. 1144
4o. 12S
1.. list
... ii si. ia. a a. r. ig
... M 8t. U S. W. . 4
... tT4laeof A. L. 4
... 0, Bo. Pclo 4....
I.. ie4i do lot 4. etfs.
A. 1t Souther Rf it...
... 14 .Touo A P. lit! ..
,.. II T., SL L. ft W. 4
...1M Vat pcit 4..
... H I'. . Stool M to..
... SDH Wskaoh ltt
...10 4 dob. B
... t4a Waetora aid 4...
...10 W. L. K. 4...
...104HiWla. Ceatral 4e...
1... v
.. si
.. Hi
.. u
B.-U Stock aad Bead.
BOSTON, Bept. 9. -Call loan. 99 per
cent; ttm loana, (96H per rent. Closing
quotation on aiocaa ana Dona Wr
Atcblo 4J. 4.... M atlotle lt4
. wit DiBgoaai II
kUi Contntl 4.
4 fd
Bootoa ft A...,
Boatoa A Mo..,
Bootoa E leva to
riichborg s'd ,
Mai central ..
. r a Hocia...
Coauaal! ....
10V Coesor Raog ,
J iDolf West
.114 Vrankll
.161 lOraabr ,
.lit in Ror.le ....1
. 14H
. T7
. 14
. II
. II
lIH'Miao. Mlalng .
. 4
H T.. N. M. ft II. .It
MirSlsa ,
. II
Por MorqiMtie .... tl
rloa Patlto Ill u
. 40H
Moot. Coal A C
Old DoailDi
Oaeool ,
la Ar... Chesj.... Ill
. 41H
. It4
. v
. I
. 41
. at
oo ie i7
Aa. Pnoa. Tubs .... 1
Ak ur s'd.. buiarT
Am. Tl. a Tal fcUanoa
Aa. Woetoa
M Tamarack
do pit
Pom. tree
MIOM Bloo. III...,
aUa. Bleotrte
do lit
Maaa Oa
I' 01 tod ,
Oreono Coa ,
V. a. Stool
do r'd
Asked. Bid.
. II
. II
. t.
I'altod Cop oar
I'. . Mining .
V. . Oil
Waal Market.
BT. LOns. Mo.. Sept. 6-WOOL-8tea.1y;
medium grade comhiua and nlnthlno-
tub washed, a2t)$6o.
Dr lOOtS, 1 Mffi-w; pia. fi.wvM', ptwuw,
fancy, il.7592.40; H. C. pescnes. 3z.OOif3.60,
Alaska salmon, red, $1.26: fancy Chinook, P..
tui. ranrv eockeve. t. fl vo. aurdines. H
Caul Markot PractickUt Bare, u TJoal
on Cttnrdij.
Re Sheee e Lamba oa Bala Today
For Week Market Has Beea
Oeed aad Stroac aad
Active Fvery Day.
SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 8. 198.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Shep.
Ofllcial Monday
Official Tuesday
. 9.609
14. 1
Ofllcial -Wednesday
Official Thursday ..
Official Friday..
Official Saturday....
This week
....27.667 S3.0R1 70.048
....23 172 80.3M 49.44
....1928 46.074 49.4'
....1.1417 64.227 37,S6
.... 19112 51S3 46.4
Laat week
Two weeks ago
Three weeke ago...
rour weeKs ago..
Same week laat year 27.313 33,687 64.307
The follow-In. tahia ahowa the receipt
of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha
ior ioe year to date, comparca wim
year: la. 1906. Ine.
Cattle , fn,218 609.479 40.. 43
Hog 1,9-41.122 1.731.49 i'J"
Sheep 1,132.963 1,063.630 79,423
Th fnllnnln. mill ahnW tha OTlC CSlJ
for th different kind of cattle on th
tt"-um Omsh market:
Good to choice corn-fed steers...,
Fair to good corn-fed steere....
Common to fair corn-fed steer..,
Good to cholc rang steers ,
Fair to fund rinn ateera
.5 0096.2E
. 6.0"96 0
,, 4.6t,a.'0
. 4 609S.16
. 4.0tki4.60
. 3.OO94.OO
. 1.909 310
. 2.4Vil2.0
Common to fair rang steers....,
a rase cows ana nen ri
Fair to good cows and heifers..,
1 6092 W
Good to cholc stocker ft feeders. 4 WWtj .tn
rir to good stockers nd feeaers..
Common to fair stockers ! P52
Bull, stags, .to !-S2
Veal cslves 4.006.78
Tha fr.llna.lna ..Kt ahnwa th VragO
prlc of hogs at South Omaha for th laat
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1808. 1906. 11904 11903. 1902. 1901. 1900.
Aug. 29.
6 90H
I 70
6 66
S 774a
6 901
6 821
7 87
8 001
6 03
t 03
6 07
Aug. 28.
Aug. 30.
Aug. 81.
6 S3
i 771
6 V
6 13
6 27'
6 S3
0 I
6 261
6 26
8 22
t 33
7 26
6 11
8 11
6 72
Bent. 1.
6 84HI
t bZl
i 47
6 . 2
1 21
7 82
7 421
I 86H
6 76H
6 67
6 46
6 4.1
6 30
7 StH "1
6 42
7 83
7 40
6 lft
6 46
8 4S1
r 09
6 97
7 45
6 831 6 05
a o
I 88
301 6 OS
I S 11
6 Ml
6 o0
8 61
. Cattle. " Hogs.
Omaha 31.76O0 14 809610
Chicago I.2M16.8O 6.3f9167H
Kansas city i.witw.ou wuo.
St. Loul l.omr.50 6.6O96.40
Sioux City 3.509.00 6.&1.00
Frank Harrington. N. Y.-Q S
The official number of cara of stock
brought In today by each road waa:
uaiue. nugs. oucop. n ooe.
C. M. 4V Bt. P. Ry 4
Wabash z
Mo. Pacific Ry 1 1
Union Paclflo -1 .. 4
C. N. W., east 6
C. N. W., west 26 .. 4
C. St. P., M. ft O '4
C, B. & Q, east - 4 .. 1
C, B. A Q , west 7 ,. 8
C, K. 1. 1-., east., .. 1
C. R. 1. ft P., west .. 1
Illinois Central 1
Chi. Great Western.. .. 7 ..
Total receipt.....'.. 1 87
The disposition of th day's receipts was
aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head inojcatea;
Catfjl. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and company...,
Ctidahy Packing Co....
Klngan Co
Armour ft Company.,
Lelghton ft Co
St. Louis Beef Co
Other Buyers
leo . ..1..
Total ' 40 8,174
(-A'r-rt.R There were, no cattle of any
Importance reported In th yards this morn
ing and aa yesterday' upl)y waa cleaned
up befor ine njaraei 1 cioaea inrri wa.
practically nothing In - lira -l hands with
which to make a market. Th receipt
thia week, a will be noted from th
figure at head of column, 'bav been con
aiderably larger than last- week,' but not
materially different from Hi record of a
year ago. - wnne ine oig ouia 01 me ar
rival has been made up of range cattle,
there has also been quit a sprinkling of
corn feds. A feature of the week' re
ceipt has been the large run of range
cow and heifer.
The market on strictly choice beef steers,
both corn fed and rangere. has been very
good all the week and prices have shown
no material change. Cattle belonging to
big strings that have been coming during
the week have aold practically in the same
notches every aay. Among tne arnvaia
have been some right good killers, aa high
as 36.10, being paid for rangers, while the
top on corn feds wa 86.40. the highest prlc
el nee last November. Medium to common
kinds of cattle, owing to in large supply,
have had a lower tendency and are any
where from 16V'26o lower than a week ago.
Corn fed cattle of the kind that have been
selling from 86.60 down are all lower.
This has been the biggest week of th
season aa regards receipts of range cows
and heifers. Over 100 cars of cattle of
that description have been on ami on some
.lava. I'nder th Influence of such an ex
ceptionally large run prices declined very
rapidly ana at ine ciubc iu int. wwn ine
market on an average la fully 2fo lower,
and In spots aa much aa 40c lower. Th
eneral market might be described a 60o
ower than It. was two weeks ago. Aa
might be expected with price tending
downward so rapidly and the recelpta so
large, the trade on most days wa slow
and very much Inclined to dullness, mak
lng It hard work for salesmen.
Th supply of feeders has been very
large during th whole week, a considerable
nmnorllon of the range eteer received
being too thin for beef. At the same Urn
there were hardly enough strictly choice
weighty dehorned feeder to fill require
ments of the market, with th result that
cattle of that description have been
fully steady all the week. selling
anywhere from $4.00 . up to $4.60 for
the best. '' On the other - hand light
cattle, unless It might b something ex
ceptionally good, had a lower tendency end
are at least I692&0 lower than last week.
Common and unattractive kinds of feeders
have had the same experience, being gen
erally neglected, the country aeemlng to
want nnlv the aood kinds. Some say that
dry paaturea are responsible for the limited
demand for Block cattle at the preaeut
time, .others that farmer are waiting until
cattle ran be turned Into the corn field,
but whatever may be th cauae the fact re
mains that the country I buying very
sparingly of tock cattle.
nrwiSNo srreat chance took nlace In
the hog market this morning, prices being
very mucn in same inose wnicn pre
vailed yesterday. Possibly there may have
been a little strength at some points and It
would be oaf to quote the general market
stesdy to strong. There waa a tendency
to bunch sales a Utile more closely and
shippers will note that the range between
heavy and light I considerably narrower
than It waa a short time a an. Heavy
hog today sold largely at $S8o5 90. with
light nogs going largely at ni.'ot. m and
mixed hog at tt '."'0 1 ne market waa
fairly actlv at the prevailing prices and
and an eariy clearance was errected
Practically even thing wa sold by 10
O clock In the morning.
A will be noted from the table receipt
at head of column the arrivals this week
have been comparatively light, showing a
considerable falling off aa compared with
the week before and still about the ami
a a year ago. Th week etarted out with
a steady market,- but values declined
rapidly during th two days following, so
that th hogs on Wednesday sold on an
average a nig na lower man on Monday
On Thuraday and Friday there waa m
aharp upturn In values so thst at th close
of the week the market Is 6c hiaher than
It was one . week sgo. The strength de
veloped In the msrket during the last hair
of the week appeara to have reaulted from
a heavy falling off in recelpta at all market
representative sales:
AT St.
N. . . St. (a. Pr.
M ...
44 ...
M ...
40 ...
17 10 i 1
ttt 10 I TH
lit 4 i T7St
lie Kit 4 to
lit ... I ts
11 ... I to
tit to 1 to
17... ...... 141 IK IN
tt 171 ... It
41... It 4 9
I lit 4 tt
II lit t I to
11 l ... f to
44 in ii 1 tt
tl III ... I to
St I 14
4 I Bt
VI Ml tl!4
.a ... u
I tt
I tt
.. ;v
.: (44
e 1 m
... I tt
... I M
U I 14 It
I ta
t at
I tt
I t
I at
. H-l
I tt
I tl
k l aa I m
..,.BM LC9 a 0
tit ... 9 tl
Ml ttt IN
n .
t .
U .
KJ 4
... 4 4
... 4 0
... I m
4 I ts
M 4
... I s
... 4 4
... Il 44 I It
IM . . 1 a
...144 IN I M
... 5 ... I SI
11 .
It. .
If .
u it I at
III ... I 14
mi m 1 a
.v 110 14 S l
...lit ... 4 1
...114 40 I 1
...til ... 4 1
...114 It I is
.. IM
ta. 1 is
... 1 an
1M I If!
It I tl
l I 17 H
M 4 an 1
. to 4 1
SHEEP Thar mora nn fraah racelllt of
sheep today, the market being practically
..are aa uauai on a Haturtiav. ine re
ceipt this week have been very large, th
toiai nmount ns- to a no-htiv over 70i neau
aa against 48,44 last week and 647 head
a year ago. On Tueadav the recelot
footed UD 27.672. which waa laraer by sev
eral thousand head than any other market.
In spite of the verv larae recelDia the
market at thia point haa been In exceed
ingly good condition. Even on Tuesday,
when th erecelpta wer so large, practically
everything was ailrl hafnra tha close, with
price generally strong, la fact it ha been
a good, strong market every dsy of th
week. A a matter nf mora there have
been weak snota. but there have also been
stronger spots snd at th clos of the week
sneep are fully steady with a week ago
and good lambs generally a little higher.
r eeners nave two 11 verv active Duvera
throughout the week and while the bulk of
the receipts ha been msde up of that kind
of stuff, there have been buyers enough
to take everything coming and more, too.
Feeder hnvera hav-a learned bv experience
that they can secure the best feeding sheep
and iambs at this noint. wnne Dy going iv
eastern markets they are very apt to secui
only what 'has been rejected at western
points and they are coming here in larger
numbers every yesrs. It wa a noteworthy
fact that thia week the very largest feed
ers In the whole country were In attendance
on this market. With buying support 01
this kind it Is not surprising thst th
market has been strong and actlv all th
week In the fac ot extremely large re
ceipts. In spite of tha fact that packer seem to
feel that prices sre high they have bought
everything coming, with sheep, as noted
above, fully steady for th week. No
choice lambs have arrived during the week.
The best seen here came in yesterday and
brought $7.40. The lambs coming to thia
point have been too light and the feeling
Is tMst a right good bunch of lsmba weigh
ing sixty-eight pounds or upwards would
aell readily at $7.60 or above. -
Quotation on killers: Good to cholc
lambs, 86.76; fair to good lambs, 37.0097 j
:ood to choice yearlings, 16. Wni 6.75; good
o cholc wethers, 96.1691-60; fair to good
wethers, 96.0095.16; good to cholc ewe.
$4.7&rrj6.26: fair to good ewe. $4 -6094.i6.
Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $6.7Sg86,
yearlings. $6.2696.60; wether, $4.6o9-W.
ewe, $3.6094.40; '
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Bept. $
ino tad including fin southerns.
market, steady : cholc export and dressed
k..i .i..,. ttf&ffMi&n- fair to good. $4,009
6.60; western fed steers. $3.609626; etockeis
and feed era 12 SO04.BO: SOUtnern lirei a,
$2.76S3.e5: southern cows, 31.7693.00; native
.w t'Aftfva7K- native he fers. 3';
bulls.' $2 0093.26; calves. $2.609; receipt
.v. -...i, al MA head
tir.noHar.eint. 2.000 head : market.
ateadv tr, Rc lower: ton. $.S2H: bulk of
i ir 4,4 ne . u.,n .,v tti lYWiiA 1f. - nackera.
$6.109.26; pigs and and lights. $6.009-32H:
eaeelrtta fnr tne WeeK. 4B..1W neau
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
msrket nominally steady; lambs, 96.0097.66;
native sheep and yearlings, h.wbiw;
em clipped yearlings fc.00ti6.75; V!"7
.nnn. .haen. tl Blockers and feed
era. $3.5096.60; receipt for th week, 83,300
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. 8 CATTLE Re
eainta Mn head. Including Lin lexans; mar
ket steaay; native uift'i" . . .
ateers. $6.109V60; dressed oeet ana outcner
ateera t4 TMifi ah : steers under l.UW pounds.
33.5094.00; stockers and feeders, 3WiJH-Zu;
cows and heifer, $2.40; canners. 81.8&92.16;
bulls, $2 6045i'3.4O; ealves, 4.uuig.ov; lexaa
and Indian ateers. $3,26910; cow and
halfera X2 AOftS nf).
HOT.H- KerelotS. l.zuu neao; maraei
ateadv: nla-a and llahta. 35.50&6.30: packers,
$5.60936; butchers and best heavy, $6,809
RHr.KP AND IJMUH-KeceiDis. ow neaa
mantel Fimuy , n.ui. hiuviwh-, "
lambs, 13. 6O41'). B0: culls and bucks, $3,009
- - .... ...... M,.AM. oq nrwfftt nri
$.76; stockers, $3.0093-60.
New York Live Stork Market.
ceints. S8S head: no ifade nf importance;
feeling steady; exports, 800 beeves and 9,700
nii.rl.r. of tieer
M . . . . . . . , . ,,,.-.
t ai.v ra xveceiote, tat nr.u , .rrj .ti.titi
aoingr maraei sieao urn i i-ai.ri m
limited supply and full ateady; city dressed
vesls,' 9913Ho per pound; country dressed,
hogs Receipts, neaa; an for
alaiiarhterer: market nominally steady.
market firm to higher; sheep, 33.&096.6O:
lambs. $7.2bxi8.25; no really prime here
Canada lamb, 8.37H
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO. Sept. 8. CATTLE Receipts,
800 head: market steady; beeves. 33.769
80; cows and heifers, 31.2696.20; calves,
35.698.00; stockers and feeder, 12.259
HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head ; estimated
for Monday. 86.000 head: market stesdy
mixed, $6.8596.66; good choice heavy
$6.459.67H; rough, $6.6696.70; light.
$6.1096.67H: Pig. $5.6096.46; bulk o
sales. 15.904f6.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2,000
head: market ateady; aheep, 33. 1566. 60
yearlings, $5.6096.25; lamb, $4,609
Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market,
BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 8.-CAT.
TLB Receipts. 178 head; market steady
natives. ' 84.80ifr8.26: cows and heifers
$1.6094.90; stockers and feeders, $3.2694.40.
HOGS Receipts, 2,725 head; market 6c
lower; light, 86.104j6.26; medium and heavy,
BHKfcJP AND liAHBH- KeeelplS, 1,642
head: market steaay to strong; lambs,
$7.46; wethers, $6.60; ewe. $6.36.
loax City Llv Block Market.
SIOUX CITT, Bept. l.-fSpeclal Telegram.)
CATTLE Receipt), . 150 head; market
steady; beeves, ft.ooos.m; cows and heifers,
$2,601(14.30; stockers and feeders, $3.00&4.25
calves ana yearungs, iz.oovja.tiu.
HOGS Receipts, 8.300 hesd; market
stesdy: selling at 3&.wG.oo; bulk ot sales.
Btoek la Bight
. Receipts of llv stock at th all principal
western merseie yeaieroay;
cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Kansas City
St. Joseph .
St. Iouls ....
Chicago ,
Total .......
oo e.zRi
1.794 24.437 1,050
Clearing: Hons Averages
NEW YORK. Sept. 3. Th statement of
the clearing house banks for the week
shows that the banks hold 38.577.920 less
than th legal reserve requirements. This
I a decrease In rash reserve of 89,447,326 as
compared with laat week. Th statement
Decree ss.
Legal tender
Reserve required .
Ex-U. B. deposit.
.. 1.014,214,100
.. 169.341.600
.. 244.976.600
.. 23.6M,526
37. Mi. 100
4 004,100
. 13.4O4.00O
1. 441.100
, .0.776
JCxports aad I sa parts.
NEW YORK. Bept. 8 Total ex nor t a -.
merchandise and dry good at th 'port
of New York for the week ending today
were valued at $14,629,610. Total import
of pecie at th port of New York for
the week ending today were 840,421 silver,
snd $378,648 gold. Total exports of sped
from the port of New York fug th week
enaing toaay wer s1.u3.74 silver an
soe,uoo goio.
CotTee Market.
NEW YORK. Bept. 1,-COFFBK-Market
on futures opened Steady at unchanged
prices to a decline of 6 point under
realising; following the rapid advance of
the paat two days. Offerings were very
well absorbed, however, and with rumor
circulating that th financial end of th
valorisation scheme nad been Drovlded for.
t he v market ruled generally steady, closing
omuj ; net uiicnsnajea to point lower.
Bale wer reported of 59.000 bag, Includ
ing ueoenioer at S.4jw.70c; March at I Sue
Apni at .c; jaay at 7iai.yoc; jujy
7 10&7.1&c; August at 7. lac. Spot. Rio
steaay; no. j invoice, sHo.
Ertporsted Apple aad ilried Fralta,
APPLES Msrket is more or less nominal,
ales hsvlng been too light to Justify firm
quotations, turn old a pines aa ar av
auie Drtng round inc lie snd at
apples in case are quoted at 6H(fyc.
AifFOHMA DRIED rBtlTo-Prunes
ar uncnangea wua nuoutiloa ranging
17 rt ... in
11 rn ... in
54 tt 10 1 N
41 fJ a
tl 14 ... M
7 ri ... 1 w
It Ml ... I H
11 14 ... IM
from 7Ue to I Vac according to gride, AnrW 1
cots hold firm on light supplle with cholc
noted at lc: extra rneir at l'r; sancy at
lNfiOr. Peer he sre unohanged with cholc
noted at lovtfllc; lra cholc Ufniv;
ncv llfrllc: extra fancy. 124nno. ttatsins
re firmer on the coaat, but apot quotation
re unchanged, with loo musnatela quoted
at 4'4t7c; seeded ralatna at 69cj Loodoa
larer, nominal. '
Parolgra frtaaaelal.
liONDON, Bept. a-Th Siipplie of money
ere larae today, but the demand waa poor.
lilaenunta w era firmer, but there wa no
disposition to tak bill even at th higher
level. Trading on th tock achang wa
quiet, but price wr tdlr, tne mea
prevailing that the demand for ro f
New York I about satisfied. Console
ardened fractionally and horn . ran
closed with a better tone, while kantr
wer firmer on the good gold returns.
Americans ruled dull throughout at a frac
tion tinder narltv. owlna- to news Of a
poor New York bank statement and th
over night decline In Wall street, which
effectually checked operations. Th mar
ket closed dull. The bank of ungiana
rslsed th selling price of eagle today.
owing to further withdrawal of 83.600.0ia)
for ahlpment to tha United States.
BERLIN. Bept. 8. Trading on tho Hours
todsy wa stagnant and prices wer d-
ressed on increasing fear or money mir
et developments. Americana on an
average were 1 point down upon profit
taking. Russian wer lower. Navigation
companies share ware weaker upon th
announcement of the increaeen capital 01
th North German Lleyd company.
Oils aad Rest. .
NEW YORK. Bept.- B.-OIL Cottonseed
oil, firm; prim crude f. o. b. mills, 2Mj3So;
prime crude, yellow, 18c. Petroleum,
steady; refined New York, 7.60c; Philadel
phia and Baltimore, 7.46o; Philadelphia and
Baltimore In bulk, 4.8&0. Turpentine, Arm;
ROSlN-Bteadri strained, common to
good, $40Mr4.l5. '
SAVANNAH. U., Bept. . OI le-I urpen-
Ine, firm; 624c; ssles, 381 barrels; recelpta,
0it: shipments, 8.316.
ROBIN Firm;, sales, .1 barrels; re
ceipt. 1.248 barrels; shipment. 6.841 bar
rels: stock. 69.9H4 barrels. Quote: ABC.
$4009410; D. $4 204 26; R, $4394 36: F,
hu: u,; h. 4. so; 1, Mwa't; iv,
14.6-"fllD; M, 84.6694.66; N, $6.10; W. O,
$5.80; W W, $5.00.
Magicians' la Tahiti Pot I'a a tat
for . the BeaeSt af
Toartsts. -
In Tahiti, men still believe In magto. At
certain celebrations they mak a bed of
red hot atone. A necromancer ralsea hi
bamboo wand, move It slowly' from aid
to side, mounts slowly to tha top of th
Causeway, stand for an instant with arma
raised aloft, llpa moving rapidly; then de
llberately and carefully steps from tone
to stone. A second tlrne he crosses th path
of red hot fire, followed by his four disciple.
Through an Interpreter all arc urged to
have . faith and tread the necromsncer's
fiery path. A young Frenchman steps for
ward, defiantly twirling hla little mustache;
n American tourist follows; then on or
two natives, whose daring 1 applauded by
their fellow.
Once more the necromancer steps up tha
Incline of the causeway, always waving hla
nd. With set lips the novice follow,
shrinking fearfully at . first, then proceed
ing with confidence, shading faces and eyea
from the fierce radiation of the heated
stone. Accomplishing the transit, they
show that their hoe soles war not even
singed, but , they', offer no explanation
further than, "Don t ask me how It is
done; X can't understand HI"
A bucket ' of water '. Is brought, one of
the redhot . atonea dropped into It, and
up spout a cloud of steam. The necro
mancer walk through the crowd, offering
himself for Inspection and for touch. Like
the three children of Holy Writ, "upon his
bady. fire haa had no -power, nor ia a hair
of hla head singed, nor ha th smell of fir
pased on him." The World Today.
She Know Forty . Toagaes.
On ot the most interesting members of
the American colony In Berlin at th pres
ent tlms. say the New York Tribune, Is
Miss Elisabeth S. Colton of Eaatbampton,
Mass. Miss .Colton. who is a student of
orientalism and comparative religion' and
mistress of aome forty languages, went to
Germany, that true home of science, last
October, for the purpose of taking special
courses In Sanscrit, Byrlac, Assyrian, He
brew, Fall, Aveston, the language of tha
Parsees, Persian and Chinese. Sanscrit
she Is studying with Dr. Pischel. Every
Friday evening a party of eight, all men
but Mlsa Cotton, gather around hla study
table and there they dig up the records of
paat agea and read the histories of ancient
peoples, who lived thousands of years be
fore Christ. . ,r.
Mlsa Colton will leave Berlin for. India
during the present month to continue her
study of Sanscrit and tha religions ot the
Hindoos. The final purpose of her studies
Is theological and ahe Intend to give lec
ture later on comparative religion, with
illustrations from the original manuscript,
As Mark Twain Saw It.
When Mark Twain waa city editor of the
Virginia City Enterprise, back In the '70s,
he used to brighten up the columns of the
paper with comlo paragraph setting forth
th advantages of advertising.
These paragraphs were baaed, on til
klnda of odd facts on murders, on crop
report, on kidnaping, on th weather. On
paragraph ran Ilka thia:
"Germany haa Just discovered a burled
forest In its midst, supposed to be 10.000
year old. - If th man who lost It had
advertised In the Enterprise, the chance
are that It would have been returned to
him that night."
one-lxth of th pB.Ooo.Onft.ono worth ot
manufactured good produced In tho United
Htates a year wss turnea out by mill.
short and ' factories In the state of New
Jacquard. the Inventor of the famous
loom, might have become a billionaire.
This unseinsn Frenchman, though, gave
his Invention to the government and all he
got In return all he asked In return Wa
a pension of 91.000 a year.
Canadian crop ar aa good as our own.
and It la estimated (hat the three pralrl
provinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, will produce close to 92.000,000 bush
els of wheat with favorable condition of
weather, 17,000.000 bushels of barley ana
The manufacture of tantalum, one of the
hardest metals known. Into sheets and bar
Is now. It Is aald, being prac'lned In Ger
many by th cqulrtlng process, th material
In It original powdered form being mixed
with water and gum traracnth. and then
successfully forced Into rods and shaped as
"We sold In 1906," aays a Boston manu
facturer. "860,000 dosen shovels and dellv
ered tnem to railroads, mining comnanlaa
and other large uaera. One might think so
many inovrii wirum oe mongli ror a time,
nut mis year our saies win amount to
400.000 dosen, or a little less than 6,000,000
The Santa Fe Railroad eomoanv haa a a.
cepted doaigna and awarded contract for
re-enforced concrete roundhouses aggre
gating over 3360.000. One of these,
erected ai oasersneia, tat., will cover I
ground area greater tnan any other round,
house In existence. It will bay thirty-five
tail inu twi iov,wut
A map Issued by the Missouri state en
glner and surveyor show tt mile of Im
proved highways in the state. 1.560 mllea
for which plans have been approved and
s.ew miies tor wnicn improvement is rec
ommended. If th state bore the whol
cost, this would be enough to exhaust th
Bau.iuu.tFaj appropriation,
In New York state there are 89.260 auto
mobile registered, and It I estimated that
for the United mates the number exoeeds
so. 000. The annual coat and operation of
the New York automobiles sre said to se
gregate 33O,OiAOO0, from which it la as.
turned that th ehtlr country spend about
f7O.0uO.0uv annually for the delights of mo-
to ring.
Th number of male teacher In
I nlted States Is steadily derreaalng.
listirs ahifV that while In 7u the percent
age 01 wiw teaener was i ana in liz I
had Inafeaaed to tt 8. In lksv-40 It had fall
In 1W9-UO0 It dropped t and in
reached 18 Of ir total number
ir 4M Jtli In th ststea 1U.T44 er
W.W womaia,
15. A
of Uaeti
imrn ana
List 0. tos
... T t
Boiton, Mui, ,'; , ;;:
Public Library. , '
Buffalo, N. Y.1
Public Library.
BanrUBl Cohn. 1(5 ElUeott Bi .-'
Chicago, m.' . , ' ..
Auditorium ffowa Stand.
Joseph Heron. 454 8. California At.
Groat Northern Hotel.
Poet Offlca Nawa BUnd, IT I aiu
born tt
Palmer Houao.
Brlcfte Houm, 18S Randolph St
O. E. Barrett. 11? Dearborn It
Cincinnati, Ohio
Public Library.
Colo. Springs, Colo.
H. H. Bell ft Co.-
Denver, Colo.
Jullug Black. Cor. i 6 tb. and Curtln
Kendrlck Book and Stationery Co;
l 17t1i St.
The Brown Palace Hotel. . .
Edmondton, Alta, Canada
Crosa Newa Co. - -
Fred Daly.
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
SIsk ft Clerenger.
Hot Springs, Ark.
Cooper ft'Wyatt, I0 Central At.
C. H. Wearer Co. '
' Hot Springs, S. D. v
Emll Hart-ens.
. Kansas, City, Mcv ,
Public Library.'
Butcher Newa Co.
Rlcksecker Clear Co.. tl- an4
Valnut. '
The Torn a Newa Co., Ith and Mala.
Jenkins Cigar Co., 8th and Walnut
Reld's Newa Agency. SIS Wall St
- . ... ... . . .. .
Los Angeles, Gal, ' , ;
. Public. Library.
B. B. Amo. .
Abe Berl Newa Co.
Milwaukeo, Wis.
Hotel Pflster.
Frank Mulkern, Grand At. . and
Ird St
Minneapolis, Minn.
H. J. Karanaugh, 41 8. Ird Bt
West Hotel.
Hotel Opera. S81 lat At. 8. .
Century Newa Co., I 8. Ird. St
New York City
Aator House. .
Oakland, CaL ,
N. J. WheaUey News Co.
Ogden, Utah
D. L. Boyle. 110 lath 8t
Lowe Bros., Depot Newa Stand.
Qoddard ft Petty, I6 IBth Bt
.Pasadena, CaL -
n T. Hornung Newa Depot '.
Pittsburg, Pa.
H. A. Scbafer Newa Co.. SOT trd
Vrenue. . -
t " - : '
Portland, Ore.
Oari Jonea, S7S Waahlngtoa tt
3. Bader ft Co.
Oregon News Co.. 14T It Bt
Rockford, HI.
fablio Library.
St. Joseph, Mo
. Berger, 611 Edmund St
Branaow's Newa Stand, til
Annd St . .......
St. Louia, Mo.
Southern Hotel.
Neva St. James Hotel.
B. T. Jett
Public Library.
fit. PnuL Minn. .
G. L. Miller.
N. St Marie. 91 B. 6th. St- r
. Salt Lake City, Utah
" Mrs. L. Ltyrln. 14 Church' 8 1
Harrow Uros., 4 W. and. Utt I
Salt Lake News Co,
San Diego," Gal.
B. E.
Seattle, Wash. :
Hotel Beattle.
International Newa Co.
Frank B. WUaon.l07 Pike St
3. R. JuaUoe. 110 Columbia Mt. .
Spokane, Wash.
John W. Oraham. , - 1
Taooms Wash.
Acsne Newa Co.
Washington, D. 0.
Becker ft Oradorff. 14th. and f 8Uk
' - e-