the o:rArrA daily bee: moxday. September 10, looa ..COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 Pcrf SU TcL 43. ' MINOR MKTtTIO. Da1 drugs., ; , Clarks. sods a. ' ' fUockert eell arpeta. Flo engraving at Leff art's. , Ed Roger' Tony Faust boar. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IV. ' Oat tboo naw photo at Schmidt'. Plumbing and heating, Blibjr m boo. Lewi Cutler, funeral dlractor. 'Phono tT. WecdrtnaT Undertaking company. Tel II. Pirtuf a f reeling, C. E. Alexander, tit .Broadway. For printing ' and binding telephone M. Morehouse A Co. , Majra sines well bound. Morehouaa A Co., It North Main street. Buy four phonographs and record from Williamson, 17 South Jdain street. H. F.Orlohllnir and J W. Bchott will leave today on a business trip to Canada. The' reg-ular . monthly eesslon of the Library loerfl In scheduled for tonight. ' We take contract , for paper hanging, painting ,rvd Interior decorating. Borwlck, 111 Soul Main. . DIAMONDS AS. AN INVESTMENT. George Hoagland ha the Kanaaa Shall brick. AH ard brlen. Uet hla prices. We wholesale ice cream. .Shipped to any part of the elate. Bpecial pneaa to the r tall trade. I Mucol, 21 W aat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Sit. Every day to enrollment day In Western Iowa college. ' p oslttous sevured for our f raduatee. Send for catalogue. phone or inf oi mstlon- both phones. We have the Do eel line of sample monu ment to aeiect front In the west. Sneeiey Laps Marble and Oranlte Works, ill Kaat Broadway, Uouncll Bluff a,' la. ' WANTED NBA T BOY TO LEARN CLEKK1NU LN A NICK BUSINESS. Kffr' BKENCKB AND LKTTEK IN OWN WRITING. ADDREBd "B. I". M.," BEH OFFICII COUNCIL. BLUFFS. Mies Agnes' Robinson of Mill street en tertained at dinner yesterday complimen tary to Captain H. M. Pratt of company U. Fifty-sixth regiment, Iowa National guard, who. was en route home to Fort Dodge fron Fcrt Hlley. f Bee Stephen Bros.v for fire brick and lire clay,! eewar pipe, luting and gardau boat. I . par 412 per ton lor at iron; mixed, 110; stove. Iff: rags, 10 per lb.; rubber, 7cj copper, 14a per lb. J. Katelman, sbl Mala, loio 'pttonee et. . Judge Macy will convene the Auguat terra of district court tori ay, when the grand Jury-will be impaneled. There are a num ber of cases to come before the grand Jury and as there are-a large number both of law and equity cases on the ducket the term promises to be' a busy one. Mrs. Margaret Kelly, wife of John Kelly, JM South Ninth street, died yesterday, aged 74 year. Besides her husband, she leaves one son, Uiuothv Kelly of this city, and three daughters, Mrs. W. H. Baldwin and Mrs. Thomas Fendy, both of Ferry. la,, and Mrs. W. M. Urady of Kansas City. The body of Mrs. J. W. Maloney, who ailed at Colorado Springs, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of her slater, Mrs. K. Lyon, and Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Deceased leaves one daughter, Mrs. Turner of Colorado Springs. The members' tit' the Board of Education will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the North Eighth street school to pass on the repairs and alterations made during the summer. About 6,OU0 has been expended In raising the building. The hoard will also inspect the addition erected during the ummer at the Twentieth avenue school. Mrs. Mary Gibson, aged 84 years, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. X. M. Jfarfurd, BOW South Eighth nreet. The body will be taken this after noon to Irwin, la., for burial. Besides the daughter, at whose home ahe died, Mr. Gibson leavea another daughter, Mrs. I. D. Bantee of D anbury. 111., and two eons, A. W. Gibson of this city and W. D. Gibson, cf Danbury. UK MALONET8 NEW LOCATION, It PEARL BT. For Bale. ; The parsonage of the German Hvangeucai churoh, Mo. 110 Glen avenue, Is offered for sale . to mua tuum Sealed bids will be received at the office of IB. Hohlendort, No. Main street, up to noon September 11 The bricks are re ervsd. ..The. hoard reserves the right to l4uft ...X kit MAn. Terms, cash. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, 20 Broadway. We sell the Royal Red Cross base burner. Come In and see that Eclipse grate. Al ways pleased .to show you. Swain Mauer, 836-38 Broadway. A GOOD PAYING SHOE STORE. DOING tlM A MONTH. WILL INVOICE 13,000. SPLENDID OPENING. DUNCAN 4 DOANE, 21 MAIN ST.. COUNCIL BLUFFS. It you thfnk of painting your house let give you an estimate now. We guar antee the paint to. be made of pure ma terials, mixed and put up by skilled me chanics, so when we paint It stays painted. We also have some odd lots of artistic wall paper that we are closing out at low prices ' to make way for new stock. If you want food paper at little cost come see us now. Jensen Nloolaesen, 238 Broadway. . Owmer. Needs Money, Must sell B-room dwelling; rents for 18 per month.' Tel. . Chaa. T. Officer, 41 Broad Way.', ... .. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to Duncan Dean or the Dunoan Shoe company are reqoeated to call and settle at once. MALONErS NEW LOCATION. . PEARL ST. More Greaad for Hospital. ; Realising that , ths grounds around the Jennie Edumndson Memorial hospital, now nsarlng completion, were entirely Inade , quate the Woman's Christian association . has purchased an adjoining lot In Hillside ovate the Woman's Christian association has purchased an adjoining lot in Hlllatda addi tion and 100 feet frontage on Pierce street by M reet In depth, the latter ground ad Joining the hospital on the northwest. The purchass of this property now gives the association a frontage on Pierce street of SM feet and a frontage of fifty-three feet on Ridge street. With thia additional ground the property will permit of being greatly Improved by landscape gardening, which will be In charge of William Epeth, manager for J. T. Wlloox. Mr. Speth has taken a deep Interest In the work of the association and volunteered his time and experience In helping to beautify the grounds of the new hospital, which offer waa gratefully sc ospted by ths management. Used by Millions ' Pit. WBBTMAL'8 ' SENNA LIVER. PILLS . i As PILL WITHOUT A PAIN. ' 1 For Deranged System COWTTPATIPN. . slLIOL"8NluS9 SOTfB tTOalACHl SfOC MKADACHJO. NAUSEA, VsMVOUSltKbS. TOKP1D LIVER. 20c Post Paid. ISIKUJIN & McCGNXELL DRU8 CO- IsUi u. Vvdje . , , . Balling S Povdcr J . -fc. (WelUe lb aa Pars SSL j , I Le et sui tJk LIGHT CONTRACT COMING UP Isllef City Council Wul lotos th Lenc Pendinc CoitroTeriy. OPPOSITION TO 1 1 rt. MAINS UNSHAKEN ILrtmrm mt Mayes Maerat aa4 Oawaetla mnn Teaakenasa Gives Oaper taalty for All to Go Heesrd tVaestlaa. The proposed lighting contract with the Cltlsens' Gas and Electrlo company, which has been pending; for several months. Is sis ted to come up for action at the meeting of the city council tonight. Consideration of the contract has been delayed owing; to the absence at times of Mayor Macrae and Councilman Tounkerman, chairman of the committee on fir and light, having the matter In hand. Mayor Macrae arrived home yesterday from Fort Riley and Coun cilman Tounkerman Is home from his trip to Germany,' so a full attendance Is ex pected at tonight's meeting. The proposed contract, which. It la said, the committee will recommend. varies) but In a few minor details from that originally submitted several months ago. Opposition to the proposed contract Is expected front Councllmen Wallace and Knudsen, who have demanded extensions of the com pany's gas mains which President" Nash declined to accede to at this time, al though he promised thst such extensions would be made as soon as practicable and possibly next year. -The proposed contract prepared by the committee on fire rfnd light Is regarded by Mayor Macrae and several of the councllmen as a favorable one for the city and It was stated last evening that It was likely there would bo sufficient votes to carry Its adoption. These are the main feature of the con tract: To be for five years from July 1 of this year to July 1, 1911 : ths company to fumlah arc lights of 2.000 nominal candle power tindr the Philadelphia moonlight schedule st 869.60 per light per year: this rate to be subject to a rebate or royalty of 1 per cent of all the company's gross earnings on all other electrical business In the city, the company guaranteeing thst It will not claim or seek to collect from the city after the application of such rebate or royalty a sum to exoeed the rate of 866 on an average per llarht per year, of hours under the moonlight schedule; the rate under an all night schedule is to be $85 per light, no new light to be pieced requiring' an extension of the circuits more than 1,000 feet with out the consent of the company; lights after being located . and installed to be moved only at expense of the city; the city agTees to pay for at least 128 lights; four Incandescent lights of thirty-two candle power each to be reckoned as equalling one arc light; company agrees during the lire of the contract to a rate of II S per 1,000 cubic feet of gas, provided bills are paid on or before the 16th of each month, the rata to be 81.86 where bills are not paid by that time; the new rate for gas to take effect January 1, 1907. GOOD WEIGHT, GOOD MEASURE AND GOOD QUALITY ARE MATTERS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO THE GROCERY BUYER; they are of much Importance to us; by having all three of the right stand ard we have gained and continued to hold the trade of a large and. discriminating class of customer. Can't we have yoursT Orders are filled promptly and carefully and prices are as low as the prevailing market rates will permit. John Olson, 789-41 Wsst Broadway. ' N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2(0. Nigttt L4IS. Special prices on watches, chains, fobs and charms this. week at Leffert's. Bee our windows. For imported wines, liquors and Bud wet aer beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer, 51s South Main street Diamonds and atl other precious stones, loose and mounted; the largest stock In the city. At Leffert's. CENTRAL Every sack warranted Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. Hospital Corps Back from Camp. Mayor Macrae and his hospital corps, which accompanied ; the Fifty-sixth regi ment, Iowa National guard, to Fort Riley. arrived home yesterday morning. The men, while tired out with the week's maneuvers, were in good physical condition and not a man was on the sick list. Mayor Macrae said the corps was kept busy all the time and on ths tramp the greater part of the time. The camp of Instruction waa thirty-six miles square and this afforded considerable room for long diets nee tramps. The alkali dust and ex treme heat. Mayor Macrae said, waa very trying, and the ground over which they hiked, as a rule, was about as rough as could be fouad anywhere. The Fifty-sixth regiment waa given a good marking by the umplrea, about as good as most of the regulars. Colonel Humphreys was un able to attend and the regiment was In command of Lieutenant Colonel. Cook. A. Metsarar Jt Cm. Nsw Location of Wholesale Bakery. II Mynater Street. Co. Bluffs. Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty. . Visitors Welcome. Now the carnival la over you had bettsr look over our stock of ranges, cook and heaters. There Is comfort and satisfaction in every stove we selL Bee the new high oven range. Paddock aV Handachey Hard ware company, 41 South Main. (,800 acres good farm land In eastern Colo rado, 16 per acre and ep; no Irrigation re quired. Can raise all kinds of small grata and corn. A few good homesteads Join our lands. Bend for printed matter. F. C Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Swanson Muslo company, 40T West Broadway the place where you will find a splendid assortment of pianos to select from. Conovers, Cables, Schubert and Kingsbury's. All clean, new goods. Prtoes end terms to suit every person. We think It a good house to deal with. If you need a aewing machine or went to rent a machine or want your machine repaired, call on Williamson, at IT South Main street, he has machine to rent from ifcc up. ' twralvaj Abeat Dismantled. The work of dismantling the street fair and carnival grounds waa begun shortly after midnight Saturday and early Sunday morning the white fence which had sur rounded ths enclosure had been taken down and carried away. With the removal of the fence Baylies park was again thrown open to the public. The Carnival company had most of its shows packed and on the way to the depot soon after midnight. It left early Sunday morning for Ottumwa, where it has a week's engagement. The exhibits In the various booths were all removed Saturday night and early Sun day morning and there was nothing left of the carnival yesterday afternoon but the bare booths, th arch and ths entrance and the strings of electrlo lights. In two or three days svery vestige, it Is expected, of the most successful street , fair and car nival ever held In Council Bluffs will be removed. Treasurer H. it. Vsn Brunt of ths car- nival committee, speaking of last aeek's I V2k. I S I it I ' -V .. VI i ii u! ra.Lrfij. -"a . m i ss e AyasLai i east . a i virmM.JwAJtTtYWaii m 'V Hn I I 1 L p avrr"v TKr 1 1 St . I 111 u ft U Fred. festivities, said last evening: "Dreplte the few knocks that are mode each year when carnival time comes around, it cannot be disputed but the people of Council Bluffs not only get a vast amount of enjoyment out of the street fair, but demand It. It Is a good thing for the city, there can be no question about that. It Is certainly a great advertisement and It brings a great number of visitors to Council Bluffs. This year's carnival waa . certainly a record breaker and the clerk of the weather is most as suredly entitled to a gold meda ' Just think of It;- six whole days and not a drop of rain." , BOOTH NO. 10 OF BOURICIUS PIANO HOUHK. IS ONE OF THE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS AT THE CARNIVAL. THET HAVE THE FINEST DISPLAY IN PIAN08 AND OTHER MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS EVER SHOWN . ANY WHERE WEST OF CHICAGO. CALL AND GET A BOOKMARK OR OTHER SOUVENIR AND HEAR THEIR PIANO SELF-PLAYER OPERATE. We deliver our lumber to your nearest station free of charge. C. Hafer, Council Bluffs, Is. The Clark Drug company will serve the following drinks this week: Greenland Ice berg, 16c; American Sundae, 15c; Madja, 10c; Southern Beauty, 15o; Frosen Phosphate, 10c; Eldorado Sundae, 16c; Tropical Sundae, 16c; Happy Thought, 16c; Carmacleta. K3m, 20c Hew structure Christina Hone. Now that ths former frame buildings which encumbered the site have been re moved work on the new boys' dormitory at the Christian home is to be commenced this week. The building Is to cost $,0u0 and will form the third of the large, sub stantial and handsome brick and stone edifices erected at the Institution within the last two years or so. The contract calls for the completion of the building by April 1 of next year. The plans call for a building 115 feet long and forty-five feet deep, two stories and basement high. .It will stand north of the memorial building, fronting on Seventh street, and extending most of the distance between Avenue D and Avenue E. The first floor will be used for afflicted children of both sexes, the two sets of apartments being separated by a reception hall and ths rooms of the matron. Each of these dormitories will be. 21x40 feet. The dining room and kitchen will be on this floor, with bath rooms on both floors. The boys' quarters will be upstairs, where there will bo a large room on the front side of ths building twenty-one feet wide and 115 feet long. Back of this room will ba a gymnasium twenty feet In width and fifty six feet lo length. A pavilion at each end ef the front corners will be used as sitting rooms. Ths building, like the other two, will be of pressed brick with handsome stone trimmings. Omaha Mi Get Verdict. LOGAN. Ia., Sept. . (Special.)-At the district court yesterday the matter of Cackley brothers of Omaha against Samuel Richards was decided by the Jury bringing In a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum Of MOO. . Richards lives at Modale, but recently ran a saloon at Missouri Valley, where he became Indebted to the Cack ley a In the course of the suit Richard's Ice house at Modale waa attached and sold for lilt and applied on the plaintiffs claim. Rocker Gets Life "eateaee. SIBLEY, Is., 8ept. . A Jury In the dis trict court this morning found Charles Rocker guilty of murder In ths first degree and fixed the penalty at life Imprisonment. Rocker previously had been convicted In Lyoa county of the murder of Auguat Schroeder, whose widow be married, and was sentenced to death. The suprems court reversed the verdict on a tecnlcallty and the case was aent here on a change of venue. Olsoa Goee lato Baak. ONAWA. Ia.. Sept. . Speclal.)-Oliver U Olson, who for four years has been recorder of Monona county, yesterday ac cepted a position as aaaiatant cashier of the Sloan, Ijl. BUte bank. He will take up hla new dutlea January L when his term as recorder expires. . U -sw, f - ' - -A like You t2ilp Beer lutely no corn is required to prepare heavy or , sticky, but a pale, light, exhilarating, strengthening and wholesome beer rill do you good. Try it today. Just one trial is all we ask. You will never l second invitation. Order a case for your home today. If your dealer cannot supply you, send your order direct to us, and we will supply you promptly Krug Brewing . Company DISAGREE ON CROP FIGURES Assertion ii Had .Elevator If en Flaoe Cern Yield Toe Hieh, CHARGED WITH TRYING TO BEAR PRICES r . Fraternal Inanraace Men to Meet Tbla "Week and laearance CommlasloB Work Will Come Tp for Review. (Tom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. la.-, Sept. . (Special.) Farm Implement meh and ' farmers are charing that the Grain" Dealers' associa tion Is trying to boost the corn crop and thus run the price of orn down. Since the statement of George a! Wells, secretary of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association. In which he made the estimate of 881 ,000,000, an increase of 36,000,000 bushels over last year, farm Implement agents here have asserted that the actual conditions will not warrant any such prediction. A number of them say that In the southern part of the state especially the corn Is dry and firing, that lri Clarke and Lee counties especially there has been scarcity of rain. Two traveling men for the International Harvester company said today that In the southern part of the state the corn crop will not be up to that of last year. On the other hand in the northern part of the state they are asserting that the rains have been abundant, but have kept the corn green, and In that section torn 'In many places muf have nearly ' the whole of October free from froBt before It Is safe. M. P. Sproul, general agent here for the Inter national, said today,' however, that Wells' estimate was not extravagant, but was about the right figure according to the re ports he has received from ' all sections of the state. There is thus disagreement between Implement men themselves. Fraternal Men !ext Week. Th Iowa fraternal insurance 'men will be In session the coming week In this city and It Is expected that something ofv con siderable interest will develope because of the suspected intention of the Insurance commission to recommend higher rates for the f internal lnaurance companies. Fra ternal Insurance men believe that the meet ing will result In the appointment of a leg islative commission to watch legislation at the next session of the general assembly. At that time there la sure to be Intro duced a number of measores vitally affect ing the fraternala. This question of leg islation Is to be the overshadowing question at the coming session of the fraternal In surance companies. Una Solved Tramp Question. Dandelion digging as a solution of the tramp problem in summer 'Is the remedy thst will be presented st the meeting of the League of Iowa Municipalities by Mayor O. L. Ingledue of Marshalltown. The con vention of the league will be held lri this city ths comlns; week, September IX, IX and 14. The solution to the problem was given a severe test I'urlng the past several months In Marshalltown by Mayor Ingledue with the result that trampa ahuu Marshalltown. Easly last aprlng several were captured and were set to work digging dandelions along the streets in the residence section and In the public parka. Ths word was quickly carried to all the tramp fraternity. Mayor Ingledue will discuss exhaustively the tramp question In a paper. Aside from this question and that of the Galveston plan of city government the most Important questions to corns before the lesgue are that of street lighting, to be presented by Mayor J. C. Williams of Oskaloosa, and garbage disposal, to be presented by Dr. N. W. Gets, secretary of the Iowa Asso ciation of Health Officers, and Dr. I A. Thomas, the secretary-elect of the State Board of Health. liar wear for Jasper. There Is some evidence that a harmony program will be started for Jasper county. If none can be started republicans of both factions believe the county will unques tionably go democratic In Wapello county the county ticket was not nominated at Uie time of the split when the suts dele palatableness in If, as you should be, We urge you to try one and the beer that likes you. will find it different from Beer brewed, especially for American is the embodiment of purity Bohemia and from malt made from the best barley in the used in it. The rice is imported from India and more it. The water is from our wonderful artesian spring sparkling of Nature s products. Beer is made right, from the right ingredients and is of absolute purity. It is fully aged in the most perfect manner known to the art of brewing. is why jft&&& Beer is the beer you like and why it likes you. gates were selected. As a result an op portunity for reuniting the factions pre sented Itself ' and the chairmen of the rival factious united In selecting a date and place and temporary chairman for the convention to name county candidates. In Jasper the county ticket was nominated when the state delegates were selected, and as a result there are two county tickets In the field. Both have asked the county auditor to give them place on the ticket and both have filed their list of nominees ss the regular republican ticket, In spite of the discouraging situation It Is learned that leaders of both factions have been at republican headquarters In this city en deavoring to fix up a solution and the probability Is strong that one of the fac tions will withdraw Its list of nominees. Ex-Attorney General Hopefal. Ex-Attorney General Baker of Center vllle, who was In this city yesterday snd today, declares that the signs of a repub lican victory, so far as his county Is con cerned, are growing brighter every day. General Baker Is. a resident of Center vllle, in Appanoose county, and has been Intimately associated in many ways with Clauds R. Porter, the democratic nominee for governor. He said today: "I know of five prominent republicans In Appa noose county who, when Porter was nom inated, were going to vote . for him and were red hot for him. Toda. every one of them Is getting ready to go out and work enthusiastically for the whole repub lican ticket. There are many other like them In our section of the state." General Baker Is a republican and his statement was made to ex-Congressman Walt ''But ler, who Is In charge of the democratic headquarters here, following a claim by Mr. Butler that he was every day receiv ing many letter from republlcana saying they would vote for Porter and Dennlson. Neero Shoots Marshal. HOPKINS VI LLB, Ky.p Sept. t.-John Dickinson, town marshal of Trenton, was shot and fatally wounded last night by Godfrey Ray, colored, whom be attempted to arrest for wife besting. Ray escaped after bloodhounds had followed his trail alx miles. Hundreds of srmed men are seeking him and if he Is captured lynching is bellsvsd to be certain. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Moaday aad Taeaday aad Cooler la Weatera Part of Nebraaka. WASHINGTON, Sept. . Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday and Tuesday, cooler In west portion. For Illinois Fair Monday; Tuesday local showers, light to fresh south winds. For Missouri Fair Monday and Tuesday; cooler Tuesday In northwest portion. For Iowa Fair Monday; Tuesday show ers and cooler. Fur Colorado and Wyoming Shower and cooler Monday; Tuesday fair. For North and South Dakota Scattered showers and cooler Monday; Tuesday fair. I.ooml Reeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Sept. 8. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation comparea witn the corresponding day of the luat three years: 1W. 1306. 104. 1J0J. Maximum temperature... Hi 72 88 60 Minimum temperature.... 72 60 (1 63 Mean temperature M K 74 til llecdpilatkin T .00 .00 .43 Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal at Omaha alnce March 1 ai:d comparison with ths last two years: Normal' temperature tig Excess for the day 17 Total excess since March 1, 1906 60 Normal precipitation 10 Inch urnoit-nc y fur the day 10 Inch Precipitation alnce March 1 18 SO Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.88 lnchea Deficiency for cor. period. 14... 7.11 inches Deficiency for cor. period. 19t4... I. U Inches Reports from Btalloas at T P. M. Station and Stats Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. 7 p. ni. Temp. fall. Cheyenne, part cloudy 71 82 .06 Chicago, clear SO M .00 DHvenport, clear 84 (2 .00 Denver, part cloudy 76 H6 .Oil lUvre, clear; 66 72 .; Helena, cloudy ( 04 .01 Huron, clear 88 H .(0 Kansas City, clear 86 04 oi North Platte, clear 84 96 .01 Omaha, clear 89 M T St. Iula, clear , 84 84 . 00 St. Paul, clear , VI .. 90 .00 gait Lake City, clear 84 86 .00 Valentine, clear SO 86 .00 T maicates trsce or precipitation. L. A WELSH, Local Forecast tr. The BEER you If you really care for. purity, wholesomeness and what you eat and drink, you are at all particular about bottle of JrJf.ty Beer other beers because it is tastes. brewed from the best hops grown in Omaha, Nebraska DIRECTORS TO PUT UP CASH Will Require Three Million Dollan to ' Beorcaniie Trait Company. RECEIVER EARLE WORKING OUT PLANS Statement lasaed hr Rev. Dr. Roberts Shavers Loss of Presbyterian to Be Greater Thaa at First Sapposed. TJUTT inp-T.rTTTA Sent. 9. All of the director of the wfecked Real Estate Trust company have agreed to Receiver Earle's plan for reorganising the company. Today Mr. Earle received a telegram from Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell, the only member of the board of directors who is away from the city, agreeing to the proposition that the directors contribute the amount deemed necessary by the receiver. Mr. Mitchell ex presses his willingness to bear his portion of the burden. The other directors had previously assented to the plan. Receiver Earle spenf today at nis nome In Bryn Mawr working on the details of his proposition, which he hopes to be able to present to the ' directors tomorrow, tit also expects to call a general meeting of stockholder and depositors In order thor oughly to acquaint them with his purpose. The loan made to Segal by President Hip pie aggregates more than $6,000,000 and bis SCHOOLS AND BROWtlELL HALL, OMAHA meatlo Science. German and French. Acad Certificate in college preparatory course so ot.v. T -i.,.ni.w x;.Vra.k,. l-lvrlrv Certificate In college preparatory course ad NeorssK. i;nivsrsiiy Instructors college graduates or large tea upon as essential to character building. naraoier ouiiaing. v with nrofeasional dl sports. Students mothered sympathetically needs of young womanhood. Resident Btu OELLEVUE COLLEGE COLXJXi -Classical, sclsuliou. philoso phical course. - ACADEMY An accredited High School Prepares for ' Bellevue or any other out lege or university- NORMAL, SCHOOL Elementary and ad vanced courses. Certificates granted. CONSERVATORY Theory of muslo, pi ano, voice, violin, elocution and art. CONNECTIONS with Omaha; Eleotrt line and Burlington Railway. Fall semester opens September 18. Address Presldsnt Wadsworth. Bellevaa Neb. A Good Girl Mifentvorth for general housework ..wants a place , ; 1 1 Bha Will com . . 11 V 1 1 to yoir hems f '! - 'II' II It yon will let . ijs if -., I I ' II her know you V ' 1 1 " 11 patting yJf ' l ' . hlp-wnted, . Tfi ' 7 Uid la Tb Bm. ' ' ''U V ' , y . Like such things, the beer you an American world. Abso than a year is the purest and securities are believed to worth about $2,000,000. Consequently the directors wtll subscribe something more than 13,000,000. A statement Issued tonight by Rev. Dr. Roberts, stated clerk of -the- general as sembly of the Presbyterian- church, an nounces that In addition to the $30,000 of the trust funds of the trustee of the .church which were lost In the collapse,' deposits, amounting to about $130,000 are also Irs' volved. These deposits were the-current fund of the -Board of Ministerial Relief, the trustees ef the Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work, the trustee of the general assembly, th stated tslerlt' of the general assembly and the Worrten' Foreign Missionary society. ' . LOOKING INTO STANDARD .OIL Goverameat Examines Teattmeay Seeared by Attorney Oeaeral f Mlaaoart. ' ' JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Sept. . Charles Connor, special agent of the Department of Justice at Washington, who has been. her for the past ten days examining th evi dence obtained by Attorney General Had ley In his proceedings against the Standard Oil company, left last night for St. Paul, where he will submit a report on the result of his Investigations to F. B. Kellogg, spe cial counsel for ' the government In ths Standard Oil Investigation. The presumption here Is that .proceedings will be Instituted at St. Paul against th Standard Oil company, t . COLLEGES. A' Horn School for Girl. Academlo and College. Pre paratory Courses. Exceptional advantaxes in Music. Art. Do- emlo courae gives gooa renerai ooucaiion. nun w var, .Tyf'":i. of Wisconsin and University of Chicago mlt to Vasear, weiiesiey. mi. ttoiroas. ui w ikuiihu uu m, w , rTS cnin sapenenes. inurouimrii iiibiu areim w ,.. .,a. rector. Tennla, hockey and othev field by experienced women who appreciate th dents arrive 8e i9.1f Address; MISS MACK Alu. Prtnolpai. MILITARY i GrtOEMY JaAatoa, aCo. Oldest and Largest Military School In the Middle West. Class 'A' bp recent rating of War Dept. stead for catalogue. YOUR BOY'S FUTURE landi Ursslr ss the tralslag a ol IS mm si u as M. Newkm hi h ltr tminlas tor U ert sowlMlltiaa et awa aoo4 taa a tk. K.3ARMKK MlLITAMk ACAD KM Y. DmUpnaat et BiU4 aaa alf-neualnt aa laltlatlT at Its aulaua askit acr. Couplet toll praparatsry aaaaal traia las atilltarr uetica. luiraoUaa aa StaOsilae taoraush. tkeufh aot shot. Atktotka, par alt la 4 awallrat Baalim ry odlllaas. Vflu toe Cala is ua a. Kaaraar MllllUrf Aoatamr. Hearsay, Mas, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Oae Dollar a Year. .