Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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. I
. 4nimal Tield and Track Oooteiti of Amer
icas UdIou at TraTtra Ial and.
Crack Haw Ta,rk Teaai rlalshes First,
with, Seora of Slatr-Taree
Olrnapla Ataletee Aan(
NEW YORK, Sept. I. The senior track
and Raid championships of the amateur
athletic union of the United States were
decided today on the Travers Island
.ground of the New'Tork Athletic club.
Contrary to expectations no new records
were established and none was even
quailed. The point trophy was won by
the Irish-American athletlo club of this
city, with tl points, the New Tork Ath
letic club bln second with 18. The
representatives- of the ' Chicago Athletic
association ware next with II points.
Archie Hahn of the Milwaukee Athletic
association, who won the 100 yard dash
at Athens last May, failed to qualify in
the short sprint and finished last in the
final of the 120 yard run.
Nigel Barker, the Australian, who de
feated Arthur Duffy in the Antipodes.
wm beaten In his trial for the 120 jar;!
The Ave mile run proved disappointing.
George V. Bonlmg of the local Irish club
started out to brat E. C. Carter's record
of 11:23 1-5. He did well for two miles,'
but' then lost one of his shoes after he
had secured a big lead on William Nel
son of England, who ran unattached.
Bonhag ran another' ' mile' before he
topped to put on his shoe and this delay
lost him the race. Summaries:
88 yards run: Won by Melvln W. Shep-
Sard," Irish American A. C, New York;
oseph Bromllow, Jr., Irish-American A. C,
second; P. P. Philgrlm. New York A. C,
third. Time: 1:66.
yards dash, tinal heatr Won by C. J.
Selth, New York A. C; H. U Young. Irish
American A. C, New York, second; Uw
son Robertson, Irish-American A. C, third.
Tims: 0:10H-
One mile run: Won by F. A. Rojers,
New York A. C; Harvey Conn, Irish
American A. C. second; O. Hasklns, New
York A. C, third. Time: i:ZL.
440 yards run: Won by Frank L. Waller,
Milwaukee A. C; James E. Teevan, Irish
American A. C, second; J. A. Colllton,
Irish-American A. C, third. Time: 0:6Vi
Throwing ltf-pound hammer: Won by
John J. Flanagan, Irish-American A. C;
166 feet, H Inches; S. P. Olllles, New York
A r - , ice ew. lnfVia- VI J
Sheridan, Irish-American A. C, third, 151
tmrA S Innhea.
Pole vault: Won by Leroy Samse Chi
cago A. A., U feet, Inches; H. U Moore,
New York A. C., second. 11 fet, Inches;
A. C. Gilbert. Multnomah A. C, Portland.
Ore., third, 11 feet. Samee and Moore de
cided the tie with the bar at 11 feet, &
Inches. .
Five-mile run: Won by William Nelson,
Kngland, unattached; Oeorge Bonhag,
Irish-American A. C, second; W. G. Frank,
Irish-American A. C, third. Time;
U :22H- '
Running high Jump: Won by J. W. Pat
terson. cWaarn A. A.. S feet. 11 Inches:
H. -A. Gldney, Maiden, Mass., second. S
feet, UH Inches (after a tie for second
A-i. . ir ' .! ir. u a fi
place;; rwuen ivniiin-ii, .
IhliM K feet. IrtU Inrh
Putting lft-pound shot: Won by Wesley
W. Coe. Unlveralty of Michigan, 48 feet.
14 Inchea; Dennis Horgan, New York A.
C, second, 46 feet, 6Vi Inches; U E. Fene
bach. New York A. C, third, 43 feet,
110-yard hurdle: Won by W. M. Arm
strong, New York A. C: John J. Eller, Jr.,
. jah-Amertcan A. C, second; E. Loving
ton, New York A. C, third. Time: 0:18.
220-yard run: Won by R. L. Young,
Irlsh-Amerioan A. C; Lawson Robertson,
Irish-American A, C, second; L. B. Stev
ens. New York A. C, third; Archie Hahn,
Milwaukee A. C, third. Time: 0:22H-
Discus throw! Won by M. J. Sheridan,
Irish-American A. C, 129 feet, 10 Inches;
M. F. Horr, Irish-American A. C. second,
111 feet; John J. J. Flanagan, Irish-American
A. C third, 114 feet, 1H Inches. .
230-yard hurdle: Won by Harry L.. Hill
man, New York A. C; Joseph Malcomsori,
Chicago A. A., second; John J. Eller. r..
jrlsn-Amencan A. c, tnira. Time: vz
Running broad Jump
Won by Myar
Prtnsteln. Irish-American A. C, 12 feet.
4H Inches; J. T. Mahoney. New York A. C.,
second, 21 feet, 4H Inches; T. F. Cronan.
Shawmut A. C, Boston, third, & feet. 1
Throwing M-pound welarht: Won bv John
J. Flanagan, Irish-American A. C, S5 feet
7 Inches; M. J. Sheridan, Irish-American
A. C second, S2 feet. 1V4 Inches; M. F.
Horr, Irish-American A. C.. third, SI feet.
Point scores: Irleh-Amerlcan A. C, 84;
New York A. C, 38; Chicago A. A., 13;
University of Michigan. 6; Milwaukee A.
C, 6; England. S; Multnomah A. C, 2;
Maiden, Mass., 8; Bhawmut A. C, 1.
Bedonln Wins the Century Stakes at
gheepsaead Bay.
NEW YORK. Sept. . Bedouin, at to S
won the 116,000 Century stakes, one mile
and a half, at Sheepshead Bay today, de
feating the favorite, Fine Cloth, with the
Picket third. The field of four waa. per
haps, the poorest that haa ever battled for
thla rich stake of which such horses ss
Sysonby, Stalwart and Waterboy were
among previous winners. The Picket, Be
douin and Fine Cloth were all heavily
played with the latter favorite at 17 to 10.
The start waa good and Fne Cloth took the
lead by two lengths. Bedouin aecond and
the Picket third. Thla order remained In
the run down the back stretch. At the far
turn Hllderbrand sent Bedouin up to the
leader and In the stretch Bedouin gradually
cauaht Fine Cloth and In a drive won by
half a length.
Demund easily won the $S.nno Flathush
stakes at seven furlongs. In this race
the futurity winner. Electioneer, Fountain
blue, one of the best 2-year-olds of the year
and a number of other good ones started,
but st no time did they Uneaten the
winner. Fountalnblue was made a hot
favorite, white I to 2 was laid against Elec
tioneer, the other prlcea ranslng from H
to 60 to 1.- Demund broke In front end
soon he had a lead at two lenaiha. which
he Increased to four at the finish. Foun
talnblue showed some speed, hut stopped
uddenlv and finished sway back.
John M. P .-the Imported English Jumper,
won the JHoio Great Autumn steenlechsse
over the full course of ?Vi miles. He
carried 16S pounds and made a new record
for the distance In the previous
record being h. In 1A04. John M. P.
made all the pace, winning by one and a
ha'f lengths.
Elliott In the first rsce waa played for a
good thins-, and hy his vletorv the rln lost
about KO.OOn. He opened at 10 to I and waa
pounded to 10 to t at the cloee. summri:
First race, five and a half furlonc-s:
Elliott won, Tr.ev're Off second, Eldorado
t'-.'.-d. Time: 1:07.
Second rare, the Great Autumn ste'
chsse. about two and a half miles: John
M. P. -on. Agent second, Alfar third.
T'e; S:06.
.JChlrd rsoe. the fstbuh stakes, seven ftir
n: Demund won "'lot aecond, pinna
.'Ken. third. Time: l:IH.
v Fourth race, the centurv staves mile
id a half: Rfdoutn won Fine finth ec
. Cas-The Picket thl'd Time: t-MV
FLQh rsce. six furlong"- Vterrrs
!( 46' tDe"chlnnd second. Sllckaway third.
U 70a I 1:134-
A2.M h race, five and a half furlong:
' aio':
I 4hi.fS
BAK. 1
lie. J
Iri The real cause for Eczema is tha
8 fl blood These impurities get into the circulation because of imperfect
Jbton of those members of the system whose duty it is to collect and carry
ti the refuse and waste of . the body. As this effete matter lies ia the
ftcm it ferments and generates acrid humors which are absorbed into the
' Wh'od, overcharging this vital fluid with acid. In its effort to keep the system
filthy the blood throws off the humors through the pores and glands
r the skin, causinj this-tormenting skin disease. The escape of acids and
Rumors through the pores and glands irritates and burns the skin, producing
. -.stules ft Ilea with a clear, sticky fluid, which dries in crusts and patches
. itising the most intense itching, and often pain. The trouble is in the blood,
' nad S. S. S is the remedy for Kczeraa. because it is a real blood purifier. It
goes down into the circulation, removes
blood rich, pure and healthy. When
pass away, the blood is cooled and the
acts so promptly or pleasantly in all
the Eame time a fine tonic to the entire
I medical advice free,
Wary jr. won, John l.yle second. Leonard
J... Mlrman 1hlr1 Time 1-4714
1A l' 13VILLE. Sont. S.-Kesults St uoug-
las park:
Firm race, six furlongs: niara siamum
won, J. W. O'Neill second, Haughty third.
nr-.e: i:nj
a.-nnH ro, Are and s half furlongs:
Lens won. Ralnrln second, Timothy Wen
thl'd. Time: 1:07. ...
Third race, mile and a hair: Mimif
gol won, Whippoorwill second, taanier
third. Time: .
Fourth race, mile and a furlong: Corus
cate won. oidstone Second, Harmakls third.
Time: 1:64.
Fifth race, six furlongs: marina uornimi
won, Funlculnlre second, Don Domo third.
T!:i.a: 1:14. ,
PlTth race, six furlongs: Kl Ot pros won.
Western second. Nun s Veiling third. Time:
1 WINDSOR, Ont., Sent. -Results:
First race, six and a half furlong: Gar
rett Wilson won. Bryan second, Joe Coyne
tlilrd. Time: 1 :?. ,
Second race, Ave furlongs: Ftooln won,
Crip second. Grachus third. Time: lrH.
Thl'd race, steeplechase, short course.
Sam Parmer won. Sirtor Reastiis second.
Trent the Mre third. Time: I SI.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Gold
Mate won. Solos Shingle second. Alma
iMifoiir third. Time: 1:4H.
Fifth race, five furlongs: Julia "
herger won, Hasel Patch second. Blcamous
bird. Time: lK.i. ,
Sixth race, six furlongs: rosing won.
Rublayat second. Don't You Dare third.
Seventh race, mile: Conde won, Monte
second. , Zellnda third. Time: 1:41.
Menteaaat Parker Holds High Record
for. Pistol Praettre.
ati-A niTJT N. J.. Sent. t.-The priis win.
' . . . - t,A ahnotlnST
ners in tne pistoi mmcn i
tournament today were as follows:
First, Lieutenant Samuel M ""'J:
Twenty-ninth United States Inf antry. V.
second. Captain Smith, squadron A, New
York, 238; third, Sergeant Clarenc t Or',
OhloT 235; fourth. Captain McNabb. I nl ed
States Infantry, 234; fifth, Sergea nt Put
nam, squadron A. New York a; Slxrh.
Sergeant Hamilton. Vnlted States caValry.
282; seventh. Captain Oraham United
States Infantry, 232; eighth. Private Olaen.
Minnesota. 2S1; ninth. 5freant lS-n.
United States cavalry. 230: tenth. Mjlof
IsbelV Connecticut. 230: eleventh, lieuten
ant Foeeter. United States cavalry fcO;
twelfth. Private Hlldeman. lova,
The repld-nre prise was won by IJ eu
nant F. H. Heldenrelch of the District or
Columbia, the slow-fire Prise was DJJ
Sergeant C. E. Orr of Ohio and the timed
nre prise was won by Lieutenant Parker,
winner of the match.
In hopes of capturing some or the big
money prltes in the national Individual
match ITO riflemen shot In the skirmlsn
run today. The first prise Is " hne
second and third prises are $400 and
The standing of ths nine .highest om
petltors at the end of the skirmish firing
First, IJeutenant Dillon, Engineer corps,
ISO; second, private DeLoach, United States
Marine corns. 229; third. Captain LTmn,
United States Marine corps. 28; fourth.
-.. in r.,n.iii)i fnited States cavalry.
222- fifth. Sergeant Scott, United States
Marine corps. 221 i sixth. Sergeant Jack
son, Oregon. Zl; seventn, i-nvaie mm,
v 1. ia. .itfhth TjAiitenant Mumma,
United States 'cavalry, 217; ninth, Corporal
Prlv'ata DeLoach of the United States
Marine corps. In the skirmish this after
... . A - r.hnnmenal score, nlnety-nve
mini'i whleh has been nrotested. As a
result he will make another skirmish run
man'fA rieTuirh on the run was
Sergeant Hart of the Marine oorpa. The
allegation was made that Hart had shot
on i"" ""f" "
, n wr.. r w 1 wimrn 1 1 ll u 11, 1 1
jjg total larger.
gportlaar FrTltls.
But Omaha only made half as many er
rors aa the day oeiore. -D,..u.
( iininr 11m dutv In keeDlnsT Lin
coin bck In the hole so ths place cannot
be st Ten from Omaha
Philadelphia used thirteen players and
lost to Griffith; That made the fourteenth
straight for New York and Waddell waa
In the box.
Commie Is working toward home while
y v. VrtrV.n will soon be away from
home and then the rooters for both Chi
cago teams will nope lor Dener iuiu.
Many of the big league teams are now
trying out some of their new material.
tk.i ! nm nt the tail-enders. but ths
boys who are battling at the top axe tak
ing no cnauces.
u, .1, h trot four hits at Denver Friday,
the team got thirteen and yet lost ths
same. Explain, somebody, why it Is Omaha
T. . iu the oarth with Denver In Omaha
' ani then makes such a mesa of It in
1 lenver.
rOT.h. 1. iiotna- hetter and better each
year In the golf tournamenta away from
home. Sprague Abbott reached the semi
finals this year and next year some of the
cracks may be able to go all the way
Rumor has It that Bobby Caruthers, while
umpiring a game In the Three-I league,
was struck on the bead with a ball and
... hu.n HjMn ainne. It waa feared
his mind become deranged and he wandered
off. A Des Moines paper chronicling the
event distinguishes Caruthers one of the
moat famous men In base ball as the best
known umpire in the west.
The Indians with their funny antics will
amuse the base ball fans at Diets park
Sunday evening. In the afternoon a real
game will be piayed. It la said to be worth
the price to see the Indian wind up for de
livery in the burlesque game. McNeeley
.nim tn start a came at Vinton Street
park with one of thoae wind-ups, but Slats
uavia iooajiu mi - - - --
trv. t
. . Lit laiaraaok.
For 9 cents you can now insure your.
self and family against any bad results
from an attsck of colic nr aiarrnoea aur
Ing the summer months. That la the price
of a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that
has never been known to fall. Buy It new.
it may mvv
Fair Today and Toaaorrww la Ht-
' braskav Cooler la West and North
Portions Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Sept. . Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday
- For Nebraska Fair Sunday and Monday
cooler In weat and north portiona Monday
For South Dakota Fair Sunday and Mon
day; cooler Monday
For Kansas, Missouri and Iowa Fair
Sunday and Monday. .
Loral Record
OMAHA. Sept. 8. Official record of tern
peraluie and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day. of the last three
years: ivu
Maximum temperature 78 68
Minimum tmieriure ... u ih
Mean temperature
tu w IV
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 87
Excess for the dy 16
Total detlelency since March 1. 1906 78
Normal precipitation .10 Inch
i i. ii. n m y for the day 10 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 18. 80 Inches
DenV.eni'y since March 1 4.78 Inches
Detlelency for cor. -period, 11... 7 2-Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904... 3.46 Inches
presence of humors and sour acids in
all acids and humors and makes the
S. S. S. has done this the symptoms
disease cured permanently. Nothing
skin diseases as S. S. S., and it is at
system. Book on Skin Diseases and
Two Boc.ui Hotel for Lirae Amounts
Found Amonr Pank'i Papers.
Collateral Denoslted for Secnrlty
la Worthless OflJclaU gay
nipnle Always Paid the
PHILADELPHIA, ept. 1 Additional
evidence aa to the methods employed by
Frank K. Hippie, the suicide president of
the wrecked Real Estate Trust company,
were revealed today by the state and
county Investigators. Ths district attorney
found two nrnes, one for (66.0UO and the
. 77 . . ,l 7i V,-i
to "J. W. Schwarts." and the collateral'
named waa 40,000 shares of International
Match company and 4k,U shares of ths
Washington, Alexandria A Mount Vernon
Electric Railway company. The ether note
bore the name of J. Wabsad" and the
collateral entered against It was 160,000
shares of the new Alexandria Land and
River Improvement company..
- Makers Are Mythleal ' Persons.
"It is my opinion there are no such per
sons as J. W. Schwarts' and 'J. Wabeel "
said Mr. Bell. "At least I have been un
able to discover their addresses or any evi
dence that they exist. The collateral which
they are purported to have furnished Is
I believe that Hippie took the money
for his own use and entered the bogus
collateral with the mythical names to de
ceive the trust cotnpany oftlcials. This
theory Is supported by the fact, which I
learned today, that Hippie always paid ths
interest on these loans himself. There la
no record of any Interest having been re
ceived from Schwarta or Wabeel."
Particular attention la now being paid
to the possible liability, criminal and civil,
of the directors of the Institution. Re
garding this Mr. Bell said: "Up to to
night I have found no absolute evidence of
criminality so far as the directors' are
concerned. This does not mean, however,
that such evidence Is not In existence.
But one thing Is certain; If we find such
evidence you may rest assured that prose
cutions will follow."
Preparing to Reepen.
While the Mats bank examiners are going
through the books and papers of the
wrecked Real Estate Trust company look
ing for further evidence of criminality, Re
ceiver Earla- is perfecting bis plan to re
organise the company.
The directors said today they fully ex
pect .the Institution to resume business
within two weeka.
The deeper the Inspectors go Into the
affairs of the ruined company the more
amaxed they become at the boldness of Its
late president. Simultaneous with the
looting of the bank, and when it waa ap
parently on the verge of collapsing, Hippie
would do something to boost the credit
of the company and hoodwink the director
It was disclosed today that b recom
mended to the directors that They pay an
extra dividend of 1 per cent on the stock
of the trust company because of the great
prosperity of the Institution.
Adotph Segal, who succeeded In borrow
Ing (5,300,000, from the Institution through
Hippie, Is 111 in his magnificent apartments'
at the Hotel Majestic, which ha owns. -His
condition la not serious.
Exhibits oC Mining, Frnlts and Grata
May Prove a garprtso to Some.
DOUGLAS. Wyo., Sept. 8. (Special.)
Work la being pushed in preparation for
the big crowds which will visit this city
during state fair week, September 26, to
28. Low rates have been granted from all
Wyoming and Colorado points, and the city
expects to entertain the largest number
of visitors In Its history.
A specialty will be made thla year of
the mineral exhibits and men are now
gathering ores and minerals In nearly
every county of the atate. It la expected
In thla manner to Interest many mining
men In Wyoming's mineral resources which
are aa yet but little developed.
The agricultural exhibit will be one of
the finest ever displayed In ths state', or
In any western atate. Wyoming baa much
to show In fruits and grains of all kinds.
the best evidence of Its lead In thla re
spect being the number of first prises which
it captured In ths recent world's fair at
St. Louis and also at the Portland expo
sition. Exhibits from- the Douglas, Salt
Creek and Lander oil fields will also be a
feature of ths exhibition.
Douglas cltlxens are beginning to (eel a
pride In the succoess of this annual expo
sition of the state's resources, and are
bending every energy to maks each fair
more successful than the preceding. The
permanent buildings have been cleaned up
and many improvements made, the race
track Is being put In the best condition and
there la little doubt but that the 1808 pro
duction will be tha best yet seen In the
Nino Marriages and No Divorces.
HURON, 8. D., Sept. 8. (Speclal.)-Rec
ords at ths office of the clerk of courts
show that during the month of August
there were seventeen births In Beadle
county, of which nine were males and
sight females. Four deaths occurred dur
ing the same period, two being males and
two females. Two deaths were accidental
one was from cancer and' one from dysen
tery. Of marriages there were nine, ths
youngest bride being 17 and the oldest 2S
tha oldest bridegroom was 32 and ths
youngest 20. Only one person was natural
Ised and no divorces were granted.
atate Caneaaea This Week. '
SIOUX FALLS. B. D.. Bent. S.-rSneclnl
0 General Interest Is being taken through
out the state tn the caucuses which will
be held la every, voting precinct In South
Dakota on Tuesday of the coming week
Under the provisions of the state caucus
law, which waa enacted by the last legls
lature as a substitute for a primary elec
tlon law, tha caucuses will be held on Tues
day, while all tha counties of tha state will
hold their nominating conventions on week
latere or on September 18. At the caucuses
delegates will be elected to the county
con t out iotiS.
Wyoming Hews Notes.
DOUGLAS The September term of the
district court closed here last week, all
the criminal cases going over to the De
cember term. Judge Mat eon has gone to
Casper, where he will sit In two caves In
which Judge Carpenter of tbe Second dis
trict lias been sworn off the bench.
RAWLINS A grading camp has been es
tablished by the I'nion Pacltlo in the west
end yards here cad about HO men are at
work on a change In the grade. Already
they ar beginning to make trouble for
the town authorities. Three were lodged in
Jail Friday nlsiit by the rlty marshal.
KAWLINS Field peas bid fair In time
to become the forage plant of Wyoming
fur the feeding of Us sheep. Fred Kllndt
and several other ranchmen of this pUtce
have planted peaa this year, and nave
beeu successful in raising them. They are
proving very fattening, and there is Utile
doubt but that aa the sheep range disap
pears. It will be succeeded by a larger
acreage of peaa
CHKTENNtt During the next year a
sheep feeding station will be established
st this point. If the plans of a well known
sheep and business man of this city carry.
For the last tao years this man baa been
watching the experiments at the govern,
ment dry farm lust east of town, espe
cially til tbe cultivation, of field peaa. He
ia now negotiating for the pure has of a
considerable tract near the city and Will
next year devote this lsnd to the estab
lishment of a feeding station. '
Clearlag He Ranks Have Leas
Money Than Any Time
Sine 1 "SKE
NE W TORK, Sept. . The statement of
the clearing house banks today shows a
deficit In the legal reserve required of
W.t77.20. This Is said to be the largest
deficit In the legal reserve requirement
since 18KI, when It was necessary to Issue
bank certificates.
The stock market today practically
Ignored the showing of a deficit of 16.677,831
by the banks below the legal reserve re
quirements. Prices drooped momentarily
when the statement first appeared and then
rose vigorously on powerful support to a
strong closing. Speculative confidence was
professed that the heavy engagements of
old tor Import which will become avail
,. ...Ij . . .
able on Monday through the operation of
the order of tbe secretary of the treasury
to facilitate the Import movement will be
aufflclent to replenlxh the deficit In New
York and supply means for easing the
money market. Estimates of the amount of
gold already secured for this purpose vary
from 10,0i)0,000 to over llB.OM.tiOO. stocks
were comparatively dull and moved In a
hesitating way until the final burst of
strength which followed the publication
of the bank statement
Conentenated Order Ready for Bnal-
nesa and Many Towns Want
( Next Meeting;.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Sept. S.-TI19
Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo met here
today In annual convention and Will re
main In session until next Wednesday
night. Over 2.000 members are expected be
fore the convention gets down to actual
business. Special trains have brought great
numbers of members and other visitors to
the city and others are arriving hourly.
One tralnload brought a big crowd from
Baltimore prepared to put up a strong fight
for next year's gathering. Niagara Falls.
Cleveland and Denver also are candidates
and each city baa an enthusiastic delega
tion here. Large delegations .from Louis
iana, Arkansas and other southern lumber
regions are here and others are on the way.
Grand Priest W. M. Stephenson of St.
Paul and National Scrlvenotor James H.
Balrd arrived yesterday.
A short business session was held today
with Supreme Snark R. D. Inman of Port
land, Ore., presiding. No contests for the
different offices have developed so far.
Ths Oslrian cloister, with W. M. Stephens
as chief priest, held a brief meeting later
tn the day.
Saata Clara and Havaaa Rebels
Would Stop If New Electloaa
Are Ordered.
HAVANA, Bept. 8. General Menocal said
today that the leaders of tha rebellion In
tha province of Santa Clara had Intimated
that they would negotiate for peace on the
basis of new municipal elections, a new
general election, amnesty for all Insurgents
and tha appointment of a special commis
sion to Investigate the death of Congress
man Vllleundaa, the national liberal can
didate for president, who waa shot and
killed in a fight with police at Clenfuegos
July 22, 1906, and who is aald to have been
deliberately murdered.
When questioned regarding the rebels
In Havana prvlncs. General Menocal said
they also had intimated that they would
agree to practically the same terms, leav
ing the force commanded by Pino Ouerra
the only one In ths field. Menocal posi
tively deolared that If Ouerra did not agree
to accept reasonable peace terms all the
rest of ths country would be against him.
Meanwhile Ouerra'a attitude Is increas
ingly warlike.
Amerloaa Prelate Hepea to Bee Day
Wki Ireland Has Independ
ent Government.
DUBLIN. Sept. l.-(Speclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) Dr. Parley, Roman Catholic
archbishop of New Tork, who la now In
Ireland, In reply to an address of welcome
at Monaghan, said that Norway, which la
had visited recently, had Just been emanci
pated from a government which bad stolen
tha Norwegian government, as the English
government had stolen the Irish govern
Ha hoped to sea -the day when they would
have their own Parliament In College
Green, pb Norway had Just secured Its
own government and Its own Parliament,
by ths same peaceful agitation which they
In Ireland had been pursuing very suc
cessfully during tha last few years.
Chamber of Commerce Takes Steps to
Set Aside Effect of German
ANTWERP, Bept. I. (Special Cablegram
to Ths Bee.) Violent attacks of a libelous
nature agalrst the port of Antwerp by
certain commercial rivals in Germany have
aroused an energetic protest from the Ant
werp Chamber of Commerce, which haa
Induced ths German committee for the
development -of economical relations be
tween the German hinterland and Antwerp
to InteVfere and submit a caae to the
German government.
She Hears Conrt-Marllal's
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. S. The court
martial which tried Zenlad Konopllanlkovo.
the girl member of the "flying group" of
the terrorists of Penia province, who as
sassinated General Mln August 2C. today
sentenced her to be hanged. She smiled on
hearing the sentence. 1 .
Csllter Nero Damaged.
WASHINGTON. Bept. i.-The collier
Nero, which was so badly damaged on
Block Island soma time ago, la being ex
amined at the navy yard at New York to
ascertain If its Injuries are such as ran be
repaired. Tha whole bottom of ths ship Is
In very bad shape, aa with 4.000 tons of coal
aboard It pounded on the bottom for sev
eral days.
. I'roaram af Fleet.
WASHINGTON, Sept. (.-When the North
Atlantic fleet completes Its target practice
and maneuvers it will be sent south for a
winter cruise, prior to which, however, the
ships will rendezvous at Hampton Roads
for repairs.
Shaw Starts far Soalaera Trl.
WASHINGTON, Sept. . T. Secretary Shaw
left tonight for a campaign tour of Vir
ginia. North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri
and other states. He probably will not re
turn o Washington before election.
If you have anything te trad advertise
It In tbe For Exchange column of The
bee Want Ad page.
. Established for the purpoae of saving young men, middle aged and old mon from the evil results of their own
follies, or misfortunes, and to save tbem the disappointment of failure, loss of time and money often spent IA experi
menting with Incompetent unscrupulous specialists, new methods, quick cure delusions, no pay until cured deception!
and the various other misleading statements often used by unscrupulous and unreliable medical concerns or doctori
for tbe purpose of obtaining patronage. You are as safe in dealing with tiie State Medical Institute aa with any
State or Matlonal Bank. Tho mate Medical Institute has been the salvation of multitude of men, and by Its con
servative, honest, upright and clean business methods, together with its unexcelled equipment and high character, 1
long experience and scientific attainments of its specialists, it has established a repntation as a place where all
weak, suffering men can go with full confidence, knowing that they will be fairly dealt with, skillfully .treated and
promptly cured. x
Xm potency
Bleed Pelsoa
Men, If you want successful treatment and honest deal
ings, why not go to the reliable State Medical Institute,
where you are not deceived by the many misleading
statements, such as "three-day cures," "no pay until
cured," "no money to begin treatment," "money re
funded If not cured," etc.. etc. Such statements are
misleading and are used for the purpose of obtaining
patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not
resort to such, methods. We do not say that we will
treat you without any money In advance for the purpose
of securing patronage, and then when you call demand
money paymeuts and notes signed far In advance of rea-
sonable charges; neither do we promise to cure you In
three or four days, knowing It will take longer; nor do
we try to secure patronage by offering to refund money
paid If a cure Is not effected. We do not accept any
cases we cannot cure. We guarantee a safe and lasting
cure In the quickest possible time, without leaving in
jurious after-effects In the system and at the lowest cost
possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
Any man who is In need of special medical attention and
unable to pay, will And the State Medical Institute ready
to commence treatment with out delay.
The State Medical Institute does not mislead the sick
and afflicted into the belief that it is going to give free
treatment, or for next to nothing, or for leas than it can
- Consultation and Examination Free.
Favrth Annual Show Will Ba Gives Three
' Daji This Month.
Arrangements Insure First-Class Dis
play of Llva Stock aad Aarrlcal
- tare, aad Large Crowd ts
The fourth annual meeting of the Wlrner
live Stock company will be held In that
city September II. 13 and 14 and gives prom
ise of being an event of much value to tho
live stock and agricultural Interests of
eastern Nebrsska. The principal feature of
the show will be the exhibition of the finest
grades of live stock raised In the weat, in
cluding Shorthorns, Herefords, horses and
hogs. t
Inclusive of the cattle exhibit will be the
champion Shorthorn bull, "Choice Goods,"
which was bought by "Winner parties last
spring for $6,600, and "Rubeta," the cham
pion Shorthorn cow for which 12,200 was re
cerlly paid. About 100 head of especial ex
hibition cattle will be shown, and exhibitors
will be present from South Dakota, western
Iowa and all parts of Nebraska, with the
finest specimen of cattle, horses and hogs
rallied In the west. Wiener ia 1 making
preparations to entertain from 10,000 to 12.000
vlaltors during the show.
There will also be a fine agricultural ex
hibit of all the producta of that section
and particularly of feed and fortge crops.
Tho association has already expended M.OOo
for Imorovementa of the show ground In
providing sheds and thelter for the ex
hibits, with appropriate exhibition ring fui
live stock of all kinds.
Exclusively Mva Stork-,
The exhibition will be exclusively a live
stock and agricultural show. No fakers or
gambling devices will be permitted on the
grounds or about the city of Wlsner.
Neither will any prises be riven for exhib
its, ths purpose being wholly to gather
together the best and finest specimens! of
live stock nnd agricultural- products that
can be produced Jn the a-est. The Wiener
Uve Stock company was organized about
four years ago for the sole purpose of en
couraging the raising and breeding of better
grades of live stock, and In this ih results
have been most satisfactory. There Is' no
other organisation Just like it in the state,
and It gives promise of becoming a very
important factor in the live stock Industry
of the west. ' Each year's exhibit has been
better than the preceding one and the next
week's affair promises to be a most nota
ble one. '
Following the close of the show will be
three big aomblnatlon sales of Shorthorns,
Herefords and hogs.
The Wlsner people are all taking the
II v II eat Interest In the live stock show sml
have made . every preparation for tbe ep
tertalnment pf tha coming crowds.
Ths officers of the Winner Live Stork
Farnam St.
Between I3tli and 14tli
Omaha, Nebraska
KIDNEY AND URINARY diseases and all diseases and Weak
ness of MEN due to abuses, excesses or the result of neglected,
unskillful or improper treatment of diseases, which cause drains.
Impairs the mind and destroys men's Mental and Physical Powers,
reducing the sufferer to that deplorable state known as Nervo-Vital
Debility, making social duties and obligations a hardship and the
enjoyment of life Impossible.
Would be pleased to have you
call and see them.
I am still making them in the
Good and Roomy
320 South Filteenth Street
Successor to Molony, McFJwaln ft Beck
Stoddard-Dayton Automobiles
Are seen everywhere, as it's impossible to he where antt
mobijea should go and not see a Stoddaxd-Dayton. They
are a popular caT because they give more real automobile
value than any other and are as near perfect an knowledge
and science can produce. AVe haven't been able to supply
the demand this year and have only been able to contract
for twenty-five next year. If you want one, better get
your order in early. We'll deliver at any time.
BerigM Automobile Co. Fa" si.
Vsa1'? C ymf Irjr?tl sUmI kak for
W iIM-ftKa.Tirfc'. M.LIeal. c
n IMAMOVU Mk4Nl J'lM.tV, for HA
nr VMH1 xatajirHsvi Uoart, &!, Alyt
Reli-Mw. ScM hy Dr irlsM tatyh'-'
company are: 8. Emley. president; Leu
Mleir, serretarv; J. L. llurk. manager of
the Hve slock department, and J. R. -fMani-txrry,
manager agricultural department.
MywVW i i V'V -av5
' .1
' '
conscientiously be worth, and in lieu of the "Free Treat
ment Offers," charge exorbitant prices for medicines.
The State Medical Institute does not resort to schemming
methods. The sick should beware of. and avoid any
doctor or medical concern who holds out false induce
ments in their announcements, which appear alluring,
and in many cases deceive the weak, sick, suffering man,
who like the drowning man will grasp at a straw in an
effort to be saved. How many weak, nervous, drowning,
sinking men are grasping at straws today to get- cured
of their ailments (diseases), which are dragging them
down to the bottom of the sea of despair and misery
Why not awaKen to the realisation of the fact today that
boasting promises of quick cures, misleading statements
and unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted are but
straws that will sink you deeper and deeper into the sea
of despair. Why grasp at such straws when you. can
secure the substantial treatment of the Honest. Skillful,
Reliable Specialists of the State Medical Institute who
will not deceive you with any false promises; but will :
save you and restore you to health, strength and vigor,
and place you safely within the boundary line of pros
perity and enjoyment of life.
The State Medical .Institute desires to warn all men tc
beware of any misleading statements by which they ma;
be deceived in an effort to regain Uelr health. , -
Office Honrs: 8 a. m. to I p. m. 8undaya,
. 10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, write.
Dm Bit a for anaatsrst
diM-tiariiM.laOaaiuiatioBa, ,
IrrtiAiiuat er ulearaiioea
of aitin ttMrnbraDae.
' HtEl"SCtllICl C. ,H o, tacoaoas.
F.i y 1ms. aas sot aairia-
"il awla r Iraarta,
T"! er nt
ta slal
irM. prv 4. fuc v
era holt rS2 71.
CUeulai Mul ea feaweat. '
lll-aa. writ ri mm Only .
hAmr trsttjai MlUf i si tho I.
I H .ls11, e-t sVa
rm r t.f Uitii. ua. lawiii iihic.l
4 4-J OllrUM W
J fra l Mi MMI,
-1 . frewaii f laniariaa