Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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(taaoil Meets tad Award Caatraots for
CoBitrnotiaa af Bawsrs.
Haaaaa A Cral ad Jam Java
Wark Caratla ta Sla
Waaa Maney- la fiaa.
The city council Thursday night let th
contract for th sewers as ptwlded for In
the 1250.000 bond Issue aa follow:
National Construction company. Mud
crk Mttr, $m,17.M; Jetter creek newer.
Mannan Jk Craig, N atret aulch aewcr,; north branch N atreet aewer,
S17.22f.S7; Highland park aewer, SIl.SftSB.
James Jensen, Twenty-first atreet main,
These were considered tha lowest and best
of all tha bida filed aa heretofore pub
Jlahed. When tha money on hand rune
out work la to atop under the contract
until more funda are provided.
It took the council only a few mlnutei
to award the contract and with the ex
caption of allowing aome minor clalme na
ether business waa transacted. The bida
accepted were recommended by tha com
mittee on viaducts, atreet a and alleys aa
a substitute for the report of the com
mittee filed at tha Uat meeting Of tha
Tha law under which tha bonds were Is
sued to, pay for the construction of three
aewera waa enacted by the last legislature,
tha bill being Introduced by Senator Oib
aon of South Omaha.
Several women appeared to protest
against tha grading of Twenty-seventh
atreet, from F to I, but aa thla matter, had
not been presented to the council there
waa no need for the protest at thla time.
Tha parties said they had already, under
orders from the city, put down brick paving
and to grade the atreet would necessitate
the relaying of tha paving. Tha council
adjourned early eo the members could at
tend the carnival, and will meet again
Honda nlaht.
Mttle Oaa with Whiskers.
Deputy Labor Commissioner C. Burrett
Bush haa apent the last few day a going
through the packing houses. Mr. Hush,
under the law, la directed to see that tha
:chlld labor law Is enforced,, and with cat
like tread he la going through the big In
stitutions here, searching for an Infraction
'Of the law. Of courac, the coming of the
govemor'a representative haa not been
heralded with a braaa band, and neither la
he disguised as a working man. but, never
theless, unknown to the packers, ha la
"doing" their establishments.
This Inspection of the packing houses la
an annual atunt for the labor commissioner
and It la pulled off usually about the time
school begins, eo that those of school age
may ba discovered and forced to attend
school. '
Just what Mr. Bush discovered he will not
say, but It Is the general belief the packers
have been very careful not to employ any
children : of too- tender yeare to work in
their establishments. A somewhar humor
ous Incident occurred Friday morning dur
ing Bush's excursion through the build
ings. He saw a party about the aixe of a
pint bottle working away for dear life,
'flush thought he had a caae against tha
"How old are you, sonny?" said tha big
commissioner, aa ha touched the little ono
on the shoulder. '
"What's that?" snarled the little one. aa
ha whirled around and hla populiatlc whisk
er shot under Bush's chin.
"Nothing at all. nothing; I aay thia la
nice, work you are at," aald Eush.'aa he
hustled away.- He afterwards, learned too
mai waa over SO year of age. '
Catholic ta Give Fair.
The Bohemian Catholic society of South
Omaha. wilt give a fair .September 23 to to
at Franck'a hall. Thla promises to be one
of the most enjoyable occasions announced
for tha month. Six. contests will be pulled
oft and prlxea will be given In each. The
moat popular school girl will be given a
doll, the most popular school boy a bicycle,
tha most , popular young woman a gold
watch, tha most popular married woman a
silver tea set and the most popular mar
ried man a amoklng eeL The proceeds are
to ba used tn building a parochial school.
Franck'a band will furnish muelo for tha
. entire week. . .' . "
Packer Taklaac !( taarer.
The Omaha Packing company will occupy
a ' portion of Ita new quarter Tuesday,
September It, and on that day tha company
will begin to slaughter cattle at the new
place.' It will be about six weeks before
the company will utilise the new Quarters
for the alaughter of hog and sheep. Tlis
new place la located at the end of the
yards and la mora than double In capacity
tha old quarter.
' Presbytery Meet Mama's y Brealaar,
Great preparation are being made here
for the meeting of the presbytery of
Omaha, oomprialag the eastern section of
Nebraska, beginning Monday evening. This
presbytery consist of about forty-five min
isters and aa many ruling elders. The
meeting will be held at the South Omaha
Presbyterian church, at Twenty-fifth and
J atreeta. The Rev. B. F. Pearson, tha re
Wring moderator, of Lyons, will open the
meeting with an address; Tuesday will
occur the business meeting and on Tuesday
evening ' the popular aeasion, to which
everyone la Invited. Thia popular aeasion
will be conducted by Dr. Thomas V. Hun
ter or punae and the Rer. Charles A.
Arnold of Schuyler. All the sister churches
lire especially Invited to attend the meet
ing. Rev. Mr. Itaskesck Leaves.
RT Mr. Stanbaugh will conclude a three
year pastorate of the Lafler Memorial
church Sunday and In the morning will
preach to the children. The church haa
A Trial P&ckago of The Won
derful Pyramid Pile Car Is
Sent By Mail to Everyone
, to Test Thoroughly Free
of Charge.
"I have tried your pile cure and find them
all yU recommend them. 1 am very thank
ful to von tor aver putting them within my
reaoh, for I have had one box and 1 have
not used all of them yet, and I feel like a
new woman today, and 1 tell everybody
abeut them. When I atarted them 1 could
not walk across the floor, but now I can do
my work ail right. My work waa a bur
den to m before I started them, but I
can tell you that I caa work much better
new. You caa rely on me. 1 will tell every
body about Pyramid Pile Cure, Tour
Inrerely, Mrs. J. Bond, Toronto, Canada,
ai Pear Ave."
Or if rou want to Drove thla matter at
ear expense, before purchasing, send your
name and addreea to tha PYRAMID DRUG
t O.. U Pyramid Building, Marshall. Mlchl.
gan, and receive a sample packet free by
return mall.
The use of the wonderful Pyramid Pile
Cute aveida the danger and expense of an
operation. Zoo cur yourself with perfect
ease, in your own noma, ana lor time x
wives instant relief, heal sore and ul
cere, reduce oongestioa snd Inflammation,
ana (axes away pain ana Itching-.
After you have tried the sample treat
ment, and you are satisfied, you can set
a full regular-atsed treatment of Pyramid
Pile Cura at your druggist for U cents.
If he haaa't It. send us the money and w
wiu sena you m treatment at aaua. b
en, ta iwsis
grown materially during the three year.
beside various Improvements, S2.0"" In cash
having been Invested. Sunday school has
Increased from an enrollment of forty to
1M. the average attendance for the last
year being in, and for tha last three
month m. Mr. 8tambngh will no doubt
be retained, thoogh there is an effort he-
ing made to get him tn go to the First
church In the Msgle City. A business men's
petition, already signed by forty-five men.
Is being circulated for that, pnrpose.
Rev. Mr. Stambaugn will preach Sunday
evening from Second Corlnthlana, chapter
11, vers xlll.
Maarle City Oaastp.
South Omaha circle. Fraternal Life, will
give a dance Wednesday evening. Septem
ber 11 at Ancient Order of United Work
men auditorium.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Chrlstlsn
church will meet Wednesday afternoon et
: with Mrs, J. B. Orange, Twenty-third
and 11 streets.
At o'clock, at the Presbyterian church.
Dr. Wheeler will take for his topic "The
Heroism of the Commonplace." Special
music. All Invited.
City Clerk Olllln la preparing tha books
for the new registration. t'noer the law,
this year, every voter must be registered In
order to participate In the coming pri
maries. The city hsll was a busy place Saturday
at noon. It being the regular weekly pay
day of the atreet workers. A total of S.M
waa paid out, representing twenty-two men
and seven teama for a week.
At tha Twenty-fifth Street Presbyterian
church, on next Sabbath morning. Dr.
Wheeler will preach on "A Contrast: Jesua
Christ's Address Before tha Roman Em
pire, and the Message of Christianity to
the American Republic."
Mra. Anna M. Plller, wife of Philip E.
Filler, died Thursday night of pneumonia
at her late residence, & U atreet. Mrs.
Plller was S years of age-and leaves, be
sides her husband, a child 10 mantha old.
The burial will occur at Wahoo.
It la expected those who attend the pres
bytery Monday and Tuesday will be en
tertained by the good people of South
Omaha. Elder J. A. Bradley want the
head of at leaat forty-eight families to tell
htm he will entertain at least one delegate,
Sunday, September , will be the last
Sunday of the conference year at the First
Methodist church. Rev. F. M. Slsson, the
pastor, will occupy the pulpit morning and
evening. In the morning a class of pro
bationers will be taken Into full member
ship In the church. Kev. Mr. Slsson leavea
Tuesday evening for the annual conference
to be held at Central City.
. Flaal Straggle far Weatera Oalf
Associativa ChaslBship Hon
aa at Cilea Echa.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. (.When D. E. 'Sawyer
of Wheaton Country club and Warren K.
Wood of Homewood ' Golf club, both of
Chicago, teed oft today at the first of the
thirty-six holes which decided the amateur
championship of the Western Golf associa
tion, It was under condition that were
exceedingly disagreeable. After suffering
from tha dry weather for mora than a
month previous to this week's tournament.
tha Glen Echo club'a links have been
drenched almost daily alnce Monday and
a heavy early morning rain made the going
loggy and uncertain, when the champion
ship round waa started.
Both Sawyer and Wood were entitled to
play the championship round on their rec
orde aa golfers,.- Both are veterans and
have won their experience in heart-breaking
matches In tournament all over tha
Sawyer waa runner-up In last year's na
tional championship tournament. He waa
also runner-up In tha championship of the
Wcatern Golf association In 1804 when II.
Chandler Egan won the title. He won the
Weatward-Ho i open tournament last year
and waa the runner-up In the aama club'a
tournament thla year. He also won the
big open tqurnament at Grand Rapids.
Mich., this, year. In which H. Chandler
Egan was put out by George F. Cllngman,
Warren K. Wood la the holder of the
north and south golf championship title
which ha - won at Pinehurst, N. C, last
apring. He won the open tournament of
the Columbia Golf club of Washington. 'D.
C, laat March and carried oft first honors
In tha Glenvlew Golf club tournament of
Chicago thia year.
Two Mea l'a for Robbery with
a Nickel a Fralts of Their
About 8:30 Saturday morning, as P. Curry
waa passing In front of Jhe Oxford hotel
at Twelfth and Farnam atreeta, J. Murphy
and J. McGraw, members of Kilpatiick'a
garding camp, accosted him with the com
mand to throw up his hand and deliver
over all of his portable worldly possession.
Murphy and McGraw grabbed Curry
around the body, searched him thoroughly.
but obtained only one lonely nickel, which
waa not enough even materially to Increaae
the "load" which both of Curry's assailants
then had. Curry called the police and
Murphy and McGraw will now have to
answer to tha charge of robbery and with
only the price of a beer to show for their
trouble. .
President ef Kertkweiters attaal
Ufa I Denied Matlea fa
Now Trial.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. I -Dr. Jacob F.
Force, former president of the Northwest
ern National Ufa Insurance company, must
serve three and one-half yeara In the peni
tentiary unless the supreme court grants
him a new trial.
Judge F. C. Brooks today denied a mo
tion for a new trial In the district court.
Dr. Force waa charged with having ex
pended for his persons! use large sums
belonging to tha Insurance company.
Alleged Revolutionists Taken.
WASHINGTON, Sept. (.-The Depart
ment of Justice haa received a telegram
from United State Marahal Daniels of
Arisona atatlng that a large number of
warrants have been Issued and served upon
Mexlrana In that territory who were or
ganising expeditions agalnat tha govern
ment of Mexico. The marshal dated that
hearing are going on today at Douglas,
Candidate Write aa (Veen Letter te
the Voter.
OMAHA, Neb.. Sept. t. W4.
To the Republican Votere of Douglas
Th writer la a candidate for nomination
for county attorney. The prima riea will
be held en the lath Inst., leas than ten
daya hence. The time fer campaigning la
very ehort and It will be Impossible for
me to call personally on all the voter. Let
me, therefore, urge upon every republican
who want to see me nominated that he
do all he can to further my candidacy with
hla republican friends between now and tha
llth and then go to the poll and vote for
an and urge hi friend to do likewise.
It will help m very little to have you
for m unlesa you vote for me.
My democratic friend who cannot vote'
for me at the primary may help If they de
aire to do ao by asking republicans with
whom I am aot ao well acquainted to vote
tor me.
If nominated and elected county attorney
it will be my object and purpose lo give
the beat possible administration of the of
fice, not only aa a public prosecutor, but
also In th matter of advising with th
other county official, particularly th
county commissioners, in looking after the
bualneaa affairs and Intereeta of the county.
Agree! to Bpaak Moaday at Labor FaitiTtl j
to Bt Held it Iric Park. 1
teadldatee fer State ) aad ties..
res Will Alse Address Meeting.
Serlee af aaelea Being Pre-
William Jennings Bryan, Samuel Com
pere, president of the American Fedl
eratjon of Labor, and Eugene V. Debs are
three speakers of national prominence who
have promised to be at tha Labor Festive)
to be given at Krug park beginning next
Monday. Mr. Bryan's consent to take part
In the program waa secured by Secretary
Hansen of the Central Labor union yester
day. II will deliver tha principal address
Monday afternoon. Mr. Oompers and Mr.
Debs have both promised to deliver ad
dresses Saturday, tha closing day of tha
A nominal charge of 10 centa will be made
for the exercise Monday afternoon, the
proceeds to go toward yie new Labor tem
ple building fund. Mr. Bryan will speak
at I p. m.
The program waa announced last night at
a meeting of tha Central Labor union. The
principal features r aa follows:
Monday, September 10, opening day.
Mayor J. C. Dahlman, master of cere
monies; William J. Bryan,' principal
Tuesday, South Omaha day. Mayor
Thomas Hoctor, master of ceremonies.
Congressman John L. Kennedv will be the
principal speaker and the Danish Glee club
will sing.
Wednesday, Council Bluffs day. Mayor
Donald Macrae, master of ceremonies; G.
M. Hitchcock prlncipsl speaker.
Thursday. Ladies day, Mra. Bert Cox.
mistress of ceremonies. Principal speakers,
Norrls Brown, republican candidate fo
United States senator, and A. C. Bhallert
berger, democratic candidate for governor.
Friday, Omaha day, T. W. McCullough.
master of ceremonies, John O. Yelser and
others will apeak.
Re turds y. Organised Labor day. John
Pollan, master of ceremonies. Speakers,
Samuel Oompers, Eugene V. Debe and
others. Athletic contests for men, women
and children will also be held In the after
noon. The program haa been arranged by - a
committee of which 1 V. Guxe la chair
man. tatlana for Candidate.
The Central Labor union decided to ask
all candidates for office some . pertinent
questions aa to their position on questions
of Interest to the organisation. The mat
ter waa brought up by President Pollan,
who auggested that tha candidates for con
gress be asked where they stood on the
eight-hour law and the anti-Injunction bill.
It waa decided to broaden the scope of the
questions and ask them of all candidates.
The law committee was directed to draw
up the set of questions.
The member of the city council came In
for a vigorous roasting for failure to pass
the Initiative and referendum resolution,
which wa Introduced Into that body. The
law committee. In Ita report, acored aev
eral of the members for going back on
alleged promise to support the measure.
The central body will continue the cam
paign and directed tha law committee to
go before the council again, thia time In
dependently of the Improvement - clubs,
with which they worked before.
The fact that Ed. Leeder, a candidate for
the legislature and a member of Engine
company No. S, had been cited to appear
before the Fire and Police commission for
violating the rules by runplng for office.
brought out proteata from aeveral mem
bers. On motion of Mr. Guye the law com
mittee waa authorised to assist Mr,- Leeder
before tha board and employ an attorney
to defend him.
The union took no action on an Invita
tion to aend a representative to Chicago to
attend the ceremonies attending the dedica
tion to the cause of onion labor of the In
fant son of President II. O. Creel of the
International Labor News bureau,, which
will take place about the middle of .Sep
tember. The ceremonies will be held In
church In Chicago. The invitation was
placed on file.
Fine Pregram (tendered by Splendid
Orgaalaatlea at Kraar Park
Last Slant.
The Danish Glee cluo gave a concert at
Krug park last evening In connection with
the Royal Canadian band, attended by a
large, representative and fully appreci
ative audience. The glee club numbers
twenty male voices, directed by Prof. Otto
Wolff. The first number by the glee club
on the program was: (a) march, "Onward"
(Adam Getbel), (b) "My Old Kentucky
Home" (Foater), and for tha encore they
sang the old familiar chorus, "There's a
Bullfrog on the Bank." Th second num
ber consisted of Danish songs: (a) Unge
GJenbyrds Llv Norden" (Stunts), (b) "SJona
MaJ" L. M. Blen), th cneere selection
being "Fold dig ud" (the unfolding of the
singers' banner). Th third number wss:
(a) "Champagne Song." (b) "Lovely Night"
(F. H. Chwatel), and tha eneorea were the
"Star Spangled Banner" and "Hall to the
Fairest." The club sings moat beautifully,
the voice being splendidly bslanced and
they blend together with th verv beat
musical effect. They show most superior
training and they reflected greet credit on
their director. Prof. Wolff.
The band waa unable to follow the pub
lished program ort account of ao many re
quests being aent up to Bandmaster Finn
who obligingly played aa many of the
selections asked for aa he could within
the time allotted to tha vocal and In
struments! concert.
Mr. Kettla Aatlkal aaa Her Haabaa
Arrstd a Casaplalat af
th Vletlss.
Geors Wood was given a bad wound In
tha shoulder with a raaor Friday venln
by Mrs. Kcttl Antikol, wif of th pro
prietor of a rooming houa at Twelfth and
Dods atresia Mra. Woods had son to
th lodging house to itt a room for her.
elf and husband, but when th latter
cam ha did not Ilk th place and de.
n landed hla money back.
A quarrel between Mike Antikot, the pro.
prieior. ana woods ensued. In which
numwr or Blows war exchanged, but
eventually Woods turned to go down tha
atalrway and leav th plae. Aa he did
ao Mra. Antikol. Woods alleges, sprang out
of her sick bed. where aha had been. con
fined for two weeks, and with a raaor
slashed Wnood in th shoulder, cutting an
immense gash in the upper arm. Into the
Woods hurried to th police station, and
Surgeon Harris hsd htm removed to the
Omaha Central hospital, as th arm . waa
nearly severed from th body. Mr. and
Mra. Antikol were treated by Officer Horn
and Sergeant Itentfrow, both, however. de
nylng they had anything to do with tba
Mr. Antikol appeared In police eourt Sat
urday morning, but tba case was continued
until nest Monday morning on account of
th abaenc of tha complainants.
If you hav anything tc trad adrertlae
it la tha sor Exehaag eoluoaa af Tha
Baa Want Ad pagw
A V'Ml Mt rj' -t V4JLu, ii-JuV'J:
1 1
if V t v
Sole agents for the world renowned Gar
land Stoves and Ranges.
Oar Special Steel Range Made of cold
rolled; steel, 6-noles and upper
ing closet September sale
Terms: $2.00 caah, 60c per week.
Star Estate Steel Ranges Four hole, in
cluding upper warming closet
September gale price.
No. 8 Cook Stove Guaranteed bakers
$15.00 values September
sale price . . . ., ,
Uraa as a 'Dictator.
"SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. ?N-To the Kditor
of The Hfe: Some of ua may not be ap
preciative of greatness or what some may
call greatness, but it seems to me that
many people are overdoing the Bryan busi
ness. It becomes very tlresom for many
of us to aee so much stuff In tha papers
from day to day about Bryan, aa If he waa
somebody great. I, for one, would like to
know what Bryan haa done so wonderful to
make many people go crasy over him ami
act aa if he wa j a great . sovereign of
earth. The way some people act over
Bryan makes me remember an occurrence
of the populist time In Kansas when peo
ple went wild over Jerry Simpson. I at
tended one meeting of about 1,600, people
that Jerrje Simpson addressed, and one
fellow In the crowd was so crasy that at
the close of each utterance of Jerry he let
out a wall. "Hurrah for Jerry." Finally
a man stepped up to the crazy one and
asked him when he substituted Jerry Simp
son for Jesus Christ. It seems to me that
thla could be asked some of the Bryan en
thusiasts at this time, for some of them
act aa If he was nest to the Almighty him
self. It aeema to me that the papera are
largely to blame for sb much of the Bryan
gush, though many of them may be doing
It to help kill him off. Tber is so much
of the furor over him that it looks aa If a
boom had been manufactured for the occa
slon, and when the people get down to
sober thinking, they will ask thetnselve
what all this fuss over Bryan Is for.
Bryan la ahowlng himself so much of .a
dictator af thia tima when ha thinks he has
a cinch oiV tha democratic nomination for
president that the sober judgment of his
own party ought to convince the members
of that party that ha will not be a safe
man to control the destinies of this country
for even the short space of four years. It
is my humbl opinion that he, would prove
even more unpalatable to them than did
Grover Cleveland. When the campaign of
1908 cornea, on, the deliberate judgment of
the people la apt to be aa It waa In U$6.
in 1900 and In 1904, and all of tha spectacular
display by Bryan and his boomers will not
carry the people off their feet. Tours
truly. F. A. AG NEW.
Va Open Letter to Hoa. Edgar Hawrard
OMAHA, Sept. 7. Hon. Edgar Howard.
Editor of th Herald, Fremont, Neb. My
Pear Judge: I venture to speak to-you
'n an open letter, without disturbing the
United State , malls, upon a subject of
jreat gravity to th democratic party and
la the people of this country.
The formal and deliberate declaration of
Mr. Bryan for the government ownership
of all trunk linea of railroads In our coun
try shows that he Is no more a democrat
titan you are an anarchist. Tou know, and
I know, that the central vital principle,
not al1 of th democratic party, but Of
popular government Itself, Is the diffusion
of political power among the people. The
founder of that party wa Mr. Jefferson.
fter a long struggle against Hamilton and
th federalists, and its birth cams with his
final triumph 'In 1801. Mr. Jefferson's war
waa against tha centralisation of power in
tha federal government. But you know
and I know, that Alexander Hamilton, In
hla wildest seal, wrfuld never have-dared
to propose such a sweeping measure of
centralisation of power at Washing!. m aa
(hat which la now Boldly proclaimed by
Mr. Bryn tn the nam of th democratic
party. Such a messu.a enacted Into law
would Instantly place all tha statea undor
tha direct control of tha president, and
under th certain and direct Influence
which he would hav over million of men
who would do hla bidding. I will not insult
four Intelligence nor that of th reader
of Tha Be by arguing this question. It
argue Itself.
I beg, my dear judge, to ask your atten
tion to Mr. Bryan's attltuds toward all
dsmocrau la th eervlos ef corporation
But the secret
ETY ARE VERY IMPORTANT FACTORS. Those beginning housekeeping and
others who have homes to be furnished throughout, ns well as those who want
Furniture for one room, or one or more single pieces, will find what they want, of
the kind they want, in this sale, at a 'real saving of one-fifth, one-fourth, one-third
or oire-half. It is a sale presenting great advantages to everybody. '
Extension Tables Quartered osk effect. Q B( preaaers Solid oak, good slaed mirrors-,- O Cfl
large tops Sept. Furniture Sale price.. OsvU September Furniture Sale price v
Chairs Golden finish, cane seat, $1.60 AO I nd Room Suit Consisting of bed, dreaaer and
TBlues September Furniture Bale price. . OC commode, solid oak- September Fur- CA
niture Sale price 03
China Closet Quartered oak effect, piano
. polish September Furniture Sale price. 1019 Chiffonier Solid oak, 6 large roomy draw- t C
era September Furniture Sale price ...fU
Sideboards -Solid oak, Frenoh bevel plate mir
ror. $20.00 value September Furni- 7 C pon Red pea green or white enamel, all f ft C
ture Sale price la, t J tlM,a September Furniture 8ale price . . . Jfc,
Divan Mahogany striped veneer effect, Q CA Library Tables Solid quartered oak or ma- O PA
upholstered in verona, Sept. Sale price. . .0JU hogany finish September Sale price. . . 07U
Three-Plece Parlor Sults Mahogany finished Ladies peska Solid oak or mahogany fin- CA
frames, upholstered in selected velours, f iBn September Sale price OtJU
September Sale price 1TJU x
,4 , . . Combination Bookcaaea Solid oak or ma- A fA
Couches Tufted velours of a very good C 7 C hogany finish September Sale price . . iVDf
grade September Sale price JtlD
Morris Chairs Solid oak. upholstered In P Library Bookcww-Solld oak. two glass A
Chase leather September Sale price. . .0. doors September Sale price
rarlor Cablrwt Mahogany finish, highly Q PA Chase Leather Couches Solid oak frames IT CO
polished September Sale price ZFtOXf tufted tops September Sale price ... laeaU
Dole, in-
vTn . - Curtain Stretchers Adjustable Oft
The Peoples Furniture and Carpet Co. , Established 1887. September sale price ......... OjC
He openly declares that every auch demo
crat must cease to serve tba corporations
(tha bread for which he labora must be
taken from him) or he must suffer the pen
alty of outlawry from tha democratic
party and from the freedom of American
citizenship. Ia not thla a monstrous at ate
of arXalieT Ara men to be driven from
their occupations and deprived of their
personal and political liberty because they
happen to be in the service of corpora
tions? Is Mr. Bryan crasy, or Is he an
other George Francis Train, who thinks
himself, endowed with superhuman author
ity and autocratic power?
Aa an orator Mr. Bryan la unsurpassed
by any man now living In thia country.
He says ba la honest and sincere, and 1
should be glad on personal grounds to
take his word for It. But 1 cannot do
this without Impeaching bis known intel
ligence, and I shall not undertake that Job
because 1 couldn't do It If I tried. He
may be "tba greatest man In the world"
aa Mayor Dahlman and others who aay
they know, say he is. But the ableat and
moat loyal of his supporters. Including
Senator Bailey of Texas, John 8harp Wil
liams of Mississippi, and other democratic
leaders, north and south, now declare that
he is not a statesman, and that he Is not
capable of wise leadership of the demo
cratic party. I aay that no man can be a
democrat who openly tramples upon the
original foundation-principle of the na
tional democracy and of republican free
dom in the United Statea.
I will make two prediction, and will usk
you, my dear Judge, to bear them In mind
aa a personal courtesy to me, aa foliowa;
1. If Mr. Bryan insists upon government
ownerahip of all trunk lines of railroad til
our country in the national convention, he
will not be nominated again for president
by that convention.
2. If h shall be nominated at all. he will
ba hie own platform, no matter what tho
written platform may be, and he will be
worse beaten at tha ballot boxes In 190S
than lie waa In 1900.
1 am, however, your friend,
Dlas Govern aseat Trlea t Get Peases
' slea af Mea Tkrssgk Im
migration Law.
DOUGLAS, Aria., Sept. S.-Hearlns In
the conspiracy cases against seven Mexi
can agitator were continued today until
September 17, by which time tha authorities
hope the unrest will be settled. These
prisoner ara removed to tha Jail at Tomb
atone for safe-keeping.
The charge of violation of the Immigra
tion lawa waa entered agalnat Trevlnco
Salcldo, Humbert and three others at the
request of the Mexican government, which
will deal with them ahould their deporta
tion be ordered. Thes priaonora will be
confined at Tucson.
Two Persaaa Killed aad Tea lajared
Wits Trala Meet aa
WHEELING. W. Va., Sept. 1 Two per
sons were killed and ten Injured In a head
nn collision of two passenger trains at
Woodland, twenty-four miles south of
here on the Ohio river division of th
Baltimore A- Ohio railroad today. The
trains came together on a bridge over Pish
creek. The dead:
KDW1ARD WAEX1EU firemen of th
engines and th fatally Injured are IDji
glneer Dillon and an undent Ifled man found
In tha wreckage.
Mala tamalca Claaea. .
PORTI-AND. Me., Sept. S. The Maine
political campaign closed today with many
allies and final speeches by prominent
men. Speaker Cannon, who shows th ef
fect of making nine addresses In fiv day,
will apeak at Ellsworth tonlsht. with Sena
tor Fugen Hale, will deliver hi mty
apMcb U th campaign.
pymBfty ire. Sale-
of the frreat success of this Rale is
We are glad to extent! ta you all the benefits of our broJ
mirtded credit system to gir you liberal credit to assist
you in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE during this gresi sale.
f v 'yj nuuo Aim unririiiiiiiO
- h,. 'yyy' AU wool
"""v. -1- eraae
JyUlTlE? ments
B price
t i i. v "- iii unnt i
si it a lit
Taddj ii Hat Dead and Will Appeal at
the OarniTaJ. .
Re parts that Monkey by that
Karne Had Baca fllata
by Dog Are Haa .
NEW YORK, Sept. 8 Doc. Breed. Man
sser Ak-8ar-Ben Csrnival, Omaha: Teddy
will keep his engagement In Omaha llil
month. Not killed by dog. That was an
other monkey. ROLAND PARKEU.
Yesterday morning Doc. Breed, managei
of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival, received this
telegram atatlng that "Teddy," the fa
mous little monkey, will positively appear
at the fall carnival. When Manager Breed
read an account of a monkey bearing the
aame name being killed by a dog In the
east he at one took steps lo Investigate,
only to lesrn that the Teddy which met
auch an untimely end waa not the simian
billed to appear here.
Besides being a great favorite with the
children Teddy had earned 136,000 for the
family which owns -him. Teddy leads his
tribe ss a money maker. Just a small,
Insignificant animal, with great mournful
eyes, Teddy has placed a large family in
a position of opulence.
Teddy will be seen this season at the
carnival on a revolving pole, screaming at
and fuxslng with hla sparring psrtner,
Jocko, the ape. Teddy haa not much to
recommend him to tha casual onlooker, but
back of hla stunts on tha whirling pol
Ilea a history.
Teddy' Falthfal Life.
For nine years Teddy belonged to a man
named Anastase Silvia, an Italian who
pumped a grind organ and forced Teddy
to dance and collect pennies for him. Dur
ing that period Teddy amassed a fortune.
Teddy's winning wsya and pathetic face
N C ! Raatdy f Eat
Eat this crisp, wholesome malted whole-wheat food In the
morning before you begin your day's work It is
appetizing, nourishing and easy to digest because the
starch of the cooked wheat has been converted, by pure .
malt extract, into maltose, or malt sugar. Maltose la so
nutritious ana strengthening ana so easy to digest that
physicians everywhere recommend it. Malta-Vita is
ncn in maltose. It starts the day off just right.
giving me ungie oi new me to sluggish blood and
filling the body an,d mind with energy. There
is notning eise rjuite so good to eat as Malta
Vita with milk, cream or fresh- fruit.
All Or
not in the extent of the sav
. - - . ...
J n grain carpet jur regular oc
eptcmDer saie cn
Tluir Kl7.n SilO-ft. Inrira assort-
September sale Q 7 C
. f
a-. ... ...... -..
aui-K. i , u r ai nnsBBBBBiT & (. i am. huh m mm
V fint sola ns1f not
always made friends for him. It mattered
not what the. weather waa or how sllrn th
crowd, tha hungry little monkey always
"gotta de mun' Could Teddy speak It
would tell a story t hardship, heartburn
ings, privation and Ingratitude. Finally
Teddy'a master died. .
After the death of Silvia hla widow set
tled at Corpus Chrlstl, ,Tex., whera ah
proceeded to enjoy th 'competrVnc' left by
her husband and earned by Teddy.' She
did not seem to have even a corner In her
heast Xor th aad little monkey that never
urea oi picaing up in coin, i just at this
time Roland Parker, now Teddy'a owner,
happened along and quickly read in tha
monkey's demeanor the story of sadnefs
and mistreatment. Mr. Parker did not
have much trouble In exchanging a 110 bill
for the animal, and today he would not
take a hundred tlmea that sum for the
monkey. Since the exchange of the $10
bill Teddy haa had a comfortable home
and kind treatment. '
Get a Toaeh at Pathe.
Notwithstanding the . roses that have
been atrewn along Teddy'a pathway In hla
declining yeara there la yet a pathetic lit
tie touch even today In the animal's life.
The attraction .with which Teddy travels
haa a large pipe organ, and In momenta of
abstraction Teddy forgeta his little stunt
and hplds out hla cap pleadingly to the sir-
dlence, as he waa wont to do for years
while with Silvia. He can not altogether
forget those hard and bitter days when
he helped make a fortune for thias who
forsook him In their daya of plenty. Tha
instinct to help them Is still uppermost
with him. '
Teddy likes to make eyes at the chil
dren and never faila to make them and
even the grownup laugh.
Saata F' Aaaaal Rrstrt.
NKW YORK. Sept. t The annual report
Of the Atchison. Topeka A Santa F Hall
road company for the year ending June io
shows gross earnings of $7S,044.&7. an la
crease compared with the previous year of
li.6rtg.610. Net earnings were 1.355 ."SO, a
Increase of t7,Oii1.637. The surplus for th
year fter payment of dividends, charge
and expenses of Improvement was t3.2sl.ili.
an Increase of $!.674,82. The sum of $4.718,.
tH was devoted to betterments, an Increase
Of $3,31,038.
Naw ! Cat.