THE OXTAIIA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 9, 190(1. JJL U I 11 - X -1 it DybalFs Pure The Best in the Land DyseU'a torn Oream Soda . n rich, appetlxlng and re frrshlng. Made) from rich cream, pure and sweet Kymp. the cholrst and be fruits. When you patronlxe our fountain you are getting the very best that money run buv. We couldn't mail our sodas better If they cost iia ten time mora -In the mnklng. Visit our cool and com modious room. DYBALL 1318 WHGLAH. LIGHTED Witk a measurement fit. Sorosis fitted ladies are al ways that. We fit Sorosis no other way never by guess always by measure. Many ladies regret, after is too late, that they bought patent leather shoes (the brittle kind) when they see that Sorosis Special at $4.00, are in patent kid like they must pay $5 and $5.50 for elsewhere. Shoe Store Frank Wilcox 203 South .Fifteenth Street ANNOUNCEMENT MISS RILEY mTKE MILL1VER 317 SouiMtfi. Street Wlahaa to ennoanas that MISS MABEL CHAMBERS, formerly of Haydsa Bros.' millinery department, has been incised as eales lady, and wll) bo pleased to meet aJI bar old friend and have them In spect tha new fall stock of fin millinery now on display. MISS RILEY J17 South Sixteenth Street Oriental Rugs Now are ready for inspection. Beautiful Oriental Hugs. Bring your friends with you.- Gel my prices before you purchase else where. 216 McCajrue Building. Telephone Douglas 5.127. Respectfully yours, ' . I. UM1N0SIAN. Kxptt't Itr-pairor and Cleaner. DON'T GET CRAY. .tloMten tbe hair, mous'.acbe or abutters with Siioiiglit Hair Toaio lefore retiring, the hair will be the proper color in the morning. Kasilv applied, entirety harm less; won't b off hor stain the linen.- One liquid, no sediment.-no emelt, no sticki nets. New preparation. Bold ly rljnijjjiste, wkla! retail. Lue v" V) cents, or express-prepaid, thirty A f Hamps. 'e-t wnl1. W-M refunds J ti 1 li s, MLIHT IIAIN TOXIC reNPiKT, SSO J.aeia Awsuss, M. M YMeJte EirnamSf. 0iuUu Business Boosters Try the Waal Columns af Tha ' ice ikf 1 i Bit I i ill tl SOCIETY BRICQTENS "SOME tarty lalt ttsds f eepU Xneliiti U Do ' Tbiflci Generally. CALENDAR DOESN'T iNClUDt ALL IH SIGHT Aaasaaeed Affair Are AttratlT,'fcat Ereals Atsrd Maeh Ileal Es)srsaeat. Psyche. A butterfly they call you so. Those somber folk who Uch yot go Berenely on your airy way To duct and dinner, rout and play, Where'er the blossoms Of plessure grew. Perchance, 'tla true, sine high and low I follow, an my masters may. The daintiest thing on earth today A butterfly. Oh, Psyche, this Indeed I knew: Those wings that swing you to and fro Are youth and girlish laughter gay. Sweet winds of love, be kind, 1 pray, And on day to this bloaeom blow A butterfly. Theodoata, Garrison In Ufa. MOKt) AT First meeting of tha Marehlon . ette club, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton entertaining. TUESDAY Mies Mary Rogers, a bridge party; Mrs. John Monell, a luncheon; Mr. Howard Ochiltree, a matinee party; special table d'hote dinner at tha Country club. WEDNE8D AY M rs. A. U Rockwell hostess of Comls club meeting. The fashionables put In several unusually busy days, doing nothing In particular, last week, Unless It was packing the "youngsters" off to schobl. A few luncheons and bridge meetings and a theater party or so constituted the week's offering out side the clubs, and In the main tbese were Inspired by tha presence of visiting guests or the return of some of the summer pil grims or the departure of the school folks who went off ty the dosen. The finely arrival of a holiday, Labor day, with Its accompanying celebration, served to en liven the otherwise doubtful possibilities of a Monday at the Country and Field clubs. The clubs, by the way, have more than held their Own of late. In fashionable favor the Wednesday and Saturday evening din ner and dance being about the only thln-s to which society lends Its presence with any degree of Interest. Several of tbe card and kenslngton clubs are beginning to rouse from their summer lethargy and plan for fall and winter meet' I rare. Some ot them are even to resume before the month Is over and theee, added to tbe faithful ones who play bridge sum mer or winter or whenever they are In town, regardless, will about provide for the card playing contingent. The closing of ' Lake Manawa haa occasioned a ma terial falling oft 4n picnicking, but the boat house is still open and there will continue to be sailing for a while and that will take many an Omaha party oyer the river. A festal event of great and unusual In terest to very msny people, and more espe cially to those who have resided In Omaha for the past half century, or for a, time approaching that period, will be the fir tieth anniversary of the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug, which will occur on Thursday, September 11 With simple, ceremony, befitting their long live in this city, this venerable and highly' esteemed couple will be "at home" to all who will call upon them at 818 South Twentieth j street between the hours ef I and I p. rn. j of that day. As this will be purely a golden wedding anniversary wherein love and friendship are paramount, the request '1 made that the custom of gifts which usua'lv prevails on such rare occasions, be en tirely omitted. Mr. and Mrs. Krug will most cordially welcome all their friends, especially ' the long-time residents, with whom they have all grown old tegether. No formal Invitations have been sent out, the public notification through the dally press and other newspapers being consid ered sufficient. ' The Country club waa gay last even ing, though with hardly more than the usual Saturday evening gathering. There were not many dinner parties, out eome of them were 'somewhat larger than usual. Among those w&o entertained par ties were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard, who had as their guests a party or young friends of (hair son, Mr. Bam Millard, who leaves soon for school. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. i. L. Paxton had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oeorge. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin gave a family dinner for nine. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin had as their guests Mrs. Marple and Mr. Charles JIull. Mrs. J. E. Baura entertained at a large and beautifully appointed dinner at the Country, club Saturday evening. Tbe tables were arranged so as to form a hollow square, around which the thirty Invited guests were seated. One of the largest dinners was that given by Mrs. J. O. Bourke, la honor of her visiting guests. Miss Daniels and Lieutenant Horlyle, Covers were laid for twelve. Judge W, R. Kelley entertained a party of sla and Mr. T. M. Davis had nine guests. The dinner givea at the Field club Saturday evening were mostly of an in- r formal order, only two or three having I snore than a half dosen guests. Those having tables were: I Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Sheles. whose guests were Judge and Mrs. Munger, Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Ewing. Mr. and Mr. J. D. Foster entertained Mr. and. Mrs. Tyler Belt. The gueets ef Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad were Mr. and Mra Frank Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Twamlay. . . , Mr. and Mra. F. E. Pearce hail Mr. and Mra. Murrey as their gueats : Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Huntley entertained Mr. and Mrs. X B. Rahm. Othera having table were: Mr. U H ItoMy, Mr. U M. Talmage, Mr. J, T Fred erick and Mr. H. "uamann. Barlal t bit-Chat. A aon waa born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Q Leevltt Tuesday. ' Mr. W. 1. C. Kenyon ia convalescing from a recent illness. . Mrs. II. J. Pen fotJ la convalescing rom a recent operation at Emanuel hospital. Dr. and Mta. P. C. Morlarty have taken an apartment at the Hamilton, having moved laat Wednesday. s ' Mrs. W, S. Pcppletua la spending tbe month at Oakland Farm, near Elkborn, the gueet of Mrs, Shannon, Mrs. Francis A. Brogan. who has been 111 for several weekr, will leave this week for Excelsior Springs for an Indenalte etay. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love have postponed their return to Omaha another fortnight and are making the HL Lawrence river trip, i Mra. R. C. Clapp, who has 'been at Wequetonsing, haa left there and la at piesent tha gueat of her etster at Fort KMey. Mra. John 3. Monneli and Mrs. Louis Bradford expect to leave Omaha the latter part ef the month to apend the winter abroad. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Joha N. Baldwin expect te return to Omaha the middle ef the month. when they will take possession of the Woolworth home, "on t. Mary'i arena, which they have leeaed for two years. The new home of Mr. and Mra John 1 Kennedy wui net be ready for eeeupancy before the last ef the week, is It la under going some rhsngee. Mrs. Howard waidrtge and eon. whe hare oen summering at Wequetonelng. eapect to spend the month of geptember there. Mr. BeMrlge will return this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Keellne ar tne guests of Mrs. Keellne s sister. Mra. Beaton, until their new home en Tblrty- flfth and Farnam streets Is ready for occu pancy. Mr. and Mrs, B. P. Pec and rsmliy moved back te the city Friday from their country place St Calhoun aod are occu pying their residence at Nineteenth and Davenport streets; Miss Landli ef the high school rseuity. has secured a two month's leave ef ab sence and will sail Tuesday for France. where she will Join Mis Bertha Swensberg, who le there, in poor health. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Rosewater wilt be with Mrs. Edward Rosewster at her home en Douglas street for the present until their new residence at Thirty-ninth and Dewey avenue Is completed. Mrs. Frank Slsbaugh will entertain the members of the Flower Mission at lunch eon, followed by a kenslngton afternoon. Friday of this week In honor of Miss Ella Norwood of Chicago. Covers will be laid for fifteen at the luncheon. Mr. end Mrs. D. C Patterson have closed their eottage at take OkoboJU where they have spent the summer, and returned to Omaha, aocompanled by their daughter, Miss Merriam, and their son, Mr. Dick Patterson, who is at horns on a furlough from the naval academy. Me will return to Annapolis the latter part of the month. Mrs. Herman Kountse arrived Monday from Watklns Qnn, N. t., and Is arrang ing for the closing of the Kountse home. Forest Hill, for the winter. She and Mr. Kountse, who Is In 111 health, will spend the winter In the south, and during their ab sence her daughter, Mrs. Ella Kaah, and little daughter, will be with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cotton. . Weddlaa Kasjasrewieats. The wedding of Miss Carrie Hawver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawver. to Dr. Irving Bddy of Chicago, will take place Sunday evening. September IS, at I o'clock, at the home of Mr.( and Mra. Haw ver, 1814 Emmet street. The marriage of Mr. Will Qodso, formerly of Omaha, to Miss Altbea Simmons of Chi cago, took place Thursday at the home i of the bride. ' Mr. and Mrs. Qodso will be at home after November t at tOM South Park avenue, Chicago. Mrs. James Morton of Omaha, a sister of Mr. Qodso, and Mr. Morton attended ths wedding. The marriage of Miss Norah H. Emerson to Mr. Alfred W. Rlemer will take place at 8:10 o'clock Monday evening, September 10. at the home of the bride, SOW Dodge street. Rev. R. M. McKalg of Sioux City, formerly paator. ef the First Methodist church of Omaha, wlil officiate. Owing to recent be reavement In the family of the bride, the wedding will be very quiet, the guests to be limited to the near relatives and a few of the nearer friends. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rlemer will be at home at M06 Dodge street. The marriage of Mr, Oscar- F. Bhults to Miss Nellie Inls Brown was solemnised last Wednesday evening at 8:80 o'clock at the home of the groom's parents, 1017 South Thirty-first street. Rev. t.uclus O. Balrd of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church officiated, using the ring service. The wed ding was quiet, only relatives, and a few Immediate friends being present. The bouse was prettily decorated with asparagus fern. golden red and cut flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Bhults will be at home after September 15 at 1021 South Thirty-first street, Omaha. A very pretty wedding was solemnised Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Carey, it being the mar riage of their daughter. Miss Gertrude Maud," to Mr. William Harris Larson of Omaha. Rev. Hubert C. Herring officiated. The house was very prettily decorated In yellow and white, the ceremony being per formed In the back paTlor In a bower of green and white. The bride wore a dainty gown of white French lawn inaet with lace and Insertion with tulle veil caught with clematis blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of white aaters. Bhe was attended by Mlsseas Annie Kruae and Alice Carey, who were gowned alike In yellow and white organdy trimmed In lace and Insertion, and carried white carnations, and by her little sister. Miss Irene, as flower girl. Mr. Charles E. Garde served as best man and Messrs. C. H. Blevers and J. J. Booth as ushers. Miss Edith Ewers presided at the piano. Following the ceremony an informal reception waa held, about seventy-five rela tives and friends being present. Among tbe out-of-town guests were Mrs. F. C. LeLang of Chicago. Miss Fay E. Reasoner of Colorl ado Springs, Miss Mamie Lane and Mr.' L. A. Lawson of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lar son left Immediately for a trip through New Mexico and Colorado and on their return wlU realde at Columbus, Neb. Cetnae sal Ge Ooaalp. Mlas Ruth Atchison left Saturday even ing for New Tork City. Mr. Louis Meahl ef Chicago, is visiting his sunt, Mrs. L. H. Korty. Mlas Corinne Paulson lias returned from a two weeks' stay in Chicago. Mrs. Harriet Qriswold la noma from a delightful vacation spent In Canada. Mrs. Mark Bohrer of Minneapolis la the gueet of Mr. and Mra. O. -L. Hammer. Mrs. W. B. Millard has gone toNNcw Tork, where ehe will spend the month. Mrs. B. A. Howell and son and daughter have returned from Les Chendaux, Mich Mrs. E. T. Dixon has returned from a summer's trip through Norway snd Bwtdon Miss Joe Lyman haa left for ' MershsM- town, la,' where she will visit with friends, Mr. Bamnel C. Brandon of Detroit, Mich., Is the gnest ef his cousin, Mrs. B. E Howell. Mrs. M. A. Zanner haa returned from Lake Mlnnetonka, where she ha spent the eunrmer. ' Mr. John Redlck left Friday for Wil liams' college, where he enters upon his senior year. Mrs. Brlnker and Miss Nell Brinker are guests of Mr. and Mr. C. K, Coutant for two weeks. Mr. C. N. Robin returned th , last of the week from a month spent In ' Detroit and New Tork. Mrs. Walter T. Pace and family liav re turned from Prior Lake, where they have apent the summer. Mr. Hal Tatee I making a trip through Tellowstone park, expecting to be absent about three weeka- Miss Delay Beveridge of Uat Military aveaua left today for Elk City, where ehe ha a position as teacher. Miss Elols Jenks, who has spent the past Ave weeks at Prior Lake and St. Paul, Minn., returned home last week. , Mra Refca Morgan and daughters, whe hare spent aeveral weeka on a ranch near Sidney, have returned to the city. Judge W. R. Kelly came from California Saturday to spend the week (he guest of his daughter, Mra. Raymond Welch. Dr. Harry O. Cox of Loat Cabin. Vytn Ing, la spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Cox. Mr. E. H. Bprague, accompanied by her mother, Mr. Richie, and her sister, ar rived from Chicago Saturday morning. Mra. Phil Mullen ,of Kansas City and son, agent, are visiting at the home of ner aunt, Mrs. ft. carroti or mis city. Mrs. F. O. Patrick, accompanied by her son and daughter, ba returned from Wyo ming, where ehe has spent the summer. Mr. and Mr. T. B. Cowgill ar entertain ing Mrs. Penntrh ef Leulevllls. Ky.. who will be Ibelr gueet for about two weeka Mr. Tom Chambers exports to lesvs the first ef the week tor Seattle, a here he will engage In buatneee with Mr. Will McCune. Mr. and Mra C. C. Troaell and daugh ter, Mlaaes One and Alice, have gone in Clrclevllle, O., to attend a family reunion, Herbert T. Btarum leaves today for Pur due university, Lefeyette, Ind., to pursue a four years' course In electrical engineer ing. . Mrs. R. R. RJngwalt left last wek for Port Townsend, Wash., where ahe will be the gueat of her daughter, Mrs. H. D. Hop kins. Miss Ingrid Pedersen haa returned from Chicago where ahe has spent the suuiimT studying with the noted pianist, Uttukar Malrk. Mra Thomas A. Fry sad daughter are back from a visit In Denver, Colorado Springs and other point of Interest In Colorado. . ' Mr. and Mrs.. W. S. McCune have gone to Seattle, where they will be guests of their eon, Mr. Will McCune, who Is In buslress there. Mies Charlotte Bmart of Bt. Louis is expected the early pert of the week, to be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra Qeorge P. Moorhead. Mra. James I. Woodward and daughters, Misses Clarre and Marie, have returned from. an extended trip up the St. Law rence and through the Thousand Isle. L . Mr. and Mra E. A. Cudahy and daugh ters, Misses Jean and Helen, arrived In Omaha Friday after a tonr through Eng land, Holland Bwltserland and France. Mine Edllh Fisher 'has returned from Boulder, Colo., where she has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Waltcmeyer and Miss Waltemeyer, formerly of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Addleon Townsend and Mrs. Ortago, who have been guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Townsend for several weeks, have returned to their home in Havana, Cuba. -Mr. and Mr. N. P. Fell and daughter. Miss Anna., who came -to Omaha for the funeral of Mrs. Fell's father, Mr. Edward Rosewater, returned to their home In Cleve land, O., Saturday. ' , Mrs, A. F. French end Mrs. W. c. Hall returned last week from a three weeks' trip at St. Paul snd White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Mrs. Hall leaves this week for St. Louis to join her husband. Mrs. George Palmer and children and Mrs. H. K. Palmer returned Thursday from' Dennis, Mass., where they have spent tha summer. Miss Ethel Morse, who was with her slater. Mm. Oeorge Palmer, at Dennis, has gone to Vermont for a few weeks and Mrs. B. M. Fairfield, also - a member of the Omaha colony at Dennis, went to New Tork Wednesday and will spend September in Ontario and Weathamp ton. . Coaalasr Events. Wednesday evening Mrs. A. L. Rockwell will entertain the Comls club at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Hamilton will entertain the members of the Marchlonette olub at their home Monday evening. Mra Howard Ochiltree will be the hoetess or the Omaha Country Club Luncheon club at a matinee party at the Burwood Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mary Rogers entertain at Bridge Tuesday afternoon, compliments to Miss Daniels, who IS the gueat of Miss Bourke. Mrs. John J. Monell haa Issued in vitations for a luncheon Tuesday, In honor of Mr. Bradford. A 'special 7 o'clock table d'hote dinner haa been announced by the amusement committee of the Country club for Tuea dsy evening of this week. The dinner win be roiiowea ny a musical program furnished by Mlse Bhadduck's Juvenile orchestra ef fifteen pieces snd there will also be musle during the dinner. Pleasures Past. The members of the Harmony club to the number of about thirty-four delight fully surprised Judge and Mrs. Munger Friday evening te a houae warming at their recently completed home on South Thirty- second street. . Mrs. Jo Barker, Jr., entertained infor mally at whist Saturday morning at her home. The first prise was awarded to Mra Martin and the second prise to Mrs. Coles. The guest were Mmes. Roger, Chase, Reddlck, Martin, Caldwell, Bharpe, Scoble, Beeeon, Remington and Cole. Mr. John R. McDonald gave a luncheon Saturday In honor of'Mlaa Olive Crofoot of Chicago, who 1 visiting Mlas Katharine McMennemy. The guests were all college friends at Rock ford. III., and the color scheme of purple and white, which was prettily and artistically carried out, with thistles and white clematis represented the college colors. The guest Included Misses Crofoot, Margaret McMennemv. Katharine McMennemy, Crowe of Council Bluff, May McMennemy, and Mmes.- C A. Woodland, Lynn Kemper, Joel Wright, and Ralph Bhephard. Mrs. T. R. Mullen entertained Informally at her home. 1814 Grace atrcet, on Filday evening for Miss Margaret Mullen of Kan- sas City. Tha evening was spent playing parlor games and contests. The Belmont Pleasure club quartet rendered a' few num bers. The prises were won by Mr. Leo Manaan, Francis McGovern. Miss Blanche Parker and Clare McGovern. Those pres ent were: Misses Blanche Parker. Beatrice O'Nell, Margaret Mullen of Kansas City, Margaret Murphy. Mildred Mullen, Bessie Phelan, Florence Mullen. Mary O'Brien, Clare MoGovern, Mary Moore; Messrs. F. Mullen. Ben Jenkins, George P. Carroll, Leo Mangan, Thomas Murphy. Francis Mo Govern. John Phelsn, Coamo Murphy, John Moore. Nugent Mullln, Earl Moore, William Hayes. New tall millinery at Kahl V Johnston's. - Pat tear Savlacs in dlamonda and enjoy your investment while It grows in value. Every diamond we sell la backed by our reputation. MAWHINNET at RTAN CO.. Importers. 16th aud Douglas. CANDIDATES D N.0T AGREE Repablieaa Legislative Asplraata Fall Beach 'Deelalaj Will Meat Ala. Thirteen candidates for tha legislature responded to an invitation to meet lq Court Room No. 4 St the court house yesterday afternoon and dlecuaa plans for the making of a legislative slate by eliminating all but nine of the forty-three republicans who want to go to the lower house. . , - After a fruitless discussion the meeting adjourned until Tueailey evening at 7:30 o'clock, when it will reconvene at the aame place. Jamea Walsh was chosen chairman and A. R. Harvey, secretary. The attendance being small and some of those present being opposed to the object of the meeting. John O. Yelser moved to adjourn. J. I Kaley offered a motion that the Fontanel! and the so-called machine factions of the party each be Invited to appoint four mem bers ef.a committee and the eight to designate the ninth member, this committee empowered to. select the nine candi dates fer the house and sll others be asked to get out of the way. Mr. Yelser immedi ately called attention to the fart a motion te adjourn had already been made. The point was well taken and th motion to adjourn carried with Mr. Kaley and Harry B. Zlmmaa voting agalnat It. a. ,. . - , , New toll millinery at Kahl Johnston s. fSCQFIELD laV fin IxaiuKMimoJl Accepted lodes , for the Autumn AS the autumn season advances our superb showing of women's correct fall attire be comes more charmingly replete with all the latest conceptions of the fashionable world. This exquisite assemblage impressively reveals a rare collection of artistic garments for every occasion, some beautifully elaborate, others strikingly simple, yet distinct in every way from previous conceits. , . - , New Fall Suits at $25. The accompanying illus tration portrays one of tho many new models ' we aro showing at this price. Ap propriate hip length jacket suit, double-breasted, snug fitting effect, made of ex cellent quality broadcloth in black and colors, trimmed with tailor stitched straps. The skirt is the new panel fan plaitrxl model. New Dress Skirts at $10.00 Handsome dress skirts, made of French voile, gores of cluster of double box pleats stitched over hips, extremely"- full flare, alter nating panels trimmed with tailor stitched bands. These skirts are exceptional values at this prl :e J10.00. This illus trates one of thebeautiflu fancy boxes in which we are packing Gold Medal Chocolates, When you 'want n crisp stick flandy, buy "BALDUFFS ... ' SUCK candy: Put up in boxes thttt sell for 25c. 1520 Fornam' Street. mm II CLUB AEO CHARITY Mrs. Frank' Heller Is In receipt of a souvenir letter card of Stratford-on-Avon from Mrs. Frances M. ' Ford, formerly of the Omaha Woman's club, who haa been traveling in England this summer. Mrs. Ford says. In part: "I have had fifteen cathedrals. We began with severe, uncom promising Durham, on its cliff (the- church militant), and ended with dear, graceful Salisbury, In It green velvet setting (the church of peace), and every one' haa Us own beauty and, of course, rts own historic Interest. . I fairly ached over Canterbury: It waa ao crowded with that which has gone before and has made us what we are. As for the cathedral music, It Is the ex pression of my highest conception of what the worship of God ought to be. Now I am In Chester, last city of all, for tomor row (August - 28) we meet the I ' at Liverpool and we sail next day. "The D s went to Edlnburg again last week and left me to take Stratford, War wick, Kenllworth, Litchfield and the lake country alone. J've been to Hawardrn this afternoon, Mr. Gladstone's estate, 'and up to his house (not open). I've also been over the church have seen the beautiful new monument, unveiled Juns 18. 190. that the son had placed in the church at a cost of $40.000. v It Is beautiful, but I couldn't get over feeling that I had gotten Into their bedroom by mistake. There lie Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, holding each pther'a hands, and It is all so natural all but tin angel hovering at the head. Chester Is u great city hss a big wsll. I am going around on it In the morning." The folio Ing program has been an nounced for the annual convention of tho Douglas county Women's Christian Tem perance union, which will be held In the preahyterlen fhureh at Waterloo. Thurs day of this week: Morning Session, Thursday, 10 O'clock Devotional exercises, led by Kdlth Hhln rock. Omaha; address of welcome, Mr. lierrliiKton, Waterloo; response, Mrs. lirt ward Burks, Valley; reports of correspond ing secretsry and treasurer; appointment Of committees; reports of local presidents paper. "Why Motheis r-hould Belong to the Woman s Christian Temperance t'n lon." by Mrs. Adelaide Rood, Omaha; duet, by Mra. Coy and Mrs. Burleigh, Valley; reports of superintendents; noorif tide prsyer. Afternoon Besslon. i O'Clock Devo tional exercises, led by Mrs. Rood. Omaha; readlne ef the minute; recitation, by Ml May Cobb, Elk City; paper, "The Need of the Ballot." by Mra. Pa.tteraon, Omaha; appointment or auperlptendent Daier. "A Talk on Health and Heredity.' .v Mrs. E. O. Whit more. Valley; election of officers; paper, -"HclentlnY Temperance I nt ruction.'' by Mr. G. P. Carley, South Omaha; aolo, by Mra Henry ueiaton, r.ik City; reports ef vommlttee; short talk by the president; adjournment. i evening o'Mion, i.w umik u-- tloaai exercise, led by Rev. Aaht Evening oeion. j:s uuo w Baldiiff 0 W-ls.'-M "S ..' hi " 1 "'T7C w . s v i f k .its i, .. inf H15 1 0 DOUGLAS SB j Buy one of Baldus fancy boxis filled with Geld Medal Chocolates when yeu want a dainty gift for presentation. There is nothing too good to hold Gold Medal Chocolates, mid tre're putting them vp in a line of , fancy boxet that will call forth the ad miration of every one trfco wee them. 'Packed in difftretd eiiet different price. Atk your dealer for them. 3UTillH? miration of every one who tee them. V' differ eiue different 'jtP& Waterloo; talk pn "Juvenile Court" by Mrs. K. B. Towle, South Omaha; medal contest, epeclHl medul, Harold Thorn, "The Evil Beast;" Karl Clark, "A Terrible Charge;" Kthel McCluig, "The Infamous Liquor Trarlic;" Jessie ("alder, "The Scourge of the Republic;" May Morlarlty, "The National Courae.". Collection; bene diction, Rev. Ashton. The county organization is officered by: President, Mrs. K. M. Covell, Omaha; vice president. Mis. W. O. Whltmore. Valley: recording secretary, Mrs. (jeorge Carley, South Omaha; treasurer, Mrs. K. P. Whit ney, Elk City; corresponding- secretary, Mrs. William Todd, Waterloo. The following from a London paper Is an Interesting account of one of the vacation schools of which Mrs. Humphrey Ward Is the chief support, and that Illustrates some of the accomplishments of many similar schools supported In this country by club women and others: Today the summer vacation school, which hss been in existence for the past month at the 1:i -amove Edwards' Battlement In Tavistock Place, W. C. closes. But before closing It give an admirable account of Its work, or, more correctly speaking, of its piny. The scholars invited their parents to spend the afternoon with them to see them at work in the workshops, in the gsr den, the sjyninaslum and the kitchen, while the talented among them entertained th. company with song and dance. The habits started the program with action songs and dance movement, then the older ones fol lowed with more ambitious attempts In the same direction, the boys diinclng a horn pipe and th girls giving an admirable ren dering of a scene from the "Midsummer Night's Dream." In the Intervst the parents sought out their offspring at the carpentry benches. In the pnlntlng room or In the and pits at the bottom of the garden Meanwhile mlnlnttire cernenters. with planes neerly as big as I homsel ves, wcr making key racks and soup boxes and egg stanlH. looking lyixintisly the while for n home fate among the crowd. A aroup of artTts In embryo were paint ing flowers from nature, othera were busy hueket-niukiriK, playlns halma and draurMr or lesrnlng how to play In the gymnasium. Blackboards were set under the In the garden and round them sat earnest little group of. girls, esch with a teach-r In attenrliince. In th. midst of one circle two liny chickens were being sketched as thev pecked nt their food. but. it mini be admitted, the srlltlc reults bore li'Me reaemhiance to the engaging models. An unpreltiillced critic would have been at a kiss to recognise the specie of snlmsls sketched, for they bore varying likenesses to piss, canaries and guinea funis, and all of them were destitute of feathers, esve one. and that had spikes like a hedgehns curled at the md. The guesta wandered from group to group admiring the habtfa sewing, the outline of cows snd pigs tn eolord worsteds, modeling nueer animal out of clay, or merely building castles In sand, object lessons St everv turn of how to be hspnv though holtdeyless. Mrs. Humphrey Ward and her stsff of able ns sistants are to be ronrrstulated upon thtr holiday school, which has weaned so many bright scholars from the pavement to auch apparent advantage. N'ew fall millinery at Kahl A Johnston's. I eUhmsa Is Sea Ssltaa. WASHINGTON. Sept. l.-,Ambaador Lelshman expects to ba received by the stiltsn of Turkey at an earty data. The State department today received a dis patch from Mr, Lelshman, saying that ths sultan has practically recovered from his 0assahasnsnasA 521 FtfRMERUYl 0K- '5C0FIELD acAX&sctrca Smart New Suits at $35.00 Beautiful suits, made in either mannish coat styles or in the new blouse effect of attractive plaids, serges or broadcloths. The skirts are in the full flare styles, some have two wide box pleats down tho front and back, others are pleated all around. Either plain or elaborately trimmed. Price now only $35.00. Beautiful Dress Skirts at $13.50 Here are exceptional values in attractive new dress skirts, made of Ultmen's voile or best chiffon panama, in a great variety of very newest designs to select from. These skirts are all beau tiful styles and are placed on sale tomorrow at a very special low price of only $13.50. Ml tV'Si serious Illness end within a day or twe would give an audience to the French and British ambassadors. After these foreigr representatives are received, It Is believed the sultan can offer no further reasons for not permitting Mr. Lelshman to pre sent his credentials. MRS. SULTZ NOW ASKS DIVORCE Woaiaa Who Accuse Hasbaaa el Mslirloasly (alllna Her lasaao ' Saes for Separatloa. Mra Anna Suits, who recently applied for a writ of habeas corpus to secure her release from the county hospital, where eh had been placed by tae Insanity commission on complaint of her husband, began suit for divorce tn district court , Saturday af ternoon. Her husband Is Kssper. Suits, who runs a shoe store at 177 South Twenty first street, South Omaha. She does not mention the insanity, complaint In her petition, but charges her husband wltli striking her on numerous occasions. One of these times wss August (, shs says and as a result she waa driven from home. She says she was given S00 by her people and invested It In a lot and a stock, of -.hoes In th store her husband runs, i Far ing he would convert the property to cash she secured a restraining order from Judge Kennedy to prevent hla selling, pending the hearing of the suit. She also demand illmony. Tha Full was brought by C. L. Hoover, who appeared for her In the habeas corpus case. The couple waa maj-rled in November, 171, In Prague, Bohemia.-' Mrs. Clara B. 8chr,lher charges her hus band. Edward Schrelber, with 'deserting her when her youngest child was t months old snd with failure to aupport her alnce. They were married In Burlington, la., October -J1. ISM. Elisabeth A. Plumer declares that hu miliation, due to the fact that her hus band. William A.' Plumer. would not work, drove her from him several years ago. When they were married shs had two children by a former husband, but shs says Mr. Plumer wss shiftless and didn't sup port them. She wss forced, she says, to earn tho family bread. Black and a lilts ailk gloves, elbow length, 11 to; Peter Pan waists; fast black cotton hose, iie. New If .te of bel's. Weinlander Smith, S17 South Sixteenth street. N'w fall millinery et Kshl Johnston's. Miss fioulten, tescher of piano and or gan, who returned recently after a year's music studv In Berlin, hss reopened lier studio st til MeCagu. building. Whlls in Merlin Miss Boulter studied th organ wlra th lata Dr. H. Relinann royal musto librarian snd organist at Kaiser Wllhalm Memorial church, and piano ths well known tescher and composer, iterr Fell Drsyschock. V