Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Regains Health By tho Use of Pe-ru-na
After Three Years Illness.
dliMni. Tmhold fever and malaria.
Catarrh of the bowels la vary common
at thla time of the year. It produces the
Condition ordinarily called diarrhoea.
Catarrh sometimes, affect! the mucouj
tnembranea lining the bowela very ex
Catarrh of the Internal organs predis
poses tta victims to. malaria. Typhoid
ever and bowel disease!. Peruna pre
rente these autumn ailment! by ridding
the ayitem of catarrh.
Oood sound mucout membranes protect
th Internal cavities of the bodv from in.
ectlon the fame as the skin protects the
putslde of the body. X
Bo many people have experienced relief f ,
that' there can bo no doubt of the efficacy v3
or Peruna In auch caees.
Acute Malarial Complaint.
Mr. W. C. Rollins. Prairie View, Tex.,
'Beey State Normal and. Industrial Col'
lege, writes:
.. "sor five years I waa a victim of chills
ftad fever as a result of acute malarial
omplalnta. ,
"Peruna was recommended to me and
tfter taking- the first bottle I felt better,
oA after taking three bottles my ap
'toetfte returned, I became stronger and
' the fever left' me. I am now in excellent
Removed to 111 So. 16th.
v. Swanson
- III el
1 WtS V . J" 11 J
. ew. A ,X 4
With an Entirely New Stock
Mr. Almr has returned from New
for Fall and Winter Goads.
Inspect the new Pattern..
III So. 15lh. Jas. E.
TO OCTOBER 31. 1006.
other California points.
Ar nn to Everett, Fatrharen, What
tfkJ.UU com, Vancouver and Victoria.
chee and intermediate points
CO!! flfl t0 Butte- Anaconda. Helena,
4h.U.UU and all intermediate main
line points.
Ann nn to Ogden and Salt Lake City,
i)a.U.UU and Intermediate main line
For full information inquire at
City Tkket Office. 1324 Farnam 8t,
Thone Douglas 334.
mestlo Science, German and French,
Certificate In college preparatory court a nuia 10 wr, nnii7i nyiyo.
Smith, University of Nebraeka. University of Wisconsin and University of Chlcaso.
Instructors collcse graduates of large tea ching experience. Thoroughness Inaleted
iim, - - 1 1 UT in i.hrir hulidin. Careful autuuiiii to social training. Well
quipped symnaalum. with director. Tennis, hocsey ana otnar ne.a
sports. Students mothered s mpat hetlclly by experienced women who apnrectats the
xde eX young womanhood. Itaaideul Students arrive P"' 19. Addreas:
.. . . , M1S3 MACRAE. Principal.
A l,3Sft 01 UnSt matfi LnTOri IC
REV. P. EX 8WAN8TROM, Swedish
Baptist paator, box 221, Qrantsburg,
Wis., writes:
"I feel that It la my duty as well aa a.
pleasure to let you know that . I am per
fectly well.-r-eatlrely cared of ohronlo
diarrhoea and catarrh.
"I thank you for your directions how
to use Peruna and for your klndneas to
"I have used rerun according to jrous
personal directions and I am very triad
that I found a medicine which would ear
l i me after tni
12 Stomach
Mr. D. C.
ma after three years suffering."
Stomach Trouble After Typhoid.
Prosser, R. F. D. 2, Shelby,
V Mich., writes:
"I had a run of Typhoid fever and waa
run- rienlnted. I could And nothiner
could eat without lta causing distress and
sour stomach.
"I consulted our physician. He said he
did not know what I could do except be.
lng careful as to what I ate, and aa every
thing I ate disagreed with me, that waa
not much consolation
"I finally came to the conclusion that I
had catarrh of the stomach and seeing
Peruna advertised, I began taking it
"It helped me soon and- after three or
four bottles I was entirely cured of
stomach trouble and can now eat any
The rational cure for stomach and bowel
troubles caused by catarrh Is the removal
of the catarrh.
lit door north of Berg,
& Co.
York whara ha made hie selections
Suits from $15 to $30
ALMY, Selling Ajenl.
MUT. . - . . Ill
6 l :.,,,,:f. 1
3 ;'') A;'
i v
to San Francisco, Los An
geles, San Diego and many
to Portaland, Astoria, Tace
ma and Seattle,
to Ashland, Roseburg, Eo
gene, Albany and Salem, In
Southern Paci&e
lines la Oregon.
to Spokane and intermediate
a R. A N. points to Wanat-
A Home School for Glrla
Academic and College. Pre
pa i a lory Courses, ttacrpttonal
advantasea In Music. Art. Uu-
Academic couraa gnrs ""d general education.
Brick ia Waihinrtoa't Be Bniidinc Art
Thomnchly Eatnratsd.
Pat la the Woadwark fa til Dry
Weather Comes Jlew
saraaee Watarea.
(FTnni a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Bpt. (Special.)
areat hss been the humidity In the Wash
ington atmoephere during the present mim-
mer that bulldlnf operations have been
areatly retarded. By this it Is not meant
that the ralnfnll hna Interfered with brick
laying and stone-setting, but the bricks of
rr. .. .....!. mv(i nhenlutoly become sat
urated with water to such a degree that It
will lu'?c month of drv weather to evap
orate the contained moisture.
Nver before In the history of the capital
city has there been so many large gov
ernment building In course of erection at
one and the same time. The superintendent
of the capltol Is erecting two new offlce
blocks, one for the senate, the other for
the house of representatives. The total
cost of both will be In the neighborhood
of A new building for the Na
tional museum, to cost, Is In course
of construction: the new Department of
Agriculture building, at an expense of
tl.sno.ono, la well under way. while a mu
nicipal building at a like cost la up to the
top of the second story. In addition to this
are the buildings for the Daughters of the
American Revolution and the George
Washington university, to say nothing of
the magnificent structure being built for
the Union railway station and a dosen
other buildings of less Importance.
In all these structures hundreds of thou
sands of bricks have already been used,
and these bricks have become so thor
oughly permeated with moisture that the
superintendents of construction assert that
from three to six months will be required
to dry them out sufficiently to enable them
to be plastered and the woodwork Installed.
In the ninety days since June 1 there
hnve been ls than fourteen when rain
has not fallen, and even during the total
of two weeks of. clear weather the hu
midity has been so great that little or none
of the surplus moisture was evaporated.
Washington's parks. lawns and gardens
were never so beautiful In August as they
were this year, but building operations
have had a severe setback and many of this
structures In course of erection will not
be finished. In consequence, in time for the
next Inauguration.
fimalaad Ahead bm Inaaraace.
The insurance buslnesa In the United
States has not yet reached that stage of
development which It haa attained In Eng
land. Up to the present time no company
here haa been organised to guarantee an
Insurer against Ion through the death of
Plerpont Morgan, "Jim" Hill. Oeorge
Gould, "Jim" Keene, or any of the great
Wall street manipulators, whose demise
might affect the market. Such corporations
are In existence In England.
In the United States it Is easily possible
to secure a policy upon one"s life. Fire,
tornadoea and accldenta can be guarded
agiunat oy mecma 01 an insurance policy.
There are companies which will guarantee
you against loea by tornadoes or burglar.
There are other companies which will ln
sure your plate glass windows against
breakage and your live stock against death
If you are a ship owner you can by paying
a moderate premium insure , yourself
agalnnt loss through the wrath of God as
exhibited through ocean storms. If you
are a merchant It Is ponslble to avoid lose
through making bad credits through taking
out a policy through a credit Insurance
company. The bankers of the country have
an Insurance company of their own which
Insures Chose who are members of the
organisation against the bogus check oper
ator, but up to the present time the bank
depositor has been neglected by the under
Home Bask Statistics.
There are. 3,000 banking institutions, in
round numbers. In the United States. Of
this number 21,000 reported to the comp
troll er during the last fiscal year. These
reports showed that there were on deposit.
In round figures, $12,000,000,000 during the
laat year. The too It of money In the
United States approximates $3,600,000,000 It
will readily bi Been, therefore, that If every
depositor In the country should demand
the amount due him leaa than one-third of
the depositors could be paid, even assum
ing that the banks could control the en
tire stock of money In the country. It Is
obvloua that a run on all the banks would
thus create financial chaos.
Last year the liabilities of the banks
which failed aggregated S22.000.000, about
half of which waa owed to depositors by
The Handy Doctor in Your
Vest Pocket
BTS a thin, round-cornered little
Enamel Box '
When carried In your vest pocket
It means Health-Insurance.
It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant
taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate.
Each tablet Is a working dose of Css
carets, which acts like Exercise on the
Bowels and Liver.
It will not purfe, sicken, nor upset the
Because It Is not a "Bile-driver." like
Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalspt Senna, nor
Aperient Waters.
Neither is It like Castor Oil, Glycerine,
or other OHy Laxatives that simply lubricate
the Intestines for transit of the food stopped
up in them at that particular time.
The chief csuse of Constipation and
Indigestion Is a weakness of the Muscles
that contrsct the Intestines and Bowels.
Cascarets are practically to the Bowel
Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath
are to the Athletic Muscles.
Th?y tMtwulste the Bowel Muscles te
contrsct, expand, and squeeze the Diges
tive Juices out of food esten.
They don't help the Bowels and Liver In
such a way as to make them lean upon
similar assistance for the future.
This Is why, with Cascarets, the dosa
msy be lessened each succeeding time
Instead of Increased, as It must be with all
ether Cathartics and Laxatives.
' Cascarets act like exercise.
If carried in your vest pocket, (or carried
In My Lady's Purse,) and eaten Just when
you suspect ybu need one, you will never
know a sick day from the ordinary Ills of life.
Because these Ills begin In the Bowels,
and pave the way for all other diseases.
"Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. m
Be surs you get the genuine, made only
by the Starling Remedy Company, and never
sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC"
national banks which wera unable to meet
their obligations. !
There are in round figures 4.M0 national i
banks In the United States and seventy- '
nine bank examiners charged with the duty
of examining them three or four times a.
year. Under the circumstances It is not
surprising that the examinations sre per
funct6ry. In fact Jt la surprising that the
examinations are as thorough aa they are.
It Is the "run" on the bank which usually
creates the failure and, therefore. If a run
can be avoided, failure can be averted as
a rule. Upon this theory a company has
recently been organised in this city to In
sure the depositors In banks of all kinds
against the loss of their accounts. This
company proposes for a moderate premium
to guarantee the depositor In any bank
against loss. That la to say, if one's aver
age account in a bank is 11,000, the com
pany will for a premium of $4 per annum
guarantee the depositor against a loss up
to $1,000. The depositor thua Insured, be
ing guaranteed against loss, will never join
In a "run" because he knows that under
his policy all he has to do Is to get his
book "written up" by the bookkeeper of
his bank to Insure Immediate settlement
of his claim should the bank close Its
doors. The theory upon which this com
pany Is established Is that with such a
guarantee "runs" will cease and conse
quently bank failures will be eliminated In
a large measure.
Want to Name Six Members of the
Repabllcaa Legislative
The Fontanelle club held a meeting at
Its room In the Postal Telegraph company
building Friday night at which, so it is
given out, harmony was the watchword.
The club decided to propose an equal
division of the legislative slats between
Fontanelle and so-called machine elements,
each side naming six candidates.
'We would rather do this than preci
pitate any discord," said a member.
The club made several change in the
personal of its executive committee, neces
sary because of removals of committee
men from one precinct to snother.
The executive committee reported It was
not ready to submit its legislative slate
and was Instructed to call a meeting when
It was ready.
A large part of the time of the meeting
was utilized In discussing the coming
primaries and considering what would be
for the best Interests of the whole re
publican ticket.
Hearing Held at Federal Batldlag
Relative to Controversy six
Yeara Ola.
Special inquiry relative to the J. B. Huse
mall contracts of six or more yeara ago
is being held at the federal building before
Special Examiner Charles W. Pearsall. The
claim of Mr. Huse against the Postofflce de
partment for $14,000 damagea for the annul
ment of the contract between htm and the
government for the transportation of the
malls between the railroad stations and
postofflce in this city is under investiga
tion. The Interests of the government are berng
looked after by Assistant Attorney General
J. A. Van Orsdell. a former Nebraskan, and
formerly attorney general of Wyoming,
The attorney for J. B. Huse is F. Walter
Brandenburg of Washington. D. C.
The witnesses are the postofflce officials at
Omaha and their respective depositions are
being taken.
Bad Moaey Dating- Back to Eighteen
Fifty la Discovered In Clr-
The story in The Bee of Friday, calling
attention to the fact that a number of
old Georgia state bank notes of the Fann
ers and Planters' bank had put In an ep
pearance in thla city and Council Bluffs,
haa had the effect of calling out others
of these notes that have been repeatedly
passed on the unsuspecting of Omaha.
These Farmera and Planters' split notes
are generally of the $6 denomination and
it is evident that a considerable number
of them were placed here In Omaha. The
notes are alike on both sides, are printed
on an excellent quality of paper, with
silk threads paated in between' the two
pieces. The notes bear the date of 1850
or 1864 and have that aged appearance
that will permit their ready passage upon
the uninitiated.
eh is View of Representatives
Windham and Cnelow of Race
for Governor.
"Sheldon will be elected governor by the
largest majority of any man who ever
went Into the office In this state," said
Representative R. B. Windham of Platta-
mouth, who spent Saturday in Omaha.
"There la no question of that," put in
Representative Otto Zueiow of Schuyler,
who happened to be In the group, which
Mr. Windham waa addressing.
Both agreed Sheldon la the logical
nominee for the republicans, that be em
bodies the Rooseveltlan principles in Ne
braska, that his record for two terms In
the state senate is all to his credit and
will be of material benefit to him In his
race for the office of chief executive. They
al so agreed that hs would make a eplen
did govenor.
Crooka Arc Given Less Terns to
Get Theaa Ont of Ak-8ar
Ben's Way.
Spectators and others in sttendance at
police court Saturday morning were sur
prised at the many long term aentences
dispensed to the erring by Judge Cockrell.
An ordinary case of imbibing too freely
from the cup that cheers, waa usually good
for a ten-day sentence, while vagranta and
other suspicious characters were presented
with free board and lodging at the county
Jail for from thirty to sixty days. Judge
Cockrell said as the Ak-8ar-Ben festivities
would anon be on he wished to k?ep a 11
suspicious characters in Jail during that
period and save future trouble for the cltt
sens of tha city and possibly for the per
sona who are thus deprived of the privilege
of Joining in the celebration.
Victim Canfeseea Charge While Pre
testing Iuinoeenee, Expecting
to Bo Let OaT. .
Mike McCarthy, a man without a resi
dence or occupation, who was arrested
Friday night on the charge of being drunk
and disorderly pleaded guilty to the offensa
In police court Saturday morning and was
given a fine of $5 and coata. McCarthy
pleaded with the Judge to let him off, say
ing he waa absolutely innocent of the
charge and that the officer arreating Vim
was acting from spite. When asked why
ha had pleaded gulltV he said ha thought
hs would get off eaaier, but still loudly
protested bis innocence,
The tnlrty-fourth annual convention of
the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ne
braska will be held at Grace Lutheran
church, Twenty-sixth street and Poppleton
e venue, from September 1 to 1. Re. J.
Lowe of Beatrice, president of the
ynod, will deliver the opening sermon
on Wednesday evening. The following
program has been srrsnged for the oc
President Rev. J. A. Lowe. A. M.. Beit-
Secretary Rev. J. S. Ieamer, Bldney.
fttatletlcal Secretary Rev. I".. J. Klnger.
Historian iiev. n. i mciick, .riana.
Treasurer Mr. J. H. Miller, M. D.. Sur
prise. -
represent the Board of Home missions.
Rev. C. Hiiber. li. D.. cf Richmond, Ind.,
the Board of Foreign missions.
Rev. H. 1j. Ysrarr. l v.. or ATomson,
Ken., the Roarrt of Church extension.
Rev. M. F. Troxell. n. D.. of Atchison
Kan.. Mldlnnd college and Nachusa Or
phan's home.
Rev. C. H Hey, D. t., of Baltimore,
Md., the Deaconess board.
These brethren will addresa the synoa
In the Interests of their respective boards
at a time to be fixed by synod and dul
announced by the president.
Wednftariav. flantember 12: I P. m.
Synodical sermon by the president, Rev. J.
A. Lowe, A. M., Beatrice. i
j nuraoay, Hpinmuer ia: e.w m. irrw.
tions led by Rev. W. 8. Oberholtser.
S a. m. Formal ODenlna of synod: call
ing of the roll; reception of lay delegates;
president's report; treasurer's report; elec
tion of officers; appointment of committees.
u:at a. m. Adjournment.
Afternoon: 2 o. m. Reception of delegates
from other synods; receiving of all papers
Intended for synod; giving of verbal notice
of any Important bunlnesa to be brought
before synod; promiscuous business.
6 p. m. Adjournment.
8 t. m. Service: Sublect. "The Church,
Workman and Capital," Rev. M. F. Troxell,
v. L., president of Midland college.
Friday, September 14: 8:80 a. m. Devo
tions led by Rev. E. H. Combes.
V a. m. Business.
11:10 a. m. Adjournment.
Afternoon: 2 p. m. Busineaa, opened with
6 p. m. Adjournment.
0 . U . . K I iilTk. Dan-
o IP 1 1 1 . i riven. nuujwt. .in
tlsmal Covenant," Rev. J. A. Koser, Ne
braska City.
Saturday, gentember 15: 8:80 a. m. Devo
tions led by R. W. F. POst, LL. D.
a. m. Business.
11:80 a. m. Adjournment. '
Afternoon: 2 p. m. Uualneaa, opened with
s p. m. preparatory services: sermon oy
Rev. C. J. Ringer.
8 p. m. Services: "The Confirmation
Vow, Rev. J. F. Selbert, North Platte.
Sunday services: 10:90 a. m. Holy com
munion; sermon by Rev. M. D. Berg,
12:16 p. m. Sunday school: short sd-
dresses by Rev. J. W. Ball. Rev. L. L. Life
and Rev. L. Groh, D, D. .
7 d. m. Luther league: addresses by
Rev. C. H. B. Lewis and Rev. W. T.
8 D. m. Ordination of vouna- men to tha
holy ministry; sermon by Rev. M. Lt. Kun
kelman. Rising City. -
inai adjournment. v
The First German Presbyterian church
of Omaha has called to Its pulpit to suc
ceed Rev. August Hilkeman who recently
left the city. Rev. Julius Sen wars of Con
nersvllle, Ind. The call was Issued at a
meeting of the officers a night or two ago
and sent to Mr. Schwars.
Sunday evening service at the Caatellar
Street Presbyterian church. Sixteenth and
Caatellar, will begin at 7:80 Instead of 8, aa
usual. A special program has been ar
ranged for Sunday evening and all reel
dents of the south side are Invited to at
tend. The program:,
"Holy, Holy, Holy,"
Congregation. '
Sacred Medley
"All Hail the Power of Jesus,"
"Awake, O Zlou,"
Sunday School Orchestra.
"I Love to Tell the Story,"
Miss Sanders.
"The Victor's Crown."
i Quartet.
"He SaVes Me,"
Congregation. -
"The Ninety and Nine,"
Walter Bell.
"Tell Mother I'll Be There,"
"The Prince of Peace."
- Choir.
Sunday School Choir.
William Krelle.
Scripture reading
Miss Orau.
AririrMui The TrlumDha of the Modern
Church B. A. Wllaox
Addreas The Christian's Trlmph
"Nearer My God to Thee,"
Tha r.mlir atate fall meeting of the
presbytery of Omaha will be held next
Monday and Tuesday eveninga at tne i irst
Presbyterian church, South Omaha. On
Monday evening at 7:30 the retiring moder
ate rv. R. F. Pearson, will give a ser
nion. A popular meeting in the Interests
of foreign missions will be beia Tuesday
.ninr Addreaaea will be made by Rev.
Charles EX Bradt, D. D., of Chicago, field
secretary of foreign missions in the mld-
iia, west. Others will speak, special er
forts have been made to make the Tuesday
evening meeting instructive ana inspiring
The Chorus choir of the North Bide
Christian church will reorganise Friday
night after a vacation of two months.
Plans have been laid by the leader, Mrs.
H. J. Kirschsteln, tor a more progressive
work than ever before. A recital ur.der
the direction of the chorus will be given
late this fall that will appeal to tha mu
sicians of th,e city. The choir will begin
at once on selections irons tne "Meeaian
to be given Christmas ; also on the Good
Friday cantata, which has become a per
manent feature of this choir's work. The
choir will not sing at the regular Sunday
services until the church la moved to the
new location at Twenty-second and Locust
streets, about October 1. '
Mr. James Knight will lead the music
Sunday, with Mrs. Kirschsteln at the
Music at Kountse Memorial Lutheran
Full communion service at U a. m., with
Invitation hymn, "Coma, for tha Feast Ia
Spread," by Miss Amanda Tebblna.
Processional Holy, Holy, - Holy Dykes
Vercicie Mane tiasie, uixra. to De
liver Me ..Dykes
Response Make tiaaie to Help Me. O
God Dykes
Hymn Abide With Me Monk
Boio Hold, inou, aiy nana, u lrd....
sains irene iiaanii.
Nunc Dimmlils Parisian Tuna
Recessional There's a Witness in
God's Mercy Tourjee
Tha following special mualo will be given
at the morning service of Trinity :jetho
dlst eburch. Twenty-first and Blnney .
Anthejn Hark, Hark. My Soul ShUley
With Contralto solo by Mrs. A. Q. Edwards.
urreiuiory ooio oeiectea
Miss Irene Cole.
On of the significant notes of present
day changes and realignments is the
new mutual understanding' and sympathy
that ia developing between the rburch and
tha labor movement. The church la en
deavoring to win the confidence and sup
port of lb Jaoor movement, and is suc
ceeding. Not long since the Union Label
of Kvanaville, Ind., said edltorily: "A re
fusal by labor to accept the challenge of
the church la a confession of labor's men
tal, moral and social weakness. It is brand
ing aa a lying pretense that which labor
haa tsught Itself to believe to be the
At the evening service In the Second
Presbyterian church the paator. Rev. New
man Hall Burdlck. hi to deliver a special
address on "The Church and the lbor
Movement." The service is to be a Labor
day service and a special invitation Is ex
tended to the members of all the labor
unions in the city and their friends to be
Polplt Annenncementa.
Church of the Covenant. Twenty-seventh
and Pratt. Rev. H. T. Bell. Pastor Ser
vices at 10:80 ana s.
Free Methodlnt. 17T7 South Fleventh. Rev.
Amapoker, Pastor Sundsy school. 10 a. m. ;
preaching u and a
Parkvale Congregational. Thirtieth and
Gold Sunday school at 8 p. m.; preaching
at 4; Christian Endeavor at S.
Church of the Llvlne God. Collere Hall.
Nineteenth and Farnam "Mlllenlai
Dawn" Bible study at 2 p. m.
Swedish Methodist Evangelical. Nine-
teenth and Hurt, Rev. peter Munson, Pas
tor Services at 11 a. m. and 8 r. m. : apo
dal music will he rendered by Mrs. John
Swenson and Mrs. Llnuberg of McCnok.
Grand View Baptist Sunday school.
Fourth and Cedar. G. D. Maddlson super
intendent. Meets at 8:80 p. m.
The sen-ices In All Saints' will be dis
continued during the month of September,
the rector having decided to take a rent.
Plymouth Conareantlonsl. Twentieth nnd
Spencer, Rev. A. J. Folsom, Pastor Rev.
Frederick W. Leavitt of Seward will
preach at 10:30 a. m.
Grace BaDtlst. Tenth and Arbor. Preach
ing by the pastor, 10:46 a. m.; funday
school at noon; young people's union, 7;
evening services st 8.
Saratoga Congregational. Ames Avenue
and Twenty-fifth, Chaplain Dlffenbaeher,
Pastor Kvenlng service at s p. m., tneme,
The Gospel of Work."
North Side Chrlstlsn. Twenty-sixth and
Grant, Rev. H. J. Kirschsteln, Pastor
Morning, "The Past Harvest, evening.
A Question or Obedience."
First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty-
fifth and Farnam, Chamber's building.
Sunday school at 8:46; morning service at
10; topic, "Matter;" evening service st 8.
People's: Rev. Charles W. Savldge.
Pastor 8ubject in the mornlnc "Partners
with Godj" evening "The Way of Perfect
peace. prot. Merles has charge of the
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
X7l,.I.Mlaa Dv A O C fl t-W I k t I...
tor Morning service, 10:io. subject.
"Lire a Refuges: ' evening service at 8.
subject, "The Heart's Deceltfulncss."
First Congregational. Nineteenth and
Davenport; Rev. Hubert C. Herring,
Pastor Morning service at 10:30; no even
ing service: Christian Kndeavor society at
4:46, at which Prof. Davidson will speak.
St. Mark's Rngliah Lutheran, Twenty-
first and Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor Ser
vices Sunday 10:46 a. m. "The Believer
is Divine;" 8 p. m.. "Godly Enthusiasm;"
Sunday school at 12 m.; young people, 7:15
O. m.
Second Presbyterian. Twenty-fourth and
Nicholas, Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck,
Pastor Services at 10:30 and 8: morning
subject, "Abiding and Asking; evening
topic, "The Church and the Labor Move
ment." riiPl i i ill i nun ii, ii iiiTTitTriiiii tuiu i ..i 11.111,
8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school at 9:45
a. m.; preaching at 11 and 8; Christian
Kndeavor at :; sermon siiDjects, "inrint s
I -aw of Equity" and "The Unity of the
Clifton Hill Presbyterian. Forty-fifth
and Grant, R. L. Purdy, Pastor Services
at 10:30 and 8; morning topic, "Christian
Love the Greatest Factor in Lire. Bun-
day school at noon; young people's meet
ing at 7.
Third Presbyterian. Twentieth and
Leavenworth, Rev. Joseph B. Cherry,
Pastor Morning services at 10:80, topic,
"The Church and Her Ministers;" evening
topic at 8, "Mere Tasters." Sunday school
at 8; young people's meeting at 7.
Grace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth and Pop
pleton, Rev. M. L. Mellck, Paatois 8er.
vices at 1:46 and 8; morning topic, '"The
Church, the Body of Christ;" evening
subject, "A Chrlstlsn Character." Sun
day school at 12:16; Luther league at 7.
Hillside Congregational, Thirtieth and
Ohio, Herbert L. Mills, Pastor Morning
service at 10:30, sermon topic, "Life, the
Most Precious Asset of the Individual."
Sunday school at noon; Christian En
deavor at 7 p. m. ; evening worship at 8.
Trinity-Cathedral. Capitol avenue -and
Eighteenth, the Very Rev. George A.
Beecher, Dean Holy communion at 8 a.
m.; hospital services st 9:16; Sunday school
and Bible class at 9:46; morning prayer end
sermon st 11; evening prayer and sermon
it t
Dundee Presbyterian, Fiftieth and Un
derwood. Rev. Thomas K. Hunter. PSfc-
tor Morning worship, 10:80; evening
worship, 8 o clock; Pabbatn school at noon;
Junior endeavor, 3:46 p. m.; senior en
deavor, 7:80; prayer meeting and Bible
study Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Knox Presbyterian. Nineteenth and Ohio:
M. V. Illgbee, Pastor Morning services
at 10:30; theme, "Liberality;" evening serv
ices at 8 o'clock; theme, "Master of the
Situation." A regular prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening. Hans T. Freece will
lecture on "The Mormons.
Central t'nited Presbyterian, Twenty-
fourth and Dodge, Rev. R. B. A. McBride,
D. D., Pastor Morning worship at 10:3u,
sermon subject. "Heirs of God:" evening
worship at 8, sermon subject, "The Great
Reckoning; Babbatn school st noon;
young people s prayer meeting at 7.
Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and
Blnnev. Rev. Phlletus H. McDowell. Paa
tor Morning service st 10:30, topic "The
Money Problem In Church Work;' evening
services st 8, subject, "Christian Life In
a New Life." Bible school at njn; young
people's meeting at 8; prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at s.
Calvary BaDtiet. Twenty-firth and Ham
llton, Rev. H. R. Curry, Pastor Services
at lo:au ana s; morning mrme, inspira
tion:" evenlna topic. "David's Great De-
sire;" Bible school at noon; young peo
ple's meeting at 7; Wednesday evening
prayer and praise service at 8; Calvary
Baptist branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward,
3: o. m. .
First Baptist, Twenty-ninth avenue and
Harney. Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor
Services at 10 80 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.;
morning sermon, "America s ureaiest is-
..a.' .ti.nm. "TJfe'a Una voidable Alter.
native;" Sunday school at noon; young
people s meeting at :su p. m. ; juemany
Sunday school of First Baptist church,
38b3 Leavenworth, at' I p. m.
W. Bartlott gaatalna Broken Collar
bone In Jam with Switch
W. Bartlett, laborer, waa caught between
a warehouse platform and a switch engine
on Leavenworth street between-Ninth snd
Tenth Saturday afternoon and severely In
jured. The man's collar bone was broken
and be sustained numerous body bruises.
He was attended by Police Surgeon Harris
and removed to the Omaha General hos
pital for further treatment. Bartlett Is 24
years of age and resides at 724 South
Eighteenth street.
T. R. Kimball and Mr. T. L. Kimball
have been Issued building permits for two
brick garages to be erected at Twenty
fourth and 8t. Mary's avenue at a cost
of $2,600 each.
St Paul's Episcopal. Thlrtv-aerond and
California Rev. E. G. B. Browne, priest
in charge. Early celebration, 8 a. m.; Sun
day school, 9:46 a. m.; second celebration,
11 a. ni. ; evening prayer, (Florence) 8 p. m.
Superintendent Ellison of the Nebraska
Humane society organised a branch society
at Tekamah Friday evening. Twenty
membera signed the roll. J. K. Adams is
president and Mrs. H. L. Pa nn alee secre
tary of the new society.
The Church of St. Philip the deacon haa
secured Blind Boone and his company for
a concert in Omaha, and the famous negro
pianist will be at the Lyric theater next
Wednesday evening. He will be assisted
by Miss Emma Smith, a noted southern
Railway ftotee.
Tha Denver at Rio Grande Is operating
through tourlat cars In conjunction with
other roada during the period of low colon
ials rates.
Large numbers of the National Guards
are returning from Fort Riley. The Mis
souri Pacific will have er -vera I cars SunJay
which will be taken on north by the North
western. The Northwestern has begun grading
Just south of Webster street on its new
terminals, snd dirt Is being hauled away
at a lively rate to low placea along tha
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis ft Omaha
tracks In tha northeaatern part of tha city.
A temporary track has been built on Hie
grounds and a steam shovel put at work.
The Webeier atreet end of the terminals
is several feet above grade, and thousands
of yards of dirt will have to be moved.
New, High Grade
at the Price
ot Old Ones
Notwithstanding tha unusual
demand for pianos this summer
and fall, our buyer, with the cash,
secured four carloads In the east
that for quality, style and price
stand without a parallel In the
face of an advancing market. They
aro new, bright and each one
pretty aa a picture, fully guaran
teed, and to turn our money
quick we place them on sale this
week at prices fully $100 below
all compltltton. .4
Three groups, take your choice;
Group 1 All the $300 styles '
cat to
Group 2 All tiM f32A styles
cnt to "
Group 8 All the) f 350 styles
cut to
On terms of $10.00; down and
$5.00 monthly, 'Including a term
of music lessons free with any ot
the above instruments.
Visit our store, see the new
styles from Stclnway & Bona, Ste
grr St Bonn, Emerson, A. B. Chase,
McPhail, Kurtzman, etc., at prices
guaranteed below any store in
New York or Boston for the same I
We ship pianos every where
on payments if desired with the I
understanding that the money will
be refunded if not found etrlctly
as represented. Write today for
catalogue and bottom prices.
& Mueller
Piano Co.
Operating Five Dig Stores and a
Factory. '
Mr. J. A. Rylen,
Who for fourteen years waa in
tha tailoring business for himself. Is
with us and haa been with us for past
one year aa cutter.
Mr. Rylen's reputation for first class
work Is high. We have backed him
up with expert tailoring aervlce and
can show the largest, brightest and
nobbiest stock of woolens In Omaha.
- Sulta and Overcoats to Order
525.00 TO 550.00.'
Where Good Clothes Come From.
04-30 Sotth Btzteeatk atreet,
'Phone Douglas 1S08.
Next Door to Wabash Ticket Offlee.
FredG. Ellis
Pupil of Bouhy, rarls
Studio, Schmoller tt Mueller Piano
Company Building. 1311-13 Farnam
St., Omaha, Neb.
Monthly Recitals given by Pupils In
large Schmoller Mueller Auditorium.
'Phone Douglas 1625.
Grocers' Food Show
Two Weeks. Ending Sept. 15th
Baby Show Wednesday Afternoon
25 Cents
With Grocery Tickets .
' . . A
. ' ,7 ? V "I