--2 THE OMAHA -SUNDAY--BKEr SKPTEMBKK 9. lflOfi. J 1 LAI "- Telephone Douglas 118. Our Greai -" New The store is radiant with attractive fall merchandise. Every day adds new arrivals. Pros pects ahead Indicate a most unusual era of commercial prosperity and we have arranged for a broader Autumnal showing than ever before. Every department tells of something new today which is worth your while to come and see, if only to get an idea of the new styles. Welcome. ... . .' Millinery THR NEW FALL. STYLES ARE READT. In selecting our . Fall, stock for thla de partment we made speelsl effort to tret the best styles obtainable. Ten will find our line tha -mo." varied and moat e rluslve In the city. Our price are low eat, our Workmanship beet. Tha great success of, thta department has earned for ut tha reputation of leader In thla line. 'Call and . see new mod el i. . -.' Second floor. ' .... , Suits, Suits .' ; THE NEW rALL 8TTLB8. All our own exclusive' designs. Price a.00. 127J60. ta.oa, WO. V-4 149.00 and l 00. Separate skirts, very handsome new styles In black penamas and beautiful black voiles all fitted and altered by our own expert fitters. ' New Japanese ' bouse kimonos lovely designs the prettiest styles are now here. ;' Children's and misses' coata hundreds of pretty new Ideas for the little ones. Ladles' coata, suitable for now "or later wear, checks, piaidA plain and fancy mixtures. Second floor". Best Room Manicuring , THIRD FLOOR. A delightful place to rest la our cosy rest room, make It a point to meet your friends here, while . waiting you can en Joy the large easy chalra, magaslnee, free telephone, writing desks and stationery. Manlouring room In connection. Mies Logan expert manicurist la In charge, her methods are strictly sanitary. Quick; Convenient, Economical A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. SIMPLY "CHARGE" ACCOUNT CON VENIENCES IN A STRICTLY . CASH ' STORE. . Deposit any sum you care to, make pur chases In the usual way and bare them charged In the unusual way to tha sum deposited. We send monthly statements and allow 4 per . cant Interest, compounded every . three months, on your dally balance. Any r all of your money may be withdrawn meeeages from all parts of tha United States, wishing them success. The Harvard men took an early after noon Heats. They wee smiling and looked contented as they donned thetr 'racing toggery. Each-map stripped and then put on a pair of while canvas knee pants and a flimsy sweater, their . muscles standing out firmly beneath' their :,scaflty .. racing clothes. As the Amerloans supped Into their frail eraft they presented,- a picture of sturdy development and endurance. Without being big men, they had. the fin lines of thoroughbreds and the ploknesa of ektn denoting good condition. They smiled good naturedly In acknowledgment 'of the applause with which their, appearance was greeted and seemed Imbued with plenty of confidence and stamina. A vast crowd be sieged the boat house and thsre was an en couraging yell from thousands - of . the throats sshore and afloat ae the Harvard men stepped Into, their boat ' , ' Start la Qaed. The two boats quickly got, into position and R. C. Lehman, the starter and umpire, administered the ueual caution and a mo ment later, at i:Zt p. m., a pistol shot sent the two racing shells away to an admir able start. Although the Cambridge oars struck the water only twenty times In the first halt minute to Harvard's twenty-two, ' the noee-of the light blue boat Immediately , showed to the front. 4he drive being so ', strong and tha recovery so prompt. Slightly quickening their pace while Har vard reduced theirs, the light blue stroke had gained a further advantage at the end of the first minute's rowing. Although the advantage of taking the lead at the start the Americana showed no signs of being! nisturoefl. i ney Kept up a steady pull at the vt of about thirty-five strokes to the rtilhute, which suits the crew so well.' liti tl more Inan a length separated the oals at-Cravtvteps, but on reaching the mile p-is'. tr-e bend of the river on the Surrey aid- the Cambridge crew a great ad- vant',g4. ' ' laserleaaa la Hard Wlad. ' ' i A head wind sent the tide rolling down qi!a reach, making a broken sea. of which the Americans got-the full benefit, while the Englishmen were sheltered by the rivet bank on the Surrey side. By too time the boats reached Jhe .Crabetree. about, a mile and a half from the start Stuart, the Cam bridge stroke, had, taken hie boat over two lengths to the front The Harvard stroke. Fl(ley. at thla point called on hla men for a. great effort, and they responded gamely. The quickened stroke soon told, ths day light between the boats wss sensibly les sened and when the Cambridge shell shot I "'''",' , '",'""" ."". " "! The scene on the banks of the river waa gmasing. Americans and Englishmen vied with each other In cheering their rham- ptone. while the din of the accompanying squadron of steamers was deafening. part Does Xe Oaod. Pushing on past tha lead mills, where both boats were doing thirty-seven, strokes, Cambridge maintained their teed, and the crew appeared to be coming well within themselves. Ae the boate turned the bend . and entered rougher water Harvard again sported. A magnificent effort aent the American, boat open Its opponent, foot by foot OS ' the Doves, although Harvard Well Fed Well Bred m eea pick ateadj sisef of Grape-Nuts , , Tha a Roajioa." Fedl Gods I We Announce Ttae return ot our linen buyer, Mr. V. W. P. Home, from his European trip, where he hat been for the last three months. Through his untiring efforts and searching of all the great markets he has secured for ua the moat handsome and exclusive line Of fine linens ever shown In Ihe city of Omaha. These linens are made in Scotland. Ireland, Ger many, Australia and France, and were bought before the recent, rise In the markets. Everything in really fine linens are to-be found at Thompson, Belden ft Company. at a-moment's notice. We do no bank ing 'btielnees. r ' . Great Half Price Sale of Dressing Sacques -.. Monday Half price In this store means the orig inal selling price has been cut square In two. - A half price sale on these dainty dressing saeques ' should ' cause a rapid exlf of every garment. Monday. , Pretty white dressing sacques made of reheer lawn with short sleeves and low neck, with lace Ineertlona and edgings, klwono style. Other styles with embroid ery trimming. Regularly priced at $1.60 to 16.00 each, Monday we cut the prices in two. Be here early. New Corsets for Fall The new models for Fall are here, the long back corsets with high busts sre now winning favor.' Before . buying your new gown for. Fall be sure your .corset fits perfect Our model corset department, with expert ntters, and modern fitting rooms should certainly decide tha ques tion of where to buy your new corset. Most, any wanted price or styla of cor set, to be had here. Second floor. Our Special Sale of XXu-'cell's Black Dress Silks a ' Great Success. A great saving on reliable black drees silks right at the beginning of the season. No woman does herself fullest Justice .In the selection .of a new black, dress silk without first seeing our silks. Open Saturday mm Howard Street, lost ' ground, Stuart., kept.- up ' hla steady stroke.' At Chlswlek. Bfot, the- English stroke, spqke to his crew, and began, to pull away from HAryard. At' the. three-mile post Cambridge was over three lengths rn front,' .and on reaching ' the , Devenehlre tneadows tha Englishmen, were Jwq and a half lengths ahead and .the race, wea( praff t)cajly 6ver, , Harvard, however, 'ir, gam to ,;tnt esdi nd apart ed- again; 'gaining a length.'. But It was too lata to' retfte? the fortunes of: the day and tha Cambridge men parsed. the, winning post, easy .victors of -.a gallant race by two lengths, ".-Time: :ia. ': : ' : v? v '. . STEVE ADAMS ' IS RELEASED ls Pr Isomer .at Oao Bearreeted a 'taarge Of Marderlagf Deaver . . Deteettve,, BOISE. Idaho, Sept. I.-The stats today made no Objection to the release- of Steve Adams, ths witness In the Steunehberg case, on the- writ of habeeo -oorpue Issued yesterday on application of hla unole, John Lilland of Haines. Ore. ' Assistant Attorney Oeneral Bnow- appeared for the state and eli (hat the state had no objection to the bHng released If he wished to leave " i-rltentlsry. It had lodged no charge as-lr.st Mm and he was kept In the Instl- tutlon with his full consent The moment he was released he was ar retted on a fugitive warrant sworn out here by County Attorney Koelech on telegraphic instructions from' Sheriff Alexander Nlsbet of Denver. The dlspstch stated that Adams was wanted- for the murder of' Lyte Gregory in that city on May 15, 1904, and a warrant had been Issued for his srrest. An officer With requisition papers would leave Denver not later than Monday, the sheriff added. , On the ' fugitive ' warrant Justice Dunbar held Adams, set'lng the time for the-hearing on Monday at 1 p. m. The county attorney gave notice he-would then ask fof 'C c'rintlnuance 'of 'two days,' If the Denver offlcera were not here. DENVEH, Sept. 8. I.yto Gregory, for whose murder Boise authorities ara now holding Steve Adams,' was employed as a defective, end special officer by a private Denver agency, and had previously spent severs, 1 years wocking for, the police and detective "departments In this City, While ' on "bis .way horns from Edward Clary's saloon in West Denver st a late hour on the night of May. IS, 1904, Gregory was shot down just at ths entrance of sn nlleyway,. It was some time before the slartit was raised snd the police notified end Gregory's ssnnssln made good his - cape. Examination disclosed the fact that I ten bullets Were fired into Gregory's body. John Combes, a carpenter, ' was ths only person arrested, and It was .Impossible to connect him with tha crime, the authorftlea released him after an investigation. Only a. few weeks before hie desth Qregory waa named by Wllllanr Warjon, an organiser for coal miners In Colorado, as cne of the.men who hsd brutally assaulted htm 'at Sargents,. Colo. DEFEAT FOR .SENATOR DICK Reaablleaa Coavsatlea of Hla Ovra Caaaty Refaeee to Kaderse Hlsa. ' ' . AKRON. O, Sept. I.-Refuatng to-be endorsed unless Senstor Fersker wss also Included In the resolution, I'nlted States Senator Charles Dick wss defeated In the republican convention of hij lwm county (Summit), thla afuirnoon. Resolutions which were adopted In opposition to Sen ator Dick do not contain the names of either of the Ohio senators and conclude with advoea tint ' an . amendment to the federal constitution providing for the eleo ! lion of senators by direct vote. They also demand that In the meantime the executive committee may' make provisions for the nomination of republican candidate for senators aecordlng to the Oregon plan. CLEVELAND, .0., -Sept. (.-The friends of Congressman Theodore Burton' were In 1 .... , . Stocks aire Ready Rapidly Finding Display Little Priced Dress Goods. Monde y In the Basement Drees Goods Department you will And some' very pretty i goods at small cost. ' Pretty plnlda for children's school dresses. 6c, 10c, 36c and 8Se a yard. New novelties, small figures, .navy, brown, gatnet, green, etc., no a yard. All wool storm serge, red. brown, navy and Alice blue, (Oc a yard. Bright New Dress Goods ' for Tall. It is buying time, but our greeting Is as cordial to those not ready to buy as to those who- are. New Parisian plslds, all plain colors. In pretty plaid, .effect, . navy, brown, red and Alice blue are great favorites. 11.60 a yard. "Special" all wool chiffon Panamas;, the secret of its fineness, lightness and beauty lies in the fact that It is woven from a very superior quality of yarn. No mussing, no crushing.. . New Colored and black broadcloth, prob ably the moat complete . stock . of broad cloth ever shown in this city. All the new chiffon spot-proof fabrics, which make them a great success. - They will not spot with water. Very. dressy, handsome, rich luster, colors, tl.OO, $1.60 and $160 a yard. Black. $1.00, $1.26,' $1.60, 1.7S, .. 2.W. $3 00, $3 50 and $4.00 a yard. .. Note See display In our Sixteenth street window. '' ' " ' i New Dress Trimmings for Autumn. Ours is without doubt the most complete stock of trimmings In the city. Many of Evenings. Corner Sixteenth. supreme control of. the Cuyahoga county republican convention, which was. held to day. " TKeA platform demands among other things1 he "retirement ot t.'nited tsate Senator '-Churl es Dick aa tha .head of the party.- organisation In Ohio. caJls for , the election of United States senators by popu- lar. vote and endorses tPresifrnt'-RoosaveU ihdSecretary.Tafti ' Cbngrssman"Burton said tBa't .-fa-., both . Senators Dick And Foraker, he had only kindly feelings pej sonally.i out. that in ths issue, between the OhtVaenatora and Uie president he. deetrod the convention to go tm record' with i, aaronger .eommendatlon of . the latter .thai of the former. Only two votes were, cast against the platform. . - V v FORTUNE", IN BURIED RAILS ..... i - " aaaaesaw-s V Roll af the Civil War VacovereS la Toxas aad Preasptly Cashed. '( ; . Mining for steel rails is a new Industry but it is being, carried on profitably at Lib erty, Tex. Forty-six ysars ego, JO.000 tons of steel rails .were purchased In England by a. syn dicate of wealthy planters of this section and a number of New Yflrkers associated with them In a railroad proposltlqn up the valley of the .Trinity river., y , The rails were, paid for . am) brought' .to Galveston by water and. shipped up .the Trinity river by barges, ' They were un loaded Just below the town and piled on the low bank of the river. The civil war came on and the project waa abandoned. The members Of ths company were either killed In the war or lost their property, cr were scattered until not one of them-has been heard of for more than a quarter of a century. . . , , . , ., A big flood In the river occurred a .few months after the rails bad been piled upon Its banks and Were covered with a -heavy deposit .of sand. .Th fact that the rails existed Anally became a dim memory in the minds of ths oldsr residents of Liberty, and of lata years ths story of the ' dis astrous project ' has been a mere legend. The. river . shifted several hundred yards during the years and more than thirty feet of sand and . soli had been deposited -upon the rails, leaving no trace whatever of them. It was left. to T. K. Nichols, of Houston to bring these rails to the light of 'day. Several months ago he waa In Liberty on a business visit, .when he chanced to meet an' aged pegro, who was a. slave when the valuable cargo waa brought over and who was employed in unloading ths' barg.'S. He told Mr. Nichols the story of the aban doned railroad and said that the rails were burled under msny feet of aand, .but he be lieved he knew the spot where they ccld be found. 1 ' Nichols made a quiet Investigation and found that the story pf ths lost rsils Was true. He eould find no claimants to the property and he made a proposition to the town of Liberty that if It would grant him the franchise to recover the rails hs would give the town tl for every $10 he mined and sold. His proposition wss eagerly ac cepted. No one thought he would be able to locate the rails. Under the guidance of the old negro-Mr. Nichols began thla prospecting for the hidden wealth. He used ground augers in boring test holes.' Hs bored eight. seven of these holes before rf found the rail .They ley . thtrty-flve feet beneath the -surface and the tame distance from the preeent channel of the river. ' The discovery of the rail was but the beginning of the labor of recovering them. The sand was difficult to handle and when the excavation had reached a point nSar the rails the water from tha river broke through and the pumps had to be em ployed to dear the bole. - v Tha piles ef rails bAve flnstly been an roverod aad they are- now being taken out at a rapid rate. The ralla are twenty-four feet In length an of a quality of ateel su 'pertor to that now veed. It la claimed. As aa evidence of thia fact Mr, Nk-hqle has aocepted a 'bid of U per ton tor the rails from a big' American ateel plant "v ' " At thla prfce ' tbe rail' will bring Mr. TPS"! W"M -.. Bee, September!, 1906. the latest Imported novelties to be had are here. Our buyer hse spsred no pajns to find the correct styles, and jt will require but a glance In this department to convince you the t .here Is the place to buy your trim mings. .. v . Narrow, plain and fancy braid, from tc, a yard and up. Persian band trimmings, from $2c a yard am) up. . , Fancy appliques, from too to $5.60 a yard. Some very choice, brown and green com-. binations. , , ..Blue trimmings, with a mixture at red Or old ro. , . ' Bla( and, white and gray trimmings and many other beautiful effects. An' attempt at description, would not do, them Justice, so . we Invite you. to see them. Lookers equally as welcome as. buyers. - ,. Buttons ! Buttons ! .A vsstvnew assortment. Quite an array of pretty novelty effects feature our present showing. No. matter what color or style the new dress Is to be, the button that boat becomes It Is here. . Those that bid fair to be the most popu lar are the enamels, plaids, cut steel, gun metsjs- an the most wanted grays to match the gray dress goods. A look Is In teresting. - Main floor. .. Richard Hudnut Toilet Specialties COMPLETE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. "Toilet; waters. Violet Sec,, extreme violet toilet water. Florida water. , , ' Violet Superba Face Powder. ...'' Bay rum, extra quality. "Violet' Sec Toilet Powder. ' " Extreme Violet toilet talcums. Orchard Beauty Cream. Concrete Tincture Ben Zoin. . Toilet Create. . ..Cucumber Cold Cream. . Marvelous Cold. Cream. . '. Hudnu't headache cologne. t Perfumed liquid green, soap. Hudnutlne tooth plaster. . Wood violet tooth wash. We also carry a full line of Colgate's good,.' . , .... ; ; Nichols a fortufleof "080,000, less about H0,lfl. which ha will have expended ,ro. lo cating -the property and removing them and aa . additional, 410,00 to he -paid . to vtbe town ot Liberty. The purehaaers will bear all, 'cost, .of loadihg and "shipping the ralla. Which, 'experts state, are in One-condition and evidence no Injurious effect from the ior.burlai.T-Plttspurf ml " J- WfA'Mv- COAL; CARS.H ELD ! j JXA$ "er,A Rata' taw.' Is ,' ItespoaelklV. foe ' ' ifllek la Meresitst of " . . Tralae.,..; - - ' ' ' 'V N' ' DALLAS, Tex.. Sept. if. A dispatch, from Sherman,, Tex.,, says fifty cars ; of ooal are tied up in-too Denlson yards bf the .Mis souri, Kansas A Texas railroad on account of tbe Hepburn rate law, aa the. Cotton Belt railroad refuses to, receive the coal at tha advanoed rates. ; The coal was for the railroad shops at Mount . Pleasant. Missouri, ;. Kansas . & Tefcas offlolala notified the Cotton Belt that under the new law the rate on -coal shipped from Lehigh, Pa.,' and "billed to. - Mount Pleasant would be! raised from SO cents to tl.RS per ton. The- Cotton Belt has made protests, but so far. without' avail. The cars are held -until the "advanced rate Is paid. ;.; ' - ' -.:v".:.. ',- ' ' . . 'FRISCO FLOODEO WITrjf MONEY City Strlrkea vrlta, Erthqaako, Has Maay.Mlllioa's oa t'all a Gothaai. ' SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. .-Ths Exam iner today, says: The San Francisco bnks have cut in the wsy of call loans In New York ' between HO. 000,0no and 160,000.000 at very favorable, rates of Interest, so great is the eastern demand for ready money- ertth which to move the unusually big crops. There Is a surplus of money In San Fran cisco at present and the bapks ars flsdlng It profitable to use it In the way of call loans in the east,. The local surplus ts owing; to ths Influx ot Insurance money and for tha further reasons that pending preparations of plans for buildings and other local Investment many people with money have no present use for It and are filling the banks with It. PEAVEY . CASEC0WES AGAIN laloa Pselle Will Hsre lasertsst . .Hearlaa Before Interstate Cam meree Commlssloa. .WASHINGTON, Sept. . A hearing on ths matter of elevator allowances by vari ous railroads will be held in Chicago cn September 17 by 'the Interstate Commerce commlssloa. The hearing Is likely to de velop some Important features. It Is known that the old omplsint against the Peavey company thst It waa being favored by the fnlon Pacific railroad will be renewed at the hearing. - f The Interstate Commerce commission. In deciding the I'nlen fadf.e-Peevey Co. rase, held that the 'charge Pf Peavey at Co. for the elevation of grain turned over to It by tha Union Pacific was "not unrea sonable. ' LOW 1IOVKD TRIP RATES Tta Cfcleaca, Mllwaafcea St. Paal '".."- Railway. One far plus I2.M for round trip to Nor folk, Richmond. "Newport News, Lynch burg and many othsr points In Virginia, on aala September II, October J, and Is. November and . JO, good for return In thirty days. For further Information can at city ticket office, IK 4 Farnam etreet, or wrlta to. " . P. A. NASH. Oen'l. Waster Agent, ...Omaha, Neb... .... x Gold for Aaaerlea. ' " LONDON, Sept. (.-The Cnlted States took a further enaraarement of $2.400 0) In eaelee from rhe Bans: of Ens-land todsy. In consequence of the steady drain of fJid to New fork tha bank has raised the crice M In 7M td. WEALTH ANDSPIIUTUAL LIFE .ddrm bf Priiirisat Rjoievslt at Celebra tion of Ohnrch" AnniTtrtarr. CREEDS ARE K.H0W,1fir THdlR PRODUCTS Relllo-a - la lue Lena- Ran la largely .lodged ay the Mies t Those 'Wk Pro fess It. OYSTER BAY, Sept. s.-PresHlent Roose velt participated today iu Mne Moth, anni versary celebration of .Christ Episcupsl church, which he attends during his sum :..e.s here. The keynote of Uie president' epee-n, which occupied half an hour, and ' con- eluded a series of four addresses, wss that i the wealtn of the nation -must not be dls- i regarded, but looked upon as the basis for spiritual, development, clean living and civic Virtues. , . . , ' The celebration was held In the church's edifice, which beers the Hate -of 1705 on Its corner stone. Admlnelon was by card-jid limited to the church members and the clergy. It was followed by a collation In the parish hall, 'of which theh president partook, and where he chatted freely with the visiting clergy and church member. ' The speakers preceding the president were. Rev. F. II. Wsahhurn. pnHtor of the church, who grfye a historll sketch of the organisation; Right Rev. Frederick Burgees, D.D., bishop of 'Long Island, who predicted one church for future genera tions in America and that the episcopal; Rev. W. Montague Geor of New York and Rerv. George R. VandeWater of New Tork. Address of the President.. .The president began, his speech with a corroboration of Dr. Geer on the essential need of religion In its broadest and deepest sense, to tue welfare of the country. He continued: This' country would not be an' abode fit for covlllsed men If It were not true that we put our material civilisation, our ma terial prosperity, as the only base upon which to build the superstructure of the higher spiritual life. Speaking here today as a layman, 1 wish to emphasise the vital importance or our people being taugnt to realise that the highest value of Chris tianity manifests Itself In the conduct of those who profess It. I shall read several versea from the end of the flrst chapter of James: ' "But be ye doers of the word, -and not hearer only, deceiving your own selves. "For If sny be a hearer of the word snd not a doer, he Is like unto a man behold ing hla natural face In a glasn. "For he behnldeth himself, and .goeth his way and straightway forgetteh what manner of man he was. "Pure religion and undeflled. before God and the Father Is this, to vlf.lt the father less r.nd widows In their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the wot-ld." It Is true that In many -things the ten dencies at work among us today are evil, but It Is true also that there are plenty of other tendencies for good. ' I am not prepared to assent to the statement that we are much worse than we used to be, but It Is not of Importance whether, as a matter of academic belief we hold that thlnga have grown better or wore. ' GrcAt Doty of Christ la as. What is of vttsl importance is tat we should be resolved to do all In our power no waa well as In the future to make them fetter, and It we are a unit in that belief t Is open to us to differ In regard to the other matter. -' 1 feel that there has been a real growth in broad Christian charity. I believe that the different creeds are in the essentials In reality vital things, com ing cloeer all. the time, because I think theat they 'are grasping the' fact that the way In which- they can best serve the Lord la not by-warring against one another, but by Jolnjng hands, in the .great struggle againet ' unrighteousness in the. great war for decency, for honesty, for clean living in the home no. leas 4han In the nation... The worth of any creed mum in the Ions run' be- Judged largely' by the condnci of those who profess ir.-.TThe-A most effHlv service tor Christianity- that ,ciui jwaaibly b given Is to show In actual lfftthHt those who profesa.lt dw give-in. 'tjieincomlao ah approximate expression te tbe, faith othfvt Is In. them. I doubt if spy of us will be able ' to give more"than-eilci approximate expression', of .that' f alth :? netiert he lews, - we can each, of ua strive,, in our copUuat' tol show that the--Word la alive In us that we sre striving to live tip to the essentials of Christianity; a the brotherhood -of tkxl snd the brotherhood, of, man -as-they-are taught In the Bible, as they are preached to as Sunday after Sunday. If Is-the con duct of tha. average. Christian, not on Sun day, but on week days: net In the church alone, but In hla' family and In his rela tions to his neighbor and to the stste. that will jnare than anything else determine In the eyes of the general public the worth of the creed that man professes. Gospel af Right Living. This applies m little things as much as In big things.. It applies in-the little things which In their. sum are so big. Tbe man is not a good Christian If his domestic con duct Is such that whtm he 'returns to his home and hie -wife -end children feel un easiness at his having, coma.. Tha man is net a good Christian who In his buHlneea dealings falls to remember' that It Is in cumbent upon him to-hold -a hhxher stand ard than bla. fellows,, that it la incumbent upon him.' If he Is a very rich man. to make It evident alike In the Way he earns and the way he spends his fortune that the word of the Lord la to Jlm a living truth and pot a dead doctrine,, And, of couise, what 1 say applies even more strongly to the man in public life.' '-' The nominal chnraoter. the man who has sttended to all. the outward observances of Christianity ' with, no matter what scrupulous care, who nevertheless em net tles trust funds is more, not less, to blame or worthy than if he had never made pro fession Of belief. .V . . We may continue as, a republic, but we cannot, rise toany true level of greatness, unless that greatness la . based upon and conditioned by a highland brave .type of spiritual life. There Is nothing we should abhor more than the telling of an untruth, whether a conventional untruth or not. (see Of Material Wealth.' i would on no account be understood as affecting to depreciate material bell-belng. To tell .men to disregard riches entirely is to preach to them only a doctrine mhich It is tmpnaalhle for them to live up to. Re- Sard the thlrgs of 'the body, but put them eiow: she. things of the soul.:1 Give to the body what the body, .la entitled to, but do not give It more than It la entitled to. Tbe multimillionaire generally Is not a harm, but a good, to the community If he appre ciates that he is a. trustee for, that wealth, that his use of It must also' be a Use which tell for decency id private life, for honesty and courage in both it and public life. V'e need material, well .being in this na tion as a foundation, without, which no su perstructure can be raised. But upon that foundation we must see to it that we build the superstructure f high individual and national conduct, so that each man In hla relations to his fellows shsll act nail v be lonuetveed by in. ethical standards which teach ua that the, thing la life bst worth having will prove In the end to. be the snae of having so lived that others are .better and not worse off because we have lWed. BANK SCANDAL. CAUSES DEATH Father af, DefaalMac . President , Aaaeoada Coarera Ceananlts " ' Salrl4e. af ST. . PAUL, Sept. I. A special to-the Pioneer Press from Butts, Mont., -says: Leaving a letter In a-hloh'hs staled that ha could' no longer bear the. sharne and Ignominy brought upon him by the alloged defalcation of hla son. J. sj. Wlsnsr of Anaconda, public administrator of Oeer Lodge county committed sulHde In a Butte lodging house by swallowing strych nine. This is the first death growing out of the scandal In connection with the de funct Real Estate .and Insursnce bank of Anaconda, which it Is alleged, owes Its customers shout 1100,000. The son of tha dead man, a. K 8. Tyisner. Is now In ail charged with vsrtous offenses In con nection with' the failure. - The elder Wis -ner was a veteran of the Civil war and had long been prominent la Anaconda. In hla letter, ha says that because of his son's connection with the company ha had Induced many of his Orand Army of the Republic frlenda to Inveet their money in. It. and ( that he . could not, boar oeing accused of having deceived them. furiur We have placed on asle) this week some of the best furniture bar gains ever offered to th Omaha public. We are members of the. Furni ture Unyera' association (the world's largest furniture buyer) and are prepared to save you fully 26 per cent on yotir furniture. Do you want to make vour dollar do almost donble duty? Then see? this week. We are here trt.atay, and you can depend on Retting Just what yott buy, and you can buy Just what we advertise at the advertised price. CREDIT FROM US la a business proposition and not a ahow of false charity. We don't be lieve the people of Omaha want or need charity. OUR. CREDIT TERMS are undoubtedly the simplest and easiest In Omaha. First payment, whatever you can pay; balance to ault your convenience. C Three-Piece Parlor Suit (square frame), mahogany finish, uphol stered in velvet and velonr, mas sive frames, new and pretty de sign, a $22.00 value-- Thls Week 12.50 Only $1.25 Down, This solid oak, piano, polished top, roundr six foot extension Pedestal Table, of masive construc tiona grand bargain. This Week 11.95 SI down, 75c a week. ssa fasj Beautiful pute lars or over. HILL ORE LEASES ARE VALID Decision of Minnesota -Court Clean Up Title to Valuable Iron Mines. as-Maasseassst TRANSFER TO STEEL TRUST PROBABLE Deal -Which Has Bee a Pendlaar 'for Three Years Ejected to Be t'oasammated Within Few Weeks. NEW YORK, Sept. a. The receipt of the decision handed down ' yesterday fy' the supreme court of Minnesota In the Vir ginia silver mine case, which la regarded ss definitely establishing the rights of the Ureat Northern railway In the leaite of cer tain' ore lands from the .state, caused a report In Wall street today that the long delayed ' agreement between the Great Northern and the I'nlted States Steel cor poration for the (esse and operstion of the so-called Hill mines In the Luke Superior district,' waa soon to be announced. In quiry, showed, however, that most of the important- officials of both corporations were absfnt from the city today and will not return until next Week." Rven'then it was estlmsted, there sre many detslls yet to be arranged some-of vital Importsnoe. The court decision, however, removes one of the obstacles to the proposed agreement, for the constitutionality of the -law under which trie-Great Northern had secured leaseholds of many of Its ore lends hsd been celled ' Into question. Refollatlaaa I,sb( PradlaaT. 'The negotiations of the Hill ore holdings have been pending for nearly. three years snd several times have been reported nesr a conclusion. The steel . corporation, al ready the lars'est holder of ore 'properties In the Iike Superior district, through Its Oliver Iron Mining company,, has been anxious. It Is reported, to secure the Hill properties sa a sort of reserve, thus ss-surlna- Itself of s longer life snd siding In cutting out possible serious competition. To guerd sgslnst . the properties belng held Idle by the steel rorrnratlon, (n Great Norjhern railway has contended for a lease, based upon the psyment of royalty on esch. ton of ore mined, with a minimum output i to be agreed upon. The royalties were to be ineressed yesr by ' year until they amounted te ft a ton. The minimum nut pot also wss to be Ineressed yesrly and l wss further stipulated In the early negntls tlons thst the Great Northern railway should haul sll ths Ore to Duluth dorks at s riven rafs. Propositions by the sleet corporation and counter proposltlona ' by the Hill Interests have been made from time to time, with variations of the lrmi, ss above outlined. Ore Properties Valaable. The Hill lands are claimed to be second In value only to thoae of the Oliver Iron Mining company. The few Great Northern properties which are not being worked have been leased to various mining companies on terms similar to those offered the steel corporations. Moat of the Hill holdings are, however, aa yet unexplored, and It la said that any estimates as to their value aremete guesses. The financial district Is therefore some what puttied as to Just wbat ths deal be- Ill PRI i - : Thia Beautiful Brass Rail and Top Bed, heavy chilled posts, handsome design, in several colors. Grand $10 Value. 5.75 Thla M eek 60c Down, 50c Week.' 75c a Week. Chase Leather Couch, of solid steel construction, close tufted, full size, abso lutely guaranteed, a $20.00 value This 10.98 Week 9)1.00 Down, 75c a Week. i This week, your choice of Solid Oak Rocker or Rack with any purchase of ten dol r tween the Great Northern and the steel, corporation will mean when consummated. Tbe annual royalties and profits to the Great Northern from the haul of the oVe tu the Lake Superior docks cannot be esti mated, although Mr. Hill Is endeavoring to approximate the result by fixing a mini.' mum quantity of ore to be turned out each year. In case the steel corporation ahoulg not see fit to work the mines to theextenl-' agreed upon It would be compelled undei the terms offered to pay to the railroad company an amount equal to the royaltlea on the minimum yearly output. This mini mum output Is variously estimated at from 6.000,000 to 10.000,000 gross tops per year, the latter figures being Insisted upon by the Great Northern after a certain number of years has elapsed. v A Moalel family. "I dfe not think that our family haa beea. without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy t)slnce we commenced housekeeping years ago," . aaya E. Y.. Archer, manager of . ths Republican. Journal, Caldwell, Ohio.. "Whso we go uu an extended visit we pack It In. the suit ease so as to be prepared to ward off any ' trouble that may be caused by change ut water and food." Rla Oraada Bf:ort, NEW YORK, Sept. 8 The annual report of the Denver A Rio Grande Railroad com pany for the year ended June ahowi groas esmlngs of 19,R8iUl!i. sn inrreasi over the previous yesr of $2,M.Wi. The net earnings were t7,&Kl,M3, an increase si 61..lfS. Ths surplus for the year after payment Of dividends snd expenses for tht new equipment and net ferments Was 8.W. a decrease of $121.98. . Havana all and all You can be positive you . get it every time you buy an . OPTIMO Not seed and Havana, or partly Havana, of Havana filled, but jail Havana' through and through. -The band guarantees it. A.tANTAELLAeV CO., Maksra, Tampa, Fla. - Vsrsgoy k Moors Oo., Purtrlbnteraj Osnaaa aad OowaoU Bluffs. H EljbsSIb