J TIIE . OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:. SEPTEMBER 9, 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES will he takea aatll 23 as. for the erremtasr edltloa td aatll a. at. far Ratea 1 l-ic a word a rat Insertion. 1 a word thereafter. Nothing takea for less thaa SOei for tbo flrst laser, tloa. These ndverllseanente saast be rea conseewttrely. Advertisers, by resjaesttasj a ansa bare e bee It, caa have aaawora ae ' to a aiabrrri letter la eara f Tba Bee. Aaawrra aa addressed win bo delivered oa aroaoatatloa af -ehxk. MISCELLANEOUS GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., S18 So. 15th St. .Tel. Douglas 6 SI. R-M923 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work! make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and alea. Q. Andreen. prop., 102 8. 10 th St. R-789 SIGN PAINT IN (3 8. It Cole. 1302 Douglas. R7M WHERE TRUNKS ARB MAD EX Trunks, ault cases and shopping bags. Old trunks In exchange. Repairing. FRKLLNJ ft STEIN LB. CO N. leth Bt 'Phone Douglas S. . R M7Q4 aai TRT Kelly's Towel Bupply. Tel. Doug. 8530. i ., , k 7a IOWA Sanitary Cleaning- Co., VJ Fa mam. R-798 ANTI-MONO POLT Garbage Co.. 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Rea. 'phone Doug. 7061. R-793 ELSA6SER & BRICE, Machinists. 317 South LJth St. Tel. 5837. TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, $2.60. Vox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R M947 Bit HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs entrance, 1224 Farnam. TeL Doug. 2P74. - R-ftll BANKER, worth $&0,000, busy making money, would like an affectionate wife to share his hours of pleasure. Write Box &, St. Joseph, Michigan. . R 567 9x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Twenty-seven general stocks of merchan dise from $3,600 to 120.000 for land. Im proved and unimproved. Thirteen hardware stocks from $3,500 to 88,000 for Improved and unimproved land. Five restaurants. Seven livery and feed barns, all prices, to exchange for land. Stock of Implements, 1 buggies, wagons, etc. Invoice $9,0UU, with bulldlrg $10,000, Incumbrance $0,000, lor good Iowa or north Missouri farm. Eight blacksmith shops. Invoice $450 to lidOO, for South Dakota land. Five drug stocks, invoicing from 84.200 to 26,000, for land equal value. Thirty-four residence properties, located In good towns, good schools, etc., to ex change for Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Nebraska or Iowa land. Five hundred well located, Improved farms, located In Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. Write for prices and descriptions. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., bloux City, la., or Omaha, Neb. Z-M435 WILL accept sacrifice price for a chanxo. t Have a Ijj.uOO farm, highly Improved, well j located. In best crop country; has joO acres, hlus grass, balance, crop. Want , Income property, merchandise or would I consider cheaper land, or what have youT I Mean business and must have (rood prop- arty. Write at once and get the best fuTin offered for the money. C. E. Hall, Omkba. Z-6W FORTT ACRES Improved land 12 miles north of Council Bluffs, for small grocery stock in Omaha or South Omaha. In quire 1324 Farnam St., room S. Z M228 A WANTED To exchange for Improved onuuia property valued at ijo.ooo and pay ing good Interest, farm land near Chicago; deatre large body of land and will pay difference. Address A. Epperson, 25 East 44th St., Chicago. . Z-M308 U TF TOU do not find what you want In this column,, put an ad In and you will soon get It. z-m c ... BT OWNER. 100 acres, unimproved, Dawson county, Ne braska; good fertile soil, 44 miles from rd town on main line U. P. R. R.; near F. D. route; telephone Una on the place (4,500. Want S to 10-acre, well tm- Coved home near Omaha or Council luffs. Address P-7, care Bee. Z 442 9x I WILL TRADE my White Steamer touring car for Omaha city property or Nebraska or Iowa farm lands. Address P-14, Bee. Z M622 15 WILL EXCHANGE 80 acres of fine west ern Nebraska land for Omaha Improved property or vacant Iota. Address P-1L care Bee. Z M521 11 FOR SALE Exchange, fine piano player for horse, diamond, real estate; what have you? 1819 Davenport. Z M606 lux CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA Leading Palmist of Omaha Located No. 11S South 10th Bt., opposite noston more. HAVE YOUR HANDS READ 1 i .by . ' MADAM BUDDHA. The, Past and the Present First All Plainly and clearly told to you to your enure satisfaction. i . Which must be Proof that aba Is capable to read your Future. 1 I (ha Future Is from a scientific standpoint i quica.iv ana accurately revealed. Call and be convinced. , MME. BUDDHA , - Assures complete satisfaction or no fee. Address No. 113 South ltith St, up stairs. 'Plume engagements made. Telephone Douglas 4596. 8-63 I MADAME BUDDHA, ' LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. JBventrul and truthful predictions given. Call HI o. lttn Bt., upp. Boston Store. ' - 8 MldS WANTED TO. BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, Steves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay Ue vest yricee, aw. &Aiuais-a?f i. N-I3b OS WANTED Young horse about 1,200. Omaha Stove Kepalr works, PKh AKwglaa St. N 418 &x WANTED Engine, type, newspaper or Job press, 14x2 or larger. Box 644. Btroms Lui . Neb. . N 6ou x WANTED To buy a. T or t-room house. niodern and not too old; would prefer soma auavue trees.- Anaiess r-u, nee. UU'aa lOx WANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, by teacher and mother; vicinity nounise Place preferred. Auyresa r-is, nee. n-wi ix FENCING W1KH AND IRON FENCING. Far lawa. garden, poultry and friu. Send for Urge free catalogue. Get our prices. Omaha Wire and lion Works, U-si N. 24th. Tel. lug. aim. -MJ1I Sll ANCHOrt and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing to par foot, aa J. tan u xeu rteu CHAMPION fences best. CI & lCth. Doug. DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORB detective senrioe; 'phone Red VU. Kdome U and 14, Union Blk.. 16th siu r srnan -" " ' I LAW AND COLLECTIONS . 1 xtortarlanA SUB hi. X. L. Bldg. Tt z - - . rc.1 rm WANTED MALE HELP BOYLES ALLOWS PUPILS TO ENTER ANY DAY OF THE YEAR Our Fall Term ! Juit one week old. The work so far h been but pre liminary preparation. You can enter Remember there are no herd-like BOYLES -that every pupil recelyes Individual pupil can progress Just as fast as he or she is capable of doing, ana is not neia back to keep with a class. We produce genuinely competent Stenographers, Bookkeepers and Tele graphers ANY BUSINESS HOUSE HAVING A BOYLES GRADUATE IN ITS EMPLOY CAN CONFIRM THIS STATEMENT. Boyles courses are practical In every minute detail and every step that you take here makes you just that much more capable of filling SATISFAC TORILY a well-paid position In the business world. Boyles Instructors are the highest paid Business College teachers In this section of the country. We have acquired this exceedingly costly staff because we know that high-grade Instructors assure high-grade graduates, the kind of graduates that have made this an you to obtain your business education at Boyles College because business men have found it best to obtain their business assistants at Boyles." THESE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY MORE PUPILS ARE IN ATTENDANCE AT BOYLES COLLEGE ON THE OPENING DAY THAN AT ALL OTHER OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGES COMBINED. Yet the Boyles Course costs no more than many Inferior business colleges charge. Why not call tomorrow morning. BOYLES COLLEGE U. B. BOYLES. President. BOYLES BUILDING. WANTED For the U. 8. marine corps, men Dciween ages n and to; an oppor tunity to see the world. For fuller In formation see poster In postofflce of any county seat In the state of Nebraska, clvlng address of recruiting office lore ted therein. B MS4& S30x WANTED Five boys, good wagesAper- iiwiicui. juu. a. u. j.. I.O., u o. mm ou , B M801 CARDS FREE Bend us the names of five young persons who should be interested in a commercial education and we will mall you free of cost six vlaltlng cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN, OMAHA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE. B 832 WANTED BOUND YOUNO MEN, U. to v, to prepare for firemen and brakemen on new roads and for fall rush. Ex perience unnecessary. Firemen $100, pro moted to engineers $2u0; brakemen fii. promoted to conductors $150 Positions now open. National Railway Training Association, 620 X Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B MISS Ol Bookkeeper and Stenographer, S7S. 8'.enographer, 75. Hotel clerk, young man. Travcllnc salesman, one with D&ckinar house experience preferred, snd Numerous others. Call or write for com plete list. WESTERN REF. St BOND. ASS N. (INC.). uept. U, MO-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 432 S WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We prepare you tor positions 212 to 220 weekly. You can practically earn your tuition, tools and board before completing; short time required. Positions or loca tions waiting. Call or write Moler Bar ber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M424 14x DRUO STORES bought and sold; drug cibt&s wanted. . v. n meal, szi n. i. B 802 TEAMS can make from 24 to 26 per day. ctteaay work. c. B. Havens & vo. yams, 14th sod Webster. B 288 WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. cudany packing co. B 433 WANTED Experienced bill clerk; must be wen recommended; prefer married man; state age and salary. Address O 24. care Bee B 1 TWO men to sell goods on payments from flmnl ifBioni. P.. ftV AAnma Co.. 1S1B Howard. B M921 01 SALARY and commission will be paid to a nrst-ciass old-line lire insurance man capable of writing business himself and teaching .others to do so. Address lock box lo2b. Lincoln. Neb. B M307 04 BOY, about It. willing to learn stationery and book business., sea Mr. Kussen, in Bennett . Company. B M367 I WANTED Liquor salesmen; ' new firm; salary, commission. Windsor Hotel base ment. B M370 x DRAFTSMAN 2100-2160 monthly salary: are wanted In every cltv. Chief draftsman of large con cern will give you by mall individual draft ing room instruction, mechanical and archi tectural, and guarantee to quality you in three to alx months' home study to earn 230 to (M weekly. Thorough practical tech nical training until competent, rurnisa tools and position free of charge when cum- leted. Terms reasonable. Address Chief raftsman, Dlv. 32L, Engineers' Equip ment Co.. Inc., Chicago. a a vx WANTED Office boys, 15 to 12 years. jiyji rnci ev vuiwvs uivut st vv South Omaha. B 874 S SOMETHING NEW tn health ano. accident insurance. A leading company, wun large profits, to a good Omaha agent, and alio for outside agents. Great Western Acci dent, Des Moines. B STENOGRAPHER, male; experienced; sal ary 7. Address u i. see. B-M403 2X STENOGRAPHER, male; experienced; sal- mry aw. Auuim j u i, , B-M402 tx MEN "and boys, plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades pay bum aay. we teach you thoroughly in three months. Position guaranteed. Free catalogue. Coyne's Trade School, St. Louis, Mo. , B-M487 X WANTED Laborers, Independent Eleva tor. S8th and Uold Bts. wages xzw per day. Steady employment. B M3ia WANTED Boy - with wheel; good wagea at . UnPA.n.ll Itm. fn E3 1 1 V I Ilia,! " " m wv. - . . B 172 vAiTwn uiw HTi'nv t.awi Omab. School of Law; evening sessions on1 . Furtner information, aaaress sec retary. 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug, 867. B-60O WANTED AT ONCE First class gents' furnishing goods salesman. See Mr. Voll mar. The Bennett Company. . B 436 S WANTED Men and boys. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. T B-412 t WANTED 2S laborers. Omaha Gas Co., H,th and Jones Bts. u 417 WANTED Experienced coachman with city references. Apply nut cass bi. B444 10 MANAGER wanted; every section to select agents for "Uameoscience," world s great est new lawful game for drinks or cigars; takes place forbidden slot machines; played with nickels or quarters, one to seven persons can play at once; flnlah beautiful like cash register; rented or sold on easy payments; 49.0iO now In use; sample sent free; proposition will please rou If wa still have opening In your sec Ion. United Sporting Goods Mfg. Co., Dept. 68, Chicago, 111. B ft IX A POSTOFFICE examination will bo held In Omaha November IT. FMU Informa tion about all civil service examinations and questions recently used by the com mission, free. Columbian Correspondence college, wasnington, u. v. x WANTKD Men. everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tacx tlunal Distributing Bureau, lis) Oakland uauik. ttidg., cnicago, ill. n eut x ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch of large man order house; salary 112 per week, ex penses paid; permanent position with ad vancement; honesty mora essential tban experience. National C 14 Chestnut i riuutuewiuo. - a. v WANTED MALE HELP COLLEGE the College tomorrow Just as wen. classes In COLLEGE Instruction and that each and erery axiom: "You will find it will be best for OMAHA. NEBRASKA. ' B-659-9 WE WILL make you a present of J100, glva you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of 285 per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the frreatest and most reliable portrait house n the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel, Dept. "Jl, Chicago, 111- B 182 fx MANAGER wanted. An Ohio corporation manufacturing household necessity de sires Nebraska manager. Demonstration In leading department store. Office fur nished. Three years' contract. Salary, 11,000 and commissions. Good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 226 Ontario Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. B MEN everywhere to clean monuments; new business; Immense profits; experience un necessary. Address Victor Rainholt, . Box 4, Bloomfleld, Ind. B-481 x MEN To distribute samples, tack signs; good pay; steady; no canvassing. Oliver, Monroe Bldg., Chicago. B 468 tx AGENTS wanted; something new; every body uses; great demand; large profits; exclusive territory. Medicated Insole Co., 286 Main St, Portland Ore. , B 666 9x WANTED First elsss advertising solicitor; city work. Address, P 16, Bee. B 662 9x WANTED Mall clerks, carriers; Novem ber examination; coaching free. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. B M561 Ux IN SIX WEEKS we educate you in sales manship, secure you position aa traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address the Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. B 600 tx WANTED Amateur photographers to fur nish photographs lor newspapers and magaxlnes. Address The National Press Ass n. Washington, D. C. B 662 x W ANTED First-class experienced sales men in silk department. None other need apply. J, I Urandela & Sons. B MSUU TEAMSTERS 123 South 16th St, B 11390 18 WANTED In Bpokane, Wash., first-class tinsmitn ano furnace men: wages H per day of 8 hours. W. P. Heeler. B-M626 IS WANTED Local salesman; best selling ln- vcBiiiiem pruiwsiiiun ; iiisummem pmn; real estate security; appeals to all classes Permanent position. J. H. SDrlnaer. Eltel Bldg., Seattle, Wash. B 627 tx GOOD positions for men In every town. Act aa our salesman ror tne nnest line or tea, coffee, spices, etc. No capital required. We furnish the goods, advertising matter, delivery wagon, ate. Goods guaranteed. Over 6,000 aalesmen now employed. For particulars address, GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Headquarters New York. Omaha, Neb. U 640 t CLOTHING clerk; an all-round clothing man; one wno can sen stock, sen goods and trim windows; prefer one who can talk German; state age, experience and salary expected and give full particulars In first letter. 8. Goldberg, Nebraska City, Neb. B467 I Wa give below a few vacancies whloh are open for immediate consideration: Private secretary, 21.200. Bookkeeper and stenographer. 2900. 2 stenographers, commercial, 200. Traveling salesman, liwo. If competent to nil any of the above, call or write at once. WESTERN RKF. A BOND ASS N. (Inc.). Dept. B, 84V J is. x. Lite mag. " B-622 t WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman coox, 225 per month; must furnish ravoumenoauons. Address L I, Bee, C-M266 WANTED Immediately, first-class cook; pest of wages; none eise neea appiy. itL Harney 630. Ctoi WANTED A cook. 622 8. 27th. C-476 WANTED Good girl for general house work, bo? o. ma jive. I, so WANTED Competent second girl. Mrs. C M361 GIRL for general housework; 26 per week. 4..1 -U- .aw Ut , 1 UU Uv GIRL for general housework, small family of three; good wages, lou uraoe. uiu Sherman Ave. C S7D 2 WANTED Two flnst-class experienced salesmen In silk department; none others need apply. J. L. Brandels eV Sons. C-376 t WANTED A girl for housework; good wagea. 1&3 8. list Bt. - C-272 x WANTED Girl for general housework. 1120 park Ave. u M2S1 WANTED Oirl for general housework In small family and nurse for baby; refer ences required. 'Phone Harney 2Jao or call 12u Georgia Ave. C 871 WANTED Girl for general housework In small family and nurse for baby: refer ences required. 'Phone Harney 23H0, or call 1306 Georgia Ave. C 271 I WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. J. x Baker, 624 Park Ave. C 4C45 GIRLS wanted, experience not necessary. vuy steam uuoarri xu bo. lain. WANTED Trimmers for millinery work room; must be experienced. Apply be tween and 10 a. m. Thompson-Iteldon ox uo. omco, tnira noor. . J tin I WANTED A blight young lady to stay In office who desires to learn bookkeeping and typewriting and Is willing to stay in office and receive for ber compensation tne necessary instructions; a rare oppor tunlty. Address P-6, Bee Office. C M42SSX GIRL for general housework; t tn family; pest ot wagea sois win bl j - WANTED A good cook, at Creche, ltth and Harney. o ets lOx 60 STRONG GIRLS for taming bags; girls It or If years old for clipping thread a jsemis umana Bag uo. c 44g GIRL for general housework; family of two. 1921 Cass 8t. C M44 U WANTED A competent girl for general housework; 16.00 per week. 428 N. 4tb. cuexi u EXPERIENCED young lady ior Jewelry section, nee Jdr. w uuatna, Mwairy buyer, The Baoaeu Cut C 43 I WANTED FEMALE HELP The Record Broken ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS UNPRECEDENTED AT TIIE Omaha Commercial College (19th and Farnam) The opening of our fall term last Monday was remarkable something unusual. All departments have large numbers. Many states and territories are represented. Many more hare arranged to enter tomorrow. This Is the best time to begin. NEW CLASSES In all departments. Enroll now and be COURSES Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, one will fit you for a good position. DAY AND NIG1TT SCHOOL. If you cannot attend the day school you will find our night school rert helpful and Interesting. CATALOGUE AND SPECIMENS OF PENMANSHIP Free to any addres. Write for same at LADY SEWERS to make up shields at nome; iu per iuu; can make two an nour; work sent prepaid to reliable women; end reply envelope for full information to Universal Remedy Co., Desk'B, Wal nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 406 tx LADIES to make sanitary belts; material all cut ready to sew; 21.30 per dosen; par ticulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept. 408, Chicago. C 471 tx WANTED A large .manufacturing com pany requires services of a saleslady for this territory immediately; salary; steady employment. Address Dept. A.. 310 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. C 462 9x WANTED-Olrls for catalogue work. Ap- Siy Manager Clothing uept.. Hay den tom. C M691 19x WANTED An experienced lady stenog- rapner ana one wno can assist in omce work; steady employment, good salary; only experienced one need apply. Ad dress, P 20, Bee. C M5S0 10 HOUSEKEEPER Competent lsdy as Housekeeper and to care lor children of school age. J. N. Baach. 4316 Grant St. C-W 9x LADIES for shadow di.vwlnp: natural tal ent unnecessary; i"0 weok'y easily earned at home; stamped envelope for particu lars. Address Bureau of Commercial Art, 1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 33 tx SEWERS Gingham Aprons; make highest wages; material sent to door Tree of ohsrgc; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richards, 6002 Forrest vllle Ave., Chicago. C 032 tx LADY to travel; reference required; salary .i per weea; expenses advanced; no capi tal required. J. 8. Zlegler tt Co., Chicago. C WANTED A girl (or general housework. 602 no. 40tn. c A1610 ll COOK wanted, 3003 California St. 8 stenographers, 250. 1 clerk and stenographer, 250. 1 retail clerk, 235. 1 bookkeeoer and stenographer. 235. WESTERN REF. 4 BOND ASS'N. (INC.) Dept. B, 640-1-2, N. X. Life Bldg. ... i . - O-M0169 EXPERIENCED young lady for Jewelry section. Bee Mr. Williams, jeweiry ouyer. The Bennett Co. C M815 REFINED and Intelligent girl for up stairs maid, In private family. 626 2d St.. Council Bluffs, la, C 644 10 WANTED Girls, t Puritan Laundry, 2810 Farnam. C 410. 1 LADIES to work on piece-work; 23 per dosen; all materials turnlshed; no can vassing: steady work guaranteed; send stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Cham plain Bldg., Chicago. C-644 9x GIRL for general housework; small fam- n y. 1921 cass st. c-mo 10 WANTED AGENTS NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work; write today; get territory; ouier new goods. Ladies' Supply Co., Prairie Ave., O, Chicago. J MJ12 Slkx AGENTS Drop everything and write us ior special lerma on uur mid uuk-w clalty; sells Itself; greatest muney-maa.er In years. Address American Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-647 tx AGENTS make 250 to $100 per week with our dividend gum macaine; u im penny stick of gum and pays 6, lo or 26c In trado. Continental Vending Co., Rochester, N. Y. J-4 9x 875 WEEKLY and upwards easily made fit ting glasses; our oyo vw ui j - how. Write National Optical College, St. Louis, Mo. J-4 WANTED District agents for largest sick and accident insurance compi7 ' dls west; big commission or commission and salary to producers. American Bene volent Association, St. Louis, Mo AGENTS Let us show you how others are coining money senilis iw Gas Lighter; no matches; turn on gas. lighter does rest; sells at sight; experi ence unnecessary; get busy; send 26p In stamps for sample and particulars. Michigan Spec. Mfg. Co.. "ckonSMx WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu- . , . . mIwi fur firm of canon iu ira.w m v - ' 3X0.0UO capital. Salary, 31.072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced; references required. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. X WANTED Agents for the E Z Jar Opener - l-l.l. gnn r a nllllV ana otner speviujuoB. who can work several counties througn sub-agents; 320 per day to hustlers. Ex clusive territory. Excelsior Co., Dept. , 206 Dearborn St., Chicago. J 497 tx AGENTS, portrait and others, send name and get positively free sample of our por traits on pillow tops. Hsrgis Bros., 206 W. Madison St., Chicago, Hi. J 4K6 tx MANAGER wanted In every city nd county to nanaie oesi pi"s ulw"lco" known; legitimate, new, exclusive oonr - trol; no Insurance or book canvassing. Address, Chaa. UaJstead, 34 W. 2th 8U, New York. . J M tx MEN and women to sell our high grade coffees, teas and baking powder direct ta consumers. Wa guarantee permanent employment and satisfactory income. Val uable premiums free. If you wish to bet ter your present circumstances, don t fall to investigate. Exclusive territory given. Capital $JW),000.00. Established 26 years. Address Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co.. SU Louis, Mo. J 14 tx 240 TO 300 PER WEEK, either sex. A posi tive snap for agents; Imported silk and linen suit and shirtwaists' patterns ex quisitely embroidered; nearly every woman buys. Man made llflb In 11 days; girl $46 In two days. This Is your oppor tunitygrasp It. Write to Stephenson A Dwells, 41 New Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. J-4&3 tx AOENT8 Sell the Hearwell Telephone At tachment and make big money. J. Jr. Uhlenbrock. at 6th A vs.. Chicago, 11L J 478 tx WANTED Traveling and local representa tives, either sex, to present new, attrac tive advertising offer of first-class astab llahed muala school. Permanent work and advancement; aHlary for traveling 81.04 - first year, and expenses paia weexjy, Joseph Moore, 121 Plymouth, Chicago. J 47 tx AGENTS WANTED No dust for stores and .buildings; quick seller; big profits, Write now for parucuars. noauat sian tUacturing Co, Marlatta, 0 " 47 tx WANTED AGENTS TOMORROW located In the regular classes. OF STUDY Telegraphy and Penmanship. Any- once or telephone, Douglas 1289. ROHRBOUGH BROS., 19th and Farnam. b 85 TO 810 A DAY selling Mexican opals; enormous profits; nice, genteel business; I supply you direct from the Mexican border and ship on approval; sample opal, 10c; price list of better grades free. A. V. Todd, 447 N. Oregon St., El 1'aso, Tex. J CANVASSERS and local agents wanted; quick seller; good money. Germo Mfg. Co., Bedalla, Mo. . J AGENTS Learn to fit glasses, dur- era book with full information free. Jack sonian Optical College, 16 College place, Jackson, Michigan. J BRAND NEW necessity: sell on sight; agents' fortune. Colonial Factory, Wells vllle, N. Y. J AGENTS Let us explain how to make $60 a week easy money. Immense profits handling our wonderful premium and combination propositions. Being the larg est makers you save middleman's profits. The Davis Company, 33 Union Park Place, Chicago. J . AGENTS wanted to sell (1 box Native Herbs for 36c, on credit; big profit: out fit - free; express paid. Address P. C. Melrose, Columbus. O. J 620 tx 836 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce our Poultry Goods. Ja- vaII Cn riant ft PorunL Kan. AGENTS everywhere coin .money selling the famous "STAR Inverted uaa lamps. Something new; Immense demand; large Erofits; exclusive territory. Address Star Ight Co., 28 State St., Chicago. J 537 9x AGENTS wanted to sell Liquid Glass Water-proonng. a mineral preparation; turns water like glass. Waterproof your brick or cement block houses; save, stud ding and lath by plastering on wall; costs little, saves much; guaranteed; does not stain or discolor. Manufactured by Benn'a Building Co., Dayton, O. J 634 9x WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN as exclusive agent In Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska to handle Commercial Calendars, Catalogues and Show Cards; best of references re quired. CAMPBELL ART COMPANY, -FLATIRON BLDG., NEW YORK. J-677 SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Two or three good piano sales men. Address Williams musio Mouse, Kearney, Neb. L MiSa WANTED Manufacturer wants first-class salesman to sell staple line to general stores; $05.00 a week and expenses. Ad dress "Manufacturer,", Box 7M, St. Louis, Mo. L 641 9x SALESMAN First class, all-round hustler to cover unoccupied territory selling sta ple line to retail trade; technical Knowl edge unnecessary; permanent to right man; 230 weekly, expenses advanced. Sales Manager, Box 7X, Chicago. L 60 tx SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers. druggists and confectioners; sum per month and expenses. California Cider and Extract Co., St. Louis, . Mo. L 488 tx WANTED Experienced drug specialty salesman to sell proprietary medicines to retail drug trade; want only man with ability and experience; salary and ex penses; give full report of your experi ence; we have a good offer for the right man. Dr. Shoop Family Medicine Co., Racine, Wis. L SALESMAN for Nebraska; "experienced traveling man preferred; line staple for general trade; position permanent; $26 weekly advance with commission. Saw yer, Leslie St Co., Detroit, Mich. L 605 tx WANTED At once, for each state, one nrst class experienced road salesman, Minnesota. Wlsoonsln, North Dakota, South Dakota. Iowa and Nebraska. Old established jobbing house. Apply Room 002, Sykea Block. Minneapolis, Minn. L 602 tx SALESMAN of ability to present the New Chambers Encyclopedia to interested parties. Good position and exclusive ter ritory. First class references with op plluatlon necessary. J. H. Lipplncoit Co., Philadelphia. Fa. L 19 t SALESMEN Side line: standard article: liberal commission; small sample. Will only place with limited number of men. Trojan Mfg. Co., Station O, Bouth Bend, Ind. L 4U3 tx WANTED Traveling salesman to call on drug and general store trade; must have ability; specialty salesman preferred. Re ply strictly confidential. State age and experience. Box 666, Chicago. L 473 9x RELIABLE, Industrious men In ' every county to sen groceries to farmers and all large consumers. We are the largest firm In America conducting a business of this kind on the one-protlt basis, and our goods are guaranteed to comply with the most exacting pure food laws. A perma nent and profitable trade Insured; experi ence unnecessary; good references re quired. John Buxton & Co., importers and wholesale grocers, 16-18-20-22 State St., Chicago. L 406 8 SALESMAN wanted to sell laces, em broideries, direct from importers to coun try merchants; small towns; must have trade. Mark Co., bw W. Broadway, New York. L 403 tx WANTKD Side Una salesmen to sail fruit ciders to general stores, grocers and con fectioners; neat pocket case free; large commission, Los Angelas Cider Co bl Louis. Mo. L 477 9x REPRESENTATIVES wanted to solicit orders from saloons, druggists, hotels and clubs for Woodland Whinny, adopted by U. 8. government for hospital purposes; easy seller; commission or salary. Write for territory, prices, samples, eta Weod. land Distilling Co., 7 Scott St., Coving ton, Ky. Le- SALESMAN "Order getter" (not "order taker ') can earn 32,600 to 85,600. Specialty ability paid proportionately. Line sells general trade. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids. Ia. L 635 tx WANTED One experienced road sales maa for Dakota territory: , good line; no schemes. W. 1. Lorack. Iowa CltyIa. WANTED An experienced salesman, ona KUK1III W WiUl 1 1! W IIIMIUIWIIUIUII W UV preferred; a good opportunity for tba Hrhi. nartv. Addraaa Hara Hmclaltv Co.. -M66l 10X SALESMEN- par weak and traveling expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. LaOAAaa Ce., Parsua, Ken, , i- WANTED SALESMEN ' DO YOU WANT A JOB? NEBRASKA BUSINESS ' COLLEGE BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, " OMAHA. SECURES POSITIONS FOR ALL THEIR GRADUATES. GIVES INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION TO EACH STUDENT. GUARANTEES SATISFATION. REASONABLE RATES. YOU CAN PAYi BY THE MONTH. DAY SCHOOL FOR EVERYBODY. , NIGHT SCHOOL FOR BUSY PEOPLE. NEW CLASSES STARTED EVERY .WEEK. P.'L. SMITHERS. M. A., President WANTED Salesman by wholesale Jewelry nouse to sell their line to general traae; special Inducements to merchants which makes sales easy; high commissions; per manent position. McAlllster-Coman Co., 25s Dearborn, Chicago. L 474 tx WANTET-43alesmen calling on physicians to nanaie Dig money-maging side line; guaranteed. The Herron Company. St Louis, Mo. L 475 9x HOT SIDE LINE Pays hotel bills; con signed goods; pocket samples; prompt commission. American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis. - . L TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the 22 for 31 selling plan to .the retail dealer: 830 weekly advance., F. F. Cook, Sales Dept.. Detroit, Mich. L 26 SALESMEN wanted to sell kitchen spe. i-iuiiy, v&ny eeuer ana gooa pny. An swer today.' Address P-17, care Bee. L-W2 9X WANTED SITUATION WANTED Housekeeping position hy ca pa- Die woman o: rennement. Maoneior or widower preferred. Address P 23, Bee. A-626 t WANTED By young man of experience, position as salesman or with a real estate company; would consider a commission contract. Address P-24,-Bee. A 630 9x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to coma and get it. uon t let money stand in tne way oi en Joying yourself when It can be' so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. . ' SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. Wa have a good proposition -to offer those wno wisn money to tiae mem over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.- . 807-303 Paxton Block. X-M549 16 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses. etc., in any amount; less man nan rates; perfect privacy: Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Bik. 20t South 15th Bt. X 141 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get ' money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings tin (. a tu MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 prlnclpul cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. ... . X-S43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom- .... .11 l. . . I . H .3 .1.., 11.1 moaaung; sii uuomcoa vuiuiuciiimi. x&ji Douglas. X 844 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8,' Barker block. X-645 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 810 S. 18th. X-tl CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan co., imm r arnam bi. a. 40 CHATTEL, and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co., ti paxton diocx. , , a m, Money to Burn But wa don't burn It : wa loan It. - Any reaaonaDie amount win De given you HOUSEHOLD. FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without dlsturglng them, in shortest time after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your loan, and If you settle before . agreement expires we give you a moat LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES.' OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN ,CO. lit Board of Trade Bldg, 80S 8. Uth St Established 1292. Tel. Douglas 22jS. X-MSM LOST AND FOUND L08T Dehorned cow, red and white, 1417 Ohio St. Lost-364 fx LOST Pocketbook between 26th and Far nam and down town; reward for return to Tba Bee office. . M 396 8 FOUND Sample ease of spectacles; owner can have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Call at Bee i office. Found (HO I LOeiT I-Ady's gold-filled, open-face watch, with Waltham Riverside Maxim us works, somewhere front Bennett's to Boston Store or Hayden's, or on Dodge street car, Saturday afternoon. Liberal reward to finder If returned to H. A. Walters, care E. B. Bruce 4V Co. Lost M6S3 lOx LOST 4 keys on ring. Reward if left at H. J. Penfold 4k Co's. Sue tx PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured with ample elalma. Special fifteen dollars saving proposition for thirty days. Writs today, enclosing description of invention. Wm. Bagger, Patent Lawyer, Wash., D. C. -M-4vi Bept. tfx F. 1. LARSON 4k CO., patent lawyers; patsnt book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, casting a, machine work. . ttM-tiur; B. lOta HU PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee, Nat'l Investment Co., Douglas Blk., ltb A Dodge. M-ffe O PLUMBING BUT plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every ertlcle. Only first class goods handled, prompt attention te 'every order. Send lor .catalogue. B. F, ICaioL 8ee Ilarristw HU. Chliisg'Tll. tv ..... .1m1 - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Fox Typewriter Company. 1820-22-24 Farnam St Remingtons, model 6 $40 to 86S Smith-Premier, model 2 40 to 66 Underwood, model 4 60 to 85 Oliver, model 8 40 to 66 BUckenderfers and Postals, very low prices. The above have been taken In on ex change and replaced by FOX V1SIBLES. They are in excellent condition. Call and see them. 1820-22-24 FARNAM ST. Douglas-3674. "Q 603 SODA FOUNTAIN, any site. 1818 Farnam. Q 795 : 1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., bet mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 796 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q-797 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world lo, cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hruns-wlck-Balke-Collcnder, 407 S. 10th Bt. v Q 798 WE buy everything In the furniture Una. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-79t LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In good condi tion, made of walnut and have two . drawers each. Call at Bea business office and 'get a bargain. Q 441 x AQUARIUM FOR SALE Large size aquarium, rests on two oak pedestals set on solid base. In quire at Bee business office. Q 440 x FOR SALE Steam house he&ting boiler; was used to beat t-room houeo; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bea Bldg. Q M438 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 800 CHEAP Leaving city, furniture of 6-room cottage; sectional bookcase; high-grade sewing machine. 3703 N. UJth. U M2fl FOR BALE Reservoir Ice In carload lots. Kelrle Ice Co.. 606 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . Q-2K9 1 ICE FOR SALE. Three to 6c0 tons; can ship on C. ft N. W. or Great Western R. K. Artesian Ice Co.. Eagle Grove, la. Q, M306 8 NICE rubber tired phaeton and harness, only K; this Is dirt cheap. 308 N. 16th. Q-335 7x FORCED SALE OF PIANOS The magnificent stock of the Perfleld Piano company Is now being closed but hy forced sale. This Is one of the finest stocks of Pianos In the middle west, and must be sold regardless of price. Every piano guaranteed for ten years by factory, whose guarantee Is unquestioned. Mr. Pertteld will personally conduct this sale, which Is ample assurance that every piano will ta as represented. CASH OR PAYMENTS. OPEN EVENINGS. 1611 FARNAM STREET Q 623 tx FOR SALE One high school cadet coat and cap, In good condition, outgrown. U2& B. 33d. Q 421 8x PURE white, flawless diamond ring, 1-kt., $lu0. Address P-3, care Bee. . Q M428 8x FOR SALE Child's Iron bed, baby swing ' and gocart. 603 N. 36th St. Q 447 t FOR BALE Hard coal stove, Acorn, dou ble beater, excellent condition; $J5. Call after 6, or Saturday, tioi Lafayette Ave. vj ou x FOR BALE A new Radiant Home hard coal burner No. 6, bought last fall, used four months, good as new. Inquire 844 Cuming St,, or Tel. Harney 3oM. Q-60II FOR SALE Automobile In first class con dition. For particulars write to J. Fucha, id So. 14th. Q-6M tx FOR SALE Cheap, carpets, mahogany setae, Radiant Home base burner. 21 it So. 83d Bu y-MiaO 11 FOR BALE A Round Oak heating stove a six-hole cook stove, a gus range. Call at 1911 Spencer St. Q-Mjo8 lOx FOR SALE Good bicycle. Tel. Douglas 8900. Q M553 lux FOR BALE Billiard table, complete, cues, balls, counters, etc 624 Park Ave. Q 64A t LIFE scholarship best shorthand school; big reduction. Address P 26, care Bee. O 446 10 FOR BALE Parlor Grand piano In good condition. Address P 13, Bee. QbZl tx DANCING MORAND'B. 16th and Harney now open. Lesons for adults, Tues. and Frl.. 8 p. rat assemblies. Wed.; private lessons, ball room or stage. For terms call or 'phone Douglas-1041. Tba High School Class meets ovary Friday at 8 p. m. Terms, season Oct. to May, $10. You will Cud, by all tidda, LUll school the liaaU . . a-sU 0 , 1 i, 1 La 4