Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Wc Present the Newest Exclusive Models for Fall
M. SUITS at $
We have anticipated the certain 'demand of "well dressed women for Tailored Suits of character and individuality. Our lines of "Fashionaeal"' Suits i (
' it m - j i- -l i ' 1 1 1 i 'j: j i i. : . i 11 1 e r t r . u i - 3 :
iOr iail axe ready, ine owrwneiming succcess 01 mese ppienuiu kuiln iiua spniig jiruvtrs 10 us trie wishes 01 tiuaiia. women are lur rsuua ieiier umu uruuituy u (
fiTiF i
t - - .-..r.'-f-,, -i VL
OCTOBER 1st, 1906
THE massive doorways of our new store,
built of solid blocks of stone, are mar
vels bf architectural grandeur and sta
bility. Behind these doors an army of
workmen are straining every muscle and
nerve to have the main floor of this giant
structure completed, occupied and stocked
at the appointed time.
" Whn the doors swing open on the First of October,
.they will admit the men and women of Omaha and vicinity
to ine greatest, most moaern ana me most Deautirui store In
all the Great West.
This factory never sent out euch fine garments to their selected agencies. This will be emphatically a "Fushionseal" season with Omaha's smartly gowned women.
The New Eton Blouses, the Prince Chap
Effects, the Smart Military Styles, the Lit
tle Pony Coat Suits, all of them highly trim
med, are favorites for autumn. The skirts
are either in the Franch plaited circular
mofdel or the cluster side pleat effects."
Nothing could be smarter , or more dressy
than these suits. Many styles made accord
ing to our own dictates and closely follow
the exclusive French models studied, by our
buyers in Paris. Brandeis is exclusive agent.
Millinery for FeJl
The mllunery tor autumn was nerer so
beautiful In harmony of tone coloring as
this season, and no western house ever
showed such a splendid variety of charming
new designs
Handsome Fall Hats at 910 These hats are
In all the new large and small shapes that
; are correct In fashionable circles this fall..
The stunning Vesta Tllley
sailors, the smart little Peter
Pans, . the new gracefully
curved brim effects, etc.,
': widest Tarlety,
Brandeis Special Trimmed Hat at $ft Every
i popular shape and all the
stunning color schemes for A
.1t ' ..1 Jt w
hats as these should readi
ly bring $10
Brandeis' price.
Jaunty Street Hate The ready-to-wear effects for fall art
bound to win great favor charming shapes for wear
with the new fal! cults, 21 popular colors, at
Frenchy Walking Suits
These suits are splendid copies of
high class French Suits and' are
ultra swell In style treatment.
Tailoring Is perfect and every
detail of workmanship is beyond
many models
rvj vuvi
Among the fabrics are new plaids
and checks, the soft browns, the
varying shades' of gray, the maiwf
nun mixtures ana omer tones
are in accordance with Fashion's de-1
cree. These materials ere woven I
expressly for "Fashionseal" suits VI
and are not to be duplicated in less
expensive models. These suits are
not the regular $25.00 suits,
but are superior in many
ways to the general lines of man
tailor suits at $35.00. Monday is
the first showing of these
ADressysuit Spsciai$i4.85 The New lonfl Novelly Coals Are More Stunning Than Ever
New Dress Skirts
Costume Skirts, etc.. made with all
silk drops, every one a fine model
all . newest style features
special at '
Gray and Plaid Golf Skirts
Scotch plaids, Rob Roys, etc..
every one a 1806 novelty and
tailored . . .
A aruxlfl 1 Xfnnsv mrm msn( rri
a larre line of drafts. and rl-ht Made vervv room v and well adapted 'for smart
up-to-date new walking .Suits, ' mincis are very fetching most favored models show the
fall street
wear trim
checks and
' I?abScl!!. IJ, C plaids in pronounced style-three extra O QfiJA ft CIO
at 7etJ : specials at TTsUa par
New Silk and Net Waists
All the high grade extreme nov
elties in Dress and Evening
Waists are shown in Brandeis'
Waist Section. Many very elab
orate Idea shown here exclu
474 Broome St.,
iVery fine nainsook headings in this assortment, also embroid- k
if eries, insertiiigs and bands, up to 18 inches wide, all are sam- 5
pie strips of high class embroideries. There are man v match $
'This great' mill ceased operation and every piece of silk on hand was offered for sale. 130,000 yards of
fine silk were slaughtered and Brandeis secured '30,00 0 yards at less than 50c on tbe dollar. Monday we
place on sale our entire purchase of 36,' 27 and 20-inch plain and fancy silks, peau de cygne, dress taffetas,
celebrated ' Liberty peau de crepe' (registered), etc., etc. black and all colors, $ 1. 00 and $1,25 values.
Lot 1 Liberty Bilk
Co.'s wholesale
price S6c to SI
yard at, yard. .
Iot 4 Heavy rustling black taf
feta, wholesale .
price 47Vc
yard at,
yard '. , .
Lot a Liberty Bilk
- Co.'s wholesale
price 7 Be J-ard
at, yard; .......
Lot 8 Yard wide black taffeta,
wholesale price
87V4c yard
black taffeta,
Lot 3 Liberty Silk
Co.'s wholesale
' price 49c yard
at, yard
Lot 6 27-Inch black all silk peau
de soje. whole
sale price 83 He
yard at,
sets worth up to 60c
yard, at
U yard
Laces on Bartrain Tn.hlp Vol a nA
Kv ni iiiuuo, ctv:., xuttiiy are
I matcn seis, ine wiatns are up to 4 inches, T C f
I Vry fine laces sDeciallv nriced at vd - J-C-.jC Ci
! Allinen Handkerchief -These are fine sheer quality hand-1
kerchiefs, in ladies' and men's sizes, nure Irisr. linn m.nv d
b are initialed prices are 1A 111 C
each 1UC-JLC2C
Every day brings us new, plaid silks by express,' pur collection of plaldB Is the talk of
of Omaha. We have more silks and, more pretty patterns than all the. other silk de
partments In this city; are prices are, yard . ; : ;-.
69c i
8 Plaids The real Kootch tartanb for ochool wear, aNci the lch toned
R rldlUS French Dlaid-now the Me OC Cf 1 f Zf HE
in fashion centers range of pricas... Ut'4I"Iii'I JUI J
Favorites st
50c to 15
Ladies' Neckwear
4ew lots of fine imported em
broidered turnover cellars, In
hundreds of styles, now shown
for the first time
all are new fall ef
fects at, '
Music Department
Tberon C. Bennett, the man who
wrote' "Gravy;"; has arrived -from
New York and will introhuce all
the very latest New, York musical
hits. He plays in the Arcade every
day. Concert is free. Dozens of
new, catchy pieces.-
Extra quality all linen bleached and
liver bl cached 2 yard wide table
itamnk, worth It a yard;
for. yrd OOC
Regular 60c and 0c quality all linen
table damask, half bleached Ofls
at, yard ,
Balance of the 2fe and 3 -yard fine
atln damask, all linen pattern table
clot tin, worth 15 and t o nu
at. each. . 46. VO
The extreme fashion abroad, all the new colors; also In black and
cream. We have specially Imported the finest Voiles in France and we
sell exclusively the "Lupins" end the famous "No. 8211."
SILK VOILKS In all their daintiness for street and party wear.
MAKQl'iSKTTKS, the furore in Paris, sold exclusively here.
Broadcloths at $1.$$3
All 'the leading colors of today's demand better values than ever
shown before In these goods. Special for Monday:
Silk Finished ChiHon Broadcloth
Bought by us direct from French
mills and sells ordinarily at two
dollars and a quarter, 1 Cft
atyard .. , I.J V
Man Tailor Cloths
Imported exclusive dress patterns,
over and shadow plaids, distin
guished effects for street 4T 1
wear PER PATTEHN. . . $10
2 Big Dress Goods Lots on Bargain Squares
New fall styles In Panamas, Serges,
Tailoring Cloths, Checks, Plaids,
etc., worth up to f 1 yard,
at, yard
64-lnch Chiffon Panama, Poplins,
Plaids, Oray Suitings, Mountain
Serge, Tailor Cloths, etc,
at, yard
tiaxce Telnai ef Btubaas is SspsrUd is
Villous Lisas,
1 1 , .
ef Sprtm Sfcoee ail Dry
OeeSa riaoe . Road ftoaar .
VaCBBSee la Price, bt
AAvaace Is Kxpevtea.
Trade last week was uniformly aatliifao-
tor with the jobber, those In all llnea rc
Mrttna a iurge volume of bualncM. The
roc ere rporta a iignter nemuna in aome
LAea. reaultlna from the smaller eonaunip-
lon aarins the recent hot weather, but tne
1a made up in other llnea. sugar
)v had a heavy run. and tbe wonder
Ba Jobbera Is that It doean't go higher.
ha ocuy changes of importance to note are
) Ivarderare, whera an advance In tin good
u bean named by the manufacturers, but
bat yet adopted by Omahu Jobbera. Spring
Samples aiioea and dry goods have been
flismrl ao the road. .
Mim Work In Dry Oouda.
' Omaha dry goods jobbera had another big
artk wltl) fipi' trade and there were more
UaJWe Utjown than at any former time
II. i yar. Order aaiea were alao large and
buomus and the distribution extended U
I ii llnrt Vnderwear flannel blanktrb.
and drees aoods have been selling
krely aa4 the prosieclf for the fall buai
I tiTTi oaoUmie excellent. There are no
r'-rrM to note In the price of cotton
I neoZX an4 none are looked for, although
' Coada era saarve In flrat hands and deliv
eries ttaaaiWactory. Traveling aalesmen
are tew tr'S samples of spring goods on
the toad o4 on acoount of danger of bad
slellvwriee are advising dealers to place
Viarfr order early. Collections are riaported
aUafaolors -The
ooffee market in the easf the latter
art Lhe wk wa up cents frotn the
bottom. Ksoelpts are heavy in ursnu, Dut
I jiljsnoea are Uirht, on account of the fact
'that the AmarU-an market Is lower than
cSha Biracfllaa. The warm weather of about
I In the movement trout local
ii n usee.
" Oiruf te the poor outlook for a rrop.the
rre market Is hlrh and expected to h
'kport that the crop now on the trees Is the
tvertaela years. FYench pea and mush
khu are very naroa. , ,
Tba gaatfhr MA Isuurled sardiaw
and there are no larra blocks of stock to1
-from Th c'ch to datrhasbeen
packers have been unable to nil even 60
per cent ot their orders.
SHaaUaa la Osiitl OaaSe.
Blnoe last report tomatoes have been
m.rk.'4 "f H cents per dosen In Indiana
arid In Maryland and ( cents per dosen in
Missouri. Whether there wlU be any bet
ter price later on it 1s impossible to say.
but the outlook at present Is far from en-
f?ifr!Ln" ,any ,uf h hV- Reports have It
that the lower rtver towns are buylna
fceely at the advanoe.
There la no change in the corn situation.
Packers are getting fair crops, with the
yield very much below that of last season.
I armed pea maintain their iirani t,i.
tlon. nothing in standard goods being ob
tainable for a 10-oant seller.
There is scarcely an Item in the line of
gallon pie fruit but has sdvanced materi
ally elnoe the opening of the season. Every
thing In the way of berries and practically
everything In the way of small fruit has
been advanced. Gallon applea are deel a-
" - in tiMiiu ana evi
dently will anon reach the basis of future
tula, ..(-. .W- . .
j iiuuf ij) in. way or apricot
and peaches In gallon tins are very firmly
Evaporated apples' continue to decline
There ! luilhln. ham. k ... i i-v. i . w - , .
v. , , ' " iiibi WVUIIl
' V . 0ULII BT '041S
as are obtainable ara made from summer
mw na uo no. snow up nearlv so well
asthat made from winter varieties.
F'ancy head rtce from the river dlstrlot
Is coming into the market and the first
offering have beea made thte week from
western f Militia n Th. .n.wtM i .
very fine aad without doubt the trade will
The aseoolation has namait r-ir-m n rm 1
Ifomla walnuts. Prices are about t onts
per puuna oeiow ine opening prices of ltwt
season. lvw prloes are due to two
U nU tood crop B aHfovnla: sac.
unnewiiy ntnvy crop aoroad
fllhie Hill, am mrk kl.k tk.l 1 . , 1 .
nuts and flmt-clasa imported walnuts wilt
dottbtleM have a heavy demand.
The sugar market Is the same aa a week
ago, both on saws and refined, raws belne
Ormly held at 4 cents for N test In New
York, with light offerings. Consumption is
Increasing, and local Jobbers cannot ac
count for present prices. They expect an
One of the local shoe houses has started
i win, iwii. vi .rawirv wa iuf roM
wuh spring anni'les. and those from the
other biHisea wtll be on the road In a week
r so. Prospect ere good for an excellent
misiueBs inis ia,i sna wimrr. fiirreoi ous-
Improvement over ttve correspond las' partud
J-ej ysaA.X&e kaUeMT ymkm U.Atm
at the high figures which have been ruling-
recently, and the general belief Is that
It will be higher before the winter is over.
Tia, Wire and Mails. -There
Is a heavy Increase over last year
In the demand for wire, with prospects for
a stUI greater Increase, while atocka In
hand are lighter. An advance In price la
a possibility, probably on account of the
restricted steel output. Pittsburg quota
tions still remain, however,, at fi.H aid
el.Vu, carloada
A meeting of the Cut Kail association la
to be held late in September. Concessions
of I cents a keg from official' prices are
said to be tne rule, althouerti there Is talk
of sn advance at the coming meeting.
Pittsburg prices are at II 7 and $1.80. Wsst
of Ptttaourg Iron cut nails are held at i
to Hi cents advance over steel cut nslls.
The mills havs already booked orders to
their full (.apaclty or more for smooth wire.
The big feature of tne week In the hard
ware busluesa la the advanoe in tinware,
both stamped and piece goods, resulting
from the recent advance In block Uo. The
now scale of prices has been named by the
it-anufacturers, but owing to the fact that
he Omaha hardware houses have large
stocks on hand, the latter have not ret been
uompelied to raise prloes. A soon as this
reserve is exhausted, higher prices wtll
rule here. There are practically no tin
fruit cans en the market, and glass Jars
are very scarce and have advanced In
price, the demand for both kinds having
been larger than for years. Shot has been
advanced 10 cents a sack.
PWIata, Oils aad Glass.
Good business has characterised the paint,
oil and glass markets the last week. The
wlnuow glass market la particularly firm.
The factories have delayed starting, and
there may be a scarcity. Country dealers
have been stocking up In anticipation of a
raise In price. The plate glaaa market Is
firm with a good demand. One feature of
the glaaa market tbe last few weeks has
been the Increasing demand for leaded art
glaas. A few years sgo builders would not
consider Installing art glaaa In their resi
dences, believing the coat too high. This
Idea has been dissipated, and now every
one who Is building Is ordering some form
or other of leaded art glass, making th
business lively.
Turpentine Is quoted today at tc. Oil
is a trifle weak, selling at tie for ths raw,
and sta for the boiled product. Carter's
lesd Is worth 7feo with southern selling st
to. .
kSvaaarate Aaalee aad Dried rralts.
APPL.FS Market la more or lees nominal,
sales having been too light to Justify arm
quotations.. Such eld apples aa axe avail
able bring around 10c to 11c and new
apples in ease are quoted at CH3So.
are unchanged with quotations ranging
from 7c to Hc, according to grade. Apri
cots hold firm on light supplies with choice
quoted at 1m; extra choice at 17c; fancy at
18u30c. Peachea are unchanged with choice
?uoted at lOfc&Uc; extra choice .11-ijllUo;
ency HUc; extra fancy, 12($12tic. Raisins
are nrmer en the coast, but spot quotmlons
are unchanged, with loose muscatels quoted
st Vik&lc; seeded ralatns at 6'ac; London
layer, nominal.
Forela riaaaelal.
IXINDON, Sept. a The supplies of money
were large today, but the demand wae poor.
Discounts were firmer, but there wan no
disposition to teks bills even at the higher
level. Trading on the stock exchange was
quiet, but prices were steadier, the ld"a
prevailing that the demand for gold fur
New York Is about satisfied. Ccml
hardened frsctlonally ajid home rails
rloaed with a better tone, while kafllrs
were firmer on the good go.d ' returns.
Americans ruled dull throughout at a frac
tion tinder parity, owing to news of a
poor New York bank statement and the
over night decline ln-tVsll street, which
effectually checked operations. The mar
ket closed dull. The bank, of Kngland
aieed the selling price of eaglee today,
owing te further withdrawal of li.ooO.OW
for f-hfpment to the I'nlted States.
BKHI.1N, Sept. . Trading on the Bourne
today was stagnant snd prices were de-
tiressed on Increasing f-re of money mar
;et developments. Americans on an
average were 1 point down upon profit
taking. Russians were lower. Navigation
comssnlee shares were weaker upon the
announcement of the Increased capital of
the North German LJoyd company.
ceipta, 2.-' barreln; shipments, ' 6.S41 bar
rels; stock. ttt.SM barrels. Quote: ABC,
14. MM ll; D,; E, ,4 3 4 86: Y.
U 40; U. U 16.S4.50; H. H W. i. M 6.4.00; K.
M-Sntf , .J); M, el.i5S4.tii; N,; W G,
15.80; W W, J3 60.
OIL CITY. Pa., Bept. (.-OIL Credit bal
ances,. Runs.. 103.133 barrels; average,
$44.17 barrel. Shipments, 13t,23 barrels;
average 124.606 barrels.
- Waal Market.
I-ONDON, Sept. -WOOL The arrival
for the flfth series of auction sales amount
to U.000 bales. Including 27. OKI forwarded
direct to splnnera The hnporU this week
were: New South Wslea, l.00 bales;
Queensland, 1.100 bales; Victoria, 100 bales;
Beuth Australia, 100 bale; New Zealand.
J.000 bales: various, J.600 bslea
ST. LOIT8, Mo., Sept. WOOL SteSily:
medium grades combing and clothing, Ji'ii
2c; light fins. Iit23c; heavy fine, little;
tub washed. KttSte. .
OUa and Rosta.
NEW TORK. Sept. S.-01L Cottonseed
oil. firm; prime crud f. o. b. mills. ZMio;
prime crude. yellow. Mo. Petroleum,
steady; refined New York, 7 Wc; Philadel
phia and Baltimore. T.4ao; Philadelphia and
Baltimore in bulk, Ltx. Turpentine. Arm;
Ufrtfie. , -
ROtMN eiteady; strained, common to
good. 14 0t44 1s.
SAVANNAH. Oa,. Sept. . OIL Turpen
tine, arm; S&a; sales. U2 barrels; receipts,
LAs; shipments, CCi.
gUTsfl- "TfMs iVMi ?m toUwaa , I-
' Coffee Market. -
NEW' VORK. Sept- COFFEE Market
on futures opened steady, at unchanged
prices to u decline of 6 points under
realising; following the rapid advance of
the past two days. Offerings were very
wfll abno'tied, however, and with rumors
circulating that the financial end of the
valorization scheme had been provided for,
the market ruled generally steady, closing
Meari ; net unchanged to points lower.
Rales were reported of 5H.000 bags. Includ
ing December at 0.65'6 "Oc; March s .tc;
April at 0.3;c; May at . 7.W7 July at
l.Wol.&c; August at 7.15c. Spot. Rio
steady; No. 7 Invoice, S-c.
Italian Dak aad Party Has Reached
Hlabeat Polat la East ,
. Africa.
MILAN, Sept. t.-i Special Cablegram to
The Bee ) A telegram from Entebbe states
that the duke of Abruxsl's expedition
reached, In forty daya all the seven highest
summits of the Ruwenxori mountains in
East Africa. Through the Mubuku valley
the party pushed up the Klysnga group
16,700 feet. Then from the Conga side they
reaohed the summit of tbe Duwonl group
at 18.000 feet. They came back through the
valley of a river, till now unknown, the
Bulngei. springing from the huge Duwonl
glaciers and discharging Into the Mubuku
valley. Tbe duke la now hunting elephants.
He named the highest summit Mt. Ruwen
xori Mount Margaret, ' the ' second Mount
Alexandra, and the third Mount Leopold.
Tbe other four are still without names.
where the money , was on deposit and
withdrew the entire amount. . The men
disappeared immediately and later It was
learned that they were Impostera.
Soldier's Meaey Stolen.
VLADIVOSTOK, Sept. I.-By the means
of a bold artifice a paVty today obtained
possession ot 117,000 which had been sent
here for ths Thirtieth regiment. Three
men. attired as an officer and two soldiers
ot that regiment, appaarad at the bank
Beeaaee af Mearoe Dexttria They
Feel Free treat Asajreasteas
f British.
JOHANNESBURG. Sept. . (Special Ca
blegram to The Bee.4 F"or the last two
years the Boer leaders have been vainly
endeavoring to stem the tide of emigra
tion to Argentina, especially on account of
well-to-do farmers Joining the movement.
According to private letters from Boer
settlers, the Boer' settlement is doing well,
and are receiving' every encouragement
from the Argentina government. Churches
and schools have bren established, and the
settlers are exempt from military service.
One account has it that the Boers were
asked why they did not emigrate into Uie
Interior of Africa. The answer was that
they feared an extension of British, domin
ions to all parts of Africa, but that on ac
count of the Monroe doctrine of the United
States they fel( safe in South America.
Praarls Sees Francis Joseph.
VIENNA, Sept. . Emperor Francis
Joseph received ex-Governor David R.
Francis of Missouri, and Louis D. Doxier
in audience today and cordially thanked
them for tbe gold medal and diploma
commemorative of - the St. Louis ehhl
German Italea'a Maw Hons Rear Fesaa
May Hot Be Llke-d fcy
Pales. '
BERLIN, Sept. S. (Special Cablegram U
The Bee.) Tbe remarkable castellated
structure which the kaiser la building: la
Posen is nearing completion. When fln
lahed It Is to serve as an Imperial reaitlanca
during his majesty's visits to the capital
f hk Polish territory, and, together with
a new theater and new academy, will Vt
the outward and visible sign of Prussian
dominion there. In accordance with tbe
kaiser's wish, the Romanesque style of
architecture has been chosen, bis majesty
having an antipathy to Got Mo or Oer
maa Renaissance. The bottom story la
built of polygonal blocks of granite,
and the higher stories of huge square
blocks. The aspect of the palace Is
Miiemn, almost gloomy, and the low, squat
owers which spring from the roof have a
iefenslve character. Whether this hugs
julldlng, with Its suggestions of aggreaslve
power and medlaevallam, will contribute to
allay Polish discontent or make German
rule more attractive to the Poles Is questionable.
Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters.
f succeaa.
Indigestion, Constipation, Hcadacho
asdotaeratlmeaUTMatttnt ream disorders ef thsstomsea.Mveiaaa
ie,aieu uiaKiiaii 1
1 apoa haaiUk sua iisppuiM.
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient
Bg. u. a fat. OA.
la a km aaed for s yea ra ss preveat or ear these dtanraera 1 works
ood.r. "TAltKiNT'H la s e-joUns. eoau! !nln . ervejeet.
Jr.ushCeaciUkalUfttilB hot weotaen hothiug ha U at aay
M Druquu tOmm u i HJOr h "'Am TU TxlUxT CS-. el sissa tU w Tsrf.