Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
THE; OMAHA! f DAILY' BEE: FRIDAY, KEPTFArnER 7, 190ft. - . J PERSONAL - Li t.N'Y mOR GIRL In need of frnnd cat! or write to th rnarnri of the Salvation Army Hnmi -for' Womrt it 831 N. n EL. Omaha, tb.' ; 1 ;"" f.4... TRY KELLY'S Yatindry. 'tYione Douglas KM. U-KW bR. ROT. Chiropody. R- 2 A 3, 1M6 rnrn. - , ' l t- L'4l ?. VRIVab confinement home." Mr. Dr. 7 King, 2016 N. ttt . Tel. Doug. j o-i PLEATING :bSS Dyeing asd Cloaniu. Sponging and Shrink ing, only fcc per yard, hand lor price list and sample -".. .. Gi'I.DMAN PLEATING CO., 00 Douglas Block. Tel. Dougl 18'. U 6i LAUNDRY c'v5-.u' u wo E Salvation Armr solicits cast-off. olhina: In fact, anvthlna- you do not nrea. we collect, repair ana sen, at in it. uvn- m, i or cost or-coiiecnns iu worthy, poor. .Call 'Phone .Doug. 135 and wagon will will. U-6U FREE medical, and surgical treatment at Medical Colletce, 11th and Dsvensosaflts.f- Hpednl,. attention paid to confinement case. All treatment super vised by fhflego aroffmors. 'Phone Doug. U67. Calls ,W)SWerod day fir night. U 129 m us i in " - THE City, Garbage Co. Office, 14th an Leavenworth 8ta. Tel. Douglas I3f7. "'.' 'rf . V 31. PRIVATE Wme. tfurrflg'etsnTlhement; ba- .a n-i. nn.v1 Gamurilin Ha n Uirp a Mf , J fcjai..a w-- Itsrlum, 728 Firat Ave., Council Blurts, la. Tel.'77f. " " tI-42 SURVEYING, BilckeniderrVr. 813 Bee Bldg ..I .; - . t j oo FENNFLL Millinery o.. formerly of lBth and Douglas,- now located at 8x1 N. lutn Bt, U-840 04 CJIAHA gtunmerai Iustltute, Ramge Bldg. . . U-834 SYRINGES., rubber rood. by mail; cut price. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Dm Je.. Omaha. U 83o f AHMFTTf! OfiTlCOLOGY-Mrs. " Rit MAUiN JIjXIU tenhous. 410 N. lih. room 3, aecond floor. U M4Z7 824 WE RENT aewlsg - tnachines at 1 per week; we sell second-hand machines 13 up. Nebraska Cycle'Co., corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1863. U-884 ZR8. VOGEL. private .hospital for women and for 'ladles before-and during conflno ment. 2319 S. 13th St:, Omaha, Neb. U-M970 B17 ACORN PRESS 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglas 1762. . , . . II 6S hi BHOTHJ5 BLANCHARD'8 ECZEMA DO TION not give speedy or satisfactory re sultn, notify Prof. I. Blanchard. skin specialist, Minneapolis, Minn. Wholesalers- supply IK druggists- .- . U MfrlO BlOx f AnXTF.TTfl treatment and bath. Mine. UUiUJXjJ.lj BmftTl, 118 N. 15. 2d floor. U M91 814x CHIROPODIST Dr. Dunbar. 20 Neville block; halrdresslng, eta. Douglas UTO. TJ M84 829 WANTED J Carnival f company, who- has open dates September 19, 30 and 21, In con- x nectlon with stock show anu racea, at Pender. Neb.' M. G. Ileyne, secretary. U-M907 8 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 6f. 1523 Leavenworth. U M92 Oct.l FOR anything In tke aewlng machine line go to P. E. Flodman, 114 Capitol Ave. U M304 04 ARCHITrfCT6. U Brollne, 61H Bee Bldg. . U-M359 O b - ,r , . . ., , . in t A i a nunici uui ma viiuiiiriiiciii, miv r.lal attention given to the boarding of Infant A. Madame Pickett, 2218 Charles St. . Telephone Douglas 5311. U2G4 Oct 2x "' " MLES CURED VITHOUT AN' OPERATION.' All kinds of , piles, cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or ' Itching' piles'. A guarantee given In every, case treatedby Dr.', Max-, w-ell,' who7 Tias'liBO twerlty-ffvS 'years eif perlence In reeling, plies. Hundreds of testljonlals giveo on application. 624 Bee Bldg.; Omaha.' Nel).. "Phoqe -Douglas 1421. Ms. 'MEDICAL BEST net-re bracer for men. "Qrsy's Nerve Fowl Illlu'Vil-box, postpaid. Sherman A McConunll Drug Co., Omaha. 838 DR. PRIEB, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses. ' discharges, Irregularities, cured- painlessly, and safely. Wlthnell block, Uh and Harney, room '3, Omaha, - t ....... 3T MONEY 'TO LOAN-CHATTELS VACATjON MONEY - tiVKRIBODY NEKU3 IT. and this Is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand In lb way of eu joying yourself when H cap be so easily obtained at thhvoulce on HOUSEHOLD 0'X)DS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAUONS. IPECiAL. -RATES ON SALARY LOAN We have a -gwod proposition to offer those Mlah w, a u . Il.l. tKam " " '' - - vwvr vv- tlon period. Call and be convlnoed. . RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 307 -3u8 Pax ton Block. ....... i -. '.. X-MMS CHATThlLB.f saktry and Jewelry loans; DR:--PRIBBNOW'8 "PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos. salary. horses, etc., 'In any amount, at less than hall -tne rsie; no rea tape: perfect tri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; -payments suspended-in case of sickness or eutof employment. Room U4. ivajxaon-Clock, w d. lath Bt. X-tt Bowen. '703 U. Y. Life Bldir.. AflilanAM .krlvkf. 'nnn.. M' n salary; esey to gwt; no red tape; you get MONET LOA VK3 SALARIED PEOPLE ana otners without security; easy pay. ments. Offices In 58- principal cities. To! man, room 714,1 Hw York Ufa Bldg. 1 X-4S EAOLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom roodatlngF; all: business contiueatla! 13ul LKiugias. x 844 Fl'RNITDRf;. live ' 'Stock, .salary Inan. Duft'Oreea Loa 'Co.. room 8, Barker Dioca. - X 45 eiry, neraes, oows, sic. t. t . need, gjfl 8. CHATTBL and salary loans. Phoenix tTHii vo., O.J riiwn Dioca. 1 r' wMbnev to Burn Buc w d&a t XHtro K; mm loan it. Any reasoiibt urnuUnt iH W circn you OS lliltkltTUni ! 1TTTIJ KTT'PIT B C jf a vt. s?uavaa m ii.nt ku. i LIVtS STOfH AND OTHER CHATTEIJJ w ithout' disturbing tlnem, lis. shortest lime after leaving application. SMALL.",; EAS V PAYMENTS Repays sus losri, arwrif yoif settle before' agreement expires we give you a most . LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO lilttT ON flALARtKa OMAHA: MORTGAGE LOAN C,VisW)..if-?. " ' H Board of Trade Bldg, .30 8. 18th St. tUibiaad Ml... Tel.-. UuUiM 23i5. Jw-lil nmr( (I?!.' inw rt,.kl.MJ.- For lan. Trden.-fotlltry and farm. Bend far-large- free taiogae. 1 tiet our yrlce. ,.r l r . k i r. . . w,. ........ . Uiaaba iW ley. sni kronr 'Works, 'KM-3t-sf IN. 11 n. Te(. Duug. i. 04. M)k37 bi ANCrlfm- asd Iron -re4ieln;: ftVIre Fencfng u per loom aa cm iin-w. rei itm si i CH AMPIpX .tintc best' CI H.6ltlf Do" DEATH NOTICES 8TANDEVEN Joseph, September I at 10 P- . . . . . ., Funeral Saturday at 2 p fjV n.W'r th twplrea of Mriir Frateptiir-., at 'letter Day Paints Chapel, TweMr-frrR and 'Clark. Interment at Foreet Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. MONUMENTS Great Wtern QranJle Co. Douglaa K21. M4i RJ4 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a Ui m.'honie, buslneaa or prop erty that you want to fell-or exchange wrye us. OLOBK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or bloux City, la. V-M910 Ol RECEIVER 8 SALE. By virtue tno authority vested In tne by an order of the I'nlted Statea district court for the district of Nebraska, 1 will, on the 17th iay of September, W, t i a. ni., aell at publia auction to the highnst blddtr the utock of nvlllinery, clunks, suits and other tioods and fixtures of the Omaha Bull company, bankrupt, at the pin o uf bUKlness of the Omaha Suit company In Omaha, Douglas rounty, Nebraska, at 1511 Douglas atri-et. Said property will be of fered first In departments and then as a whole and will be sold according to the bids realizing the largest'amount theretor. The terms of said sale will be for cash and .subject to the approval of said court. 8IDNEV V. SMITH, Receiver. Y MM 17 . FOR SALE A first-class job office with A-l newspaper plant in connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; job type ail new; cloirig good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. write now .eo. write now, will not l.ft Lrfig. ox bit!, ilaroas. or come, as this snap wi Trices low. Address Bo Neb. A MONEY MAKER l-room rooming house; always full of room ers; lociited on Harney St., near 2fth; house rents for $35; rooms bring leav. Ing two rooms or the owners use. A gilt edtte Investment. Price for this wek only Vi. 1 AV. S. Fit AN K,-- 321 Neville Bile' Tel. Douglas 3mn. - T-334 FOR BADE Drug stock and fixtures; In voice fl.oio; county seat town ic south western Nebraska. Owner has tro much outMde business. Write if you mean business. Address O , care Omaha Bee. Y Mj30 tWx A8SIQNEF8 SALE. I will sell at nubile sale, to the hlehest bidder, at York. Neb.. Sept. 6t'i. . liti'6. at S p. m., the I,. D. Melssner stock of dry goods. A clean, complete stock, Invoiced over tlS.400.00, including fixtures. Best location In town. Come any time and Inspect the stock. C. H. Kolllng. Assignee, York. Neb. ... Y M591 89 HARDWARR and furniture stock for sale at a bargain, central Iowa; invoke about 34.0TO; could be reduced; good reasons for selling; owner has other business; no tradca, but will sell and give purchaser time on part of invoice. Address ) 43, care of Omaha Bee. Y M173 8 FOR BALE Only stock of drugs In north- wroi ivwn vi wj iciil iuw, CBin sales 310; can be doubled. Address O 55, Bae. Y 282 7x FOR RENT A good bakery and oven. In cluding all necessary fixtures. Address I. Pearlman, Plattamouth, Neb. Y M348 THREE chair barber shop and bath room In southwestern Iowa town of 6,000. A snap if taken at once. Sell on account UI I1VH1L11. AUUftHI KJ 0, CUTIS Llfll. Y M"47 9x LOST AND FOUND LOST Dehorned cow, red and white, 1417 LOST Pocketbook between 36th and Far nam and down town; reward for return 4o The Hea office. M 3S6 8 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct, . Wholesalo nrtcea. Hnve on every article, tiniv nrs'- f las goocfk handled, Prompt attention t every oraer. ecna tor catalogue, a. r. Ksrol, 235 Harrison St., cnisago, in. M2o! x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel, DOUg. 1664. o DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1500 Farnam. . a jti-tti iroei on.t CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 113 8. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. S M19S MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATF.LAIN -School of. Languages rrencn. uerman, spanisn; rencing. xya vldge Bldg1.. 18th and Farnam. M274 03 DRESSMAKING ' PATTERNS cut to measure. McDewell system of dressmaking taugnt. ik.3 f ar nam. M at DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service; 'phone Red 7401. Rooms 13 and 14. Onion tm.. lain and Farnam. 671 B8x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Two or three good piano sales men. Address Williams MUsiu House, Kearney, Neb. L M3t GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR, OATS, Dried rruit, r-ic. nepanrneni. o: ins Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, August, I, jyvo. tM.ui.-u proposals, plainly marked on the oulm.le of the envelope, "Proposals for flour, oats, dried fruit," etc., as Hie case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Air.. Washington. D. C," will ba re ceived at tne inuiail oiu.i uhui j u ci. ick p. fli, OL lllUliua, c-friv.ivi 1I...DV1, and men u.uou, v ,. n ... i-.i.o.. uervit-a with canned lomatoea. coi-iuneal, cracked wheat, dried fruit, tteu. flour, hominy, oats,, anu ruuua o;ib, a tir ing the lineal year . ending June tu, 1907. u.ri. miiHt be made out on government blanks. bcbeduUs giving the ' necessary Iniormation lor oiquers iu us lurnisnru on application to the Indian office, Wash ington. D. C; the U. S. Indian Warehouses at New York City, Chicago, 111., nt. Louis. Mo.. Omaha, Neb. and Saui Francisco, CaL; the commissary of subsistence, I . 8. A., at Cbeyunne, Wyo., the quartermaster, U. B. A., beatlle. Wash., anu tha. po. mia... ters at Tucson, Portland, bpnkana and Tacoma. The department reserves tha right to reject any au4 all bius, or any part of any bid. C F. LARRABEE. Acting Commissioner. . A27 Dlit "PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND equipage: Depot quartermasters ofhVe, Third and Olive streets. Bt. Louis, Mo., August 22, lisnk Sealed - proposals. In triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon, Sep tember 1L lmii. and then opened for fur nishing and delivering at the St. Louis depot of th quartermaster's department, lrnlted States army, 8,14) .corn brooms aid 4X1 scrubbing brushes. Tu right is reserved to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Preference will be .given to articles of domestic manufacture, .condi tions of quality and. price (including in price of foreign predu. lioua or manufac tures the duty thereon) being equal. Standard sample to be seen at. and blanks for proposals ti4 full Information will ba furnished upon pplk.atktn la this ci Bit. Envelopes containing proposals to. be endorsed "Proposals for clothing and re.ulpge to be opened at 13 o'oloek noon, rntiiiher 11, ISou, Lieutenant Colonel F. Voo i'ohrader, depot ouartermaster, liiitcd Stales srivy " The following In formation 1 furnished m eonnec4ton ' w!ia the foregoing adverltsenient. , , Bids are in vited for furuixl.iAig and delivering at depot p the quartermaster s department at St Lpula. -K fullowuig articles. AJm7-8 mm i! GOUNCmsBmiWS Office, 10 Iarl "v; -Tj MIoa.IEIITIOK. j.lvJ Dtls. drugs. f Clarks,. sodas. , Btockert sells carpets. Fine engraving at Lefferfs. . ,' Ed Rogers' Tony Fsust beer. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Oet those new photos at Schmidt's. . ... Plumbing and heating. Blxby Boll.' Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phono 17. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel 33. Picture frumln r V. il.,.. kit Broadway. ' For Drlntlna unit Kln1in i.i.nhn.. ai Morehouse aV Co. ,0M"ax'np we" bound. ' Morehouse i'dp, 18 North Main street. DIAMONDS AS AN" rNVESTMETWT. Oeoraa Hni.linii v. . h. u-.... ok.ii brick. All hard brick. Uet his nrlcea Bee Stenhen Rrns fn, t..inu- clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden- husk. n:L-i, 2llSi.?OY TO LEARN THE TIN NLRS TRADE. HVVAIMn jl uitiru m WEST BROADWAY. ,- . - .ilaffr 'SUl1 more lumber to the Janucr and stockihan than all the others. He has uig yarus at Council Bluffs, la.- .ThreJna.rr,a'8 Ilcnses were Issued yes terday by H. v Battey. clerk of the die- triCt Cfllirt. nr1 Ttisrln mU ..r- . rn.ll three ceremonies. . . - , . I DiV t 1 7 t-iA AM a i ' . 1 t " -WW, . ru byh. i isfl nar ir ruhhii Main, both 'phone. 60. 1 hir Y'JS10"1 ,ce crn- .Shipped to any f-M1 of .h W Bpertal pncea to' the ri Coinca'" lltiM B,w'- J Inwry V,y ,8 rtment day In VVestem oolieg-e. Positions secured for our u"t"- Send for catalogue. Phone . ...iviin.uun ooin pnones. W have the finest Una n merits to select from in the west. Bheeiey f..?. M,arbla 'nd Of'nlta Works, ill taat Broadway, CouncU Bluffs. la. Don't fail to see the Cole's New High "''l"'"'- Wonderful departure. See it .1 JC'tfl . You wi" Interested. Pad dock Handachy Hardware company. Carnival l k.,.- rn . . . fall goods are hee; as fine a'llni as ever came to the city. Please call and " coS- v...cea oeiore buying that I can. deliver I the goods In un-iiwiyt. . .i ... i E- 8. Hicks. ' -m- ih " 7""uIar -meetlns; of Council ' Bluffs lodge of Elks, to have been held tonight has been poatponed until Friday night of 1 .Vrr ji . i . y pec,a' oispcnsation from the district deputy on Account of the street fair and carnival. . The following ice HrinV. .h - I m i - " --i i fi . ,:.. "u..l"J wfeK .ne Clark Siberian flip, eldorado sundse, tropical sun' dae, Carmenclta kiss, southern beauty. American sundae and Greenland Iceberg Mr. Uf11ll TT ......... ... y vi ml vuie. resiaing it 1700 ElKhth avenue, alighted from the nierrv- go-rouna. at . tba street fair Wednesday ."l oe'oret had stopped. She was was ....u-ii neaviijr against tna sidewalk fand suffered a fracture of the left arm, Tiear rVrrl rian aal1n4 & a Ing of all the teachers In the city schools for Saturday momlno- . t in n.ninni, ,i. auditorium of the high school. The meet ing Is for the purpose of talking over and planning for the opening of the schools 4UV11V1AJ. I1IU1 lllllg. Lena Hansen, an 18-year-old" girl, was round by the police yesterday morning, early, in a wagon in company with a car nival showman. She rlilmpH in enticed from her home in Blooming Prairie. Minn., by one of the showmen, who de- -neu nr on reacning here. She was placed In charge of the matron at the Crecha. Ihe man with the girl was -ir rested, but later released on Dromlaln to appear In police court this morning.. ine ponce yesterday were asked 'to assist In locating Fred Hinds, said to be until r5 cently an employe of the auditing d.-ptu-t. nient at the Union Pacific headquarters in Omaha. He Is said to have left his posi tion August 80 and had not been home since Monday.- His wife, Mrs. Uoldlo Hinds, told the police she thought It likely her hus band might be working In this- cltv: ' r.ut the officers failed, to .get any trafce of hliu. Hinds Is 27 years of age. Bert Dolson and 'Willis Ounn. a colored man, were arrested laet night tor- burning on Broadway, near the Northwestern tracks. - Ounn asserted that Dolson had made Insulting remarks. td his sister, while Dolson said the attack on him was entirely unwarranted; that he was on his way home from the General hospital, where lie had been to see his brother, who shot himself Wedtiusday night, and was not bothering anyone. Dolson put up a 816 caah bond for his appearance In police court this morning. ..... ..,. , - Robert Hansen, a farmer from near Trey- nor, la., last Monday celebrated Labor, day by Imbibing too many, varieties of Council Blulls boose. The liquor, however, tasted so good to him that Hansen decided to take home a supply. He filled a -large market basket, with several bottlve of fire water and lager beer. Spying Dr.. Mary Tlnley's buggy near the sidewalk he de posited the supply of liquor In it. A po liceman happened along and Hansen was a guest at the city jail until yesterday morning. He was so overjoyed' at regaining his liberty, however, that within an hour he was egain full - and overflowing anil back In city Jail. Swanson Music company, 407 West Broadway the place where you win find a splendid assortment of pianos to select' from. Conovers, Cables, Schubert and Kingsbury's. All cleap, new goods. Prices and terras to suit every person. We thins, lfa good house to deal with. BANK STATEMENTS No. 2776. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE' Merchants natloaal Bask' - At Omaha, In tile State of Nebraska, at the close of bualneaa tteptember 4, IM: REHiil.-RCKS. - Loans and diacounts.. . . UveiuruiiB, sec-Mica and unsecured V. H. bunds tu secure x clroulnlion 8 130.0u0.0U U. s) bonus to secure 33.UIS06.83 18.1W.K4 . ' ; . 200.000 00 K!,6us.&0 1 . 8. de-posits Bonds, securities, etc. toauaing huue, furni ture and Iixiui'es Due from national banks (not reserve agents Due from atate banks and bankers Due from approved re serve agents Checks and other cash Items Exchanges for clear ing house Notes of other na tional banks Fractional paper cur- , rency, nickels and cents Lafeful Money Reserve , In Bank, vis: Specie Legal tender not?s Redemption fund with I'. 8. ireaxurrr (6 per cent of circulation.. lO.OiXi.OO 160,000.(10 1 368.663M. 32,107.02 801,676.16 S4.B.0 41 344,618.13 14.0S7.00 4(i8.64 11.6o3.li6 31u,0uO.0u 2.412,704.41 CaOO.tQ Totr;..:.: r.v..;.'.-..-' LIABILITIES. Capital stork paid In.. Surplus fund ' "' ' Undivided profits, less pens and- taxes paid National bank notes outstanding ' , Due to other national banks $1.416.87.S6 Due to state banks and bankers 96M901O I n dividual deposits subject to check 2,e,25.SS 38,546. 7S0.U tf.0V).H 2viMijXi 15, 408.02 Demand certificates of deposit i.... Time- certificates of deposit. Certified checks Cachler's checks out standing United States deposits 360.00 - 8J1.441 28 . 11, 60 120 8S4.8S ' 70.000.00 6.721. 364.4) Total 8A6fi8.7'JO 47 Jotiglas as: State of Nebraska, County of Doti ' I, Luther' Drake, president of th above naiiee-i vaea. oo solemnly - swaar tnat -4ie above statement '.is true to (bo beat ef my tunrlMhjs and hehf,-i v."-. ' .-n LUTHER I) RAKR.' Preside nL - Bubacrthed and crthed and swtrn i before ano-Ihfs 6th 0i. of Jptmber, lng -' -. GtO. .H.PRITi 'UTT Notary PoMiev i Cejrroct-,ttet? f . ' :l .rr.. r.jrnRi-iK p PRiTrwtrrt.-.. I-TCifETT;. 'lif-C Kg INTEREST FROM. IOWA .run.' St. Tl. 43. . BO ARD WORKING ON TAX- LEVY School District Utj in ttia City Made 29.5 Mills, Itrna u Lut Ttar. RAILROAD VALUATIONS ARC CERTIFIED UP Iadepeadeat Telephoae Compaay Escapes Taxatlea for. Year, Not Being .la' Operatloai at The Board of Supervisors spent yester day fixing the township ajid school district ts levies. The tax levy for the . Inde pendent school . district of Council Bluffs will be 39-oiills,.the same aa last .year. -It Is rnade up. as follows: -. - , , Teachers .;-.,.......,.:.... 1R mills Contingent B'A mills Bond and Interest ....-..... mills The total tax levy In Council Bluffs wfll be 86 mills, made up aa .follows: City-(Including parks).-. 44.0 mills fllota a AAnhrv a. . .. - . . . - . rinir i School .. 11.8 mills .. 28.1 mill Total.-.. .- -.. 86.0 mills The assessment of the railroads, express. telegraph and telephone companies was re- celved yesterday by County Auditor Cheyne rum l no Bitiie cct;uii cvuuui. iub .- road assessment follows; Railroad Vslke Is Coont-. No. Actual Tsx. of Value Value . Miles. Mile. Mile, O. B. T.. C, B. A Q. R. A A ). C, B. A Q. (H. A A.). C, B. A . K. C.).... C. ft.-1. A P. Iowa).. 60 8 2f 132 8 7 083 1.996 l: tiioo 6.244 14.400 3.600 8.2S0 83.1 M0 8 2!4 46.(160 46.472 14.8UQ 118 8 C. R. I. A P. (Carson). 17.730 3.7(10 I 8.700 C. R. I. A P. (Harlan), l.ino 14.an0 Wabash 11.220 30.06 c- Woui Px7 " ??? "!? 6.014 4. llsl r- niain line) V. P. A. L.).. 3.0) 601.412 126.563 .750 . 4k.4N 10,000 N y 62.02S 16.C07 43.012 10,763 19.560 4,V0 the expresa " $ MStA Pi"P"ni' Ki ' W' ,M' C' F' D '' . S1 Tnl" tne assessment on companies: - ... i Mileage Per Mile L . . M1" ijt- .S"' i.Vrr I mien - ntaies z.d Pacific 13.28 25.00 American v 41.34 40.00 Wells-Fargo 30.441 36.00 l!otti4S The assessment on the, telegraph and the largest telephone companies Is as follows: Mileaxe. Per Mile. Total. I Postal 74. W 35.00 f 4.84H.40 , Western lTnlon 149. m 7B.00 11,244. 00 , Western Union iveDrasaa reiepnooe io a.i.s) American (L. D.).. 64.32 70.00 8.S02.40 Th,e Council Bluffs Independent Telephone company was not In operation at the time the executive council began to make the assessment this year and. consequently will not be taxed for 1908. RaUrond Values la City. The total taxable .value of the railroads In the city of Council Bluffs aa returned by the executive council Is $448,107, as follows: Rock Island t 28.146 Wabaah ....A r. . 8.426 Vnlon Pacific . 275.427 Terminal 8.317 Great Western . Illinois Central 14.44. 18.57! 16.173 32.803 27,08 Northwestern Fitrllngton - Milwaukee '. Total . , . 'A .. . ..... ,'.:... ,-.3448.107 At their session this morning the super visors win take up the. rntW of extending the time In which Cotvtraeiior. Wlckham is supposed to complete fhsionstructlon of 1he Pigeon creek dlt?h.J7f! har asked rthat It be (extended from Apr)jt 4., 190,7 to July 1, 1907i ivtp,to date Wlckham lias not com menced, .work on this contract' and he la now 'anxious to sublet, 1 to the firm of Rogers A Rogers -of Cueepla, 111. The Illi nois firm, however," will not take the con tract, unless the extension. of time asked 18 granted. . . . -' In connection with the Pigeon creek- con tract .Wlckham stated that he had no in tention of using the city's Indian creek dredge on this work buK would take It up to Humboldt county, where he has another contract. The city's dredge, he explained, was too small for the Pigeon creek ditch. Wlckham is bonded In the sum of 33,0iO to complete the Pigeon creek contract within the time specified. -. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to Duncap A Dear? or the Duncan Shoe, company are requested to call ant settle at once. MALONEY'B NEW, LOCATION. v 80 f CAA Ol. . CHILDREN , CAPTX RE STREET FAIR Five ThonaaaeV of Ttvesa. Present la the ,Afterasea.-: ; If President Roosevelt had, happened to - J. . . ' .1 viait-MM street rair an -carnival grounas yesteraay aiternoon' ne vnoouoteaiy wouia have been forced to exclaim In all truth fuliresg, ."IVnv de-e-llghted." . He. would also have been forced to admit that tace sul- clde was something unknown In Council ra,- P,r acr " "P" " Irrigation re Bluffs. It was children's day at the street Quired. Can rale atl klnda of small grsin fair; the gates had been thrown wide open mnA corn- few d homesteads Join to them and they swarmed over the! I grounds. The exact number couid not be I .reckoned, as the youngsters never stood I still long enough In one: place to permit i of being counted. A conservative estimate J of the number of little "folks on the ! grounds placed It at 6,000, I r.veryining possiDie -was -none Dy ine I management to make the afternoon one ' of enjoyment for the .youngsters and If ; they did not get full value, for their money it was their own faults, The carnival com ' pany made reduced rates 'at all of Its at- i tractions for the children and they liter- I , ally packed every show. Bagdad, the big show with Its large seating capacity: was I naturally the main at traction, for the lit- ! tie folks, but many had to be disappointed; they 'literally could not all be accommo- i dated inslriA th. raVvni 'walls Jn- the evening thre was another record brr&JUng att'fndunoe And the total during I the day PMfd the 11,000 mark.' The brlck'l I paving of the streets within the enclosure was carpet ted with eOnfettl. All of the attractions did a landofflce business, while a number, of the concessionaire sold out ' tho'lr stock of randy, tee' cream and other . commodities early In the; evening. . .', This afternoon Bandmaster Covalt will T ",v" "P,'la, souvenir program. i tne 4 o eiocK concert. ' ' ' ' ?; - : Hfsnn-Flsh in Tronble. . "Professor''. J.. J. Kelly, who advertises hlmfelf as "The Humsn Fish" who eats porterhouse steaks and Other dainties anl solids while under' water, has fallen into1 th police foils and Is being held for In- GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S . 1 lm c . W.Km... A ......... 1 ... Sealed proposaia, In triplicate, subject to th usual conditions, will b received here I until 18 o'clock urrui is o-caock ' a. m., central standard time, September 10, liMi, for furnishing and Installing "fixtures, transformer, servlo wires and water meter for electrlo lighting Post --exefans and ' tvnnulum at Tnrt I Omaha. Nebraska. Foil Informstlmi fur. 4 nlslietJ-oB,. spplUaliee. so W office where plans and speclnoavlana may be . seea. Propoaais to be marked "Proposal for lii stalling g-Water System," and addressed to-Major M. GRAY EALIMBKI. -Conetruot- rig Ouartermaater. Arsnv Bulldlna. Omaha. NbraiyL. ' U U-u)I-. veMlgatlon. Howard Press, the professor's crnnpshton, m In the tame fix.' The police elans them aa "suspicious character. Kelly came to Council Bluffs a few day before the opening of, the treet fair and carnival and engaged to do a stunt under water for the edification of the public. A big tank1 with plat glass side wms erected by the management for the art, but the glass burst when the tank was filled wt'h water and the management called the stunt off. CHOOl, BOARD AMIG19 TK ACHE ft 8 ETerythlasj la Readiness for Opealag of the Schools. At a meeting- of the Board of Education last night the following assignment of teachers to the various schools tor the ensuing year vu made: High School 8. L. Thomas, Emma Boes Che. Augusta Bowker, Edith Fllcklnger. J. C. Qraron, D. Fred Grass, A. R. Heaps. Blanche Noel. Mlttle Pile, Kate Reed. Jen nie Rloe, Claudia Rice, Anna Ross, Edna Bprague, Robert Bwalne, Marcla Waples, Osteite Wood. Mary Wallace. Washington Avenue School Mantle Man- gum, Josephine Clausen, Anna Vsnder t-O0K, ne.en Aoa tyier, Aaanowara, isei- He Hepfoxd, Grace Foster, Btella Vincent, I Catherine Putnam, Laura Dodge, Florence Cady, Hattle Ross, Ieo. Crow, Anna Wil liams. Dora Lyon, Berwle Howlette, Gert rude Green, Mrs. Horace . Gleason, Btella Roer, Edna Orosvenor. Rloomer School Nannie Hardin. Mrs. Belle Barclay, Mabel Toye, Catherine Mor ris, Jessie Green. Julia Walker, May Mahler, Myrtle MeNott, M, Louisa. Eddy, May Jepson, Ella Albright, Jane Howe, Gertrude liavenport, Olive English. Twentieth Avenue School Clara Movers, Mamie Norene. Dorothea Roberts, Edith Joseph, Elisabeth Crocker, Bertha Mareh, Hanuuh Blck. Grace Riley, Louise Carson, Alice Hanson, Lydla Selfert. LI sale Bohn, Mrs. FA-a Lyon, Theodosla Hobbs. Pierce Street School Vermont Reynolds. Dora Churchill, Kstherlne Treynor, Flor ence Storrs. Mabel Mcpherson, Ads Dailey, Klla Spetman. Ethel Kendle, Allda McFad den, Rachel Wesley, Olive Beecroft, LI Hie Cherniss. Daisy Cooper, Letha Butler. 1 Ttlrd Street School Mrs. . ,1r.?,oniirri.Mrude s'R""o' , f!T1m,n.J M?f f Curtis. Kath Myrtle Winter. Roberts. Aurella Tinley, Carrie Blade, Ida Casady. r-ignin Bireei ecnooi v. nnanne wntte, , T." ...... - . ... , t. - , . , n.uiiiTii umiir, aimnie clay, jesaie Al worth, Jennie Benson, Ines Doris nd, Wini fred Besley, Elfle . Miles. Adele Card. Blanche Patterson. Second Avenue School Elisabeth. Oraves, Mary McMlllen. Elisabeth Henderson, Met tle Taylor, Marie Peterson, Ivs Frank. Winifred 8undsrland. I-ulu Spetman, Helen Hollenbeck. Vera Llnkey, Belle Robinson, Bhirley Moore. , Avenue B School Sue Rodnllet. Nellie I Cole, Cora Gretser, Margaret Jardlpe, Total 1 Eunice Garson, Maud MeAneny, Charlotte 3 16 80 Henninger. Jessie MeAneny, Eva Utter 8 2o 80 I oe-ck, Minnie Johnson, Anna MIkeaell, Cofa 332 00 ; Treynor, Ethel Reynolds, i -.a'an Thirty-second Street School A smes Drake I Msrgaret McNamara, Crystal Dingle, Wlnl- nw cuvKrpi, Madison Avenue School Mar 81ms, Mary Johnson. Edith Field, Elenora Darnlll. Harrison ' Street school Minnie Hanson, Theoan Kendle. Minnie Woodmaney. Olive Harl. Ethel Watson. Eighth Avenue Schoo Mrs. Edith Prouty, Mnyme Morris, Anna Homer, Mrs. Julia Hughes. Courtland School Cora Jones, Emma Hoffman. Substitutes Mabel Storrs, Agnes Robin Son. . -The resignations of Miss Grace Anient and Miss Maud Robinson were received and accepted and Miss Olive English of this city wss elected to fill one of the vacancies thus caused In the Corps of teachers. Her salary was placed at 40. The Salary of Robert Swaine of the high school faculty was raised from 376 to 3S0 and that of Truant Officer Herner from ISO to 356. ( Three offers were received for ' the old high school property, as follows: J. J. Hughes, 32,010; Charues Paschel, 32,000; J. W. Bchott. .800. The board decided that the property . wss . worth more thsn . the highest amount offered and rejected all three bids. There was more or less discis sion relative to thi property. President Westerdaht took the position that the school district sheuld hold It, as In the future It might be necessary to erect 'a grade schol In that district. Member Hess said he had been advised it would cost from 3UO0O to IJ6.000 to brlpg the property anywhere near grade, but this estimate. Member Anderson contended, was too high. The discussion was brought to a close by the committee on buildings and . grounds being authorised to secure the services of a surveyor and ascertain the cost of grad ing the property. The kindergarten teachers are. no longer to enjoy the privilege of leaving their school buildings when their work Is done. The grade teachers, it appeara, were Jealous of this privilege, and at the suggestion of Member Tinley the board Issued an order last night that all teachers hencefo-th must be In attendance In the building from 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. and from 1 p. m. to 8:46 p. m. Heretofore the kindergarten teach ers, usually got away from the schools about half an hour before the grade teach ers. '.:.-;. .. For Imported wines. liquor and Bud welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, 618 South Main street. At Leffert'a. Bee. our windows, for the season's latest and neWPSt 111 hr.alut nlna f.rtm K. Iftal. ' -" --, w.n- ets. chains and cold iewetrv of all kinds N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 368. Night L6S. 8,800 acres good farm land In eastern Colo- i i-our lanus. Bend for orlnted matter. W. r. Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Diamonds and all other precious stones, loose and .mounted; the largest stock In the city.. At Leffert's. . CART4IVAL BOTHERS DOCTORS Too Mark Kelso to. Admit of Serlons Dlscnssloas. With the experience of this year's meet ing before them the doctors Of the .Mis souri valley are not likely in the future to hold their annual meetings st the same . , " , "-"--- a ! "treet, ralr rnlv.l Is In progress. The )m3 not mlx' when the hall " " " -"PP"-" - .- ijuvbiiuiis ui greai wrignt are in cioae (Proximity to the carnival grounds with ln' "V ot, noises. Bo reat waa tu noi arl'ng from the I Ialr na "rnivai grounds that the doctor In attendanci at the nineteenth an. ntiRl meeting of th Medical. Society of the Missouri Valley, In session In the large ball room of the Grand hotel could not hear themselves talk' last evening with any comfort. One by one they slipped awny fro n-. the- meeting. . some - with the excuse that the hulss was too much for their nerves whll others frankly admitted th call of the spieler wss too strong to be resisted. ' The result wa that when Dr. R. C. Moore delivered hi oration on med icine, he did - so to merely a corporal's guard. The morning session, which was sched uled to open the annual meeting, was ahandoned at-only about a doaen members put In an appearance. In the afternoon, however, the attendance was much, better and there was nearly sixty present. In the absence of Charles W. McDonsld. president 'of. the Commercial club. Con gressman Walter L Smtth . made the ad dress pf welcom. -which wS responded to by Dr. E.' W. Clark of QrlnneJt. president of ths Iowa Stat Medical society. Fol lowing (hen Jntroduetory civilities thf reg; tflsr program of papers was taken up. The address of Dr.. John n . Summer, president of the society,', In ths evening wss on- a purely technical subject. . . The frrst cosiness' tiefors ths . society for this morning Is the election and the selec tion of the place for the. next meeting. As the carnival gates do not open until 1 p. m. the doctor will be able to hold this session Without being .annoyed or Inter rupted by the outside noise. If the pro gram Is carried. out In full an evening' ses sion today will be necessary. Bpeclal prices on watches, chains, and charms this week at Leffert's. our windows. - fobs Bee CENTRA! FLOUR-81.18. Every sack warranted Central Orocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 34. ' MALONET'S PEARL BT. NEW LOCATION. 88 noLiox l MKF.I.T to rbcovrr neither of (he Three Ballets Strikes ... Vital Spot. John Dolson, the young man who after a quarrel with young woman acquaint ance Wednesday night at the street fair and carnival grcunds went to his home at 1413 Avenue B, and attempted to commit .... h , Mm.elf w renorted to be doing well at the General hospital yesterday with every prospect for hi re covery.'" Young Dolson, who la sbout 21 years of age, fired three eiots, but his aim was poor. He Intended evidently to send a bullet through his heart, but two i ' the bullets entered the left shoulder, while the third rent a hole in the atmos phere only. When leaving the carnival grounds Dol son, who,' It I said, appeared as If he had been drinking, evidently had made up his mind to end his supposed troubles by hooting himself. Meeting A girl friend. Miss Florence Yard wood, she asked him If he was going home. Intending to accom pany him. as she lived nearby his home. He replied that he was not, and then turning to the girl said: . ' "Florence, I've got' something to tell you." "Tell me It now. then," Miss Yardwood replied. "No." said Dolson, "you'll know all about It before morning," and with this remark he left the young woman and walked away.' At the Dolson home the members of the family docllned to discuss the young man 'a act or tha supposed cause leading up to It. The yeung woman with whom Dolson Is said to have quarreled Is said to be acting as cashier at one of-the concessions In the street fair and carnival. Young Dolson attempted' to shoot him self while on the back porch of the home. At the third shot his brother, William, awakened by the reports, ran out and pre vented him making another attempt. Where Shall I Bar My Groceries! WI ANSWER THIS QUESTION. FIRST. WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT; SEC OND, WHERE THE) GOODS ARB FRE8H AND FIRST CLASS: THIRD. WHERE TOU WILL RECEIVE COCRTEOUB AND HONEST TREATMMNT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERT RESPECT. .GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND WB ARE SURE YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON. 738 W. BROADWAY. It you think of painting your house let us give you an estimate now. We guar antee the paint to be made of pure ma terials, mixed and put up by skilled me chanics, so when we paint It stsys painted. We also have some odd lots of artistic wall paper that we are closing out at low prices to make way for new stock. If you want good paper at little cost come see us sow. Jensen A Nlcolaesen, 338 Broadway. . Heokev Booked for Knoxvllle. Fred C. Hooker, -who -conducts a grocery store at 1608 High,, street, kicked over the traces again Wednesday night and Is now booked for a sojourn at the State. Hospital for Inebriates at Knoxvllle. About two weejit ago Hooker was committed by Judge Wheeler to Knoxvllle for a term of eighteen months, but the commitment was sus pended on his promise to behave himself and refrain from liquor. Wednesday night, however, Hooker was drinking heavily and hi wife feared to return home while he we In the house. The police were sent for end Hooker spent the night behind the bars at the city Jail. Yesterday In the absence of Judge Wheeler of the district court Judge Scott -placed Hooker In the custody of his brother-in-law pending Judge Wheeler's return. ' Some- swell, 'latest, up-to-date Columbia carriages Just- arrived. Call and get my close-out prices, It will pay you. Remem ber, "Van Brunt" gives th valu. While In town visiting the carnival drop Into Hewetson't picture store and see the latest novelties in pictures by the noted artist of the day. His display of new wall paper Is also worth seeing. Bring any photos of yourself and friends and have them--enlarged la the latest aepia, water color or pastel , style. W. B. Hewetson, Broadway and Fourth, Council Bluffs. Real Karat Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee September 6 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of CouncH Bluffs: Ernest E. -Hart and wife to W. F. Dodge, part of lot 3. block 3, In Bay- lias' 2d sd to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d $3,uot) Henry Peterson snd wife to Mary craft, lot 27 and 3 In Peterson subdivision of outlot D In McClelland. Ia.. w. d 1,500 Bessie I. McCaffery and husband to Badle Colt mi re, lots 31 and 32, block - 14. In Highland Place ad to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Mary Skinner and husband to Ida Nugent, lot- 8, block 1, In Railroad ad to Council Bluffs, Ia., w, d 400 80 Four transfers; totsl. A. Metssnr A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 618 Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs. Ia. . Home-made Bread A Specialty. Visitors Welcome. THE MOST 'UP-TO-DATE) RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. OOOD SER VICE AND HOME COOKING. Tha CaJu mot restaurant, 120 Broadway. Marring Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Evan Williams, Chicago Eva Trummer, Omaha...' Frank O. Green, Omaha Ulrica Roundtree, Omaha Harry McKenney. "Logan, la..;,.. Haiti Loss, Logan, la..., Age .., 27 ... 24 ... 21 ... 18 ... 27 ... 23 Owner Needs Money. Must ssll 8-room dwelling; rents for 88 per month. Tel. 81. Cha.,T. Officer, 418 Broad way. THE THREE FLOATS OF THE BOU RICI IB PIANO HOUSE WERE AMONG THE FINEST IN THE GRAND PARADE. THEY WERE FORMED 'FROM THEIH OWN WAGONS. AND THE VERY FACT THAT HI8 HUSTLING PIANO HOi'BE NEEDS THREE WAGONS TO DELIVER ITS PIANOS SPEAKS WELL' FOR THE FAVOR IN WHICH THEY ARB HELD. Harrison. Convowtlon Called. LOGAN. ... Ia., Sept. 8.-4Bpeola!.V-Ta chairman of th republican county commit, tea Issued hi call yesterday lor tha annual convention which will be held at, Missouri Volley en Wednesday, Bep Umber 86, voa venlog t W 8 e, to . IOWA -CORN CROP ESTIMATE i- ;.: ' r? " i' 8eorat4ry of Ort'.n TUnlm' euro t ion TUres It " st 531,000,000 PnsMsv ssTskaxSNSas- OTHERS PUT IT TWEfitlif MILLIONS HIGHER -'( Dlreetnr Sagte ( W eather Bareaa Will Set Give Oat His Flgeres I atll - After Daacer from Frost la Over,'1 - - (Trom a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, Sept. 8 -(SpeflsD-OXvrge A. Wells, secretary ' of? the ' tnw' Grain Dealers' association, today made an esti mate of 81.000.000 bushels th Iowa corn crop for 1908. I.ast.YM""' crop Wn 348.000,. 000, or 80.000,000 less thsn Wells'-estlmat folr this yenr. This estlmste of Secretary Wells Is based on a 4 pet, cent Incresse- In acreage and an Increase, of 8.4 per cent In the growing condition of the crop, as shown by the reports cf correspondent, as com pared with lasf yenY. The estimate' does not take Into consideration sny betterment In the stand of corn and for thl reason Secretary Wells declare that the tltnate Is under rather thsn above -what the crop, will actually "he. HI estlninte put the average yield at 88 6 bushels per acre. F le vator men and grain men generally have been putting the figure at 400.ono.oro bushels and still maintain IIVU that figure will be reached when thi fart Is Considered that the stand It much better this yers than last. The best growing condition I re ported from the southeaatem part of the state. The estimate of Secretary Well la the first estimate by anyone pretending to keep posted hy actually getting reports from over the state. The repnrts to Secre tary Wells come from tlje' grain ' elevator men over the state. The official state esti mate made by Director Sage will not be made until after the first frost, probably not till October. It will be based on re ports that are received from farmers in each county of the state. '' State Fair Visitor Loat. . The Dr Moines police, are hunting for Otto Dravely, who Is supposed to have come to this city to attend the state - fair, ' and baa not been . beard from since. - - He came from Grundy Center, la,, and th Information of his disappearance has been furnlrhtd by Henry ..Springer of. Grundy Center. - More District Cssfereae's. . Chairman Woods of the republican stats central committee today set September IT aa the date for the Fourth congremional district conference .o? 'committeemen ' and editors at New Hampton, and September T8 will likely be selected aa the date for the Third district conference. The-Sixth congressional district Conference "Will be held at Oskaloosa September 10. .Dates for each of the districts will be arranged as rapidly as possible.' - - Meets Horrible Death. William Kobi, a farmer Jiving at Ankeny, near here, was almost Instantly killed by the bursting of a'- corn shredder on the farm of William Menesse today,' -Kohl was not working' the machine, but waa standing, a short distance away. William Menesse was. also Injured. lajanctloa Against Collecting;. . Jn federal court today,, Judge Smith Mcpherson Issued .a temporary . Injunction against Lenore Kowantree, her -attorneys. McLennen A Brennen, and Wilbur Mo Cleary restraining- them- from .collecting a Judgment of 39,860 from Henry Shank. The Judgment was given Miss Bowantree In a breach of promise suit some yesrs ago. . Prise Avralls Somebody,' The, state food and dairy commissioner has a priie of 86 that belongs to one of iuw winner m ine uuiier vxnioir at tne state fair. ..A tub pf .butter was sent In and the owner failed 'to .notify the com missioner, who Is superintendent of that department at the fair,. .The express com pany that' brought ths -package lost trace of It and the 15 awaits a claimant. ' i - - . Commission .Hears Complaints. Stone men. stirred by the Investigations and advice of State , Railroad Commis sioner N. 8. Ketchum. appeared before the railroad commission and asked for a re duction In the freight .rates on stone In Iowa. The stone men, principally Bur roughs of Marshalltown, appeared before the commission and showed that the,. Inter state rates are such that the Indiana stone quarries can furnish stone, to Iowa cheaper Indiana quarries Are miles Safs ,Tne stone men assert that the quarry business) Jn Iowa Is .nearly dead because of tha excessive ratea that . . are .charged for freight. They argued that whereas a fsw years ago stone was), used extensively by railroads for ballast - and for. building purposes It Is used very little , now and cheaper articles ars used -because of the big freight rates. -The commission will probably act favorably on the complaint aa tha railroad . representatives present oesmed to consent that th rates are now high. ..':'; Iowa. Man la Trouble. '.. IOWA FALLS, la- Sept.. (Special.) William Linnell, a former Well-known busi ness msn of El do re, has been bound' over to the federal grand jusy by Commissioner Rogers of Clarion, charged with defraud ing the United States gQvernmerit out of a tract of land (n, New Mexico. Linnell was released under 81,000 appearance bonds, which were furnished by an EI dor banker. It Is stated that Llnneli sold out his busi ness Interests at Eldora about two years ago end moved to Roswell, New Mexico. He obtained tract of, 330 acres of land near Roswell and later disposed .of the land. While It la not, known how ji se cured possession of the lend,' the govern ment claims It was secured by fraud sn4 conspiracy. It Is stated that . Llnnell's wife and another man were Indicted by a grand Jury In New Mexico and are named as co defendants In the action against Linnell. Right Indieled hy Oraael Jry. LOGAN, Ia.. Sept.. 8. (Speclal.)-At tha Harrison county district court the grand Jury has brought In eight Indictments and adjourned until October ,80. The .matter of the Stat Savings Bank of Missouri Vale ley against George Weatherly Is now on trial.. The Importance of v SOUND NERVES Tk pisnmlia st anl laHlnt hr ut Mkia Irasttst kMMlng f aMiaku. s r sur t mm to a as t tat tlsM tk asun natfa rr rlrtiamt to aia juua to . wmft th ill. GRAY'S KERTK FOOD PILLrJ I a Mm m4 bb tsnl tsat sOsrSa- fsUh tog "" toilW t SHk Haw tor nsnk orr, " rrMitta, tot l amatiu 4 sulr a aaMlf vtoar. wsatoataf l Miasl wow 4 rt mt tke mm Maa. Tksr sivtow M ta iua a4 nam rufcal rnallir to nti sa. All mn aenussl Uk (kflsMwwM aamtlal: tra UrnUi. rno, hs Mt. rail wa is a as aw si. ar sssil a lanljl si sstoa, Sherman &, F.'cCcnnMI DruCo. Or. LEIVIS' TABLETS ORJGINAL 1ND H18MLU8 kLsetn. Hi rail MrtiHl Oshf hott irai,aa aa.ii rallaf ia uiaaa4a af eAa Shan sll alaaralla. Jk-AMrt kM rl.M.l. eaaaltoU 1 HrC frTra H at of h suaii. la. Lawia rsaaarAb 4hM Mm a. iwatlan Ska