TIIE . OMATIA DAILY BEE. TIIUUSDAV, SEITEMBEK 6, lSXXV T" GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET I Forcrt I atr Feit of FUut '-' in Ml fits. WHEAT HALF CENT BELOW PREVIOUS DAY Ctas Low, Export Bid Attain R ' dared Bad Ktrtk-ritrni IleVeipt lrmi-ParoraMt Crop He porta Malta Corn Weak. . OMAHA, Sept I, 190(. Opening price In wheat wer a fraction lower on salea hv elevator interests. 1m rember ahorts were good buyer ami tha market advanced about a, only to re cede ax the tension advanced and close 71 u-iuw jr c irruay . kriib r. very light. Cahlea were lower, and the lack of canh demand offset in Influence of small recelpta. Export blda alio were reduced. Northwestern recelpta ahowed algna of Incrcaalng and the market there wae weak. The bear had the best of It In corn, due the favorable condition of the crop, and prlcea were about He lower on de ferred futurea, though unchanged on Kep tember. Recelpta overran the estimates, and caah houaea aay the run will be bet ter before the end of the week. Interest ia lacking, however, and the bear ahow little dlapoaltloa to follow up their ad vantage. Primary wheat recelpta were $13,000 tueheN and shipments S91,ooo bushels, Against recelpta last year of 864,000 bushels. Corn recelpta were 331,000 bushela and ship ments 6tj3.otiO bushels, against recelpta last yar of Wj.onn bushels and shipments of 4H2.O0P. Clearances were 8",000 bushels wheat. 34.322 barrels flour, 123,000 buahela corn, and lOOO buahela oata. Liverpool closed M'Hd lower on wheat and Wif'd lower on corn. V. H. Bartlett of Chicago sent out the following message on oata: "The last three days we have received SOS cara of oats In this market. The average carload of oata at the present time la 1.700 bushels, so that our total recelpta for the three daya amount to more than a million bushela of oata. Demand for oata contlnuea very moderate, while-there Is every Indication of an Increased northwest movement. We believe oata are a aale on every hard apot." Local range of options: Artlclea.Kjpen. High.) Low. Close. Tea y Wheat Sept... 6SVA 63',iA OA 6SA (UHA Dec... HA ' Sty, A 6HA 65HA 9VA . May.,. 714A 7lVA 70A 70 A 71A Corn- Bept... 42! A 42H A 424A 42TA 44A .., 38 B MB $7'A $73A 8SHA May... tA $9A 8A 3bA 38ViA . A asked. . B bid. Omaha Cash gales. Omat OATS-No. J, 1 car, 27o. Omana nsh Prlcea. " WH EAT No,1 2 hard, 643644c; No. I hard, 63fc4c; No. 4 hard, 6lc; No. 1 apring, . CORN-No. , JHo No. I yellow, 4Sttr. 1 No. 3 white, 44H4. OATS-No. a mixed. Z7Hc; No. I white, 28Hc; No. 4 wh.t, rrvt'aaio. KtE No. 2. ',o; No. 3, Wo. ' C'...it Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City , Minneapolis ,,. Omaha Duluth (three days). SU Louie ...114 ...It ... 97 ... 26 ...242 ... 60 290 u '70 so 47 20 C'fctlCAGO GRAM AND PROVISIONS V Fea,ree of the Trndlngr and Closing Prleea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO,- Bept. 5. The continuance of excellent harvesting weather in the north west had a weakening effect today on the loos,! wheat ' market. The December de livery closed at a net loss of W- Corn WM down tie. Oata were off He ' Pro visions wore 2tt6c higher. Trading In the wheat market was not actl-vi and sentiment waa bearish nearly all day. Pit traders were sellers through out the' greater part of the session and there was also considerable selling by cash Interests. There waa nothing especially bearish In the newa of the day, but the greater part of the selling was apparently due' tot he fear of a m rial Increase In thejmqverheht of wheal from the north W4wl. 'A decline at Liverpool aided the bears forcing prices lower. The market closed weak and almost at the loweat point of the day, December opened Vsiftc lower at 73o to 7JStc, sold up to TihkWiic and declined to 72V. The close waa at 72c Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to ,34.000 bu. The world's visible supply, u ahown by Bradstreets, Increased 697.000 bd. . Primary recelpta were 623,0 bu., compared with 64.000 bu. for the cor responding day last year. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago reported receipts oT 461 cara, against 1W car last week and 436 cara one year ago. Lower cables, lower liberal receipts and excellent weather conditions Induced free selling of. corn and resulted In moderate weakness. fit traders and commission houaea were the principal sellers early In the day, but later the caah interest gave the market fair support. The close was weak. December opened VS'Vto lower at 4H0, sold between 424i4274c and 48Hc and closed at 424M2Tie. Local recelpta were 41X1 cars, with Sol of contract srsria, Oata .were affected by the weakness of wne-i ana corn, me market ruling rather weak H day. Caah houses were f afr sellers m ins iwcemoer ana May delivery. Decem ber opened tVo to W-(?ikr lower t mj. sold off to 30T$3le and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts were 29A cara Notwithstanding a 66 10c-decline In the prion of live hogs, provisions held steady all day. Short and local-packera were the cni-j puyera, ma demand being mainly iwr vunuary proauci. At me close January pork waa So higher at US. 46. January lard waa up 2H4jo at r K2H- January ribs Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 1? S1?' riorn m car" Lt- ears; hogs, s 40Jw head. Tli leading futurea ranged as follows: Artclea. Open. IUgh. Low. Close. Tas'y. Kheat Sept.. Dec... May.. Corn Bept.. Dec... May.. Onts Sept.. Dec... I 70 70 70 73 'i 77 72H 72' 777077 y, 47S . 47S' 474 47H . 414 42i4L''.i v. iSV"- 4IT43 ' 43H 44 . i 44 so fi3m Sl! May-, i 3333 rora Bept. 7, Jan... 1 )0 ,H6 I 65 " M fO 1 90 U 46, I 6B 1 86 U 42M,j X3 4i i 674 Lard- i. ept... Oct..., Nov... Jan.... t 66 I 6 72H t66 i s to I 46 72 866 I 47W 4 7 t T WW Ribs Sept.., Oct... Jan... 65 ! T2H I 68 00 7 it I 67H T 26 7 7Val i at No. 1 Cash uuotatlona wara aa follows; FLOl'R Steady; winter patenta, $3.30v? IDU: atralahta 3 UHll.40: sorlnv tale-ia tl.7Kj3.kv; straighu. UlMtliu; bakers. $d bs ho. WHEAT No. t apring. 7474Vo; No. t, 7J B-ioc; no. i rea, ii'H ,uso. I'llRM-Na. 1 ikkn: K vlln s OATtV-No. 2, MiH; No. 1 wbito, 33 t3Vc: No. I wblte, tOtUa. - KYfi po. x. SOtaO. IIAHI.kY-Fair to choice maltln- infim SEEDS No. 1 flax. 1104H; No. i north western, ii.'-; prime timotny, 8.Hf4.u; clover, contract grades. 112.00. PROV181u.N't hart ribs, aide (looael, ia.btMa8.7a. Mess pork, per bbl.. lid 90. Lor (J. par 100 lbs , .is;'.. Bhort clear aide tfcoxed,', IXRTHS.OO. Tha recelpta and. shipments of flour and grain war; Recelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls 82.tO0 ti.loo Wheat, bu. lla.tiuO 1 .! Corn, bu. ..,,,... 64,tu0 , $K6o0 Oata. bu. 43.M l.,u0 i ai.ouw . i.ruu On tha Produce exchange today the but tr market waa ateady; creameries, 1J 2Jc; dairies, 17U20WC. Kgga firm: at mark, caaea Included, U416Ho; firsts, lie; prima Orate, liSc; axUaa. Uo. Cbeeaa, steady; UM11& Avallakle gagoIlM of Grata, NEW YORK. Bept I Special cable and telegraphla eommunk-atlona received by Rradsiraeui ahow tha followlmt eltanaea In available supplier a coiu pared with pre vious account: WHEAT-l'nlted State and Canada, east Rockies, decreased a,0ut OuO bu.; afloat for and In Kurope, Increaaed lluu.(X4 bu; total aupply Increaaed 6f7.0uO bu. CORN I'nlted State and Canada, east tlot'iciea, aecreaaea taw du. OATSI'nlted States and Canada, east Rockies. Increaaed LTUJMo bo. The leading Increase are: 10,000 bo. at Port Worth; 6I.MA bu. at Dallas; &O.UUQ bu. at the Minneapolis private eievatora. The leading recelpta re ported this 'week are 446 Xj bu. at the Chicago privet eleva torai lal.tut bit, hi CisvaitLuO. U6)UW bit. at l-colsvllle;- as.ono bu. at OmnhiM .00n hu. at Nashville; .pl.nat bu. In Manitoba, 75,tw) bu. at Chattanooga. Xr2W Vonit GKKKRtL MARKKT i''. I . Qaotatlona of the Pay Yarloaa Commodities. NEW TORK. Bept. 6 FLOl'R Re ceipts. Jft.JJO hbls.; exports, 12,82 bbls.; market steady and quiet; Minnesota pat ents, I4.10W4.40; Minnesota bakers, 3.40 V 3 HO; winter patents, tJ 764 10; winter straights, $3 ROfcl 80; winter extrasli.SS Uiii. winter low grades, I2.76&3.20. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, ll.160l.76; choice to fancy, l.snf 4 i0. CORNMKAL Fteady; flne white and yellow, 11. 207I25; coarse, 111081.12; kiln dried, 12. 80O2.80. RTE Nominal; No. i western, 61H0 f. e. hi afloat. BARLEY Steady; feeding,, J8J40c e. I. f , Buffalo; malting. 46662c c. I. f., UiifTalo. WHKAT Receipt's. 89,000 bu.; exports. 18,000 bu.; spot market easy: No. t rod, 7Hc. elevator; No. 2 red, 77Hc f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth, 81c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, winter, 8140. f. o. u. afloat. There waa a slow, dragging mar ket In wheat, practically all day from the effects of weaker cablea, bearish northwest news as to the prospective movement and llouidatlnn. It' closed He net lower. Mav, 83 8-180, closed 83 1-lSc; September, 77 H 78c, closed 77Hc; December, lOUvilCi closed 80 Ho- CORN Receipts, 40.850 bu.! exports, 122,040 bu.; spot market, barely steady; No. 2, 64Hc elevator and 6fcc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2, 6814c elevator and 66 Sic f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, 61c; No. I white, 62c. Option market waa dull and weaker on good weather, eaay cablea and the wheat decline, closing H9lo. net lower.'- May, cloaed ' 49To; September, 66St6Hc, closed ,,66Hc; December, 6ic, closed sine. OATS Receipts. 19.800 bu.: exports. 10.626 bu.: SDOt market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 82 pounds, 85H$S6c; natural white, 10 to S3 pounds, 15 V4&S7 He; clipped white, 18 to 40 pounds, X9tf 12c HAY Firm: shipping, 6676C; good to choice, 0c 4)11.00. , FEED Firm: spring bran. 111.20; mia- dllng, 119.76; city, 120.60 24.60. HOPS Firm: state, common to cnoice, tang iifM7 lint win snil nlds. nominal; Pacific coast, 1906 crop,11018c; 1904 crop, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 23 pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c: Texas dry, 24 to 10 pounds, 19c. . lca 1 hck yuiei; t'o.i'Mc. provisions Reef steady: family. I10.00ffill.00; mess, 18.00 8.50; beef hams, t tl.vvW tl.bv; cut meats, nrm; picmru bellies. 111.00! 12.60: pickled shoulders, 18.268.76; pickled hams, 112.00 12.60. Lard, firm; prime western, J8.J043 8.10; re fined, quiet: continent, 19.26; compound, 17.12V'7 87HI South America, 110.00. Pork, ateady; family. 118.60619 00; short clear, 117. 000 18.76; mesa, I18.T5 19.26. taliaiw Firm, 0 n one . RICK Steady; domeatlc, fair to extra, BUTTER Firm. , Street pHcea; . Kxtra creamery, 2424Hc umctai prices; Creamery, common to extra, l5'2tc; state dairy. common to fancy, 17 MnnvitMt fHtmmn to aatra. 21c; western factory, common to firsts, 16 Sll8c; western imitation creamery, extras, 2W21c; flrsts, 18Hai9c. CHEESE Steady ; state run cream, inrge, fair to fancy, 12124c; amall, fair to fancy, llt412io. Edas Strong: western firsts, JKBOlVxc; fflcial price. ZlfOTttc. POULTRY Live, steady; western spring chickens, lie; fowls and turkeys. 14c. Drersed steady to Arm: western spring chickens, 13&15c; turkeys. ll14c; fowls, 10 S 14c. St. Irfiois General Market. or i rvTTia an r WHKAT Lower: Mn'9'ra mil IdVm I&i72c: NO. I hard,' 69H72c; December, 70Hc; May, 76c CORN-Lower; caah, track. No., I, 46H anuf ncemher. 4084c: May. 41c; No. white. 48H049C . OATS Lower; casn. iraca, do. , ji 814c; December, 61HH14c; May, SSVic; No. 2 white, 22 82 He. rar A..U,. ..Int., natMitl 13 Ml f?3.65; extra fancy and gtraight, $8.06(3.40; Clear, z.7wrz.wu. SEED Timothy steaay, .owbwj. CORNMEAL Steady, 12.00. H RAN Firm; sacked east track. 78(3W4)C. HAT Quiet: timothy. tl2.0016.00; prairie, is.oo(fiio.oo. IKON COTTON TIBB l.u. BAOOINO-9 l-lc. r HEMP TWINE 7Vc., .... $18.40. Lard, higher: prime steam, 88.40. --.. -. 1 . Iaiasx knTail a-tra iVirtr-t m clear rlba. $9.17H: 'hort chvrg. I9 60. J Uan ' In-M' hr,H . itrft short 19 S7! clear ribs. $10.12H; short clear, 110.26. . POULTRY. yuiei; cntcaenis iwi springs. llHc; turkeys, 14 Vic; dueka, 10; geese, 6c. BUTTER-'-rirm:' creamery,- 19025Hc; dairy, 18 22c. EGOS bteaay, lec. Tteoelnta. Shlnments. T-lour. bbl... 6.000 14.000 Wheat, bu 60.000 , 69,009 Corn, bu n,nno 14.000 Oats, bu t.i2&.uw ,w Minneapolis Grain Market. fRiinerlnr Roard of Trade Quotations for Minneapolla and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, aa reported by F. D. Duy & Co., 110-111 Board oi rraae, waa; THIMVlTAPrtT.IS. on. B. -FLOITR. Flirt patents, $4.4H.10; second p' jnts, 13 a.nt; nrst clears, n.axot.w, vrcunu wic-io fi. BIKh.2.60. H KAN In bulk, wz.txwij.io. ArUcIe. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes'y Wheat- May... Sept... Dec. . . T6 76H!7i'ffT4 7010V 70",704tf U" iivk i'T Flax- Sept... Oct.... Nov... Dec... I 10 1 10 1 10H 1 094 106-Hj 1 08Vi 1 0841 1 081 1 08W 1 07 171 Minneapolla Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. . Ti'ici new. 74ho: No. 1 northern, 74VN new, 73Ho; to arrive, 7V4c; No. 2 nortnern, c; new, uc; so. s, 111., mw, 70c: No. 1 durum. 63Vc; to arrive. 62c: No, I durum, 81 Vc; to arrive, 69c. Corn: No. I yellow. 44c: No. 8. 43HC- Oata: No. white,' 2Hc: No. S. 2674'ft26;c. Barleyt $343 47C K: tltb2c. ctaxi ii.w. ' Kaaaaa City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Sept. J. WH EAT Sep tember. 63Hc: December, (Bfee; May,- 70c Cash:. No. 2 hard. eVA'oirrHc ; no, 1, niUc; No. 2 red, 66VC7c; No. S. WV0:. CORN September, 424,c; December, SSc; May, is'kc; juiy, sc casn; no. a mixea, lai4c: No. X white. 4. c. . OATS No. t white, llVi.SlVac; No. 1 mixed, 3SHC RYE Steadv: No. 1. 67-12 56c. ' KAY-Steady; cholse timothy, 110.2t4jn.00; choice prairie, a (xi.uu. ,v BUGS Firm; extrit, 20; flrsts, case jn- eluded. 19c: seconds. 12c. BUTTER Creamery, extra, 23c; packing. 16lC. , Receipt. Shipments Wheat, bu lto.OOO 122JV00 Corn, bu 28.000 i 4S.(jj0 Oata, bu ll.Ou , 10,000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 6 WHEAT Spot, nulet: No. 1 red western, winter. 6a lOd. Futurea quiet; September, 6 2d; Decem ber. 6 Id. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4 loVxd; American mixed, old. 4a lid. Fu ture quiet; September, nominal; Decem ber, nw, 4a 6a; January, new, 4 M. Poortu. -aln Market. 1 PEORIA. Bept. I. CORN Lower; No. I yellow and No. 1 471ic; No. 1 4c OATS Finn: No. I whit. Sic; No. 1 white. St'c; No. 4 white, 292Mc RYE Steady; No. I, 69c WHISK Y-On th baU of $1-29 for fin lahed guoda Mllwaakos Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Bept. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 7ti4?77o; No. I northern, TSjjpTSc; December, 7vc. B A RLEi Slrmec; No. t, (6jHo4 aampl. Dmlatk Grain Market. DULUTH, Bept. a WHEAT On track, new. No. 1 northern, 73c; No. I northern. uc; uecemDer, 710. OATS New, to arrive. t8c Toledo 1 Market. TOLEDO. BeoC $ 81 EDS Clover, old 17.40; October and December, $7.47S4 Rye, 66c, nominal. Timothy, ll.i. Alsike, prim, Cotre Market. NEW YORK. Bept. i. COrFEEV-Markot for future opened steady at unchanged price to a decline of 6 polnta but aoon turned easier under a renewal of Wall street liquidation and during the middle a slon ruled about 6tlv pouit lower. Clos ing cablea from Hamburg reported a mod erate Improvement put Havre remained aay. Bmalllan receipt were beavy and wltll the weather in Brazil remtlned dry, no further crop complaints were rerrlvrd. One or two month rallied lightly In th 1 uu iraaing on onrnm, wim tn close 1 steaay. net uncnangea 10 iu point lower I bale vr reyvrtM 01 ', oa, TSMrH 75H 70VH 70V TIM . 71 1 10s 1 ion 1 09S 1 094 1 09 1 (' 1 08 1 06 NZW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Continusd Stringency 1i Vooej (eoki Eptoulttion i ttock. CALL BATE RISES TO FORTY PER CENT American Smelling Aittsm lat Jn Session on Dividend Report sal I . Folio-real by I nlon Paeiae. NEW YORK. BDl. 8. The continued stringency of the money market kept tne peculation In atock in check today aa is vnown by the shrinkage in the total ft ahdits nld during the day at the stork exchange. There waa some depres sion in the n arket, but its moderate pro portions, in view of the unpropttlous clr cO.nsiance wa accepted as negatively favorable. First loana on call money were made at 17 rer cent and the rale run un almuet immodiataly to 24 per oent and in me anernoon to 4 per cent. Many of the banks asked 20 per cent as the renewal rate on standing call loana.- Th local banks were practically out of the money market In the sense of extending any new credit and th supply for fresh borrower came almost entirely from out of town banks, the targe proportion representing foreign funds, th proceeds of finance bills which ware sold freely In th foreign ex change market. The resistance ahown bv stocks to the Influence of th money stringency during the mld-sewlon wis due to expressions of confidence that relief would be promptly lunncoming lor tne money maraet. ints professed confidence waa baaed on conjec ture rather than on an actual amelioration In money conditions. The favorite meas ure pointed to In the current surmise, was action by th United States treasury de portment. The prevailing stringency In money wtia urged aa justifying action by the author ities to release the idle eurpHia funds at the command of the treasury. Hopes were expressed that the secretary of the treasury would resort again to the meas ure employed laat April for facilitating gold Imrjorta when government funds were advanced to national bank which intended to make gold Imports, thus saving Interest charges during the period of transit, but the secretary' order to that effect did not become publicly known until after the close of the market. The exhaustion of the loaning power of the clearing house banks was clearly Indicated by the amount with drawn on oubtreasury operations since the last bank statement, which was 14.455,- Ono. The surplus above legal requirements shown by the bank statement amounted to but I2.V9.400. Today $l,800.nn0 waa trans ferred to Ban Francisco and $2no.O0O to New Orleans by telegraphic transfer through the subtreasury and the Interior con tinues to draw on this center through the medium of the expres companies. On the aide of the foreign exchange market the influences were mixed. Some of the engagements reported yesterday of gold for shipment to New York were contrsdlcted today. The $2,016,000 reported withdrawn from the Bank of England for shipment to New York wa believed to Include some of the engagements reported tn New York yesterday. Speculative aentlment wa more affected by the vague rumors of an accumulation of gold being mad for New York account In foreign capitals by concealed device. which In to be shipped at an opportune moment to sustain the atock market. The price paid for the gold withdrawn from the Bank of Enarland was considerably above the market price and the price of gold In Parts was reported hlaher. Indi cating the opposition to New York' de mands for gold in these markets. Tittle loans for ninety daya advanced to 8 per rent and the six montns was tft to 7 per oent. A strong rebound In American Smelting on the appearance of the annual report followed by strength In Amalga mated Copper and a fresh rise In Union Paclflo were th sustaining leatures in the market and that late advanoea were fairly well sustained, until the closing, In spite of. a rate of 40 per cent for call money. Bonds were irregular. Total sate par value $2.22.0QO. United State 2 ad vanced W ner cent on call. Following was th rang 01 price on in New York stooa exchange: galea Hltn. Low. cmn, Aoams Eiprus Amalgamated Copper ...j Amr. Car and Foundry.. .144.800 11144 104H 1"S . l.tOO MV WH W4 do pfd . A mar. Cotton Oil. J 101 10 It 11 1 II no 1 14 do pra Amer. ExDreaa . . . .'. i. . . Amor. Hid and LMthnr ptd Amor. Ie SoeurttlM .- 00 1,100 1H II 4 to Aim. LlnsMd Otl do pfd .....m Amer. Locomotive ......... do nfd 41 1,400 n 70s 100 1IIH lUVk lit Amar. flmaltln 4k Reflnini M.S" lH W do pfd Amar. tugar Redoing.... Amar. Tobacee pfd otfa.. Anaconda Mining Ce Atchlaon do pfd Atlantis Coast Lin Baltimore Ohio do pfd Brooklrn Rapid Tranalt.. Canadian Pacific Cantral of Naw Jaracr... Chraaptaka Ohio Chicago Oraat Waa tern. . . Chicago A Northwaatam. C M. A St. Paul Chicago Tarm. A Trana.. do pfd CO.. n. St. Loula.. Colorado Fual and Iron. . lolorado at Southara ... do iat pfd do id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa Cora Prodaeta rfg do pkt Delaware A Hudson IMI.. Lark. A Waalarn... Dan car A Rio Orande.... do pfd Dletlllarf Seeurttl rl too 11H IKS ltm 4,000 1 lltH 1UM 10 100 100, 4 tl.400 Ml JTH IMS T7.700 10 lets 1""S O0 100S 100 loos, tflO 141 141 141 44.400 121S HIS 11 M I.400 IIS "S 1S I. SO0 17tS 173S 176 JJ 8,000 4S 4ISa 44 K0 17 "S "S II, H) 111 . 810 111 M.100 IMS KTS fS II 7 (W 44 M l 15.4O0 6tS S u . 400 I7S its rs s MS, 1.M0 il 111 111 400 1S US US 74 TOO tll 114 - HIS (06 1.400 43 41S 41 00 44 M U 1,000 11 40S 41 4.000 47 44 41 800 T7 T7S 77 0 Tl 71 T1S 400 147 IMS 14 S SIM 10 ITtS HIS 171 . H 10 us u u 1. 100 4 41 4a 14 .... ... .... n .... MS 00 ti n r do 1st pfd do Id pfd Oanerat Blactrle Hocking Valley Illlnola Central Inter. Paper do pfd , Inter. Pump do pfd , Iowa Central do pfd , Kanaaa City Southern d pfd Louisville NaabTlllo..., Mexican Central Minn. it. Louis M.i St. P. gault It. M do pfd Mlpaouri PaetSo Mlaeouri, Kaaaas 4 Toaas do pfd National Lead N. R. R. oi Ueitoe pfd..., New York Central.... N. Y., Ont. A Weetara... Norfolk Western do prd North Americas PaciSe Mall - Peunarlvenla ...f People' a Oaa Pitta.. 0.. C. A St. L.... Preaaad Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading do let pfd 400 (7 47 4,100 141 t47 141 400 II 0 W too IIS IIS lit", 4 4 10 111 170 100 171 1.4U0. 07 400 11 97 !K .... 70 I. TOO T 77 44 44 Uti 143 00 14.400 144 . i.mo o , 1.400 M 40 IS 6.' S 9KS '40 IS 1S 1 w aa - - t - 7 Tl.luO 142 141 141 w its i-jS 44 s 400 H 100 141 M 140 141,100 140 111 !: -w do Id pfd Repuhllo Steel do pfd Rock Ialand Co do pfd ... Rubber Oooda pfd St. L. A Saa Fran. Id pfd. St. Loulo Southweetera.... tu I 100 44 4 41 1.M0 IS M 7' s MS J7 44S 4.700 400. t00 41. W .,U v Southara Paclflo .... do pfd Southern Railway ... 1,104 W.I00 1 IS MS 'S 400 117 117 117 4.700 . M0 MS OS 4 U 41 17 MS Si pfd M 1U 14 U 4:u , .mm,, v ui ana irai.., , , Teaaa A PaeltM ... .....II, Tol.. St. L. A Waelera.... do ptd 14' U 1: 100 lot t'nloo Pactfo de pfd ., 117.100 lti 1S ltt 10 4S V. S. Kipreaa U. 8. Realty tl. S. Rubber do pfd V. S Steel do pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do pfd 1 Wabaah do pfd Walla-rmrge Eipreaa Weatlnghouea Blectrl ... Weetern Unlea Wheeling A Lake Brl Wloconela Otalral da pfd Northers Paotto Cantral Leal her ., do ptd SloasSheaeld Il0 114 114 ill 14 .'too 44 0u0 lot 41 44 104 107 I1.4II0 44 44 44 0.400 lv7 li 107 IS M 144 1 ins H i'S 'ioo xs 44 10 44 100 1 11 14 IS 1 10 MS ir luO it I.4O0 114 704 14 400 lot Hit 114 H W 141 1U 74 IIS ia Great Nortnern pfd ll.Ou 134 4 Ul IBUraoroaca earosouua. . loo de ptd tu Aahed. 14 74 a 14 r. Total sales lor th day. I.llt.10 anarea. Mew Ynrk Mining Stneka. NEW YORK, Sept. I. Closing quotations on nunina wiuiraa wan A4aau Con 9 AUoe 170 Little Chief . Oatart .. I ..171 .144 .. I .. 11 Braces t1' Bn enawlck Ooa K Comeleck Tunnel .... IT Con. Cal aad V.,.. 44 Hera Stlaar leu Iron Silver tu Lasdrlll Cea. ....... I Ophlr rhaenl Peteel Sevaw ..100 Sierra Nevada ...... id M eeaaii nope ISUadard Trensnry Statement. WABHINOTON, Sept. n-Today's Mate mem 0 th treasury balances In the gen eral fubd, exclusive of the $1SO.O0u.ujo sold KM.Kl.Jr'7; gold coin snrt b illion, $1'9.:$. gold rei tihcatea, $,4. lit'i.lTu. rw York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-MONEY-tm call. tVotig at lTtrtO per cent; ruling rate, A per rent: closing bid, U per cent; oflered at W Per rent, 'lime loana, strung: sixty days. iKi.S per cent; ninety oaya, per rent; six monthH, SVt'ft" per cent. I'KIME. Mt.rlt Aniil.il. lAfMi-ivi per cent. 8TERLINO EXCHANQr W esk at 14 g,l0 (T4 S31t for demand and at $4 ("raft. 8110 for Sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4 81V(i'4.U $4 MJtya ; commercial bills, $4.7'. HILVKR bar. 7Sc; Mexican dollars, 'SP- . ... UONDS oorernment. nrm; raiiroaa, 11- regular. Uuotatlona Ml ' jvew xorg Donas toaay were aa follow: V. 8. ref. ta, re 104 Japan ta. ta aeries do coupon 104 ' do 4a. etfa.... V. S. la. rag 1IS do Id aarlea .... do coupon lo3s do 4a. ctt , ' 0 i f. S. old 4a. raa....lt'i'L. A N. unl. 4a 1lK do coupon ...int Mnnkat. c (old 4s f iS V. S. new 4a, ..lit 1 Max. Central 4a 74 do eoupea Am. Tobacco 4a. de 4a ,.131 I do 1st Ino 1 . ." 74 "'M. A St. L. 4a, ei-lrt n ,.11IS M . K. A T. 4a lo .101; do ld M Atchlaon tn. 4S.. da ad, 4a s Atlantic . L. 4a. B. A O. 4s do la Brk. R. T. ev. aa. Cantral of Oa. 4a. do 1st lae do Id Inc do Id Ina Chea. A Ohio 4l. Chlrage A A. !a. C, B. A Q. n. 4s. C, R. 1. A 4. 4e. .. 16 N. R. R. or M e. 4a. m .. "S N. T. C. sn. la.... 12 ..101 .. M .. ) ..1101, .. M .. M .. .'.104 N. 1. c. sn M....II No Pacific 4t IMS do la 7 N. A Wert con 4a. .10" Or. S. L. rfg. 4 M Penn. CT. ta 101 S ftaadln (en, 4o 04 St. L. A I. M . ta..ll4 .. 77 .. M St. L. A S. F. fg. 4s M St. L. 8. W. s. 4a.. 77 ;!seboard Air L. 4a.. 14 nuiio. Pacific 4a M do ool. 4a.... CCC. A St. L. (. 4a.l00 do lat 4a. ctta Colo. lnd. 4a. ear A. 74V"- Railway 4a. .....116 Colo. Mid. 40 , 14T. A P. lata 114 Colo. A Southern 4a. 41:T., St. L. A W. 4a.. "a Cuba ta ioiilnloa Pad lie 4a I '.! D A R. O. 4a Ion I' Steel M 4a Plat. Sec ta M Wahaah lata Brie prior hen 4....loo! do deb. B. do tan. 4a I4U Wettein Md. 114 M MS" MS MS Hock. Valley 4a....loW. A L. B. 4a Japan 4 l0lWla. Central 4a.. Off era. Boston Rtorkn aid Honda. BOSTON, Bept. 5-OalI loans. WTT per cent: time loans. 4JtVb per cent v losing quotations on stocks and bonds were "Atchlaon ad. 4s... n Atlantic us do 4a .100 Bingham .. to ,.7M .. 134 .. 7? .. 14 .. f .. 11 .. II .. IS .. 11 .. 44 .. IS .. 41 ..111 .. 1S .. it .. s .. la .. i .. 4J ... t .. ...40 .. 4 .. 7 . .157 .. tt .. : .. 17 .. ..114 .. US .. 17 Max. Central 4a.. Atchlaon do pfd Boston A A Boaton A Ma..., Boaton Elerated , Fltchburg pfd .. ... 74 Cal. A Hecla.... ...107S Centannlnl ...100 Copper Range ... ...144 Pair West ...141 Franklin ...150 OranbT a ...134 lale Roralo ... M Maaa. Mining Mexican Central N. T.. N. H. A H....144 ' iMIchlgan Para Marquette .... It Mohawk I'nlon Pacllc lt Mont. Coal A C. Am. Arge. Chem.... 14 lOld Dominion .. do pfd 44 Oeceola Am. Pnau. Tub.... It Parrot Am. Sugar ......,. IK Qulncy do pfd ..14 Ighannon ..ljaslTamarmck .. 14 Trinity r Am. Tel. A Tel. Am. Woolen .... do pfd lliunitei copper Pom. Iron A A.... 14 U. 8. Mining Edison Elac. 111'. in V. S. Oil Utah Victoria Winona Wolrorlne Orecne Con North Butt Nevada Mitchell t'al. A Arlsona... Tecutneeh- Arts. Commercial., Maaa. Klectrlo US do pfd Maaa. Oaa United Fruit tjnled Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. S. Steal do pfd AdTsnours Ailouei Amalgamated Asked. Bid. . 70 17 .101 . 10 . . 44 .IMS . IS . 14 .111' London t losing Stocks. LONDON, Sept. 5. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Consols, money MM., K. A T . 14 do account 44 14-14 N. Y. Central.... .144 Anaconda 1, Norfolk A W. ...... I'S Atchlaon . ..nisi do pfd .. do pfd . . luSS'Ont. A Weil era. Baltimore A Ohio. ...126 Canadian Pacific ....mi Chea. A Ohio M Chicago O. W. 18 Panneylvanta Rand Mines Reading .... Southern Ry do pfd .... So. Pacific . .. 4 .. 7J .. 14 ..103 .. 14 ..17 .. .. 47 ..107 .. 11 ., 4 t., M. A si. r, IMS IMBeera D. A R. 0 do pfd Erla do lat pfd .... do id pfd Illinois Central .. US 43 1 Union Paclflo . !! -do pro .... . 41 U. 8. Steel.. H do pfd , 74. Wabaah ..... .17S1 do pfd .IhtiA. Snanlah 4a ... L. A N SIM'ER, Bar! steady; 31d per ounce. Muwjtr iwui per cent. The rate of discount tn the open market for short hills la 1 per cent; for three months' bill, t per cent. Bank Clearing. OMAHA, Sept. Sj-Bank clearings for to day were $1,966,119, -and for the correspond ing date last, yea ll.9,eOJ.o4. Boaton 0stpr Mnrket. Closing quotations bet, Boston copper mar ket, reported by LoMn, A. Bryan, I Board 01 iraoe ouiiaing, umana: Adrantur IS Michigan 11 Allouea Atlantle ' Bingham Black Mountain 14 Mohawk ', 4 11 Nevada Conaolldatad.. I'S 1 North Butts 14 4 Old Demlnloa 41 Boetoa Consolidated.. M Oeceola ii Beue Coalition llSPnea. Service ....... 14 Calumet A Arlsona. .114 Pnau. Service, ppfd.. 14 Calumet A Hecla... .7W Oulncy M Centennial .. U Shannon 4 . 77 Tamarack M . 14 Trinity IS .10 United Fruit 104 . 10 United Statea. com... 61 . (4 United St a tea, pfd... 41 , lluuh Conaolldatad ... 40 . 4 Utah Copper tl Coppoff Range bally Weet ., Beaat Bute ... Franklin Oreene Copper Oranby Helvetia , lale Royal II Victoria 4 US. Pltlaburs... 17 Winona 1 1 MaaaachuaatUi 4 Wolvarln Wool Market. BOSTON, Maaa., Sept. $. WOOLr-There Is unflagging Interest In the wool market, though th trader hav expected heavier buying than has prevailed. Tha market is firm. Strong effort to break prloea hav failed, l'ulled wools are quiet. Thre 1 a demand for that which is scare and In which supplies that at plentiful ar diffi cult to move at price. Foreign grade ar strong. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 34c; X 1632c; No. 1, 4C841c; No. 1, &&89c: fin unwashed, 026c; naif blood unwashed, 8a&34c; thre-elghths blood, anwashed, HQ $su; quarter blond, unwashed, 8a33o; de laine washed. JWjS7o; delaine, unwashed, 2&4C2o. Michigan, flne unwashed, XxhMc; half blood unwashed. Ilff32c; three-eighth blood tin washed,, 8Hfl33c; quarter blood unwashed, 31&82c; delaine unwashed. 2Tti28c Kentucky, Indiana: and Missouri, com Ding thrce-elgnth blood, S3iiS6c; , combing quarter blood, 83fe34o. Texas, scoured basfa, fin, twelv months, T27So; line six to eight month. Vi7oc; fin fall clean, 82(3o. California, scoured basis, north ern good, SMfrTOc; tolddl county, 86jio; southern. StiriSc; fail free, &6ti7c. Oregon, scoured Dasla, eastern No. 1 staple, TuqHc; eastern No. i clothing, 678c; valley No. 1, 6ot;?o. Territory staple, scoured basis, flne, 73'7Bc; fin medium, 68&70c: medium, 6&S86c. Territory ordinary, aoourad basis, flne, 704720; fine medium, 6&370c; medium, UbiibSo. Colorado and New Mexico spring, scoured basis. X, o84f70c; No. 1, 64oc. Fulled wools, scoured basis, extra, 72(jT4c; line. 89c; A. supera, 42iu4c; 11, supers, bo&two. ox. lam. ia, sal., DvpL. o. w uuli oii'auy; medium grades, combing and clothing. 24V tj&c; light flne, H'Oc; heavy On, l17u; tub washed, 32S8c. . c .Cotton Market. . NEW YORK. 8Tt. .-X)TTON-tJpnt market cloaed quiet; middling uplands, 9.9nc; middling gulf, 10.18c; sales, 138 bales. ST. IXUI3. Mo.. 8epu S.-COTTON-Qulet; middling, 9Sc Sales, 10 balea; re ceipts, 44 bales; shipments, $7 bales;-stock, 13.340 bales. NEW ORIEAN8. Bept- 5. COTTON Spot market, easy- low ordinary, 8Sc, nominal: ordinary. (He, nominal; good or dinal y. T7-16c; low middling. 8c: middling, 9Vac; good middling 94c; middling fair. Mi", nominal, Salea, 1.750; receipt, 480; stock, 15,819. . LIVERPOOI '8ept. B COTTON Spot nmrket, moderate buslnes done; price I point higher. American middling fitlr. 8 8hd; good middling. S.Sud:. middling. I.S&l; low midllng, $.18d; good ordinarv, 4 94: or dinary 4.70d. Th aalea of the day Wer B.Ofrt bales, of which Sort were for specula tion and export and Included 4.800 hnlea American. Receipt, ,0U baits, Including 400 Amiicn. Metal Market. NEW TCRK. Sept. METALS There waa a sharp advance In the London tin market, with spot closing at 186 and fu tures at aHM 7 8d. Locally th market waa steady and higher In sympathy with pot, quoted at $40,864.60, com asking as high aa $40.75. Copper waa higher In Lon don, with srot and futurea both quoted at &t 7a Id. Locally the market Is strong and a shade hlvher. with lake ouotod at 8.m419 00- lectrolytlc. $18.2'ArTl$ 75: cast Inr 118 r 3 IS. 50. Lead was 2s 8d higher at 17 17a 8d. In London. locally the market waa unchanced at KTSfiSM Bpelter wa steady at $8.0u 10. locally; and at 27 loa In Iindon. Iron wa lower In the English market, with Standard Foundry quoted at 13 lOd and Cleveland warrants at 64 4Vvd. Locally Iron waa urtchanard. No. 1 foundry northern waa quotrd at F.triO ?1.00: No. 1 foundry northern. 119 &Ov (A; No. 1 foundry southern 88orZ1.00 and No. I foundrv "'ithem. 130.fX'jifi 80 ST. I-OI'IH. Sent. 6 M KJ A L8 Lead, firm. $6.76; spelter, firm. $B92Vi- Phtla4elnnln Prodiea Marked PH IL A IET-PHI A . Sept. I. BITTER Firm: "4 demand; extra western rream erv. 4V,fc. F08 Firm: sooei demand: nearby fresh and western fresh. J3c at mark. CHEKSK-FI'K- wnj deojgnl: V--r urt U Vit J?t'.S'U . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eeit'Cattlt Aleut Stead;, Otberi flaw aid totrtr. HOGS STILL TRAVELING DOWN HILL Feeding Sheep In Large Unpplr Very Active Seller at Good ' StroMa Prices Fet Sheep Slow mm4 Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. $. Iim. Receinta - r . - ,.-,!. lnmm K , T Official Monday $,oti9 i.m 14,937 Hlhclal luesday !.'.. ,,6,1 Ofliclal Wednesday l.suO 7.000 13.6t Three day this wek..3.3!S j083 5fi.io Bam day last week. ...18.161 J2.HC0 19,119 Same two week ago....U,l 22,041 19,,!'4 Same thre week ago... 9.9k! 11.441 J0 6t.ll 8sme four week ago....U5!4 21 841 42.SIS Same daya last year.... 20.847 U.SW 40,"i64 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows th receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last rear; in, i?x. Ino. 648.0M ofo.fVW K.4 Hogs 1.89J.472 1.71t4fl 181.011 8hep 1.118,917 1,WS.2M rO.WJ CATTLE 4JUOTATIONS. Th following will hew tn prlc paid for the different kind of cattl en tb South Omaha market: . , Good to cholc corn-fed ter $S.60UO lr to good corn-fed ter .0uu.o0 Common to fair corn-fed ters.... 4-tii6 w Oood to cholc rang ster 4.604ft.lS Fair to good rang steers 4.isi4.0 Common to fair range steer $.J64 00 Good grass cows and heifers 1 fxifi 60 Fair to good cowa and lielters.... $.404 1.90 Common to fair cows snd heifer.. 1 frfon 40 Good to choice stockers feeders. a8if4.S0 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. $.403 .80 Common to fair stocker $.00)180 Bulls, stag, ate t.lwirJ 75 Veal calves I.Ofxil 7$ Th following tabl shows th average prlc of hogs at South Omaha tor th laat several days, with comparisons: Cat. 1904. 11906.11904. 190$.fl99$. 1901. 109. Aug. 2S.. Aug. $4.. Aug. 26.. Aug. 26.. Aug. 27.. An. 'M . $ 4H, t 8 I 921 t 991 a 91 4 97 6 9ll 6 01 6 92 8 69 I 04 46 881 8 86, 6 U 6 a I 461 6 11 I $3 6 8L'I t iH o $ $7 7 !t! I 9f I $4 a 7 29 tl 4 98 6 02 03 6 00 6 06 I 04 e 60$ 607 60$ 0 a I mt 7 27 I Oo I 0$ Aug. 21.. 7V 6 88 I 611 in t U T 1$ 1 26 Aug. $0.. Aug. 81.. Bept. 1.. Sept. I . Sept. $.. SeDt. 4.. I 77j 6 72 6 12 I 27 6 18 6 11 9 6 23 6 22 I 21 I 10 6 4HI 48 11 12 e 11 8 07 e 1 ri J4H i 7hi I 27 7 43 a 6 48 42 6 61 a 1K 7 83 7 40 I 16 Sept. (.. I 261 I 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattl. Hog. Omaha $l,Kiti OO .bwa-00 Chicago 1.4tng.80 6.16ta 36 Kanaas City 1.76fc4.60 6.006 20 St. Louis l OOijtl M 6.76&4I . Sioux City 2.5t&i.OO 6.4t5.90 The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattl. Hog. Sheep. H'se C. M. A St. P 1 Wabash I Missouri Paclflo 4 Union Paclflo 70 C. A. N. W. (east) C. de N. W. (.west).... 114 C, Ht. P., M. & O I C, B. at 3. (east).... 1 C, H. & Q. (west).... 97 C, R. I. 4 P. (east).. .. Illinois Central Chi. Qreat Western.. .. I 1 26 2? 7 7 9 I I I 28 1 Total receipts ....S92 1U 63 The disposition of the day a receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head Indicated i Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co $19 96 1,1: Swift and Company $26 $,388 4,1416 Cudahy Packing Co 1.810 X4M $.626 Armour & company..., 706 7a6 2,001 Cudahy Pack Co., K. C. 140 Armour 41 Co., K. C... 66 Vanaant Co 17 Carey 263 Ixhman & Co 91 McCreary 166 W. I. Stephen 296 Hill 6V Son 87 Lewi 6V Underwood .... 98 Huston Jr. Co 14$ N. Morris 70 Hamilton 6V Rothschild.. 170 L. F. Huss 810 Klngan A Co Wolf 190 Mike Haggerty 102 Lelghton & Co J. B. Root A Co 186 Bulla St Kiln 16 C. H. Clark $ g g 9 9tt St. Lou!"r.' Beef Co.." I r graham 4 274 129 $19 $27 Uehrner Bros a Sullivan Bros 16 Brttton . 90 Other buyers 683 .... 14,186 Total .8.901 7.$76 $4.2!9 CATTLE Receipts of cattle wer large again today, although not quite up to yes terday's record, but double th receipt of laat Wednesday. The total for the thre day of this week show a heavy gain over laat week and" a still heavier gain over th corresponding period of a year ago. A feature of th receipt thl week ha boon th very large propor tion of graaa cowa. Soma of th beat beef steers which were especially wanted to fill particular order brought price Just about ateady with yesterday, there being comparatively little change on that kind. On the other hand, medium to common kind sold lower on account of the larg receipt and th fact of a reported decline at eastern market point. Th trad, a a whole, waa alow, partly becaus of th Indifference of buyer. Cow and heifer wr extremely slew sellers from start to finish. As ha been the case all th week, the receipt wer vary larg, there being probably all of aeverity-flve cara On sale. Packers hav been very heavy buyer all th week and had a good many cattl on hand, so that they were In no great need of additional upplle. and a a reult they were very much Inclined to take their time in fill ing orders and It was unusually lat In th afternoon b'ef -r a beginning waa ven made. Price were generally lower than yesterday, or 2055o lower than, laat week The decline, on tha-medium and common kind ha been especially sever and thrr were alesmen who wer quot ing some of these Vlnds a much a 40c lower than one week ago. Oood fleshy feeders, well bred and de horned, were about steady, but specula tor still had a good many cattl of all kind on hand and were not at all anx ious for the medium and common kinds. The fart waa, anything light or other than very desirable was extremely hard to sell at lower prlc. It would be saft to call cattl of that deacrlptlon all of $6c lower for the week. Repreaentatlve ! No. 14... 1... $... 1... 1... 4... 1... a. ..1444 .. tio .. 440 .. 44 ..1160 .. 404 rr. No. Av. fr. rt It ion 1 M 1 46 44 1104 1 10 COWB. . 1 60 1 I 4 1 1 00 I 1 44 1 .944 1 II .1070 1 41 1140 1 44 .111 I 14 170 1 40 HEIFERS. . II I 14 1 .. 41 I It BULLS. 1 Si 1 1... .114 .144 I 4 HUX'K CALVES. in it STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 704 1 14 if 404 I 40 4M I 4 U Ml IN 140 1 10 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. i steers.. $ feeders 1 feeder tfO 1 60 ter.... 721 $ 10 1 feeder. ..11301 60 9b0 6.W 160 i 60 1 26 1 $6 $ 3D 1 80 1 00 I 60 26 1 71 6 cow XSO 1 24 1 springer 1109 13 cow 984 I 44 I heirexs.. e-o $ cows 900 10 feeders.. 1H 1 bull lo I calf 190 $ calves... 180 $ feders..l&o0 11 cows W77 I steer.. ..1178 I steers. ...UU 4 steer.... 671 1 steer 10 1 steer 1140 1 cows Itc6 1 heifer.. 480 1 springer 1260 1 heller. .. 470 $ iieltVr.. 710 1 calves... $10 $00 1 76 i it I 76 II feeder. 1 26 WVOMINQ. 66 62 steers.. ..1147 4 11 1 stag 1600 $ 00 1 steer 1310 4 00 9 steer... .1801 4(a) t Steers... .INK) 4 00 4 cow luut I 9a $ 00 4 00 4 00 4 0 ,4 09 1 10 COLORADO. $ feeder.. 8x0 1 76 4 feeder.. 864 1 feeder... 990 I 00 t feeder... 1060 $ $90 1 t 26 $ 46 $ 60 t 40 $ $ 26 I 10 t. winsry v yo. 14 feeder.. lCKn 1 60 4 feeder.. 79 I stocker. 310 $ 86 $ IS 100 $ 96 $ 60 $ 16 I 85 11 feeder.. 916 I heifer... 721 4 feeder.. 866 1$ cow Pvl $ feeder., 770 t calvea... $11 21 feeder.. 911 14 feeder.. M 4 cow.... 4 calves.. 28 heifers.. !4 feeder. . 7 117 . TOO tv 8.4 19 row. . 4 stocker. 411 1 86 R. B Van Fassell. Wyoming I ?4 feeders. 121 9 f,M 2 feeders. .11 $10 33 feeders 113 4 26 11 cows sol $18 T. D. O Nell. Wvomlng. a o $ () '! lag 46 "'lal' 3 John Whlttaker Wyo, 41 feeder. 11 71 4 40 21 cows 1 "24 1 80 4 cow.. .1180 I 00 lan fc-gan, Wyoming. .Ml 71 rows 941 Smaller. South Dakota, .lost 1 06 J Jcrtea, Wyoming. lJ3 4 0 16 cows i hi C. 17 cow. 16 steer. 74 feeders.. 96 1 40 J. , M. Artama. Nebraska. $0 cows 892 ln 7 feeder . 1017 $ 70 O. Bald-Neb. 9S cow 857 $ 1 cow., I steer.... 736 $ 16 1 teer. Diemer A O. Neb 74 steers.. ,.1lS $ 60 $1 rows. .1045 I 60 .1190 4 ( . 861 $ re 44 cows 1018 $ 00 H. Keller-Neb. 1 cows 922 t 46 F. Hrusa Neh I feeders., 88$ I 26 1$ feeder. , 6T0 IS heifers... C17 $81 11 cows..... 931 R. Canet Neb. II feeder.. 716 I 0$ A. L. A O W. Swlggart-Neb. IS COWS 971 I 80 1 steer 1000 II. T. Braddock-Neb. 1$ rows K1 la 4 steers . .1030 1 36 1 86 I ft 8 HOGS Everything was against th sell er down In the hog division thl morn ing. Th receipt wer liberal and other market, without exception, ware reported decidedly lower. Packers, as has been th rase for om time back, were vrry much on the bear aide and some of them declsred right from the first tht they would buy their hog 16c lower or not buy them St all. Th result wa that the general market waa fully 10c lower nd In ome case po"'bly lower than yesterday. A a matter of fact It waa uneven and there were Individual ale that did not how that much off. Th trd waa fairly actlv considering how much lower th market waa, and th mot of the hog changed hands in reasonable season, aellcr pparently be ing of th opinion that It wa Impossible to prevent the Inevitable. Representative sales No. At. in Pf. No. Av. ..IM ..14 .14 SS. fr. ... I T ... 4 10 ltO I 14 1... 4... it... 44... 44... 41..., 44... ti... 41... It... 41... 41... 44... 44... 44... 47... 44... 4... ....414 ...4M ....! ...Ml ,...IM ....114 ... r ....19 ...til ....tit ...147 ....ti ....4:4 ....! ...Ml ....47 ....174 ....Ml ... JM ,...tT .... ....t6 to 4 74 n I 4 I 44 40 I 44 ..141 ... 4 7 ..144 40 I 10 .til ... 4 70 ..44 40 I 74 lto I 44 I 44 I 40 I Il 44 4 70 00 U7 40 74 44 ! 140 I 74 71 HI ... Ill to ... I 74 Tt !47 40 I 11 14 i 40 I 74 00 (41 40 I 14 07 144 M I Tl 44 JS1 ... 174 74 141 40 I 74 41 Ml 4(1 I 17 tj no I 44 ... 4 44 ... 140 40 I 40 ... I 40 lit 1 41 ... 44 ... I 44 40 I 44 ... I IS 40 I 14 ... I 44 41 HI HI I 44 44 114 110 I 40 41 MO ... tl it m 40 4 40 44 t6 ... I 45 14 114 ... I 40 44 141 ...'III 74 Ul 43 4 40 SHEEP The official recount of yester day's receipts showed the total to hav been 27.67$, which wa larger than the estimate and larger than the combined recelpta of any other two marketa of the country. In spite of the fact that th re ceipt wer so large and that some of the trains did not get In until 1 o'clock in the afternoon, everything barring one single load was sold before the close of the market. More than thst feeder sheep and lambs, which constituted the bulk of the receipts war not only actlva, but strong all day. Thl morning th receipt wer only about one-half a large and still there wa a very liberal run. A wa th case yesterday feeder buyers were very numerous and very anxious for supplies, so much so that th market on all desirable kinds wa actlv and . fully steady with yesterday's strong prloea Feeder sheep especially were In very good request and anything of that description sold very quickly at prloea most satisfactory to owner. A noted yesterday the heaviest aheep feeder In the country ar hr and are buying freely regardless of the fact that price are generally con ceded to be high. As noted yesterday there was an under tone of weakneaa In the market for fat sheep and lambs. Ther 1 no question but what packer feel that tli market I very high and no disguising the fact that they believe that it ought to be lower. At the earn time the feeder de mand I so brisk and th supply of fat heep and kamb ao moderate that It haa been Impossible for them to force any noteworthy reduction. Still the weak feeling prevaila and packers are not buying with th eagerness that characterises the trad under other condition. They are disposed to pick around her and ther In an effort to And something worth the money, thus making the trade on fat stuff low and In ipota weaker. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice lamb, 6.7637.a6; fair to good lamb, lti. 60 4)8.76; good to cholc yearlings, $6.b09&.6; good to choice wether. 66.16S6.60; fair to good wethers, 16.00434.16: good to cholc wen, t4.76tS6.26i fair to good we, $4,609 4.76. Quotation on feeders! Lamb, $S.7594186; yearlings, $6.2606.60; wether. $4.064,6.00; we, 4 6fi4.40. Representative sali No. $26 Idaho yearling 696 Idaho yearlings 600 Idaho yearling 44 Idaho yearlings 1044 Idaho yearlings .... 6 Nebraska lambs1.... Ar. Pr. 80 6 40 77 I no 76 6 60 78 t 60 ,80 6 75 ,68 6 26 , 68 I 40 ,60 76 tl 8 76 ,63 6 76 ,63 I 76 ,49 6 86 .104 I 26 ,100 $ SO ,105 4 76 ,97 4 40 ,108 6 60 , 1"6 6 60 ,88 4 90 ,100 4 00 ,94 4 a ,96 4 60 , 11$ 4 00 ,97 4 76 .108 6 26 .107 6 25 ,92 6 36 ,119 (36 ,80 I 60 ,66 (60 ,46 6 60 ,80 $40 a 6 60 76 MARKET 973 Wyoming lambs, 181 Idaho lambs 71 Idaho lambs $87 Idaho lamb .... 493 Idaho lambs 141 Idaho lamba 138 Iowa goats 1 Iowa goat feeder. $64 Wyoming we. 441 Wvomlna- ewes. feeder... 171 Wvomlna wether. Ifi Wyoming wether 489 Idaho wther, feeder.... 166 Nebraska ewes, feeder.... 279 Idaho we 494 Montana ewe 67 Idaho ewe 409 Montana ewe $2$ Wyoming wether ana Wvomlna wether 66 Idaho yrarllnga, feedera... 441 Utah we and wethera... 168 South Dakota yearllnga... 221 8. D. yearllnga, feedera.. 138 Nebraska lamb, feeder. 44 Idaho lamb, feeder 46 Wyoming wethera lOOnatlv lamb CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Stsndy to Lower, Hog 'Lower, Sheen gtendy to Higher. CHICAGO, Bept. . CATTLE Receipts, 27O0O head; market for best, leady; othera 10c lower; common to prime steera, $3 TVcf $76; cows, $2.7004.76; heifer, $2.SC66.35; bull. $1.2&4.o0: calve, $3.0007.60; stocker and feedr. $2.6034 $&. . . HOOi Receipts, 31.000 head; market 10c lower cholc ,to prime heavy. $6 0004120; medium to good heavy. $&.86.95; butcher weight. $8.Kitt5 20; good to choice heavy mixed. $5.9"(i; packing. $S.4otj6.S0; plg. $5.6"640. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, $4,000 head: market steady to lc higher: sheep. 14 15.436.76; yearllnga, $6.aJ.&0; lamba, $4.00 t1.0. Kanana City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSA8 CITT. Mo.. Sept. 5. CATTLE Receipts, 10.600 head, Including 1,400 south erns: market ateady; western graaser shad tower; calve 25c higher; choice ex port and dressed beef steera, $6.0f(i 60; fair to good. tt.0o-a6.6O; western steers $3 60 456.16; stocker and feedera. $2.60Q4.60; southern steera $2.7691.76: southern cow, ll.7f.?)3.00; native cowa $200473.86; natlv heifers. $2.6&4.76, bulla. $t0Oil.00; calves, $2,601(6.00. HOGS Receipts, $.$00 head; market fv 16c lower; top. $4.26: bulk of sales, 98 0K 6 20; heavy. $6 9o-uii08: packer. $5.95f to; pig and lights, 14.76(04 26 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.400 head; market for mutton steady. Iamb strong: lambs. $8 OG31.60; natlv sheen and yearling, lt.6ivfio.6ft; western clipped yenrllngs, $5. 004)6.76; western clipped sheep, $4 266.40; tockrs and feeder. $3.6066.60. t.'Loats Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOl'IS. Bept. 6. CATTLE Receipts. 6.000 head. Including 1.600 Texana; market steed: native (hipping and export ateera, $4 9V&0 60; dreaeed beef and butcher steera $3.7&W.10; steer under 1,000 pounds, $3 60 4 2C; dockers and feedera, $2.0i34.26; cows and heifers. f2.4oV6.76: cs oners. 1.602.$3: bulls. r2 885.75; calves, $J.COy.7&; Texas and Indian steera, $3 Kftti 10; cows and helfera, $2.00434 60. HOGS Receipts, $.000 head; market 6c lower; pigs and lights, $40oi4t0; packers, $676441.20; butchers and best heavy, $4.204( 186. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, $.600 head; market steady: native muttons, $3 60 ti6.6fl; lamba, $3.60j'7.oO; culls and buck, 2 264,1.60; stocker, $2.76$4.H. Stock In tight. Receipt of Hv stock at th lg princi pal waa tarn market yesterday: Latiie. noga Sheep. 18.500 1400 6811 1,600 14. OuO South Omaha Sioux City ... Kanaas City . St Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago ....... Totals .... . .8u0 . IKO ,10.6rt . $.429 ,. 6.0O0 n.noo .62.429 64.188 66,211 Ions City LI Stock Market. BIOITX CITT, la , Bept. (.-(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipte, 9-ft head; mar ket steady; . beeves, $4-f"D.U; cowa, bull and mixed. tl.l64 60; atockera and feeder. Ltrai4?6: calves and yearling. t2 6"iJ SO IV- lower, selling at $5 404jS $0; bulk of sales, $6 60(i 5 70. M. Joseph live Stock Market. FT. JOSEI-II. Mo., ft. pt. 6 -CATTT.E Receipts, 1,4:9 hend, market sternly; natives, M.hoiuo rows snd heifers, 11 0-i.9o; Mockers and feeders, llnrnHKi. IKHIH-Krcelpt. .o head: market 61 IV lower top. $6 26; medium and heav, $6.7Mof.. SHEEP AND 1-AMB8-Rece1rte, 8.811 head; market steady; lambs, $7.40 OMAHA VilltlLKttl.R MAItKKT. a . Condition of Trad and qaotntlon oa Staple nnd Fancy Prod nee. . EGGS Receipt, liberal; treati stock. 17c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9Hffl0c; rooster. 6c; turkeys, 12l3c; ducks, i9o; apring chickens. lClc per lb. P. UTTER - Parking stock. lHc; cholcg fancy dairy, Kvlsc; creamery, 2-f -4o, HAT--l'rlrea quoua by un..,ii seed com. pary: Choice upland. $9 60; medium, $$.00; coarse, $8.01 4ft 8. $0. Rye straw, $7.00. BRAN Per ton, $16 60. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOEo-Per bbl., $3.60. ToMA 1 OKS Home gruwn, prr j-exet of 20 lb.. 26iu 36c. WAX BKANP pr market basket of about 18 His., 86c. . TURNIPS, HEKTS AND CARROTS-Pef DU., 76c. . LEAF IJCYTUCB-Hottaoti, per flog, head. 20c. CKI.KRV -Per dos.. 10. Cl'CUMBEnS-Hom grown, per dotv. 26C. ONION'S Home grown. lo per 11).; Span ih, $2.C4 per cratt. GREEN ONIONS Per dot. bunches. 10. RADISH En Per dos, bunches, 2oc NAVY HKAN-Pci nu.. ll.s; aSo. 1 $171. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6Vkc. tiREEN PEPPERS Per mirkt haskot, oe. PARSLEY Hot housd, per dos. bunches, 20c. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., lWo. KtJU PLANT-Fer dos., $1. POTATOES-Per bu., 000. TRUT1CAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia, according to sis, t4.-uiilli.00. LEMONS LlmoDlera. extra fancy, tt sue, 66.uo; M sixr, 610; 800 sue, $10. 60; other brands, $1.00 less.. BANANAS Per medlum-sUed bunch, $1 7r.2.J6; lumlxis. $2.S04e$.o. DATES Per lb., 6u6c. FHOlad. PEACH E8 Y-lmw freestone, $1 ; Mll-ou-i, per basket crate. Il.wstfl.3i, Call' fotnla KlbtrtH. p r Imjx, 416. PLUMS Calllornla, ll.6owi.75; Oregon Italian prunes, 1.;. PEARS Bartlett, per box, $2.00. OHAPES-Mutno gtuwn, per -lo- basket, 20c. APPLES Per bbl., $2.0Uf2.o0. M E1A1N8. WATERMELONS Per lb., lc, or about 25Jw each. C'ANTELOUPES Colorado and Arlsona. ptr crate (standard), $1.7S2.uo; ponies, $1.60, CUT UEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 12c; 2o. 1 tip., uc; No. $ rlba, 6Vc; No. I loin, lofto; Nu. s loin, UHo: No. $ lolu, ; Nu. I cr.uck, 6c; No. a chuck, 4c; No. i chuck, $c: No. 1 lound, Sc: No. 8 round, li No. t round, 4c; No. 1 , elate, lo; No. 1 plxte. aloe: Nu. a plat, fcl. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane, in sacks, $6.31; granulated beet, in sacks, tit.il. SYKwP 1- bula. aic pi ai.; In caaea, I 10-lb. can, 11.7D, cases, 11 6-iu. cans, $l.vi cases, 24 J'i lb. cant, $1.86. CHEESE li.'lrs. new. ic; Wisconsin brick, 11014c; Wisconsin llmberger, Uc; twins. l$WUi4c; young Americans, 14H. COFFElv i.aleu. No , k4v fer lb.l No . 2Vic 1 er lb.; Nu. per lb.; No. 26. 16Vo per 'b.i No. si, 12Vio per lb. NUTS- '.Vnlnuts. No. I. soft shells, now crop, per lb., liic; hard shells, per ,Jb., 12c Pecans, large, per lb., 16o, small, per lb., 12c. Chill walnut, per lb.. .itylSc. Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard hells, per lb., 134jl4c CocoanuU, $4.00 per sack of 100. HONEY Per 24 frames, $$.60. CANNED U'!i.iiJe-Corn. standard west ern. 66Oc; Maine, $1.16. Toinatoe. $-lb. can. $1.064140; t-lb., li'ictjll.OO. Plneap plea gVtO 7-lb $2.O62.20; allced. jl.Owtf $.201 gallon apples, fnncy, $3.00; California Apricots, I17t j.tw; pears, $1.7&l4.2, ptach, fancy, $1.764J2.4U; H. C. pcacnes. 1J. 004) 2.40. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook, F 1210; fancy sockeye. f., tin.. rdinea, oil, $$.60; mustard. $?.60iUe Sweet po tatoea, $l.1unl.-i; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins, 80ctill.OO: wax bean, -lb., Tktjlocj lima beans, 2-lb.. 76cH Si; spinach, $136; cheap peaa, 2ilb., COc; rxtiA, . mc ; fancy, li.lH l 78. CURED FISH-FamUy whtteflsb, pr ouarter bbl.. 100 lb., 84.00: Norway mack crel, No. 1. $28.00: No. 2. $24.00; No. S. $20.00; Irish, No t $16 00; herring.. In bbls.. 200 lbs. , each, Norway, 4k, $13.00; Norway, Ik, 1U.0O; Holland, mixed, $U.X; Holland herring, la keg, milkers. SOc: kegs, mixed. 704. FISH Buffalo, large dressed. 8c; trout, medium or large,' dreaeed, 12c; pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c; catfish, dressed, 16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12c; white perch, dressed, 8c; crapplea. large, 12c; aunflsh, pan alze, 6c; white bass, extra choice, 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon, Chinook, llo; whit fish (frosen), 12c: mackerel (Spanish) ,16o; native, per flsh. llfiioV; codfish, fresh frosen, 12c; flounders, fresh, froien, 11c; blueflsh, fresh frosen, 16cj haddock, fresh frosen. 10c; red snapper. dressed, 12c; smelts, No. 1, per lb., 12c; lobsters, (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, S7c; eel, per lb., lc: frog leg, per dos., 26c; roe shad, $1 each: shad roe. pair. 46c HIDES AND TALIOW Green aalted. No. 1. 13Hc; No. 2, 12'4c; hull hides, SM0c; green hides. No. 1. ll4c; No. $, lO-fcc : horse, ll.6txS3.50; sheep pelt, 60c3$1.2S. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. i. $c. WOOL-Per lb.. 1826u REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mutual Loan and Building associa tion to Peter W. Koley, nH lot , block 1, Hanscom Place t Hnry B. Lenere et al. to Kate Btnrara, east 82 feet mh lot 24 and east $3 feot north 62 feet lot 28. Clark William Llbby et al. to George 8. 1,500 1.400 701 1 Concannor, lot 16, block 109, South Omaha Guatav A. Wlese and wife to Tukey Land company, lot 12, block .10, Clifton Hill : . Patrick F. Ford to William J. Dcr mody, lota $, 4 and 6, blook- l, . W. W.. Thompson's Oeorge A. McCague to the McCague . ' Investment company, lots 1 and 4. block $, Pope Place...;...,..., Joseph C. Reevea and wlf to Max 171 1 8,000 i -400 too too too 1.(00 760 (00 97t . It 1,(00 164 100 Henry reters, n nw sec. n-14-10 Sallte Horton and husband, to Haitian N. Hawkins, lot 9 and sVi lot $, block 11, Halcyon Heights Catherine Lenehan and' husband to David A. Fitch, lot 21, Luk ;A ' Templeton' 4 Oeorge W. Shield and wlf to Don ald H. Brotchls. lot . block I, Patrick'a 2d, Saratoga Ellsa Burdette Patrick et al. to John H. Hale et al.. lot 1 ant. block I. Patrick 2d Mrs. Emma Robblna Jons to Mr. Mamie H. Newman, aottth 42 feet west 107.82 feet lot 106, Olse1.. John O'Kourke to Anna Martha Bchlpporelt, 7 acre . sec. $01 16-1$ , Herman Kahre st al. to James Bchnelderwind, part lot 26.. Burr Oak Sallna 8. Maheley and huaband to Frank B. Plata, nfe lot 1. block 10, Kountse 4th Hupplement . . . . Hlirhlnnd Realty company to Peter E Her, northeast 6.637 feet lot. 1, block 41, Credit Fonder........ Jamea H. Olenn and wlf to Ella M. Drennen, lot 1$ and 14, block J, Clarndon ...a.-... C C Kendall to Anna Dennen, lot '$, block J. Kendall' Harry Johnadn to Sallle A. John eon; lot 1 and I, 4locli 7. Wt sid Charlea A. Blombsrg and wife to Tlmothv R. Blomberg, wH lot I, block 47. Benson . Total transfer ., ;..$!! BONDS. NETTING FROM 3' to 5' LIST ON APPLICATION A. B. LEACH & CO., XEW YORK CHICAGO UOHTON rUILAPELPHli