Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
THE " OTJAITA' PAILT BEE: TITT7RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. lOOfi, r i EICHASCE BACIS SHIPPERS irm Eslp Lumber tod Coal Mi ia Dsmnrrsee Ficnt. CONSIDERS HOAD'3 ACTION INJUSTICE aasaatsaaaSBSSS Vaftaseeaaeat tf Jn Rales f Wm ra Car Slce Association Sot Colas; to Bo Easy After All. Tno Orftlh exchange will back up the lumber and coal dealers In their fight Sgalnat the enforcement of the new de murrage rules of the Western Car Service association and has already given au thority to the committee of seven ap pointed by those Interest to act In Its name. The. Implement Jobbers are talking of holding a meeting with the aame object In view; In fact, the situation promises to reaolve Itself Into a case of the entire shipping public against the aasoclatlon. The coal and lumber men are making their man protest on the rule which ra durea from five days to two the time given them to unload earn, while the grain and implement dealers, who have never had but two day to unload, are attacking an other rule. In cane of failure to get Ave daya a formerly thin second rule will be of vital interest to the lumber and coal dealers, and they are considering It In their conference. The ruling Is section S of rule 1, ar.d It says: All cars destined or ordered to private trailc or tracks, said trnck or tracks being full, shall he considered placed for un loading when roHds offering cars would have placed them had such track or tracks been permitted. Another protested ruling Is section 2 of rule 7, which, says:' All ears containing freight for a connec tion, when said connection Is unnble to de liver on atcourt of the inability of the owners to receive, or on aocount of Its own Inability to receive because of delay on pnrt of consignees in unloading, shall be subject to car service charges, pro vided the rallmnd holding the freight noti fies ilia consignee. Rales game aa I.aat Year. The two rules are precisely the aame as those promulgated last year, but the differ ence In the situation la that th Car Ser vice association now proposes to enforce them. They have the effect of making the consignee responsible to one railroad com pany for delay In delivering cara turned over to another company, and of requiring the consignee to pay charges on cara while In possession of that company. The members of the Grain exchange con sider their .Interest the largest In the city, as they handle 40,000 cara a year, and they are considerably wrought up over the ac tion of the association. The Implement men are also heavy shippers. These rules, how ever, governing charges on cars transferred from one road to another affect all re ceivers of merchandise. "We can make nothing of It but rank Injustice," said a grain man. "Suppose the Union Pacific brings In a car of wheat from Nebraska and gives It to the Burling ton to deliver to an elevator on the latter'a . tracks. The Burlington ought to be held responsible for any delay In getting the cara to the elevator, but, on the contrary, the grain man Is held financially responsi ble. If the siding is already full, and the elevator has done Ita beat to unload the cara on It, the Burlington ought to be re sponsible for that, but under the rules It Is not. It aeema they will be able to hold a car aa long as they want, and the con signee will have to pay. The only just provision would be to make the grain man responsible when the grain Is placed on his tracks." Atora gmmmmmmmtmtmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mi Ator(t ADVANCE SHOWING-NEW STYLES IN arly Fall Millinery The first glimpse of the correct styles in millinery is always to be found at Brandeis. We have on display the very latest designs for early fall wear. Popular colors are the new em pire gree'n, grays, browns, navys, garnets and black. We show a large variety of smart new dress and street hats, trim med in feathers, quills, ribbons, wings, darts and prna- ft ments; all of them are new styles Brandeis popular , price FALL READY-TO-WEAR HATS Stunning little felt shapes for dressy- fall street wear, Vesta Tiley Sailors, Peter Pans and Turbans very prettily trimmed in the lavored styles ffa pn for fall -a hundred J JU new ones tor Thurs day at f sialic Ladies' Tailored Suits and Coats CUT-OFF .LAKE IMPROVEMENT Promoters Ask Coatrriims Kennedy ta Secure Protection front Mlaaonrt River. The Cut-Off Lake Improvement olub has appointed a committee to wait upon Con gressman Kennedy with the petition that he exert an effort at. Washington to se cure Improvement of the Missouri river banks that will fortify the lake from the periodical rampages of the Big Muddy. A committee will co-operate with the Omaha Rod and Oun club toward effecting an exchange of the property Iowa owna on the Island for that Nebraska owna at Lake Manawa. The extenalon of the street cara to Tenth and Amea avenue has been gener ally dlacussed, but tt Is thought a little premature to take active action to that end at this time. It Is thought fitting to ask Count Crelgh ton to donate several acres for a park on the north shore of the lake, the name to be "Cretghton Park." "It had been arranged to give the park commissioners a launch ride around the lake last Sunday, but the funeral of Ed ward Roaewater being; held that day. It was poatponed until 2 o'clock next Sun day, The club 'la anxloua to ahow the commissioners the beauty of the lake and the necessity of parks and boulevards out that way; The next meeting of the club will be held Saturday, at the Big 'Five cottage on the west side of the lake. The one following that probably will be held on the Rod and Oun club grounda. During the fall and winter, meetings will be held weekly In aome convenient place down town. The members are much encouraged over the aplrlt of the people In regard to Im proving Cut-Oft lake. CITY MUST CUJTHE WEEDS Health Officer Shall Ressev Thorn and Chars; Cost to Owner f Premises. The dispute between the health office and the Rogers Real Estate company aa to whether the Rogera company main tained a nuisance on a lot at the north west corner of Vinton and Fifteenth atreeta by allowing a large growth of weeds thereon ' waa threshed out In po lice court Wednesday morning. The health office was seeking conviction and a fine for the defendant parties, f claiming that an excessive growth of noxious weeds on the premises consti tuted h nuisance. Judge Cockrell decided. however, that he 'could not Impose a fine van If It waa proven that the weeda were pulsance, as the ordinances provided an ample remedy in such cases by esthertstng the health office to abate the nuisance by cutting the weeds and charr ing the coat against the property. The ease waa therefore dismissed. A ftkln f Baiut ia at Jo Drt, T. roll OwurwueTs) OHtJ Or am or Maaioal entmtrln. 1 2a, sal km Bnwm a ?. ma ! fM tawia, 0 g it., tad OT rm mi M M haiia,a vi jmnuliimt U isvwriy su4 imiHiMi. fa) ti HmJt 5 In M I (fife New Fall Styles The styles that are leading the fash ion are the new Prince Chaps, the new ponys, the new Etons, etc., with three quarter or full length sleeves, wide plaited skirts all of them new and very smartly tailored. Two specials Ladies Fall Covert Coats Always appropriate for fall wear and very becoming the new ones QQ are prettier than ever 0O Ladles Long Novelty Coats The novelty checks and plaids lots of dashing style about these Q Afi popular fall coat, at J JO HANDKERCHIEF SALE Ladies' and men's plain and fancy border Handkerchiefs, good val ues, on bargain f T1A J" square at IC-JsC-JC Ladles' and men's fine all linen Handkerchiefs, in different wiaths of hem- ffi- 1 11-, stitching IUC-I.S2C Two Extra Basement Specials, Fine and medium weight Fancy White M'alstlngs, worth up to 50c yard on the bolt in Ions mill lengths fn for yard. . LJL New Cotton Beige, In desirable shadow plaids, for fall wear, see them in the window JSd...' 10C-12& l M I Mill Mow If you expect to own a Stoddard-Dayton Automobile next year. Give us your order right now for a 1907 model, as we've only been allotted 25, and they'll go quick. The Stoddard-Dayton has proven to be the most popular automobile in the United States the past season. Don't put it off, but come right in and leave your order and we will deliver it to you when you want it. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO. 1814 Far nam Street IP YOU EN JO V a cool, delicious, satisfying smoks one that will banish your cares and make life worth living, be sure and call lor the old reliable waximiiA'iim'iinmixmiiamB i m mum mil i OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thursday Fair. n UN N M Store open ivenlngs till 6. Saturdays till 10. E Wonderful Showing of New Suits Thursday in the Big Crockery A disoount on every article i in Fancy China, Brica-Brac, Cut Glass, including all Lib bey Cut Glass, for one day only 20 m Discount 10 per cent off on every din. ner set sold Thursday. This includes every set in stock amounts over $5 10 S Discount See the new French Glaina very pretty pattern, heavy gold treatment Pin Trays, Jewel Trays, Powder Boxes, etc., all prices. C,?Ar SEPTEMBER CARPET AND FURNITURE SALE See Ad Store Open Till 6 P. M. Saturday, Till iO P. M. 110 THE RELIABLK STORE on Page 5. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ImoN r Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack '. '...$1.30 And Forty Oreen Trading Stamps. Java and Mocha Coffee, three pounds fl.OO And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Pineapple, can 25c j And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, pound package 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pure Strained Honey, large jar 25c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Large Queen Olives, pint 20c ' And Ten Green Trading Stampa. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Sour Pickles, quart lOc And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 15c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart .....20c And Ten Green Trading Stampa. Red Cross Cream, two large cans 20c And Ten Green Trading Stampa. , Wiggle Stick Bluing, six for 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chocolate Menler, sweet or bitter, pound package 45c - And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Aberdeen Kippered Herring, can , 20c v And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Oedney'a 25c Pickles, for 15c Big Frame and Picture Sale Slar Saturday, Sept 8th. Watch papers and see display in Sixteenth street window. Measure your .old pic tures for retraining. phnnl Siinnlipe Kriinnl SiinnlipQ COMPLETE VARIETIES, BIGGEST STOCK 1 IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING TEACHER OR SCHOLAR NEEDS. ilanHBBEDanBnBn F. R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co., Manufacturers, St. Louis. . l ' i ur tut kaut ka (a; "At o Imis vm us lk.m . I riniJ I Iks nsal Ssostsl til Ik. pa sriyniiaiM " I km r unwiu I lini iafceWiit iSiisiHii.ii 4 Sis E&l.lfcftn)rVlnrfJki kailnTfts RELIC OF HISTORIC OMAHA Eoript Istuad by Oitj Half Oentory Art Eeld by California!). DATES BACK TO FINANCIAL PANIC OF 1857 Pat Ont Primarily t AI4 Foaadars in Erection f Uarndan Hanaa, Now llnln Paelgte Ucaifaarlert. Treasurer Fink ia In receipt of a latter from C. U. Uulvat of Loa Angeles. In which tba writer says; I have a fl note Issued by the city Of Omaha, August 20, 1867. It saya: "The city of Omaha trill pay One Dollar to bearer one year after data with Interest at 10 per cent per annum. Omaha City, Auguat 10, 1867. H. O. Anderaou, re corder; Jesse Lowe, mayor." I would like to have It redeemed with interest to date, iiow much can I get for Itt The treasurer la In doubt aa to bow much Mr. liulvel can get for the note, but declares that so far as being aa ob ligation upon the city It haa been out lawed for years, Ile-lta of HlstorU Onaafca. This fl bill Is a remnant of the script the Infant city of Omaha Issued during the dark days of 1157, when the great financial panic swept over the country, falling with cruahlng fore upon auch youthful communities aa thla place waa. Dr. George U sillier. In an Inter view published In The Be December I. 10S, points out that this script waa is sued just at the time be and his asso ciates were struggling "with the herculean task of erecting tba Herndon house, which, when completed, waa the greatest hotel In this part of the new weat and Is today the general headquarters of the Union Pai'lflo Railroad company at Ninth and Parnam atreeta. ' "The panto of T awept over the coun try," said !. Miller ia that InUrvlew. "Its pressure fell with crushing force upon Omaha's vigilant patriots. They borrowed money from the east to stem the tide until the east had no money to loan, even at tha usury, much less Interest, the Herndon houae foundera were compelled to pay. Things looked bad. Dark clouda of adveraity cast their somber pall over Omaha and its great enterprise. Tha prosperity of the venture was regarded as the prosperity of the city and the city made a noble effort to rescue the prise. It Issued script and. this fragile seourlty was used by the builders of tha hotel as long as it could be." Such is tha history of this script, the relic of which Is held by the Los Angelaa man. It baa been suggested that he could get nothing for it of half tha value which the history, the splendid American pioneer aplrlt and the tragic atruggle of indomita ble heroes it commemorates amounts to. Life Insurance. For 3 cents you can now Insure your self and family against any bad results from an attack of collo or diarrhoea dur ing the aummer months. That la the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that has never been known to fall. Buy it now, it may aave life. Batldtnc Permits. Building permits for aeven dwellings were granted Tuesday by the city building Inspector, as follows: Hv K. Wheeler, 3617 St. Mary avenue, n.auu; ueorge 10. Lund berg. Twenty-third and Browne, 12,600; A. Theodore, Twenty-fourth and Poupleton, two houses st 12.000 each: Robert Muenlng, SUA South Fifteenth, 11. 000; John J. Toms, Ss) North Twentieth, fl. 300; Joseph Schrott ner. Ulzteentu and Vinton, faU. AX OLD and WELL-TIMED REMEDY. FOB OVER alSTT TSAKS. KM. WmaXOWTs OOTaTZaTO WTMVT, aw SMS um lor vr tint ysass dt millions MUTUSHS far CHU.DHSN WHILS TSSTU. 1NO. WITH PKRrtVT SlClkSS. IT SOUTHS Ike CHILD. SOVTKNS lbs UIM4. AIXATS sU fXNj Cl'RES WIND COUC. ts U tks east rmmtr I PIAHBMOKA. ie kr brnsawia " sett el IS esria. fis sure ssS ask Cu MRS. WlNSLOWa MOOTHIXa gfRCF 10c Chancellor Cigars lor 5c We have been fortunate enough to purchase a quantity of the above well known brand of elgars at a price to enable us to sell XOc slees for Be. or $2.60 per box of 60. These foods Just arrived this morn ing and will go on sale at once until sold. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16 th and Fanuun Street. Cut Rate Cigar Dealers. NICOLL'S NAME IS A GARMENT the name of Nlcoll stands for high Quality correct gtyle perfect tailoring and a moderate price. . Not another assortment of Tailoring fabrics like ourt under any roof in this city. The fabrics in our windows are in index of what you'll find on our tables. Troisert 55 012 Salts 120 to 550 rwTl 'jrjsJLftU W1LUAM JCBRKMS SONS 20-l I "Bo. XBU." fit. " SCHOOLS A.1U COLLKUE. YOUR BOY'S FUTURE Sapaato Ursly sa lb tnlaia h. voslns stir. the u u M. Nan ui se nc..i, ksw uslalas (er U snst lllltla l nu. ka tka M- U ktTAUaail kULIl'AHk ALAUk.Nl, iniiHBwl ot mini u4 tft, slt-nMrtal ul UUUtl 'ts ktuiaiua Mki. itcy. leaflet eollrms pnvnXMf miui litis Ike siUtlur tscu& IsMrasUee u4 amkyU tiak. Iksuaa sat AViklauea, an sa la aaaaltaat ailrf 4iiiiii WrUa sx Csia bas A. lUaiav aUaUkwy aVassaav. Sstrasy. alea, Isn't Much Tet It's a great deal when you pay it out for a pair of men's shoes that are worth no more, and for all you know until you've worn them a week, a great deal less. Our customers never take such chances when they buy a pair of Our $3.50 Specials for Men Every pair has more than f S.50 value to them, and our guarantee Is: Your money back if you are not satisfied. Patent Colt Velour and Box Calf Vicl Kid. All the new and latest lasts. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. CROWN JEWKT. SI IT8 AT 125 w are pronounced by all who hnve seen them the hrsl nlu ever shown at the nrlr Their Individual el..,,,- In design, the spl endld cmlVtv of Z' r"Tl "Vi&nanshTn l"t them' fhud?rn0,,nCe ""m W',h ,W 'Ce ,hF PrW- nrw1 one, juM tn. HD ""l-A'VN" PI IT RAROAIN. day's s.lllnBrot,ie In the prettlost Plaids inp of our r-sulnr $15 suits -yocl-Hly se- nnd all n.-w palter!.! In tiffeta" hrosd- lerted.from our st.Kk-wlll he W Oil cloths, etc., retnnrhsMe assi.rimrn. ,i flared on snip Thiir,lai at,ioO.VU : .1.1. ...'i..... ...T assortmrnt and NHW rALl. fOATS-ln'Hhi.rt. three-nusr- I if.M.. Iio. si:' :.n ' .. i ' IH.OflV trr and s.-vrn-plfrhths lengths, the very : VTi.-O 811, K t 'NnKltflKIMTS-in'ail o riJ aspiirtmrnt In pbilds, checks and colors. Inrlmllng hlnck, at ........ y9 Al.l AT t.OWKHT VRlfRS .1 II M J UK ' "M tnaisn!( New silk and Nun's vr-lllng waists. In all i Px-In1 ssle price 7&C fit"' MOIRE rQ I ' N L K KJ5 K I RT9 HOC SKK (l H HOMtMADH VRAPPER8. All stylos, from $1.26 to $2.3. most fashionable colors and natterns unusually Kxd values r fltt st, from t;o.iO to tVO fOO NKW SKIRTS-Just received for Thura- SCHOOLS AID COLLEGES. BELLEVUE COLLEGE COU-Bukv Ciaanlca. actsutlOu, phuosv chlcal cuurees. ACADtMV-An accredited High Sohocl Prepares for bellevua or any uther col lege or university. NORMAL, SCHOOL Elementary and ad vanod couraes. Certificates granted. CONSERVATOR If Theory of inusio, ano, voice, violin, elocution and art. CONNECTIONS with Ouiaba; Eleotri? Una and Burlington Rallay. Fall semester opens September 11 Addrasa rrealdaat .Wads worth, SeUarut, M.n, FROM 8 TIM. 10 A. M. Women's 75c Dressing Sacques 1SP choice aSiJW Special Sale in High Grade Linen Dept. FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. We will sell 62-Inch hleached linen, guar anteed pure Irixh ltnn end sold at fine . a yard, not over 6 yards to cus tomer at, a yard , FROM 1 TO 4 I. M. 1 25 fl"ien all linen blearhed Huck Towels. Ixx40 inches, great value at loo each, only 4 pairs to a customer at, .'. FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. Kxtra heavy quality unbleached muslin yurd wide regular price 6o a yard- only 12 yards to a customer at. a yard FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. WHITE GOODS BALK 25c ITotted 8wlss. 2Sc Figured Swiss,' 130 Fancy White Goods, at, a yard FROM 9 TIM. 11 A. M. Women's Jl V) Moire Underskirts 69c 92c 4ic 10c D&pery and Curtain Sale. Special ssle on Brussels Net Curtains. f4.00 Brussels Net $5.00 Brussels Net $( Rrussels Net fT.OO UrUFSels Net $ m Rrussels Net fH.OO Brussels Net fW.OO Brussels Net fZM ..'.! .$3 4 4 9 f.V.19 .KM Also f pi rials on Portieres closing out st sr.nn, .on, fr.on, fs on. fs.oo and In three lots- J OU-X HU at OTHER SrEJCIALS. 2nc Tassels worth at, dusen Fringes, worth l2jo I and I6c at, yard ... ...2ic Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings rtment Depai MID-WEEK BARGAINS IN HARDWARE. I Set S Tahle Mata 10-lnrh Feather Dusters 10c , 950 One Minute Coffee pot vest, or nana rusnrs ac Rubber End Sink Cleaners So Bet Tipped Tea Fpoons 80 Granite Child's Chamber l9o 8 large rolls fine Toilet Paper 20c warranted Butcher Knife t wood Coat Hangers for .... V" ..2So ..4! ..loo .,I0o ..lOO Colorado Peaches for Canning. Tomorrow, Thursday, we will close out our first car of Fancy Freestone Colorado Peeches The market has every Indication to be higher buy now RSc while this car lasts tomorrow, per crate vjxjs FANCT PlCARS FOR CANNING-. Bushel boxes of fancy Flemish Beauty and Duchess Pears nothing finer Ofi for preserving tomorrow, per bushel box ,,u . , THE LAST WEEK OF THE JELLT GRAPES. This will probably be the last week of the Jelly Grapes, as they are ripening fast. We will have 600 more baskets Thursday, ana we will continue 121 C to sell them per basket 20-lhs. best pure cane granulated sugar ff at - syvr Great Embroidery Sale Continues Thursday BROS, x VIA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY TO OCTOBER 81, 1908. S2S .00 SHORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DELAYS Be sttrs your ticket read over this Uns. Inaulre at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'PhoB Doaclaa 834. EXCURSION RATES EAST CKE FARE plus $2.00 for 15 day tickets ONE FARE plus S4.00 for 30-day tickets On sale dailj until September 30th to many points in eastern Canada, and on sale Sep tember 5th. and 19th. to many New England points, - ria the ' Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three fast trains to Chicago every day leave ynion Station Omaha at 7:55 a. m.,' 5:45 p. m. and 8 :35 p. m., making close connections with eastern lines. For further information and folders, call at City Ticket Offioe, 1524 Farnam street, or write to Omaha, Neb. F. A. HASH, General Western Agent. ajra-'H'irxavy wrfWJei ill i iii'nariiiiiii' iii i'ii in SCHOOLS AID COLLEGES. BROWNELL HALL, OMAHA A Home rtchool for Ulrla. cademlo and Collrge. Pre istorr Courses. .cvptlona vantsaes in Music. Art. Do. .nestlo Science. Uernian an French. Academic course gives '1 KKnrru.1 education. ' ertincate In college preparatory course admits to Vassal, Welleslrr, Mt. lluljroke, imltb, University of KebrSaku. University of Wlsoonsin and t uivrrally of Cliluago. nstructora collrge graduatps of large teaching esperlenov. Thoroug tineas Inalsted !Kn aa essential to character building. Careful ;;.,. Uou to stK-lal (raining. Well quipped gymnasium, alia professiiinul director. Tannla, hockey and other field . oris. Students mother! svmptuhetlcally by experienced women who appreciate tha 1s of yoimit womanl..o1 Address: MISS MACRAE Principal. HJentwortli MILITftny AGrtDEMY daxlagtoa, Ms, Oldest and Largest lallltar bchtxjl in. the Middle West. Ciaaa '' t recent rating Si War Sa4 y f'-'"r'