T1IE OMAIIA JDAILY BEE: -TUESDAY, SKPTMM tKl 4 ipofi. II COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 41. . , MIOR ,WET'.OS' Davis. drug. ' Clerks, coda, ' Ktni Vart olls" et.-net. . Fine engraving at '.Leftert's. '' Ed Hot nr Tony rjtusl beer. Get those new photo at Bcnmldt-'. ' Plumblfig and heating; Blxby Won. Lewi Cutler, funeral director. "Phone-vl. ' W cod ring I'ntfertaklng company. Tel 339. Picture framing, C. E. Alexander, W3 Broadway.- i-t: The funeral. f the late t. Hendrix Kill be held thia afternoon. . DIAMONDS AS. AN IVVE.4TMENT. iilk in bcrrciu abul I 11. George Hoagland haa the Kansas Shall brick. All hard ' brick. Oct hia price Star chapter, Rflyal Arch Maon. will meet thla evening lt regular convocation. See Stephen Bros, for fire brick wad lire . clay, sewer ripiv rtlllngs and garden boa, .i. Murphy, pf Ppntlac, Mich., la in th ciry'toV,; J..c .mei fan- and car- nival. . . - Rev. c. L. Perk. D. D., of Siloajn Spring. Ark., la the guest of hia brotiier. Charles .Parks. . " AKTKO, BOY". TO LKARN THE TIN NERS TR AUK. SVVAINB MA LEU. A1S.WpSTROAIWAlf. . The regular monthly session of the city council scheduled for "last night, waa an Journed until thls.eveulna. A. O. Harney and Maude Mace, both from Omaha, were married In this city yester day by .Rev. Henry XLong. OCT ' TOVR . GIBBON PICTURES FRAMED WITH BEAUTIFVL FKAMKi 16 TO 50 CKNTb. BURW1CK. .Jill SO. MAIN. - .. 1 I pay 13 per tori for caat Iron; mixed, 110', etova,-M; raga.-ifee per lb.t rubber, 7 ; copper. 14u per lb. J. Kaielman, uj Main, both 'phonus (50. . Howard Culver, formerly of th Arm of Woodbury Culver -of thla city, la visiting 'relative . here.- "He 'expects to leave Weunoaday for- Montana, We wholesale U oream. .Shipped to ary part of the atate. Special pricea to the r tall trade; I Alucci, Zl. Weal Bioaaway, Council-Bluffs, la.' Tel: J 4. . n.t riii,- jnnn nrennan ana o. K. Harden of tula eHy and J. N. r itsgtbbon . 01 , M(sourl VgUey lett .last nlgm lor a .hunting tfip to North Dakota. ArtTivr'T'lsher'and ivmina Hanks, a young ruuio from oinaiiac celebrated ljtix.r auy by- getting limrrlyo in thla cliv. Justice .lelu , prriorming llie ceremony. The board of County.. Supervisors con vened yeslt-rday tnnfirlrig loi' tut Septem ber sesstom, -iwt- adjourned until ujdny 'without transacting -any .'busineas. ' We have the niteat line of sample moii'i menta to select Horn in the west. Sheetey V LanV Marbte and 'Granite Work, tii liaut lirpuuw.ay, .tuncil .Bluffs, la. Don't fall to see the Cole's New High Oven range. Wonderful departure. See it at our store. tou will be interested. Pad dock Hanrischy Hardware company. . ' ' ArthuV Brjulrlwt-irgaYe' ootid in the sum wi r.i in lunimruniuiui'i ivuu j cniri - day,nbe charge of. muvnerouely assault ing Sor?n Thoiiipti()n. he w-ill have a hear ing Thursday. '" j r air opening n tilers lows couiff, jiacr - rlam block,' Oouncil Uiuffa, la., atoodav, August, iJ. ngUh, Norjnai, Uookkeepuig od shorthand aepartmenta. send lor m catalotiguea. Both 'phones. '' Carnlvar la here! Ufl la here; Hicks' new tm.it ajwav mr9 asrv.ai nnv w- nnv aa ever .tarne to the city. Please call and be con .vlnced before buying .that 1 can deliver the goods tn- up-to-aute style and shapes. " B. S.'-Wapka. .j.. - The followrngitced drlnka and Ice eram will .be,. served all this week at. the Clark lrug conipans: Madja, froxen phosphate, Druensn nip. eiuureuo miuv, irupiui aun-da,.-Canihncrta. -kiss, aotitherrj beauty, America,)) .suoaae.,and Greenland Iceberg. ..' Mra-j BsrHh ..Hanger, aged 80 years, dIArt VMIanUV t the noma nt hr rinuirh. ier, jura. vvv j. . Aimy, u ooutn rwentyi lourtn street, aeatn ueing aue to uie. in firmities or old age. Another daughter, Mrs, Winian, Sinter of gulncy. 111., sur- Lee Albert!, former constable, haa charge ,ofvthe apecls.) pollyt force on the carnival 'grounds, aa no lias lirtne paat years. He baa twemy-twf twii umler ; niui -Mid tne grounds are consequently well policed, and yesterday several-' uspiclutis cnaracteif were shown the outside of the gatea. Joreph .Mav.ua, proprietor of a ,gr4;ery on West Broadway, was-arresfed oy 'the ponce laat eviming, cnargno wim. oueiruci ing the aidewalk. lie wus selling, confetti ami refused to tnke his warea oft the side walk. Sie was released on his own recogitl iitnt'to appear In police -court thia morn lng.t .- t ,.' - . .. ,. Tha funeral of the late Mra. 1 H. Maa- ?' enberg waa held yesterday 'afternoon from he restMhce of her daugnter, Miss Louise Maasenberr. rfc. Weet Broadway The ajwrvlceg were, conducted by Kcv. H. V . ' Starr, rector1 of St. Paula Episcopal church, ad'4rlterricnt was In Walnut Hill - ceintery.ruThe pullbearera were 11. A. UUinn. F. K. pHia. T. J. Rockwell, fcm rTiet' Ylnley "if. J ChamWrs. H. K Tmen. 'F.'1 li.' Reed and J. H. Record of Glonwooa. ". THE? J MOST' 'V P-T9-DATH3 RESTAUR AjiT. t$ COUNCIL. BLVFFS. . GOOD SER VICE AND HOtE COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, 5J0 Broadway. - Mrrla l.lceaeee. " IJcenaej tpvfd.werB laiiyed. yeaterday to , the following t it. Name and Residence. Arf Cborlea Crafr Hnttwittamle county.. ' Zoe Ada Watts; Vuttawattamle county A. O. Harney, MaredonU, Je-, Maude Mace, Macedonia. I. A. F. MefKUf; Haatlng(, Kabi.,'. Ella Wwlier.;, Chicago, Avr,...'. Arthur Vlshei1;! Omii mma Raakg, Omaha iT.,.. ...... T v y Beer Is Not An; J ' Alcoholic Drink An EmfEtnt dentist Siys It Cannot V Prpefly ie Caded'Snch. In vw' of-rheimreaalng popularity of beer. K Is Intreetlng to jtote'.what the really jf Sarnrtii- modartv stientfsta aay of It. There fsl,en. and"stltria In certain Quarters', a . prejudice against 'beer, but trda p4iulcje, like many predjudlcea. j proved drawing cards. The free high-wire la Dim ajiv iuoriic. oner i nui a mi oy uranaaa ana h edora as on of the BRIGHT CARNIVAL PROSPECTS Fartde at Opening Hoti AttraetiTe in . Hiitory of tbe EcUrpriM. aaaBBBjaaaaaB AUTOMOBIUS DAINTILY DECORATtD Boil 'aaa Ulrla'. Pony Brigade Alao Aftrarta ttnrh Attention Some f ladnalrlal Featarea Are t nlqae. If opening day Indications count for any thing the Council Bluffs fifth annual street fair and carnival promises to prove a rec ordhreaker. All that is needed, it la con ceded, . to make It such la good weather, such as the powers In charge of the weather bureau provided yesterday. That the merchants, bulnrss men and the peo ple generally of the city take an Intense Interest In these annual festivities waa dem onstrated by the big turnout in the parade yeaterday morning, the event which herald the opening pf the street fair and carnival. The parade was probably the largest and certainly pne of the. most Interesting ever witnessed n the city, the civic, Industrial and business Interests of the city being fully represented. There waa music galore, and many of the features of the long pro cession were particularly pretty, aucb aa the automobile and pony contingents. AH of the autoa were elaborately decorated with flowers and flags, tha two large tour ing ears of J. F. Wilcox taking the lead In the matter of decoration, although the large car of Charles Teat Stewart, with Its load of eighteen little girls In their dainty white frocks, probably attracted aa much. If not more, attention from the Im mense crowds which lined the street on all side. The boys' and girls' pony brigade, with the little animals tastefully bedecked with flowers and the carnival rlbbona, was also a most attractive feature. The Prise M loners Joe Smith of the firm, of Joe Smith ft Co.' had a dainty tandem turnout, which waa a novelty, and attracted much attrac tion, aa did the float of H. H. Van Brunt, which received the first prise. The New Nonpareil company had 126 employes In line, all pulling a rope, -labeled "the tow line for Council Bluffs." It received" the first prize for the largest number of. em ployes In line. Councilman Maloney re ceived the first prise for the largest number of teams In line, securing It by having the Indian creek gang In the procession with about aeventy teams, wagons and scrapers and about "TS men. ' This feature, while not an attractive one, was certainly unique and gave the public some Idea of the work being done on the troublesome creek. The Danish societlea had about 200 men In line with white caps and red bands, while the Nebraska Telephone company had . fifty men In line. The Cltlxena Gas and Electric company had a unique dis play two .poles with cross arms and an electric arc. light suspended between them on tbe float. A tempting looking display was that of tha- Council Bluff a Grape Growers' Shipping association a ' Isrga wagon loaded with luscious looking white and red grapes. The formstlon of the big parade waa at follows: vw ; Majbr George U. Richmond. Chief Marshal, and Mounted Aides. Platoon of Police In Command of Captain , Cal Shafer.- . j u, Covalt'a Band. , .Dodge. Light Guards. -In Command of . - - Lieutenant -Peterson; - .is'. City Councllmen and Other Officials tn ,,, ,. .. . Carriage. 4. " "ADanMt. Societies. J0O, Strong.-. . -ff Brotherhood of Railway Carmen. T6 Strong. Bricklayer' Protective I'nlon of Council ,i Bluffa.'Ta tn.Une tn White Caps. v -Trousers and Shirts. The New Nonpareil Company, 12g Men In Line. Council Bluff Commercial Club, Headed by . President C. W. McDonald. 120 In ,lne' - . With White Caps. Canes and . Carnival Ribbonsj Joe Smith Co.. Tandem. Council bluffs Aerie of Kaglea, Headed by Officer In Carrlnge.-iM In IJne. " Automobile Contingent 23 In Une. Council Bluffs Camp. Modern Woodmen of . America. Degree Team In I'nlform. 25 In Une. ' Nordln'a Band. Peterson aV Schoenlng Company Employe. 42 In Line Carrying- Banner and . . i Wearing Carnival White -Cap. llarle-HaiM Company "Hobwters;" an In Une. Carnival White- City Band, Carnival Performers in Carriages. Merchanta' Float ami Orber Displays. . Flrt Contingent. West Council KlnfT Improvement Club Fife and Drum Corps. Standard. .Manufacturing Companv's Em ployes, 47 In Une. ' Girls and Boys' pony Brigade. Hovi' and Ml rlu' n,.n d-i ebraska Telephone Company, 60 Men In Line. - .- 1 . Indian Creek Brlgaat, Headed by Councilman- Maloney on a Scraper. Biat Van- Cnntatnln "Th. Merchants' Floats and Display, Second .''.- Contingent.- Electric Ught Comnany'g Float and . Display. Fire Department. Headed' by Chief Jonea In Buggy, ,. Merchants' Floats and Dlsplaya, Third Contingent, . Reeora far Opening Day ' Treasurer Van Brunt estimated lat night that the total attendance afternoon and evening was cloee to the ,000, mark, which Is a record-breaker for the opening 'day. At the main entrance alone over , single admission tickets were sold, to which must be added the coupon and season ticket holders, of which there are several hundred. Aa usual, the concerts by Covalt'a band smMsjsniBJ MMBjaMsl . IV) :om lite It is offered to the public today for the first time and from now on the public will be the judge. We want every one who drinks bottled beer to give "Luxus" one trial that is all we ask one trial then we are willing to take our chances on their regular patronage. You know that there is as much difference in beers as there is in any other food product. You will notice that "Luxus" tastes different from all others. You will notice it tastes better. And We Can Tell You Why. fe Yomf Belief For v J vfr n A ,T wi y ik Nil mMMm 1 Send For Our Book: "Luxus Beer" telling what it is made of, how it is made and why we can abso lutely guarantee its uniformity of flavor, purity and wholesomeness. There are many good reasons lor Its superiority and we want you to know them all. HCrC cire 1 feW I e use nest nPs grown in Bohemia, selected by our own , experts and specially imported for "Luxus" Beer. The Malt is made from the best barley in the worldthat grown in the Northwest. The Rice is imported from India where it is grown and then stored until it becomes perfectly conditioned, which cannot : be accomplished in less than one year-. The water used is from our wonderful Artesian Spring, the purest, healthiest, most sparkling of nature's waters. And It's Made Just Right. Not a sticky, heavy beer but a light, nutritious beverage of a pale amber color, something that you will enjoy with your meals as well as for refreshment. Try It Now Today. If your dealer cannot supply you, send J ' your order direct to us. We will supply you promptly. Don't Forget The Name Kipog Ere wle Cmpsumy Omaha, Nebraska was engaged tn shaving the. flocks .of "Ice as they came from the freerer and In some manner his hand caught under the blade which severed th ,two. members as quick as lightning.. '-' i ' New ' Location of WhojesalV' Bakeiry.. SI Mynster Street, Cp. 'BliirTs. la. Home-made Bread a Specialty.- ' . ' ,." , ..Visitors Welcome... . - . . If you are looking forward o your sum mer's outing you will need a few vacation necessities; If you are going camping, with a small psrty you will waint a few delica cies: If you are going to a picnic you will want your ,basket filled with "good tblnga to eat.'' Sandwiches, olives, pickles, cakt. cheese, frnlts, a cold bottle of ginger ale or root beer In fact McAtee haa every thing necessary to' fill' a. dainty lunch basket and the best the market aftards. language to a young worrtan- riamed CUr tla at ' yilliaca. The. young' woman In question,' It la said, ahowed th!' letter to some friend and in time her father heard of ft. He reported pUiifniattcr to the post master of his townf Jwid.rthe latter placed th matter In the h8t;iJ' the. department.. Walling waa taken before I'nited Slates j Commissioner G. FV-right, who placed nia Donns at .' .penqlng a, preliminary hearing,. The young ijian- was not sent to the county Jail,- but pliked In charge of Deputy Pnlted Stutps Marshal Cole pend ing Uie arrival of v Mr;; Parker, who it Is aalil,- will 'furnish the Aeeded bond. .'. Mailt B SoH. Must sell dwelling. , Has. five rooms, city water. Is on car line "and rents for S8 per mofUh.; always rented.' ..Teh. 61. Charles T. Officer, 419 Broadway... "liquor," aa it Js frequently called by un- Informed pnpl, and It Is not an intoxi cant. Of! fvOurseH Is possible to drink too much fceer. Jast -as It Is possible to eat Moo nnicV meat, but tbe propor uae f beer la declared "by eminent doctors to be baneflclal to the health. Djv B.. StruA pf .B.erlln, a .wjll-known . acjentlst, aas:" tThe specific character istic ot beer I pot in Its alcoholic prop . art jr. JJgdern technics In beer brewing )ayli a tendency ,to reduce the amount ot , ttlconol ln beer and to correspondingly In crease hi proportion of extracts. Owing best ever seen here, the evening perform ance with the fireworks 'display attached betng especially thrilling. . All of the at tractions were well patronised and "Beau tiful Bagdad." the'big show of the carnival, drew an Immense audience last night at the , opening performance. This- ahow' la far and away above the ordinary carnival attraction and lasts upwards of an hour and a half. . , The merry-go-round was naturally the Mecca for the. children. . although It waa well patronised by. the older folka alao. The attractions this year are especially clean ,to the small amount of alvohol In beer. , ,nd mteraating. , Tha program for today i T vT 'V r .v.,.,.., WU1 j,,tht same'as Monday. PMVVIIVltW v aafa v. .... Pabst, for 'sixty yeara, haa been the leadfr It art scientific developments Jn the 'art of brew-lb and today Pabst Blue Bib- boh beer la 'the recognised superior b( sll 'brs.'rlbhest Ijri .the extracts' (food ele "mentsV'of which -pr. Strtive .speaka, ab ""solutely pua and clean and low In i( percentage' bt aleoftpl. k. fa osi tnue nmoon oeer la ao run in Volunteer ticket, takers have been as signed as follows fo today: : -'.. Afternoorw-BagdaJ. A. P. FalrJ Creation, Tom Makin.vi Vesuvius. i- Q.' Morgan: Novelty theater. Chria Straub: Hale'a Toura. U A. Casper: Carrv-rs-AII. K Vf. Miller: Bat. C. R Oomeluis; Burros C N Peterson. Scott rovaltAro.iprt th. World! T. J. Shagart; Ferrta Wheel J. r. Wilcox n V. Battev. Rich- ard Green, George Wtoe. Richard - Turn- foorf e1rnents""because brewed only from Evenlna Ruait.d wi... - , Tabat ex't'lualve' eight-day rnalt. This malt John Mulque-n; Vemivius. H L Tlnley; 1. ; grown-from' beat .elects barley and ! CTaW grown siowry, in maiure s own way, tnus Julius Deetken; Bat P. P. De Vol -Burro. 8. Hewlt.-r- Around tbe ot-hert: Few'? Wel T. A. highest--fooM 'v.lu. and makes' it most mV",. V HuhT, -0, jr alcohol In Pabat Bluer Ribbon, only three . and 'one-naif per e'enf, serves o stlmulat j rr ,mPr' mes. 1uara fcad Bud h digestive activity of the stomacu and 1 w'lmr ber fo Rosenfeld. wholesale ranriot be"'lnlurloiuf to' the health1. Pabat ! Unuor d'".! ?4t Ualn'atrect. rwtalnlhg all the vital food strength of the 1 I-ong w. barley. It gives Pabat Blue Ribbon the SlrrJ?: K Snc Blue Ribbon, the niost healthfuf beer. the choi test of bonded peers, 'is the bear t i" . . . r - 1 1 "- ' ifiMT BltBWtKa CwV ' Phene Deag.T ' lg taveaWertb 'ttre.t, Oasaha, Neb. ' P&bit Blu ' Eibbon Beer wsiKsj oaoEiusia Aatt rwa pabi1 1 MALONEY' 8 , KVW WCTION. f PEARL, ST. ,'" . TW t4 Finger (evere. E. Montgomery, an employe I of the Bloomer Artificial Ice company, .mat with a serious accident VMleeday morplng result ing In the Kas of hia "en t lee thumb and first Anger of tha right hand. Montgomery v' Klre TtninnB.es l.lqaor, ' . Fire of unknown origin ..which was di' covered ohortly after midnight Sunday did considerable . damage ,to. th,e . wholesale liquor store, of U Rosenfei'd. at M South Mala street, and the Bee Hive grocerjv ad joining, . owned by O. Hochman. ' Smoke from the store aroused the ten ants on the upper floor and ' th'ey notified the fire department. Several of the fam ilies removed niost of their belongings, fearing the blase might communicate with the upper part of the building, but the1 fire men .kept It well under control, although It was (pur hours before the flames were entirely extinguished. The fumes from the biasing liquor Impeded the wprk ot the firemen, who were compelled to work In relays, being 'unable to withstand for any length of time the pungent odor. Mr. Rosenfeld waa unable to give hia loas yesterday exactly, but said he believed it would be between $2,000 and $3,00).' fully protected by Insurance. Mr. Hochman was unable-to estimate hia loaa on his grocery stock, which w-ss badly damaged by smoke and water, as wss ' the stock In his meat market. He carried 12,000 insurance, but could not say whether this would cover his Ions. Is.SOOacres good farm land in eastern Colo rado, J5 per acre. and up; no irrigation re ! quired. Cap ralfe all kinds of amall grain and corn. ' A few good 'homesteads join , our- lands. Send for printed, matter. F. C. 1 Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la CENTRAL, FL.OUR 1.1$. Every sack warranted Central Grogery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. N. T.' Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Klght L.69S. Where Shall I Buy My Groceries f WE ANSWER THIS QUESTION. FIRST, WHERE PRICE8 ARE RIGHT; SEC OND, WHERE THE) GOODS ARE FRESH AND FIRST CLASS: THIRD. WHERE YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND WE ARE 6URB YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR-CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON, 711 W. BROADWAY. -- Dope t'anara InaanUy. George Smith, said to be a -dope fiend, wts arrested by the police, yesterday after noon. He la said to -be '-mentally de ranged . from' the excessive, use of drug and will' be taken' before-' the conimia Sioners for the Insane, today, , ' - Smith, by Ills strange actions, alarmed a number of resldenta- on South Firat afreet,, who notified the police. When De tective Weir arrived on the scene he found Smith hud climbed one of the large trees In 'front of. the G. H. Jackson .residence. Detective" Weir, having had an unpleas ant experience In climbing trees while picking cherries 011 ' his, . "place . which laid him .up for months with a wrenched hack from a fall, decided not to attempt to fol low. the fellow. After Considerable argu ment Smith finally consented to crawl down. On July 5. -lie we sent to the county Jail for thirty days for the theft of a grip which a'.woman left on the steps of the poatofBce while she went In side to mall a letter. Juat a few farm wagona left that, will be sold out at ooat. Better get around and see "Van Brunt" before they . are all sold. Swanson Music company, 40? Wesf Broadway the place where you will find a splendid assortment of pianos to seleot I from. Conovers, Cables, Schubert and 1 Kingsbury's. All clean, new goods, price and terras to suit' every person. We think !it a good house to deal with. MALONEY'B- NEW LOCATION,- I PEARL ST. It only coats you-a two cent stamp tq get Ha fer's prices. Council' Bluffs, la - - Letter Caasea senaer Tremble. 1 George Walling, a' member of thv Par ker Wblte City carnival band, was taken Into custody yesterday by the United States authorities on th charge of sending ob scene matter through the malls. It is charged that while at Fort "Dodge Wall ing wrote a letter containing Improper HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND PATH " Plat r rougfcaneil by itowork catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only th dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and rstor tb tiagtn to . their Hataral besuty. ALL GrVOCEKS AND OsVLyGGIST -. Telephone Operator Shocked. FORT DODGE, la.. Sept. - fSpeclal.) Abbie Radcllffe. a telephone operator, re-wr-ived a 'serious. If not fatal, shock while at' her duties on the board of the Corn Belt i Telephone company here Unlay.,., A lvc electric light wire became crossed with a telephone wire just as she made a connec tion on-that circuit and the, fwU'"euj-rent of about 500 volts entered her head through the ' receiver. 8he wee -unconscious four hours and alnce reviving has not been able . to lear a word. It l feared that the drums of both ears' have been entirely de stroyed. ... - - ' All peraons knowing themselves to be Indebted to Duncan ft Dean or the Duncan Shoe company are requeatod to call and settle at once. ' SPECIAL ROCKER SALE. SITE SAM PLES IN OUR WINDOW, KELLER. FARNS WORTH FURNITURE CO, Harrlsoa Conaly Fair. LOGAN. Ia., Sent. S.-8peelV)-The fortv-elffhth annual meetlnc of tha Harrlnn county Agricultural society wjll be he'd at- tha fair grounds Sear Missouri ViIIhv Ion October 1. t S and 4. -Th. f.rt two rtyn wUI be entry dya and th last two will e race days. ' This Is the county fair and al ways draws a big crowd. . Iowa Murder and Suicide. DAVENPORT. Ia., Sept. .-Henry Dren ter, living near Argo, twelve miles from Davenport, hot and killed Grace Reed last night, severely wounded Sam Moore, j a successful rival, and then put the muftle of a rifle in hi mouth and blew off the top j of his own head. WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY More and more each year are club women all over, the country giving helr time and their means to the aid of edu cation both to Individuals and Institu tion. There are acorea of clubs main taining scholarships for ambitious girl and women who would otherwise be unable to continue their education, while aevernl educational Institutions for other than women are beneficiaries of the generosity of clubs or federations of their state, or neighborhood. . ..- The South Carolina federation maintains a number of scholarships. The Texaa Federation supports' twenty-three.' New Hampshire federation controls a $500 fund In addition! to five annual scholarships granted by the New Hampshire college. The young women aided are pledged to a period of teaching In the public schools of the state. '. V The Wisconsin federation haa raised 10,000 aa an endowment fund to support a chair of (iomestlc science for the prepa ration of teachere in that branch of the work. Milwaukee Downer college ac cepted the fund and so became the first college In the state to furnish a normal course In dorpextio science. The Michigan cluba have united in se curing the "Liirtnda Stone Mem. rial Scholarship Fund.'' a $5,000 memorial to one of the pioneer club women of the country. Several Massachusetts cluba have given In dividual scholarships to Maryville college In Tennessee snd the State federation haa alao done settlement work among the Ten nessee mountaineers. In June, 1306, Mies Post, a graduate of Maryville, and another young woman undergraduate of Maryville, went out Into one of the remote districts of tha Tennessee mountains called Happy Valley. They, opened their work In two rooma of one of the few frame houses In the valley and did much helpful work among the people for two months. The work was resumed again this summer. The Cantabriga club of Cambridge, Mae., maintains a $6,000 scholarship at Radcliff, Until It was destroyed by fire last year the Model school in North Georgia was one of the pride of the Massachuaetts federation, which supported it. A. few weeks ago xthe school at Raburn Gap, Qi., received t-'.Ono from the Daughters of the Confederacy of Georgia for a ..dormitory for girls. And these are only a few of the thing that dub women are doing for education. Almost every state Is doing something aa a federation or la helping through Its Individual clubs, . The August Bulletin of' the Womsn's Municipal League of New York U de voted largely to a consideration of - the work for clean streets. Some .of - the methods advocated for atreet 'cleanjng are not only unusual, but practical, and have been followed with much success In a numberof cities. .The Ideas of women regarding municipal housekeeping srs 'too often ridiculed aa impractical because they have never been tried. This Is especially true of various plans for street cleaning that they have advocated and In many cases, the worren have been Compelled to put their plana Into use : themselves and nay for the experiment before being able to get the authorities to give them serious consideration. In the majority of canes 'where th! b been allowed It ha proven ; urcsful and in many places th women's I nlaiis have been adopted permanently. ATTORNEY'S PROBE AT WORK 'ell fnyn II Will Proeerate Mea Re sponsible for Trust Com pany Failure. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 3. Dletrict At torney Bell, with the aid of three assist ants, today began an investigation of the affairs of the Real Estate Truat company, which failed last week. In hi prelim inary examination with Receiver Earle Mr. Bell said he found sufficient evidence to cause several arrests, but he preferrd to make a complete and independent in vestigation of. the company's affairs be. fore obtaining warrants. Mr. Bell said he holds that any officer or director who had knowledge of Hippie' Irregular transaction and took no aotiot Is criminally liable., All qf Hie director! who will talk of tha failure deny they bod any knowledge of the true condition ol, affair. . ': Receiver, Eale' Is still at work attempt Ing to unravel the entangled affaJrs of til. company. It Is believed the company vrll never resume business and that the per centage ot money the depositor will ie celve will not be as -large as wan at ' first expected. . . .',"'"' ' Strike Breakers at Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. S It Is ru mored here that a body of strike bresker. numbering several hundred men has ar rlvfd at Oakland Pier.. awaiting tranapor' tatlon to this city. The striking carmet are on the alert and the ferry building il surrounded with pickets. o Somewhere Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha TO 150 CANADIAN AND NEW ENGLAND CITIES AND RESORTS. DATES OF SALE. Canadian Destinations, Daily. New England Destinations, September 5 and 19. RATES 15-day limit, one fare plus $2.00. 30-day limit, one fare plus $4.00. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. .$60.00 One way via Shasta Koute 73.50 San Francisco and Los Angeles and Return, . Sept. 3 to 14 50.00 One way via Shasta Route .62.50 Spokane, Wash. Butte and Helena 55.00 50.00 Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00 30.50 29.50 17.50 .15.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden . ; '. Olenwood Springs, Colo Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. , . . Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and Return, Sept. 19 to 22 Worland, Wyo., (Shoshone Reservation) and Return 32.85 Sheridan, Wyo 26.40 Deadwood and Lead, S. D 18.75 Hot Springs, S. D 16.40 Chicago, 111 . . . . 20.00 St. Louis, Mo i 18.50 Mexico City and Return, September 3 to 14, ..... . - inclusive . ,t 51.25 Toronto, Ont., and Return, Sept 12 toJ5. ...... .. .27.15 Chattanooga, Tenn., September 15, 16, 17 28 00 Oklahoma City, Okla., September 7 to 9, inclusive. . 16 25 MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN RESORTS. Reduced Rates Daily. ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES DAILY. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, etc .$25.00 San Francisco. Los Angeles, San Diego, etc. . v. ... 25.00 Spokane and Eastern Washington 22 50 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake, etc 20.00' i mm 1 1 m ": Better call or write and let me plan your trip for you. I tan give you all the latest information L and free descriptive literature. , J. D. REYNOLDO, C. P. A., 1502 Firnira St Omtha. Kek. .i!:t?Wi t' W fmmi nanM '.VW . JSH '