THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1D06. i "1 I! PULPH 05 EDITOR'S LIFE Dr. Clart Takes Theme frsra Aotivity of Mr. BosewaUr. EXAMPLE OF FORCE AND INDUSTRY hows How Strong Ma a Can Baring from Ohocarltr lata Onniii Plato la AITalra of 1bo World. Tho death of Edward Ro9wter wan takrn tho theme of the evening by Rev. A. S. C. Clarke, D.D., at tho Low Avenue Pre byterlan church. Sunday night. Dr. Clark ulng for hla text -8o then every one of Ua Shall tlve account of himself to God." "It gave me the (rente ehock to learn ' of tho death of Edward Rosewater. the founder of the moat Influential newepaper west of Chicago," Mid Dr. Clark. "It brought many thought to me. for there waa a man of tremendous force and all at one hi life I gone out and he ha de parted. Stream of Influence hav been started and w can't tell whore they, will land. A I pondered on hla life of Influence " and power and how from an obscure be ginning b had risen to a place of esteem and force In the council of the nation, the thought came to me that life was a great truat. When God created man and placed tilm on earth, hla work was but begun, for he had then to develop the human race. We should place a higher value on our live when we think of It a a trust from Ood." and our talent should be used to the best possible advantage. Life mean more today than In the time of our fore father. "Knowledge Is being thrust upon us for the law now Compels u to attend school. This Is the day of democracy, the day of privileges and we should feel bound to give full reign to the latent Impulses In us. It I due to God to seek our own highest development. We should constantly struggle for good, for this 1 the age of the survival of the fittest. Mistakes of Aaeleats. "The Greek gave attention to the de velopment of the physical man and then turned a little to the culture of the mind, but not to the moral or physical culture of man; they dabbled a little In aesthetics. The Roman developed Ideas of law and government and the art of moral life, but It remained for Jesus Christ to teach the well-rounded man. W should seek to make ourselves the best men possible. Cultivate character and lay by stores of virtue, but we should not stop with ourselves. We live a a part of society, and are more and more learning the fact of dependence. We will find the normal life In the multitude. "Take the life of Edward Roaewater. We think of him as an Influential man, but ome say he had unusual advantage for doing good. In that he had a splendid news paper, which was a mighty Instrument, which gave him the power of the press. BUt we must also, remember that It take a man at the end of any lever to wield It. "We will be called to give an account of this trust which has been bestowed upon us. Wo dwell too little on the thought of Anal Judgment. Judgment Is going to be according to the truth, and we will wonder If we have, been as kind as we might. God will be the Judge of our works and this thought should Influence us In our work. Think of ' the hours and days we fritter away. I do not spenk against amusement which Is nil right In Its proper place. We should seek to redeem tho time." WORK IS THE LAW OF LIFE Theme of Sermon by Iter. Hnmmoa at Konntso Memorial, Lubor and th laborers were subject of general discussion In local churche yester day. "Labor, Its Necessity, Utility and Dig nity," wns the topic of a special sermon In recognition of the approach of Labor day, delivered by Rev. John E. Hummon nt Kountse Memorial Lutheran church yesterdav morning. In part he said: "Work To now, always ha been and al ways will be the law nf life. Christ was a man of toll and if no other proof of the dignity of labor were offered the fact the Bon of God was a laboring man would be eminently sufficient. That labor has true dignity Is evident from the fact God has provided work for every man and designed that mat) should work. There Is hardly a page In the Holy Word that does not Im press One that he should be actively work ing, changing. Improving, not alone for what he can get out of it, but for the glory of God. "God ha given work suited to the talent of th various worker and we are Im pressed with th necessity of all kinds tf ' work In the maintenance of civilisation. Labor brings It blessing. God add a blessing to the performance of duty. Labor ll In the very foundation of human hap plnesa. . , . . "As essential a labor 1 there are those who cast slur on the laborer and they speak, ot those who are rich and do not need to work a carrying a mark of su periority. But It 1 not so. Lack of work Is a mark of physical, mental and moral flabblnes and the Idls-person becomes n prey to mental, moral and physical In firmities. He becomes a parasite. I am , glad today I am a laborer and am serving the great Capitalist of the universe. "One conception that ha led to much of the trouble between capital and labor la that labor 1 a commodity and nothing more. It 1 true It I a commodity, but It la more than that. It la sacred service. Th laborer put Into hi work hi soul, hi emotions and hi lit. It should not b said by th laborer, 'I am doing all I am paid for, or on th part of th em ployer, 'Let him Buffer, I -am paying all It Is worth.' This attitude Is responsible for th discord between employer and employe. "All honor to the man who toil. The man who I marred and scarred by toil la beautiful. . It 1 th idle sluggard who is CHRIST SOL VIC LABOR PROBLEMS . His Dootrlao Solatloa of All These ' Dtmealtleo. "Th Message of the Oospel to the La beling Man" waa the theme of the sermon of Rev. R. L. Purdy at Clifton Hill Pres byterian church Sunday ' morning. "We are all brothers In this world, whellier rich or poor." said Dr. Purdy. "The Bihle message to him who labors I on of love. blessing and glad tidings. Th poor and the laboring men are term that might be characterised a ynonomoua, not in a patronizing sense, but as a reality. I am not competent to speak upon many of the labor problems, nor am I an advocate of , the socialistic propaganda, though many of th proposition of socialism are good, a many of them are Impracticable. "I am not unfriendly to labor unions. They are capable of great things and hav accomplished great things. Th in evitable tendency of th time I com bination and organisation. Th Btbl consistently and constantly advise that ' work I the natural vocation of mankind, Th old religious orner recognised that - labor was the moat Important factor of human organisations. These religious , order recognised the dignity of labor. Jeau Christ Himself was a laborer and . th companion ot laborers, and His Is th example for all laboring men to follow. Thi princlplca advocated by Jeau Christ mean th adjustment of wagea tobo mx to wertnjc o Ug hire. Truth and transformation are the only Solution of the labor problem. "I cannot ubrrlbe to the doctrine that the saloon la the worklngmsn' club. I believe If atl club were eliminated more good would rome to both employer and employed. The church of Jesus Christ I the true friend of labor. The heart Of the church beat In- sympathy with th laborer, and may God bles the laboring man In this city and elsewhere through out the world. The Presbyte1an church la undertaking to bridge over or fill tip the chasm between the church and the laboring man through the medium of It home missions organisations." CHI BCH AXD PARISH HOI SB Coraeratoae I-alg for " Two Xif .Straetarea. A dual cornerstone laying wss observed at All Saints' church Sunday afternoon at t o'clock, when the cornerstone of the new church and that of the new parish house wss put In place. One stone snswered for both on which was Inscribed, "All Saints' Church and Parish House. A. D., The service wer read by the rector. Rev. T. J. Mackay, Dean Beecher of Trinity cathedral laid the corner atone and W. P. Gurley delivered the address. All Saints' choir, under th direction of Mr. Slmms, sang an anthem and led In the singing of several hymns. Mr. Gurley spoke of the work of the church In the past and of thex generosity of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wattles, who gav the money to build the parish house. The new church 1 to cost $50,000 and the Wattles Memorial parish house 117.000. and both will be model of beauty with every modern Idea worked out for the best con venience In the services. The rector of All Saints Is Rev. T. J. Mackay, the war dens C. 8. Montgomery and Victor 8. Cald well. The vestrymen arn John 8. Brady, F. A. Ewlng. C. J. Ernst, F. P. Klrken dall. Arthur C. Smith, P. H. Updike and G. W. Wattles. The organist 1 J. H. Slmma and the secretary Alexander E. Miller. The sexton I John Bruce. The buildings are being constructed under plan prepared by Thomas F. Kimball and the contractors are: Carpenter work, Wal ter Peterson; brick work, J. R Merrlam! stone work. Schall A Foil; windows. Mid land Paint and Glass company of Omaha, Heaton, Butler A Bayne of England, and Harry B. Goodhue pf Cambridge, Mass. Among the article placed In the corner stone were the church directory, containing name of all the members of the parish. parish organisations and the history of All Saints' church, copies of the Omaha dally papers, The Bee, World-Herald and News; copies of the Church end Home, the parish paper of All Saints' church. The erection of the new church waa hastened by an act of Providence. The wind tore the old church to piece while It was on stilts ready for repair. It had been moved from Its old position to the west side of the lot to make room for the construction of a new parish house. With the destruction of the churcn the vestry decided not to try to rebuild the old build ing, but to construct a new church and a parish house at the same time. The services were Impressive and beauti ful. Pamphlets had been prepared from the book of rites and ceremonies a prepared by the Rt. Rev. I. I Nicholson, D. D., bishop of Milwaukee. These pamphlets were distributed among the gathered par ishioner and the response wer given loud and clear. The day was perfect and a large number had turned out to take part In this ceremony. The parish house, the gift of Mr. and Mr. Wattles, is one that 1 appreciated by the whole parish. , NEW JOBBING HOUSE HERE Micrwla-Wtlllam, Paint and Varalsh Makers, Will Open tcnaMcra In O sua ha. ' E. E. Dunn of Kansas City Is in Omaha In the Interests of the branch Jobbing house to be opened In a week by the Sher win-Williams company, paints and varnish maker. The company will occupy the building at 1810 Harney street, formerly used by a shoe company. The Sherwln William company will carry a large stock hose and supply the trade In Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota from thla point. The Sherwin-Williams company is one of the various large manufacturer which have come to realise the Jobbing Importance of Omaha, Percy Thornton of Dallas will have charge of the local house for the Sherwin-Williams company. J. F. Hommel, who ha made Omaha his headquarters for eight yesrs as traveling salesman for the Sherwin-Williams Paint company, left last evening for Cleveland, where he will enter an executive position for the same company. Mr. Hommel has traveled throughout Nebraska eighteen year and has a wide acquaintance iu busi ness circle. DIAMONDw Tenser. 16th and Dodge t W. H. HODGE LEAVES OMAHA Wlth His Wife Goes to Chicago Eater I'poa New Work. Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Hodge left Omsha for Chicago last night there to make their home. Mr. Hodge, for the last four years and more city hall reporter on The Bee. ha accepted th position of assistant editor of Public Service, recently started by H. J. Gonden. formerly city editor of The Bee. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge leave many warm friends in Omaha who regretted to part with them and will mlaa them. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge left on th first train "after at tending th funeral of Edward Kostwater. A Model Paanlly. "I do not think that our family ha been without Chamberlain' Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since we commenced housekeeping year ago," , says E. W. Archer, manager ' of the Republican Journal, Caldwell, Ohio. "When we go on an extended visit ws pack it in the suit esse so as to b prepared to wsrd off any trouble that may be caused by change of water and food." flS.OO to t. Paal aa Minneapolis and Retara From Omaha, "via Chicago Great Westers Railway. Tickets on sal dally after May n to . September SO Final rUurn limit, October U. Equally low rate to othor point In Minnesota. North Dakota,' Wis consin and lower Michigan. For further In formation apply to II. H. Churchill, (antral agent. UU Famam street. Omaha, Ot to New Tarn on ia Lenta fc. Doable track aoenlo highway. Connoots at Buffalo or Niagara Fall with all Una from th west. Writ passenger department, Lehigh Val. toy R, K, XU South Clark St.. Chicago. UL WATCHES Frenaer. Uth and Dodge Bta On ot tho Hoasa Folks. William Wsxnek of Scrlbner, one of the nuins iuiks gcicauon whicn met Bryan at New York .stuooed ovr at lha M.r. chants hotel yesterday on hie way hunie i rum me nig ooings in uotiuun. He I still sclted. but hope to subside in a week ana i-wiiie imi i to town ana urn an about It. DIAMONDS fcd holm, lih sod Harney, nirn. CADT John W., September t. ItOL aged 71 years. Funeral Tuesday at f n. m. from family resldenca, liw7 Wirt street.' Interment, for. GERMAN VETERANS' BUND Eons of Kaierlad Assembled from Thret States Perfect Anooiatioa. TO BE CALLED WESTERN KREIGERBUND Paasags at Resolatloas of Regret at Death mt Edward Roaewater One of First Arts of Organisation. The effort to form a western association of eGrman war veterans was a pronounced success, the organisation being perfected Sunday afternoon at Washington hall In the second day s gathering of the veterans who have been arriving from all parts Of lows, Nebraska and South Dakota for two days, A full quota of officer was elected snd the decision reached to meet every, year, the meeting next year to be held In Omaha. ' ' After the meeting had been called to order A. F. Mertens of South Omaha, presi dent of the local Deutscher Landwhr Vereln. introduced acting Mayor Johnson, who welcomed the visitor to the city In these words: Mr. Cralrman and fellow cltlsens: It Is with great pleasure that 1 welcome you to our city. Into her gates I welcome you. Vaii who have come from other states, you are our guests. You who come from other cities, you re our friends. You from other parts or me country, an oi one mmnj. Into, our beautiful driveways we bid you take your course. Through our parks we old you regale yourselves, in our pudiic buildings feel yourselves their owners as well ua their temnorarv tenants, and any courtesy or accommodation that the official portion or this city can possiDiy exiena to you, command It. tl shall be yours at will, as you are now welcomed by me with all the hospitality that Omaha affords to deserving cltlsens. Therefore. 1 sav welcome, thrice wel come, patriots and cltlsens, to this beauti ful and most prosperous cuy oi your adopted country. Western Krlegerhnnd. The name adopted by the new associa tion Is the Western Krlegerbund. and the officer selected ere A. F. Mertens of South Omaha, president; R. E. Hendricks of Johnson, Jefferson county, vice president; J. Henry Schrader of South Omaha, secre tary; Han Welse of Bennington, financial secretary; Henry Oreve of Hartlngton, treasurer. The board of directors for the first year will -consist of J. Clausen of West Point, Herman Boiling of Papilllon, and John Denser of Dedham, la. One of the first act of the new associa tion was to pass resolutions of sorrow at the death of Edward Roaewater and also to extend sympathy to th bereaved family. The afternoon meeting wa most enthu siastic, over 1.800 persons being present. After the completion of the organisation all left early for the exercise at Krugs park. In the evening.' Here, in commemeratlon of the battle of Sedan, Sunday being the anniversary, scene of the war were en acted in tableau, over 100 taking part. mostly young women. The pictures were beautiful with the natural background of tree at the park. The music for the ac caslon waa furnished by Schunke's or chestra Great Plans for . Today. Greater preparation are being made for th exercises today, which will open with a parade, leaving Washington hall about 10 o'clock this morning. Th musio for the parade will be furnished by eight full bands. some from out of the city, and after marching through the street of the city, the societies will go to th Auditorium corner, where sufficient street car will be In waiting to convey all to Krug'a park. where further exercise will be held. Music will be found on all sides at the park. The Royal Canadian, band will be augmented by the German band and other bands which took part In the parade and all - th German singing , societies of the city will be on hand to lend their vplces to enliven the occasion. As today is Labor day the capacity of the park will be taxed, as every eGrman society in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs will be on hand decorated with badges and colors, to meet the visiting veterans. They will be given a royal reception, and it is estimated that over 30,000 Germans will go to Krug'i park for the exercises. . The afternoon will be enlivened with all sorts of athletic sports. Including wooden- shoe races, sack races, races for the women and race for the children. Th Turners will also give exhibitions with their crack teams and the day will Indeed be a lively one. BATTLE OP SKDA.1 AT KJtlO 1 Interesting Event Draws Immense ' Crowd to tho Park. The celebration of the anniversary of the battle of Sedan by the German vet erans of Omaha and the visiting veterans at 'Krug park yesterday drew an attend ance so large that all previous gate rec ords at the park were as thoroughly broken as . the French were after that historic battle. The principal event of the celebration was the reyrr.tiue.tion last evening of living tableaux of SUn, tf the great Franco-Preaslan wr. , Th presentation wa made In the Krug kark open-air theater, where the nvvin vie tures are usually shown. The :er':;ved seat sections were greatly extended oy the addition of over S.000 extra 'entire every one of which wa sold, and cxral hundred people stood for nearly . our hours all around the outsr rows of chair, unable to bujr a seat and willing to patiently occupy standing room while the historical war pictures. In life form, historically uniformed and correctly staged, wer passing In front of the im mense audience. Over 100 ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha, South Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs took part on the stag. Appro priate music wa furnished by Schunke's orchestra. Th list of the tableaux wa as follows: 1, declaration of war; 2, mobilising of the army; t, the soldier taking leave of his family; . en route to the war; S, women at home preparing hospital supplies; . a sentry in the field; 7, capture of a French sentry; (, a detachment la the field; , a battle scene; 10, capture of a Turk; 11, a private hospital; 12, "three dropa of blood" a woman at home sewing for her husband In the field pricks her finger with her needle, and, seeing the tltree drops of blood that flow from the wound, takes it ss an omen of her husband's death; II, the dead soldier; 11, the soldier's wife at the cradle of her baby; It. mail for the soldier in the field; 1(. the battle of Sedan; IT, a good comrade; II, the last letter; If. tho German soldier boy' even. Ing prayer; 10, the family of the veteran soldier; 21, Christmas at horn; 51, Christmas in front of Paris; 21, proclama tion of th German empire at Versailles; 14,' homeward bound; 25, Germania and Columbia. All of the tableaux were loudly applauded. , Manager Cole sent up last evening a new. ninety-foot balloon, used for the drat time, the largest balloon ever sent up from Krug park or any other amusement resort in or near Omaha. It wa a very beautiful ascension. Vane and Do Clalrville tut up a very fine aerial act and "made good" In every particular.' They will appear twice daily very day this week. . The afternoon aud evening concert by th Royal Canadian band we're unusually attractive musically. Th descriptive piece, "One Day and Night en a Farm," war directed by th author. Prof. F. M. Btein fcana&r. at till . altr. a.. Carman usthrea. and he wore last evening the Iron cross given for valor "during th Franco-Prn-alan war. Mr. Dunnlgan's xylophone solo, "Surf Polka," was also one of Steln hauser'a Interpretations. Another piece that attracted much attention, favorable comment and applause was march enti tled "The Imperial Mesa." composed by Mr. F. F. Collier, the euphonium Soloist of the band, and dedicated to the band. Mr. Rodenklrcher' cornet solo wa "Tho King of Cornet Polos" (F. M. Stoln hauser). The German veterans will have a great picnic at Krug park this afternoon. Both the afternoon and evening grand band events will be played by the Royal Cana dian band and Schunke's orchestra, a combination of sixty musicians. Tod.iy being Labor day, holiday, the attractive program offered I expected to draw im mense audiences, afternoon and evening, to Krug park, "Omaha's polite resort." CUPID FINALLY WINS OUT Little Cherah Ha "treasons Time Landlaa- Yoke Over Din. away Pair. Arthur T. Parr and Miss Bertha Kell, an eloping couple from Des Moines, will cer tainly remember their wedding. In Omaha Sunday evening. 'These two people found the lid on the license office tight when they arrived in Omaha Saturday afternoon and It was only through the strenuous work of friends that It Wa pried loose for their benefit Sunday afternoon and they were given an opportunity to get the necessary papers to make their union legal. Then, again, It was friends who rounded up the Rev. Newton Mann, who allowed them the use of his parlor while he tied the knot. But before all this happened one Mr. Parr and one Miss Keil, now Mrs. Parr, bad some experiences. The two young people came quietly Into Omaha, so one of the contracting parties explained to a friend, to get married, be cause in Des Moines there waa some op position to the match. They got here Sat urday afternoon and found the license of fice closed. As bad luck for the couple would have It they strolled Into the office of one Colonel John "J. Ryder, who knows a good thing when he sees It. To Colonel Ryder their mission was explained. Then Mr. Ryder got In hla work and sent them to the Flf.ld club to find Cupid' advance agent, Harry B. Morrill, known as the li cense, clerk. But Mr. Morrill could not be found. Round . and round the town the LOW ONE-WAY RATES .";.. VIA union PROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO OCTOBER 31, 19WJ. Oft to San Francisco, Los An UU geles, 8an Diego and many other California points. Mto Everett, Falrhaven, What com, Vancouver and Victoria. ftft to Portal and. Astoria, Taco UU ma and Seattle. Oft to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu 'UU gene, Albany and Salem, in - eluding Southern Paclflo branch lines in Oregon. $25. $25. 525 $25. '- $22. $20, $20. 50 00 line points. Oft to Ogden and Salt Lake City, UU pblnts. For full information Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Thone Douglas 834. Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. Oklahoma, Texas,1 1906, MISSOURI TOM HUGHES, T. P. iU two young people went, hunting a license clerk everywhere. i . Late In the evening they gave up In de spair and went to the home of a friend, where they spent tho night. Bright end early they started out thla morning, with the same luck, until after f o'clock, when they ran Into Robert Drtiesedow, an old friend of the would-be groom, when the latter lived In Nebraska City. Mr. Druese. dow secured the assistance of a number of friends In the search for' the missing at taches of the county Judge's office and finally located Judge Leslie. The latter opened up his office and provided the nec essary license and at ( o'clock the Rev. Mr. Mann did the rest. Chance la Time Card. On and after Sunday. August 2sth, the local train between Omaha and Falls City via the Missouri pacific, will run daily now Instead of dally except Sunday. Leaves Webster St. depot at l:&0 P. II. Fatal K la M la ramnmeetlna-. LEXINGTON. Ky., Sept. 2 Telephone messages from Wllmer, Jessamine count v, tonight, say that In a fight at Holiness camp meeting there Richard Spalding In sulted Miss Clara t'ornman and waa fatally stabbed by the girl's brother, N'ewtnn Cornman. Frank Coyle. who at tempted to separate the combatants, wa also fatally stabbed by Common. Corn lnan and Sherman Cornman, a younger brother, were arrested. Feeling is high against the Cornman, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . Mrs. O. B. Rrg of Plslr and Mavor Fred Sonnenscheln of West Point registered at the Millard yesterday. Among the state arrivals at the MIHard Sunday were John A. Khrhardt nf Stan ton and M. J. Hughes of West Point. George L. Sheldon of Nehawks, republi can candidate for governor, and Mrs. Shel don were guests Sunday at the Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon attended the Rose water funeral. Norrls Brown and wife of Kearnev and State Superintendent of Education "j. L. McBrlen are guests at the Her Grand. They came yesterday to attend the funeral of Edward Roaewater. Sam Goldberg. C. M. Hubner, J. W. Butt. D. W. Livingstone, E. 11. Morcati. James Reed, George D. Clendenin and Charles G. Place, all of Nebraska, were Sunday ar rivals at the Paxton. Mlsa Edith Foley, soprano at the First Congregational church, has resigned her position and gone east, where she will re main a year. Her place will be filled a once, though the selection has not yet been made. Mrs. J. Bernstein expect to leave Tues day morning for St. Joseph, Mo., to attend me reception given Dy tne congregation of Adath Joseph to her son, Rabbi Louis Bernstein, who has recently taken charge Ul mis 1'uugreBH.iion. PACIFIC to Spokane and intermediate O. R. & N. points to Wanat chee and intermediate points to Butte, Anaconda, Helena, and all Intermediate main SPECIAL ! PACIFIC RY. OMAHA, NEB. v . tL C TOWNSEND. Generd Passenger and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO. INDIA AND CEYLON err lieu ... on lesson thr cost of living, by using Trtlry'g Tea. Tt sore much ?k if ,n"n,.oln" c, aw of KWtr strength and this combined with Its purity and delirlousnrss make it the Ideal tea. McCORD-BRADY CO., If you are interested in secur ing honest dealings and 'suc cessful medical treatment, wo advise you to READ the announcement in next Sun day's Bee of the : STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOCTORS FOR MEN. . . ; -1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 11th Sts., Omaha, Neb. STATE FAB LDES3- SEPT. 3d 1 SPECIAL SEPT. Leave Omaha .... J ...... Arrive Fair Grounds Arrive , Lincoln Leave Lincoln Leave Fair Grounds REGULAR Lv. Omaha. .7:20a.m., 2:01 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 11:15p.m. Ar. Lincoln. .8:30a.m. 3:40p.m. 6:33p.m. 11:50p.m. Account Bryan's home-coming reception, special train for Omaha leaves Lincoln 10 p. m. September 5th. FARE: SI. 65 ROUND TRIP TBokelis BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS TO Indian Territory, New Mexico, " "I Republic of Mexico AUGUST 2 1ST. SEPTEMBER 4TI1 AND 18TII, OCTOBER 2D AND 16TII. NOVEMBER 6TH AND 20TII & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. tic " , MinwaJ TO 7th. SERVICE 4, 5, 6 .l. 8:13 n.'m. 10:00 a. m. 1 0 : 03 a.'m. 7:30 p.m. 7:ft3p. m. SERVICE 1323 Farnam Union Station VIA 1 ii naaa . pr un "a uuinm