THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 3, 190rJ. i SPECIAL I10TICES Advertisements lor IkrX volaaaaa avtll ! ba take aatll 12 n. for the t1b( rgltloa a ail aatll H at. m. lev the aaornlaa; aa Bandar edltl. Hates 1 1-Xc a word rmt Insertion, $e a word thereafter, ftothlng: taken far less thaa BOe Jor the flrat tnser tlea. Thnc advertleemeats mill be raa eaaseratlvejy. Advertisers, by requesting; a be red rheek, raa bare answers ad Ivoaaod to m aaatbered letter la rare ef The Bee. Answers ao addreeaed HI1 ke delivered ea presentation of okerk. '.,." MISCELLANEOUS ' . 1806 FALL. TERM 60TLKS BUSINESS COLLEOB AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPH f - OPENS TUESDAY, tSErTEMBER 4. DAY AND NIGHT. Kw Catalog Free. Tel. Douglas UU. , Address H U. Boyle. President Boylea Building. Omaha, Neb. R 707 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., SIS So. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 681. R-M323 AM A HA Rare and Iron Worka make a spa- ctalty of fire eacapes, shutters, doora and safe a. Andreen, prop., 103 8. 10th St. n iuo SIGN PAINTING fl. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas. u WHERB TRUNKS AKK MADli Trunks, ault cases and shopping bag. Old trunks in exchange. rtepniring. , KRKl.lN(i A 8TE1NLE. ' 410 N. 16th Bt Phone Douglas 4995. R A1J04 S2a 'i'KT Kelly's Towel Supply Tel. Doug. 3o30. h-710 i i i i ii IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. W18 Farnam. R-711 - - ' ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 611 N. lth. . 'ill. Doug, in, lies, pnoue .Lwug. imi. EL8ARSKR Ar BRICE. Machinists, 817 South litb Bt. Tel, 6R37. ... - 713 TYPEWRITERS rented, Mil makts, $2.80. ox Typewriter Co., l2i rarnam. R M. 47 61 . HEFLIN Locksmith moved up stairs entrance Farnant. xai. uoug. z.t. R SMil FINE Minnesota Ice for sale In carlots. A. G. Gilbert Co.. Council ttluns. K-iUM BUSINESS CHANCES 1, 1 . ----- - Do You Wish to Make a Change if vou have a farm. home, business or prop. erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., j omaha. Neb., or tfloux city, lu. V-A.8.J I FOR SALE- A flrst-olass job office wlli A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three papers in surrounding towns; job type all new; .doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, . wet), write now, or come, aa this snan will not last long. Prices low. Address Box 616, Hastings, Neb. x-i'J FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; in- voice 34,000; county seat town in south western Nebraska: Owner has teo much ouUide business. Write if you mean business. Address O I, care omana uee. Y MM0 Sx - ASSIGNEE'S SALE.. t will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at York, Neb., Sept. Bti, 1906. at 3 p. m., the L. D. Melssner stock of dry oods. A clean, complete stock. Invoiced over 318,400.00, including-; fixtures. Best location In town. Come any time and Inspect the stock. C. H. Kolllng. Assignee, lork. Neb. . 1 ivioyi b A TAILORING shop for sale; doing excel lent business: good surrounding country; must sell before Sopt. 10; small capital - can buy it. . Address o 4, care ee. ... .f Y-M262 4 HARDWARE and furniture stock for sale at a bargain, central Iowa: Invoice about 1 34,9110; could be reduced; good reasons for selling;- owner hss other' business; no trades, but will sell and give purchaser time on part or invoice, Aaaress u id, care ox omana nee. x taut FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BOD A FOUNTAIN, any alse. ISIS Farnam. . - r - - M-1H I5HERWIN-W1LL1AMS CO., best mixed paint, bnermaa Mcconneu urug 00., omana.- W HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. l&U Farnam. Vrf 111 FOR SALE New and second-l.snd billiard and dooI tables: we isad the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Bruns- wlcu-ttaiae-couenaer. Vi a. win ui. M-211 iVE buy everything in the furniture Una Cuicago jr urniiure co , itw iooge. Q-71S LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets in good condi tion, made of walnut and have two I drawers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain.' Q 441 s AQUARIUM I'OH SAL-Larce sise aauarluin. rests on two oak pedestals set on solid oaae. In quire at Bee bualnesa ortise. Q 440 . up ii, .I 1. 1 1 fr'OR SALE Steam, house heating bolUr; was ustMl to hMl s-ioom house; will be sold aap. W. U. Bridgea, engineer Bee etiag. ii- ' W astw EEND US your mall orders for druss: freight paid oa 10 lota. Myers-Dillon urug co., omana. y .w FINE UPRIGHT . PIANO CHEAP; party leaving city. 10 reasonable oner ret used. 18l jLaenport Hi. - VI Maa ix TWO fine double parlor carpets for sale; la good condition. . can at once, lis a. uu Ave. - . .. V! LIFE shorthand scholarship very cheap. Aaaress o ts, y-M:ui ax HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE ONE aood heavy -work team welahlnc 8.000. , with or without wagon and harneFa. t'aKh or payments, ttowen, iW y. ure BlUg. r Msa 4 FINE fiearr work horses cheap for rh or payments, ttowen, 703 N. 1. Life Blrix. .- . . ' , P-MJ30 4 OOOD team mares, weighing S.W0. for cash or will make time so that hi their work Y ill pay for thfm. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life siidg. open evening until 7. , .. P-M231 4 BIX-head horses weighing from 1.000 to I 1.160, good lor driving or light .work. Cash or time. Bowen. uj in. . ut wnn. P-M232 4 ' ; LOST AND FOUND LOST Rubber automobile tire; reward. lUturn to c. t vvuaios, iewey notei. Lost MiM FOUND Pair nose classes In case. Call ua N. Y. Lite and pay for this ad. and owasr can nave properly, 40 3x - 1 m " 1 - 11 ' LOST Brooy with II diamonds snd 13 lals. Reward for return to Dr. Powell, kw Paxtun blo-k. Iyst M17 4 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME Bt'DDHA. LKAD1NO PALMIST OF OMAHA. Xventful and truthful ervdlctlona given. Cil 113 b. Kth., Opp Loslon more. WANTED MALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 8D. ALL DEPARTMENTS . PAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS. New decoratlone 60 new typewriters ad ditional teachers In shorthand department Everything In good order, September & KUliRHtitUH Kts., i-ropneiors. llh and Farnam Sts. B M 154 WANTED For the f. fU marine corps. inen between ages II and 8o; an oppor tunity to eee the world. For further In formation see poater In poetofBre of any county aeat In the state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located toerein. awns buux FALL TERM NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE ' OPENS SEPTEMBER IRD AND 4TH. BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, f OMAHA. , Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. L. SM1THERS, M. A.. President Day and Night School. B WANTED Five boys, 335 per month, per manent jod. A. v. 1. CO.. xu a. lain ou at un CARDS FREE; Send us the names of five young persons who should be Interested in a commercial education and we will mall you free ot cost six visiting cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman, Address PENMAN, OMAHA COM- MEHC1AL COLLEGE. B 24$ DKUU bTOKES bought ana sold; drug vieiks warned. . v. Kniest, W4 N. X. u 13 S TEAMS can make from 34 to W per day. oieaay work, c. B. Havens & Cu. yarus, 14th and Webster. 11 is WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Busy season now. Few weeks completes. Toe wages paid graduates. Positions waiting. Little cap. Hal starts business, call or write, Alolttr Barber College, 1118 iarnam St. t Mill Box WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. Cudahy Packing Co. 11 i WANTED-Expeiienced bill clerk. Must Do wen recommended, rreier married man. State age and aalary. .Address O 24. care Bee. B-tfl WANTED Boy with wheel. 1310 Doug- iaa 01. a teu TAILORS WANTED Cost, vest and pant maKers; prices coat, sh.mj; vest, a.uu; pants, fj.w. Address A. J. oiouika, kill ings, Mont. B M199 6x WANTED First class drug clerk; goad wages. - Bberman-Mcconnell JJrug co. TWO men to sell goods on payments from sample wagons. C b, Adams Co., lbix Howard. 1 B-M91 Ol WANTED Competent drug clerk; must be quick, active, industrial and or good nao lts; references required. Harley Drug 00., juncoin. Neb. mim WANTED Practical bookkeeper for gen eral work with manufacturing concern: good position to right party; state experi ence, age, reference and salary expected. Address O 40, care Bee. B M163 4 MORAND'S classes In dancing, 15th and Harney, begins Tuesday, Hept. 4. save fi by joining the class opening night. 'Phone Douglas 1041. . pmoh x WANTED At once, cabinet- makers and good carpenters. Alfred Bloom Co., 15th and California Sts.: B-M201 4 600' YOUNG MEN to prepare for, firemen and brakemen; experience unnecesary; firemen. 3100: brakemen. 380 per' month. with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or . write for Dartlculars at once. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n. 620-623 , paxton ttik., omaha, weo. - a Mis o 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman cook. 336 per month: must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Bee. C-MS WANTED Immediately', flint-class cook best of wages; none else need apply. Tel. Harney 630. ' . C 993 WANTED Good cook; small family. 1120 I'ara Ave. o Matt WANTED A good cook, at the Creche, ivin ana riarney. - c wai- 6X WANTED An experienced girl for general nouseworx; no washing. 416 a. 3Sth St. 'Phone Harney-2650. . . C 937 WANTED At once, experienced girl to take charge or ladies shirtwaist depart ment; good salary to right party. Ad dress o 4.. nee. c mim WANTED Girls at Puritan Laundry, 2810 far nam. C 941 3 MORAND'S classes In dancing, 16th and Harney, bea-ins Tuesdsy. Sept. 4- Save 3: by joining the class opening night, v none uougiaa loti. o 4x COMPETENT girl for general housework; small lamuy; references required. Mrs. Edgar Morsman, Jr., 718 N. 38th St. t C M198 I WANTED At once, experienced cloak and suit salesladies: none other need apply good salaries to right parties. Address O 41, Bes. C M159 WANTED-A cook. 632 8. 87th. C-875 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Danish or oerinan preferred, good wages Tel. DOUg. 3176, VKS N. .'bin Bt. C 250 4 TWENTY-FIVE strong girls for turning bsgs; also small gins lor cupping tnreaas. work rooms cool and wen ventilated steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. 1 C-M226 8 WANTED Competent cook for small fam Uy. Wages 36 00 to 38.00. 2037 Dodge St. C-M4S9 WANTED Girl 'for general housework. Sbis rarnam. - c Mux. WANTED Good alrl for general house work; small family; no children: good wages. Mrs. C. B Horton, .132 N. 39th Bt. - L-MlU ' WANTED SALESMEN TWO salesmen wanted, aged over 27 for the slatea of Nebraska and Kansas to handle our line, advertising sls-na and novelties Best money making line for the salesman on the road. We have twenty men traveling and only two vacanciea now, They are making right along 350 to 3S0 weekly, which Is no exaggeration, w have the largest line Illustrated signs in the country, which, are having an im mense sals. Business established over twenty years. Educated, energetic, well dreasc.l men can make right along an average ot more than 360 weekly. Write givina age and references and state rx peril-nee on the road or other bulnes experience ana wnen can regin woik. Stanford Cro well Co., Sales Department. Ithaca, N. x. lr-MHi 1 WANTED AGENTS NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work. Write today, uet lerruory; other new goods. Ladies' Supply Co.. Prairie Ave..- (I., cnicago. J aaasoisx DANCING MORAND'S clasaes for adults reopens Tuesday, September a, at 8 p. ra. A reduc tion of 82 m ail tickets bought on or bo- fore openlrui night. Call lath and Harney Opea all day and evening: Sunday 8 to a, Telephone Douglas 1041. Opening assem. piv Krptfmwr . . as ibj WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BU 1 . SECOND-HAND riHMTLKit. stoves, carpets, ciuinin and shoes. Pay tha best prices. Tei wugtas ia . i-ue ae Go your way and be Then Be Sure FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEI European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks K -a Thurston hotel; room $1.60 up per week. CAPITOL. HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave., south front; rooma wun or without Doaro. OOOD table board. S0 So. 2Bth Ave. Hi tit aix MODERN rooms; shade; fine neighborhood; u of plRno. 2202 Sherman Ave., 'phone Douglas 31:3. E MS70 ox TWO newly furnished south front rooma; connected hy door. I'rivate tamuy, too Harney, 'phone Douglas 5S40. E 903 6x ROOMS, housekeeping, 1113 8. 11th. E-905 EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one person. 'Phone In house. 26,4 Har ney St. E M830 NICELY furnished rooms, modern: pleas ant surroundings; good boara; reasoname rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. E 387 824X ONE large, well lighted, south room, mod ern; hot water heat. 1908 capital Ave. E MM5 3 FOR RENT Large furnished front room. lit Douglas Bt., omana, iMeo. E M178 4x ELEGANTLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, convenient to business, private family, references. 114 So. 26tli Ave. . EM223 3 ROOM for two rentlemen; private family; mooern. nit uavenpon. c 0 . FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Truika F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, csfe. in MODERN rooms, home cooking: reasonable price, su Howard bt. 'lei. uougias S68. F M380 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. uougias iiizo. bcnmousr m lueller Piano, Co., 1411-1313 Farnam. HOTTSKS ,n all parts of tha city. R, UUUOIlO rr Patera & -Jo.. Bea Hldg. D-734 FTHTTRTHS? all parts ot the city. The LlW UOiliO 0 iSavU Co.. &08 Bee Blda. B736 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. XJ iM OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storenouse, iu- n. 19th. Olflce, l&U Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. .' D 737 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 149&. omce, nxa v no sier 6L D-738 Bee us when shipping household goods to large cities west, we can save yu money. EXPRESSMEN'S .DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St Tel. Iugll. AM. TRANS. CO. Household and other gooaa . siorea. lei. uoug. i nam. - ; FOR RENT Store room, 16th and Vinton BtS., $16. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. Ij'" 401 MODERN house, near park. Apply 1508 8. 2tn. CUUNHM AIM -VAIN BUKUn cc. Storage and Transfer; best storage house in the city, immeaiaie attention given. 1629-81-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas-4619. i-935 Ol -ROOM modern flats, 1113 & 11th. L OX i 10 ROOM brick, ateam heat, 1414 Sherwood Ave. Trenery, 1309ft Farnam bt. D M716 Modern house and barn, 1130 South 31st St. $35. Modern house 90S South 33rd bt rsi.w. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. - miwi o 10-ROOM. all modern, almost new, house. at 710 N. 40th; porcelain bath, stationary washtubs, polished oak floors, large barn; rental $60. L. D. Spalding. 'Phone Doug. 230. 210 8. 13th. D M215 5 FOR RENT A modern 6-room cottage; furnace, full lot, Darn ana cistern, ma Ersklne. D-843 3 7-ROOM modern cottage, new, $23; no small children. 2417 Poppleton Ave. D M977 3x 4 ROOMS, modern, to family of adults. 2o04 Pierce bt. 1 aizu x HOI'HH for rent, furnished. 7 rooms. strictly modern, good location, t arnam line. Call Harney ko. u ait a FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 1718 NICHOLAS St., store room, steam heat during winter, tis.oo. BEMIS, Paxton Block. 1-242 FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. Join ot.. acuta Omaha. Apply 10 manager, 111 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with oment basement ana Kooa elevator, im. Douglas. Building will be put in good order at once, inquire at juuy jjuusiaa- John Under. l-Mo23 FOR RENT New store room, corner loth and Douglas Sts. Well suited for salesroom- for some one in mechanical lute. Sunderland Roofing and supply Co., 1006 Douglas bt . I Mi li bio LARGE store room. In best repair, near . . V. -J 1 -1 ! 1 1 a.. ,1C . . mnn.k 10111 im niumin ri , r yt m.w.i.u George 4k Co., I60I Farnara St. . . . I-M920 $ STORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. Tel. Red 4668. ' 6X PRINTING Va-nnrn a rv UiirH flraAae IftfYT rnUnrtsiMV 1',nu A, 'muuir-i capitot Ave. s WK H4VS a pew prsno -jnt to large or too small, central rrinting co. S00 Sept 1 COMPLETE line of 1907 Cslendars. Snell Printing Co., 310 8. 12th St. M9a Ol PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured with ample claims. bpeciai niteen dollars saving proposition tor thirty days. Write today, enclosing description of invention. Win. Baxter, Patent Lawyer, Wash,, D. C. M ai4 Sept 5x F. J. LARSON 4V CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb, y -824 8HARPE , MACHINE" WORKS-Patents d roc u red. tnventlona developed, drawings. patterns, castings, machine work- fH-oU u. mm ot. Patenta procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'I In vestment Co.. Douglas Blk., 16th A Dodge. Mtil Hi OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 413 N. T. L TeL ixus. lest. 7vn DR. W. W. BOWSER, aver ls Parnant. TeL D0U.-4j tlUti tUl lucky Go the Want It's THE BEE WANT AD WAY. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE The following property must be sold. If you want a bargain, look it over and submit an offer. 2868 Burdette St., good seven-room two story house. 1777 South 3th St., fine corner lot; aloe 'cottage. 2302 North " 25th St., fair nine-room bouse; good corner lot. 2537 North 18th St. corner lot; good seven-room two-story house. 8818 Franklin St., nice seven-room cot tage; fine lot 2639 and 1641 Patrick1 Ave., fine comer lot; two . good seven-room houses, and. room for double flat on lot. 2469 Harney St. and 408-5-7-8 South 26th Ave., five brtck flats; fine location; always rented; rental ( 32,160 per year; fine in vestment ' ' 844-862 South 23d St., ten four-room flats; present rental $1,044 per year; would easily rent for $1,200 after a lew le pairs are made; good proposition. 1J6X248 feet on 88th street, facing east; directly down Davenport street, four-room cottage, beautiful site for home. West 22 feet lot 7. block 89, Omaha: old frame house; valuable location for 'some one. Ten acres at' 86th and Center streets; If you want a choice place for a home snd something that will double your money, look at this. Wm. K. POTTER, Receiver. 801 Brown Block. RE 11233 NICE HOMES 7-room, modern except fur nace, newly painted inside and out, rooms nicely arranged and finely decorated, rooms all on one floor; nice large lot, with shade and fruit See this at once. " 10-room house at the price f of a C-room house; walking distance; nice' home, close to boulevard. National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE-M194 I $1;800 For 3520 N. 27th St., 1 rooms, city water, gas, bath and furnace, east front. PAYNE INVESTMENT-CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1781. REM179 4 TWO modern, 8-room houses, 66-ft. front, very close to business center; brings about 10 per cent het. Price, $7,500. Ad dress owner, 0-35,- Bee Office.. . - RE-M908 3x A GOOD business tot for sale. Best loca tion In town. Address J. J. F., Fremont, Neb. RE-M363 B22 SPLENDID ' INVESTMENT 3 rooms, six blocks, from postofflce; easy payments. , t Price; $5,660. , National - Investment Co. Douglas Block. RE M188 FOR BALE Frame, building and lot In bouin omana earning la pec cent on In vestment, Inquire 1324 Farnam St., room 8. - v : t .1 ; RE M227 FREE LAND WANTED-Can provide best ciass or seiners ror any good territory; want free land for. 8,000 intelligent,' ex perienced American farmers; strict In vestigation Invited. . Address F, Mohr. Lock Box 524, Minneapolis, Minn. RE M713 83X HOMES TN THE WEST There are yet hundreds of thousands of acres of goo a government land in Missouri and Arkansas subject to homestead entry. It only costs 314 to own 160 acres. Heultliy climate, good soil, . pure water and well timbered, My book, just printed, tells about location, how to get It, eta, It also tells about homesteads In the' new rich state ot Oklahoma and many other Interesting mat ters about the great west, rrice casn. J. ti. BHIIH. Leader Block; Springfield, Mo. - RE-M878 S HERE 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I will offer for sale a few days only, two tracts of ground at the corner of 33d and Farnam, at a price tnat win jusuiy their use for medium priced homes. TONIEST LOCATION IN THE CITV. William K. Potter, 301 Brown Blk. RE 406 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL." They come to you direct from owner; no agents; best hard wheat lanus at ( 10 i easy terms; others ask $16. Avoid the heavy commissions. Mall orders aoliolted. Write us today: we save you money. F. A. Parker Land Co., Spencer, la. RE M384 82$ Live In One Rent the Other. Two modern residences at 1128 and 1130 South 31st street with one good barn. urouna vaxxau. t-asi xrom on pavea street. Eastern owner will sen for 88.000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. RE M 900 DOUBLE CORNER, with four residences, within one block of postofflce. South Omaha; nicely located, almost within a stone's throw of business center, P. O., public library, high school and street car. It la owned by. a nonresident and Is going. Renta for 862.00 per month. Whst more can you ask? Price, $8,600; partly caah, balance per cent. Investigate at once. 2413 N St, South Omaha. , RE 26S 3 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST (JOMrAW Has over 10.000 copies of titles, which en ables it to figure lower than any other ' abstract company In Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglas 829 or csll at office. 1714 Farnam. RE 260 8 U. 8. Sale Bureau. 304 Neville block. Real Estate and Investments. RE M425 S4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN" BROS.7l4 Farnam, and. V per cent loans on real estate; no MONEY TO LOAN Psyne Investment Co, WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co- U30 Farnam St BUILDING loans on rtsldence property; I per centy W. B. Meikle, Ramge to Ik. LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton Mblock. PRIVATE MONBY-F. P. Wead. Ia20 Doug. W 177 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on bualnesa and resi dence properly la Omaha; lowest reus; n- delay- Thomas breooaa. K. 1. N. Y. Llfo. W-7$ WANTED-rClty loans. R. C. PalersCo. City at term loans. O. F. Carson Co.N.YL. LOANS en Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, sua First National beak Bldg. $5,009 in $600 snd $600 amounts M. J. Ken nard A Co., v8-w grown Week W-l Ad way and be sure. n PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION. All kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching plies. A guarantee given In every case treated by lr. Max well, who has had twenty-five years' ex perience In treating piles. Hundreds of testimonials given on application. 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas-1421. 1NY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 21th St., Omaha. Neb. U M100 rRY KELLY'S Laundry. 3520.. 'IVione Douglas U-826 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. t A 3, 1505 Farnam. U-&27 PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 8659. U-8J8 PI FATINfl BmtonFuJclHng. 1 LLn I IMVJ Embroidering, Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 60 per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 00 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 19U. U-ii LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 254, 211 S. 11th St. U 830 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U 511 , FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College. 14th snd Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE City Garbage Co. Office. 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-832 PRIVATE frome during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Blurts, la. Tel. 774. U 322 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. U 833 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg. tI-834 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U-836 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. Rit J. JAy tenhouse, 410 N. 16th, room z, second floor. u Mtz? SL't WE RENT sewing machines at 81 per week: we sell second-hand machines $5 up. Nebrnska Cycle Co.. comer 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 836 DRS. VOGEL prlvste hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neh. U M970 817 ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg. - U 433 85 ACORN PRESS Tel. Douglas 8762. U-699 69 SHOUTED BLANCHARD8 ECZEMA LO TION not give Hpeedy or satisfactory re sults, notify Prof. I. 1 Blanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis,' Minn. Whole- ' salers supply all druggists. U-M610S10X MAONTyTTf! treatment and bath. Mine. "- - -. u M891 814x CHIROPODI8T Dr. Dunbar. 208 Neville block; hairdresslng, ate. Douglas 8170. , , U M864 829 . WANTED Carnival company, who has open dates September 19, 20 and 21, in con nection . with stock show and races, at . Penden Neb. H. G. Heyne, secretary. U-M907 8 CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 656. 1623 Leavenworth.' , U M926 Oct.! WANTED Shows and concessions for the big agricultural show and band field day, Sept. 20 and 21. Nine bands will be pres ent on field day. Write J. H. Ingram, Valley, Neb. U M263 4x MORAND'S classes In dancing, 15th and Harney, begins Tuesday, Sept. 4. Save $2 by joining the class opening .night. 'Phone Dou glas 1041. IT M206 4x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. ' "Gray's Nerva Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 774 DR. PRIES, specialist women's diseases, weaknesses, dischargee. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnali block, 15th and Harney, room 8, Omaha. -467 PILES Most obstinate : cases cured. Sytnmes Pile Remedy. By mall 60c box 873. Cincinnati, O. M367 84 FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH . LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion ratea to the landa. For further Information apply to UNICM PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 818 South 15th St, Omaha, Neb. B " H-M28 Western Kansas Wheat Landa 80.000 acres of fine wheat landa, $4.00 te $15.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb and Sioux City. Ia, H M421 SU A GOOD business lot for sale. Best loca tion in town. Address J. J. F., Fremont Neb. RE MM S3 U. 8. Sale Bureau, 804 Nuvilla block. Real Estate and Investments, RE W 428 84 60,000 acres of ffhe wheat lands, $4.00 to $16.00 per acre' Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and SIqux City, la. H-M421 B18 FOR EXCHANGE FORTY ACRE8 Improved land 12 mllea nortn or council Biurrs. ror mii grocery stock in Omaha or South Omaha. In quire 1324 Farnara St., room 3. Z M228 F YOU do not And what you want In this column, put an ad in and you win soon get it. z "je PLUMBING BUY plumbing aupplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save bn every srtlcle. Only flrs' class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order, bend ror catalogue, a. Karol, 335 Harrison St., Chicago, III. MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 6821. M4U8 824 LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. Marfarland, 80s N. Y. L Bldg. Tel DnUC SNH. TSS FLORISTS L- HENDERSON. WM Farnam. TeL Doug ISA ... -lat MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to' come and get It Don t let money stsnd In the way of en joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOCSKHOL.D OOODS. PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. . SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period Csll and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M168 8 CHATTELS, aalary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co Ut4 Farnara aa X 74 DR. PRIBENQWS PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any amount at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In oaae of sickness or out of employment Room 314 Karbach block, 80S S. 15th St X 788 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small oust Open evenings till 7. , X 773 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 58 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-7W EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all bualnesa confidential, uol Douglas. X-7& FURNITURE, live .stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block. X-7K4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, eto. C F. Reed, 310 8. 13th. X-778 CHATTEL and salary loana. Credit Co.. 633 Paxton block. Phoenix X-780 Monev to Burn But we don't burn It; we loan It. Any reasonable amount will be given you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without disturglng them, In shortest time aftAP lAavln ArmTtnfttlnn. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your loan, and if you settle before agreement expires we give you a most LIBERAL DISCOUNT. . WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg, 306 8. 16th St. Established 1892. Tel. Douglas 2295. X-MSS4 ' FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For lswn, garden poultry and farm. Bend for large free catalogue. uet our prices. Omaha Wire and Iron Works. 933-36-3, N. 34th. Tel. Doug.-S703. M837 813 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing o per loot 303 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. MS33 813 CHAMPION fences best 611 8. 16th. Doug. 1690. 4 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $500 or $1,000 horn money on ample, well rented residence property In South Omaha, at 7 per cent Address N-67, Bee. V-S47 . DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE detective service; 'phone -Red 7401. Rooms 13 and 14, Union Blk., 16th and Farnam.- BSx DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure. McDowell system of dressmaking taught' 1623 Far nam. - j - . MMS BV RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATIC X TENTH - AND MARCY I Bloat PaelSo. 1 Laave. Arrive. Overland UmltaC a 8:40 am a 8:18 pa The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm a 8:10 pin Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 Dm a 9:80 am California t Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pm Lios ADgeies uimua.,,.au:M am aiu:a pm Fast Mall a :66 pm a 8:80 pm Colorado Special 7:46 am a 7:44 are North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice juocai o i:ib pm o z:uo p- Cntuaso Uvk Ialaa St raelle. SJutV. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited .a 8:2b am a 7 JO am Iowa uocal a 7:0u am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 8:1 am al0:10 pm Iowa Local bI3:l pm b M pm Chicago (Eastern Exp.k. 4:06 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago Uowa Limited). a :8t pm a!3:M pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim... l.rt am 8:1$ am Colo. A Cal. Express.. .a 2:01 pm a 3:68 pm Okl. A Texas Exp.. .....a 4:46 pm al3:06 pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:14 pm a 7:86 am a dally, b daily except Sunday. -Chicago Great West era. Bt Paul A Minneapolte. 8:30 pm 7:10 am Bt Paul 4k Minneapolis, i xt am 11:50 pm Chicago Limited 8.-40 pm 8:00 am Chicago Expreea 7:4 am 1140 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pm 340 pm Wabttsku St Louis Express a JQ pm a 8:40 na bt Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a lilt am alOJO pa Stanberry Local (from Council Blurts) k 6:00 pm bll:30 aa Caleago, Mllwaakoo A at. PaaL Chi. aV Colo. Special.... 7:5k am a 7:88 aa California A Ore. Ex... a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a : am Marlon A Cxiar R. Loc.b 4:4s am tell .is) pm anissoari PsvelAa. St Louis Express .a 8:00 am a 840 pa K. C. A St L. Bxpreaa..aU:18 pm a s.uo pa CHtoaao A Nortawestera. Cedar Rapida Pass. ...a 2:05 am a 8:08 pm Twin City Express ,...a 7:40 am aiu.uu pm Chicago Dayught .a 8:00 am ail:is piu Chicago Local all:30 am a 3:46 pm bioux City Local b 8:M pm a 9:o am Carroll Local a 4:33 pm a 8:v am bioux City Local b 8:45 pm Chicago Express ........a 4:60 pm a 7.3U am Fast Mall a 8:33 pm a 8.M am Fast Mail a 8:00 pm Twin City Limited ...a 6:s pm a 7:ue am Overlanu Limited a 8:3 pm a 6:15 am Chicago Limited all:u0 pm all:li am Norfolk-Bonesteel 1J am aio:U am Llncoln-Loug fine b 7:40 am blw:36 am Deadwood-Lincoi .....a 8:0u pin a 8:06 pm Casper-bhoshonl a 3:00 pin a 6:06 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion ..b 6:03 pm bU:40 pm tiliaeta Cemtrat. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 8:88 pa Chicago Limited a :0u pm a 740 aa WEBSTER PEPOT-laua. W KBIT ICR. Chicago, . fmmK Mlaaeapells 4k Danaaua. ' Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. .. b . am b 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 3:00 pm allia am Emerson Local b 6:80 pm b $.10 am Emerson Local 8:48 am e $ iv pa kiMairl Paalao. ltraaka. Lccal, rt Weeping Water io 3 JO pm bll J pa BURLIHOTON '3'AT30-304n at HANI. Barllaatoa. Leave. i. a 4:io pm ..a 4:10 pm ,.a 4.10 pm Arrlre. a 4 30 pm a 6:M pa a k.u am a 6:3o pa a 1:40 pa ai'ot aa Sii.Jv pm 1)10:31 am a 8:M am a 7:10 aa a M aa a 1 pm a 7: am a 8:4 pm a 7:26 am aio4 pm aJl:J am a 6:48 am a 6.1 pm Denver 4tc California., Blsck Hills Northwest Special Northwest Express .., vm i.a .'$w am Pleura . m.ww u vi.hrk Local a taia an Lincoln Local ...... t crook riaiisui n..n m pm lellevue A Plattsm'h. IM am , i i . . enwr ......... .... lisvue Pac. Juno.. .a 8:30 am 1 1 m. T,UM 1 ,,n m 6 1 A . . .. Chicago Special 7:26 am Chicago Expreaa a 8:46 pm Chicago Flyer a 8.t pm Iowa Local 8:18 am bt. Louis Express a 4:4s pm Kansas Clty-bt Joe....al0:i pm Kansas Clty-Bt Joe.. ..a 3:16 am ICaisaa Clty-St. Joe a 4:48 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, except Saturday. Sunday only, except Monday. 4 Dell? a Daily HELP TO ADVERTISE OMAHA s4 Thm ! Xmm Twit List of RIews Stands and Ubraries IN LARGE CITIES, WHERE TIE IB IS FOR SALE OR ON FILE Boston, Mass. Pnblla Library. ' uunaio, ii. Y. Publle Library. Samuel Cohn. 1(5 EHloott St, Chicago, TJ1. Aadltorlnm Nwg Stand. Joseph Heron, 454 B. California At Great Northern Hotel. Pogt Ofllco Newg Stnnd, 1TI Ira born 8t Palfter Houso. ' Bricks House, 185 Randolph' St O. E. Barrett, 217 Dearborn Bt OindnnatL Ohio Public Library. "' Colo. Springs, Colo. U. H. Bell ft Co. Denver, Colo. Julius Black. Cor. lth nnd Curtis. Kendiick Book and Stationery Go 114 17th St The Brown Palace Hotel. , Sdmondton, Alta Canada ' CVosg Newg .Co. , ' . Fred Daly. Excelsior Springs, Mo. ' Bisk 4 Clevenger. Hot Springs, Ark. . Cooper A Wyatt. 6i0 Oentral At. C. H. Weaver Co. . Hot Springs, S. D. - Emit Harreng. " TTfl.n!ui fflfcir. TVTrv . Public Library. ',, ' Butcher Newg Cov-.j Rlcksecker Cigar Co., Ith . and '.Valnut The Yorna News Co-. th aad Mala. Jankln agar Co.. th and Walnut Raid's News Agency. Sit Wall 8t. Los Angeles, Cal Public Library. . VY. B. E. Amos. ' V Abe Berl News Co. Milwaukee, Wis. - Hotel Pflster. Frank Mulkem, Grand . Ave. ajid Ird Bt V . Minneapolis, Minn. M. J. Kavanaugh, 48 8. Ird 8t West Hotel. " ' Hotel Opera, S3 1 1st Ave. 8. y Century News Co. 8, Ird.. Bt '.' New York City Astor House. Oakland, CaL v' N. 3. WheaUey News," Co. , Ogden, Utah D. L. Boyle. 110 J 5th St Lowe Bros., Depot News 8tA&d. Ooddard A Petty, 115 15th Bt Pasadena, Cal ... , 4, F. Hornung News Depot ' ' ' Pittsburg Pa.' H. A. Scbafer News Co.. SOT Ifd Avenue. . Portland, Ore. Carl Jones, 176 Washington ft i. Bader A Co. Oregon News Co.. 147 Ith ft Rockford, 111. fabllc Library. St. Joseph, Mo. ;' I. Berger, 611 Edmund Bt Brandow's News Stand; til E4t nnd Bt St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel. News 8t James Hotel. B. T. Jett Public Library. . ct. PauL Minn. a L. Miller. '- N. St Maria, E. 6th. St '.. Salt Lake City, Utah Mrs. L. Levin, 14 Church Bt Barrow Bros.. 11 W, and. Bo. Bm.) Salt Lake News Co. San Diego, CaL - B. E. Amos. Seattle, Wash, i Hotel Sa.tUe. "',, ' . International News Co. ' -Frank B. Wilson. 107 Pfkt 8U J. R. Justice, 110 Oolurabla Wt Spokane, Wash. ; John W. Oraham. -. . Tacoma, Wash. Acme News Co. Washington,' D. 'O.