Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
1,1 " "'
Entered t Omaha' poatofflc a second
etas matter.
Dally Bm (without Sunday), one year. .14.00
pally Bee ana Sunday, one year OU
Sunday Bee, one year I H
Saturday Bee, ona year .... VW
rally Be including; Sunday), per wek..l7
Dally Baa (without Rundav). tier week. .120
Evening I tea (without RundayK per week so
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Addreee rnmnlafAta nf trrea-ularlties In da 1
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Communications relating to newt and edlf
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State of 'Nebraska;, imuslaa County, sa:
Oeorge B.. Tsichurk,-. treasurer of Tha
pce Publishing company, being duly
sworn, ' says, that tha actual number of
full and complete copt f Th lMlly
Morning. Evening and Shnday Jte printed
during tits month of August,, 104, was,
fnllnwas . .if.
31,380 '
31,790 .
80,060 '
31,39 '
; .
...... 31,440
It.i. I '.
- at......
; .....,
S.,,.. .
. 31,350
. 33,940
. 31,660
. 30,830
, 33,360
, 80,030
. 30,800
. 30,610
. 30,630
. 30,670
. 33,440
Total iT.':
I .ess unsold
HVi'l.rt '.... ..'..
copies. ...
Net total sales 304,488
Dally average 31411
Subscribed In my presence a..u sworn
to before me this 31st day of July, 1904.
(Seal.) M. B. HUNUaTEj
Notary public
Sabserlbors leavlasr tha elty lin
porartly . shoold sst The Bee
nailed to thesa. Address will be
ebaaced as often as requested.
Palma and his antagonists should
call It a "stalemate" and start the
Cuban government game apew.
British politicians are learning what
those of America already know, that
fusion is only a breeder of confusion.
Frank Hippie's safety deposit box
was the only thing he didn't hypothe
cate and it probably did its work well
as long as it was not examined..' '
. Little old New York may now re
turn to Its Sunday somnolence. The
crowd of live ones are now. on their
. way to the sunshine and broad prairies
rtt Mahraalra - '- -
, Having taken stock, San Francisco
finds that earthquakes with their . ac
companying fire are not so deadly as
the excitable man who cries' "Fire" In
'1' A. A I
a cruwueu uuuh
' Havana is said to desire interven
tion by the United States. The Cubans
evidently regret the suspension of the
Issuance of army stores following the
battle pf El Caney. '
C. A. Walsh of Iowa seems to have
given up hope of a renovated democ
. racy, but he hits a bull'aeye when ho
; says government' is Injured by "yel
low dog' partisanship.
The complajnt of Denver before tha
Interstae Commerce commission em
phasises the fact that clear air is Hot
as efficacious as a muddy Href in se
curing low -freight rates,
i From the statements' of Nebraska
candidates' expenses now being filed
the unsophisticated observer , would
hardly regard a campaign as the costly
luxury H is reputed to be.
North-German miners refusing to
take the place of striking Belgians, the
rulers of Europe win nrobably v find
their subjects less willing to fly at the
throats of others at the royal signal!
Judge Parker says he seldooi finds a
man brave enough to admit having
voted for blra foT pWsident; but per
haps it Is not lack ot bravery, but o!
- numbers, which causes this conditl.m
. lit J Otto. Schmidt appears to have
succeeded In producing cancer by cut
turR Ut the reajjrouble is too much
of the disease without any artificial
eomf Hratfons.
The extension ot the block signal
aysteuiVby be Union Pacific over its
western division' ia. only another evi
dence of the enterprise ot the far-seeing
vision -ot the "Magician of- the
Overland,"," r ' '
We ' often f become "impatient and
complaln'of the tufmoll under consti
tutional forms of government, but In
view ot the news coming out of Russia
we i should' perhaps rather be aston
ished at our own moderation.
The suspicion that European nations
are conspiring to "dump" their surplus
population on the United States may
be found to be correct, but. after all
ot the talk, the United States has
gal.ne4 much, more by the process than
the nations of Europe.. ( .
Vice President - Fairbanks' . swing
around the circle is not leading him
ntp the most densely populated see-
uons of the country, but is still giving
him a fine opportunity to get before
the public' This method of inflating
the presidential boom bss been tried
at least once before. , '
The latest reports and all the clr-,
cumstanres testify to the seriousness
of the situation An Cuba. It has not
been made clear what substantial
grievances exist, bat it is clear that
dlf affection towards the government is
widespread, already Involving in one
degree or another the majority of the
population in several oft the important
provinces, while a great many bands
have arms in their hands and are en
gaged in active hostilities. It may be
that as yet the insurgents are not suf
ficiently organised to operate as on-.j
querlng armies, bnt the military forces
at command of the government are
very small and the response to appeals
for enlistment shows either a popular
Indifference or 1 fear of the insurgents
that on its face seems discouraging.
'The formidable .fact now looming up
is the apparent impotency of the gov
ernment, even though its military
forces were far greater, to ; paralyse
the Insurgents, who' in any event seem
able to perpetuate themselves indefi
nitely by the old guerilla tactics that
baffled the power of Spain. Guerilla
warfare, maintained by raising Hands
here and there, now coalescing into
powerful bodies and again separating
into the original constituents In. the
presence if a superior army, is almost
a natural habit 'In Cuba, and.. was, in
deed! its sole means of defense for gen
erations. The grave danger is that
thus the insurgents, while they may
not be able conclusively to overthrow
and supplant the government, may
nevertheless succeed in indefinitely de
fying its anthorlty throughout a 'large
portion of. the Island.
The result could not but be a vir
tual reign of anarchy, in' which se
curity for person and property,
whether of natives, or of foreigners,
would disappear. The country is only
beginning to recover from the ravages
of its protracted guerilla resistance to
Spain, and the only possibility of Its
speedy and complete recovery rested in
the maintenance of orderly conditions
in which Industry could win its reward
and the confidence and aid of the out
side world could be secured. For Cuba
now to relapse into chronic civil com
motion would inevitably be to post
pone for a half century rehabilitation
of an island which is naturally so fer
tile and needs only peace and order
tor development..
The situation, therefore, is neces
sarily most grave also for the United
States, whose interests, present and
prospective, in, Cuba are. so Intimate
and important, and which by express
treaty obligations as well as by the na
ture of things is bound to intervene if
matters drift to extremes.
The monthly statement of the gov
ernment receipts and expenditures for
August makes an extraordinarily fa
vorable showing, ; the surplus being
8,15B,14?, agaipst a deficit of
f 4,860,081 for August of last year
There was a deficit for July, although
It was materially less than for July,
1905, and .ordinarily a deficit ,was to
be expected also for 'August this year.
The comparatively heavy revenue
during, the last month is due mainly
to prosperous business conditions
which have encouraged merchants to
be forehanded and Confident in mak
ing their purchases abroad. The re
sult is that importations for the fall
and winter trade haye begun to arrive
earlier than usual, aijd the enormous
purchasing power of production in the
United States, now that all our cap
ital crops are assured, has swelled the
volume of imports. , ' -
Notwithstanding the large expend!
tures on account of the government,
receipts thus are growing at more than
a corresponding rate. The revenue
during the opening months of the cur
rent fiscal year accordingly make prafet
ticaMy sure that its end will, show a
substantia! surplus, and indeed more
than warrant the estimate which the
treasury officials laid before congress,
Mortorer, the disbursements offac
count of the Panama canal, which have
Mm met hitherto out of current taxa
tlon, although the burden of strrh i
work belonging to the ages pught to
be proportionately borne by the gen-
orations shlch jtre to be chiefly bene
fited, will this fiscal year be repaid
to the1 treasury with-the proceeds of
the late v bond sal;, thus greatjy
strengthening our .fiscal position
, " i :
The sober, righteous sense of the
general public it joining with the de
positors of the Philadelphia Trust
company who have been so outrage
ously defraduded In demanding pros
ecution of the officials through whose
connivance or default the wrong has
been done. It was the duty ot the
trust company directors and officials to
know the facts and to protect the in
terests and the rights of. those who
trusted their funds to the wrecked in
stitution". - An officer of such an insti
tution may be recreant or weak, but he
cannot waste and embessle wh61esale
Its trust funds If the directors do their
duty, for they have no other reason
whatever for being than to act as a
safeguard against precisely that possi
bility. : ' .
By no means .should the' suicide pf
the chief official malefactor be per
mitted to distract, .public attention
from the guilt and legal 'liability of
the directors and other trusted officers
who made possible the crime. It must
verily be made certain that It is a seri
ous thing to accept the responsibilities
of such a trust. Public sentiment has
lately been aroused in this country as
never before to the peril as well as to
the blackness of this species of crime,
and now supplies a basis f or vigorous
application ot justice to all detected
delinquents. "
Beyond question more drastic laws
are needed end will be demanded for
ssfeguardlng bank and trust company
funds, but the fact remains that the
laws long on the statute book have
not been enforced as they should have
been, especially with reference to di
rectors. And .nothing could have, a
more salutary Influence now than to
prosecute these Philadelphia directors,
If their guilt be found to be as the
circumstances indicate. to prison
stripes and Iron bars. . 1
The monthly statement Issued by
Treasurer Mortensen makes a,' show
ing which must be very satisfactory to
the" taxpayers of the. state. . It Indi
cates that the financial affairs of the
great state of Nebraska are being ad
ministered with prudence and fidelity
and that the chaos which prevailed in
the treasury department a few years
ago has given way to order.'. The most
significant fact in connection with tbel
matter Is that Treasurer ' Mortensen
publicly designates each bank In which
state money . Is deposited, taking the
people of the state full( Into his con
fidence. It was neglect .of this funda
mental principle of safety that led to
the deplorable - condition from which
the treasury Is but now emerging.
There Is, however, a still deeper ln-
teresC-Tor the taxpayers ot Nebraska
In the treasurer's statement,, Mr. Mor
tensen has from time to time during
his administration of the affairs of the
office given evidence ot- his care and
exactness, and has at no time concealed
any fact that would be of' even re
mote interest in regard o treasury
transactions. He has recently made
statements showing the exact amount
by which the enormous floating indebt
edness of the state has been reduced
during his term of office. This reduc
tion haa been accomplished by the levy
of a direct tax sufficient to bring the
Income of the state far above Ita nor
mal expenditures. This tax will very
likely be continued for at least one
more biennial period.
A study ot the reports furnished by
Mc-Mortehsen suggests possible econo
mies, which may be provided for by the
next legislature when It comes to con
sider the appropriation bills. It has,
been the practice in Nebraska to make
certain appropriations by levying a
blanket tax; for example, a 1 mill tax
on all property for the benefit of the
State university. Only a few years
ago this was levied on a taxable val
uation of some $270,000,000. Now It
is levied on a valuation of $340,000,-
000, raising thus more than $70,000
above what was originally intended to
be appropriated for the use of the
State university. It is believed that
this tax, at least, might be lowered to
an appreciable degree without In the
least Interfering with the usefulness
and activity of the treat educational
institution. The case of the university
is cited merely as an example., Some
abuses exist and shjould be given
proper attention by 'the coming legis
lature,. ,in order that wjth ihe In
creased valuation placed on the prop
erty in Nebraska the levy for taxes
may 'be made as little burdensome as
Is absolutely necessary.
The self-appointed task of the en
thusiaatic pioneer from the Puget
sound country, who is now engaged In
marking the course of the old Oregon
trail, id one that should have more
than a 'sentlmentalJnterest for the
people of the west.. Two of the three
great overland routes formerly , fol
lowed by the pioneers are now marked
br great lines ot railroad so that their
course can be easily traced. Still It
would seem that the historical 1m
portance of the highways followed by
the traders of those days of western
development should have a pore fit
ting recognition than that given them
by private corporations or'lndlvlduals.
The government coofd spend more
money in-Jess meritorious service to
the , public than by - plainly marking
the Santa Fe, the Overland and the
Oregon trails.
If Mayor Schmlts succeeds in set
tling the strike ot. the street car men
in that city before the arrival of Strike
Breaker Farley and his. cohorts, he
will have achieved another signal serv
ice, net only: to San Francisco, but to
the country at large.,. This is Another
instance in .which. the man haa. risen
to he ' opportunity and by his ; per
formance has far surpassed any ex
pectation of even bis warmest sup
porters. . , .'
The New York policeman who sought,
to suppress the Hon. Dave O'Brien
evidently knew nothing of the slse of
the Job he had undertaken, .Had he
been familiar with the record ot the
Omaha city council he would . have
known that there is no terror to the
Honorable Dave, when he le once set
In motion, in the star of a policeman.
It the Cuban government and In
surgents arrive at a deadlock Ameri
can Intervention may require first se
lection of which . disputant Is to be
whipped Into line; with the possibility
of betnf compelled to whip both before
order In the family Is finally restored.
Four of the directors of the rotten
Hippie trust company - admit they
knew nothing of the Illegal loans, but
as a matter of fact, morals and law, It
matters little what they admit or ac
tually knew, for It was their bounden
duty as directors to have knowledge.
. Mr. Bryan is professedly eschewing
"persona and polities'" In his present
public discussion,, but In an Impersona)
and somewhat Indefinite way he" Is
making quite as much political medi
cine'as though he were la the secret
laboratory of .the democratic wigwam.
Rassla'a Relao of Terror.
Pittsburg Dispatch. .
Tha killing of 101 officials, the wounding
of ainaty-lwe aaors and a casualty uat of 281
n.lw. t M Ia. W n
terrorism shows that tha revojatlon Is well
under way, even If tt Is not omctaiiy recog
nlsed as suh.
Reforaa Meres Slowly.
. Philadelphia Record.
It 'la a mistake to assume that Andnl
Kamagl Intends to nva all the works In
his new libraries printed. In the fonetlo
- v i
A Coaehloar Mae.
Boston Transcript.
Presidential candidates who are a sensi
tive assrrsatlon will doubtless attach un
necessary rtsnlftcaace to the president's
sctlon la addressing to Secretary Taft hla
first letter In reformed spelling.
Set Readily rrtojhteaed.
Philadelphia Press.
Of course the announcement by the rail
roads that they are onf to be good and
obey the laws Isn't going to throw the
Interstate Commerce commission off Its
guard. It has had experience, '-'
Peril of.tbe Swift Pace.
Indianapolis News.
Somehow It seems as If all these bank
and trust ' company troubles are coming
about nowadays from the old, well-established
and popular custom of getting flch
on somebody ' else's " 'money. What's tha
matter, anyhow?
Too Basy iwlth'BOBSbs
' Brooklyn Ea-!e.
Russian crops are 39 per cent below the
averss this year. Tou can't be out in
the aandlots proclaiming the gospel of po
litical and all other kinds of liberty, In
cluding liberty to throw dynamite, without
neglecting something.
' A o.oare Deal Pays.
y St. Louis Republic.
Thirty-live Insurance companieo have al
ready paid 956,108, a for losses due to. the
earthquake arid fire In flan Francisco. Most
of them are English and American corpora
tions. It is safe to say that the reputation
of having met their obligations honestly
and fully will be worth the money It haa
cost them. ,
"Kewe as la Newe."
; Brooklyn Eagle.
Me hadheard that things were going on
In Omaha that shouldn't, and he put on
a handful of false whiskers and went
round to see what they were like. He
saw, and was horrified. Probably Omaha
was no worse than other towns, ho said,
but It waa too tied for Nebraska, and he
began to better It by discharging the police
board. That Is right.
Caa't f.oee the Boys.
New York Tribune.
In Ohio the democrats turned down . Tom
Johnson and then, as If to show their im
partiality, smashed the slate of his conqueror,-
In Illinois he democrats turned
down Bryan In the role of state dictator
and then endorsed htm for president. If
there is any 'moral In these examples It
Is that the democrats of Ohio and Illinois
like to be bossed, but wsnl the bossing
done In the old-fashioned way. 'The fact
that they need bossing of some kind is
painfully apparent. .
Meealast of Sheldon's Komlootlon.
. Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
There la more significant than appears
upon.. tha surface In the ' nomination of
George' I Sheldon for governor by the
Nebraska, republicans. Jhe party In that
state has been dominated by railroad In
fluence and Sheldon, ' who Is an educated
farmer, entered jlhe Contest, single-handed
for a reversal of -the, party's attitude In
relation fb the "railroads and syndicated
wealth - generally HI" auccess . affords
another demonstration of the Influence of
the Roosevelt adhirHhstrstlon toward break
ing up old republican affiliations with cor.
porate and monopoly privilege.
t - i i
Some Day Director Will Pay. - -
,- Nsw.'Tork Sun. '
The saintly ; trust company president; the
Illustrious financiers and "chumps" who do
nothing. , see nothing and - let the saintly
ona thlmblerig them and plunder deposi
tors; the pious resignation with which the
Illustrious financiers try. to cover- up their
wounds. It Is an .Interesting and charac
teristic Philadelphia financial Interior,
perhaps some day. before the honking of
Gabriel's horn, such directors will be made
to pay with their-pockets to tha last of
their personal fortunes, and negligence will
be punished a well, if not a hard, as a
criminal Intent and act ,
Aa taeldeat f ilaetra'tla. Corporate
ladlaerotloa. v
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The special train of th Jefferson club of
St. louis, bearing' $60 Mlssourtans on their
way to New Y4rkwas held four hours in
Buffalo last Wednesday by a dispute whoee
character 'Illustrates the sort of railway
management which breeds popular resent
ment end trouble ilor all railway corpora
tions. - ' ' ' ' '
The. , Mlssourtans hsd ' "Welcome to
Bryan' banners o "their' cars. .They were
going to New York to welcome Mr. Bryan
home, and they tdealred that everybody
Should know It. At Buffalo they encount
ered the general rut of .the New York
Central that cars must not be so decorated.
The railway officials Insisted on remov
ing the banners. 'The Mlssouriana natur
ally objected. Heated argument and ep
peala to superior authority ensued.' The
train" was 'ordered held until the tsnners
should be removed! Learning finally that,
by agreement, of alt railroads at Buffalo
they could not get to New York with '"ban
nered ears, the Mlssourtans yielded. s
Then, of eouroe. they appointed commit
tees and adopted' Indignant resolutions,
pointing to the incident as concrete proof
of combination . ol "the corporations and
trusts' against. Mr. Bryan and the plain
people. Thus a salutary rule, foolishly en
forced, becomes th basls'of political agi
tation and of a .'popular resentment for
which other, railways. It not th New York
Central, may pay dearty.
Of course, the basis of the rule Is ths
fact that such adornments are likely to
damage railway ears. Yet It seems strange
with all th brains that are supposed to be
devoted to railway management no railway
official connected with th affair was able
to see that even ipore Important then 'en
forcing salutary rules Is tt to know when
to break them. '
How easy It would hav been for th rail
way mana7ment-to say that If proper se
curity for any resulting damage were given
the Mlaaouriana could -display all the ban
ners they pleased, so that they did not In
terfere with th operation of the cars and
endanger- employe or passengers. Then
everybody would have bean happy and no
body's feeling hurt.
As It Is. every man on that train will go
borne feeling tha resentment which the av
erage man feela when be goes out for a
good time and- to air his enthusiasm and
la prevented' from doing things which ar
either entirely harmleaa or may be mad
so. He will feel as If the railway Instated
oa his taking oft th nscktte he was wear
ing because tt did not. to aa artistic eye,
harmonise with the color of th seat cush
ions. - And hundreds of thousands of people wUl
be likely te regard the Incident as proving
exactly what It seemed te prove to th Im
mediate victims. It will add to th aum
total - of popular resentment agalaat cor
poration, already 'too large for th coun
try's welfare and comfort. y-
Joaroalleta Pay Trlboto to Ills Mesa
ory aad His Life Work.
Cbloaeo Trlbeao, t
The political ambition of Edward Rose
water wss not erstlfled. Nebraska, which
has often sent to the t'nlted 8tte senat
men who had not a tithe of his ability,
passed him by. That was a misfortune,
for he would assuredly have made hi mark
In that body. II waa 1 mentally alert,
courageous and determined. He stduld
hav brought with him to the close atmos
phere of the senat. chamber the fresh
breeies of the prairies.
But If Mr. Roeewater was not successful
In politics he was eminently successful In
a more useful fleld of endeavor. He built
up a great and Influential newspaper out
ot nothing. The Omaha Bee was entirely
the child of his energy and determination.
He knew nothing of th newspaper busi
ness when he went into It. He started
without means. He had an uphill fight for
years, but his perserveranc won the fight.
As a prlvste cltlsen Mr. Rosewater did
more for his city and state than he could
have done for them in th senate. As an
editor he waa a wis and persistent
watcher over their Interests. Ho was proud
of Omaha, where he had gone when It was
a small place, and his advice and money
were always st Its service. He fought
unremittingly th political and corporate
rings and' cliques that at different times
ruled Nebraska. That waa not the road
to political preference, but he took It.
Mr. Rosewater did hot succeed In his
senatorial .contests, but S the founder of
The Bee h will be remembered longer
than any of the men whom his state has
sent to Washington to It.
Chicago ffcrontele.
Edward Rosewater, editor of The Omaha
Bee, whose sudden death occurred yester
day, was the architect of his own fortunes
and he bullded well and successfully. . Not
that he became a very rich man, though
he no doubt amassed a competency, but
thst he brought himself up unaided from
tha post of a working telegrapher to the
proprietorship of the most able and In
fluential newspaper In the state of Ne
braska. .
Mr. Rosewater was a credit to the pro
fession of Journalism- because no matter
how widely one might dissent from his
opinions on any specific subject even
prejudice waa ready to concede that he
waa honest" In his attitude. He had con
victions' and ha was not chary of express
ing them.
It thus resulted that he made many
warm friends and not a few bitter enemies,
but his friends were always his friends
and his enemies often ceased to be his
enemies. Nobody who knew Edward Rose
water doubted that his Idea of life was
to do his duty as he saw it, and It thua
happened that some of those who were
least friendly to him ultimately became
hla admirers. He was a "square" man
and everybody knew It,
His passing leaves a gap In. the news
paper world, since Mr. Roeewater was
one of the few remaining editors whose
personality Is associated with the nems
papers that they edit. Rosewater was The
Omaha Bee, Just as Horace Greeley was
the New York Tribune or as Colonel Wat
terser Is the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Even though he leaves a worthy succes
sor In the management. It will be a long
time before . the- people of Nebraska will
become reconciled to the Idea ot The Bee
without Edward Rosewater a ita con
St. Joseph ewa-Preaa. ' ,
The sudden death of Edward Rosewater,
publisher of The Ome'ha Bee, removes the
last of - three forceful figure Identified
witbh. hls'tory and politic of the Mis
souri vally during the last twenty-years!
Dr. "Morrison MUmford of Kansas City waa
one;-' and died first; Daniel R. Anthony cf
Leavenworth was another, and Mr. Rose
water waa the third. These were men
who coupled, Intense, active personalities
with Journalistic ability. They wrouht
for their communities and for themselves.
They Were fightersstrong, active, bitter.
relentless fighters, ' with newspapers as
their chief weapons, but none the less cn
dowed with personal courage who dealt
out punishment to their foes and favors
to their friends with the same liberality of
' Of the three, Mr. Rosewater was the only
one who sought personal political honor;
It was his life's ambition to be United
States senator from Nebraska, and hi re
peated failures did not discourage him,
Only last week he was defeated again.
During his life Mr. Rosewater built up
a newspaper that Is a credit to the Mis
souri valley. It was his hobby and pride.
and, though he felled 'In his political as
pirations, he succeeded beyond question as
a publisher. . . .
Kaasas CHy Joornal.
Th death of Edward Rosewater, th well
known editor of The Omaha Bee, remove
from western Journalism on of Its most
forceful character. For forty year Mr.
Rosearater played n important part In
determining tha social, commercial and po
litical history of hi . state and he Im
pressed his vigorous and aggressive per
sonality In aom degree upon th entire
Whatever els Mr. Rosewater may have
been, he was a lighter first and last, and.
while he was sn uncompromising repub
lican, his strenuous snd at time violent
temperament Involved him In factional con
troversies which thwarted his cherished po
lltlcal ambitions. But he rarely Injected
personal desires into his campaign, and
.during the troublous times when many
others Were swept from their moorings h
remained staunchly at th helm. Omaha,
snd Nebraska owe him more than either
or both could ever hav repaid during his
lifetime. The enterprising newspaper to
which he devoted his life Is th best monu
ment that could be erected to hla memory.
Kaasa City Time. '
Edward Rosewater, th Omaha editor
who died last Friday, waa a potential fac
tor In the upbuilding of th city where
his newspaper was published and In the
advancement of th state of Nebraska,
where . It largely circulated. . He did
many fine and generou things. He was
unselfish In hi devotion to the public
welfare. ' And ' while hla first call was
from th people of his city and Jils state,
he took a lively Interest In general af
fair and gave more attention to na
tional politics than most western editors
do. Mr. Rosewater did what very few
successful editors have don In taking a
personal part In politics. He entertained
for many yeara an ambition .to represent
Nebraska In the t'nlted State achat a,
and but ' for th tremendous Influences
of th railroads In that atat for many
years, probably would hav succeeded.
But the railroads were opposed to Mr.
Rosewater for tb very good reaoon that
he was conatantly fighting their abuses
through Th Bee. He made a good show
ing In th recent convention '.which nom
inated a' republican candidal for .th
senate, but It waa Inevitable that he
should be defeated by the young oian
who had carried on an Inspiring war
against ' trust and railway Impositions
and had brought himself Into prominence
before an approving public However,
Mr. Rosewater ' must have found satis
faction In the poor showing made by
Senator Millard, who waa left far behln-1
in the race. II waa Senator Millard
who, ala year ago. with th railroads
back of him, defeated, Mr. Roeewater fo
seaaterlaj dlstlnotloe. -
ttomo ABorrmeir York. '
laaprossion the ' Brya Home
Folk la th Metropolis.
All accounts aaree that "Bryan's Ne
braska Horn Folk" hav been heard on
th Islsnd of Manhattan and on the waters
thereof. They also mad an Impression on
th thinking apparatus of Father Knlcker-
borker. With characteristic vim and
virility they convinced msny of the
natives that there ar several acres of aa
fin land as lie out of doors beyond the
boroughs of Greater New York, that Ne
braska had seven democratic mayors and
that the "cowboy mayor" of Omaha can
toe a lariat with considerable skill. Surely
It was worth th cost to carry the news
to Gotham and hammer It In. Th native
received th news and the bearers with
Interest and Curiosity. Eyebrows were
arched, spectacles tilted and a Coney In
spection begun. "At th beginning," rays
the Philadelphia Ledger, editorially, "the
local press expressed surprise that the dele
gation did not come swathed In whiskers.
It was expected that as the party crossed
th ferry the popullstlc beards would trail
far - abaft. Inspection revealed the fact
that th visitors used rasors. that they
wor good clothes, that their footgear wa
shiny and their linen speckleas. There was
In their aspect and conduct not the slightest
encouragement to th gold-brick operator.
They were absolutely hay seedless. They
looked after, their baggage In a business
Ilk fashion Snd had It sent to a first-class
hotel, where they had secured rboms In
advance and for which they ar competent
to py.
"All this would be accepted as a matter
of course by anybody having any knowl
edge of the west, and there woult have
been an assurance In advance that when
the Nebraakans appeared they would not
be wearing "chaps" and clinking spurs.
But to the genuine New Yorker, who re
gard Buffalo as "out west," they consti
tuted a wholesome and Instructive object
Then the bunch were pictured, puffed and
treated with considerable attention. Some
members expected more than they got, or,
possibly, paid too much for their whistles,
and let go some expressions not very com
plimentary to the host. These led the
Brooklyn Eagle to remark: "Some rather
tonlo opinions have been expressed about
us by the visiting mayors from Nebraska.
They don't care much, for our show of
wealth, they aay; they don't car for our
horse cars; they never did think a lot of
the kind of weather we have her In turn.
mr; our corn Snd wheat crop are dis
tinctly Inferior to that of Lincoln and
Omaha; our habit of rioting over ( cents,
'led on by city officials,' Indicates financial
closeness such as does not exist beyond th
Missouri; we are still stuffing ballot boxes.
It seems, though we had hoped that we
were cured of that habit j we have Mr.
Hearst with. us. while Nebraska takes Mr.
Bryan to Its broad and swelling chest;
and. (most humiliating of all, we are a
hard. Ignorant., mean-looking lot, 'the raw
product of southern Europe, and pretty
raw at that; Inferior In looks, physique,
apparel and character,' to the Nebraskane.
"These are hitter pills, and th drug
gist who put them up left rough edges cn
them that might have been avoided. If he
had tried, but he did not seem to want to
try.' One Nebraska mayor says that w
make him tired, and that the next train
for Omaha Is th best thing we have here,
so we assume that th delegation will r.ot
stay long enough to know us now. But
listen. Her f probably what Is the mat
ter: If seven New York mayor should
com to Lincoln th mayor of that city
would meet- them with automobiles. In
stead of sending a colored porter tb In
struct them with' reference to their bag
gage. .. Which. Is aol&mn truth. And w
hav municipal automobile, tod, (whlch
Lincoln never had." , .
Referring to the wonderous cen down
the bay, wherein the Nebraska boys se
cured th Brat grip on Bryan' throbbing
palms, th Eagle says:-. . "Th bay wa
black with. Nebraskaaa. and purple with
the radiance, of hope," and continues- in
this picturesque fashion: "Since the re
ception of Sir Joseph Porter by Captain
Corcoran and hla crew on I ho- model ship
of the queen's navee, nothing haa equaled
this reception of tha Peerless In New
York harbor., The home folks who came
on to be th body and. mainstay of th
welcome heard of th project .to seduce
their hero aboard a yacht and they took
quick and fierce alarm. In Nebraska a
yacht seems to hav much the same sig
nificance that a cab has among those
. dwellers of the . tenement .whose proud
est boaat ia that they rear their daugh
ters in vlrtuoue poverty. The girl who
rides to her tenement In a 'cab at night
loses her reputation without further evi
dence. Th Nebraakans felt that an hon
est man should hav no more commerce
with yacht than an honest working girl
Should with cabs. Both ar Inventions of
th devil to enable rich birds of prey to
carry' their victim far from th reach of
help, ' .
"Accordingly, when th horn folks of
Nebraska heard about . the perlT to their
here from Mr. Goitre's yScht mini they
prepared for action. They chartered a
tug and planned to station on Its deck
Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha, an ex
cowboy, who still ha a twist in hi wrist
for th ' lariat. The plan to lasso the
Peerless and to yank him to th tug, at
whatever cost to limb and larynx might
be Involved In such a hasty transfer, was
happily abandoned. Mr. Goitre and his
friends of the yacht made a happy com
promise by which th progress to It
plutocratic deck' was across th demo
cratic bows of th tug filled with horn
folks. Th Vim folks will get their
hero first.""
Lotta, tb onoe favorite 'actress, is said
to be on, of th biggest taxpayer among
th women of Booton.
Thomas' A. 'Edison never carries a watch,
fearing that he might learn to take not
of th paag of Urns.
Aa American girl who lately married a
bogus baron seem to hav as bad a bar
gain as though she had married tb real
thing. .
A New York paper, In Illustrating th
story of' a Iowa' girt who huaked 117
bushel ot corn In a day, ha her sitting
-In an easy chair with tb corn piled neatly
on a iabia within reach. What sort of a
farmer Is that artlstf '
Chief Pleasant Porter of the Creek tribe
of Indiana, who Is probably th most ad
vanced thinking Indian of th present day,
ays "th' death knelt of th Individuality
of my rare Is- sounded In Indian Territory
In the establishment pf statehood."
Judge Charles Field of Athol, Mass., Is
still dispensing Justice, although 11 year
of age. Reoently he disposed of three
cases In on morning, then went to Gar
diner, thirteen miles sway, and disposed
ot eight case. H walkad a mil from
th court room to th railroad station. Hi
figure 4s erect snd his atop firm.
Other features of th common language,
even mor than spelling, stands In nerd of
reform -with a clab. Instance (hi gem:
"J." said., th college student, "dad got
th idea that" J was cuffing up too much
and o he cut In and threatened ta cut
down my allowance" unices I took s brace.
I felt all out up at once, but I didn't want
my allowance cut off of cut Into Just for
a little funny business and' so I cut It out."
A big stick couut -cuv la -there beauufvrtiy.
Plea for Federal Aid la Safegaardlasr
Haaaaa Health.
Harper's "Weekly.
Thai this country need a national de
partment of health would seem to be In
dicated by the, fact -that the wastes from
disease In th Vrtlted StStes'hav become
so great as to sutrgest th advlslblllty of
some radical change. In. our methods of
hygienic rea-iilatlon 1.500,000 persons must
die In th United States dorlnr the next
sis) months; -mill be onstntly sick,
and st least t.OOP.OPO homes, consisting of
.(Kn,noo persons, will. In consequence, b
made more or les wretched by mortality
snd morbidity. We look In horror n th
Black Plague of the Middle Age", yet that
was a mere pnsslng cloud compared with
our own White W.te. It Is reasonably
certain thst of the people 'that are living
tooay. over s.nv.tiw win die ot tuoercuiosis,
but hot a hand Is raised py the federal gov
ernment to save them. Over S.flOO.OOO must
die of diseases of "(he heart and I.OOti.OflO of
pneumonia, but hot a" wheel Is set In motion
for their cure, and the event Is accepted
by the American' population' with as re
signed a metn as the Hindoo show In
awaiting life day of the choler.
On the other hnnd, the national govern
ment expends IT.ono.nno annunlly on plant
health and anlmalj health, "but. save for
the work of Dr Wiley.' Atwster and
Benedict, not one cent I expended directly
on the health of Infants. Thousands have
been expended In stamping Out cholera
among swine, In saving the lives of elm
trees. In Importing Sicilian bugs to fer
tilize fig blossoms. In ostrsclslng certain
species ot weeds. In exterminating para
sitic crowths, hut not one cent haa been
appropriated for eradicating pneumonia
among human beings. The logic that Justi
fies an annual appropriation or1 $J.0Ot,n6
for a life-saving service should Justify pro
tection against accidents -of disease and
death. "
Beelaalnar of the End of the ttaelaeas
la : the West.' --.-Boat
on Transcript. '
Last Monday the Tnlon Pacific company
opened bids for 6.000 steel underbody refrig
erator car and It Is said to be In th mar
ket for more. This Is a movement of mor
public Interest than may appear upon Its
face. It meant that as a result of the
rate bill this great line will Install its own
system ot refrigeration, and, the private
car lines of the Armours .will no longer
enjoy a monopoly of the business and
have the fruit growers of th Paelflo slop
at. their merCy. It Is probable that th
latter will run their car as usual. They
have the rolling stock and will hardly eon.
eentto aee It go out of service; .but It they
do the Interests of the California producers
and incidentally the general public will
have to be considered more than they hav
been In the past.. Hitherto they hav had
the transportation of these, perishable com
modities all to .themselves over the Union
Pacific and the Southern Pacific, and com
plaint on the part of 4 lie growers .hav
been frequent to the effect that arbitrary
methods have been employed ,ln : fixing
charges, especially In the matter of re
Icing the cars, when without appsrent rea
son the rate would be. doubled or tripled,
and there was no redress because at that
time the Interstate, Commerce, Corrimtselon,
with which their grievances were filed, hd
no authority In the mutter. The private
car lines have been k fruitful 'source of ll
the troubles which the rate bill Is Intended
to correct. They have put the screws not
only on th fruit growers, but upon ship
pers of other staples. The new restrictive
legislation ha been Intended as a.,,checli
upon them quite as much' as on the publi
"According to the federal' mpr (ling' book
the Is to be eliminated from whiskey."
"Well. I never use tt myself' Cleve.
land Plalndealer.
"Do you really mean to' as y.' colonel,
that you ran for congress before you
were of sse?"
"Certainly; before I was 18; In fact," t
was a page in the house." Philadelphia
Ledger. .
"There's a lot of talk In the papers." said
Mr. Durnley, "about th 'necessity of uni
form divorce laws.' I wonder what that
means." . . . ,
"Probably," suggested Mrs. Durnley, "if
to compel divorced people to wear a uni
form, so folks can reconglze 'em, "Phila
delphia Ledger. ,.-, . . ,
The harpy wife and mother gased Wt them
with pride. -
"These are my Jewels!''-she exclaimed'.
They were. Indeed, the finest graham
gems she had ever baked. Chicago Tribune,
Esmeralda Have you - heard what th
doctors are aaylng about, motoring? It
gives you what they call the automobile
mouth spoils the mouth for kissing.
Gladys That Isn't true, and I know It
Harold ha been .running an automobli
for years! Chicago Tribune, ., , ,
"I simply have to take every 'customer
at hla face value," . muttered the' pho
tographer, as he iooked over the chief
feature of hi business Baltimore Amer
ican. ,
"It seems to ' me." said Mr." Niblick,
"that I smell wood smoke." -
"I'm sorry, John," replied Mr' Putter
eon, "that I haven't a. thing.. In my
locker." Ohlcago Kecord-HeralJ. .
Kate Penelope i had her ' thirty-fifth
birthday Wednesday , and h got mad
over the present Mildred sent her.
, Alice Whst wss ItT . .
I Kate A mustache cup. SomervllI Jour
nsL . '"','
"Now that my wife I doing (W cook
ing herself she can 'hccompllsh ' will HO
worth of food twice as much as our late
cook did."
' "You don't sayT" ,..'
' "Yes: at any rate 1 get twice as much
dyspepsia." Philadelphia Press. "-
"Old Hunk Is the contrarjest man that
ever drew the breath of life."
"What has he been doing nowT" -"He
took part in a political convention
the other day, and he Insisted on point
ing with alarm and Viewing with pride."
Chicago Tribune.
Caller-Mlaa Mllllcont plays' wonderfully
on the piano. - ,
uranaratner ureevius ts; It sort o
runs in th fam'lr. Br luclta. vou'd art
to 'av heard me rJay;''Oie Dan. Tucker''
an "Ole Bob Ridley on a- Jewsbarn
i James Barton Adams. "
On by on they pas awsy
O'er th mvhtio stream, . ;,
Pioneers age-worn and gray. . .
1 Wake from, life' long dream. , .
Wake beyond the darksome torow
Young and bright -f eye.
In a land wher ever, bloom. ,
Flower that never, die.
One by on they close their ey x -
On the scenes of esrth . '
To awaken In the sale
At the glad new birth;
I. r th burden down,' and ''freed '
From ita galling weight .. , -
Soar away with gladsome.,, speed
To' tb Golden Gat.
. ... ... - T
On by one, s leaves of gold, r
Fall ' from frost-kissed trees,
Fail these pioneers so old '""' ' '
In, death's passing loreeao."'
One by one we lay them down .
To their peaceful sleep .
They the fruitful seeds hav sown
We th harvest reap. .'. .
Men -of human steel war they.
Tempered, tried and true, .
Men created for th day . . . r
When the west was new. .
Dangers feed they without fear,' .' .
Laughed In peril' face, .
Sneered at death that wa might herd
Find a resting pUc.
On by on whit hands w fold ' .
O r th pulseloa breast, ... . -Of
a brave, Intreuid old ...
Conquerer pf th west. ;
One by one they pass frcun sgbt
O'er th my alio river.- . ',
leaving memories, aglden krfgbA), .
That will uv forever. '