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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
THE -OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: . SEPTEMBER .2r 190rt. NEWS OF INTEREST' FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl Mion mextioi. . . Davis, drugs. Clafka, icxUa. Ptockert sells carpets. ' ' Pint engraving ar tieffert'a. ' Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Oet thoaa naw photo at Bchraldt'a. Plumbing and heating, Blxby A Bon. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phono 7. Woodrltig Undertaking company. Tal SSI. Picture framing.- C. E. Alexander, 35S Broadway. DIAMONDS A8 AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFKRT. ABOUT IT- , -George Hoagland haa the Kansas Shall brick. All hard brick. Get hla prlcea. Bee Stephen Bros, for fire brick and lira clay, aewer pipe, fittings and garden hoa. WANTED. POT TO LKARN THR TIN NER'S TRADE. SWAINE MAUEK, S30 WEST BROADWAY. SltE HUNTER'S SPECIAL IN SILK BOA. JCBT THE THINO FOR COOL tiVK.NTSG. VEHlf STrLJSH EFFECTS. OET YOUR (ItRSOV PtrTVTtlM FRAMED WITH BEAUTIFUL FRAMEb; 16 TO.H CENTS, BORWICK. til SO. MAIN.. ... . I pay lit per ton for cast Iron; mixed, $10: etove, g; rage, mo per Ib.t rubber, 7ci copper, 14c per lb. J. Ksteiman, 0j Main, both 'phones $19. Wa wholesale Ice eieam. .Shipped to ar.y part ef the atate. Special prlcea to lha r ; tall trade I Muecl, til Weat Broadway. Council Bluffa, la. Tel. I4. Wa have the fineat Una of aample mon-i-menta to select from In the weat. Sheeiey A Lane Mnfblq and Oranite Works, ill liaut Broadway, Council Bluffa, la. Don't' fall to aee the Cola's New High Oven range. Wonderful departure. See It 1UL e"re. You will be interested. Pad dock Hanrtmhy Hardware company, H. S. Campbell, a conductor on the Northweatern living at 23 Sixth avenue, haa been appointed trainmaster for the Council BIufTa and Omaha division with headquarters In this city. Fall opening Western Iowa college, M er--rlam block, Council Bluffs, lav Mondav, August IT.. English, Normal. Bookkeeping and Hhorthand departments. Send for m catalougues. Both 'phone. The hearing of William Hughe's, alias "Sleepy Willie, ' the negro charged with the theft of-a watch from tne residence of J, W, Otto, was continued In police court yesterday until Tuesday next. Carnival Is here; fall la here; Hicks' new fall goods are here; as fine a line as ever came to the city. Please call and be con vinced before -buying that I can deliver the goods Jn up-to-date atyle and shapes. B. 8. Hicks. ' Joe Bennett, alias Bert Swisher, who was arrested at Olenwood, Is... Friday, having la hla possession a bicycle stolen from Bax ter Green of this city, was yesterday bound over to await the action of the grand Jury by Police Judge Scott. The following Iced drlnka and 'Ice crVam will be served all this week at the Clark Drug company's: Madja, frosen phosphate. Blberian nip. eiaoraao aunaae, iropioai sun-' dae, Carmencita - kiss, southern beauty, American sundae and Greenland Iceberg. Perry Ford, who claims to be purchasing agent of the Winnipeg, Yankton A Out! railroad, and Is charged with cheating by false pretenses In connection with the purchase of a typewriter from tin -Omaha arm. had hla -hearing continued In police sourt yesterday until Tuesday, as he de rirea to secure the services of an Omaha attorney. The members' of Council Bluffs ' Brick layer'' union No. giwlll take part In Mon day morning's parade. They will wear white trousers, shirts and capa and carry pennanta bearing ' the - Inscription "We helped to build Council Bluffs." After the parade the members will go to Lake Man aw with their families, where they will have a basket picnic In the afternoon at tne Kursaal. A. Metssras Cat. Naw Location ot Wholesale Bakery, . lit Hamate Street, Co, Bluffs, la. " Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. . ; . ,800 acres good farm land la eastern Colo rado, lb per acre and up; no irrigaU.oa re quired. Can rate all kinds of smaii grain, lad com.. A few good homesteads Join aur lands. Bend for pr'.aK ...aUer, . F. C, Lougee, lM Mala street. Coiner. Pluffa, la. MALONEYB PEARL BT. , NEW LOCATION, M Ja Makes Enltr Aaslgnnteat. The March term ot 'district court, which began March SO, time lo-ercloa yesterday when Judge Macy, after making "an as signment of equity cases for the first week ef the August terni, which wfll be convened September 10, adjourned court to that date. The following la the assignment: . Monday, September 10 Blaine against Cll- lett et al. i proDaie, esiai neme owicnBru, knnllcAtlon. Tuesday. Sentember 11 Shields against .Tmbaugh et al.; Masa againat Burmelater (special): Man against Tlmm (special). Wednesday, September 13 Koona agalnat quire et al.: Jackson agalnat Jackson. Thursday, September 13 Bailsman against Lisbon lnaurartce company; Norman against Kormaa. , , ? . , Friday, Beptemoer. il Benjamin againsi Everett (conditional); Ayleaworth against Ways Saturday, September 15 Barton against city of Council Bluffs. . Monday, September 17 Co-operative Gertrude C. Anderson, Council Bluffs.... 18 Maloney; Bergen agalnat Bergen. ' Tuesday, September 18 Konigmaeher against Otis, administrator estate of John W. Croealand. ! . . rr gal. ' ' Medium and high grade ewing machlnea. I cany a large )ln of th latest improved - machlnea. ..1 have machine ranging In prlca.from ups Can furnish machlnea that make both lock and chain atltrh. I ell the finest and only perfect rotary shut, tie machine . now on the market. I tell machines on easy payments with liberal discount for 'Cash. All machlnea taken to your home for trial. I .repair all make ef maehlne. keep eeedles, oil and part of machine; , have had twenty-six years' at experience' In aewlng machine, all In Council Bluff. Com In and see my goods and figure with me. I veil Edison and Vic tor ' talking' machlnea" and ' carry" a ' large ttocli pC records. Ind. 'phone 107-Red; Bell 'phene. Red. 11157. 8. M. Williamson. 17 outh Mm. ' ,.'.. At I.eCert's. The newest in braoeleta, comba, lockets, sbalns and pins, Juat received. Marrtace Llcenaea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age, f. . Russell, Omaha baa lAinunga, umus Cheater Bar r. Dayton, D. Carrie Hansen, Minoqua, Wis A L. Van Leer. Clarks. Neb Eva Walton. Clarks. Neb... Walter Feldt, Council Rluffs Sertrud C Andersen. Council Bluff. .11 . at . . 44 , 4 . Swansod Music company, ' 407 West Broadway the place where you will find k splendid assortment of planoa to select from. Conovere, Cab lea, Schubert and bUBgabury'f. All -clean, new good. Prlcea and 'term to ault every person- We think It a good house to deal with. A LeaTert'. and holiday good coming New lally. fall in If you are looking forward to your sum mer's outing you will need a few vacation aeceaaltlea; if .yo are going camping . 'With a areatl party you will want a few dellca else; if you are going to a picnic you will want . your "basket filled with "good thing to aat.. Sandwiches olives, picklaa, oakea, cheeee, fruits, a cold bottle ef ginger al sr root beer la fact McAte baa every thing necessary . to fill a dainty ' lunch basket aad th best the market aHorda. BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. PARADE PLANS ARE READY Major Riohmond tad CeercUrj Reed of Oommtroiil Club Complete Plana. tXPECTED TO START AT TEN O'CLOCK Marr Will Ride at Ike Head, Fol lowed by be Oraad Marshal aad Platoon t Police, Msrefclngr - - gnnth na Pearl. Major Oeorge .il. Richmond, chief of police, who will act aa grand marshal of the parade Monday morning, with Secretary Reed of the Commercial club, arranged last evening the formation of the parade and other particulars In connection with the demonstration attendant on the opening of the street fair and carnival. These have, been selected by Major Rich mond to act as hit aide: John A. Keellne, chief of ataff; Rev. James O May. Frank Haas, Dr. 8. T. Miller and Peter Peterson. The parade will form at 10 o'clock and tbis will be the line of march: South of -Pearl street to Sixth - avenue; east on Sixth avenue to Main street; north on Main street to Broadway; earn on Broad way to First Street; north on First street to Washington- avenue; west on Washington avenue to Bryant street; south on Bryant atreet to Broadway; west on Broadway to Eighth street, where the column will dis band. , The. column will form a follows: "Hon. D. Maerea, 1r., Mayor. Oeorge H. Richmond, Marshal and Aides. Platoon of Police, flight Resting on First Avenue East of Pearl. 1 4Jovlt s Rand. Dodge Light Guards. Right Resting on First Avenue &Mt of Pesri. City Officials in Carriages Will Form on West Side of Pearl Street. Danish. Societies Will Form on Pearl Street, Right Resting on First Avenue. Modern Woodmen Will Form on Willow Avenue East of Pearl. Right Resting on Pearl. All Ibor Organisations Will Form on Fifth Avenue, Right Resting on Pearl. Nonpareil Force Will Form on Fifth Ave nue Between Pearl and Main. Girls' end Boys' Cavalcade Will Form on Heart Street In Front of Library. Nebraska Telephone Company Will Form on Willow Between Sixth and Seventh. Maloney'a Brigade Will Form on Willow Avenue, Right Resting on Seventh. Commercial Club Will Form on First Ave nue Between Pearl and Sixth Street. Automobiles Will Form on Pearl Street Ba- ' tween Broadway and First Avenue. The Merrlam Block Division Will Be As signed to a Place In the line Mondav Morning. The Fire Department Will Form on Seventh Street Between Willow and . . Fifth Avenue. All Floata and Wagons Will Porra on Sixth Avenue, Right Resting on Main Street, Those First on the Ground Taking - the Right. Plana for Deaieeratle Rally. At a largely attended meeting -of local Memoerata last evening committees were appointed and other preliminary arrange ments made . for the democratic rally to be held la this city Tuesday, September 18, when Hon. Claude R. Porter of Cen terville, democratic nominee for governor, will be the principal speaker. These are the committees: - ..-.. , On Arrangements Louis Zurmuehlen, Jr., chairman. On Finance A. W. Caaady, chairman, W. H. Schura, with power to add to their num ber. ... ; On Publicity and Traneportatlon-i-w. B. fteed. chairman; Hon. Victor Jennings, H. W. Binder. H. P. Barrett, O. D. Todd, Ertieat Paculley, W. H. Lynchard. On Speakera Emmet Tlnley, chairman; Join P. Organ. , On Reception Mayor D. Macrae, Jr., chairman; and fifty-seven others. While the plana for the rally have as yet only been outlined it la proposed to hold two or more meeting during the day; on In the Dodge Light i Guard armory, one In the open air at Fourth and Broadway and possibly one la the opera house or some other hall. ' Wktn iaall I Bar Mr OrMerixt WT! ANSWER THIS QUESTION. FIRST, WHERE PRICES ARB RIOHT; SEC OND, WHERE THE GOODS ARE FRESH AND FIRST. CLASS; ' THIRD, WHERE TOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVB REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERT RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR DER AND. WE ARB SURE TOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON. 711 W. BROADWAT. Get ready for the carnival. Special prlcea on belt a. bags, fancy para sols, white akirta and shirt waist wits,, at Hunter. . Board of Edaeatlon Crltlelaed. The action of the Board of Education in removing all (the Bell telephone from th public echoole and Installing, In their place. thoe of the Independent company, la be ing crltlelaed by patron and teacher of the schools. This criticism haa been ac centuated by the receipts) by the teacher of letter from the officer of the Independ ent Telephone compaqy Informing them of the action of the board and suggesting that thla may b of sufficient Interest to them to warrant aubacrlblng for telephone aer- vice of the Independent company. En closed with the telephone company' letter la one from Oeorge W. Weaterdahl, presi dent of the Boasd of Education, who says: "Th 'phonea taken out are being replaced hy the 'phone of the Independent Tele phone company, and 'therefore, the public schools and those connected therewith can only be reached by the Independent telephones-." The teacher do not take kindly to thla plan of th Board of Education to boost th Independent Telephone company. A large majort.'y of the teacher and patron of th achooU have the Bell telephone In their house anct the action of the Board of Education now place them In a position where they cannot communicate with th schools or the management by telephone unleaa they Install the Independent ocm pany's 'phones In their homes. A business man In speaking of the action of the schood board yesterday said: "In such .mattera a thla the board ahould not discriminate or act as boosters for pn company agalnat another. Th fact that several membera of the Board Qf Educa tion are director or. Interested la the Inde pendent company makes the thing look al) the worse, at least on the urface." THE MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant. tt Broadway. CENTRAL FLOUK Every aatk warranted Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phone 24. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 264. Night Ll. . Class Water Tank Break. A wooden tank with glaa aids which had been erected on the carnival grounds for th exhibition ta he-given by Prof. Kelly, the water king, gave way when partly filled with water yesterday morning. TJi strain on th plat glaaa side proved toe great knd one aide of th glaaa broke with a loud explosion. Pieces of the ahttered glaaa flew In . all direction. One large. Jagged piece atrurk Fred TrauUnan, an 11-year-old boy, sua of the proprietor of the 'St. Joe house on South Msln street, severing -a tendon In the back part of his f.wt. iThe boy wsa car ried to the office of a nearby physician, where it wa found necessary to place sit stitches to close the wound. He was later removed to hla home. It will be three weeks before the boy can use his foot, and the little fellow was greatly concerned be cause he would miss the street- fair. Toung Trautman was standing at lesst twenty-five feet from the tsnk when the glass broke. At l.ea-ert'e. Special carnival prlcea this week. Watch our windows. All person knowing themselves la be Indebted to Duncan A Dean or the Duncan Shoe company are requested to call and aetUe at' one. COMMERCIAL ME HAVE BIO TIME Oeod Atteadaace aad Plenty of ftparf at Manawa. The annual picnic and outing of the local council, t'nlted Commercial 'Travelers, brought oat a good and exceedingly -merry crowd to Lake Manawa yesterday after noon and evening. A varied program Of races and other contest was held In the Uttle park at the rear of the Fish and Oame club's ' quarters, some of tha con tests, aa will be seen by the summary, be ing of 4. unique and amusing character. After the sports the merrymaker enjoyed a 'basket lunch and then dancing In the clubhouse until time to return home. ' The following la tile list of winners In the several contests: m Roys and girls (under' V years! race: Tom Smith wont Helen Smith second. - Women's egg race: Hassl Covert won,' Ev elyn Edgerton second. Members' footrace:' Page Morrison won. W. J. Johnson ktoiiiI. Women's ball throwing contest: Evelyn Edgerton won, Hasel Covert second. Cracker eating contest: Mre. Charle' Woodford won, Page Morrison aecond, Al Bray third. Youngest married woman on grounds: Mre. Oeorge Dupree. Heaviest member' wife: . Mrs. 3. W. Kelly won, Mrs. C W. Watts. second. Collar and necktie rsce: Page Morrison won. George Dtinree second. 'Members' wives footrace: Mrs. -Oeorge Dupre won, Mrs. C. L. Hutehens second. Heaviest member on grounds with slim mest wife: J. F. Helwlg won, W. W. Os bom second. Largest family on grounds: J. F. Helwlg. Olrls (under 11 years) footrace: Maria Helwlg won, Mlldren Fleming aecond, Hasel Oorham third. Young women s footrace: Hasel Covert won, Evelyn Edgerton aecond, Abble Ed irrwn imra. If you want a Srat das - hand-made, nobby harness drop In and see . "Van Brunt." A new consignment Just in. Everything on head' from pony harness to the heaviest team harness. Prices light. At Leert'e, . Special carnival prlcea this week, our window. ... Watch ftaa'ar Services. At the Flrt Presbyterian church. Rev. Marcua P. McClure, paator, there will be preaching art-vice at 10:30 a. m. and 7: p. m. In the morning the pastor will take aa the aubject of his sermon "Labor Day and the Church." HI theme In the evening will be "Demetiiua, Shrine Builder." Bible achool will be held at noon and meeting of the Christian Endeavor society at 6:90 p. m. All member are dealred to come to the first meeting of the new church year, aa today I consecration Sunday. Rev. E. E. Mack of Prescott, . Ia., , will preach at th Second Presbyterian church both morning and evening. Sunday school wUI be at 1:46 a. m. and meeting ot Chris tian Endeavor society, at 7 p. m. Flret Chiirch of . Christ, Scientist, will hold service at 11 a. m. ia Temple Em manuel on North Seventh street.) when th Subject - will lie - 'Substance." Sunday school will be at 12:1 p. m. and th regu lar midweek testimony meeting . Wedues- y evening at o'clock. .' . Second Church of Christ. Sciential will hold aervlc at 10:48 a. m., In Woodman hall In the Merrlam block, when the Sub ject will be. "Substance.". . Sunday achool will be at U: 46 a. m. and the usual mid week testimony meeting .Wednesday even ing at 7:4g o'clock. St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. ft. W. Starr, rector. Twelfth Sunday after Trlnr 'T: boly communion; 10:80 a. m., holy communion and sermon; 11. m Sun day school and Bible class; I p. m., even ing prayer and sermon. At .the morning service Mr. Longstrect will alng Campion "The Ninety and Nine" for the offertory. In the evening Mrs. W. W.' Sherman and Mia Emily Rutherford will sing th duet, "Sun of My Soul." . Swedish Lutheran church. Rev. B. N. Ollm. paator. " There will be no morning services, but In the evening at I o'clock Rev. r. N. Swan berg of Omaha will oc cupy the pulpit. Sunday achool will b at noon. ' The Sunday school of the' Flret Baptist church will meet at noon at the Bhugart building. 87 Pearl street, owing t th church undergoing repair. At LraraH's. . 8pecial carnival prices thla week, our window. . Watch SPECIAL. ROCKER. SALE. . SEE 8A,T. PLE8 IN OUR WTNDOW. KELLER. FARNSWORTH FURNITURE CO. Real Katiat Transfer. Tha transfer wiir reported to The Bee September 1 by the Title Guaranty and iruat company of Coancil Bluffs: H, W. Binder and wife to Mathew Tlnley. lot 8 m elock J la Curtl and Ramaey s addition to Council Bluffs, " la. w. d , .JlffJO John WehrH and wife to Robert Boua- neia, pari nwne4 J-7S-44. w. d...'. Elva Mills to. Belle McKinlev. ror neia, part nw)ne4 1-74-44. w. d...'. X.OOt mini io. riene Mctuniev. tari awWawU 81-78-43. w. d osrun ran ena ffiusoana to Martin p. Schmidt, lot ii 7-8-22 and 28 In-block St and In. block 80 In Central subdivision In Council Bluff, la. w. d . ana r. j. uiuiwsih wile to Julia Cisw- son. lota t and In block U In lien son flret addition to Council Bluffs. la. w. a.. ina aiane Anairun io Aaoipn Ander sen, BVseH and ae44ne 80-7S-41. w. d. J. P. Fall et al. to Henry Ewitchler.; lot 17 In Mock SO In Central subdi vision in Council B1ufr,i Ia. a. e. L... J. P. Fall et al. to J. J. .Taylor, iota 8-84-3 and M In block 28 and lot 82 In block 80 In Central subdivision ta Council Bluffs. Ia. a c. d J. P. Fall et al. t Mlna Deltehler, lota 10-11-12 and U la block 89 and lota 8-4 and 1 In block 80 in Central subdlvli ion la Council Bluffa. Ia.. q. c. d '.....: r... 1 Four transfers, total ....;.,..47,8u4 . Mast a a).! - Must lell dwelling. Haa Ave room, city water. 1 on car line and "rent for 88 per month; alwaya rented. TL 1. ' Charles T. Officer, ll Broadway. MALONErs" PEARL 8T. NEW LOCAtiON, SI Christian Pnnaral fa Chlannaaa. Ah Cured, a Chinaman, aged 87 year,' died yeaterday morning at the residence of his cousin, John Sankes, 46 North Main trt Death wa due to tuberculosis. La Ab Cured, whoa, naste wa . pro nounced Lee Cue. I th Art Chinaman to die and be burled in thla eityv -. For yeara hla cousin. John Sankee, a convert to th Baptist church of thla city, waa th only resident Chinaman m Council Blaffa. I Ah Cured cams to this city about a year ago and mads hi home with hla cousin., Th funeral was held yesterday after noon from the Wood ring undertaking raama and . burial wa in Falrvlew cam- etery. At first It was desired to have tne funeral rites conducted by a Chinese priest, but none was found available and the ser vices were conducted according to the Christian church by Rev. g. J. Carter of this city. A number of the members of the Chinese colony In Omaha were In attendance and at the grave they Carried out as far as possible the customs of their country. La Ah Cured had been Iri the I'nlted State about twenty yeare. At LefJerfs. The bet watch and Jewelry repslrlng In the city. For Imported wines, liquors and Bud welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer, C1I South Main atreet. Onardaaaen Off for Riley. The Fifty-sixth regiment, Iowa National Guard, mobilised In this city yesterday afternoon at the Union Pacific transfer fromwhere. In a specTal train of two aoc tlons.'lt started for Fbrt'Rfley last even ing ovr the Union Pacific. The twelve companlea of the regiment are from the following towne: Company A, Mason City: Company B, Ida Grover Company C, Webster City; Coropsny D, Rock Rapids; Company E, Sheldon; Com pany F, Algona; Company O, Fort Dodge; Company II, Sioux City; 1 Company 1, Boone; ' Company K, Etrrmef shurg: Com pany . L. Sioux City; Company M, Sac City. - ..''' Colonel ' William B. Humphrey of Doe Molnea was In command." The hosottal corps. In charge of Dr. Macrae, Jr.. which waa organised In this city, accompanied the regiment.. The vised roster of the hospital' corps Is: Dr. Donald Macrae, Jr., major eurgeoh; Flret Lieutenant Murphy, SaSux C'ty, assistant snrgeon: First Lieutenant Gor don, Emmelsbtirg. esaltant surgeon; first-class sergeant. Merle Warner; second class sergeant, James Macrae. Jr.; pri vates, Edward W. Reynolds, rook- Jasper Bin, rU ru v . nr mmi", s. ' " ' i i N. Kim. Charles B,. Arnoio, owii; Pern- , rural, .'i nomas c. Lrficejr, nimiiriu v.. Mayne. Jame Nlcoll, Jr., Jay Still. Oalt Oarretsont L. H. Bolton, Thomas Hardin, Lynne Uslrd. At. fajerfe , ' See the .new Blslght. one piece double vision lense", guaranteed to give satisfac tion. ' ' , ' Have your room papered and your house painted In and outside. This Is Just the time of th year. Tou will get It dona right and at the tight price. Borwlck, HI South Main St. . . Labor Day Honrs at PostolBee. , These hours will prevail at the postofflcc on Monday, Labor day: Stamp window, general delivery window and money order department will be open from 8 until M a. m. Carrier will make but one delivery, leaving the postofflce at a. m.' There will be a business collec tion made In the afternoon, carrier leaving the office at 1 p. m. and a collection In the evening, rarrter leaving the poatofllco at 7 p. m. There will be no delivery by rural free delivery carrier. The public library "til be closed all day Monday. Beginning today the library will be open on Sundays from' 2 to p. m. Be W. B. Hewetson' fall opening display of picture and wall paper. New style In wall paper. The latest pictures by Reming ton, Oesall. Carlson, Smith, Christy, and other novelties, Kw Hawk lr ttnlval. A feature of the band ooncecta at th treet fair and carnival will be the new Carnival Queen march composed . fpr the carnival by Jullu Thlele .of the , Krug theater. Omaha. Director Cpvait win open each conoert during the entire week wltlr hi march aad at .the close or, tne carnival U will be dedicated to th young woman who la ehoeen Queen of tBa Car nival- . , . ' The reason why Hafer doe th buelnesa la that he delivers the ' good to -your nearest station at the least cost . . See' the Kc wash belt selling for Io At Hunters. lA8T WEEK IS "BLCFF1 SOCIETY Canal Wnsaner sf Infornaal social . Oatnerlnge. ui.i sMith- Oraan snent last, week In Neolsu Ia. u .T p nrnn hat returned from a i. in r"H nnle Creek. Colo. Mr. James Heywood ana anugmer vi.j are home from a sojourn av uui ..., S. D. ' " ' . . , Mrs. Mable of Oakland avenue enterxainea at dinner Wedneeaay in nonor m a" tvn Ii m - " Mr. and Mre. CTlff uunej sua yi Sharon. Pa., have come io me xmuiis iv make their home. Mr. Wrd Dnden U enteriaining h nrv at her country norae iiwiu TrlHnv In Mlinni.V. . . vr pv p. True entertaliled at luncheon Thursday eompllmentary io airs. i. . ...... ' ... .... - . .LI. Mr. C. A. Wiley, until receniiy. oi mi city, now of Sioux Falls, 8. D., la the guest of Council Bluffa frlenda. Mre: Woodbury .entertain"! two tarjies of bridge Wednesday aiernoon. Wood Allen won-tne pnae. r-ktaiina rMnria or weat Drosawsr has arrived home from a lengthy sojourn WHO irienas vmmww Ur' Waits Durfee enter jilned eeven boy friend In honor of Mr. Roy Palmer. Card formed the evening' pastime. Win. George Qrtswold of Chicago, wno na been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, haa returned to her home. Mra.' H. B. Jennings entertained at bridge Thursday. There were two table. Mjs. Wood Allen waa awarded the prise. Mra. Charles Teat Stuart waa hostess of the Bridge ena inicneon ciuo weanwui afternoon." There were three tables. Miss Madge Walker, accompanied by her friend. Miss Mabel lACy, returned Satur day from a two week' visit In Chicago. County Superintendent of School O. J. McManua and family are home' from 'AW berts.. Canada,, where they spent the sum mer. ' Mrs: Thomas Maloney wul entertain the C. M. L. club Wednesday afttrnoon, it be ing the first meeting after ttya aurhmer va cation. - Mr. and Mra. Lew la Cutler arriysd home yeeterday from Chicago, whare Mr. Cutler met Mra. Cutlsr on her , return from La ports, Ind. . Mra. Noah Mattlngly arid Mtaa Pansy Otto have arrived hum from Colorado, where ihey went for the benefit of Mia C tto'a health. Mra. C. D. Palmer of Solon, la., accom panied by her son Roy of. Chicago, are vis iting at the home of Mr. Vf. J, McCune on Oranam avenue. Mr. and Mra.. F. p. Gleason of Glen avenue are home from a two montha' vlait with ' relatives and friends at points in Kansas and Missouri.' Mrs. - Owen and daughter Mae. of Fort Doda, la., are the guests of Mr. and Mra. Frank Owen and will remain over for the street fair and carnival. Mis Gertrude Slyter of Washington ave nue, who haa been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Trey nor, In Bloux City, is ex pected home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Harris vf Ottumwa, Ia., are sjueets of Mra. Harrle' sister, Mrs. C. M. Scott, 714 South Blxth street, an route home from a trip to Colorado, The' regular bualneaa meeting of the' St. Agnes guild of St. Paul'a Episcopal church waa held at th home of Mra. H. A. Qulnn Frida evening. Light refreshments were served. Mis Maude Davl of B22 South Seventh treet entertained at a party Thursday venlng. Dancing and ear formed the evenlnr pleaaur. After an exyemely pleaaanl evening re fresh inert wer aerved. Mra. McFarland, whd I camping at Lak Manawa, entertained In a most original manner Wednesday night. After dinner the twelve lucky gueats were entertained by telling atorlea while alttlng around a large eamp Are. - Ths Bower mission buslnesa and kenaing ton meeting, waa held Tueaday at. the home of Mra. W. J. Heleer of lit Glen avenue. A committee waa aelected to tend to their booth' at the atreet fair. Refreshments wer served late In th afternoon, i Mia Hassl Plpplfl, Miss Florence Keith. Ulss F.dith Smith, Mr. Horace Haverstnck. Mr. Paul Wlkoff and Charles m-ott formed a merry party at l-ake Manawa Wednes day night. After a basket dinner the young folk took In the various attractions on Uw ground. Miss Rose Ward entertained at luncheon Thursday evening In honor of Miss Viva Wind and Mr. Mark Pohson. Covers were laid for Mi Viva Wind. Miss Margaret McPhcrson. Miss Rose Ward. Mr. Mark Dobaon, Mr. Charles Arnold and Mr. Leo Haywood. The Little Bridge club met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mis Billiard. n"3 First avenue. The prise was won by Mrs. H. A. Umnn. Light refreshments were served. The club will meet week sfter next st the home of Mrs. R. B. Tubbe on Willow avenue. Messrs. Walter and John Lntx left yes terday for Chlcsgo, from where they will ro by boat to Buffalo, then down the ejt. awrence river to Montreal, returning to New York by rail, visiting the White mountains snd otbef points of Interest be fore returning home. The Woman's guild of St. Paul'a Eplsco pal church held tnelr regular business meet. Ing at the home of Mrs. George Jackson, I7 South First street, Monday af'ernoon. The next meeting of the guild will be held week after next st the home of Mrs. G. K. White of 144 Baughn street. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Farrand entertained at 6 o'clock dinner Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for Miss Ethel Farrand of Columbus, Neb.; Mies Merrills Mitchell of I .os Angeles, Cel.; Mr. Hereld Valne of Seattle, Wash.; Mr. Floyd Loomls of Fre mont, Neb.; Mr. Bayard Ioomls of Fre mont and Mr. and Mrs. Farrand. About fifty members of the 8wed'Sh Lutheran church tendered their pastor. Rev. B. N. Ulltn, and wife s surprise parly Wednesday evening In celebrstlon of Xlrs. Gllm's birthday anniversary. A plclnmnt evening waa spent and the guests lefore leaving presented tlielr hostess with a purse of money as a mark of their affec Man l. eaves Body 1a Dorter. FORT DODGE, la.. Sept 1. (Special.) Fort Dodge courta have been called uPh decide a peculiar caee by the fit lng of the will of H. F. Orris, a county charge, which gives his body to Dr. Lloyd of this city for medical servlcea during life. Orrla was an old man and lived alone In a hut near thla city. He was taken, seriously 111 a mdnth ago and waa attended by Dr. Lloyd. He seemed much worried oyer the fsct that .he was unable ri i r' 2 r ,n J V Ullil ,113 vr nm una i t0 rry lne doctor for his services and ... ,,, during his Illness made out a will with provisions aa above. He Improved slightly later and was taken to the county poor farm. Here he died laat Monday. Dr. Lloyd presented the will after death, but a aon-ln-law of the deceased refused to give hi in the body and had It aecretly burled.. Now the will haa been filed for probate and If Ita provisions are adhered to the body will have to be dug up from its resting place to satisfy the demands of the testament. v Prsatnltlnntstn Hold Convention. ATLANTIC, Ia Sept. 1. (Special.) The Ninth district congressional and the Fifteenth Judicial district convention of the prohibition party was held in tills city yeaterday. Hon. Oliver' Stewart ef Chi cago was here for two addreaSes and the convention waa held after his talks. They paaaed resolutions commending the re publican Judicial nominee!" and refusing to make nomination for those offices. A resolution endorsing Congressman Smith waa voted down and the chairman and secretary of the district committee em powered to fill the position on the ticket for congressman. There was but a small Attendance. The Cass county prohibi tionists. Immediately following the dis trict convention met and decided to put a full county ticket. In the field, and set Saturday, September IS as the date for holding the nominating convention. Veterana at Paelfla Janetloa. OLENWOOD, Ia., Sept 1. (Special.) The old soldier' reunion at Pacific Junc tion drew a large crowd y-terday. The speaker were Hon.. John T. Stone, Con gressman Walter Q. Smith, 'Iowa, and Rev. C. H. Schleh of Nebraska;-. The ball gam for the reunion purse waa betweetv Bartlett and Pacific . Junction, resulting a follow: , Pacific Junction. 0 0 11 I 0 1 0 6 Bartlett 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 Hatterle: Paelrlo junction, Kllng ana Anderson; Bartlett, Maxwell and Coaler, Umpire, Donelan. KJUed by Revolving Shaft. FORT DODGE, Ia., Sept l.-(Speclal Telegram,) Peter- Hartman, " Toreman of the Central gypsum mill, was caught In a rapidly revolving shaft and whirled to his death here today. The shaft made over 200 revolutions before he could be extricated. Both, legs were broken, his head ws crushed and hi body reduced almost to a shapeless masa. He leave a wife and six children. . Hnbbard Is Renominated. SHELDON. Ia., Sept 1. Eleventh dis trict republicans nominated Congressman E. H. Hubbard today by acclamation. PRATTLK OF THE lOLAUSTERS. "Don t walk o fast, mamma," panted the little boy whose mother waa hurrying blm to the railway atatlon. "My heart Is breaking." i First Uttle OlrJ My papa says your papa . i. iiaies wurs. . Second Little Girl Oh, no, he doesn't He lkes work, but he hate to do It Teacher Can you tell me what an aristo crat Is,- Johnny? Johnny Tes, ma'am. An aristocrat is a poor person who boasts of hla rich rela tions. Mamma Tommy, what I the baby crying forT Tommy 'Cause he doesn't know thing. I had to take hla cake and ahow him bow to eat It. "Pop, are lawyer alwaya bad tempered?" "Of courae not, my son. What made you think or "Why, the papera are alwaya telling about their cross-examlnatlona." . It Is Priscllla's first visit to the country; she has heard the cackling of the hen and connected It with the laying of the eggs; she bear th cow moo and call ta her mother, "Mamma, come quick; the cow ha laid some more m.llk." t Snore) Betrays Bnrglsr. Th snors of James Weber was his undo ing when he waa In the house of Ambrose Perkln for th purpose of burglary la Toungstown, O." He had effected an en trance by removing a screen, and then bad gone to the refrigerator and sideboard. A too liberal consumption of the beverages he found therein and tha hearty meal he ate put him to sleep before he had completed hi Job. A long-drawn-out nor awakened Mr! Perkins. He looked from hla bed to behold a heavy set man sound asleep by hla bed side, and when a moment later hi wif awok she almost fainted.' uot in the wrong house, I guess, ws th thick snswer from the man, and Mr, Perkins was-about to escort him out when he discovered the contents of his wallet on the floor, where It had fallen from ths hand of the man. Weber wss taken to ths police station. A Msdel Family. "I do not think that our family ha been without Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy alnco w commenced housekeeping year' ago," say E. W, Archer,, manager - ot the Republican Journal, Caldwell, Ohio. "When w go oa an extended visit we pack It In the cult case so a to be prepared to ward off any trouble that may be cauaed by change ef water and food." ' - ..Furnace as Have thRt.FURNACE fixed up and put in good repair. You said you would attend to it September 1st. Time's upl In you put in another winter inhaling gas from a defective furnace your friends will not know where to find you tht following winter. Candidly now, was your cellar warmer last winter th u your rooms up stairs? If so drop in and tell us your trou bles.. FREE INSPECTORS for the present. Better get your order booked before the rush of fall work begins. Repairs for everything that cooks and heats. Excelsior Air Blast Furnaces are the most reliable me dium priced furnaces made. , The most economical, and the most satisfactory :n every way. It's a furnace for thi masses and you can't afford to ignore our invitation to in vestigate. ' i R. Uhllg. Pres. Hugo Srhmldr, V. Pre. Geo. A. Wilcox. Tress. C M. Eaton, Sec'y. OMAHA I206-I20S DengUsSL OUITS DEMOCRATIC TICKET H. M. Btrtlett Fall Oat u Oandidat for Enprem Court Beporter. G'ORGE HARNAGLE. I AKES VACANT PLACE Final Balance of th state Fair Expected to fthsw A boat Forty Thopssnd Dollars on Right Side if Ledger. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Ia., Sept. l.-(Speclal Tele gram.) H. M. Bartlett, nominee on the democratic state ticket' for supreme court reporter, nas withdrawn and Oeorge Har nagle of Des Moines. noinJnee oo .the Polk county democratic ticket for district Judge, has been selected by the democratic state central committee for the position. John Mulvaney, who two years ago was the democratlo candidate against Congressman Hull in the Seventh district, haa been put on the ticket for Judge In place of Ilamagle. John N. Smith of Altoona, waa today nominated by the democrata of the Seventh district, for congress against Congressman J. A. T. Hull, republican. Smith la a farmer. Bis; Prolt In Fair. Preliminary reports of the receipts from the 1006 state fair show 1100,491 as the total receipts for the week but this sum will be augmented some by about 83.000 or 84,000 of receipts from sources t,hat could not be computed . definitely for some day. 'This I 125,000 more than the receipt of. last year. The profit from the fair cannot be figured up aa yet, but will probably come In the neighborhood of 840,400, all of which will be put In on Improvements for next year. A large per cent of the exhibitors left today for the Lincoln, Neb., state fair, Which is next m the circuit At the meeting of the fair directora laat night It wa voted to bar Frank lams ofj St. Paul, Neb., from exhibiting at future Iowa fairs unless he makes satisfactory amends for refusal. 'to obey the orders of the Judges. Olenwood Contraet I.rt. The Board of Control today let the con tract for the erection of the custodial hall for boys at Glenwood, to F. X. White of Eldora, la., for the cum of 846,421. The contract Include the building with electric wiring, but not the heating and plumbing. The contract will be made out at once and the work of starting on, the building will be made at once, probably next week. In order to get It enclosed as soon as possible. The highest bids were In the vicinity of $52,000. Arts Tor Baldea. The . argument for Mathlas - Baldes, charged with the murder of hi wife and now serving a life sentence for the crime, has been filed with the clerk of the su preme court. The case I on th docket for the September term of court Baldea and his wife lived eight' mile south ot Hawrden In Sioux county. The testimony of the 14-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter Is that the father attacked the mother and that the children, taking the mother' part, tried to fight the father away and pro Vent the murder, but Were unsuc cessful. The argument of the attorney for Baldes Is that the aentence of life lint prtsdnment I too severe and that It la not established that the "!jht ' betweoa me husband . and wife. Is what caused her death, and furthermore not proven that Baldea purposely killed her. It 'la argued that thla was his first quarrel and that nothing In the evidence hows that th attack waa auch could cause death. Rain Helps the- Corn. Rain, which Director John R. Sage of the crop aervlce aald wa needed for the corn crop, came thla morning. It amounted to half Inch here and waa quit general over the state. Two Candidate for Clerk. Rev. A. E. Xepford of Ida Grove, who waa reading clerk of the house at the last session of the legislature, and Denrtk O'l-eary of Council Bluffa, who was Journal clerk, are aald to be candldatea for chief clerk of the next session. Sept. 3 OIIE SOLID WEEK OF FUII, COMMEHCHIG MONDAY, LABOR DAY, SEPT. 3 , - SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA - FREE TICKETS for two lots will ba given to very one entering the Carnival Ground. Awards to bo made on Saturday night, September 8. . . , SIX DIG DAYS ANDNIGHTS Six Big Shows, One Big Ferris Wheel, Four Sensational Free Acts, daily, beginning at 2 and 7 P. M. BAND CONCERTS. NO GAMES OF CHANCE. . . . Clean, moral and instructive amusement selected by the St. Louis Amusement Company from the World's Fair Pikt of St. Louis. -' STOVE REPAIR WORKS, TcVafceM DeaglM H Bwl SUBMARINE BOAT LAUNCHED Torpedo Boat Cuttlegsh Takes; ts Water at Fore River thin ' ' Tarda. . Qt'INCT, Mass., Sept 1. Th Unites State submarine torpedo boat Cuttlefish,' built for th government at the yard of. the Fore River Shipbuilding company, un der the direction of the Electric Boat com pany,' was successfully launched here to day. The Cuttlefish Is a larger and faeter development of th s-calld Holland boat, which th government own. There I being built Id the same jVarde two aister Bhlpa of th Cuttlefish type, th Viper .and the Tarantula, and an addi tional vessel, the Octopus, which la under-, stood to be considerably larger thaa th Cuttlefish claea and aa large aa any of the' successful marine boats In commission la - Europe. ''.'' Lincoln and th Vegetarian Linton Park, who Is now an Inmat of the Soldiers' and Sailors' home at ' Erie, Pa., wa among those who Joined In the chorus: "W are coming. Father Abra ham, three hundred thousand mors." H enlisted at Washington and was assigned to the Second District of Columbia regi ment. , Mr. Park was then, as now. a vegetarian. While he could assimilate everything con nected with hla anwr to the call f duty from the standpoint of patriotism, he could not assimilate the army pork. It was plain that If the government wished to do the square thing by Mr. Per It would have to a bow broad-mindedness In th matter of rations. So he took his trouble to President Lin coln and explained that-In some respect he wa Ilk the children of Israel after they set out from Egypt. He could not forget the leek and onlona with which he waa wont to regale himaelf back In In diana county. , Lincoln amlled. "Tou want me to turn ; you out to grace like Nebuchadneaaer?' he asked. ' ." "It would beat salt pork," was Mr. Park;s reply. Thereupon Mr. Lincoln wrote care lessly on an ordinary sheet Ot paper:' "The bearer, Linton Park, la herewith granted permission to browse wherevr be chooaea." ''.'.'"'. .Mr. Park saw the humor In the not and enjoyed It quite aa muoh a Lincoln did. He also enjoyed hla privilege of, "brow-' lng." The note I till In hla possesstoov Miss Carrie Wheeler as Wd . General Joseph 'Wheeler's daughter, Mlsa Carrie Peyton, is engaged to be married nouncemeni ui mv eiissciiim u swa made, both at Wheeler, Ala.,' and In New Tork, and at the same time It waa stated that the wedding will take place October 2 at the home of the brtde'a famll.'. ". V ' Mlaa Wheeler la th youngest of the foUr daughters of the renowned fighter, . Who died laat January. Her alstera are Miaae's Lucy L. and Annl E. Wheeler and Mrl. William J. Harris. She ha on brother, Major Joseph Wheeler. Jr. Mr. Harri wa a volunteer nurse in Cuba during in' Spanish-American, war. . Mis Carrie Wheeler Is pretty and tal ented and still In her teens. At tha re union of tha United Confederate ' Vet erana In Louisville, Ky.. Jast summer,, kha waa the aponaor for the aouth and .. h,r appearance In the hll with her f jd father was ths signal for a notable dem onstration. She la quite well . known. In New Tork, having?, been a member at.itbe younger aet In aoclety, while General Wheeler made hla horn at th Waldorf. Astoria. Mr- Buck, flk hi flanca. la a aoutkesner, but haa resided In New Tork tor sever! yeara. He la a lawyer and belongs to the University club and th Southern so ciety. Hs waa graduated from tb Uni versity of Virginia In 1884. . . .... ; Fairbanks at Dvnver, t t . t DENVER. Sept l.-Vlce PreeMeat Charles W. Falrbanka arrived in Danvar today enroute to Bolae. Idaho, where h will attend the Irrigation congress ntt week; About eeventy-flv prominent busi ness and profesalonal men were Invited o meet Mr. Falrbanka at a luncheon given In his honor by Thomea F. Walsh, arid 'ater the vice president held a reception tt th Republican club. - 4 Sept. 0