Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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tSBnuBSBBsnnn i '
' t 1 '
fhtehaa'i Hitting lWrt Material 1 in
tin Inn Gettinc.
Bralff and Campbell Each Get Knur
lilt a ail Krwloa, HrM Bad Howard
Three Each Strikeout AIM
SIOUX CITY. Sept. 1. Sioux City got
oft budly In the first Inning of today's
game with Omaha, but won out In tha Jsst
half of .the eleventh In a hair-raising finish,
the score lielng to 4. From the third In
ning to the close It u a royal pitching
battle between Jarrott and Dodge. In the
first Omaha made four runs In a hitting
bee and nn error by Weed. Sioux City In
the last half scored one on two singles and
a sacrifice In the second, with two out
and two men on banns, Sheehan smashed
out a home run, tying the score. In the
eleventh, Omaha opened on Jarrott and
scored n a two-bagger and a single. For
Bloux City, Campbell led off with a single;
Sheehan, after fouling twice to sacrifice,
hit a 'two-bagger; . Nobllt went out on an
Infield fly and Weed singled, scoring
Campbell and 'Sheehan. The scors:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Campbell. If..., 5 I 4 0 0 0
Sheehan, b.... ? J J
Nobllt, cf 0 i 4 1 1
Weed, 2b ( 0 1 J 1 J
Newton. s S O J 1
Freese, lb 6 0 0 11 1 0
Hens, c 5 0 I 13 0 0
Heater, rf. 5 110 0 0
Jarrott, p 0 0 1 I 0
Total 46 7 II '
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
yender, c.......
Autrey, If
Perrlng, 3b
Welch.' f.......
r.eiwy, rf
Lunkle, lb
tinware). 2b....
I ong,' ss...
Dodge, p
.Totals ......44 f 11 31 14 0
One out when winning run was made.
bitix city i $ooo'ooo t-
Omaha. J 4 0-00000000 16
Earned runs: Sioux 'City. ; Omaha, .
Two-base hits: Sheehan. Bender, Runkle,
Howard. Home run: Sheehan. Left on
bases: Sioux City, 10; Omaha, 8. Stolen
base: - Perrlng. Sacrifice hits: Sheehan.
Autrey; hong. First "base on balls: Off
Jarrott,-1: oft Dodge, 2. 8tnick out: By
Jarrott, 10; by Dodge, 11. Time: 1:5S. Um
pire: Dims. Attendanoe: 860.
Champa Win la Ninth.
DES MOINE8. la.. Sept. l.-With the
score t to 1 until the last of the ninth, the
Champions ba'ted In two runs and won the
pa me this afternoon, making It three
straight. The Champs outhlt the visitors
t nil' times, but seemed , unable to hit
Znckert when hits meant runs. Several
times two and three men were on bases
nnd died there. In the eighth the Champs
rrowded the bases, but the Lincoln pitcher
tightened and prevented a run. In the
ninth, however, Magoon opened with a
ingle. Wolfe followed with a double that
put Magoon on third and Clcotte'a single
scored them both and won the game. The
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
chlpke, 3b 4 0 8 1 1 0
O'leary, ss . 4 0 0 t I 0
Welday, cf 4 0 1 0 0
Andreas, lb 4 1 1 TOO
Hogrlever, If I 0 1 t 0 0
Qlllen, rf 1.0 0 1" 0 0
Miller. rf 1 0 0 0 0 0
Magoon. Ib 111111
Wolfe, e I 1 1 10 S 0
Zlcotte. p 4 0 1 0 1 0
Total S3 l 12 27 U "l
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Ketchem, cf
Holmes, ir
Qutllln. lb
Thomas, lb ,
Fenlon, rf
McKay.' 2b
Rogers, e ,
Zackert, p
" Totals .'...5 1 6 24 1
No outs when winning run was made.'
Des "Molne 0 10000001 1
Lincoln 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Stolen base: Thomas. Two-base hits:
Gagnler. Andreas (3), Wolfe, Clootte.
Double Jplays: Clcotte to O'Leary to An
dreas: Rogers to Zackert. Bases on balls:
Off Zackert.. 1; off Clcotte, 6.. Hit by
Bitched ball: By Zackert, I. Struck out:
y Clcotte. : by Zackert, . Passed balls:
Wolfe, 1; Rogers, 1. Time: 1:45. Umpire:
Edinger. Attendsnce: too.
Ptrhln Wins by Bantlnar.
DENVER, CoY, Sept. 1. Pueblo defeated
' Denver, & to 2, today by playing rings
around the Grizzlies. Unable to hit Stecher's
curve out of the Infield, Selee's men bunted
and the Denver Infield put up a miserably
incompetent exhibition. Morgan pltchtd
good ball for Pueblo and got his revenge
on the local club, which released him to
the tall enders. The score:
AB.. R. H. PO. A. E.
McHale, lb 4 0,0 1 0
Smith, ss ! 4 11110
Randall, if ...... ...... 4 0 1 10 1
Russdl, cf i 4 0 0 0 0 0
ZaliiHky. c 10 010
Reddlck. ib 1 1 14 1 1
Donahue, 2b 10 0 1 11
Belden. If 1 0.11 1 0
6tcher, p 1 0 0 1 0 0
Totals ; 81 1 "J rj W 1
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Cook. If ., 4 1 1 1.0.0
McOllvray. rf ........ 10 8 10 0
Bader. 2b I 0 1 010
Melcholr, rf .. 10 I 1 0 0
Elwert, in 4 1 0 1 11
Hill, lb 4 1 1 0 0
Flake, sa 10 14 8 0
Rennlcker, o I 1 I S 1 0
Morgan, p 4 1 1 0 1 0
Total I ' "I 14 17 ' 10 "I
Pueblo .....1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 5
Denver .....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02
Stolen bases: Cook, Hill. Flake. Three
base hlta: Smith. Mehcholr, Reddlck. Base
on balls: Off Btecher, 1 Struck out: By
Siecher, ;. by Morgan, I. First base on'
errors; Denver, 1: Pueblo, 2. Left on
base: Denver, 1; Pueblo. 11. Time: 1:40.
Umpires: Engl and Henley. Attendance:
Standing; of tha Ttssu.
. " . 1 Played. Won. Lost Pet.
Pea Molne 121 -87 34 .71
Omaha 118 (1 67 .517
Lincoln 120 M 64 , .467
Sioux- CltJ ...119" 66 64 . 467
Denver ......121 ,' 46 66 .454
Pueblo 11 45 74 . 878
Oame today: Omaha at Stoux City, Lin.
coin at De Moines, Pueblo at Denver.
aasTaesnnsau' Appearaaca Recalls
Great Day at Yore).
' The appearanoe of .old 8am Thompson
on the diamond -in a Detroit uniform Fri
oay . must have made some of the older
fans feel Ilk Father Time had been fool.
Ing lb em for the last twenty years. He
was once a member of the greit Champion
Detroit Giants, "whose" "Big Four" Infield,
terrlAa sluggers and' wonderful outfield.
. wlta - the noted pretzel battery, Uetscln
and U arise!, gave them a fame seldom
euuUled In the annals of base bail.
In those days, twenty years ago, almost,
when. Ham Thompson waa playing right
field i and baiting away above th .
marki the old and moat brilliant atars tf
the game were on the. diamond. That "Big
Four.' consisted of Dan Brouthers, first;
Richardson. scond; "Deacon" White,
third,' and Row, short. Twltchell was
with, the team, and ao was Hanlon. It
was an aggregation of physical glanta, whs
were. . magnificent ball players. And on
ether teams were Anson, Handsome Jim
O Kujrk. Mlk Kelly, Arlle Latham, Com
iskeyt Caruihers, Little Nlcol. But- Ewtng.
Jimmy Ryan, and, oh, ethers too uimerous
to- mention. Cnly O'Rourke of all lb'
galaay la playing today, and he says be
will play until be haa finished fifty years
on tfee diamond. He 1 In hla fortieth
now. ' I
Sum Thompson was on of th great ball
players who quit th diamond long before
lit fcood days were over. He waa with
fluladelphia and quit because he and the
mnnuiceinent could not agree oo terms.
It must . have been a great sight for
sore y la e thU -old slugger walk vp
to the bat and knock out a hit that scor.l
I urs and wun the game.
Probably the on most unique fact in
6ani luonn-m' taa ball eareor la that
he holds the reeord for the greatest num
ber of games plsyed of all players In any
one season. In he played In 1M games.
He was then with Detroit
Brovra OatpHehes Thniapeoa aad Caa
Wis roarteenth atraa Gam.
CHICAGO. Sept. 1. Brown outpltched
Thompson and. with good support, won th
fourteenth consecutive game fnr Chicago,
defeating St. Louis easily. Score:
chicaoo. ST. Lnris.
0ler. ef... 4 1 I narrr. rf 4 I I
Sherkirfl. If-., lb.. 4 1114
Srhmta. rf.. 4 I (irailr. 1 ... 4 11 t
Hnffman. lb..( 111 Hollr. Ib.... 4 114
Strlnraldt. Ib I I I I Mrrlcs. If.... 4 t 4
Tlnk.r, I I I 1 SMurrar. cf... 0 I
Errr. lb 4 1 I t Marabill. c . I 1 I 4 4
Kiln, e 4 I rraw(art. M. I I I 1 4
Brows, p 4 r I 4 Thompson, s. 1 4 t
Total It 10 rf 14 Totals tl 4 14 II I
Chicago 0 1 0 1 I 1 2 0
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Left on base: Chicago, 5; St. Louis, 4.
Two-base hits: Hoffman, Tinker, Bennett.
Three-hnse hit: Schulte. Sacrifice hits:
Stelnfeldt Sheckdard. Stolen bases: Stein
feldl. Tinker. Double play: Brown to Tin
ker to Hoffman. Struck out: By Brown,
7; by Thompson, 8. First base on balls:
Off Brown, 1; off Thompson, 4. Time: 1:60.
Umpires: Lundgren and Noonan.
Dodaere Win from Qnakers.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 1. Lush pitched
frood ball for Philadelphia unUl the flfm
nnlng, when Brooklyn hit him hard and
made enough tuns to ' win. The home
team put up a poor fielding game. Bcore:
Cot. Ib. ... ft lit OThomaa, ef... I 8 4 4 1
Maloner. el.. 4 I 4 4 OIawn. lb.. 4 1 I 4 4
Lumlcy. rf... ft 14 Branaftald. lb 4 114 I I
Jordan, lb.... 4 4 10 1 OTItua. rf 4 1 0 I
McCartbr. if. I 01 1 1 MaM. If.... 4 4 14 1
Alperman, Ib I 1 1 I Sboolla, sa.... 4 1 T 1
toil 1 gratall. lb.. 41101
Rlttar, c...... 1 0 7 0 0 Donovan, a., t 1 t 0 t
Eaton, s I 4 I I OLaah. p 4 1 1 I 8
Mclntyra, p.. 0 0 0 I O.urtoar ... 1 0 0 0 0
Touts II ft 17 It I Total W 10 17 11 T
Batted for Donovan In ninth Inning. 1
Brooklyn 0 00130-003-4
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-8
Left on bases: Brooklyn, 7: Philadelphia,
6 Earned runs: Philadelphia, 3. Stolen
bases: Thomas, Casey. Two-base hits:
Lumley (2), Titus, Oleason. Sacrifice hits:
Alperman, Bransfleld, Hitter, McCarthy,
Mc,Intyre. Double play: Doolln to Oleason
to Bransfleld. Struck out: By Lush, ;
by Eason, 2; by Mclntyre. 2. First base
on bails: Off Lush. 5; off Eason, 2. Hits:
Off Eason, In eeven Innings: off Mcln
tyre, 1 In two Innings. Passed ball: Don
ovan. Wild pitch: Lush. Hit by pitcher:
Thomas. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O'Day.
Pirate Win front Red.
' CINCINNATI. O., Sept. 1. Free hitting
marked today' game between -Cincinnati
and Pittsburg, the visitors securing the
better of the argument, Wagner strained
his leg In the second Inning and was forced
to retire. Catcher McLean, who Joined the
locals today, had a finger dislocated In
tho fifth inning. Score:
Hiicglna. ib.. I I I I 0 Clark. If 4 4 4
Kaiwr. ..-.. 1 I 0 OOanlar. rf....l 110 0
June, rf ft 1 1 1 IMalar. cf. St.. ( .0 I 1 1
Bmoot, ef 4 8 11 1 Wagner, aa... i I 1 1 0
Lobart, aa.... till 0 Laacb. ef 81100
Schl.l. lb.... ft 0 10 I ONaalon. lb... I 8 10 0
McLean, a.... I 110 0 Sheehan, lb.. 4 1110
LlTlnsaton, el 0 1:1 4 Kllch.j. lb.. I 8 14 4
Mowrr. lb.... 4 111 OOlbaon. e.... ft 1401
Swing, p I 11 I LTer. p.... I lit
Hall, p 14010
Dalehantr .. 1 - 0 0 0 Totals 41 II 11 I I
Total II 13 17 II I
Batted for Hall In nlnthl
Pittsburg 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1' -
Cincinnati 0 1, 110020 t-1
Two-baoe hits: Smoot, Mowry, ' Oanley,
Clarke. Stolen bases: Lobert, Mowry,
Leach. Sacrifice hits: Lobert, (2); Oanley,
Sheehan. Double plays: Leever, Wagner
to Nealon; Hall, So hid, Livingston, Mowry
to Livingston. Passed ball: - McLean.
Struck out: By Kwlng. 4; by Leever, 2.
Bases on balls: Oft Ewlng, 1; off Leever, 1.
Hit by pitcher: By Leever, 1. Hits: Off
Ewlng, 12 In six Innings; off Hall, T in
three innings. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Klein.
Beaneater Easy for Glanta.
NEW YORK, Sept. 1. The local Na
tional had an easy time defeating Boston,
7 to 2. Score:
Dolan. rf 1110 Shannon, If.. 4 O 1 0 0
Tenner, lb,. 1 1 II I 4 Browne, rf... 4 110 0
Batea, cf 4 3 0 0 OBeymour, cf.. 8 18 4 4
Howard, aa... 4 18 1 lOeTlln. lb.... 8 18 8 0
Brown, lb.... 8 0 11 lMcGann, lb.. 4 0 11 0 1
Needham, Ib. 4 0 1 8 ODahlen, aa.... 4 8(41
O'Neill, a.... 4 0 4 1 OStrang, lb.... 8 8 8 1 0
Ooode. If 10 0 1 !8mlth. e I L 8 1 0
Doner, p..,. 4 1 1 ft 4 McOlnnltjr. p 4 1 4 8 0
r-rouier ivooe
Brldwell .... 0 0 0 0 Totals 14 10 87 11 8
Totals It 7 34 It 4
Batted for Good In ninth.
Batted for Dolan in ninth.
New York I H 10 I 11 M
Boston 00000001 02
Three-base hit: Strang. Two-baa hlta:
Batea Dahlen, Strang. Sacrifice hits:
Browne (21, Devlin. Stolen bases: Browne,
(2), Seymour, Tenney, Brown, Shannon.
Bases on balls: Off McOlnnlty, 2; oft
Dorner, 5. Struck out: By McGinnity, 3;
by Dorner, 6. Left on bases: New York,
7; Boston, . Double plays: Dorner, O'Neill
to Tenney; Need ham to Tenney; Howard,
Tenney to Brown. Time: 1:45. Umpires:
carpenter ana Conner.
Standla of the Ttani.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago 124 W 81 .760
Pittsburg 120 78 43 .460
New York 118 75 43 .fc
Philadelphia 121 . 66 64 .464
Cincinnati 123 61 72 .416
Brooklyn 117 . 47 70 .402
St. Lout 122 46 77 .36
Boston 123 40 88 .826
Games today: Pittsburg at Cincinnati,
oi. ajuia si i-fucago.
Koantit Addition Win.
The Kountse Addition closed their season
Saturday by beating the Council Blurts
Ciarks by a acor of 8 to X making th
fifteenth game won by Kountse Addition.
Tne game was won by a home run in the
ninth by Chrlstensen. The feature of the-
game were tfie fielding OZ Reynold and
ienr. ecore:
AB. R. IL PO. A. K.
Lehr. 2b 4 10 4 10
Lewi, e 4 0 1 1-1 0
Christman, If 4 0 110
Qrteb. ss , 4 0 1111
Morley. cf 4 00 1 0
Chrlstensen. lb 4 1 1 IS 1 0
Hamilton, lb 4 0.1 1 U 0
Kline, rf 8 110 10
Oadon. P 10 1110
Totals 34 8 t r 10 1
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
I Hofer, cf 4 0 1 1 0
Reynolds, 4 1118
i Berger, c 4 0 1 1 1 1
! Weiie, 8b 4 0 0 1 1 0
' Porter, rf 4 0 111
' Dorsey, 2b 1-0 . 1 ' 0
I Barnett. p 4 0 0 3 0 0
West, lb 8 0 0 8 0 1
Young. If 1 11 0 J
r Total - 33 1 27 1
Kountse 0001001 14
Ciaraa 000011000-8
Struck out: By Ogden, 8; by Barnett, 5.
Fit si La on bail: on Ogden, 1; off Bar
neit, K. .. v-.w ....... .
home run: Cbrlaieiiatn. ii.uo. Um
pire: Oats.
Doable-Header Monday.
The Invincible of Omaha will play a
double-header with the .Duffy team of
South Omaiia Labor day. A good game 1
expected, a they will play for a large
pur ae. The lineup:
Joe Duffy. poaltion. ' Invincible,
Spitsene Right Mike
Badura Lett v Dworak
Bunker Center Barto
Talbot First Bynek
Carey Second Kroupe.
Mlllett i. ....... Third. (....-. Loeach
Fletcher..... Short Kucora
Bonner .Catch Kranda
Smith Pitch Probst
William.......,... Pilch McOuen
First game called at 3:80.
; uamea In Tnre-I Lea gas.
At Davenport Davenport, 6; Cedar
Rapids. 8.
At Springfield Springfield, i; Blooming,
ton. 1.
At Decatur Peoria 8: Decatur, .
At Dubuque, la. Dubuque, 1; Rock Is
land, 1: ndern Innings.
Second Game Dubuque, -1; Rock Island,
0; five innings. .
lewa Ital Lesgs. '
MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept. 1. 4Speclal
Telegram.) Keault In the Iowa Slate
league today were:
Waterloo. 1; Marshalltown. . v
Burlington, 8; Ottuinwa, 4.
Keokuk. 1;' Oskalooaa, 1 (fifteen Innings,
called on account of darkness).
Fort Dodge No game; wet grounds.
Twa Gssiea at Vlaton Park.
Th Lee-Glasa-Andreesen and Atlantic
la., teams, and the Corona and th In
vincible will be the attraction at Vinton
Street park this afternoon. The first gmie
betaeon the Coronas an1 Invincible, will
start promptly at 1 o'clock.
Philadelphia and Boaton imrioani 2rak
Major Letcn Beoord.
Harris Weaken at End of rive
Hoars' vHard Work and
Three Raaa Are
Batted In.
BOSTON, Mass., Sept. 1. A new mnjur
league record wa established loday when
Philadelphia defeated Boston. 4 to L In a
twenty-four Innnlng game, lasting nearly
five hours. An advertised double-header
brought out a large crowd to the grounds,
but It waa Impossible to play the second
game on account of darkness. On only one
occasion, so far as recorded, has this num
ber of Innings been exceeded. In 1891 a
game between Fargo and Grand Forks at
Devil Lake, N. D., lasted twenty-flv
The second longest game on record prior
to today's contest was the Harvard-Man
chester game of twenty-four Innings, played
in Boston common twen,ty-nlne years ago.
Only three major league game approach
th present record, each having lasted
twenty Innings.
In the thirty-six years of professional
base ball In thl city only three game
have extended beyond fifteen Innings, and
the Philadelphia American team wa victor
In all three. One was a seventeen Inning
gam In 1902, the second was a twenty
Inning contest July 4, last year, and the
third was today' game.
Coombs pitched one of the strongest
games ever seen In this city, five time
passing dangerous batsmen only to get the
next man. He struck out eighteen men and
was batted safely fifteen time. The pitch
ing of Harris equalled that of Coomb for
twenty-thre Innings, but In the last Inning
he weakened after the Athletics had scored,
and was hit for two three-bagger.
The fielding wA necessarily excellent, but
the outfleldlng of Parent and Grlmshaw
was especially so.
Philadelphia scored the first run In the
third on two scratch singles and a stolen
base. Boston tied the score In the sixth
on a three-bagger and a single. The visitor
scored the three winning runs In the twenty-
fourth. Coombs struck out, Hartsel singled.
Lord struck out and Hartsel stole second.
Schreck singled, scoring Hartsel. Then
Harris weakened and was batted for suc
cessive three-baggers by Seybold and Mur
phy. Score:
AB.H.O.A.B. .d u n . w
Hartaet. It. ..10 I 1 1 0 Harden, rf... 0 I 7 0 0
l-or. c J Parent, aa,...10 4 4 0 4
DaTla. lb.... 4 4.11 1 0 St. hi -I 1 a a a a
Schreck. lb . 4 1 14 4 4 ft. e t a a 'a
SeTbold, rf..-10 1 4 0 0 Hoejr, If 10 I 4 0
Murphy, Ib... 0 I I 7 1 orlmahaw. lb I I 14 8 0
i.roea. aa a i a a i Morgan, lb... 0 0 114
Knight, lb... 7 ft 1 4 I Carrlgaa, e.. ft' 1 T I 1
Powera. c... 0 1 17 I I Trltir. a 4 ft 11 1 A
Coombe, p.... 1 1 8 0 0 Harrla. p 1117 0
'Kreemea ... 1 0 0 0 0
Totala U II 71 HI .
Totala Tl 1 71 It 1
Batted for Carrlgan In the fifteenth.
Phil. ..0 0 1 0 0 000 00 000 0 000 0 0 000 OS 4
Boston 00000100000000000000000 01
Sacrifice hits: Lord, Knight. Ferris. Mor
gan. Two-base hits: Ferris, Parent.
Three-base hits: Parent, Schreck, Knight
(2), Seybold, Murphy. Stolen bases: Cross,
Coombs (2), Lord, Btahl, Hartsel, Knight.
Double plays: Ferris to Parent to Grim-
naw; iross to Murphy to Davlu. First
base on balls: Oft Harris. 2; oft Coombs, .
Hit by pitched ball: By Coombs, 1. Struck
out: By Harris, 14; by Combs, 18. Time;
4:47. Umpire: Hurst.
'" New York Take Pair.
NEW YORK. Sept 1. The New York
American made another double winning
today by taking two games from Washing
ton, 6 to 4 and 6 to 8. Score, first game:
: AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B.
Conray, of... I 8 1 0 0 Nlll, Ib 4 -1 I ft 0
Keeler, rf.... 4 1 8 0 0 Jonea, cf 4 8 8 1 4
Blbertteld, a 4 I 8 t 1 Altlaer, aa.... 4 4 111
thaee. lb.... 4 1 II 4 0 Croaa, Ib 4 114 1
Yaager, lb... I 114 1 Andereon, If 4 1 I 4 4
Deleuanty. If 4 1 4 4 Hickman. rf..l 1 4 0 0
Morlarlty, Ib. I 1 0 t 0 Buhl, lb 4 III I 0
Klalnow, a... 0 0 4 0 0 Warner, o... 4 14 4 4
Thoroa., e... 10 8 11 Smith, p 4 0 0 1 1
Clarkaon. p... 10010 -
Hits, p...... 8 0 0 1 0 Totala It 102S 14 1
LaTort ... 1 4 4 0 1
Totals. ....14 I IT 14 8
One out when wlnlnng run was made.
Batted for Hogg In the ninth.
Washington 02100000 04
New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 1 86
Two-base, hits: Warner, Jones, Chase,
Elberfeld. Three-baae hits: Anderson,
Conroy. Home run: Keeler. Sacrifice
hlta: Jones, Altlzer, Moriarlty. Stolen
bases: Elberfeld, Cross. Hits: Oft Clark
son, 4 in three Innings; oft Hogg, 6 In six
Innings. Left on bases: New York, 6;
Washington, 8. First base on balls: Oft
Smith, 8. Struck out: by Smith, 3; by
Hogg, i. Time: 1:43. Umpires: Evans
and O'Loughlln.
Score, second game:
AB..O.A.B. - AB.H.O.A.B.
Nlll. lb 4 Oil lCosrej. ef.... I 1 0 0
Jonea. cf 1110 0 Keeler. rf.... 1100
Altlaer, a.... ft 1 8 6 4Blb.ri.ld. aa 4 1 4 I 0
Cloaa. lb II 1 1 ICbaa. lb I 4 4 I 1
Anderaoa, If., a i ! 4 OYeager. lb... I 0 4 4 4
Hickman, . 8 0 0 0 4 Delehaatjr, If 4 4 8 4 0
Sunlej, rf... I I I 0 0 Moriarlty, lb. 4 8 1 8 I
Btahl, lb...... 4 1 11 1 4 Klalnow. a. ..4 4 10 0
Wakeflleld, 4 8 I 1 OThomas, o.... 4 8 ft 1 4
Patten, p.... 1111 40rlh. p 4 1 I I I
Kitaos 1 4 C La Porta.... 1444
Totals.. ...17 10 14 11 8 Totals U 11 17 14 1
Batted for Patten In ninth.
Washington .' 01000001 03
New York 01100010 6
Two-base hits: Delehanty, Altlser, An
der. Three-baae hit: Thomas, Delehanty.
Sacrifice hits: Chase, Nlll. Stolen bases:
Conroy 2), Yeager, Elberfeld, Anderson,
Jones. Left on bases: Washington, b:
New York, 8. First base on bails: Oft
Orth, 1; off Patten, 4. Struck cut: By
Orth, 6; by Patten, L Wild pitch: Orth.
Time: Umpires: O'Loughlln aud
Cleveland Bbnts Ont Chlcaao.
CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 1. Cleveland shut
Chicago out today, knocking Walsh out
of the box In the sixth Inning, when they
uunched alve hits and a base on balls,
itnoadee was In fine form. Bcore:
CaflrB. It.... I III I Haba. rf 4 0 0 0 0
Slovall. lb.... 4 17 1 4-looee. cf 4 4 8 4 4
lurner, aa.... 4 3 1 4 4 label), lb.... 4 4 110
L)ole. 0.... 1 l uavia, aa a a a i
' on (alios, rf 4 1 4 0 4 Doooliae. lb.. I 1 11 1 1
i-'llck, cf 4 I I I 0 lMuguerty, If I I 1 0 0
uarbeau,- lb.. 1 0 0 0 0 lullivan, ... 1 0 4 0 0
Uemla, 0 4 1 I t 4 TaoaehllL Ib I 4 1 I 0
Hboades, p... 4 4 4 4 4Walh, p 14 111
Town. ..... 4 0 0 1 0
Total 18 3 17 10 1 8mna. p 1 0 0 0 0
- ' Totala
.M I 84 14 I
Cleveland 0 0 0 1 1 0 7
Chicago 0000000 0-0
Hits: Off Walsh In six Innings. T; oft
Smith In two Innings, 1. Two-bane hit:
C'ongalton. Sacrifice hits: La Jo la, WsJali.
Stoltn bases: Flick, Barbcau, Beml. Dou
ble play: Walsh to Davis. First base on
ball: Off Rhoades, 1; oft Walsh. 2. Hit
by pitched ball: By Walsh. 1. Left on
bases: Cleveland, 4; Chicago, 4. Struuk
out: By Rhoades, 6; by Walsh, 8. Time:
1:10. Umpire: Shci-ld&n.
Detroit ghat Oat St. Loala.
DETROIT, Mich., Sept, 1. Crawford
triple In th opening Inning, which ac
counted for two run, really decided to
day' gam, won by Detroit 8 to 9.
Slever held hi former teammates to rour
hits. He wa In danger only once, Nile
and Jone opening the etghm inning with
ingle. A lightning double play on Stone
and a great catch by Saui Tnompaon
pulled the team out of thl. Score:
Mtlntrre, If.. 1 1 1 1 Nile, rf... I 111
O'Leary. aa... I 0 0 1 OJoaea. lb 4 1,1 8 4
Crawford, cf. 4 8 4 4 0 Stone. If 4 I I I 0
Thompaoa. rf. 4 4 I 4 4 Hemphill, ef. 4 I 0 0
Uaaaar. lb.. I ID 0 0 Wallace, a. . 4 18 11
fcheafer, tb.. 14 1ft IO-Brla. lb.. 114 4 4
toughlia, lb. 18 0 1 I Haru.ll. lb.. I 0 0 I 0
Schmidt. ... 1 0 4 4 4 0 Coanor. a-. I 4 I I I
Slew, p 4 1 4 8 4PewIL p.... 8 4 4 4
I ,
. Totals 84 T 17 14 I Totals 11 4 14 18 I
Detroit 1 0 0 1 I
St. Lout 0 04
' Thre-bae hit: Crawford. Sarriflc
hits: OLeary (2). Coughlln. Schmidt.
O'Brien. Stolen baae: Crawford. rirat
base on ball: Off Siever. 1; oft Poatell. 1.
Hit by pitched ball: Hansen. Left on1
bases: Detroit. 6: St. Louis. 7. Struck
out: By Siever, 8; by Powell, 1. Doubt
play; O'Leary to Schaefr to Lloua jr.
Time: 1:30. . Umpires: Donahue and
gtaadlng f 4 he- Tea an a.
' Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Chicago lis 71 47 .V
New York 117 6 48 .WO
Fhllartplphla 117 M H .W4
Cleveland lit 63 62 . 58
ft. Louis 117, 80 87 .513
Detroit 116 M 6 .47
Washington 11 44 73 .
Boston , 120 88 82 . 317
Oame today: St. Louis at Detroit, Cleve
land at Chicago.
Toledo Shuts Ont Colnrabn In Fast
nnd Eseltlnsr Contest.
TOLEDO. O., Sept. l.-Cherh was Invin
cible. Toledo won In the ninth when Land
reached first on an error, second on n
out and scored on Josh Clarke' single.
rilnsman, a. ft I I I 4 Hlsrhman. rf 4 4 4 I
Clarke, If.... 1114 OCnnller, If.... 4 4 8 4 4
Nance, cf I I I 4 . Pickering, cf 4 I 4 4 4
Demont. rf... 4 1 4 4 4 FYlel, Ib 14 4 11
Krurger, lb., lilt 4 Kihm. lb I 1 10 0 0
Knabe, lb.... I 0 I 4 OHutawlH. aa.. 14 18 1
Abbott, lb... 4 4 14 0' 1 Wrlgler, rb..l I I I 0
Land. 4 111 4 Blue, e I 0 I 4 4
Check, p 4 4 4 I I RoberUIII. p I 1 I 8 4
Totals 14 I 17 If 1 Total 80 114 11 I
Two out when winning run scored.
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1--1
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-bsse hit: ' Cllngman. First base on
balls: Off Robertallle, I Struck out: By
Chech. 8; bv Robertallle, 6. Stolen base:
Dumont. Sacrifice hit: Nance. Left on
bases: Toledo, ; Columbus, 3. Time: 1:30.
Umpire: Egan.
Rwen llresk In Louisville.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 1. Louisville
and Indianapolis broke even In a double
header here today. Th visitors won the
first game In the first Inning on an error,
a passed ball and two singles. In the sec
ond the locals batted Fisher at opportune
times. Score, first game:
AB.H.O.A.B. Dunleevr, rf. 1 1 1
Kerwln. rf... 4 1 0 Athertom lb.. I 1 1 I 0
Hallman, If.. I 1 4 4 4 Hlmea, cf.... 4 14 0 0
SullUan, lb.. 8 Oil 0Carr,.lb 4 41ft 4 1
Brahar. lb. 4 11 I I Wllllaira, .. 4 118 1
Woodruff, Ib. 4 I I I 0 Perry, if 4 0 8 4 4
Slovall, cf.... 4 8 8 4 4Thlelmaa, If. 4 4 1 4 4
fhaw, c I I I 0 I Marran,, lb.. 4 I I 4 1
Quintan, as... 4 0 4 8 4 Kahoe, e 4 1111
Kaana, p I 111 OCromlar. p... 4 1080
Totala II 4 17 It 1 Totala tft 11 17 IS 8
Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
Louisville 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Williams, Marcan, 8to
vall. Three-base hit: Kenna. Stolen
bases: Btovall, Woodruff. Shaw. Sacrl.
flee hits: Atherton, Sullivan. First base
on balls: Off Kenna, 1; oft Cromley, 1.
Struck out: By Kenna, 3; by Cromley, 1.
Passed ball: Shaw. Double play: Bra
shear to Qulnlan to 6ullivan. Left on
bases: Louisville, 8; Indianapolis, 7.
Time: 1:60. Umpire: Kane.
Score, second game:
Kerwin, rf... 4 1 I I DunleaTy, rf. 4 I I I 4
Hallnuu, If.. 4 I I I 4AUirton. lb. I 118 0
8ulllran. lb.. 8 1 7 0 0 Hlmea. cf.... 4 4 8 1 4
Braahear, tb. lilt 4 Carr. lb 4 1 0 0
Woodruff, Ib. 4 1 1 1 0 Wllllama. aa. 4 1 8 8 0
StoTall, ef.... I 1 I I IThlclman, u. I 1 I 4 4
8aw, c 8 1 8 3 0 Marcan, lb... 4 4 1 1 I
Qulnlan. aa.. 8 114 I Holmea, .... 4 14 8 4
Pattmann, p. 4 8 0 8 4 Fiiher, p.... 8 4 4 4 4
Totala M liril I otala II 418 18 1
gulnlan out, hit by batted ball.
Louisville , 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 6
Indianapolis ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Three-base hits: Pisttmann, Sullivan.
Stolen bases: Hallmon. (2), Sullivan. Sac
rifice hit: Shaw. First base on balls:
Oft Puttmann. 2; oft Fisher, 4. Struck out:
By Puttman, 4; by Fisher, 3. Hit by
pitched ball: Shaw, Atherton. Double
plays: - Woodruff to Sullivan; Hlmea to
Williams to Atherton; Fisher to Atherton
to Carr. Left on bases: Louisville, 4;
Indianapolis, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpire:
Brewers Defeat Millers.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 1. Milwaukee
won a listless game from Minneapolis to
day, 8 to 2. Score: -,
Robinson, aa. 4 t ' I I 4 DaTla, ef I 0 I 0 0
Oreen, rf I 110 0 Bulllran, tl . I I I I I
Bateman, lb. I 1 11 0 OGremlnger, Ib I 1 1 4 4
Roth, c 4 8 4 1 4 Hart, It 4 114 4
Clark, lb 8 1 1 4 0 Freeman, lb. 4 1 I 1 0
Hemphill, cf. I 1 I 0 I Oyler. aa I 1 4 4 4
McCheap'r, If 4 1 1 0 4 Pox, lb I 4 1 1 1
McCorm'k, Sb 4 8 I I 1 Yeager, c 4 1 1 1 4
Oberllo, p.... 4 1 0 0 0 0 10
Graham, p... 1 0 0 1 0
Total N II 17 10 1 ,
. Total II I 14 14 1
Milwaukee ...........1 1100410 -8
Minneapolis.. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-3
Hits: Off Cadwallader, 11 In six Innings;
off Graham, 1 In two Innings. Two-base
hits: Oberlln, Bateman. Three-base hits:
Sullivan, Green, Robinson. Home run:
Roth. Stolen bases: Green, Sullivan.
First base . on balls: Off Oberlln, 3; oft
Graham, 1; oft Cadwallader, 4. Passed
ball: Roth. Struck out: By Oberlln, 8.
Double play: McCormlck to Robinson to
Bateman. Left on bases: Milwaukee, ;
Minneapolis, 1. Umpire: Warden. Time:
Game Postponed.
At Kansas City Kansas Clty-Bt Paul
postponed; rain.
Standing of the Tenms.
MILWAUKEE, Sept 1. President J. D.
O'Brien of the American association today
gave out the official -standing of the vari
ous teams In the association up to and In
cluding the games played on September L
as follows:
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Polumhua 136 82 63 . 60
Milwaukee 136 77 68 .5,0
Toledo ..; 138 71 62 .623
Mlnncannlls 183 68 65 .611
Kansaa City 132 66 67 .408
Louisville. 13o 66 71 .478
fit. Paul 181 6 73 .461
Indianapolis 136 49 87 .360
Games today: Toledo at Columbus, In
dlanapolls at Louisville, St. Paul at Kansas
City, Minneapolis -at aiuwauaee..
Baa Ball Team ladar MeJono Makes
Fin Itaeord.
Th base ball season at the Omaha Field
club waa brought to a close a week ago
by the deteat of the Real Estate men and
was the ending of a most successful sea
son, the team winning an games dui one.
This mal the season by far the most suc
cessful of any In the history of baae ball at
the Field club.
While the tennis men and th golf players
held the center or the stage, the base oau
team went quietly along under the ex
rellvnt management of Ed Malone .and
trimmed every team which could be In
duced to journey to the Field club diamond.
The only defeat of the suason was an early
one to the strong Union Pacific shop
team, a semi-professional aggregation of
elrong ball players, out this loss was atonea
for later In the season by winning from
the shoDS team when revenge was sweet.
The last game with the shops team waa a
ten-Inning affair and ended with th score
7 to (i.
Manager Malon played no favorites with
his colts, but took on every team which
had an off day. He did not pick the easy
ones but played the best at all times, and
won from such teams as the Diets, the
Sterlings, the Armours and others. He
deserves great credit for making the team
a winner, for on his shoulders rested the
whole responsibility, he representing both
the team and the Field club directors. A
manager at the Field club works under
difficulties, as there Is no second team to
play against and the only regular games
the team play are on Saturday' in th
match game. Malon know the game
thoroughly and had the society chap play
ing bttter- inside bas ball than any other
team In the city.
Eddie Crelghton was a great help to the
team and plugged up a hole at third, which
In prevloua years has been weak. Gordy's
pitching has been gilt-edge and hi work
wa responsible for most of the team's
victories. Malone makes the claim that
Jchnr.y Murphy Is the fasteM amateur In
town and My. 'Murphy Is a brilliant
fielder and has the best arm I ever saw, a
Kod batter and In another year or so will
a wonder." Kelly was manager last
year. Malone this and Paul Hoagland la to
try it out next year. He will have to go
some to keep up the record of the other two.
Sehayler Defeats tha Csasty
SCHUYLER. Neb., Sept. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) Schuyler today defeated the Col
fax county ball team on the local diamond
In a twelve-Inning game by the scar of 1
to 1. Laub, who pitched for Schuyler, was
by far the main feature of the team, stria;-.
Ing out twelve of the Colfax men. Score:
Schuyler ....0 00001 0000 13
Colfax 1 0000ft00 01
Batterle: For Schuyler, Laub and Day:;
for Colfax county. Slack and Coat. Time:
1:66. Umpire; Sucha.
Baarroft Win Gd Game.
BANCROFT. Neb.. Sept. L (Special)
Bancroft defeated a team composed of
Whiting, la., and Decatur. Neb., men at
Decatur, I to i, for a purs of 1J6. It was
nobody' gam until th last ball was
thrown, Bancroft making th deciding run
In th last half of th ninth, with two out.
Batterrea: Tarrant and Smith; Pag and
Tarrant only allowed on sacrifice hit
while E. Tarrant at third, accepted four
teen chance without aa error.
VoUr-Quesal Oolt Lands Bhetpshetd Btj
Futurity in Hard Dri.
Candidate Owned by Professional
Horseman Snatches Victory front
Horses Owned ay Half
Score at Millionaires.
NEW TORK. Sept. 1. Down a lane of
gray brown earth which had all the soft
ness of velvet beneath the tread of the
flying thoroughbred: hoofs, fifteen fleet two-year-old
raced madly today to a goal
three-quarter of a mile away, where lay
a stake of cloaa to 850,000. It waa the
nineteenth running of th Futurity at
Sheepshead Bay and as a roar from nearly
40.0TO throats rent the sir, Electioneer, a
well named colt by Voter-iijuesal, flashed
under the wire a winner by three-quarters
of a length.
Another champion had been proclaimed
and William Lakeland, a horseman by pro
fession, who trains his bread winners him
self and sleeps In tha barn when neces
sary, had snatched the richest prise of the
year from half a score of millionaires. At
the winner's quarters was Pope Joan, the
fastest fllly of th year and the best of
the trio which James R. Keen sent to the
post to be played aa favorites at the short
price of 8 to S. Demund. the Ooldfineh
colt, for which Paul J. Ralney paid 846.000
early In the season, was third, beaten for
second honor by the shortest of hesds.
He ran a creditable race. Next came
Yankee Oun, an added stsrter, Peter Pan,
to which the frantic players of the Keene
stable had pinned their faith; Tsnkee Girl,
owned by C. R. Ellison; Ballot, added by
Mr. Keene to tske the place of Zambesi;
Convllle, on of the most widely tipped
horses In the rsce; Horace E., the famcus
western oolt bought by Roy Halney for
3?6.nno with th Futurity In view; Don
Enrique, the Belmont representative; Ken
tucky Beau, backed from 20 to 1 down to
11 to 1; Old Honesty, the only 100 to 1 shot
In the stake: Altuda Oran. played . by a
few because Miller had the mount, and
last of all. Purslane, which opened at 60
to 1. and stayed there.
Field Well Balanced.
It was one of the best and most truly
run futurities ever seen. So well bunched
was the field that a furlong from home
anyone of the fifteen had a chance. But
Electioneer was best. He never faltered
under a gruelling drive, which began at
the head of the stretch and lasted until
the finish. Jockey Willie Shaw was In
the saddle and never did a boy give a more
skillful exhibition of horsemanship.
He judged his pace and timed his win
ning rush to the fraction of a second. He
placed hi whip without ' mercy through
the last sixteenth and won a race which
called forth a thunder of cheers for both
hbrse and rider.
Electioneer waa second cholc In the
betting at 4 to 1. In the first mad rush.
Electioneer was overlooked and his price
lengthened to eights. Then there followed
a scene in the ring which has been
seldom witnessed at Sheepshead bay. Elec
tioneer money seemed to pour In from
every, side and the layers were fairly
swamped under the cloudburst of gold,
sliver and notes which were thrust upon
them. Peter Pan, Pope Joan and Ballot, of
the Keene entry, were . neglected. The
glamor faded from the 36.000 Demund and
the 325.000 Horace E. The millionaire owner
were passed by In the mad hurry to back
th hors of a practical horseman.
From 8 to L th bookmakers cut until
just half the figure was the prevailing odds
at pot time. Even then the Electioneer
follower kept hammering away until 8 to
1 was hard to And In the last few seconds.
Delay at the Post. '
There was a delay of nearly eight minutes
at the post Then the webbing was sprung
and away jumped Pope Joan. Peter Pan
followed her for a few hundred yards, but
the pace was too swift for him. Yankee
Gun got away third and Horace E waa
fourth, to show. Electioneer had been a bit
unfortunate at the break, though the start
was good for all. He was ninth as the
timer's Aag went down. Shaw took in the
situation ad acted with swift decision. H
pulled Electioneer well to the outside and
began a race which will live long In the
memory of those who saw It. Clear of In
terference Electioneer set to work- to over
haul his field. At the turn from the futurity
chute Into the stretch of the main track he
was still lengths away from Pop Joan,
who was already being hailed as the win
ner. Demund was second, fighting the
Keene fllly at every 'step. Peter Pan waa
third and Yankee Gun fourth.
Shaw pulled his whip and at th first
lash Electioneer Jumped Into a quicker
Itrlde. Horse after horse succumbed to his
heartbreaking rush until just a few yards
from th wire, hi muxsl showed In front
of Pop Joan. Th record-breaking crowd
roared It encouragement. Shaw placed the
whip one more and the race was over. As
Shaw returned with ' the winner to weigh
In, ha wa greeted by a remarkable demon
stration. It was unquestionably one of the
moat popular victories of the year and the
blow the race goers dealt the bookmakers
was stinging.
Division of th Stake.
The time. 1:13H. was not fast. The fu
turity this year contained exactly 846.770.
Of this amount 837,270 went t Mr. Lake
land, the owner of th winner. Mr. Keene
received 83,760 ss the shar for the sec
ond horse and Paul Ralney drew $2,000 for
Demund's third honors. Electioneer wa
bred and nominated by the late Major G.
B. Thomas of Kentucky. Two thousand
dollar of th Futurity stake goes to the
nominator of the winner, but Major
Thomas being dead, th $2,000 will be paid
to hla estate. Mr. Keene received an ad
ditional $1,260 for nominating the second
horse, and $600 goes to J. B. Haggln, the
nominator of Demund.
Roseben wa an added started In tha Fall
handicap, running In tha name and color
of Luclen O. Appleby. With 132 pound
on hi bacu h won easily at 8 to 1.
Th Inaugural steeplechase, at two miles
wa won by John M. P., recently Imported
from England, wher he was considered
among the best of the timber toppers and
was one of the favorites for the Grand
First rsce. 6H furlongs: Temseeo won,
M on fort second, Eudora third. Time: 1:07.
Second rare, the Inaugural steeplechase,
about two miles: John M. P., won, Bel
ligerent second. Oro third. Time: 4:07.
Third race. Fall .handicap, six. furlongs:
Bnseben won, Neva Le second, Ormondale
third. Time: 1:12.
Fourth race, the Futurity, six furlongs,
futurity course: Electioneer (Shew, Ml"),
4 to 1, and 8 to 6, won; () Pope Jean
(Nlrnl, 11. 8 to 6 and 3 to I. second: De
mund (Radtke. 13). to 1 and to 1. third.
Time: 1:134. Oran. () Peter Pan. Horace
V, Don Enrloue, Convllle. Old Honesty.
Purslane, Altuda, Kentucky Beau. Yankee
Girl. a) Ballot, Yankee Gun ran. Coupled.
Fifth rsee. mile: Hot Toddy won, Ws
second. Vino third. Time: 1:394.
Sixth race, mile and sixteenth: on turf:
Glnette won. Klamesha second, Nealon
third. Time: 1:444.
l.ateala Meetlnsr E'.
CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. 1. The spring
meeting of the Latonla Jockey club closed
today after eighty-two days of ruing
Alma Dufour. the favorite, won th- fea
ture of th card, a free handicap. Track
fast. .
First race, five and one-half furlnna-v
Grandlta won. Dnrmond second. - Slater,
Huffman third. Tim: 1:08V-
Second race, mile: Red Thistle won,
Morendo second, Mlladl Love third. Time:
Third race, six furlongs; . 8orrl Top
won. Mayor Johnson second, Asora third.
Time: 1:144.
Fourth race, mile: Alma Dtifour won.
Major T. J. Carson second, Martha Gor
man third. Tim: 1:11 V.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs:
Dr.t Frank won, Frank Flesher second,
fclnfaldel third. Time: 1:08.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Mansard won.
Lady Esther second. The Clansman third.
Time: 1:134-
Seventh race, mil and a sixteenth:
Postman won, Tarp second, Belden. third.
Time: 1:48.
Reaalts at Windsor.
WINDSOR. Ont., Sept- 1. Results:
First rsce,' six lurlongs: Gild Mats,
won, Laglorla second, leter Paul tuno.
Time: 1:11.
Second race, Ave furlongs: Entre No
won. Leo Paul second, Ourdl third. Tim.
1:01 44.
Third race, steeplechase, short cou se:
Manseano won, Trenct the Mere eco. d,
Sam termer third. Time: 8:41.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteen h:
Werford won, Cholk Hedrlrk second, Solon
Shingle third, 'lime: 1:4H.
Fifth race, Ave furlongs: Boo'.a won.
Crip second, Eminola third. Tl Mas.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Miss Leeds
won, Garrett Wilson second. Orderly
third. Time: 1:184.
Seventh race, mile and a furlong: Res
ervation won, Monte second. Scarecrow
third. Time: 1:64.
Twenty-Three Tenms Tnk Part In
Match for Valuable Can.'
SEAGIRT. N. J., Set- 1. Perfect weather
conditions attended the rreat military
shooting tournament today. The principal
event, the Dryden trophy match was In
progress until long after o'clock. The
District of Columbia led through the first
two stages, but New Jersey did better work
at the long range, 1,000 yarda, and captured
the trophy. The revolver team mntch was
won with ease by squadron A of New York.
In the other competition, the press match,
Lieutenant Smith of Ohio, proved the
Twenty-three teams competed In the Dry
den match. Each team consisted of eight
men, who fired ten shots at each range of
600, 600 and 1,000 yards. The rules of the
national match were followed. New Jersey
will hold the trophy, presented by Senator
Dryden and valued at 84,000, for one year,
and receives a cash prise of $150. -The Dis
trict of Columbia takes second prise, $100,
and the third prise, $50, was taken by the
cavalry men of the United States army.
The total at each distance of the leading
teams follow:
Team. 200 Yds. 600 Yds. 1000 Yds. Tot.
New Jersey 334 851 80 V9l
Diet, of Columbia.. S4 348 264
U. 8. Cavalry 320 344 280 44
Other scores Included: Washington Arst
team. 951; Washlrgton second team, Sj3j
Montana, 881; California, 836.
In the revolver championship match open
to team of Ave each man fired Afteen
shots, deliberate fire. In a time limit of one
shot per minute, and fifteen shots In three
strings of five shots each fired in the time
limit of ten seconds for each string. First
prize Included a trophy, medals for the
team members and U6; second prlie, $20;
third prise, $10.
Squadron A of New York scored as fol
lows: Deliberate Are, 603; rapid fire, 807;
total, 960. "
Second prlxe was won by Battery A, New
Jersey; total, 732; and third prise by a
team from the Kansas National Guard;
total, 604.
First prise In the press match was won
by Lieutenant Warren H. Smith of the
Cleveland Leader, with a score of -44 out
of a possible 60. The match was open to
newspaper men, each competitor firing ten
shots at 500 yards.
In tho lrralvidual revolver match. In
which there were twenty-seven entries, the
prize winners were:
First. $25, J. A. Diets. New York, score
129; second, $15. T. Leboutelder, New York,
128; third, $10, R. H. Sayre, New York, 125;
fourth, 86, J. W. Putnam, 124; fifth. $6, J.
W.. Reese, Maryland, 121; sixth, 11, Thomas
8. Anderson, 121.
Each competitor fired fifteen shots, de
liberate aim, at fifty yards.
Flea-ro Place f2,000 at lO to 8 thnt He
Will Defeat Dnne.
GOLD FIELD, Nev., Sept. l.-Matter
were quiet in pugilistic circles today. Little
was heard In the training camps In relation
to the weighing squabble and tha Incident
appeara to have been forgotten In the grow
ing Interest over the results of the cham
pionship battle, which is now but forty
eight hours oft.
Nelson transferred hi quarters to the
arena this afternoon and he will, taper oft
his conditioning at the ringside until the
call of time.
The following men have been selected to
act In the Dane's corner on Labor day.
Tim McGrnth, Johnnie Reld and Bobble
Lundie. Nolan will act as chief adviser
to these men.
Joe Gans today sent a message to John
Kelly In New York to bet all he could at
the prevailing odds that he would defeat
Nelson on Monday next.
The colored man supplemented this mes
sage with the statement that he was ab
solutely within the weight and that his
condition is perfect. Later a telegram was
received by Tex Rlckard from Bat Mas
terson asking him to verify the Kelly mes
sage. Rlckard replied that the message
was all right, that he himself had seen the
telegram sent. Gans borrowed the sum of
$2,000 from the club president, which he
Immediately sent to town to bet on himself.
The wager was placed at odds of 10 to 8.
Tennis nt Diets Parle.
' The first round of the tennis tournament
at Diets park was finished yesterday after
noon, the high wind making good playing
impossible. The Lyman-Bartlett match was
tne closest oi tne afternoon, Lyman win
ning out, 7-6 and 6-4.
First round:
Hunter beat Richardson, 6-0, 8-1
G. Haynea beat Barkes by default.
Lyman beat Barlett. 7-6, 6-4.
Megeath beat Kelster by default.
Second round:
W. Haynes beat J. Knight. 6-1. 6-0.
- Platner beat R. Evans, 6-1, 6-1.
Lyman beat Megeath. 6-0. 6-0.
Harris beat F. Evans, 6-1, 6-1
Play will resume at 10 o'clock this morn
ing. -
Indians Win Two and I.oae Two.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Sept. 1. (Special. )-
The Cherokee Indians defeated tne uavia
City ball team In two games Thuraday.
The game In the afternoon was 11 to 4 and
the game In the evening was t to 8.
HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 1. (Special.) One
of the clearest and best games of the many
flayed in Hnrvard, waa that yesterday by
he Cherokee Indlnns snd the Harvard boys.
In which Harvard won both games by a
score of 4 to 3 In the afternoon and 7 to 4
in the evening,, this last game being by
electric lights.
Fastest Mile Wlthoat Driver.
NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Surena, aald to be the only guide
less trotting horse In the country, broke the
world's record for guldeless trotters on
the Battle Creek track, going a mile with
out a driver In 1:18. This was the second
puhllo performance of the animal. Its first
record naving been established In Norfolk
as 2:20. The previous record wss 2:30.
Surena comes from St. Edward, Neb.
Chickens Are Plentiful.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Sept. 1. (Spe
cial.) The chicken aeason opened today
and nearly every sport and crack shot of
the town and round-about country was ready
bright and early this morning to engage
In the favored sport. It Is reported the
chickens are plentiful this year owing to
a good enforcement of ths game laws dur
ing the closed season.
' National Bas Ball Oiniinlsalon.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 1. The annual meet
ing of the National Base Ball commission
Is being held In this city today. The most
Important matter to come before the com
mission Is the certification of the names of
players drawn from the minor leagues to
th major organizations
Doable-Header nl Diets.
The Jetter Gold Top and the two Diets
team play a double-header at Diets park
thl afternoon. Thl Is the first visit of
th Jetter thl season at Diets park.
Snnrtlna- Brevities.
Caffyn la being played regularly by th
Cleveland team and seem to get a hit oc
casionally. Chance la working OveraH ahead of hia
turn and the big Callfornlan Is making
good every time.
Sanders, the premier of ail the Western
league pitchers, took an ascension long
enough to Jose the game Friday.
New York Is forging right sfter Comis
key. winning games galore, but the funny
part la that Commie keeps winning games,
Manuka failed to make good In his first
game In fast company and had lo be re
placed by Willis tu save the game against
St. Louis.
With the announcement that Commie Is
to play Callahan ths raal of the aeaaun. tho
fan wonder where he will play. A man
ager does not Ilk to break a winning
It muat b a great consolation to Chanc
to hav a utility man like Hoffman, whom
h can put la anywhere and hav him
play a perfect fielding game and com
aloig with three hits besides..
Omaha may he In some danger of being
displaced by the Mickeyites. who hav
crowded Denver out of their piace by almut
twenty points, but from this distance It
looks as If Pa should hold hla own.
Post season games are being talked of
plentifully. Th big game for th cup
between the two leagues probsbly will l
played between the two Cnloago learns,
least many western fans are hoping the
will. Dst game will also be piayed he-
iween the teams of St. Louis, Boston n
'hlladelphia. The two New York teaim
will also probably get together.
Minnesota Candidates Tell Haw Th
Are Held I p.
Minneapolis Journal.
Th matter of grafting on candidate hai
been taken up in St. Paul, where It Is be 1. 14
vigorously discussed in th Tloneer Frest
and In letters written by candidate. Om
of the most Interesting bf these, com
munlcatlons la by Louis Nash, who do
' dares himself against blackmailer and ad
: vocates a meeting of candidates Irrespeo-
11 w w puimcs to protect tnemseivot
against the Inroads of the pests.
A meeting of candidates of opposing poll
tics to take measures to 'protect themseU ei
against graft would be Interesting, but II
Is very doubtful whether It can be brought
about. None of the candidates wants U
put himself In the position of being s
"grouch," fearing that this reputation
would lose him votes. None of them wants
to take the Initiative In a movement which
travels out of his sphere ss a candldat.
Yet a great deal of good could be accom
plished If the oandldates would get to
gether and appoint a committee to - past
upon the merits of various "organisa
tions." As th Pioneer Press suggests, II
would be found that soma of the worst
offenders In politics are the churches. II
gives an Instance of a certain church which
lined up all the candidates for office and
coolly Informed them that a contribution
of $10 a bead toward wiping our. the churcl
debt was what was wanted and wantet
right off. Churches and other soclellei
have been known to retort to the "popuiai
voting contest" to separate candidates fror
their money. The popular voting contest
has nothing to do with popularity. It u
entirely a matter of cash. Its success de
pend on getting the rival candidates foi
on of the well-paid offices to allow theh
nam to b used and rivalry does th.
' Fairs, programs, excursions, entertain
ments are multiplied for the benefit ol
men who are seeking office, and the wllei
used to separate each from a little mono
are various.
It Is not to be understood that all In
vltatlona to candidates are blackmalllni
attempts. Where a candidate Is Invited t
a church supper or a social meeting whlcl
he is able to attend, and where he pay)
just what other people pay for the privi
lege. It Is a decided advantage to him
He meets more people who are not In th
ordinary run of political citizens than hi
could otherwise, and has the opportunity
of enlarging his acquaintance. This Is 4
positive aid under the primary system ol
nominations. The vice of th matter Is thai
legitimate occasions of this kind are mad .
the excuse for fake gatherings. Candi
dates are called upon to buy blocks ol
tickets for this, that and the other, and
there is always the Implied threat that II
they do not purchase something dire wlli '
happen. The timid candidate is kept In 1
state of perpetual scare.
The problem Is a difficult one to solve
Probably the best that can be done Is tt
build up a public sentiment against thli
kind of grafting which will strengthen can
didates to turn the grafters down.
Flonr and Ment nt the Head ' ol
Manufactured Product.
Wall Street Journal.
In the five year between. 1800 and 194
the flour and grist milling Industry . .in
creased Its output 42.3 per cent. The value
of the products Increased from $501,0)0,000
to $713,000,000, so that this branch of manu- '
facturlng now exceeds In the gross inoom
from product that of the lumber and tim
ber industry; and even that of the steel ,
works and rolling mills of th United
Only on other Industry outranks that of
grain milling in respect of gross Income
from products, namely, that of slaughter
ing live st'X-k and meat packing, whosi
total output In 1906 was $913,914,824. Mill
ing and the meat Industry combined rep- .
resent an annual production of 81,627,000,000.
They stand first and second In the order
of great Industries, though in their organ-.
Isatlon the former Is decentralized, In the
main, and the latter Is highly centralised.
Their true significance appears In their
relation to agriculture. Milling creates a
demand for hundreds of millions of bushels -of
grain while the meat Industry takes
the other main product of th farm, llv
stock. In enormous quantities. Last year
twelve leading grain markets took 73,Ov9.- .
000 bushels of grain, most of which went
Int j the hopper, and seven parking houso
centers, Including Chicago and the Mis
souri river markets, received 38,200,000 head
of live stock a!! of which except a few
were destined for slaughtering.
These facts bring out clearly the close
connection which manufacturing ha with
agriculture on the one hand and with com
merce on the other. Manufacturing is a
converting of values raw material values
In this case Into commodities for commerce
to place In the hands of the consumer. It
Is the business of ths manufacturer to en
hance the value of what his Industry con
sumes to such an extent as to cover cost
of production and bring profits to his In
vestment. With the materials of produc
tion abundant as they are today In th
greatest grain crops of record, and th
abundant live stock available these two In
dustries, whose prosperity adds so much
to the value of farm products, would seem
to have a highly promising future before
Conrt-Martlal for Brockman,
A court-martlnl will sit here today to try
First Lieutenant J. A. Brockman. Seven
teenth Infantry, a member f the, Infsntry
and cavalry school and a native cf orgla.
Tvie War department recently ha expe
rienced difficulty in obtaining from army
officer answer to official communication
and those who hav been dilatory have. It
la stated, been threatened with court-martial.
Th case of First Lieutenant Brock
man Is th first case of this kind to us
tried here.
Hartje Awaiting; Derision.
PITTSBURG. Sept. 1. All rumors to th
effect that attempts were being made to
settle the Hartje divorce esse before It .
went to a decision by Judg horvert H.
Frsser were set at rest todv by Attorney
J. Scott Ferguson of counsel for Hsrtje.
who aald his client was simply ) waiting
th decision. Attorney John M Freeman
and Detective Gilbert B. Perkins have re
ceived threatening letters, said to be In
a similar hand to that received by Mrs.
Blocum during the trial. No nam Is
signed to these letter.
Nelson - Gans
mm fight
Received direct from ringside, Monday
afternoon. Sept. 3. t'has. A. Lewis. Cre-gh-ton
Orpheum Bar, Tom McVittle. Crelghtta
Orpheum Cigar fcitor.
' Notice to Retail Merchants,
Frank Shephard, formerly of the Fox
Typewriting Supply Co. and for three days
an authorised employe of the Toledo Com
puting Scale Co., Is not now connected q
any way with the Toledo Computing Scale
Co., nor haa he any right to repreaeat
biroaelf as such.
Is2u-la23-1634 Farnam 8UU