Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Iowa Van Can Ho Longer 8arr on Damo
cratlo National Organisation.
Campaign Aaalast Roosevelt Beraase
Ha 11a eod by People Doe.
Mot Appeal to llaerkeye
Commit teema a.
I reflected In the artloo of Mr. Bryan when
ha ohjpcletl to bring received by corporation
or truot reprrseniativee In New )urk, and
m ininoin oomHnill trie retirement oi
Rut Sullivan trom the national com
rartUaa Spirit to Blame.
Out of the rnntentlnna of the 10 an'
tagonlstlc force, within the party ha
grown Its present condition, with pendulum
platform, one year Hiving the II to It
pregnelone of the next.
I ha nrlnotnlee of Jrrrerannisn aemoc
racy are true, and could the party by It
constant act and uninterrupted course con-
vtnre the people that It wu to remain
steadily In the hands of the advocate of
those principle It would speedily be placed
In nomer
.:an It do ItT In my Judgment not wnne
OTTUMWA, la.. Sept. 1 -Mr. Charle A. ""E?. "J,n" TIT ...KMin. Ti;.
VnJsh, the Iowa member of the demo- I dividual ludvment and Independent action.
cratlo national committee, and who wa n,l "t unless It makes bitter and "Jre-
iwivtiirv of .h. .,i. i ... . lentlng war on the agent of every preda-
retary of the naUonal committee during ,ory corporation. hWever disguised. In its
.... tiiiinugnj, nis wnaerra i runic a a democrat, (leieaung ai in puna
his resignation as a member of the na- I th candidates named by any organisation
tlonal committee, giving hi reasons for so mu8t DBOlul
doing in the following letter, which waa ft im hv renn of tine nreludlee of good
nailed today: men for a party name that the aelf-eervlng
OTTI M w A ! c.i i iotk n- 1 element in pontics naa oeen aoie 10
Tiuimn To..... n L i'l.L r - ' I lareHv control atl hmnrhra of our aorerri-
Blr: Permit ma to herewith hand you. aa 21 1 ref'r to r,"Publtcn w"
chairman of the democratic national i-om- ".l10,. ..... . . ,,.
mmee, my resignation as a member there- , " J "... TJ w. . ZX,Lr. r .11
k, rcpreBenting the state of Iowa thereon. "'., J ... Li L.,I whit
Ordiiiariiv .m 1. ... parties. If they had no veneration wnat-
to make known my reason for wklna such ver for..tne rrty T,am-their vote wers
It. in
committee, covering a period of twelva partlan feeling were eherlnhed. the cor
year, and prior tnereto having been a ruP control of political affairs would come
memoer or tne state, congresaional and l" , k . ,,
ther committee during the entire period Intending In the future to ally myself
of my llfo since arriving at mv mnmrltv: witn any movement looking to tne cult
ike known my reason for taking such JJlnt P"y nfmT" tn-,
1; but having finally determine" upon ? ,r"d,y c""1 the unfit "omlneea
view of the fact that I have been of their own partv as against those of their
d and twice re-elected to the national opponent If reaf Independence Instead of
End knowlne that mnh rnlrnHI Ion
inir at wht mirht nmv. t K n innn. I llnfi of nrlncinle imnnf the neonle. I can'
Dortune time, so far aa tha Interests of not In honor or Justice to myself, continue
my own friends and loyal supporters are to take part, as a memoer or tne organise.-
vatlon of Independent action along
Pie, 1
the Interests of not In honor or Justice to myeel!
concerned, will meet with some criticism tlon
in the democratic councils; and I
upon their part should It go unexplained, J I therefore return my commission, perhaps
Wive you reason tnereior wnicn win snow wnn regrei inai 1 snouin oeem 11 nrcw
mat 1 could in honur pursue uo other sary. nut certainly not witn any weakness
Course. I of resolution.
.For the future I Intend to be In noeltlnn I have the honor to be. sir. very truly
to support, or not support, as 1 may see I yours, c A. WAiM
A. k, ........ I . 1 - . n . . . . . . 1 . . .. v .. I
111., 111a (.aiiinuniT;. il liio uclili'VlHUi; imi ij. -
1 nave reacnea tne conclusion tnat tin CCrDCTIHY RfinT iM THII P
perpetuation of corrupt corporations, bos I wCUnt I Mn I flUU I IPJ UniUt
;ontro of political anaiw Is made poesiole I
by the slavish subaervir.icy of the Indi- After Reception at Lota H Starts
viauai to party name ana oy iac 01 in- 1
denendent action. t - Capital of th
fio Lonaer MYrlIove Dog." I Republic.
While I have heretofore always been-
VN 1 1 w v-v 1 1 ao X'a. 1 tinati ucii lui. 1 v unu mi m a ) m .
always be a staunch uppurtcr of demo- bakiiauu, tnne, eept. i.-oecrturr
cratic principle, a 1 unuerstana tnem, 11 Root on his arrival a Lota, received the
!!?" b?eB,;.ad,":."ei '.",U "r.S Chilean Foreign Mlnl.ter Antonl Huneus
a knowledge of the inner working of the and the American minister, Mr. Hicks, on
Pfirty system, that from tho standpoint of board the cruiser Charleston, which hoisted
true democracy, there can be nothing worse - ,h- -.i-i
or more Injurious to the country than the the Chilean flag- and played th national
"yellow dog" party feeling tlial impels 1 anthem or cnlie, to wnicn tne tjnuean
arood men to auntiort a ticket of unnt .1... Mniii Knt-ttn
' . ' , , . . tmim iniiiitriiu nrnvriiu , i uliiu v , . . u . i
5SSv tabrl P " X th. American flag and playing th. "Star
) .'Within the democratic party, aa within Spangled Banner.
ine repuDi can. iw - when th. welcoming ceremonies were
luciloiiB, the vastly more numerous, but "
during ordinary time, the leaat lnfluen- over Mr. Root landed and visited Lota
tlal. being the great rank and file which park. After attending a banquet In hla
believe in th principles ot JclTerson. a 1 . . . ,. .....
... t . 7. . - 1 nn iiwwwi . ''.vv.. '
ainuaion ot power, a wiimiwii 1 , . ... . " . lt
n .urv form of sneeiel nrivlleite. askinK started at midnight for Santiago by rail
for themselves nothing but equal rights and He expected to arrive bar. about t
opportunity Deiore tne law. nn ..iv thi. .rt.rnniMi
.V,i n..m.ri-iiv rn.iEtimrant. but rep- oclocK thl afternoon,
edatory lorces 01 speutui 1 Accoraing to tne program, .secretary noo
privilege and those who seek to use au wl received by the president today.
KsfnTs'sT. by Aaso'nTf wealth an'd lack He will attend a reception given by the
of conscience tn using lt. vastly more foreign minister , and will later go to th.
powerful and usually controls the party I opera, these being th. first official funC'
Former Speaker of Home Takes Up Arm
in Puerta Frincip.
Governor of Prorlae Calls for
Volaateers a Reports of l
rlslav Cornea from Many
Part of toaatry.
ther. will b. a grand parade as a mark of
Ions whlcr have
Chile and rent
. nominees. I uuuaiiuiw tin ww ii. nv wi ujiiubhq
u little nM.nt nn to me matter u
fng control of the organisation, but gratitude to th. foreign nat
loyally supports Its own party canaioaws. txprtsafA condolence with
plan, it organisation ana us noi...... Uon hfre eInce the earthquake. Tomorrow
une nrsi 01 itieae it&uituim viui"" - . . .
matter 01
animation, b
rty Candida t
hile the other deems ths organisation
' prime importance, securing tne nmui"-. -
if possible, but In any event making sure sufferers,
of control of the party machinery, con-
nuleUy betrayed at th. poll if th. cam- t
daign management is in their hands.
: a- in-..nA nf Vinw imnortsnt th.
poratlon elemect believes control of ma-
cninery 10 o, """ T-
. .j.i.iinn nf ail nartv nrecedent In
the appointment of. th. present democratlo
national executive ctuuiu
' Kaock on BxctlT.Cmmlttee'
Th executlvo committee
Army Officer Take- Part in Sedan
Day Observance by German
BERLIN, Sept L The annual parade of
IvMim Im tlr.rtlon of fijutfln Aaw tnnlr
had ' alwaya I n . . w.m xrm- Tcrtutm am
im I ...ova .uuu J WAV. v ...1. ,... ... ,, . . . . u ... u . .
; , . kaa n. I Place luuar uriuio tuininrur tt ituct
rior to the campaign of W04, been ap- " .. . . . . . .
bointed chiefly (and BO far a my recol- aempeinor neia, in spienom weainer.
LiMi'mi wkollr from the regularly I Many American attended. Including Oen-
. -1 . ... nf the national commit- I ...i m v Tin mwA v n .
f l.L7J 1,1. ........ - . . - " rtr-hrt 14m no.. 1 fur .Vl'l
which it n necessary to carry in order I to be present at the annual maneuvers.
' to elect. How wa th. real campaign or- Ambassador Tow.r took Mrs. Barry to the
ganlsation formed in " m-j, Uo I parade ground In his carriage.
An exeuut.IV- liuiimmw.- -.- .11 . . .u. . . 1
..r.fiillv limited to seven memDers llll) Allium iub umsr uuni rautni jimnnrani
those seven members were William F. 1 present were Herman Rldder of New York,
fihehan, chairman of Nw Torn "'J- e3r-G0vernor David R. "Francis of Missouri,
D. Poster of St. Louis, Charles R, Flint
XT. V -. I M4 Tt - In TV TT T T
rsrlnia. James wuj.c v. , ,( , i " . " wow. vm 1. 1
sylvanla, John R. Mclean 01 yoio, peahlne, U. S. A., retired, and Mr. Peshine
th. city of wasmngwm. aaa of glvnU Brbara C8j
"It" r,t four mentioned were not and ar. General Barry and hla party ha v. been
not member of the national commlUu. invited to din at th castle.
Bheehan, . formerly a discredited 1 bubj ,
arrested for in n.r..t VaViv
yJrJmZ:.rttoZlArtn from Municipal feci. I. Mak- Prepnra.
Buffalo, i now, with his Partner Julg. tloA , to KBtrnl Encllsb
vrker one ot me ctimi v.... .
iflweri of New York, representing among . Mayor and Sheriffs.
".Ah tirwxJZSX reuiiStiv.
nails and th. courts Consolidated Oas. PARIS, Sept. ..-(Special Cablegram to
Kdlfon fciectr 'ivelopment "-.. ..a cinu unmcu n
a mnwwr t:,1iv causrht stual- 1 m axing eiaooraiea preparations ior an om
IS? lU,.Vty". watTr onLo"ng- and
in many 01.. of th. American
iran0hofShSeRoicUhlld.U "fuVSrtiSS There will be a banquet and ball at the
house of the Rotnscni as. ,10 .w.
the -company tnai ''--.,-. - - -
subway. H. Is a director In bo.u' th'V opera, and th town will b decorated. In
".JteTaiEi th vtaUor wm rt4 ml-
annex and Is notorious for his lobbvlna
method. He 1 th. leading Promoter of
Pso racing and race track gam b Una.
clal visit from th lord mayor and'ahertfls
of, London, who ar expected here In Oc-
regal reception.
ne .sse wmmw 1
and tool 1 of William V',- rrla, Pny Two Thonsnnd Dollar
United Btate "enaw. j.rey. th.
for Death of Peats to
Sravet frauds were rev m(W(n BELGRADE. Sept. l.-(Speclal Cablegram
i, and the party wer. driven from P' to the Be..)-Owing to th. damage don. to
I- iku and the party power haa never oeen . butt4,rfiM lh. n-rvlan minister o
rerained In INeW JBrBojr. -,- ,rWr tha Interim. n1TrA 9A tnm inn KM -n
was the asm. corporwon -
with Gorman and Brice. .- "XtT-rf
anc in tne i.m.-....- ,;. --r. moenv.
HAVANA, Sept. 1. It oecam. known
today that the Insurrection ha spread to
the province of Puerto Principe. S.venty
men hav. taken up arm at Moron, that
province, led by Garcia Canaarres,
speaker of th. house of representatives
during the liberal ascendancy tn that body.
Th. member of the band openly equipped
themselves and left th. town In an orderly
manner. Th. mayor of Moron soon sum
moned th. rural guard In th. vicinity and
followed th. Insurgent with th. purpose
of engaging them.
Later th. government of th province ot
Puerto Principe notified the authorities
here that a mounted party of 200 men had
taken up arm at Arroyo Blanco, near
Clt-go de Avila, twenty-two mile south
west of Moron. Thl force Is commanded
by Dellon Sanchea, an ex-revolutlonary
general. Governor Sylvia of Puerto Prin
cipe ha begun enrolling volunteers. Th
city of Puerto Principe la In a state of ex
citement. Vic. President Mendes Capote
conferred with Senor OTarrlll, th. ex-sec.-.tary
of state and Justice, at the
former' home until 1 o'clock this morn
ing, but they refused to divulge the sub
ject of their conference.
The city militia men were stationed last
night at each of th. outlaying police sta
tions In anticipation ot possible .trouble,
but nothing occurred.
Raid In Santa Clara.
A band of Insurgents, numbering about
200 men, raided Ranchuela near Cienfugos,
provineo ot Cant Clara, yesterday, taking
all the horses and the contents ot the
treasury, 11,700.
Thirty rural guards hare started from
Ctenfugoa for Santa Clara on an armored
The city hall at Cienfugos has been forti
The authorities ot the city of Plnar del
Rio have organised a force ot 800 special
police and 100 city militiamen.
Preparing; for Congrres. '
The politician are preoccupied with
preparations for the election of a vice pres
ident of the national assembly, which will
take place next week. The leading candl
date are Benors Obaldia . and Guardla,
with the probabilities favoring Obaldia.
Dispatches from Santiago announce that
rural guards have surrounded the town Of
Bongo and have captured TJrbano Sanchea,
the Insurgent leader there.
Th. re.rultlng of Insurgents In Santiago,
th. governor of that province asserts, baa
proved unsuccessful, and he adds that he
haa a military fore, at his disposal with
which he can quickly crush any. uprising
It I rumored that a number of insur
gents at Baracoa, at the extreme eastern
end of th. province of Bantlago, have
taken up arms.
General Rodrlguei, commander of the
rural guards, says he does not believe there
are any Insurgent In arms in Santiago de
Cuba. He says that troops were aent sim
ply aa a precautionary measure.
Senor O'Farrlll later today denied that he
paid a long visit to Vice President Mendes
Capote last night.
', All the members of th. Cuban national
.assembly .who are In this city will hold a
meeting tomorrows, which IU be the ftrst-
meelng since the adjournment of June SO:
During the afternoon dispatches were re
ceived from Puerto Principe announcing that
General Joaquin Castillo with 400 men had
started from Moron In pursuit of a band of
Insurgents, who had crossed the line from
the province of Santa Clara.
Three hundred Insurgents under Gen
eral Carlllo and Campos Marquetti, the
negro congressman, today occupied Bahla
Honda, on the north coast of Havana
province. More than fifty residents of the
town have already Joined the band. Thla
body of' Insurgents does not Interfere
with the property of Americana or foreigner.
Yonnar Writer Who Aided Jnstle la
Dreyfa Case to Bo Re
membered. PARIS, Bept. 1. (Special Cablegram to
Th Be.) Subscription ar being raised
for th erection ot a monument to Bernard
Lasare, the young writer who waa the
pioneer of the campaign In favor of th
liberation of Albert Dreyfus.
Lasare died a few year ago, much re
gretted. H published tn 18M the famous
pamphlet. "La Verlt aur l'Affalr Drey
fus," which caused an enormous sensation.
and Influenced Senator Bcheurer-Kestoer
and others to take up the case ot the pris
oner on Devil Island. It la proposed to
erect the monument to Bernard Laser In
his native town, of Nlmes, and at the same
time hi life story will be published by th
organising committee. This la composed of
numerous political, literary and scientific
E 111 UUUltum f ' ' I 1. ...... 1 i
me no. tw-iouu fee althougn in. 1 iuiuit, i uuimui i pruniaot., aa i-
"h? . largely done by attorneys, bis ready 21.000,000 of them hav. been tendered
E?nd was only 1100,000, and the total sum fof nwr Th. minister says It la cheap
passed through his ""noe TnV'"ttorney to get rid of these million at a coat of
SSa.i iE" ' L
Chewpeake A Oh o railway. , f Btmnd. T
Although th amount appear amall, th
f. looked upon a tn neiu
ard Oil. ,..1!,.... - --.
indeed. 'he only member of the demo-
ZniLn aTastUcTall representative of that
known m a specif r i. tltnUy Mek-
Hear Letter of Father Martla and
- Report of Vlaar aad
, Adjoara.
ROME. Sept. L The congregation of the
Society of Jesus, which haa assembled her
ional government, I. th. ie -," " " -.,"1 "ZJZZ T"
Ur HVU1. AI1U III" -I w " ' W ... nv v-xra'
ihV .election of the latter over ; I lon to th late Father Louis Martin, met
Bulllvan. th. u"ou.'.n,C",'"irother cor- today and adjourned at U: p. m. Vicar
tlon. of Chicago, was a family row Freddl deUvered an eulogy of Fatriar Mar
fan o"..!. at.aisl. . J .
in oaiVuuA. jirtii-d election of Del n im 117 rimtr. uir.
violated .1,1 of New York City, aa tin concerning the direction and plan of
vice chairman
Inatead of om
etie Geora.
and lat.tre.urer 1.;. wa, ,ad. th. gherldaa Stick. . R.f.
i.uckner n '
Jr'JhSnnan of the national committee. th aociety wer. read and Fat her Freddl
f,le Oeo'g. "rf -.".,
mer and I .... .
HONOLULU, Bept. l.-The army trans the committee.
And following th . hatT w l(H, port Bherldan remains on th reef wher It
A f,m!i'tnhM clStt''-'"' "ruck. This morning a combined attempt
and alS'torporetlon campaign conlrtbut- to pull the vessel from Its perilous position
lnar lanas- ... i-,aim,an to
-J 5.rr.U ,u pTrtmalTy did not wlect ' cutter Manning and th ateamer Caludln
!tInJL.-,iftie orthee officer. They were , but deplte all their effort th Sheridan
submit to uch dictation
waa mad by the tug Fearless, th. revenue
UAd in every' section of the .country this
.rm.r.ilnn oirt to secure control p"7
mlShlMn U T being constantly evidenced.
in mi ? own atawT while loyal democrat.
werT lately aasemhled In convention en
Taied In nominating a ticket generally
iood? headed by two splendid young der.10.
"rata a. candidate for governor and lieu
tenant governor, but with Mltle hop. of
ilectlng them. thl. element oul.tly and
aldu"usly at work. have. I am informed,
for the first time since 1 secured a ma
jority of the state committee end elected
nln. ao-oalled conservatives of the eleven
member of that committee and hav.
chosen a chairman from their own number.
The complete lark of confidence on the
part ef th. democratlo masses In th. party
Itself tMhen eftVered by such inen waa not
only shown In the election of 104. but wu
waa not moved.
Rnaalaa Mnaanlmea Resolve.
NIZHNI NOVGOROD. Russia, Sept. l.-
The Mussulman congress today adopted a
resolution la favor of four years' obligatory
education of their co-religlonlsta, th edu
cation to he taken out of the hands of the
clergy and to be confided to the Moham
snedan societies. The Tartar aa well aa the
Russian language la to be taught.
"Charlotte Temple; A Tale of Truth,-
by Susanna Hanwell Howson, ts a true
story of events In'New.tbrk City duilug
the revolution, and the facts on which
It Is based have been brouglit r
with particular care, the aim being to
exhaust all reliable sources cf Informa
tion. The present edition Is the only one
Issued for many years In whlrh the text
Is correctly given, and the Only ono evtr
Issued with an Introduction setting fur'.h
Ha historical basts. It la reprinted from
the rare fine American, edition (173t)
with errors corrected and! preface restored.
There ar. seventeen half-tone Illustra
tions. The Funk A Wagnalla Company
I th. publisher.
"MUne's Progressive Arithmetics," by
William J. Milns. Th. P.. L L D., presi
dent of New York Stat. Normal collcgo,
la a series of three books, which haa been
prepared to meet the demand which hs
sprung up In some quarters for a treat
ment of the subject upon somewhat now
lines. Tbis treatment does not, however,
depart from th. old and tried methods
which have gained for his previous series
the widest use throughout the country.
In planning th. Progressive Arithmetics,
the author has preserved these older
features, and infused them with new 11
by a combination with what is best in
modern methods of Instruction. Built
upon a definite pedagogical plan, theia
books teach tha processes of arithmetic
In such a way aa to develop th. reasoning
faculties, and to train the power of rapid,
accurate, and skillful manipulation of
numbers. The lnduclve method Is applied,
leading the pupils to discover truths for
themselves, but lt Is supplemented by
model solutions and careful explanations
of each new step. The Amarlcan Book
Company la the publisher.
"Lady Betty Across the Water," by C.
N. and A. M. Williamson, authors of "My
Friend, th. Chaffeur," "Th. Lightning
Conductor," etc., Is the diary of a charm
Ing, witty and beautiful young English
girl, who . comes 1 to America., under ..the
wing of a member of the New Tork smart
set. The habit of going to Europe hhs
become so universal among the Ameri
cans that there are few American readers
of Lady Betty's experience- Ki. Amertra
who will not have to compare rth them
European experiences and impressions -of
their 'own.' Lady Betty has been called
a twentieth century . feminine coiumoue.
Sh. i a' real, discoverer of many odd
things In American Ufa and In her 'dlary
succeeds In giving ua a distinctly amusing
view of Impressions of our people and
their waya. . Of ' courn,! so charming; a
young lady does nbt lack for lovera -of
many kinds, and thereby hangs the tale
of her choicest American experience. The
book Is Illustrated with pictures In color
by Orson . LowelL 1 The. story appeared
serially In the Ladles' Home Journal,
McClure, Fhllllps & Company is the pub
Colony Ma.t Mot Depart trans
- Present System of Great
Britain. .
SYDNEY, Sept 1. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) After thirty months' nego
tiations th. commonwealth's proposal to
establish a decimal coinage In Australia
haa been overruled by the Imperial gov
ernment, whloh, while willing to allow
Australia credit on silver oolna used In
Australia, . objects to the existence of a
separata currency of different denomina
tions In th. commonwealth a calculated
further to break th. uniformity of th.
empire's currency.
Th. Australian proposal wa that th.
decimal coins should gradually replace the
present currency, the two systems mean
while existing simultaneously.
eoret Report at Mllaa gay Espoal
tloa Wa Dasaadred by'goelal
MILAN, Bept. L (Special Cablegram t
Tho B we.) According to secret report, re
ceived by the central authorities here, th
fir at th Milan exhibition I attributed
to the work of anarch lata, who wished.
through the . destruction of th. whol. ex.
hlbltlon, to strike heavily at the Interna
tional gour geolsle represented there.
Detective ar following the threads of aa
alleged anarchist plot, which It la belle vd
haa xtnalv ramifications abroad, eap.
daily In Swltserland.
. Dreadeaacht la Caaaaalaalaaf.
PORTSMOUTH. Eng.. Sept. L The
battleship Dreadnaught waa commissioned
today, within eleven month of th laylruj
down ef Ita keeL n will not be fully com - j Edward waa among th mourner la th
pleted Internally tor a ooupl of montaa. funeral proceaaiosv
rnneral a( Lady Casapbell-Baanersaaa
MARIENBAD. Sept. l.-After brief serv.
Ire. In th. chapel of, th cemetery th. body
of Lady Campbell-Bannerman, wife of th.
British premier, waa placed on board
traiu and started for Londoa today. King
.1 -rv;:?l;
, J-' :?'. V!- , ..' i.
f - ' '
3 . r i. ' ' . ..
5 ,;.-
m a 111
Farnam St.
Between I3tli and I4tli
Omaha, Nebfaska
Established for the purpose of saving young men, middle a Red and old men trom the evil results of their own
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menting with incompetent unscrupulous specialists, new methods, quick cure delusions, no pay until cured deceptions
and the various other misleading statements often used by unscrupulous and unreliable medical concerns or doctors
for tho sole purpose of obtaining patronage. You are as safe in dealing with the State Medical Institute as with any
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long experience and scientific attainments of Its specialists, lt has established a reputation as a place where all
weak, suffering men can go with full confidence, knowing tbat ther will be fairly dealt with, skillfully treated and
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1 n
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KIDNEY AND URINARY diseases and all diseases and Weak
ness of MEN due to abuses, excesses or the result of neglected,
unskillful or Improper treatment of diseases, which cause drains,
Impairs the mind and destroys men's Mental and Physical Powers,
reducing the sufferer to that deplorable state known as Nervo-Vltal
Debility, making social duties and obligations a hardship and the
enjoyment of life impossible.
In "The Vine of Slbmah," Dr. Andrew
McPhall, the author of "Essay in Puritan.
Ism," has created a novel out of the iife
which he knows particularly well that or
th. Puritans of Old and New England.
They are all In thl book Puritan thet
loglana and Puritan pirates, Jesuit ' and
Quakers, soldiers and savages, with their
religion, their hate and their lovea. "The
Vine of Slbmah" 1 not historical; it Is
a reading of the eternal thesis of love a
It waa written In IMS around .the lives ot
a valiant soldier and a winsome . woman.
The plot la elaborate and fs wrought with
much subtlety. The Macmillan company
a the publisher. ,7 'a 5 . .t
... 1
In his book "Squire Phln." Holman F.
Day haa aimed to give th. atmosphere, the
humor, the qualntness and the (drama of
a - down east country village. to tn.
casual visitor life seems uneventful, but
th. fun and th. tragedy of th. great would
find their counterpart here, although often
In curiously original and eccentric forms.
Th. central character. Squire Phln, picture,
a shrewd, humorous and original country
awyer of the best type. Another of th.
ourlously original characters ts Hiram
Look, a retired circus manager who de
scends upon a quiet country community
with the remnants of his show and pic
turesque tales of' his circus life. It Is
aid that this character closely resemble
a counterpart In real life, a circus man
ager named Esra Stevens, who was the
P. T. Baraum of Maine. A. B. Barnes
St Company 1 th publisher.
At thl tlm. when "William - Jennings
Bryan 1 standing so prominently before the
public, hi little hook, "Letter, to a Chinese
Official.' a reply to the famous volume
whloh hav attracted such widespread atten.
tlon both In England and America "Letters
from a Chinese Official" In which the
Ideal and stats of civilisation of the west
ern world were criticised from an Oriental
point of view and In comparison witti
Chinese standard, will doubtless be In
teresting to hi admirers a well aa to
many other readers.
The story of the writing of Mr. Bryan's
book ha a peculiar Interest of It own.
Mr. Bryan wa In China when th above
mentioned little book was brought to his
attention, and because he felt that the
cause against hi own race wa overstated,
and too glowing a picture wa painted of
the- condition of affairs in th Celestial
mplrev he sat down in an Interval, on
shipboard, and wrote a reply, sending It
to tfils country from Sues, Egypt.
Mr. Bryan's book Is more than a mer
reply to another book. It Is a . glowing
confession of faith In the Ideals and pur
poses of oar race, and more particularly
those of the American people. It I a state
ment of the grounds of his own patriotism,
and Is permeated with a spirit of wise and
serene optimism. The book Is published
by McClure, Phillip A Company.
"On Common Ground," by Sydney H.
Preston, author of . "The ..Abandoned
Parmer," Is certainly most appropriate to
the time of year when men'a thoughts ar
pretty generally tunning toward the coun
try, as It tell a tale of a gentle bachelor
who became an amateur farmer. Of course
there I a lov. story Interwoven with th.
duties of th amateur farmer. Henry
Holt Company la th. publisher.
Above book, at lowest retail price..
Matthews. 122 South Fifteenth street.
- Men, If you want successful treatment and honest deal
ings, why not go to the reliable State Medical Institute,
where you are not deceived by the many misleading
statements, such as three day cures, no pay until cured,
no money to begin treatment, money refunded If not
cured, etc., etc. Such statements are misleading and are
used for the purpose of obtaining patronage. Honest
doctors of recognized ability do net resort to such meth
ods. We do not say that we will treat you without any
money In advance for the purpose of securing patronage,
and then when you call demand money- payments and
notes signed far in advance ot reasonable charges; neither
do we promise to cure you tn three or four days, know
ing It will take longer; nor do we try to secure patronage
by offering to refund money paid If a cure Is not effected
as we do not accept any caaea we cannot cure. We guar
antee a safe and lasting cure In the qn'-kest possible
time, without leaving Injurious after-effects in the system
and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and
successfull treatment. Any man who Is In need of special
medical attention and nnable to pay, will find the Stat
Medical Institute ready to commence treatment without
We aorer't no man's case without giving htm value
received for every dollar paid as. . That Is the guiding
rule of the businesa aide of our work, and we abide by
It every time. The great work we are doing ha curing
men of thHr disease make the Btate Medjoal Institute
famous as the salvation of every weak, sick, suffering
man. Our special methods are guaranteed to be euro
tlve In caaea we accept for treatment.
Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays,
10 to 1 only. If yon cannot call,, write.
Consultation and Examination Free,
and In mining camps, and the other, com
posed of Queensland rangers, started thl
morning from London for Brighton, after
having attached a 100-pound load to each
of their pack horses. The distance from
this city to Brighton Is about ?fty miles.
Th. teams will return from Brfgftton to
London tomorrow. It Is not so much a
question of time as the condition of the
horse and pack on their return.
Tha Legion of Frontiersmen is being or
ganised throughout the empire, being the
first Introduction of the rough rider ele
ment Into the British military.
Heir at Lord Rlbblesdnle Makes
Pnbllo Annonncement of Con
. . version to Idea. "
LONDON, Sept. l!-(8peclal Cablegram
to The Bee.) Taunted at a public meeting
by Mr. Clough, M. P., with "Sowing Ills
socialistic! wild oats" and with wearing a
red tie, Hon. Charles Lister, son and heir
of Lord Rlbbleadale, haa definitely joined
the socialist party.
Mr. Lister, who Is not yet to year old,
has just left Eton and Is about to enter
Oxford. The estates to which he Is heir
ar at Olsburn, Lancashire and have been
In the family for five centuries.
Spanish Strikes Endlnar.
'MADRID. Sept. l.-Offlclat dispatches re
ceived here announce that th. strike In
the Santander mining diatricts are gen
erally ending and that the men are return
ing to work. At BUboa, however, the
situation Is Mill critical.
Rartkqanke la Prnasln.
BERLIN. Sept. 1. A dispatch from Em,
Prussia, say that an earthquake shock
extending from south to north waa felt
there at C:tt this morning. Three firther
shocks are reported to have ooourred In
the' vicinity of Ems.
Asaerleaa aad Aastrallan System
Being Tested by Officer, of
Brltlab Army.
Shinier & Chase Co.
Builders of Modern Houses
"Be it ever so humble
There's no place like home."
Your means must determine the
sU of your Investment Happi
ness and contentment la quit as
often found In a cottage as
palace. Draw a .pencil sketch of
th bouse you would build. W
develop Ideaa and relieve you of
all the details of construction.
LONDON, Sept. L An Interesting test Is
being made today to settle the rival merlta
ef the western American and Queensland,
Australia, mnnoai m managing arumai 1 o-iiji- en.. u
pack train. Two team, on from th. ! 0a!ld!D Sit SI, SubdS ACUItS, HOIKI
Legion of Frontiersmen, made up of men j 10 Firmm, Ground Floor
who gained experience on weatern ranches 1 Douelas) 3867
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating
Ceoeral Contracting tnd Repair Work. Work Guaranteed the Best
1812 Harney Street JOHNSON
Phone Douglas 6990
Fine Farm and Ranch Lands
Is closing out its lands in v.':
Nebraska; Colorado and Wyoming
From $3 to $5 Per Acre
Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms
offered. The opportunity will soon be gone.
Special Excursion Bates to the Lands.
For further information apply to
318 South Fifteenth Street, Omaha, Neb.
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By the Old Eeli&ble Dr. Searles A Searlei.
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W. mak no misleading or false statements, ar off.r yo
ehran, worthier, treatment Om reputation and nam.
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Uon Is at stake Your h.alth. life and happlnM. Is tea
rrtou. a matter to place in th. hand of a "NAMfcV
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vsryoB. a life-long CURE for W.ak, Nereu Mak
Vartcoe.1. trouble., Nsrveus tHtllily, Blood oloiC
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atomaoh and flkla DIsmm.
3 r3 examination and consultation. Wrtta fof
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ZB. HKIRMV & B,m.M, lUaatd DtracU Street, Oubs ft ate.