Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Tieep hreilhlnr, help areatlr In "leyelrplns the rheet
Keeir wrn1n upon arlalnf tske 111 at least 10 rteep
breaths, holdlns eath.nhlle fna ran count ten, t
Stsht before retiring Hn the Mm thlniu afterwards
kimm srllh tlnrne crm, ana three ttmee a
ear take WMtaM Whit C o Vsuretre Claleea Ub
lets. Drink plenty of roH as'er. toi4 (II drlnke
rofttalnlnt arlile, ana lthl" a month tha auix
measure alll hae ln:re'e'l to tha Want at -rl
Inrhee Mllo. Mrlyn. PMItor Wotnaa'l rase,
Buffalo Tln".
Bust Developer,
H.esh Food antf
Tha kln 'that' alt leading sutliorlttes an Beauty
Cultura hlcliljr endorse. Our preparation . lontatne
tha genuine Imported Rue Oalesa, Lato rhojnhata
of Lime, etc.. rw-ommended br Beauty Editors, ana
our OWN. KSSCNTIAU Ingredient without which a
Vauralra preparation would be arorthlees.
one of tha nunr unsolicited letters wa racl:
Hear 8lr:- I am writing thl to lot yu know how
tnuih I appreciate what your tanlete and cream neve
dona for ma. Lat summer I had to wear high n k
and lone alrave gowne. wharmj thla aummer I frel
proud of my plump nark and arnii. In using tha
cream I run my handa and arnia with It arrry
night aa well at fare and butt. I ran srarcely be
llav I am tha tama per.on. My toilet labia would
lx Incomplete wllnout both, i have recommended
uum to my friends. Tboy are using It faltlifully
aad think It aa wondarful aa I do. My huaband la
delighted with tha change In my form. Ha etatee
1 look ao much mora stylish In tha moat atmpla of
nowna. Vy akin la aoft and white, whereaa it need
to b rather yellow and hard. No oaa could biro
ma to use any other kind of rreem or tablets. I
belong to a club which la called "Sana Parlet."
which nitana we have no equal, ao I have placed
your articles In that aam clana. I conalder them
eiceptlanally fine and far auperlor to any other.
Hoping thla will help others, I remain, ft wall
Wilder. mn. GEO. RI'NKEL.
Buffalo, N. T.( July 1. 1J34 Weat Ara.
Our Tableta'wlll make good, healthy firth, create
natural appetite, derelop tha buet. reetore waited
breatia loat through nursing or elrkneaa. Makee
tha cheeks plump and rosy. D I la out tha hollows of
ft acrawny neck and clears the complexion. Vau
relre Ualega Tableu nourleh the fat producing cells,
which Is necessary to giro the roundness of contour
which la ao desired and eoyeted by every lady of
refinement. If you ara careworn, neryoui or run
down, take a box of Vautalra Ualega Tablets and
note their wonderful effect remains no Injurloue
druga. per boi, all boxes tfor :.on. Send for
booklet, also free aamrla of our Meloroaa Beauty
Cream, tha perfect massage and akin food. - Be aura
our name la on tha box you bur. WTLLAKD
WHITS CO . IT Deer born -si.. Chicago, 111.
old and recommended by Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Beware of substitutes. .
Sunday September 2 '
Grand Celebration of the
By Over 100 People, on an Immense
tar. Corr act Historical Cos
tnmii of Scenes cl th
OBTI AT 3 P. M. ABS 7 1,11
80 M CHICI AS S 60.
' ldy ud 0atlama Atrlallata
Monday, September 3 ,
at a p.x. and 7 p. K.Wagner-Herbert
TVESDAT Wrnr-Harbrt Hlrht.
WEDNESDAY Kag-'xlm ama Pop.
nlr Mnaio.
pmnrcxpAx vitmbbbi
' Rhapsody Hong Roise, No. 2
Br P. XJait.
Friday, September 7
Dania Singing Society . .
- Saturday, Miscellaneous
Week of September, 10
C. L. U. Labor Festival
People Cominc . Eick to Town aid the
Formal Season ii On.
Plnarra Devote? Match SliMy to the
name m4 Only Ksprrta Are o
Arlanltlrd to th Chartae4
' tlrale. '
Rom . Art) Rarrl. . .
O Hummer barrla, rlarht dolrfully
Y chant your "Orace la by th ;
Ve alnn of "Mabel'a Coat of Brown,"
Of -iwarest Margaret a Uathlna; Oon,"
W'hrn Kthel drives off from the tre.
A myriad of the genua ahe
Take off our Hummer hate to ye
yiavea of the tlrerl, 'torrid, town,
O Bummer bard!
Madge, Elale, Gwendolyn, Marie,.
Blanche, Amy all of ua agree
To grant to you the laurel crown
For that ye give ua our renown.
All that we do and are. do we
Owe aornmer bards.
Th Social Calenrlar.
MONDAY Labor day; dinner and dance
at Country rlub.
rri'KSDAY Public achoola open.
"WEDNESDAY Dinner and danca at tha
SATURDAY Dinner and danca at; the
clubs. ii
'Already people are beginning to iComa
from the reaorta and tha country places.
The comparative coolness of the weather
may be noticed In the changed character'
of the affairs. Already formal dlnnere are
being given, dancing parties are being die-,
cussed and "bridge" promisee to aoon
take lta place aa chief of amuaementa,
while outings are beginning to be rele
gated to the background. Sneaking of
bridge, tfie potency of which never lessens,
promises to hold Its popular place this year.
But society has taken a very different
attitude toward the game from when it
waa first Introduced. They can no longer
he accused of playing a "kindergarten"
game. They have studied 'It seriously and
have found it ceally worth while. Some
have accused society of becoming cranks
on the subject. It ia not that. But It la
annoying to attempt to play by rule and
play as the game should be played to have
some less serious-minded person refuse tu
return your lead, overlook It entirely, re
mark that they forgot to discard, or more
exasperating atlll, have them dlacuss the
fit or more likely misfit of some person's
gown, or ridicule the latest "do" of some
person's hair. Now, -.this Is Inexcusable
and la deserving of a good rebuke. ' It is
generally known now that society la play
ing a serious, well studied game, and If a
person does not care to take thla attitude
they should refuse an Invitation to play
with the better players, as It spoils an
evening for them and should embarrass arid
humiliate the poor player as well. Bo study
the game and play as well as any of them
or give up the game entirely. " Don't make
yourself a bore to aoclety.
Thla week and next will see the departure
of the majority of the college atudents.
Most of 'them are very busy at present
getting ready, Which means sofa pillows
to make, college pennanta to collect, pic
tures to buy, trunks to pack and number
less things to attend to known only to the
enthusiastic student. Among those who
leave aoon for their different schools .are:
Miss Alice French, Pratt Institute, Brook
lyn, N. Y.; Miss Marlam Patterson, Na
tional Park aemlnary, Washington, D. C;
Miss Catherine Powell, Mrs. Burnham'a
school,- Boston; Miaa Mary Morgan, Uni
versity of Nebraska; Miaa Jean Cudahy.
Trinity college," Washington, TV'C: Mia
Brownie Bess Baum, Miss Bummer
school, Washington, D. C; Miss Jeaante
Aycrlgg, Ogontx, Pa.;' Miss Nannie Page,
Ogontx, Pa.; Miaa Dorthy Rlngwalt, Smith;
Miaa Katheiine Orable, Smith; Miss Elis
abeth Davis, Kemper Hall, Wis.; Miss
Margaret Phllllppl, Mt. Pleasant, la.; Miss
Adele McHugh, Vaasar; Miss Ruth Hard
ing, Vassar; Miaa Hilda Hammer, Vassur;
Miaa Helen Meyer, National Park aeml
nary. Waahlngton, D. C; ' Miaa Martha
Dale, LaSalle. Boston: Mr. Myles Standlsh,
Armour Institute, Chicago; Mr. Homer
Bearl and Mr. Raymond Hayward, Obcr-
lyn: Mr. Nelson Austin and Mr. Robert
Dinning. University of Chicago; Mr. El
bert Burnett and Mr. Bam Slaughter, Uni
versity of Nebraska; Mr. Joy Clark, Chi
cago university; Mr. Homer Conant, Chi
cago art Institute; Mr. Lyman Bryson, Ann
Arbor, Mich.; Mr. Carl Coe, "Ann Arbor,
Mich.; Mf. Adric and Mr. Cuthbert Potter,
Union college; Mr. Herbert French, Mo
Ken tie; Mr. John Caldwell, Andover, Mass.;
Mr. Sam Millard and Mr. Clement Chase,
jr.. Corn!!, and Mr. Kenneth Patterson,
University of Nebraska.
Among thoae who gave dinnera at the
Country club Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Sweet, who entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Davis, Miss Helen Davis,
Miss Elisabeth Davis, Miss Melle Davla.
Miss Elizabeth Sweet, Mr. Lewis 8weet
and Mr. Tom Davis. Mr. Luther Drake
had seven guests; Mr. Burgess, ten; Mr,
CRat. Redick. eight; Mr. E. ' L. Hammer,
seven and Mr. E. T. 8wobe, four.
study, has returned' home. While In.Ber.
lln Miaa Boulter was organist at the
American church and hae now been .en
gaged as organist and choir director at
the First Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Mokham an
nounce the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Lillian, to Mr. Gtiy Gillespie Tom
llnson, Saturday, September 1. Rav. J.
W. Conley of the First Baptist ' church
performed the ceremony.' Only the Im
mediate relatives were present.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Sunderland and eons
returned from Europe laet week. ' Mra.
Sunderland and three sons-have been liv
ing In Berlin for the past year, whence
Mr. Sunderland Joined them two months
ago for a tour through Switzerland,
France and. England before returning
home, ;
Deep sorrow has been expressed at the
newa of the death of Mr. George D. Dev
erell of Seattle, Wash., formerly of thla
city, which occurred last Saturday morn
ing at, his home.' He was buried Mon
day afternoon at 2:10. He was 52 year
of age And will be remembered by many
aa building Inspector In this city nine
years ago. He leaves a wife and two
children, Mr. Ralph Deverell of San Fran
cisco and Mra. L. L. Befquest of Seattle,
Wash. Mr. Deverell was a brother of
Mr. W. Deverell of this city and a brother-in-law
of Mra. W.."W. Barton. -
Retail Merchants
Pure Food Show
Auditorium Building
Opens Monday Evening, and every
Afternoon and evening from Sept. 3 to
15, inclusive. ,
Music and Star Vaudeville Acts.
Contests of all kinds.
. , Fun for Everybody.
With Grocers' Tickets, Afternoon, 10c
With Grocers' TUkets, Evenings, 15c
Ask your grocer for tickets.
The dinner at the Field club waa well at
tended Saturday evening. Among those
entertaining were Mr. Mlkeseil, who had
five guevts; Mr. E., A. Rose, four; Mr.
E. J. O'Brien, four; Mr. Kesaler. four;
Mr. 8. T. I-oomis. six; Mr. I. J. Ingiversnn
four; Mr. Record, six; Mr. E. W. Judson,
twelve: Mr. Pierce, . three; Mr. Edwards,
nve; Mr. Crary, six; Mr. J. W. Towle, five
Mr. H. T, Clarke, six, and Mr. G. Mar
tin, twelve.
Dancing kubool Begins For
Adults8 p. m.
WED. SEPT. ( 5
lass, Creighton
Children Clj
Institute, IStlJ St., near Fur-
Call or phone
Doug. 1041.
i ui
. ... ...
1 a'iaa i 1 w 9Bn 1HI .W lBi 1 gW rf .-. a..J '
V J Jl - -aaVX I 1 i a&l . lit ST -T 111 IE I t . i , TM
1M wmmm
Urinate enrvaiei
15th .ana Harney. 1
aoelal Chlt-f bat.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stanley returned Sat
urday from the east.
Mr. Jaben and Mr. Victor Caldwell re
turned thla week from, Prior Lake.
Mr. and Mra. L. C. Peters of Lincoln
visited Omaha relatives thla week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa J. Kelly arrived In
Omaha Sunday morning from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. John I Kennedy are mov
ing Into their new home at 40f South
Fortieth atreet.
Mr. and Mra. Warren Rogers and daugh
ter. Miaa Mildred, will arrive home to
morrow from Europe.
Mra. P. E. Chapin and daughter. Miss
C. Mldglry, returned Thursday from a
two weeks' western trip.
Miaa Vera Chanin of Crete, Neb., la
vlaltlng at the home of her uncle. Mr.
D. E. Chapin. at 2671 St. Mary's avenue.
.Miss Katherlne Rigg of Beatrice, who
has been visiting Mrs. H. Petera at 57:
South Twenty-eighth atreet, returned home
Miaa Mildred Goes leaves Thursday for
Brooklyn, where aha will enter the Pratt
Institute. Bhe will visit en route Chicago
and Cleveland.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Remington have
taken-rooms at the Pavxton until theirl
new house Is ready for them on Thirty
sixth street, near Farnam. ,
The aad newa was received today of the
death of Mra. Smith, wife of Mr. Benja
min F. Smith, who aased away" Sat uri
day morning. September I, at II o'clock
at Clifford Lodge. Warenpon, Me.
Mr and Mrs. W. ' E. Hitchcock and
daughter, who have been 'spending the
summer at Excelsior Beach, Lake Uin
netonka. Minn... will 4 return to Omaha
Wedneaday and sgala -occuay their home
at IK Park venue." V ' l 4 . ' '
MUa Margaret Beulter. who .for more
than a year has been in Berllu for roualc
Coane and Go Goaals),
Miss Natalie Merrlam is seriously 111 at her
home on, Blnney street.
Mrs. Oncar A. Scott and Miss Varda
Scott have returned from OkoboJI.
Mr. Harry McCormick ' la spending two
weeks on his ranch In Wyoming.
Mra. Royal D. Miller has returned from
a two weeks' visit In Des Moines.
Mra. F. H. Gaines and son returned this
week from Hillman ranch, Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Saunders have re
turned from OkoboJI and Dea Moines.
Mra Wilson Low Is spending a few days
with Mrs. Frances Brogan at Benson.
Miss Irene Jaymea returned Saturday
from the west, where she Spent the summer.
Miss Frances Downey returned Friday
from New York and other eastern points.
Miss Frances Butterfleld returned Fri
day from a visit In Detroit and Chicago.
Mr. A. Goodson Masseur left Saturday
evening for a ten daya' trip to Excelsior
Mrs. J. 'Stewart .White' and ' MIbs Ger
trude White returned Tuesday from Lake
OkoboJI. i
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roche and daugh
ter. Miaa Josephine; have - returned from
Miss Ella Norwood of Chicago, UK, is
spending this month with Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mra. Raymond Welch are ex
pected home from Minnesota the end of
this week. ' '
Mr. and Mra. Ed O. Hamilton have Just
returned home from an extended trip on
the Iakea.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster have
gone to Deadwood and Hot Springs, 8, D.,
for a atay. , . r '.
Mrs. R. C. Jordan has returned from a
two weeks- visit with Dr. and Mra. Peter
of Cuba, Kan.
Mr. . and Mrs. Louis C. Nash and Miss
Mary Alice Roger are home from the
Mansachuaetts coast.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carpenter and. .fam
ily, who have a cottage at OkoboJI, re
turned home Wednesday.
Miss Theodore Borglum . has returned
from New York, where she has been visit
ing her brothers this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hall and family, who
have been abroad for several weeks, will
sail September 7th for New York.
Mr.' Clement Chase, Jr., arrived home
Friday evening from the mountains of Col
orado, where-he spent the summer.
Miss Anna. Yost, who has sr-ent the last
month with net parents, Mr.' and Mrs. A.
N. Yost, returned to New York Friday.
Mrs. Willlnm Lowman. who has been the
guest of Mra. William Yetter thla week,
returned to her home In. Hastings, Friday.
Mra. C. W. Partridge and children re
turned Wednesday from Old Orchard
Beach. Me., where they spent the aummer.
Mrs. J. M. Borglum and daughter. Miss
Harriett, have returned from Manltou,
Colo., where they have spent the past three
Miss Carmellta Chase returned home Sat
urday evening from Ogunqult, Me., where
she has been spending the summer on the
sea coast.
Mrs. Walter T. Page and Miss Nannie
Page are expected home Tuesday from
Prior lake, where they have been spending
the summer.
Mrs. Harry Battee of Perry, la., formerly
Miss Grace Clarke of Paplllion, arrived
Wedneaday for a brief visit with Mrs.
James. Wallace. .
Mra. Harry Bpencer of Oakland. Cal.,
la visiting ' her sister, Mrs. C. Whortcn,
and Mrs. M. Paine at Forty-third and
Cuming streets.
Mra. J. J. O'Connor and daughter, Miss
Anna, will leave the, first of next week for
Slnsinawa. Wis., where Mis Anna will
enter St. Clara college.
Mrs. B. B. Wood, Miss Margaret Wood
and Mr. Robert Wood are expected home
today from Baileys, Cnlo.; where they
ha'-e spent the past month.
Mrs. H. 8. Jaymes' returned Thursday
from Winnipeg and Duluth. Her son, Mr.
Arthur Jaymes. will remain until the ISth
aa he Is suffering with hay fever.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kahm and daughter.
Miaa Carrie, and Miss Mabel and MIbs
Minnie Jensen and Miaa Grace Meyer have
returned from a delightful eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy and
daughters, who hsve been In Europe,
sailed .Wednesday for New York and are
expected In Omaha the latter part of this
Miss Florence Peak . leaves for Chicago
thla evening to study the piano with Ot
tokal Malek. She will be the gueat of Rev
and Mrs. Robert Yost at Jollet during Sep
tember and October.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Breckenrldge, who
have been making the trip of the Great
Lakes and attended the American Bar aa.
soclatlon meeting at St. Paul this week
are expected home today.
Ring Out the Old; Ring in the New
WITH the first light suggestion of coolness that heralds the approach of fall, a woman's thoughts turn
naturally to the new things for autumn wear. Just as naturally in Omaha her footsteps turn to
this store, the house for style and the house that for years has stood as an authority on the new
fashions, the correct and high-art wearing apparel for women and misses. They are now here, or on the
' way. All routes from all the leading fashion centers lead to this reliable and exclusive cloak and suit house.
"We are now at the parting of the ways "ringing in the new, and ringing out the old."
Summer merchandise cannot go to6 quickly for us, and all of it.
You who need it now, or will use it another season, may purchase it et almost your own price. Certainly
at greatly reduced prices, and remember, that it's present season merchandise entirely desirable, and it's old
only in relation with the new autumn styles. In itself it's fresh, stylish and absolutely trustworthy.
The Accepted Modes for Autumn
The absolutely correct new styles in women's wearing apparel are now at this store ready for your inspec
tion. The 6uits come in the tight fitting tailor jacket stylos, 36-in. coat effects, bolero blousend eton blouse.
The Norfolk effects will also be in vogue. The colors are varied, but black, blue and brown take the lead. Wo
invite you to call and inspect our new autumn 6tyles at your earliest convenience.
Fall of 1906
Styles Now Being Shown
. Your feet fitted by measurement, thereby insuring
The durability of Sorosis is conceded both by compet
itors and wearers the. world over.
Ladies' Sorosis are $3.50. Patent kid and drop toe
novelties are $4.00.
Our special this week is for boys and girls of all ages,
from $1.50 to $2.50. .
Dyball's Ice Cream Soda
Try a glass of our Ice Crfam Soda these
hot days
They are the kind that remove thirst
Made from pure fruit juice, cold and
Our Suidtxcs aire Famous
YBALL'S 1518 Dopgas st
Mr. Patrick O'Donnell, Mr. Clarence Hood,
Mr. William Chuda and Mr. Lou Butts.
Thoae aaaltating were Mrs. F. J. Martlae
and ' Mra. C. F. Smith. -
Mr. and Mra. J. Farloa entertained Mon
day evening at her home, 3121 Maple atreet.
in honor of their daughter,. Miaa Oeorgie'a
17th birthday. Thoae present were: Miaa
Jewell Slmpaon, Miaa Clara Headley, Miaa
Anna Butts, Miaa Beaale Anderaon, Mlas
Grace Stenberg, Miaa Marie Nuamann, Miaa
Myrtle Fleming, Miaa Edith Smith, Miaa
Nell Nadolny, Miaa Anna Tie, Miaa Freida
Wur.rath, Miaa Frieda Raach, Miaa Ooldie
Poet, Miaa Elsie Helling, Miaa Laura
Raach, Miaa Laura Farlea, Miaa Georgia
Fariea, Mr. Patrick O'Donnell, Mr. Oerrill
Callahan, Mr. Frank Paugherty, Mr. Fran-
cia Kernan, Mr. Will O'Donnell, Mr. Will
Kenny. Mr. Ralph Dahlatrom, Mr. Will
Kernan, Mr. Loula Butta, Mr. Leeter An
deraon, Mr. Carl Cain, Mr. Will Hamilton,
Mr. Lacy Anderaon, Mr. Alex Robinaon,
Mr. Edgar Flook, Mr. Emll Nelson and
Mr. .Alfred Blaufuaa.
Mr. George. W. Manchester will open a
atudlo for yocal Instruction- at room 606
Woodmen of the World building September
Pe-raona wishing to .confer In the mean
time call 'phone Harney-5183.
Fatal Mahtaing Stroke?.
TANKTON.i S. D-, Sept. 1 (Special Tel
egfam.) Peter Abelaon, aged 29 years, waa
killed bv lightning at Mission Hill at 4
m. today. ' Abelaon' waa milking his caw
in a lot near the home Of F. vv. Jianga,
When the atorm came up and he sought
shelter on Bangs' porch. Lightning struck
the house, badly damaging the same, kill
ing Abelaon' Instantly, but injuring no one
In the house where the Bangs family were
Abelaon Is a blacksmith In the imple
ment shop of Johnaon Bangs. He leaves
a wife and four children. s
Our yarda and office will be closed all
day Monday, September I, Labor day. C
N. Diets Lumber company.
, Pleaaarea Paat.
Mra. William Tetter gare a box party
Tuesday evening at the Burwood In honor
of her guest, Mrs. Lowman of Haatlngs,
Mr. and Mrs. u. M Hitchcock enter
talned Informally Thursday " evening In
celebration of their twenty-third wedding
Miaa Mildred Butler entertained at cards
Friday afternoon for her gueata. Miss
Lucille Ellet of Kansaa City. There mere
four tabloa and 600 waa the game played.
Mesdamea Eyler and Bush ahaperoned a
merry tallyho party to Waterloo Springs
Saturday afternoon. The party Included
Misaea Verda Scott, Marguerite Bush. Beth '.
Gould. Ruth Gould, Elinor Jaqulth, Kath-1
erlne Milroy, laabel Mllroy,' Margaret Guth:
tie, Measra. Jack Welsh, Waldo Scott!
Roger McKensie, Harry Eyler, Albert
Buah, Lake Duel. Arthur Trimble, i After
a picnic dinner they returned by moon
light. Mr. and Mra. C. T. Smith of 4306 Burdette
atreet enVertained Thursday evening in
honor of their daughter, Miaa Edith's
lath .t jrthday. Thoae present " wers
Miaa Myrtle Fleming, Miaa Edith Sanders.
Miaa Georgia Ferriea. Mls Nell Howk.
Miss Fay Lampam, Miss Crao Jardine.
Miaa Nealia C'hristensen, Miaa Anna Butu.
Miaa Edna Hoik. Miaa Edith Smith, Mr.
Harry Smith, Mr. Heu-ton Naah. . Mr.
Frank Dough tarty. Mr. Elmer Gillian
, Mr William Gilliam, Mr. Arthur Marsh,
Mr. William Holmtr. Mr .Sol Corbluth.
Fair Today ta Kebraaka, Eaoept
. Shewers la Eaatera Torttoa Fala
ad Cooler Moaday.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska Fair Sunday, except
ahowera In eaat portion, cooler; Monday,
For Iowa--Showere and thunderstorms
Sunday; Monday, fair; freah aouth, ahlft
lng to west, winds.
For Kansaa .and Missouri Thunaer-
showers Sunday and Monday.
For Wyoming, Montana and South Da
kotaFair Sunday and Monday.
For Colorado Thunderatorma and cooler
Sunday; Monday, fair and warmer.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, Sept. 1. Official record of tem
perature and. precipitation compared with
the corresponding day , of the last three
veara: "o. ivua. ijuj
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temrjeralure ....
Precipitation M
Temperature and precipitation depart urea
from tne normal si umaiis ainua anarcu J
,H cniiiDarison with the last two years:
Noimal temperature ......... Tl
K.irvaa for the day 4
Total deficiency since March 1 10
Normal precipitation leincn
t t.artnrv-nr the dav Ol inch
Precipitation aance March 1. .....M.ll iiicbea
Deficiency since March 1 4 75 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1 .. t 54 inches
Deficiency for cor. erlod, IM... t.7i laches
Couth Omaha Firm. Will Not Fttranice
Fore Food Fzhibitioi.
Thiak Beat to . Make No Expoaltloa
So Soon After the Agltatloa
Aboat Product of Their
No exhibita of the products of the pack
ing houses- of 8outh Omaha will be made
at the pure food show at the Auditorium
next week, the packers declaring they do
hot believe such advertisement would pay
in the light of the recent agitation against
their foods. They say' they will be ready
to advertise at food shows again when
the present bad Impressions of their meth
ods have been effaced from the minds of
the 'people. Their action Is a blow to the
management of the pure food show, as
Cudahy, Armour and Swift had three of
the largest booths in the Auditorium at the
exhibit of last aummer.
The exhibitors are erecting their booths
and carpenters will, be at work all da'y
Sunday and Monday. The show will open
Monday evening.
No palna have been spared to aecure en
tertainment for the vixitora at the ahow.
Dimmlck'a band will play each afternoon
and evening and vaudeville artiata have
been secured to do stunts twloj a day.
Calhoun will, appear In a, black-face part;
Guyer, the Juggler and equilibrist, will be !
there and Arnold will do some buck and
wing dancing. - The most unique entertain- )
ment la' Dubec's dog, monkey, cat and rat i
ahow. In which the rata are guaranteed to
ride on the backs of their enemies, the ;
cats. j
' The country atore at the ahow will be In
charge of Mrs. Buchanan's division of the
Ladies' Aid society of the Lowe Avenue
Presbyterian church and the receipts will
be placed In the building fund of the
church. The retail grocers and butchera
will have a booth.
Among -the exhibitors are: Beatrice
Creamery company', 'Bromangelon, Allen
Broa. company. People's store, Paxton &
Gallagher, Harding Cream company, Haar
man Bros., Jetter Brewing company, Wor
cester Salt company, Genesee Pure Food
company, Minnesota Macaroni company,
Borden Condensed Milk company. National
Cash Regislet company, McCord-Urady,
Moneyweight Scales company, Reynolda
Refrigerator company. Glad brook German
Mustard company, A. Hospe, Stewart Broa.
company and the Steyer Candy company.
ba tours
en a f k
a Barrel Home
to the Children
Pure ice cream is good for the children;
they will enjoy it. It is refreshing, nour
ishing and healthful.
Daldaff's little ice cream barrels are tilled with three flavors of
ice cream. Rich, with pure cream, highly flavored with pure flavors,
and packed so that it will stay hard (or a long time.
Put up in two sizes , ,
QUART SIZE Sufficient (or six or eight A fig
PINT SIZE Sufficient (or three or (our
What Do the Owners Say ?
Triat is the question to ask when selecting -an automobile. Stod-dard-Dayton
owners, are the best advertisements. Just talk to one of
the following gentlemen and get their opinion ot thla best of all autos:
F. H. Austin, H. B. Waldron, N, F. Harrlman, F. H. Davis, E. V.
Lewis, N. k. Duff, Otto Pohl, Geo. Haslara, H. Vance Lane, Frank
colpetzer, Arthur Allen and Wilson Austin.
We've only been allotted 25 for next season and If you want one
better come in and leave ypur order early. We'll deliver It when you
want it.
1814 Farnam Street
2826 Sherman Ave., Monday Sept. 3rd.
. It is just what we call it.-"The Up-To-Date Market."
We promise Cleanliness, Promptness, Quality and Full Value
Advance. Natives af Bis lews,
"La Prensa," tha famous newspaper of
Buenos Ay res, has a building surmounted
by a rolden statue of a young woman. It
also has a I.OOO-herae power steam siren.
When there Is big news, an appalling dis
aster, whoop! goes the siren. "A deuce of
a row,", writes a ' correspondent, "up and
down the acale, a defiant shriek, gurgling
groan, for a varlng period, according to
(he-importance bf 'the' event," the horrid din
resounds throughout tha city. The local
government exacts a fine for this perform,
am. e 1100 a- minute, with 'a ' minimum of
f3oa-and If the fine IS not paid on trie nail
the charge Is double, so when one man Is
sent to the operate' tha screecher a nut her
Is sent with a 1X0 bill to tha rourU ' Tha
neat cperatlon ia to drape the young
woman's statue with red velvet In ease of
a catastrophe, with crepe In the event of a
death. All this causes tha most extraordi
nary sensation. It Is, of course, only ou
great occasions that this takes place. 1
heard the siren go the other afternoon for
the first time, when the news came through
from San Francisco. Within a few mln
utes the Avenlda, In (be neighborhood of
the Prensa office, and even the Plata Mayo,
waa packed with an excited crowd, await
ing tha circulation of the newa. Tbe even
ing papers followed suit, Ip feeble atyle,
by letting off bombs, and for the rest of
the afternoon the town wiu) a perfect pan
demonium." '
Karl Saereeds Sleaa.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 1. Charles Earl of
the District of Columbia today waa in
stalled aa solicitor for the Department of
Commerce and Labor aa successor to Ed
ward W. Btms of Illinois. For a consid
erable time Mr. Earl was a s peels I attor
ney for the bureau of corporations. Two
or three months sgo he was transferred to
the Department of Justice aa an assistant
attorney. His predecessor. Mr. Sims, en
tered today upon his duties aa United
Siataa district attorney at f'hlraso.
1 ) -S
'Joiiten the hair, moiiatavho or whUkera
with (Sunlight Hair'J'on.e More retiring,
the hair will ta the proper ejlor in the
morning. Kanilv applied, entirely hann
!bibj won't rul off nor siain the linen. Ons
liquid, no sediment, no smell, no sticki.
new. New preparation. Sold by druggists,
wholesale and retail. Large site hO cents,
or i press prepaid, thirty 2c.r stamps.
Agents wanted. UN released II ii lallt.
ht Laee-4 Avaaae. (. lJa. Me.