A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, IDOfi. I 1 FURNITURE OPENING! nrtftht and early Monday morning and lasting throughout the wrrk we are going t give to the clthwns of Omaha, the jrrrateat bar gain erer gotten In their lifetime. Our buyer has Just returned from the ut, hating pnrchafted many thousands of dollar worth of furni ture sample and we will sell furniture all week for what other dealer are paying for them wholesale. Although theao are sample plecea of famltnre they embrace eyery piece of fnrnitnre used in the borne, and are perfect In erery reapeet. To those who lack the cash we will give very easy payments on their own term. Ikm't miss this great aale. CASH OR CREDIT YOUR OWN TERMS Thin massive Iron Bed, beautiful design In five different colore all sizes Cash or Easy Payments. 4.95 SIX-holc steel Range, duplex grate, asbestos lined, full nick- or nr eled (without reservoir) . .uOlO Cash 'Or Easy Payment. , This Chase Leather .Couch, tufled, oak frame, solid steel construction, pretty design, bJ finest bargain in 4 QO Omaha UetJO Cash or Easy Payments Three Piece Parlor Suite, u. bolstered in . v e 1 o u r, . mahogany finish, beauti ful design, biggest bar-: gain in Omaha, . .JJ (Jg Cash or Easy Payments. Oan. i".nl8h cane eat Chair, big bargain at TERMS Your Own Terms During This Great Sale LADIES' DEPT. Be sure and visit this department. Full line for fall -on exhi- 64C bition. . ' ::. - ii - j sjYv yt$ lOf-'-a, jy Solid oak Sideboard, level mirror, swell top drawer, massive and substantial. A great bargain for f i) MO the money. . . . laJalO SCRIBES OUT FOR IRRIGATION Washington Correspondents Fan Throneh Omaha to Bolts Oitj Controls. 'DEPLORE IEATH OF EDWARD ROSEWATER Msbcra ( tka l'arty Draw Ip Ri latlons Setttaa Forth 'Their Oriel Over ' Fa Ilea Vct- craa la Profession. En rout to tb National Irrigation con rrea at Boise City a select party of -Washington correspondents of some of the lead ing papers of the country passed through Omaha Saturday morning on the Los Angeles LJmlted, which came In over the , Northwestern and left on the Union ' Fa olflo. The party was chaperoned as far as Omaha by Advertising Manager Hall of the Northwestern and. Alfred . Barlow aecom. . anled it west over the Union Pacific. The ?arty has changed Somewhat since the first list was given out and now consists of: Ira B. Bennett. an Francisco Chronicle; .. ; Harry J. lirown. Wheeling Register; James lay, jr., Washington Times; it. B. Nesblt, Pittsburg Frees; H. W. Pullman, Washing ton Post; H. W. Bhuls, Little Kuck Uaseltc; Charles 8. Smith. Associated rlgation; Ii.- Qlhiun - 6ardner, Newspaper t-iitfirrise Association. Most of these scribes have a national 'reputation and are sent to report In full the doings of the irrigation congress. Vice President Fairbanks) is to speak at this eongress aad In this connection an interest ing story is told on Ira E. Bennett of the Ban Francisco Chronicle. Fairbanks was once to deliver the main addreas at some Urge gathering In Ban Francisco. Falr i j bank was missing aad. -a search revealed that be was la bis room at the hotel look ing high and low for his collar button, which was missing. Bennett flew to the rescue rather than keep the crowd walt- Ing and taking th back button from his ' shirt, gave It to th vice president and then had to report the meeting with a handkerchief around his neck. Bryan aad Oar Jlsn. Mr. Bennett of the Chronicle asked as to politics in this section, snd when told tt was Quiet, replied: "It is not quiet la Washington, for peo ple are being stirred up over all this tullabaloo on the return of Bryan. The tpubllcana are beginning to take notice." v' -Yes." chimed in Bhuls of th Bpokes , -man Review of Spokane, "we noticed that ! Nebraska bunch took everything by storm and simply ran things around old Gotham for a few days." "That mayor of yours seem to attract as much attention as Bryan," added Mr. - Hay of th Washington Times. "I think that New York committee was afraid he would do what he said about kidnaping Bryan. We have heard of kidnaping be fore in Nebraska.' "Dahlman will make some of those New Yorker think you have a regular frontier city here," said Pullman of ths Washing ton Post. "It doesn't look much like it . to ni from what ' ran aee from here. But then, what is the difference? I believe It ' was Richard Henry Little who- remarked th suckers were all In New York and the real wise ones la the west, and I. am be ginning to believe It from what X have . , C I "ilow they ever get through those I high corn fields of Iowa to gather corn asked H. B. Nesblt of th Pittsburg Press, who had never been west before. "I saw some corn that you could not gather with FINISH FIGHT ON TRUSTS awawaSBSWssB GoTsrnmsnt Preparations' for ths Tall Campaica Agaisat Combines. ACTIVITY ALL ALONG THE LINE PLANNED Crealarea of th Lair Mast Ofcey the Law r Take th Cosieeee Greatly Iaerea4 Dwty of th Jadlelal Department. The "trust busting" campaign of the fed. eral government will be renewed with Increased vigor within a few weeks. Sep tember, which brings th federal court Into regular session, will see renewed ac tivity all along th lines Many of th pending cases will come up for trial In the fall; Indictments against alleged of fenders will be sought In several Judicial districts, and th government's' fore of Investigators will continue to seek for In formation on which to base prosecutions. Attorney General Moody, after a long rest up In New England, will soon be bsck at his desk to stay and his coming will be the signal for a forward movement. It is assumed at the Department of Justice that his recent visit to Oyster Bay had to do with th detail of the anti-trust cam paign. It Is now well understood that the president Is determined that this tight against the trusts shall be fought to a finish; He Is not making war on cap ital; he Is Insisting that the laws relating to the business of ths great corporations shall he obeyed. The anti-trust campaign under way is by far the most pretentious the government has ever entered upon. Large responsibilities have been placed on Attorney General Moody, who must direct ths fight If he wins all along the line he will go down In history as a great attorney general; If ho shall fall his ad ministration will be remembered only be cause of the failure. It Is well under stood that Mr. Moody would like to return to private life and to the practice of his profession In Boston, but he Is determined to wind up this anti-trust program before he quits the office. Fiaht Atralast Standard Oil. Ths fight against the Standard Oil com pany is th most Important the govern ment Is waging. It has not been allowed to lag during the hot weather. ' During the vacation season three federal grand juries at Jamestown, N. Y., Cleveland and Chicago have been sifting evidence presented by the government's agents. It Is an unusual thing for ths Department of Justice to be compelling grand Juries to sit during the months of July and August. Ths department's explanation Is that It did not want the evidence In hand to get cold;" evidently It felt that it was a good time to set the Juries to work while the public mind was riveted on revelations of ths Investigation conducted by the Bureau of Corporations. The popular Impression Is that the government will not find it easy to cripple the oil trust. Unqustion ably the Department of Justice realises that It will meet with many obstacles. But It proposes to make a heroic effort to Inflict punishment. Later In th year all the evidence collected by the bureau of corporations on which the legal advisers of th government believe indictments and convictlsns can bo secured will be laid be fore the grand Juries.. It Is ths private opinion of attorneys connected with these prosecutions' that - if th government can not severely punish the' Standard Oil on the evtdencei gathered . by Commissioner Garfield it will not bs worth while ever again to attempt' to - punish the corpora tion. Th Department of Justice I fore warned' that th1 trust proposes ' to ' fight and fight hard against any punishment be ing Inflicted. ' No one identified with the present fight against the company expects to witness definite results this fall. If It Is a fight to the finish, as it surely will be. It may take several years to determine the final outcome. While the Department of Justice is en' deavoring to secure some copper ribbed in dictments against the Standard Oil com pany It will also be engaged In the trial of numerous anti-trust cases that are already middle district of Tennessee, on Informa tion furnlnhed by the Department of Jus tice, returned Indlptments lsjit May agamst tn(rty-on corporations and twenty-five In dividuals engaged lp the fertilising busi ness In ths states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi. Ar kansas and Tennessee, charging them with conspiracy. It was slleged that ths trust Used the price of fertilisers in th territory mentioned, and that the vnrlous corpora tions apportioned the trade among them selves according to an sjrrefd percentage. The case are pending. The issues are now being made up and It la the expeclstlon thst they will b disposed of this fall. Many other smaller crust prosecutions are under way. The bureau of corporations Is constantly . on the hunt for evidence of violations of th anti-trust laws, and ths Interstate Commerce commission hss with in the. last. six months gathered a great deal of evidence which Is now being studied by th Department of Justice with the view of starting prosecutions. The Investigation lsst spring of underbilllng at New York and In other cities uncovered evidence on which Indictments may be asked. It Is pos sible, too, that prosecutions of several railroads may be undertaken as a result of the inquiry the Interstate Commerce com mission conducted under the Gillespie reso lution lsst spring. The testimony was re ferred to Charles E. Hughes of New York, special " attorney for ths government, and whether there will be prosecutions will de pend fm' his recommendation, which, It is understood, has, not yet been made. The Salt trust, the Elevator trust and ths Paper trust havs thrown up their hands. The-other trusts under stuck do not seem disposed to surrender so esslly. In addition to the cases mentioned, all or which are under the Sherman anti-trust sw. the Department of Justice has on hand many cases brought under the El klns anti-rebate act Most of these will come 'to trial at ths fall term of ths fed eral court In th various districts. This "trust busting" campaign is making an normou amount of work for the De partment of Justice. Incidentally, It Is bringing employment and fat fees to some lawyers who are employed as special coun sel. When President Roosevelt inaugu rated his anti-trust campaign In 1903 eon gress appropriated 1500,000 with which to conduct the fight. About' half that sum Is unexpended. The law firm of Judson ft Harmon of Cincinnati received a fee of $10,000 for the advice which- President Roose velt and Attorney General Moody refused to follow in dealing with Paul Morton and the' Santa Fs rebate case. Boston Transcript. Imaaortal Troths." The late senator William B. Bate, of Tenessee, was a major general In the Con federate army, and never quite reconciled himself to the defeat of the south, al though he was an able and fflcient sena tor. Soon after he came to the senate he for mulated a. set of rules which he called Rule for my Proper, Legislative Guid ance." Whenever a proposition cams up about which he was undecided, he would take the printed slip containing these rules from his pooket and study it carefully. Bate," said a colleague one day, "what Is that slip of paper to wrtilch you refer so frequently?" That." replied Senator Bate, "Is a little reminder of my beliefs, on constitutional questions." 1 Where did you get tt? Think It out yourself?" " "No, suh," replied Bate, with much dig nity; "I found most of . those immortal truths In the constitution of the Confed erate States of America." an ordinary atepladder." Charles S. Smith, th Associated Press tn court. These trials will probably eon representative. Is well known In Omaha, Bume much of the time of federal courts ss he did his first work on The Bee, and is remembered by many of the present staff. He Is a nephew of Z, T. Llndsey' of this city. Mr. Smith took a run onto the viaduct to look over the Jobbing district as his train waited to change engines snd was greatly surprised at the vast number of new buildings In sight. All of the members of the party ex pressed great sorrow at the death of Ed ward Rosewater and had prepared resolu tions, which were sent to Ths Bee, as we!! as personal letters to members of th family, who were known to most of them. Father Toole Son's Whipping-. "The boy had misbehaved, as he often did, and his father called him to account. .. .'.;. .. .l ,,. Individual defendants were concerned, and you, but some one must geOa whipping , . ,. . . far what you've done." in some of the districts during the fall and winter. The cases are pretty well scattered over the country. The Wholesale Grocers' association Is being prosecuted In the southern district of Florida. The members nf ths association have filed answers, and the case hss been continued from time to time. It will be heard at the next term of the court. i Combines aa th Carpet. Possibly there will be some further steps In what Is known as the Beef trust' csaes at Chicago. As most persons will recall the federal grand Jury at Chicago, after an exhaustive investigation, returned Indict ments against numerous individuals and also against a large number of corporations; The court sustained ths pleas so far as the The- boy whimpered a little. "Suppose." said ths father, "that 'I take the whipping for you!" The boy laughed at ths Idea, but the father took down a dog whip, railed a overruled them with respect to the cor porations. In this condition ths eases rest. The government was nonplussed over the ruling of Judge Humphreys and has not moved a wheel since. If It has a. pro gram mapped out It is keeping It quiet. The Terminal Railroad association at Bt A V. n - i.l.UI.. t.n.. I . . . " . " - Tjout Is on ths rack In the federal court piainea me siiumiun m mm, ina men if. auested the visitor to use the whip on him. The father wore s long-tailored coat and the visitor hit ths tails of that coat In great style. for the eastern district of Missouri. The suit Is to enjoin the association, th bridge companies and the railroad and ferries crossing the river at St. Louis, from carry. Ing out an alleged and unlawful combina tion entered Into between them to operate At the first crack of that whip ths boy the Ead, brl(1 .nd th, MerchMt.. brl1 was wild-eyed.- At the second he was clawing, biting, and kicking ths man with the whin. "Don't whip my papa! Don't whip him!" he cried. "Whip me! Oh, - whip me! That was a year ago. Since then that as a common agency of interstate com. merce, and to suppress competition. The Issues in the esse are about made up and it Is the expectation that it will be decided some time next fall. Over In Hawaii the government la pressing proceedings In court to restrain the operation of an alleged boy has never done anything seriously unlawful combination to control the trado wrong. .New york Press. . ln lumber In that territory. In the Hawaii court there la also Dendlna? a ease aaalaat narnetar ana uiantowa KIOST. I the Beef trust. Aiirea nm, in uraui rncan million- Th. denertment hones to brlna ths fiaht ajre who died recently, was a bachelor of the Tobacco trust to a flnsl Issue quin ana miring naiure ana wnen not .v... mnil, f.n r winter. These Tnhi..nn, Good Indians Meet. Congressman Llewellyn Powers. of Maine, besides being a millionaire. Is a, man Of striking appearance. .' Being tall, lean, with high icne'ek 'bones and wearing his coarse. black hair long, he bears some resemblance to. th . aborigines of this continent. One day, while traveling on a Maine railroad, where "Indians and ministers" ride for hslf fare, Mr. Powers met a member of the Paisamaquoddy tribe In the smoking car and started In to question ths copper colored constituents as to his manner of living and how he liked the tribal rela tion in Maine. After some minutes ot talk Mr. Powers ssked: !By ths way, which of ths two tribes do you belong to?" 'Mvsclf bin all Passamaquoddy," re plied the Indian. "Wat tribe you bin?" Before the Boston drummers who sat in adjoining seats had finished laughing Mr. Powers discovered that he had urgent busi ness which called him to the Pullman. Ready With the New Autumn Suits and Frocks For Women. The tide's of fall fashions are surging into this great suit department daily. It is fascinating to watch t lie incom ing of the beautiful styles that will predominate. . Novelties whose potent charm and surpassing elegance lift them far above anything you will see outside of. our department, Exclusiveness and style are the true keynotes of our ensem ble this season. Nowhere in the City of Omaha can you find models possessing such distinct merit so early -'in the season. We are now ready to demonstrate, our supremacy as style leaders and value givers in women s ready-to-wear apparel. t occupied with his vast business enterprises generally busied himself in Increasing the valuable collection of art treasures In his palatial residence in Park. Lane, London. In connection with this Park Lane hous an Interesting story Is told. Mr. Belt bs- trust oases grew out of an Investigation by the frderal grand Jury in th southern dis trict of New York of the American To bacco company and the McAndrews Forbes company, believed to be violating ths anti-trust laws. The officers of the came a ground tenant of the late duke of companies refused to obey the subpoenas. cstminBter, wno made many provisions about the plana At last a polite letter was sent to th millionaire couched some what In th following' terms: "Ths duk of Westminster wishes It to be understood that ha expects Mr. Belt to spend the sum of 10,000 ss a minimum upon ths house," In reply to which Mr. Belt begged leave to Inform his -grape that hs Intended to spend the sum mentioned on his stables. . A-Jolly, Good. Fellow. There Is no mors general favorite In the House of Commons than T. P. O'Connor, who. though sever in public speech. Is essentially good-natured and friendly in private life. "T. P." Is as familiar with ths lory aristocrat as with ths representa tive of labor. . He chats with Mr. Balfour and he links arms with the prime minister. In fact, he Is on terms of friendship aad Intimacy with every fellow snember of the hous except, one Joseph Chamberlain, whom he once denounced as Judas for hav ing, apparently at. least, betrsyed th Irish members la couuectkiu with certain leg!- I trust. . are pending ln UlloOr or to answer questions put to them. The circuit court found them guilty of con tempt snd committed them until they should produo their books and answer questions. Th supreme court lsst spring held that they must give the information demanded. Two months ago a grand Jury returned Indictments sgslnst ths McAn drews si Forbes company, the J. 8. Young company, a corporation of Maine, and Karl Jururbluth and Howard B. Young, their respective presidents, for Illegally combining to regulats th sals of licorice past used in the manufacture of plug and smoking tobacoo, snuff and cigars. The defendants pleaded not guilty, and there the ease rests. The fight against ths National Retail Druggists association Is in th federal court at Indtanapolla. Th defendants have filed their answers and ths depart ment assumes that ths esse will be dis posed of st the next term of . court. Proceedings against the Virginia-Caro lina cnsmicai company, anegea to be a several . southern Hnssora of the Law. One day as John W. Mugrldge, the law yer, and Judge Mlnot were walking- along the street ln Concord, New Hampshire, together. Mr, Mugrldge, ln his sepulchral voice said: "Judge, lets go Into partnersiup. You furnish the capital and I'll furnish th brains." Ths Judgs quickly pulled a two-cent piece from his pocket, and ; holding It In ths palm of his hand.' said to Mugrldge: "Very well: cover that. John! cover mat:" . An old lawyer ln speaking recently about General Ben Butler saldi "Ben Butler was a terror and torment to the Judges. On one occasion Judgs Sanger,' having, been bullied and badgered out of all patience, petulantly asxea "What does the counsel suppose I am on this .bsnrk iorV "Scratching his head a minute, Butler replied, 'Well, I confess your honor's got me there.' " . .While Hon. E. R. Flynn of Spring field, Mass., wss on his wsy to ths supreme. court one day h carried under his arm several law books. . A friend reraaked to him. pointing to the books, "Why, thought you carried all that stuff in your head. '1 do," quickly replied Flynn, with i knowing wink, "these are for the Judges. F. M. Beckford of Laconla. N. H., was once arguing a cass in ths Belknap county court, and he opened his argument as fol lows: . "Your honor, and gentlemen of ths Jury This case Is on peculiar In circumstances as well as in fsct. It came to me as legacy from my lats brother, Colonel T. J X Whipple, who was engagaed ln Its prepa ration at the time of hla death. Ths county attorney who brought ths esse into court has long since gone to his great reward. Ths Justice who held the original hearing his long Since passed away. Our Attorney General Barnard, slnoe he became Inter ested In the case, has been called to that land where litigation is not known.- Ssv era! of the leading witnesses, too, ars dead" . "AH of which" said th court, "remind us of the uncertainty of human Ufa Pro- ceed, or none of us will be able to se ths cass through." Harper's . Weekly. I states, Tb federal grand Jury tog Ui Hoaae-Comtnar o Wilton Jennings Pryan. V Th Chicago Great Western railway will run a special train to New York, leaving Omaha :! p. m, Friday, August win arriving at Chicago 10 a. m. Baturdsy and at New York I p. m. Sunday. Only tM.1t for the round trip from Omaha. Ask H. H- Churchill, General Agent, lili Far- nam St., Omaha. Neb., about It. Hew York and Philadelphia cannot bs more plaasantly or (Conveniently reached than by the Orand Trunk-Lehlgb Valley Double Track Rout via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains, magnificent scenery. Descrlptlv literature sent fre on appli cation to Geo, W. Vaux, A. Q. P. T. A Grand Trunk. Railway gystatn, isa Adams BU Chlcsga. . j. Convincing proof of the genuineness oi our cigar bargains. We sell $600 less than factory invoice: . . i " ST mm? . 1 I . -"I r X 1.1 T if J.T5:" Ti . . ..i i . . ; . ii . . : u . l .i m iTTiTTlTri 1 1 H J i J3saa5g iai ttswaW mwninittwa bw kin WwVUwawU WUiC'iwUs . p. -il-Qfe - 'The above is the copy of a bill for $5,600 worth of cigars sold directly, by the factory in Bal timore to a jobber in Minneapolis. : The Minneapolis jobber paid 5.8 cents for each cigar and bought them at '.wholesale prices $5,600 worth at one time! We sell these same cigars for less than factory's wholesale price. We sell them for 5 cents each. That's the way we are saving money for the smokers in Omaha on all brands of cigars. ' Myers-Dillon Drug CaKstreet. TREPOFF SAID TO BE 11 L Eamor Attributes IUneis to Keoeat At tempt to Poison Him. ST0LYPIN SAID 10 HAVE CZAR'S FAVOR ' Officials at Archangel Authorised to Permit Political Prisoners to Lear Rnssln tt Thar ; Will Itny A war. BT. PETERSBURG,' Sept. 1. Reports are persistently circulated that General Trepoft, oommandant of- the ' palace, Is so seriously ill tht his lire Is In danger. No statement regarding ; the ' nature of his malady has been' gtven out, but It 1 ln; Umated that It date baek to th time or the recent rumors that' an attempt had been made to poison tbs general. ' Premier Stolypin, . aocrfrdlng to reports from PeUrhof. Is very "high In favor with th emperor, who decline to listen to sug gestions of th premier' 'enemies. Th police claim that they have ob tained aa Important clue to th head quarters oi the terrorist' organisation. They say that a man who was arrested at Petarhof In connection with th assas sination of General Mln, hastily attempted to awallow a piece of paper, which, when recovered, proved to b orders ln con nection with attempts to b mad on th lives of high personages. - ' The Novo Vrererya aays It has been established beyond i doabt that one of the men who attempted to-assassinate Premier Btolyptn August 2S was a Jew. The police of Archangel and other northern provinces hsv received Instructions to permit the political prisoners exiled' there to leave Russia on condition that they do not re turn' tor two years. Flghtlnc at Llhaa. LIBAU, Sept L An organised attack wss made last night upon a detachment of troops engsged In transporting s num ber of prisoners awsy from this district. Fighting occurred endk general alarm was sounded by the garrison. When rein forcements arrived on the scene of the disturbance the troops fired Indiscrimin ately Into th crowd, killing eight and wounding fifty persons. Among the killed wss a mother who has a babs st her bresst. MOSCOW, Sept. 1. Social revolutionists today issued a proclamation, ln whlcn they claimed credit for the murder of General Mln, but denied responsibility for ttus attempt on the life of Premier Stoly pin. WARSAW, . 8pt. 1. Over 1000 arrests were mad during last night's pollc sweep of this city. Msny complaints havs been mad by the prisoners of police brutality. Low Roaad Trio Bates via Chteaarn. Mllwaakeo st St. Panl Ir, On far plus WOO for U-day ticket on far plus H0O for to-day ticket, on sal dally to saanr points In Canada and west ern New York, and on August 8th and d and September th and lith to many New England points.- Tell us wbar you want t go and w will gtv yoa tb best rates for your trip. Call at city tlckst office, liU Far nam street r writ to '. F. A. NAIH. Gansral Wsstsrn Agent. OmaoacNh. ome where Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha TO 150 CANADIAN AND NEW ENGLAND CITIES AND RESORTS. DATES. Or SALE. Canadian Destinations, Daily. New England Destinations, September 5 and 19. ' RATES 15-day limit, one fare plus $2.00; V , 30-day limit, one fare plus $4.00. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. .$60.00 One way via Shasta Route ........... 73.50 San Francisco and Los Angeles and Return, Sept. 3 to 14 , 50.00 One way via Shasta Route..'. 0 62.50 Spokane, Wash. ;.. 9 55.00 Butte and Helena 4 50.00 Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden 30.50 Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo . 17.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and Return, Sept. 19 to-22.. ; 15.00 Worland, Wyo., (Shoshone Reservation) and Return 32.85 Sheridan, Wyo.. 26.40 Dead wood and Lead, S. D I 18.75 Hot Springs, S. D .'. .' 16.40 Chicago, 111.. ;.. ; 20.00 St. Louis, Mo- '. 18.50 Mexico City and Return, September 3 to 14, . inclusive , 51.25 Toronto, Ont., and Return,' Sept 12 to 15. 27.15 Chattanooga, Tenn., September 15, 16, 17. . . 28.00 Oklahoma City, Okla., September 7 to 9, inclusive. . 16.25 MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN RESORTS. ,4 . Reduced Rates Daily. 1 ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES DAILY. . Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, eto .$25.00 San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc 25.00 Spokane and Eastern Washington 22 50 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake, etc: 20.00 Better call or write and let j-- rw ivt j v k h ' I can give you all the latest, information 1 r j ..if vi 1 uuu iree aescnpiive literature.. J. O. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Fimara Si Cmtha. Keb. Sta " Jo. Bee Want Ads Bring Results