I f3T0? felflF WTO MA. i - 1 li . I 7 WU8 pull ia i v t Biin. m M tarns OvbkNS: AQcrfe Bedroom. f ii ih il'il ii HMH tfll II - ' til r ' -I 411- 1 1ll iusefaJ booAcjse for f?s g'r sfucfe?t. By Dorothy Take. TtlK summer Is nearly spent, and autumn will soon be upon us. In a few weeks the schools and voUvuvs will havu opened, and the youiiK tfirl. dt-p In her a I miles, will have little time to devote to the renovating of her bedroom. Now U the lime. For every sound, healthy fclrl should take an Interest In her room. kiiU do what she can herself to Improve It '1 h.-re are so very many things that a capable girl can do, In fact, she can 1o aloiuat everything. She can paint he woodwork, stain th- lloor. make me runs, paint the furniture, make the curtains, the tablecloth, the bu rrau scarf, and the bedxpread fciiie can build book Shelves and window et., and do Innumerable thlnies if sue puts her mind to It. Although to do these thinu neessarllv takis time, still the girl who makes for her self a pretty and original room will be more than repaid for her lnliora. 1 shall not attempt. Ii. tills article to give Very definite Ideas or color schemes, because I think It so K0j for a girl to think these out for "h i self. Kvery girl has a certain amount of originality born In her With some this shows Itself sooner or later in one form or another. I feel as 'if i were writing an advertisement when 1 say, "beware of Imitation." but it Is very necessary that we kuuiJ against this, for It la so easy Jum to copy our neighbors, and oftentimes wtr do It quite unconsciously. Perhaps tins year w do lut neeti U reps pei . n t'.'n happens that a cheap bedroom pa"V is i uc i prettier alter It has been uf a yeur or two, for it has fxded tittt the eoluis n.ie been soften d White woodwork I would always recommend for a young girl s bedroom. It the loom ha this already, another coat will be the most I h :i t it needs; but tf the woodwork is lltsht oak and we wish to have It white we pust cut the varnish by applying a strong solution of fill! inn V h W f S "W '9 It ; - X sT st I vV'tv W ' M ; t ; ammonia, after which It must be rub bed down with pumice stone, then painted. This would need either two or three coats. The furniture could also be painted white. If new furniture has to be bought, old bureaus, waahstands, etc., can be picked up for two or three dol lars each at second-hand stot.s, which, when painted up, look as good as new. The white bureau In the Illustration Is a pretty one. and the oval frame above it has a delightfully old-world air about It. The seat shown was made from an old bureau. The upper drawers were taken away, the top was cut to form the Beat and the sides were partly cut away. I consider this an exceedingly clever way of making use of an old bureau, for it is useful both as a seat and a receptacle, besides being an Improvement to a room. , , . The book shelf shown Is simple and easily made, and such a bookcase is always useful, tspecial'v for the girl Student. The bedroom Hhi'trnt'on shows a pret ty idea for shelves where there are small windows In the room. This room Is papered with a soft gray paper which resembles note paper. It Is trim med with a border having little dusters of rosebuds and leaves Joined with gray ribbon. The furniture In this room is mahogany. The rug shown is a round, plaited ne. like those our grandmoth ers made. These are quite easy to make, and tun either be made from pieces from '.he rattling or from unbleached mii.-dln, which run be dyed at hom, or lr. .in denim '1 he material must be cut into strips irc ni half an Inch to an Inch and a half wide, according to the thick ness o( the material. It Is best not to have the sirl.s very long, as they tangle and fray; but they should be about a yard or so in length, and can be joined as you go along. The rug shown Is made .f iiitik dcutm. I'retty effects can be made by using wo strips of one shade and ore htrlp of a darker rhiole. . r some harmonizing color. The lags can he plaited it as thev are very quick ly, but It Is best to Mm In the edges as N4 . ,1 ilia.. ..V vnshuv- you plait, to Insure smooth and finished work. Another une old rr..,s cnn be put to Is to have them woven Into rag-carpet rug's; but care should be taken In sew ing the rans together to have pretty color harmonies. Another economical way of covering floors Ib to have old carpets rewoven. A prettily draped dressing-table adds much to the daintiness of a room: and these can be made at a very moderate cost, as the cheapest sort of a table an swers the purpose. They can be draped with s wins or some such white material, over a colored lining, or with cretonne or chintz. A verv pretty worktable can be mada from two potato baskets. First, nail the two baskets firmly together, end to end. Line the upper baeket with denim. Get a round board, two Inches bigger In diameter than, the top of the basket for the lid ; cover the outside of this ta ble with figured cretonne. To do this, pleat the cretonne to the top of the bas het with brass nails, after having made a hem for the bottom. The table should either have a ribbon or strip of the cre tonne caught around the middle. The lid should be' covered on the top with cretorno and underneath With donlm to match the rest. Pincushions and flt- tings should be made and sewn to the Inside. Such a wniktible, bcslJes be ing dainty and pretty, Is very useful, as there Is plenty of room to keep the sew ing Itselt, as well cs the wherewithal for sewing, and It Is very light and can be easily moved from room to room. Corner shelves, partitions for bureau drawers and cubbyholes in the bottom of closets for shoes are only a few of the things that a girl who Is handy with tools can do; but I am convinced that the girl who once makes a few successful things for her room will be so fascinated by the work that she will be led to do more and more. The Engagement Ring INSTEAD of the once-inevltable dia mond solitaire, the engaged girl has won a pretty .ndependence in the matter of what the token of her be trothal shall be. liirthstones are wonderfully popular for engagement rl gs, and the gold "Aiizpah" bracelets (the kind that fasten on "tor keeps," and have to be lgno minlously Ilk., off If the engagement is broken) are about equally popular, the bruceleta probably best liked of all to kens for tnose engagements which must necessarily lie a matter of years, and ure consequently not announced at once. I'erhapa '.he prettiest of ull betrothal gifts, though, was a ring not a usual ling, by any odds, but a circlet of dia monds, the stone, set between two mere nms of gold And one girl, who as In business, hit upon a clecer way of wearing a ring without letting It tell the tale it usually does. The only man had a replica of his seal ring made for fur to wear on her little linger. A little while before the wedding, when her engi.gement was made public, she put the other beautiful ring he had given her on the imnorlant touith linger. But the little finger ring, she said, was the "real" ring. - i - 5 The Inconvenience of Ill-Timed Visits WHEN the time comes for bal ancing the accounts of this world's sinners who "mean no harm," then surely Just pun ishment will be meted to the Inconven ient guest, whose rank among well-intentioned criminals Is high. There la the woman who lives in a hotel, who thinks Of she Is ever guilty of that process) that marketing Is done by maohlnery and that houses run themselves. She drops In upon you at 10 o'clock In the morning, smiling. Immaculate, bub bling over with her own plans for the day. She generously Ignores the dust on the parlor table and the twisted condi tion of your collar. She is tactfully deat to the walling of the baby and blind to the mysterious beckoning of Mary, who has walked past the door six times, be cause she must see you before going out on that errand. She only stopped In on her way down town, she explains. Plic Is going to lunch with a friend later. She wonders how you stay at home so constantly, but then she. supposes it has Its com pensations. In that you seldom miss your friends when they call. An hour later, having torn your morn ing to shreds and spoiled what was once a very lovely disposition, she goes away, still smiling, and no doubt in wardly congratulating herself upon hav ing brought a bit of variety into your monotonous day. There Is the woman who always ap pears at mealtimes. She would nut break bread under your roof without a hidebound invitation oh, dear, no! She knows that the business hours of the masculine end of your establishment compel you to ent on the minute, and at what an unprejudiced observer might consider not quite a seasonable hour; but that makes no difference. Going- in a Moment. She Is going In a moment; she couldn't possibly stay. They are expecting her home to dinner. Isn't It too bad that Mrs. A. has such absurd hours? She wouldn't think of keeping you; but she does. She stays on, and chats serenely about the weather and the shortcomings of her dressmaker and the newest book. "Oh! haven't you read it?" While footsteps ominously heavy move about overhead, and the dinner cools, and you listen with an automatic smile, and an awful sense of impending domestic dis aster. There Is the woman who knows that you write articles which misguided editors occasionally accept, and, what Is more astonishing, pay for. She doesn't know just how you do It, but It must be perfectly lovely, and so dead easy. She thinks she'll bring around something she's written for you to look at and she does. She comes at an hour when you are simply steaming over your work. She thinks It Is simply delicious to have something to do that can be picked up any old time. The little thing she has written well, of course, you may not care for It, but her sister thought It quite the cleverest thing. She believed she would typewrite It If you would Just show her a little about your machine. Your work was on the typewriter now? oh, she didn't mind waiting while you took It out. She would Just love to see her story in type; It would be almost as nice as having It printed. So she stays, while you seethe and rage and the Are of genius burns low, and then she goes away and tells somebody that you are getting Just a little bit old inaldlsh. "These women who fancy they are clever are so apt to, my dear." Then there Is the woman who ar rives unbidden to meals. She Just dropped In to have lunch with you. Of course, you won't make any change for her. She seldom takes anything but a cup of tea and bread and but ter in the middle of the day. A Housekeepers' Litany. Your sister-in-law and hor baby are coming, you Bald? Why, there will be quite a little party. Does the baby come to the tableT Tha must be rather troublesome. None of the chil dren at home were allowed to until they were nve. Children are so apt 1. i...r anaanhM NflW IU mHKO llluailBBii.a ,v . . ... - - -1 you are sure It won't make any dif ference If she stays? And you lie like a lady and a Christian and mur mur to yourself, "How long oh, how lVorse than these transitory wor ries, however, are the Inconvenient guests ho come to slay over night or longer. . "1 cannot very well come at the. time you mention." writes a woman noted for her many sterling virtues "but I will run over the last of next month for a week or so. You know you never have to make any differ ence with me!" , Now, the last week In next month a seamstress is to be in the hue fr three days; you had planned a week end trip on your own account, and there is to be a play In town for that week only which you have been dying to see ever since it first appeared upon the boards, but Mrs. B. wants to come. Mrs B. la the kindest, dearest soul In the world, and her feelings would be hurt Irrevocably if you so much as lunted that her visit was Inopportune. She likes your undivided attention, too. and she has conscientious scruples sSalnst theatregolng. Bo. you heave a mtle regretful sigh and write a note saying how glad you will be to see her; then spend the next three days in try lnr to straighten out the tangle she has made the skein of your carefully ""her? wm one. a humorously Inclined suffere' who remarked that there m.gh be a housekeepers' litany written De- ' -From the thralldom of old family servants good 1-ord deliver us. And to this petition it seems titling to "Kromthe Inconvenient guest, also good Lord deliver us." Souvenir Postal Pads A TREAT for post -ard fiends has been prepared In the shape of the souvenir postal pads, which contain a dozen postals, and the puds are so compact that it is only thd work of an instant 'o tuc k the. i In your bag as you wander around the country. A fountain pen, sone 1-cent stamps and two or three of these little pads, and the hearts of numerous collectors may be made glad with . -y little ef fort on your part beyond that of se lecting interesting views or appropri ate pictures. The Rings Spot Leave Behind 'Em. THAT ugly ring which cleinslntr fluids often leave bi hind them when they are used for i emoting spots may be : voided if a thick pad of raw cotton or a couple of tni. k nesses of blotting paper is laid under the part you are cleaning. THE BASEST WAY f 0 LEWGTHEM SffiBVBS, I r i ' ftM. .. . '. K fv '3 !".? V y ' .' ' ' ' ' ".' - ' ' ' ' i ' 'P- A - 1 1 B"" ''"iiwswsr'te.wrTliri'l IT ic is . ' i i ir I l to 'VW"..'--H V ! ' i R- a'iSK-.vjy.-.i . nr-v. iii .; r. It'vW ':'-" r" i JUST what those of us who have gone in so violently for short sleeves are going to do wliun the threatened long sleeves arrive Is a tiling very much to be considered. If you've plen ty of material left over, and some of the lace as well, a long cutt will eke out the sleeve without a great deal of work. Some of the prettiest armlets have come out to till just that need armlets which are nothing more In the world than long cuffs niado for wearing with chemisettes. Some of them are fascinating, In the way they end in frills, pleated or ruf !. .ulllr "'ire out prettllv, not over the hand, but at the top of the ruff, over the puff itself. For a blouse that Is to be laundered often, don't tut the ones with pleated ruffles, for ple-tlng doesn't do up well. And ruffling Is pret tiest when It Is treated to a goffering What Are You IT'S a pretty Important matter, this fitting a girl for the niche she has to fill In this world, yet it's one that the average parent is apt to giidt: over. From the time a man-child first lice in his cradle, on through the various stages of block building und kite flying, one question Is kept ever uppermost in his parects' mind concerning him. What Is he going to do? What will he be? And the daughter "Oh, girls are dif ferent," said one mother vuguely when the above queatiuu was put to her. Hal why? A girl has her place in life as surely as a man. Not as a bread-winner, pus sibly perhaps, even, not as the head of a family but still a place, and she should be fifed for it. A young girl who had grown up In a household where every one was busy , and where Interests common and liuli vltlu.il were plentiful was Invited to spend several weeks in n mountain ho tel, as the guest of a wealthy woman a little past middle ae. On the morning after her arrival the lady suggested that they should go Into one of the parlors and (day canis with some other women who were there. The girl assented pleasantly enough, but when the suggestion was repeated that afternoon, and again In the cteuing, and still again the next day. and the one following, she waxed lebellious. There were beautiful walks and drives around the hotel; there wire wide 1 laz ( is wheie often intei ruing people p.tth tred: there was a library well stoeked with books. The elder woman had triv t led tine was well educated, intelli gent, apptn ently. et she ignored thuse oj, port uiia a t and spent iter time at the card table, which bhe admitted bored her. ' Y& 4 -M Uh -v V : . f iJ .i iron in the doing-up process. Often embroidery insertion or motifs Is joined by rows of insertion crossed and criss-crossed in a pattern of lis own. I'sually Hie designs of tho laco used for these separate curTs are so staple in design that It Is often possible to match the laco of the blouse whose sleeves you want to lengthen in cults all ready to attach. Sometimes a fairly plain cuff ran be turned Into just the cuff for the blouse by adding a bit of bnnd-embroiilery just a little spray in groups or ilots or eyelets, anything that echoes tho de sign, however faintly. An occasional pair of armlets Is a .VS. ' K V .- S Going to Make of Your. Daughter ? "Then why do you play?" queried lire girl, with youth s bluntness. "Why. my dear," exclaimed the other, plaintively. "I have to do something to kill time." The woman was not excusable, of course, but back of her inability to find what was worth while In her dally life lay a lamentable want of early train. ng. A girl peed not be given a trade or profession, though she ia none the worse for having one, even If she never uses it for making n.'oney; but she does need an oceupat ion und an absorbing in terest or interests. Sin) mny get married a goodly num ber of girls do and It Is Just as well to be prepared tr.r It. fche !..e"d not stitch all her hypothetical husband's stiirt bamls, nor till a chest Willi household linen, like the hopeful Uermati maiden (who, nevertheless, lived and died a spinster); but she wont bu any the worse off for knowing how to make blend and cut out a baby's petticoat. She may have to start out unexpected ly to tarn her own living, l'leiity of winien do. f course. If she has some, great 'Hlent the voice of nn Kauics, the pen of a lie Stael, t! j genius of a Bern hardt then the way is clear. But. on the oihei hand, she may be Just an Hvcr nije woman, with a warm he.nt and a head that's a bit faulty; and it II do her no harm If she can cast accounts ac curately, run a sewing machine, write a good note and say hat she wants to say In u way to make people under stand. If your daughter has ii particular bent, cultivate It as lar as Ilea within you, but not to the extent of excluding other things. Nature doesn t often it.. . bii,tlk unthinkingly, and you may den. i.d up .n it that it ailv or Jt uide ihuun a mark ed aptitude with a laiini brush or a pair cf n'is.Ts or frying pan, that knack J r-'-s ' - . IV . . Tsui: tf?. .a h j: v . j ... tr -i r TT "Al'sf 'V ! tXrm. ' . i -W-a r VSk., - Va, '"If.-". V.afiw'vi S " ' ! 1 lSkt c Si frf1 &t the fqo o'ftecufC Utile putt Itself and Is intended, not b make the short sleeves lnt long ones, but to turn llmm into the pretty tluee q un iter length that is muue up of a couple of puffs. A good idea, uccordlng to one girl w ho gels along upon about as near nothing a year us ever a girl did. is to make armlets of hu e and "fixings" to matt h tho blouse, and then, Instead of sewing them to the blouse, keep iher-l !-e -aratc, so that tho blouse may do double duty us u short and a long sleeve affair. The lower part of a good sleeve pat tern is all you need to make them on. They should be made on paper. If mii' h hu e Is to entar Into their composit on. Those, by the way, made of rows of in sertion joined by one of the many pret ty little headings of lace or embroidery urn particularly pretty and may be whipped together In a Jiffy, In spite of t! lr difflcttlt-to-mnke .ook. will surely be called Into use before she ib d. .id. It's Just as well, however, not to for get to teach her at the same time to put her stocks and belts on carefully, and to keep her mind Informed as to w hat s going on. Make cf your daughter first of all a woman-not a butteilly, nor a drudge, not uii -cho, nor a grenadier, but a real true womanly woman. Teach her tact if you ran It's a pre cious possession; discretion she'll need It; self control, and the capacity for meeting emergencies. Then if she wants a career, help her to It. If she wants a home, help her to that like wise, and show her how to build ner home and guard It successfully. Vhcr. you kavj dii:? 1: is. you have made of her sell-iesi.eeting, been ly. minded Individual, ready find willing to do her share In the world s work. To Avoid Rust Marks LIN'FN suits nave a way of shew ing an u k I little rust mark on the t.ii ol tie ! tlotlldel s. I lid Villi ever o ik Inside for the cuuse? if you did. mn.-u probably you found the shoul ders maiUed Willi plenty of it. got - and here's t whole story In a nutsh. II Iroin tne 'ouih..nger upon which you v care fully kept ll whenever your suit has been out of use. C'oathangers should always be cov ered before they are used for white or delicate colored things. I.litie bum of silk or linen or dimity can be drawn over the l""C sides and heal in place by t'.airow -ihhotis, tied Into pietty hows. And then, even if the weather Is damp i ii'uih o make everything rust, the brunt ol It won't come upon your very best bib and tucker, but upon an eaiUjP replaced thing. W f