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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEt SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. 7 Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and' beautifies th teeth and purines the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY rT HH Ingredient of -- Bton Beer are the bent obtainable. Barley malt made from the choicest train grown In the westl Bohemian hop Imported direct at three timet the cost of American hope. Arte sian watery pure and sparkling-, from a 1,400 foot well.l i The high quality of these Ingre dients greatly Increases the cost 'of making Bton Beer. Yet you pay no more for it than for common beer. - Always order Btbra-Becr. Get quality.! oet your money's worttu ' Stors Brewing Ob-' '"Omaha. B8 FOR 30 YEARS Dr. McGrew has mads a BPBO. 1ALTY of all forms ef diseases and dis orders of MEN ONLY Bit turflltlM for trot, lag tbt hIih et llwHi in unllauee. Hit f. ' suitable nm save aaV tmiMv aom bm equaled. Orer 80,000 Cases Cured Varteeeele. Hrerooele, Blood paleo. Strlotura, Olee Nervous Debility, Lees ot Strength ana TltaUtf. Ills Home Treatment has Mrmutnllj nnl theuaaade el MM at hrenlo N.rreue, Raotal, Kldnay sat Bladder an kin dlaeasae at tmall ceat. Sara tlaM and msnar ST Saaorlbiai rovt caaa aad irrlta far rail BOOK aad tarms o treatment, atedlelae eent la plat Cnerges X.ow. Consultation Tree. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Sun days, I a. m. to 6 p. m. Call or write. Box 786. Office at 11 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. Automobiles for Rent... Telephone Bed TB3S AT ANY TIME H. K. Wheelock, I A T D Hyera-sillo Oonti, lata m Nuaui anuausa, mm jnae ir, Gray's Nerve Food Pills . iaiii i WUl give restful sleep, aaake you oiean headed, stop mesa sous symptoms, restore 'your appetite, permaaeatly oare ohronlo heaaeoke, double your aw oavaoity for work, restore manly and womaaly Tiger, bring yoa baok to yontfc. Correspondenoe confidential Ctroular free, ILOO box. Full course I boxee 12.60 by mall on receipt of prloe. Recommended by all users. SHERMAN & McCONMELl DRUQ CO. 1CTM ANP DODOS ST OMAHA -very Woman ialntaneUd and thanlS fcn.iw annul me wondarmi MARVEL Vthirlina Sor.v I Toe ti Twi prrtm. Jnjt iwsaai .furnon. uec Mar. au Moat fonranlana. . iiwawMiHuau. takTaararanhrthrN. r h. cannot supply ths I.KVKIj, accent ao oilier. tut annd iusid fop fllii.trmitd book rla. It elves full iiartleular. and 1lrMinn. fn- valuabletn laillee. M IRtKL f (L. e a, BSaT..AkMr iiaau gut Bale Djr SHKRMAN - McCONNlfflLX, DRUO OCi. lth ana Dodge eta. MTERB-DILUN DRUG CO, B. B. Cor. lath an raraaJn ata. f For Kldnayandl Bladder TroubLasl RELIEVES IN 4 24 Hoursl ALL URINARY DISCHARGES DR. WEBTMALB SENNA LIVER PILLS A PILA. WITHOUT A PAIN. For Deranged System CONSTIPATION. BILIOUSNESS.. SOUR STOMACH. SICK HEADACHE. NAU8SA, NURVOUSNE8. TOHPID LXVER. , Sic Post Pull SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO- ICth and Dodge U ) siivess Bu Boo sters Try the Want Columns of Tb. Baa- Those aafferiag from weaa 5 iaaf Baaaee whlrh aap the pleasure SJ t Ufa should take Juvo PilJt. One box will tall a story ot marvelous reenlta. This medicine haa more rajuvenating. rltalltlsc force than haa ever batore beao oSarad. .Sent po.t-pald Id plain perkaceeniy ea raealpl of (hie ajr. and L Maie b' Ha nrlrinatora I'. 1. Hood Co.. pro SVMlora Utrad s earaaMrUla, LoaoU. ilaaa sHSKn. ev.j - '"SB tt. . m tl Tai'.V.l-ii.-Ji I A "a w - .A'-,,, 1 Each Cap- -. Wlfl Ayr toman tmmttmu "Ih uTM.! by .11 dragrlata. ' SPORTING C0SS1P OF WEEK Slllj Talk ! Dropping Deofsr ii Again S.TiTti SIOUX CI1Y STARTS THE STORY ANEW Denver, Dee Molars aad Omaha Are Vitally Necessary to the Cirealt aad neither Tewa Caa Be Dropped. Again the pipe. This Urn. It Is Sioux City that la smok ing, and lbs pill seems to have been a Utile bit .bitter. Anyhow, the dope that comes from up the river Indicates that somsbody has gone wrong. It Is to the effect that Sioux City Is going to join the orusade to oust Denver and Pueblo from the Western league. - What's the matter up there? Do they want to go out ot the base ball business! They could take no surer way than to get rid of Denver. It would be Sioux City to the bush, and In a minute. To get right down te brass tacks, the talk ot leaving Denver and Pueblo out of the Western league clroult Is silly, mere rot, and ought not to be Indulged In, for every time it Is sprung It does the business around the circuit just that much harm. Three towns are Just as essential to the Western league as oxygen Is to hu man life. Any time you cut out Denver, Des Moines or Omaha, you snd the West ern league. That's all there is to It. The other towns may change, but these three are the big cities Of the league, and the ones that keep it alive. Omaha has led for several seasons, because the people here have been tho most liberal patrons of the game, but Denver and Des Moines are vital to the circuit, lust the same. The only basis for the talk Is a pique against Oeorge Tebeau. Here's another thing. Out at Denver the sporting writers have been hammering away at Tebeau for the last two or three seasons, calling him all sorts of names, and advising the people of the city to keep away from the games till Tebeau gives up the franchise. This sort of Jabber has had Its effect on the gate receipts, until Den ver has come to be' one of the poorer cities of the circuit. Instead of the best. And while these wise gasook. on the Den ver dallies are calling on their readers to boycott the games, tbey are roasting the managers ot the valley teams because they say the trips to Denver are unprofit able. Can you beat that for consistency and logloT If ordinary consistency is jewel, here's something that makes the Kohinoor look like a piece of plate glass. Just as long as Oeorge Tebeau owns the Denver franchise, the. Denver people will have to patronise Tebeau' s base hall team or go without base ball. It they boycott the games, then the visiting managers are going to oomplaln of the patronage, aad thus breed the talk of leaving Denver out of the circuit It is the blight of Tebeau lam, but the only way to get rid ot. him la for some one of the moneyed men of the Colorado capital to get to the front and buy him out. Either this or quit kicking, go to the games, and turn the proposition Into a paying one for the visit ing teams as well as the home organisation. It is to be hoped that when the present, "season Is over, and it hasn't much longer to go, that the foolish talk will die out, and that the magnates will get together on a business basis and give us some base ball and not so muoh hot air. Mike Cantlllon haa been so quiet of late that It la basis for a ausploion that he has reformed. If Mike had only taken this streak three months ago." the race In the Western league might not have been any different in result, but the business aspect Vf It would have been far more satisfactory. He may have realised the folly of his tac tics but It- la too late , for the present season.- It will help some, though, if he carries the memory of this season through the winter and start, next season on a new basis. , The time of summer sports Is about over and the fall games will soon hold the cen ter of the stage. Most of ths big tourna ments In tennis and golf are over, and the championships for the various sections have been decided. It la well known that It Is hard to hold Interest In any games requiring hard work when once the final championships are over. Exhibition games of base ball would attract but tew, except in the case of the big games to decide some special championship. When ths tennis men finish their tournaments they lay aside their rackets until next spring. The golfers keep plugging away until snow covers ths links, for thslr game Is different. The time of the foot balllsts will soon be be hare. Foot ball men do not wear their hair long as formerly. Then It was used as a guard against accident, but In these days all players are provided with head gears which take the place of tfre long locks and a foot ball player does not need to wear his hair any longer than a rooter who ha. to stand alorg the !d lines. Although foot ball la looked upon by some as a tabooed game, still there never was greater Interest In the great college Sport than at the present time. This In terest has been Increased this season by the scathing criticism to which the game has been subjected by ths faculties of the various institutions, and the numerous re visions which have been made In the rules. Two kinds of Innovations and revisions have been made, those touohlng the tech nical stds of ths game aad those pertaining to the ethical. The technical changes were made with the Idea of making the game more open and the ethical with a vfew of doing away with some ot the brutality which had been creeping Into the game for soms time. A few games have been played, but the men were not la condition, so It Is Impossible to say Just how far these ohange. will affect the game and the pub lie will have to wait for developments to see bow these changes will affect the game. Some thought the game was on the grid iron Itself and stood a good chance to be abolished by most ot he colleges, but It has weathered the storm and nearly all colleges will have teams In the Held and schedules prepared when tfte college sea son opens. By making the rules more definite and making It Ineumbeat upon the officials te more rigidly enforce these rules, the framers of the new game have hoped to do away with considerable of the brutal features. All officials are now authorlsod to penalise In case of foul Instead of ths umpire alone, as In former years.'' The pen a! ties have been made more severe and the rules havs been supplemented by the addition of illustrations, calculated to se cure a more uniform enforcement of these rules. Hurdling baa been limited and more protection Is afforded the players who are compelled to handle the ball while in a defenseless position; ths two rush lines have been put farther apart by rule, thus affording lees opportunity for foul play and foul play haa beea penalised by disqualification and tbe loss of long dis tances Instead of the loss of a short dls tanoe alone. The rules committee has also tried to opea up the game and make It more visible to the spectators, and the rec ommendation Is made that a player dis qualified twice In the same season be not permitted to play again that season; and a centrU board of cfnclaia has beea ep pointed to kelp to secure more competent officials to umpire and referee the games and to secure a more strict and uniform In terpretation of the rules.. This all doesn't mean there will be nothing rough to the game, for rules cannot do away with roughness from any game, and football Is a game of man pitted against man and as long as that la so the game Is sure to be rough and men are bound to lose their tempers for a time. The game has long been noted for just this feature, for it teaches a man to take a hard knock with out losing his temper. It will reduce the chance of these outbreaks to a minimum. Ths rules, as now laid down, are v?ry clear and It will remain for the players and coaches to see that they are carried out. The publlo can also take a good hand In this by upholding the officials in their ef forts to make the game free from all ob jectionable features. When the technical side of the game 1. considered the players and coaches and officials find themselves confronted with a huge mass of new bewildering legisla tion. The rule most noticeable to the public will be the ten-yard rule, which compel, a team to make ten yards In thrae downs Instead of five, as formerly. Rules have also been changed affecting the posi tion of the five center men on the rush line, and other new rules affecting the forward pass, the onslde kick and ' tho restrictions concerning hurdling, tackling and the Interlocking of legs. Western colleges are going In for the game the same as If all the hullabaloo was not raised last fall. Some schools have agreed to abolish foot ball for a year, but the game will be played, never theless. In the Chicago High schools no pennant will be offered for the champion team, and this is as far as the governing body has gone to abolish the game. The teams wilt bs allowed to play games the same as before, but no schedule will be sanctioned by the Athletlo board and the teams will act Independently. Coaches will be employed In the western schools, some under the cloak of being physical directors and some with no pretense of being anything but a foot ball coach. Bellevue will have two coaches, a foot ball coach to help the physical director. The Omahk Rod and Qun club Is proving Its popularity as an outdoor organization. Two publlo entertainments have been given recently which drew large crowds of people. The club is now proposing to put In tennis courts for the use of its msmbers and they will probably be laid out this fall. With the addition of a good bathing beach next season the suc cess of the club Is assured. The last week has been, rather unfavorable for fishing, though some nice bass have been taken from the lake. The big fellows are re ported to be feeding near the surface again and If fair weather continues fly fishing or frog casting ought to be good again. The lake was high during the heavy rains of a week or two ago, but since the weather cleared the water has begun to recede, Improving the conditions very much. What easy losers those New Yorkers are. Here's Muggsy saying that Pulllam fins won the pennant for Chicago because he put the great John J. on the blink for sev eral days. All John did In the world was to exhaust his hl'herto supposed to be un limited vocabulary on Umpire Johnstone and then bar him from the grounds at New Tork. And now it's Frank Farrell who says that , Ban Johnson Is trying to win the pennant for Comlskey, Just be cause Johnson ' has given Clark Griffiths the sklddoo sign. Orlf didn't do a thing, and can't understand why he Is put out of the game. To quote Mr. Farrell, "Griffith Is In a hase, and can't understand it." To bs sure, all admit that during the course of a very recent game Grlf walked down Into the diamond and delivered one of his celebrated monologues for the edification of Umpire Sheridan. It . was of toe sort that won for Griffith ' the sobriquet of "Hoodlum" years ago, and which he has borne with more or less pride ever since Umpire Sheridan had the temerity to order the foul-mouthed manager from the grounds, and received In return the scorn ful fcoot. Of course Grlf wouldn't get off his own grounds Just for a measly umpire; base ball law be hanged. To abuse he added Insubordination, but he Is now In a hase as to why he should be suspended. Oh, those New Yorkers are surely dead game sports; all they want Is the best of it going both ways. But Chance has the one pennant cinched, and If Commy's team can only hang onto the other. It will be the most glorious day for base ball ever known. It will put the chesty Gothamltea just where they belong, and may tteach them that a pennant must be won by playing and not by bulldoslng umpires. $ Samuel Karpf, secretary of the American Bowling congress, Is making arrangements to make another tour of North America with an all-star trio of bowlers. The team will start at New York, playing the best teams of Gotham, travel down the Atlantio coast to Jackson, Fla., then Invade Cuba. After playing the best teams In Cuba, New Orleans and the southwest, the team will meet all comers In Mexico as far as Mexico City. Ths combination will then travel along ths Pacific coast by easy stages to Canada, where games have already been .booked. The trip will be under the per sonal supervision of Sam Karpf. Among those who are anxious to make the team are: Jimmy Smith, the Brooklyn wonder John J. voorhels of New York, W. Nou) of Newark, N. J.; Charles J. Mountain ot Chicago, Day Woodbury ot Milwaukee and C. Dresebach of Columbus, O., who, with Jack Reed as a partner, captured the two men team championship at the national tournament held at Louisville last March. Foot ball U already treading on the heels of base ball and soon the supremacy of the pigskin will be acknowledge by the horsehiae. The college coach Is busy with the graduate team advisers and soon will take off his coat and get down to business. Aspiring candidates for places on tbe vari ous university elevens are taking a home course in preliminary training and will shortly pack up their arnica, splints and uniforms and hit ths trail for the college campus. At Tale Head Field Coach Foster Rockwell haa been conferring with Walter Camp, the Ells' general athletlo advisor, and it has been decided to call the candi dates together about September 15, and a sharp ten-day drill Is then expected on the new rules before college opens. The Yale policy was pretty well figured out In three weeks' secret practice this spring. A team-passing game, much like the play so frequent in basket ball, la generally expected. As Head Coach Rockwell has played basket ball for three years and captained the team last year, he Is the man for the hour In working out new plays from the foot ball rules. Much kicking will be done by the Yale backs this falL Every member of the back field has been taught to punt, and Instead of holding the ball, the backs will kick frequently. It Is a settled conviction among the Tale ' coaches that Injuries among the players will be fully, as fre quent as undsr ths old rulea. Collarbone fractures and broken wrists and arms are looked for frequently under the new code, which develops much running in a broken field. Under the new Yale eligi bility rules, which bar freshmen, no new players caa make the team the coming fall. The veterans who will be eligible are: End, Howard Jones; tackles, Lucius Blglow and Rooert Forbes; guard, Arthur Erwln; quarterback. Tad Jones; halfbacks, Howard Rooms, William Knox and John Levlne. . Ft lends of Forbes deny the rumor that he Is not to return to Yale. Jim Foster, the Yale grandstand builder, haa been here for two weeks overhauling the Tale grandstand and stregnthenlng It for the coming season. The official British paper. Lawn Tennla, prints a cartoon of Miss May Sutton In the regular series that haa been running n the magazine. Accompanying the car toon Is a little appreciation which winds up with : "Miss Sutton Is a born match player and Is possessed of Iron nerves. Though we may almost claim this fair daughter of Columbia as a native of this country, yet to America Is due the credit of produolng such a phenomenal player, and great as has been her success up to the present, he would be a bold maa In deed who could prophesy that we have as yet seen Miss Sutton at the senlth of her powers." Miss Sutton was beaton In both the All-English and Northern championships by Mis. D. Katherlne Douglas this year. Letters received say that Wylle C. Grant and H. Lavern Westfall, the two young lawn tennis players who are making a tour of the meetings on the other side of the ocean, have started oft very well. An old friend erf the Grants, S. L. Fry, Invited the two to compete at Greystonos. Wylle got the final round In singles and the two players were In the doubles final. The eventual result of the tourney Is not known. Against Fry and McCormack, two of the crack players of Ireland, the Ameri cans did very well, giving the Irlshmjn handlcao of IB and winning after a great match. The two are entered for the East of Ireland championships at Kings ton as their next engagement. Labor day will bTsfbuTy one in the fight ing line. In every city where boxing is permitted the manager of the club that has been holding shows Is busy at present making arrangements to bring off a battle. The main fight of them all. of course, will be the lightweight championship battle be tween Joe Gans and Battling Nelson, which Is to come off at Goldflold, Nev., for a 130,000 purse. The other cities wnere ngnts will be decided are: Philadelphia; Chelsea, Mass.; Denver, Colo.; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Seattle, Wash.; Everett, Wash.; Terre, Haute, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Mil waukee and other towns. Nearly all the clubs have arranged their bouts. rwre-A Georsrantas. the Greek weight thmwpr and strong man who competed In the Olymplo games In St. Louis In 1904 and In Athens last summer, nas arrivea from Europe and In all probability will be a contender In the coming national cham pionships. It will be remembered that Georgantas defeated Sheridan In throwing tha httivv stone at the Olymplo games. 10 the Americans the contest was unsatis factory. The Greek beat the lankee by Inches only, despite the fact that the latter man had a sprained knee and could not bear his full weight on It. Georgantas made an open boast of victory over Sheri Ar, rl vaunted that he could take the American Into camp at any stage of the game. Georgantas' rather unsportsman like conduct has made the sinewy New vnrirer rather sore. He does not say muoh, but whenever the Greek's name Is men- nnri there comes a flinty glint Into Sherl- rinn-a naturally InuKhlnc eyes that Implies much. The superiority of the men will In all probability soon be tested. Tom Edison's Queer Start "When the battle of Pittsburg Landing was fought the first report which reached Detroit was that there were 60,000 killed and wounded. -1 was :a ' train newsboy then and I told the telegraph operator at the Detroit station that it he would wire the main facts of the battle along tbe line, so that announcements could be put up at the station bulletin boards, I would give Har per's Weekly to him for six months free of cost. ' "I used to sell about forty newspaper, on the trip. That time I made up my mind that I ought to take 1,000, but when counted my money I found I had only enough to buy 400. "Then it occurred to me that If I could get to Wilbur F. Story, the proprietor of the Detroit Free Press, I might be able to work out of my difficulty. I climbed up the stairs to his offlce and said: " 'Mr. Story, I have only got money enough to buy 400 papers and I want 600 more. I thought I might get trusted for them. I'm a newsboy. "I got my 1,000 papers, all right That was a great day for me. At the first sta tion the crowd was so big that I thought It was an excursion crowd. But, no, when the people caught sight of me they began to yell for papers. I Just doubled the prloe on the spot and charged 10 cent. Instead of S cents a copy. "When I got to the last station I Jumped the price up to 26 cents a copy and sold all I had left. I made 175 or $100 on that one trip, and, I tell you, I felt mighty good. "That called my attention to what a tele graph operator could do. I thought to myself that telegraphing was simply great. and I made up my mind to become an op erator as soon as possible. "Then I Joined hands with a man named Callahan and we got up several Improved types of stock tickers. These Improve ments were a success. "When the day of settlement for my In ventions approached I began to wonder how much money I would get. I was pretty raw and knew nothing about business, but I hoped that I might get $6,000. "I dreamed of what I could do with big money like that; of the tool, and other things I could buy to work out inventions but I knew Wall street to be a pretty bad place and had a general suspicion that a man wan apt to get beat out of his money there. So I tried to keep my hopes down, but the thought of $6,000 kept rising In my mind. "Well, one day I was sent for by the president ot the Gold and Stock Telegraph company to talk about a settlement for my Improvement. He was General Marshall Lefferts, colonel of the Seventh regiment, "I tell you I was trembling all over with embarrassment, and when I got In his presence my vision of $5,000 began to van- lull. When he asked me how much I wanted I was afraid to speak. I feared that If I mentioned $6,000 I might get nothing. "That was one of the most gainful and exciting momenta of my life. My, how I beat my brains to know what to say. Fi nally, I said: " 'Suppose you make me an offer.' "By that time I was scared. I was more than scared. I was paralysed. " 'How would $40,000 dor asked General Lefferts. "It was all I could do to keep my faoe straight and my knees from giving away. I was afraid he would hear my heart beat. "With a great effort I said that I guessed that would be all light. He .aid they would have the contract ready la a fsw days and I could come back and sign It. In the meantime I scarcely slept I couldn't believe It. "When I went back the contract was ready and I signed it In a hurry. I don't know even now what was In It. A check for Ji,0M was handed me and I went to the bank as fast as my feet would carry me. "It was the first time I was ever Inside of a bank. I got in line and when my turn came I handed In my check. Of course, I had not Indorsed It "The teller looked at, then pushed It back to me and roared out something which I could not understand, being partly deaf. My heart sank and my leg trembled. I handed the check back to him, but again he pushed It back with the same unintelligible explosion of words. "That settled It. I went out of the bank feeling miserable. I was the victim of an other Wall street 'skla game.' I never felt worse in my life. "I went around to th. brother of the treasurer who had drawn the check and eald: 'I'm skinned, all right' When 1 told him my story he burst out laughing, and when he went Into the treasurer', office to explain matters there was a loud roar of laughter at my e- pense. They sent somsbody to the bans: with me, and the bank officials thought It so great a Joke that they played a trick on me by paying the whole $40,000 In $10, $20 and SCO bills. 'It made an enormous pile of money, t stuffed the bills In my Inside pockets and outside pockets, my trousers pocket, and everywhere I could put them. Then I started for my home In Newark. I wouldn't sit oa a seat with anybody on the train nor let anybody approach me. When I got to my room I couldn't sleep for tear of being robbed. "So the next day I took It back to Gen- Lefferts and told him I didn't know where to keep It He had It placed In a bank to my credit, and that was my first bank account With that money I opened a new shop and worked out new apparatus." Thomas Edison In Pearson'. Magaalne. Our New Inland Sea Occasionally attention has been directed ot late to the breaking of the Colorado river into th Salton basin ( In southern California, the consequent troubles of the Southern Paclflo railway and ths threatened destruction of the settlement. In the so. called Imperial valley. Probably few persons outside of the ter ritory Immediately affected have realized how great a change In tbe face of the country Is thus taking place. The facts and their cause are clearly stated by Edmund Mitchell In the current North American Review. In order to understnd this change It mast be realised that In ths far back ages the head of the Gulf of California was about too miles northwest of where It Is now, and that much of what Is now San Diego and Riverside counties was under water. Into this long arm of the sea the Colo rado river flowed on the east side, probably not far from the present site of Yuma. The mud brought down by the river grad ually formed a huge dam aeross the gulf, cutting off Its northern end. Through this dam the river cut It. channel on to the sea, leaving the cut-off lake to evaporate. Thus In hlstorlo times, when man began to med dle with the situation, the Colorado was flowing along the edge of this great hollow which was once the northwest extremity of the gulf. The lowest point of this old sea bed at Salton Is 263 feet below the eresent sea level. At Calexlco, on the Mexican border. It I. just at sea level. This southern end of the basin, having emerged from the ancient lake before Its waters were con' centrated by exaporatlon, 1. fertile land, needing only water to make It productive. Here 1. the Imperial valley. To get water to it a eanal was out from the Colorado down near the Mexican line, entering tho basin from the south. Unfortunately, this canal had no head gate. It was merely an open ditch. The winter of 1804-1 was a season of abnormal rainfall throughout the southwest The floods of the Colorado found an easier way through the canal Into the Salton basin than down the old Chanel to th gulf. In fact. tbe river got back Into Its prehistoric course. Since December last all Its waters havs gone Into the basin, and at Salton, where three years ago salt wa. shoveled from the parched earth Into rail way cars, th water is now nearly sixty feet deep. The new. lake thus created I. already more than 400 square mile. In area, and except Lake Michigan and Great Salt Lake 1. the largest body of water wholly within the United States. AU effort, to atop the new channel and turn the river back into Its southward course have failed. The greater part of the Imperial valley, with It. half dosen thriving village, and hund red. of fertile farms, seems destined to disappear beneath the rising lake. At the time Mr. Mitchell first wrote there were hopes that the Colorado might be finally controlled by tbe great dam which tbe national government Is building at Laguna, An., at the lower end of the river's rock canyon, and the head of It. delta. But he I. compelled in a footnote. written on July 1. to admit that this hop may be rain. Th river I now cutting a receding waterfall in Its own bed at the rate of nearly a mile a day. Chicago Inter Ocean. Saved by His Eyeglasses In writing of hi. hunting adventure. In Nubia In Harper's for September, Captain T. C. S. Speedy tell, how he wa. saved from the attack of a native by the re flection In hi. glasses. "After a slight refreshment," he writes, "I spread my sheep skin rug a couple of yard, off, and turning my back to the fire, kept a lookout In front, a., owing to the preclptous stony cliff that rose on three sides ot our camping-ground, I found It was next to impossible for any to enter except In that direction. Suddenly a kg which had been charred quite through fell asunder, throwing out a large shower of sparks, while a bright flame shot up wards. To my surprise I beheld before me an extraordinary right which held my at tention fixed, though for a moment I did not realise what I saw. Immediately be fore my eye. was ths diminutive figure of a native, evidently, from his mop of hair, one of tbe Hadendoa tribe, but only about two Inches In height spear In hand, which he was quivering up and down .. If on the very verge of striking a blow, a fiendish grin distorting his countenance My astonishment lasted but an Instant quickly perceived that this ws. the re flection In my spectacles of an enemy be hind me, who must have slipped In whil I was dosing, snd that I was the object of the aim which In another second would have proved fatal. There was not time either to rise or turn, but flinging myself backwards I seized the savage by his foot, and pulling him forward, happily upset him on his back and closed with him. "Th excitement and breathleasness of th struggle prevented me from calling out, especially as I had at first great difficulty In retaining my hold of my foe. owing to the sllpperines. of his greasy akin, but the sand whloh stuck to him as we rolled over and over together soon enabled me to obtain a better grin, Luckily In our rough-and-tumble contest we knocked up against one of my hunters, who. although sound asleep till that fti stant. was oa his feet In a twinkling, and quickly settled the matter by .lipping . cord round the elbows and legs of the man, who was thus secured." Carpenters Letter (Continued from Page Five.) House In despair. The failure worried me, and a day of two later In thinking about It, I came to the conclusion that thore must have been something metallic about the bed upon which President Garfield was lying. I Inquired and learned that his mattres was resting on wire springs and It was ths steel wires that mads ths ma chine buss. We did not try It agsln, how ever, and tbe matter was allowed to drop." FRANK 0. CARPENTER. GETTING CLOSE TO ONE OF Hatty lladt's McwMlleiiads Never $3.00; Never $2.00; Just $2.50, Always All Shapes All Styles All Colors I - "We are furnishing more men their Men's Furnishings than we ever fur. nished since we commenced TO SELL. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ILMCTIte 107 South 16th Street Malted fJuiGo or flops J e iter's perfect brew makes Gold Top Liquid Bread The IT. S. Government analylsi)rononoe. it a valoablo to4 product, easily difeated. Jefter Brewing Go. Telephone No. 8, Sooth Omaha Omaha Headquarters, HUGO F. BJLZ. 14th and Douglas. Telephone Pougla. 1641. Council Bluffs Head quarter, LEB MITCHELL, 111 Mala St, Telephone SO. ill Z Vf iTI rll ,U aUm-T ft) r jl wsmm Our Wedding Qoodi are) tho recognized standard, th. engraving being dona by skilled craftsmen. Insur ing perfect satisfaction and the latest and most fashionable sizes. Oa request samples will be sent by mall and orders executed Just as satisfactory as If ordered In person. fl. I. Root, Incorporated 1210 Howard Street Omaha, Nebraska 'saaaaBBBaKaaaaaBaBBMaaaBaaaaaaeaaaaaauaKaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaa Matter OMAHA Barley MESSED f "Stiff Tiimmm "VISITING C5EDS WEDDING.