THE OMAIIA SUNDAY. BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1D0C. 5 0 a 0- Development of Nebraska MR origin of tha association under whose auspice the Nebraska state fair la hrld, dates back al moat fifty years. It was near tlio beginning history of Nebrask u a territory, that what la now known aa the Nebraska State Board of Agricul ture waa originally treated by an act of the territorial legislature with perpetual ex- ' Istence, approved October 11, 1S6S, entitled, An act to establish a Territorial Hoard of Agriculture." The bill for this act was prepared and Its paj-suge tecured by the, efforts of Robert W. Furnas, then a member of the council branch of the ter ritorial legislature. Tha provisions of tha act for the forma-, tlon of a board of agriculture were: That It ahould consist of sixteen members, tha term of office for one-half to be for one year and one-half for two years, thua pro viding for the election of one-half of lta member each year. The board elected its own members and officials, aa It does at the present time. The act also provided that the president of county agricultural socic tles thereafter organised, and in active working existence, should be ex-offlcio members of the territorial board. , Notable Names lm List. The original members named In the act were: A. D. Jones, E. Esterbrook, John M. Thayer, Robert W. Furnas, Thomas Gib ton, Harrison Johnson, Christian Boost, Jesse Cole, 8. A. Chambers, Jerome Hoover, Mills 8. Reeves. Broad Cole, J. C, Lincoln, Harlan Baird, Joel T, Griffon and E. H. Chaplin. A majority of these members named in the act met at tho Hernoon house (where are now the Union Pacific railroad headquarters) In Omaha, October K, 18M. A temporary organisation was had by calling; John M. Thayer to the chair, and A. D. Jones, the first Omaha post master, as secretary. . The term of ervic of members were at this meeting appor tioned by lot At this meeting provisions were made for a board of fair managers consisting of five members whose duty was to arrange for and supervise the holding of an annual fair. The first board of managers elected were E. II. Chaplin of Douglas county, H. Balrd, Dakota; M. 8. Reeves, Otoe; Broad Cole. Cass; C. Bobst, Pawnee. The per manent organization was: Robert W. Pur. nas of Nemaha, president; A. D. Jones of DoiiRlas, secretary; and John M. Thayer of Douglas, treasurer. Provisions were made for holding a three days' fair, commencing on the third Wednesday of Beptember, 1859. Proposi tions were to be solicited for a place at Chat with (Copyright, 1908, by Frank G. Carpenter.) IASH1NQTON, Aug. S0.-(Speclal w Correspondence of The Bee.) It was ' a still, ' small vole that reached my ears the other night, when I called up Dr. Alex- anuur Graham Bell and asked him for a chat about some of his recent sclunllfla experiments. The voice was that of Dr. Bell himself. A It came over the wire It waa not louder than a whisper, but It every syllable was articulate and distinct and I could hear It as plainly as though I stood before the famous inventor face to face. As I listened my mind went back to the time when that same voice made It first successful communication of this kind, and my heart thrilled at the thought of what its owner has given the human race. It Is scarcely a generation since Dr. Bill Invented the means of sending articulate sounds over a wire, and today by that in vention the" voices of all the world pass to and fro without regard to distance. . Last year on th Bell telephone llnji alone there were more than 4,500,000,000 conversations, or enough to give three talks to every man, woman and child upon earth and leave some to spare. Those conversation took place In the United States and It Is fair to presume that an equal number were uttered in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. . Oar Die Telephone Baslness. - I lirvc before me the last report of the American Telephone and Telegraph com-, puny. . It gives no statistics outside Its own business, and It practically Includes only1 the progress of the Bell line In th United State. The figures are astound ing and they should be multiplied by two or more to give an adequate Idea of the telephoning of the world. The total mile ase vf the Bell lines Is now more than C.000,000. ' It ha in use enough wire lo reach 24Q time around the earth; more than enough to bind two girdles around the sun and still leave plenty over for waist bands for Mars and the moon. - Indeed, If wire could be stretched through spaoe, the Bell wires alone are enough to make twenty private lines to the moon and leave a million odd miles to spare. The wires which were stretched by that company during last year would go fifty-four time around the earth, and they use so much copper to make them that some of our greatest mines are kept busy furnishing It. It would take a big forest to supply the 000,000 poles to which those line are Ezra Meeker on His Of T.niiar th tiwnA nJIFa tn. I nounced that ' rrzra tereaer had I Btnrf, tmm RnAftl Wash., trt WIS??. mark with monuments the old "Oregon Trail."- It waa on Janu- -j Umt Mr. Meeker left Seattle, and on August 1$ he was at Lexington, Neb., 2,000 miles from his starting point and almost a thousand miles from his destination. He expect to finish his Journey at Indianapo EZRA MEEKER AND HIS v . .. . ;; ', -' . - 1 - - L . r which to hold the first fair. The awsrd w made-to Nebraska City, where the fair was held September 21, 22 and 22, 1X59. The fair was hold in a shaded grove near '.Ne braska City. No enclosing fence, no budd ings save a lean-to shed, la which all. except live stock, was t-xhlblted. I lor and cattle were tied to trees. Swine were) provided for with hastily Improvised peas. The limited premiums awarded were paid for from the pockets of the members of the board. From the tall end of a wagon, backed In the shade of an elm tree, J. Sterling Morton delivered the first agri cultural address ever made in Nebraska,' This address) can be found In full In the) . annual report of the. State Board of Agri culture for the year 12. ' fade State Legislation. The territorial law creating a board of ' agriculture was amended In 1367, when Nebraska became a state, under which the following pel sons were made a body cor porate in the name and style of the Ne braska Board of Agriculture, with per petual succession, so that the term of service of one-half of the members should expire annually on the day of the annual meeting: S. M. Klrkpatiick, O. P. Mason, C. H. Walker, George Crow, J. G. Miller, John Patrick, John Ritchie, John Cad more, Samuel Maxwell, Elam Clark, Isaao Albertson, Amos Gates, George A. Haft, William Imeley, E. A. Allen, H. M. Rey nolds, W. D. Scott. A. S. Holiday, John B. Bennett, B. Gates, Louis A. Walker, J. Sterling Morton, J. W. Holllngshead, O. P.. Thomas, J. B. Stout, Henry Sprick, . B. - W, ' Kennedy, A. L Chllds and Anderson Miller. The above named persons, twenty-nine In number, constitute the charter member of the Nebraaka State Board of Agriculture, being given this honored distinction by an act of the legislature. Promment among those having held important positions on the State Board of Agriculture may be named, as presidents: Robert W. Furnas, J. Sterling. Morton, R. R. Greer, 8. M. Barker, R. H. Henry, Ed Mclntlre, John Jensen,' Martin Dunham, J. T. Clarkson, Ell A. Barnes, Milton Doollttle, S. C. Bos sett, E. L. Vance, J. B. Dlnsmore, W. R. Mellor and the present incumbent, Peter Younger. As secretary: A. D. Jones, C H. Walker, J. C. McBrlde, D. H. Wheeler, Robert W. Furnas, 8. C. Bassett, unex pired term of Mr. Furnas and present in cumbent, Mr. Mellor. Treasurer: John M. Thayer, L. A. Walker, J. W. Moore, Chris Hartman, L. A. Kent, Ed Mclntlre and present Incumbent, E. Z. Russell. . The same law and provisions governing" the State Board of Agrloulture . prevail Inventor hung, and the underground conduit Iq which they He are so many that If placed end to end they would girdle the-world.-'" As to the money Invested In the tele phone business Its amount Is Inconceivable. The Bell companies alone have a capital isation of more than $300,000,000, .and' th ' capitalization of the Independent companies here and of the other companies belonging; to government and Individuals In Europe : and the rest. of th world Is probably much, greater. These figures give some idea of what that still, small voles meant'swhen It first sent' articulate sounds over the wires and there--" by began the conversations which have so revolutionized the world of. society, business and trade. , ' A Mldnlht"chat. ' , v :, It . required but a few words to arrange)'-' the Interview. The time fixed was mld-v night,. for .the Inventor of the , telephone 1. a night worker. He has always done the Kreater part of his exparlmenllng and think. Ing after dark, finding that his. mind, works.,, more clearly as the world grow quiet, and that It Is at Its best between 12 and 4 In the morning. During the summer. months he .seldom . goes to sleep before dawn and hi usual -hour for test are from 4 ut.ti1 11 a. m. . Dr. Bell's afternoons are devoted to busi ness and social engagements, and. h.a nights to reading and scientific. rlments. During our talk I asked Mm, wither his arrangement of the hours was net Injurious to health. He replied that he hf 4 not found It so, and that be. far preferred it' to that of other men who work by day. Indeed, night and day are much the same to him, and when he 1 especially Interested In somo of his experiments goes.' many hour with out sleep, workrng on far Into the day, and then sleeping for hour at a stretch tor make up. It is by this means that he docs an enormous amount of work, carrying on studies and experiment 'along many' line, and. at the same time, keeping him-, self thoroughly abreast of the scientific world. He Is now within a year or so of the age at which Dr. Oaler said the working man should be chloroformed, but his eye I . a bright, hi step a firm and his mind a active as when he made his great discovery aa to th telephone thirty odd year ago. He tell m that he never felt better than he doe now. and I doubt whether he has ever enjoyed his life or work more. Joseph Heary asd the Telephone. Our conversation covered a wide range. In response to my questions It was at time Long Journey Overland lis. Near Lextocton one of hi oxen died, and he was forced to purchase a cow to take Its place, is he could not secure an other ox. He erected a monument on the Platte river, about six milt south of Lex lngton, which place Vu known a Plum Creek In the day of "tn eall." The photograph from whlchthe accompanying picture la mad was talfen by the Misses Bavin of Lexington. OUTFIT AT XXXINOTOnI NEBL f . ... , : : : : . . : j- - . . , . - . . ' . - r vs I it 1 " ttt" - . sUJy- , ... t - v.i-J-L i w J 1 - i- " t-- today that did at the beginning, thirty nine yeare ago, when this organization waa created. , The representation for tha late, of twenty-nine-' membera on the State Board of Agriculture remains the same, the same system of electing the board, the same delegate representation from the county agricultural societies, the same form of county reports, the same ystem of publloatlon. Growth of the Fair.' The Nebraska state fair, from Its little beginning In 1859, has steadily grown Into one of the most prominent and In fluential, agricultural exhibition associa tions In the United States. Each decade has shown great progress In the exhibition Interests at the state fair. In all lines of agricultural Industry the disposition has been to Improvement and a higher stand ard of perfection In the exhibition art. In addition to the great natural resources of a state rich in the inexhaustible fer tility of Its soil, there has been a sys tematic training of exhibition skill In the, various counties, prompted by the In centive of. contest which the. county col lective exhibition .of farm products, at. the-state fft'r has created. Alexander Graham ! i! 6 . , 'f" i ;.-f.J. .in. i'l mnniit w - -" -'- -':-tKiiTftiiMiii I ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL IN GOWN TAKEN AT EDINBURGH WHEN THB UNIVERSITY GAVE HIM THE DEGREE OF LL.D. personal, now drifting Into reminiscence connected with his many Inventions, and now scientific, a I asked him as to the possibilities of -new discoveries along cer tain lines in the future. A part of the talk I have already published In an article about Dr. Bell's recent experiment in the evolu tion of aheep. and as to his present work en his flying machine. Another part I give you today .In the conversation which fol lows. ' We had been talking about the Smith sonian Institute, of which Dr. Bell is one Of the regents, and of the late secretary. Dr. B, -P. Langley, -who wo one of Dr. Bell's Intimate friends, when I asked him whether he had known Joseph Henry, the ' first secretary and director of that institu tion. Dr. Bell replied: '"I became acquainted with Prof. Henry when I wa still working on the telephuno and he wa kind to me. It, was a year or so before my patent. was granted, when I ' called upon him at the Smithsonian Instltu ' tlon. and explained my ideas as to the con struction of an instrument which would carry vocal sounds. I was then interested , also in multiplex telegraphy, and we talked about that. Prof. Henry was a man of re ' markable .ability along the llnea upon j which I waa working. He had mads many ; discoveries In electricity and In electro-dy-1 namics, haying constructed an electro-mag- netlo telegraph long before the invention ; of Prof." Morse. . He appeared much Inter ested In my experiments and I determined to ask his advice about the apparatus which I had designed for the transmission of the human voice by means of an electric . wire. After I had explained . the ldoa I liked him to advise mo whether I had bet ' ter publish my discoveries and let others go to work Hong the same Hoes or whether I ahoulu Ueep at it and attempt to solve the problem myself. . ' "He - replied that he thought I had the germ of a great invention and that I would do much better to keep th matter aecret and work along by myself.? State Fair - f- a-m-" A VIEW OF TUB NEBRASKA STATE This system of exhibition was first In troduced by Nebraska as a feature of fair attraction, and was at once placed upon a basis of success by the large premiums offered. Today, and for years past, no other state In the union nas been able to compare In extent and grandeur of display with that made by the Nebraska state fair, In Its department of farm products. As high as thirty counties have entered the contest for the largest and best collective exhibition of farm products, and so large a scope. In general exhibition, has been covered by these com petitive displays, that vlsitora to the No braska state fair were-slow to conceive of their being other than competing states, so exposition like, extensive and modern have they been built to attract and please the eye. Liberality in Premiums. It may be well to mention In this con nection that no other state has ventured upon so broad a baBls of premium at traction for Its agricultural products dis play. In this one feature of county collection exhibit Nebraska has for the past ' dozen years offered $2,000 In cash " 'But,' said I, 1 feel that my mechanical knowledge la weak. There are many diffi culties to be overcome and I fear I have not the knowledge of electricity required.' " 'Well, then, you better get it,' aald Prof. Henry. "Those words spurred mo to action. I cannot tell you how much they encouraged me. I did go to work again and It was the result of that work which enabled me to bring about my final success. My pat ent for the' telephone was granted Just about two year before Prof. Henry died." Dangers of Publicity. "Suppose Prof. Henry had advised you to publish your discoveries and you had done so. Dr. Bell," said I. "What would have been the result V "I might have lost my Invention nnd my work would have been claimed and stolen by others. As it was, as soon as the prac tical advantages pf the ttleplmtie became known there sprang up claims of prior in vention on all sides, A number of well known electricians appeared, each an nouncing himself the original inventor, and numerous claims and interferences were filed against my patent. This is the case with nearly every successful patent that la Issued, and claims have been filed for such Infringements by men bearing fairly good reputations. , . , . . "Some of the most remarkable Instances of this kind," continued Dr. Bell, "were in reference to a newspaper hoax which was perpetrated by some wag a few years after the telephone had become, a success. If I remember .correctly it was along about 1380, when many new "things were being discovered In electricity, when the electrls light was superseding gas and the electrlo nrtot beginning to run the street cars. At this time an Item wa published to the effect that . Dr. H. E. Llx of . Mauncb. Chunk, Pa., or some other town of that kind, had discovered a way to 'sea through a wire,' and had been able by this mean to convey th tmog of a ouaojr cat kept Since Us Territorial Origin - ... FAIR GROUNDSJTioto by Staff Artist. prize to the counties contributing In this display, guaranteeing' each county a cash premium equal to the - expense ' of 'making Its exhibit. This guarantee has In some Instances raised the aggregate amount to be paid for county collective display tuOO above the regular premium offer of $2,000. Thjs It will be observed that the grain farmer and vegetable farmer Is measured by the same premium Incentive, In order to attract his attention to the fair, that Is used by all fairs to Interest the live stock breeder Jn the show ring. Until the present year Nebraska' first prize for county collective display was COO, the balance of the $2,000 to be prorated among the other counties exhibiting. In proportion to the score of their exhibit. This year a change was made, whereby all counties are paid from the $2,000 purse, according to the score each receives. It may be Interesting to know that Nebraska exceeds any state In the United States by $r00 In the amount of money offered In the one feature of county collective exhibit or collective display by counties of farm products, and that not to exceed three states offer one-half the money In this classification that Is offered by Nebraska. Bell a! His In an adjoining room through the wall Into a hall and to throw It on a screen before a delighted audience. - The dispatch chron icling the discovery was full of technical electrlo terms and It alro contained several proper names, founded like that of the al leged Inventor, Dr. H. E. Llx (helix), or some such scientific word. Contents oi m. Package. ' "Well, that dispatch went the rpund of the press and coupled with It came the statement that Prof. Bell, the Inventor of the telephone, was Interested in It and that he had filed in tho Smithsonian In stitution a sealed package containing a full description with illustrations Of bis ..In vestigations. Now, the fact was that I had filed a package, but It related to my Investigations as to the .photophone or the conveyance of sound by means of ray of light. How It became associated with the helix matter 1 do not know. At any rate the moment my name was published in connection with It an Indignant letter was printed In a reputable English scientific journal, signed by two well known profes- . aors, Ayrton and Perry, stating that neither I nor tho mythical Dr. H.'E. Llx had any right to claim the .lrst discovery of transmitting image by wire and that they were the real discoverers of the process. A week or two later other claimants ap peared. They came forth from different parts of the United States and from Eng land. "One of the claimants was a well known New York electrician, Mr. Sawyer, who, like the rest, abserted that he could see through a telegraph wire and could lend any kind of an image he wished In that way from one place to another. Another published an article in the Scientific Amer ican with illustrations of his Invention. I Answered nothing In reply to such state ments. I had never made any experiment of tho kind, and .had . no Inventions to claim. After a short time It appeared that the claimants themnelves were in tha aaine situation. They were frauds,' pure and sim ple, and some of them undoubtedly had put forth their statements with the Idea of Ming Interferences If the Invention as al leged should prove to be a practical suc cess." "How about Elisha Gray?" , "Prof. Gray made his claims, I oelleve, at the Instance of his lawyers, and largely through the Influence of the, directors of a great telegraph company, who then feared that the telephone might Injure the telegraph. He, had, however, fortunately for r.:e written me a letter of congratula tion upon learning that I had made my dls. covery and disclaiming It for himself; and this letter was brought forth aa evidence with the other testimony before the courts. Prof. Gray and myself were working at multiplex telegraphy at about the same time; and his discoveries were so much lika mine that I was for a time afraid of hlra and thought he had some way of getting at the secrets of my laboratory work. It was for that reason that I changed my laboratory.' When I afterwards met Prof. Gray I realized that his character wa such that he could not have done anything of the kind I had imagined and I regretted my unjust suspicions." Telephoning Without Wires. "Will w ever have a wireless telephone, Dr. Bell?" I asked. "I think It Is possible, though the, dis tance of its use may be limited. I remem ber some experiment I once made not far from the Cambridge observatory near Bos ton. We had driven two pokers Into the ground a few hundred, feet apar and bad connected them by- wire. As soon as the counectlon was made I put the receiver to my ear and heard a clock distinctly tick-' Ing. The tick wo a peculiar one, and I recognised it as that of the clock on the Cambridge observatory, wh'ch set the time tor the greater part of Boston. Upon Studying the matter I concluded, that the sound wa conducted by tha ground to my receiver, A abort time later I tried some experiments a to wireless trlephony on the Potomac here at Washington, and I wa able to hear signals made on a boat at the Acqueduct bridge while In. another boat stationed a far down th river as .the Washington monument. In this case the water acted a th conductor. Indeed It 1 a question whether what w now know aa wireless telegraphy is brought about- by the signal being carried by the medium The Importance of a permanent location for a state fair did not come to the people of Nebraska until six years ago, when, after failures, disappointments and great sacrifices of money had been made In tem porary locations, without getting satisfac tory results, there was an effort put forth which resulted In harmonizing the agricul tural sentiment of the state for a perma nent location where a fixed system of ex hibition Improvements could be con structed. The present state fair grounds since be coming the property of the state has had centralized around It a strong feeling of Interest and endorsement In making this the exhibition home of the agricultural and live stock Industries of the state. Permanener I" Deslrefi. The prevailing sentiment throughout the state is towards state fnlr Improvement, the building of a practical exposition en terprise that will belong to tho people and that will be operated and conducted In the Interests of the people whose Industries a state fair Is designed to encourage, foster and give the widest possible recognition Washington Home of the air or by means of the ground and water. It may be found that in all cases the real conductor Is the latter. "Do you look for many changes In the telephone In the near future, Dr. Bell?" asked I. "Not In the Improvement of the trans-, mission of sound," said Dr. Bell. "That will remain practically a It Is, but I do expect changes In the machinery to facili tate the uses of such transmission. I be lieve that we shall soon have an automatlo telephone service In whWh every sub scriber, by means of certain buttons and a combination .of wires, will be able to call up whomsoever he pleases without the an noyance of the central station. When this Is accomplished the cost of telephoning will be much reduced, for the greater part of the vast army of telephone opera tors will be done away with and the ex penses of operation can be made less." "How about having newspapers by tele plionfi with readers at a central station and buttons by which the news can be turned off and on?" "I don't know about that," said Dr. Bell. "Such an attempt. was made not long ago in Vienna or Budapest. I think, but whether It was a success or not I am unable to say. Inventions have boon recently made by which music can be carried long distances by telephone, and they are now planning to have concerts so. furnished all gver New York, giving the best of classlo and other music to thousands of subscribers at once. As to the practicability of that Invention I do not know, but many men believe that it Is of value and that It will be a success. I have not seen the machinery nor heard It In operation." During my talk with Dr. Bell I asked him to tell me something about his attempt to New Head of Iowa I elected without opposition to th Knights of Pythias, Domain Of Iowa, at the Grand Lodge ses sion. The new chancellor haa been promi nent In Pythian circle for twelve years. He was a member of the judiciary com- V, U FERRTS OF SIOUX CITT, NEW VV PkTHlAS. ;v, that merit entitles them to. The siMe fnlr la becoming more and more an Institution of learning. The cducstlonnl features of the fair are developing on every hard. Tha fair visitor in this ago goes to the tlr to see, study and become Informed on sub ject of Interest to the t.trmer and the conduct and well being of the farm. In soils and crops. In this relation bie Nebranka State fair ha been giving great attention to the convenience and accommodation of the machinery department of Its exhibi tion, especially ihe farm machinery which, so ' many thousands of farmers visit the fair to examine and compare by the ad vantage thus afforded. The amusement features of the old time state fair are rapidly being trimmed down to Include nothing but the most chaste and Inoffensive In character. That the higher order of entertainments are soon to find a place on tho Nebraska fair grounds only awaits the acquiring of means to put up suitable buildings to accommodate them. Clean, respectablo' and highly entertaining; features are the ambition of the manage ment and the State Board of Agrloulture can be depended upon to urge the enforce" mcnt of this ambition. On a Bnalnraa finals. The Nebraska state fair management started In a few years ago upon a reform basis. Its new managers believed that a state fair should be run upon a strictly business basis; that In the conduct of a fair obligations were entered Into with It pa. trons for the payment of large sum of money. In premiums. The operating ex penses: also were a moral obligation upon the association and those who represent It and these expenses could not be met under the free pass system that had so gener ously prevailed for many years. The trim ming down of free admissions was Intro duced and has been steadily enforced until the free pass applies only to those who . business Interests contribute to the ad vantage and upbuilding of the fair. The fair of 1&08, which Is to commence September I and continue to the 7th, has. In advance, given evidence of exceeding In extent and quality of display. In all de partments, any former exhibition ever given by the state. The live stock feature Is far in excess of the housing capacity of barns and pens. The agricultural ahow I much greater than has been made for many years, Judging from entries of counties al ready made. The same sweeping declara tion of great Interest and full departments are represented by all superintendent. The one Important factor, good weather. Is the only source from which there haa not been great promise of abundance and) to spare. locate the bullet In President Garfield' body. It will be remembered that when Guiteau shot the president the X-ray had not been discovered. The surgeons probed again and again. Other experiment wera made to find where the bullet lay, and among them some by means of Dr. Bell's Inductive , balance, which bad then Just been Invented. Bold Dr. Bell: "My instrument consisted of a piece of mahogany board of about the size and shape of a flatlron. It had a handle upon the top, and it bottom waa covered with a green cloth. - Inside the board wa an eleo- . trio coll, ao made that .when it wa moved over anything of a metallio substance It would buzz. I could take a bullet In my hand, and having made the proper elec trical conneotlons, could rub the board over , the back of my hand and the result would be a loud buzzing noise, the sound being loudest when the coll was over th bullet. The Instrument afterward proved to be of great value for this purpose In hospital, although it failed In connection with President Garfield. It was on ac count of that Invention that the Univer sity of Heidelberg gave me the degree of honorary M. D." "What was the cause . of the failure, doctor?". "It Is easy to see now," wa the reply, "although we did not realize It at the time. We took the machine to the White House and tried It upon the president with th assistance of Surgeon General Hamilton. We moved. It all over the person of the president, and to our surprise the machine began to buss whenever It came near him. According to It, he was full of lead, and the result was that we left the White (Continued on Page Seven.) Knights of Pythias mlttee during the revision of the laws of the order and has been a member of th Grand Tribunal for three years. Mr. Ferris I a prominent attorney of Sioux City and has been a praotlclng lawyer there for eighteen year. For eight year he haa been Justice of the peace. - GRAND CHANCELLOR IOWA rdTOT