Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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THE OMAHA SUT)AT. TittE: KM'TfcMBKH 2, -lMfi.,-
' f
.,pTibn Douglas" CIS. ' ' '"'. . ' ' ' ''.'- feM 8pt, 1, 1108.
Early purchasing tour to eastern markets'by our goods-gathering organization have
been productive of earlier Autumn "displays than usual. Every day for weeks past has recorded
bright. new arrivals of Fall merchandise j as a result you will find this store in a delightful state
of rea'diness, with" good worthy stock and fairest, lowest prices always. "Welcome.
The New Autumn Suits.
Shirts, Waists, Rain Coats,
We are iltiyi the first to show the
really new and stylish wearing apparel
for women. What you eee here Is always
correct and every garment' le an exclusive
stsjrfe. A glanre at our beautiful good
wUI convince you that the piire le alwaya
low. for the high class merchandise we
New Autumn Dress Goods.
the dress goods that are the most ad
mired by the fashionable set are to be
fownd at our store' That Isn't because
our. money will buy -better goods than
other dealers' -money, but because our
buyer Is most competent.
tmi will always And the strictly tiew
goods In our store first, and our prices
are always the lowest, quality considered.
Make Monday a day of comparison.
Main floor.
h' ' '
Reports from Saturday's Great Special Sale of Haskell' Black Dress Silks,
Judging from the rrest thrnns that e-Sthorod at th alllr itanartmanl Clatiirdav all ma Am mniit rartalnlv fiava,
Vtt1 tn ftta m.( .nl.l ..I. a! u..lAlli .1. r- 6111..
" " ' . ,. i'uT.iBi Mig ui AAnarvcrii D diblk urc&l OI1AB.
v CmbJ... B . AA m . , - , . . . . . i
Dixurua; o.w a.. uuun open -large crown, luistomers maung straignx ior me buk department.
9 A. M. Without doubt the greatest silk' sale Thorn pson-Belden ever had. Crowd getting larger very fast.
10:45 A. M. Call goes out for more salespeople.
1:80 P. M. -No let upln the enthusiasm.; Reports show actual sale the largest in the history of this store,
2: HQ J. M- A. few. number sold completely out. Taffetas and Peau de Cygne seem to have the call.
,t .Owing to the great success of this sale, some numbers having sold entirely out. we hav wlrl
ew York to replace them at once.'
' ' TOar
Ubt end If hie taxes were light and he'
toitM act Independent In politics he would
be : In" the condition that Edward Rose
water sought to' place him. ' When a great
arid 'good man dies,' one who has been
eroelKattaehed to the common people. It
'is Impossible even' for the press to give
txpreaslon to . the sorrow of the great
tilerit fnasee. . But It la certain that no
man -ever died In Nebraaka that waa mare
ilneearly', regretted - than Fxl ward Rose
water. All of our cltlsena are In
debted to him for hla support of law
and order and good, sensible, clean gov
ernment. But those who came from for
eign lands to seek a home where they could
ardor peace and freedom will mlea him
more A nan any others, for he understood
thm , better trian. any other eta teaman In
i In, republic He. knew that those who ex
perieneed .tyranny, could best appreciate the,
blessing o liberty. He was raised among
the. -poor, and the . lowly, and though -he be
earns a great. and powerful leader of men,
he, waa", always the same to the poor. He
wis as huanble In his manner aa the hum
bleat . He paid the aame gentlemanly at
tention' tq all! He waa a man that could
atibd prosperity.' I shall always remember
him i with feelings of gratitude and be
thankful that I, could call him my friend.
He Wait the friend of my native land and
hie defender of our rights here and there,.
He waa a friend to the oppressed every
where. There la one thing that will be
aome consolation to hla family . and hla
friends, and that la that death came when
he waa 'more dearly loved by the people
of Nebraaka than he has ever been.- He
died In peace. May he rest In everlasting
peace,' Is the prayer of Ala friend.
, . v ' MICHAEL LEE.
Judge W.' ' H. Mungeryrhet Mr. Rose
water was a man' of great ability and un
tiring ' energy IS recognised by all. These
qualities, he used to the fullest extent In
advancing the' material Interests of hie
elty - And state. ; At' the head of a great
newspaper. Its 'influence waa - exerted to
promote and advance the better admlnlatra
tlon of government. That he made personal
enemiee waa only to be expected by one
Of hla' aggressive and Independent char
acter.' ' "'.'"..''
t' .'. ; ' . '.
Ceerc l Sbela Says Btwsrd Reae-
t"wn'iK Uu Will Be Felt.
LINCOLNl; Bepl. 1. (peclal.) Oeorge L.
Sheldon " of Nehawka, republican nominee
for governor, waa In Lincoln today. He
will go to Omaha tomorrow to attend the
funeral ef- Edward 1 Rose water. "I feel I
' have, lost ;a personal friend In the death of
Vr.-Rofcewater," he said. "He waa a friend
ef eny father and I feel he waa my friend.
His loea"wlll be" felt in thia state. He wae
a (strong character, -wne who labored for
the upbuilding of the state and for the
eauae pt better atate government. Accord
ing to' hla 'Views,'' he -waa tireless in behalf
of better government and the rights of the
common people." '
. Several of the state officers wHK attend
the funeral of Mr. Rosewater. Governor
Mickey left tonight for'Bhelton, where he
has an appointment for Sunday.
WEST POINT, Neb., Bept. l.-8peclal.)
Ttie' news 'p -the of Edward Rose
water was a decided shock to this commu
nity, where he wae eo-well known. The
cltlsena here generally, and hla compa
triots In particular, of whom large num
bers weetde In Cumtng county and are
among the best and most Influential cltl
sena, learned of hla death with deep aor
row. The consensus of opinion Is that the
atate baa loat one of Its best cltlsena and
the people of Nebraaka a champion and
friend. A delegation will attend the funeral
from Weet point.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept. L-Speclal
Telegram.) The newa of dward Rose
water's death earns as a decided shock to
the people of (hla community and baa
been the abaoibtng topic throughout the
city during the whole day. Genuine regret
and eorrow la expretaed on every hand
at the sudden demise of the brilliant Jour-
Heart Failure
is often induced by
coffee drinking
, Long Lisle Gloves for Fall.
riR8T shipment now ready fob;
In (loves, as well aa everything, there
IS always a best. That best la "Ksysers.''
best In all waya quality, workmanship,
style and economy. Yeu will quickly
recognise a much better quality of lisle!
In these groves than In those sold duH
Inf the summer season. - Your Inspection!
Is Invited. i
lt-inch long lisle gloves, very fine quet-i
lty, made lth two clasps, $1.00 per palr.
lt-lnch opera silk gloves, with Paris
point stitching, In white, light blue and,"
pink, ll.TS per pair. . ,
lt-inch longMsle glovee, ' very Wavy
quality, a new number made especially
for fall wear, with new strand stitching,
plain black or white, $1.(0 per pair.
30-Inch long silk gloves, opera length. In.
black or white, $2.00 and tl 00 per pair.
Main floor. - .a - ..,
Women's Knitted . Underwear.
.The desired weights for fall are here.'
Po not put off buying, as the picking has
begun and will grew more rapid each
day. Line of slses are now complete,
later on we can't eay this, ,
They will reach here in time for Monday's selling.
Store will close at 1 P. JUL. Labor1
Howard.Street, Corner Sixteenth.
naUst 'whose .forty yeara of hard work
have . brought such . good results for the
benefit of Nebraska. ' "
LEIGH, Neb., Sept. l.-8pcial.) Frlenda
here of Hon. E. Rosewater were grieved
to learn' of his' sudden death yeaterday
noon. ' Citizens are a unit n . expreasing
their sympathy of . the loss . to Nebraska
of sov good and loyal a cltlsen. . It Is with
a sad heart and bowed head that the de
mise Is mentioned.
Adopte Resolutions Moaralag Death
" of Mr. Rosewater.
The ' city council held a brief session
last night, an adjournment being taken
early out of . respect for the memory of
Edward Rosewater. The passage f the
salary appropriation ordinance was, at the
suggestion of Mr! Zlmman. (he only byai
noes transacted, and then arttng .Mayor
L. B, , Johnson called Mr. Bridges to the
chair .and introdacedv reeolutlons of- re
gret at the death of Mr. Roae water. ' Th
resolutions, which were passed ,unanlT
mOusly by. rising vote, are as follows:
Whereas. Edward Rosewater, the dls
tingutehed and able editor of The Omaha
Bee, haa entered upon the sleep thai
knowa no waking, and n hie 11 fee Jour
ney. haa paaaed to that bourne irora
whence no 'traveler returna, and
Whereaa. for more than three de adeS
Edward Roaewater haa been one oi the
moat prominent cltlsena of Omaha, and
at all timea haa been first and foremost
In the upbuilding of our city end In orig
inating and promoting enterprise! f a
public nature, and
Whereaa, by hla Induatry, abiHtv and
hla un'lrlng energy he haa established
and built up one of the greauat n -papera
In the western country, and haa
conatructed In our city one or the finest
and- most substantial newspaper bulldfnirs
In the world, which will stand aa a monu
ment of hla enterprise and public mi'.i,
Whereas, his heme aa editor, 'politician
and statesman Is national If not world
wide, bringing honor and g.ory not only'
to himself but to Hie city In which he
has so long resided, and In which' he
achieved hla great aucceea, and
Whereaa, at the close or hla ear hly
career It la nttlnfc that all political dif
ferences should be forgotten, and that the
city of Omaha with lta cltlsena ahould
unite in paying' tribute to the m mory
of the distinguished dead, therefore be It
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of. Omaha, .the mayor concurring,
that the audden and unexpected death of
Honorable Edward Roaewater' la greatly
deplored, and that by hla death the city
of Omaha has lost one of her most useful
and valuable cltlxens; and be It furttv r
Resolved. That this resolution be placed
upon the records, and that the city clerk
cause to be prepared and furnished to
the family ef the deceased a suitable and
engrossed, copy thereof.
i - -
Reaolatleaa Adopted ky loath Omaha
Letter Carrlera.
OMAHA. Sept. 1. Mr. VIctorRoeewater.
Omaha: Dear 81r--At a special meeting of
the South Omaha carriers the enclosed res
olutions were unanimously passed as a
tribute to the ' best friend they ever had.
With sincere ' sympathy. Respectfully
yours, M. J. ORADT.
Resolved,' Tht"8outh Omaha branch No.
Ct of the National Association of Letter
Carriers haa learned with deeueat sorrow
of the sudden death of Mr. Edward Roae
water, and, being mindful of the wise coun
sel and valuable assistance which he always-ao
cheerfully gave to our ctaaa-tn
lta struggle for advancement, with heart
fait sratltude we teatify to hla loyalty aa
a friend, to hla distntereatedneaa aa a ben
efactor and; -to- hla whole-souled sympathy
aa a man. And we expresa the hope that
the aplendid monument which he erected
to himself In a Ufa-long struggle for the
betterment of the maasea may grow In
power snd so demonstrate that sacrifice
and worth are atlll appreciated.
That we respectfully . tender alncereat
sympathy to the family of our friend.
Signed on behalf of branch.
M. J. ORADT, President.
CHARLES L. GO WE, fwretary,
' ' ' '
Ea-EaaiUya sf The !. '
'At the meeting -held . by-Mhe ex-em-ployea
of S The Bee. at the Commercial
rlub rooms on Saturday, an Invitation waa
extended to every ex-employe of The Use,
Including men and women, no matter what
position they ever eooupled, to be at the
corner ef Sixteenth and : Farnam streets
ttunday, when the proueestoa leaves at
l:0, to go to The Bee building lo view
the remains of Edward' Roaewater.
Nebraaka Veteran rreentasoae.
You are retgueated. to meet at Masonic
hall Bunday. September t at 1 o'clock
eharp, to attend the funeral ef our late
brother, Edward Rosewater. "
Warships Assesahllaa.
NEW YORK, Sept. l.-i-The great fleet of
wa i Whips, torpedo boat deairoyera and
auxihartea which are to participate IA the
kplenvJId naxal revlpw to be held In Long
Island sound o Oyster Bsy on Monday.
wlirn they srlll be reviewed by President
kbvsevail, begaa lo assemble la tb fear-
Women's fine ribbed vesta, high ,neck,
long aleevea, hand trimmed, made from
the ' finest ' of 'combed cotton, medium
weight, tlghta to match, .(0c each, extra
alses tic each.
Women's fine fibbed union suits, high
neck, long sleevee.'hnkle length; also high
neck, short Aleevea, ankle length, or low
neck, no sleeves, ankle length all hand
trimmed, made from the finest of combed
cotton, medium weight, $1.00 each; extra
large sices $1.2$ each.
Main floor.
Our Customers' Deposit Ac
count Department.
Pays 4 per cent Interest oa the unspent
balance of . your account, compounded
every three months. Statements mailed
monthly. - Your money la not- tied up,
part or all of It ran be withdrawn at a
moment's notice. We do no banking business-
Rest Room Manicuring. '"'
Enjoy our coxy rest room.make It your
meeting place. . Large easy chairs, tnaga
lines, free telephone, Writing desks and
stationery all for your convenience.
Manicuring In connection.
. . , . . ,' ... . . .
bor near Oyster Bey and across the aound
In New Haven today. The bulk of the fleet
will await In Bmlthtown and Huntington
bays, east of Oyster Bsy, for the time ap
pointed for them to take their atationa (or
the review. ,
Flada Remedy Which Casjaeslnaarave
meat la Conditio la Caaea Not
' Far Ad Ta need.
BERLIN, Sept. L Dr. Otto Schmidt of
Colon has. succeeded in making cultures ef
the cancer baccillus' In a certain mildew
forming of plants. When transferred to
animals the .bacclllua caused genuine can-
Ca. . , :. : ' ' . ..'' .
In an Interview with the correspondent
of the Lokal Anxelge(,.'Dr. Schmidt, said:
"I am the flrat man! to prove that can
cer can be artificially produced on ani
mals.".;; '-'.j-' i .- ;.',' v.-'... j..v,.-
Dr. Schmidt ahowed the correspondent,
several animate ,.wiyv cancer. cprruiunU
cated thrbugh Injection. He declared that
a remedy for cancer was possible. Since
he- discovered fh bacolllua Dr. ' Schmidt
haa been experimenting with the remedy,,
which haa given good reaulta, but appar
ently a cure la only possible when the case
la little advanced.- Whether the ulcera
tion waa old, however, the dlaeaae was
brought to a standstill and he condltiou
of the patient. showed great improvement,
br. Schmidt ajsiarently has not told what
hla remedy la but lb la not a aerum.
Physicians maintain a cautious attitude
towards Dr. Schmidt's dlscpvery.' V
Tariff Qeeatloa Referred to Peking.
NEW CHWANO. Sept. l.-The appt'ea
tlon Of the Chamber of Commerce here for
Support of the proposal to suspend the col
lection of customs duties at New Chwang,
while Dslny remains a free, port, and goods
enter Manchuria from the Russian frontier
free, haa Vieen referred to the. ministers of
she various powers at Peking. The Amer
ican Import bualness at New Chwang la
greater than that of all other foreign coun
tries combined, ' and the Interests of the
Importers are menaced. -
Harvard's Good Trial.
, PUTNEY, Eng., Sept. 1. Harvard did a
magnificent full course .trial this morning,
covering the illatance front Putney to Mort
lake In 18 minutes and to seconds, only
three seconds outside of the record. Har
vard benefited by a full tide and a helpful
wind. Cambridge only did a 'mile trip, cov
ering the dlatance In 4 minutee and 1 aec
onda. This time constltutea a record.
..' j
' ' Got Three Yeara at
Lincoln. ''
James Howard and Harry Brown, two
of the county'Jall prisoners who petitioned
County Attorney Slabaugh to, be allowed
to, plead guilty, were permlted to do ru
Saturday morning and Judge Sutton sen
tenced each to three yeara In the penJJ
leniiary. '
Both men were charged with : burglary.'
Howard pushed open a screen door In the
residence of Carl Johnson snd stole some
overcoats ' and hats. Johnson - heard hlro
and gave 'chase, capturing him before he
had (eft the premiaes. He la a young man
and wept when he waa being aentenced.
He declares he comes from a good family
In the east.
Brown cut a panel out of the door to
the saloon of Wlliam Harach, near Tenth
and Howard streets, and stole 112.60. . He
was caught while .leaving the place. Both
men ascribed their downfall to drlnkv ' ' '
Save time and money, by. using The Bee
want ads. , . ... . ,. . , ,
Royal KreehS. ;
Royal Krocht, a grading contractor, 2t
year of age, died at the home of bis
parents. t?t South Thirty-fifth street, Fri
day night' of a complication of diseases.
The funeral will be held it I p. m. Sun
day at the family residence. ; after wnloh
the re mi in a will be burled at Forest Laws
cemetery. .
. P. MvCeraalek,"
TABOR,' Sept., t S. P. McCormick. who
came here In an earljf day, died last $lgbt,
after several months' jickness. II had
Just paseed his 74th birthday. Deceaaed
leaves a wife, two sons snd two daughters.
Funeral Sunday afternoon fct ths Congre
gational church. , . y
Rev. Peter M. Manning.
BALTIMORE. Sept. l.-Rev. Peter M.
Manning of St. . Andrew' church. . atats
chaplain of, the ancient order of Hibernians,
In which organ lxa tlon h .was .very, prom
inent, died today of paralysis agedj it years.
Vcirei from rrisndt Rsceiroi by
' " " Tilittio and by Kail.
Secretary . of Treasnry,, Arrhhlshop
Ireland ssl Other Friends at
' Homo and Abroad Send
. I Syaapnthy.
Vice' Presjdent' Falrbanke .and .SecretaiV
of the Treaury , Shaw, both old personal
and. political friends of Mr. Roar water and
other, wartn and valued frlenda have added
their, messages of sympathy and condolence
to the bereaved family. Here are the teie
grams that .yeelerday afternoon and lau
night In. adiVilon. to, those .received earlier
and already published:
DENVER. Cofg.. Sept t-Victor' Roae-1
wntcr, Omaha, Neb.: Accept my Jim-'
fourtdest sympathy In your sorrow. Tour
father ,a. a friend' I greatly eateemed.
lie waa an able and true man.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. l.-Vlctor
Rieewster, Onrnha. Neb.: 1 am patned at
the .death of-the founder and builder of
The Omaha Bee. Edward Rosewater waa
a great peraonalfty, a great editor, there
fo. great teacher, sincere in ptirpoKS'
and ever thoroughly American. - He be
longed tQ a class never tdo numerous. Ae
cent my Sympathy. U M. SHAW.
T.'PAT'I,, Mtnn..'f!ept. 1. Mrs. Edward
Rosewater, Omens: Accept heart fell syr.c
psthr.vWltb many others 1 deplore the
tn or t.dward Rosewater, Ooss of ee-
med fi-Iend. '
. up-
NEWPORT, R. I.. Sept. 1 Victor Rom,
water and Charles Rosewater: Please ac
cept my sincere sympathy In your grlrf
and what la a grent loss to the public and
to all your fathee-'s" old friends among
whom I am proud to feel that I wss one. j
INlVrANAPOLlS. Ind., Sept l.-To C. C."
Roeewster: We learn with deepest regret
of the death of Edward Rosewater, one of
our staunchest friends. 1
. . . -JAMES M. LYNCH,
PreeWrnt International Typographical
, Union. ' " -' '
ELKHORN, Neb.. Sept l.-Vlctor Roi
ater:. I have ivmt heard with profound
sorrow of -the-death of your father. You
and your have iriy deepest sympathy.
pt, 1. The Bee, Uniaha, Neo.;
I he unuera4gned Washington correspoiio-
ents, enroute to the IrrlRstlon congress
lVtee t'lty, 'Idaho, have learned with deep
regret' of the .death of Edward Itosewaler
and hasten -to extend our sincere sympathy
to fls family and Immediate associalea.
Mr. Roaewater' commanded the respuct of
the newspaper fraternity for. hla enter
prise and great . ability and waa held ,in
nigh personal esteem by the members, tf
the eraft throughout the country.
HARRY J. BRuWN, Portland Oregonlan.
IRA E.-BENNETT. San Francisco Chron
icle. " !
H. G1LBON" GARDNER. Newspaper En-
terprlae. Association. . , -JAMES
HAY, Jr.. WaslilnatonTlmes.
H. H. NESBIT. Pittsburg Press.
R. W. PULLMAN. Washington Post.
H.' W. SCHUl-Spokane Review.
CHARLES 8. SMITH. Associated Press,
W. H. THORPE. Forestry arid Irrlgatluit:
FARGO. NV I., 6ept. - l.C. C. Roaewater,'-'
Omahat We want to express t.rr
sincere, sympathy- for your mother and
yourself. . .C, A. ,WHEELOCK-
PALISAUE, Neb.. Sept. 1. Victor Rose
water, Omaha: 1 11 sincerely- sympathise
with you In" tn death ot your ' rathr.
Th' people In-generab recognise the loaa
of a champion .of their rlghta. . '
' O. 'A, READY.
fTANTON, Neb.. Sopt, 1. Victor Rose
teT, Omaha:' Accept-my sincere sym
pathy In- this moment of your- deep afflic
tion, . The whole., state can Justly mourn
with you for the people have lost a iwwl
able, ' conscientious and fearles defender
of their interests. W.- W. YOUNG.
" KENMEBL'NKPORT. Me.. Ocean Hotel,
Sept.4vl. Victor' Rosewater, Omaha; Act
cept expression of my sincere anu Heart
felt sorrow St jrour father's death and
convey to' v"(Juf mdther my earnest synv
pathy. 'Wettraskaj Omaha and hla. tamely
haivn 'toetea,. valaaWe cltlsen. ' - - -
, Mft!ieciVt?'lV. SeptJI.-VfCtC'ltrMi
water, ' Omaha: '"Nebtaska' and Hie nattow
have cause' to raourn. A ' great .man has
gone,,-, We have-lost a friend. . ,
NORf6LI, ,Neti.. Sept.' 1. -Victor Rose
watet, omaha: Accept rny sincere sym
pathy IA the -bereavement which hae come
to you. ,- . ww- N-.HU8r,
NEWi YORK ,8ept. 1. Mrs. Edward
Rosewater, Omaha: Mrs. Thurber Joins
me Irt sending sincere sympathy.-
'.: i- K. i,-THUBHR.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, 8epU 1. V ctor
Roaewater, .Omaha: W,e express our deep
est sympathy In the loss of your father.
MONTREAL, Queber-i Sept. l.--MrS.
Edward Roaewater arid family," Om
The saw new of the' tleath of your rle.
voted husband and kind father haa JsVo
reached me and- I hasten to aasurn u,i
of the full meaaure of rrly sympS-'hyin
your great bereavement.' i v - ''
nttrrttfin Cat V ... XaY a- t7 OAaaavatisn'
Omaha: Proud of your huiand's ex-J
emplary life, the membef of 3'riaJ,3rlLl j
mournun you m.
WEST POINT, Neb1.,' Aug.- 1. Victor
Roaewater. Omaha: Accept my sincere
sympathy In the loeS of your' father,)
Edward "Roeetfater Is Teal I y great to th' i
city of Omaha and state of Nebraska. I j
have' no words to expressmv sorrow.-
CLARKSON, Neb., Sept. J.rMrs. Edward '
Rosewater, Omaha: We extend our sni-
pathy In death of your beloved 'hushaii. i
SALT LAKE, Utah. Sept. l.Mrs. H.
Rosewater, Omaha: - Just, returned. Ac
cept regrets and deepest sympathy. Sir.
Buckingham will write, '
PES MOINES,; la., ept- K-Mre. f td-
ward Roaewater, omaia; l ne aao; news
1S' great sImk-k. We extend, our i.i
pathy to you and yonrs.
LODI. Wl v Sept.' I. Victor Rosewater, i
Omaha: Am deeply grieved (to hear of
your father's death. Accept mv hea t
felt aympathy. . . . M. p. LINDSAY.
PETOSKY, Mich., Sept. I. Mr. Edwari
Roaewater, ' Omahaf- Wo- grieve very
deeply -with you In yoor great losa, , ,
NEW YORK, Sept. L-rrMr. Victor Roso
water, Omaha. You have my sincere sym
pathy In your great loas.
V . , ...... P, 43. HEAFEY.
SIDNEY, Jeb., Sep. 1 Victor Roae
water, Omaha: .We are greatly shocked
ami grieved by the death of your father,
and beg to express onr 'deepest sympathy,
LINCOLN,- Sept. 4 Victor Rosewater,
Omaha: I am deeply grieved over the
death of your father, a friend of the people.
Please accebt my sincehe ' sympathy.
' NEHAWKA, Neb., Sept. 1. Victor Kose
water, Omaha: Please accepV. my. profound
sympathy In this, your greatest bereave
; NEW YORK. Hept. 1. Victor Roaewater;.
'Omaha:- Accept deepest sympathy with yot
In the loes of that good, .brave man. your
father. DON C. SEITZ. New York World.
: LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. I. Charles B.
Elgutter, Omaha: Pleaae assure Mra. Rosa
' water and family of my sincere sympathy.
WASHINOTON. D. C. Sept. l.-Mrs. Erf
ward Koeewater, Omaha: Accept my dep
est sympathy In your loss.
IjOC ANOELE8, Cel., Bept. ) 1, Victor
Roaewater, Omoha: Shocked to hear your
ialher'a death. Accept my condolence.
' HOLDREOE. Neb., Sept. 1 Victor Roae-
water, Om
inaha: Nebraska a loss cannot be
I f Nebraska's loss ts Incalcuable.
, , M CURRY.
NEWARK. N- J . -Sept- l.-Mrs. Rose
water, Oinaha: You have my elncere sym
pathy In the death of your busts nd.
CHICAOO, Sept. 1-Charles C Rosewater,
Omaha: Mr. Davis Joins me In regret to
learn of your father's death. ' We extend
our deepest sympathy. A. C. ALLEN.
CHICAGO. Sept, l.Vletor Rosewater,
Omaha: in your great bereavenieut you
have the sympathy of Mrs. Gon.len and
myself. H. J. QONDEN.
NBWTON. Kaa., SerA. L Victor Roae
water. Omahai -I Cannot tell -you -how
grieved I am at your father's death. ' pray
convey my sympathy to the emWy.
. . Stanr WltT Leltara. , m
.MADISON.' Neb., Aug. 31. Te Hon. Vie.
tor Roaewater: I have Juat learucd of the
fuddtui deatfi" of your dlatlngulshed fathar,
an4 arits to sxpress tux stucere svirww
and yVnpSUiV (et the living. V Ordinarily
the deeth of a friend robs me of ?he power
of adequately expressing my feelings. At
such a time I c en slmplv sit down and
thlnto an tbWik, and grieve sod wii,.k
we.w otlierwlee, knowing full .well, of
course, that the dead van nfbe recalled
to life this aide of eternity. As 1 was
among your father's friends In life, now
that -he la .(lead, want tn. acknowledge, K.
the living my 'Yndebtetlness for ' repented
manifestations of hie - kindness and good
will, snd to express to your mother snd
other members. of his family my sincere
Sorrow In this hour of beresvement. His
waa a courageous soul and a noble heart,
and if thfK truth were -capable of being
known, I have no doubt that he met death
firmly, and wit hoot w murmur, os he met
the duties snd perplexing trials of life. I
hsve the honor to remain. Very truly your
friend. , W. V. ALLEN.
CHICAGO. "Aug. 11. Mr. Victor Rise
wster: I em pained to hear of the death
of your 'Tether, and sympathise most sin
cerely with you and the other members of
hla family. While nothing can atone for
the toes of a parent, yet it must lessen the
sting somewhat to know that everyone
who knew him haa. also sustained a Inu,
only lesser In degree than yours, and pri
portionate to the Intimacy of his acquaint- '
nnce with vour father.
As I witnessed the last stste convention (
I felt that death alone could bring to Mr.
Rosewater the honor thafwas his due. It
was a moment when the Ideas, to the advo
cacy of which he had devoted his life, were
triumphant In both atate and nation. Of
all men, no' one was entitled to more honor
In that hour,' but his opponents had bp
proprlatcd his Ideas, and made use of the
enmities he had created In fighting for the
cause to deprive him of the honor that at
tended the victory. "He had winged the
shaft that quivered In his heart.",-
Envy and malice ran follow him no
further. The hlstery of "the greatest re
form movement of modern times-will give
him the rredlt he earned. The people of
Omaha and Nebraska will now realise that
they have lost the most Indefatigable,
trustworthy and effective champion, and
will with one voice say aa did the poet of.
"Our Champion. whenTtthers we had none;
Our friend, when other friends were gone;
Feared by all knaves, beneath this sod
Bill Cobbett lies a man by Ood."
Slncerelr yours.
YORK, Neb., Aug. M.-To Mr. Victor
Rosewater: I have heard with profound
regret of trie audden death of Hon. Edward
Roaewater. . The stale haa suffered a heavy
loss, . aa- also has the newspaper profes
sion and the republican party. Indeed, his
demise Is a national loss. For myself, I
have known and respected him highly for
many years and counted him my friend. I
feel hla loss keenly and sincerely sympa
thise with his bereaved family. Yours very
alncerely. . T.- E. SEDGWICK.
OMAHA. Aug. 31. To Mr. Victor Rose
water: ,1 learn with deepest sorrow of the
sudden death of your father. No man In
our state will be missed more than he. He
wa generous to a fault and was always
most kind and courteous to me. Yourself
and entire family have the deepest sym
pathy of Mrs. McOllton snd myself. Very
sincerely, . , E, Gv M OILTON.
ST. LOl'IS, Mo., Aug. H.-To Mr. Victor
Rosewater: I was much !palned 'to read
In the dispatches thla morning of the death
of your father. have teamed by experi
ence that In cases of, thla kind wqrla of
sympathy are' of little avail, yet appre
ciating your father as a great leader of a
great party, and the head of a great newa
paper, I. am .constrslned, to express to you
my sorrow and regret at the calling home
of your esteemed sire. Days 'like these
are Indeed dark, but -we- must console our
selves In the faith that beyond the clouds
gleam still, brighter days, whero. family
ties are uhbrokerK and "men meet heart
to' heartland hantrto hand. Believe ne,
youra verj truly. . . E. p. MAY FIELD.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Aug. 81. To
Mr. Victor Rosewater:'. I waa terribly
sharked this morning when I heard the
news of your father's sudden death. Omaha
has tost one of its best citizens and the
state one of Its foremost statesmen. All
classes will sadly miss him, but the labor
ing clasaes will especially miss him as one
of their greatest champions. He never
missed an opportunity to .advocate their
cause. It Is, indeed, sad that a man of his
great ability should be suddenly taken
from our people, at thla time. I knew him
aa a warm personal friend and deeply de
plore his untimely death. Youra In sorrow,
' CHICAOO, Aug. 81. To Mr. Charles C.
Kosewater: i was very mucn snockea to
learn of 'tie sad bereavement you 'and
your family have sustained la the loss of
so good a father and. drop you these. Ilnus
to express my Sorrow. and sympathy. Sin
cerelyours, '" ROBERT'S. DOUGLAS. '
BLAIR, -Neb.,' 'Aug. ifl.T o Vlcto Roae'
Water: . i em, pained sad grieved .beyond,
expression to learn of the death of. your,
noble father. Pleaae receive from- me tny
most 'profound sympathy.-"" Yovrs'-respect-fully,
, . .- JV. M.-CASTWTTS.R. .
FREMONT, t Neb., Aug. 8L M Dear
Victori 1 am pained, and shqcke4 by ui
Sudden death of your father. He waa an
Important factor' In" the upbuilding uf
Omaha and the- state. He waa a. great -editor
and the profession of JournaUun loses
a strong man.
1 wish to tender to you and through you
to the other members of your sorrowing
family my sincere sympathy. Very truly
your, . ROSS L. HAMMOND.
ST. PAUL, Neb.. Sept. l.-My Dear Mr.
Rosewater: The news of youf dear lathers
suoden and - untimely dea,ui came as a
shock to our whole comunlty, I am. deeply
grieved and cannot 'expreaa my kcyow in
words He was such a true-friend.
Nebraska has U.t- the mast honorable
snd brainiest citizen and the friends of
good dovernment have suffered an irre
parable loss.- ' ..'
The friendship and admiration I have for
the dear departed is now youra and I am
ready to assist at any time and In any
way where i'can do you good. '
1 shall always cherts aud- defend the
memory of your dear father. . May he rest
in peace. Faithfully youra, "
4- MAX "J.. BAEHR. '
GENEVA, Neb:, Sept. l.-Hon - VlctOf
Rosewater: l,hav,e Just learned with pro
found sympathy a.nd regret of ttie drath
Of your dlMtingulKhed ' father1. I feel tnat
I have lost a personal friend and that Ne
braaka haa lostne of lia brightest and
effective cltlxens 'and, the nation at large
a Cltlsen' Whod reputatlbif has for years
been internationally honorable.
I, regret . that an important professional
engagement at a, dlRtance will prevent my
attending the funeral, tut you will convey
my sincere sympathy to the bereaved fam
ily.. Sincerely yours, .
CHARf.VJt It Riniu .
UNCOLN. Neb. Sept. J.-yictor RoaV
ater:- 1 have' Jiist arrived Tn the city
and learn with moat genuine sorrow of theN
ueaio. oi yuur ia;ptr. 4, jiava paaaed unaer
the rod recently Tit the loss of my son, a
young man 4ut blooming liKd manhood.
The. grt -usefulness .xf your father can
not be compared with th loaa Qf.tne boy,,
but I feel that I carj-sjmpaljilte With you
truly m your great- sorrow. I (eel that
not. only ,has tne stats r suffered , a great
loss, but every individual tltJieQ is. a loser
by tils passing Sway. Sincerely,
UNCOLN, Neb., ' Hep.' 1 Victor -Rose-water!
Have Just, returned to . the city
after a two days' absence. To learn of
the death of. your father 'Was- a great
shock to me. Pleaae accept . iny sincere
sympathy. .. v. - -
I I eel that Nebraska TiaJ loat Its greatest
cltlsen, 'and we wilt realise shis more each
day. The Bee .baa always fought for the
beat principles snd has been the father, of
the right against corporations and for tho
people.' Sincerely. yours, '
- - .... E. M. BE A RLE. JR.
las! 'Frnnelaeo Cnloa.poeldcs Not to
Accept Company's Offer of .
-..'!. . V .' . ' ' '' ; .
SAN FRANCISCO, ' .Sept. ; L-The ear
men's union, lit mass rneettnghis morning,
refused" to ' reeeWe the commuhlcatlona of
President Calhourj of the United Railways.
When 'the atatement ' of Mr. Calhoun wa
read It Was greeted with ' cat calls snd
hisses. By'Vete ft' wai decided to ignore
the eomrhunlceiloh on the' ground that It
had" "not teen sent directly to the union,
but' through ;,Mayor' Bchmttx. Calhoun's
communication' offefed arbitration' if tbe
men fetuVried t work. '"
Tle Arhloa ther? decided 'to adhere 'to their
original' aemands'of' 81 per day and eight
hours. "If' Was alao 'decided to tie up the
California and Gearf at reef, cable lines If
the demands are not granted before night
' York vOp,'era Hsait. ,'
YORK. Neb.jJept. l.f-(Speclal Telegram.)
Fre ef unkriown . origin damaged , tbs
beautiful York, opera house, to an. amount,
estimated at 810,004 at' an early .hour' this
morning,. The building Is owned by Con
tra.c'ipr. CsmpbeJ of LBcpln,..who. recency
Invested a large sum, lit Improvement. . it
la Insured. . ,. . . fu
Save time and money bjr' ustiif Jhea Bee
ant ad. ' , '
.t . . .
Pisses! Whs Han Isown Iff. XoMWitar
Lenr Grow Ssmisisotnt,
Member of Staff Reeltes latereetlnc
.Converaatlon with. His. Old .
Employer, Who Reviews
rears of Great Battles.
"1 will compute forty .years or Ufs in
Omaha on -Tuesday, September 4." said
-Major John B. Furay. "I knew Edward
Rosewater all that time, for jnumber ef
years Intimstely, snd later on a friendly
footing. It Is Interesting snd pathetic to
me to recall that Edward Rosewater was
the first man I met snd became acquainted
with after landing here.
"You eee, my regiment had been sta
tioned st Fort Laramie prior to .this snd
I scted a good,' deI of, the time' ss'aJO
tant. ' In this connection I signed msny
telegrams addressed to Colonel BapP. at
Omaha, then '-commanding the Departmenu
of the Platte. It seems that In the local
telegraph office Mr. Rosewater had be
came familiar with rrty name, ecause of
this correspondence. I came to Omaha On
'a steamboat, the City of Denver, from St.
Joseph, sfter being Tnuktered ont of the
army service, subseqaeht to the Indian cam
paigning. "I remember took us sev
eral weeks to make 'the Journejr en the
Missouri, swing; to ; the condition fit the
'river. Harry Deuel was clerk of the' boat,
which burned on the next trip. He was the
flpst Omaha man with whom I became
acquainted, but I met him before reaching
Omaha. 1
"After I reached Omaha my firs thought
was to telegraph relatives announcing my
safe arrival. , I ssked the way to the tele
graph office and found It. I wrote my
telegram and handed If over to ths opera
tor. The latter counted the words and
" 'Are you not the Major Fnray who has
been out west fighting the Indians?
"I said I waa and the operator told me
his name was Fid ward Rosewster and that
he knew' 'me by name and reputation
through the Interchange of military tele-'
grams. He shook hands with me and was
very friendly, snd that was how I came
to know him. His friendly reception meant
more to me than I can describe, for I was
a total stranger In Omaha and knew no
one here. It wa a time and occasion when
acquaintances . and friendship counted for
a good -deal -to me, and-I appreciated Mr.
Bosewater's kindly, attitude. .
' "For 'a number of years we were on
Intimate terms snd I . helped elect him to
a term In the legislature. , ,
"I remember distinctly that hla young
friends," Including myself, doubted ex
tremely the wisdom of his course In aband
oning his position with the telegraph com
pany to devote all his energy to The Bee.
A good Job was a sure thing, we figured,
snd prefersble to the uncertain venture
of stsrtlng a newspaper without great
financial backing 1n a neW town Snd in
the face of ' hsTdcornpetltlon. Of course
events proved to' everyone's' sstlsfactlon
that Mr. Rosewater had seised Just' the
right tlnie Snd opportunity for his venture.
He never Would have undertaken It or suc
ceeded were tt not for his Indomitable
energy and the fact' that he' never recog
nised defeat or knew when he was beaten."
The day afW, Mr. Rosewater's death the
flag., was run, upjjjalf way on tjie -staff ,of
Boyles'. Business college,.as on many other
buildinga of a private., character In the
city..,-, , s. ,. .,,,..,.. . .. , r .
"i did this merely as a mark of personal
respect and gratitude, tows jd . MfV Rose
water,", said, President H. 'b'. Boyles, In
speaking about It! . 'Ndt very rriany per
sons know thst Mr. Rosewster sided me In
the most substantial way tn starting my
school, and without solicitation on my part.
In 1897 I established the college In The
Bee building,' occupying a single room tt
which I paid lltBO a month rent. Business
was so light that even this amount was a
decided burden. I had one little old tpe
writer and a second-hand de"V. Mr. Roae
water observed the condition of things and
very soon offered to loan tne s room rent
free, so thst I might hsve at least a pri
vate" office apart -from ths- school room.
He did It In a quiet and wholly unostenta
tious manner.- Business grew better and I
rented: another room. - He loaned me an
other room for an ofncS and this process
kept up untlr 1 wss paying 8171 a month
rent, Mr. Roaewater then concluded I was
on my feet and the free room refit ceased.
I never forgot this kindness, for It came
at a time when I needed It the most.'?
Df. ' George. 1..' Miller, whose paper,' the
.Herald, and the. Republican were the only
two In the field when The Bee wae founded,
tells of ah incident to which he believes the
success of. tte "new paper (The Bee) de
pended. The Herald attd'-the 'Republican "were
both evening papers,, but . I had secretly
decided to make the Herald a morning
paper. I had Instructed my employes that
the fact we were to Change to the morning
field was not to be made public. A drunken
printer gsvs It swsy to ths Republican
and Major Balcombs'of that paper sur
prised us by changing ths Republican to
a morning paper n the very- day ws
changed. -' v . . . .
"If we bad been sensible, we would have
drawn straws to see who would issue a
morning and who an evening paper, thus
dUldlng the field between, us. but we didn't.
We left the evening field unoccupied and
Mr. Rosewater entered It with The Bee.
Considering the hard struggle he had with
out competition I do not believe he- could
have kepi the paper afloat If he had bad
'an 'evening paper to fight"
Mr ' Rosewater's oversight of details
which '.led him to make S tour of the Bee
building almost dally is Illustrated by a
typical Incident told by Judge Troup, who
was employe on The Bee during its esrly
life and who happened to be the dne to
discover Mr. Roeesrater's death.
"I can remember of his coming into ths
business offlos frequently after a hard
day's 'Work at his dsek and casting a
sweeping glance ground ths room. His sy
would catch perhaps a cobweb banging
frexn the celling. He would thrust, bis
Anger at it and sy . 'I wonder what the
Janitor means by letting things go like
that. I think ws will have to , have a
change. - However, (he threatened- change
was never made."
No matter- how efficient the manager of
a department might be, Mr, Rosewater
found time among all his other duties to
keep sa eye on ths details . '
. - . ' -
The struggles of Ths Bee to keep from
being overwhelmed by financial difficulties
during the lata '70a, Just before the stock
company wae organised, are shown by ad
other Incident related by Judge' Troup.
"One dsy, a few minute before time for
the banks to close, ws found aa obligation
very large for the paper at that time waa
due. Every resource the people la the' bus
iness office hsd wss exhausted snd still
there was a considerable amount unpro
vided for. It waa a case thst had to be
.mtt snd I was sent out to flndMr.vRoae
water. who was sot la his office. . found
him bet ween, Tenth and Eleventh oa Far
nam, which at. that time wa the center
of the buatnea district, and related the
bul6s office troubles to him. Mr. Rose
wster shrugged his shoulders' and thrust
his thumb and finger down Into his. vest
pocket and pulled out a nickel.
-of course, fhat lsn' very much, ha
said, holding It up. '
"With his usual resourt aYulnesa, how- N
ever, the money was raised and the crisis 1
tided over."
S. 8. Teters, a .member of the editorial
staff of Ths Bee snd a civil war veteran,
relates thla from his knowledge of affairs: -
"It waa a cherished hope of Mr. Rosewater
that he might become either a regular or
honorary member" of the Grand Army of
the Republic. However, the rulea of the
Grand Army confines It membership Ir
revocably to the men mho actually served
In the military or naval branch .of the '
service during the civil war snd who wets
honorably discharged therefrom. Mr. .
Rosewater belnnred tn (ha Miiii.rv tl. '.
grapher. which wss a civil rather than t
a military Branch of the government.
"While the military telegraphers did not
wear the uniform of a soldier, nor wert.'
they as strictly smennble to military rules
aa the -soldlera, yet their service wal
oftentimes even rnore dangerous than
those who were In actual line of battle. '
Thla was particularly true of the campaign ,
In front of Petersburg In the summer of1;
1M, In -which campaign Mr. Rosewater was
engaged, and he was frequently In the most .
perilous positions, becsuse of the deternv '
Inatlon of confederate" raiding parties 1 '"
destroy communications of all kinds. There
was a veritable net . w.ork of telegraph i,
wires from City Point, where General i-;
Grant's headquarters were located, upou .
both aide of jhe-Appomattox, to Bermud
nundreda and Point of Rocks, the base ol .
operations against Petersburg. It was. tr
this csmpalgn that Mr. Roaewater rend-
ered very effective service as a military
telegrapher, which threw him In constant -personal
communication with Generals
Grant. Meade, Butler. Hancock. Sheridan.
Butler. Ksuts and a host of others.
"Only a short while sgo Mr. Rosewster
snd I were discussing, that campaign snd
he showed a remarkable memory of tb
events In front of Petersburg In whlcH
for a few weeks General B. F. Butler wag' '
bottled up' most effectively, as Jocosely
ststed by General Grant and to whose re ,
lief Grant hsd to come later tn the summer.'
" "A funny thing happened Just upon he
arrival of General Grant at Petersburg.'
said Mr. Rosewster, 'that gave a strong
Insight Into the extreme coolness of Gen
eral Grant under the most trying clrcum
stsnces. A large lookout or signal station
hsd been erected at Point of Rocks, that
was probably sixty or more feet In
height. From the top of this ststlon wa
could signal to Fort Pnwhattan, City-'
Point, and acroas the.Jamee river toward
Harrleon's Landing. The lookout was In
full slew of Petersburg, snd the confed
erates used the lookout regularly as a
target. Being an open trestle work af
fair, the little slx-pounder. . percussion
shells that they fired st the lookout eel- '
dow struck It. As tho top of the "erow'a
nest," ss It was called, gave a good view
of Petersburg and the confederate en
trenchments, Gt nersl Butler suggested to
General Grant that they go up on top of
the lookout and take a look around. Tha
lookout could be easily ascended by a '
ladder, so Generals Grant, Meade, Han
cock, Butler, Warren and some of their
staff a climbed up to the top of the con.
cern t6 see things. 1
" 'Several of the officers were In bril
liant uniforms and the confederates with
the sld of glasses soon discovered that
there was something more than ordinary
on "crow's nest" and they began firing at
It briskly. The little shells whistled close
about the heads of the generals, but not
striking arty object failed to explode, .
until one struck one of the braces of tha
lookout about twenty feet below the oftK
cars and exploded, Fortunately- no great ,
damage resulted, nor was any of the fen-. '
erals Injured. .....
".'It waa funny to, see- the dignified genv,',
era I skurrying to get out of that look-'.
out, . They came down very unaranfuliv.
but all managed to reach tbe .'ground
sareiy. General Grant was ths Isat man .
down out of the lookout and he descended '
slowly snd deliberately, and would not .
leave the platferm at. the top until all .
ot his associates were safelr down and
out of harm's wsy.' " t
Inereaeo Tonr Ineoaao.
Opportunities in all lines of business la ,
new and growing towns In lows, Illinois,
Missouri and Minnesota, alosg the line ot
the Chicago Great Western railway. Write :
to Industrial Department. C. O. W. Ry.,
St., Paul, Minn., for "Town Talk" ana '
eoupty map.
Frank L Zoubek, a farmer of Saline
county, has filed his voluntary petition in -bankruptcy
In the United State district
court. His liabilities are 88,227.17 and. his
assets 84.U6.ea .
A. Schilts beer wagon and a Twenty
fourth street motor car collided Saturday '
morning at Twenty-fourth - and Brlstof
streets and the motor, car came out aecond
best. The beer wagon was not even Jarred,, '
while the front end ot the motor car waa
smashed. No one was Injured. . '
W. Hymen, a driver for the Jardlne com-'-pany,
waa sentenced to thirty daye In Jail
Saturday morning because be was found
fullty of appropriating to hla own use
'a which be had collected from the Bran-'
dels store. Hyman delivered goods to ths4
atore, collected money for them and failed,
to make proper returns to his employere..
A special normal class of young people
for Bible study, under the leadership of
Mra John, which has been formed at
the First Methodist church . snd which
meets during the Sunday school hour, take
up Its initial work in Old Testament
history Sunday. This will be continued
each week for some time, to be - followed
by other subjects in their order, making
a complete course, lasting for a year. A
large number haa Joined the' ' class and
othere are Invited to take up the work
under Mra. John, . who has had wide ex
perience in this line of study. v A.
Do. you cojoy long,
mild, cletr -Himi
raoktf Ak for the
-Panatol-v" '
Th dealer hu it, or
can get it for you. .
Look . for tht band. '
A. ANTAIXLA a. 00, M attar.
TlMMfMa, flaw
fereaay at Users''
rev DJatrlhoters.
, . Oaaaha anal
. Tonne!! Blaffs.