unday Bee Omaha HALF TONE SECTION Pages 1 to 8 HE A Paper for the Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best West VOL. XXXVI-NO. 11. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 190G. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. AROUND THE WORLD WITH WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Southeastern Europe Possesses Much that of Great Interest to the Student aad Yet i little Known to the PuhUc, Owing to Its Peculiar Situation on " ?'' t' '. - 'J, r ' , a ,. .tzg p KUINDHJEM, Norway, JUiy 22. special vorresponaeace 10 ids uee.j eouine&Biem buruva uui ui mo uu ui travel and little known to usp If I can measure the knowledge of others by my own. In order to learn some thing of this section we came northwest from Constant nople through Bulgaria, Servia and Hungary. We passed through European Turkey In the night and morning found us In Bulgaria, where .nothing but an occasional minaret rot malned to remind us of he orient Strange that so great a difference exists between two populations separated1 for centuries by nothing but an Imaginary line! No more the Turk with his wealth of leisure, his baggy trousers and his gay headgear, but the sturdy peasant Is working In the field with his unveiled wife or trudging along the i road carrying his produce to market; no more begging for baksheesh . by lame and halt and blind, but a busy, Industrious throng, each laboring apparently with a purpose and a hope. All day long we rode past well cultivated fields and watched tidy villages. The Bulgarians, Judged by appearance, might be. thought a mixture of German and Italian, but they are really Slavlo In their origin. I had the good fortune to meet a former minister, a very intelligent man with a good command of English, and learned . from him that there Is a strong democratic sentiment In that country and that the people are making constant progress in the matter ot education and political intelligence. He said that during his ministry he had introduced into Bulgaria the American homestead law and that It had resulted In an increase In the number of peasant properties. It was gratifying to know that American example had been helpful to people so remote from us. He also spoke of the establishment in his country of state Insurance against hall, that being one of the greatest perils the farmer has to meet. He said that the system bed. worked, well. The railroads and telegraph lines are also owned by the state in Bulgaria and are operated very successfully. The capital, Sofia, is a prosperous looking city, viewed from the ' railroad, and has an elevation of some 1,600 feet.' Over the Balkans to Belgrade We crossed the Balkan mountains and the second morning reached Belgrade, the capital of Servia. The city has 'a fine loca tion on a bluff at Junction to the Save with the Danube. A day's visit here gave an opportunity to see something of the population, as It was Sunday, and the streets and parks were filled with well dressed, well-behaved and intelligent-looking people. The Servians, who are also Slavlo in origin, are members of the Greek church, and at the principal church of this denomination ' there was that day a large congregation and an Impressive service. ment has taken In hand the matter of furnishing general inforroa- Klng Peter, It will be remembered,1 Is the present ruler, having tion to the farmers and farm laborers. It encourages the formation been called to the throne three years ago when his predecessor was 0( worklngmen's clubs, co-operative societies and parochial relief assassinated. The brutalities attending the murder of King Alex- funds. It has established more than 1,000 free libraries and pub ander and his wife were widely discussed at the time, the bodies lishes a weekly paper with a circulation ot about 60,000. More than of the king and queen being thrown frqm the window of the palace hint of the copies are published in the Hungarian language, the rest Into the park. While the new sovereign was recognized by most of being divided between five other languages, the Slavic coming next . 1 ;. ft' ! I A . U dun ft( i I VI . w; : 11 I I E ft f K 1 I -?L I I It the powers of Europe, England refused to send a representative to his court because the king retained some high officials who par ticipated in the assassination. ' ? d . As Servia has a parliament which controls the, ministry, and as this parliament ' was hostile to 'the former king, King Peter' was' powerless to comply with the conditions imposed by England at work undertakea by the agricultural department of. Hungary because least this was the explanation given me. I heard next day at Buda- I think that we might with advantage adopt some ot Its. features,, pest, however, that some satisfactory settlement had been' reached Our national appropriation for -agricultural purposes -bears a small- and that England would soon be represented at Belgrade. King Peter Is not of humble ancestry, as I had supposed, but Is a grandson of a former king who was conspicuous In the war for Independence. Peter himself was In exile in Switzerland at the time of his elevation to the throne, and having during his residence there Imbibed some thing of the spirit of constitutional liberty, Is much more popular than was his predecessor. There Is quite a close connection be tween Servia, Roumaula, Bulgaria and European Turkey, and It will not be surprising if the last remnant of Turkish territory in Europe Is, before many years, released from the sultan's rule and a federation of Balkan states created. A majority of the sultan's European subjects belong to different branches of the Christian church, and but for their quarrels among themselves they would long before this have been able to Imitate Servia and Bulgaria In emancipating themselves. Up the Danube to Budapest The ride up the Danube valley from Belgrade to Budapest and from Budapest to the Austrian boundary gives one a view of one ot the richest sections of Hungary. While the Danube hardly Justifies the poetic praise that has described Its waters as blue, it is a majestic stream, and Its broad valley supports a large agricultural population. No American can visit Hungary without having his sympathies enlisted In behalf of Its people, for thelr's is a fascinating history. Their country is one ot the most favored In Europe so far as nature's blessings go. The Carpathian mountains, which form a wall around 'It on the north and east, shut out the cold winds and, by turning back the warmer winds from the south, give to Hungary a more temperate climate than other European countries In the same lati tude, and in few countries has agriculture been more fostered by the state. , The present minister of agriculture. Dr. Ignatius Daramyl, has been at the head of this department for ten years, and being an en thusiast on the subject, he has Introduced many new features and brought his department Into close contact with the people. During his' administration the annual apprporlatlons for agriculture have In creased from about 18,000,000 to about $13,000,000, and the Income from his department has risen from 16,000,000 to f 9.000,000, leav ing the net cost to the state at present some $4,000,000 per year. Hungary believes In furnishing technical schools to those who Intend to farm; she has twenty-two Industrial schools with about 600 pupils, and these schools are so distributed as to make them convenient for the small farmers. She has four secondary schools of agriculture with a total attendance of over 600, and to complete her system she has an agricultural academy with a student body of 150. In order to accommodate adults who have not had the ad vantage of these schools, she has short winter terms and traveling Instructors. By systematic effort the agricultural department Is not only increasing the efficiency ot the Hungarian as a tiller of the soil, but It Is Increasing his general Intelligence and raising the standard of citizenship. Experiment Station Work The experiment station is also a prominent feature ot the work of the department of agriculture. All the new agricultural imple ments are tested and reports are furnished upon their merlts there are several seed-testing stations, where farmers can secure, at cost price, not only selected seeds but seed shown by experiment to be suited to the climate and soil of their locality. Then there are a number of model farms located at convenient points which are in tended to be object lessons to the neighborhoods In which they are cltuated. At these model farms and at other centers breeding estab lishments are conducted where horses, cattle, hogs and sheep ot . the best breeds are kept end loaned to the farmers about These breeding farms have resulted In a marked Improvement In the quality and value of the stock. v ' Nor does the agricultural department confine Its attention to stock raising and ordinary farming; It Is equally Interested In horti culture, vine dressing, forestry and even bee culture. Government nurseries furnish the hardiest varieties ot young trees and vines and train those who desire to give special attention to these branches of industry. Instruction in the pruning of trees and the training ot vines has an artistic as well as utilitarian side, and taste is de veloped in the ornamentation of the arbors and gardens. Here, as elsewhere In Europe, much attention is given to forestry, and under the direction ot the department of agriculture the work of preserving the old forests and ot planting new groves is being Intelligently and Systematically done. la addition to the work above outlined, the agricultural deparV OVERLOOKING THE DANUBE PARLIAMENT Bt)liDINO AT BUDAPEST. cities In Europe. In 1890 I received a cablegram of congratulation and encouragement from a farmers' congress which was at that time In session In that city. I remembered this because It was the only cablegram received from any body of Europeans during the campaign. Originally there were two cities Buda on the south bank and Pesth on the north bank, but they were united under one municipal government some years ago, the names of the old towns being pre served In the new. The foothills of the Alps extend to the very bank of the Danube and furnish magnificent sites for villas, forts, public buildings and the royal palace, while on the opposite bank there is a broad plain .which affords ample room for the rapidly extending limits of the commercial and manufacturing sections of the city. Several bridges connect Buda and Pesth so that the river, jwhile a great thoroughfare, no longer divides the business and the official sections. The streets of Budapest are wide, well paved, clean and lined with buildings quite uniform in height, one of the . avenues rivaling the Champs-Elysee in Paris and Unter den Linden to the Hungarian and the German following, although less than ten per cent are printed in the latter language. To strengthen the ties between employers and employee, harvest feasts have been, inaugu rated, and the attendance at these feasts is yearly Increasing. - I have gone Into detail somewhat In describing the scope ot the proportion, not only to the amount of taxes paid by the farmers, but ' to the appropriations made foe other departments. . Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is one of the most attractive' in Berlin; the parks are large and near the city; the business blocks Edward Rosewater's Las! Speech A DDRESS delivered by, Edward Rosewatef at 2 - o'clock Thursday, August SO, 1906, at Waterloo, Neb., to. the veterans of the Grand Army, at their camping ground: MK Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: 1 The past rises before me like a dream. . I am again a boy in the land of cotton. In the era of ? African slavery. I hear the groans of the tion, two or three years ago, declared, in a speech, in Memphis, Tenn., that nobody would ever know who was in the right until we crossed to the other shore. Tor myself, I am sure that we were In the right; that those who stood, for the flag, for the union, for the abolition of human slavery, were right, and the others were wrong, and I don't want are Imposing and the public buildings models In designs and con struction. The parliament building only recently completed, Is one of the handsomest In the world. The Hungarian people are distinct In language and history from all their neighbors. In fact, the Hungarians differ In many re spects from all other people ot Europe, the Inhabitants of Finland being their nearest kins-people. Their early history Is unknown, but they came from western Asia, where the Mongolians, the Turks . and the Finn-Ugrlans struggled for mastery about the beginning of 1 the Christian era. They were first known as Huns and claim Attila ! as one of their race. They have more often, however, used the word Magyars to describe their people, that name being a popular one at i present. Their occupation of their present , territory dates from about the ninth century, since which time they have figured promi nently in the history of Europe. About the beginning ot the eleventh century Hungary,' undef the leadership of King Stephen (later known as St. Stephen), became a Christian nutlon. and since that time she ' has been conspicuous in all the religious wars of Europe. In the fifteenth century she furnished the leader of the Christian army la the person of John Hunyadl, one of the greatest military geniuses of that period. His prominence In war brought his son Matthias to the throne ot Hungary, a king who, when warned of a plot against ' his life, exclaimed, '.'Let no king, ruling Justly and lawfully, fear ' the poison and 'assassin's dagger of his subjects." . Golden Bull of Hungary . As early as the thirteenth century Hungary began to Inaugurate political reforms, and In 1222 her nobility ' ended a struggle of a hundred years by securing a concession which is regarded by her people as equal in importance to England's Magna Cbarta of 1215. It was in the form of a royal letter, Issued by Andrew II., and called the Golden Bull '(owing to the fact that the seal attached to It by a silk string rests In a gold box). This document contained certain promises to the nobles and admitted the binding forces of certain restrictions upon the king. The Golden Bull was the beginning ot constitutional government in Hungary, and while It has not always been" Btrictly observed by her rulers, it has served as a basis for subsequent negotiations. For several centuries they elected their kings. During the nearly 700 years which have elapsed since 1223 Hungary has had a checkered career. Rival aspirants for the throne have fought over the succession and been aided in their ambition by neighboring nations; kings and nobles have fought over their respec tive authority; the nobility and the peasants have fought over their rights; different branches of the Christian church have been at war with each other, for Hungary has been the eastern outpost of Protestantism, as well as champion of Christianity; and more re cently Hungary has been fighting for her political Independence. Hers has been a long, drawn-out struggle in which her people, time and again, have almost been exterminated, but she emerges from It all a strong, vigorous and militant nation. She Is now a part of the Austro-Hungarlan empire, and her people form the largest homo genous group in the empire. When we consider the numerous ware between Austria and Hungary, the difference in race, history and language, and the dissimilarity In political training, it is not strange that there should be a lack of harmony between the empire as a whole and its largest single member. When Hungary turned to, Austria for help against the Turks and) came under the Hapsburg line, she insisted upon a recognition of her national rights and secured a promise that her people shoufdava control ot their own affairs. While this alliance did not save from Mohammedans, it uniter her destiny to that of Austria, he has never surrendered her independence. The crown of Hungary has always been distinct from that of Austria, and the emperor of Austrio-Hungary must visit Budapest and receive with the crown ot St. Stephen the title of king of Hungary. Joseph II., son of the beloved Maria Theresa, was the first king to refuse to receive the crown and swear fidelity' to the Hungarian constitution, and the Hungarians would never call him their "crowned king" until on hie death bed he retraced his arbitrary measures and permitted the restoration of the constitution. 4iava 'tosr , bufy black man writhing under the lash of the brutal taskmaster from., anybody (Applause.) I don't want history perverted; I don't want the cotton plantation. I see hundreds of men,-women and children, ot all colors and ages, sold at auction like so many cattle. I. see train loads ot blacks. and yellows transported over the Memphis & Charleston railroad from their homes, to the New Orleans slave market;" , Again I am in that southland during the cloud and storm that preceded the election of Abraham Lincoln, and there yet when John Brown makes his raid. The semi-centennial of John Brown's first battle is being celebrated today at Osawatomle, and the vice president of the United States is billed to deliver the oration of this semi-centennial. John Brown was ' the - John the Baptist ot the abolition of slavery, and the great revolution that followed the war of I8CIH0 1865. I am still in the south, when side by side the advocates and champions ot union and secession are discussing the momentous issues, each man armed with a revolver, ready to shoot at the drop of the hat. I am there still when the southern militia are armed and marching toward Charleston to take Fort Sumter. I can re member still the tigers ot New Orleans and Louisiana, and the Arkansas toothpick men armed with bowle knives; I can remember the Alabamans all marching toward the great field of battle, be fore the first gun had been fired on Sumter. I was in Nashville when Donelson fell, and saw the retreat of Sidney Johnston's be draggled and demoralized battalions coming through the city. I saw the bridge erected by Zollikoffer burned by Floyd, while the army was on the run out ot Nashville. I, was there during those terrible riots, when the Texas cavalry charged the mob with sabers and hundreds, of men were wounded and killed In the streets. I was there when the flag of the union was hauled down and the flag of secession hauled up on .the pole above the capltol.I was there again when the boys in blue came after the battle of Donelson and the stars and stripes, for the first time In six months, were seen by me, and within one hour after I saw those Stars and Stripes, I saw Old Glory mounting up above the capltol ot Tennessee, to remain there forever. - (Applause.) During those preceding months I saw Jeff Davis and heard him deliver his oration on his way to be Inaugurated president of the southern confederacy, in which he predicted that the south would carry the sword and torch, through the .northern states and the grass would grow in the streets of the city of New Tork. Within thirty dajs after the taking of Fort Donelson I was en listed In the union army, and began the campaign with General John C. Fremont, -the first standard bearer of the republican party, fifty years ago. I followed his leadership through the campaign In West Virginia; and afterwards accompanied General John Pope on his great march through the Rapldan toward Richmond and back again. I slept on the battlefield of the second battle of Bull Run. I saw a great deal of this war and knew intimately many of the great leaders engaged In it. I was for ten months stationed at the office of Abraham Lincoln, In the city of Washington, and saw the martyred .president, with his sad. furrowed face, gradually being bent down by the pressure and weight of the terrible ordeal through which he was passing. We are here today looking backward through the vista of years toward that glganUc struggle in which the old veterans before me today took their part, and for which they risked their health, their limbs and their lives, that this nation. might remain one; that all men should be free and equal in accordance with the declaration ot Independence. I have always favored the most generous treatment of the southern people, and particularly the rank and file of the confed erates. I would be willing to strew flowers upon the graves of the gray as well as upon those ot the blue, but there is where I drew the line. General Gordon, the head of the southern confederate organize.' the children of the south to be taught falsehoods concerning the true state of affairs. . The conspiracy was concocted by their leaders; ambitious men who wanted to rule this government or to ruin it. I do not want to see monuments erected to the Jefferson Davis' or to the General the rlghU of their nation, but the majority of the members of Parll Lees. ( A, voice: "Nor Wertz.") Nor much less Wertz. it is a ment ,ns,Bt upoQ tne recognition of the constitution of 1848, while travesty upon Justice; it is a reflection upon every man who wore the the mtnority are content to adhere to the constitution of 1867, whicn Some Hungarian Patriots In her struggle for liberty Hungary has developed many patriots, among whom Lewis Kossuth is the best known. He and Francis Deak were the leaders ot the revolution in 1848 which resulted In the constitution of that year. The constitution of 1867 was not quite so liberal, and these two constitutions form the basis ot the present political division in Hungary; all Hungarians are Jealons of blue during that great struggle. And I was Badly, lamentably ais appolnted some years ago, when our late president went upon his tour In the southern states, through Georgia, and allowed a con federate to pin a confederate badge upon his chest. I have always thought that such a thing should not have been done in the sight of the American people. - The badge of treason can never be put upon gives the emperor a larger control over the army. The elder Kossuth lived in exile after the revolution in 1867 and was during his exile enthusiastically received In the United States by congress and by the people in general. Kossuth's son is now a member of the coalition ministry, and at a banquet, to which I had the good fortune to be Invited, spoke feelingly of the treatment the body or upon the coat of the commander-in-chief of the army Which his father received in the United States and of the high re- and navy of the United States. There has been too much of what gard feit by Hungarians for America and Americans. Count Apponyl, might be termed namby-pambyism about the great valor and gen- the foremost orator of Hungary, also paid his respects to the United erous chivalry of those southern leaders. I feel, In the first place, states and likened our country to the forwarding stations in wireless that any man who Is educated at the expense of the American peo- telegraphy, saying that the political current was so strong in our pie, at the expense of our government, either In West Point or An- country that its messages were carried to all the world, napolls, who swore that he. would support the flag and defend it I happened to be in Budapest at the opening' of Parliament, and against Its enemies, and then who raised his arm to destroy the heard the speech of the new premier, Dr. Wekerle. The Independent government, should never have been again commissioned by any president of the United States. (Voices: "That's right." "No. No.") And I so stated to President Roosevelt, in the, presence of General Wood, at a luncheon that I had been Invited to, and the president Jokingly said, "Well, what would have become of our commander, General Wheeler; he could not have commanded for us In Cuba If your Idea had prevailed T" "Well," I sald,' "we did not need him nor anybody like him." For General Wheeler had to be put In irons, Just like Jeff Davis, after he was captured, after peace had been made at Appomattox; after the surrender he still resisted; he did not recognize this government and expatriated him-, self, and went to another country first, and then came back because he found that, after all, the United States of America was good enough for every man born on Aberican soil. (Applause.) Personally. I do not believe that either Lee or wneeier. or party has a large majority in the Parliament, having shown Increas ing strength, at each successive election. The emperor, Francis Joseph, is resisting one of the demands made by the Hungarians, viz., that the army shall use the Hungarian instead of the German language. Some years ago the fight was made and won for the use of the Hungarian language In schools, In the courts and In Parlia ment, and the Hungarians feel that their nationality Is endangered by the fact that their army is taught only the German words ot command. Imperial Ideas on Language The emperor takes the position that the use ot the Hungarian language would destroy the unity of the Imperial army. To prevent a rupture he proposed the formation ot a coalition cabinet to hold any other commander of the southern forces, who had been reared until the suffrage could be eitended and the question again sub- at the expense of our government, should ever have been commis sioned again with any (A voice: "That's Is right.") command from the smallest corporal's guard of union men. It was all wrong and it teaches the next generation to have little regard for real .patriotism; it is a false patriotism. The man who betrays his gov ernment In time of war commits treason and should never be re warded with any office of profit, honor or trust. (Applause.) It Is all very well that we have been taught this new Idea in these later days, and some very good soldiers and some great com manders, during the war, have allowed themselves, perhaps, for political reasons, to recede from the standard of morals and the standard ot Integrity which West Point , teaches to every man who is reafed within its walls. , For our selves, we have only got a very few years of life; the final call tnay come at any moment, but the coming generation will want to know whether we really were no different, no more patriotic, no more worthy of trust and honor than the men of the south who tried to destroy this government for the reason that they wanted to keep up and maintain the horrible Institution of human slavery; for that was, after all, the main Intent and purport of their war. It was a war to maintain that Institution, and to amass wealth by the labor of others while they were Idly looking on. We have fought out those battles In the past; we are now con fronted with others In the future. Those of us who were in the midst ot the fray; those who have seen the beginning and the down- Continued ou Page Two.J muted to the people. There Is no doubt that the people are prac tically unanimous in favor of their own language and that an ex tension of the suffrage will not change the complexion of Parliament. The relations between the emperor and Hungary have become very much strained, and the aversion to the German language is so pronounced that Hungarians who can speak the German language will often refuse to answer a question addressed to them in German. For Francis Joseph himself the Hungarians have a strong af fection, and they would be glad to contribute to the happiness ot his closing days, but they feel that the interests ot their nation are vitally concerned and they are anxious to have the point at issue settled before a new sovereign ascends the throne. It the emperor were left to himself he would probably conclude that a Hungarian fighting force attached to the empire and grateful for consideration shown their country would form a more Vsectlve part of the Joint army, even though the Hungarians spoke their own language, than troops compelled to learn a language hateful to them.. History fur nishes many examples of successful armies made up of corps, divi sions and regiments speaking different languages; but leas numerous are the instances of nations successfully held together by force when one part of the empire was made subservient to the Interest of an other part. Hungary Is being alienated by Insistence upon requirements which do not, In reality, strengthen the empire, while she might be drswn closer to the throne by a more liberal policy. The end la not yet. W. J. BRYAN. XCopy rUM l' ' , )