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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
B 8 THE OMAHA' SUNDAY. .BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. C0MST0CK GIVES EVIDENCE I artltt Riefcards Fartaer I Vm aaa Cattle Baaiaese Bcfora ! Caart Oflleer. O. Comctork of the biff cattle and land tt of Richards & Comstock. wa In Omaha Saturday morning to (Ira hla testimony In ths civil casa brought against lila company for Illegally enclosing govern ment land In Cherry and Blierldan coun ties. His testimony and that of one or two of the secret service officials of the tovernment waa taken before D. W. Dick In - , aon, apeclal examiner In the offlca of tha United BUte district attorney. Mr. Com stock said: "Mr. Bartlett Richards and family are I atlll at tha ranch near Ellsworth and Mr. Richards' health Uxtmprovlng slowly since Ms return from France." Tha presence of Mr. Comstock In tha city has nothing to do with the conspiracy case against himself and Mr. Richards, which la set for trial for November 1J, In tha United States district court. TV Douglas (644) Printing Co., IMS Howard. Hk a. access of Yaar Talaats. Tha opportunity of your Ufa la awaiting you In tha new towns on the Chicago Oreat j Western railway. Openings In nearly all . lines of business. Write today to El B. Maglll, Mgr. Townslta Department, Omaha, for full Information and copy of "Town j Talk." This Store Will Be DIAMONDS Ed holm, ltth and Harney. ills 91S.0O at. raal a Mian ad Hetarn from Omaha, via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets on ssle dally after May 1 to September M Final rUura limit October 11- Equally low rates to othr points In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wis consin and lower Michigan. For further la formation apply to H. II. Churchill, general agent, 1512 Faraam street, Omaha. 'Open UiM Moon -Monday.?.: mm mjj 7 ES7 e s 1 1 r.-JH rot id r r Ki n vii m. r lite B Sterling Silver Frenser, nth and Dodga, Vrv I.nw Ratgi f rt tit l 4 The Chicago Oreat Western railway will sell tickets to points In Alberts, British Co lumbia. Idaho, Mmtana, Oregon and Wash- ington at about one-half tha usual fare. Tlokets on sale dally August IT to October SI,' Inoluslve. Oet full Information from II. H. ChurchUl, General agent, U12 Far- nam 8t., Omaha, Neb. WATCHES Frenzer, lBth and Dodge Bta Very Low Rates Every Tuesday, balance of the year, the Chicago Oreat Western railroad will aell homeaeekera' ticketa to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory, first and third Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill, O. A., 1SU Farnam street. Btata number In party and when going. 3 . .i&wmwu.Gtxn r SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SDh Sale Tiesiay We beg to announce a great offer of 25,000 yards of new fall silks at 50c on the dollar. Ia this purchase are 27-iuch dress silks, plain and glace tafffltas, plaids and check silks, 27-inch Taffeta Sublimes, now the rage, in the -east Some of these silks now.' being shown in our windows. SEE MONDAY EVENING PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS . Werta, Dentist. 9M Paxtcn block. ladles' suits skirts, millinery, etc., cash or Have Root print It. Chute la Time Card. On and after Sunday, August Mth, the local train between Omaha and Falls City via the Missouri Pacific, will run daily now Instead of dally except Sunday. Leaves Webstar St depot at 1:60 P. M. Mortality Statistics. Tha following births and deaths have been reported to the Board or Health dur ing the twenty-four hour ending at noon Saturday) " i TJI-ttta Jt VAatnk, 111S Mama t..l m VII Ml, ....-., III, IV i l. I ' Mill, X Rench. 1511 William, boy: Harold W. Neal. 1021 Park avenue, girl; James Kldrles. 4fl39 Decatur, gin: limmet ixinrnecker, ins Hick ory, girl; Msrlnus Paulson, 2601 Sprague, noyi jaarnnaii niepnens. Miami, Doy; George Blakeley, 210 South Forty-second, airl. . i Deaths Roy I Kracht, B24 South Thirty ' fifth, 26; Frank Ferryman. 8013 South Twenty-eighth, J: Mary Ann Rhodes. 36 14 Hawmome avenue, 7b; Clarence Wllllbey, Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, 21: Wil liam tfh GnitrV TwMln.uM.di Id . Kdward Rosewater, 1711 Douglas, B: lianf CI. ....I..... IKI 1 CI ..... 1. TI . . J i V. DIW&V, U DUUID inciecn wi, a. DIAMONDS JTrenser. Utb and Dodge eta OVER 115 South 16th St, Opposite the Boston Store. At the Sign of the Crown Jewelers and practical watch makers of more than twenty-five years' experience. We cordially In vite you to look over our large and modern stock, containing everything pertaining to a flret-laee Jeweler's trade. Particularly In watches we can show you unequaled opportunities Our large stock of flrst-claas guaranteed watchea, our many years' experience In practical watchmaking, enabling ua not only to Judge a watch but to make one as fine as the finest, Justifies ua In tha claim that our store Is The Headquarters lor WATCHES MaJ BbafcTJaJJ. "rellew the flag" ROUND TRIP RATES Canadian Points one faro plus COO. Sold dally during September. All Summer Resorts great reduction. - Sold dally during September. Mexico City, CC1 JC Mexico l.fcfl Bold September t to 14, Inclusive. Detail Information WABASH CITY OFFICE, 1601 Faxnaxn St, - or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. W. Wab. R, R. OMAHA, NEB. Alterations Are you going to make your last year's Overcoat or Jacket do you an other year? If so, It may need some altering, or possibly a new lining. Bend It to ua and we wilt put it In first olass condition for a very reason able price. We alter Skirts and Jackets, put In new Unlnga, put on new braid and bands, put on velvet collars and new buttons. Ail work guaranteed first class In every respect. Try us. The Pantorium Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1513 Jones St. Tel. Doug. 963. SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS AIID GIRLS 1.50 RflHrcl i Only Known" Notice la Retail Merchants. Frank Shephard. formerly of tha Fox Typewriting Supply Co. and for three daye an authorised employe of the Toledo Com UUtiug Steal. Co.. la not now connected In any way with the Toledo Computing Scale Co., nor has he any right to represent fUll"H t as aucn. TOLEDO COMPUTING SCALE! CO.. Faj-nam Street. wsj ej w a wiu Duy your Doy or girl a pair of shoes at this store that will surprise you with their good wearing qualities and with their good style and comfort. 2.00 will buy your boy or girl a I pair of shoes at this store that will wear longer, look nicer and feel better than any other shoe you can buy at the same price or even a little more. School begins soon, buy them now. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOERS, 16th and Douglas Streets. So said a women a few days ago of ter she had paid I $4.00 for a pair of shoes at a certain store, and then ac companied a friend to D rex- el 's who bought a better pair of shoes for $3.50. . "If I Had Only Known" Of course this woman will know better hereafter and come to us for her next pair of shoes. How is it with youf Have you been here and made a shoe saving as well as getting the extra values we are giving t "If I Had Only Known" DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. enneft Company Monday Being Labor Day, This Store Will Close Promptly at One OXIock. One Local Early Morning Wagon Delivery I We Close Labor Day at Noon put of respect to the working men, and in order to allow our employes to fittingly celebrate Labor Day, we will close at noon Monday, September 3. Remember, Our Great September Furniture Sale is the time for you to purchase your Furniture, Carpets and Stoves at money-saving prices. Be sure and attend early. Take advantage of this great sale. Everything sold on very easy pay meats, YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. 1612 a TaBNAM STREETS, OMAIIA The Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1887. . -..r i . ...i Sachet Powder The most complete stock In the west. Sixty different odors to select from. Lowe's A sort and Lowe's Jlckee are conaldered by the knowing onaa to be the best. Here are soma of the latest: Wo Lowe'a Aaorta, per ounce So (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.) 60o Lowe'a Jlckee, per ounce 25c (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.) 75o Fiver's La Trefle, par ounce.... (0c TSo Chrysls Hudnut'a, per ounce Uc 60o Bukman's White Rose, per Ouno....16c T5o Allan's Janice, per ounce 40c Tto mckseckera Oyn. oer ounu ka 0o Bukman's Violet, per ounce .lioh Ana many others to suit the moat exact Ing. BEATON DRUG CO Uth and rarnam. .' The Omaha Drug House noted for La f UD-llkllUtllau Have Your Shirt Made to Measure FALL LIHE HOW IN ! Lfjsv your order oarly to Insure) prompt dollvory. ' Albert Calm, SHIRT MAKER, 1322 FARNAM. I CAR RIP MY SHIRT ' BUT cahnS r - ' V, J!L LnRi yT THE HENRY A. KOSTER STOCK biiontiaif is Leoor : 'MAW REM' InlMY Uoas THS RECIMSLE STORE V 7 IV Close At Noon. Will Close M Noon. Many Special Bargains Awaf You during the morning hours. Hundreds of splendid bargain op- portunities will be offered our customers. Come early Monday. Safe of Lace Curtains Values up to $7.50 pair go at, each 98c;75c.50c,39c,25c Bonne Femme Curtains Extra heavy flounced, that sold up to $15.00; to close quick, at, each $2.98, $1.98 and 98c Ladies' Suits New fall styles, worth Q lfl up to $16.50, at iVU Covert Coats In tight box and semi-fitting ef fects, worth up to 4 QO $10-at, choice IO $7.50 Skirls In checks, plaids, mixtures and plain colors, newest 5 QP styles, at JJrJ Special Sale of Black Silks ' A great purchase of Black Silks, comprising all the newest weaves, -will be placed on sale at a saving to you of ONE- FOURTH TO ONE-THIRD ON REGULAR PRICES. Another Great Grape Sale Tuesday. Watch Monday's papers. Watch Monday's papers for GREAT FLOUR SALE TUES-DAY. Great Embroidery Sale Wednesday. HAVDER3 STATE L0KIL SEPT. 3d TO 7th. SPECIAL SERVICE SEPT. 4, 5, 6 ' Ijeare Omaha 8:13 a.m. Arrlre Fair Grounds 10:OOa.m. Arrlre Lincoln 10:05 a.m. Leave Lincoln 7:30 p. m. Leave Fair Grounds.. 7:33p.m. REGULAR SERVICE Lv. Omaha. .7:20 aan. 2:01p.m. 4:40p.m. 11:15p.m. Ar. Lincoln. .8:50 a.m. 8:40 p.m. 0:33 p.m. 11:50 p.m. Account Bryan's home-coming reception, specia! train for Omaha leaves Lincoln 10 p. m. September 5th. FARE: S1.65 ROUMD TRIP iket 1323 Farnam Union Station LOW ONE - WAY RATES VIA union pacific PROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO OCTOBER 31. 1000. $25.00 1 IB IB ' II of High Grade Wall Paper at 40 Cents on the Dollar Having bought this stock at a remarkably low figure will close it out at 40 cents on the dollar. The stock is new and of the latest patterns and styles. Make your home cheerful while you have the opportunity of doing so at a very nominal sum. Call and be convinced that what we aay In regard to prices and styles is as represented. .SUCCESSOR TO UEXRY A. KOSTEIU. 109 South 14th Street WALL PAPER. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES, ROOM MOULDINGS AND DECORATING. Telephone Douglas 43. "Do It Now." to San Francisco, Los An geles, San Diego and many other California points. MC nn to Everett, Fairhaven. What 4faJ,UU com, Vancouver and Victoria. Mr AO to Portaland. Astoria, Taco )j.UU ma and Seattle. POC nn to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu V.J.U(J gene, Albany and Salem, in eluding Southern Paclflo branch lines in Oregon. $2150 S 5 Spokane and intermediate . & N. points to Wanat- chee and intermediate points COO HO to Butte Anaconda, Helena, )CU.UU and all intermediate main line points. i nn to sden and 6alt Lake Clty' LUU and intermediate main line points. For full information inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 331. $20 IF YOU ENJOY cool, delicious, satisfying smoks one that will banish your cares and wake life worth living, be sure and call for the old reliable f, R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Ct Manufacturer, lU Louis.