Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 17

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Holidaj Cmin and Trsds is Praotioslly
at Standstill.
Cndlk Get Rid of Romrtkl(( Like
Haadrrd Thonaid Baahrl Com
try Selling- More Freely
ho Market Monday.
, OMAHA. Sept. 1, IMS.
.Trade wa practically nothing- la th
local pit today, trauci (earing to hold
?.vV.r l0 day"- P"-' were at a stand
still, roreign new was bearish and cu
P wer lu"r. and In addition to these
intluenees world a shipments Monday are
expected to be large. There aomo
rain In the northwest, but condition geu-
-alJy were "vorable for threshing.
lhe feature of the day was the delivery
of nearly lw.ouo buahela of corn by Updike.
J' a'1 to h"ve been taken by Jaquilu
and ilolmqulat. thrice deliveries had a
tondency to weaken the market, but owing
to light trade and the strength In other
markets prices did not change much, the
country la selling corn more freely.
Monday la Labor day, and the doora of
the local exchange will be closed. Other
market also have adjourned till Tuesday.
Broomhall estimate world wheat ship
ments at 10,000.000 buahela.
Primary wheat receipt were 404,000 bush
tla and ahlpmenta 499,ou0 bushels, against
receipt last year of l.u08.0uu bushels and
shipment of Sua.OOO bushel. Corn reerlpts
wore 904,000 bushels and shipments 8..2.UOJ
bushels, against recelpta last year of 50,tJ
buahela and shlpmenta of 552,000 bushel.
Clearances were 190.0U) bushel wheat, 86,
000 barrel flour, 2,000 bushels oat.
Llverr col closed ',. lower on wheat
n4 HtJd 1 tr on MB.
Broumnall, the l.-.iduig English statisti
cian, estimates that the export countries
of the world can spare 544.1,000 bushels,
while the Importing countries will need only
128.000,000 bushels. Ha figure American
urplua at 200,0u0.000, Russia at 98,ono,Mn,
Argentina at 80,000,000, Canada at 44,000,
000, Balkan atates at t.0"0,000, India and
Australia each nt 28.0"0,000. The United
Kingdom wants 220,00O,0'iO buahela, Germany
60,0t,00O, Holland and Belgium 66.000.000,
Italy 48,000,000, France, ex-European
countrlea 72,000,000 bushel.
Local range ot optiona:
Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tii'r
3931 m,B
A asked. B bid
Omaha) Cash Sale.
WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car. 62o.
CORN No, 8 yellow, 1 car. 63V4C.
Oaitks Cnsn Trices.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 64H-5c; No. t
hard. 6&64r-; No. 4 hard. 6tB63c.
CORN-No. S. 42Hc; No. 8 yellow, 43c;
No. 8 white, 44c.
OATS-No. 8 mixed, r4cj No. I
white, 28tc; No. 4 white, 27i8:'8c.
RYE No. 2, 51c; No. t. We.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oat.
Chicago , M S47 240
Minneapolis 86
Omaha 26 43 82
Duiuth 7
St. Loul 48 130 122
Feat a re of the Trading; and Closing
Prlees on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO, Sept., 1. The comparatively
mall deliveries of wheat today on Septem
ber contract had a strengthening effect
on the local wheat market. At the close
the December option was up Vc. Corn
showed but a alight change. Oat were up
c. Provisions were a shade to Sc higher.
Interest In the wheat pit today centered
In the amount of wheat delivered on Sep
tember contracts. Early In the day, esti
mate supposedly conservative, placed the
amount of this wheat at 6,000,000 bushels.
The difference between the estimate end
the actual deliveries caused active buying of
the September option through the entire
session and resulted In an advance of nearly
lo In the price of the September delivery.
The strength of the current month had a
steadying effect on the more distant de
liveries, which were bearlshly affected by
uwor uiuici miu iciieiBiij' wuituit
weather in the spring wheat territory.
Bhorta and elevator interest were the
chief bidder for September. The market
closed firm. ' December opened H'SHe to
AB Ho higher at 7.TV to 74c, old between
73Hc744e. and cloaed at 7384c.
Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal
to 362,000 bushels. Primary recelpta were
404,000 buahela, compared with 1,018,000
buahela for the corresponding day a year
ago. Minneapolis, Duiuth and Chicago
reported recelpta of 145 car against ISO
car last week and 469 car a year ago.
Sentiment In the corn pit waa bearish,
but the market waa held steady by the
smallnea of the deliveries on September
contracts. New In general favored the
bear, weather condition being excellent
for the growing crop and arrival of corn
at all primary point In the United Bute
showing a material increase. For the
first time In many weeks the total receipts
exceeded those of the corresponding day
of last year, the movement today aggre-
f rating 6o4,OUO bushels, against 680.000 bushel
ast year. Cash houses were the most oon
splouous buyers of the September option.
Trading on the whole was light because
of the scarcity of offerings. The market
closed steady. December opened a shsde
lower at 43M,e, sold between 43Vg43'ie, and
closed at 8c Local receipts were 147
oars with 206 car of contract grade.
Deliveries of oats on September contracts
amounted to about 600,000 bushels, which
waa about one-half ot the previous esti
mates. This shortage caused an active
demand by ahorts and cash houaea for the
September delivery and gave conatderable
strength to the market In general. Be
cause of a lack of offerings the volume of
trading was light. The market closed
strong. December opened a shade to viets
higher at 80o to SOVflfllc. aold up to '
WSo. nd olueed at the top price. Local
receipts were 240 cars.
Provisions wers extremely quiet. OJt
firm. A 60 advance In the price of llv
hogs supported the bulls. At the close
September pork was up a shads
16. SWA. Lard was up a shade at lo-Tvjf
1.80. Ribs were 6c higher at 38.82.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
82 cars; corn, 415 cars; oats. 203 car; nog.
86.000 head. . . ,
There will be no esslon of the board of
trade on Monday, Labor day.
The leading future ranged a follow t
ArUole. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Y'f
43 4'
42HA .'
r 7H
43 4S-'fH
44VU4 44
04 ' 204
4S4f il
83 W
134 38W S343V
16 M
18 60
16 88
18 60
8 78
8 f6
8 70
7 94
16 9:4
H 90
18 60
8 174
8 874
8 70
7 96
13 60
8 80
8 :
6 70
U 60
8 80
8 90
8 70
1 !
8 70
7 fc'Vi!
7 S-H1
7 24l
8 75
8 7i
. 7 26
6 80 8 75 8 80 8 T7'4
8 7:4! 8 70 I 8 7J4! 8 78
T 26 I I 241 7 26 I 7 22V
No 1
Cash quotations were a follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 88.800
8 50; atralghta. 83. 106 8. 40; apring patents,
M 7ot3.a0; etralghts, $J.ffltt; bakers. C Is)
i;0RX-No, 1 4;c; No. I T11ow. 49je
OATS No. I. 'e; No. I whits, 823Sc;
No. 8 white, tSH-oJ-c.
RYB No. i, 664-qoSfl.
BARLEY-Fir to choice malting, 40480
SEEDS No. 1 flx. 81.14: No, 1 north
western, 81-104. Clover, contract grades.
PROVISIONS Short ris. stdes (loose)
88 70418 80. Mess pork. er bbl., 8186.
IatA per 1 !' . 88 84. Short clear sides
tboxed). 89 00419.124- . m
The receipts and shipment of Hour and
grain were; ,
Articles Reeelnt. Shlpmenta
Flour, bbl ?4 ,8s 81 M
Whsat, bu 77.0.W M.SOO
Corn, bu'l l'lS5
Outs, bu -4& &-if2
Rye bu ',u
Barley, bu 4.ou0 8.1U0
On the Pi-oduo exchange today the but
ter market was steady. Creamer!, 19J
tic: dairies, 17tj-4c. Egws. Arm: st mark,
cases Included. IJi-tflSo; firsts. 174c; prims
firsts m-; extras. 214c- Cheese, easier,
Pood at ST at I.I erpool.
I.fVlTRPOOL. Sert L Following are ths
slock tl bi aadstuff mid pruluuuM la JJ-
erpool: Flour, 8s.0"0 Sacks: wheat, 8,412.00
centals; corn, 481.000 centals; bacon, 28.400
boxes; ham. 80 box; shoulder. 4.100
boxes; butter, 14.100 hundred weight: oheese,
68.SU0 boxes; lard 4,i0. tlercea of prim
western steam and 1.700 tons of ott'ier kinds.
atatlon of (ho Day Tnrlon
NEW TORKL. Sept. 1. FLOUR Receipt,
21.694 bbls.; export, 6.168 bbl. Market dull,
but steady; Mlnneaota patent, 84.1oB4.40;
Minnesota bakera, U 4""o W. winter patents,
Ud'v4.15; winter straights, 3.C-a3 ; winter
extras,; winter low grades. 1176
(tlt.A). Ky Hour, firm; fair to good, U-U
choice to fancy, lAH-SH-OO.
C'ORNMtAL Steady: flue white and yel
low, tl.-vl.; coarse, tl lutrl.U; kiln dried,
Ki 10 Dull and nominal; No. I western,
634c, f. o. b., afloaL
BARLEY Steady: feeding. 89940a o. L f.,
buftaio; malting, 4o6ia c. L (., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, M.300 bu. Spot market
firm; No. 8 red. 774c. elevator and 78o
f. o. b.. afloat; No 1 northern. Dululh. Ua
f. o. b., afloat; No. 8 bard winter, 860 f.
o. b., afloat. Options were steady on light
deliveries st Chicsgo snd small northwest
receipts, showing 40 to He net advance.
The closing was as follows: May, 84401
September, 78c; December, OHo.
CORN Receipts, 86,478 bu. Spot market
steady; No. 8, 64c, elevator, and 643
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 yellow, 61o; No. 8
white, 62c. The option market waa quiet
and steady with wheat, closing net un
changed as follows: September, 66Hc; De
cember, 614c
OATS Kecelpts, 121,600 bu.: export, 1,157
bu. Spot market dull; mixed oats, i to 82
lbs., Hoc; natural white, 80 to 83 lb., 85&U7o;
clipped white, 88 to 40 lb., 3tM2o.
HA X Quiet; shipping, 6bt)'i6o; good to
choice, 9w.-fyjl.00.
FEED Firm ; spring bran, 818.26; mid
dling, 119.76; city, W0.M4i24.60.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1906 crop, Ili0l7o ; 19U4 crop and Old, nom
inal; Pacific co ait, 1906 crop, 134 18c; 1904
crop, 12c; old, nominal.
HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25
pound. 80c; California, 21 to 46 pound, 21o;
Texas dry, 24 to 80 pound. 19c
LEATHER Steady; I'b274c.
PROVISIONS Beef, dull; family, 810.90
45 ll.Oo; meas, 88.0O&3.60; beef ham. tZl.OO
U'2.60; cut meat, steady: pickled bel
lies, 811124o; pickled shoulders, 84fe84tc;
pickled hams, 141240. Lard, dull; western
prime, 88.8f&8.90; refined, steady; continent,
49.85; compound, 74 l7Ho. Pork, steady I
family, 6i8.60t19.00i short clear, 817.00i(18.7;
mess. 818.7C&19.86.
TALLOW-Steady. 64o to 80.
RICE Firm; domesUo fair to extra, 84
r4c; Japan, nominal.
St. Loots General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 1. WHEAT Higher!
track. No. 8 re cash. 71tj(24oi No. i
hard, 7o4tf734c; December, 714tl8c, bid;
May, 764d'4o.
CORN Firm; track. No. 8 cash, 47e; De
cember, 414c: May, 42S34Ic, bid; No. 8
white, 49W49Ho.
OATS Firm; track, No. 1 cash, 81c; De
cember, 82c; May, 834o; No. 8 white, 8244?
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents,
83 US3.66; extra fancy and Straight, 83.06
8.40; clear, 82.5061.70.
SEED Timothy, steady: 88.S&Q4.00.
CORNMKAL Steady: 82.60.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 78
HAY-Stesdy; timothy, $1100015.00; prai
rie, 88.0U4rtOW. v
BAGGING 9 l-16c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
818.40. Lard, steady; prim steam. 88.524
lry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
89.26; clear ribs, 89.60; short clears, 89.624
Bacon. steady; boxed extra short,;
Clear rib. 810.25; short clear, 810.274.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs,
12c; turkeys, 144c; ducks, 84c; geese, 6a.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 196S44;
dairy, 184f22c.
EGGS Higher, 16, case count.
Receipts, Shipments.
Flour, bbll 7,000 7.000
Wheat, bu. , 43,000 44,000
Corn, bu 180,000 103,000
Oat, bu. ., 122.000 48,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
r stents, 840O4.10; second patents, 83.85-0
96; first clears, 83.258.46; second clear,
BRAN In bulk. $12.501311.
(Superior Board of Trad quotations for
Minneapolis land Chicago delivery). The
range of prloe. as reported by F. D. Day
at Co, 110-111 Board of Trade, waa:
Article. I Open. High.) Low. Clo. Yea y
76fi"77(fjlTr4 781 764
7i4a44 7aaT24 s 714
724473 78 72 724
I II 111 1 114 1 114
1 104 , l io 1 10 1 10
1 104 1 104 1 10 1 10
1 094 1 094 1 04 1 OVA
1 124
1 104
Mlnneapoll Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard, 774c; new, 764c; No. 1 northern. 76o;
new, 75c; to arrive, 73c; No. I northern,
744c ;s new, 78o; to arrive, 714c: No. 8, 714
p!2ct new, 714cj No. 1 durum, (to; new, 66c;
to arrive, 64o; No. 8 durum, 66o; new, 64c; to
arrive, 63 40. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 47Uo;
No. 8. 46o. Oats: No. 8 white. 284a; No.
3, 2i27c. Barley: 8346o. Rye: 61V3
624C. Flax: 81.094.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS . CITY, Sept. l.--WHEAT-Bep-tember,
644o; Deoember, 674c: May, 714o;
cash. No. 8 hard, 6&4i36&c; No. i, 644i9
6sc; No. 3 red, (6474c; No. 1 66c; No. 1
spring, 6244)630.
CORN September, 4JHc; December, 89Hej
May. 894c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 43i4Sx,o:
No. 8, 43Vc; No. 8 white, 464c: No. 8. 464o.
OATS No. t white, 814o; No. t mixed,
RYE Steady; No. 1 56680.
HAYSteady; choice timothy, 1L25(B11.60;
choice jrairte, 88.74.00.
BUTTER Firm creamery, extra, 22o;
parking. I60,
EGOS Steady; extras, 194c: first, cases
Included, 184o; seconds. 114a.
The recelpta and shipments of grain
were: . . . Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 306.000 108,000
Corn, bu 83,000 . 68,000
Ofcts. bu 19.000 16,000
MUwnakoo Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE, Sept. I - WHEAT -steady;
No. 1 northern, 7739c: No. t
northern. 74t?77e: December, 734(2740.
RYE Lower; No. 1. 67468c.
.BARLEY Steady; No. 1 664680; sample,
OATS Firmer; stsndard, 81ft82c.
CORN Steady; No. 8 oaah, 49ig)0Hcj De
oember, 44c,
Llveraoel Grain and Provlalana
quiet; No. 9 red weatera winter, 6slud!
Future, qulst; September, 6144; Decem
ber, 6s 8d.
CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new.
4104d; American mixed, old, 4s 10d. Fu
tures, quiet; September, nominal: Decem
ber, 4144: January, new, 4s 244.
PMladelohtsk Prod no Market.
Firm; good demand; extra western cream
ery, 244ij26c; extra nearby prints, J7o.
EGGS Firm; good demand; nearby fresh
tZo st mark; western fresh, 22o st mark.
CHEESE Firm; good demand; New
York fall, choice, litflJVc; fair to good.
Dnlnth Grain Market.
DULUTH, Sept. 1 WHEAT No 1 north
ern, new, 754c; No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 8
northern, nw, 744c; December, 73c
OATB-Op track, 80c ; new, to arrive, SO.
BARLEY 864264a
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA, Sept. 1 CORN-Lower: No. 8
yellow and No. 1 44c; no grade, 464a
OATS Higher; No. 8 white. 804a; No. 3
white. 804c; No. 4 white. 9c.
RYE Firm: No. 1 69o.
WHISKY-On the basU of 81.2.
Toledo d Market.
TOLFiDO, Ohio. Sept. 1 flEED Clover,
cash, r.!6: October and December, 87.424:
timothy, 81.; auilk. H IO.
Holiday on Cotton Exchange.
NEW YORK. Sept. L-Holiday on Cotton
exchange and next Monday, Labor day.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES-Market. easy; futures offering
ijulte freely at recent prices; prims. 10c;
choloe, 1040: fancy lie '
unchanged; spot, T48840. according to
grade. Aoricoia. firm: cholos. 16c; extra
choice, 17c; fancy. I8fr30e. Peaches, un
changed; choice, 104H-llc: extra choice 11
ffllHc; fancy, 11512c; extra fancy, ?if
l!4o. Raisins In steady demand; Ions
muscatel. 6447; seeded, 6o; London
laysrs, nominal.
nsrsur and Molasses,
Steady; open kettle, centrifugal to 7-lncr.
centrifugal yellow, 8444c; second, 24
Quiet; New OrUnma, oaob k""lt. good to
obuica, tutiSSa, ... .
Eztrtms Dnllnm If arks Count of ths
Brief Satnrdt Session.
This Issao Advances to 194 6-8, bat
Closes with Fractional Declines
tnfavorabl Bank Statement
NEW YORK. Sept. 1. Extreme dullness
marked the course of today brief session
011 the Stock exchange. The attendance of
traders waa much below the average, a
great many having apparently availed
themselves of the approaching holiday to
leave town. Those who remained hesitated
to follow the London market, which
reached a slightly higher range for Ameri
can securities. Ths halting tone ot the
market was doubtless due largely to con
cern regarding the showing of the associ
ated banks In their weekly returns. The
known movement of money for the week,
as shown In yesterday's preliminary exti
mates, very strongly suggested a complete
wiping out of the legal reserves, but It was
hoped that a large amount of foreign loans
placed here at the higher rates for call
and time accommodations would prove an
off set to this drain. Some comment was
frovoked by the statement contained in
he monthly circular of a prominent
financial Institution, which offered sug
gestions for the relief of the money market
and again urged the government at Wash
ington t anticipate the retirement of t
least a part of the 4 per cent bonds of 19-7.
Just as on the previous days. Union Pa
cific was again leader, If so dull a market
could be laid to have one. Thl stock on
buying of the same character as previously
noted, opened close to Its record price and
before the end of the hour established a
higher price than before. St. Paul also ex
hibited much strength and again there was
a gsneral disposition to couple the move
ments of those stocks as a part of some
colossal deal. New York Central also mads
a material advance at about this time.
The bank atatement exceeded the moit
anguine expectations, loans decreasing
about 87,400,000, with the cash loss much
below general estimates. This showing
leaves the excess reserve at 82,869,000 as
against 85,600.000 in the corresponding week
laat year. The list became much more ani
mated on the publication of the statement,
with a general upward movement, Union
Pacific advancing to 1944, but closing at a
fractional decline. This represents a net
rise of over SO points sines August 17, the
date of th Pacific dividend announce
ment. Tiie final trading disclosed some
realizing for profit, but the tone win
fairly strong. Return of the Louisville A
Nashville road for July showed a gain of
over 3100,000 In net earnings, while those
of the Rock Island-' Frisco system for the
same period Increased almost 1375, 000.
Bank clearings throughout the country for
th week Increased over 2S per cent. Sales
of stocks on the exchange exceeded thoso
of the same month last year by over 11,
600,000 shares, though bonds sales decreased
over 833,000,000.
Total sales of bonds today par value,
Following were the sales and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
Sales. H I gh. Lo w.Close.
4ms Eipraw 170
AnlfmU4 Cojtr 44.IM 1104 10 110
American Car and Poundry.. W0 40 404 4ti
do prd 100 '
ADMrlcaa Cotton Oil 14
do pfd t to
American Expreit 98
America H. and L 1.600 (0 74 TH
American Ice mm 1,400 80 T 79
American Linieed Oil 1
do ptd 40
Amerloan Locomotive. 409 Ti Tltt
do pfd ill
America . and II (,100 167 114 1(7
do prd 100 111 117 lis
American Sugar Raflnlns.... 8,000 116 184 134
American Tobeoco, pfd. cer. 100
Aueonda Mining Co I.OOO M0 t7i 871
Atlchleon 18.400 107 104 1'4
do ptd 100
Atlantlo Coeet Lin 100 141 141 142
Baltimore Ohio tloo 111 117 111
do ptd t!
Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... 8.400 74 15 71
Canedlaa Peoinc 709 174 171 171
Central of New Jersey 121
Chesapeak A Oblo 8,100 46 44 44
Chleeso Oreat Wester 17
Chloafo It Nortbwatern...v 1.100 812 til 111
ChlctfO. M. A it. P ... 11,000 171 174 177
Chloafo T. and T It
do pfd 47
C, C, C. St. L 400 6 4 14
Colorado Fuel and Iron.... 1.S00 46 44 44
Colorado 4k Southora to 87 9T tf
do let pfd 100 M 44
do Id pfd (0
Caneolldttod Oa 1(
Cora Product, rfg toe 80 11 14
do ptd 7
Delaware Hudms 40 i; 811 117
Delaware, U W 04
Dennr 4k Rio Orand n0 44 41 41
do pfd 100 84 84 44
DlellUera" Securities too- 41 11 41
rle L400 44 44 46
do lot pfd 77
do td pfd 100 78 Tt 71
Oeneral Electric 100 161 168 147
Hoeklnf Valley m
Illinois Central ' itl
International Paper 11
. P'd TOO 64 83 13
International Pump 4814
do pfd 14
Iowa Central 100 ts xt
'O pfd 1M 61 ( Hiv
Kaneaa City Southera loo 18 II tt
. P'4 10 6 67 6
Loularlllo A Nashrlll 1,100 14 148 14S
Mexican Central r 100 81 81 81
Mlnaeapoll A gt. Loul to
St.. St. F. 4 4 tte. M 100 166 166 164
. P'4 100 171 170 170
Mlieouri Pacific 8,10 18 N 171
Mleoourl, K. A T 14
ae P'd W0 Tl T0 11
National Lee 4 . 8, no i 71 11
National R. R. ot 14 100 46 44 46
New York Contral lt.loo 144 143 145
New York. O. A W ,IO0 II 41 60
Norfolk a Western l.luo N 13
do pfd i
North Americas i2v
Paslfls Mall at
PonnerWanls tt.iot 142 141 142
People Oa .... . i0w
Plttebun. C, C. A St. L .... nj
PTd..8t"1 C,r 13 81 61
o pfd ,
Pullman palace Car 1,100 tto 160 IM
R?'",D " 14.10 lit 114 127
do let ptd g,71
do id pfd ,
Republic gteel 100 10 M 10
do pfd 100 s MU
Rock leland Co t.4w0 17 17 l;C
P'd to 66 14
Rabber Good pfd . lul
8t. Loul A . P. Id pfd ! 45
8t. Loul Boathwoitva 800 86 15 u.
"VU"-' 0 41 .0 M
Southern Pacific 14,100 11 o isu
do pfd m
Southern Railway 1.100 81 17 itu
do pfd
Tenn. Coal and Iron u
Texas Paella too u ' 14 14
. - " . iui am mm mm
mm pin.... tllo ,ju ,lvt
Union Pacll
141,40 114
111 14
o prd
felted Hate Kxpreaa ....
United lute Rubber ....
da pfd
United State Steel
4 ptd
V. -Carolina Chemical....
do pfd
do pfd
Wella-Parfo Bipreee
WceilnskouM Klectria ....
8.804 111 ui 111
800 46 46 46
00 101 101 liH
18.1U4 41 41 41
4.100 107 101 107
1 11 t,z
400 80 10 10
8 46 a 44
w;r,'.ui"i: lr n l
Wlaconiin Central
do ptd
Slots bheftleld ,.. f.7
Great K'ortbrra p'd (004 lil'" iriii su'Ir
Inttrboroush Metropolitan.. too m 11 itS
do ptd -'
A. iced. - n
Toul sale for th day. iSS.m .hare.
Loadoa Cloalna; Stocks.
LONDON. Sept. l.-Closlng quoUtion
n ths Stock exchrns were" HUULl,on
Coaaols. moner... 17 7-:4 M., K. A T 87
. .-. ..w lor antral in
14, Nnrflk M. u . . -. .
do ptd
Baltimore A Okie
Canadian Paclle .
Cheaaeeake A O..
Chicago O. W...
C. M. A U P..
Do Been
D. A R. 0
do pld
do 1st pld
do Id pfd
rillaote Central ..
i4i do prd ."T.: is
'I 21,,arl Weatera.. 61
Hand Mine
. 44 Readlnf 7
. 11 Southern Railway
141 I do prd
. 11'Seuthern Panic ,
. 44 1 Union Paclle ...
. 8i' do p'd
. 4' U. g. Steel
.11 I do prd
4 Wabaah
io d prd
, 10
, lk
. 13
, 44
, II
tVrWif9&aa'id?lu-,M P"
The rate of discount In the open market
for hort bill is SS per cent.- for thre
months' bills. 3 1-183 per cent, '
Ifew York Mlalnsj Storks.
NKW YORK. Sept. l.-Closing quota
tions on mining stork ware:
Adam Co 80
Little Chief ....
aTae ,
llcrra Nevada .
Small Hope ...
Standard .......
.. 8
. M
. 44
. 14
Brvnewtck Co....
reaautack Tan oat
Cava. cx A Vs..
Horn Bller
lroa Sllrer
UadTUls Co.
. 1
. 14
. 64
. M
CI eartaaj Hoaae Averastea.
NEW YORK. Sept. L Th statement of
fh clearing hcus bsnks for the aeek
shows that ins banks hold t,s;.4M over tne
Wgai reacrvs rtulriaUiU, XUa u a a-
creas of 81.40.876, a compared with last
weea. ine statement loliows:
Dec res se.
3 7,IM.?"0
1.4A 8
1.V43. 067.800
860.614. &
Legal tender
Sped . ,
Reserve required
Ex U. S. deposits
Hew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 1. MONEY On call,
nominal; no loans. Time loans, strong; 00
and t days, 7 per cent; 6 months, 8A per
cent bid; none offered.
r' RIM fal MLHCAM 11LB PAPER 64J7 per
84 .8.1 26-6 4.8336 for demand and at 34 801611
4.kO for sixty-day bills; posted rates,
84.82HS4 82 and 34.84 4.86; commercial
bills. .Ki5t 97H-
SILVER Bar, CCc; Mexican dollars,
UONDS Government, weak; railroad,
Quotation on New York bond today
were ss follows!
C. 8. ref. la, ref....l'4JapaB. td series.... H
do coupon 103 do 4s cer 11
U. 8. la. re
o Id seriee v-
do eeupon
V. B. old 4a. rag.
do coupon
U. 8. new 4a, ret
do eoupna
Amer. Tobacco 4
101 L. A N. unl. 4 100
fMar:hatUn Con. g 4101
..103; Mexican central 4a... 7
do let In 11
. 71
M. A 8t. U 4 44
M . K. A T. 4 10
do 81 kl
M. R. R. ot M. . 4a. 16
do 4a 111
Atrhlsnn fen. 4s Kl
do ajuatmrnt 4s...
N. T. C. sen. I..1Z
Atlantic C. L. 4... M, Northern Pacific 4... 101
Baltimore At Ohio 4a.l03 do ! 76
do 3 Hi 113 N. A W. con. 4 101
Brooklyn R. T. r. 4 13 Oreton . L. rf. 4a.. 14
Central of Oa. 6..
110 Penn. ct. I 100
do 1st Ine,....
do Id In....
do td Ine
C. A O. 4.
. 17 Reodln gen. 4 11
. 40 St. U A 1. M e. 8s. 114
. If 8t. L. A 8. P. f. 4. 12
.104 ft L. 8' em. cob. 4a. 17
. 77 a,aboard A. L. 4.... e
Chlr.xo A A. 111.
c, B dt q. new 4.. 17 southern Paeine ... fi
C. R. I. 4V P. 4.... 7li do let 4i cer 14
do col. 61 4$ 'Southern Railway 6.. 116
C. C.CA St. L. g 4.101 Texas A Pacific lata. .111
Colo. In. 6e. r. A.. 74 T., St. L. A W. 41... 61
Colo. Midland 4a 74 jUnlon Pacific 4s M
Colo. Southern 4.. 44 IT. 8 Steel tad. 6.. 41
Cuba 6 101 Wabaah lata 114
D. A R. O. 4 H do drb. B 40
riletlller' Sec. I 61 IWmtern Md. 4 44
Erie prior lien 4.100 W. A L. C. 4.
do sen. 4a 89 Wis. Central 4l.
Hocklns Val. 4.. ..ion Ijapaa 4a cer
Japan 4s 105'
Offered. Ex-interest.
.. 17
.. 44
Boston Stocks and Boad.
BOSTON, Sept. l.-Call loan, 67J7 per
cent; time loan, &U6 per cent. Closing
quotations on ine mocrc exenange were
Atchlaoa ad. 4.... 41'Atlantlo ....
ao u 101 uingnam
Mexican Central 4a... 75 Calumet A Hockla.
Atchison 10 Centennial
do pfd 100 Copper Rans ,
Bnatnn A Albany 144 Pair West
Boston A Main. ...145 Franklin
Boston Elerated 160 Oranby
Fltchburg pfd 196 Ule Hnyale ,
Mexican Central tl'Maae. Mining
. 14
. 77
. 14
. 10
. 11
. 11
. 4
. II
. 41
. itt
. 40
. 16
. 11
. II
. 4
. 42
. 44
. H
. 40
. 4
. 1
. 44
. 13
. 11
in. 1.. n. ri. a H...lV4:Mirnisaa
Per Marquette 63
Union Pacific 114
Amer. Are.. Chemical. 23
do prd 14
Amer. Pneu. Tub.... 13
Montana C. AC.
Old Dominion ...
amer. sugar ....
do prd
Amer. T. and T.
Amer. Woolen ...
111 Qulncy
.186 Shannon ,
.141 Tamarack
. 14 Trinity ,
do pfd
103 United Copper ..,
Dominion I. A B... tl U. S. Mining .
r-aison Kleo. ill ill u. B. Ull..
Mae. Electric
do pfd
Maas. Oas
United Fruit
United Shoe Mach...
do pfd
Greene Con
U. S. Steel
do pfd
Allouex .,
Bid. Asked,
liv : Utah
. 61 Victoria
. 17 Winona
.101 WolTerln
. 11 North Butt ...
. t Butte Coalition
. U Nerada
. 4 Mitchell
.107 Calumet A Arliona..l:0
. 4 Tecumeeh 11
. 14 Arliona Commercial,. 87
Condltioa of Trade and (isolation on
Staple and Fancy Prodace.
EOGS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9H10c: roosters.
5c; turkeys, 12 13c; ducks. 74o; spring
chickens. I2ri3c per lb.
BUTTER Packing stock, lftaiec: choice
fancy dairy, 17(pl8c; creamery, 2i24c.
HAT Price quoted by Omaha Keed com
pany: Choice upland. 88 60: medium, 88.00;
coarse. 88.00(8.60. Rye traw, 87.00.
BRAN Per ton. 816.60.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl.. 8175.
80 lbs., 26S36C
TOMATOks Horn grown, per basket ot
80 lb.. 267136c.
WAX BEANft Pr market basket of
about 16 lb., 3Be.
bu., 76c.
LEAF LE7TTUCE Hothouss, per doa
heads. tOc.
CELERY -Per do., 80.
CUCUMBERS-Hom grown, par doa,
ONIONS Home grown, lo per lb.; Span
ish. 82 .'A per crnt.
GREEN ONIONS Per dot. bunche. ISO.
RADISHES Per dos, bunche, 20c
NAVY BKAN8 Per bu.. 81.66; No. 8. 8L71
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6c.
QREEN PEPPERS Per market naaksU
PARSLET Hothouse, per dos. bunches,
CABBAGE Home grown, per lb., X14o.
EGG PLANT-Per do., 81.
POTATOES-Per bu., 65c.
ORANGES Valencies, according' to slxe.
LEMONS Llmonterv extra fancy, 248
size. 88.00 : 300 size, 810; 300 slse, 810.60; other
brands. 81.00 leas.
BANANAS Per medtum-staed bunch,
81 757 1. Hi: Jinnhos. 8I.WVOJ.00.
DATES Per lb., 6)6c.
PEACHES Yellow freestone. 81 5; Mil-sou-i,
per -hasket crate. 81 00411.26; Cali
fornia Elbrrtas. per dot, 81.28.
PLUMS-Callfornla, 81-60u'1.76: Oregon,
l'ABS-Bartlet', per box. 82.269160
GRAPES Mom grown, per 8-lb basket,
APPLES-Per bbl., 82 004JI60.
WATERMELONS Per lb., liglKc; or about
251 3ilc each.
CANTKLOUPF Colorado and Arlrons,
par crate (standard). 83.'.': ronle, 82.60,
No. 1 ribs, lie; mo. 8 nns, 10c; No. I rib,
6Hc; Nn. l loin. lttt"I No. 2 loin, 12ci
No. 8 loin. 8c: No. 1 chuck, 60; No. I
chuck, 4c; No. S chuck. 8c: No. 1 riund. 8c;
No. 3 round, 7o; No. round, 644c; No. I
plat. 8c; No. piste. V4" N. 8 plat. He,
8 UOAR Granulated cane. In acka, 86.3;
granulated beet, in sacks, 85.21.
SYRVP-Iu bbl. 27o per gal. I In cases,
6 10-lb. cans, 81.70; cases. 11 6-1 b. cans, 8140;
cases. 74 2U-lb cam, 81.83.
CHEESE new. Ine; Wisconsin
brick. 13(iF14c; Wisconsin limberger. 18c;
twins. 13Vrt14c; young Americana, 140.
COFFEE Roasted. No 86. etH ier lb ;
No. 20Hc cer lb.: No. 26. 18Vc par lb; No.
10, 16Va per b.i No. 12Ho per lb.
NUTS Walnuts, No. t, soft shells, nsw
rrop, per lb.. 16o; bard shells, per lb.,
12c Pecans, large, per ib., 16c, small, per
lb., 12c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. l-aslJo.
Almonds, soft sheila, per lb., 16c; bard
hells, per lb., U(al4a Coooanuts, ItOO per
sack of 100.
HONEY Per 14 frame, 83-60.
Cl'KtD JT1SH family whlteflsh, per
quarter bbl.. 100 lb.. 84.00; Norway mack
erel. No. 1, 82 00; No. 2, 8-UOu; No. 8. 82U.00;
Irish. No 2. 816 00; barring, In bbla.. J00 IDs.
each, Norway, 4k, 812 00; Norway, 8k. 212.00;
Holland, mixed. JII.'jO. Holland Herring, la
keaa. milker. 60c: kegs, mixed. Kie.
CANNED GOODS -Corn, standard west
ern, pbfciioe; Maine, 8116. Tomato, 8-lb.
cans. 81.0&4jl.4i); 8-lb. 3!c4JllW. pineap
ples. r-"-1 ?-lh.. I2 06'u2.80; sliced. 81.W
2.20: gallon apples. fan'y. 83 . CallfornU
apricots, fl TCI J. 00; pears, 81 7662.(0; .caches
fancy. 81.76t2.40; H C. pracne. 82.0uqJ6"
Alaaka salmon, red, 81 2fc; fancy Cblncok, F.
82.10; fancy sockeye. K.. 11. Ku. aidlns, V,
011, 82 60; mustard, I2.6O0UO Sweet po
tatoes, 81.1 itl 15: sauerkraut. 31 00; pump
kins, S0c((j$1.00: wax beans. 8-lb., TWsw
lima beans, l-lb.. 76ci31.S6; srlnach, 81 .88.
cheap ri-as, 2-lb., 80c; cit a, .j.ijix; fancy
li.WI 76.
HIDES ANTi TALLOW Green salted,
No. 1. 13c; No. 8. 12c; bull hides. 10u;
freen hides. No. 1. llc; No. 1 loc; horse,
I at j 3.60; sheep Dells, 60c$1.2i Tallow,
No 1. 4c; No. i. 8c.
Wndip,, h., 6Uo
FISH Buffalo, large dressed, 8c; trout,
medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dressed,
lie; halibut, fine stock. 11c; est fish, dreised,
16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12o;
white perch, dressed. 80: rrapp'es, lare,
12c; Bur.dsh, pan slse, Ac; white baas, ext'a
choice, 12c; pickerel, 8c; salmon, Chinook,
11c; white fish ffroienl, 12c; rnsrkrel
(Sni.ntsh) ,16c; nstlve. per fish. Iif3r;
codfish, fresh frsen, 12c; flounder. frh,
frosen. 11c; bluensh, fresh frnsen. 16a-;
h'tdilork, fresh frosen. 10c; red snapper,
dressed, l?c; smelts No. 1. per lh., Ifc;
lobsters, (boiled), ner lb., 40c; green, 87f;
el, per lb.. 18c: fng lesr. per drs.. 2j;
roe shad, tl each; chad roe, pair, 46c
Metal Market.
NE; WYORK. Sept. 1. M ETA LB There
were no fresh development In th various
m tal market and trading wa quiet as
usual in the absence of rabies. Tin wa
quoted at 84t) y41 : Conner continued Arm
at 3l8.75il.Oft for lake; 318.6018 76 for eleo-
trolvtle: tl8 2RF-1!M for caatlng. Ld
was lira at 85.7."i8 0 and splter st 8(.uin
tIA Iron was firm at reornt nrlrea.
BT. IH'19 Bept. 1. M ETAL8 Lead
llrb, JS-76; apeltar, firm, t5.a?r
Caul for ths Week Etosdj to s Littl
beep and Isabs In G Denaand All
Week, arlth H Oreat Ckangt In
Valae Feeder Aetlr
aad Firm.
SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 1, 1808.
Recelpta were: call. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 7.420 6.8S4 8.6T8
OilKlal iueaday 6,861 10.171 M.iUH
Official Wednesday 3.871 6.786 16.8i4
Official Thursday 8.402 ,6U 6. 15
OrUcial Ftlday 8,i3 4.38 1.4V7
Official Saturday 44 8.600 1.168
Total this week .88,140 88.36 48.484
Total laat week 46,074 48.409
Total two week ago 12,417 64.227 87.K
Total three week a go... 14.112 61.832 46.8U4
Total four weeks ago.. ..18.840 60,743 26.835
Same week laat year. ...SO. 29. Out 41.482
The following table show th receipt
of cattle, bogs and sheep st South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
Xr: lBtaj. 106. lno.
Cattle J,62 682,776 8,8o4
Hogs 1,874.468 l,(V9.6o 174.862
Sheep 1.0U,47 m,W S3,4e
Th foiioNing wui suuw price paid
for the different kinds of caiu oa tb
S"uth Omaha market:
Good to oholc corn-fed ter 8S5
rair to good corn-fed iteers 3.00u.6O
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.6tN6.0
Oood to choice rang tesr 4-4vj6 M
ralr to good rang tr Aouivt.W
Common to fair nuig steer 8.16a-4.oO
Good to choice cow and heifer... 8."64.48
Fair to good cows and heifers 2.6fl3.76
Common to fair cows and halters... 1.752. 60
Good lo choice auckra A feeder. 3.8654.60
Flr to good atocker and fdr.. 8 4t3.H6
Common to fair stocksrs .76xr3.80
Bulls, stags, t....'. 180&3.76
Veal oalv. 10O.78
Th following tabl show th avcrag
price of bog at South Omaha for th laat
several day, with comparison:
D.t. I 1908, l05.18O4. 18O8.180t. 11801. Hu0.
Aug. 28...
Aug. 24...
Aug. ib...
Aug. 2...
Aug. 27...
Aug. t...
Aug. 28...
Aug. 80...
Aug. 21...
Bept. 1...
8 84Vt
8 85
6 K
t 82
6 03
6 98
1 12
6 1
4 87
8 04
6 41
181 8 08
I 8D
6 87
6 18
6 n
6 461
6 81
6 98
6 01
6 0a
8 00
t 06
6 04
a wii
6 70
8 6
6 37
8 so!
7 27
8 83
5 82
8 831 T 18
6 771
6 12
6 62
8 2
T 261
6 is
6 83
6 U
6 1JJ 6 22 1
7 84
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha J 81.'ioiju0 8toui.10
Chicago 1.8&S4.80 6 404.50
Kansas City tOoati.W 6 tjo 2?Vi
St. Louis 2 uO.J60 6 (Xu.4J
Sioux City t.60a.00 8.6tf4.00
Trie following shows the number of cars
of stockers and feeders shipped to th coun.
try and their point of destination;
F. Wagley, Cambridge, Ia.-Mil 1
A. Nelson. Cambridge, la. Mil 1
H. Thomas, McClelland, la.-G. W 1
John Thomas, Yutan U. P 1
K. E. Nelson, Cambridge, la. Mil 1
A. Nelson, Cambridge, la. Mil 1
Ed Johnson, Cambridge, la. Mil..., 1
A. W. Bcheil, Polo, 111. I. C ! 4
G. M. Wolfe. Joy, Ill.-Q 3
Carl Beymdorf, Stanton N. W 1
W. H. Goodwin, Madison U. P 1
John Simons, Minden, la. G. W 2
H. S. Turklngton. Lilts, Ia.-R. 1 1
Melvln A. Anderson, Cambridge, HI.
R. I 3
Henry L. Anderson, Cambridge, 111. R. I. 8
Fred J. Bou, Hancock, la. R. 1 1
E. L. Ruby, Lawn Hill, la. N. W 3
P. J. v Smith, Oakland-M. & O 1
G. W. Filton. Victor, Ia.-R. 1 1
Young Sc D., Low Moon, la. N. W 3
Wacker Bros., Woodblns. la. 4
Nelson Morris, Peoria, 111. Q 8
William Btemhoff, Frlend-Q 1
W. W. Lena, Logan, la. I. C 3
R. B. Gammel, C res ton N. W 1
R. Taylor. Rosevllle, III. Q J
O. W. Sine, Viola. la. Q 1
M. D. Weed. McMlnnvllle, Tenn. Wab... 3
K. P. Duysen, Silver City, la. WaD 1
Drals tt Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Q 1
J. C. Stone, Pacific Junction, la. Q 1
N. D. Feast, Tabor, la. Q 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses
C. M. ft St P 1
Wabash 3
Missouri Pacific 8
Union Pacific 17 .. 3
C. & N. W. (east) 4
C. & N. W. (west) 26
C, S. P., M. & 0 7
C, B. & Q. (east) 8
C, B. A Q. (west)..,. 3 10 t
C, R. L eV P. (east).. .. 1
C, R. I. As P. (west) .. 1
Chi Great. Western.. .. I .. ..
Total receipts .... 3 84 i 3
The disposition of the day'a receipt wa
a follow, each buyer purchasing th num-
oer 01 neaa indicated
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company..
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Klngan ft Co
Krey Packing Co....
Bodden Packing Co..
g g
Other buyei .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
1,048 211
1,418 811
Total 23 8,267 1.148
CATTLE Th market was about as bar
of supplies as usual on a Saturday, there
being no fresh arrivals of any con
sequence. In fact the yards were deserted
with the exception of the feeder division,
where there wa still quite a number of
cattle in speculator' band carried over
from yesterday and day before. Th re
celpta ot cattle thl week show a con
atderable gain over last week and a year
ago, there having been a very fair run
for this season of th year.
Th week started out with beet steer
In good actlv demand and with price fully
steady and continued tnrougnout the
week with very Mil change. At the close
corn-fed steer of good quality wers If
anything strong a compared with a week
ago, with the gsneral run about steady.
Oraa beef 1 poaMbly a little lower, al
though th change uas not been very
Cow and heifer hav experienced both
up and downa th week baying started
out about steady, but on Tuesday th re
ceipt of that kind of caul were th
largest that tbey hav been any day thl
season and undar th Influence of axcesalv
offering price broke loiftc. Lighter re
ceipt from that day on caused a gradual
firming up In th markat, so at th close
of th week value ar not over lo16o
lower than on week ago. Barring Tueaday
th market wa In fair chape, there being
about the usual demand and considerable
life to ths trad.
Feeder wer in liberal supply all th
week and under the expectation of liberal
orders from the country the trade was
acllvs during the first three days. When
the country failed to come to the front with
expected buying demand, speculators found
themselves loaded up with cattle, which
were alow sale and tn trad slackened up,
prices being decidedly lower on Thurs
" " 1 .i 1 ne close of
th week th trad wa dull. Th market
la now IO&I60 lower than one week ago.
Thua far the country haa not aeemed very
hungry for atockera and feeders, In fact
there I very littl demand for anything ex
cept good feedera. Thla may poaalbly be
explained by th fact that it la atlll early
In the fall for farmer to buy many
ttocker. purchase of that kind of catti
ei ng delayed unljl th corn field ar
Itepresentatlvs saies:
A. Cromell S. D.
10 steers.. ..12tl7 6 80 4 cows 1142 8 IS -
1 stag 11:0 1 60 3 steers.. ..12a 4 00
8 steers.. ..1290 4 80
HOGS The market started out under
very favorable condition this 1uornli.g,
th receipt being moderate and advices
from other selling points strong. Th
opening was unevenly higher, in first
ale bating anywhere from strong lo 100
higher In some oases, bpuoulators and
shipper wer th chief buyer at lb ad
vance and as soon a their orders Wnre
filled the trade became very slow and
dull, packers not having any grsat amount
of confidence in th advance. About the
same time advlc wer received from
Chicago indicating a much lower cloa
at that point, lua result wa thai t.i
market cloaed alow and dull, with pretty
much all of the morning strength luat.
Th general market could perhaps 1j best
described a opening Strong lo 6c higher
and closing with lh advance lose
Th market thl wa haa been on uo
eeaaion of decline, price having boon
lower every day until Friday, when th r
wa a reaction amounting to loo. Allow
ing for th gala yesterday ths niarkt to
day was, on an average, just about lOo
lower thsn It was one week ago. Tr.
general siluallo tn the bog trad a does
not appear to hav changed band durtrg
ths wk, packers Ar UU oa Hit br
Id of th deal, being apparently deter
mined to force value to a lower basis
and they take advantage of vry op
portunity te hammer price to the full st
extent possible. On the other hand, the
consuming demand Is so good ti.t th
market Is holding up remar'ta ily wl
considering th constant pounding be
stowed upon it.
Representative sales:
No. A. l) Ft n. . &. Ft.
II "t 1I0' I 48 71 141 10 I 84
47 t"4 110 I 41 48 til 4 6 44
Tl Il ... 6 71 44 141 ... 8 10
II 3"4 40 6 10 44 1M 40 I list
44 108 ... I 10 41 Kl to 6 44
II ri ... I 70 10 844 1M 6 41
14. 444 IS IN 41 If! S 18
4 Ml ... 6 14 84 f4 ... 6 14
44 Ml ... I T4 11 tM 84 6 44
41 171 140 6 14 14 II 189 6 44
103 Ill 140 I TO 17 144 ... 6 44
44 Ill 4 I Til 11 104 ... 6 18
41 171 80 6 11 81 114 ... 6 M
41 1(1 80 6 18 44 .194 ... 4 44
41. 114 14 I T4 41 814 44 8 87
41 IM ... I 18 13 141 M I K
44 ITT ... I T4 41 18 18 6 4
44 IT! 4 6 T4 T4 141 ... 4 40
48 141 ... 6 Tl Tl til ... 6 M
44 174 84 6 Tit 41 114 ... 4 44
40 HI ... 8 T7 47 141 ... 6 40
44 St! 44 6 T7H T4 841 ... 6 14
40 161 84 6 TT14 11 IM 44 I M
40 144 ... 6 TT 14 134 140 I DO
40 164 ... 6 Tit 44 133 80 I II
41 80 ... 6 44 T4 Ill ... 64
44 440 ... 8 80 II UI ... 6 44
44 144 84 8 44 40 141 ... 6 44
47 141 4 4 8 47 114 144 6 44
TO 141 ... lie t 0 ... 4 44
47 348 ... I 4S 114 4 I 4
14 171 ... I M 74 144 80 M
11 141 44 4 M 14 tnl 44 6 07
64 818 44 4 M 81 808 44 I 14
1 44 8 4 80 1 444 8 4 88
1 444 44 4 44
SHEEP Although llttls or nothing In
th way of fresh receipts 1 xpotU on
A Friday there were five car reported In
thl morning. Thl bring th total for
th week very oloae to laat week' figure,
a will be noted from (he tabl at bead
Of column,
Recelpta today constated of on car of
feeder, with four car df fat w'lier.
Th latter aold at 38.30. part of Ifcem
th aame as were here yesterday and lh
firle the aame. Everything aold at wiiat
ooked Ilk ateady price.
No great Chang hav takn place In
the theep market this week. At th
opening reoelpt wre light, arrival for
th first two days showing a very heavy
falling oft as compared with th corre
sponding day of the week before.
Wednesday's receipts, howovsr. wer lrg
enough to make up the deficiency. It
will be noted that the receipts ars running
very much ahead of last year, whio.i
mean that th aupply waa unusually
large for thie aeason. The demand for
desirabl kind of fat sheep and iamb
has been good all the week and the trade
fairly active moit of the time. Arrivuls,
ss a rule, hav changed hand quite read
ily at current price and th market, a
a whole, ha been In very atlsfactory
condition. Whil no change hav taken
place In the market, ther were some
weak spots and It would be to point out
sales that were actually lower, and yet,
most operators are calling the market for
th week about ateady. Such change aa
hav taken place, howver, have been on
the aide of easier prices. This Is es
pecially true of lambs, which, aa noted
before In these column, are selling at
such high prices that buyers are v 1
much inclined to take the bear side when
ever It Is possible. Feeders have been
good sellers all the week, both sheep and
lambs, snd a large number have gone
back Into the country at prices very satis
factory to sellers. The market for th
week might be summed up as Arm, with
trade generally active. All Indications
would seem to point to a continuance of
the present large demand for feeders
and operators are looking for a very good
market on that kind of stock throughout
the season. ,
Quotations on killers: Good to choice
lambs. W.75'87.36: fair to good lambs. 3 60
V6.76: good to choice yearlings, $6.50(g)6.76;
good to choice wethers, 85.16(86.60: fair
to good wethers, 86.00a5.16; good to choice
ewes, 34.764f6.28; fair to good ewes, 3460
Quotations on feeders: Lambs, 86.7B'r76.65;
ycarlins-a, 85.25a5.60; wothers, 34.66Qo.00;
ewes, 83.60iy4.40.
Representative sale:
No. Av. Pr.
23 wether culls 82 4 90
277 Montana wethers 82 8 00
665 Wyoming wethers 1"1
143 Wyoming wethers 108 80
213 Montana wethers 83 6 30
Cattle Steady Hog; Stronaj to Five
Cents Higher Sheep RtronsT.
CHICAGO, Sept, 1. CATTLE Receipts,
400 head; market steady; beeves, 33.S50
6.80; cows and heifers, 31856.20; stock
ers and feeders, 82.80 4.26; calves, 38.80
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market
strong to 60 higher; mixed and butchers,
36.90.47H ; good heavy, 36.96&0.40;
rough heavy, J6.46t?6.75; light. 356i
6.60; pigs, 85.SOU6.20; bulk, 35.96ii6.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
bead; market strong; sheep, 3316Q6.20;
lambs, 34.60O7.26.
Kansas City Live' Stock Market.
ceipts, 100 head, Including 60 southerns:
market steady; choice export and dressed
beef steers, 86.6nig.60; fair to. good, 84.260
6.60; western steers, 33.5IX36.X; stockers snd
feeders. 32.60tjp4.6O; southern steers, 82.60-3
8.90; southern cows, 32O02.0O; native cows,
62.00!f3.76; native heifer. 82.754(4. 86; bull,
82.10g3.26; calves, 32.6043o.50. Receipt for
the week. 63,800 head.
HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market tVfflOc
higher; top, 36.37H; bulk of sales, H.2&U6.36;
heavy, 36.00ri.2O: packers, t6.10gr.35; pigs
and lights, 6.20(S.87Vb- Receipts for th
week, 39.700 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market steady; lambs, 30037.40; native
sheep and yearlings. 84.50tg5.5o; western
yearlings, clipped, 86 00ff6.76; western sheep,
clipped, 34.210.30: stockers and feeders
83.60iti.o0. Receipts for the week. 801,000
St. totals Llv) Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS. Sept. 1. CATTLE Receipts.
1.200 head, including 1,100 Texans; market
slow to a shade lower: native shipping and
export steers, 84. 75 60; dressed beef and
butcher steers. 83.905f15; steers under
1.000 lbs., 83.6034.10; stockers and feeders,
32.00&4.26: cows and heifers. 824006.76; can
ners. 8l.60fr2.16: bulls, 82.SO33.O0; calves,
8.100.3. 75; Texas and Indlnn steers, S3.Z66
6.10; cows and heifers. 82 OOttTS sO.
HOGS Reelpl s. 600 head; market fo
higher; pigs snd lights. 8s.00ft.46; packers.
36 rojj&tf; buttriers and best heavy,
6 46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 270
head; market, steartv; native mutton. 33.00
froo- limbs. 34.0037.00 ; culls and bucks,
Mow York Llv Stoek Market.
ceipts, T14 head; feeling steady: dressed
beef, very quiet at about steady prices;
exports today 1.110 catti and 8,626 quarters
of beef.
CALVES Receipts. head: market,
steady; prime veals sold at 88.60; Indiana
calves, 36.00; dressed calve In vary limited
upply and feeling steady; city dressed
veals. UfflSc; country dressed, tVSIJc.
liesd; market for sheen slow, but steady;
good lambs about steady, others dull and
weak) several cars unsold: sheep. 33 Vjl
6 60: nulls, ll.OOfta.'iO; lambs, 86-00.10; culls.
$3 ntvrra.oo.
HOGS Rsoelpts, 1,041 head; market feel
ing firm.
St. Joaeoh live Mvek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. l.-CATTLE-Recetpts.
80 head; market Heady. Nstlve,
84 SOtfM.26; rows snd heifers, 11.606 CO;
stockers and feeders. 88 f"VT4.00.
HOT-ft Receipts, 1,6(3 head: market atronv
tn 5c hle-her. l ight. 86.156.35; medium and
bv. 3n.ooff 20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 481 head;
market steady.
Ions City Llv Btoek Market.
flIOT'X CITY. Sept J.-(8pecial Telegram.)
CATTLE Receipt". 100 head; market
steady; beeves. 34.00141.00; cows, huls and
mixed, 32.50C4.26; stockers and feeders. 33.00
C?4 00: calves and yearlinsrs, t2.7fj93 76.
HOGS Recelpta, 3 noo head; market 60
hlrer; selling at I6.60Q4.00; bulk, 85.65
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of llv stock at the six principal
western markets yesterdny:
Cattle. Host. Sheen
South Omaha 81 6.6(f) 1,161
fi'oux City 100 3.000
Ksnsas City 1t 3.000 ....
St. Louis 1.J.0 rVK) 200
St. Joseph 80 3 K1 41
Chicago 4O0 3.000 1000
...1.864 22,663 8. 144
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 1. COFFEB-MarVet
by futures opened steady at 60HO p otnts
lower in response to weak Hamburg
cable and selling by Brasll. Primary r
clpt war full and Brasillan market
slightly alr. Private advice reported
large purchases of September In Hevrs
and Hamburg, th coffe to b taken up.
Ther was small feature to the local trad
aad prices fluctuated within a narrow
range. The close was steady at a net
decline of 6014 points. Sale. 18.000 bag.
Including September at I lfvtr V; Decem
ber at 40c; March at 6u1 6c; . May at
6.7vS.7tc; (Tun at I.860, Jul at 6.86c;
Augua st 8 80c. Spot Rio quiet; No.
invoice 8e.
Boston Conner Market.
Clolng quotation on Boston copper mr
ket, reixried by Logan ft Bryan, 3 Board
of Trad bulldliig, Omaha:
A4Tetur 4ttM!rita-aa jaai
Slleaea 84 Mnhaat 41
Atlaatlo 14 Nevada rnanllaatea, 1H
Dltittitsi 114, Nhnh Butte U
Slack Mountain 11114 Dominica 41
Soetoa Coneolldated.. ll(ecola 114
Butt Coalltloa Ilrneti. Berries l
Caluniet a Arliona. . Hi' 4 I nni KerTlre. pit... II
Oalumet A Her la. ...710 Qulnar 84
Centennial V4 Shannon Ie
Cesser Range Tli. Tamarack lit
I'aiir West UHTrtnttr It
Cast Pott It'nlt4 fruit in
Franklin Jt ,rrilta States, tn ITU
Greene Cooper l4l'Blt4 State, pfa... 44
Oraobr Uttl'tak Coneell4ate ... 40U
Helvetia 1 flak Copper I
ale Rsrl 84 Victoria t
US A Pittsburg... nswinona t4
llassachusett WoUerlae 184
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Sept. 1 Considerable sums of
money rhanged hands today for the pay
ments of calls and on account of the le
lease of dividends by this did not affect
the floating supply, which were easily ob
tainable. Discounts were firm. Trading
On the stock exchange was very quiet, but
prices v.vre firm. Consols and kindred
securities barely moved. Kaffirs closed
firmer. Americans opened generally lower,
but hardened gradually burlng the session
and closrd firm after a particularly small
amount of buslnesa Union Pacific wa th
feature for strength of Americans. Ja
panese Imperial sixes of 19t4 wer quoted
at 14.
BERLIN, Bept. 1. Trading on the hours)
wa stagnant and prices wek. Ilaltlmor
and Ohio and Canadian Pacific each
dropped 1 point, Pennsylvania was steady.
Quotation of Russians scarcely changed.
Oils and Hoaln.
NEW YORK, Sept. l.-OILS-Cotton seed
oil, Mearty; prime crude, f. o. b., mills, r-0
"He; prime yellow, 36V,iB"85- Petroleum,
quiet; refined. New York, 87.50; Philadel
phia snd Baltimore. t7.45. In bulk, 140.
Turpentine, steady; 64840.
ROSIN Steady; strained, common t
rood, 34.1043416.
SAVANNAH, Oa., Sept 1. OILS Turpen
tine, steady: 60Hc.
ROBIN-Flrm; quote. A. B. C. 33.9fl4M.JOi
f., 14.154J4.20; E., 34.80; F., 34 874(14.40; U.,
i4.40j4.46; H.. 84 45; I.. 34.50; K. U .K.fJt.KT.
w" woo1 ' W10: W- 6a6; w'
OIL-CITY, Pa, Sept. 1 OIL Credit bal-LnrV,1-M;
run"' 1M'7;B b,(1" : average.
??'5,? -; hlpmcnts, 49,222 bbls.; average,
11,714 bbls.
Wool Market.
LONDON. Bept. 1 WOOL The arrivals
of wool for the firth series of auction
sales amount to 83.000 bales. Including
2fi.000 forwurdcd direct to spinners. Tii4
Imports this week were: New South
Wales, 3,7000 bales; Queensland, 4.100 biles;
Victoria. 6,000 bales;. Australia. 2uu balesl
New Zealand, 2,900 bales: Cape of Good
Hope and Natal, 200 bales; various, 2,000
ST. LOUIS Mo., Sept. l.-WOOI-Steadyi
medium grades combing and clothing, 24'J
18c; llR-ht nr I8ffi22cj heavy fine, 1417ci
tub washed, 8283)4c. '
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Sept. 1 -Bank clearings for
today were 31.475.343.85 and for the corre
sponding date last year 31,418,061.67.
. 1806. 1906.
Monday $1,495,504.43 31.387,236.44
Ttiesdny 1.363.006.39 1.202.3H2.97
Wednesday 1.284,887.01 1,219.741.08
Thursday 1,303.058.24 1,218.048.04
Friday 1.206.2S7.64 1.276.720 14
Saturday . 1.475,343.65 1,416.061.67
Totals 88,132,5811.56 37.700,170.23
Increase over the corresponding week last
year, 3432,41.S4.
Monthly Coinage Statement.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. l.-Th
monthly statement of the col nn are executed
st the mints of the United Statea during
Auguat shows a total of 13,S,fliiO pieces,
with a value of 39,3C9,100. Of this 632,004
pieces were eagles and double eagles; valu
38.10.000; and 6.178,000 pieces of silver,
amounting to 3909,000. There were 8,010,
000 one cent pieces struck off, beside
200,000 five-peso gold pieces for Mexico aud
30,000 silver pesos for the Philippine islands,
for which work no extra charge except tu
cost of labor Is msd.
Cotton Market.
BT.'LOUIS. Mo., Sept. l.-COTTON-Dult
Middling, 9V.c; stock. 13,601 bales.
dull; prices six points lower; American mid
dling fair, 6.85d; good middling, 6.77d; mid
dling, 6.8M; low middling-, 6.15(1 ; good ordi
nary, 4.19d: ordinary. 4.67d. The sales ol
the day were 8,000 bales, of which 3,000 werl
for speculation and export, and Included
3,400 American. Receipts, none.
Elgin Butter Market.
ELGIN. III., Sept. 1. BUTTER Firm at
24c. The output for the week was 749,700 lbs.
If you hav anything to trade advertlj
It In the For Exchange column of Th
Be Want Ad page.
D. V. Sholes rompany to George
E. Cogg and wife, Vs n lots 17
and 18, and t feet lot ifl. block
6, 1st sub., Griffon ft Smith's 3 760
Ira L. Van Horn to Walter T. Col
grove and wife, lot 21, block 2,
Patterson's sub 9J6
Burton H. Anthony and wife to
Henry A. Olaen, ett lot 1, block 6,
Patterson park (00
John Lacoma and wife to Elijah
K. Humphrey, north 135 feui tviat
60 feot lot 8. block 4, Hascall's
sub.. South Omaha 2,600
Bailie Wawrsynkiewlcs and hus
band to John Lucoma, northeast
60 feet lot 2, block 4, liascall's
sub., South Omaha 1,600
Sophia Adams to Stephen Wart, lot
6, block 2. Hitchcock's 1st 400
Marlon M. Hoagland et al. to Wil
liam A. Ellis, lots 1 and 2, ru
plat, Waverley 1,400
Andrew James McCormlck to Rob
ert Joseph McCormlck, sV nwU
sec. 6-15-11 6,608
Robert Joseph McCormlck and wife
to Andred James McCormlck, uV
nwVi sec. 6-15-11 6,600
Harry M. Christie to Omaha, Lin
coln ft Beatrice Railway Co., part
nw hi wV sec. 8-16-13 150
Chesley D. Layton and wlf to
aine, part V nwl4 sec. 8-14-18 1
Alice A. Havemeyer to Harry M.
Chrlstl, part nwVi awfe aec. h-14-13
Max Meyer ft Bro. Co. to Jamea
J. Fitzgerald, lot 21, bloca 1,
Cotner ft Archer's, South Omaha 10
Highland Realty Co. to Mary En
right, lot 11. 12. 13, 14. 18 and
19. block 4, Harris ft Patterson's,
South Omaha 100
Midway Investment Co. to A. W.
Rlrhway. lot 25. block 2, Pear
son's ft Berry's, South Omaha. . . . 721
A. B. Paddock et al. to Paulina
Waets. lot 19, block 1. South Ex
change Place, South Omaha 100
South Omaha Land Co. to Chris
Beksxa, lot 12, block 254, South
Omaha 800
Helen Gwln to Margaret McKenna,
lot 9, block 13, E. V Smith 3.C6I
Charles W. Russell to Frank A.
Broadwell. sVt lot 8, blo.k 65.
Pouth Omaha, and other lots.... 2.000
Giobe Building Co. to Ulrlka An
derson, lots 20 and 21. block 4,
Cotner ft Archer's. South Omaha t'O
Same to same: same 00
Patrick Kennedy to Kate Kennedy,
lot 12, block 4. Potter U Cobb's
2d, South Omaha 1
Kate Kennedy to Frank J. Morlarity
same 1,860
Bauie to same; same , 1
Total transfer .,
V, Farnam Smith & Go.
Stocks, Bonds,
Investment Securities.
W offer aubject tn
1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 1 408
F- D. Day & Co.
Slocks, Grain. Provisions
ikln Yoar Grain to I.
Chicago) .ad Minneapolis Delivery.
One-eighth commission on Grain. one
quarter on Slock. Prompt and careful
attention given to outld account. Writ
tlO-llt Board of Trad Bldgr,
for our dally Market Letter, mailed fr.
Mala Office,
Lea. Platan. 'Fboaa, Deula M14V