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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEiS: SEPTEMBER 2, 1WO. V SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleeaieata for thee talaasae will be takes atitll 12 at. far U evealag edition aad antll B p. a, tot Ik moraine ! Inttr edition. Rate 1 a ward flrat laaertlon, la a ward lbr(ltr. Ratklaa; take for leae lhaa 20a far the flrat laaer tlaa. Tkeee ae vertleeaneate aaaat aa raa aaaaaatlTlr Advertiser, by raajaaatlaaj a nam aerad rheelc, eaa kt aaawara ad draased to a aaanbared lattar la eara af Tha Bee. Aaawara aa addrcaaed will ba delivered aa areseatattoa at ehaak. MISCELLANEOUS GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTUKES iWIIOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., IIS Bo. 15th St. ' Tel. Douglas 681. R M928 OMAHA 6afs and Iron Work make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, door and rates. O. Andreen, prop., 102 8. 10th St. . R 70$ IQN PAINTING 8. Ii. Col. 1302 Douglas. ' i R ii WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADli "Trunks, ault case Had shopping bass. Old trunks In exchunge. Repairing. , FRKUMli ft STKINLE. CO N. 16th BU 'Phone Douglas 4396. R M704 KM TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel DougltfO. XOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co 1119 Farnaru. . R 711 I6.NTI-MONOPOLT. Garbage CO., 611 N. Mlb, 'let Doug. 177. Re, 'puon Doug- JihU. . Rr ill KLSASSKK 4 BR1CE, Machinists, 17 6ou.a 11th oU Tel, 6S37. R 713 ffYPKWRITl-RS rented, all makes, lilt. box Typewriter Co 1122 r'arnam. R U .47 81$. HEPLIN Locksmith moved up stair entrance 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2ii. . R-a 1'BIMPLIFIED SHORTHAND BY MAIL; $1 '. will start you; will make stenographer of I you or refund money; prospectus $l; prop- ositlon and guarantee iree. Southern Cur. j respoiidoncu- tichools, Inc., Roanoke, Va. ' IW2 2x LKARN shorthand In ten days for note J laitnii frML lnrnln li.-r.nrt 1 n B Ri-hoiiL Denver, Colo. K 168 2x UNB Minnesota loe for aale In oarlots. A, O. Gilbert Co., Council Bluffs. R M364 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any six. 1818 Farnam. tJ-115 BliERWlN-WILLlAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co Omaha. W III HALL'S safes, new. Id-band. 1818 Far nam, Q 717 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunt wica-Ralaa-CoUendar, 40. 6. 10th St. M HI ,WE buy everything In the furniture Una. . Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q713 LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In good condl tlon, made of walnut and have two drawers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. Q 441 z AQUARIUM POIl SAL-Large slse aquarium, rests on two oak pedestals set on solid case. In quire at .Bee business ofllee. Q 440 x i "TOR SALE Steam house beatlna- boiler: was used to neat a-room nouae: win oe sold cheap. W. U. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. i i,' BEND US your mall order for drugs; ! freight paid on 110 lota. Myers-Dillon ;'l Drug Co., Omaha. FOR BALK Man's : Doug. 3936. J 714 good bicycle. Tel. y 883 lx ! FINE UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP; party leaving city. No reasonable offer refuted. 1818 Davenport BU o M9-& lx i FOR SALE Household furniture of seven room house, bicycle, double harnesa, car rlnge, cutter. Parties leaving the city, 19111 8. 36th Ave. . Q-M311 lx MILCH COWS Easy terms. 43d and Cen tr. y 938 I LIGHT work mare; cash or payments. 43d ana (.enter. j sow I THE HANDY WHISK BROOM HOLDER, neat and economical aevice; takes up lit tle spaoe: accommodates all sixes. lOo. Leon Supply Co., 123 South Main St., Fort Bcolt, nan. w 143 2X MUST sell at once, my upright mahogany piano ana pianoia; agents neea not an swer. Aaaress u 87, uee. y iba zx ONE! Burroughs' adding machine, style No. 8. uned but a short time, cheap. Address O 19, Bee. Q 167 2x TWO fine double parlor carpets for sale In good condition. Call at once, lis S. I2d Ave. - . Q M2ns L1FB shorthand scholarship very cheap. L Address O 46. Bee Q-M219 Sx CLAIRVOYANTS ! MME. BUDDHA '. Leading Palmist of Omaha i Ixwated No. Ill South lth St., opposite notion more. HAVE YOUR HANDS READ MADAM BTJDpiIA,' The Punt and the 'Present First AU ' i Plainly and clearly told to you to your ; i enure aauatacuon. ' Which muat be Proof : I that she Is capable to read your ! 1 l'uture. The Future Is from a scientific standpoint Call and be convinced. MMH. BUDDHA ! ' A shu rea complete satlafactlon or no fee. I Addreaa No. Ill South lHth St.. lin at-Jra. . ,' 'Phone eiigagementa l made. Telephone DougUs 46&o. ' B i4 I MADAME 'BUDDHA. I If 1 ri V'.-TL It A f tf I L3rw Alt ITf 1 Evntful aad truthful prediction given, '.1 '.ll m t new . ht . d. WX 1A eVM D IwlUi Vyl eBUafUlH OKUS.9. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE ! ONE good heavy work team weighing 1,000, With or without wagon and ha rue. t. Cash or payments. Bowen. T08 N. Y. Life Bldg. P-M229 4 i FINE ifiea.vy work horse cheap for cash or payment. Bowen, 7u8 N. Y. Li (a Bidg. ... i- M280 4 i GOOD team niaraa. weighing 2.9J0, for caah or will make time so that H their work will pay lor them. Bowen. TM N. Y. Life Bldg. open evaulng uaul T. P-M281 4 BIX head horse weighing from 1.000 to Ll A good for driving or light work. Caah or Uiue. Bowen. 708 N. T. Life Hlrib. P-M2SS 4 AUTOMOBILES ONE RAMBLKR, aurrey type; one tour ing car. In first-claas condition, tor sal (heap, owing to my removal from the city. Addrats Q 88, Bee. 154 x LAW & COLLECTIONS I, M. Mtrtarland, K N. T. U Bldg. Tel. 4vv tk4 . -fit WANTED MALE HELP A Talk to Young Men and Young Women Who Want to Win Solid Success ' Bookkeeping. Stenography or Telegraphy offera any young man or young Woman a fine chance. Ton obtain a good aalary right at the Urt 140 00 to f 60.00 per montn. You can advance yourself eaully and rapidly. You are close to the heart of business know every detail of Its move ments partake of the Inside financial and business knowledge of the heads of great concerns and possess a rare chance for promotion. Realize once for all that business demands competency before It will meet your demand for a good salary as stenographer, bookkeeper or telegrapher. Let us emphasize once and for all time that you simply can not be a thoroughly competent stenographer, bookkeeper or telegrapher unless you attend and graduate from a business college manned by a staff of competent, practical stenographers, bookkeepers and telegraph operators, and giving instruction In courses that are practical through and through. Such a college Is BOYLES and we know that It will interest you to OUR FALL TERM OPENS NEXT TUESDAY, SEPT. 4TII. We say that our college is that kind of a college that graduates that kind of stenographers, bookkeepers and telegraphers whom business men and rail road officials are glad to pay good salaries. The very fact that every week of the year we have dozens of fine openings for stenographers and bookkeepers over and above the scores of positions we do fill with competent graduates, hammers home and clinches on the other side, the ever-lasting truth of our claim that it will pay you to obtain your Because 01 tne very good reason that Duslness men, brokerage concerns and railroad officials have found It pays them to obtain their stenographers, book keepers and telegraphers from Boyles College. Come in and talk this over with us tomorrow. The Colleere Offices will ba open throughout the entire day. The BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES, BOYLES BUILDING. WANTED For the V. S. marine corps. men between ages 21 and 85; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster in poatofDce of any county seat In the state of Nebraska, giving adureas of recruiting office located therein. B M443 8-Kx WANTED Five boys, $36 per month, per- uiaueill JOB. A. U. 1. CO.. ZU B. 13tn Du B M213 CARDS FREE Send us the names of five young persons wno should be Interested in a commercial education and we will mall you free ot cost six visiting cords with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address P&NMAN, OMAHA COM MKKCIAL COLLUUU. B-.49 DKUQ BTORlkB bought and sold; drug oieiaa wanted. F. V. Knleat, 4.4 N. Y. L. TEAMS can make from 14 to W per day. eieaay worn. j. a. uavens co. yarus, 14th and Webster. B -f WANTED Men to learn barber trade. splendid time to begin. Busy season now. lew weeks completes. Top wages paid graduates. Potltions waiting. Little cap. ital starts business. Call or write, Molcr Barber College, UU iarnam Bt. B M41S S5X WANTED Car builders, repairer and truck men. Cudahy Packing Co. B 433 WANTED Experienced bill clerk. Must e wen recommenaea. rreier married man. State age and salary. Address O 24, care Bee. B mi 600 YOUNO MEN to prepare for firemen ana Draaemen; experience unnecessary, firemen, $100; brakemen, $80 per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write for particulars at once. Na tional Railway Training Ass'u, $20 X, Paxtoa block, Omaha, Neb. H M20S septl WANTED Boy with wheal. 1J10 Doug- las ou TAILORS WANTED Coat, vest and pant makers; prices coat, $8.60; vest, $3. pants, 3.00. Address A. J. Ctbulka, B :.oo: Blll- Ings, Mont. B Ml 6x WANTED Ten or 15 men to work. 812 Douglas. B-M8S7 I BOYS for factory work. Apply at once. Bemls Omaha Bag Factory. B-M924 t WANTED Assistant bookkeeper. Address, B-918 lx in own nanuwriting, oat. Bee. WANTED First elass drug clerk; good . C V. - I ( 11 n.. mt t ' B Md3i I TWO men to sell goods on payments from sample wagon. C. t. Adams Co., lttt Howard. BM9-1 Ol MEN wanted to work In warehouse. Bteady job; good pay. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS, CO., 6th and Dodge. SUNDERLAND BROS. CO., have received a ohlpment of twelve new teams to ba uaed on delivery at once. We want good steady men to drive these teams. Apply loth and Hickory or 24th and Taylor. - Ll 944 I MEN Everywhere to distribute oun sam ples; $3 dally; steady, .no canvassing, r,OHver," Monroe Bldg., Chicago. B-490 2X GOVERNMENT positions. Want bright young men to prepare for railway mall clerk, custom house clerk, carrier and others, uraduai promotion, tsee unaer hill, 8320 N. 24th St. B 988 2 WANTED Poet to write song words- we will write music and present to big New York publishers. Metropolitan Musio Co., uoi BU jamea xsiag., XV aw xorx. , U 933 ix WANTED Traveling and local represents Uvea, either sex, to present new, attract. ive advertising oner 01 nrst-ciass ettao Uahed mualo achool; permanent work and advancement; aalary for traveling $1,020 first year and expense a, paid weekly. Jo seph Moore, 121 Plymouth, Chicago. . B-132 lx WANTED Bright, Intelligent young man or woman for good paying position In your home city; no experience necessary. The Hal. Snyder Co., Century Bldg., Den ver. Colo. B 127 2x . WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack . signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau, 100 Oaklaud ' Bank Bldg.. Chicago, 111. B-979 2x WANTED Competent drug clerk; muat be quick, nctive. Industrial and of good hab its; references required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb. B M161 4 WANTED Practical bookkeeper for gen eral work with manufacturing concern; good position to right party; atate ex per 1- ' ence, age, reference and salary expected. Address O 40, care Bee.. B MlbS 4 ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch of large mall order house; salary $1$ per week, ex. penaes paid; permanent position with ad vancement; honeaty mora essential than experience. National Co., T20 Cheatnut Bt.. Philadelphia, Pa. MANAGER wanted. An Ohio corporation manufacturing household necessity da-etr-a Nebraska manager. Demonstration In leading department store. Office fur nished. Three yeara' contract. Salary, - $l.u9 and commissions. Good opening for man of character and ability. Adaraas Manager, ta Outario Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. B BOMETHINCI NEW m health and accident Inaurance. A leading company, with large r refits, to a good Omaha agent, and alto or outside agents. Great Western Acci dent. Dae Moines. B MORAND'S classes In dancing, 16th and Harney, begins Tuesday, Sept. 4. Save $3 by jolulng the claas opening ntght. 'Phone Douglas 1041. B M204 ix WANTED At once, cabinet maker and good carpenter. Alfred Bloom Co.. 16th and California Bts. B M2Q1 4 DISTRIBUTOR to put out advertising rnatter In town tributary to Omaha; muat be hustler, capable and woll recom mended: experienced man preferred; atate age and salary expected. Address O 44, Bee. B 200 2X DETECTIVE Wanted, shrewd, reliable man In every locality to act under ordere. No experience neoestary. Write Web ster' Detective Aseiavy, Indianapolis, inO. ii-Ul tt WANTED MALE HELP COLLEGE know that business education at Boyles' College, catalogue is free for the asking. President OMAHA. NEBRASKA. MAN wanted In the real estate business, experience unneceaarv. If hnnpt am hi. tions and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mall and earn $300 to $500 mummy aa our local representative. Write immediately for full particulars. Ad dress nearest ofllee National Co-operative Realty Co., ?C6 B Athenaeum Bldg., Chi cago.: 765 B Marylund Bldg., Washing. wit, u. v.. a io at WANTED Laborers, at 24th and Castel lar Bts.; $1.75 and $2.00 per day. Apply . X murray, luremao. D Jdayj gx bikonu and active Tioy of about 1ft wanted. If you are "born tired" don't pply. The Omaha News Company, 15th uiiu jjvvenpori. a Zot 2 WANTED A man to travel In central nm. Djp-n-rs unvancea. salary weekly, J. E. McBrady & Co., Mfg., Chicago. B 114 tx WANTED 40 Brick Handlers and Laborers at Avery, Neb., 4 miles from South Omaha, or ls miles from end of Albright street car line. GOOD WAGES GOOD BOARDING HOUSE Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick Co. B 192 1 500 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unneoesary; nremen, tiuo; brakemen, $w per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write for particulars at once. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, $20-622 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B-M188 O 1 TWO young men to prepare for good pay ing positions in tne meairicai Diisincss; experience unnecessary If willing to learn. Address Dramatic, Buhl Bldg.. Derolt, Mich. B 266 x THE VAN SANT SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING 716, 717 and 718 N. Y. life Building. The Fall Term Begins Monday, Sept. 3. This 1 a select specialty so hool of shorthand, typewrit- , tog and ofnoe practice. It a lms to fit young men and ' Women for business life. It admits only yeung people of good character, and of each education as will probably fit them for buslneas duties an d responsibilities. It U conducted by A. C. Van Bant and Elisabeth Van Sent, both of whom have had large experience In aman vensls and reporting work, and also have experience In teaching. The text and method naed in the school are strictly up-to-date and represent the best Ideas ef those who are working for tha moral and Intel actual devt.opment of young people. . ' A free trial week Is gtren that thoe who enter may see the charaoter of the school, the class of attendants, and the spirit of teachers and students. Those who wish to do so msy pay tuition by monthly advance payments. If for any reason a student, parent or guardian 1 net entirely satisfied, or If far any reason a student wish to leave the achool, money for unexpired time will be prom ptly refunded. ...... The students of this schoo 1 are In great demand at the highest price paid to beglnn ers. There 1 a great demand f or well-educated yojing men of personal and moral purity. No other profession, pay o well at the beginning or offer such epsortunlty for advancement as the profession of stenegrsphy. The Fall Term begins Mondsv. September Id. Students snay enter at any time after ih is date. ' WANTED 6 apeclal solicitors to travel In Iowa; $100 per month and commission. Call Tuesday, September 4, 10 a. m. None but experienced Insurance solicitors need apply. H. L. Wilson, President Endow ment Accident Co., 516 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Ia. B-235 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman cook. $35 per month; muat furnish recommendations. Address L I, Bee. C M85t WANTED Immediately, first-class cook; best of wages; none else need apply. Tel. Harney $30. C 98 WANTED Good cook; small family. 1120 Park Ave. C-M2S1 LADIES to make sanitary belts. Material all cut ready to sew; $1.20 per dozen; particular stamped envelope, Lenox Co., DepU 226, Chicago. C 121 2X LADY to travel; referenco required; sal ary $21 per week; expenses advanced. J. B. Ziegler Co., ta Dearborn St., Chi cago. C 9u lx WANTED A competent girl for general housework, in family of two. Apply Monday to Mr. Thomas J. Kelt v. ... , Dodge St. C MI34 I WANTED A good cook, at the Creche, lSih and Harney. C M912 it WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; no washing. 416 B. -5lh SU hone Harney-2650. C 8J7 ENERGETIC ladles, $10 weekly, spare time; no canvassing; no money required; honeat offer; send stamp. Oriental Co., Box a, Homar, N. Y. C 104 lx WANTED Office aslatant. educated, re fined. One who has had experience In ofllee work work: 17 to 36 yearo of age- Must apeak German. Addreaa A. F. Grimm Co., Parkaion. B. D. , C fc6 t INDEXING and filing clerk; muat be In talllgent, write well and have good refer encaa. Sunderland Bros. Co. C lit S LADIES to work on piecework; $8 per dox. ; ail materials furnished; no canvassing; steady work guaranteed. Send stamped envelope. Beat Mfg. Co., Cham plain Bldg.. Chicago. . C 12 2x B EWERS Gingham Aprons; make highest wages; material sent to door free of Charge: stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richard, 6uu$ Ferrest vllle Ave., Chicago. C 138 2x WANTED At once, experienced girt to take charge of ladles' shirtwaist depart ment; good aalary to rlht party. Ad ores 0 41, Be. . Gmu WANTED FEMALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OPENS TOMORROW MORNING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS We are thoroughly prepared to help ambit lou 1II FACILITIES, CAPAHL.K TBAt'HKKS STUDY, enable ua to offer UNSURPASSED years' experience in preparing young people quirements of the most exacting business pupils snd tne material growth or our sen 001 are twiiivb rKuuro inai wa are doing our work well. A tree is known by Its fruit. Hundreds of our students oc cupy the best positions In the largest busl ness houses of Omaha. Pme ef them are bank presidents. Our graduates are the k tnd that grow Into BIO POSITIONS. SOME ONE WILL WANT YOU at soon ss you are prerared. The sooner you "sow. the sooner you wl ll reap. Lnrell with u tomorrow and begin a course that will lead you to certala DEPARTMENTS BU8INE8S DEPARTMENT. Fin large gsnt new oak desks. The most complete to acquaint you wltn the modern metnous or Business. jooee-Lieai iveugcra, vara Ledgers, Comptometer, Listing Machine, etc, 1 Here are some Interesting thing about our SHORTHAND DEPARTMENT. Improvement everywhere. Elegant new furniture. Fine new Oak Filing Cases. Fifty brand new Remington Typewriter. Additional teachers. Everything spick, and OUR TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT furn Ishes the kind of Instruction that will fit you for s practical position. That is the kind you want. Cheap Instruction I dear at any price. PENMANSHIP. We can give you Business Penmanship In a style that will make business men seek you. We can also give you a Normal Fenmansnip Course, Includ ing Professional Writing. Pen Art end Designing. A mastery of these ubJeot will make you a bread winner. 1 . . ; All of the above Courses are also taught In our .... NIGHT SCHOOL. Practical results obtained. Six teachers are employed for tht de partment. Special dictation classes for sdvanced stenographers. Satisfaction guar anteed. Rates of tuition within your reach. Sessions Monday, Wednesday and Fri day nights. , GENERAL. Any one of our courses thoroughly mastered will make you indepen dent for life. New classes will be organised tomorrow. A large number of student have already enrolled. Special enrollment tomorrow and tomerrew night. . Regular class work will begin Tuesday. ,1 , ROHRBOUGH BROS., Props., 19TH AND FARNAM 8T8., OMAHA, NEB. ACTIVE lady to work at home; $35 paid for 12 days' trial; promotion: state na tionality, religion. Kngwall, 121 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. C106 2x WANTED Girls at Puritan Laundry, 2810 Far nam. C-941 $ WANTED Millinery apprentices, good sewers paid while learning; will also give one girl good home while learning in exchange for light housework. 0U1 Broadway, Council Bluffs. C 160 2x LADIES for shadow drawing; natural tal ent unnecessary; $20 weekly easily earned at home; stamped envelope for partlcu lnrs. Address Bureau ot Commercial Art, 1617 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 172 2x MORAND'S classes In dancing, 16th and Harney, begins Tuesday, Sept. 4- Save $. by Joining the class opening night. Phon Douglas 1041. C M203 4x COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family; references required. Mrs. Kdgar Morsman, Jr., 718 N. 88th St. C-M198 3 WANTED At once, experienced cloak and suit salesladies; none other need apply; good salaries to right parties. Address O 41, Bee. C M159 GIRL for general housework. No laun dry. $0.00. 3416 Burt. C MS97 2 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing; wages ii per week. Inquire 1922 Davenport St. C -M894 Sx WANTED A cook. 632 S. S7th. C-S75 COMPETENT girl for general housework, Danish or German preferred, good wages. Tel. Doug. 8175, 933 N. 26th SU - C 260 4 TWENTY-FIVE strong girls for turning bags; also small girls for clipping threads. Work rooms cool and well ventilated; steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C M226 2 , WANTED Girl for chambermaid, also one for dining room; will teach bright woman. Character reference required; transporta t tlon furnished. Perkins Hotel, David City. Neb. C-M874 2 AT ONCB, for Omaha, competent steno grapher, with some experience In the grain ouslness; must be willing to be generally useful around office. Addrose '. O. Box No. 844. Des Moines, la. giv ing experience, age and salary expected. O M87 ix WANTED Competent cook for small fam ily. Wages $6.U0 to $8.00. 2037 Dodge St. C Ma WANTED Girl for general housework. 8613 Famam. C M6&G WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family; no children: good wages. Mrs. C. B Horton, 13 N. 39th St. - C-M768 TWO young ladles to prepare for good position on the stage; experience un necessary If willing to learn. Address, Dramatic, Buhl Bldg, Detroit, Mich. C- 2G6 ix WANTED AGENTS AGENTS TAKE NOTICE GENTLEMEN and ladles' are making $21 to $40 per week selling our embroidery goods and other novelties dlreot to con sumers Beaton la now hegtnnina. Good sellers In city or country. Others do It. Why not you. Call or write to United States Embroidery Works. 111V4 8. 15th BU Omaha. upMalrs. "4 Most si AGENTS AND 8ALESMEN-460 to $100 . weekly; particulars free. Golden Rule Supply Co., 184 LaSalle St., .Chicago. J 148 2x 10 CENTS prepays 26-cent sample patented Solitaire Puzzle Game, In case b-x. Ad dress J. H. Win-low Company, Manufac turers. 8-U4 Walnut BU, Philadelphia, Pa. Special rate to live agent; order tain pie. J 144 Zx AGENTS WANTED To supply name and answer inquiries; a stesdy excellent pay ing position to one person In each local- . Ity. Addreaa J. W. Merrew, Burlington. VU J 146 2x AGENTS, manufacture and sell your own gooda and make all the profit. Par titulars free. Wheaton Co., 11 New Bed ford, Mass., publishers Wheaton's Trade Advocate, devoted to "Mixer's" Interest, two year; I months' trial, lOo. None free. J-81 2x AGENTS We can positively show how you can make big money eel ling tha moat wonderful gaa lighter on the market; no matches; turn on gas. lighter does rest; Is lasting; unlimited demand; don't wait; particulara free. Mighigaa Bpeo. Mfg. Co, Jackson, Mich, . J -UK) tx WANTED AGENTS young men nd women. OUR 8PLEN- AM) IHURWUH C'lri tip t- IIP ADVANTAGES. We have had twenty for business. Out courses meet the re man. The great STjccew cf oor former success. rooms. Good light and ventilation. Ele- omce department. All devices necessary span. HhXL our Reservoir Dustless Floor and Carpet Brushes outside Omaha, In stores, ...i,itni. roB.iitonp'fi. nuhlic bulldlnkS. hotels, haliB; field uullmlted; reduce dust 97 per cent, actual test; gold medal at Bt. ixiuis worlds iair; irii;ujr tA i.,if mirrln and crest seller; op- . portuntty to build great trade; exclusivj territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustless urusn to., miiwuuii-c, . J 177 2x MANAGER wanted In every city and eountv. handle best paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive coil-trv.1- nn Inaurann or book canvassing. Address Oias. Halstead, 84 West 26th BU, New York. j wra AGENTS everywhere coin money selling the famous STAR Inverted Gas Lamps; something new; Immense demand; large profits: exclusive territory. Address Star Light Co., 28 StAte BU, Chicago LIVE agents wanted for a necessary arti cle; sample free. FTey, 188 Market St., Newark, N. J. jvu t. WANTED District agents for largest sick and accident insurance company In mid dle west; big commission or commission and salary to producers. American Bene volent Association, bt. ixiuis, ao. J 115 2x "SELLS like blue blasea," says one ot our enthusiastic agents regarding our new box of soap, containing six wnopping big cakes of line toilet soap and six solid llvernld teatnoons. the whole outfit sell ing at 35 cents, at an amasing profit to our agent. Agent in uurnarn mane un thousand dollars first ten weeks. Splen did oDDortunltv for branch office and road crew managers. Write today. Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago. J 11 2x ALL the rage, "Skldoo, 23." silver-plated pins; 600 per cent pront:everybody buys; sample 10c. Resag, 280 W. Randolph BU, Chicago. J an aa fSUiYl ll. 1 1 ll rr.w ant-Bio wcuun . sells like wildfire: It mends clothes with out sewing; sample and terms 10a. Sll vermsn, "Dept. T," Leechburg, Pa. J 971 2x AGENTS WANTED to sell "The Young Folk' Story of the Bible;" 400 pages, 120 Illustrations, handsome ciotn Dinaing, re tall prloe $1.60; CO per cent commission, to agents, tor particulars aaaress w. a Ogllvle Publishing Co., (7 F, Rose 8U New York. J 123 lx . AGENTS WANTED To take orders for Kentucky Whiskies direct from distillery to the consumer In one-gallon package or over: commission 6uc to $i per gallon. Writ R. M. Bee, carrouion, . , J 124 tx CANVASSERS and local agent wanted; quick seller; good money. ( Germo Mfg. V.O.. neaaiia, ixiu. - OUR wonderful premium offer Just out; get next quick; we have greatest inducements ever offered agents; write today fer ter ritory. Davis Soap Works, 88 Union Park Place, Chicago. AGENTS Learn to fit glasses. Our sye book with full Information free. Jack sonlan Optical College, 16 College Plaoe, Jackson, Michigan. J BRAND NEW necessity: sell on sight; agents' fortune. Colonial Factory, Weill vllle, N. Y. J- PICTURB agents, handle our "Lace Mednl lions," big seller; send for "A. B. C." catalogue. Largest portrait and frame house In the world. Indiana Portrait and FTame Co., La Porte, Ind. J 12 .x WANTED-General agents for E. Z. Jsr Onener and other specialties: men of abll Ity who can work several counties thrnuvh aubaents: 120 Der day to hustlers; exclusive territory, Excelsler Co., Dept. 4, 266 Dearborn Bt, Chicago. t7K wrcTr.KTv and unw&rd all7 made ft Our eva book free. Telia you how. Write National Optical col lege, St. Louis, Mo. J-U7 2x i no.oao dav aelllns Mexican epala nnrmni nronis: nice, k-jiiii-oi uuniiic. 1lrr from the Mexican border and ship on spproval; sample opal, 10c; price list of better grades Tree. A. V. TOOO, 441 . urcsuil CI., Tex. " NEW Sloeve Protector for ofnoe and house work. Write today. Get territory: other new goods. Ladles' 8upply Co.. Prairie Ave., t) , cnicago. mm -m WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN of ability to present the New Chambers' Encyclopedia to interested par tics. Good reposition and exclusive ter rimrv v i ri -o. a urn references with ap plication necessary- J- B. Llpplncott Company, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN wanted for lac embroidery line; must have dry gooda trade In email toana Merk Co., 6J0 West Broadway, New York. HAT.F.SMAN wanted to sell to grocers, a m niri-ia and cenf aetloners : $100 per month and expentes. California Cider and Extract Co., BU Louis, Mo. - L 101 lx WANTED Experienced Jewelry salesman lor Iowa to ge out immeaiaieiy: excep iinn.1 innArtunliv foe hlah-vrade man good compensation. Addreas, giving full nartlculara. experience, references, eio. fitlo Youni A Co.. Herwortf. Bldg.. Chi cago, IU. I 1 GROCERY aaleamen wanted: a few honest, anrraetic men ma v secure exclusive ter ritory selling hotels, restaurants, farmer and other larse consumers; permaaen m nA nmntiihla .emnlsv-mant : atate D resent occupation and mention references. John Bexton at uo.. w-u-w-h dhis bu, -m cago. L-9S3 1 BIDE) LINE Brand new: ten minutes soil Ing, exclusive one firm each teern; neta t commission; sample atrial!. Specify territory and experience. JB. r. R. uev Newton. Is. L 136 zx SALESMAN First-class, all-round hustler to cover unoccupied territory selling Ste ele line to retail trad: technical know I edge unneceaaary; permanent te right . man; Ml weekly expense advanced. Sales Manager, box T26, Chicago. . L-134 tx WANTED Experienced advertising nov .elty talesman to contract now for 1107, enew Advertlaing Co., Kansas lily. ho. L iau WANTED A flrat-claaa shoe salesman one who can speak Bohemian and Ger man preferred, . f, A. Ceasey. Bouth Omaha, itcD, s a SALESMEN WANTED DON'T MAKE Tomorrow many young people will last time, and It la tremendously important that they make no mistake. Why not learn Business and Shorthand from a Business Man, instead ot from teachers who have never been in a month's work In an office. The man who guides the students of this school has had twenty years' experience as a Public Accountant and Reporter, and has filled every position from office boy to superintendent and treasurer of large concerns. lie has Introduced and arranged some of the most extensive ac counting systems of eastern railroads and factories. He has reported Import ant law rults. where he has been paid as accounts for banks and manufacturing firms, who have paid him from f 10 to 25 per day for his work. Compare thts experience with that of other teachers In your community and ascertain who Is best fitted to instruct you. This school is backed by the most experienced and expert teachers of the west, and students who attend dnrlng the coming winter will have the tractions ever offered In this city. For a brief period we are offering reduced tuition, believing that it will be greatly to our advantage to secure advertising by demonstrating our ability to teach business and shorthand by the most original and up-to-date methods known to educators. ' Our present rates ot tuition are aa follows: Six months 1 ................ . '. . .140.00 . Llfe, one department $60.00 ' Life, all departments ' 175.00 If you so desire you may pay by the month. We take you on trial. We guarantee our Instructions equal to the We place all graduates of good character In positions. DAY AND NIQHT SCHOOL. NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, TWO aaleamen wanted, aged over 27 for the states of Nebraska and Kansas to handle our line, advertising signs and novelties. Best money making line for the salesman on the road. We have twenty men traveling and only two vacancies now. They are making right along IM to $80 weekly, which Is no exaggeration. We have the largest line Illustrated signs in the country, which are having an Im mense sale. ' Business established over twenty years. Educated, energetic, well dressed men can make right along an average of more than $50 weekly. Write giving age and references and state ex perience on the road or other business experience and when can begin work. Stanford-Crowell Co., Sales Department, Ithaca, N. Y. L-M197 i HOT SIDE LINE Pay hotel bill; con igned good; pocket samples; prompt commission. American Chewing Gum Co., Bt. Louis, L TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a fun line ef soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the $1 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Bales Dept., Detroit, Mich. L WANTED Side line salesman to sell fruit ciders to general stores, grocers and con fectioners; neat pecke-t case free: large commlssien. Los Angeles Cider Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. L 120 2x WANTED Salesman by wholesale Jewelry house to sen tneir side line to general trade. Special Inducements to merchants whleh makes sales easy. High commis sions, permanent position. McAlisttr Ceman Co., ft Dearborn, Chicago. L -113 2x . SALESMEN Local or traveling, to sell fireproof safes to business men and farm ers. Experience unnecessary. Quick ales; big profits. Alpine Bafe Co., Cin cinnati, O. -- L-U2U WANTED At ence, for each' state, one first-class, experienced road salesman, Minnesota, Wisconsin, NnrWl Dakota. South Dakota. Iowa and Nebraska: old established Jobbing house. Apply room No. 602, Bykes Block,. MinneapoU-.MInn. BALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced , traveling man' preferred r line staple ior general vraue; -j-janion pwi mimcu., -w.w ! weekly advanee with commission. Saw , yer,. Leslie & Co.,-Detroit, Mich. . . , - L 871 tx WANTED Manufacturer want first-class salesman to sell staple line to general stores; $66 a week and expense. Ad dress "Manufacturer," Box 786, Bt. Louis, Mo. L 130 2x WANTED SITUATION RESPONSIBLE position wanted by well eoucatea young man. uorresponaence Solicited. Addreaa Bex 34, Blair, Neb. A-M461 six WANTED By refined woman of experi ence, position a housekeeper wnere there Is ens or more servants; best of refer ence to right party. 0-21, car Bee. A-626 B2X WANTED By experienced grapery man. a position in general store in some country town; a good worker; can give best Of reference. Address u 3i, care Bee. A M931 ix COMPETENT real estate man wants posi tion where ability and hustle will do suitably rewarded; good references given. If you have an opening please address O 81, care Bee. A 122 2x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVER BODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to come and get It port t let money siana in wie. way oi en Joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained t tbl office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PiANOB, UOR3E6, WAGON'S, 8PECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who with money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convlnoed. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. V7-808 Paxton Block. X-M168 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co. 104 Farnam Bt- X )U PR. PRIBENOW'S) PRIVATE MONK Y loaned en furniture, pianos, aalary, Kara, etc.. In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payment suspended In oaa of sickness or est ef employ menu Room 214 Karbach block. 101 8. lath BU XiU Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Advances private money en chattel or alary; easy te get; ne red tape; you gat money same day asked tor at small ooL Open evenings till t. X 771 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PilOPLB aad stbers without security; easy pay. merits. Office IA 51 principal cities. Tol man, room 714. New York Life BAOLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all bualnas confidential. 13ul - Douglas. X-781 FURNITURE. Uv stock, salary luana puff - (tfeea Loan Co.. room a. Barker ploak. X-784 MONEY loaned en pianos, furniture, law elry, borate, oea. etc. C F. Read, llil & . Uth. X-778 CrjATTRL end salary loans. Credit Ce (31 Paxton block. Phoenix X-:s Monev to Burn But we dea't burn It: we loan It. Any reasonable amount will be given you ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK AND OTHER CHATTELS without distorting them, in shortest tipie after leaving application. SMALL EASY PAYMENTS Repays your loan, and if you settle before agreement expire w give you a most 1 LIBERAL DISCOUNT. WE ALSO LOAN ON SALARIES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . JJ9 Board ef Trade Bldg, 104 8. 14th St. . JlAbtlst4 1A 2'eL, Lvugiaa 22J6. SALESMEN WANTED A MISTAKE! enter school, In all probability, for tha business a day In their lives, or done nigh as $50 per day, and has audited advantage of the highest grade of in best. OMAHA, NEB. B FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee ofllee. city , hall building. 417 N. 26th Su. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1184 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement basement snd good elevator; 1.07 . Douglas. Building will be put In good order at once. Inquire at JUitt Dougiaa ' John Linder. I Mii28 FOR RENT On Famam St., between 13th and )4th Bts., south side of street, storo, ' 22x132, at a reasonable rental. Address for full particulars 0-8, caro Bee. 1-918 1 FOR RENT New store room, corner 10th and Douglas (its. Well suited for sales room for some one In mechanical line, . Sunderland Roofing and Supply Co.. 1006 Douglas SU I Mi 73 810 NICE St. light store room. 205 N. 17th 1777 Si FOR RENT ' Brick stare building, 4 stories and good basement, 22x120 feet; steam heating plant and hydraulic elevator; will be vacant October L No. 1516 Dodge SU Wm. D. REED. Agt. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3217. 1 ISM 2 TWO splendid wholesale houses, 6 etorlea high, In center of wholesale district, cheap on account ot over supply of whole sale property. The S. B. Mercer Co., 2J2 Paxton block. 1919 1 ' FOR RENT Main floor 214 So. 14th, 16x40. Good location for any business, $100. Fitz gerald Dermody, 836 New York Life Bldg. I-M895 1 A GOOD BUSINESS deserves a good office. We have a few very fine offices In the U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, single Or ensulte, at very reasonable prices. If you believe In business expansion better rent an offlos that will be an advertisement for you. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, CO., 1201 Far nam SU 1-2181 LARGE store room, In best repair, near 16th and William Bts., $15 per month. Oeorge & Co., 1601 Farnam SU I-M920 1 FOR rtENT On Farnam St. between 18th and 14th Sts., south side of street, store 22x132, at a reasonable rental. Address for full particulars O 8, care Bee. 1-987 J OFFICES FOR RENT. LARGE offices, with brick vault, on second floor of Paxton block, near elevator, facing 16th St. Inquire of W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam SU, or at 636 Paxton block. 1136 1 FOR RENT Two large warehouses, cor ner 13th and Ixard; rent reasonable; pos session given at once. Apply Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co., 1416 Douglas. 1-162 2 1908 North 24th St.. new brlck-$2S. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. 1-165 I STORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. Tel. Red 4568. I-M1S5 6x 1718 NICHOLAS St., storo room, steam heat during winter, $15.00. BEMIS, Paxton Block. 1-241 FOR EXCHANGE FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE Bowling alley and amusement parlora; only ono in town of over 4,000 people; alleys and fixtures v.ll new; can be purchased ut a great bar gain if taken at once; owner must sell on ' account of other business; will bear closest Investigation. Cell or addrest W. C. Ramsey, Aiblu, la. Z 208 2 TO EXCHANGE Large grocery business for good farm land; business established 40 years; city of 25,u0o, Illinois; first-clans In every respect; select . trade. Addreas O 6, cars Bee. Z M52i B2x Tf YOU do not find what you want in this column, put an ad In and you will soon get IU Z-UU TO EXCHANGE General stock merchan dise for farm. Address Box 2i2. Frank fort, lud. Z 904 2x I OWN a $20,000 farm, worth the money, and offer to exchange It for Income prop erty or mdse. ; If you are looking lor a "square deal," write C. E. Hall, Omaha. Z-926 a FORTY ACRES Improved land 12 miles north of Council Bluffs, for small grocery stock In Omaha or South Omaha. In quire 1324 Farnam 8t., room 1. Z M228 TO TRADE For merchandise, $10,800 equity in 620-acre stock farm, located in Wash ington county, Kansas. Harrington 4k Co., Crab Orchard, Neb. Z 258 1 WESTERN land to trade for automobile. Box 48, Hebron. Neb. Z-171 2 FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. Tor lawn, garden poultry sua farm. Stnd for large free catalog us. Get our pricea Omaha Wire and iron Work, 933-36-Ti N. 24th. Tel. Doug.-i7i. -M&37 811 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing o vr foou Jus N. 17th BU Tel. Red 114 M-3 811 CHAMPION fence beit. 411 8. 16th. Doug. it). rf ' WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $500 or $1,009 home money cn ample, well rented residence property In South Omaha, at 1 par cenU Adifreet N-67. Iee. V-M PLUMBING BUY plumbing aupplle direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Onlv firs'. data gooda handled. Prompt attention to every order, bend for catalogue. 11. KaroU 286 Harrison St., Chicago. 111. ' -MJd x DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure sysieui of tUsasiiiiklnx lauxal li Far