THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,' 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES will ft) takes) III IB m. lor. the rtrilug edition ae4 nnttl ) a. the BKrnln and aaaday odUlosu RitM 1 1-Se a w first lasertlo. la a word thereafter. Notalac takea lor less thai ? fr the Srst Inser lloa. These adTertlsemeate mast ft rua consecutively, Advertisers, br reejaeetlji a am tiered chrk, hv ! rrd to a iiabrrH letter la rare f The Rrr, Aaswere rtei will ha delivered a preeeatalloa al cheek. MISCELLANEOUS io FALL TERM B0YLE3 BUSINESS COLLEQB AND SCHOOL OK TELEGRAPH r OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 4. DAY AND NIGHT. New Catalog Free. Tel. Douglas UB4. Addrena H B. Boyles, President, Boyles Building. Oinuha, Neb. R 70 1 OMAHA faf and Iran Work make a spe cialty of Are escapee, shutters, door and tfta. O. Andreeu, prop.. 102 8. 10th 6t. R 70 BION PAJNT1NO . Ii. Cole, UOS Iugla. TKT Bally's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. fc30. H 710 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. U19 Farnam, a '11 ANTI-MONOPOLY Gaitonga Co.. 431 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Be.- 'phone "a" " ELSABSia BRICK, , , Machinist. 17 South 12th BU Tel. 6S37. WHERE TRUNKS ARK MADS. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bags. Old trunk vaken in exchange. Repairing. KKKLING STE1NLK, 410 N. 16th St. 'Phone Douglaa 4933. R MfcU A.'.. TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, $2.18. Fox Typewriter Co, 1(22 Farnam. R IdL 947 bit. HEFLIN-Lockmlth moved up stairs entrance 1324 Farnam. TL Doug. 2974. R 961 FINE Minnesota lc (or sale In earlote. A. O. Gilbert Co., Council Bluffs. R M364 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLEAN cinder 15o yard. 6th and Leavenworth. 'Phone Douglaa 7l7. ' Q-M462 28 SODA FOUNTAIN, any 1m. UU Farnam. Q 716 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., bast mixed paint. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. - HALL'S tales, new, 2d-hanL Ul Farnam. J Hi FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; w lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Brunt-wIck-Belke-Collcnder. 407 S. 10th St 21211 WE buy every thins; In the furniture Una. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 718 LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In, good condi tion, . mad of walnut and have two drawer each. Call at Be business office and get a bargain. Q Ml x FOR BALE Large tlM aquarium, r.te oa two Ak pedestals set on solid base. In quire be business offtae. Q 440 x FOR SALB Steam bouse heating boiler; wa used to heat t-room house; will b sold cheep. W. 11. Bridges, engineer it Bldg. QUU . SEND US your mail order for drug; freight , paid on 110 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Ociaha. , Q-7W GROCERY and meat market for sale. Cheap rent.:. Call 1424 Farnam, Room 2. M6s2 SECOND HAND typewriter desk, drawer,, drop top; cheap. Call Wednes day forenoon at 411 Kurbach block. Q 723 28x UPRIGHT PIANO. - fine condltlan, only W) If taken at once; party leaving city. IMP Davenport. Q M763 Six WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies L fall season; none other need apply. Address K 0. Bee., C Ul WANTED Woman cook, Mk per month; must furnish recommendation. Address L 7. But, C M6ti WANTED Immediately, first -class cook; best of wages; none else need apply. - 'l ei. Harney 680, . ., . , C-993 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mr. dard Bosawater, 1711 Douglas. C-262 WANTED Good oook; amall family, 11 Park Ave. C M 2U WANTED A cook, at S. 27th. C-Cf LAUNDRY help of all classes. Kimball laundry. 1511 Jackson. C WANTED Mangle girl. Model Steam Laundry.,. C M3s 20 WANTED Competent cook for small fam lly. Wages tCOy to SS.CO. 2u37 Dodge 8t. WANTfcD Girl far .general housework. mz rnrnam. C UXA WANTED cook, also second girl. 101 8. 22d Ave. Cm 28 W'ANTfeD Experienced sewing womrn for alternation worK. Apply cloak depart nient.". liayOn Bros. . c 28x WANTJED Competent cook br rlrl for general house work. Small family, aood Wbgt-a Rolerences required. Mrs. EUgar n. aennun, jr., lis in or in asm m. t C 03 2SX A 'COMPETENT general house girt can get goo situation in family of two. . Good wage. Washerwoman employed. Ap ply Mrs. Patrick, Apartment No. I, Wi nona Apartment noua. c 14711 lux GIRL anted, for general housework, iirs. Alex G. Charlton, 2222 Miami .t. C W70 (0 GIRLS WANTED Overlookers and check gins, J ana is per week; steady wun Bml Omaha Bag Co. C Mil 3-J WANTED Body ironers: experience not necessary. City Steam Laundry. 211 8 Jim. . v no ; SMART-8 ALE2? I.ADlfJS for umbrellas and Jewelry; must have experience or no use applying.-- See- Mr. George Wil liams.' jewelry manager, main fWr, The GIRL for housework; good wages. 13! Cn Sl.l fit O n WANTED Cash air It. cash hovt deliv. ery boys and office boys. Apply at j. L. tiranoeis at oons. 724 ( WANTED Private teacher: girl of It Ad drese with reference, Gibaon Soap Co. Omaha. " , C-M7M 20 WANTED Good girl for general house- worK; smtu laniny; no children: gnod wages,. Mr. C. B. Horton, 122 N. 8"h Bl. U MT Three stenographer, tfO. Cashier. 236. Call or-wrlte for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN RKrFKKSCB 4t BOND A301ATI0N. fine ). Peparttuent B. 40S. N. Y. Life Building. y-14-7S&-2 MONUMENTS Great Western QraaJl Co. Douglas a AQUARIUM WANTED MALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OFJCNS SEPT. ID. ALL DEPARTMENTS DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS. New deroretlons GO new typewriter ad ditional tachera In shorthand department. Everything In good order, September 2. KOHHWHOH iTKtH., rToprietor. . lvth and Farnam- St. B M 4M WANTED For the U. 8. marine corpa. men between age n and u; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster In postofBce of any county vest In the state art Nebraska, giving address of recruiting ofPce located therein. B M4t SSOx WANTED FIt boy, good wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 02 S. 13th 8L J JttAia FALL TERM NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD AND 4TH. BOYD THEATRE BUILDINO. OMAHA. 6t Is faction Guaranteed. P. U BMITHERS, M. A.. Preaident Day and Night School. Bank clerk, 200. Stenographer retail clerk, $40. Bookkeeper, wholesale, 2o0. Electric construction superintendent, $90. Young man, bsnker, 235. Complete list of vacancies furnished up on request. Call or write WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSOCIATION. (Inc.). Department B, Muft. N. Y. Life Building. WANTED Brick handler and laborer at the Avery brick yard, two miles south of Albrifht; boarding bouse at plant. B MCI WANTED Good marble cutter: good wages; steady employment. Glldea es Glldua, Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B M4V CARDS FREE Send us the names- of five young persons who should be Interested In a commercial education and we will mall you fro of cost six visiting cards with your cam written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN, OMAHA COM MERCIAL, COLX.O.UJS. B 240 WANTED Cigar maker; t rollers and , 4 Duncn orsaaem; win pay me oeai oi prices to go out of town; will send tickets. Address U U, care of Bet. B 522 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug cieix wanted. . v. KJUeat. u i. x. u. B-U WANTED An experienced cattle feeder uiat can give good references. Aiarnea an preferred. Theo. Helmers. Fullerton, Neb. B MUM 20 TEAMS can make from $4 to 26 per day. steady work. c. a. Haven 4t Co. yaro, 14th and Webster. B 13 BRICKLAYERS wanted. Inquire R. W. uaxer, uperintenaent, nee uiug. B 294 MEN Light work and 28.00 will take you from Mew lorn to London or Liverpool. Agents wanted in your city. Boston Ship ping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. B M3ol US CONTRACTORS We furnish men of all nationalities a laborers. Poles, Italians, Hung or Slavs. We have satisned others and can satisfy you. Boston Shipping Agency, U Norfolk St., New York. B M361 29 MOULDERS wanted, thirty cent an hour. bioux city f oundry Jdig. co. bioux City, la. , B M37 WANTED-Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Busy season now. Few week completes. Top wages paid graduates. Positions waiting. Little cap ital starts business! Call or write. Moler Barber College. Ills Farnam St. ' B M41S Six WANTED Car builders, repairer and truck men. cudany racking Co. B 432 LAUNDRY help of all classes. Kimball lauimry ion iukiuu. o vii WANTED Experienced bill elerk. Must be well recommended, rreter married man. State age and salary. Address O 21 care Bee. . B 681 MAN who speaks Bohemian to run grocery and meat market in eoutn umana. in quire 1324 Farnam St., Room I. B M6S4 GORDON pressman or cylinder feeder. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th. B 3 WANTED Bright young man with some experlcno in ladies cloak and suits, or one willing to learn business. Apply, Manager cloak department. Hayden Bros. B-96 28X WANTED Boy. Moyer Stationery com pany, zzo do. ictn hl 711 ix WANTED Piano player, and a young man to play parts with one night stand show; no objection to clever amateurs. Address O 'ii, care Bee. B 72Sr 22x (00 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary, firemen, 2100; brakemen, 220 per month, with rapid promotion to engineer Or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Cull or write for particulars at once. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 020 X, Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. B M202 septl ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch or large mall order house; salary 21 per week, ex pense paid; permanent position with ad vancement; honesty more essential than experience. National Co., 730 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. B WANTED at once, good sober baker; state wages wanted In first letter. R. 8. Her bison. Charter Oak, la. B-M7S9 20 ANT PERSON willing to distribute our samples; av.up weemy. CTnpire, ui Salle St., Chicago, III. Steady position; no canvassing. B M74 29x WANTED Experienced roper for tent factory. Write to the Schaefer Tent Awning Co.. Denver. Cnla. B M770 21 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS TAKE NOTICE GENTLEMEN and ladles', are making 22S to t per week aeliing our embroidery guods and othar novelties direct to eon turners. Season is now beginning. Good sellers in city or country. Others do it. Why not you. Call or write to United "Slates Embroidery Work, 111 8. 1Mb 8U Omaha, upstair. J MabS si AN old Un life Insurance agent wanted; one with experience, capable of writing business himself and managing men; sal ary and commission.- Address Lock Bug 1&4, Lincoln. Neb. . J MbSl 21 WANTED Party to sell treasury stock of a southern Nevada gold mining company. The property Is one of the best In tnat remarkable country. The stock Is easily sold: a good thing for the Investor and party who sell It. It will pay you to In vestigate this offer. Address N U. Bee. J-2V1U NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work. Writ today. Get territory; oilier new goods. Ladle' Supply Co.. Prairie Ave., P., Chicago. J-M212 Slax WANTED SITUATION RESPONSIBLE position wanted by well educated young man. Correspondence solicited. Addreta Box 24, Blair. Neb. A Mia six WANTED By refined woman of experi ence, poeltion a housekeeper where there Is one or more servants; best of retcr ences to right party. O-tL car Bee. i A 4- 82x M'RSE Invalid or confinement ; 1 per day; no objection to light houaework. Address O 29. Bee office. A 72 20x FLORISTS I. HKNDEKSON. 1U Far nam. Tei. Doug Go your way and be Then Be Sure FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. 727 Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks K "22 Thurston hotel; rooms 21.10 up per week. B 72 CAPITOL HOTEL, llth and Capitol Av south front; room with or without board. K 740 FURNISHED two front rooms, heat, bath. in private family, 2761 Webster St. Re ferences required. . B 600 x GOOD table board, lot So. 25th Ave. K I2i S2x BEAUTIFULLY furnished and all modern front rooms at reasonable prices. 017 N. 20th. E M762 2x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M.E. Haul Trunks F 721 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafa ( F-7J2 MODERN room, home cooking; reasonable price, Scla Howard cU Tel. Douglas WA. i F-Mii FURNISHED rooms with board. 2423 Cass, telephone Red 6196. F M 426 31 50 So. 25th Ave. Good board, neat, clean rooms; private family; modern convenience. 'Phone. V 725 lx FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE 10 room, barn and ail conveniences. 1113 South Dutd Ave. C. F. Breckenrldge, 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. M-113 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller A Lueller Piano Co., 1211-131 Farnam. l-723 houses ,n n D"rt f th c,t- D-7ii4 D-7S4 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk, D-7M OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, tor H. H. goods; storehouse, U20-24 N. 19th. Otnco, loll Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. ' D-737 WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van Stor ag Co. Tel. Doug. lit. Office. 1711 Web. tier St. D-728 See us when shipping household good to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRE88MEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. DougU SEVERAL at 112 to $26. Chris Bojer. 22d - and Cuming UL 'Phona Doug. 2040. D 740 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage hout In the city. Immediate attention slvtn. ' 1W2-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4' X M169 Ag31 AM. TRANS. CO. Household 'and other good stored. Tel. Doug. 1052. 1106 Far Sam. D-4 rooms, modern except furnace. 2424 Bristol tit and water. Chris ov- and Cuming St. 1 M8 FOR RENT Stor room. 2669 8. 16th.. ..fl 4 rooms, city water. 121 N. 12tn St.... ..212 C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. 1 iW MODERN house, near park. Apply 1S09 8. 22th. t-ROOM modern flat. 1112 8. utM m FOR RENT -room house, all modern. 704 S. 25th Ave. Inquire k. j. iinnins. Douglas KM. - 21x 10 ROOM brick, Meant heat, 1414 Sherwood Ave. Trenery, 1609Vi Farnam St. D M716 2828 Capitol Ave., new, modern, t-room house, with reception hall. Never been occupied. 230. A. W. Anderson. 2024 Davenport. D 700 29x ROOMING house, No. Ill South 17th street. Steam heat, 14 rooms, the nearest one for boarding and rooming. See room, 302 Neville Blk. P 7ul s2x MODERN cottage, nicely furnished; very' reasonable; block from car line. A snap. 2318 South 20th. D 732 10-ROOM, all modern, almost new, house, at 710 North 40th; porcelain bath, station ary washtubs, polished oak floor, large barn; rental $60. L. D. Spalding. 'Phone Douglas 230. 210 South 13th. D 933 $1 7-ROOM modern cottage ; new, $22. No mall children, 2417 Poppleton Ave. D M761 Six FOR RENT Six room modern house, cor ner 6ih and Chicago streeU. See C. W. Bllxl at First Nafl. bank or 40? i North 26th St P-M771 21x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St,, South Omaha. Apply to manager. 114 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement basement and good elevator; J". Douglas. Building will be put In good order at once, inquire ai juv vouint John Under. I-M2$ FOR RENT New store room, corner 10th and Douglaa St. Well suited for sales room for some one In mechanical line. Sunderland Roofing and Supply Co., 1006 Douglaa St. I M.72 810 STORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. TeL Red 4&5. 1442 x . WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, a barn that will hold It bead or more of horse. Address O 23, car Bee. K M674 28 WANTED To rent T or t-room house, fur nished or unfurnished. Must be modern and well located. Box $44 Dea Moines, la. K MHMO 29 LOST AND FOUND LOST Coat containing pocketbook with small amount of money, $9.0i, and some valuable paper between - 7th Ave and Broadway. Finder will be rewarded If they return same to M. C. Lennon, 731 7th Ave., Council Bluff. Lost M784 $3 STRAYED Angora cat; finder return to Mr, btrawn, 2119 Grant St. and receive reward. Telephone Douglaa-6025. Lost 719 29s FOUND Monday night, at the Ak-Sar. Ben den, a gold fob charm. Owner can have earn by calling at thl office. . Found 721 Its LOST Rubber automobile tire; reward. Return to C E. Wilkin, Dewey hotel. Lost M766 STRAYED Dark Jersey cow, had rope around neck. Reward for return to till No. 81st Ave. Lost-M:2 0x DANCING MORAND'S clase for adulta reopen Tuesday, September 4, a( 6 p. m. A reduc tion of $2 on all tickets bought en or be fore opening night. Call 16th and Harney. 0en all day and evening; Sunday 2 to . Telephone Douglaa lOil. Opening e.!sem bly September L M 192 Six DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORK detective service: 'phone Re 1401. Room U and 14. Lola Blk.. lii and Faroes. HI Sta lucky. Go the Want It's THE BEE WANT AD WAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS. NEW COTTAGE. 11,600 Part on easy payments. 3S2I Boyd street, brand new five room cottage; city water, floored attic, ce mented cellar with, nice south front lot Investigate. 8016 pinkney St $1,100 Part on easy terbs. Good five room cottage, city water, barn, shade, full lot; one block from SOth street car line. 2017-2019 MARTHA ST. 1650 Double house with lot 50x11$ ft. The lot la somewhat below grade, but a bargain at price asked. REAR 42ND AND HARNEY. $2,000 Part on terms. Good seven room house, modern but furnace. A snap. J 6 67 DOUGLAS ST. Eight room house, modern but fur nace, with ground 60x152 feet; non resident wants an offer. Look it over and submit an offer. INVESTMENT. Price $10,000. Rent $1,080. Cor ner 60x146; near 24th and Farnam? with large double modern house and acant ground tor two more bricks. An Ideal corner in walking distance. Want an offer. ' Investigate. GARVIN BROS.- t . 1604 Farnam. RE M735 SO FINE BARGAINS RESIDENCES All Prices-Read the List. 26th near Douglas, almost new, all mod ern, 7 rooms and reception hall, every convenience. West Farnam district, east front, 25,600. Locust, just west of Sherman Ave., ? room house, new, all modern, excellent neighborhood, close to car, 34,000. Pinkney, near 20th, I room, all modern, beautifully situated, facing park, fin shade and large lot, 23,100. 15th near Vinton, 7 room, modern house in good repair, capital place for the money, 23,000. Emmet, west of 30th. 6 room cottage, good conveniences, excellent neighborhood, close to car. A snap at 21.000. Many more just a good. Eaay terms. 'Phone Doug. 1950 and ask. WALLACE, 311 Brown Block. RE M73 10 Three houses, lot 24x180. near 16th ' and Corby, rent , I for $33. Price $3,700. , BEMIS, ' PAXT.C-N BUC . . . v,.. RE M7t$ $0 A FEW SNAPS No. 110. A 160-aer farm; t mile acmthe east of Orchard, ..Antelope county, Neb. Good level land, good soil, adapted te alfalfa nd all kinds of grain. About 80 acres under cultivation; all tillable; prloe $12.50 per acre. Incumbrance $a00. No. 1101. A 320-acre farm, mile south west of O'Nell, Holt oounty, Nebraska; 100 acres under cultivation; all good un able land; a good . 5-room hotite, barn, granary, corn ,rlb, well, windmill, etc; $15 per acre. No. 63. An 80-aore farm, located I mile from Sioux City. Woodbury county, Iowa; sixty acre under cultivation: good new building; good soil, all tillable; price W per acre, incumbrance, $3,000. No. 1102. An 80-acre farm, 2Vt mile from thre arnnd towns in Crawford county. ! Iowa; about 66 acres under - cultivation, Dtiance ptpiuri wun vmuvivu wimw. , M, fenced and cross fenced; fair buildings, well, etc.; price $65 per acre. Incumbrance GLOB IS LAND AND INVESTMENT CO Room 2, Patterson Bldg., Omaha. Neb. RE M 279 THE BYRON EEEDXX)., Phone 297. tit B. Mth. $1,250 On 9th St, between Pacific and Pierce St., good t-room cottage. Rents for $180 per year. ' ' ' . v $2,750. On 18th St., near Center, t-room cottage; lot 60x140. . $2,550 . On Bth St.. YikW Martha St, good t-room cottage; large lot. HNSCOM PARK . On 27th St., near Poppleton Av., we hav a good 7-room all modern cottage, full eaat front lot 50x150, with barn. $3,000.00. NORTH We hav only one lot left on 26th and Bprague for $125.00. We can sell this to you on payments. ' RE M745 80 SNAPS OUT NORTH i ' ' One acre well located, $300 Fine south front lota. $350. Sewer, water and gaa. Term. Located near car and school. cottage nome tn Ave, fina ney. B. W. corner, t room. Term. $1,60. 1821 Maimi St., t rooms. $1,200. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Douglaa-2161. Board of Trade. RE M740 8 CLOSE IN Big bargain on North 17th St. near Nicholas, good t-room cottage with city water. House rented to good tenant. Price, If sold this week. $1,200. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. RE M738 20 I Have Buyers for Homes , $1,200 to $3,000. If you hav v any to sell, list now. - R. H. LANDERYOU, Board of Trad. Tel. Doug. 2151. RE M741 tO HERE IS . A BARGAIN. New t-room house, full lot. fruit, good location: owner must sell at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Iwuglaa Blk, ltiA and Do4s-e. . T RE 729 0 Ad way and be sure. I FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE West Farnam Street Bargain Desirable 9-room modern dwelling. Lot 44x137. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4117 Farnam Street, $4,750 AlfrVd C. Kennedy. 208 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglaa 722. RE M744 $0 2vighteen block norm ot ixigu scnool. $2.100 Desirable, slahtlv home of 1 rnoma Full lot; nice shade; Walnut Hill oieincu ouv caan, oaianc eaay, $7,000 Fine home on ridge, with two lota; peeper distance on Farnam oar. 42,500-4300 cash; 7-room house: full lot and earn; west ot uanscom I k. 16,000 For 160 acre cultivated land near Omaha. $1,200 Flve-aer tract. Fiftieth and Browne street. $2,000 Sightly block of about five acre la beautiful Florence. Near car. $76,000 For Urge, heavily built warehouse, close In on very short spur railroad track. $3.800 For 22x182 feet on Sixteenth St. F. D. WEAD, 1634 Douglaa Street. RE M758 $0 HOMES New i logins, modern, south front. 33d and Seward, $2,260. Easy term, aama a rent. New t-room cottage, modern, 50 feet front lot, near 20th and Ames, $1,800. BEMIS, PAXTON BLK. RE M717 20 THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Building. If you want to buy on the south side, take notice ot thia On Twentieth 8U near Caateilar St. paved with asphalt, brick waikt, iron tence. House has hail, parior, combination living and dining room, two bedroom (on would max line library), bath room and kitchen downstairs; three large and one small bedroom upstairs. The rooms are richly papered and look fine; woodwork oil and grain finish; out side painted this spring. Small barn. AJ1 special taxes paid for. Tni house could be arranged to accommodate two famine for $40.00 ex pence, which would make It a good rental property. I can sell thl very cneap If taken this week.. Thl small horn of six room Is a nice one, too, gas In every room, good cellar, - cistern; kitchen and pantry painted walla, fancy border; parlor and dining room In fresco, wainacoal of burlap, china rail above; new roof of stained shingles; houae newly painted; screens for all windows, and outside blinds. Small, but good bans. One block to car line. Frio $3,210. Those Benson lot on Main St are not all old. Great chance to buy for Investment. PTlo la right, too. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Bldg. u RE M7S8 80 CHOICE HOME Very desirable U-room modern dwelling, two lot, eaat front, shade, permanent walks, eta. Fin location near Forty-first and Davenport. A big bargain at titOO. Bee us for Urmi and particular. BAKERY AND DWELLING Seven-room house; good stor room con taining brick bak oven; large barn; lot 60x132 ft., sast front; paved etreet. Premises In best of condition. Near Thirteenth and Derca BtaO Rente for $40 per month. An excellent value at $2,800. Small cash pay ment, balance monthly. Large Home, Small Price Good 12-room dwelling, beat repair; city water, barn. etc. Near Twenty-eighth and Grant. Price only $1,700. Small amount down, balance In rental payments. Russell & McKitrick Co., 422-3-4 Range Bldg. . lttb and Harney BU. . - RE M372 SO bemis park: all modern 6-r00m residence Built four years ago and good . new. Hardwood finish down slain, na'.e floor in hall, all double floor nnieiied for ruga Good furnace, porcelain bath, atone walk and steps; newly painted and papered and In flrst-clas repair. Lot 4vxl60 ft, Owner has been asking $4,000 for this and It I cheap at that, but any offer mad this week will be considered. Location on request. 40x171 ft. lot, - south front, on Lincoln Blvd., only $1,600. Thl I In the very beet of BEMIS PARK la high, sightly and very cheap. See It tday, a R may be told tomorrow. " D. .V. 8HOLES CO, 722 N. Y. LIT Bldg. TeL Douglaa 48. RB M729 30 BEAUTIFUL DUNDE& Elegant new and modern, residence In Ideal location. Owner leaving Omaha per. menently and mutt sacrifice. Prloe $4,600, hmi e It and make an offer. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE. Residence lot tOxttt, situated Just right Worth $660. Owner leaving city and will sell if taken at one for $360. BEAUTIFUL COLORADO. One of our ft-mnua low-rat excursion to Colorado will occur next Tuesday, Sept 4. Fare less tnan any otner land company oaa aocure lor you. Aatur u that you want to buy land and if you will be suited by the best farm land proposition now oOered anywhere, we can please you. Arrange early for your ticket, Monday if poeelbw. CONTINENTAL REALTY COMPANY. 23-M U. S. National Bank Bldg.. 13th and Farnam St., Omaha. "gu:tf SOUTH SIDE LOT 10x192 ft. north front lot on Boulevard; 167 ft east of Mth; lie fine. Price $LA. Cheapest lot, considering location. In south part of city. r D. V. Sholes Company) 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4. RE MJU80- WB CAN OFFER FOR SALE An elegant colonial residence, new and modern built; one of the handtomest and flneat arranged houses in the west Far. -nam district. Price for quick sale, only 'Hi. 600 For particular tee. HICK'8 REAL F.STATE CO., 488 Board ef Trad Bldg. Rk 70$ ttg FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HANSCOM park homes $10,003 for Judge Baldwin's tiome. No. 1621 & 23d St. and fronts the flower garden In Hansoom Park. 94,260 for to-roora modern h o m s e, . No. UU Georgia Ave. $2,IM for good house, large cor ner tot, on paved street; all specials paid 8600 cash, . balance about $20 per month. NORTH OMAHA HOMES t.700 for well built T-room mod ' ern bouse, with barn; full lot; oa paved street; con venient to Mth St. car Una and good school, near Kountxa Place .part cash, bal ance monthly. $2,860 for test Pratt St, new a. r o o m, modern, square house, with reception hall, almost com plated. Wilt paint a color to suit purchaser. Nice ahd. $8469 for T r o o m. I . story, . modern house, on corner lot, on block south ef Kounts Place, between Sherman Ave. and. 20th St. $2,260 for T-room, I story, . modern ' house, aama loca tion. ACRES $50 per acre for 100 acres, unim proved, all In cul tivation except ing 10 acre. 1 miles 8. E. of Calhoun. $1,200 for about 14 acre, with small house and barn. Just north of Cut. Off Lake. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St. RE M761 $0 ' WM. D. REED. 509 New York Life Building. ' $2,500 will buy S houses on Lincoln Ave., 2 rooms, 5 rooms and 8 rooms; corner lot; near Harney car. FINE LOTS Just west of Joslyh residence St $960 each. INVESTMENT. . . Buy 8. W. Cor. Sgth and Caaa and build houses on it to rent. - - WM. D. REED, i 609 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Dong. J117. . RB-M746 29 BUSINESS Ten blocks from postofflc. property renting for $916. Price $6,500. BEMIS, . PAXTON BLK. RE-M749 M A BUNCH OF NEW HOUSES On block from ear line, within walking distance, I to room each, mcvlern In very respect, extra closet in bunement, polished floor, wld porches, chad tree; built by owner by day's work; founda tions laid In Portland cement; lumber all selected. Nothing better built In Omaha. Fin for homes - or a good Investment. Price and term on application. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 906-4 N. T. LIFE BLDG. 'Phona DougWs-690. RE M768 10 Sightly Lot at 46th and Maple; close to school and car line and in good neighborhood $150. Terms. PAYNR INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas-1781. RE M742 a ANOTHER WEST FARNAM HOME In the best part of the Upper Farnam dis trict, one diock irom car line; ouut last year; offered at cost, regardless of ad vanced eoet of building and enhanced value of lot; everything modern. Owner ha good reason for selling. . J. IL DUMONT & SON, 806-t N. Y. JjFE BLDG. 'Phona Douglaa-atO. RD-M7S8 2t HERE 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I will offer for sal a few days only, two tracts ot ground at tne corner oi im and Farnam, at a price that will Justify their use for medium priced horrtoa. TONIE8T LOCATION IN THE CITY. William K. Potter, 801 Browa Blk. R14-406 TRACKAGE A Sa plaoe of trackage property. 147x2224, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Su.1 $12.ut will take It for Immediate sale. lUOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New Tors Life Bldg. HC-n$ FOR SALE Brick church, 27 th and Seward St corner let can be remodeled to make four flat. Make offer. A. C Buak, 841$ Hawthorn Ave. . 'Phone Harney tso. . HE-4N 80a FOR SALE 'A 9 room residence property en M. Jta Bt rnee ana term reason able. Globe Land and Investment Co, Ream 2. Pa l tar ton Blk BJC-Makl FREB LAND WANTED Can provide beat etes of settler lor any goo territory. Want free lead for t,ot Intelligent, ex perienced Amerteaa farmer. Strict In veeugatlea invited. Address, F. Mohr, Lock Boa 634. Mtaaeepolla, Mlna. 2UO-M713 X FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. Dodge & Co. $l,4r-t-room house and two acr of that beautiful ground tit fenced, and da frill. w ... n, u t n v, i, . house and two acre, and also five acre, this Uurt week. $8,000 $1,609 caab. balance . monthly pay ments, for that five acre tract ln Benson. Good f-room house and 260 . fruit tree and 800 grape. Well, cis rn. vt v tr..- a.. i tern ana nam. aii rencea. nai mora do you wantT N. P. Dodffe & Co. 1714 Varnam St RE M756 t(rr Kerr-Shallcross Co., 1614 Farnam Street. -nflV..,, 41, f ii i VllCIO IUC lUllUNMUg: WEST FARNAM $8,(00 On Thirty-sixth Street Boat Farnam, s room, strictly modern. BEMIS PARK $4,000 00 I rooms, all modern. Paved street. $3.7bv.U 7 rooms, all modern. $2,600.00 t room, all modern. $3,000.00 T room, all modern. $2,360.00 t-room cottage, all modern,' ex cept furnace. K KB R-8H ALLCROSB CO. 1(14 Farnam St. Phone, Douglas (487. RE M 767 80 West Farnam Lots $1,800 to $6,000-Also good selection . of Hanecom Park lota. BEMIS, PAXTON BLK. REMT60 30 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALU TttAV emA .A trsti. rilMi.t win, nurh.r' n. agents; best hard wheat land at $7 to $8; easy terms; others aak $16. Avoid the heavy commissions. Mall order solicited. Write us today; w save you money. F. A. Parker Land Co., Spencer, la. fcM3?!82 FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACLFIC RAILROAD CO. I closing out It land la western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $2.00 to $6.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy term offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the land. For further Information apply to UNICM PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, tit South lth St, Omaha, Neb. H-M6S7 1 Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60.000 acres of fine wheat lands, $4.00 te $16.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe Lna and investment Ce., Omaha, Neb, and Sioux CiUr. Ia. H M421 SIS THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COM PA NT. Haa over 10,000 copies of titles, which en ables it to figure lower than any other abstract eomtmnv In Omaha mnA turn n worx quick ly. Tel. uouglas-ffls or c at office, 1714 Farnam. RE MT84 29 A GOOD business lot for sal. Best loca tion In town. Address J. J. P., Fremont, Neb. . . BE M363 B2i V. 8. Sal Bureau. 804 Novllle Meek. ResJ Estate and Investments. RE M42SS4 . BUSINESS CHANCES...,.. Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you hav a I arm. 'ome, business or prop arty that you want to sell or exchung writ us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO Omaha. Neb, or Sioux City. Ia. Y-M172 AgU . IS.ROOM rooming house,, full of roomers; good location. Address Q 64. ear of Bee. X-714 FOA SALE A Drat cits job office with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing three paper In surrounding towns; job type all new; doing good business; excoCent reason for selling; located at Heatings, Neb. Writ now, or come, as this snap will not last long. Price low. Address Box tilt, Hastinss. Nap, Y-MH4 . FOR SALE Crystal park, at ltth' and Douglaa fit, In Omaha; complete wHh - seats and furnishings. Address 202 Lytle block, Sioux City, la. Y Mitt 28 ' FOR SALE A good restaurant, doing a fine business. In county seat towa of must sail within 10 days. Address N 67, car Bee. Y-M418 61x FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; in voice $4,000; county seat town in south western Nebraska. Owner ha too much outside business. Write If you mean businesa Address O 9, care Omaha Bue. Y M630 Sept 9x ASSIGNEES' SALE. I will sell at nubile sal, to the highest bidder, at York, Neb., Sept. 5th. 190J, at 2 p. m. the L. D. Melssner stock of dry goods. A clean, complete stock, in voiced over $18,400.00, Including fixture. Best location in town. Come any time ana Inspect the stock. C. H. Knlllng, Assignee, York, Neb. Y M591 Sept. t WANTED Location for mill where stock company can be formed for the manu facture of balanced ration, feeds, stork food and wonder calf meal (a perfect milk equivalent.) Address Box 136, Council Bluffs. Ia. T 673 28 WANTED Parties Interested In a good proposition for building a hotel In this village please write J. A. Ameberry, Mason City. Neb. T-M688 80x SMALL grocery and meat market; fine lo cation : doing good business; In South Omaha. Call 1324 Farnam, Room t. T-M681 CHANCE for Bohemian to get grocery and ' meat market In good location. South Omaha, cheap. Call 1324 Farnam St., Room I. T-MSoJ- STEAM laundry, well established for II years, faying well. Must sen, on ac count of sickness. Address O M. rare Bee. Y-M710tl- FOR TRADE Several stocks of venerA. up to 816.000. Owners will exchana for good clesr land or encumbered land and caah. Now Is the time to get merclitndlee. Fall trade Is coming on and the blsgeet crop the country ever knew. Some of my clients might take city or village property. What have you to offer? Call and see me, Charles W. Somers, 600 Manhattan BMg St Paul. Minn. Y M783 x PATENTS PATENTS quickly eeured with ample claim Special fifteen dollars saving proposition for thirty days. Write today, enclosing description of invention. Win. bagger. Patent Lawyer. ..D. F. J. LaRSON A CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Be Bldg, Omaha. Net, SHARPS MACHIN9J WORKS-PatentS procured. Inventions developed, drawlnta, Salterns, castings, machine work. H-lt . 10th St '41 Patent procured and sold. 1 fee. Nafl In vestment Co, Douglaa fallen ittb A Ood i iA ill P Tor exchange TO EXCHANOE Large grocery business for good- farm land; buainet eslabllshed 4 years; city of 26.000, Illinois; flrsl-claaa la every respect; select trade. Address O-i, care Bee. &-MU6 82s IF YOU 4V aot nnd what yon waat la this, column, put aa ad la and ye will won a4 iu r