Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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4 v uuiiuuu-ueumonao.
II' mm ri m m.v mm trm S7-b ,jv rji
W Only Mention Pew
. J Ate t Vm Hd Dully t Oar -?
13.50 Udlnl.SMrt Wllllllt JU8
Wednesday w will place on tale
100 Ladies' White Waist that
sold at 12.00, $3.25 and 11.60,
in fine sheer lingerie- .materials
In a lartre assortment of styles
In our finest waists, lone and
. a short sleeves; the, greatest Shirt
fc. Willi klrnln nf l - - . .
not a watst in the lot worth less
than 11.00 and np to f f n
$3.60; your bolce, at. . . I.I.
35c LlneiT Pieces at 1 3c Eacb.
200 pieces of Linen, such as tray
cioios ana isoie corers, worth
86c each; Wednesday, frfc
while thai last, each. . . . ,VC
121c Whlti UninFlnlibid Soltlnn, 10s
J5 pieces of white Unen finished
?v .1Unc; orth 1 1 H c ; in
this sale only, yard lUC
Nothing bat new goods goes Into oar new store, corner 10th and Howard.
O'Donatioe-Redmond Co.
0WKERS of tfil Dry Goods ind Closk ind Salt Dsptt. la till EEKMETT STORE
Oevaoil Taksi Is lotion oa ths Award ta
ftisBic 8wsr Ooatraota.
Offeraaaa Brother Atmrftl Caatraet
Tor CoastraatUat of . th Stara.
ewer Misstwri Avaa '
( Be Balls at Oa.
Nothing was don by the -city council
last night toward lotting ht contracts for
tha South Omaha ,swer system. .Th
necaaaary motion was offered by the com
mute on viaducts, streets and alleys, but
this was laid on the table tor on week
for the reason 4hat two members of tha
council were absent. J. H. Bulla and W. T.
Martin, and the remaining members did
not car to assume the entire responsibility
of the action. By the motion introduced
the National Construction company, by
George Parks, was to have the contract
for the Mud creak and Jetter creek sewers.
Hannon A Craig were to construct the N
street gulch, the north branch of the N
street gulch, and tha Highland park sewer.
James Jensen was to construct the
Twenty-first street sewer. This construc
tion wss to be continued as long as the
miner in eaoh district held out and than
v cease until such a time as-the city saw
to issue more bonds for ths completion T
i, tVl. !
,- ' . ... ,, ., 1
were also opened for the construe i
tlon of a storm water sewer on Missouri
avnus from Twenty-fourth to Twentieth
streets. Three bids were 'offered by Offer
man Brothers, Dan Hannon A Craig, and
Oeorge parks. Ths contract was awarded
10 Offerman ' Brothers. This firm ' will
commence ths .work st once. '
, ' All ths bills and salaries fpr .Uie month
of August "weeff-ftltowedshd will be er- .
fectiv September 1. .. . '"'
- r Ths rest of the session waa spent In mat
ters of routine. A petition wss hied for
nj light at Twenty-sixth and Monroe; re
ferred to committee on -public light Notice
-of the appeal In the case of the claims at
Thomas McCollum was referred to the city
Attorney. The oitlsens of a portion of
llssourl avenue complained of tha dump
ppt of garbage on that thoroughfare. A
petition was presented asking for , a
ftre plug at .Twenty-sixth and Madison. . A
"petition was also presented asking for a
,r,aicnman ai in railway croaaing ac
rwenty-flfth. and Madlsoa. An invitation
Was extended to attend the exhibitions of
the society of Bohemian Turners, ' which
tre to be given In ths city. September 1,
4 fJ and t A number of vehlol licenses
were granted. An ordinance was given
second resdlng authorialng an taaus of san
itary sewer bpnrii. Several other side
walk ordlnancea were given second and
-third reading and two or three were passed.
The counoll allowed tha- second partial
estimate for, the work don on Missouri
avenu In ftVor of Hugh Murphy to the
amount of W.18S., The clty.fngtnesr pre
sented a map 'and surveys of T, Z and
.Washington streets, with a view ,t open-
Brgcer tonlo end cordial.
DeUcioua at allionrg, An
"EUxlr of Ufe." : Inrlsrorttes,
trenfthens, enlivens bat does
not intoxicate. Gives an ap-
i petjte, and good health.
. at all koatia, alaka, iaiaiaaa wlae
ataSsaia, tiMm, ai.
SotlktS aalr V
i H. VKoaaasaa aLaaecirr;
UtUMri, Banaaar,
Siaa 1M,
Ltrmci atoTxcu,
V Oaaanj Aaaat. J
nV TarS.
(9 Jv
jml ii - - - f x ant.
Iu-ms for Wednesday.
Luder of All Hosiery Bargalnr
We will place on sale Wednes
day ISO dosen Ladies and Child
ren's Hose at about HALF PRICE.
Ladles' fast black, lace and plain
Hose, that sold for 30c and 26c
a pair; boys, extra heavy ribbed
Hose, fast black, worth 26c a
pair, .end children's medium
weight ribbed Hose, white and .
black, worth 20o pair; all to go
Wednesday, a 1 1 1
pair.. IZiC
50c White Dress . Linen at
at 25c a Yard.
(From 2 to S p. m.)
16 pieces pure white sheer Drees
Linen, 16 Inches wide, worth 60o
from 2 to 6 Wednes TC.
day afternoon, yard ?C
(12 yards to one customer.)
ing them across ths Rock Island tracks.
A warrant was ordered drawn In favor of
Dan Hannon for the work don In the
grading at Twenty-second- street from 8
to T street. Ths amount of the engineer's
estimate waa 11, HO of which t200 comes
from the intersection fund. This latter
is a revised satlmat of the engineer.
lasaa Ma at Jail.
Two Insane men wer occupying the
same cell of the city jail last night. The
first to bs arrested was C. M. Chrlstensen,
who wss found almleasly walking, up and
down In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Q
streets Sunday evening. II ' was bare
headed and his clothing was gaping and
untidy. It appears that hs has bsem worrlel
by affairs of his family in Iowa, lie waa
placed In ths jail for safekeeping. His
sons came after him at ( o'clook last night.
Hs wss given Into their charge, for, 1(
waa believed the man was harmless.
. Ths second man was Charles Johnson,
who was arreated yesterday at 2:) p. m.
Hs IS temporarily Insane from the excessive
uss of hyperdermlc injections of oocaine. In
order to get money with which to buy the
drug hs Stole snd sold' a pair of shoes.
When hs was taken, to the jail tils ap
paratus wss taken a way from him. In the
course of an hour or two he went raving
and early In the evening he was willing to
confess to the theft snd to show the police
where he had sold ths shoes, If, only they
would let him have "a shot at ths dope."
Easor Recovers Horae.
Dr. T. H. Ensor has recovered his horse
which was taken from his premises Satur-
. . . . .
Ensor, a son of the doctor, discovered ths
norse in nanecom pars, inouin ina uuih
. . . .,. ,..
, wa tin m l ii uiiw v nv a " .uv,v
that it had been given a hard ride. There
wers saddle marks on Its back and flakes
of dried perspiration. When found the ani.
mal was trying to get te ths water In
the park and when It was allowed to drink,
showed great thirst. ..,,,
Bohemias Tairners' Toaroameat.
The ' members of . the Tel .Jed Bokol 'of
three states will meet In South 6maha In
an athletic tournament September 1, S and
Ths States represented will be Nebraska,
Kansas and California. Ths athletic con
tests will be held In the National Turners'
hall at Twenty-first and V streets. These
contests ars a great annual event among
ths Bohemian people, and preparations of
an extensive character have been ' mads
for the events and for the -entertainment of
the visitors. Some good sthletlcs ire as
sured, ss these schools contain representa
tives of the beat talent In physical educa
tion. The Nebraska turnery have always
been prise winners. It Is expected that
ths coming contest will hsv much to do
with the selection of a delegation of turn
ers which, it Is said, are to ' be sent to
Bohemia next year to enter the competi
tions In ths great nStlonal assembly of
turners In ths native land.
Caaftlet t Aatkorlty.
Under the present (arrangement there la a
conflict between the duties of the building
Inspector and the city . engineer. -The, con
flict arises In the granting of plumbing
permits. It Is Imperative that ths city engi
neer should keep a record of the plumbing
dons, as part of the filed records' of the
elty. If this record is not kept ths engi
neering department will soon become value
less Insofar as locating any lateral branches
t6 ths sewers and water mains Is concerned.
Ths city engineer In discussing the situa
tion, now that ths two offices are separated,
said that some plsn would havs to be de
vised so thst they could get a chance to
make a record of alt permits issued with
the necessary data for his department. Hs
did not cars so much which department got
ths fees; but ths record waa ths Important
- Magle City Gaela.
Jetter's Oold Top Beer delivered to all
part of tne elty, . Telephone No. I.
Joseph Boyef of Bennington is buildtn
a neat residence at Twenty-seventh and 1
Miss Clara Preltag, ths city attorney's
sienograpner, nas gone on ner annual va
Mrs. R. T. Msxwell of Denver is visiting
witn ner uncie ana ismny, jsmes eegear
er Missouri avenue.
Joseph Flak, Twenty-first and Q, and
Roy uacKus. ra jerrerson street, each re
port ins Dinn oc a son.
1 H. Lewis has ssked ths aid of ths
South Omaha police to aaalst him in lo
cating nis wire, an is eoioraa.
Miss Zell Rldgeway, daughter of EL E. E.
Rldgeway, haa returned from Plymouth,
Meo, wnere sue spani ner summer vaca
tion. Mrs. P. R. Bssterdsy' snd 'daurhter
Phyllis and Miss Kmlly Trigg of Lincoln
are to guesta of aire. J. U. JUnger, who
is uitur aiaier.
Pr. W. 1. Stambaugh preached a rous
ing sermon to the Masons of Bouth Omaha
lust Sunday evening. The order attended
tne enures in a ooay. -
Swan Larson and family and Mlaa Lund-
frart, have returned from a month's vtalt
o Thermopolls, Wyo. Ms. Larson went
her for his health and comas back much
There will be a meeting of th principals
ef the Bouth Omaha schools Saturday,
ewptenihes 1. at 4 p. m. The prlnclpala
win meet in in race ol Buperlntendent J
A- McLeSn. . . .
Orria Morrill haa returned from Chicago
and is thinking of agala taking up his
inurni; in Duum vruiana- fie apot soma
lima mim weai, in ui region oc Death s
Thoa who nave bean sleeted la tha
nnaasnd teacbera' list should gtv their
uuiaa uu laicpuona nurooor to auper
inteiiUent J. A. McLean, so that be may be
enabled to notify them promptly when
Wednesday at 4 p. ro. th pupils of th
Ckristlan Sunday school will take a special
car lur s iruusr no. Alter tn ride me
Will be aerved to refreshments at Hlshlam
is h land
special will Ix
la waiLina at
that heur
wanty-fourth and L BUM La.
Any tardy one will be left.
, Claas la china paiatlng every Saturday
aurroooa irom i to S clock. Mrs.
Nsbia, atudlo at ITM South. Tenth trt
Big InUreiU Rail Itorm of Objaotisn to
Dsmnmurs Escalations. '
rrsatBat Jaltkcra ' and Maaatae
tarera Held ladlgaatUa Meetlag
at Cosasasrelal dab riaa
- Aetlaa for Relief.
All heavy shippers in Omana bate de
cided to resist ths action of tha railroads
In making more stringent demurrage
regulations through the Western Car Ser
vice association. A meeting waa held at
ths Commercial club Tuesday noon, at
which all heavy shipping Interests of
Omaha were represented and these resolu
tions wsrs passed:
That the shippers of Omaha hereby de
clare that the new car service regulations
effective this date are unreasonab. and
impracticable and that the Interests rep
resented In this meeting shall riui- to
pay any demurrage thereunder until they
snail be readjusted: that a committee m
seven be appointed to confer with the
ratiroaa companies to secure their read
justment, with power, If necessary, te
employ competent legal assistance to en
force th rights of shippers if th rail
roads refuse to perform their usual ser
vice or Invade th obvious rights of ship,
A committee Of seven men Was appointed
with power to employ legal talent and to
proceed at ones against th railroads
who havs made this change through one
of their subsidiary bodies, the Western
Car Service association whose, representa
tive is A. C. Jones. Notlcs waa given
Monday of a change from five days to
forty-eight hours in which a car may bs
unloaded, and the shippers claim this Is
an impossibility as ths time dates from
ths filing of a notlcs card and often the
car Is not delivered to be unloaded until
the time is up and ths demurrage charges
start to accumulate,
Call It a Hold-.
"Ths shippsrs do not cars if they havs
to pay a demurrage for cars which are
used as storage, but this new law Is
regular hold-up game," said one of ths
heaviest shippers of Omaha at (the meet
ing Tuesday.
"Th lumbermen, the coal men, ths pack
ers and the smelters, all heavy shippers.
are hit hard by this new ruling, which waa
put In by ths railroads in a hurry to make
it a part of th changes of th new rat
bill. The shippers cannot possibly operate
under the new conditions. This demurrage
bureau Is now paying the railroads' for
business In Omaha alone over $30,000 a
month. It would be all right it tha roads
would deliver ths goods ss they should, but
no firm can live and keep a force of men
large enough to unload the stuff in, forty-
eigin liuur uicr ll in uwweu iw ub iii
bunches, as is now ths case. Ths demur-
rags charge Is $1 a day."
Shippers Will gtaad Firm.
'Omaha shippers are a unit ' and havs
agreed to stand together against this dis
crimination. Ws will show ths action la
unreasonable, illegal, unfair and the roads
are operating as a trust and" discriminating
against Omaha In favor of other cities. It
affects all carload shipments. Ws will at
tack It as a trust and fight for pur. rights,
Ths railroads hsvs held to classification in
times past, but under the new ruling all
classes of shipments ars treated alike and
a man must unload a csr of charcoal just
as quickly as a car of lumber, although the
charcoal takes four times ss long.
I am satisfied this next ruling would
cost ths Cudahy company $300 or. $300 a day,
for which that company would get no re
turns. Ws will also insist upon some ar
rangement by which we can secure our
cars somewnere nearer tne proper time.
They hold Cara back , untilt they , hav .
tralnload and. then expect us to. unload the
bunch in forty-eight hours or pay demur
rage. This would break every heavy ship
per In Omsha If enforced and there is noth
ing tor us to do but to fight, and fight ws
will." . .
Nothing bat a Tt Paaa. .
A tie pass was the best snyone could
get from the railroads Tuesday unless hs
wers sn employ of some, other, read or
cam under the special sections of ths new
law. Although the new law specifically
says tha free transportation' section Is not
operative until January r 1907, the' rail
roads taks up the last clause of the law.
which says all sections of the lsw shall
beoom operative sixty days after pas-
sag. The time was up Tuesday.
Orders are positive there shall be no
more passes except to railroad employes
and members or tneir- rsmuies. i ne gen
eral public and all politicians who havs
been riding on free transportation for years
hav to pay rare or waix. ins rsuroaas
will now' stand on th ground that they
are commercial propositions and. will, be
protected by the courts, consequently do
not hsve to give transportstion to Influence
public opinion. . .
Soma of th roads hsva mads a -movs
sgslnst granting free transportation to
Isnd agents who are engaged n the busi
ness of taking settlers to ths west. Th
Illinois Central, th Wisconsin Central and
the Great Northern havs chopped oft this
class of tre transportation altogether.
Other roads ar still giving passe to land
agents who havs th required number of
people with them. This Is an illustration
of ths dubious wording of th new law.
Bom attorneys maintain thsy hsv no
right to giv this, whlls others take the
opposite position. . All. ths roads doing
business out of Omaha, except tha Illinois
Central, took car of their land agent
on the regular homeseekers business Tues
day. Promotion by th Bnrllngton.
Several Important promotions hav been
made by th Burlington In th last tew
days. E. T. Bracken haa been appointed
superintendent of ths Wyoming division,
vies F. D. Weldenhamer, . resigned. Mr.
Bracken was formerly superintendent of
ths Colorado dlvtsiba. at Sterling, Cola,
snd his new headquarters Will bs at
Sheridan, Wyo. The Wyoming division la
on of th hardest, divisions to handle In
tha whole country on account of it en
ormous traffic Ths great trains loaded
with singles and lumber, which com from
the northwest and ars sent over that line,
often make blockades of Considerable
dimensions and thla division Is looked upon
aa one ef ths hardest to keep clear' In ths
F. H. Kennedy haa -been- appointed
master mechanic of th Sheridan division,
vie O. C. Johnson, trsnsfered." O. - C.
Johnson has been appointed , master
mechanic of th Lincoln division, vie
J. Dietrtoh, promoted. J. Dietrich haa been
appointed assistant " superintendent of
motlv power at Lincoln. H. ID. Culbertson
has bean appointed aa master mschanlo
of ths McCook division.
Ne successor haa yet been announced to
Mr. Bracken for th Colorado division.
Llaeala Gets Coneaaalovs.
xn wurnngton nas cut tne rata on
canned goods from Iowa packing points to
Lincoln, reducing th freight 1 to 4 cents
per 1U. pounds from Shenandoah, Olenwood
and Hamburg. Th rat become effective
August $0. 1 Ths Burlington la aald to havs
acted Independently la this matter, . for
though the Rock Taiand promised soma Urn
ago to make the, reduction from certain
Iowa canning point- It haa never don
so. The Lincoln jdVtcrs say they will
keep hammering until ths ' dlffereno la
rat to Omaha and LiVln la reduced to
4 cant from all lowa pot .
rat and the old and hew Lincoln rstesi
Old . New
Omaha. Lincoln. Liaooln.
Shenandoah .... f IS 1 11
Olanwood 11 If
Hamburg t 17 11 1
Commissioner Guild ef th Omsha Com
mercial club has received no notice of this
change In rates snd will look Into th
Lincoln Is said also to' hav been
granted by the Burlington a distributing
rat on lima, cement, plaster snd stucco.
Omaha has always been a - distributing
point for thee materials.-
State Pair aad Bryan Pares.
The Bock Island has made special ar
rangements tor ths stats fair and spe
cially for Wednesday night which is ths
day of Bryan's homecoming. On that
night all trains will be held until after th
celebration. Special trains will bs run
from Nelson and Fair bury and "interme
diate points September 4, I and 1 These
trains will lesve ths fair grounds returning
at 7:4$ and Lincoln at 7:9a . Special trains
will run from Council BruS and Omaha
September 4, I and and returning will
leave Lincoln at t:M and th fair grounds
at ?:$$ p. rn.
Lord Chamberlain lavttes Baslaess
Ma to Participate la Klag'a '
Royal Parade.
Samson has Written s letter to ths busi
ness men of Omaha, Inviting them to taks
part In his great Industrial day parsds
October I. In it hs says ths parade hs
been featured aa one of the sneclsl events
or the annual Ak-Sar-Ben festivities In an
attrsotlvs doubls column advertisement
which will be run In (00 weekly news
papers In Nebraska, and also in a neat
folder, 100,000 of which ars to be dis
tributed to Omaha merchants on request,
to be sent out with their mailing matter:
With th letter, Samson details th ar
rangements for the parade as fellows:
Psrade shall consist of floats, each one
10 represent a Business nouse or tne City,
All jobbers, manufacturer snd retail deal
ers who desire to be represented shall be
invitea to participate.
The floats, while of an advertising na
ture, ,r't not consist merely of a wagon
with signs or placards, but must present
some spectacular or mecnanicsi design
snd must contain at least tw persons be
sides the driver. The following prises hav
neen onereo Dy tne rjoara or, governors:
Most Artlstlo Float First prize, $100; sec
ond prise, t'S; third prise, tfiO.
. Best Mechanical Float First prlss, $100;
second prise, 175; third prjss, .$60.,
Most Comical Float First prise, $50; seo
ond prise, $26. ' '
Most' Original 'Deslgn-42S.
No one shall be eligible. for more than
one prlss except that the prise for the
most original design may be awarded to
the owner of a float winning some other
Plana for floats must be submitted to
committee at a reasonable time for their
approval and to enable them to assign
positions In ths parade.
A tent for housing floats during process
of building will be erected at a convenient
location. Those who desire to rent truoks
A an at nominal nrlces.
Ths judges will be disinterested parties
to be selected herearter. , ,
Any other information may be obtained
by calling up Samson, 'phone. Douglas tii.
There will also b on exhibition at . the
office of toe secretary. H. J. Penfold. 1401
Farnam. cuts showing floats used in Ilk
paVades at St. Louis and other cities that
ir,. ha of heln In suggesting ideas tor
designs. '
Bat Ckaaaberlala's Colle, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Caned Ills.
It Is with pleasure that I: giv you tntf
unsolicited testimonial.- About a year ago
when I had a vary severe pas of measles
I got caught out Ih a hard- rain and ths
measles settled in my stomsch and bowels.
I had an af ul tlm and. had It pot been
for th us of ChamberlaWgOlio. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy I .esoid not hav
possibly lived but a few hours longer; but,
thanks to this remedy," I' am now strong
and well."' I have written the above
through simple' gratltuds and I shall al
ways speak a good word for-thls remedy, -Bam
K. O win. Concord Oa.'
Low Reasl Trig- Rata via Chicago,
Mtlwaake . P Br.
On far plus $2.00 for 16-day ticket one
fare plus $4.00 for $0-day tlckst, on sals
dally to many potnts In Canada and wsst
srn New York, and on August $th and 2Jd
and September th and 19th to many New
England points. Tell us wher you want
to go and w will giv you th best rates
tor your trip. Call at city ticket offlcs.
1624 Farnam strt, or writ to
f. A. NASH.
General Western Aaenl. Omaha. Neb.
K DIAMONDS-Prenser. 15th and Dodas tta
Missouri, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, Texas,
Rnssoura pacihc
1051 HUGHES, T. P. A,
Send your boy back to school in new clothes. It makes a big
difference to him what kind of an appearance he creates along-side
of the other boys. . Below wj tell you how most reasonable you can -buy
"dependable boys' clothes," that are guaranteed to meet your
highest expectations of superior service.
Boys' School Suits.
Newest Styles, $2.95.
All Wool Cheviots, newest colorings,
oroocser Knee ranis, an seams tapea
and triple sewed, extra strong linings,
and a very special value, at
Combination School Suits,
For Boys, $3.45.
Mads of pure all wool materials, in s score of patterns
to select from. You will find all seams taped and triple
sewed, guaranteed not to rip. The fit la most perlcct.
Knu . -rDocser pants, two pants
and .' values exceptional, plain
with suit ,
Boys' Knee
Corduroy Pants, at $1.00 and 75c.
Ws havs a most exceptional value In Boy's Cordu
roy Knickerbocker Pants, in sixes to 1 years, and we
positively claim they ar the best' values offered.
Method fhisf Donahns Adopts, to Break Up
Wholsule Pickpocketm
Mal Mongrels, Too, Moat Go Chief
Wishes He Had Rookplle ' '
on Which to Pat
Them. '
Ths people's bar will be th .medium
through which all of Omaha's undesirable
colored people will be UBhered across the
river, out of the corporate limits. This,
Chief of Pollc Donahue has decided, and
Prosecutor Tom Lee will lend his assist-
will members of the chiefs official
family. , Tha drag net was thrown out
Monday night snd ss a result Tuesday
morning the pen In which such characters
ars herded before betng brought before
Judge Crawford was crowded to the limit
Th cause of all this stir Is the frequent
"touches" being made of late by the negro
women. When the damsels go th chief
EL C TOWNSEND, Generzl Psssenaer sad Ticket Agent,
Boys' School Suits,
Strongest Values, $3.95.',
Cheviots, CSsslmeres, Worsteds and Blu Serges, sxtra
large assortment to select from. VV's positive- w
- ly guarantee the wearing qualities and a . ij-Wn
perfect fit Is assured with every suit at....., v-'
Combination School Suit,
For Boys, $4.95.
Made of high grade pure wool cloth. In Cheviots and
- Casslmeree, In new dark shades, all seams triple sewed
with plain or Kntcc-
and guaranteed to
and Knickerbocker
pants witn suit
Pants That Arc Exceptional Values.
We hsvs thousands
Double Seats and
cellent pants for
offered at a
has ordained those colored men who work
not; yet who wear dlsmonds, must also go.
Of the bunch of females brought In
charged with vagrancy sixteen were dis
charged, while about, twenty were held un
til Friday morning. A faw gave bonds and
wers let out pending the hearing. Jack
McReynolds, one of those charged with
vagrancy, was given thirty days in which
tp think It over., j , i .i, r-.w-..The
women will be-arrested as fast and
ss often Ss the police get around to It, and
within a short time, so th chief, said, they
will all be driven from town. In the mean
time the chief wants that rock pile for ths
benefit of the men. .
Annsaacements of th Theater.
At th Bijou theater Wednesday after
noon, with a varied of vaudeville fea
tures, a souvenir box of finest chocolates
l will be given to each lady holding a 20-cent
j seat check. These souvenir special matt-
th, manafement hM dec,ded to continue
th feature
The pretty Conley slaters In their beauti
ful singing and dancing act are headlincrs
on the bill, while the BIJou Stock company
,ln "Ths Tortuns of War" is most inter
esting this week.
Sterling Sliver Prenser, tsth and Dodge.
I ndian Territory,
New Mexico, ' -Republic
of Mexico
T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A.,
See Thai
Boy is
give the best wear, plain
pants, two
Knee Pants with Double Seat, 65c and 50c
cf Knee Pants for Boys that havs
Knees. They make ex
school wear. They aro
special price ,
Complaint Not Yet riled ' oa' Mary
Green, Suspected of Kaowlag
Mary Green, arrested soma days 8 go on
suspicion of knowing something abdut tha
dlsappesrsno of $150, th property of Mr.
A. : Woodwards' 2013. Harney 'street Is till
In ths police station and no Complaint lias
been Hied sgainst her.. , Mrs.-Wood ws id, so
it Was rennrteil ta .fth -twilln A rnnuj t.
- . - ...... u.vrmi VIIO
roll of bills from her stocking when retir
ing and has not seen (t since. Mary Green
was thought to know something about the
matter and detective found she said a
number of bills th next dsy and her arrost
followed. Chief Donahue said a complaint
probably would be filed shortly.
Oa to Neve Torn on th Lehigh.
Double track scenic highway. Conneots
at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all tinea
from ths west.
Writ paasenger department, Lehigh Va.
y R. B., ZU South Clark St.. Chicago, Hi
A set of four handsome Japanas
fans only 10 cents. Inquire or ,
write "The Northwestern Lin. ' '
City offices. 1401-14O3 Farnam St.' "
i siepnwa Doogia
This tabi is given te shw th Omaha