Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tins Omaha Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha Ptoetomre as eeoond
class matter.
Dally Fe (mlthout Sunday), one year..$400
Dally Hee and Sunday, ene year f.00
ftundsjr Bee, one year. I H
Saturday Bee, on yesr 1.60
Daily Bee (Including Snnday), P" week..l7e
Dally (without Sunrisr), per week..lJo
Evening Pee (wit hoot Sunday), per week to
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week... .15
Sunday Bee. er copy o
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building-.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. ,
Chicago 1M0 I'nlty BuKdlng.
New lork 1E0H Home Life Ina. Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communication! relating to newt and edi
torial matter ahouM be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by drsft express or postal order
payable to The Baa- Publishing Company.
Only I-e.ent stamps received aa payment ot
mall acoounta. Personal checks, eseept on
Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not accept-jO.
Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, at:
C. C. Roaewater, general' manager of
The Bee Publishing company, being du.'y
worn, says that the actual number of
full and complete -copies of The Daily
Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during tha month of July, HOI. waa aa
l sU40 - it sveao
t it i,wo
l..... sa,sM it Il.3
......,... 89,800 24 81,680
!......... 38,800 11 33,430
. .......... 81,860 It.., 80,300
1 isaa it.,. .. si.780
1 80,900 14 8180
t. 81.M0 lb 81.830
I 81,650 18 81,570
11 4-81330 IT S1.T60
II 83,680 .11..... 88,180
1 83,380 It 8080
14 84,080 10 1,80
II.......... 80,400 .11 8L810
II 8&9O0 'r,
Laa unsold coplea,
Net total sales.... 8T8.984
Dally average 81,818
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and a worn
to before ma this Slat day of July, 1W9.
(Seal.) iL B. H UNGATE,
Notary Public.
fcafcseribevs leavlagr the city tesa
porerlly sboald have Tha Baa
Basiled te them. Address will be
eaaagsa as aftea a vea'stee..
More milk and less chalk la the
paramount issue of the Omaha health
Mayor Dahlman has been cartooned
by the New York yellows. That comes
from being famous for a day.
.The site of the now Union Pacific
headquarters is still waiting to be lo
cated, but U will come "In this wheat,
bye and bye."
Now that two British, linguists have
joined the ranks of spelling reformers,
It will be a persistent Joker who can
find humor in the affair.
Another, prospectus , for -supplying
Omaha with dollar gas Immediately, It
not sooner,, has been bulletined, but it
Is only a rainbow prospectus.
The South Omaha police commis
sioners are trembling In their brogans
while waiting for Governor Mickey to
agree with himself on the verdict.
With over 6,000 counts facing It the
Standard Oil company is probably un
willing to subscribe to the statement
that "there is safety In numbers."
It remains to be seen whether Presi
dent Palma's offer of amnesty will
have a greater effect In allaying
trouble than the War department's
new machine guns. . i
Missouri's desire to "be shown" was
never more apparent than In Its in
vitation to both Secretary Shaw and
Governor Cummins to take part In the
republican campaign in that state.
The new spelling fad nhould be
given a fair trial, but we tear Its per
manent adoption Is sb remote as Vola
puk, that was expected to have become
the language of all nations by A. D.
1100. . .
The report that a syndicate of cap!
tallsta is backing the Cuban revo
lutionists may mean that the contest
with predatory capital will have to be
fought out along international lines,
iter all . I
The statement that Ja(pan wiij not
nnex Oorea probably means that the
Islanders think' they - know a trick
whereby they can have all the advan-!
tags while avoiding the responsibility
of ownership.
Perhaps the real difficulty la prepar
ing freight rate sheets which' will be
easily understood by the public lies In
the fac( that with such sheets a num
ber ot rate clerks would find their oc
cupation gone.
The suggestion of Josiah- Quiacy
that Colonel. Bryan be lmlled to
unravel, the tangles of Massachusetts
democracy shows Just how 'far the
"peerless leader" has traveled 'since
the day of the cross of gold.
Three warship captured from Spain
by Admiral Dewey have been sold tor
1101; and some -folks Insist that the
greater part of 'the material ..which
same to the United 8tates a a result
erf the war has suffered almost as much
I . t.
The Kebraskan who is to read a
paper on the subject of "The Cause ot
popular Dissatisfaction with the Ad
ministration of Justice" evidently
labors under a misapprehension (or
there la no dissatisfaction on the part
of the pablic with the administration
ot Justice; but there la some dissatis
faction with tha law as administered
hi tke eotiru. ' '
. kqval orpo r re kit t ron all.
When the Interstate commerce bill
was pending In congress twenty years
ago Omaha ' merchants and manufac
turers. Instigated by the railroad
traffic managers, who made their
farored patrons believe Its operations
would prore disastrous to Omaha and
all other western cities, remonstrated
and petitioned against, the enactment
of the law. Time has effectively dis
pelled that delusion. The marvelous
development ot the Transmlsslsslppl
country tfas stimulated the growth of
Transmlsslsslppl cities whose commer
cial and Industrial expansion kept pace
with the region tributary to them re
gardless of the restricted legislation
embodied In , the original Interstate
commerce law and , the subsequent
anti-trust and anti-rebate laws.
The prophesies of railroad magnates
who opposed the revision of the inter
state commerce law and their predlc
lions'of disaster to commercial centers
hate already proved groundless The
almost unprecedented rise In the price
of railway securities In the face of the
Impending abolition of arbitrary and
discriminating , rates, which railroad
managers have claimed to be essential
to the effective and remunerative operation.-
affords conclusive proof that
the railroads will suffer no serious loss
by the new order of things. On the
contrary, the abolition of rebates,
drawbacks and under-hinded allow
ances to favored snippets cannot fall
to increase very materially the Incomes
of the railroads.
The stoppage of rebates In any form
may' affect heavy shippers who have
enjoyed special privileges to the detri
ment of competitors, but In the long!
run the enforcement of the square deal
in transportation will prove advantag
eous to industrial and commercial cen
ters. When every Jobber, manufac
turer and mill owner is placed on an
equal footing In transportation rates
and facilities there will be more equi
table competition and greater oppor
tunity for men possessed of capital.
brains and energy to build up side by
side with other men of capital, brains
and energy. This was Impossible so
long as the railroads were allowed to
exercise the function ot Providence In
making one set of business men flour
ish while foredooming their competi
tors to perish.
The strict enforcement of Interstate
regulation laws should, moreover, tend
to make -business men more aggres
sively independent. They will ; no
longer allow themselves to become
mere retainers and . political agents of
railroad managers, but will assert
their rights without restraint or tear.
Instead, of pulling apart they will pull
together to protect themselves and the
commercial community of which they
are a part whenever any discrimina
tion or diversion of traffic is attempted
by any railroad, and local patriotism
will Inspire every member of the com
munity to uphold them in every con
test they will wage against unjust dis
crimination or extortion.
The revolutionary Insurrection la
Cuba naturally leads people to look
behind the Immediate pretext to find
the underlying causes of it and the
Inevitable suspicion has been aroused
that the Sugar trust has had something
to do with the trouble-breeding agita
tion. Whether or not the revolution
ists look forward to annexation with
the United States, the inevitable drift
will surely be in that direction should
the Cuban government prove too weak
to maintain the nation as an indepen
dent republic. From such an outcome
the Sugar trust, It is pointed out,
would have everything to gain and lit
tle to lose. Annexation to the United
States would carry with it an abolition
of the tariff between the two countries
and the remission of the duties on Im
portations of raw' sugar from Cuba
would mean millions upon millions of
dollars In the pockets of the Sugar
trust magnates.
Some eastern observers, go so far as
to insinuate that the Sugar, trust has
had naid agenta throughout Cuba
hired for the special purpose of stir
ring up discontent and promoting the
revolutionary party by liberal contrt
buttons of money, but there is no dl
rect proof that it has gone as far as
this.' There is evidence, however, to
the effect that the Sugar trust people
have bought up practically all the best
sugar producing lands In Cuba and
have established themselves through
local connections pretty thoroughly all
over the Island
And when the effort
comes to be made to secure annexa
tion, the representatives of the Sugar
trust may be counted upon to form
the nucleus of the annexation group.
It Is manifestly no part of the duty
of our government to" promote this
movement at this time. The United
States gave notice to the world when
It took up the cause of Cuba against
Spanish tyranny that It bad no selfish
designs' upon the Cuban. Island or 1U
people, and It must In .good faith see
that Cuba has every opportunity to
proTe itself capable of self-govern,
There are a tew things that the
"Private Secretary" has not mentioned
in his compilation of the record ot the
dignified "senator- wno does' things."
He has, for example, "made to mention
of the retention ot Cadet Taylor aa
surveyor ot customs, ot the appoint
ment ot Brother-ln-Law Barrows as
his successor, of the strenuous efforts
to keep Bank Wrecker Mathewson In
charge ot the Winnebago Indiana, and
(he more strenuous efforts to prevent
the removal ot "Billy" Summers in
order to screen Indian land lease
speculators and public domain marau
der and protect crooked federal offi
cials from the Just penalty of their
crimes and misdeeds. He seems also
kto have forgotten the Market feeding
contract, which was purely accidental,
as It were, but did not shed much glory
or o the dignified gentleman-who-does-thlngs.
The Only consoling re
flection to the people of Nebraska Is
that he might have done orse.
No one will deny that the home com
ing of William Jenning s Bryan from a
year's absence from the country spent
In travel and study marks the kenlth
of his career so far aa it has unfolded.
The peculiar position of distinction oc
cupied by Mr. Bryan, whose only title
Is that ot American cltisen, Is certainly
unique, even discounting political con
siderations that enter largely into the
spectacularlsm ot the reception ar
rangements. The homage paid to Mr.
Bryan abroad has produced an
aroused appreciation of his personality
at home of which his friends and ad
mirers are preparing to take the fullest
advantage. To separate the plaudits of
those who are sincere from the shouts J
of the claquers, who have been planted
by the Btagemanager will be Im
possible, yet the welcome that greets
him. will unquestionably go down
deeper than 'any previous popular
demonstration with which he has been
honored. '
As for Nebraska and the people of
Nebraska they will rejoice at the
eminence of a fellow Nebraskan, how
ever, much the majority may amer
from him politically and disagree with
his political teachings. The very fact
that Mr. Bryan is a citizen of Ne
braska and has found the foundation
of his advancement In the honors con
ferred on him here the only official
honors he has ever enjoyed gives Ne
braska a large share In the recognition
he has achieved. Whatever the future
may or may not have in store for him,
the welcome home greeting will con
stitute a significant event that will go
down into history as one ot the most
remarkable tributes ever paid to a
man ,, occupying merely a private
station. .
In thanking his friends and neigh
bors who gathered to welcome his re
turn laden with the honor ot a nomina
tion for railway commissioner at .the
hands of the republican state conven
tion. Judge Williams, the Pierce
county , political trader,' feelingly as
sured them that "the office had come
to him unsought" It is not surpris
ing that Judge Williams should add
falsifying to his other accomplish
ments, although such braten lying can
hardly raise him In the public estima
tion. The other members of the
Pierce county delegation know and
can testify that Williams appealed to
them to repudiate their Instructions
and personal preferences am told
them within hearing of others thai un
less they did bo he might not succe
in getting the railway commissioner
ship nomination that had been prom
ised him as the consideration for de
livering that vote. A place on the
state ticket for one of. Its citizens
would be an honor to Pierce county If
It were honorably obtained, but noth
ing gained In dishonor can ever confer
honor upon anyone.
It will surprise John D. Rockefeller
to learn through the United States at
torney's office at Chicago -that the
Standard Oil company has been given
rebates. Mr.. Rockefeller would have
sworn positively that not a penny of
rebatea had been received by the octo
pus since it acquired ownership ot
most of the railroads and pipe lines. '
Acting Mayor Johnson Insists that
the law prohibiting the sale of liquor
on the Sabbath day cannot be con
strued to apply to sales on Sunday, be
cause Saturday Is the real Sabbath day,
In name as well as in fact On this
point Acting Mayor Johnson will be
sustained by some of the most pro
found doctors ot theology.
There is altogether too much grand
stand play about the declination of
Bryan to travel la President Mellen's
private car. It will cost only flO to
travel In a Pullman car state room
from New York to New Haven.
8hould congress have an opinion on
the subject of reformed spelling dif
ferent from that ol the president,
proof readers in the public printing
office will be soon asking tor higher
wages or a division of labor.
Uncle Sam wm nave to erect an
other mammoth public building at the
national capital in which to store the
railroad tarjffa and schedules that are
being filed with the Interstate Com
merce commission.
The empress of China does not seem
above taking "tips" from the "false.
foreign devils" and the "tipping" that
is going on at Teheran and St Peters
burg may account for some of her pro
gressive ideas.
Twa Years aa the Circuit.
Chicago News.
Detng a presidential candidate two. years
in advance of the nominations Is not a life
of unbroken repose, for tha county fair
circuit la calling loudly for attractions of
this sort.
Aaather Baaea at Staadaattara.
Baltimore American. ,
President Roosevelt will probably And
ovt In a vary short time that there are
as. many standpatters with reference to
the language aueatloa as there are- with
reference to tha tariff question.
' la tke Araay Over-Ueaeraled.
Springfield Republican.
It remains for congress at Its nest
slon to act aa Major General Oreely'e criti
cism that tke army Is over-genera led. If
It were a Question of Increasing tha a tun
bar of generala rather than of permitting
tha number to be decreased In the course
of time and then of maintaining it at a
lower figure. It would be easy to forcast
congress's action. But a reduction of what
ever sort always hits somebody, and there
fotw Qada opposition v .
Jew Era la Sekraaka.
' Friend Telegraph -(rep.).
The republican state ticket placed
In the field .last Wednesday repre
tents the principles that tha Tale
graph haa been fighting for tor
the past ten or more years. In tha ticket
placed lit the field by the republicans of
Nebraaka every cltlten can take more
than a peaalng interest and. feel that In
supporting each Individual member there
on ha is representing, a principle of tha
republican party and not some great cor
po rat Ion or aggregation of corporations
doing business In this state. Placing this'
ticket In tha field 'means for tha republi
can a, and all who love a clean ticket
and clean men for office a signal vlctoiy
for Roosevelt republicanism, and a re"
buke to railroad republicanism as has In
the past been dealt out to the cltlsens of
this state through the pass bureau of
their several organisations. Tha placing
of this ticket In the field means to Ne
braska republicans a, majority of SO. 009
or mora at the polls this fall. An era In
the history of this state, when the cor
porations will pay their taxes ilka other
people, the enactment of a primary elec
tion law and the amendment to the con
stitution creating an . elective railroad
commission, and that of eliminating the
railroad pass from NebratkA politics. We
trust that tha time has arrived when the
rotten gang which has been doing buslnese
In Saline for tha last fifteen years will
hang up their fiddle and go out of business
forever. To this end every newspaper and
very good cltlxen la personally Interested
and will doubtless lend more than a help
ing hand. These things are not confined
to party lines alone, but there Is an oppor
tunity offered to every good cltisen, re
gardless of former political affiliations, to
take hold and aid In steering the good ship
Nebraska clear ot the breakers which in
the past have endangered It and to aid In
cleaning off a few of the barnacles which
have fixed themselves to its hulk.
While he has failed In securing a nomi
nation, there is no man who will take hold
with greater vim to carry out these results
than Hon. EM ward . Roaewater of The
Omaha Bee, a man whom we have regarded
as being better equipped to serve the peo
ple of this state than any other person
within Its borders,' but who On account of
former actions has, been greatly hampered
In making the race,'' 'but who In tha con
vention Juat closed- has great reason to be
proud of his endorsements received.
Chaaee. in. Make Gae4.
Nebraaka City1 Tribune (rep.).
The splendid and deserved victory won
by George I Sheldon In the republican
state convention . the. other night In his
nomination for governor ot Nebraaka marks
him for higher honors In the future In a
wider field of usefulness to the people of
his state The United States senate.
Perhaps .no thought of such a result has
up to this time crossed the mind of the
big, honest and brainy cltisen of Cass
county who will this year carry' tha ban
ner of square deal republicanism to over
whelming victory but It Is the logic of
the times end conditions and requires no
prophetic vision to see and predict It
Qeorge I. Sheldon in daily life, In dally
Intercourse, In every day of his adminis
tration as the chief executive of Nebraska,
will prove to be . exactly that which the
people of Nebraska today believe him to
be able, fearless, conscientious, broad of
mind, clean and honest of heart, a con
servator of every legitimate Interest within
the boundaries of the state, and a fear
less fighter for - the square deal for the
weakest and most '"humble, wherever and
whenever such conflict may be neoessary.
Straaar Pola'tS' ef , Flatferaa. '
' Norfolk "Nl we- (rep.V
The 'republican ortr, through its conven
tion at Lincoln; has nominated a ticket and
drafted a platform"' which Insures the
party's success at the polls thts fall if
those candidates and that platform are
brought before the people of the. state in
their true light. It will be one of the most
hotly ' contested political campaigns that
Nebraska has ever known,, not. even ex
cepting presidential yea re, for the reason
that Mr. Bryan needs Nebraska this year
to make his presidential boom strong, white
the republican party, with the principles
of our Illustrious leader, Theodore Roose
velt to "back It. will -make a whirlwind
campaign for victory In November. And
the republican party In Nebraska -will win.
The platform of the: republican party, as
drafted at Lincoln this week. Is strong and
positive In Its declarations. There Is no
question as to how the candidates stand
who are running upon Us planks. The plat
form declares Itself as unalterably opposed
to the Interference of corporations In the
politics of this stats,' declares for the pro
posed constitutional amendment for a rail
way commission, stsnds for the direct pri
mary, declares for correction of abuses and
for equitable passenger and freight rates,
and commends the action ot the. republican
congress at tt eselrt last winter In en
acting the many good measured that did
result from its efforts. The platform stands
for "the square deal." It Is a "platform
which all conscientious cltlsens must sup
port IX Is a platform which foretells ac
tion. The men who are running are clean,
From top to bottom It Is a ticket of in
tegrity and a ticket which will , carry out
the policy, aa outlined In the platform. If
elected. Mr. Bryan needs Nebraska this
yesr for his personal use.. He. needs Ne
braska In order to demonstrate to tha east
that he has gained In hi a home state. But
the republican party the party of Roose
velt, and the party which, is now digging
Into the abuses and corruption of Industrial
America for tha benefit of the cltisen who
Is straight the party which la freeing this
country from' graft needs Nebraska In or
der to help win the battle that has begun.
There Is no need far. compromising one's
self-respect in order to support the repub
lican platform. There is no need of apolo
gising for the ticket It Is a ticket that at
once will attract respect and confidence of
Nebraska voters.
Leo k Ln s: Backward.,
v . . . Western laborer (Ind.).
The Western Labbrer deeply regrets that
the republican convention turned down
Edward Hfcaewater a a candidate for
United States senator. This was probably
"the old man's" last fight for aa office be
would like to fill. No man who edits a
paper with strong; convictions can ever
hope to succeed in pollfloa Every msn
Tha - Bee .ever, roasted was out with . his
hammer, knocking- to get . even, while a
great many men who received favors st
the hands of Mr RoseWater were "trimming-,"
"agreelns; for the drinks" with his
enemies,, or waiting to see which war the
eat was going to jump before they .had
any opinions. The "old man" didn't win,
but he made tha anemy work overtime. A
few years age It was a crime to say a
kind word In a newspaper of Mr. Edward
Roaewater, bat of late the 'people have
warmed up to hire and while be may net
live long enough te make another race
for senator, when ha dies he will be re
membered longer than many men who ware
elected senators. Tha Western Laborer
congratulates Victor Roeoweter on the
splendid campaign he made for hie father.
Twe of Klad.
Tork Times (rep.).
Lorenso Crounae and his shsdow, Frank
Hll'on, were In evidence again at the state
convention. It reminded one of bygone
days to see this pair sliding through', the
corridors of tha hotel and whispering' to
gether secrets too dees and momentous
' tke Spot.
Before and during the days and nights
when members ot congress were hammer
ing pure food legislation Into shape, the
kitchens which prepared provender for the
restaurants ot the national 'rapltol were
In a condition bordering on a Chicago free
lunch foundry t The tact escaped observa
tion at the time, but as la usual In such
cases, prying eyas and sctlvs olfsctorles
were busy seeking te prove that statesmen
who wielded brooms for the people In gen
eral neglected to sweep at their own door.
Now a clean sweep Is on. Every kitchen
In the capitol Is undergoing renovation.
Some Idea of the conditions under which
the senate cooks prepared the viands may
be given when It Is stated that the sensts
kitchen wss a regular paradise for rats.
They held conference there, burrowed In
the floors, scampered about in the crevices
of the wails, and, In fact were free and
uncenflned. The senate kitchen Is In a
dingy sub-basement of the capitol, and
ordinary efforts to get rid of the rats
have (been Ineffectual.
Now It has been decreed that the rata
must go. To accomplish this a new floor.
composed of broken glass, a sprinkling
of lime,' and over that four Inches of ce
ment and tiling, will be laid. No rat it is
calculated, could bore through' the combi
nation. The plumbing and sewerage will
also be done ever. There will be a cold
storage room built ten feet square, and
In this all the perishable supptles for the
restaurant will be 'kept. This will ireauli
In doing away with all the old wooden
refrigerators; which It has been found Im
possible te keep in a satisfactory condi
tion for so Urge an establishment
Scores Of senators and araalnna1W mem.
bers of the supreme court take their meats
in tne restaurant or the senate daily, and
the place is well patronised In the winter
months for at least three hours of the dsy.
The running of the piece Is let out by
contract but the margin of profit has not
been large, because of tha ahort time In
which the restaurant Is patronised. The
government does not furnish any of the
paraphernalia for the senate restaurant
but gives the location, lls-ht and fuel free
of charge.
In the ease of tha house restaurant the
United States furnishes everything to the
eeper except food and heln emnlnved.
When tha government stopped the sale of
liquor at the capitol, a few years ago, ths
pronts in tne house restaurant fell off. so
that one year the place was actually con
ducted at a loai of 13.000. La at year the
patronage was better. Ths policy In the
house restaurant Is ta . ensure nulrlrnM
of service. Members who have only a few
minutes ror luncheon are accommodated
by an arrangement so that orders of a
simple character can be filled Immediately.
In buildings snd bride-ei
struetlon, Washington Is spending J60.0O0,-
wu. umers wucn will cost 130.000,000 are
projected. The senate and hnna Affile
buildings will represent an expenditure of
,uuu,wo. The eastern front of the capitol
Is to be extended In marble at a cost of
$1,890,000. A fins bulldln for the nmnm.
court Is in contemplation. The railroads
are expending tllOOO.000 on a magnificent
new union passenger depot Two steel
bridges are to be thrown across the Poto-
mao nver. snd the largest cement bridge
In the world will spend Rock creek. There
will be' a new war ooIIkm tnr
and several Imposing university buildings!
""""" improvements ars to be made
at tne wavy yard and the Soldiers' Home.
When the house and senate office build
ings are pompleted the plasa east of ths
capitol will be nearly surrounded by one
of the most maamlflmtnf
buildings m tha world. When the supreme
u" "'aing goes up It will probably be
wssiisuui rTi
Ffrarinir that th w.. v
---- . y,, JtSUJVT7A gag
tween Secretary Bonaparte and Edward
Callaghan of Charleml. T. .v.. ....
Uve evils of anarchy and the trusts would
....l. mm aaministration or the Navy de
partment a ; lOVal rltlaert i T 1
Pa., wrote Secretary Bonaparte offering to
take the secretary's place on the platform.
i anow mis man Callaghan," wrote the
Rochester man. "and I am mn nant thai
If you will allow me to take up the gaunt
let for you. Mr. Secretary, I can wind up
his Clock In about three ahk. nf .
lamb's tall. . ,
'You time Is to valuahl ha if i.i...
up In talking against this Irishman, and
he should have realised it, as I do. I
nave ms pedigree down pat He Is an old
Official Of tha Knishts of fhne
tlon and likes to talk. x
"I am afraid that hl i-hnn. m ,..s
you to think that all ths laboring men
think as he does and that all laboring men
are socialists and anarchists. 'It Is not
true, and you will see In November, Mr.
Secretary, that there are a few good re
publicans left la the ranks of the laboring
"If you accept my offer, Mr. Secretary,
please wire me, so that, I can start to. work
preparing the subject for debate."
The offer was declined.
Assistant Secretary ' Reynolds of the
Treasury department haa been performing
sundry duties of late. In one day last
week he was acting secretary, acting as
sistant secretary for his two associates and
aotlng private secretary for Secretaries
Shaw, Keep snd Edwards. All the assist'
ant secretaries except Mr. Reynolds were
absent from Wsshlngton and he was doing
their work. While "Jlmmle" was thus
doing ths work of eight men the mercury
waa hovering around the 100 mark.
James Knox Tsylor, supervising architect
of the Treasury department Is today and
for some months to come will be one of the
busiest men In the country. Two hundred
new public buildings were authorised In
the closing days of the last congressional
session. Involving an expenditure of over
120,000,000. Mr. Taylor has. supervision of
plans and specifications for all theae struc
tures and must make a preliminary visit to
every proposed site la order to determine
aa to the building beat suited for each par
ticular locality. -
Theodore E. Burton, the Ohio congress
man. Is a bachelor and lives ln sn apart
ment consisting of sis rooms In Washing
ton, the walls being bidden by book shelves
and pubUo and private papers. Even the
gas range In tha' kitchen Is usually smoth
ered with literature and the pantry shelves
are ailed with it. At ths age pf II Burton
bad read all of Shakespeare.
Discards la the BaadwaaTaa..
New Tork Sua,
While kfr. Bryan, attended by silver
footed Thetis and slxteea Nereids, goats in
bis stiver chariot over the wine dark sea,
discord rends the bosom of the reception
committee that awaits him on theae shores.
Would It not be better to warn him by
wireless and ask felra to send Ironical
messages to his warring friends T Unfor
tunately, be doesn't cars for harmony un
less It Is harmony with himself, and be
weara a eoeptre and a club and not an
olive branch. We Sometimes fear that
our friend has fallen; that be, too, is
an Imperialist a satrap and a despot. . .
. . Malatalala a Balaaee.
Chicago Record-Herald.
It's a fls now. Addlcas has contributed
to ths republican ooagresalonaJ campaign
fund and Croker has made a Oaauctal con
trlbutlua to the Brraa yeoaaUoa (una.
Compiles with the
pure food law
of every state -.
UC 1 1 Til Celeste la made ef the finest materials poe-
M ! M (b1 to ,w
tsreaa, niacaua -r raetrr: tnererore, II li recom
mended by leading physicians sad chemists.
CfiflllftMV la eslng Calvasl you are always assured
I.UVIIUH I B a rood bskrart therefore, there la ne waste of
7 material or
cans; it win
rertaae Left Katloaal' Asaoclatlea
ef Aadafcoa Societies.
New Tork World.
The 8100,000 left by Albert Wlllcox to the
National Association of Audubon Societies
Ik a notable legacy more notable In some
respects than bequests . of ths regulation
order ten times Its slse. It evidences a
sentiment not customarily looked for In
one engrossed in business pursuits. There
Is an agreeable evidence of idealism In this
gift for the protection of wild birds and
animals by a man whose life work lay
along material lines.
The bequest should do much to further
a movement which within recent years has
done Wonders tor the preservation of bird
and animal life, but which yet has prob
ably accomplished more for Its protection
through the moral safeguards erected by
an awakened publlo opinion. There Is tha
expectation that the societies may benefit
to the extent of ISOO.OOO more from the
residuary estate of Mr. Wllleoxv
There are now Audubon societies In
thirty-five states. They have practically
revolutionised game legislation within a
decade and brought about a new order of
things for the feathered world. It can
but amase an old-school sportsman to dis
cover that the sovereign powers of an
American state are now extended over sea
gulls, so changed Is American sentiment
on this question within a generation. 'The
murder laat year of a Florida gams war
den ' while on duty guarding heron nests
from spoliation was significant of the
growth of this new humanity.
Eight nations have contracted for a total
of 1,700 cannon to be furnished by the
Krupp concern. Incidentally, the eight na
tions will contribute handsomely to the
cost of Frauleln Krupp's wedding Outfit.
The monument to Qulseppe Verdi, tht
Italian composer, to be erected In New
Tork. haa arrived la that city. It will be
unveiled on October 1. The sculptor. la
Chevalier Clviletti, who. accompanied the
statue to this country.
Dr. Nicholas Senn of the Chicago uni
versity, who has Just returned from Africa,
where be studied every . phase, of fever
ersvalent there, hones to Include ' ln his
forthcoming book some suggestions of great
value In the treatment of Jungle fever.
Or. Eliot of Harvard was asked by a
young miss why he never played golf and
be replied: "I have always understood and
myself believed that golf Is a game best
adapted to old men. When I begin to grow
old, I suppose, I shall begin to play golf."
Professor Wonnerlin of the Unlveslty of
Berlin has been appointed a lecturer at
Tale this winter.. He Is one of the most
brilliant of the younger lecturers con
nected with the Berlin university and has
written largely on theological and - philo
sophical subjects. ,
Melcher Wldeman, believed to be the
wealthiest, organ grinder In the United
States, Is dead. For twenty-eight years he
played at the entrance to Olen Island, John
H. Starin's summer resort at New Ro
chelle, N. T. It Is estimated that during
thst time he collected from 160,000 to
76,000 In nickels and pennies. '
Browning, King & jCo
Boys' School
Suits l-
: ... f " . .
., The boys are now climbing out of vacation -'suits
into school suits. ';? r -.',
The boy that gets our school suit, does well. .
School suits have been our study, andi we '
have exceptional ones to offer our customers.
School Hats, Caps, Blouses, Shirts, Hosiery. '-'
Everything that goes to make the outfit very
complete. ; . . t: ' :: '
Hlleenth and '
Douglas Sts.
Praadwwjr at Slad SVtraat sVEW
Is it Worth While to Save
$50 to $150 on a Piano?
There's bo trick ot figuring; there's no guess work. The saving la real
and actual. We wlU prove it to you It 70a will call.
It you haven't a Piano, think it over.
You don't need to be rich to buy a piano.' Come here and pick out the
piano you wish. There's the price plainly marked upon it, and the price is
the same whether you pay cash or buy upon time. .
Simple reference that you are honest and of good intent'; and, if a worker,
industrious and regularly employed that removes the risk and' when you
have paid us f 10 in cash, home goes he piano, with stool and cover free.
Take your pick from this list: '
. ' - Used Wallworth Piano tor. .$125
'.,"" New Gilbert.. ,......, .13 ) ,"
Used Vose .;..iao., . ,
' ' Second Hand Chlckerlcg. .gl2-1
1 New Knabe ..,......,.... y.: .S450 ,. " . . - ;
Nearly New - Stelnway x
1 We Bare Yen ISO to S1SO oq a Piano,. V - '
. SJ eW wVJssr BsVj Si S)
""4 msket Hrht. eeaUy dire red .
time. Calemet la pat ap la ahMlrnt
see longer inaa any otner Baking
ea the market s d baa more raislag .
is torarerVIv and scles
tinoauy prepared that
tha nentraKaatloa el
hurredleata la abaolntely perfect.
Tneretore, fooq prrparea wita
Calumet la free from Rocbelle ftalte.
Alum, er say Injurious substance. -
gfeea for aay snbataace In
jurious to oeaua touao ta
"There Is one good thing to be said about
burglars." v
"What Is thatr V
"At least they are' seldom lacking In enter-pries.
"Baltimore American. ,
"Tea." said the reporter, "the light be-
fsn In a little alley down there. 1 don t
now the name of ft,"
"Call It Harmony Court," suggested the
funny editor; "It's bound to liave some
such name as that." Philadelphia Press.
"Paw!". ...
"Well, what Is It this timer
"What has the floatln'. debt gotter do
with the alnkln' fundt"
"Maria. If you don't pack this young 'un
off to bed I'll Urn the life ouien blml"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Do you think your latest matrimonial
venture will be for the better -or the
worse V
"I can't say," answered the sensational
actress with a look of resignation, "Every
thing la now In the hands ot my press
agent." Washington Star.
"Say, mister," said the
"lemma carry yer satchel."
"On," replied the ladylike Mr.
"my satcnei isn t heavy."
"No, I know It wouldn't be heavy for
me, but It's different wid you." Philadel
phia Ledger.
"What are Allscadds' rules for success
In lifeT Has he any 7"
"O, yes, he has over a million of 'em,
but he Inherited them all." Chicago
"Josiah," asked Mrs. Chugwater,' "what
Is a grand dukeT"
"I just expeoted I'd have to answer that
question some time," Impatiently responded
Mr. Chugwater. "The only grand duke I've
ever seen, that I remember now, Is Jim
Jeffries' list." Chicago Tribune.
"My Uncle Thomas Is' a man who finds
It harder than anyone else I ever knew to
throw off a habit." -
"Is he a hard drinker?"
"No, but he still refers to Grandpa
Bryan as a 'boy - orator. " Cleveland
"What Is your Idea of reform T"'
"My observation," answered Senator
dors-hum. "has been that In a majoilty of
cases reform la a mysterious combination
of good pollUoa and bad business." Wash
ington Star.
P. J. Devlin In Pittsburg Dispatch.
I've hurd about sum spells that old chaps
said were mlty warm,
And sum that were so doggon kold ws vud
them with alarm, - " ; '
But nun of them, kud kaws such a homo- ,
tlon In the hed
As this nufangald tomyrot of Karnegy and
Ted. .
Fur Installs, If the Kaptin ot a Kolored
Kuban Kru
Shud tel us.what road he wud take to posh
.his army thru, .
Kud we deakrlbe it as a "root," or wud it
be a "rout?" '
And kin sum purson tel us what the fuss Is
all about? i
And shud a poet sing about the "Maden of
the Mist" . .
Wud that be Maid of Vapor, eh? or Just a
maid unklat?
When I wus yung the teacher Pd my spell
ing was so bad
She'd have to call on us and have an in
. tervu with dad. ...
And when she did my dad wUd say he gest
he'd see me next, - -
And when he did I always felt sore, sorry
and perplext ... . .
But now my boy kin spell things ln most
enny durn old way,
And sprlna this nu stile on me when there s
nothing more to say.
-y NEB,
i Ceesj as ej
151 J. Douiflav St.,;,
Omaha. Neh.