THE 01tAHA DAILY ' BEE: WEDNESDAY." AUGUST 2D,-1906. V Telephone Douglas 111. & TIi e Oandsomcs! New utaran Wc Have Ever Shown; "Different" is what our customers are saying of th flew Autumn Dress Goods. Such changing shades pf gray, not dull and dismal, pretty bright shades for early months and darker tones for continual service. v While in the store ask to.see thq new Chiffon Spot-Proof Broadcloth in the new Autumn shades. ' Special Bald of Haskell's High Grade Black Dress Silks, Saturday, Sept 1st. This great special sals of silks U not to make' tndney.' Wa voluntarily relinquish our profits during -this groat pciel sale. W want nor pec pi to know of Has kail's silks, to compare quality, style sod prices In 'U ths different lines, sad we will sire goo. samples (or comparisons. Note See display In our lth street win dow. Our mail order customers should write for samples st ones. The Newest Neckwear for Men. Tee advance Irusrds for fall sa-e here; already there Is wide and varied choosing, the popular width In the four-in-hand art two and one-quarter and two and one-half Inches. The coloring are truly beautiful, gray predominating. Aak to see the "Long worth" plaids. PRICE (0C EACH. Fancy Vests,. tow Priced. Tou win feet more comfortable from now on with a Test, particularly so If It Is one of our faultless fitting Tests. Our prices are so that you1 -will find It positive eoonomy to buy here. We are sgents for the celebrated "Ratrle underwear." Aak our furnishing man for booklet telling about It. The Ideal garment for all seasons; Mj'. r' Vain floor. . . : .. , . , -if- Knit Shawls. It Is almost necessary when sitting on preeenl practice of havW tariffs in the cuatody - of - agents - with a placard an nouncing that they are open to public In spection. '"' That onix, one amendment Jo a tariff snail be In effect at one time and when a later amendment la necessary It shall In clude all live changea up to date. Aa to the thirty day requirement of pub lication of tariff: That we favor the com mission ruling that a reduction In domfts tlo ratea can be made effective on ten days' notice, and on export business allow three days legal notice for any reduction on ine same. That we favor a commission ruling that a line having no published tariff rate or carrying a higher published tariff rate than Ita competitor publication, should be permitted to accept and forward --business upon telegraphing the commission the facta and stating that they adopt the competi tors rate aa their own to become effective at once, and to prevent discrimination, it must accept the lower competitive rate. That we favor the railway adopting a switching la tiff at each competitive point. That insane be devised to make a rs.ll way.. company uote ;rate . to - the public and be responsible , .therefor, . even though they make an error in so quoting. That we favor, a rulme? from the commis sion. ..that - an application . sheet showing anon territory or such ... railroad connec tion as are parties to the rate from a particular. 'terminal should -be considered legal and sufficient. -r That we should Insist that the' railway companies recognise the sum of locals as the only lege" rate- when such sum Is lawsr ihaa higher published through rate, .... . . : - -,i i - That- the practice of making import ratea on -commodities competitive with domestic productions I discriminatory and that the lowest basis from any foreign port to an inland destination" should not be lower than the domestic 'rats of' the-moat favorably located porfi. of. entry- and In no cam should through import rates be leaa than the export rates In the onoait direction between ths snwne points. - That we favor the adoption by all nip per of a freight receipt or a bill of lad ing without - any conditions aa are now embodied In, 'Milt oi lading In use gen erally. ,..., . After ths. tqress for luncheon, Oeneral Counsel Clardy , of the Missouri Paclflo railroad -addressed ths 'commission along the -lines ' followed by- the ' other speakers for the raproAda , J. A. Fatter, f Dallas; Texas, represent ing the- Amerlcarr Shippers' association, urged .thaV. the' commission ought to ex erolks discretion) In the .matter . of the change of (port and Import rates! He In sisted thecal! rate should, be published In ths full acceptation of the term, as they were1 rwwicmrwrtmgfs property. 1 Through Chairman,. Knapp, the commis sion announced at. .the conclusion of ths hearing thAitf. would tak up the matters presented r far, ''consideration and " later would make known lie deotalon. . J. DEATH RECORD . Femoral sf Mrs. J. It. Watts. WATERLOO. Neb.H-'Aug, It. (Special. The funeral of ' Mrs' Watts, widow of the late J. R. Watt, former. Yesident here and 14 settler In Douglas county, occurred this afternoon .at the Presbyterian church of Waterloo, Mrs. Watts had been living at Alllanoe slhco laat June, wss sick - Were hut two weeks and died Sunday of heart failure. The remains were brought to Gretna over the Burlington and tnet there by friend. Interment was at 'Prospect 11111 cemetery-by the sldar of her husband. - B. S. Wells, i " ATCHISON, Kan.. Aug. H-H. B. Wells, oas of ths firot.oivtl engineers smployed by the Burflhgtoh railway and a friend of Abraham '.'Uiicolilr" whaft! both lived In Springfield, Ut. died) at air homo hers yea terOy, ad n years. T -.' . : i .!'! kietsit t,rrt Biitr JT?T.,?IlJtT' . Aug. -Ths third Mrlod of Instruction for the regular trooe ... m ma csmp nere ana win last torelht days. ., The team practloe of marksmen that wlir go from the Missouri ':?!"n Ouard now here to the national rifle competition at lea Girt was started f eaj si imy. OPENING DAY liilapf -ta r 7 . . j ' i .- t j i . , .' - eaa a.- . - -, s - . . . BlHd word Zeiss. Ai-l" SUCCgggOH TO i. ,.C. M. FREDERICK CO.. .Mlt.-;J! ' V 'I 1 t V r-1504 PARN AM STREET. OMAHA, .r the porch these cool averting to have some sort of wrap over your shoulders. - Tou will find theee shawls the needed wrap for this purpose; the prices are not expensive either. White Silk or wool shawls, 11.00 to $6 60 eaoh. Whits wool shawls, with stripe of blue or pink, very dainty and pretty,. Rot each. Main, floor. : , ' s For the Baby. In gathering together, our large new au. tuma showing, we've taken Into considera tion that nothing Is too fine for the little darling and yet we have not overlooked the price end of the matter-, Tou are wel come to look. Celluloid Novelties. - . Celluloid -Novelties absorb considerable attention and, though the holiday bualneaa to the biggest Item, .'there la a eteady de mand -for there as gifts all' through the season. The daintiest of hand-painted floral designs In pink and blue appear In their decorations tiny Toilet Sets, constat ing of comb, brush, soap and powder bos. Prices, 11.60 - to 15.00 a est. Celluloid Teething Rings combined with rattle. Prices, So to 06c eaoh. Pretty hand-painted boxes, covered with pink or light blue ribbon, to put the little darling's trlnketa In. Prices, 60c arid 76c eaoh. ' Hot Water Bottles, with pretty allk cov erings of light blue or pink silk. Prices, 11.00 and tl-to each. Safety Pin Holdera, made of pretty col We close evenings at 5 o'clock,' except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. SAYS BOYCOTT IS UNLAWFUL Etcine Court Definet Act of Trades Connoh M Actionable Gonipirgcj. BAKER is' GIVEN JUDGMENT FOR $6,000 Masi Who Refuses to Riga Contract for Closed Shop Awarded Dts .v ages for Loss Ceased br Boycotts ' RACINE. Wis., Aug. ft.-Unlon labor was dealt a heavy blow by the decision of Judge Chester A, ppwler In .the . boycott suit for 126,000 damages brought by Baker Otto B. Bchults against- the Trades, Labor council, Benjamin Dressman and others. By-the de cision ths contract exacted from ths boss bakers by . the union men In an effort to enforce ths closed shop IS held Illegal, ths tradea council. 'and -the -individual Members are enjoined from uslpg. ths "unfair list," the boycott Is declared an actionable con- - spiracy 4to accomplish a f rlmjoal vDX-AinJwn i ful purpoae, Baker Bchults" la allowed to re cover damagea of $2,500 for the low of ! profits from the time of the trial and 3,Sod' in damagea for the amount of Injury to his business and property In relation to its selling value.' ' What the JTvdge) gays. The decision In part Is as follows: All boss bakera of the city signed this agreement except the plaintiff, who . has steadfastly refused' to do so. Upon the plaintiffs refusing to sign, concerted attack upon his business was begun by organised labor with the object and purpoae of com pelling him, against hi will, to lgn the contract and has been maintained with more or leas vigor up to the present time. The plaintiff haa suffered a permanent and all but destructive Injury to his busi ness, which haa been caused by the com bined acts and ths attitude of -organised labor. An Injury to one'a business and trade Is on the same footing aa an Injury to his tangible property,- and the law furnishes a remedy ror one as well as ths other.. . . ( The sets complained of are. In my view, plainly in violation of section A a. Wiscon sin atatutea of 1M. as oonstrued by the ' supreme court. This statute makes any ' two or more persona who shall combine. associate, mutually undertake or concert together for the purpose of wilfully or maliciously, injuring another, his trade or ' business by. any means whatsoever, or for j the purpose of maliciously compelling an . other to do or perform any act against his win, gumy or an onense punianaoie oy nno and Imprisonment.. This contract wss In Itself an' Illegal con tract In that It would by Ita terms obligate the plaintiff to employ union labor only aa distinguished from nonunion labor: It would obligate him to maintain a "closed" as dis tinguished from an "open" -shop. FARMERS TIR.1 OUT TO PICNIC Llatea Addresses Para Twplee .-v- - and gee Ball Oaaae. C LARKS, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Ths Joint picnic of the fanners' in stitutes of Clarks and Silver Creek, held midway between- the two place In Mock rtdgefs grove at Haven' Biding, was at tended' by taS people today. Prof. A. E. Davison of ths University of Nebraska gave an- addreaa on "Agricultural Edu cation," and Hon. A. C, Shallrnberger of Alma'talked on" "Advantages "of' Improved Jye Stock. " - Two; band discoursed' muslo and a match gams ' of base ball between Clarits and Havens resulted .la tne t score of .13 o S In favor of the former." Seven head of Shorthorn cattfe rom the -Willow Springs stock farm of I. C, Iaweon and ever!, peas ;of , purs bred Jersey.- Duroo hogs . from ,t. Armstrong. . Sens herd were on exhibition. The picnic continues ' 1 ' aiiats iliinrnnf Qtlff Bm, August it, uoe. Dress Goods ored ribbons. Prices, with complete set of pins, 60c, 11.00 And $1.60 each. Baby Baskets In pink and blue, lined with silk dotted net and wide net ruffle, trimmed with lace, beading and ribbons. Prices, $$.60 and tt-to each. 'Baby Hamper, lined with the daintiest of light - blue silk and covered ' with dotted net, prettily trimmed with large bows of ribbon. This Is a work of art and must bs seen to fully appreciate Its beauty. Price, 115.00 Main Floor. . ' ' "Knitted Corset Covers." Tou will need them as the days grow cooler. Better buy now and fce prepared. Women's Pine Ribbed Cottori CdrBet Covers, medium weight, high neck,-long sleeves, 60c each. Women's Swiss Ribbed, Marino Corset Covers,- high neck, long ; sleeves, medium weight, all slses, Wo and $1.00 each Main Floor. - ' ' " A Great Success. . OUr Customer's Deposit Account Depart ment ha been a great success. Each day there are new names added to our already long llet of depositors.. Come In and learn about this twentieth century method of shopping Main Floor. Miss Steenstrup, Needle Artist, gives tree lessons In needle work"every day from I to 4 30 p.- m, All the .tie west stitches are taught. Class meets on sec ond floor near Art Department. Materials must be purchased here. tomorrow when a larger attendance Is expected. . Mayor of gchayler Assaalted. SCHUYLER, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special Telegram.) Mayor Rathsack waa tonight attacked by J. W. Bingham, and knocked down. J. W. Bingham was a number of times arrested for taking water from the city, pump without privilege, . to fill his water barrels for his hay field. After these arrests the key for the . pump was taken away from him and given the mayor. Bingham hearing of thla demanded the key of Mayor Rathsack, - and. being re fused knocked him down. Bingham will be arrested. ! FARMERS ISSUE A CALL isr of Co-operative ' Csseersi I'.WIJII "Sadraror '.1 Forsa. ay J' National Aaaorlatloa, ,- TOPBKA. Kan., Aug. 2.-(Speclal.)-The following call has been Issued by Jame's Buttler of this cltyV' ?-' '; A Farmers' CoWncrlflv"' Ann gress Is hereby called to meet at thla city,' Monday. OctotteV, 22. 1908. In .the , Auli- . -r- v . w v vwciv ill-, iur ins TDilO wulg purpt sea: ', . To adopt for recommendation uniform co operative corporation Jaws and plan for their adoption by the varloua auto legisla tures. ,, To prepare and adoht for recommendation the most practical plan for Incorporating co-operative telephone companiea with auK oble bylaws for the aame and recommend them to all farmers' companies organised In the future and to thoae already or ganised. To prepare In like manner and adopt for recommendation plans and bylaws for co operative exchangee, oo-operatlvo clearing houses, co-operative warehouses, co-operative cotton gins, co-operative commission houses, co-operative creamerlee, co-operative Insurance, co-operative terminal mar kets, co-operative flour mills, oo -operative factories, co-operative elevators local and terminal,- co-operative packinghouse,-' and to adopt such other measures aa the con gress may deem essential to the advance ment of the co-operative movement, and to put method, system and harmony in to operative enterprise, and to unite the en tire syatem In way that will give ' It strength and power to execute Its, plans and carry out Its purposes. We Invite all farmers' co-operative cor porations, associations or companies 'who are now transacting business In any of the lines above named In the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Wisconsin, Missouri, Colo rado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. Ar kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and QcOrgia to send delegates to thla -congress. - Eaoh of these farmers' . co-operative corporations, associations, companies or farmers' unions engaged in business trans actions are entitled to one delegate. Karnv er' union where there are no such bust ns transacted in the - county will ' be en? titled to ons delegate from each regularly organised county union. Farmer' dine ele vator companies will be entitled only to represents lives selected by the local stock holders at each point where an elevator la operated. ' All delegates must be selected by - the Stockholders or actual member of - these or a meeting called for the purpose,- and ! given muiw crtuenuua, .. ' We recommend where special meetings are called that they be held on Saturday. October t, 1U6, and request that .names oi all delegate when selected be st.onoe sent to James Butler, acting secretary, TopekA. Kan. The calling of this congress haa been In dorsed by the following prominent workers In co-operative lines and many others: . ," R. H. MeCulloch, beebe.. Ark., national Secretary of the Farmer' Educational and i co-operative union oi mnni'. - Campbell Ruasall, Warner, 1. T member f fl natintual executive committee of the i Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union of America. - " 8. O. Daws, tttiawhee. Okla., president of Farmers' Co-operative State fJnion of Oklahoma. '. ' C. W. Pekham. Haven. Kan.,' president of the Farmers Independent Grain Dealers of Kanaas. ' . B. M Black. Preaton. Kan., aecretary of the Farmers' Grain Company of Nebraaka. C. Vincent. Omaha, fNebv general- man ager of the Farmers' Grain Company of Nebraska. ' . -j - J. H. Bearrup. Albuflueraue, N..M.. presi dent of the Co-operative Woolen .Mills at .UQJUW2oUokNP.U- City. , Ala.. aecreUry treasurer of ths Farmers' Educaticol gAd Cok-operativs Union of Alabama, ' . - V. T. Barrlnrer. Ruthvea, Iowa, director and member of executive committee of ths Farmers Grain Dealers', association, state JIUVV'" Hayn, Barnum,' Iowa, irloa presi dent of ths Farmers Grain Dealers' associa tion, state of Iowa. . A B. F. Chapman, Dallas. Tsxas, secretary Farmers" (Jo-operative State - Unloa of TEV Holmes. Bemiee, La . prestdsnt Farmers' Co-operative Stats unloa. IMstlUers Hot Ws(l. NEW TORK, Aug. II M. F. EUlott general counsel for the Standard Oil com- fany, denounces as absurd the report that be Standard Oil company had taken steps to acquire all of the principal dt-t'lieriear In the United States, aa the taage of tbs denatured alcohol law by consress. He said the Standard OH company had no Interest whatever in buying up ele UUeriea. - - -r . . rsvtavl Fight JSetwooa Mtatara, K. PHOENIX. Aria.. Aug. tt. George Me lioh and Meile Vukamanovtch, Moatene graa nilnera, spent Saturday drinking and quarreling. Friends frequently separated theoa gurlag the day., toward ntgbC by agreement, they met near town, both armed. Mellch shot five time without effect. Vukaroeaovtoh fired enc. mart&kiy woanttlng his adversary, and Is stow In hiding. . . - - BETTER FEEL1NC IN CUBA Iggder of MtM3erU Jarty,' EoweVer, Ei- MTergted Wten He kae Eepori PRESIDENT HAS MADE NO STATEMEN1 r4ary Loot MeJtea rwraaat Deal I o Reports noajaureUagi Mr. Roeso velt's Polley Twward Islaad la Troable. HAVANA. Aug. It InvssUgaUon show that tbs statement made by -Senator Dols, a leader of the moderate party, at ths con clusion of a conference with President Palma at midnight, 'IS the' effect that prac tically all the Insurgent tesuftrs- of cons Quenoe except Pino Ouerra had slgnined thslr willingness to disband thslr men If all were positively, guaranteed.-Immunity for their Insurrectionary, gets, was an exaggcaa tlon, but Ihe Jmprelon, Is very general today that'lltis Insurgents', with ths excep tion of Pino Guerra, will shortly lay down tbelr. Arm-., Meanwhlje, asserted, all recruiting will cease'. t Acting Secretary ''of the" Interior ' Hon talvo had 'a leitg tem-ferajfe this momlug with General Rodrlgues. commander of the rural guard, and directed him to continue the: "enllitment of recruits and to push the pursuit of ths Insurgent la all directions. Ths only details received this morning by General Rodftgeus r Yesterday's en gagement between :tns gSaueMtinent forces and the Insurgents at Clenfugos, province of Santa Clara, wore contained In a dis patch from Colonel Valle, who commanded the detschmeat of rural guards and vol unteers engaged. The dispatch says ths insurgents were completely routed, leav ing many killed on the field. According to1 the report the Insurgents were encoun tered at-the- towns of Abrena and Rodaa, Guns, horses and ammunition were left by ths fleeing rebel, whb' were com manded -' by Gansman hd ' Portela. ' The report concludes aa follows: "Our forces -fought valiantly throughout ths engagements. Later the enemy re turned and, rushed .the town, .but the revo lutionists were scattered by our machete charges." i M l ,."' ' Colonel Valle expresses the opinion that the engagements fought yesterday In Santa Clara will bs of great Importance toward ending the Insurrection In that province. OTSTKB. BAY, Aig. -In. view -o pub lic. statements that. President Roosevelt has made known his intended policy' toward Cuba In the present revolution In that Island, Secretary Losb said-today that any such statements ,- were . awitlrely without foundation, as the president has Indicated to no ons any determination in the matter. MILLIONS , ARE CONE (Continued from First Pags.) the close Of business on Friday. A meeting of the board was hurriedly called and It was decided to Instruct the officers of the bank that all deposit received after the opening of" business Saturday morning should lis set sslde and deposited with ths Franklin National bank In the names of ths Indi vidual presenting the money. This waa dor.e. to absolve thejJjrec.J.Qte from criminal proceedings for recelvTnV'moriPy after they khew the- trust 'rempa'fy! wa.. insolvent." On Mondtfy more than $16b,(fc6"was deposited by patrons ..of ths -h&fvkM which was prac tically offset by wiMJenwetla by. person who had heard -THimars 'of the ompsny's condltion.,.Thoh?2dfJsjtedinck' Sa,tur ds'y. -wlll, however, t jjje .saturned- to the depositors, but will lis In ths Franklin H Uqual ,Jank.untlWVv oourta..have,eolded whether it should .be paid hack. ; -' '. T' i. ".'" 1 ' .. ' " Aeayl t ClearUSfssi. . ? WhHe - the.. deposlMrV were supposedly placing fhelr' money 'with 'the Real Eatat Trust company, the directors , wees making strenuous efforts to tide the Institution over, the difficulty.- AW-Vfty Vesterda they worked... but It became apparent, Shortly after noon' today that -the- crash wss In evitable. Application' pper for a tempor ary' receiver were prepared and Wft at ih offices of the trust company,, after the dl ristors -went to the'.rheetlng of th Clear ing: Uouaa associstlon to jnsk a, last Ap peal for help. The newspapers wers Swsre of the' trend of the events and had men stationed at the bank, building ready to flash: the closing of the bank. If It -occurred. There were probably' fifty bank presi dents at the clearing ' house' to mrt the directors of the trust -company! The latter stated thkt they needed 17.000,000, ml the best the banks could Jfx waa. to guarantee $J, 600,000. This was hot' enough and as all other mean for getting money hod failed. Vies President Houxtpii teiephene'd to the bsnk to suspend business s.nd send the reoelvereVilp paper Jq cpurt, In an vn creditably iH.oft tlrhs Jne tory was on" tlie street end (" created great ' ( 'coristerha Jlo'n, Hundreds of. pejjraons Vsttiefed. .'bdut' the building clamoring for nformatmh ind ths. crowd, greW' sp gtealjhal' a' Retail of police waa sent' for to'clesr" ths streetThers wa no disorder. ,; f ..... , ..AppileaullfOa tatt BeefJvsr. ' The appilcaUcn for Ihe recelvnr.saya th company haa a paid up capital of tl.MO.OOO. and apparent surplus of an equal amount and depoalta of about $10,000,000. The assets consist . of real estate In Philadel phia, loan -on collateral on demand and on time and . other securities. President Hippie, the application says, "by false re ports to the directors of the loans made by .htm. brought about .the condition of the company which was flrst discovered by the e-ffloer pf ths , bank subsequent to the death of; he president.'.' . The court then appointed. .Mr. Karl re ceiver and ha entered- .security . to Uve amount ,of i - . . A , , . .. . JUter his . appolntmawt Mr, larle held a Jong .conferenco with the director and officers of the company, at which the re ceiver waa put In possession of th con dition of the- company" as ' far aa tha of. floors of the concern oould Inform him. ' Segal f eewrltleaWorth Uttlo. ' ! John . IL , Jdlchener, president of the Clearlna- House association, in an Interview tonight sajdthat ths allure of. ths siso-. elatlon to subscribe the S?,000.000 guarantee fund requested by th Real Estate' Trust company was. duo to insufficient security"; The truslV company, he said, offered 2.0O,r 000 In flit sdgs securities, a two-third in terest In the . trust company's building. valued at M.000,000, and te.WO.000 securiUef from Adolph SegaL valued by the director of., th. trust at $3,000,000. The Clearing Houss association did not regard th Segal securities worth mors than U.06, 000 and declined to subscribe more thaa a Hot Postum la Hot Wi(hdf 1 MTOw BOMB BtOMhCbg that Ice htva Hurt MTher' a reon. . -j -...... ' , . ..' i - ' ,f . -f -rut: .. . Miller, Stewart & Beaton's Removal Sale. : Is Stilt Holding the Attention' of the Omaha Public. . ' When we announc ths opening of our new. store at 413-J6-17 So. 16th SL .. we want to be able to eat that the ttore contains a complete stock of neio " ', ' ' "-.!? " , Furniture, Carpets Rugs and Draperies. - ' ; ' -' 2 hat's why we are mdhijig such herculean . efforts to dispose of our present " ' stock. 2 hat's why we are offering such liberal discounts on every line of goods. Z' . 'Jlerm . , 1 " replenish i our, stock eterg roll of (?ARPMT every roll of STRAW ' MATTING, every ROOM SIZED RUG, every piece of FURNITURE, every; ; . number of LACE CURTAINS "has. been moved from, warehouse No. It our'., present store and offered for saletill 4T GREA2. DISCO UNTS. " ' , . 1 ;.; , 'DISCOUNTS bringing the prices down in many inttances to half. what .,, they are regular. - Surely you can't realize a ', greater profit on such a short time . investment. ' . , ' ' ' ; ,'s, ' 5 . , . , ... MILLER, STEWART & BEATON, " . 18 15-17-19 FARNAM STREET. total of $4,000,000 unless -the remaining se curities were more substantial. Bamuel F. Houston, vice president of the company, sld tonight' that no other bank ing Institution In this or any other city would be In the least affected br the fail ure." Gilt eadge security waa given for whatever money was borrowed from other banks. . He ss.ld he hoped ths company would be able to resume business, but would mako no prediction on that point. Presbyterlaav Deposits Largo. The board of publication of the Pres byterian church which hsd between $18, 000 and $20,000 on deposit with the Real Estate Trust company, mads an effort to withdraw ths money, but failed . by . three minutes. Hearing rumors of the unsound condition of the trust company members of the board notified the offllclal Of their Intention to trsnsfer the account to the Philadelphia National hank, ' A represen tative of the latter Institute made all haste to ths office of the. trust company and and arrived there three minutes after ths doors had closed. The board . of ministerial relief of the Presbyterian' church had $50,009 deposited with the trust colnpany. '' According to last May's minutes of the Presbyterian general "assembly Mr. Hip pie wa treasurer of the board of trustees and had in his charge funds amounting to $968,896. distributed as follows: Bonds and mortage, first Hen on prop erty, $71.01.7. 'Invested Ih securities. $100. 309.14; advances to secure - bequests, $3, $26.07; p'ala to secure property -under fore closure, $ti$l.t; In trust for benejtt of board 'af: vhtnlsurla'. 'relief, teal y estate mortage M $4.000 - nd-. nine properties In Philadelphia-value not glveni'a piece' f property Jn Philadelphia for the berftflt of the Mariners church, value not given, Effeet In Hew York. NEW TORK, Aug. a. The stook market was affected unfavorably by the failure of the Real Estate Trust company of Phila delphia. . Prices declined from 1 to I points, ths latter Chicago, Milwaukee A- St. Paul. .There was tremendous liquidation in Reading and Pennsylvania,, which demoral ised ths general market. Reading dropped rvi to 1SS and Pennsylvania I points. Losses In several other stocks ranged rrom moi points. Great Northern preferred gave way 4 and Sugar $H- St. Paul sold down to 1H. compared with 198. the earlier high price. " Baatth Adaalts, Klllla. "" PIERRE, S. p., Aug. . (BpecUl Tele gram.) On prellmlnsry hearing today the man who did the killing here yesterday said his correct name Ik Frank Smith, and hie borne at Atlanta, Oa. He admits go ing after tho gun for the purpose of kill ing the man he wee after, and after he had been called a- vile name for refusing to drink with his vlotlm. The name of ths dead man Is now believed to. be 'Joseph Barry Instead" of ntsgerald. as he wae known on the pay roll. ; Smith wee bound over without bsll.' Press dabs- at Deaver. DENVER, Aug. 2S The elsteenth annual convention of the International -League of ?ress Clubs opened her todsy. President . J. Keenan of Pittsburg, presided snd de livered an appropriate response to several addresses of welcome made by the city and stats officials, snd Edward Keating, presi dent of the Denver Press club. FORECAST . OF THE WEATHER Fair Cooler ! Sebraska Today Shovtero sal Cooler la Iowa. WASH1NQTON, Aug. t$. Porecest of th weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska and Kanas Fair and cooler Wednesday; Thursday fair and wSrmsr. ' ' ' For IowaShowers and cooler Wednes day; Thursday fair. . 'For South 'Dakota Fair Wednesday and Tnursday, warmer Thursday. . ' Fot Wyoming Fair Wednesdsy snd Thursday, warmer Wednesday. For Colorado Fair -Wednesday and Thursday. ; " ' leeal Heater. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER RITREAU, OMAHA, Aug. hi Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: ' 1. 14. 104. lfcrt. MaaHnum temperature,.., a M . 4 Tt Minimum temperature., , 70 64 g Mean temperature ' 14 TV 7 M Precipitation 01 .40 .0$ .0$ Temperature and p red pi tatloa departures from the normal at Omaha sines March L and comparison with the last two year: Normal temperature 71 Exeeee for the day $ Total deficiency sine March 1 ill Normal precipitation .10 Inch Deficiency for ths day .00 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 II 10 inches Deficiency since March 1 4. M Inches Deficiency for Cor. period. lM... ?.M Inches Deficiency for Cor. period, IfeM.... I.1C Inches . Reports fr.s gtatloas at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. . t p. m Temp. fall. Blsmarok, cloudy 40 eu T Cheyenne, clear Tt 0 .00 Chicago, clear 71 74 ' .00 Davenport, clear 74 ' to .00 Denver, clear a , M M .00 Havre, part oloudy ....u.a.a 74 74 ' .00 Helena, (Mart cloudy .,71 ' 7R .00 Huron, clear M '74 .00 Ksrsas City, dear a.... 74 ' M .00 North Platte, dear tl hi .00 'Omaha, clear it ' - aj - .00 Rapid City, part cloudy .... 7 74 .00 St. Lui,(clear ..... 74 7 '.'.00 Bt. Iaul.-cloudy 74 ; $0 . ,00 feajt Dake City, dear 41 44 . M Valentine, clear TS 44 H ' ,0 T Indicates trace of precipitation! U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. MMMG Thousands o! people find Banking by Mail most convenient. Our facilities are arranged so that money may be . ; withdrawn at any time. 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON ALL DEP015ITS ' ' 1 J - (-tja v We Respectfully Solicit Your Business ; ,! OLDEST AND STRONGEST SAVINGS BANK IN NEBRASKA; CIWSAWKMM ltitti and FROF. FRYE'S ONAWA RECORD Titmbltd ChlcsUtr Teat her Ftfotd to Bnra t m -from Iowa 8ohoA DLNTIFIED ' BY FORMER ASSOCIATE Eighteen Years Ago Basrctary of School. Board Kaew Fryo Was ' Llvlaug lisider aa-As- ' saaaed hasno. - . v ONAWA. Ia,, Aug. ' .-(Spec1al.)-Prof. Charles H. O. Frye, who stepped into the limelight a short time ago by returning to Chicago after thirty-one years absence, and handing his former wife $6,000 in crisp, new $100 bills, ths only consideration being that she should "look pleasant and ask no Questions," is quit, well known at Onawa, even after the long absence. In U7j Charles H. Q. Frye WM elected principal of the Onawa schools, going Into the brick school bouse as the- first teacher there. It was understood then that his wlfs was In Chicago and would Join him later, but shs never name and he said they had separated when questioned later about It. For a while hie school work was fairly success ful; afterward trouble arose. It wss ru mored around town by the "boys," who ars gsneraliy On the inside when It comes to news, that Prof. Charles Horace Greeley Frye waa paying, altogether too much at tention to some of the larger female pupils. Investigation fully confirmed the rumor and other things developed that showed the (school board Just what many of tbs busi ness msn had known1: for some time, that Prof. Charlea H. O. Frye was a first-class fraud, and not the man to preside ovsr the Onawa schools. Prof. Frye waa allowed to "resign." Ooddard Identlged as Fryo. In 188$, or thirteen .years afterwards, ths secretary of the' school board, who, by the way haa a reoord of thirty-eight years' service as secretary of the school board, something unique .In the history of Iowa, concluded . ho would look at soms South Dakota lands. Among other points vtsltod Was Hurley, S. D. As he was at the sts. tlon, preparatory to leaving town, he was Introduced to an attorney, C. ' H.' Ood dard. The minute the aecretary saw him he knew that -Charles Horace Oresley Frye, as: ths boys used to delight to oall him. waa still on this, mundane sphere and wae now known as Ooddard. The secre tary oa his return to Onawa told a. few of his confidential friends that ho saw Fry up In South Dakota, but no one oared enough ghout ths .matter after thlrusn years to look him up, and it was soon for gottsa, only to com up again a short time sgo. ' ' ,.'.''. -The secretary et the school hoard Is one of the leading business men of Onawa and himself was principal of th Onawa school previous to ths advsnt of Fryo. The Identification Is absolute and there Is ho chance of a mistake. District Coast la Harris). LOO AN, la., Aug.' II (Special.) Th August term of the Harrison wnt dis trict court convent i hsre this morning with - Judgo W. R. Green of Audubon presiding. The grand Jury waa chosen and aa assignment of oases wae mad. The bar docket contains $$$ cases, of which twenty-sis are criminal. - forty-nine are probate, 141 are equity and 144 are law. ..-' Slows City Pastor Resins. . SIOUX CITT. Is.. Aug. II. (Special , Telegram.) Rev. Georgs Soltau, who has ; been pastor of the First Baptist . church ! ons year, has ' resigned. He . say the j church-bas not bees as progressive in .' evangelical , work as , he bad hoped It : would be. Ms will engage la Institute j work with headquarter in Chicago. If you 'haws anything trade, ad vertlae It to th lrr Exphaago eoaiums of The Be Want Ad page. BY 1MI Douglas Sts. ;z r AMI'SEMBITTS, KRUG Matinee Today, all Seats 25c TONlQMT 8:10 LINCOLN J. CARTER'S GREAT METROPOLITAN MELODRAMA THE Tke Semilog f tke Aft .. EYE WITNESS Tbur 1 tig Ceofegglong of g Wife Sunday Dsvtld llijjjjtns ; in HIS LAST DOLLAR. Harnav and lath fit. Phons iMul, 4 Tonight at 8:16. Concert Gardew 7:45 1 ;;. All Star Vaudeville Coaley Bletcra Deaty and Prlca Two Franclscog Great Lloyd , Paulina Courtney "Secrat ' Bervlca". Greatest of inn pictures. , i Bljon Stock Co., In the human In terest Drama . "THR KOUTl'NK OF WAB" OUVINIR MAT WIDNItDAV Dainty box of chocolates to each- lady holding lOo seat coupon. ' "' Night rrloa-10o, 20o, 906 uRvvooD rMr uvt Tonight and Balanoe of . Week Matinees Thursday and Saturday. . TMK WOOUVVAlln HTOCK OO. Preeentlng m OSA&XTT BAXfc. Prlcee Nights ahd Sunday Mairuee. 10c, lie Tueeday. Thureday- and Saturday mattneea, lOo, -lOo. K, WmIi . Tka Oawho aad XaOay. caatseasssaeaaaesKi a ft RflHTOrf - .. Phons 4M. . . ,;i ' MODERN VAUOBVItUrV: OPENS Sl'NDAT. 'f'vV MATIN KE SEPTKBfeR'j.r Monday. hpu . Box efflcs now open. Prises 10c, tto. tOc Wi BALI VINTON .BJ,k PARK OMAHA VS; PUE0L0 I AtLgwt 28, 2$, 27, 23,. 29- S. f.'- B g . rf . er " - ' " , cams caiiea a: 13. Sell - II H 20c 10c ) f