TO THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 190(5. Covers Ladies' and Men's liWKCIIEIFS ON SALE Tomorrow we will place on sale one big lot of ladies' and men's handkerchiefs, consisting of plain hemstitched, fine ''.sneer white handkerchiefs, also fancy embroidered edged and white and colored borders, l ' 1 hundreds of styles to select jj jj) Q T) O from, go at u V K-r LADIES' L0MJ GLOVES AT SPECIAL PRICES Immense assortment of ladies' Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts, direct from our Paris office, lace silk mitts,, long silk gloves, silk taffeta gloves and long lisle gloves, in black, white, brown and cream, lots of them worth up to $2.50, at..... IASEMENT NEW COTTON SERGES, 19c Cotton serges in the new gray and shadow plaid 1 tFK - effects, a new and very stylish cloth for fall H wear, shown only at Brandeis, yd FINE ZEPHYR. GINGHAMS Zephyr Ginghams, in stripes, checks and plaids, in all the most desirable shades, just the thing for boys' waists, children's SCOTCH AND CHAMRRAY GINGHAMS This gingham is in great demand and two cases will not v last long. It's a regular lSVfcc Wednesday, yard .' WINDOW Cloth Shades on good rollers, for i Best Oil Opaque Shades, 3x7 ft., 39c Best hand male opaque Shades, mounted on Hartshorn - . rollers, any also up to 3x7, all colors, each 0C ' We make shades to order, any size, any color. Let us measure your windows and give you estimates. New line of Couch Covers Just received, ranging In price Csfl. from $7.60 down to , . ...OC NOTHING BUT A PORER GAME That is What OorUln Democrat! Bay of ; thi Dahlman Demooraoy. ASSERT MAYOR DOES NOT KNOW FACTS Howell ui Hit Crowd, These Mea Declare, Merely Want Sew Cloak (or Their Gapa hllaar Operation. Harsh thins with reference to some of the leaden In the new Dahlman Democracy club are be Ins said by Jackaonlan club members who were responsible (or the ousting- of (ambling from the Jackaonlan club rooms two years ago.- These declare that the new club for Its prime purpose has the establishment of a poker game, with a nice little kitty and private rake off, and that the mayor's name and pres tige are being used s a guaranty of the Integrity of the organisation. Several of the men who are doing the talking are genuine friends of Mayor Dahl man, snd they, say he does not clearly Understand the objects of Ed Howell, Louis I. Piatti, John Reagan and others who founded tbe Dahlman Democracy. ' It was regarded very significant that the lint and only meeting ot the Dahlman Democracy up to date was held In Charley Lytle's gambling rooms on the second floor at SS South Fifteenth street PlatU as serted that these headquarters were only "temporary," but a statement made re cently by Lytle does not point that way. A friend said to him:' Lytle Lets tho Cat Oat. "Charlie, how Is It that you are letting thaas fellows luto your gameT" . ' "I can't run .unless I give them a per centage," Lytte Is reported to have re plied, laconically. Present wlacksonlan oiub leaders have no difficulty In recalling that when a new regime was Installed, after the expose of the game snd kitty in a suit for damages lit the district court to recover money al leged to be lost by a "victim, Ed Howell made an alluring proposition. This otter was to the effect that Howell, and possi bly his partners, would pay all the rent and. expeiise of the club and $75 a month benides if be wss permitted to run the "game" there. The Jackaonlan club had feees occupying two whole floors of a town town business block, but the younger and reform element In control turned down the Howell proposal, gave up the old head quarters and moved Into ones very much smaller and cheaper across the . street. Th.y say they have kept gambling, except little Individual games for small stakes, out of the club rooms to date. ' Cloak for Uambllaa. )' The situation as seen from a Jackaonlan felub standpoint was outlined by a proml tient young democrat as follows: ., We believe ths Dahlman democracy Is Intended simply as a cloak for the gamb ling operations of the men who ran the gambling at the old Jaoksoniaa clnb. You will remember the Dahlman democracy was organised while the mayor was away on a Commercial club excursion. Its avowed purpose la to support hlra and. tt course, be could not have been other than flattered,' At the same time, I know he had very little knowledge about the organisation and since that time has not got into very close alliance with it I hate to see him being used aa a catspaw fur a bunch of fellows who want to make a profit out of gambling operations and seek in this way to seml-legalUe their traffic, but I think this Is Just what la taking place. part, I do aot think the mayor is la on the mercenary aide Of the proposition, to be perfectly fair to him, but I do not hesitate to charge that some of his alleged political friends axe desperately abusing his confidence. , Hate ts See Mayer Doped.' Those of mm who belie vo In Dahlman aas am baoa fcaslag the lest UUaas ten Wind aw SsaeVt 25c Vf IS. j. lung nsie givjv es, ui uiaviiv, '50c-$U5 SPECIALS 1 8!c school dresses, etc.. ill not :6ic quality, SHADES .'25c ths new administration hate the Idea of the semblance of official protection over the gambling that undoubtedly will be carried on, whether under the purported proprietorship ' of Charlie Lytle of the Dahlman Democracy cabal. Lytle'a ad mission about giving a 'percentage' is evidence enough to convict the organisers of this. club,, in ths public mind, without anything further.'; A well known man about town was ssked whst he knew about the reports thst the Dahlman democracy was merely tho cover for private gambling enterprises. He laughed. , "Why, everybody knows that," he re sponded. "These fellows can't do busi ness at the Jackaonlan club stand and yet don't want to come out with a plain gambling house. The scheme is a nice one and everybody understands it." EXAMS FOR THE HIGrTsCHOOL Teats for Those Wiahlm to Eater . Will Be Givca Last ot tho Month. Principal Waterhouse has Issued tho fol lowing notices of announcements at ths High school pertinent to ths opening- of the school year next Tuesday: Examinations for entrance to ths High school will be held at the High school build ing on August 81, In room II. Ezamlnatlona will begin at iM. All pupils who havs not been regularly yrumuiou i rum me a a class or tne schools of Omaha to the High school, or who have not been promoted from the eighth grade of some other acceptable system of aohoola to the High school of that system, or who do not hold eighth grade diplomas from the schools ot Douglas county signed by the county superintendent of that county, will be required to take the entrance exami nation. . Examinations in the various High school subjecta In which work haa been done dur ing the summer vacation for the purpose of making up deficiencies or of advancing claaa rating will be held on the aama day and be Binning at the same hour as the en trance examinations. Those wtchlng to take tbe examination In any aubject will report at t:S0 to the room of the head of that department In which the aubject la found. , All pupils from the eighth grade of ths Omaha schools who did not at the close of the eighth grade work till out and send to the High school one of the blanks furnished by the High school for the selection of courses, sll pupils coming from other high schools, or by promotion from the eighth (Trades of other schools and entering the Hlfth school for the first time, and all puptla at some time members of the Omaha High school, but absent for some' time, should. If they wish to enter school at the beginning of the term go to the office of the principal of tbe High school on Thurs day and Friday. August 10 and it, to make a selection of work and get asslgnmenta to rlans. Those who delay In the matter of registration until the opening day of ochool will be unable, to get Into slaaa for sev eral days Locker keys win ho gtvea out oa Thurs day. Friday and Saturday, Auguat K It and September 1, from a. m. to I p. m. Pupils wishing locker room together should select one of their number to aectire the keye on one of those daya. This person should be able to give the correct name and address of each person for whom a key is taken. laeroaao Teat Iboobbo. Opportunities In all line of bust nose la new and growing' towns in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Minnesota, along the line of the Chicago Great Western railway. Writs to Industrial Department. C. O. W. Ry.. St, Paul. Minn., for Town Talk" and county man. ' Mortality Statistics. Ths following births and deaths . havs been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births John Will. 1821 Missouri avenue, boy; Eroeet Ward. Ninth and Locust, boy; Prank Swoboda, 1961 South Fifteenth, girl; Clyde P. Sundblad. tH Dorcaa. boy; Otto Ravmuaaen. u7 Wool worth avenue, glri; William E. Renner, 27u( South Twelfth, boy; William Lumpmaa. t&ll Parker, boy; Vadar K. KuncL 1712 South Fifteenth, girl; Frank VerailoKk. lk.t South Twelfth, boy; Len H. Winter. ts& La ri more avenue, girl: Edward Wilson. 317 South Twenty ninth, girl; J. C. Kimball, (01! North Forty, second, glri; P. C. Devldaon, South Twenty-sixth, girl; W. W. Taylor, Oil Charlee. boy. , Deaths William Fryan McQulaton, For. ty-thlrd and Burt. : Infant Porter. Vlf- ""JaUooa. m saysj Jva WiUUms. j OMIf WBAT1IRR PORECAfklwralr a a Utrafr, I . I I II I II I i & ii ii it i Lv 11 I I I I L l LEAVE ORDERS FOR. COAL jj Red-Letter Day in the Big Crockery GREATEST DINNERWARE SALE IN OUR HISTORY. Special Prices, and on Top of It Doable Grrrn Trading Stamps All Day- Wednesday BIO JARDINIERE SALE STILL IS FULL SWING. 85c and 40c values for 10c 60c values for 84c 76e and $1.00 valnes for 49c $1.25 and $1.60 values for 08c and 70c New Shipment Colonial Table Tumblers Finest we have ever shown, AA a dozen l.UU And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. ' Ten Green Trading Stamps with Each Dosen Jar Robbers Wednesday, r a dozen at 10c and". JC Extra valnes on Onr Bargain Square Fruits. Saucers. Plates. Etc., f each Jugs at 79c, 69c m r and 4"C Double Green Trading Stamps on Every t Article in This Section. . Second Floor. Red-LetterlDay Specials in Shoes DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS. Misses' Patent and Vici.Kid $1.75 values, at Ladies Turn Sole Oxfords, fcoie uxiords. $2.00 values, at The Bennett Shoes are best for Boys and Girls for School Wear, at $2.00, and Best Work Shoes For Men, , VJ at $2.50, and. ..., Speci&Js ii Hard ware Wedcsday BIO SALE OF WHITE ENAM KLED WAEF Soup Flates, Mix ing Bowls, Caps, Mixing; Spoons, Etc., worth, up to 2oc. . Tour choice, while they last, each.. 10c PUBITY ENAMEL WARE, EXTRA QUALITY BLUE, AMD WHITE IMPORTED WARE ON BALE AT 85 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 1-qt Tin Fruit Cans, dozen 88c And Ten Green Trading Stamps Wash Boilers, all prices up from 96c And Forty Green Trading Stamps Bread Boxes, extra nice, 73c, 63c and 63c And Forty Green Trading Stamps 60 pound Flour Cans, at. 75c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Galvanized Wash 'Tubs, .72c, 64c and 56c And Forty Green Trading Stamps Nicely Japanned Sink Strainer, at 19c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Stationery Sales Extra Green. Trading Stamps 10c and 15c Ink Tablets, st 5c Bennett's Lunch Paper (50 sheets) at , 10c Bottle Carter's Best Ink, at 5c BIO Yards Best Lace Shelf Paper, at 5c Bicycle Playing Cards ($1.50 dos.) pack 15c Main Floor SCHOOL SUITS Short Trouser Suits-. 4 to 16 years, new style and goods $7?0 H SO down to Boys' Long Trouser Suits 16 to 20 years,, some extra good, suits sold up to $1250, at.. ..a...... . i a - i i m L AT TRANSFER. BOOTH Wednesday-Red-Letter Day Ten Green "Trading Stamps for Inothing to every , book you produce New Books with Double Extra. Free Stamps for the asking Oxfords, 98c 4 an LM .1.50 $2.00 BENNETTS nIG " GROCERY Fifteen . Hundred 2-Pound Cans Bennett's 4 O Breakfast Coffee . . rwO C And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with each can Olive Special Large Queen olives, pint 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps Fall Cream Cheese pound 20c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Diamond C Soap, ten bars . for 25c Uneeda Biscuits four packages for....,,., 15c s And Ten Green Trading Stamps Tea Special Basket fired Japan Tea, pound. ............. .58c And Fifty Green Trading Stamps Baking Powder Special Bennett's Capitol, pound.. ........... 24c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps CIGARS! RED LETTER DAY. LA A CRONA, a clsrar mads In tbs West Indies, can't be beat, OS t tor uw do ior ii. a. PATTERSON S CUT ry A PLUG. S os. tins (or C And Ave rreen trad In- stamps. COPPER BOY STOGIES. t f luo for J.OU And thirty arson trading stampa. GENUINE FRENCH n- BRIAR PIPE OUC And forty green trading a tamps. ALBA FIXRA. a clear Havana Cl-ar, Sor"?..." $4.00 BOX TRADB PRICES A BPECIALTT 0-TIING i H 5.001 arwy BftiB '-'-"il ilfl !' l!r Girls' and Boys' Shoe Headquarters There Is no other place you can go and find such a corrmlets stock of high grade, long wearing, late style shoes for boys and girls as you wm find at this store. $1.50 and $2.00 School Shoes Are a special feature with us. We have them for boys and girls of uy -age. FRYSH0E CO. 1 THE SH0ERS I 16th and Douglas Street. SOAP a Here are a few of the many Toilet 8oaps at a little leas than wholesale prices. This -week only. ' 25o box Armour's Glycerine Soap, per box 12c 25c 4711 Glycerine Soap, per cake 11c 20c Babeskin Soap, per cake He fiOc Shah of Persia Soap, per cake... 84c 25c Dermallne Soap, per cake 20c 50c Strajuoa Toilet Soap, per box. ..25c 10c Ht'RFORD'S ENGLISH PRO CESS GLYCERINE OR HONET SOAP, - big S-ounce cakes, packed one dozen cakes In a box while It lasts, at 5c per cake, or 60c per dozen. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farn&m Sts. Free delivery to all parts of Omaha, YOU Will Appreciate Our Fine Shoes that We Are Selling at $3 and $4 When You Wear a Pair. BALL MEW STYLES FOR FALL. In Many Lasts for Many Men. Quality and Workmanship Counts. We can Interest you In new models in stylish creations. Call at our Walk-Over Shoe Store, 1021 Farnam St. Ed S. Thompson, ths Walk-Over Man. Gray's Nerve Food. Pills WILL Will rive resafal sleep, snake yea clsaa headed, rWp aes sons symptoms, rsstore s-wur appetite, yenaaaentlr ours t&roaie fcesaaaae, S.ubl. your setpaoitr (or work, restore anaslr and womanly Tic, brlag yen back yoarta. Correspondence confidential Circular free. fl.Oo box. Full course I boxes M to br mall on receipt ot price. Recommended Dr ail users. SHERMAN & MeCOKNELL DRUQ CO. 1TM AND DODOB STtV OMAHA BsasssaSaaaWMasss"aSaaasaaaawaaMsaaaassaaaaaa SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE. Sx Louis School or FineAjtts HAWING. PAINTING, MODEL. INC. DECORATIVE DESIGN, Ai PLIEO AST D.pBHm.nt ot WuhlnstoB CBlTrltr Willi Art ilu.anm ui Art Library. Antique an IK. .tody, art-.n.tomy. eer pctv., ee on position, tim.-work, Ulas Ir.Mn iMtimi eoBipl.te tn.lructlon. runi, ..ndank. turn farm, on th tot ter' whMl. bars In tt. kiln. dMonM Inr. Itet nd olor, andw end o'.r flu.. The aTililebookB(ndlnseoaralan)weaaipl.t.. workl Gold KU to IMrMtor. Btaat,t..n t &, ion. mi Ha.. I'Utnlliini fcocluM ire. B4 year (was BALsrr a rrrs. t L.-D., Dir-W VHk A Loo.t btroo". St. Loula DELLEVUE COLLEGE COLXJClilS CUI. scientlAu, phnoso. phical courses. AC'ADKM K An accredited Utah School. Prepares for UmIIsvus or any ether sui Una or university' NORMAL, SCHOOL Elementary and ad vanced courses. Certiflcatra srented- CON8EHVATORI TUeory of mualo, al a no, voice, violin, elocution and art. CONNECTIONS with Omaha; BUectrle line and Burlington Kail way. Fall semester opens September la, Address President Wadsworta, BeUsvsa, Neb. . VJ3LS0 COLLEGE FOB WOMEN la the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses leading t decrees of A.. B. and Mua B Classics, Music, Art. A moat excellent (so. alty. Campus 80 acres; It bulldlnca; rates moderate. M. U. REAS1CB. Pa. D, Pres-t, H CvUtas Art, CULMB&M&SIBA fmm . 'eeeS Special Sale of School Shoes, See Dodge St. . Window THE RELUBLK STRI MBBSMMMHMaaaasaaa Boys' School Suit Specials When yon see the high quality and nobhy styles of our offer ing you'll readily admit their superiority over those offered else where at the price. The best for the least is what you want. It's nere. Liex us snow you. Dors' Salts, worth up to $3.60, Norfolk and donble-breasted styles, great as sortment of plain and fancy mixed fabrics, splendid bargains, f Pf at $1.96 and I.jU Boys' Odd Kuee Pants, with double seat and knees, tape seams and pat ent elastic waist band, 75c and 11.00 values at 60c and.IJC Special Curtain and Drapery Sale 6,000 pairs of curtains still to close, all new and perfect, (no seconds). 1,000 odd curtains, all must be sold for want of space. ' 40-lnch curtain Swiss, 16c C values, to close, yard. ....... .DC Novelty nets, 16c value, at k Novelty nets, 20c value, at Novelty nets, 26o value. ' at Odd curtains 60c values, at : Odd curtains, 65c value, at. . ; .. 5c 10c 12lc .15c 19c Odd curtains, 75c values, 25 C New and up-to-date curtains, per pair, $1J98, $1.60, $1.00, 76o 5Q(J 12 Vic fringe, yard lc 26c fringe, yard 2Hc Tassels, worth 26c dozen, dot... 2 He Other specials In portieres, sateens, art tickings, etc. Ladies' and Children's Underwear Sample Garments in.Fall and Winter Weights on Sale Wednes day av une-Jtiau Ladies' Combination Suits Worth up to $1.00, all sizes, slightly C. soiled from handling, choice AJC Ladles' Vests and Pants Heavy rib bed, all sixes, regular 50 ysn ...... Il.r at rirnlADt ....... Hardware, Stoves Housefurnishing Dept. COC-HI usm nsv CSIS ijuaubj, v, o 45c Galvanized Wash Tubs, 65o Galvanized Wash Tubs, . 65c Galvanized Wash Tubs, AQ at i 75c Galvanized Wash Tubs, 100-ft, best Wire Clothes Line, 6 doz. best Clothes Pins, at 5c GROCERIES! GROCERIESI GROCERIES! One-third bushel basket fancy ripe tomatoes for canning Zlie One-third bushel fancy cooking - ap ples for .16c 20 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for .Sl.OU 10 lbs. best Granulated Cornmeal . 12c 8 pounds hand picked Navy Beans. 2So 8-1 bs. best rolled oatmeal .20o Magnetic Starch, per package .... 8c UWIOFJ PACIFIC U EVERYDAY If TO OCTOBER 81 lOOfl. r ,, J Be sure your ticket read over thU lint, f 1 ' ' Inrjulre at f I t" 'Jm srOOD TOAST MstaTU VMM 1 XaTIA. J J j? " XiT" if &f Always popular because It Is pleas x's fV i."' ff "' ref reshln and appetising. X. -f J I xir Jrtter Brewlaf Oo Be. Omaha, phoas . S 1 I tjl Omaha Headquarters: H L'OO W. BIL.Z. 14th snd f f 1 I X. 3 Douglaa Tel. Doug 1S4J. 1:0. BlufTa Headquarters: ' y Si .... A ,J L MITCliEUU 1011 M aln St.. TsL 10. mdiJJiM . , SCHOOLS ASD COLLEGES. J ST. BERCHMAHS' DAY ACADEMY Voal YOUMft LADIKS, UNDKat CARS OF IIITUI OF MCY Thoroush couraea In Academic, Preparatory and Primary departments. Klndersartea tor little onee; Seminary for smaU boya Uualo and Art under competent Instructors. SCHOOL REOPEKS SEPT. 5. ' r 27TH AX3 ST. MARY'S AYE. a&Wentwofth See Our C? Ladies' Crown " Jewel Suit at $25.03 Boys' Butts, In fine cheviots, cassl- meres, worsteds, serges, etc., slngjo and double-breasted Norfolk jv plain double breasted , styles, wfftn. , up to so. uu, cnoice, Cfl $2.95. and A. .,.D3 Voulhs' Long Tants Baits The best assorted stock of nobby styles In umana specisi sale prlrp C 111 Wednesday, $7.50 and J.U' New Linen Dept. extra Specials $1.25 bleached table linen. on 72 Inches wide, yard OlC $1.00 bleached ' table linen. CQ 64 Inches wide, yard OJQ Renfrew Turkey red, best made, yard. 12 Vic fins India llnon. yard V.. . 39c ..75c Lingerie long cloth (new), 25c, n 19c, 15c, 12 Vie and.........t"C Extra fine long cloths, 15c, 12 V4, 10c and 8!c White waistlngs now on sale f? at yard, 89c, 25o, 19c-and. . . UC 10c toweling, a yard DC Towels, 16c grade, .at Towels, 25c grade, t at 75c .I2!cC to uno-itura rn Children's Fleeced Underwrai Gar ments worth up to 76c. all winter weights, slightly soiled, great fO rt bargain, at, garment . . . 17C Ladles' 60c Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers, special Wednesday, . g at smDC 98c, No. 8 Copper Bot. Boiler. , fLtin ' at. f .ij.UaC Best $6.00 Rotary Washer, QS $2 Folding Ironing Boards, at. $2 Guaranteed Wringer, at All Willow Clothes Baskets, at.. V. ............ Set Mrs. Pott's Irons, at Oil Sardines, per can 81 Bromangelon or Jell-o, per pkg.VYH 1 lb. can assorted 8oups. ....... Ao Peanut Butter, per Jar ., Oa Condensed Cream, per can 4c Fancy Mixed Piokllag Spices .....20a Potted Meats, per can 8e 25 lb. sacks Rye,. Graham or Wheat Graham Flour .............. eoo MILITARY ACftD E MY Lsslastoa. Ma, Oldest and LArsest miliary achiMiI in t lie W.UJIe WesC Clsaa 'A' by reveal rating rf War ltoU Mad I US vUlegtt . - . . n t 7Qa A .1 Am S .TV 4.V "63 'iy r