TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AtTOUST 27. 1906. HILLS TYPICAL OF TRUE LIFE LiT. Thorn Aidanaa Dwlutt Thy In I Ud to Spirituality. ItrrOUI HCCESSARY IN REAL 6R0WTH Telia CsMsgi laallia te ! Mlal .Tatters f IaMar Cllassj ta Mlrrtessl Moaatalu TwM. Jtv. Thomas Ande.-on, pastor or tne JTtrst Baptist church of Wheeling, Vs., oeuplea hit old pulpit at Calvary Bap tut ohurcb, Twenty-alxth and Hamilton si lasts. Sunday morning. He npoke from th Uxt Matthew vll;l. The Man of NasareUj waa passionately j fonsl f the hill where He feund refresh j meat and reet for the aou! and body by ' lirna thing the pure atmoephere of those re ' aiona." said Dr. Anderson. "Christ was often found on the summits of those hills watch -were typical ef the habits of His inmost life. He was constantly seeking, meditating, and Hvmg In the heights, de rtvlnc Inspiration there from the EJverlast lug Deity, to say nothing of His Inherent Deity. The world would be Impoverished to an fnoompareWe decree but for the In spiration of Its mountain rnen and women. The true artists are mountain men. From the mountains come the life giving streams. Exalted Is the mind that receives its In spiration from the spiritual mountain heights. It speaks of health of mind and body. Tet how poor we are when we seldom reach the mountain height of spiritual Inspiration. There should be more mountain climbing to get above the sordid world. ' The mountain heights of Christian experience are difficult to climb, but once attained the inspiration comes. Life Is Coastaat dlsabla. "Life in but, climbing to greater heights, the evolution of rising, and all things of earth ere on the upward march. Have we but the confidence to asoend the confidence increases as we mount to greater heights. When we cease to climb our Intellect dlea as does our business and spiritual efforts. To rllmb enlarges our vision to yet greater heights. We cannot slide up hill; but It is easy to. slide down. We cannot dream or sing ourselves to the top of yonder hlU. It require effort. The remedy for splr itusl ills is to get. out where the air Is pure end stHl. rather than In the malaria and miasma of the vallsys of Indolence and Indifference. The treasures of Opd grow richer If we would only take the time to go up after the treasures of beauty and knowledge, u Get away from the detracting annoyance f earth; get away to the 1 eola tion and meditation of, the spiritual hills. Do, la the great word. Try., try, work, work, be constantly on the go for better spiritual things rather than material things." I sometimes think that the presxrtiers preach too much. .We do not see things tn their right perspective.. The mountains peak of Strength ' and security. God's love Is like the mountain heights. Below the mountain's summit are the clouds an storms; above them are the realms of ever lasting light and life, silent and pure. Christ came down Into the valley pleading with us to come with Him Into the heights of glory. As tn the material world so It Is In the spiritual world, the hill men and women are the true men and women." . AT THE PUTHOUUJ TRIBVLATIO AWD JOT VALCABLB Varied Experiences ' Are ' Best. - Bays j Iter. J. Addison Selbert Varied experiences. Including disappoint ments and sorrows, as well as triumphs and Jers, are fcseeasary to true success and the 0)1 dsvtlopmnt of character, according to fas- observations of Rev. J: Addison 81 tert of the Old First church at-Kansas City, who preached Sunday morning at St. Efsry's Avenue Congregational ehuroh. The panka that are most, read and valued, those that are placed' In the bookcase where they aan be found on the instant, are not those which contain the superficial observations of some Inexperienced mind, but those writ tan by men who "have-reached both the enlth and nadir of emotional life. And the' men who apeak most forcibly to the world, declared Mr. Setbert, are the men who have come victorious from the widest experience In excitement, battle, disap pointment, tribulation and trial.' "Tou complain that yours hss been a hard Jtfe. that the door of opportunity has al ways been shut to you." said the speaker. Hut wait a .moment and consider, no' one kg over ministered to the world who has not bad the experience common to the world. U .. "The great comfort, that comes with all the trials' la the assurance of divine sym pathy, the pledge that Ood will be with us, will work with us.,. Trials may be bitter, but when . the work Is over we will wel come the tribulations, through which we have passed and welcome them because of this divine sympathy. The mother lingers long aver her. .crippled son and says, 'It i may be sinful, but I love you best.' And so It is with 3od; to the one who most I needs Him He is most present. "When Christ walked on the dusty plains of Palestine, though He could not give' a moment to the proud Pharisee or to any I ether. whq was happy and satisfied. He al- ways found time to stop when some poor, f weak one touched ths hem of Hla garment." FAITH M COD JATIOri' MOTTO la Set Written ta Ooaatltatlaa, . bat , rraaetea Nsrflenal Life. -Rev. Frank r. Rials, pastor of the Tenth ' Presbyterian church of Chicago, preached I yesterday morning at Lowe Avenue Pres " byterian church on the subject, "Faith In j Ood aa Our Nation Peek) It". I i "Christ summed up .the whole secret of ' lite when He said. 'Have faith in Ood.' It I . would seem that the people of our great ; nation'' are becoming more and more, to realise this- not so muck consciously as in oor unconscious doings. - Some aay trust In Ood has never been expressed In our con stitutions; but I sometimes think it Is bet ter not to speak of these things. But In the woof -af the nation ia woven this motto that la. -God wa trust. The supreme court baa repeatedly recognised It. and trust In Goe haa. permeated the blood of the nation through aad through. .'In-times of stress the commonwealth more aad more deeply trusts In God. The BtMe directs us ta love God with all our mind, all our strength and all eur heart and J think the whole nation Is coming to believe that' Faith In Ood la the very core .. of eur nation! Ufa. It la only when the areas and the flag draw close together that . the .satanlc In the nation's life takes Its , leave. Many people prnfeas to believe they ' sV now growing further and further apart f rtth all of the corruption that has been exposed recently. But it Is merely a atgn mt a loaning conscious and a drawing nearer to the Ideal at Jesus. I doubt if we have any mora great upheavals, but instead we wtll witness a gradual unfolding of Jesus Christ tn the Ufa of the nation." The. Rye WKaeee" the Km, A typical Lincoln J. Carter play. In which the poeetMUtlee are In nowise oul rsged, but which brings together. a meet wonderful combination of etrcumstsnoe, la "The Eye Witness," offered at the Krug for the tint half of the week. As Is cus tomary,' Mr. Carter provides for ths most novel and startling of mechanical effects, utilising tn this play a lire, a drowning and a daring rescue, a wild race In an auto mobile, with a jump across the -opening of a Jack-knife bridge, and a tornado. All of these are presented with most startling realism. The race of the automobile and the opening of the bascule bridge is prob ably the meet haJr-ralalng scene of all. The heart fairly stands still as the ma chine rushes up the Incline on the' one side, topples at the top, and then clears the gap and glides down the other 'side, bearing the rescuers to the train In time to get back to the old farm and thwart the vil lain In Ms flnsl effort. Ths electrical ef fects arc very appropriate, and the whole la the culmination of the author's great capacity for producing real thrills. The company Is practically the seme as offered the piece here last season. Mrs. St. George Hueeey Is still' with the or ganisation and gives her enjoyable ' Im personation of a busy, bustling Irishwoman with much seat Some very enjoyable specialties, are Introduced during, the progress of the play. The audience last night was all the theater could accommo date ' and the applauss was ..' tumultuous. The piece will stay until after Wednesday evening, with a matinee on; Wednesday afternoon. Vaadevlrte at the Btloa. - . The Conley sisters are the bright spot on the bill at the Bijou for the current week. This pair of dainty little soubrettes gives the most satisfying turn that hss yet been seen at the house. They, sin well and dance well and look even better. Their songs are carefully chosen and proved an Immense hit last night Beaty and Price have a comedy sketch that enables them to Introduce some pleasing specialties and make a good dtal of enjoyable' fun. Ahern and Baxter, comedy acrobats, did not reach town In tlms for the shew and their place on the bill was given to ths Bell ' trio, a feature of last week, who furnished some new songs and some good fun. Pauline Courtney sings her Illustrated ballads, as usual, .with the. customary success.' "The Great" Lloyd has a tenor voice of limited range which he uses On ballads that call for little musical effort 'The Fortunes of War." a one-act play of the cMl war times. Is presented by the stock company, Mr. Trueedell, . Mr. VanDyke, 1 Mr. O'Donald. Mr. Durkee and Miss May taking part. Tha piece gives Mr. Truesdell and Mr. Van Dyke fine opportunities, and waa much enjoyed, by the large audiences yesterday. COOL SUNDAY AT KRUG PARK Maay People Kajay Bead Concert aad Other Attractions for' the Day. ' The cool weather of .yesterday, somewhat diminished the usual Sunday attendance at Krug park, and even at that there were several thousand gate admissions during the day and evening. The concerts by the Royal Canadian band were very enjoyable. Lade Brothers, trapese and bar perform ers, msde their first appearance vesterdav. and were cordially received by a large circle of spectators In the arena. ' The balloon was sent 'un at about i o'clock. One of )th,e. giant crackers (thrown by the aeronaut from the basket jat the balloon fell at the. feet of ... Dr. Ernest Kelly of the office force lust before.it ex ploded, as he waa standing in front of the general omces watching . the progress of the balloon, and the sprint that the youn surgeon made for a place of safety would nave won mm a prlxe in a flfty-rard pro fessional race. Today will be Grand Army-dav at Km park. A big stage har been erected at the west end of the arena and it has been handsomely decorated with the national colors. The' evening Camp fire and the speaking will be of gTeat Interest to all the veterans. The Woman's Relief .Corps will have charge of the afternoon program, which Include an exhibition of relics of the civil war and the cooking and serving of a camp meal aa It was done in 181-85. The military tournament, under the auspices of Company I. N. N. O.; will commence to morrow and will continue daily to and In cluding Saturday next. - DH WESTIM'S SEIIIIA LIVER PILLS ' s asoe aad easy. Ma at fceentme, aad aeat sua Iko. fwtluii DEATH RECORD John lleary. NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Aug. M.(Spe- elal.Wohn Neary. a pioneer resident of this city, died at hla home Wednaadav morning of apoplexy and hla funeral waa held from St. Patrick's church here yes terday. The deceased was born In Ireland on April S, 1844, and cam to New Tork when about years old, and ten yeara later came to North Platte, where he opened a shoe shop, which he waa con ducting at the time of hla death.' He w.. a devoted weather prognostlcator. an while he waa at times aa uncertain as those who market suoh unreliable things as the' weatner, yet ne made a consistent atudv and was wall Informed of the thlnge which onng anout weather changes.' A wife and four children mourn his departure, aa w.ii as a large number of friends. Mlsa Laalsa Blake. Miss Louise Blake, daughter of tha lata Louis Blake, died yesterday after an Ill ness of over a year. While she had been In poor' health for soma time, her condi tion was not considered urinm unfit i. - Wednesday, when alarming symntoms de veloped. She waa a native of South Nor. walk. Conn., though aha had lived in Omaha ainoe she was a child. Her father, at the time of his death, was prominent In educational circles, being the head of me commercial department of the Omaha High school. Deepoadeat Maa Trtea galelde. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. M.-8DectaL Having squandered In riotous llvlna a mall fortune recently received from his mother's estate. Edward Swanaon. aged 21, of this city, attempted to end hla life by swallowing a quantity of strychnine. After taking one dose of the poison he hastened to a store where hla brother waa employed and Informed the brother of what he had done, adding that to make sure of ending hla life he would take another dose. He drew a small bottle from his pocket and attempted to swallow the. contents, but be fore he could do so the bottle was forcibly taken from him and a phyaloian waa sum moned. Etnetloa were administered and the poison waa removed from hla stomach. Although very weak, the attending phy sician expreesea the opinion that the young maa will recover. Mtaaeaaalle gl.nO ta St. raal aad , . aad Retara From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western Hallway. Tickets a sale daily after May n to September so Final rteurn limit October O. Equally low ratea to ether points In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wis const n and lower Michigan. For further In formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general agent 1U1 raraam street. Omaha, DUXOADar-rrMaar. su aad Pada ata BENEFITS OF FREE ALCOHOL AdTinttcM Are Painted Out by EoUitiit with Bpeoihl Interest U Nebruka. DENATURED FROM CROPS OF THIS STATE Looka far Rapid' Development af la dastry af Maaafaetarlag; Cheat ' leals aa Reaalt af Free abstaaee. The matter of" free alcohol Is pressing' Itself upon the attention of scientists and educators of Nebraska and the west just now in a remarkable degree. Here la a statement prepared by a leading agricul tural college professor who, for private reasons, asks his name be not ueed now. He has made a comprehensive study of the subject and is still delving Into it; Ordinary alcohol, which will be termed simply alcohol In this bulletin, ta a product that results from the fermentation of sugar or. of any subeeance, such as starch from grain or potatoes, which has be'en convertod Into sugar. The alcohol thun formed Is obtained commercially, more or lena mixed with water, by distillation of the mash In which fermentation has taken place. Hence alcohol factories are usually termed dis tilleries. The distillers are required by law to place their product In bonded warehouses from whlrh It may be withdrawn on pay ment ef 11.10 per each proof gallon of spirit. Proof spirit consists of equal quan tities of alcohol and water. The revenue required for each gallon of water-free al cohol Is 12 JO. The tax of course varying between these limits in proportion to the relative amounts of water and alcohol In the mixture. The strongest alcohol of commerce is usually about 96 per cent of alcohol and the price varies from $2.30 to t2.D per gallon, showing that the greater part of tha cost - la due to the revenue levied by the government. The greater part of the 60.000,000 gallons of alcohol con sumed In the United States le used In the mnnufneture of whisky and other bever ae. . The revenue tax prevents the use of alcohol to any extent In the 'industries of the country. A certain amount la employed In the manufacture of perfumes and medi cine. Some Is withdrawn from bond free of tax under the prenent law for the pur pose of manufacturing vinegar, for scientific purposes, for the manufacture of sweet wines snd for the export trade. Such Is In brief tlie situation at the preeent time. .The bill which has Just passed congress and which goes Into effect January- X. 1007. la deeig-ned to promote the use of untaxed alcohol in the arts and as fuel. Detrlmeat ot Wood Alcohol. Owing to the tax upon alcohol In this country, wood alcohol has been used very largely aa a substitute. This is a very poisonous substance and Is used largely in the srts to the detriment of the health of the workers. Ordinary alcohol is much better In all respects. There is hardly an In stance where wood alcohol Is used, such sa a eolvent In the manufacture of paints, varnishes and shellacs, that untaxed al cohol would not be far superior and at much less cost. The first effect of the free alcohol then will be to supplant the 12, 000.000 gallons of wood alcohol which are used In the Industries Just mentioned. For this purpoee some foreign substance, such aa 10 per cent wood alcohol will be added to prevent the alcohol's being used as a beverage. The addition of such a poison ous substance will effectually prevent such use, except poeslbly, among specimens of the most degrsded type of our population. This denaturislng material will in no way Injure the solvent action of the alcohol. The exact nature and amount of the de naturislng material Is wisely left to. the secretary of the treasury ana the commis sioner of Internal revenue, who may use considerable discretion In the matter, pro vided always, that the alcohol, on being withdrawn, from bond, shall be oo -treated that- it cannot be used In oomnoundia beverages . The second use that we may expect of denaturised alcohol will be In the manu facture of certain products, ss dye stuffs snd chemicals, which cannot be manufac tured 'commercially at prenent In this coun try, and which are Imported almost' solely from Burope. We may look for a very rapid development of the Industry of man ufacturing chemicals aa the result of free Industrial alcohol. . A further benefit to be derived from free Industrial alcohol la the following: In the manufacture of alcohol there la slwaya formed as a by-product a certain amount of f iill oil. This substance cannot be made Independent of the alcohol Industry. It - is -exceedingly useful In manufacturing the lacquers which are used on metallic substance, fine hardware, gas fixtures and similar articles. The Industries manufac turing these wares will undoubtedly receive a great stimulus as the result of cheaper tusll oil. Deaatarlsed Alcohol as a Fuel. 'The use of denaturised alcohol as a fuel Is one of which we cannot speak quite so confidently, it is hoped that this sub stance will find a large use for heating and lighting purposes and as a fuel for Internal combustion motors. Although alcohol haa only about half the heating power of kerosene or gasoline, gallon for gallon, yet it haa many valuable properties which may enable it to compete success fully 'In splto of its lower fuel value. In the first place. It is very much safer. The heat radiated from flaming gaeoline is usu ally sufficient to set. woodwork on fire at some little distance. Alcohol haa a tend ency to almply heat the surrounding va pors and produce currents of hot gases, which, however, are not usually brought to a high enough temperature to Inflame articles at a distance. In addition to this, alcohol may be readily diluted with water, and when It Is diluted to more than one halt It ceases to be inflsmmahiA Usnr... i. msy be readily extinguished, while burning gasoline, by floating on the water, simply spreads Its flame when water Is applied to it. A sain, although alcohol haa f-r ,.. heating capacity than gasoline, the beet experts behove that it will develop a much hiicher percentage of efficiency In motors than does gasoline. It is generally consid ered that for internal combustion motors a gallon of. alcohol will be found equal In motive power to a gallon of gasoline. While It may then not compete at once with gaso line, It should be remembered that h possible supply of alcohol la unlimited. Since gasoline represents only about 2 per cent of the petroleum which Is refined, its "KF'y vwuiiibijt umiiea, ana Its Dries must constantly rise, in view ni th. Z mous demand, mads for It hv iitnmnv.M and gasoline engine In general. There win men aouDiiesa come a time In many parts of the country when d.n.tnri..j alcohol will supplant gasoline aa a motive agent. Aa Illamlnatlaa- Sabataaea. The farmer has up to the present time been practically obliged to dispense wUh ,h,.Jux,i,,,T wof ,'"'" f hts of the type pf the Welsbach burner. Induatrlal alcohol Is now used in Germany In small portabio lanipa which give all the effects of a man tel burner heated by gas. The expense for alcohol la only about two-thirds as muoh per candle cower as Is tha mat nt k.r. eene In an ordinary lamp. Even at X cents ' -iie a. Ballon, aenaiurisea aloohul can successfully compete with kerosene as a meana of lighting. .The greater part of the alcohol made In thia country is made from grain, espeolttlly eorn. In Germany the potato ia the usual source. Undoubtedly our first Industrial alcohol will be made from grain. The sta tistics presented to the committee on ways and means of the house of representatives would seem to show that there are many places where alcohol can be at once made at a cost of 2t to cents per gallon. In the opinion of. the writer, there are no places in the country for the location of factories superior to numerous sites along tha lines of the Burlington railway. Many of these locations have excellent water; grain is very abundant and coal for dis tilling the alcohol can be obtained at reasonable ratea. Occasionally, in carta In sections corn Is damag-ed by an early frost ana suca corn, wnue not nt or storage, could be converted at a profit into aloohul. An enurmous potato Industry could be de veloped if the farmers were sure of a mar ket for the potatoes in times of overpro duction, or for inferior potatoes which are not desired for household consumption. At me neorasaa experiment station duo busrj els of potatoea ir acre have been rataed on numerous occasions, a bushel of po tatoes will make a gallon of alcohol. The expense ot manufacture Is not heavy and would. In part be paid for by the by products used aa cattle feed. If alcohol can be made cheaply enough to compete with gasoline In automobiles and other mo tors, the demand will be almost unlimited. Our progressive fanners will undoubtedly be able to develop a coarser variety of potatoes, which, although not adapted for domestic consumption, will give an ex ceedingly Urge yield and be admirably fitted tor the manufacture of alcohol. The wisdom of providing for untaxed alcohol In the arts and aa a fuel has been recognised by all the most proafrewlve modern countries The very liberal legis lation passed by the last congress will un questionably in a comparatively short time mske the United Males the greatest alco hol producing country In the world. In the resulting prosperity the whole people will share, especially the farmer. He will find in the alcohol industry a more stable market tor bla products. Aloohol will, with perfect safety, light his home, and supply hire with a motive power for pumping; his ; waits', tuniinf aV cream opamat aad tut the many other purposes for which power is neeood on the modern farm. MAN MY A GETS A BIG CROWD aaday at the Lake Enjoyed by Maay Thoasaada of Patrons. Manawa was little affected by the cool weather Sunday, the usual large attend ance visiting the park afternoon and even ing. The band concert by Nnrdtn's organ isation was one of the most popular fea tures, the late operatic hits winning much applause. Bos ting did a big business, many taking a row on the pretty lake. Manawa's patrons seemed to be taking ad vantage of the last few days of the season. Judging from the way they patronised the roller coaster, all cars being run during trie evening. The vaudeville theater gave a . pleasing bill, the Illustrated songs and comedy acts by Mat Dee receiving much commendation. Madame Devere was visited by many at her gypsy camp, this mysterious fortune teller appealing to both young ' and old. Th Rocky mountain burros are very popu lar with the children, all seven ot these little Jacks being kept busy. The bowling alleys, Japanese ball game, shooting gallery, ejectrio studio, penny ar cade and all other features enlisted their share of attention. Y MANGLED FIST DEAD GIVEAWAY Albert Llndqalst, Arrested for Drank, eaness. Admits Breaking" Window. Because Albert Llndqulst got drunk and became disorderly 8unday afternoon he Is to face the more serious charge of ramming his fist through a plat glass at the Sara toga pharmacy at Thirty-fourth street and Ames avenue. This latter Incident of Und qulst's career happened some days ago since which time the officers had been on the lookout for the guilty man. Sunday when Llndqulst vras brought Into the eta tlon his hand was bound up which occa sioned comment. The prisoner, after a short sweating process, admitted he had de stroyed the property of the drug store be cause the clerk refused him a bottle of whisky. Shot Serbia's Kin. Tlie following are some of the compli ments dally offered to King Peter by the Servian Press: "Abominable polypus! Our unfortunate land la at last in the grasp of your san guinary claws; but we will shake It free!" "Murder and govern, monster! Tou went to Switserland to. study and returned a criminal. Thin ia the morality you have brought us from Geneva." "Reptile! Seest thou not the looks of hate that follow thee In the street? Feur est thou not the hand fated one day to wring thy cursed, neck?" Otadjhlna says: "The article In which we. said, 'Flushed with blood, you ap peared In our midst reeking with alcohol,' has been pronounced wrongfully sup pressed by the court as it contains no mallgnment of King Peter. Our mild and Just exposition of facta aa they are shall therefore continue." One on the Cardinal. Cardinal Jamea. Gibbons of Baltimore, the highest Catholic prelate In America, haa a keen sense of humor. Recently he was the guest of a. layman friend, Frank Murphy, In Roland Park, Baltimore's most beautiful residence suburb. In ths Murphy home Is a butler . of Mrs. Partlngtonlan proclivities, and on the church dignitary's former visits to the Murphy home Its mis tress had been .under the necessity of re minding tha obtuae, servant that the dis tinguished guest -was to be addressed al ways as "your eminence." On the present occasion when the. cardinal rang the bell the man of Impaaalva countenance answered, received the card and, turning, announced to Mrs. Murphy: ."Please, mum, your rem nants hag came.'' No one enjoyed the joke mora thoroughly or laughed more heartily at It than the genial) cardinal him self. . . .,(..... ' Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters. Concert at II an scorn Park. A large crowd listened to the concert by Green's band at Hanscom park yesterday afternoon. Among the popular numbers on the program waa the duet for cornets by Dr. A. D. Llrd , and Oharlea Ncpodnl. George Green, Jr., only 12 years old, waa enthusiastically cheered after his Xylo phone solo and he was forced to responi: to three or four encores. At the requet of those who heard him yesterday he wil: appear on the program next Sunday, The religious selections on the program .wore also heartily applauded. The last concert of the summer at Hanscom park will be given next Sunday and an exceptionally good selection Is promised. Negress Charged with Taking- Rill Ida Brown, a dusky Individual, who re sides at 1006 Capitol avenue, was hauled Into police court Sunday because one James Holt complained that she had robbed him of a 110 bill. Holt works at a livery stable at Twenty-first and Cuming streets and in strolling around the city called on the Brown woman. The police found the money. , Slabaaarh Goes tor Walker. County Attorney Slabaugh left last night for Ies Moines, where he will attend the hearlnr before Governor Cummins on the requisition of C. H. Walker, president of th. Oninha Umbrella company, who Is under arrest charged with embexsllng 12,000 of the company's money. Walker has indi cated he will fight requisition to the end. The hearing will be held this momtng. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. T. M. Orr. assistant to Vice President Mohler of the Union Pacific, is suffering with typhoid fever at his residence, 27u Farnam street, but Is holding his ground very well. Prof. B. Slmek of the Iowa State uni versity, professor of botany, biology, geology and conchology. Is In the city, lie Is Investigating lness formations along the Missouri river and taking elevations of the land. Father P. J. Judge, pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart Is still very sick, though he had-made some improvement yesterday over his condition of Saturday, which was alarming. He is troubled with asthma and the physicians are guarding against pneumonia,. HOW MACK BROKE INTO FAME Lincoln Hotel Clerk Impersonate Rinrlinc and Aid Tired Mother. BECOMES HERO OF BIG CIRCUS CROWD Gallant Jnha Thompson Carries Rahy Safely Throaah Stampede at the Mala Ratraaee and Mack Geta the Thanks. The People's Bar wss the center of at traction for a number of Idncoln cltltens Sunday who had come to Omaha to see the sights and get right down close to real progress. Sergeant Marshall very kindly dloptayed the bar for the sake of the capital visitors, and they were duly Impressed with its Importance to the community. "I wish Mike McDonald could see that." said one of the visitors. ' "Who Is Mike McDonald?" asked Ser geant Marshall. "I don't believe I ever henrd ot him." "He's the night clerk at the Llndell hotel," answered the stranger In surprise. "I thought everybody knew Mm and had heard of the time he Went to Rlngllng Brothers circus he tA John Thompson down there. Mike has been the clerk at the Llndell so long he owns the place, so far as bossing Is concerned. Tears ago, when the Llndell consisted only of bed space for half a doaen cots, Mike first broke Into fame. "A traveling man drove up to the door one cold night almost frosen to death. He waked up McDonald and asked for a bed. " Tes sir, we can fix you out,' answered the obliging clerk. 'Got a good warm bed for you: two traveling men Just got out of It to catch the train. It's still warm.' "But Mack made his great hit when he went to the circus. It was muddy as all out doors and a hnlf ton of earth was lifted every time a foot was raised. For some reason the showmen failed to let down the ropes so the crowd could get Into the main tent and hundreds of people were almost suffocating in the Jam. " 'Confound that fellow. I told him to let down that rope at 1 o'clock and here It Is 1:30,' said Mack In his stage voice. 'I'll fire that fellow.' "Of course the crowd looked around at the man with the big voice. " 'Mister, are you Mr. Rlngllng.' sadly asked a tired-out little woman who was holding a baby In her arms. " 'Tes, madame, what can I do for you?' unblushlngly answered Mack. " T wish you would get your man to let us In. I am almost ready to faint. I have been standing here holding my baby for an hour." " 'Madame, let one of my men hold the baby for you. Here, you. (turning to Thompson) carry the lady's baby for her." "Thompson very gallantly took the child and Just then the man let doiyn the rone and the crowd rushed throug-h, and In the crowd was Mack and the lady and Thomp son and the baby. And the woman whs profusely thanking Mack because he had helped her out." on DROWNED IN SHALLOW POND Willie McQolaton Palls from Raft While Playing: with Brother. Willie McQulston, son of a traveling man, W. A. McQulston, 2788 Burt street, was drowned In what Is known as Cotton's pond at Forty-second and Ixard streets at 3 o'clack Sunday afternoon. The body was found an hour later In three feet of water within fifteen feet of the back of the pond. The unfortunate lad, with a brother aged 12 years, wna playing on a raft on the pond, when he lost his hold snd fell Into the water. The brother became excited and ran to his home at Twenty-eighth and Burt streets, before notifying any one of the accident. Mrs. McQulston, with neighbors, at once went to the pond but It waa at least an hour after the accident occurred that the body was found. The father of the boy was not at home at the time of the accident. Coroner Brallcy w,as notified of the death and had the remains removed to the home of the boy's parents. No Inquest will be held. RED OAK WANTS DOG FANCIER Prisoner with Liking; for Canines Is Sought by Iowa Officers. A. C. Hillman, now serving a thirty-day sentence In the county Jail, Is said to be badly wanted In Red Oak, Ia., for making away with a valuable dog. Lynx-eyed Sergeant Vanous had heard somewhere thnt Hillman was a great dog fanoier and talked dog whenever the opportunity "pre sented Itself. He then dug down In the records and found a report from the Iowa town that a man answering Hlllman'e de scription was wanted there for dog stealing. Captain Mostyn received a letter Sunday from Red Oak saying Hillman also liked chickens and hogs which didn't belong to him and had done a number of people there. Including the writer. KREISLER TO GO BACK TO WIFE Maa With Two Jtamee Will Retara Homo with Spoase's fade. Ben Krelsler, known among a few Omaha acquaintances as H. Middleman, waa ar rested Sunday on a charge of deserting his wife In Scranton, Pa. Instead of going back to his old home In Irons, however, Krels ler will go back a free man with an uncle of the woman aa a companion. After the arrest the uncle appeared at the station for a talk with the prisoner. He then an nounced Krelsler had agreed to go back home and live with his wife. They had been married only a short time. 1C FROM CHICAGO 1 HEW YORK AND RETURN VIA August 28th and 29th Good to return until September 4th, inclusive, Apply to Local Ticket Agents, or J. A. DQLAN, 555 Railroad Exchange, CHICAGO If you are interested in secur ing honest dealings nnd suc cessful medical treatment, wo advise you to the announce ment of - the ! 1 i- f' :,J V READ STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE . for men in next Sunday's Bee. 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th EU., Omaha, Neb. e" H nj'""M . ilinill W MIMessssaaoHMMoaaosHsaiaHeaaMssHBMsaB One Way Settlers' Rates Far West s Northwest DAILY UNTIL OCTOBER 31ST. TO Puget Sound California Butte s ka ' Country.Portland San Francisco Helena ny . . t from District Los Angeles, etc Salt Lake Omaha.... $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $2150 Lincoln... $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $22,50. Dally Through Tourist Sleeper to Lob Angeles via Denver, wlta daylight ride via the Rio Grande Route through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City, thence the Salt Lake Route; Tuesdays and ttatur days personally conducted. Dally Through Tourist Sleeping Car Service- to California via Denver, thence the Rio Grande Route through Scenic Colorado and. Salt Lake City; Southern Pacific beyond Ogdeh. .Thursdays and Fridays personally conducted. ,. Two Daily Trains to the Northwest From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and at ll:lu p. ru. Chair Cars, Dining Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleepera via Billings, Montana, to Dutte, Helena, Spokane, Seattle, Tacotna, Portland. ...''"'' Folders and descriptive matter, rates, berths all Information ot J. B. REYNOLDS, Cltj Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St;, Omaha, Neb. HSW CUR E Under Absolute Guarantee of PAY US FOR CURES CONSULTATION FREK r We desire to reach the boot as well as ths rich man, and, by making our fee payable on easy term, we Increase our business and secure lasting gratitude from thousands who would otherwise remain sJUloie4 If It were not for this liberal oftsr. A LIFELONG CURE FOR Varicocele Under oor treatment the congested eoo !tlon soon disappears, the parts are re stored .to their natural condition, vlor and strenfth, and circulation Is re-established. Stricture We euro stricture without the knife by an application whlrh acts directly on the parts affected, dissolving the stricture completely. Our treatment Is painless and in nowise interferes with your busl nsss duties. " PILES. Contagious Blood Poison It may be In Its primary stafe or 1 may have been hereditary or contrasted in early aays,. tnereuy neins; consum tlonal. We cure all Its complications. We stop Its progress, eradicate every veatljre of poison from the system, and this "with out the use of mercury or potash. We cure Bkla Diseases. Bloed Veisea, Tarloooels, trtotnre, Verroo Decline, Wtakness, Files, Fistula, Xydroosle and Diseases ef the KlAasys, Bladder aad Prostate. or- Hemorrhoids, are small, vascular tumors situated at the lower opening Of tha hnwala nw Mn.nm .( Kuw kuva a mnnt ri.nli1lnf Influence On the general health. We cure Plies without outtlng; nor do we use Injurious ligatures r injections, which treatment Is seldom successful. Our treatment is safe and re liable and when you are dismissed by us you are mired for life. We do not offer you mi TBXAX. TBBATMBBTT, BX.XOTBIO BELTS, WOMB. X.ESS OR4TOVS or other useless methods of treatment. Our ads are our own, and. While others may copy thsm, they cannot Imitate our superior methods of treatment. We do not advertise cheap. Inferior treatment, but we give you all the results of years of ripe experience gained In the treatment of many thousands of patients. We give you our skill and ability in the treatment of diseases of men for a fair fee, which may be paid In any way the patient desires. IXTTBBTIOATB OU lfETIOBS 4D LIABV THAT WB ABB ALT. WB OX. ATM TO BB, ABD WHIsT TOU Z,AOB TOtTB OABB XH OUB HAVDfl TOU ABB STTBB OT GHTTIBO TXB BEIT TBXAX MXBT TUT OABT BB OBTAXBEB ABTWKXBB. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Northwest Corner 18th and Farnam Bta., Omaha, Neb. S '"flfli A Beautiful Vacation Tri AND RETURN and (Lsidl AND RETURN GOOD 15 DAYS Tuesday, Aug. 28. 130B Black Hills Excursion Train From Omaha 3:00 P. M. CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 FARIIAM ST. THE Purchasing Power behind the unsurpassed home circulation of The Omaha Bee is what makes advertisers know that it pays to use The Bee advertising columiia liberally ' I