THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1906. if- .at 1 r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MIRKT Dill Trids CrjtracUritM til Tiroscb Its f tagics. ArticUt WHEAT FIRM ON WEEK-END COVERING bbbbbbbbbbb Weather Ca)lt vr rru far Hrttlli fr-Cr thart Carer M Estimate Receipts Oals Italet. , OMAHA. Aug. K. ltO. ulines u tha leading cnsractarlstlc ma grain marketa lossy. Wheat wn easy for a time, with a littla aeiling by caan hnutn, nut Armed later on (-ni raverlng. Weather conditions through- ut tne spring wneat belt ara an tnat ould ba oesired. and It la only a Question of tlma before receipts increase materially at Minneapolis ana uuiutn. Light estlmsted corn racalota for Mon day caused snorts to cover in September and operators came In on ahort In ay. ro an It I nc in a firm tona to the market and a strong closing. Oaia were unlet, acting rather easy early but firming toward the otoee. The trade waa without feature. Primary wheat recelbta were 147.000 bush ela and shipments 444,000 buehela, against recelDta laat rear of tao.OuO buehela and ahlpmenta of 4O,u"0 buehela, Com receipt were N0,0r bushels and ahlpmenta tiLO" buehela, againat receipt laat year of Hli.ono buaheia and ahlpmenta of M.OUO bushels Clearance were buehela wheat, 44.1 barrela flour. M.0QO buaheia corn aad 164,000 bueheie of oat a I , Mverpool ctoeed unchanged to H4 lower On wheat and Httd lower on corn. Broomhall estimates world wheat anlp menta Monday at l.oo,r bueheie W. H. Bartlett ear thla regarding corn: "Wi call attention to the fact that there ara on or two countlea in Indian.; aeverai eountlea In Illinois; two or three countlea In north central Kanaaa and one, or possibly two In southern central Nebraska, where too much dry weather haa cut the yield down to probably three-quarters- of eom crop; but thee are taolated locali se, while the balancg of the great corn bait promise a bumper crop from north Dakota to the gulf. There 1 very proapect at tba preaent time of our railing more corn than wa did lat year and we believe that th final government citlmatc will eon firm thl prediction." Local range of option! : Article. Open. 1 Hlgh.j Low. Close. T y "Wheat I I 1 1 I Sept... C4HAT 4HA t44A WttA Deo.... 47B giHAJ 1B f7A 6.B Corn-r ' Sept... 44HA1 ' 44HA 4THA 44B 44V.H Deo.-. 18 B B ttViB B SSHB May t9A IHA Oata , Sept A A asked. B bid. Oaaka, CXaek galea. WHEAT-No. ,. 1' oar, JUo; no grade, car. Mo, OATaV-No. 4, 1 car, I7HC Oaaakat vaaa Prteaa. WHEAT No. I hard. MWfolAUc: No. J hard. UHo; No. 4 hard. KWtitc No. I atirlna haWhfAo. COKN-No. l, 43H'343Hn; No. t yellow, 446M4Uo! Na. 1 white. 4Mr46tc OA'IS No. S mixed. tTqiiHc; No. t white. .ttaatko; No. 4 white. 27!ff7ttC. - KYke-No. 1 tic; No. t, 4Vc : Carlot Heeelpte. ,, Wheat. Corn. Oats Chloaao 79 Kanaaa City 41 Minneapolis '.. M Omaha S3 Duiuth 15 tit. Lout U ist a tl i S4 'ii 'it CHICAGO tsttAlX AND PROVIIIOXS , Frlree mm Board mt Trad. . CHICAGO. Aug. tt. Decreased receipt a compared with the oorresponaing day laat weea cauatd a alroruc cios in ma wneai maraet ioanf, the ptembcr uellvery cioe Ing at a net aain ot kWHc Corn and oan were praciicaiiy uncnanged. . iioviion ' were a inuae to ic lower. ' Trade in wheat wa light all day-,' there belt.- omy a alight demand ana rew ot tering. During the early part of -the sta tion eentlment favored lower -twlcea tm- caue of the detreaee of rain In the nol-tli-wett and a prediction of Incruaeed worlu'a 'anlptnenU for Monday. A continued ab sence of export demand also exerted a da preeslng eftrct on prlcea. More anlm-t- .lon wa evident in tne maraet during in laat hour ana considerable firmness was developed. Small primary receipts waa t.m cause of the stronger tone. Total ar Ttvai today ' at' ail primary points weie 647,uuu busnols, compared with l),wu bushels , for the corresponulng lay of Usl year. Damage report from the southwest also created a more bullish feeling. The mar ket closed strong with prluee close to the hia-hest point of th day. beptembur opened Wtf0 lower at 71Hc, sold off to 7lo and then advanoed to 71Hc. Tne cloe waa at Deoember sold between lWa and 74Vk MHa and c lowed at 74c, a net gain of -Ho. Clearancea of wheat and hour were equal to tiO.Ouv buaheia. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of l car against 37i cars last week and 249 car ' a year ago. . Continued rain In Iowa and Illinois caused considerable profit-taking In th corn pit early in the day, which resulted In a weak market. Later, however, all of the loss waa regained on covering by shorts. Dam ag reports from Kansas and an estimate of small local recelpta on Monday also oon trlbuted to the stronger feeling. Trading on th whol waa quiet. The market closed firm. September opened n'tfVtC lower at ' 4;ic to 4i!e. advanoed to 4Sc and closed at 480. ' December ranged between 4SVc and 43H9440 and cloaed at 4irc. Local re ceipt were li3 car with IM car of con tract grade. Oats were quiet and 'steady. Tba mar ket waa bearish early In the day by the eaaler. ton of Wheat and corn. When thoae markets -became firmer oata followed ' them. September opened; Mo to, fetrWo - lower at 2Sawko' to Hc sold between 2HctfHc and cloaed at S"-9o. De cember sold between aunt and closed at IU4C. Local receipts ware Z2S cars. Provlslolns were steady on a lo advance In th price of live bogs. Shorts were aetlva buyer of lard. At the cloae Sep tember pork waa off to at $17 00. Lar4 waa down Stt at W.77H- Ribs were a had lower at trw - fcetltnated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 4 cars; earn, 144 car; oata. S car; hogs, 4,M head. ; The leading future ranged as follows: turea, quiet; Hern , 4s JHd; December, CORN Spot firm: American mixed, new. 4a M; American mixed, old, namlnal. ture quiet; fleptemher, 4a Hkd; December, 7d; January, 4a tS. OMAHA WIIOl.RtAl.IS MAHKJKT. rataple mm Faaey Pradaee. OOB-Kecelpts. liberal! frh stock. 14 IVFJ PoLl.TRY-Hens. tvai; rooatera. tc; turkeys, lllc; ducks. ?tjc; spring chickens, IMS 1.1c per ID. . , BUTTER Packing stock, 14c; cholo fancy dairy. 1MJ14c; creamery, J! Wl"c. HAT -rricea guoled by Omaha Feed com pany : Choice upland, l5fl; medium, ooarae, ft.noi.t(i. Rye straw, li.O. BRAN-Kit ton, li M VEOETABUCS. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl 117s. to Ins.. 2tVffc. TuMA iur.B Home grown, per baaket ot 10 lbs., stK(tc WAX bEANS Per market basket of about It lb., too. TURNIPS, liKETS AND CARROTS Per k.. 7c. , LEAP LETTUC E Hotbouae, per doa. Bad, tOr. CEI.ERT Per do., tO. CCCLiMBKHS-tiom grown, per do. tOc. ONIONS Home grownN tc per lb.; Span ish, t 0 per erat'. ORKSK ONIONS Per aoa uncba, 0C HAOlBHEft Per do, bunch. It. NA VT BEANS Per bu.. U.8t; Na. A IL71 . LIMA BEANS Pr lb tVkc '(KEN PEPPERS Per market haskst, too. tropical rants. oKANQta Valencies, aooordlng to sis. t4.AV2pi.00. LEMON8 Llmanltnk. extra fancy, m Blse, . 0 else, 10; t60 else, fl.t0; Other wanas, ii.w leea. BANANAS per medlum-alsed bunco, tl 7Hl.s jumbos. n tOWt.OU. ru lATOaus pes nu.. sec FRUITS. PEACHES Tcilow freestone. I1.J6; Mil- sou.-t, per t-baaket crate, 4J.u.Li Cali fornia aHbertae, per box, 11.26. fuUMIt t-euiornia, ai.suayi.a EAKS-Bartlett. per box. tttMltO. OKAPttS Mom gruwa. nor s-lt basket. K4J9UC. AtSliUnB. WATERMELONS Per lb.. lWo. or about CAM ia,iAcpiBV-(iiorado ana Arisnna. par crate (standard.; poulaa, t&iu. No. 1 rlba. bo: An. i rioa. itto: No. I rlba. tVtc; Nu. l loin. lfrVao; No. J loin. Lfcct ro. torn, ac: no. i cnucic, sc, no. I chuck, 4c; No. t chuck, to: No. 1 round, eat No. 1 round, 7o; No. 1 round, tc; No. 1 plate, tc; No. plate. ia: No. t plat, au. MIBCE1X A It iuu C B granulated can. Ir. aacaa, tS.ll; granulated beet, In sacks, ti.U. .SYRUP lu bbla Tlo ft gal.; In case, t 10-lb. cane, 11.7V; caaea, 11 t-ib. cana, tl.lW; cases, u -b. cans, CMh.h.BS avirs. new. tea; vvraoonaia brick, lal4c: Wlaoonsia ilmnergar, Us; twins. UVfca, young Americana, ltd. COFFEIm Koaaied, MO. , Ve per ID., No. HO, XuHo per lb.: No. . UVo per lb. No, to. uvtc per fb.; No. U, uya per lb. - NU 'IS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb., lc; hard ahells. per lb.. nc. feuana, larce, per id., iu, imaii. per lb to. Chill walnuu, per lb., lKtflgc, Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17o; hard shell, par lb., lie. Cocoa outs, t4.0u par sack of lo. . CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbt.. 100 Ibe.. M.uO; Norway mack erel. No. 1, t!s 00; No. a, tiM OO; No. I. tJu.00; Irish, No. I, tit 00; herring, In bbls., 309 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, 11100; Norway, tk, tlt.oo; Holland, mixed, 111.00; Holland herring, lo kaaa. milker, too: kaae. mixed. 70c. CANNED OOODS-Corn, standard west ern. SfrabOc: Maine, li lt). Tomstoe. I-In. cans, H Ofyftl irt; J-lb , V7Hrrl.00. Ptneap- rle. grated J-lb., t2-2.30; alleed, tl.vU 20: gallon apples, fancy, M00; California apricots, tl "tfc OO; paara, 1.7t4lt.t0; peachaa, fancy, $1.7fc(i.40; H. C. pcaohes. tl.0iKd2.M. ta.10; fncy ao'ekeye. P.,;' sardines, (L on, x.eo; mueiara, m iweet po tatoes,; sauerkraut, tl 00; pump kins, SOcStl.00; wax beans, t-lb., Tbbtuc; lima beans, 1-lh., 75cGtl.Si; spinach,; cheap peas,, t-lb., COc; extra, iMtlMc; fancy, tl.8Mn.76. HIDES AND TALI-OW Oreen salted. No. 1. lfUc: No. I. UV-c: Ml hldee, tVetj-Vc; t Mt bbls:; shipments, t in bbls: stock, M.- TM bhia ynote: A, B, C. t4.nn: If. 14 in; R. 14 ; F, t4t2H O. 11. if, 44 n; I, 14 K; K. M M: M. M It: N. t6.: WO. t&.: WW. SRJW YORK OE1RRAL MARKET atlaie at the Day Varlaaa ' Caaamadltlea. NEW TORK. Aug. It rLOt'R We- celpta, 17.104 bbls.; exports. 7,"t bbls.; sales, t.tOO packages: market dull ""'1 unchanged; Minnesota patents, 4.I0i 4 40; baker. II.4Q(.I0: winter paieiue, 1109411; straights. It40t .it; extri, tittetSR; low grades, UJieil"; rve flour, quiet; fair to good, t!.!S0t 4; choice to fancy. 111464 00. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, II.J0O114: coarse, $ 1.1 07 1. 1 2 ; kiln dried t 0t?J . RIB Nominal; No. I western, ic, c. l f New Tork. WHEAT Reeelnts. l.00 4iU.: exports. Ill, til bu.; sales, tOO.OOO bu. futures; Spot msrket eaey; No. t red. 77Sc, eie vator; No. 1 red. 7c, f. o. b. afloat; No. t northern. Duluth, ttve. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard, winter, 40c, f. o. b. Owing to proapects for liberal wrrld'g Shlnmenta. Imnraved northwest Weather and liquidation wheat was easier today. It rallied near the close, nut waa nna OMAHA LI EJTOCR MARKET Cora Ctttlo tdj, Mott Cthen Lower for Wak. HOGS SHOW IMPROVEMENT FOR THE DAY Ha Fb, .. Reelpe , mt theeg ar Lasab af Caaseqaeaee Far tba. Week Prleee Ara Steady to Straagr. m ft 4 4 Offlelsl Mondsy ... Official Tuesday . Official Wednesday Offlelsl Thursday Official mday .... Offlelsl Saturday . SOt'TH OMAHA. Aug. S, 1M. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,. t.iM i.iri I7,.4t ,. tint i.a8 . 4,0:4 1.0.4 l.tK .. 1.0O7 7."2 7,i ,. 1.00 (14 l.4f ,. t00 .U0 n He net lower. May, t4S4t4Hc, closed T01"' weeks ago I4HC1 September, 7TAJHIC, rio'ia 7tHc; December. tl t2e, closed ftc CORN Receipts, tJ.tit bu.; sale. tO.OOfl bu. futures; spot market easy; No. 1, M1e elevator, and 44e f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, tic; No. white, tic. Op tion market waa quiet and easier on good weather and Inereaeed receipts, closing 14 4) He net lower. Reptember, ItHOtto, closed it He.; December closed h2vt . OATS Receipts, 117.000 bu.; export, lit. Oil bu.; spot market quiet; m xad eats. It to tl podnds, ttSo; natural white, to to tl pounds, ltat7Hci ellrped white, tt to 40 pounds, tt43;. HAT Steady; shipping, S75c; good to choice, 0 $1.00. FEED Htesdy; spring bran. tlt.Jt! middling, tlt.7t; city, t20.R0 24.10. HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice, 1905, 11017c; 1904. and olds, noml al; Pacific coast, 1805, ltOltc; 104. 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston. tO to S founds, 10c; California, tl to 2i pounds, lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, lc. PROVISIONS Beef. quiet; family, tl0 0043 11.00; mesa, 1 1.00 8 to ; t hams, t21.00O22.i0; packet, 8.(i0I.OO; city extra India mess, $16.00 14. 6u: cue meats, steady; pickled bellies, llltc; pickled shoulders, lHlr; plckii hams, 128 11 He iJtrd. steady; wextern steamed, $8.70 i.tfl; refined, firm; conti nent. tt.SS: South America. $10.00; com pound, T H 9 1 He. Pork, steady, family, tll.6O01t.OO; short clear, $17.00l8.o; mess, 1001.60. TALU5W Steady; city. tHc; country. green hides. No. I. 10c; No k; horse. l.nv3.3A; sheep pelt. sOcvtl.D). Tallow, no. 1, 4c; jso. s. 3C. WOOL-Per ib.. llCtEo, SQtHo- Rl( extra. This week ...1.M 4i.l 4 4"2 Last week 1.1.417 M.227 t7.Rt Two weeks ago ........ ..14,111 11.432 4.J'H Three weeks ago 1.40 M.7U 26.770 sour weens ago 47.iv si.,fl Same week last year.... 21,04 M.ObO 40, RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the recelpta ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laet year; 114. IM. Inc. Cattle 609 419 Mir4 S7.4?) Hose 1 Mt l 14M M 168.2M Sheep t.014.42t tM.tK 46,140 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show ths Dries bald for tha different kinds of cattle on tt nouth Omaha msrket: Oood to choice corn-fed st eers. . . . . tS rair to good corn-fed steers 4. Common to fair corn-fed steers... 4 oood to choice range steers Fair to good range steers. Common to fair range steers Oood to choice cows snd heifer.. Fair to good cow and heifers.... Common to fair cows and heifer.. Good to choice stnekera A feeders Fair to rood stnekers and feeders.. 1 Common to fstr stocker 2 7 Bulls, stas;a, etc isrvgt 75 Veal calves , 17V8.7B The following table shows the averago price of hogs at South Omaha for th last several aays with comparisons: SSR 40 6004.68 4.& l.7&fl4.40 2 twi8 M 1.7604.40 2.(004.71 1.7M2.50 2764.46 40fii.76 6140 Artloloa.1 Open. High.) Low. Close. Tss'y Wheat , Sept... Deo.... ' May.., . Coro Sept... BSV:;: Oa la Sept.. Deo... .. May.. Pej-k-Sept.. Jan... Lard i Sept., Oct... Nav.. Jaa... lUba Sept.. Oot... . . . Jan.,. HS ttaH 47 ' 44H TO ttHVH: 7K 4H 44 44H1 1 tH IT 12H IT 12H u to it j I 76 t 77 ItTH ttO I 1 70 I 70 TtO Ttt tn- trr 16 ICVV t 26 I Tl 74 Tt 47H 4tS4i 44H H "7l I Tinyvw tih 74 T4 7tH7tSS 4fH 4H 43H 4!a 44HH,S St. Laila Geaeral Market. ST. IX5UIS. Aug. . WHEAT Future higher: cash firm; track No. 2 red cash, TOHtl 71 He ; No. 1 hard, 70072c; September, ttc; Deoember, 72Hc. ' CORN Firm; - track No. ' cash,'7Hc: eptemDer. bc; uecemoer. i7c; no. whit. tOtoiOVtc. OATS Futures, steady; cash weak; track No. a cash. low; beptemner, slHc; Decern- 1 per, sic; rso. x wnite, gzc. T lAJLHvtviuji rea winter oaienie, $3.a.60; extra fancy and straight, 12.(69 Clear, BEKD-Tlniothy. stead, 13.iO04.IM. rOHNMEADSteadv: 12.40. BRAN Stesdy; sacked esst track, 7207C. max nteaoy; timotny, ix.i7.uu; prairie, 17.60010.60. IRON COTTON TIES-11.00H. BAGOINO t 1-16C. . HEMP TWINE 7He. PROVISIONS-Pork. lower: jobbing. 14.76. Lard, lower; prime steam, It. 76. Salt meata, steady; boxed extra shorts, t 87H; clear ribs. .H; short clears, tt.76. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, 410.12H; clear ribs. tlO.rH; short clear, 110.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, tttc; spring. 12c; turkeys, 14Hc; ducks, tHc; jeeeejic. ' BUTTER Firm; creamery, 11024c; dairy, lrtto. ECKiS Steady, 16c case count. Recelpta. Shipments. Flour,, bbl 10.000 10,000 Wheat, bu 41.000 Corn, bu 13,000 ' 12S.0UO Oata, bu 72.000 U.OOt Kaasae City Grata aad PrTtsleaa. KANSAS CITT. AtiC. tt. WHEAT Ren- tember, December, 47Hc; May, 71 Ho. Cash: No. 2 hard, tHfltHc; No. 1. t6H 46c: No. 1 red. 47H0Sc: No. t. 45067c. CORN September. 4tc: December. SBUn: Msy, tHe. Cash: No. I mixed, 44c; No. t, 41V944c; No. t white, 4ftH4r4Hc; No. t. Ha. OATS-No. I white, t8H031c; No. I mixed, 2tttS0c. ryk pteaay 1 no. 1. iibioc.1 HAT Steady; choice timothy. 111.21 a 11.60; choice prairie. tt.7t. RQOS Firm; extra, iso; nrata, cases re. turned, 17e; econds. 1O0. BUTTER Firm; creamery, l?c; packing. 14c. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu .......... 14 t.OOO lt.000 Corn, bu $1.000.. 4.000 Data, bu. 14,000 6.090 Mlaaeasalla Grata' Market. MINNEAPOIJB, Aeg. 16. FLOI'R First rttents, t4OO04. 10; second patents. $3 869 46; first clears, $3 262.46; second clear. $2(002 60. BRAN In bulk, tlt.OO01t.7t. . ( (Superior Board of Trad quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Th rang of prices, as reported by F. D. Day at Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: ICE Quiet; domeatlc. fair to lUeiHr; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm. Street prloes: Extra creamery. 23H024C Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, ii"g aisie dairy, common to extra, l&v&SHe; reno vated, common to extra. 162uHc; weetern factory, common to firsts, 14Hl8c; western imitation creamery, extras, sue; western firsts, 18018HC. CHEESE Steady: st I full cream, lure fancy, 11 He; fair to good, 12014c; small fancy, ItHc; fair to good, llVi12c; in- feriors, 19 100. BOOS Firm: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 26027c; choice. 24026c; mixed, extrss, 24't26c; western firsts, 20c; western seconds, lH01tc- POULTRT Alive, nominally nrm; west ern spring chickens, lac; fowls and turkeys, HHC. uressea, quiet; western spring onica ene, 144Jltks turkeys, 12014c; fowls, 10014c. ' New York Money Market. , NEW YORK. Aug. 26. MONEY On call, no loans. Time loans, stesdy; sixty days, t per cent; ninety days and six months, t per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4 per STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at $4.84S6u for demand and at $4.U2S for sixty-day bills: posted rates, M.82H and t416H; commercial bills, t4.8OH04.UY SILVER Bar, flbTtc; Mexican dollars, HHc. - BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. Quotations on New York bonds today were a follow: U. t. ret. ta, res 144 Jasas 4, M Mr!.. 14 .lwit lo mi n .lMUl Ss Id aarla 1 .101! do 4a, otfl U4 .1MA U N. uni. 4a t'i .10IH Mlht. a. fold 4a.... 101 .IS I Ma. Central 4a 1H HO it IS tne li . Minn. at. L. 4a,,.. X .lltvt K. tc T. 4,...;. .100 ..1021, do ta 444 fH N. n. a. el M. . 4s. MH Data, I Hot. ilSOS. I1S04. 11S0S . Iltot lltOl 10. Auv. it... I in 1 1 tot 1 mi 1 xi mi 1 T81 4 17 Aug. It... I SI I 12 I ! 1 I tt 6 77 4 It Aug. 17... f iKH 6 al 4 Ml I 211 6 t3 I OU Aug. it... 1 rrnl 1 m! 4 i i n! 1 trl 4 tt Aur. 19... I IM I 10 I 111 I 71 I ISM Aug. 70... t 02 t 12 16 4 to I I' I Ot Aug. ... i 96H I 84 I 24 I 17 I 71 I 02 Aug. 22... t SOU 1 84 6 081 6 id 7 00) ir 101 Amr. 28. ..) I 84HI B 12 6 Oil I VW I 9t 4 97 Aug. 24... I 16 I t 921 t 041 B 4 t 91 B 0t Aug. 26... A I ! I 12 i 46 7 10 B 04 4a eouDoa .... V. I. la. rag 4 eeapon V. t. eld 4, rag 4o ooupo V. . na 4a, rag 4o eoupoa An. Tab. 4 So ta auhlaoa gen. 4a.. So adi. 4a Atlantla C. L. 4a 141 Suhday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha ll.7Erti4.0O I4.7t)4j4.00 Chicago 1.866 .00 6 64.67Vk Kansas City I.0utf.26 6.7ba St. Lout 1.0n3 60 B.76S.t0 Bloux City 2 604.00 6 46t.00 SATURDAY B SHIPMENTS. The followlna shows the number of cart of stocker and feeders shipped to th country and their points of destination CATTLE. Cars Thomas Martin, Carson, la R. I M. H. Welton, Wlota, la K. I , W. Burajln. Council Bluff. Ia. R. I...., O. H. Blakesler, Marne, la. R, I J. H. Mank, Urlswold, la Q W. H. Mank. Orlawold. I. Q..... Steve Anderson. Wlnkelman, la. Mil.. W. H. Goodwin. Madlson-U. P G. B. Caulkins, Aurora Q B. J. Osier. Walnut. Ia. R. I John Ihnen, Garrison Q.. M. r, price, 1,'areon, ia. k. i...... B. M. Beachey. Strawsvllle Mo. P Bill Kenich. Hosklna M. ft O N. P. Nelson. Wiener N. W.... 1 G. P. Crannell, Tekamah M. A O W. W. Adams, Wlnkelman. Ia. Mil.. Henry Hlckey, Neola, Ia. Mil E. Joyee Co.. Jersey City. N. J. Mil. I. T. Bpangler, Walnut, la. R. I SHEEP. D.-D. John Iverson, Inwood. la. "Mil , HORSES. J. W. Fltsgerald. Mlnot, N. D.-M. ft O Th number of carl1 nf stock brought In today oy eacn roea waa caiue. nogs, wieep. 10 12 tliH IT 00 II 60 171 I W BI7H T It. 17 M II 40 N I 70 1 tt ' I 8TW I rrwl TJHi 17 0B It 44 I 10 ItTH t I7H T 171 I t 46 7 H B. A O. o im Prk. R. T. ev. 4a.. Central ot Oa, ta do let Inc 4o Zd loo do Id Ibo Chea. A Ohio IHa.. Chicago A A. C, B. A Q. a. 4... C'., K. I. P. do ool. I.... CCiC. A It. sen Colo. Ind. 44, ! Colo. Mid. 4a.... Colo. to. 4S.... Cuba ta v. D. A R. O. 4 Dlat. Sac. Brl prior lias 4a.. da gas. 4a Hock. Val. 4Ha .. Jaoan (a offered. N. T. C. San. tlU 10) N. t. C. ran. Ia....m4 'Na Pacllc ft ln 4 do la ''4 111 Norfolk A W. t. 4a. .IMS H I Or., g. L. rff. 4 MH IIH Pans. ci. ! 10IH u Kaaatns sas. l(Slt?t. U ft I. M. . la.H4U 17 1st. L. t. F. Ig. 4a. h2 st. u s. w. e. ia.... 1I4 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... iV 12 bo paoine a n 4a.. 101 li do 1st 4a, cttl H a., fata soutnars nr. aa ita Taiaa ft P, lata ill i li.. st. l.. sc w. .. n 104 t'nlen PaclSo IIUUj re u. b. meal is . M Wabaak lata... .111 do dab. B . IH 'Waatarn Mi. 4a .144 W. ft L e. Il 100 Wla. Central 4i a .U4I . 44, . MS, r m m. a. t MissoiiH Pacific"!!!!!!!'!";;! 1 Unltn Pacinc '...T.. '.r?... 1 C. ft N. W., eaat -...,v(t..t C. ft N. W., west .. C, St. P., M. ft O C., B. ft Q., eaat ... C, B. ft Q.. writ .. C, n. 1, ft P., east .. C, R. I. ft P.. west Great Western Cripple and driven In,,, -,..... Total receipt ......J:.:..'. I The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, esch buyer purchasing the num. per of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co ... 957 Swift and Company....- 286 . S.102 Cudahy Packing Co..... ' 2.122 461 Armour to l.aD Hill ft Sun 4 Kingan ft Co ..iv ... -441 St. L. Dressed Beef Ca 1H0 Krey Packing Co , ... m Other buyera t .... t 26 7 46 11 t 11 t I t t 12t Ml r 14 ...w ...14 ...f4 ...HI ...HI ...147 ...V I M 4 I tV 4 I ?' 4 I M4 1 I ll(t 1S I IIS . . IH is I as a I is Ml IM I N IN. M IV SI S. , Tl.. Tt.. 74.. M ., 71., M tl., 7.. SI., Tl., Mm 41 , M. 41.. 14. , XI., 74.. T4. T.. 71. T. tl. 47., II 11 ... lat'i .... H 4t I I1S tn 4 I rs trt . . I me rn .. Its .... m 14 I h 14 ... I 04 .... ... 4 Mt ... I H K ... I HI ... IN rt ... I M .....ri it I h ...n ... I n I4 44 I N Ill 110 I 4 .....Mr e IM I I to I N ir 90 I M .....It ... Ill .... 14 I H I ... 14 Ht 40 I 4714 Mt IM I 00 .r...H4 ... Ill HI ... 4 00 t M 4 M 4 9 .. 4 i4 M 4 M v 4 4 :. 4 no .. I K .. 4 M .. 4 v 14 I 00 and prices sagged off during the middle aee rlon under liquidation and selling aMnt lower firm oners from Brasll. The cl.-s"-waa stesdy at net decline of fJWio points. Sales were reported of 17."0 bas. of which a larite propottlnn aas in lh Shane of switches. The buxtnrss Inciiid.'.i September t 4,V: October, 4 7V"; Decem ber, t P9t.V: January, 7c; Msrrh, 7 . 1 if 7 16c; Mav. 7?M7V; June. 7 .S6c: Ju'y. Tc. 8rot steady; No. I Rio quiet; No. i. Invoice, Sc. .HI .111 .flT ,.rt ..lit . ,o4 ..III ..1T ..111 4 44 HI IM ID HI 44 4 Ml ... Ill IM ... IM tM ... I HI ... I l .17 ... I M .tlO MIR . ... IM .17 . . IM .HO 4) IN tr k IN 1ST 11 N ill ... IM 44 .'..! ... I M Ml M I ITU, 4 4 HI 44 I I7t I.. 71 IM I I7H II.. .144 40 ITS Tl.. U III. IM I 17V. . II., IW 40 I I74 M. . Ml M $ ITS M. . 8TAU8. 1 44 40 4 N 1 40 M 4 74 SHEEP There were no sheep of any con sequence today, omy two oars being re ported and tney were late in arriving, i no otai recelpta for tne weea snowing a laraer Increase over a year Sao an till laranr Increase as compared with laat week. Tha arrivals havs oonlted very largely of sheep, with only a sprinkling of lambs, and hone of them very gooo. i ne fact la, lambs have not commenced to run vet. The market a a whol haa been In very atlSfsctorv condition and prices have been very high all the week. During the early part of the week sheep were gener ally auotea as stesav. out on weanesaar nere waa a enarp advance in prima, mm day being UXjjWc higher. Most of this waa taken off tne day following, so tnst at tne close ot tne weea most salesmen are ui Ing the msrket Juet about where It waa at th bea-lnnlnc. It Is very evident, how ever, that wherever any changes hvg aken place they have been on the side of better prices and It la possible to mention ina viauai sales anowina nicner nrices. in lamn market has been in very pe culiar condition. Lambs have been very high and there haa been a feeling on the part of everyone that prices were In fact too nign. Everyone naa Dcen expecting that receipts would become liberal and that price would decline rapidly, but the ex peoted haa not happened. On the contrary. receipt of lamb at all points have con tinued light and tne prevailing nign prices have generally been well maintained. As a matter of fact, whenever receipts showed up a little large weaknesa would develop, but taking the week as a whole it Is hardly possible to quote any material chance. SuddIIss at eastern marketa con tinue light, with prlcea high, and so long aa that is tne caae there la not much oo portunlty for the markets at the river lo aeveioD any prolonged weakness BtocKer and feeder have been in very good demand all the week, and though re ceipt have been liberal, they have been none too much o to meet Uie requirement of buyers. Feeder sheep especially have been free sellers and price obtained have Deen very eatisractory to owners, iamb buyers have complained a good deal about the high prices of feeder lambs, claiming that they ought to be $1.00 per hundred lower, but In spite of all complaints and objections they have taken everything coming and at tne close of the week: th market is lust aa good as it haa been at any time. (Quotations on Killers: Good to choice lamba. M.76Q7 50: fair to good lambs. H XO 1.76; good to choice yearlings. I6.606i.0i: fair to good yearllnKa. I6.lbii6.60: good to cnoice wet nere. M.iBb.; good to choice ewes, 14.tOQ4.S0; fair to good ewes, S3.H( t.oxi. Quotations on feeders t.6u; yearlings, $6 264J6.60 40; ewes, ll.60o3-4.B6. Representative aalea: No. 1 Idaho lamb buck ...... 174 Idaho lamb feeders ., 197 Idaho lambs 21 Idaho ewes Denton Corner Market. Closing cuotatlons on Boston copper mar ket reported hv l.oann A Bryan, 2 Board Of Trade building. Omaha: AdTantnr silchlian Alienee '4 wii Atlantle 1 erana I nrtenuaairo. ti ntnsham MV4 North Butte : Blark Moon'aln "14 nrnnlnles 4: m,m rnitenltoates. . 74 nereo a m Butt Coalition MS Pnen. Serrlea US Calumet A Artiona. 117s Pnen. Setuice. ptd Calumet A llerlt Centennial Coeeer Range .. Pally went .... gaat Butt II 71 Quince 9 MS Shannon S 7S Timarark I wTnnltr N es fatted Pratt K4S Prankll 1S fnlled Siatee. em..' Dreene Conner II fntted Statea. Bfd... 4 Oranhr U ' tk Coneolldaud... Hairel I tan t opper lele Royal IP14 Victoria a ... s U . ft Ptttabwrg... 17 S Winona Maaacbuett I woleenn merchandise and "peHe. NEW TORK. Aug. 26.-To1al Imports of merchandise and drv bwkIS Mt the port or New Tork for the week ending today were valued at Il4.234.611. Total Imports of specie were $15,014. silver, snd S-.5 (old Totsl exports of specie were 9r1,Ht stlvajr snd ts.ono giild. , . ' f ' ; r Cottea Market. NEW YORK. Aug 26 -COTTON- Spot cloned qtlleT, middling uplands, 9.90c; Hud dling gulf, in 11c; sales. V, bales. LIVERPOOI.. A UK- A.-rOTlOX-rtPOt In limited demand; pit-ee I points higher; American nilildllng fair, tl;d; good mld dllng. ISsM; midilllng. 6 57(1; low middling. JIM, good ordlnsry. 49M; ordinary, I.Tld. Th sales of the day were 4.nK pales, et ahirh bales aere for speculation and export snd Included l.ion bales of Ameri can. Receipts, l.txv bales, InckMUrng tut bales of Antcrlosn NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 26. COTTON Spot msrket cloned quiet; sales, 19 balea; low ordinary, 6 7-16C, nominal; hrdluary, V" Rootl ortlinsrv, 7 ll-ISc; low middling, sv,c: middling, Sc; grxd middling,- 9o; middling fair, HV nominal; fslr, 10c reorlrts, 13.' bales; stock, 14.JU2 bales . riearleigr !! averages. NEW TORK. Aug. . The ststement of the clearing house hank for the week shown that the banks hold I4,207l over the legal reserve requirements. This bf a decrenee of :'.11.4; aa compared with last week. The statement toiiows: I11 m Deposit Cltctilatlon I.egnl tenders ... Specie Reserve Reserve required Surplus Ex-V. 8. deposits Decree se. 1.07l.l,12.rt ... 1,66. 151 ,711 . 46.107WX) lt.72O.2O0 lM.oa2.aX) 2i7.7M.(irt ... 26S.4.9 4.2fV7t t.i7,660 Inereas. I 1.140. f . 96.7nO 4 I7.0f K.7og 1.0M.too ntm i.m.i 2.767.13 Wi GIBSON XA Lambs, wethers. Av. . 40 . 64 . 13 . 101 13.760 14.860 Pr. t 00 6 90 t 76 4 60 Articles ! Open. H!gh. Low. Close ! Tee'y Wheat- May... Sept... Dec.... riax I Bept;.. Oct.... Nov... Dec.... I :T77Tt477H9i 71 72Si !7JT4j7SVa1 1 IRt' 1 1 1 13V. 1 10H 7SHI 1 16H 1 12V 1 1 io 7r TT441 71 V 1 7H 7::73V44. 1 14 1 11H! 1 114 1 KM 1 14 1 UH1 1 104! ??2 71 1 16H 1 11 1 11 , Forelga Flaaaclal. lonuun, Aug. supplies or money were Increased today on dividend disburse ments. The demand waa quiet. Discounts were steady. It waa thought that New York would obtain the bar gold, amounting- to (4 ,000.i 0 J. which will be available next week. Trsritng on the stock exchange generally was quiet. Cheap money maintained the price of flrst-clsss securities. Kaffir war again active and closed higher, but for eigners were quiet. The chief interest cen tered In Americans, which were moderately active during the early trading. I'nlon Pa cific waa again the feature with a sharp rise, but Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fe and Southern Pacific also received much atten. j lion. 1 ne Duying was principally lor rew York account. The msrket closed strong at I the best quotations of the day. Japa. !nese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at .10814. ST. PETERHBt'RQ. Aug. 26. The tone on the bourse today waa calm, but prices were wesker. . government securities declining sllghtlv. Imperial 4 closed at TOTtc and 6 at tlVic. Evaporated Apples ssl Dried Fralta. NEW TORK. Aug. 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Market remains unchanged with spot supplies practically exhausted and nominal, while but little business In re ported in futures. Supplies for November delivery sre quoted st 6iC. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS Prunes ar easy In tone so far as future shipments are concerned, but the spot market Is un changed, with California 70s to Sfw, quoted at 7pV4c; Oregon, 4ib to 20s at 748Hc. Apricots are nrm witn cnoice quoted at 16c; extra choice at 17c; fanny. 1it20o. reaches are nrm witn cnoice quoted. ww lie; extra choice at lHjUHe; fancy, 11 lie; extra fancy. 12&12c. Ralaina are quh-t on spot with loos muscatel quoted at fHe; seeded raislins, tKfjSc; London layer nominal. No. i. Cask ouotatiooa were aa follows FLOUR Steady; winter patent. $ Its: atraJsht: 11.1004 40; spring Detents. 17oQt.t0; straight, W-eV.ff4.nO, baker, $i 1 10. . V. UEAT-NO. S. n7to; No. red. 70414 71Ue. - CORN-No. 1 4Hc; Na I yellow. sMia. OATS-No. 1, leS4?Vtc; No. I while, tl r$ljc: No, I whit. 2VaHo- . RTE No. I, fcc; . BARLEY Fair to choloe malting, etVTjstc. BKED8 No. 1 flax. 11.01; No. 1 north waatarn, n li: pHme timothy, 6171; clover, contract grade, tit. PROVISIONS Short rib, sides (loose), II 7HI TSj. Mesa pork, per bbl., 117. Lsrd, per .IJ lb i W abort clear sides (boxed), l.iotjtxW- a'b following were'th receipt of Sour an graiu; ., , Receipt. Shipments, riour. bbl. : Sl.juO ll.ii) Wheat, bu. ....... .,..,,..1,1"0 w'ora. bu. ,....4-...,....lea.t0 CU, bo. lev.Tiot et.&Ot Rye, bu. l.o9 Barley, bu IAKiw 1,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa Arm, e.-eamerlea, lfz3c; talrlaa, 1743-Hc. Fgf. firm; at mark, usee included. ltVidllei Oists, 14Sje; prime Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. ' 26. WHEAT -Steady; No. 1 northern, 77fr79c; No. I north ern, 74'ffT7e: December. 74. RTE-Steady; No. 1. UVfjoAe. BARLET steady; No. 2, 6o46; sample, tS664c. CORN Steady; Na. t cash, 4IH&49HC; September. "e. rerta Market, PEORIA. Aug. fA-TOHN-Bteady: No. t yellow and No. 2. 49c; No. 4. 4V; no grade. 47c OATS-Firm; No. t white, lAtrjOHe; No. whit. 29Hfi30c; No. 4 white, WiaVIWc. WHISKY On the baele of U0. Dalwtk Oral Market. DfLTTH. Aug 16 WHEAT No. 1 northern, "lo; No. 2 northern, 76Hc; Decem ber. 73Hc; May. 71c. OATS On track. 10c; pew to arrive and Aug-!'. t4c. , F.YE-4. BARLF.T-lo4345c. T-aleaa teed Market. 147.700 i TOIjFIX), o., AUf. 81 SEED Clover 143 bfa) caan. n jti; ticioDer, 7 no: tiecember, 17. ui 1 1,1,01 n y, ei.ea, auaisa, oi.fv. Olle eadlale,. NaTtV TORK. Aug. 26 OILS Cottonseed. Arm; prim crude. 2AJ !4c; prim yellow. enT.n-c. rrtroirum, stesay; renned New York. 17 40: PhtladslDhta and treta. Ito. extras. IvVao. Cheeaa. salad v: I ?nr;r. : $7 66; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In 11 VOlle. 1 1 .' Turpentine, nrm; t4$-4He. Urarteol Sravla Maekal. LIVERPOOL. Aeg. H.-WHEAT-Spot taaAji No. t red, wester a. ta Wd. f ROSIN Finn: strained, common ta mtA U 104 li. SAVANNAH. Aug. taOIte-Turpentlna. Arm: 41 Sc. KOSiN-rirni; ale. 1.7M bbl.; reaaUpta, near aa4 Molaaaea. NEW YORK. Aug. 25-SCOAR-Market Arm; fair refining, SHiSVe; centrifugal, 94 test. 4c; molasses sugar, 2Wtj3'c: refined, steady) No. I,; No. 7, 4 26c; No. I. 4 V; No. I, 416c: No. 10. 4,10c: No. 11. 4 06c; No. 12, 4 00c; No. 13. 196c; No. J 4, 1.96c; con fectioners' A. 4.76c; mold A."l.2fc: cut loaf. i.HOc; crushed, 4 powdered, 6.00c: gran ulated. 4 V; cubes. 6 16c. MOLAKBEB rlrm; New Orleans, ooen kettle, good to choice, toSSc. NEW ORLEANS. Aug 26. 8 I'd A R Steady; opn kettle centrifugal, Id3 7-14c; eentrlfugal yellow, l'6-41jc; second . tUif l4C m6lAS8ES-264TS0c. 174 Totals 24 ,iu (a? CATTLE There were no cattle today, aa usual on a Saturday, but th receipt for th week foot up not rar from th sama a a year ago. There will be noted, however, from the table at. head of this oolumn, a large Increase of arrivals over last week. Cattle alone of all other kind of stock show a falling off for the month to date as compared with last year. The supply of desirable cornfed beeves has been very light all the week, while the demand has been quite good, a combination of clrcumatances which always means a good market. Tha trade on this kind of cattle wa active on most day and at tha close of the week prices are practically In the same notchee as a week ago. The best cattle have sold at to.25. Western beef steers have been In more liberal supply and they have shown more or less weakness. The best grades recovered a little toward the latter part of the -week and arei not much lower, but the medium to pretty fair kinds are a little off. with the most decline on common to fair grades. The beet grades of cornfed cows and heif ers, of which hardly enough are coming to make a test of the msrket, would be about steady for the weekbut the general run of the stuff Is tower. Fair to good kinds are not to exceed lOr&IRe lower, but aome of the more common and undesirable kinds have sold posnlbly s much ss 15fr?0c lower. As a general thing the market during the week has not been any too active, there being a lack of snap to ths trad. ' Buyera have been looking for good, weighty feeders all the week and cattle having both weight and quality have sold quite freely at about stesdy prices. In fact there has been no material change on cat tle of that description tn either direction. The lighter rattle and. In fact, the heavy cattle, lacking quality have had a down ward tendency, and at the close of the week are 10tfl6c lower than last week. HEIFERS. Ne. A. rv. He. A. Pr. 1 74 4 00 tO.. w IN IIOCS8 Steady to 6e higher would In brief express the situation that prevailed In the nog market tnis morning. Heavy hogs on the rough order sold generally In about the same notchea a yeaterday, with th good heavy loads strong. Light mixed hogs were also atrong, with good light generally 6c higher than yesterday. The trad, waa fai-l active at the advance and th moat of hogs chsnged hand In very fair season CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET 1 " Cattle Steady Hoc Aetlva aad Flv Cents Higher Sheep gtroasT. CHICAGO, Aug. 26.-CATTLE-Reelpts, iOTI h..ri Mflrlt.1 al.ariv luw.. Il bli n. - . - . ... D y , uuu, , w.v,nv-w. cows snd heifers, $l.S6'y6.0; stocker and leeaers, b.j.&o; calves, ts.60A7.76. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head. Market active and ec higher; mixed and butchers. u.Kiiea.on; good neavy, iouitm.4o; rough neavy, so.outro.Bu; iignt, ss.uuavo7Vi; pigs, $6.4& 26: bulk. M.0M14 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.OOO head. Market strong; sheep, $3.60136.40; ismtis, 4 Wfle.uu. Kanaaa City Live gtaek Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 26. CATTT R Receipts, 1,200 head. Including 100 southerns', market steady: choice ex port and dressed beef steers. $5.60 8. 25: fair to good, I4.00O6. 60; western steers, B.6u04.u; stocKers and feeders, Z.4i v 4.60; southern steers, $2.704 00; south ern cows, $2,0041.00; native cows, 2.0u.u 1.76; native heifers, $2.7S(ff&.00; hiil'i. 12.1021.26:- calves, $1.00 7.00. Receipt J lor the weea, oz.iou head. HOOS RecelDts. 1.200 head: market Ea higher: top, .3l; bulk or sales, $4 1041 IttO; heavy, ti. 9601. 10; packers, tl.l tJ t.10; pigs and light, 16.760t.16. Re ceipts for the week. 19,000 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market steady; lambs, $6.0067.60; native sheep and yearlings, $4.26$6 60; wowter 1 yearlings, clipped, $6.00 06.76; western clipped sheep, $4.26Q6.96; Blockers and feeders, $1,60 0 i.60. Receipt for th week, 21,100 head. Most famous of all Artists in Pen and Ink, whose pictures have made him rich. Wouldn't you like to draw as wdl as Gibson ? Probably you never can, but perhaps New Tork Mv Stark Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 2S. BEEVES Re ceipts, Sti6 head; nothing doing; market feel. Ing steady; derssed beef quiet at V9Hc per pound for native side. Exports 900 csttie and quarters or beef. I'Ai.VKS Receipts, ia head: all con. signed direct; no trade for lack of stock; nominally steaay tor good light veals: weak Jor heavy and coarse calves. Dressed calves stesdy st 8413Ve per pound for dressed veals; Wulie for country dressed. SHEEP AND LAMB- Receipts, 4.764 nana; market lor aneep steady; no strictly prims or choice lambs here: other grade 15V26c lower; Sheep. $3.600.00 culls. $2,000 1.00: common to good lamba, $7.2Mf8 62H. HOOS Receipts. 2,4T,3 head: all for slaughter; nominally nrm on Buffalo ad. vices. Tie Siiiav can start you right. It contains a Series of Instruc tive Articles on Pen and Ink Drawing," each article supplement ed by A. DRAWING BY Charles DaLi& 1 i aTig-ta a - 1 i i a 't St. Laials Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. 2 1. C ATT LB Receipts, 600 head, Including 100 Texan market slow; native shipping and ex port steers, $1.75 Q 4.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.10(34.16; steers unu r 1,000 pounds, $1,604)4.26; Blockers and feeders, $2.00fJ 4.26; cows snd helf- , $2.f6fj6.76; canners, $1. SIS 2.14; bulla, $2.1662 .40; calves. $l.76fl6.7t; Texaa snd Indian steers, $3.6012 6.10; cows and heif ers. $2,000 t.iO. HOOS Receipt. 2,600 head; market 60 higher; pigs and lights, tt.00O4.30; pack ers, $6.7606.46; butchers and best havy, $4 20444.46. SHEEP, AND LAMBS Receipts, none. St. JeBB)k Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. 1 1. CATTLE Receipts, 111 head; market atendy; na tives. $4,100 1. 10; cows and heifers. 11.60 0 4.96; Blocker and feeders, 11.00 0 4 16. HOOS Receipts. 1.171 hsad; market steady to to higher; light, 14.1601 10; medium and heavy, IS. 17 M 04.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J16 head; market steady. . GIBSON 1 1 4.mmg&- 'irJr 'ra:;: !!. err" i I n -,V--1 ;vi- jf-,i;' I il fV'..i CASTLE IN TEX AIS, . . . v Sr PenaMoa COLLrEfS WEtrLV ' Cegyrigat 101, P. ft. CeUiaf II ,, Bask Clearla mt ka Week. . OMAHA. Aug. 25 Bank elea.iiig for ' today were II. $24. 141. 14. and for the ir- 1 responding day laat year. $1,II7,0S .01. 1104. -.1901. ' Monday tl. 744. 419. 4$ $1. 705.61 M Tuesday 1.474,736 91 1.3oI,kril Wednesday .. 1.471.261 14 1.2.10.S Thuraday .... 1,17114119 1.210 04 14 Friday 1,662.466 27 1, ill 401.11 Baturday 1,114,111.11 lJl7.6ll.ei Tnl.l. lll lTt 111 Tl llll til II Incrvaa for the week over the cjr.e. ! ponding week ot last year wai Sioux Clly Live gtook aMrkct. SIOUX CITT, Aug. 25. (Special Tel. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, wo hed; mar rows, buns and feeders !2.T6if4 10; calvea and yearling, $2.6ja.7 HOGS Recelpta, 4.600 head: market Ic higher; selling at $6.60tj4.00; bulk of sales 5.7utJ.66. In th morning. Owing to there being a ! " n'aI .VTTl'ru l J ": lltwral ihnaina of llaht hnara. with n.. , ana nine .im.tri many rough heavy sales on paper, show quit a little better than yesterday. Receipt of hogs this week have been light s compared with the previous week, but still heavier than a year ago, as a 111 be noted from the table at head of column. Th market started out higher at the be ginning of the week, but after Monday tended lower until Thursday, when th low Dolnt of th week wa reached. Th im provement at the cloae of the week leave j lack I tlTkt. Receipt of live stock at th lg principal western mai iv , Hicniijr; Wool Market. LONDON. Aug 25.-WOOL-The srrlvsls of wool for the fifth series of auction sales amounted to 74,000 balea, Including iioo forwarded direct to spinner. The Imports of wool thla week were as follows: New South Wales. 1.1U0 balea; Victoria. ) bales; New Zealand. 6.400 bales: Cape or Oood Hope and Natal, 700 bales; various MOO bale. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 2t.-WOOL-Stady; medium grade, combing and clothing, 24 & tic; light Ana, Is 'Cc; beavv One. 14ai7o tub walked, IkfiMtso. the market on an average only about 7t4o lower than It waa last Baturday. Aa a mat ter of fact soma kinds of hogs nave shown a much greater decline than that, while othere ara selling almost as well owing to the fact that prlcea have shifted somewhat on the different grade. Representative sales:.. a. rv. .. I ft 47. South Omaha Sioux City to 91.... IT.... 4 4.... it..., it.... 41... n .. 11... 4T... A. .in .111 .44 .114 4ul .416 .til ,.aa ..ra . 4 .424 ..41 .14 ri 44 I 44 ... 4 T4 ... 4 T4 44 I Tl ... I Tl ... I 71 ... inii 9 I TTH ... tni ... I o 4 I 4 4 4 M !.. 1 9 ... it . see I 44 1 to ... I 44 n 44 44 Tl 14 44 Tl T4.,... 44 41 .... 44 n T4 4 ft la. ..tO ,.m ..M4 at XV Pr. ao I f Wj ... trt, so I If 44 I so ..1.1 1X I 9 . . 40 I 49 ..H4 90 I IS . .Irf Ml . ... ss . w at 1 . u ... 1 ,.U 94 I a ...t4 WIS ..HI ... I 9 ..tit ... I M ,. KT 49 I st ,..4 ... I ...111 14 I 41 .441 UlNj Cattle. .... 100 .... 100 .... i.y .... 2R1 .... 60 4A Hogs. im 4.6u0 l.fro 1.171 LbiO 10,000 t.481 12.171 Sheep. 00 tii 1606 lilt Kansas City St. Joseph . St. Louis ... Chicago Total Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 26. METALS No special featuree developed In the local market In the absence of cable and busi ness was quiet. Spot tin wss quoted at $40 9TK8-41.20; Lake copper remained at $K75; electrolytic, $11.60; oasting, $1126. Lod is firmly held on spot with quotations rang ing from 95.7Mit.H6. Spelter Is quoted at ta.OotjIlO. iron le reported In active do rr nnd at the recent advance. ST. LOUIS. Aug.. 26 -METALS-Lead Arm. $6.70; speltsr dull. $6 87. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 26. COFFEE Market for futurea opened ateady at unchanged prices to a decline of Av points In spite af steady European rablae aad lighter re- 4aa. Tkue waa vry UtUa demand bar This Picture Size 10 x 15 inches, Printed on heavy art paper, each on a separate sheet, in black upon tinted background, ' MEY FffiE V- with every copy of He Soiiday Ice. ORDER NOW! I V.