0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES A4erllea als Ivr imif ruiuuix will taken ill 13 a, for the areata salt list a4 atU M a. aa. let Hat 1 1-S a or erst laaertlea, 2 a evas-d thereafter. ?4etHJng taken fop lose tkaa SMto (! Ika rst laer tto. These a Avert tseaaente asset ba raa baasee-attvaly. bra rhtck,' m birt tumn aa. dreeead to a ktrrl letter ta para af Tka Bra. Anwtri aa addreseed will ba delivered aa preseatatlen a( rbMk MISCELLANEOUS 106 FALL TERM B0YLE3 BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OP TELEGRAPH If OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. NaW Catalog Free. Tel. Douglaa 184. Addrro 11. B. Boylee, President, Boylcs Building. Omuha, Neb. . R-707 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spa dully of flra escapes, shutters, doors and safes. . -Andreen, prop., 102 8. loth St R-708 ION PAINTINO-8. H. Cola. 1301 Douglaa. TRT Kelly Towel Supply. Tal. Doug. 8630, -.. . h no IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 101 Farnam. . R 7U 16-NTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., 611 N. Itch. TeL Doug. 1778. Raa. 'phona Doug. 701. R-7U ELSAS8KH at BRICK, Machinists, 217 South lith BU Tel. 637. . R 713 WHERE TRUNKS AKU ltA.DK. Trunk, suit caaaa and shopping ban. Old trunks taken in exchange. Repairing. FREL1NU 4c BTEINJuU. CO N. 16th BU 'Phone Douglas 4996. R Mail AJo FINE Minnesota lea. In carload lot. Crys tal lea Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. R 648 TYPEWRITERS ranted, all makes, fit. Fox Typewriter Co., 122 rariiaro, R 11 947 Bit. HEFLIN Locksmith moved up stairs entrance 1324 Far nam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R Sol BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, '..urn, business or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. . . , , . GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha,, Neb., of Sioux City, la. .? , Y-M172 Ag31 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good locatkiiu Address G 64. care of Ilea. Y-714 FOrl SALE A flrat class Job offlca with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub lishing , three pa pen In surrounding town. . Job type all new; doing good buslnesa; excellent reasons tor selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not laat long. Prices low. Address Box elti. Hasting. Neb. Y-M14K FOR SALE Crystal Park, at 18th and Douglas St., In Omaha; complete with seats and furnishings. Address 02 Lytle block, Sioux City, la. v . Y M368 t FOR BALK A good restaurant, doing a fine business. In county seat town of 2,000, must sell within 10 days. Address N fi7, care Bee. Y-.M418 blx PROFITS $W AXD W50 PER MONTH Two restaurants In good mining towns. Prices 41.0(10 and 11.000 rash. Mend for statements. Must sell account of serious ailment. Address White House Cafe, Cripple Creek, Colo. T-M 422 27 FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; in voice $4,000; county seat town In south western Nebraska. Owner has too much outside business. Write If you mean . business. Address O , care Omaha Bee. Y M630 Sept (X ASSIGNEES' SALE. I will sell at public sale, to the hlghott bidder, at York. Neb.. Sept. 5th, 190o, at i p. m., the L. D. Mnlssner stock of dry goods, A clean, complete' stock, in voiced . over' $18.410.00, Including fixtures. Best location in town. Come any time and Inspect the stock. C. H. Kolllng. Assignee. Tork. Neb. Y-M591 Sept. 3 FOR SALE Stock of undertaking goods In good town of about 4.600 population, two atocka In town, will sell cheap. Address A. E. Roach, Holdredge, Neb. Y-M589 27X WANTED Location for mill where atock company can be fol'ined for the manu ( facture of balanced ration, feeds, stock food and wonder calf meal (a perfect milk V equivalent.) Address Box 136. Council v , Bluff, la. Y 73 28 WANTED Parties Interested In a good proposition for building a hotel In tht village please write J. A. Amaherry, Mason City, Neb. Y-M688 30x SMALL grocery and meat market; fine lo cation; doing (rood business; In South Omaha. Call 1324 Fa mam, Room 3. Y-M6S1 CHANCE for Bohemian to get' grocery and meat market in good location. South Omsba. cheap. Call 1824 Farnam St., Room !. Y-MS3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS VPRIOHT PIANO, fine condition, Oi:iy $90 If taken at once; party leaving city. 1111 Davenport. Vi M608 28x , FOR, SALE Fine Reg. Jeraey cow; can be seen at 112 So. 39th 81. Add.cta V 10, Bee. Q Ml 17 CLEAN cinders 16c a yard. 5th and Leavenworth, 'phone Douglas 767. ... U-M4&1 2 SODA FOUNTAIN, any sis. 181$ Farrnun. 4 716 IHIRWIN-W1LLIAMS CO., bast mixed paint. Sherman AY MoConnell Drug Co. Omaha. T1 HALL'S aafea, new, Jd-hand. Uia Farnam. . Q U7 FOR SALE New and, second-hand billiard and pool tables; wa lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-Wlfk-Balka-CoUeader. 407 S. 10th St v M SIS ' WB 'buy everything In the furnl'ura Una, Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. . Q 711 FOR SALS One rubber-tired phaeton, ona two-aaaied buggy. S& Harney St. , . .... Q MiwO 27x LETTER CABINET TWO Baaley latter cabinets In good oondl tkn. made of walnut and have two drawera each. Call at Bee bualnaaa offloe and get a bargain. Q 441 X AQUARIUM FOR SALE Large alaa aquarium, reals on two nak pedeaials set on solid base. Iu nulre at tfe bualneas orhse. Q 440 X FOR BALK Steam house beaUog boiler; was usod to beat (-room house; will be aold cheap, - W. 11. Brtdgea, anglner Bee bidg. Sr-MJ END US your mall erdera for drugs; freight paid on tl lots. Myers-DiUoa Drug Co.. Ontaha. ! FINE Minnesota loa for eale In carlots. A, O. Gilbert Co.. Council BluSa. 4-MkH BROCERT ann" meat market for sale. Cheap rent. Call 1324 Farnam, Room . V , - Q-Ma WXNTED TO BORROW V ANTED To borrow . IUM or 81.0K) home money on ample, wall rented residence property In Byuih Otnaha, at I per ceut. Addrvaa N-7. Bea. if-Ml WANTED MALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OPEN'S SEPT. ID. ALL DEPARTMENTS DAT AND NIOHT SE8SION8. New decorations CO new typewritersad ditional teacher In shorthand department. Everything In good ordr. September 1. ROHRHOLOH BRtS.. Proprietors. lth and Farnam Sts. B M 464 FALL TERM NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD AND 4TH. BOYD THEATRE BUILDING, OMAHA. Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. L. SMITHERS, M. A., President. Day and Night School. B WANTED For the U. 8. marine corpa. men between ages 21 and 35; an oppor tunity to see tbe world. For further In formstior. see poster In postofflce of any county seat In the stste of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B M84S BJOX WANTED Five boya, good ' wagea, per manent Job. A. D- T. Co.. Hi B. Uth St B Mtli WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two miles south of Albright boarding house at plant. B MCI WANTED Good marble cutter: good wagee; steady employment. Gildea 4 Glides, Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B M478 CAEDS FREE Send us the names of five young persons who should be Interested In a commercial education and we will mall you free of cost six visiting cards with your name written thereon by our expert penman. Address PENMAN, OMAHA COM MKKC1AL, COLLaIUIC. B V4 00 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakeinen; experience unnecessary; firemen, llwu; brakamen. 880 per month, with rapid promotion to eugtnuer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write lor particulars at oooa, National Railway 'iralnln Assn. 4tf Pax ton block, Omaha, Neb. tt M308 septl WANTED Cigar maker; I rollers and bunch breakers; will pay the best of prices to go out of town; will send tlcketa. Address 11 12, care of Be. B 723 DRUG STORES bought ana sold; drug cleika wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. , B 724 WANTED An experienced cattle feeder that can give good references. Married man preferred, i'heo. Relmers, Fullerton, Neb. - B-M830 TEAMS can make from 84 to tt per dny. Steady work. C. B. Havens & Co. yarns. 14th and Webster. . B 266 BRICKLAYERS wanted. Inquire R. W. Bsker, superintendent. Bee Bldg. B-295 WANTED Two blacksmiths 'who can shoe horses and do general wagon repair work; wages 88.6u per day; steady job; young men preferred In aswerlng wire at my expense. C. W. Morgan, liawllna, Wyo. ' B M331 28x WANTED Good, all-around man for stew ard, country clubhouse: must give best of references; reasonable bond required. Ad dress P. O. Box 402, Sioux City, la. B M321 28 MEN -Light work and 88 00 will take you from New York to London or Liverpool. Agents wanted in your city. Boston Ship ping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. B M381 a CONTRACTORS Ws furnish men of all nationalities aa laborers. Poles, Italians, I lungs or Slavs. We have satisfied others and can satisfy you. Boston Shipping Agency, 18 Norfolk St., New York. B-M3G2 MOULDERS wanted, thirty cents an hour. Sioux City Foundry at Mfg. Co. ' Sioux City. Ia. . - . B M379 30 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Busy season now. Few weeks completes. Top" wages paid graduates. Positions waiting. Little cap ital starts business. Call or write. Molar Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B-M418 Box WANTED A first class cutter. Apply Nlcoll the Tailor, 211 So. 18th St. B-M411 27 WANTED Men to put up hay by the ton for cash. Apply to Leonard Everett, It Pearl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. B-M432 2T WANTED Car builders, repairers and truck men. Cudahy Packing Co. B 4SJ WANTED FlrM-class watch maker at once. Apply 1614 Dodge. B 43 17 LAUNDRY help of all classes. Kimball laundry, loll Jackson. B liil MACHINISTS wanted for light repair work, men from country towns pre ferred, 14th and Nicholas.. R. Rumble Son. B M6U 27 WANTED Experienced bill clerk. Must be well recommended. Prefer married man. State age and salary. B 106 GRAPE PICKERS; pay So per basket, at Paplo View farm; wagon leaves 4tn and Dodge Sts. every morning at 7 a. ri. for the farm. B M500 Septl MAN who speaks Bohemian to run grocery and meat market in South Omaha. - In quire in Farnam St., Room 8. - B MG84 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies for fall sesson: none other need apply. Address K. t. Baa. C til WANTED Woman cook, 836 per month; III UB i luriiiau i cvwiiii&ra.ivim.ivfiB. anui hi L 7, Bee. C-M&li WANTED Immediately, first-class' cook and second girl; best of wsges paid: Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Apply 118 Ho. ill Ave. C &28 WANTED-rlmmedlately, flist-class cook; . best of wages; none else need apply. Tel. Harney 630. C-m WANTED Girl for' general housework. Mrs. Edward Roaewater. 1711 Douglaa. C 263 WANTED Good cook; small family, 1110 Park Av. C-M 281 COMPETENT cook. Two In family. Wagea, 326 per month. . Mrs. C. J. Green, 3523 Harney. C-4S6 27 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, lttul Binney. . C 4S4 27 COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook; no washing, refer encea required; good wages. UfSi Daven port St. C M566 28x WANTED Glr I for general housework. Apply Tuesday, or after 1901 Dodge. C-M68 sr. WANTED Two first-class lady barbers at once. Writ C. A. Osborn, Beatrice. Neb. C-MSat 27x WANTED A cook. 633 S. 37th. C-4IT6 LAUNDRY help of alt claases. Kimball laundry, 1611 Jackson. C 476 AV ANTED Mangle girls. Laundry. Model Steam C MJ88 30 WANTED Competent cook for small fam ily. Wages 8e.0 to 88.00. 3037 Dodge St. C-M4S3 WANTED Girl for general housework. W1J Farnam- C-M& PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade lkff Calendar, . B- corner Uth 8L and ft JOKVE. Capitol Ave. -148 WE HAVE a new preaa no Job too large or two small. Ceatral Printing Co. 00 Sept 16 . Go your way and be .. men be bure FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hole,. 13th and Farnam. E Iii Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks Thurston hotel; rooms 81.60 up per week. K 728 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol A., south front; rooms with or without board. . E 730 . 1 . ONE large, well lighted south room, mod ern, hot water heat, lung Caaltol Ave. K Moi9 2H TWO elegant rooms, south front, modern, ckse in; private family. 2Jv Douglas. E M584 7x ' LARGE front room, alcove, Hanbcom Tark district. 'Phone Hai ney-17b6. ' E M538 27x NICELY furnished rooms, all modern, 833 ' 8. 24th St., upstairs. E M587 27x TWO newly furnlnhed south front rooms; connected by door. Private family, 2664 Harney. 'Phone Douglaa 6840. E M606 28x I ROOMS for housekeeping, near 2Cth and Davenport St. Tel. Douglas-630. E M267 ix ROOMS Single or double, large and small, all modern. 'The Bosto.i," '167 South 17th. i . B Mo 18 27x FURNISHED room for two gentlemen; modern, private family, 2G42 Capitol Ave. E M453 27x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-781 NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. ' F-M007 A27x VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. . F-733 MODERN rooms, home cooking; reasonable price, nowara et. iei. uousias 668. - F-Mlsu FURNISHED room with board. 2423 Cass, telephone Red 61115. FjM. 426 31 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. We have three front rooms on second floor, brick building, suitable for lodge or living rooms. 316 per month; newly papered and In good condition. N. P. DoDOE & CO., 1714 Farnam. G-M575 28 FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, barn and all conveniences. 1113 South tn Ave. C. F. Breckenridge. 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. M 113 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & lueller Piano Co.. 1211-iaiJ Farnam. i-V3J HOUSES ln " frt" of the clt- UUUOliO c FeUrs Sc Jo.. Bea Bidg. D 74 HOTTRTHS 10 PrU ot.the city. The UUUOIiO Q F Dvi, co.. 608 Bee Bldg. . . , D J!6 HOUSES. Insurance, Ringwalt, Barker Bit. D 73 OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1UO-24 N. Uth. Olflce, liil Farnam. Tel. Doug. 166. D 7J7 WB MOVE pianos. Maggard Van As Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14M. Office. 1713 Web ter St. D-738 Sea us when shipping household goods to large cities weat. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 11M. D 730 SEVERAL at 313 to 836. Chris Boyer. Z2d ur.d Cuuilng SU 'Phone Doug. iMO COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house ln the city. Immediate attention given. lt,2-ai-33 N. 16tii St. Tel. Douglas 4t.i. D M160 A g3l AM. TRAN8. CO. Household and other goods stored. Tel. Doug. 1062. lltsi tar um. U-920 8 rooms, modern axoapt furnace. 3434 Bristol; 322 and water. ChrU Buy"'. J,.-" and Cuming Sta. DE-M986 FOR RENT Store room. 266 S. lGth....316 4 rooms, oily water, 1621 N. 18th St......3U! C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. i ryi MODERN house, near park. Apply 160 8. 28th. D-090 6-ROOM modern flats. 1113 8. Uth. D M 278 FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern, 704 S. 26th Ave. Inquire R. J. Dinning. Tel. Douglas 808. t-o x FOR RENT room house, sll modern, at '2773 Cuming. Inquire Telephone Douglas S72 or 813 Twenty-seventh Ave. D M&67 28 FOR RENT HOUSES. P0.00 1307 B. 29th St., 8 rooms, all modern. tV.bO-1609 8. IMh St., 7 rooms, all modern. $17.60 6-room flat, 2706 Cuming St., modem except furnace. 120.00 6-room new flat, 2902 Farnam, modern except furnace. , . N. P. DODGE & Co.,, 1714 Farnam. D-M573 8-ROOM house, modern except heat. 27 ! Douglas St. D M608 27x FOR RENT. $22.(0 S-r., all modern house, near 42d and Farnam. , $14.00 New 4-r. cottage, near 41st ana Jack son. - 8HIMER A CHASE CO., 1808 Farnam.. Ground Floor. Doug &-7. ... D M578 28 FOR RENT 11-room house, 26th and Har ney, all modern; owner pays water; v:a cant September 1; rent 840. 1. ZirglT, Ware Block. JJ-M544 S-ROOM modern flat. 2216 Burt, $43.00. Apply H. J. Fynes, 724 North 22nd. D-MOi'J 2S FOR RENT 1621 Georgia Ave, 7-room cottage, modern except furnae:; va ant September 1; $26. J. II. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Ufa. " D M20 27 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bea office, city - hall building. 417 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1 134 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement uasemeut and good elevator; LOT Douglas. Building will be put In good order at once inquire at A uougtaa John Llnder. 1-Mu23 TWO splendid wholesale houses, five stories , high. . In center of wholesale district. Cheap on account of over supply of wbolale property. The 8. B. Mercer Co.. 223 Paxton Blk. 1444 27 STORE Park Ave., near Woolworth. Tel. Red 4668. 1-443 28x FOR RENT-STORES. $36.603210 Farnam, large store, newly papered and painted. $0.uu 27urt Cuming St., store room. $JU.00 204 Farnam. New store room. N. P. DODOE Co., 1714 Farnam. I-MS74 28 FLORISTS L HENDERSON. 11$ Farnam. Tel. Doug. I lucky Go the Want , I it s 1 Hh tfh.Jb wain l alt WAY. FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE 10 ACRES one and one-half mile from Florence; considerable young fruit; 82.6I.X), ran give terms. Addresa O 6, In care of Be. RE-M550 27x ONE acre all In hearing fruit;. 7-room house one block from Florence .car line on Curtis Ave., 83.200. One-half cash. Ad dress O 7, In care of Bee. RE M549 17 x There Is No Place Like HOME For 8 per cent money to bulkl a home, are m for the plan. 1. N. HAMMOND, , 331 Board Trade, Rtf-MIV 28 A FEW SNAPS' No. 110.' A luo-aui-e farm ; ii miles south east of Orchard.' Antelope county, Neb. Good level land, 'good soil, adapted to alfalfa and all kinds of grain. About 60 acres under cultivation: ail tillable; price M2.40 per acre. Incumbrance 8i0u. No. 1101. A 330-acre farm, 6 miles south west of O'Nell, Holt county, Nebraakt; 100 acres under cnltlvation;. sll good till able laud; a , good 6-room bonne, barn, granary, corn crib, well, windmill, etc.; $16 per acre. ' ' No. 3. An 80-acre farm, located 6 miles from Sioux City, Woodbury county, Iowa; sixty acres under cultivation; good new building; good soil, all tillable; price V per acre. Incumbrance, 83,0o0. No. 1102. An 80-acre farm. 2H miles from three, good towns in Crawford county, Iowa; about 66 acres under cultivation, balance pasture with scattered timber; all fenced and cross fenced; fair buildings, well, etc.; price 366 per acre. Incumbrance $3,100. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Room 2, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . . RE M 279 i , , HERE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY. I Will offer for sale a few days only, two tracts of ground at the corner of 83d and Farnam. at 'a price that will Justify their use for - medium priced homes. TONIE8T "LOCATION IN THE CITY. William K. Potter. 801 Brown Blk. - RE-406 TRACKAGE A fine place of trackage property, 147x 2234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones 8t.j $12,0.0 will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, ' Room 1 New York Life Bldg. , RE 71 A GOOD business lot for sale. Best loca tion ln town. Address J. J. F., Fremont, Neb. ' ' RE-M368 822 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. We own our lands and sell it for $7 per sere; others ask $15; avoid the agent and the heavy commissions; mall orders so licited; terms and full particulars on ap plication. F. Av Parker Land Co., Ppon cer, la. , RE M384 S28 U. S. Sale Bureau, 304 Neville block. Real Estate and Investments. RE U42S 84 Five adjoining lots at 4 Sth and , Grand Ave., $250. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel:', Doug. 1781. ' RE M563 27 SACRIFICE SALE ; Ten-room bouse, beautiful lot, close to boulevard, walkv,. ' Ing dlstane;"muet sell before September1 1, sacrifice price. Five-room house . and . two , . lota a great bargain at,, $1,000. .. . - - Six-room house, walking dis tance; good home $1,400.' National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. : RB-4U 27 THE MIDLAND OUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has over 10,000 copies of titles, which en ables If to figure lower than any other abstract company In Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglas-829, or call at offices, 1714 Farnam. RE M679 27 BEAUTIFUL HOME Beautiful 6-room house, modern exoept furnace, on Lake St., one block from 24th St. Best bargain ln the city of Omaha for the money $1,800. .' Terms. National Investment Co. DOUGLAS BLOCK. i RE-4U3 27 FOR SALE A t room residence property on N. 29th St. Prloc and terms reason able. Globe -Land and Investment Co., Room 2. Patterson Blk , RE M 393 FOR SALE 1(0 acres fine Nebraska farm land, can raise three crops alfalfa. $6.0 J per acre. Inquire D. W. Keller, 103 So. Main St., Co. Bluffs, Ia. RE M332 28 ELEGANT SOUTH FRONT LOT At 48th and Grant Sta., in Grammrey park, one block from car line and In . splendid neigh borhood. We can sell it . this week for $225. $25 . cash, balance $ 5 monthly without interest. See us r today. ;' PAYNH INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781." RE M652 28 FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC . RAILROAD CO. Is closing out lis lands in' western Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. ' From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. Taku advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be 'gone. v ' Special excursion . rates to the lauds. For further Information apply to ' UNION PACIFIC LAND AOENCY. 318 South Uth St., Omaha, Neb. H-M687 1 19 ACRES No. 1 farm la ad In Burt county, 1 pi He west snd miles south of Crsig. Including 2.0UO bushels of oats, 40 sen of corn, 9 head of horses. 3o head of S.ioi thorn cattle, farm maohineiy, tie.. llov pex acre; can gif'e possesa.oii any time. 'Phone L 8. Craig, - Neb. H-M430 27 Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60.000 acres of "fine wheat lands, $4.00 ta $1600 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Glob Land and lnveatmant Co, Omaha, Neb a nd Sioux City. Ia. H M21 BVt DANCING MQRAND'S classes for adults reopen Tuesday. September 4, at 8 p. in. A reduc tion of 32 on all tlcketa bought on or be fore opening night. Call 16th and Harney. Open all day and evening; Sunday 3 to &. Telephone Douglaa 1041. Opening ssM-ra-bly Bf ptember 6. M 192 Six LAW & COLLECTIONS I. M. Marfarlandi M 24. X. L. Bldg. TeL DoUaYCsMk , -73 Ad way and be sure! 1 FcRSGNAi PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of plies cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given In every case t rented by Dr. Max well, who las had twenty-five years' ex- fertence In treating plleb. Hundreds of eitlmonlala given on application. 624 Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas 1424. ( U-M174 AgU ANY POOR GIRL In need of a frlendcall or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N -';b St., Onaha. Neb. U-M10M TRY KELLY'4 Laundry. 'Phone DouuIh Si. U-oi3 1H. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1606 Fa mm. U-764 PRIVATE lonlineruent home; Mrs. Dr. . King. 2018 ,N. 21st St. Tal. Doug. 36u9. PLEATING Buttons, Ruchlng. A ULn I 1MVJ Embioiderlng, uyeir.g and Cteanuifi, Sponging and SUi ink ing, only 6c per yard. Sand fur price list snd aample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglaa Block. . Tel. Douglas 1936. U-764 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM, TeL Doug. 24. 211 8. Uth St. C-767 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mr. Uardeli. 2ZJ6 Charles. Tel. Doug. 63U. , U 76 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oil . clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of colliding to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 And wagon will call. U on FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelgbton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid 'to confinement cased. All treatment su pervised by college protessor. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. tJ 129 THE City Garbage Co Office, 14th and Leavenworth Bta. Tel. Doug If .s 1367. U 788 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bleg adopted. Tbe Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluff, I a. Tel 774. V-322 SURVEYING, BUckenaderfer. 312 Bee Bldg. U 770 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramrs Bldg. U 771 EYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut Erices. Send for free catalogue. Myers illiou Drug Co., Omaha. U 77 WE RENT sewing machine at 81 per week; we aell second-han.i machines $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 773 DR8. VOGEL. private hospital for women and for ladles before snd during confine ment 2319 8. Uth St. Omaha, Neb. U M970 S17 ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne. (II Bea Bldg. U-432 S ACORN PRESS t.,."..! IJ-693 S 6HOULD BLANCH A RD'8 ECZEMA LO TION not give speedy or satisfactory re sult, notify Prof. I. Blanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis, Minn. Whole salers supply all druggists. . U-M610 SlOx f A nWlV.TTn trestment and bath. Mme. Smith, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. U 814X MEDICAL 8EST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerv Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 774 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wtthneli block, loth and Harney, room 2, Omaha. -457 PILES Moat obstinate cases cured. Symmes Pile Remedy. By mall 60a. box 872. Cincinnati, O. M367 84 Af AfTVFTTP! OSTEOLOGY Mr. Rlt JUAUxMljllU tenhouse. 410 N. 11th. room 3, second floor. M-427 24 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to come and get It. Don't let money stand in the way of en joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. . SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. - 307-308 Paxton Block YOU CAN do without, but what's the use? 'None at all. BORROW MONEY en -your furniture, pianos, live ' stock and other chattels. Wa also loan to persona steadily employed on their plain note without endorrer. NO ONE WILL KNOW you ever had a loan, besides you have us of both money and security at the same time. EASY PAYMENTS arranged to suit yovr pur. LIBERAL REBATE ' If paid before due. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade ijiug. T j. Douglaa ttSL. (.KstablUhed 1V2) . . lwi bo. 161 H Oi- -. X M5C1 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan- Co.. 16o4 Farnam St-. X 7ti DR. PRlBEOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furuiture, piano, salary, . hoi sea, etc., In any amount, at less iban htuf the rate; no rod tape; period vucy; Immediate auonliou, on any tens a anted; payment suspended in case of sicanesd or out of employment. Room ' 214 Karbach block. 309 H. 16th St. X 78J Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg, Advances private money on chattels or salsry; easy to get; no red tap; you get money same day usked fur at small coL Open evenings till 7. X 773 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otheie without curr.y; eaay pay ment. Office ln 63 principal due. Tol man. loom 714, New York LAi bldg. X-ii3 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; (vllablc, accom modating; all bualneas confidential, idol Douglas. X-7S1 FURNITURE, IHb stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co.. room . Burner block. X-7l MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture. ft, Jew. . 3l a e:ry, oorsea. cows, etc. (j. jr. Meed, Uth. X-77S CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. X 7W WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO"" BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpet, clothing ana noeti. i sy in oesi prices, i ei. Douglas IJTL N 468 86 I WANT some trees tsken off of lot at 1511 South ibih St. Enquire at above number at once, N 447 27x MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE OARV1N BROS.. 1404 Farnam, $ and 6t per cent loan on real aetata; no delay. W-i3 MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-764 WANTED City loans snd warrant. W. Farnam Smith 4s Co., 13J0 Farnam St. W 746 BUILDING Uwaa on reaidene property; $ per cent. W. B. Melkle,- Ramge Blk. W-784 LOWEST RATES Bm la, Paxton Block. W-i7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1630 Xoug.' W-777 $1,009,000 TO LOAN on bualnees and resi dence property In Omshs; lowest r:s; no.delsy Thomas Brennan, K. I, N. Y. Llf. W-7M WAITED City loana. R C. Peters Co. W-768 City aY farm loans. O. F. Careon Co., N.T.L, W-760 LOANS on Improved city property. W. IL Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. W 741 $s.000. In $500 and $900 iota. Come and see us. M. J. Kennard & Co.. 80!M0 Brown Block. W 261 ' WANTED AGENTS AGENTS TAKE NOTICE Gentlemen and ladies are making $26 to $40 per week selling our embroidered goods snd other novelties direct to consumer. Good sellers In city or country.' Others do It, why not youT Csll or write. L. S - liMHRUlUEKt WORKS, lVi B. 16th. -. . . J M668 Sept 1 NEW Sleeve Protector for office and house work. Write today. Get territory; other new goods. Ladles' Supply Co., Prsirle Ave., O.. Chicago. J-M212 Sl8x AN old line life Insurance agent wanted; one with experience, capable of writing business himself and managing men; sal ary and commission. Address Lock Box 1526, Lincoln. Neb. J-M861 31 WANTED Party to sell tressury stock of a southern Nevada gold mining company. The property Is one of the best In that remarkable country. The stock Is easily aold; a good thing for the Investor and party who sells It. It will pay you to In vestigate this offer. Address N 23, Bee. J-2S1 81 BECOME our agent; make money selling Gra-LIn Process visiting cards; copper plate effect. Much cheaper. .Gray Co., 109 r Fulton St., New Yock- J M&6 27x FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In thla column, put an ad In and you will soon get tt. Z 933 $20 ACRES Near Roswell, New Mexico, In the famous Pecos- valley; excellent, smooth land eaally irrigated; fined cli mate and no better land In the world for fruit and other crops; altitude 3,600 feet. This land is growing valuable fat. Will exchange ror good income propi city or country. W. E. Davis, 42S N. 24th St., South Omaha. Z-M201 27x WILL trade Omaha residence for farm land.. Freeman, 2620 Rurdette. Omaha. . Z-M561 27s TO EXCHANGE Large grocery business for good firm land; business established 40 years; city of 26,000, Illinois; first-class , In . every, respect; select trade. Address Q-6, car Pee. Z-M525 82x WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished houo Address O 2, Bee. K M 423 27X WANTED Board and ' room by young woman, private family, Address O 10, Bee. . K-M646 28x WANTED by buslnesa lady, lady to share suite of rooms. References .exchanged. Address O 11, Bee. . K-M466 27x WANTED To rent, a bsrn that will hold 16 head or more of horses. Address O 23, care Bee. ' , K-M674 29 WANTED To rent T or 8-room house, fur nished or unfurnished. Must be modern and well located. Box 844 Des Moines. Ia. K-M680 29 PATENTS PATENTS quickly secured with ample claims. Special fifteen dollars ' saving proposition for thirty days. Write today, enclosing description of Invention. ; Wm. 1 Bagger, Patent Lawyer, Wash,. D. C. M-804 Sept. 26x F. J. LaRSON A CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. - ,. 748 SHARPB MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, Salterns, castings,' machine work. 6U4-612 . 10th St. 747 Patenta procured and aold, 1 fee. Nat'l In vestment Co., Douglaa Blk., 16th aY Dodge. -M471 SI WANTED SITUATION RESPONSIBLE position wanted by well educated young man. Correspondence solicited. Address Box 84 Blair, Neb. - A M461 alx A SKILLFUL atone carver wants perrmt . nrnt work. Has designed and carved on wood and stone on -some of the. best estates and monuments ln England. Ad dress, E. G., 4216 Lafayette Ave. ,.. . A M4S8 28 WANTED By refined woman of experi ence, position aa housekeeper where there is one or more servants; best of refer ences to right party.. D-21, care Be. ' A-626 62x FENCING WIRE AND IRON FENCING. For lawn, garden poultry and farm. Send tor large free catalogue. Get our prioea Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 933-36-3, N. 24th. Tel. Doug.-3702. . M837 S13 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; .Wire Fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 811 MS36 813 CHAMPION fences best. U B. 16th. Doug. 1590. 684 Lost LOST Coat containing , pocketbook wltb small amount of money, $9.00, and some valuable papers between Jth Ave and Broadway. Finder will be rewarded If they return ssme to M.'C. Lennon, 72$ 7th Ave., Council Bluffs. Lost M74 83 LOST A day book:, return to J. T. MeVlt tie," 1507 Harney street, and receive te ward Lotil2i327x PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first cla good handled. Prompt attention -to every order. Send for catalogue. U- F. Karol. 236 Harrison St.. Chicago, 111. 72x DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR The Douglas county fair will ba held September to October 8, 19u6. Premium lists can be had by calling at the Douglas Printing Co., 1608 Howard St., or addressing the secretary, G. W. Hervey, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Mitt 81 DRESSMAKING PATTERNS out to measure. McDowell system of dressmaking taught. Ii23 Far nam. . -M636 B? HCRSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE Three fine, good, heavy work horses. Inquire at McKachron Bros, 2th snd Lake. P-M266 27 DETECTIVE SEMICO WETMORE detective servlee: 'phone Red 74ol. Roome U and H Union Blk.. l&tk and Farnam. '. 671 Sax MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Potjgla ejtl. M-428 a34 DEATH NOTICES BLAKE !,o tils, at the family home, T3i Iiewey Ave.. Sundny morning, Aug. 26, of catarrh of the stomach. ' Funeral services at 3 p. m. at the home. Interment. Forest lawii Friends Invited. CSTE0PATHT IOHNSOV Institute, 418 N. T. L, TU Doug. last. -T88 DR. W. W. BOWSER, over 1IW0 Fsrnsm. ret Poug.-ti.rro. M;v S22 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful snd truthful predictions given. Call 118 8. ICth St. Opp. Boston Store. 8 M1S8 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OA'rB. Dried Fruit. Etc. Depsrtment ' of t :i Interior, Offlr-e of Indian Affairs, Wssh Ington, D. C, Aus-ust, 7, .111116. sesi.-d proposals, plainly marked on the outst.he of the envelor, "Proposals for flour, oata, dried fruit," etc., as the ruse may he, ana addressed to the "Commissioner tt Indian Affairs, Washington. Iv c," will be re ceived at the Indian ortice until 2 o'clock! p. m. of Thursday, September 27. 10. and then opftned." for furnishing 'H Indian service with canned tomatoes, rornraeal. cracked wheat, drlrd fruit, feod, floor, hominy, oats, and rolled oats, dur ing the fiscal year ending June 80, 190T. Bids must le made out on government blanks. Schedules giving the necessary Information' for. bidders w ill be furnished on application to the Indian office. Wash Ingtnn, D. C. ; the.U. 8. Indian warehouses at New York City, Chicago, III., Sk Lou la. Mo., Omaha, Neb, and Han Francisco. Csl.( the commissary of subsistence, U. H. A., st Cheyenne. Wyo.. the Quartermaster. fV. 8. A., Seattle, Wash., and the postmas ters at Tucson. Portland, Spokane and Taooma. The department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. C. F. LARRABEE, Acting Commissioner. A27 Dlot OFFICE . CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master. Cheyenne, Wyoming, August iu, lPo. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this otnee until 11:30 a. m, September 20. 19d. at which time they will be opened In public, for furnishing all ma terial and labor required and laying sp proximately square feet' of conorete sidewalk and ltW square feet of stone road crossings at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. In accordance with plans and specifications on file at the above named office. Blank forms . of proposals and full information furnished on application. The right Is re served to reject any and all bids or psrt of bids. Envelopes '.Containing proposals should be endorsed. "Proposals for Con crete Walks and Stone Crossings," and ad dressed V. K. Hart, Quartermaster, U. 8. Army, In charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyoming. . A23-84-26-27-S18-19. RAILWAY TIME CARD VKIO STATIC TENTH AA D MARCY Vaiasi Pactao. Leave. ' Arrive. Overland LlmlteC a 9:4o am a 8:16 pra The China and . Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pra Colo. AY Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9.30 am California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm A 6:10 pns Loa Angelas Limited. ...all:30 am a!0:46 pm Fast Mall a 1:66 pm a 8:30 pn Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pnt Beatrice Local b 3:16 pm b 2:04 pm tbtcaaa, Mocl& Island at radio. Aar. Leave, .a i.Xu am .a 7:0w am .a 8:16 am Arrive. Chicago Limited Iowa iocal Chicago Mall ... Iowa Local ...... bl3:2 pm Chicago (Eastern Bxp.t.a 4:06 pm Chicago uowa amnion) a :3 pra WEST. Rocky Mountain-Lira.. .47:20 am Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a 2:01 pm Okl. AY Texas Exp a 4:40 pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:10 cm a 8:66 pm al3:06 pm rf:am ' a dally, b dally except Sunday. Chicago Great W extern. SU Paul AY Mlnjoea pohs. 8:30 pm t, Paul AY Minneapolis. 7:44 am Chicago Limited 1:40 pm Chicago Express 7:46 am Chicago., xpreas , 1:80 pes 7:ltam U.-60 pm .( am 11. M pm iM pra wassa, . St. Louis Express . 6J0 poa 11 1. a 1:40 am k jiouui iocat uroa . Council Blufts a 8:16 am alOJO mm 8tanbrry Local (frotn . Council Biuftsj b 6:00 pm nil JO am Chicago, UUossk 4t kt. f aoL Chi. AY Colo. Special. .. .a 7'Ak am a 740 am iaiuornia ae urt, jut... a o:o pm Overland Limited a 8:86 pm Marlon AY Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am Uiuoari favllta. St. Louis Express .. 8:00 am 1C C. AY St. L. Expres..aU:U pm CBloago Tt Kertawestera. a $ao pm a :A) aia bu.00 pm a 8:80 pm a 6:U0 pm Cedar Raplda Pass. ...a 7:va am a 6:hS nm 1 win kilj juyiDH ....a I .W mill mjM.w pux Chicago Daylight a V:uu am ail: 16 put Chicago Local all:! am a 8:46 put Sioux City Local b 8:60 pm a 9:36 am Carroll Local ' a 4:42 pin a 9.6u am Sioux City Local ......... b 3:46 pm Chicago aixpres a 6:60 pra a 7:30 am Fast Mall a 8:2 pm' a s:30 am Fast Mail 1:U pm Twin City Limited ...a 8:28 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited a H:ta pm a 9:16 am Chicago Limited all:uu pm ailai am Norfoik-Bonesleel a 7.40 am aJu.u am Lincoln-Long fine b 7:40 am bl0:36 am Deadwood-Lincola .....a 3:00 pm a 6:u6 pin Casper-Slioshonl a 3:w pm a 6:06 pm Hastings-Superior ...,..b 8:u) pra b 6:u6 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm bl2:4v pm . a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. UUaoia Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 8:66 pm Chicago Limited a 4 .no pu a 7 JO am WEBSTER DKl'Ol-1.11, a WKBITlik, Ckieago, St. Paal, MlaaeapelU Omaha. ' Leave. ' Arllva. Twin City Passenger.'. .b 60 am b 9: 10 pot Sioux City Paasonger...a 8:00 pm all: a) am Emerson Local b 4.20 pm b 9.U) am Emerson Local l....o ; auv a 4.W put Attssoarl PaaJJla. Nebraska Local, via WmuIus Water .......a 20 nm bl2 Jm n BCRL$!STO4 STATlOA-lOta A SI At ON. BrUgls. Leave. .a 4:19 pm .a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .all .10 era .a . am ,.a 8;u am .'b'i'oii'pm .b 2.6v pra .a 7.60 am Arrive, a 4 3o pm a $.M pm a 9:0b am a IUM pm a 7.40 pm a i' it's m ai2.ii pm biti.a am a t.isi am a 7:19 am a 8 jo am a 1.69 pm a 7: am a 8:6 pm a 7:36 am ait:M pm sll.Av sm a 1:46 am a t.l pm Denver At California.. black Hills Northwest Special .... Northwest luxpreas ... Nebraska JCxpres .... Nebraska Local Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail Ft. Crook AY FlattaaVh Ballevue At Piattsra'h Denver Limited Uelie vu 46 Pac. June. bUevu Ac Pao. June. Chicago Spaclal Chicago Lxprcaa .a 3:0 am .a 9:10 am .a 7:26 am .a 8.46 pra .a 8:06 pm .a am .a 4.46 pm .al0:46 pm .a 9:16 am .a 4:46 pm Chicago Flyer Iowa Local. St. louia . press. .. M, Kanaa ny-ai. Ranaaa Clly-Bt. Jo.. t-ity-ou rfoe... ' a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Pally . a.lnr.l.u . Unnuu Anlv. m fk ilm except Monday. LABOR A BID 8T4DISTRY. An English syndicate Is to erect a mod srn five-story eurtliquake-proof hotel In Manila, to cost lioo.u). M 80 grest Is the demand for railroad help In eastern cities that many companies have abolished the age limit rule. Two new rocord In deep-earth mining are reported. Oold lias been reached In Australia at 4,224 feet, copper In Michigan at 6.4OO. The people of tbe United Slates smoked $3.00i.0u0 worth of Porto Rican cigars laat year. That was $1,000,000 more then the value of those consumed tne previous year. About 6.ono iron miners In Lor rain, mora than half of the whole number employed In that legion on the border of Germany and Fiance, are uaing acetylene lamp in their work. Gum chewing I a big business In this country, the total product footing up to $K,0tO.00u per annum wholesale, and In view of the fact that the product I generally sold In 1-cent packsges, this means at least 8o0.0fin.0u0 retail sales a ytar. The Fall River cotton mill mak a larger proportionate distribution of profits for tbe July quarter than at any previous time since lSoO. The average quarterly dividend rate lb 1.68 per cent, exclusive of a atock dividend of 60 per cent declared by one of the mills. Accordlna to the American Manufacturer, the coal deposits of North America are' estimated o contain nearly as much sa those of Europe,, or M.0U',u"'.0' tone, but even this gigantic figure 1 completely dwaifed by Asia's wealth of eoal. as to which It la at la went Intposslble to maaa an even approximate- estimate. . pm pm pm pm