THE OMAlIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1006. S GOV. MICKEY DEFERS ACTION lat f Brnth Omaha Pgliog Board Await Saw Erarisr. HAS ' LONG . CONFERENCE WITH BOARD Llateaa to kvldea at ' Two Jt-M-aeaees and The Adjoaraa Heartagr to la Llarwla. Behind eloaed floor ' Oovernor Mick? pent three hoars hearing evidence and con sulting with the member of th Booth Omaha Board of Fir anil Potk-e Commit- Blurt In an Investigation of the charge mad by Joseph Spelts that tha commission permitted saloon to retrial open Sunday In violation of tha law. At tha conclusion of the conference none of tho who partic ipated was vary talkative. - Oovernor Ukk mmlA V- W-Jl vu..a -It - 11 m.H- nwwi and would 'not dlactiM th confer enca nntll ha had. " " Tha remaining wlt naaaaa ha aald would appear befor him In hit offloe la Lincoln. Ha dacllnad to make any statement until than. " ' Tha conference la tha reoult of a demand by Mr. Spelt that the commission b re moved because Of Ita fallnre to enforce the Sunday' dosing law. 'Attorney Oeneral Brown . haa Just given the immor an opinion to the effect that he haa the Bower to remove the 'member of the com m la Job provided It 14 shown they have failed to require the saloone to obey lh law. The governor's decision. It la believed, will determine whether or not the Hd wilt be clapped down In Omaha and South Omaha, though the attorney general's decision aa to the power of tha governor did not apply te Omaha. . ... Those at Coafereaee. Those who attended the conference were Oovernor Mickey and A. B. Allen, tha gov amor's secretary. Chief Brlgga of the Bouth Omaha polloe, and tha members of the commission. - Mr. Spelts appeared at the request of the governor and renewed his charges that the commission wsa permitting saloons to remain open en Sunday. He I aald he had purchased drinks on Sunday launches and boats of all descriptions. I and to substantiate hla charges called upon see In the paper that there la a move George Bradeen, who waa the principal wit- ment on foot to Improve the lake and Itesa agalnat Crlef Brlgga before the grand Jury, last spring. . After Bradeen had come out of the conference rrom he said: "I told the governor I had bought drinks on Sunday and expected to buy mora to morrow. He asked me If I did not think I waa a co-partner In the crime and therefore In a and position to testify. I answr?d I had taken aa, oath to tell the truth and had told it" 1 After Spelta and Bradeen had left the room the commissioners and the governor remained In conferecne for an hour. At the conclusion of the meeting Ooverm,. Mickey declined to dlsousa the evidence he had listened to. "I will hear some more witnesses In my office at Lincoln next week," he said, "and. I will not decide anything until then. I do not oare to discus the evldenea now." . Statement of Wolao. Thomas Nolan, a member of th com mission, said: The hearing was a farce. Spelts, who made the charge, admitted he had piloted stockmen front hla restaurant to disorderly houses and had been stopped by th chief of police. "He seemed to have more of a grievance agalnat Chief Brlgga than against th. members of the board. There waa, no evidence that an ordinary person would give much weight. I think the whole thing la over I Mr. Nolan said ' tha member of th board neither admitted nor denied that the South Omaha, saloon have been running an Sunday. Who ' th witnesses are that will go to Lincoln to testify was not itated. Oovernor Mickey aald there would probably b some on both sides, Bradeen and hla wife, it la charged. formerly ran a disreputable place In South Omaha and were cloeed out by th board. Th member accuse him of trying to get revenge now by testifying against them. It was on his testimony and that pf hi former wife, now Mra. Beck, that the In dlotment against Chief Brlgga was re turned by the grand jury last spring. Oovernor Mickey vlstud friend In Dun dee last night, returning to Lincoln on a lata train. Salooaa Ordered im Close. Tn accordance with the wish of Governor Mickey the South Omaha Board of Fire aad Police Commissioner promptly Issued th order for Sunday closing last night. Chief Brlgga and Captain Tumqulat rod all over th rlty early In the evening and laaued the order In person to alt the aaloon men. Strict observance of all details will be exacted. Alt curtains, both front and back, and all obatruetlona to a clear view must be re moved so that tha entire Interior can be seen eaetly. Order were laaued at roll can to tha patrolmen t enforce th closing. In thu Issuing the order the board adheres consistently to Its original position, namely. that If the Board of Fire and Police Conv ml airmen of Omaha Issued similar orders the board here would be moat willing to en force th regulation. The governor yester day gave the board his pledge that he would compel the Xtmaha authorltlea te have a similar order to the police or re move them and appoint those who Would, Mr. Nolan, speaking for the majority of th board, aald It was always tha Intention of the members to Insist on ths enforce ment of th law when Omaha should ba put oa th aame basis, and under tha promise that thla shall be done at one th present order takta rla. ... Order Hot Hew la Osaaha. Omaha aaloon, keepers will b held to a strict observance of the prescribed closing hours by ths police, In accordance with order laaued to the department some time ago. , Saloon must be cloeed, at 1 o'clock on all nights except Saturdsy nights, when . .iMl,u.b im tmm 1i-it ' Am m , ... Am v ... .,.. r,wl nm tha police mean bu tinea three arrests for keeping open after houra have been made within the taat week, The last arrest waa that of P. II. Hammon. whose aaloon was found open by Patrolman Crow after mid night Saturday nignt. The other oases were C. T. Perkins. -1U North Sixteenth atreet, and th Burke ealeen In the Third ward. WOMAN IS A POOR MARKSMAN Mteeee Her ' Haabanal aad gloats ' ' Maa la Alley la Rear of Hoaaeu " ' William Seawarts. tM South Thirteenth strset. waa shot In the right shoulder Sat urday evening while unhitching a team of liorae ra th allay adjoining the home of John Hart, 1MT South ' Twentieth street Xl shot waa one of, three which, It la ssarted. ware Brad by Mr. J east Tracy, d tughter of John Hart, at her husband. r viarlee Treey. during a quarrel. The polloe were notified and the wagon. -' H officer aad Surgeon Harris, wer sent the soene. Scbarart had been taken to . nerger troeary store, itfl ftoMth Twen tieth .atroat. where the wound wa found to be superficial. He we taken home by tha police. J Mr. aad Mra, Tracy fled from the neigh borhood before tb wacoa reached O'Jft LETTER BOX. st ber Howt-ll le At. OMAHA. Auf. .-To the Editor of The Bee: In answer to the query I have re ceived a treat many tlmee during the last dv of two aa lo my being a member of the Dahlman Democracy. 1 wleh to etate that I am" not only a member at thla or sanitation, but one at the Inoorporatora thereof, and I believe thi club la Intended to sustain and hold" up the, hand a of tha beet dty administration Omaha haa erer had. and 1 believe that alt democrttta should unite In the support of an administration that, to my mind, la honestly and .con scientiously trying to carry out the planks of the best democratic city platform ever written. Thla "cowboy mayor of Aura waa turned loose last spring with his "larlet rope and epura" to win this fight, and as one demo crat I don't feel like shrinking or, shirk Ing any responsibility of his administra tion, and tf the brand keep to Its present high standard on all things (except as to a tew miner appointments) 1 am ready to follow It to the end of the trait. E. B. HOWELL. - ' Cat-Otr Lake. OMAHA. Aug. S.-To the Editor of Tha Bee: Cut -Off lake la a beautiful body of water lying right In tha city's lap. so to speak, well stocked with fish, free from destructive storms and an 'Ideal body of water for bathing and boating. Few people a fWnaka 1t what a nrirn1 tha eltv U.a m im. i.k. at tha ntv'a door. , .,,,.. x boulevard ,v, .... v.,- th. one thing to popularise this much neglected body of water. The poorer class of people as a rule so far have been patronising tha lake and In my judgment the proper au thorities could not make a more popular move than by seeing to It that the lake la Improved by a boulevard and parking In spots along the boulevard. Any other city but Omaha would appreciate thla body of water. Kansas City, for Instance, would have spent thousands of dollars on Im provement and beautifying long before thla. and the shore would be lined with cosy cottages and the water dotted -with private build cottages. Am glad to aee thla spirit manifested and hope It will grow until Cut-Oft lake will be tha pride of every man, woman and child In this neighborhood. R. M.. NELSON. Douglas (44) FrtnUng Co.. 150B Howard. GOVERNOR VISITS CITY JAIL Caaaea laanaoaaeed ad Onseers Daty Fall to Reeoaais ' Hlsa. Oovernor John H. Mfckey and Lieutenant Oovernor McOllton called at the Omaha city jail Saturday evening for the purpoae of going through the lockup. . When, bis excellency presented himself at the window and asked for tha chief,. Desk Sergeant Havey failed to recognise the executive. but replied that th head of the Omaha, polloe department waa not at the station, He told him, however, that Captain Dunn waa In. but that the captain eras very busy just then and he would have to wait. Basing that all cltlsen were given the same treatment without favor, prejudice or regard to distinguished appearance,' Mr, MoOllton ' leaned Over 1 and Informed the sergeanjt what persona xe It was that waa calling. A soon aa thla became known, a ,,..aUnc proo, whlch th, captain was . ,im- Mtiittir immui.tdu Interrupted, and he emerged to greet th governor. The two visitor were then taken through the jail and both made a careful inspection. WATCHES Frenser. ISth and Dodge. NOS. ?M AND 74&-A KGW CORSKLKT EFFECT. The most .popular mode at preaent la Parts Is thai of ths corselet skirt, and a very attractive nw model for an eutfit of this kind Is shown. Th blouse la one of those fetching tittle affair of soft filmy fabric, which are nof difficult to niak and yet serve for any sort of nice occasion. It may he made of a thin silk, taffeta, cash mere or veiling and with or without the chemisette or yoke of lac. The broad shouldered effect is given by th tuck over th shoulder, which la taksn up after th shoulder seams are sewed. The sleevee ar c very charming little affair a shows, bji they may be long if preferred. The Alrt I a aeven-plec circular one, Ottlug rtcel- Molly at the tup and fUrliig widely .-about the bottom. It the corselet la not desired It may b finished In regulation fntlln or In round relnture effect. These aktrts are little trimmed save for bands or; folds about the lower edge. The skirt ray be devel oped In any of the new materials, broad cloth being excellent. For the medium at th waiat.ralla for three, yarda of X-laca material and the aklrt . -yard, of M-lach. Two pattrrne-ett. u to it inche bust measure; 1715, to U Inches waist. Ths price of thew4 patterns Is M cents, but either will be sen Xpon receipt of 10 cent. ' i Tor th aersmmodation f Th Omaha Be readere Aiaas pattern, which usually retail at ,fr tm K to 60 centa. will be fur. Blahed at y nomiral price (10 cents, which to vara )' expense. In order to get a pat tern en loss 1 cents, giving number and name f patters wanted and buat measure. Aa A patterns are mailed direct from the pubAahara ta New Tork. It will ruulr efut a weak' Urn to fill th order. Ad 'Awas: Pattern DepartniaaL Th Ooaaaa Omaha, ftiefc. it n I iii I SEASONABLE PASHI0II5. j AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA f relimiiary Eenad of Golf Tauntaieat at th Country Club. PREPARING FOR OPENING OF SCHOOLS Mayor Haeter Mavtaaj Coed gaeeeae geearia Waivers tor tlht-l-Way Prlvat Property for the Sewers. Tha first round of th pretlmiaary tryoui of the contestants for the golf toarnament (am off yesterday afternoon. About twenty-fir members entered the lists. The weather was exceptionally well adapted lo the comfort of the playera and the contests took a lively Interest from the start. Some of the crack playera were on the field and good score were recorded. No comptla lion of the result will be made until to night when the record will be completed and the candidatea for the tournament will be announced. Over forty conteatanta are expected to appear on th field today and they will represent the strength of the healthy young club. The Friday night dance last week was one of th moat enjoyed functlona of the summer. Next Friday evening a novelty wltl be Introduced whloh promise much fun. Th member of th entertainment committee have decided to give at th next regular dance a ladies' choice danle... Last evening Mr. and Mr. Ed. Munshaw gave a dinner at the club house at which they entertained Mr. and Mrs, D. Green of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of Omaha, Mr. Cyrua Nelson and Miss Louisa Munshaw. Preparing for School. N. M. Graham, principal of th " South Omaha High school. ! looking for a large enrollment of students for the present year. Now that the opening of achool Id but one week distant some timely instruction are In order. It la anticipated, aa usual, that many stulents will put off oomtng to tha principal's office thla week to register for their ooursea of. study. Thla they should not do. During tha present week eaoh student should visit the high school and determine his or her course. If this I negleoted such a pupii on coming to school oa th opening morning will be sent home the first day, as thsy cannot then be classified aa to course of study. Tbos who desire to select courses of study and to have their program made out for thera ready for the first day of school should re port to the principal's office before Thurs day. Next Saturday between 1 and I p. m. locker keys will be distributed to th students enrolled. A deposit of S cents will be required from each pupil for a key. School begins at I a. m. Monday, Septem ber t. Mayor goearlaar Walvwra.. Mayor Hootor la busy with ths waiver of the various property owners for the right- of-way of the different branches of the sewer system. He Is of the opinion that most of the work will be completed by Monday night. There I some difficulty In getting signatures of soma of the property owner for the reason that they ar non resident. AU ol the larger holder have signified their Intention of signing the waiver in th matter and a majority have already signed. John Latenser, the architect to whom was granted the contract to prepare plan for th new city hall, baa called the city offl- ers In their turn to consult him with regard to their respective offices. 'Yesterday aft ernoon the city clerk waa ' asked to pax his visit. In this Mr. Latenaer I adopting a different tine of taotloa than tn making th plan' of th South Omaha High achool, The plana 'of th new building will be completed within a week or more, it la believed. The grading . gang is ktlll at work leveling oft the sit. (ltk Caao Partially Triad. The cases of Oeorge Outh and Lulu May Hyde of Kansas City, under charge of I adultery, were brought to trial yesterday morning. The defense .fought bard for a continuance, offering affidavits that mate rial evidence was lacking In the person of several Important witnesses. This the court over-ruled on the ground that the principal tn the defense swore to the document not having the least conception of Ita meaning. Outh admitted that he did not know what the document contained, and he had sworn to the statement because he believed he was not "getting a square deal In South Omaha." The last reaort of the counsel for the defense was that he himself waa too III to try the can, but thla waa only par tiaJly successful. Hyd was allowed by the court to give his evidence In the case, which was to ths effect that Lulu May Hyde was his lawful wife, and rn substantiation he 1 produced the marriage certificate. He swore,! that she had left him for the company A Outh three montha ago. Since then IJte, couple had left Kansas City and come to South Omaha. Aa to their living to-.her here he waa unable to awear, not vlng found them together. At that point ybe can wa continued until Wednesday i of thl week Ths prosecution have a loen or more witnesses from the neighborhoods where ths man and woman hav baen mk. Ing their horn sine cornier; to South Omaha. The defenee will at mpt to prove that Hyde drove hie wife from him and compelled her to enter a llf a of shame. , Work oa Caralvi Qroaads. Th fenc surrounding ths carnival grouada la being , erected and a well designed gate ,l fset wide will be built on M atreet fcext to Twenty-fourth, Jut back of th . poatofflc. The electric light contract hr been let and abundant lights will be furnished for the ground, as tha commit expect te surpass any, thing that b been given heretofore. One of the, features that will ba attrae- tlv to th children during the coming week will "be the sending up of big paper oanoona from tlv Ancient Order United Workman temple each night and the bar. ties rturnlng the Ug which la attached to thsaa big balloon will receive a season tlckt to the carnival. TAie committee ha atretched aomo ban- .- ever the atreeta and the bill board f the city ar fairly well covered with the advertisement of th ahowa that will b here. The St. Louis Amusement company ha It men here and will ba on th ground continuously during th completion of th ground for th carnival, which will open promptly on I .a nor Day. September t. at I P. m. The committee Is making prepare tlons to hav a parad la th evening, and Judge Power with a well an! ret eg drill team will pull oft a comic Initiation In th lower ball, and all the com mitt Is wish Ing for now Is good weather to make this the best carnival ever pulled off In South Omaha. Mania (It, flaealp Jay I.averty Is out of ths city on a bust it--", i ri p. Dan BiTflta waa given thirty days yeoter day tor habitual drunkenness. Mrs. J. McCullougb of Iowa has beea t guest of C, M. Rich ths paat weak. Miaa LI isle Bentsburg haa gone for 4 viait with relatives at LotiUvlll. Jfy. Mra J. L. Duff and daughter ar In Cm. ion. ia.. wner iney are visiting friend Mrs. Wiyian Smallrldgs Is enjoying a visit from her sister, who lately arrived trnm irejana. ' Eugene Muensenmlr Is a guest of her sisier, sirs, ueorge a. Kennedy, Eighteenth ann u atresia. Mra. May gwatsanbaurh of Ottum Is.. Is the gueet of her brother. Robert v eir. sma laxniiy. Mra, B. B. H1L aee Mis Margaret Mur ray. now of Onsaa, Kan., la visiting her parent In thla city. James Thomas wss sentenced to ten days In the rlty jail for dl "orderly conduct while In a state at Intoxication. Thomas Robinson, colored, who was con victed of petit larceny, having stolen a suit of clothes Isst week from the W.glng houe of All Nation at Twenty-sixth and M atreet. eras sentenced to twenty-thre dar m th tourty jail. Thomas McCollum flied his tlr of ap peal with tha rHy clerk. He haa a Nairn against the city for Kn.BOn, arlatng from slleaed Injuries sustained on N street last February. He appeals from the action of tha city contacil to the district court. The death of Albert J. Krejek, Twenty, fifth and M etreete, an aid resident, well known aa a musician to the people of Bouth Omaha, occurred yesterday evening. Th funeral will b held from the reaidenoa to the Bohemian Catholic church Monday morning at l: o'clock. The burial will be In St. Mary's cemetery. AT THE PUTB03SES "The rharlty BmilM of the Bmrwwo. The Charity Ball." a drama In four act, by David Belaaco and Henry C. de Mllle, by th Woodward Stock company. Th cast: Mra. Van Buren , Marie Hudson Bophle , Ha ae I Brown Mess Van Buren Isadora Martin Mr. Betta .....Harry Long Phyllis Lea Fern MaycllS Mrs. De Peyster Mary Hill Alex Robinson Grant Blmpeon Ann Cruger Loma Klltott pick Van Buren Carl Fay Mr. Creighton .. John Todd John Van Buren- Albert Morrison Judge peter Ourney Knox. Charles SohoAeld Cain (a waif) Lotti Salsberg Mr. Cruger John Davtee Jasper Harry Lot Quite a hofna-oomtng waa that of th Woodward Stock company, which returned to th Burwood Saturday night to begin a season of forty waesn. IT any member of th company thought th people bad for gotten him or her during the summer va cation, th mistake waa soon vary ap parent, for th greeting extended to each waa most sordlal. Mis Hudson wsa first to face th nulling and nthualaatle audi ence of friendly Omaltaria, who packed Ihe theater, and she was given a greeting that nearly mad bar forg ber role of Mr. Van Buren and becoraa Just plain Marie Hudson for a moment. , Then cam tha others, and a fast aa ths action of the play brought one of th company to th stage, just that often was the progress of the first act interrupted. Each member waa given Individual welcome home. Th men were alt called on for ahort speeches, and each responded with the most appro priate of sentiments. Grant Simpson's re marks being th hit of th evening. Those of the company who came as stranger were made to know that they were among friends for th time being, at least, for the effort waa spontaneous 'and evinced a promlae of even more cordiality when ac quaintance haa ripened Into friendship. Miss Elliott. Mis MayoUff and Mr. Fay ar th principal who cam to Omaha for th first Urn last night. Th play Itself la too well known to re quire any review. "Th Charity Ball" la a splendidly constructed drama, put -together by two masters of the art, David Belaaco and Henry C. de Mill. They spared no effort In their ' undertaking, and the fad that seventeen year after Ita ft rat produc tion It la still potent to move people 'to teara, and to awaken th da par emotion I ulRoient praise. It is produced and staged with care and intelligence. Director Long haa provided all that la needed for the proper exposition of the strong points of the piece and the cast Is adequate. Mr. Morrison ahowa th beneficial effecJk of hi summer's rest, tn that he enter vttb. a greater sest on th work of hi role. Th part of John Van Buten differs much from the modern hero. In that' It call for cn slderable genuine effort in Its Interpretation, and thl Mr. Morrison; supplies veythout stint,' and yt With a fine eeprasaton,' giving evidence of constdeewblrerv three. In the third act. In hla. great eoeaawUh hia brother, hla work la .excellent. He goes about It with an erne nee (foat is con vincing and gives a sense of sliQrity that carries off th situation finely, ln-the lighter moment or th play he aUV away occa. aionaJly and evinces so. Th glgns . of self' consciousness, but aa a, whole the part la well don Most of the Interest last night centered oa Mis Elliott, It 6elng her first appear ance, and the desr. to .contrast her with Miss Eva Lang Vjlng overpowering. She felt this, too, ar suffered not a little from the resulting n arvousnesa, due to her extra ordinary desire to please. To say that aha pleased puts. t mildly. Bh haa praoticg ly assured, he position in Omaha. Th part of Ann 'ruger I an unusually exacting one, its, very simplicity and cherac At belnsr it areaiest dlffleultr. But Mies iciliott fairly, if not fully, realiaes the pos'ktlltea of the role, and baring a alight tetsdency to the tragi' at times, -Is a gen "twi delight. She makes Ann cruger a '"H poised, warm-hearted, sensible young woman, full of tha kindly aympathy of a good heart and the deair to aid other that spring from an unselfish realisation of her own advantages. In the scenes with Phyl lis Le and with Jahn Van Buren sh very nicely value th delleat attuatlon . and achieves her effects most, accurately. Miss Elliott haa a fin presence, and a good voice. When aha haa conquered her ner- vouaneaa and learn to feet at home la Omaha, ah will b found a moat capable and Intelligent actress. Mr. Fay, also a newoemer, made a very good Impression as Dick Van Buren. He, too, has potae and that Indefinable some thing that give th actor th faculty of doing th thing a It should be done. His presence in th east I a distinct element of strength. Miss May cliff, In ths sympathetic role of Phyllis Lee, la very good, restraining her self at all time whan temp4ld to overact, and giving a very satisfying Interpretaton of the part. Of Mr. Schofleld, Mr. Davis, Mr. Todd. Mr. Simpson. Mr. Long, Miss Hilt, Miss Martin and Miss Hudson, little need be said. Thsy are well established here, and In passing It Is only neceesary to point out that they did all that was required of them well. Each 'cornea back refreshsd by the summer vacation and eager to work, the performance of each ahowlng thla most plainly. ' " All In all, the opening of the second sea on at the Burwood was most auspicious, and augurs well for the aeason. "Tha Charity Ball will bs th bill for th rest of th week, "vrlth the usual matinees. HAD A.f AWrtX TIME. Bat Cbaaaberlala'e Coll. Cholera aad Diarrhoea Reaaedy Cared Hi Ba it Is with plaaaur that I give you this unsolicited testimonial.- About a ysar ago when I had a vary sever cas of measles I got caught out In a hard rain and the meaile settled In my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had It not been for the us of Cbamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 could not have possibly lived but a few hour longer; but, thank to ,thla remedy, I am now strong aad wall. I 1 hav written the above through simple gratitude and I shall al waya speak a good word for thl remedy. Bam H. Owin. Concord, Oa. Grand Trunk-Lehlgn Valley Doubt Traok Rout Chicago te Nw Tork via Niagara Fall; Orand Trunk-Central Vrmoat-Bos- ton Main Boat from Chicago t Boston sad th Orand Trunk Railway System to Montreal, Qaebac and Port 1 nddo u bl track from Chios so to Montreal. Far. -dosertpUv litoratar. t will h mailed a application to Qe. W. Vaax, A. Q. P . T A-, U Aaam St, Chicago. KCPinLiLsisiimTS Best !r does in lUtTVi A 2 Food 10 cent kind ,...,-aV lbs. Hi Hf;Mif West Ambler. Mr. and Mrs. John Oants ware the meats of their eon, Ooia, and family th first tf th weak. Mrs. L. Darllna returned from her two weeks' visit with relatives at Tpellanlt, Mloh., on Thursday. Bd Bercer haa taken a Dosltlon with tha West Omaha Ice company and la boarding with hi mother In Eckerman. Mrs..- William McDonald waa tha aueat Of bar mother, Mrs. Maestrlok. from Wednesday until - Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bartlett and father at tended the Dlcnlo at Krug Park Monday given by Oeorge Crook post and corps. Mra Nelson Pratt and daughter. Miaa Minnie, wer guests of the former's par ents. Rev. and Mra Henderson, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Parks and daus-htar. Mlas Joeydell, returned Thursday from a fortnight's visit with Mra parks' parents In Michigan. . Miss Bessie Faverty came home from Fremont Friday evening, where she ha own working since she graduated at Long time In June. At the auarterty conference at South west ohurch Tuesday night Oeorge Blakely of Kaat Ambler waa elected district steward on pastor's salary. Bert Oanta, with a few relatives and friends, oeiebrated his thirty-cond birth day at hla home' near th Woodmen hall on Wednesday evening. Miss Frankls Ormsby of Piano, 111., ar rived last wsek on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ormsby, at their new home on Florene boulevard. Mr. John Blake Is busy these day as sisting her daughter, Mra A. M. Oleaon, in her preparation to remove to the Paclflo coast. They wtU reside in Oregon, where a brother live. Rev. C. C. ' Clssell preached an able ser mon for Dr. Oorst on Sunday afternoon and admilnatered the sacrament. He was the guest at dinner with hi old Hooaier frlenos, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aughe. -t . Mr. and Mrs. Will Werohel and two children left last Monday for a two months' visit In Minnesota and Wisconsin. Mrs. Werchel Is the elrteat daughter of Mr. and Mra. Michael, formerly ot Kaat Ambler. Mrs. J. E. Aughe and Mra J. Carroll re turned from their trip to the Grand Army of the Republic encampment at Minneapolis Saturday noon. Their friend. Mra. Kate Remington, slopped oft at Dubuque, la. Allen Faverty returned home on Friday evening from hla trip to Peoria, III., well pleaaeo with the country. He I assisting i. hrnther. Albert, in oalntlna the new N',w'?!-n hotel near the round house In South Omaha, Mr. and Mr. A. Hickman of Pueblo, Colo., have been the guests ot their mother, near Ociffln Grove, for the last two weeka. Mr. Hickman Is an engineer on the Rio Orahde railroad in Colorado and thl Is his first visit horn for years. They are on their way to Illinois. Th Ladles' Aid society met at the ele- Rant new home of Mra. H. Ormsby, on llneteenth and Sprague streets, Thursday, and nnlahed a fine quilt. A most appetising dinner was served by the genial hosteaa, asaisted by . her committee. Meedamea Blake, Aughe and Oants. The next meet ing, and the last before conference, will be held with Mra R. M. Henderson on Wednesday, September 6, to quilt all day. Those on committee for the day: Mrs. M. Faverty, Mrs. F. Benewlts and Mrs. Shandy. Heaaoa. Mrs. H. O. Wulff left last Friday to visit with ber sister in Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Huber have returned from their visit In David City. Neb. Mr. Scougal of Sioux City was a visitor t the home ot H. J. Kelland. Mra. Brooke of Kansas City Is a gusst at the home of Mrs. Ben Morton. Mrs. W. E. Johnson attended a plcnlo given at Krug park last Tueaday. K. R. Parker returned home from Mil waukee with the Eagle this week. Ward Walah has taken a position as clerk In Treasurer Fink's office In Omaha. Baptist church services at the tent today at U a. ra. tsunaay scuooi at lu a. m. Mr. and Mr. Herman baumer have re turned from a short visit in SU Louis. Mrs. J. J. Oleason and daughter have left for a visit In Missouri Vallty, la. Mrs. M. A. Sparrow of Janesvllle, Mo., Is a guest of her brother, Charles Norton, The team of the Eagles returned from Milwaukee, where th.-y wmi two piises. Mis Besal W'oodi ufl hus gtvtn up iicr position In Dr. Namjii a edict, 1,1 omtil.a. Mr. and Mr. O. R. Williams left last week for a two weeks' trip to Colorado. Miss Schroeder has returned home to Te tania h attar a viait to Mr. and Mra. Wulif. Swedleb Lutheran aervlce at it- town hall today at ( o'clock by Kev. Mr. bitiren. Mra. H. S. Frink and daughter, Margaret, have returned from a visit In Atlantic la. Mrs. Henry Senger hss left for her home in Joplln, Mo., after a week a visit In Ben son. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whistler entertained a number of out-of-town gueeta during ths week. , Mra Chris Martlg and children have taken th bom formerly occupied by Mr. Smith. Sons were born during the week to Mr. end Mrs. Oren Olft and Mr. and Mra. W. A- Taylor. -. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGulre entertained a number of relativea front Blair during the last week. Thomas Glbb left for his horn In Val ley, Nao., after a visit with Mr. and Mra Wlhlaro Clarke. Mies Jessls Rea has arrived from Holton, Kan., to make an extended visit with ber brother. J. A. Rea. Mia Jeaale Maisucher haa returned to her home la Oakdale after a visit at the noma of Rev. Mr. Leldy. Miss Hall a Miller left laat week for Kan sas City, Mo., where she expects to re main for soma time. Good Will Court of Honor gave a wafer melon social at the home of Mra William Ryan Friday eventfkg The next regular meeting of the Fraternal Union kxlge will b held at Odd Fellows' hall Friday, XI. Th Swedish Missionary society gsve an Mra Joha fratereon laat Friday . evening which wa well attended. Mia Oi BioomdsM anterlaiaed about HEWS FROM OMAHA SUBURBS When unu bun Brealcfast Food 15cgoes as far as SI. 20 H purchasing the ordinary HERE IS THE REASON. pound package of Pillsbury's Best Cereal -Vitoa costs 15 cents and makes the "White heart of the Wheat" food. packages of the ordinary ready cost SI. 20. and makes only about of food. So you see where the great. t" I T1j . '! economy uesi vuos requires icss cream than dry kinds. It never gets lumpy in cooking. Ask Tour Grocer. twenty of her friends last week in honor ot her visiting brothers. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Calkins have re turn d from their wedding trip and are now at the Paxton tn Omaha. Presbyterian servloes at Odd Fellow' hall today at :0 p. m. Sunday achool at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Wilson, pastor. Mra. J. F. Pratt haa returned to her home In Washington, D. C after a visit with her sister, Mra Brumfleld. Mrs. Mathew Kaiser returned Friday from Seward, where she was called by tho sickness and death of her fsther. Messrs. Timothy and Albert. Bloomberg have returned to their homea after a visit to their father, C A. Bloomberg. Mra. James Walsh and son, ward, and Miss Eda Wltte of Klkhorn returned last Sunday fron. their trip to Minneapolis. The Baptist Sunday school will give a plcnlo at Rlvervlew park on next Thurs day, going from ths tent at :) a. m. Mr. and Mrs. James Howard entertained at dinner last Tuesday in honor of their seventh wedding wedding anniversary. Mrs. F. M Congdon and Mrs. Stevens entertained their Sunday school classes ai piontcs at the park during the past week Methodist church services today at 11 a. m. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Epworth league at 7 p. m. . livening services at I p. m. Laat week a Joint meeting of the Work man and Degree of Honor waa held. After the business seeslon a social hour waa spent. The members of the eighth grade class of 1908 of Benson school held a reunion at Elmwood park last Tuesday and enjoyed a pleasant day. Miss Maher of Imogen, la., Mr. Nelson and Oeorge Martin of Shenandoah, la., wer guests at the home of Mr. Degan dur ing the week, Mr. and Mrs. So per - returned to their home in Kansas City, Mo., after a visit with their daughters, , Mrs. Ben Morton, and Mr. Orlndulf. Mr. and Mr. John Noble and family have returned from, their visit to relative In Bethany, Mo. They were accompanied by Mrs. Oeorge Hall and son. Mra A. Burmeater gave an old-faahloned Dutch dinner at her home laat Thursday to a number of her friends. She was as sisted by her daughter. Miss Emma. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phelps entertained about fifty of their friends last week In honor ot their china wedding anniversary. They received many valuable presents. Dade. " A son wis born on Tuesday to Mr. and Mr. William Hoagland. On Friday Mr. and Mr. W. T. Robinson ntertalned ten guests at dinner. Mrs. Elisabeth Goodrich has returned from an extended tour ot California. Miss Jennis Peters returned on Tuesday from a visit with relativea In Chicago. Mlas Minnie George of aGlesburg. 111., has been visiting Mr. and Mra. C. C. Oeorge. Mrs. C. W. Goodnow and daughter of New York are the guest of Mr. and Mra. B. Jl. Ruah. ' Ellen Mitchell has recovered from the Injury to her foot caused by atepplng on a rake a week ago. Mrs. M. M. Thompson of St. Louis Wsa tho guest during t:e week of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Jor i,on. Mrs. W. R. Llghton snd daughters have returned from a visit with Mrs. Lighton's tather at Atchison, Kan. Mrs. Drexel of Omaha has moved her self and household goods tempo rarity to th residence of her daughter, Mr. John H. Harte. Mra. John E. Tackett and son. Gordon, of Kantee Agency, Neb., on their return from a montha outing on the lake of Michigan, were the guests during the past week of Mr. and Mra. H. C. Balrd. During the paat week Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Seiby have been entertaining a number of aueaia, among mem aara. Israel ana eon of I oaceoia and Mr. Shannon, the operatic singer, and hla - mother, of . Washington. Word ha been received by their friends In Dundee that Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fischer, formerly of Dundee, who are at present touring the Yellowstone and other wes tern points, will be at th Her Orand In Omgha next week. Last Bundsy Mrs. W. L. Selby Invited a number of people to hear Mr. Shaunon. the dramatic aiuger of Washington, D. C, who I at preient stopping wttb frlxnds In Coun cil rtiun. un tueaday a number of ths arae party met at Dr. and Mr. Cleaver's In Council Bluffs. Edwin Heaford returned on Tuesday from a visit to the family summer home on Madeline Island snd a trip with his narenta down the St. Lawrence to Quebec through i-ane cnampiain ana ueorge ami up the Cataklll to Niagara. Mr. and Mr. Hea ford win not return until later. Mis. J. N. H. Patrick and son, Robert PaUK'k, have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick on their ranch In V. yoming. Mrs. Patrick will continue her residence st the Winona apartments. Florene. Mr. M. S. Oleason went to Schuyler, Neb.. Saturday to visit relative for a ouu ple of weeks. Frank Brown, who bas been sick the last two weeks. Is now sble to sit up snd hopes to be out In a few days. F. S. Tucker, proprietor of the Tucker hotel, spent Saturday and Sunday at Whli. Ing, Ia.. visiting his son, Scott Tucker. Mr. and Mra Johnson, late from Cali fornia, are spending a few weeks hers vis iting their daughter. Mrs. O. W. Akers. Mlas Prudence Tracy and sister, Mrs. B. P. Wallace, spent Haturday and Sunday with old friend at Craig, Neb, They wer former reeldanta of Craig. Mrs. Lou Cole returned bom Wednesday after a five weeks' absence on accouut of the illneae of her daughter. Mrs. Jams L. Wilson, who live In Omaha. Mla Gertrude Reeve, who haa bean here for the laat two weeka vlaitlng har br-ither, Ed Reeves, left Friday for a few dsys to visit with relatives st rapllllon. Neb. Orlando Kelrie. brother to C. J. Klerle, th tc man. Is here from Chicago visiting his brother for a couple of weeks. Mr. Or lando Keirle la employed In ths wholssal and retail hat bualneat In Chicago. Ml berti Wilson of Long Pine, Neb., I here for a couple of weeks visiting her - i- - HVentwortli TAe Story of mite Heart VITOS ready-cooked kind. 12 lbs. of Twelve - tceat 11 i fsther. W. A. Wilson. Miss Wilson la hold Ing down a MO-aore homestead near Lonf Pine. She has three more years to servt before she can get a deed from Uncle Sam. Th Florence canning factory started up the first of the week A good run has leen made on corn and tomatoe th last few days. Ths stock Is coming fairly well. Later on th tomatoes will come a little heavier. The factory Is a combination and can handle both. ' JACOB SCHLANK WIELDS KNIFE Frank Dlaaaao Cat la Three Plaeee, One of Which I of Serloa Character. Frank Dtnuzxo, proprietor of th aaloon at 1301 Douglaa atreet, was stabbed three tlmea by Jacob Schlank following a quarrel In his saloon about 11: JO o'clock Saturday night. An ordinary pocketknlfe waa tha Instrument used, and the blnde took effect In the left side, one at the back of the left ahoulder and one across the left cheek. It Is aaaerted by persona wsll acquainted with the men thit there has Ween bnd blood between them f soma time over a woman and that thla was the cause of tha cutting. Schlank had Just entered the aaloon and waa taking a soft drink at the bar. Th bartender said he did hot notloe anything out of the way going on until Schlnnk drew the knife and cut Dlnusso. Schlank told the police , Dlnusso struck him with a re volver and a bottle before he used th knlie, but thl Is denied by some of the witnesses. The police were notified Immediately and officers were sent to .the place In the patrol wegon with Surgeon Harris, who had th Injured man removed to the Omaha general hospital. Dr. Detweiler waa also called to - attend him. At the hospital It waa gtated one ot the wounds, that in the side, la rloua, having penetrated the lung. 7 I After the cutting Schlank disappeared, bttl wa arrested shortly after midnight by Sergeant Dempsey, while on hla way to th station to give himself up. He said he had I called up his mother on the telephone and she had told him to go to the atatlon. Schlank Is about n years old and Uvea with his parents at lilt Douglas atreet. Mrs. Schlank runs a restaurant at 114 Bogtl Tenth street. Dlnusso Is about it yean old and lives at 2K0 Reea atreet. , Go to Rev Tork aa tae Lehigh, Double track ecenlo highway. Connect! at Buffalo or Niagara Fall with all Unei from the west. Write passenger department, Lehigh Vat. ley R. Bouth Clark St.. Chicago, m Class In china painting every Saturday afternoon from S to 6 o'clock. -Mra. A, Nebla, atudlo at 8761 South Tenth atreet Telephone Douglaa 4Mt , - DIAMANDS Edholm, 16th and Harney. If you have anything to trade advertU It In ' the For Exchange column of The Bee Want Ad page. New Maaafaeterr,' TK tdilKInn factur ng enterprise Is th Omaha 8oelatm Manufacturing company, which, will ma'k I patented oil can. Invented by R. H - uinny. i ne company is composed of mhy. The comnanv la Mr. uuimoy, H. A- Hobba and John L. Harper, and I located at 181 North 1 wtnty-fourth street. Th can manufac tured ia air tight and a perfectly safs veaael In which to keep aaaollne. It Is said a lighted match thrown near It will not cause an explosion. HOTEL. 'COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAYA6AICE" ai iju rnw transient, Bteel Built. Fireproof HOTEL WOODSTOCK. m-tU W. U. sc., seat Broear. M- T. cue. 3 block vest f Or.n Ceatral aa foal eg LaMr - , TiniM Squire, tkt heart ef ta Mr- la the aii at ,e tauter a4 dab aa au tae akoaela trtriet. ? ' a ' J." read an Brea4ry an adJaMat., Modem mmh, BMdatlua lor Ud tt.ra mini aar talk, $1.1. Laa ariea all Hiai raoaw a eaiu ant en. at beta. 1 as, Ikolca rwlauraot. Muatc w. h. vauQuam. Alaa hiatal kwtkt, BuB taaa v grHOOI.g AND rOIXEGK. irmin ni7o riiTimr IV UK DUI 3 rUIUKL aea4 largely aa ta Uatalac a. calns set tka a at U aa 1 Nawaare aaa a feeeiv setter ' tralatB te- ta gnat seutWIIUai at aw keel Uua at tk K.."AHHIC V MILITARY ACADfMY. Denloeateat ef Bia aaa , alC-MBtralat e larltatlT at MS aiilaua ea. .ucr. template eolle rreraterrMaul In ' tog ailliiarr tactic. - In.tnicuoa aa elaotaUae lhotuk, tkeasb sot s.ra. - AtklatK. rare all icell.ul aaarUrr 4IUea Tnw la Cat. Ie A. gaaraer BtlliHarr Aaaaaav. Keener, ., WILS0i COLLEGE FOB HO MM In th beautiful Cumberland Valley. Course leading to degree of A B. and Mm.. B Classic. Muale, Art. A most excellent fac. alty. Campus acres; vt buildings; rats modrat. M. H. R BASER, Pb D., Pre'!, U Col! Av CHAMBKRSli.taO. PA. MILITARY ACADEMY IjexUatoa, Mo. Oldest and Largeat Military fcchoul In th Middle Weak- CUa 'A' by recent rating of War Dept. Su4 for catalog" i imp